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I admission to this country *? * mnlter of principle. The Democrats declared against tie Chinese; lo-mur? row they would declare In their favor ll any votoe were to be -Mined. "Tlie gieat question In this country ls the protec? tion to Anirrlcan Industries and ?o American homes. It ls the question of employment for the Industrious and food for tho hungry. On the other side ls a free trade alliance with England which would close every factory In the fulled States. The action of the Con? vention is anotlier proclsmallon of freedom, another declaration for a free ballot and a fair count, another declaration against thc pauper labor of Barons and China." "How was the re-uilt brought about I* "Be Bnew that New-York bsd arreed with Venn ryivanla that the Empire Stale should vote for Haril lon on the tlrst ballot Monday and that Pennsylvania should come In on tho second, and should Harrison then fall to secure the nomination both Btate* were to flop over to Slierman. Tho Californians wanted nore of that game. After- Mr. Blaine bad been dla T?o?ed of, the preference of California was for Harri? son." M. a- rx* Yoting snfd be was much disappointed at the result, as he had come here to nominate Mr. nislnc. Harrlfron wa* hit second choice when a sec? ond choice bccair.o necessary. NO MUGWUMPS IN THK NORTH VYE*'*T. Hi rt ni.ii ans or MIB*s_t**t_ Ann dakota KaUMBs with T IB xoMixr.F?, St. Taul, June N (PreclaU.-The icsult of tbe Tiiicago Convention meets with approval among Kt. Tsui ltepubllrans. There wi- BB doubt that the senti? ment If the elly was originally fir Crr-sham with a good sprinkling of Mal no men. but now that Harri? son ha* been chosen after tee deliberation betti (J re* Ii am and Ulallie men bit Harrison men ard at^ in line fur the Republican ticket. They think the Hebe' is strong. botJi In thc West and In the Ksst. Minneapolis Kepiibllcans were surprised yesterday, but lt was not an unpleasant surprise. A Mugwump would have been a r-al curiosity In tho erowd of weU-pletsed Republicans, who stood about l.t-.'ll dark came o.-i and aBBsBBBau1 the situation and the prospects. F.vcn well Informed Democrats Con? cede I hat the ticket ls a strong one. llcpubl'rHiis gen? erally were convlnceii that the prostrated Convention bad not lost ll* heart, hut had ji.-rfornied Its work adtnlrallv. such a combination ss that of Harrison and Morton will, lt was urged insjiire BUttTB con? fidence In business clrrlcs ihroughoilt Die Eastern Btates. " Tho riniiei-r Pres*-" priam a page of rom BaTail from leading Republicans throughout Mlnne* sota and Dakota. A BTW BTU nilli rs are found, but Nnvetir'ei- viii see ii,..ti au in line. In Dakota r*i*oc!slly, hie Repulilii lins arc enthusiastic. I!ani BBB In ihe Banuts was a stun'v champion of Ihe right of the Territory lo fia'ohunil. Colonel ff. ll. II. Taylor, of st. Paul, State Librarian of Hlunaaota, ls an um-ie of Oeaeral Harrison. They hnve i,ni nu ? for upwai-iis of thirty years, hu) during Harrison'* early life, before he went io college, he \va-? a daily visitor a* ? olonel Taylor's lum*.-. Referring to Harrisons personal character, tire Colonel laid! " Ile ls noe of ide T>urc*.t men that ever lived. We are uni afraid to have him subjected to the closest Scrutiny. Everybody who knows him admires him." ? ? PUEI'AKINO FOI? TilF. CANVASS. .in*-. NATIONAL Ci'MMITTKK TABB Bl-Pl TO BECUf.E :iKAi>(ct-AnifT(s iv -ni-. riTV. Chlrara. .lune 'JO.-? _ meeting of Bat Republican National CBMUnlttef was hcid at the (Jraud Pacific r.ftor the convention adjourned inst night. J. S. ("ark*on was tatt tod permaBOBl ehalrnian and ?amati laaBBBBsn peajvanannl secretary, a sass* inlltce of seven ts* apimlntcd to secure a New-York lieadQiiarfeM and lo malu- other piellmluary arrange? ment*. J. ti. clarkson ans made chairman of this romniitt-e, the oth'-r meatball kama; I. s. few ott, Raw-York; J. ata?Sfcestni llayn-s, Maine; Bama*] I >?<?- irnen, Connecticut ; Oeofftj \V. Honker. Ver? mont; fiarrctt A. Ilolra-t. Sew*JJereey; ami John c. Baw. Indiana. The committee adjourned to Bato! at thc Fi Uh Avenue Ho;el, New-York, July ll. ? PtATlFIKD OS TIl_ SPOT. AN i.MivioMi'ir MATHS :in"<? ix TIM uraXD PACIFIC ?M'L ItlPI'.W'n SIM-JKCH. Chicsgo. .time _(\-Th" first If Blt kW- ratification meeline was held last night In thr* (Jriii'l Pacific. Tho gallieilng was an Imponiptu ore, organized Bf BtaV ney 1'oster. of Iowa. Th8 room hiv) BBBB used as Die public h"aib|iiBi-. SM fnr senator Allison ss lt was used four years BBB for Mr. Maine. Mr. Fo-ter had te ii In rharc* of these headquarters dining the Allison campaign. He conceiver! the Battas of Invit? ing the !aa*BM VOOOm la to ratify, diing over to tho Indiana hcado,uai-trrs he Invited tli--m to the AJBtOB ronni and the crowd matched down head"d by Mr. Potter, cv('iiticrcs*niati Peelc. of Indiana. ll. V. March and " Long- Jnn??. of Illinois, gingini' '?.liilin Browa'l linly." The room was filled In kel than two minnies and wa? crowded tu the doors before Hiv latter eoultlI mount tin platform. In vclcomlnn them Ht. Coster said tho Iowa t.eople had come to Chicano to help nomlnat- the man wka ?iinuld bo Ihe BOXi Pre.-.Iden!. Hr. plelgerl tim eai;i"sl support of Iowa and Il.VOOO majority for Um tl. let. I?jieeehe* were Bite mad- by Congressman Peele, al Indliins: Kiitterwoitli, ot Onto! Hepburn, of Iowa: BBnatnt rtheoek, nf Beer-York; ex**pevet*eor Porter, of indiana: Caaaaeey H. Depew and etnata, Hr. Depow's lemarhs proTsnaj much laughter and ap pliinse. Ho said: Kell.ur anaaaatsl fUJaaat lmnrhter.) Koth'nt Bttaatt nie st niuoh ai to meet these Intulllgi-nt faini-is with whom I act Kuti liv* aad Vasse ih-i ii|-,tlini has Btaa mino all my life. 1 Inherited a farm whoa 1 was born and 1 have raited enough od lt to pay tlie taxet on lt. 1 hud un trouble with the transport*!!'ii companies b'-eniiso th'-ro wa* no surplus on the farm lo transport What you arrive st that condition the trouble BSBWBefl the railways and thu prangcr people will c.-;tMe. (Laughter.) I never taw a con ve nt lon jv- harmonious at Hu o!?-;iliu.*, sa loni? Btallmifill and so harmonious at its clo*-n. Wh.-n I had met tat enemy sud beionped i-i him, I had the felicity of tltaatlin a position seldom accorded to any ono on tills earth?I pro? nounced my own oblttir-ry. And 1 believe every tarsal thouli pronounce Kt own ol*!tuary Bataam lt know* bettor thin any Ba_ LttBaJ th'1 v *t_M uni vices ef the aWetBSt (Laughter.) It lt a straneo IBaaaBkBB, tiioiiKh, to hear th* gravel rattling upon your own coflln when you throw lt In you mel f. But the llcpublkan party hns done with funerals. (A voice?" We'll have ono for (.lover.) Vet, we'll fumltli a funirtl for him but we will furnith no moro* from our own ranks. The retult of the convention ha* been the best that could pottlhly be strived at. And 1 say this with no reflection upon Senator Allison, or Senator Bhcrnuui, or th I gallant w.ldlcr, (I-neial Alter, nor upon mv friend Judge BtatSaUa, a mau who In public and private life ttanis tupreine ariong tho?> who are ataatattaf tho grcstett and heit. Mr. Iiejiew pif*dlrtr*d. as did all tho others, success for the ticket In November. Congressman rtutterwonh, of Ohio, said his heart was fairly overflowing. "I wa* fnr Hiciman. of course, but now 1 am for Harrison, and Ohio will give him Its electoral tate.' Senator Frank Ulscoek, of New-York, took occasion | to claim that New-York had Influenced the Convention and wai directly responsible tor Harrison's nomlna- I Hon. Th-.