__. nf tuv vt err Tr. \f tt irnttTAvr.
? IIAIDI.Y l'dSlllIK. TO S'lAIT IBB lilli- TltADK
Cask Mom: ciiai'.i.y ' ? un. rBM-O-BIT
PBAI-Klf icu; fi AT Mi Till' PABT eif A
UTI'iff RITlt?A rai |N|i| Illili QOtlTBP
I\ Bt'PPOBT e.) a M. lMil-.iir.lt.
rnv i- mt.) Tn TUB tiiiiunk.'
"eiivrai-ia' l'.s Bi TteXew-Vetm. rosma.
i-ondon, July 7. ?!i~pt g .inns of thc interest
which tho Hritish mo good ni Bjh BB tBB? IB tlie*
contest for th- American IVsielcn-r continue* fre?
quent. Their part*l_t-ihiti f'*r Mr. ('loveland
grows hy ivluit n ftvels oil, unel it ttjtttn mainly cm
nonic-thiii- nil. h is uni truth. '?'I'lie- Times" hus
made a iliscovcry ul l's OWB. Il Ins t-iscovi rr.l ;i
lotter cf O.B-Tt_] ll ilTiSOB, url)i ec orl)i. :icc -i.t'.li?
the Ropiii.l.osii) nomination. Thc r.-st of u- hive
beard of a speech, l)ut .-iin Bad Bo truce ol a letter.
"Hie Tun <" clo's BB) print en-, lui! must have
one?or perhaps a f .c-simile?fir it thrice t tera to
a lotter, "liss epistle," ayton - The Ti_i"s" " tan
Mi Ik* s.ii.1 to b? c Niicilr 'riler, -tins." Mr. Cleve?
land's, of course, is. it is Bore; it is Ingenious
omi Btptetaftanlike, nod ;t puta before the country
what th. i al issue is lUveyoo any doab! what
Ihe rmi issn ? is? Listen:
" It would bardi? be |> >s blt-," savs the Thun?
der/r, after citing p.:s;i) .-is from Mr. Clevc'lind's
letter, ?? t i i ni tbe Free Trade mae mor ? i learly or
more strangly. Tba arguments whieh President
Cleveland us - ar.- tin's.- which Mr. Cobden used
to employ, f-irf.i-tivc years ago, and which any
riiKli-.li free-trader would employ, now. Thej nre
piin-ly free tnnli- argument-, nnd as such, iv are
very glad ti Bec Mp. Cleveland using them, though
rorry for the popular iniainatl rn whieh makes it
clnn-e-.-. us in give t!i -m their righi name." If any
ul M.-. Cleveland's i pponents had saiel that, what
cries ol agon] -luiul! we not have beard from his
tmpportersl Bal it is Mr. Cleveland's chief advo?
cate in the British press who describes him as
psjcaehiag ami meaning free trade, but disguiffing
his real aim and deceiving thc American peopl ? b -
cause of Aineriean infatuation fur Protection.
"The Dilly {fews1 ia not less explicit It
itrics ott Mr. Cleveland's mask with the same
beat's] frankne-s. nm] taja: " He discusses tlie'
principles al issue- in tin- st ru'j'.'le- and shows
that lie is n Free Trade candidate in everything
hut name. The reservation is an Important one
for American party purposes.*' ila vc you ever
real anything more cynical:' "The President,"
continues this cynic, " feels compelled to charac?
terize tlie attempt to brunel him a Free-Tr.-uhr
ok a deception of his enemies. For all that, the
electoral ec alli et now in progress is s conflict
between r'rec Trade and Protection, and nothing
los" It would be elillicult to say more- plainly
that this Free Trading journal believes Mr.
Cleveland is plnyinc, a hypocritical |>ar*. in the
iutercsls of Free Trade.
Tins pions destvsranae la fitly concluded by *
tjii,7!) of gratitmle over the defeat of the- Haine
intrigue. - Tliat there* was," snys " The News,*'
u on Intrigue, as our New-York correspondent has
atssor*.'*il, nu one who has t.iki :i the trouble lei
look through The New-York Evening Post' just
to hand can for one moment doubt." No; mir
can any one who will take the trouble to look
through a Tory journal of thc baser sort for one
moment doubt that Mr. Gladstone is a Henel in
human sha|)o. Allow me to eorreel a rather
Important error in my dispatch of June _<). I
did not wy tlint tin- story culdee] by ths New
York ecrn-s|ie ii'ii-i ; of "The Daily ?w_" linds
its support in other dispatches. I sahl it finds
no support. Let him lune tlie sole credit of all his
functions. <;. W, S.
6TII.I. SIKKIM) tn iiUi'KliS Till'. CU A 111 CT KI. OB
TIIK ll ls|| IKAIUIi.
London, .inly 7.?-The Hates," In Its comments cm
Mr. IwneU's statement in the iimse (,f i amnions
ye*terriay in reference tu tie revelations nade in thc
O'fionnel-" Times ^ suit, says: "Mr. Parnell's ad?
mission nat Bia eharaeter as a member of Psillsmeni
ls sssloiisly sffected is a very Imperfect rec .-? lt lon
of his peisjtli.ii. He places aRa!i--l si tremendous In
tllctnient a hare ami unsupported denial, ulrich iviml 1
he aa niueh a matter ol conns fruin the greatesl
criminal as (ron tie mut !t:iiric-iit man. In ihe
Mreutnstancea :he denial is absolutely srortblesa a^
evidence. evin if n were nude hy one uhe.se- ehaiuctei
fm- v<ra.itv erna bet ond doubt and inspirion, loch
a character ls not borne bj Mr. Parnell, who har- Le -a
convicted, a- In bis i Inelnaatl speech, ol solemnly
ami Indignantly asserting what is aol a (set. Tho
Bombers ol the Liberal party from Mr, Gladstone
duwn io its humbles) loUower are <ailed upon either
to Instil thal oflaetual steps bs taken bj* Mr. Parnell
und au paiiv ls el .prove the ? borges made apainst
theni OT tu .I'-eept the rnn>ie quent'OS of their BSSOrBV
tiou arith men Mln.se culb has been estabHsbed by
pi iMimptton which ls only technically short nf do
IHOC ll rilli.I-.*1
In ainu I er rolumu r.f the paper the siieerh of Mr.
Parnell is traversed, and -The Times" reitermtei that
lt l- fullv i;> i 'h.-il to prove in open remit tie charges
lt 'a mane av?lnsl Mr. Farnell and hi* followers.
- The pan Mali Gasetto" sara the Ministers obviously
du i ..i i..a.-idei Mr. i'ai neil's ii.-niai a- conclusive ol
lils timi., en. e. Their sapuortera declare that the cl ??
Dial is lais.-. The Ministry, Iho pajier says, must
either expel Mr. parnell fruin l'arllatuem or dismiss
Attorney-General Webster. Ko mldlte course is com
j.i'r!:.- with thc honor aad responsibility ot the Gov
tu ninent.
