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r* Tho -esagates returned tn Noir-York at o:i\0 full of enthusiasm ami confident of victor)', bul somewhat fatipic- by th- Inn-* rurel dusty ride. Their mission, tn ; t-fntrm which sonic of them had travelled thousaeds ol milos, Mus .*-..p-si. As ii eommliioe ihey bad dis? banded, "?inst ol them trent lo ihe Murray Hill li..'??'. fm ihe night, Intending io st sri f;.r their bome to-eiav or to-morrow to tell everybody what rhariulnsr, .people; tin*.*.- bad fi.(uni tin* Genera] u:.el Mis. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Morton. JUDGE B8TEE-8 FORCIBLE ATftiCMF.NTS. 6i)OVVINli HOM- UKI PLY CAI li "HM*. t< INTlIlKsTKn in a PBOTacnva ta riki*. .1url?o M. M. r.-lr*c nf California. Who *ra? chair nf the Bepubllcan Nattonal (inver1 inn sad whs ls at tho head of Ihe Xotllration Committee that went lo Jl i -beck yeaterday to info m Mr. Morton oflclally nf tis Bstsetlsa as saadMate for Vlee-Preeideat, is a piie ?\ j,? .,{ ibs viperous Western niau. He aaa sa casi-.- ploasor ol California and endured ali the victs s* it tiele-s of pinnc. r li'.*. Ilo ls at tito present time a leayei aa lbs Pnelfls Ceael a*Bb an extensive practice In tho sigher eoarte Tho plainness ami Hreetnoss of his rpeech and manner air noticed by every ono with wheat he eoaaes in eantaet, a'-.ei men naleersaUy lay of hii'i. on olose aorpialnta:ice. he ls '? pur.* pst-." Jaflgs Bstos was askoi yesterday for his (ndgSBeat eoaeetmlag ih.* poUtleal ont-look upon tbs l'scltie Cuasi, and li:imci!latcly leplleil: '? california will pis c IO.chm) majority for Harrison sud Morton a- Barely as ii win 0ve om- majority. Thc Hebel uni cany ovary Pactflc iw-t state. Tbere isn't any sm-e nf question ,.t wavering iiouin shoal lt. The coast will po R-pubUcsa certain. Tba tadd .BOBHos B-To-tB u- ii California above every oller l(.lir,!|.in. '11:0 Mute las le ii growing rapidly In mat.: lal pis,spot it j which lias I.i. n largely prOBBOted By nri.ti-i Hi rs 1H) 111. Wc are lal j; ? prodaeOM nf t-'iasii (wheal anl i-arieii ami the eeo] crop in California is Immerse. An even greater ladastry ls Ko manu Isctore of wilie. While the cinty on wine lg not liim-iioi] Ly Iii.- IIBls lull, lt ls perfectly apparent to grape pewen la california ihat ll tba Mills bill Should poss, lt i> only r-tep towards fi,:tli.-r k tacttoM iviiieh will include wine. Tbe proieni daty on sun alas i- inly :>o eeats per pallon, but it en? ables I,- in give iiur COOMBOO laborers In ihe \lre.Vanls the Btorebouses ?*i a d_y anl boara; tho same class of labor In France receives only tMcniy lour to fony cents per eiay without board. Xbe French lal.iis-r Hires npoa little else Han coarse bread ami teuton nine, while our people arc weil M ami eared f-ir In the most conifmtal.lo uianner. lt ls tbs Preach ure wah vhii'si wo must compete. Of tbs ?-"",? PBQApQQ gallons nf wino inaisuia.tureel annually In l rai.ic, ur., much nf u is aopl Istieated, thai ls, BMde ul dried fruits. They have reduced te a Uno art Ihe B-kklag al inc"" out ol nothing. ? -in california we* ar.* now just sa the stepptaf it-.tie ii. Buecoaa la tbe prodaotloa of ami fruits. 1 ellie-, for an example. In a sr-intrio year (thc Me just lass-di go,000 inns ware planted. Tbere aio 1..-CH) aerea In tbe Mata desoto- to the ealtars nf grapes. Psit!rn arc* ? large pi (..inn wu h n-. Tbs rabis of tbs fruit crop, ni.Hu lacludee apricots, pears, peeel es, ggs, prune i, etc., ls e ilmalod al present prices t.. ssxeafsts abeai i-^000,000 inr ti.o praasnl rear. The ia if ea prunes ls two seats. Oa raislaa i bo? il wc H ls twa and a half cents, rbis ia hut ins-danl to saabls us to ral c praass ami produce dried rahttns at a iirniii. California lt) al..o a great bota\ produ dag sect.on. We* supply a vast anio'.iirt nf tbs borea ssbsBoaad in and out of Assen ea Ail the artleles i hat ? |raine* 1 an* e.;i thc psotected Hst Mew, we ate ss bal-tTri beal tho real of the country that the transportation fmni California lo the market which wi au- obliged to Boob hi tbs ?soot ru port ant factor sith protiuters. Ucnoe, with iib a small prefll moans t greet deal; and if the tann saablas us is secure hat small pi-olit, as it iloc-. you cari undcrstsnd why ne are la savor of tartir. ii la alee te be lakes late ...i-l'icrailon that much of what wc produce hat i B etltle . Irom foreign markets. Thia i* ? ? ,.f pn es, raisins, olive oil, Wlass, boran and other article*. e?:ii people OB lbs ena t ai*o In favor ol protective tarin, in my Judgment. Hil- yew tiuny will be* i:n liles', to vote as their iiitcn.'