- t-isie had presented a candidate who could have swept lt with a tremendous l.'cpuMlean majority. Bul he had declined out of deference to a (granger sentiment found io exist in th-* West. He regretted his declination, bul al tha tame (line re lo!ced that Harilson had been talcm np and V-w Vork'l advlrc had been taken liv the parti. He lnv llevid that hl? btate wuuid af tnt November elect ion prove the wisdom of tht lelertloii. The speaking at this point tu; Interrupted by tim readlnc of a tliipateh from the (Jcrman American Club of New-York which congi at uUtcd tho party on Its nomination. i-.? DKLE^ATES IN SaODO__ VF.XIL. ACCIDKST IO A 1AST 1UAIN (IX THK UALTIMOP.K A\I> Ililli. Plttiburg, June 20.-A Tiffin. Ohio, "Chronicle. Telefraph'' dispatch say*: ?? tjw f_,t iraii, ?ii the Baltimore ami Ohio, with Ckktaajo a*4sfaata, ran hate a freight train imar Chicago .function at 2 o'clnck this morning, w.-u, aolar al las rate of forty mii-s bb hour. The engines, baggage car and and freight cars ama demolished and the track torn up for a long _tttBfV The engineer wa* fatally hun. and the nuaBOnfMI scratched and bruised. Al) were taken back to I li? toria and around to Columbus. The road was blocked for severai hours." enEHMA.v in__ give ms hf.auty t-ppoitr. n/BBBlBftOU, .lune 2i\ (SpccUli.-sena'nr Sin iinmi. in conversation to-diy, tock occasion to reiterate u,e asturancc, already mentioned In The Tribune, thai he would give tho tickel nominated at Chicago his St support. He further spoke of ihe broad comprehen? siveness of the platform and Ol the acceptable character of the nominees. Hut he seemed to thtJBk that In tho treatment of ami Ms d-legaiion h-om Virginia tbe Convention had not been altogether Jutt eithci o Malan.e or to himself. ? KEVHTONB KKPCBMCANS KAM.YINa Bett Chester. Penn.. Juno _? (Hneclal).?Tho Young n's Uepubllcau Club hold a large and enthusiastic meeting at Its room* Jast evening, to runty the nominations of flu ( hlcago Convontloa live minute ipce<he?i only wero allowed, and tici makers if thom all predicted Hid nominees as sun* winners In tho great race. To-ni ghi the club hail a tuccess fai' street parade. Ali the Bepublicans of this district ate moiv than iilcattd with tin ucind, and ?promise it their eaiuest ami hearty suiiport. TB* flatt II iaa-< In** Ciaurrm ? Riaaoj Urta' Special Faronrt, INDIANAPOLIS THK MECCA. sruu.iNi; TjO-ES in THC moosiku city. DKI.KOM'l'.lN'H TO OH1CAOO V181TINO CENERA ti IIsKHImiN-TIIIIONUS IN TlliJ INDIANA I'AITTAL. ? ni hsumnar-M th tao tsiubmb Indianapolis, June 2 fi.?Tlie uproar tint began in Indianapolis yesterday continued tn-dny with even grenti-r vnlunie of dist met mer hound, and BtrjTl*f1l Bf niaUing noiw seems to BB at its full blnst. The Kiit-i-cliiiig, s-.-rc:iniiiig, riittling. l.omnin_ discord flint BM grei ted the arriving dele? gations nnd filled the air all through tlie day M really a revelation in the possibilities of tumultu? ous din and nickel, but. it is thc voice of the popu? lace, wild with enthusiasm, and it promises tn, con? tinue until Hoosier throats mid lunirs ure tinah't* to m:it];i- themselves heard In any kind of noiso. The eily is decorated ns it lias never been decorated lu fore, and Hie novel and grotesque styles that. HM overjoyed Hoosiers have fashioned out of the National colors to give evidence of their extraor? dinary enthusiasm would arouse the envy of " llufTalo Hill's"' most gorfreou*. Indium In fact, there ls sonic reason for suspect in j that Ihe Amerl- | can flag is about the only thin-r in thc way of clothing that a l*_grj portion of the Hoosier popu? lation is wearlti-i just now. Next to HW National colors thc most. conspicuous things to the eye fire thc figures 544, which are written over everything and everybody, nnd Hie port nibs of General Har? rison, nbove and beneath which nre printed: "What's the matter with Harrison ?m nnd " He's all right." This is also thc refrain of the continuous hurrah. Th" noise hus been augmented hy the arrival on all incoming trains of crowds of people from the surrounding towns in Indiana and Illinois, who have come to join in the demonst nit inns. The Vermont, Georgia, Tennessee and Vir_ini:i delega? tions, on their way home from Chicago, arrived during the afternoon, and were escorted te the residence of General Harrison, where they were informally received by th General and his wife. There were ne ?;i'-i <-li,s bul tin delegates were each introduced and a pK-ns BBt word. BBB- ns would probably be mm rnbcivd and cherished, was given with a hearty B_BBB of the hand to each visitor. The sin-ts about the hi.use ol General Harrison have been thronged BU day. and the place has a sort of Fourth of July n Pl xa ra n ec. Hands of lemonade Stand about tin- i :-t s, lin- American ling in all sm s lloat.s niiil trails about Bv_ryuhing within view, nnd there is an appearance of fr-cdom and welcome ohiiruo tcri/.ing UM whole scene. PhotOgtnpliers have been kening in the plu-i' from nil points of view, and everything from the house cat up to General Harrison baa been pnetograpsted. Ai the del "{rations that called upon tis thm-nil tiiis iifi.-rnnnii win- OoknVal John G. New, Colonel lindley, Atrtoiney-l.eneral Mich c?i!-r. and otlnr lenders of the llarirsnii supporters Rt Chicago. They wen- givOB a particularly cor? dial welcome The introductions of tbs Vcrmont ?is to Genera' Hnrrtsorj by Colonel trudie) were Of tbe Old style, anil Bl once placed the KeW-EUB> landers on teims of familiarity with tbe BepublioBfl ktandard-bearer. Their \isit. oonciuded by one nf lin- Bamber calling out just as lu- was leaving the parlor: " What's the matter with Harrison V* to which cum'- tho inevitable roarini,' responao, " He's all i-sgha." GXMUUL ItAIir.I.SON'S K-BBI \C.V. TO MTL MOUTON. Qaneral Harrison has been reeelvrng telegrams and tetters frnm all quartern and from many dla tinguished persona, besides tho hundreds which ar? rived uight. In response to a telegram received inst Bight be, tn-dav. Beni tha foUowinarv Hun. Levi I". M'"!. e. N'cvt-Virk: Thank* fur your kind Btssatfa, _M me assure rou that Ubi aatttBtiea nf tam num..- with B?M aa tat UaBtt Itrsa n,- -.-n-iit mttsAttiea. BKNJAMIN ll AIUUSON. Qenern] Vf. T. Bbertnnn ha.* sent the following telegram t<> the nominee: ll ls pieper that I __*_ ai*si:ro you of my prent tsa* lldence. Vou were true and faithful w.V.n we atided roon if actina. I txlbrrs you anti le. ami jiu may command ?r.e. Benjamin Butterworth and William McKinley sty to Harrison: "Wo have met .vou and wc un- yours."' Many specials from old soldiers, college fra? ternity nssnciat-s in the Phi Helta Theta, wool* growers and protect ion his everywhere, have been received. A special train Berrying the Indiana nnd Cali fornia delegates from the National Convention at Chi ca ito in tiiis city arrived hen- late this evening. The delegation*] were mel ;-t the depot by John 0. New and other prominent Republicans. The Cali? fornians, who lcd (hi break fm- Harrison nt the Cmn int ion. were put in a big tally-ho conch, the red silk Bag of California, which wa- already adorned with the portraits of Harrison and Ito?** tan, was put na the front s.