'?Th"- St. .lame* Gasetto" rails Mr. Parnell's stat".
nient a Hal.i.y mixture of unsupported denial, Inac
enraey, Inconsistency, misrepresents!. a'ni men
dst I tr. if Mi-. Gladstone, it says, continues to lie a
Mend and ally of Mi. Parnell, and does nut e-leai- him?
self frnm ihi? reproach of In'lfferencc a- tn whether
Ihe charge*, .ire rer*ell*d or not, h ? -elli achieve the aji
psrenily Impossible leal ol terthni elisgraelns his name,
fl-; parly and the*- country Whieh gave him a chaine
for a splendid career
i o Bis IT. I'. O'Connor's paper) rejoices over
tl.e f_ci that Mr. Parnell will not fall into "The
-lnu***_" iras an! inb'eci himself to Attorney-Gen
.isl \i.-i?.i', ri si,.,nor aisle trickery and unscrupulous
and irrelevant cross-examining before a London Jury
Mi Parnell, it declares, is dow and always has been
rc ?? 'ii submit his case to a c.immlttee ul inquiry
sppointcd by the Home nf Commons,
Berti-, July 7. Kn p -rc-r William will leave p.cr
lln for Kiel on July 13. After si Jnnrtilnp there for a
day he win pipseed lo St, Petersburg by sea. arriving
on the evening of July IB The suite- aceompsny
Ini? him will Bomprlae bis aid-de-eamp, Count Her?
bert lilamarek, t;e;;eral ve.a Wlltlel, ami possibly the
BslBtary attarhe al tw. Bassian Embassy al Berlin
Tbs remainder ol the EmpiTorn Milt, will baie lier
lin for st. rn. isl org (,n July 17.
Loadon, July 7. Ia the llmse of Commons Issi
r!(tht Mr. Chsrlei Penwhrk (Liberal) Introduced a rosa
lutlun In ff. rn e.; the payment nf salaries to mem?
bers. Tbe resolution tshlcfa wai inpported by Mr.
Gladstoiic, ?*** rejectod bj a rote of i:?_ lo IM.
Qaebee, July r. The eompsrstlve statemenl of ar?
rivals and tonnage at this port tu date shows thirty?
nine ocean s_llln_ vessels n:?i \_.imc, t(,ilS jess n,_? a.
tins same time Issi year, snd eightseo oeeaa steamers
snd IS,7B9 tons le*ss ihas last year. Ol tis- Lowai
1'rui pu ? resseli th ita wera Beventec s sad in ?? .-? tun
less ilian list j-ar.
A RJSPUJ- IN THK 1 i;?v li I-tlASUBT.
Psris, july 7.-The Trench re-venue sm phis f.,r the
first six months of thc year amour.ts tu ,#.000.000
friane s.
DEG BK KS ( c.MKKKKl) UV ( AMIilil 1KIK.
Ixindon, July T. The DaHrsrsltf e.f OambrMfB ha*
conferreal the de^iee of LL. I), upnn th- Bplaeopal
Uisliops e.f r'lvdeiii ton. Nm Yuri, and Minnesota.
THK __rn_-l-_M| NOT INJI'UKI).
Chrlstlanla, July 7. ih- liilu-d state, ateamer Kn
terprlw, which wrs ashore- at I)rui..iU and was hauled
off by a Nsewsg-Sa I roar lag, arrivmi hc-ro yesterday,
It has In-en aaeSft-fB-d (bat the KiitciprlsO doo* a?4
leah, and sh'! will not be placed in tho dork, bbc will
sall on Tuesday.
KIM; milan's DOM-_mO ffOEB.
lielgraele, July 7.-Kine Milan proposes a BOgSIBillia
a mensa at thero from his wife, Queen .Natallo, pssyt idci]
she accepts thc BSaS-tlBSS uhlch will be ma<le^ known
Jo her by Bishop Demolrlus, who h_> takeu them to
tiik iimsii i.raii n's niMAi. Brat nv a rBBBfl
ciiAi.t.i'-.vr.K?mic t. r. no ..wok's csiimknts
rt'sciioss-rt'itsosAL mitks.
ropi/rtgh'; isss.- Eg ri" tam Tart nit?s
London. July 7.?The press on the O'Donnell
iriul is not very Instructive. The views expressed
I are- on both sides partisan; honest, no doubt, bat
I | ro;u.lic oil. All the Unionist |sii>or*r consider .1
, strong prUaa lucie case sgalnsl Mr. Parnell made
out. All thc Hi.me Bale |sipers are cnnliilent that
the letters on -ivliiijh this prim 1 facie cns., rests iire
j forged. Mr. Parnell's statom-nt in the Mouse of
' (1 ni mons convinces, so fur as I can see only those
! ulm iv.re convinced before. His d'-nmls covered
the whole ground Hs spoke coldly anel con
-Ttnptuously amie] silence hardly broken except by
lr;si) cheers. The- Liberals observed In the iimse
! an attitude of reserve which they certainly elo not
in private or i;i th- Glaelstonian pr.-ss. Mr. Par?
nell's speech was Ihe result of n conference with
lils English allies, who profess entire confidence in
l his innocence.
"The Tim's" retorts upon bia this morning
with two long articles, aad Bakes Its points sharply
enough. Mr. Pat ac ll based his denial in part upon
j the theory thal Mr. Iv/an's letfr to Carey was nd*
t mtttcdly found by the police in Carey's hons.-, ami
I Mi-it polios evidence is worthless. No, says his pty
I easer, that was nut alleged and is not admitted. Mr.
Parnell says that his- Detr K."l"ttcr about** aakiag
it hoi for Forster," is alleged to be In the band
writine ..f his Beeretary, Mr. Campbell It was
uni so alleged, ansarera "Thc Tunes": the ah. r
ney-co nenil expressly said thnt be die] not knew
whose handwriting it was. Mr. Parnell toM the
House that lie luiil li.iii two days in court, itadj
to give evidence. Yes. replies " The Times," you
were lhere on a subpoena, anel would have had to
go to jail if you lind not obeyed the summons of
Hi- court. " 'Ihe signature to the facsimile letter.-'
says Mr. Parnell, "is one I lind not used sin. e
1879." "But you told the- House last year."
cries "The 'limes,'' "that, that signature was an |
audacious fabrication, containing only two letters
iv'iich hore any "resemblance to any letters in your
own signature!" And " The Times' winds up with
a fresh challenge to Mr. Parnell to bring an action
for libel Other Unionist journals think that in
no other way cnn the issue Le fairly tried.
You may judge of tlie heat generated hy this
controversy from Mr. T. P. O'Connor's remarks
hist evening. Nobody would think of calline; Mr.
O'Connor, to use an expression which this trial his
made classical, mealy-mouthed, even in ordinary
matters. Ile now observes that Sir Henry James
told a elclihernte falsohooel in court, in order to gain
an advantage over his political opponents; that
the Attorncy-CJciiowl. who is the hind of the Eng?
lish har, wns guilty of a scandalous violntion
of all the decencies and of all the traditions of
his profession: and thnt Mr. Walter, tlie pro?
prietor of " The Time s," uses the foulest, weapons
ever employed s^nce?note tlie phrase? siijec thc
ivi-11-mcnU-el death nf Titus Oat.s. Yat I think
that. Sir Henry .Janies continues to practise in
court, the Attorney-General is still Attorney
General, and " Ihe Times*' came out tins morning
ns usual.
" The Daily News" this morning follows Mr.
O'Connor's lead, anel pronounces tho charges neninst
Mr. I'arnrll absurd anel thc documents produced in
support of them mere rubbish. Then this zealous
advocate iiaehargea it*, whole armory of adjectives
on Mr. Walter and the Atturney-t', nenil. It ac?
cuses tlie 1 n11*-? r of Using his position as a menitier
nf thc Ooverhmeht to obtain ofheial Information
for the purposes of his private practice, of bring'
11?or silly and In-aaoua charges, and nf Basking
defamatory aspers-oas of iho ems-e-st kind, which
he declined to support in any way. and concludes:
" It is he, not Mr. Parnell, who stands upon his
Tlie- jiidjrment of the English public, like that
of the pres--, follows to some extent party Inns.
but is among impartial men?if such the-re bc?
hehl in suspense; nor will it bc determined by
nn-re violence on cither side.