*ts lie leganlless of old poUtleal prefen aces " -what about the seel oi ths eoustryr *? | deal al-b to sssnaiti to express any idea abeai Kaslcnt politics or the M'uatloii li. lbs Kast. lt has i. . -v.d is. in- bj a greel matty peonlc whom l have ni'-i thai thc BepnbUcen part** srui carry In I'.iana, mA from what I have bearii ami leaned I e'.nti'i think the stateflMUl la 1 thitik Indiana I* certain to s*e> BepubUcan, I have visited .1 New Vi.rh since il.e llcpublicaii convention adjourned, and everywhere I was Informed by it-ailing llepulilicaus ihat at no time- for many sears has the i:i*I*ubl!r-n party boen so united ai it is ai pr.nt lr sir:K'*> dm (bal 1'n'h bare and In tho West, ineeess |j ?.! s.-e't!*iu* oul tho iint'cl n.t.*. Hut l sm assured thad many who voted ?he Deeaoeratk in Sm t a ll he with us in this contest.-' - linn- shoal Ihe Chinese question " "Mo one obieeta hi e..-*.i*sai narrison's riiineae recent aseept Pesaeerals who srouldn'l vets for him artvwav. it ls part of the history of lbs eountry, that fnnn i**f*ei tn th.* presoBl ei**y the Democratic party I _s famre-d even set that would Intiednee Into thia eountry ei..*:ip labor. The Bolld BonUi ?l for .hean laboi aiel alnavs WOO, aiiet tho Solid South ls sll there ls of the Itemotr-ilc parly." husband. She touched a chord of finer feclinR in rho elcletT.tis thou is usualLv si i ivd at poliMCal Btbanng-. Mrs. Morton was dro*se-d in a gown >f ceri! fonh'r.l. brocaded in timires of electric sine elaliiii.irely trimmed in valencdennes lace ? nd drniied over ii -skirt of ecru sillc. luivmn imus ii electric blue velvet m thc bach ami s large baw 81 one side. At her throat sh;* weiro a pm, in tba dupe of a horseshoe with " ^.usi taclr jet In n-amoads in the eontre. This was the only lewellf wuru except some handsome ritiir . ' ?eClM-.ll.lTIl-.:. \rTBB THK Sl'tlilirs After thc speeches o.snv what. Captain Wheeler had termed ? the sociiilihilitii's.'' Ileitis paBM__-_J Bciuitintcd with Mr, nnd Mrs. ICogtoB, Captain Whcihr b| thc rcciuest of Jmim kindly BSCfag-Mi the ceremony of introduction for ouch of Hm visiting doh pates. Thoy oorelinlly m'tctcd Kb Morton, hu* th-.y linjrrcrcl lomrest over tht* hand-shaking with Mts. Morlin and cot oil iinny gallent little Rpecchoa to whit h Mrs. Blortoo, not one whit eontased, always made some neat n> bnoiisv*. " \our cheerful face is a sun* augury of vic? tory'' Kihi or.c blushing bachelor delegate who had com > from a long distance. " 1 ho|H* to meet you iu Washinp-ton next year." sn id another. "I am sun* l shnll often have the pleasure ol meet inp you in WaahiBftOB," saiil a CoBffraas BUM, muli* c-)iiticlenl. And so tin- exchaiifs of plasaaatri-i arni tat Win. ii everybody had been introduced aad all snrt.s of pretty little speeches made. Mr. Horton invited hrs t.) t^ilce lunch with him. No room in the house was pm enough to aceooiodate them all. The luncheon waa therefore apread oa ? loii*< table oa tbe v-rveade, at ths rear of tho house, ami a mon- deliffatful place for I luiKii could not lime been selected, ll was sm pt i>v ;: cooling breese, it overlooked a green i Mi-lui -ni".'', teminating in a little Bataraet ni-il It.i-.neil in with tall trees nnd everpr-cn shrtihs. Ami il, perelmiK e. liny tired ol' the beauties ol ni'iir**. about the ground- were mane eil thc fttU-*nceh ladies, ul! dressed in waite, reel-cheeked, Bad with the irtiice* that comes of good health. Tho Kev. Dr. .1. I'nmeyn Brown, of l'liim-heek. who looks BO-Bethiag like* Mr. Blaine, pronounoed grace, aud then th.* delegates tell to with a heart-1 l*ood will nnd devastated that lunch. And as they devastated, their enthusiasm rose until there wasn't one nf then who didn't ff*l confident that Harrison uni Morton wonld he elected. When the? lunch.*ein hied li ?