-at of the coach high in air. The coach was covered with Mags. The In? diana delegation took seats in a carriage headed by a brum band. The procctalon started from the depot, and Hie streets through which the proocaaion passed were jnmovd with spectators, Fully 20,000 people lined the Btreets, and almost half of the crowd seemed to tie blowing tin home The Cnllfomil mid the Indiana delegates were cheered vociferously all along the route of Cue procession from thc depot to the new Denison Unas-. Aller eating rapper, the members, of two dele rations took rmrrtagea, ami going to the house of General Harrison commit ulatcd him boob liis nomination. Genera] tlarrtoon thanked tlu-m all heartily fnr the honor they had done him. Thc Indiana and California delegations would have been hen- carly this afternoon hut for a niil way accident, which might have been of a bikblr serious nature. When the special train v.-fi i di I was t:earin? them from Chicago to Indianapolis had reached a point (mir miles this gide of Honan the flange of the wheel of the locomotive broke and casi the nar truoks ol i!.'- locomotive tender off thc track. Th" trucks thus liberated wire drugged over the tics for a distance nf a quartet . i a DUM and over a Ballway bridge before, the engineer was able to Bton the train, which was travelling at the rate nf forty miles an hour, Tits were broken into pieces, and the ground be? tween the traills was torn up as titOUffb hy* a gigantic plough, but the train fortunately clung to the track. ax AtinnRRS TO ms OLD BOB-MBM. Several delcirations from the out counties were among those who culled, and Binung thOM whoso visit most deeply affected the General were about one-lifth of the survivors of his old regiment, the 70th Indiana, accompanied by some of the ISBth lllinois, which io rm ed a part of his brigade, They were introduced hy Major Gruhhs, and iu raurnuBM General Harrison said: Oentlemen : Called as I have baefl ly the Nations! Convention of one of the steal political partial of thi* coiiiitiy to be its candidate for tho Presidency, lt win probabu lie my fortuna before ide eleetlofl lo receive many oBiegatluna reproaentlng various later.--:* and elasaei if our Mloa <-.i t ./..* n-.. bul I am ian thal nui nf iher.l all th.lre Will enme DOBS Whose eOBBlBg Will ? <-ii'-li my baan so deeply as this visit from my eon indi* of tue "nih Indialla ami thee scattered members of ihe oilier icj-ini'-ats thad constituted thu Third lnvision of the Twentieth Anny Oarps. i recall the BBeajm ta which .Major Granta has alluded. I taaaeaaaer that summer day. when, equipped sud armed, are were called to leave our h.nuns ami OHMS tn" chlo Rttev ami aaler the terrHorr 'h1*1 **??*? iu aim* anani,! tnt Government whleh we bad strorn to support, j neall, witii von, the tender parting, tba wnamag ai hearts aith which wa left those we loved, i recall tat high and lei ..vant determination, the resolute carriage with which you weal te do .Mun- -,.ut in ti,.. -,-,,,iK ()f suppressing the .reit re hellion. I remember tlc scenes through which re went in thal Irani discipline of s-rvlce und*.*, aad all of theta bard lacKtents which arc BecessaJry to ronverl eltlseat late vetersas. i remember tbe m.-M.-, oi baltic in which wu Moud together. I r inemlier (-specially thal broad and iI.'cji gravo at | the fool of tha Beaaea Hill, where wu i lelt ttOSU gallani cotinad.-s who fell lu that dosperaie charge i remember through u all ihr ^al lainey, devotion and iteadfattaati, tin* bignell patriot? ism, JPOU ah-ays exhibited. I romomhrr bow, after twasplng dnwn with hhcrman from Chattanooga tn thc sea ami up again thmugh tim ( amllnas ami Virginia, you. with those -."-Ham araBM that had spured tba Kate of ihe (south br leulsvUle and vlei marched into the peal review up the grand svuniui of our Natintiai tajiitai. i remember that proud iee nc of which we wen. ra..f ,),-,, |t_?_.tBe glad re Joiclng ns mir fa. es wen n,i-Rmt homeward, the my lin- which greeted ns as the banner of our rcgl ii.tnt was now and ih<-n recognised by tome home lil- nils who had irathereii i? see us The wbolo course nf thete. im ii-irts nf battle, ot slekness, of aaathi af vleterjr, crowned thus by the triurn phaut i-tsun-e-r'lon of Natlimal auih.illly and bv tbs mutter out md our return to Umsu, lhat we loved, inx-le ai.-a.ii sm uro .paliiti all tho ryeil? which hayl tlireateiicii ni"m. I f.?.t Unit lu this ??aiupaiftn upon which 1 am mi? tering, and which wtll undi.iibteiilv eauss careful acne Hay, i-eilinps unl.lnil and evnn maller.m- assault a, all that [elates to my not contplcueui but loyal Bervteas with ymi In Ure anny I may confldantlr have with my honor lu Um l-.andv nf (Bo lumvtna membaN of thfl T'/tli IiuPuna. whatovor their political fniih mav be. (('rle* ol '? Th-it I- true, Ocuriral " and - Pe_"J Maj I a .. you no*, tar I bim tu, deepit Brovod hy thu visit io ?.pea- as I ?,?i!,i iirsiir. that aach one wiii enter lass door thal will elwari open with a heart) welcaree i.. ron, and i-i bm lake you br tba hand. ? beering.! LnttX UM crowd beennm BB gIBBt that the Gen? eral went out and Bpolra, briclly and feelingly. HAU.YING ATtOi'M) THE IIAIHtlSOX IXAIJ. Hartford, Conn,, June go (jspeclal).?Connecticut lb-publicans, particularly In this central portion of tho stile, have a feeling of energctlo hiipefulrie--, la sptrafl i.y Ins nomination nf Harrison ami Merton. ni'd by the platform wlihli ls BB pronounced bj favor of r-rotccttng the gicat Indutttlrs (ha' centre hero. GOVERNOR FOHAKKi: WELCOMED HOME.* uk DKXir.M IB VKitiR(it;s fABSMASM a M. ciiahoh (?K TI'.KAC'lll.lIT TU Rill-: KM AN. Columbi!*, Ohm, June cc. (Sr.i*elal).--*-hlo Repab* Heans are much disappointed that an fthtt man wat not nominated at Chicago when ll wa* apparent thai Sherman could not bc the caiulltUt". .'"'ly en Mon? day Koraker's friend* Int*** that limy cn-ild nimlnate him If Sherman was liven Bp, bul Sherman's Mends mado -o many BtKBUllOBS nf Ina-h'ty and threat. eued all mts Bf political e. ll for Ohio If Sherman wu deserted on any l.allnt. that rumker BdVlaed e-, | rf fi lend to remain tnio ti. Mirrmaii. even If lt wt* bops leg*. To-day Covcrnnr Forster ret ni ned fr- m CbkBffO with many other Mate officers. At IBs Ornoo, taepot thousands of Republicans had gs'lrered to five him a reception, ile was escorted to his home by a uVTBa Btjeesanfan, and there he respondrd to the honor by laying: "(Jcntlemcn of the Club: I could not do less than thank you for this unexpected honor, fi"- unexpected lt most certainly ls. We aro not returalnit home crowned with honors Your actions. hnwcvcT, ITS p.-nliat-ly In accordance with Um last telegram I re? ceived from Ihe Rep. John chcrinati before ataWBag ( hil aim. In this telegram he said he dc-licl tn lhatili the Ohio delegation for Its etfort I In bat behalf, i that lt had done all In Its power for his noinlnaiion. TliU elves the Ho to Int statement* at retoforc made, that thoro wat (launer of the dcb-railon UlUvtng recreant to tho Irust lmpo?-l upon them by Ihe Wo publicans of (Hilo. Them never wa* anvthlng In thia except In tho minds of the Infernal ia??als who cir? culated the reports, but they sre knnclel mt: and tua dead io skin. Wo did not ucl Hiernirm. aud as In? diana was inclined to nive him tho go-by, ire Beaahuied to take her Iti and also New -Yoi'.(." (Cheers.) benni reference wa, made to Judge finn man by 'ho Crowd, and Ihe (Jnvrriiur replied ; "TBS tr-tars and snipes have talion the place af lie baananna, which has bom lekaared ta nat tune wami lt had no political MgBlBoanBO As we have h*. a UH I atid tiresome siege. I propose tn cn mid g-t -mi" thing to eal ami smne -le.-p. a11f? i Whleh -*..- will buckle mi Un- armor as von have dune, and II shall liol be taken mr till lt ls Hmo to inaugural!- our successor ta QBprei Cleveland." _ DEPEW, MIL!.KR AUD BI8COCK AT BUFFALO WII.I) l',NTIIfSIA*tM OVKR Till*. TICK KT AM) THK .??TI I'. 