Anxiety about Mr. Stanley is once more quick?
ened by a statement imputed to Zobehl Pioi.ii
Zobehr, who tanowh all about ihe Soudan, thinks
that the White Pacha is not Mr. Stanley, bul Or.
Emin. The military authorities at Suakim and
Cairn, however, still say it is Mr. Stanley who is
marching <>n Khartoum.
The relations of women to publics ptow closer
and chiser. Thc Primrose League provoked thc
foundation of the- Women's Liberal Federation for
Qladstonlan missionary work, and that in turn has
given risc to the Women's Liberal-UniO-ist Assn
e'iatiem, which starts into Iwing under the roof
nf that wonderliil nnd admirable relic of an
earlier generation, the Dowager Lady Stanley, of
Alderney. The Duke of Argyll maele a speech;
Mr. Chamberlain, whose gout, is better, sent, an
approving letter, nnd Mrs. Fawcett spoke. The
new league seems fairly launched, anel nviro fair
linge-rs are to dabble in the dirty watd nf
Lady Salisbury's second Foreign Office parry,
given on Wednesday, is said to hnve been the
least brilliant ever known in those great rooms.
No royalties were among the guests; court mourn?
ing still in a stan*' too strict to allow of their
presence. The two kinfolk nf the Qaeeu who are
suppos-d to have been granted some sort, of dis?
pensation for social purposes are Princess Mary
and the Duke of Cambridge. Tiny are to be seen
in the world, but. even they were' not nt tlie
Foreign Oflice party. 'I his assembly was given
to soothe lin* feelings of the humbler
politicians for whom no room was funnel
nt tin' liist. A consolation party is what peo?
ple e:ill it. Lidy Salisbury, whose command of
idiomatic English is considerable, calls it a wash
up. Many _lp.oniat.8ts, however, pm in an np?
pearanee, th.- smart world was not wholly ab?
sent, but there WM a moment when some of
the rooms seemed nearly half lull. There were
bishops, loo. There arc few places in Lonelon
this week where there ure no bishops.
America has contributed her share to the Eng?
lish gayeties of thc week. Mrs. Mackay gnve
ii party on Thursday and Mrs. Parkinson Sharp
a crowded ball last night in Mace dato. These
are- in addition to thc fourth of July festivities
already chronicled. The English, too, celebrated
Hie Fourth, pcrhairs without knowing it. Lidv
Salisbury's party was mi th" Fourth, so wai
Lull- Listowci's very smart, ball, and so was
Hu- afternoon drum at Lowther Lodge, perhaps
the most picturesque house in London.
Me.uniing is dying out. Some of the smartest
Women iii London bau- revolted against, the
effort ol the Cenirt |*erty to prolong general mourn?
ing, iind npiM-ar in colors.
Next week opens with a sensation. Mrs
Henry Oppsah-ln gives on Monday the hall
post[n.ned by tho Euiperor's death, and the Duke
and Duchess of Marlborough are expected to
1* present.
A new form of silver wedding bas been dis?
covered. Mr. Clement Scott celebrate*. this
month the lt-_ nnniversriry of his conncetion
with what he sonorously ealM thc dramulie.
department nf piurnnlism. Ile hus l-m writing
criticisms on plays ami players nil through this
QUaitM of a century. It strikes one ns odd 'hat
lt should be theatre managers who cline him in
recognition of his efforts for thc* wclfsrc and
advancement of the modern stage, but they do;
nnd whoever gives thc dinner, Mr. Scott's criticol
abilities, knowledge aud rcmarkabls power of
writing deserve more praise than they nre likely
tc gst
Mr. Lowell is much hetter. He is able to sit
up and even walks a little.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen have sent, out invi?
tations for a garden pnrty this afternoon at. Hollis
Hill to meet Mr. (Hailstone. This, I believe, is
one of those occasions where Hume-Kulcrs only
ure asked. Fnlikely weather is truly British,
nnd fair to rainy is the best the clerk of the
weather cnn be got to predict.
Little Ilofmann will not, snys n musical writer,
oppenr aplin in public this year. It may V>e in?
ferred, adels he, that, the boy is recovering hut
slowly from the effects of his American trip.
G. W. S.
? IN' (lOOD HIAt.TH AND srifUTS.
I-onelon. July 7.?Robert Garret), of Baltimore,
?with his wlfo anil his sister-in-law. BOSS Trick. BaflM
from Liverpool on the steamer I'mbrla for New-York
lo dav. l'rcvlous to bis departure Slr. Garrett, In
an Interview, said :
" Hy lit BB to the rrrtteel stales la occasioned hy
niv bother'* amldcn death. I Intended tu spend Iho
remainder of the Hummer In Europe and to return
to nu- home In October. I find, however, that lt ls
now imperative that 1 return to Ifeltlmore for a few
days to settle my l.rot!i'-r's private atfalrs.''
In reference to hi. trip around Hie world. Mr.
Garrett ial:l that lt had lieen a Ihomu-hlv enjoyable,
one. Ile left the I'nlteii State* nearly a vcar sro
with Impaired health and siitTerlne from overwork.
He Iud enjoyed cverv moment of lils lourney. The*
ti lp had completely resiore.1 to Lite Ids Usual health.
Mi- Carron'* ap-earanoe fully confirm* the state?
ment Ihat Jie li .-njiillll- gnni health. lils eye'- SM
bri sh I and clear, ami he walks with a firm and
elastic tread Ile ls the picture nf health, aud lila
mind la fivo fruin care and a:iiiov:iiic.-s.
lie ?ald Hiat tho railway situation In America Vari
a subject that at present hr.- did not caro tn dtscuss.
lie had riven tho ojaestfon only passing notice dur
lue ld" trip. ,i 1 he altai Intend to ti?U ? up any kliul
of general tu tess natl] lat- in tba fail. Hts pian
is tn di ii-iid to vlut private business h" ls com peile 1
to trams** In Baltimore and thou le rass .the re
malniler ol Hie tnunmn nt some watering plat a on
the New-Kn gland coast?exactly where he hs** not
yet decided.
Loodon, July 7.?A crowd assembled In Trafalgar I
Square this afternoon with the Intention ot holding
a meeting. A strong force of polio tiled tn brest
up tho gathering. Slr Charle-, Warren, the Chlet eif
Pille ?. Instructed them lo keep thc* crowd niovtiir.'.
but to make no Streets. IB accordance with hs
Instructions Messrs. Saunders snd Co ny bc ar** were
BllOWed to make speeches. The aa eiiil.la_r> also
succeeded In passing resolutions denouncing Mr.
BaUoar, Chief (secretary for Ireland. scrimmage*
occuri-ed constantly duliig these proceed inf.-. and
flnal'y Hie polic- lost their temper and charred and |
dispersed tho mob. making a number of arrests.
repillBspa. .tuly 7,-.\t thc conference on political
eronomv here a, resolution wns passed urging the esv
takliakaeat of a customs union between Denmark and
Norway amt Sweden, and rrrpic*t1nn that the Cnvern
ments appoint a commission to arntr.pe Ike details of
thc project.
Havre, July 7.?The steamer Ville, de Itrcst, belong?
ing to the General Transatlantic Company, ran Into
and .-auk the steamer ('harli's Quint, of the same
company. Thc raiitaln ol thc Quint and four of her
crew were drowned.