*? dfotposfd e.f rreiierol ooBVersa tn ut was Indulged in. Mr. fboh, the photographer, bi .in his camera to '."-in- '-:i the delegates. He i)hotogTaphed a irrniip of th m. with Mr. and Mrs. . Fnrtevi iii the cetiire. Mis. M irton havings couple of Harrison and Morton badges pinned to her dr. ss. Then Mr. Morton's three little sirls we-rc photo- ] graphed, the house was photographed, ti.-* delcgatei were photographed ..vcr sgalB, tho reporters were photographed; in fact, pretty marly everybody nnd evrryihinz got photographed. The house und Ei-ouiirls ii re- h is] riuhly thrown open to everybody After a ]t\- ;is;,m hour in getting helter ac*.aaiated with their bo t nnd hostess, the visit ora were again pnt into oorrlages nnd. sceompaaled ly Mr. und Mrs. Moiton und the belies of the* party*. areli dr, n t ? r. ; '-.j.-.*. Mr. Morton's beautiful bummer*. Into which he will move in a couple of wii*;-.s. Tn" house is a splendid mansion, the view of the lludsi-u and tho distant Catskills is BU pert), nnd not a few of the visitors the cpinoin that if they lind such a place nothing Could ever ine.ii-? tiiiiil to have it for Washington. Tiny were driven over the gronnds nnd then to the station nt Bhinceliff. Men* each delegate hade fare w il to Mr and Mrs. Morten, ami s.i i ml of ih* ia again took advantage nf thc oppor? tunity io inul,e gnllnnl litt! ? speeches tn Mrs. M.>r toa. ? 'i'c-y ne;.- in liis,*'! good liunior. and in part in. with th?? local '-ommiiti*.*. s.iid si cnmpli liKiitary things of R-inch-eek tlmt If it were nol an chi ni.) s'date tewn, totally nnlfkc some of t-hose giddy little towns of yestenhu nut Weat, its head won id hnve been completely turned. Thi' visitors went away on the <:17 train for New-York, nfl r ^iviug thru- hearty cheers for Mr. and Mis. M.irv n. ME fiKl-sllAM DKCIIM'.s TO DUCfJM iOUTIOt JuelK" Waller g. lircsshani, of CIiIiiko, who was one of 'he candidates for Hi- rYesld-BtlBl nomination -cfero ihe ltepubl!c_u Batloaal I onvcnllon, sallert for Europe yesterday afternoon on the steamship Werra, of the Nut-Mi woruian lJnyel IJne. ll" was ac rompanleyt hy a ?flg-hsr of Meuels. ineludltiK Judue J. C. Kiilc-eilx cker, J. Vf. Doane A. A. BfNfM and y.r. Barber, al! of Chicano. They will slay abroarl il*iit sixty day?. It I- their intention to go -Irret lo Umdon, and tln-ouch UM Continent or up tl rough _cor!*?'id, e* they msy dettde when they sr jive ou the otuu ttlde ol ike water. Judge Ure-t-am il.l yesterday that thc trip hal boen hastily arraafBd nd that he was taMiiS; lt more Ur thc son vii aga ian for thc trip on the other -Ide. Ile wai la pond eal th alni spirits, i?|i declined tn diseaai poMMes in Sf e.f Its phases, pm-sonslly er otho! ni--.*. haaaBS I e.f I* Judicial JmisKIoii. Anion-' lbs pBUtteBBOa who cte In Now-Yo* 1. to -r* him oil wss C. Vf. Falr'nanlrs, f Indianapolis, who was one of the pilnclpal man gsra sf tbs Qreshaa fosees at c hteago. Mr. i'aii ill'i-.s Raj,| I '?.indjin OsBsbaaa'a posttlea in ressreaas lo tho 'residential r.oniinutiun *?as always dignllled anel oaorabta, lie* cbartBhoil ac ambttloa saeept for bb arty arel escepl what night come through Ibc party's csiro, ii- m;is a candida'.' only through Ihe pp ' Hui's if h's frlendi. and ho acquiesced cheep ully ard boaorabl* ls tbe verdict e.i the Convention. le sent a congratulatory dispatch bi c.-ii ii! Iliu isiin narong the earliest thal reached him. Ile la true sad le.; sri Bepubllcan through snd through. I's- Meads in lud'ajii! slid elsewhere will do every illus.' luis in their power lo secure the election I Harrison and Moiton. You win rii_n tm*m in the ni-ofti.'it of th" contest In Indiana, Shoulder lo boulder with other Rep-bUeaas," BHTHDSIASM IN IiocHF.STT-.Tl*. ?ic.oRors c-rrre mks at a nie; kkpkiu.ican IlATIFICATIO*** >! Kl TIT NC. Rochester, N. v., July 7 (Special).