1'.IN'i SI'I'Kc ll 1 B r.uffalo, X. Y.. .lune BB (gpoClal). li" I.epiibllrans. hail their fVfst gtand deinmistration tn night In honor nf the Han ison ."dinton ticket. All the dubs turned out ami m"t i beameey H. IBnww'i ipeetal train from Chicano ai p:S0 e'eloeB, Mr. Dej-cw. BB-Saaatet Warner Miller sud annular Frank Illscnck made speeches, and weis; che-red tn the c. lin. They Sjioke tram sn spaa tan tana. Mr- IBMnrn tmM not make bimmil h'-unl fnr snme mit,BBM BB Beeouul of tlie uproar. After quiet was restored. bB said: "My Friends: This is mmii U-BffSfl than Um CMeago Ooavenfton. I had Blade ap my mind that I was most fort tl Beta In heine born In Pceksklll. bul betOaiter, If my advice u asked. I shall advise | li fl in Ih> barn In Krh* County. Erie Cminty ls HM political thermometer of New-York. If you have arrived at fever heat now Imo days after Ihe nomination, yon will be at Un* bolling pat?I by election time. I have returned fruin i 'bleat i bring? ing on my far a Presidential corpse, but I promise that before the campaign ls over, I will prove lt the liveliest corps;* that ever escaped burial. The re suits af tin- ('.invention wert satisfactory tn tho Con? vention, ami, i balnrre, le tts* wnnh country. Wc have built a platfi.rrn on Whleh every man can stand aird we ha-.v uninitiated a ticket which every man ran vote for. It ls a platform fnr American against hovels, fnr American labor aealtist BneigU pauperism, fur American Ideas ami Industrie*! and citizens, nsllvo or naturalized. Vim ate near enough lo the border herc to know vou don't want to reproduce canadian conditions nh this side. You will Increase pasir population next Buvembef by one eltlr.en you have lost (Cries of "we've hail enough of him, "We don't wan: bbu.*) 'J be Ol.tcoaie of this Conventlnn With all th" grand men that were presented, and taara were none but grand men, has liecn the choice nf lae grandest of them all. (.eticral Harrison, of Indialla. (Qiual cheers.) Ile beusttgl to a grand old stuck. When the lieliclllun aroha out Un* grandson of patriots abandoni-d everylhlng tn flght for lils eouatry. I saw In your local pap-r this morning the headline *Pedigree."' Weil. blond will tell If It's all right and Isn't diluted too much. (Ap idause. | Wo believer lu IbOrOBajkUtB-1 and Harrison ls s thoroughbred. We -aid to th" f "un vim lim. (Jive us Hirrlsnn and Morton, and we will give you New-York (applause), and the -itiimlie mad' tn tlie Natl ri will tm redOSBBSd at the pulls ne\t fal! by the Km pl rr- state. (Ap plnuse.) I look io see a moving host of Bepttb* Iteaaa next Revataber, reaablng from sTIngera Falls to HOBtaUk Point, a bott that shall put New-Vnih main lu Um list of KepubUcan "ates with tt aaajBBttf of to,OOO, V. ain.-r Hiller made a brief protection speech, and followed bj senator Ilise,ck in a stirring address, emeral stewait I.. Woodford addtrsaed an enthusi? astic crowd at tl,.- Qem Sa Hotel later In tho evening. R E \V-J E R SK f BIA UTS OUT WE I ila THK KBTBCSI-BM VSSOVBBSD BOW AMI TIIK RBBCBUOAVI IBTBBB To RfCBBASB it Tba Ilepublicaas of Newark will mak-> a domon itratJon at the beetBiusrters of tbe Duleo League la that ciij to-morrow- nit^lif. A furinnl rftflCptJOB will be given to the rollin.ini; New Jersey BStegBtai from i lina*--!., and thara will bo addresaoa aad Bmworka. Bk-neaator Bewail, Gearp A. Halsey, wullara Walter J helps, leuetor (.iig?'s ami otketa win bo ateaeal "The New Jersey li-ie gaitnag,* gubBtbed in Bewarh and Ike most lafluentlal Oennan aewtpapet of the state., yesterday put tin- BepabBcaa Pnikteatial tick-' at the head of Hs columns, and BBBOUBt ed thru Hie nominees would reeette the h.-arty support of Ott*! man-iirpublican*. ol d.e State. The nows of :i.? reeuh of the < btoaga fTantnnllon wa* received In t__abetk With the greatest eutbtttl* mm Ia less than Itu minutes after the telegram announcing IlaniMii.'s nomination flashed over tho wiro, Oomaal Common Harris, tin* Braad*st. Hour merchant, unfurlei tn tho breeze the tatleicd bat Hi? ll;.-- ni lbs old lath Beajmenl new-JJoraot Velrmteers, Tho prompt asm of tho aid eolaaal immedlBiolj aroused great BBUJashHm In the m ighiioiimnil, and every Ite]iubilcaa ipilckly fnllnwcd lb- n.\ainple. Boaflrea wen* ligimd, BraeracBert sad Baaaaa eandlei were asl off and tlie lag IP-puldlcaii heailipiaitci-t lu broad H. were biilllantiy The news of the nunilnailon af BanttUB w-as re? ceived In Kabway with great enthusiast:!, and Brernv latiniis were ai anet began by tbe Basmben ol the Mon's llepiib'ilcun ( lnb BBBrOpt lately In cele brato *s boob ns Um aemlBoe Bm VBte rioikleiil be? came known. It was ti o'clock before the newt nf Mr. Mnrton's nniiiiiratlnn was meelved, aad as bj it be.arno bbowb tbs Btaatban sf \uii nattery btwugbl out their cannon and began Bring a tal Be ol 100 suns, Cauwdi ni Rapubllenni gathered from ail jinns af tho city, and the itieei in trooi of Hu- Kepub? Ucan bSB<ll|BBllmi WBB tomi paci.-d willi,* Kepuiillians wlm gave vent lo their bapplaeM and ciithiislasin by slairin.-. 'Hie (lb-. ( bib ,,f |M gepab lican ("lub wara gathered together and. lal lag ;i,e __] riii_- Bash patriotic BOBBI I "TB! Bed, B !i t- rm,! niue'' '?columbia,'' '? Haily 'round ike nag* "jaaiehlag Tiii-ongr: Georgia." The MthwIutUe Re publlcsni tool up iii" songs, atc) for blocks aruund ti." air nag with the (eyful notea. The btadqua i trimmed nith bunting, and a'-m-.* the bum ai n, buiiiiiii',' loni? itflnns nf i Mm i' uutterni added tn i_e brfUlaaey of las seoae, whjlle bum ti- stdi brilliant lights In all of I re -k la.-. No BBCk areas ofaatanslasm has beea seen in Kaiiwaj mi . i;.-puidlcans of all ibadet of optnleu, and many abo withdrew their tuppori ta USA, met iii spirit af bar* BMM y. sad all plrd.-.-il lu wiri Inrd to bring Ncv.-Jcim-v Intii the BopublluBB Rna ne\i Novctnbi-i-. Tin*' WBB a BrUBd rally at the headipisrtrri a* fhn r. .-. crain BenubBeaa Ctun, at gpaaeetfi iia:i. sm th I'lalnlinld, on \inniia..- evening. Housing ?*. were BJBgfl by t'barl'*s 1*1 ace, Iii iincllinan Neialhini ! ti .i pud. Uii- K'-v Mr Taylor BBB) athen hean Hy Indorsing thc nomlnutlon of Harrison md Harton, ami pledging thu bbb_fj itHrpuii of njaj ,iu:, for the ticket. 'Iwonty |VB BBB nc BBB) BB BUM added lo ihe roll, iwelllng li to 17... About BOO t Bataaatajea Tao Bssnalan w-?* BtaBveaaal bj lbs colored ilium corps (who ivnder'-d voa:" iaiilliir?* , Tin-in tnt alto a gund display of mew ul kt. ,?.,, u,,, Hist gua of tire campaign. Il was considered a gi ml ,,,,,,_ Owing to Um BSBth nf Dir furn,rr ?sajBJdaat, - "UBrlllBBn Mlleii, nnd the pititraete I alrtenei- of IBS iBBraBgSt; l> cralf. >,; Root -a- el-ted tn nit Hie fiutnei, ai^i ,. N. hix-neer in nu tha latter pn-iiion. I I'i.ii the leiri-ijil Bj Hm Bi-Wl 1*1 I li" li'.Ililtiailon ?[ Ubi laen and Morton. Iba authualaaai of ibo Reaubli \*<" of Ihe little village ol i Bergea ( .ku,ty. -.. J. ,,,,,1,1 not \ Sj controUed, and ai.ild Hm bnomliig of cannon and the glai-e of bonBret. a ratlilcatiou asaetlBg wat held in tuppori nf the Bepanuean nomlaott amt tho t-ntire piatlrorra. This lt somethlm; .,-w to Ibli ter tlon which ha* hi'r-tnfniv*. been ttrotii-lv DemocruHc and l-l caused mainly by the removal hero of the work* of I, C. Lindo _ Co. from ConnocUcut, and whole employei are strong for protection. The greatest effect, how? ever, will be soen at tho .November election. ? A Ntl PAJUDI IN PHILADELPHIA. twfi.p_ tuol'hani> MSB i*< UsTB run BanBIBPH ami MiiitroN-c'AMnrN" BATtBfB *. Philadelphia, Juno 2(1 (Special).