London. Julv 7.-An Irish demonstration was held
In Glasgow to day to preitest against tbe Imprisonment
of John Dillon. Michael Davitt, one of the speakers,
ekaUeaeed Attorney emeral webster to try Mr,
Parnell if the ia**- sflcsra nf the Crows believed bim
guilty of the grave Climes alleged against him. He
deelsred that tbe fJnvermnriii were false to their
oaths, recreant to their ilutlei and traitors to Kngllsh
law lt they did not pul himself and Mr. Parnell In the
Paris. July 7.-The C-BSCrvsttVS newspapers de?
nounce the islsure of ike tetter of the count of Parts
to Um i'e.|i?ervatlve mayors of I'la.-.ce as sn Illegal
set. The Republican Jnunials ekarseterlss 'be let
Icn as ^editions and rldienlous. M:ir.\ rf them con?
dom* Ike setsais and 'av lt was a clumsy SWSS
ure on the part of the poora
liondon, July 7.?The n turns Issued by th? P.oard
of Traele, she.iv that the Imports for .lune Increased
S,B_0,000 pounds as eOSBpsred rttth 'he same month
last year and that the expor's Increased 1,720,Ooo
as eomparoel with June ol (sst year.
Providence, k. i., july 7 (Special).?Wkea Pitcher,
Ike defaulting teller of Ike t'nlon IlatiU. decided to
rob Ihe safes, he planned le tal;e neb a lat pc sum of
inone-y and securities a. ii mild Stipple ike rtistltuflon
and niali'i* them ea^er to compnunise with him nn lils
own terms and Rive him Itmiunlty from punishment.
Tkerefore he put nearly f7oo,000 wort- of sieiirliles
nut of his possession as soon as possible, and when he
was arrested In Canada he hail only about iSiri.OOO In
cash and letters Bl credit with him. Th" bank authni i
tlcs iierc pu7.tlcel aa lo Hie whereabouts of their
missing paper-. Pitcher bas kept np a bolel front at
Ike preliminary hearing at Montreal this week, and
has coolly proposed to compromise for ?130,000. Mis
scheme for riches, however, has completely fallen to
the ((round by the discovery of the missing valuables
on the stCBSBOT Parisian, WktCk sailed for Liverpool
fi-e.m Montre-al on thc day Pitcher ii as arrested. The
elcfaultcr hail made* a neat package of the isearltlcfl
and expressed Ikea to ''J. A. Soberls," London. Tkla
was tho name he h.il BSSMaed, and tho police had
cabled'to the F.nplMi police to look out for anything
Bddmird to Rohexts or Pitcher.
All ihe seeutitles were re-overed, and are now on
their nay to this country. Pitcher, th-nfoe-. has lost
everything, and after his Iniurli-oiiniont In c ansds,
which seems inevitable, he win be extradited (or tor
ge-ry arid have to snswer to the Rhode Uland law fur
that cnine. _
Montreal, July 7.?At a preliminary examination
Into the rhai'iro against Charles Pitcher, lan* teller
of the Cnlon Rank lu Providence, J. C. Johnson,
-SSkJer of the bank, deposed to leaving money sad
si-rurltl'-a all right in 'he bank vault saturday night,
and wkea lu* returned Monday murnini*, be found the
vault bael beep tampered ul'h and all Bttoej and
s.-curllles stolen. Ile produced a letter which the at
cuscd man bad wilden t.. hi* lawyer. S. S. I.lphatn. nf
Providence, asking him lo buy Ike securities f .r him,
ami to see the directors ol tho bank and compromise'
the matter fur sfl.'.o.ocK).
Kimba. July 7 (Special).-The people of tho eiulet
village of I'.-nn Van. Vales County, wen* startled
this morning bp Iks report eif ike death of Markos
W. Itarroii. a fireman of the vlllaee. Harrnn kept a
llrjuor shop, wa*. Bingle, twenty-eight ie*ais aM soil lived
Will his parents and OOCBBled a room on Ihe third
lOOr. He went to his room last night about ll
o'clock and at 2 o'clock this murnini: he was found
on the pavement with bl* I v*k broken and otheru.se
so badly Injured tua' he died In a tow minutes, lt
l> tbou-ht lu t>e a case of somnambulism.
Carlisle, IVi.n.. July 7 (Special). ?At Hunter's- Rob,
near this city today, a sambar of milkmen wcr*
? I In diggtag a "drift" In the Crane lum I BOB
pant's ore bank, when lt caved In, bur*, lng several
workmen in the debris and killing Poster Past
Instantly. The otken eseaped with -light Injin).
The Coroner'* jury In the BBS! of the rt. uh ..( ( ..natsahle
Thuin** Wood*, of Mount Vernon, hi* brought. In * v*nll.-t
?hl.h de. lire* ibSS Wonda came ut hla rle.th hr I cun
idiot wr.imet Inflicted by Friiis Edward Dr.iuer -Uh In
lent tn kill, while Woori* wi* enrleavnrlns to dlscbltse hi*
iutjr la in of_r*er et Ihe iiw. The \,\tj *|*n lind* t^.it
Mrs. Harbin Brnuty Interfered with th* ottlcer In che
pfirlsrmit.ee r.f hi* duty. _
Ti.- BMsklra gsiiss srrsssja| m_\ jiinKh.m. bBbs
Fsnny >I..rpsn, tt Sn. 116 bouih Bilton plsce. ye.tepUr.
uj^ii * eh?r_8 of bre?klnt out of th* nullity Jill lt Nor
Wlch, Cnn., li*l month. Shsrlff *r"rsn_ H.iwkln*. of
Bew-Iyuulf.il. ha* *-<-ure<l reQuliltion lisper* from Cloy
ernor I^ounibury, e.f c'ounecileut, fsr hi r trinafer from
Uils Shu-, md will forward th?m lo Drooklr-. Ths
woman *?ya thai tha tongi the PHI door open aad simply
waUod sway. i
Ji UK Ll N GT01S U Y _S AMI ll', US.
.Trill V trilSO.N* NOT A P.BBMAB.
Chicago, July 7- \ dispatch fmm Aurora, 111.,
says: "The excitement over the arrest of engineers
for complicity in the supposed dynamite plot had some?
what sub-Hed la-t evening, when lt was renewed nv
the arrest of Ale*;anrler Smith, one of the striking
firemen. Deputy I'tilled stnii-s Marshal Hurcharel has
In hi-; possession warrants for the airest of three other
persons. Superlntctident Pico ls here. He ls char?
tered In his private ia: near Ihe depot, awl pei-son
ally mpsrtateads the arrest of tho supposed dyna?
miter*. He said, however, that there would be
startling developments within a, few days. The yard
and depot property are thickly patrolled bj Pinkerton
men, anil company employes and all strangers are
closely looked after. It ls generally thought
here that Wilson, who was arrested on Wednesday
with Hmdcrlrfc. anti Howies, ls a Pinkerton
de'teeiive who hail Jolnet the Iirotherhood for tho
pul j/o<e nf getting iptn their aclieme."
A dUpaii-h fiom Terre BtStttO, Ind., sivs: "('.rand
Master 1 "i anU P. Sargent, of the Iirotherhood of Loco?
motive Firemen, was seen at tho lr adrpiaiters of the
SrdOT here Inst night, preparing tn start to (Joorgia.