- A RepubBcan arltaatlon meeting was beM In this elty this erse Hg limier the BUSptOei of IbS L-BCOlfl Club, In \Y;:-!i Bgtcin Kiiih. Loog before* the hour anaoaneed fur ho maettag the building be*saw peeked with an en luisiastie gathering, Tho ehalrmsa nf tbs sieet ag wai Oeorpc c. Knell, nisose rctr.arli- regai-tag Iho icpubiican pOHey of protieeUon c> American labor rora received with prolonijoii apflaaee. Ex-Con rcr-sman. Van Voorhtl maele a brief but telling ipeeeb n which no Beared thc Deaiociatk potty tor its in-Aincrii-an administration. Ile said tha; after tho flppoeaanc campaign. PreeMeal Rarrison made the neatest B-BtesBBan of that time, Danial Webster, his Oeretary of Mate. After the campaign. Presldenl larrieoa would choose us his Secretary nf Sisit** Ile* BSateel Of today, .lames U. Blaine. This ?a> ?.?neted vii ii Ititet.'-e* enthusiasm. Tho speaker ol the evening was Prank r. Davis, I Minnesota lb* t.*ijc up tho BepubUcan platform ni dleeassed lt In a ti ?"' and ma tcrly manner. Ile aid that Mngwumpiafl treachery ii;<i defeated the '.'.ci uhlican standard-bearer bar years apo. Bal tho prc ont pisiform hail read Uris lenient out of lbs BepubUcan party. Ihe platform icprosi-i ?>.] the history nf the Issi wen ty live years, a free ballot, hun,an lil.eily, and irotcction to American taber and Aaaeriean Indue rles. The iiepuiiii. an party always tabes ;i step In idvance it therefore deetaiud thai rather than listurb tho protective features al cnn* laws, it would ibnUsh tho internal laxes. This expUdl proposition irui been mad- lu lici of the surplus. He declared h?c if the iitriit was made upon ihis direct hivi ma equivocal platform, victory would surely follow In Vovetnber. Ile explained the position ol the (.ranger slates on thc tarin laying thal the Ora ?pposed in .:; ihe wheal of Canad* drive what little profit they bad lu wheal raising. A HEW E-EPCBLICAN CLUB OBOANTZED. IHK BURRA BIDDI CI.Ki'. Ol' THK -'il) WAHI) TO JOIN THC. MAX-ORAL I.KAeiKii. A perssaasal organlsatj-o was efl 'ted li I rrlfrbt y a nen- Republican club, which wUl undertake lo Min votes br B-rrison snd Morton In lbs .wi: id R aid. The meeting wai in-lei at No. :..-;) Walton ive., coiner of One-h-ndred-and*_iUeth it, whore ho club will meet every fOrtnlghl daring the siim ?nov. The name Belccted lor thc organisation i> tba Buena Hldge Bepubllcan Club of the XXITId Ward. Mont of thc. niemt.i'i-s live en SH elevation '-.-.'bil Buena ttdpe,% -h..iii tied form of Buena Vlsts Ridge, md thc name was eonsldered especially approp i - n i ie-w nf thc Baemorlei e.f tin- Mealcaa ff nt recalled ty tbe neiininatini: of Denjaaaln Harrison. Tbere aie law nien of wealth in thc club, but the swathes* ere nearly ill householders and men ol standing In Ce com? munity. ASBOng tbOSS who have norn euri,I,'..1 ! nmsabsrs arc W. B can- .launs il. Wrir*ii, James s. Data, Robert J. Peterson, the Rev, A. V. MobrnewB, .??liv**- M.*e'.nd, Professor fiecrge J. lines, M. F. lohnston, William Vanderfaoff, J. ll Hanson, A. I.. llollln-head, li. r. Bemstelu, L. B. Matthews and Us Bes*. David Lyman. Al the n.ting last nield a reinstitution and by !a-vs wen adapted, rlmllar lo those ot moat of the ?bibs thal are memben ol ihe National League ..' Ile publican c'ni.-. ti..* i; Ridge i I ??'?? "iii j' League, and expect* to do ."'"elive missionary wort luring the cam psi po. Thi ugh the ,-*->.ally f .lari-* s. Dale, the club ha- ic. rooms free ..f rent. Thc election of officers was postponed andi one week from n.ixt _attuday nig' i. ?- ? MAlIi'M'. RBPC-R8 TO EfARtfOXIZE r.irhmuiid. Va.. July 7 ( flrsi Issue of "The stale RepubUesn," of Barrisburg, rinee the nomination of Usrrtsoa. whose oriiior was a Mahone delegate te c hie sae, nuts un thc retnlar etcetera] ticket chosen ut Petersburg, and dlscnrdi Ihe Wise rlectoral ticket. "The Republican'1 li ;i Mahone organ alni tills ls tho flrs;i Itititliatlon UM publie h is hnd as to bow c;*-!'.