-There was a mon? ier Intnoul to-night of BopuhlhlBB ClBbS, In hmm! nf tbs iiiimlna'luns and to Bre_enN felted tho I'olegafes to thc chicago Convention, Tim lin- was funned ht tares dlvkdoos, in Bread st, as follow*, with Coteuel Wendell!*. Ho'-, man, of las lat Iiegiment. Ine mniar.d: Kital lilvMnti Ki -pul 1. an Invincible?-,, Harmon*/ Le |.,n. young Ke-nibllci'-i'r. I'iilon KepubUcan I lob, Qooi Will Legion, and First Illaln- Club of the Baited Ha cs. Si enid Dil?bas Inion Republican Club. l.'>(h Waidi <"i:l m BepUbUeaa ? Ink, lath Ward: Republican I., ?ague, -lilli Verdi Ynling Men's li.epubllr.-Ml Club, SOtt Hard: Protective Taiif.' Club. Mfa Want! Lin . nlti Cub, gath BUS. Third nivlslon-f-enate Hub, 7th Ward: Alpha ('bib, r,th Ward; Republican As?ocia Hon, _*>t lt ffai*l| Alitl-fobdcn Club, lptli Warfl; E. H. tramp I'lub, 1 mt li Ward; ('ampalgn Marching (bib, l?t Hurt* daten Republican Club, 14th Ward; Young Men's Uejiuhllinn OaUb, lilli Ward, i hore were over lL'.ixKJ men Iii BBB carrying torch.-*. ThB deb-gates WOTS received at th" Broad st. station, sf'.cr which the column marchi d Brm a number of down town Kireots. Ilannnrs Wu-lratlve of Ilepuh lii sn hJe-js were rarrl'd. ()v.-r I'M) portraits of llsr iisiiii and Murtoa, Beaked bp Btoiectiouist mottoes, v te enrilr-d. lin* Ain--ilcan flag hati.ll.ei(*l.lef gow fr.un avoir toi-ch-staff. ani put imo InalgitdBcanee tbe "d '.I dun ii ..f ike Proa Traders, The best ol |. trailed, arti as thc club.; stopped to ?ri*enadc the i.flli-iB of tho Republican papcts, ihe thousands of throats Cheered lustily for the candidates of the great ld publican patty. Prior lo leaving their <pmrturs this evening, each nf Hie clubs passed Kirotig resolu* tluns ludo sin-; the strm.laid lenirrs chosen at chicago. The I'atudcii Republican (bib of that city held a munster ratification meeting tonight, In honor ol Hnr rtaoB and Horton, The ipeaaars wera ex-lfnlted Mates lenator Aletander c cntfeli. Assemblyman Adam gnllh, B, II. Cii-y. John L. Wheeler, ex Depart incut i oramaader of th- Oread Army of lae Republic, if New--.lei-.ev. I,. T. l-> lionise, president of tbe club, nnd Dr. w. fi. Btruarits BSJOICIRG IIOSTH anti east. NI.W-VOKK AXD BBW*>BBO_aVBB JOIN IN GIVINO i xi'ltrssinv th THKlit BATIBBACTIOB, OaaBBU, S. _., June '.'H.- The Republicans ratified tko nomination of Harrison and Mnrton In this city li.t Bight with bonfires, cannon and fireworks. Them \...- ri gt ai Crowd In Hie Street Spoil hes were made by Cbngrastmaa N. w. Nutting and t. ii. white, in which lt was predicted that USWegO would give 4,.100 majority for Hie I'epubllran ticket. Aubiiri-. ?, V., June -Jd.-The Republicans nf Au? burn rfiilti.-d ihe notnlnatlon nf Harrl-oii anti HortOB ' '? play by firing a salute of 100 guns and B grand display of Imurorfci in the evening iitider nu* ausplees of tin- Hap nb Ulan Clan, when preaaueat, c. B> itcu, Inliiiiluci d a* the speaker of tim evening T. M. Pom? eroy and A. V. BowlBBdi A large and entlitislaKtlc Crowd listened to their iporohos. The various v.aid eluba, brunis and tho display of flt"".corks reads the scene such as ha* lint bBBB tUrBUSBBd in this city. Itliaca, N. _., June BB. Cannon wen* lired Bast Bight and marilsl music stln-ed tho city, but the d'-miiirsiratloti Wal not iuil]c|.*nt to mark the sati-Har Hon of thc ^publicans witt IhB National ticket. A l.itge fund was rolh-cted to day and this evening Um Young Men's Republican Club celebrated by salutes nf url liter;y and au extensive display of fireworks. I.Jmlra, N. Y., JUBB _'i (OpSBlSj).?*TbB Republicans -f lids city held a gland ratification mooting In WNn.-i Park Ibis evenng. Binghamton, ff, Y.. Juna '-'I (Special).-Th-* Repub? lican ratification meeting beal hero tonight was Hie most eiithn-lii-tic and lat_Ml ever held In Ili-oomn County. A salute af thirty eight guim and a long torchlight procession, with bands of music, preceded the meeting. *<e-, -ll.-df'ird, .lune "fi njpBelel). ?Republicans her-e hit* JuMlant over Harrison awl Morton, and an- not ijeekward In expressing Hu* opinion that tba Hckt is i.ngcst that could havo been made. Many Hog* i-nriiis espies*. I SritBagUem IO vote the Republican llchet and lt appears now that the Republicans of this lectkm Of the Slate will present an unbroken front this lall. Tim Republican club will ratify the nominations lu a fitting manner. Williamstown, Mass.. June 2d (Special).?Tho Re? publican Club of B Illlamstown hail tonight a grand temonatiatton sad rattneatbrn of th<' wibi lim! ton of Harrison and Morton. Later In the evening they eii-ii:nl"d Martin I. Townsend, Of Troy, and I'.dwaid A. Durant, Jr., of Albany, both of whom res pi md d Hie nominations give general saiftfeetlOU bam and i full BepubUean vote is innied far. Augusta, Mc. .lune 2*1 (Ppaetat).?The Republican* nf augusta Hil- Bvenlng )olneu In ?n enibnalaatlo cele* iirati..n in rail fleet lon of ihe nomlnatloni at chicago. The Young Men's BepubUean 'dub. 900 strong, visited tlc- ie-id.-i.res nf E. c. Hurleigh, Ihe Republican can? dida'" for r.overnor! 8 Br, Mathews, Howard owen. Orville D. baker and Ira II. Randall, each of Whom re? sponded heartily to tin- tetenade. The -pcak-rs all yan' Hani-nu and Morton cordial support and ex? pressed renewed confidence in Mr. lilatne. hts nomina? tion in IBU. bellin demanded, bells were rung, cannon fired and tba Bli rent willi Cheers and Mumu for Hie candidate. I'ROYinr.NTE SALUTING THE TICKET. IA lt.MU NU AM) KiniNC CANNON' IN ITS HONOR ?BBPTJBLIOANfl wri.i, BATIBP1BD. Pmvldi ti-e, R. I., Audi- gd (Bpet lall.?The Repub? licans Of Rhode I'lrvid were hoping tor and expecting the Bi mil,rr lion of Blaine, rn thal the mst leellBg over the ii'ii'iiiiatinn nf Hu i'sun wan one of disappointment, lt waa not tu hear, however, before (hey beptn to feel u,ai i wist Hiing had been done in taking lbs cnn dhiri e from a doubtful Slate, This, coupled with Hie BOmlBatlOB Of Mnlinn, is now regarded as th" best thing Hist could have lu cn done. At I o'clock lat! i pi pupation was foi Bird, headed by two bands, and BtBiehed through tbs principal st rents, cheering for Ham-on. A Hag bearing lils name was Hung to the breens, and a Nat Ional salute wa-, Ired. Many Republicans wlm VOtad BgBlBSl Ulallie are mach pleased Bl tbs re.ult. as lt gives thom an op port uni t| io come lack lo Ihe fold Without doing Violence to their pride. Several of this class are thc uinsi enthusiastic Harrison men to-day. Tic- al ti:nd- of -Tin- Journal," In declaring that the issue is mi" of principles and not men, and that lt. prefers the 1 .em.ulalie principles upon the tarli!, has opened the cjd ol many KepubUcan. who were following the lead Of that pap'r Info the enemr'i cuni). On Hie square i<Rue of the tariff. Rhode Uland will vote for protec? tion by nu enormoua majority. There ls, therefore, Hi. beal and must harmonious feeling In KepubUcan circles to-day, of any time for the last four years. -?-a* A1*3_B- B_T_0_T IM'.AJ.Tll.V FUDGED. Detroit, Mich., -lune iii'..-(.eneral Alger mef an eritiiu iastic reeeptkm tjfbau hs appeared al the rett* Beattea mooting of the Michigan Clab last night. II- -aid: "The loyally of this beloved State has IO touched my bearl thal I can only say. (Jud bleat you. If In my future life I can only show myself worthy of this great conti.lenee you have reposed In tue, I shall be deeply thankful. We are all Hmrlsuri nun hore to-night, and We should all work for him. \\e nar havs bsea duappornted. if i had gol wanted th.