He tars: 'I will -ay. In the most emphatic meaning of
the words, that the Iirotherhood condemns nil aoK of
liolence. We believed '.ve wein rubi In cjuit'lllg tho
Barilagton'l employ, but thc Iirotherhood does not
bellen th.n iis.df, or its members, had any right to
Interfere with the running of Hains, or to commit.
any depredations on tl;" company's property. As to
Wilson, the Kroman arrested, 1 have looked through our
brinks and can find no such name on record, that ls no
.lohn C. WiNoii. a. gives In tho dispatches. I do not
a adel Si sad how lt happens thal tkeSS ui'-n have been
af work for Ike Bullington Stace the strike hogan In
Ke'r.iMsii v. as it Is declared they have hoon, and Mr.
Stone ought, not ls BS-O the chaine pp does sf-lnsl
the ntllclals of tho order unless be his proof to bai-k lt
up v ,ih. Ihe official-, are all eonservstlVS and oppeiso
ami eondsau mites] BMosarei of any Un I."'
Qsasral Manager Stone say, that on April 10, Mr.
Ilo-re, tho chairman of the* C'rlevaiioe Commit-too, Is?
sued a circular to Ike ciuel engineer! of a number of
divisions of the BSOtksrkOOd of Locomotive Engineers,
reading ac follws:
Tha C-iSSf-, Iliirllngtun snd Quincy ha* only pot
about, BBS) hslf of the) men prior to tho strike. They
fi .lill shout, 400 to bOO more engineers. W.- have do.
i|.|."l to call so rou to furnish op.- or two nun from your
dlilsi..n. Wa i\IIl ask tho same ot all divisions through?
out, the country to como and apply fnr sltuaclons on tho
" Q-1 under assumed name*. Bad, as sm.n ns thor get io
work, to correspond with John Sowers, National Hotel,
Chicago, for Inst merlons. The ohject ls to disal/Ie engines
In Bessy way they cnn, and, on a given day, to quit work
In a body after receiving instiuctlons from us. Tho
company 1* on i'i* last leg, and, hy this m.'ins, we pro
pop., to take tho other. We don't nant any of them to rome
BOIS, I.ut '<) BWkS application* al the following point*:
Aurora, 0 sleety lg. Burlington, Creston, riaitsmouth,
Lincoln anl MsOssk, Be very careful whom you select
to r.:no, men that, don't, talk too much, or who aro In the
habit of drinking. Supply them with plenty of sal soda
sud emery. Have th"m get leave of absents for thirty
or moro days.
P. E.?Piesse don't let thi* outside except within
yourselves aird those you *o'.r>ct to come, please answer
on receipt, of thia.
Mr. Stone explained that the 6al srda was to be put
Into tho tani's of the engines so that the water, on
being pumped frio thc buller, would ?"fossa," so as
tn prevent the engine fruin getting div itesm, and
ma-f it impossible for lt to proceed, aud lo cause
tho buming of the ciown skeets if tr,.- lire boxes.
The emery was to be thrown onto tke bearing sur?
faces of different parts of the machinery, causing the
bearings lo mn bot or even to raia them.
i hallinan Huge denies emphaik ally that, he sent
ont rack a circular a* that described by General
Manager Stone Ile says ihat If his name Is attached
to ir ii is u tottery.
" Mi-. Stone says,'' said tho reporter, " that dyna?
mite w?w iaiion from your room In the ('rand Pacific
in May bj Bowles f*
- lt mai ho.- replied Hoge. "Tho room was always
Crowded during tkose times and dynamite or any?
thing vise aright have been carried In and out ami
sever attract any attention."
lui evening everything pointed to a number of ad?
ditional arrests ol nen lor complicity in the dynamite
plot. Thc prisoner Smith ?;i* not brough) before
i ommlssloncr Hoyne. Deputy Marshal Durchaid,
whu made the arrest, did not report tu Marshal Marsh
i...|.i>. II len Ml. Marsh vhs s.-.i>e.l why r-iulth WM
nol promptly brough) before Ur. Hoyne, he replied
that Hp- prisoner was looking for hail. It la mote
pi..1.ahie thst he was In tl.swear Lox." at the Pink?
erton ai'-ney, since early this morning, and his re?
vealed ihe v. hole plot ami given the Baines of all con?
nected with lt.
It w-i- rumored around the Government building
ibu afternoon thal Marshal Harsh himself would go
out to Aurora and pcisnnallv dln'ot the rapture of
tho la;t bardi of Ihe alleged dynamiters. Marshal
Marsh wai asked whether any ** big game" was In sight
an.I he ssiid .
?? I am not at. liberty to talk of what mav happen.
Tln-t-e aro things behind .ill this that cannot be mado
public al this time."
it was rurrenl rumor to dav that <nmo prominent
railroad mon would probably be found abetting the
smilers, but Paul Morton and Marshal Marsh both said
tlii-ie wa? nothing lu lt.
?? When Iho defendants are brought up tor examina?
tion, we "lil be then* lo meei tke charges made
against them," Daniel Donohoe, attorney tor the ai
lejDNl Burlington dynamiters, sahl this afternoon.
?** Until thci.." lu* continued, ''ive are not bothering
much over any Irresponsible statement., thal sn
marie, ami uhon the eases do come we hope t.. i .?
able IO show wiri the fourth man was whom no one
seems to have been able to Identify. Have you been
able tu fl ml thar fourth man yeti When you meet
him yiiii mav sol bs very far eitf from the man who
placed the dynamite m the car"
" What re-iily have jroa to malic to Mr. Stone's
statements about tho facts in his possession lu connec?
tion with Hu* doings of these defendantsT"
?*c*h, that statement ls sill poppy cock. It ls made
for thc purpose of prejudicing the public against tho
llrofherhr..d. How ls lt that Mr. stone ha*, become so
communicative all of a sudden ' Mr. Stone makes a
point that Rowles was reeslVing ltreitheihood funds
thiough r.aure|snr. Of rour-e he was. So wei*" all
the Iirotherhood engineers In that division. The
Rrothorhond never tried to make any secret of that.
Then, t_- to the numernUR explosions, how l? lt that
nothing was over hea*-l of them till now I We claim
lt |a a rut-up job aa the part of a lot e.f hungry do
Clovclatd, Jnlr 7.?( uiiccrnCng the statement tele?
graphed from Phll-iMphia that the several labor
organise!tons of America would onn-soiiriato, Assistant
chief Engineer ingraham. of Ihe Locomotive En?
gineers' Iirotherhood says: "The Iirotherhood of
LoeossoMve Engineers wlB stand upon Its nv. ii
strength sad will eoasolMate with no either organiza?
tion. Nu such step has ever been Contemplated by us.
I kBOW nothing about tke Intentions of e.titer unions."