-:m1 Mah*.ul* would treal tba Wisc lac'ion and its elector*! tlchat. CI.KVr.f.AND's KrVcl.K oct FOR I [AK KT sax. Buffalo, N. v.. .inly T (Speelal).?Rx-Ai rmblyman Lewie v. Allen, uncle of Presldenl Cleveland, pn to iiijrlit at the uk.? ding of-the flarrison Tippecanoe club, eomposed of reteraai ci ihe i-i'* campaign. Mr. Allen was msds permsnenl president, and ex ' ongressman K. <-. Spaulding, the father of the green? back, was elected vbe-pre-ideiii. Then -ie- now ninety :i\ memben, ali prominent citizens, wiso vol d for lian,m.n lu lc*-i'J. TIIK II.MM.I'M CU li's 11ANNK1I RAISING. Tho Barritos aad Morton baaaer-ralslag, auder thc sasplcei of thc narien Republiean Club last ? va-- tiiailied i.y the groatesl enthusiasm. Thoexen I were held Iii front of th- club house, No. *j: Baal One hundred and-twei.ty llfih-st.. thc building bolag deco. rated with banners a;:.l colored lanterns. Tho Repub? lican dob of tbe win.: Assembly District ami th-t Voung Men's Repnhllcan dub af Weal Harton] wen- thc gnesta af tin* Harlem Ronni boan l tab Al out - o'cl el a crowd began to assemble, ami when half an bow Inter the large Harrison and Morton banner wai un* furled, it was greeted with prolonged applause. P. Humphrey, presldenl ol the Harlem Club, In a Ibu weU-chosen remark- Introduced A V. moe, presldenl of il." Harlem Boc lal Club. Mr. Rice spoil ? bi I earnestly on the leadlnj i->iu*s ol the campaign. "t> ix ?-.'liles, president ni the Voung lien's Bepubllcan I Int of Wes! Harlem, (hen .-'..Mi*-.1 the audience and con rntulated it on tho promising outlook foi ths llcpub ile an jiart;.-. lb* wa* followed by I larlea D. linker who ma!.* a stirring reece h which drew forth i applause, john G. Iluhn then spoke briefly a-.."d wai followed by H. A. Matthews. pron- ni' i ii OABVAsa. Tho i*. s. Orsal nut) if the wu nu AsaaaMy iik trict held a BBBOt-Bg Bl theil r. urns mi Krirtny ni.-M'. Alter pSK*l!irr WBSlUtle-l 1 i'-a^liie thin su;e...rt r.. t!.? aoaBasM "' lbs tines.tro CsuvseUso, MsHi Co* PstricS Cullins wera appoints- delegats. to ? club st tbs Republlesa Club Convention in Baretop*. 11m sMeera e.f Um c. B. <;i;irit Club sis i Presl lent, I. Uylsi d Cnsnt'iiri Bseratary, lanae* v. Ijegusj i Rdward K. iii-r.r. Th** slab aUi hold raUflcatioo i . monica on TUSS_B7. ? ?? __CP-tBM AME FREIGHT TRAINS IX COLLISION wilminj:t..ii. Del, .inly 7. Tbe BOuth-bound Dela ware SXptaSB CSaiO In eoBlBSloa willi a m.: Mr bo'iti. frciRht train near Seafnni. tast eveatng, tlemollshlni both engine- and driving ono nf ikea through a ear load nf i-ntatocs. The BglnestB and llivnun etctemt by lumpiii.. and no passengers were hurt. Rx-Con Kies?n-.?Ti Martin mis thrown with s,n!. piree ar-'alns two .ai sous as to break tin-iu both, bm ho asoapel liersoual injury. i/<r othtf Pmtitieml Neera, itt EtwtA vi te,) The Lady TVbo lias fine Hair, and desires to pre garva its color, nbaada-nai and lustre, Should usc Aycr'6 Hair VlRor aa a dressiaf. It keeps the scalp clean ai i cool, and is by fur t!..* most e \.jui-ita toilel iireparation in tbs market. It. M. Join.-em, hf. 1>-, Thomas Hill, Md., siiy.s: "I nave need Ayer- Hair Vigor la my family mr a number of yeera, aad ragai I it as lbs hs I imir preparation I kaow of. li beeps tba scalp clea-*) tin- bali aofl ami lively, aad preserves lbs original color. My aila li is used it for a loug tiiuo with uiuat gattafactory results." Mr5. R. A. Kori:, of ArnVrs^n. Terns, ?writes-. "At tbs aj"e of N, la Monroe, l-i , I had a severs attack of swamp, i.r malarial, fever. After I pot weil my hair i omni, in ed ('nuntin out, and sn. lume.1 BatU it had well nish ali gotta, I na...! severa] kinds ol bail restoi i--, hut they .lid nu good. A fricsd ga* S Ul') n l.-iirle ..I Ayer's Hair Yij.'"r. Ih*feiro riiiirliinjrr tho Rmi bottle my hair began to i*row, and hy tin* time I used thrca li lilies, I had a line, head uf hair." Ayer's Hair Vigor, l : in* 11 . ? BT Pr. J- C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt* Veld by Drufg-fts sud 1'srfamirs, DWYERS WIN THK LORILLARD SIR DIXON OBT, THERE AFTER ALL. tull Not The mr kin-bios riiovr.s a disappoint* Ml XT. The cteepiionsl at I rait lon*) of tho racine; st ..lon mouth Part yesterday grew s rest e-rowd lo the l.euir: Branch coarse, uni (he artiltltuds beeaaal lastly Bethaalastla over *-j?,ri 0f the blgbeel e-uaiit-.. mun aged nilli, ran* skill, lind SbOUadlBg In omIIIi .- liri ii.* attend aa re eras rsmsrkabls, aal sely for numbers and cau-oi* atti ntlon. but also for the daxiln : i -.himip* of pretty woaasa in ibo fie*-ite*st and ii Uf fiori.; lilted for a July d.iy. Rel SVea tho gnbur at g-eepsbeed Bay **'?