* onice. i ibond aol have worked for it, but my disappointment is mulline: to be compared te tba bi eal victory we will achieve lu Xovembsri We want to pal sway all qaettlon Mjrhiaan being a doubt? ful gtata Wbott'er i- oar stajr_lard-bearer, he is uar ti au." MP. ronp PRA1SB- TIM", TICstRT AND Pt_tTP01Ui Patrick rind Las tint as yet leturued from Chlctgo. Bl -?nt Inls telegram, Whleh will apj.-ear In "The Irish World" to d iv : Thc n-*uli nf the rhlcago Convention. lltBSUgk a disan |,eli.Un. ni in the ard.-nt tdmlrurs of lllnine and Btpet?Bf in tt.i- iri-ii. I* ii'.i anaceapttBtt to BepaMlesaa gmieraiiy. pUt nen ii.- if" aortkr aaiitiatBan and uti alsiltiai has ii, nwt Bag in it- SevettaWtaaB bbs BepahHeaa nu ir. lu my judi'ir.i -it. will find aha fud tn TTBBbiBKtBB a nari uni: BJ "-i-.'i tBS ci. nine fall. l i;\( i i: i i.i ];?* TO KATII'Y. 'lilcag I, .lille 80,?Thl --'ll'-' nullullie" of Hm N'a i oi mittce of 11." Repubheaa tamgna of ibo [lulled Btates held a inciting kere l_4saj. Then areatBl Mr, l'u-t.-r. prattdent., Bud Mr. i larl-t-m, i hali man af Um aUmrnitve < eaunittea sf the Lianne, and the member* of ll.e e.,intuit tee. It ?as dOBldSd that a inceiing of Ike iBB>a_eeatirB I BmmHtas of tho fjapan si-null lu* Balun] to n.t bj New Vni-U ( Ity, at fa nug lifUi ave. at IO o'clock, Wednesday, July ll. and that the presidents af the va-lons Utate LtBgUSl . io-ild be nntllled lo merl with Hie league fur con ce Th- cumiirlltce OSHlolh) l-' piesl ell K.-publli-.iri club Ill tin- l pited Male lo call meetings and ratify IBS platform aid tin- tl- kef BBBB .bun- BJ, ko that the wari Bl Um campaign mn^ benin BnUDrmly sbtnugh Bul tan country. BBMOMtBAfSD FOn cnxoEESS. hhnron, I'.-nti., Jun.- BJ ispeclali.-ln Hm Mercer t'oiiniy Cotivctiiliin Imlay h?Bt*_aaj Hall was reuom Itiated fur t niigress bv aeclaniuilnii. Hg will ie t-Oive UM district noinlnatlnn. Mr. Hall defeated Robartt IWU yan ago. bul In t|?- new di*tlief ll |, . ??in-.ri 11, ni be will be mowed under bj 3,000 a_-:".'.'y;. ?-, I Heel*, ni tllmiu... We a gio! 'leal apaal Ilia licnptiii-il rfte-vi n ,nn hu , III. n( du-iinii.iiniit t olorailii ani otner Wi-aiern ieeallllM Inii. aban a uiuri iiiHiit|a<i lils Ul-cs nf ruaiiltneii iii Hm haas of ini|i.iiMni- ins hetlili without nut trvinr lu. I'i?rce'? (??dian BU?Bterjr at bbbIhw * ^r??inil*inK*. |B nina i-ata* out of to i lei tu i at li t ?n\* Ula I mount, 'lint |iri<tt ifiiirilr twas IIS iinwpr m-i .,'. artrctiaii < of ia.. i .mil .uni inuit, tn un.ii i ts. -rn nu*, c i tarro snit tren att> Kuniplinu, whliii in 1 mg tcrufnla, to th* mmpla (sot that lt inn ttl. tami oariciioi tho hm jd sad laTlioratti ttiBdubill l*it.l lyiioob The World Famed Wafers of Carlsbad Tanaka In a decided manner of the rharseterB of two clause* of witers-tiie alkaline or carbonate of soda water*, the galina or chloiide of sodium water*. Therefore lt I* not surprising that this water finds a large range Of appll cflti.iii and that Itt efflcacr In many /4b?e?*c'' ?? cowmen* turablo therewith. MSF.ABES. The waters of Carlsbad are ijdtpted pcrntid other* for treatment of this organ. Even In tho carly st-ir,"-. nf fatty liver, there ls probably un one remedy thst will yb-.ll is Hood retults ss a course of Carlsbad Water. HAniTUAr. CONSTIPATION. TM* die**** r?n be permanently cured by tho usa of tho genuine Imported Carlsbad Wat-r. GALT. rVTONFJ*. ire freriifntly evacuated in lartre num? bers under the administration of (hi* waler, and often tho tendency to their formation lt effaced. KN I. ABO EM KNT OF TIIE SPI.KFN, I* S result of malnrUl dinette, lt also well trailed by a course of thia wat*r. DIABETES. Dr. I. Beegep. Profe**or of Medicine at Un. rnlverstty of Vienna, In his eelebrstod work on dis hotc* nv*ll!tua, itny*: Of sll remedlet In my largi experi? ence with this dlstite, and the tnany experiments which I, nt well a* tuen prominent men ** Ant***.,, DBBWSBBB, snl others, have made, Carlsbad Water deserves to be placed In the flrtt rank. All nf the above writers asreo with m<> that the u?o of tho Carlsbad Water* oxcrte a very beneficial Influence In Pmtntas I have In the course of tnany years treated a very large number of patients sufforUig with tho disease, and have with trrett interett noticed the effect of Carlsbad Water in reducing the amount nf tugsr. My invariable ex? perience has boen Wist almost without exception an Im? provement wat marked and noticeable during and liter th* ute of the waler*, even where no ttrlct diet wa* observed. COIU'L'i.F.NCE I* not only an Inconvenience, but often a dlseste. Hy a eourse of Carltbad Water with occa Sttatal dose* nf tho Imported Kprudel Salt, to produce free caihartit, the perton may be considerably reduced, proper attention Ix*lnK given to diet. CATAURH AND DISKASES OF THE STOMACH, OOUT ANI? RH KUM ATI SM. For thew dlseaacs the uao of tho genuine Carlsbad Waler ls highly recommended. Ii-. Jln'Iini Isc-r In a ncent lecture nays: The unnatural motions of th" stomach cruising pressure snd belching!, the Irritations of the Intestines resulting lu catarrh of the bowel*, and the Inflamed mticnui mem? brane* are the most fruitful of all known cause* of disease. Out of them grow mott kidney nnd liver tn.utile*, diabetes, sll rhoutnstlc tffectlon* and tout. I have found that tho unnaturul motion* af th" stomach ceate, the Intestinal troubles Docomo soothed, and health results from the u?e of Carlsbad Water. The diuretic effect* of this water, Its iiiijet, ucUoti upon tho Inflamed l.-itettlnot aro beyond all ?.ralf". Beware of Imitations. The genuine I* bottled under the supervision of the city of Carlsbad. Each bottle ha* the teal of the city and thc signature of " Eisner _ Men deiton Co.," solo agents, C Barclay-it.. New*York, on tho neck ot every bottle A MADMAN'S CONFESSION. UK BAYS. HK KIIXEJI I.ITTl.K FHA Nh' WILLIAMS ON SUNDAY?HIS K'H'.Mr.ll ClttMK". Henry Hoper, thc farm laborer -who was arresled on lUaatesBfl of hilling Frank williams, age six, thc son nf James WilburnB, of Cold Spring Harbor. I.. I., whose budy wm found In a feld ne*r his father's house on Monday, confessed ye-ierday that he mur? dered tho child. After the Inquest was hold on Mon? day night and tho Jury had rendered a verdict to tho eJfect that Boper was re-iponslblii for tho child'* Benin, Ure prisoner was taken to the town Jail In Huntington, Constable Ferguson remaining with him all night. Super fell a-deep shortly afterward and slept until 4 o'clock this morning. Ills first, words to Constable Ferguson were: "I own up I Billed Frank. I want to make a confession and tell you all about lt." The constable sent at onco for Justice Hendrickson and Coroner Woodard, and on their arrival at tho Jail .Sopor mado a full confession of tho woy in which he hil killed Hie boy and hidden his body. Hoper assigned no motive for the crime and did not apjear to realise the enormity of lt. He ls about thlity-elght years old, short and slim, and of dark complexion. Ile has been subject to fill of madness, at which times ho became almost uncontrollable. It apjesrs that len years ago Boper attempted to kill Kilt lilrmlngham, ago seven, Inflicting serious In? juries on Ho was sent to prison for five years Bar the offence. After his relearn he returned to Cold Spring Hat bm- and obtained employment as coachman for Sidney Titus, who-e barn he sot on fire six months later. He was tried and convicted of ar-on, and was sentenced to two year- in the -.tafe prison. lb: again returned after leaving prison and was cm pl ired by Andrew Tit-is. There appeared to 1i?* Willi _ Inflicted with a knife on the boy's bod;, but Bttpnr deni ?- using a knife, and none has yet been found. Justice Hendrickson yesterday eorrmltfed Super to Hr.