Chief Arthur, when aske*el aliout thc threatened
strike on tbs Bast -baaossee, virginia and Georgia
Ballroad, sahl: "The ststemen) thal the Urlevsnee
Committee reported against th.* reinstatement of Mono*
han ls wrong. The r;Hex ance C-mmltt-S lrii-isilgsit.il
?liff case and sustained Monahan and reported In favor
of tis retnstatesBsat, Tin* language used by Mobo*
havi was hardly, in my opinion. Insulting, and his re?
ply to Trainmaster (jarrett was provoaed ny (Jarrett
Hist using language unbecoming tn a gentleman In
?peaking to Mcmahan. Tbs iiiinounci'iiii-iit that a
-nil.i* i- imniiiu'iii is premature. Second vic presi?
dent rink has been lefegruhed to, and l am waiting
to hear his reply before railing anv action, but I will
say that ii..* rights of our men, when we find after
Investigation Ikey have been aronfod, win b* ,uv
taltu-sl at all ha/iinU."
lill' ciiiAND inion of LABOI OBOAHIXATTOXB,
PlUskarg, July 7 (Special).?Plttsbarg labor leaders
know nothing about tho proposed union of jil IsbOf
orgaatsatlona m-mtinneit in a Philadelphia telegram
Editor John riaiin'-ry. of "The Traaes*i Journal,"
said that Ike i I gDOd om-. William Bethe,
pr.-st.ie; i of ike Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Meei Borkers, bael hoard unthill- of th.* plan, and
wa* son-committal on Iks nuns tins e.f it-, rslue to
Hu* wage wei her. Idltor .lohn Kally, of "The I om
nioner and eilass Worker." dui not be-lleve the story, ami
contended Ihat Ihe 1'i-dcra. Inn of Labor would con?
tinue tu al. i.ib trail.-- unions, and that beiili the
Federation and the Knights of Labor would increase
and Improve,
- ?
Master Worksian Quinn yestctelay formally sus
pondcel local Assembly No fi,707 for two weeks.
This assembly headed by Worthy Foreman Phillp J.
Met'.rath refused admission to Mr. Quinn last June
snd preferred ehsrges attaint him of violating rule*.
These charge's wen) declared without fi'imlatlon by
(icneral Mauler Workman PoW-Crty and a decision
was rcneleread accordingly by Ike l-'.xeciitlve Ikiard,
In Philadelphia two weeks ago. The declilon ls lo
In* fotwierly i?._d st Hie nicetlng of D. A. 4u In
Pythagoras Hall today
Portland, Ore.. July 7.?William Landleth was hanged
yesterday at Dallas, Oregon, for tho murder of his
step-daughter, Biinmlo Kills Antic. Tha murder
iccullar atrocity.
General Sheridan in nil proh.ibilify will have
arrived ut Nonquit hy the tim:1 this morning's
Tf-um'NF. reailns the linnets of most of its renders.
Kear-Aelminil (J horn rd i called nt, the Swatara in
Ins now stejim lnuncti shortly after she anchored
OB Friday. Commander anet iowan invited him to
come ahoaril, hut lie* contented himself with ask?
ing about. General Sheridan's health. Captain
McGowan tole! him thnt. he was doini,' well.
" If I cannot he of any immediate aid to the
distinguished soldier in your can*,'1 said the
Aelmira!. " I would like to hnve the honor of
tiring thc first salute for him as (icneral."
" All right," was thc reply. " If thc doctors
cons-nt. to a cannonading I will inform you by
hoisting a flag as I puss tbs Navy Yard."'
Tlie physicians, however, cliel not deem
it wise to have a salute, nnd the Swat.ira
quietly loft her snug anchorage off lk-dloiv's
Islainl at 7 :!.") yesterday morning. She was taken
in tow by thc Navy Yard tug Nina, passed the
Barfs Oflice, where she was scrutinized by many
Carious eyes, anel proceeded slowly up the East
River. Qeaetal Schofield sent over thc* Govern
mont boat Atlantic from Governor's Island, with
I.ii'iitenant. Sawyer, his aide, aboard, just before
the Sivatara. Bailed, to get the latest news about
<ii Bera] Sherill*, n's condition. It. was lea meei from
the ofBeeiS thal the prospects were still encourag?
ing, that the General had slept well, anel was bet?
ter. Thc following balletia was sent bf l?r. Rob?
ert M. O'Reilly nnd Dr. Henry C. Yarrow to Gen?
eral Se ls ofield and by him mach' public:
7 :f!0 n. m.-fieneral Sherldon passed a gSSd night, sleep?
ing Mundly and iiiituinlly for a grent, part Bf the time.
Ills pula.' and respiration are good and there ls mi nrturn
of any nnf-vuriblu arn.pr.im*.
The General's voyage has undoubtedly been of
grout, benefit to him, and the testimony of his phy?
sicians gad the hopeful attitude of the friends in
attendance on him seems to give good ground for
the expectation that his perfect recovery is now
only a mattes eif days.
After the Sivatara has finished her duty In
connection with to-' transfer of General Sheridan
to Nonquit, she will return to the Brooklyn Navy
Yard to be put in condition for duty as Bag-ship
of tho South Atlantic Squadron. Sin* is to have
her bottom cleaned, anel after a survey to ascertain
hon- serious are tho reported leaks to tin* vessel, she
will in: thoroughly repaired.
New London, Inly T.?Tbe following bulletin, sinned
by Ceneral Sheridan's physicians, was baaed at 7
p. m.:
Th<* sn .itara anchored here it fl. p. m., after a run Bf
two hours from New-York. Genera Sheri.Lin continue* to
do well, ha* ikewa no unfavorahle symptom*, and ls av
paren'ly not at all fiitieu-l By tba taft journey. If
the pondi BOBS continue favorable the Sivatara will reach
Nonsuit to-morrow, snd tho Bcoetsl will disembark directly
on her arrival.
New-Bedford, Mass., July 7 (Special).-Tbe Sivatara
having left Now-York this morn!nc for Nonquit. I- or
peeled to cover the distance of l-o miles by to-morrow
morning af tho latest. For soieral days people from
neighboring villages, who could not obtain news of the
whereabouts of the Swatara, havo visited Non.j-.iit to
pot a glimpse of lieneral Sheridan, but have hail to bo
satisfied with a p-*op at his cottage and chil'li-en. Ills
cottage ls. large, well 'lighted, airy, and being situated
on a lower avenue with large grses plots on all four
sides, has nothing to obstruct the cool and Invigorating
breezes which conn* from r.ur./.aid's bay. Holli the
General's sleeping room and tbe room In which bs
will spend most ot his time afford a most excellent
view of the bay. Indeed, MOrjthlag ls tlxed for
health and comfort. rogardle-iK of expense.
Tbe Sivatara will drop anchor off fruin shore oppev
site the OOM St's eotlagS, aad ?? steam launch will
convey the dtstlngul-hod patient to a littlo ivha:f.
whence h>> will be born* bj lovers! tallon the res) ..f
tho distance to thc house. Colonel Kellogg1 is staying
ai the hotel, and probably the doctors Brill Join aim,
willie tho rest of the party will stay at tho QCBOral'a
Chlcaro, July 7 (Special!?Two boys, the elder
thirteen and the younger tea, had a tri luz experience
on Lake Michigan on .luly .'J aird 4. The boys, Gerald
and leslie Mahoney, live at Lakeside, a little rillsge
eighteen miles north of Chicago. They brui always
boon In thc habit of playing along the beach. On
the morning of July .'1 they went down to the beach
and pu on I nani a little rafi which tbtj ha'l bulli.
Their experience after the launch of their little orn'f
i- i"--i told in young Geratd'i own words:
"lt was nice at first, aid we didn't nuilee that wo
wero drifting aw-iy from short*. I saw after ne
were cut a long time that wo couldn't get beek, but
I didn't say so lo Leslie for foar that lt would malic
him fcl bad. I.nts of pleasure boats passed In and
I shouted to ftietn to talie us aboard. Some didn't
hoar us but others did, anel they only langbrd amt
wouldn't stop. I think lt was about I o'clock In the
afternoon when I put a white handkerchief on a
paeldlo ard held lt up In the hope that come vessel
would take us In tow. Wc wero then about twn
milos or so from shore. What to do I scarcely
kr.ew, but I kept up my spirits and determined thal
we wouldn't drown. I wai only afralel wo might
starvo to eleath. unless! some one came to our rescue.