-? favored with so irreslst. lido an airnv of beauty. Rves If there had bOSO nei rael nit at MoaaMatb, thesoarest af ayala aaaM have boon amply repaM for bis learaay la tbe grand*-, by tie privtlepe ol running blancM in tm lasptrittag ami enlivening smiles nf the lang ranks of liivclincas. of bostm H aaa bot at Moa-eoeth. lt was hoi oveivu hore. Hut pennie forcnt the heat when thev aw Slr Dixon win tbe I.01 llluitl. and they shouted instill*. Mr. B-taaoat, rad-sal and daboaalr, tunk tbe i.-ni defeat ai his colt. Mace Royal, witbaal a maa niur. Indeed, he ie.--ed his dlaaapalntBSsal will a merry Je-t or Ino. Thc Dwysr brothers, i>!ae-ld, tranquil ami naenMrtlonal, looked mi ac the vi.-tory of their rall without a sign of exultation or emotion sa their btaaasd leesa Re Bash of eiatiim or afaealatloa al lerJoMag marked their Batlstaetloa seer their galalag tba Irsi stsee la ti"* Brel al lbs twa riches! tbree?year*oM stabes <>f tho year?tba -oriUard ami the Oandbns, Bea au Haggta wss graes and tsllent. Well he might be. 'iii. ie SPSS no '.un iii;iit in tho bcaasa shy tot lbs peal RaggBi Mabie. Kothing bul snotbnr disaster. ntsjaasai had mn viii BBIMgh In lils thal muk le ???! BSOSad place at least in Ike Last-had, and possibly trst, Bal in the a.:uni rare, after runnliiR a mil'* under a strone pull, tho soil seemed BawUBag to try and Wai beaten off. one race only at Bheepshead nay. Ral s raes .ve-t at, nhiie the Mg-Set fm-feit li-t which any stuhl.* In America ever SSBSSSBd went piling up Its sppaBing proportions. 1 irs! money lu lbs -eriOerd went to the Dwyers. That's all right They deserved ll. Their pill. k. serve, push and enormous expenditure on tba tari merit Mg results. Bul io rio ike harrie riuslliies sad :'i! even extensive outlay merit much f"r Ike ti .-laldo. Blind fortune*, however, shakes ami shatters stable after ..ta*,!,* on the* turf, while pourlsg lilies willi full haniN 011 somo pet nf her bounty. Bul it waa a pity that second money (?8,0001 in lbs i-t IBard should han* gone lo a stable which has the di si .-i> .i'll* reputation ol being In more ways than on.- tho sseaaesl and stingles! on tho turf. And then* sra whispers In the slr ol unpaid forfeits st various rsce-eoursee. Perhaps these whispers ai-e untrue. Cetainly they ought to ia*. HEAVY l.ossi.s ON RIRG8TOM. Tho Dwyers won two races, tbe Bm srith ln--T>oetor I;, and the LoriUard with .-li* Dixon. lint sttbongfa they pocketed ihe B7,000 added money for the first ii Cu* Lorillard, together with Ihe amount rn* Ute stakes more than nc.OOO- it was by no means a day of unalloyed happfness for ibem, 11 was uncertain whether Inspector BVa -lia'.vi legi would carry him tl rough, anl they dil soi bach ihe pateked-ap cripple fm* a dollar. Vel Ihe Inspector ran a (;.?*? race, out* speeding Bradford si the cu-i lu a BtyH which must have gladdened the heart of tbe bead nf Ihe Kew-York detective loree, who la a great friend e.f tha Dwyers, snd 11 ho 1: ii, .1- io iUp down 10 Long Branch lor 1 Boori when the dulles of hit position In the bm tropolli will permit Bul the Dwyers did reasonsblj suppose that they bad a certainty tor tbe Long Branch Handicap wRh Kingston, and they pul -fT.eiiio on bim. Ihej ought lc hsvc won it. too, lor when Kingston ls all righi lhere an* only two horses In America now la training thal can beal him at a mil" ami a quarter at weight for age, an.l these two are* lin* Bard and Em? peror ol Norfolk. MeLaughba lest the 1.s Branch for them. Par and away he ls tke first en American Jockeys. Ile'. true as Steel, and always il DOB Ids best. And a preat )ookey I" 1 too, as well as a faithful, loyal and .:.:. I maa, Hut hu health has been had this year, ??!.'! siiih..:,i.*ii hf. often shows juc om parable shill lu the saddle, be wavers at times and falls below his l>. -1 form, lb* re.I** Inspector B., .-ii Dixon and Klug 1 rab yesterdsy c> i rfecttos ami won sith ibem all. Bul he v-is not pattern enough with Kingston, iii. liding of this cult Issi yesr wai ths consummate Bower ol Jockryship, When be beat Laggard twice m it li Kingston ho gauged the speed, tuned his run, sud handled bb mount al b a delicacy, s discretl exe 1 adaptation .>f means io ends, which Archer lu hs most exalted moodi naree excelled. Bul yoitee day ho pot nervous, lurried, Impatient imd baity. After riding Kingston andee a double pull for a mlle, he gave the ooh bb bead aad called nu him toe early. Kingston ha.s all his last year's six*.