- Rivet-head iall to await tim action nf the Oread Jury, lt is teared that Hie mother of ibo murdero'l Loy' will BM survive the shock of hu death. CONFI EMA TI ONS D Y CO U FTES Y. A TOO COMMON PRACTICE IN THE SENATE. CIVIL "KHVICK BaWsMUl Al UXLMn.iriKD IN A BBXBUri AI'I'oIN'IMl.NT. U .ellington, Juno 20 (Spacial).? Confirmations by comte*.)-, aitken! formal action of tin- Judiciary Con*. iniuoo iu tim Baaate, aro beses_Bg entirely too Bumer on*, senator Blair, of Ksw>ltampshlre, AJseevurad 3 est frilay riftertioon tha! Mr. Smith, the nominee ot Brewer jones, tho DeaioeratBi im*s of New-Hampshire, had been put through in this way, and moved a re? consideration. The yalal of order wis ral-fd that as moro than two e.xccutivo sessions had been bakf ?IBM Mr. h.mill's conlirmailoii, the nioilon carno too late. The point eras iBStalBBd, after roferenco lo tlc) e.xccutivo Jjuinul. Tho Bfleet is to Install Iq tho most responsible position in (ho Int oin ni BevaBMM Seivico a nnii utterly WltkOOl cxpi-iioiico in this par? ticular brauah of thu law, lu jilaco of an ollicer who has served most accejilably fer ItJfBBtyBBVBB ream, ami whom rateatioa wa.; requested by Pomm?tlnecr Miller on Ihe sole ground of ii s i-ibiiency three years ago, Uben Attorney (,ciiir::il (Ju land a-ked for bis resignation. On iliat oeCmloB, Mr. Cleveland, not having yet "cut loose Hom hat ni,Hirings?? to tho Civil B r. lc A.-sociatlon, requestai, in an autograpli letter, tho oecupdt.t (Mr. Un-sl-y, of New-Hampshire) to Withdraw ins resignation, which was done, a politi? cal campaign bein;; now un hand, Mr. CkSSley has brea *.upplantod by tho uOBtlnnt of the Democratic ?jtato Central i oiii.'iiiiii.i) of Naw-Hamusblre, who ls laid io puatSH nu iiuulilkailoi- for u.u position e_ eept political availability. MISCELLASROVS RAILWAY INTELLIGENCE., IT. H., Jinn- 20.?Tho oeicers of tim Concord aro making BMBBBSBbVBBI for a m.-eUng wltii th* nftloei- nf th.i Ruston, CXmc-ori and Montreal and Noillisiu roads to be held noon. It ls lnicnd?a to lead to a new d>-;d In railroad matter* portalniii;; to (int BSBttal part of tho Stale. Il is -.aid that tire Concord deli cn to Ua*e the Mart Bara road for a long term of years. The present lease nf the Northern ti) the BuMmi ani I.oivell may terminate at any time by proper Betate. The meeting. If tuccctsfui, "ill re-ult In pluclng tho control of New-Hampshire under mu- railroad BBnag-'ment. ChJcnan, Jun,- "il.-Th-, reta ni dre.-ted beef Bum L'hlcBco to New.Y'nrk, whk-li was BfteBWai from (IS (o iii 1-2 ccu* per 100 peuiidii nu Monday, eat lurlh-r reduced to 40 cents IB Bay by th.- Vandei bili Unei. Ml ibo other road* In tho aaaattatasa, at far a* could bo learned, followed suit, though nu fer null notice of thia rtdtlBOB was niven to tlio liulimrin of tht Freight CaBUBtttte The alleged NUMB for ibis trey was that the OhaBBfS and Atliiiiilc. and l-'.rli; mads put. their rate* down to 40 rent* lu order to preserve the differential which they have heretofore bean allow.' 1 The air w u-. llii.k willi rumor.-. BaaeeiB?Bg cul-* lu grain and prevision rates, but none nf diem could be fully verl lk-d Thu <0-oont eui rate on dretv-d beef bSBbBSS nilly to M iVurk butluutt, the Huston rain romiilulng at 40' 1-2 cent.. CUeasa, Jun.- 20.?The aaa*>btu*id thlim-nts of nra n. Hour uni BjrtVlataBt by tho Ilnci in tat Ti irtn AsocJaton la-t ?o.-k ?BgrvBatad U;tM (ons. ag-dit iijji.i) tout tar Un in- i-ji.-k vAc-k, i aaeream of ni rniis. Ill V'lind rblil BBBB BBITtt_4B.| p-r- cent of tho total tuiimuo; l'.ii niyUiiiiia lunn, 20.0; Trunk, 1o'.i; BaltlBatn BBd Ohla, 7; llig Four, ll. HEATH Cf rSl REV. E. P. SIMONS. Thc ltev. Kira H. Simons, B_sj_taal to the pastor ot tlio Calvary liaptlst Church (Or. MacArthur's), died >.- terrlay from heart ful'iire at his hume, No. 3:14 West Fllly-nltiih st. Ho \mi. bom In Troy fort) ulno raan BfU, and has l*eeit In lils present position only ?Ul nninlhs. When IWUBtJ one years old h> onllslnd as u private In Ur* l_0th Keglmeni New-Vork Volun ie<i-i, bul Huon letuined lo iii))' to bo ordained In nider in BBBBBH mts cliipialu of tho ivglmcnt. He served through tho war lu that position, and was b_bb> eiit at many ol Its most sevoro battles, Inclmiing i.nitvshurg. Hpoltsylvaula and tho eiitlro Wilderness ampalgn. Sincn Hie war h-* has been tho pastor af - lintvlis lu Trev, -ana L.aWe, o?n Jumi, Cen., and lili.omllclii, K. J. , WINNERS IN THE YONKERS REOATTA. Tho Yoiikiri Yacht Club atartod on in annuli rai* nt io rio yeiiti-rd.i.v morning limn a tu kn bo,,t ?ff Heud'o -ueni liou-si dock, \oliker*. at a ?Uke boat uy tin. lin i--ii, pi i; .1 Mund Lake Theft aura tifty..-.?,> yacht* tl Un- illtf-reiu. BhaBBM I" tat fssSi Then- wa* a Hood brat ia iiinwini! b_bb mer amrted, mid when at Vasaaa Hay they had ft aquall Vkfak bitted hut a f*>w ml mite* Pkt rest ,,f (ti** mm wt* a drlftm-i ono. They returiu-d i . Yimkin* nt (I n'cliii-k. Tho wlnucn were ?* follow* ; BBaSBB data, tloont 4'i feet or h's*. i>. itonlto, Yonkern *?... lu. Club, tia** A, tthooncra, j.din,, Yonkars Yacht i iub; ('1st* U, rubin sloop*, H. W. lim-, ber, Yonkers Yaohti Club; CU** C, cabin sloops under 80 toet, VUea, Yonkers Yacht Club; Oban D, open sloops, o. B. Dem, Columbia Yacht Club; (ia** E. cabin catboats, W. BJ, Hanni, Yonkor* Yacht Club; Cia** K. open catboti-s Columbia, Columbia Yacht Club; Cia** 0, catboats, 10 to BB Rocket, Yonkers Yacht Club; Cia** II, catboats. Mullel, Yonkers Yscht Club. TUE PROHIBITIONISTS IN CONVENTION 0. It. POWr.LL, W. J. UZMORKsT AND Bf-JXHOX j, '.038ISO CANDIDATKS roil THK C.tflKfl.VATORfAf. NOMINATION. Syreous*i, juno 2*V- The Prohibition State Conven* Hon opened at Bal Alhambra in Hilt city thlt morning. Tho session 0f tn0 (.onvcnilon, lt ts thous-ht, aili l-ut a couplo of days. Tho (lube-ii.-itorlal candidates aro ft. It. Powell, of Chat ham; W. Jennine Deroorent, ,,f New*York, and Henson J. Lostlnr, th historian, ot I*ou ph kee pale. The delegates and others were entertained latl even? ing Tilth the IJomoreit prlie speaking eontetf. at the Alhambra, at which 1,300 persona tum present. The prize was a gold medal. On May P, lHftfi, tb" first modal contest was held In New-York City, and sltno then 810 silver and AH gold medals have been awardid In 20 different Stale* Mal Territories. Mbs Lillian Korihaw, of Fairport, secured the Baeafe_ pru**, aid Miss Rose n. Haas, Bf New-York, ? ho.iorablo n. re* tlon." Prior to the openlncr of fhe Convention a prayer and conference moetlnn wa* held, presided over by the Ilev. Dwight Wilban.'., ot Catenovla. (H'KNINC. THC. CONVENTION WITH BONO. The Convention was railed to order at ll :10 by Fred I*, Wheeler, and irif opened with a tong by the Sliver Lake Qnartett*-. entitled " The KecrtilHng fltatlon. Tbo song was-received with applause, the last three linos being: We'll -ret so mighty frttkjr That we'll overturn tha whisker, For we're a mighty Jotly lot of ersnka." Prayer was rffered by the Kev. h. \\. I . Kumina* ton, of Olean. Among those called lo the platt, rm wore, si-veral ovntlemeti who Lave figured on Prohlbi. tlon tickets In ;.-?,-1 years. Frank K. C-aldwln, of F.lm/ra, was chosen fen*, porary chairman. Declaring that the Bret Issne In politics to bs settled was the afnajot BaaStfen, he laid: We hsvi elected our U*iue before th? American pon*>ie, tnd all we have to do lt to fltht lt out on that Un*. We know that B_a Democratic Barty is not with u? and will not help. We know that the Democratic party la con* tm'.tel by the whiskey eleni'-nt. We ought tn accept the KepubUcan tcmrrtianie ro-olmlon for Just whit lt il wertii-nothlns;. The speaker thea referred to the Prohibition nomi? nees, which v. as tito signal for cheon and waving bb bats, handherchicfi and fans. Frank C. Smith, cf Baw-York, presented a gavel lo the Convention cn behalf of II. T. Dunbar, corps BBBB* manlier of the Iiluo and tho (Jray of the Staio of yew* York. 