Leslie and I paddled along until dark, ami then we
became satisfied that wo were* In ferr all night, I
wai anxious about mother and the children. leslie,
hail nothing on but bis knee pants, cotton shirt, waist
and shoes and stockings. Ills face, hand and legs
wcro all sunburnt, but he dleln't complain. Ile Just
ho;,t nu paddling along like mys If.
"Our greatest trials cann* with the storm. The
lalio grew dark and tho waters commenced to roll
when the wind bogan to blow. Tbs waves washed
over our raft, and sometimes wc WOSld ride through
thom and l.o severed with water, i tobi Lsslle ta
hold on to the bnarda. Belora Bte rain began to come
ib.wn lt COtamenCQd to lightning and we eOUld see
iiiH-ie we ware. Bal seary flash blinded sm and then
i bad to feel sroaad hw Lsslle. when i eoahln'l
feel him I called, and Lc ivnuld answer: 'I am here.'
li iras worse wlrn ths rain begun. lt came down io
hard that at r.rst I thought lt was hail. Lsslle hnd
lost his paddle, bal I urged him to heep ,. tight hold
and be Cheerful. IbS Storm seemed as though lt
would sever end. Tho isa waa running rough, and
erne wave would lift ns and we'd be driven through
another In Ho trough. We felt v.("<:; and hungry.
Leslie wis getting weaker ali lae <ime and grew
nighty, i'i- iiiy the rain Mopped aad the laka be?
came online;-. Then Leslie fell Bstoefl Ile WM
chilled through, i tooh ths paddle in ny te'th. sad
unfastening any rout laid lt over him. De was tai lng
In his slo.p. talking shoat hume a:nl SUSI BM and
Jerome. Thal Bade ate feel worse, bal it gav ms
mop* strength anil coning.'. Just then a lag apr Sled
timing a rossel toward Chicago, wv were si the
mercy eif the Wind and the lake, and I saw ihit the
tug w:'s coming lir.'ht for ns. Tin- iky grew dark
Bgala and the lightning (lashed. I put up Ihe hand
kercbtef on mv paddie and eoauaeaeed lo yell. A
flash Of lightning come, and I knew the people saw
n. but wouldn't stop, i wa* wns!,e.i off the rall
once and stayed In tho water fur some time. My lips
eommeneed t.. bleed and great lumps came sal eu*,
my ghost. My Emt swelled ami aches] fearfully. At
l?st. lu pure exhaustion, I foll a>locp.
- wiii-n i sweke it wm daybreak. Ws were entirely
out of -lght of land, bur I knew where land lay. iind
i eoauaeaeed lo paddie for tbs ibsra At io o'clock
I lamled at Lake Forest.'
Prom Hero the burs walked to Highland Park,
S distance of four or live tulles, and then took tho
train lo their home. The people Ol Lakeside tay that
the mother and brother and sisters of the boys nero
nearly frantic sll thal dreadful night. Mrs. Mahoney
Stayed eui the labu shore during all that fearful storm.
Nashville, Tenn./ July tV-A dispatch to "The
Amcrlcan?-from Ilondciwoii, Kv.. sa\ s : " Loton Bryan,
s negro, ago sixteen, stabbed Kiley Hancock, white,
ugo nineteen, today and killel him near Smith'* Mills.
l-MS ii'-n started to Henel'ison with Lr.ian, and Just
at dark were In the outskirts of the town uh" n over?
taken by fifty masked mee, who drove lirysn's guilds
off snd hanged the murderer lo the ni>_ret?t tree.
Newport, B. I., July 7.-Mayor l"owell Laural sn
order this morning fnrbldding the sale of Sunday pa?
pers hore iffier IO _. m. The action ls the u.uit of
coaipl-lut* by the church authorities. ^
Ililli I lui 1 '*' .'Ul, .UvuiUiV,
Khinebeck, July 7.? Rhlneheek gave Itself a
holidnj yesterday nnd abandonotl Itself to decorous
enthusiasm as becomes an nncient and eminently
respectable town that is accustomed to talcing
things easy. Rliim-lu cir. was curly astir, beelecked
itself willi Hans anel streamers, put on its hoiiday
apiuirc! and leisurely prcjiarcd itself to receive tho
delc<iratos from the Ilopublican National Convert.
tion who were coininja; from Now-York to officially
inform Mr. Morton that, the It>publiean party had1
chosen him to Ik- its canelidatc for the Vice-Presl.
doney. As Mr. Me.rti.n Ines in Khineheck. Rhine.
bash feels that the selection reiioctrt much credit
on itself, and. be sides, I'hinebeck is exceedingly
fond of Mr. Morton.
Hy noon everything was ready, the band had re-*
heired the airs it was to ploy, and the flairs and
streamers Haunted jrayly in the breeze. Khinchccls
felt, well pleased with its appearance. The train
MBItalBh-1 lbs elele-irates arrived shortly after I
o'clock. Tiny were in a s*x*cial car. and had a
dusty riele* from New-York, but looke-d fresh and
spruce when they alighted. The* party ennsisteel
of Judge ML M. Kstce, of California, chairman:
Captain John C. Dougherty, of Tennessee, secre?
tary: LiSfM II. Hoots, ol Arkansas; ConjrTesaman
P. S. Posts of milieus; James* T. Hous?
ton of Indiana; Judire Gi'orjre Derry,
of Kentucky; Andrew Hero, of
Louisiana; S. H. Allen, of Maine; Dr. F. L.
l'ur'en, of Massachusetts; Dr. W. T. Stringer,
of Mississippi; li. S. .Viva!, of Nebraska; H. A.
Potter, of New-Jerssy: C. C. IVarson, of North'
Carolina; Captain Obed Wheeler, of New-York;
Amos Townsend, of Ohio: F. P. Mayo, of Oregon;
Geaaral Praab Beedef, of ivnnsyivania: B-njrv
min M. Bosworth, of Rhedl Island; Edwin H.
Terrell, of Texas; Henry Libby, of Virginia;
Genecal Christ, of Arizona; anel 1'crry C. Carson,
of the District of Columbia. <Icneral Reeder anel
Mr. Potter waga accompanied by their wives.
With the party, hut not as delegates, were W. J.
Arkell, jr.. of " Juel^c'' ; J. A. Sb ichor, of "Tho
Albany Km inn-.' Julimar ; General Cyrus Bussey
and Major M. J. MoLain.
Rliinecliil hasn't tho ajre and neeli^rce of Rhine.
beeb, bat it eiui its little beat to honor the visitors,
anel miistenrl all ihe* American flays it coulrt lay
hands an and stink tbtB ont of windows anel
hoisted tlie m on poles. The station-master, Mr.
I*, ix on, had tlie station gay ly decorated and
displayed portrniu of Harrison and Morton
frame d in red, ivfftto and blue streamers, ami being
SB enthusiastic Republican and not liable to bo
callcel to account for " pernicious activity," he had
rngafed a binni, uiiK.;. gieeted tbs del. vate-, with
the strains of " Hail Columbia" as they alight..!
from tin* tr:iiii. Hm local ci.inniit.te-e. consisting
of George Esse-Btya, Mayor Hewitt, of RhinehecU,
William Bergfa Kip, T. \V. Hates, Ku-enc Wells
sunl Marti- Hrrmsntitt. with hine badges to dis*
tingttish tin tn fr-itn otlier pfffplc from Rhine
boeic, onere il,en- io give the lifters a conbul
greeting oa behalf ot tin- aneieat toora. When
introductions ami bandslaikings ivcre linisheei, tim
local e-eiii.mittie pet the rhotots into ean-bM
iiiui omnibuses, and i'm- ptoct aston started tot
UI111.1 lu i ;?:, seim- turee tui'i s distant.