* 1, but is not quite seasoasd yet He itrode lo the front like ? conqueror. In tho twinkling of an eve, in the blast ol a trumpet, be uris in the had. Bul a Bttle leek ii condition told. Ho could not quit's maintain bil ?.'?.?.-.I to tbe ead and was beaten both by Belvidere and KIKiM.oil In slow limo for so fat a track? 2:10 i-*_. .\. ? lhere are sand fleas skipping impudently snout on the turf wltLout the lena knowledge of Ms mysteries er ii- tressuica ol raring lore who maj a-.'ii thai Kingston, when in thorough rc*ndltlon, eon 1..; beal -rn. i 2 at si mlle ar.d a quarter un a fas) track, and wfco may InMsi thai Belvidere and ni wood sro ni- x's., lints at that distance. Bul I .and :'. 1- n 'I bunt their holes In ii buri*** when ibis good coll i-e fully himself again, ami wlietn McI_Mighlln, in completely restored health, with touch ol dainty feminine dellcscy. bul with muscles of steel In Ibo -ii;. 11, absolutely master of himself, calm. eent. resolute patient, sir- in thc sahib- without inning until bc reachec Ihe lina] hundred yards. Then the Impris ned speed ls Iel loose In Mm passing of a ihought. A 11-h l-.l.e- the whirlwind, and up goes Kingston') number while thc spectators in. baffled rivals. ' TUCK 1 KATI Ki's OF TOR SPORT. The Dwyers were so disappointed by Kingston's defeat thai ihey bel only .??!,.-00 on Slr Dixon, al sboul ('. to .*>. li'lls colt- Went to tho post eve.!. BMMtey favorite-. lu tbe Long Branch Handlcay Burwood eras tecoad choice, while the winner, Belvidere, wes an ouUSder at 10 to 1. In the* 1.1.1 IRard Prince Ri 1 ul snd i Itcjsmei carried a pi-.-ar deal nf money at 1 to 1 each, int the bulk of the betting af thc general publie iras on Blr Dixon, ami the mc cess ol thc Dwyer 1 dora In thc Lorillard na- gr 1 tad with 01 iii:iii demonstration-. Slr Dixon karl been carefully trained under Michael Dwyer*! eye at tho Brooklyn conns sud had Improved nm.dei -full \ since his defeat by Prince Boys! in tire t'onei Island Derby. Bella u. made c.* for Slr Dixon, closely attended bj Own*, l.h. Angele . Marsudci and Defeucc for a mlle. 1 Marauder and Defence dropped out, bul Los An Kele huns on lo the* end. Thc Illly looked thin ami worn and her ena! seemed dead, shs should !<? ebie to berat off the challenges of Prlnee Boya) and Plulsme without any difficulty, and beal tlin as easily a. air Dixon lear Ber, ???**_? certainly nm- stier ??!? bard campaign in thc Wael mei ber rereni lourney from Chicano. A brilliant piece ' nf n..rl; in I ral nins had been dun'' in getting Mr I Dixon so tit in so short a time, alter his shocking lack of condition In the Coney i-!aml Derby. Nearly all the best Infunned turf expert* believed lt lmp< thal be could be sui ready In the Interval. Bul lhere he waa ii' sa a liddle tiie naries! ol winners. 1*1 f/. lanes could not have had work enough, although hr in 1 crack trial Ula cluh fool had Interfered with I..* thorough preparation, but it mtui bo admitted w Byrnes has had extreme!] lad luck tiri- year In lending horses lo tbe post about itali ed. Tbe lime of the Urrillard was *_ :nT l-j. great, bul good enough c.. sen's the purpose. Dwyers non the Lorillard. They generally-de. Tin: can di ii cres ion. Tin: Hon_~UIa. Mr. Withers*'! aaaaaaad brown sob bf BesaatteB Paverdale waa the Bopefal l|a_-s easily, \vinficiri - eon i place, ami Diablo, the Isvorlta, third. Pear ntspatrleb, wfco rode Diable, b ilek and weall from meek Wasting ami aluiott faint.*<1 Biter the ra-". wm neve a aood rider ol two-year-olds, ile . 11 -in I them, d tea n it tit I du ? ot nee ipac I tu idt antspi. Kl : den by :?: Laughlin, Hayward or Garrlso .Dla to would en -.ciiiul si least snd would have hurried 'vn* ia-., p..1 colt, Instead of coming homo third, inc sic youngster ls handsome, powerful ar.d fist. Mr. um. ts boped peal tbinga al mm at Jerome Park, uh.-iv hu m>*t 1 reach t*ark Bot the toil urn ts I a and rae as au Avenue A dude 1. a 1.oi.i.le.1 ail over ihe iraak. Prenek Park i--at bia th.-11 iii a cantor. Put this has rbi stufi 111 him ami may prove the mon.lng star of Brookdale In 1 Buddha) did no' start In the IIopefUL Reporter ? 