'Ihe gavel ls made of tined from a tree ? hat grew on Little Bound Tim. Hm scene of sn im? portant i vent lu ihe ba?He of Oettjabttrn. A. A. Hopklnt offered a resolution that three com? mittees of eight menibei-sr each be appointed on cre? dentials, permanent organization, and programme. Aft-r cnn-hl'Table debate the r* solution vat adapted, i'en the matter was reconsidered ard daring lt*, cen* ? Ideratlon so much confusion ensued Hist a masai -abs talton until -j. o'clock. INSURANCES d.\ A FACTORY FIRE. A LIST OF TIIK COMPANIF8 INTEIIKSTED?CLKARIXO AWAY TIIK WtUtOSASS. The scene of Monday's big factory fire at Thli'y nlnth-tt. and Flrst-avc. was the centre of attraction yesterday for half thc population In the neighborhood. The reason for this was that early In the morning a large force of men was put to work fearing down tho ruins of tho building occupied by Foster. Bfleaa _ Co. when the fire BBBURUd. Frevloiis to the beginning of tills work, a thorough IBBSeh was made of bat rufus) for any bodies that BrigJrl bl BIB nd then-, a- up to that Mme lt had not been asc-rtn'ned B_Sa_BI or BBf any of the employes nun mii-stn*. The teairh w.i B vain one, however, and man> an anxious Jieart I 14 lightened. A? soon a* Hie wreckage I* c le ai od away tho oreotion'o/ a nev budding will be begun. Tho Insurance on tho stock of Lichtenstein aWUB, _ i a., at Thlity-elsrhth-st. and First ave., ls as follows: Howery, N. Y;. fl.500 illo'.i*. X. Y. BUBB Vite Alsoc-stion, Norwi.-h ('utan, BBC 'l.ioQ London. 2,Mio lutni-nuca Co. of N. Klne? Comm. H. Y. l.'iOO America . . 2,'-J) Ka;.*.. N. Y... 8..100 IntiiranoaCo. of Bttm We?'cn*tt<*r. N. Y... ?500 Pbbb. 1.'.) rtenillnt, Ptnn. 2,i00 l.lbtrtv, N. Y . . . ?.'.Ml) llckl* Wis . a,6isi Jlaniifai-fr* amt .Mi-r ( Klreua'.ci; n. 2,.vm ehaate*. JFtaa.. . J." <? Farragut. N. V. 2.5O0 N'ortlieru. Bag. */,.miq Coiunioiiwesl h. N.Y. ln.oOO Witvru. Canada.... V. ? ' I Firemen'* Ilalfiniore :'.v.o ' iron. Cal**. I FlilelUr. Ohio. BiteO Psi-ilie. Ns*.York... SJ.iOO Loudon Atsuiaoco, :.i?nii!.ictiirorn mil Knir . 2.5"n BulLt'-lf, B *.. . l.Jji.O L*no*?hire. r.og. .. S,00DiABMr asa ami liri*. Imperial. Lng. 5.00! mon'*, N. J. ... ?MV) Lion. Kng. 6.000 _i.imr.iCUr. N. V.... '.'..".ol Ct-,-of London. Kng. 'i.ioc, puk New-York. X.6O0 Mechanic*'. Phil. X 600 A IU in*, N Y.4 ?--. J' BJ Kir* A**>oclition. iMauihort ?, I'ldlsdeliihlrt.. 6,000 (lerinany. 2,'eo Scottish I 11 ron and .yin-en. i.ugiand. S.MMJ National. Lng. 3.SOH .New-York. ?.'..'.ml North Uiver. N. Y. . 'i.iOO "tuenlx. '-'.".'-O hun Firo oillce. Loo* K?chingi*. N. Y. ... 'J.50U doa . 2.500 Nsf-York Kqntt.-ibie. j.:>. o Connecticut,. LOOT llanilllou, N. Y'.. l.i'sl rrdfiilcDce-Waniiin.'- - lon, K. 1. '-'.60.) ToUl.ttSs\m ?) The Insurance an the fixture* of Mchenttcla Uro*. ?Co. It at follows: Frtclitr, Ohio. S",'.0o Keotttth L'nionand .Miclmnlcs. J'enn.... 2.500 National, Jug. 5.000 Hrll.tti America. Can 2..VO Flreninn't Fund. Cal. Z5od I'e-i-.iIo's. Pit tourg .. 1.-..*.(),, N. V... I.IM ) liostnieu's, Peuii.... 1.250 ( tc!**i>ns', New York. 1.50'J I-'rauklm. ' hio. 9.000 ? miaid. Penn. '.'.etifli Total. BBBSBO Jni)ierial, Kng. -.'.500| Tlie correct Hit of lnaurituo on the stock of Feater, III.tea A Ott 1*: KxcJiange, Nf. Y. ?2,500 Commonwealth. N.Y. SJ.000 North Bittr, New- I Haas Berg ilri-iueu, *i ork. 2.500 UArinnoy. 2.SOI) fun. I^indou. 2.'.oo Jcir.T.on. .V. Y. 2.61m Iniiierial, Kaj. 6.11110 C'lly nf Naw-York? 1..-.0.) Fire AstocUtion, m.h..lard. X. Y. 1,6 ?? Phils . fl.iWO (Untie. N**w*Yent. 2.5;M| etty of London. Kn*. 6.000 N*-w.Vork Fire. XY. LMM Lion Eng. .*,,iiiio IItnail-*v, N. Y. il.oOO TrsBSSUsalia, Oar- Kinti I N. Y.. 1..".ik) ,?aUy . a.r.oo itaasjUson, x. V. i.simi New-York Ho-ory... vr.."ioO Fi.-nrnen't, N.Y. '-'..'-Oil Mutual. N. Y. a.eoo Oarmaiil*. N .V. 'i.ntft Miivresant. X. Y.... .'..nco'Laiicaialre, Ltg. s,u .1) Wattungton, liotti-n 2,.'.U0' -. Aiimriiaii and Fire- 1 Total. fTi.ouO meii'a. N.J. 1,6001 The iDSuraaus ou tits fljciurss of Foster, Hilson _ Cs., was: (inaidlao, London.... S^.oeoiAniertean and Fir* Lonilon Atturam-B... BtOU men't, N. J. 2.501) nun. Loortoii. . 2,6o0 Northam. Fug. 2.500 Common wealth, N.Y. 2.500 - un ..rd, Philadelphia. 2.MXM Total. SVO.dOd Park. B. Y. MM| Tho Insuranoe on the proporty of J. IL Bonncll A Co., Limited, aisuufasturert of i>i-:iitiug ink. Long lslau.1 City, tire Juue 23, la us follows : On BnlMlBtrs-? lloma MnBiil, Tena. 1,000 (ir.-enwteli. N. Y. B2.0OO Mlnnuapoll* Mutual, UBliknshMatiMi.U'1*. 1.000 Mlon.. 1,000 iltnubicturort U. Ya LOi-tb Manufacturer*' Mu. Arlington. Tata. l.oooi tua'., gt. Louis . 1.500 Utr.nafl. Pana. '.'.ino Macon, Oa.. 1,000 Capital, Iowa. l,6i'0 Mutuil Fire, Wit .... 1.O0U Naiioosl, N. J. l.tOO Illino.* Mutual, XII... I.O01) ?-, Xew-orleans. La._ l,3oo Total. flU.Seu - O.i Machinery ibu I Total. J'j.Cd stock? Luiuucrman it Manu tai inn-it' Mutual.. BLot n F.CZE.ilA And Every Species ot llchlu-c nud Hiirnlim flUeascs Cured by Cuticurn. I havo been a(tllcu*d since in-t Mar- ti tv Uh a *kln dl*ea>t thc doctor* called Bataam. My t*<v hah covered with scabs mid .ores, and lin* Uabba] SBB b*UH_b| were aUnost un tM-arable. BaetUi Tour CUTIL'L'UA HKMEDIKS so hl?hJ| lecninim-ndi-d, loaalaBt4 lo Bjlta ilium a mal, u*int( tint (LTici'H.v aad OTJTICUBA BOAB sttsraallr sud UL* bOLVENT luu-rr.iiily, tor four month*. I call mjre'.t irui-od, lu urmiiudn for which 1 make Hil*, public a_tm_atSi M1W. CLAIIA A. FUl_.llr.lUCK. Liona Brook, Conn. ECZEMA. Your BUBB valuable CL'TICFItA B__tn_>__| hnva dune my ehlli IB much gaUi (b.'t 1 fc-i Ul." IBJ_BJ (tilt for the beiietlt ot Ihoae troaWed with ukin dlwate. htl Mule iclrl Baa tr..ulled nita aaasaati and I tried aevertl dnciorit, and mcd.clntt. but did uni do her any gool uillll 1 unod the CL'TICCI'.A tllJMF.IiM S. which tpandlly cured her, (or u Illili 1 nv,.- >,.ii many Dinna* ind niauy BBtbttafmtl AXIOM JUaSblMEIt, l-_llut>ureh. Inl KC/-.M4. I wa* afflicted with Fc/ema on the Sctlp, Fsct, Bart and Neck, which the druiid'.st, where I got your reniedle*.. iiroiinunied niie nt tho UeBSt cate* that Iud come undur hi* uoilce. Ho aJvlved mo to try your CCT1CURA RF.MK lili'.S, and after live days.' ute my (cali* and |-art of mr face were entirely cured, and I hope In another week t? havo wy ear*, neck and ihe oilier part of my faco eui vd. UKU.MAN .LAL)-. UM ?? Uh ?:.. B. If. kt/.nm. X trttefu'.lT aoknowledne a cure of Brrema, or Bait BJaaBBBj nu head, nock. ut-. 111-11* and Itt* for asvBnuen Ham I ""' side to walk. e\ci|ii nu hand* and ko*** for one year; not able to help mv-i-lf tor eight year*; triad bUudreU* of mtdlcluoa; doctors pronounced my cate hopi* le??; portuaiinntly cured by the CCTICUHA HEM EDIE*. WILL. MolJONALi). 2,6-12 Uoarburn *L, Chicano, ?ats] BiBiJBhBBB rrleo, OUTICURA. aOo; SOAP. 2.V. ; K1CMOL.VENT, ?1- Prepared by tho rOTTKU DRUB AND CH I..VIC A I. CO.. Bs Hm. Matt. IV be..fl for ?? :io*v |a -'iri Rklu lilacaae*.* 64 paxe*. 60 lllu*truUon*iiid 100 tot ti mon lal*._ IIAIIYX .skin and Scalp presetted snd bcautlft**d br I't'TlOURA MKUJCATiat SOAP. ?bV MTBAIXB, PAIN* In the Back. Kloner*. Hip, Hide* or Chest re? lieved lu ONE MINl'TF. by th* Cl'TICURA \NT1 1'AIN fl.A.STKR. Tl** first *nd only usiii-Kililua platier. Slew, lutuats* usous, Infillltui*. 23 went*.