Those delegates who bad congratulated th'*m
selves at -sst on get-lag mtu aristocratic, ot*-*n
carriages, bi lund stylisn high >te*p; nu norse*, soon
rcgrvtted ihat they had not este.we.i themselves
away in th'- bambler omaibnsee whin aBocded
somo prol lotion fi. in lnai a.ul dust, for th" KM
was b.tli let and eiu.stv. and spirited hors s didn't
e.emt 1.1 anything because the procession hail lt
beep t.._'i:ii'i .mel nobody mulei go laster thea
the sh,mst team. But for the heat and dust it
would ha ic i"-en a pleasent drive ; i... in* view
i> a jr.-:ty one, ,,n one aide affording frequent
glimpses eif the Hodson, and on the other sida
stretches ol hiil and dale teemiag with fertility.
Al all the hoil-i s mi th-- route, which were fi-W
ii tirsi. -aga were displayed, groups of \ Marers
wen ailiered here and there t" eee the proccssioa
-.. by. ami thc young) r people s . tn.-ii disappoiBted
:iiai ;i didn't (iis|isi\ s..nie of the elmracteris-leg
of the circus. At thc toil ol thu lull arbon BhiBO
ii.ek proper begins A*?';? ri's bead, s native pendant*
was stationed, lt set about dispensfog nni-n: nilli
s great ihiil "f ?eal and energy, aad aa ths Qasaa
iion ot melody nobody aaa dispc s. <1 to bc eritie-aL
lt walked at the hoad ol the- procession Lhroa i
the main street, where Bags wara tine-.-.
The procession turned down Mills st, which is
shaded with stately trees, sad the ohaBta from
the hoi glare of the sun to tins leafy canopy was
??*-... odiiu'lv agreeable to the visit..is ami their ev
euri. Mills-st. is an aristocratle attest. On
either side are many line old homesteads, bat
thc ? stand some distance back from thc; street aad
are half-hidden in trees and shrubs. Bal thu
visitors didn't i: ind that, nor did they pay much
attention t.. tin* Hairs snd streemers that could
be soon through rents in th" foliage, llecnusei
the railiaga were lined with Rhinebeck maidens
fair to look upon, and the delegates were- not so
immersed in polities thal tlie*y cuiihl not enjoy
iii* Bpectaele, for at all times "ti pretty face is
a cheering sigbl to Bpt.n
It. was not far donn MilK-st. to the Huntington
mansion, where Mr. Morton ami his family are at
pr.-.seiit, Halag. ThroiiKh a bread, semi-circular
road the carriar_es drove, anel Btappad before the
iviele o*p*n eloors, the tttteg symbol of thc hos?
pitality that reigned within. The hand stationed
itself on the giO-BBWaid in front of the house
and played " Hail Columbia"1 with all its might.
Bareheaded, Mr. Morton -stood at. the foe>t of the
stones to receive his -nests, but. th-y enwdad upon
hi:n .so thick and fiist that tin* introdaotioas had
to I"- po si ;m, ned until tbs noi iii rat ion ccremom. |
ncrc over.
These took place in the drawing-room. Mr.
Morton stood al one omi of tho lon* room. Mrs.
Morton placed herself nt his right haa-L the dele.
^?sit.s ranged l hemal tires aa ens side* of the room
Fronting I hem
?? We have a little oflleial business to perform.**
s.ni.1 Captain Wheeler, "sociabilities to come
later." , _ ,
I his silenced tho buzz of conversation. JjMBt
I'.ste-e. the chairman of th* delegation, rend this
neat little speech:
Mr. Murren: Th" Battens! C invention of the IVduM'.
can pirtv, rsesetly sss-atbted in Chicago, miminited ?* its
rand tate f..-- PrSM-esl timweret if.irrla.iu, and. with eou.4
unaiiinilty, *.'Ii eted you la L* nominee, for Vlce-Pre?4.1>'n_
Itv 1.1.1, i of thal CSP ISO Hen we wen* stipulated a commutes
ru t.t il fy BM tromin.*,'* of their aelectlon. Thia pl'Slant
rl'.uy has BBSS tri psrl PBrtMBSl Bf gtlftsg general Hirrl.
?BB, yeUr BSSSCttB -PBS th-* tl'k.-t, that notlfics'lon. Il
inly NO-daa Be B i<> (Ischarce tho further rliitr eon.
I .ii us hy tliia uftlc'.al notice' t-t you. The country
Bsa Bliesdy pesos- prggsssol spsa your selection, ind il
Bsa vt- sn. h namiissl sstsrevsl that lt l* noir l* ft foi
(fels emin,,ill.'o ti. adi IIS own ex|!-e>al .1. gf their hl-trt S>
I.r.*. I.ii.. ti of foal BBTSaaal gaslMta aa well ia their coifs
I loni-*? in yew Baaaeat lasssa for hm i)o?mon to which
the deliberate juleiu ut of the Conientlon aa.-i-.-ne.t rou.
In rniielual..ii, we Is'lleve thai thi* notification lo you will
m.r I- a ri ris.iie.'l. ss fi.rmil " hut thst your nomlniUoq
Hill r-sult. In a iriumphaiir. Bleel -i.
TUB BOM1MATIOB acc r.iTi*n.
Mr. Moiton n:ni lbs folloA-ini* brief responie:
Mr. Chsilrmaii :i:id O-SBSSB n et th.' Committee: I .ts
pt..'..rn,?'.!;. ?.iis,iii,* .a the Ugh le.nor nhl.-li han boen fen?
ris, n me by IhS National Kepublicin ConventloB
. ni Maries at Oh-N-St -Bi thank you, _entie_M%
(St tin* i-eiirieoua and cunipllriiniiiary u-irii* la which jon
hine ot_ii.Ui- announced my nominal.on aa the cindi
dat,- of t'.e BegWhUsao party for thu Vlec I'rculdency, I
am also deeply nenallile of the honor conferred upon th!
r-Ute of HOW.TeeB in tM *el.*. ;l..n of s i*ltl?en of thll
Sraie aa MS of the stand.rd bearer* In the spproschlng
gSSeafSI BSaS-Sl of tho two uren political parties of th*
country for nu|ira*mai-y snd Koiernm-nt-l control Nsw.
York rvpronent* In a larne dei;me iho buaineaa lntareati
of thea<< ewrgrowlns snd wide aprcsdlng couimunitif- of
vsrled Intereats and Induatrlea, which lt I. the nittalert ot
the lU'publU'in iiartv to foater snd protect The plstform an
wisely adopted at I'tiii-.i-.. ha* thia mission boldly In view,mw
by its inundation of ilea, priiniplc* make* the lssua ot
He* i-omliiK canipaUu clear and dUtinct. I accept th*
poaltlon (.ml. rsl by thc convention, of which you ate Um
honored rt?|ires.-iiutlvi'a, and will. In due lime, addrea* ts
you. Mr. i I.,iluuaii, sn official communication to thst sh
\\ hile the suceoheB were being made Mra Mor?
ton was the observed of all eyes. Dignified, ma*
trimly, symjwthy and inudlfgenee exp-ressed is
her rciiucd features and obvious Bride ia hal