1 eil barked, bul ran wretchedly, raw ha<i any b.. ii ami the prevaUing lank ol U. ii . apl) Justified. Bruaseli 1- rsrj green ami re 1 ritcap r?od) .-!* present, ami might nell be turned out rn a (arm rani lo most wttk lae kens. Singh-tone fell lame behind hi tbe u.-.-. aitimuKii be na- aol int down, ami bobbled home Mr. Helm. sent to the i*-si sm extremely hand-.nie ami blood like coll iii Poreat Kim:, son al Tbs ill Used ami ft.1 gre, Int be lau ba.liv H.- iii,iv *-,.,. _ *?n. although li 1- haiti to believe thal all ol Mr. Belmont*! tWO-yearOlds are- hrllliaut stais. cullin:, irv*, ob Titi: day. Mel-wghba gal the bsrorita, Ki!.?- Crab, heass hm In IbS io; rn:!.lau gtab - b] thi -Sid OBI kinj ni ul.lp piSg Hud HdtBg Sll th iilljlll the i'll tile I I,rle. .\o other tookey iii America could baie performed tie* Ihe champion ls in pom health You see King Crab was giving away big lump* nf weight to fae! 01'. boreel Th* taverito, Leas Knight, waa Ur" tell m race but ci. usp lu na left ai ike post The steeplechase was sae si lbs most dtspusting exhibit loni over leen on suv race, course. Tin- hons Henry josi hs ur* by a fall, nu ii br Dtekens, Tbe Best ItlgB-ClaM Cigarette* Xinnsr Bros.' bpsei-1 f-YO-i* rvs rarri'il oif the, but was Bald USA ta ? seriously lune. MsnlnBore bulteel anil Klnj' n ii.iii- -sass tn pr,cf. The champion steeple baser urkia na- ridden Bi *i way lund t" oxplaln on an] eory other thea that tin* rider ass trying lo exhsosl ? m the rac i In order '-'> let Major Pickett lu. Iii., kia bad 17il pounds In tho laddie and iel e Jrvliev went OUl Md mad'- lie* gaCC Wltk billi I I 1 i'* i.ut tip J.e. seemed to be- leir Maim- Pleb, ll lo Win, it -ppnrently Bas.anlo hnd not been taken Into th" berne, for he went on and tried to beal Pic kel I. Tte* el lr .ord on PtckOtl ii' the In-I hui'::-. BB I owning, un i.e-foie.*. na eompeOed to j?i on snd win i'h thnt hms.*, iihiio Bassanio k"' second place fmiu alor Ptck-tt Downing rode Kinarney on Wednesday In a ma mer st sad ?'l the appesrance of iioin^-rati* fraud, whal? er hu real Intention may have been. On Thursday ? rode Referee In thc hurdle rare rn suspicious stylo. lt is stupefying to see timmi utile gentlemen permit 1 erm', so brutal, sn dangerous, so contemptible, so tcminahle, bo fra>idu|on| a travesty of sport ai ito plo rs-in - ha., 1 econu lu the rn da] - to go on at Monmouth 11if. with that exception Ihe afternoon was delightful, tho men! worthy of the highest praise, tim raeiag ?otnpt ami esealleBt DETAIL* OF THE BAGUIO. IUST RACK.-H AN* mc \P BWEEPBTAEEB RH EACH, SOM ADDED, SEVER PtTBLOKOB. wv er Un.tte ra' I, h. laspsClSt H.. bf Bncnint*-. CelS-ML a ir.-, ttl Th ... . 'I. I....--ii.o'' 1 i-.'.i.v ? Johnson's b. e. Bradford, 4. IS. 1113 ? a) - . Lorillard, ir.?s, pr. c. Cambrae-, 1, inn (rsi lin. . teatrick) A f, g .-k's Mk. h. Portland, -.. lil . . (Bender, n S. Bmwn's * h r. D fault, r, .c 100 . . (Cl . ii ,i. nnlngtfi ek. m. B? Ift, aged, 116 , . (Godfn " . ir/im-.i-s ch. h. Amalgam, 5. M-i , , (Miller) o '. Sunni's .h. h. Ot*ovt?r Cleveland, .*., 112 (HoUowaf. (I . 1*. I'lilalf.-i'a eh. c. Un.cher lian. 4, ln.-c il.ltilellel li 0 . T. 8i.M-.ari, t Bon's ch. g. Gypsy Baron, t. M (Mooni v. n dumont, -tabb's b. c. T-BS-T, 4. 'Jb . . . (EUKO) 0 Ttane?l OB, I*. "'ne. to ff-ln-Ilr.iir.ii 1 2 to 1. Kwlff, 3 tn 1, In ..?.:..r il. 5 lo 1. CambySBS 1 r.. 1, ii-.\<r ri*-V Innd IO ? l, Bretket Bas in in l, AaMlgsst ti ts 1. DslSaltas 20 , i. Taasgy SI 1*. i, Pertlend aa is t. Oypsy Bama 50 i 1. pisa -Inspsetee is. 2 tn l, Bisdfsid sven. The* only certainty In UM rest waa wUbdrtwa. The nrao* sisitierl lu the >; 1, ir.- s:fl *r !) lona, ll.'hiv, laagSStOI . gettt-B lb- kt a Bl clo* H..nd off. In thc run ls UM usrtcr ho apCUSd ? c--?p Bf throe lougtfc-t and there wai BsramMs tn elsse with him. MeLsugklln icii-l.i I him aa he Marted ttswa 'he* hackstretch. Ind Hadlee, e.r..vr Otsvelsad m.ri Bradford le ssl HMlr eal- iii fr,mt, nu UM b.iver turn. The Inspects! held M rail, kewever, sad v.inn Mclaughlin called ea him i tt" head Bf the heuMM-etck ki '-nin.* iwsy mid wea by length, Hradferd MCSCftd, the same before. Candi's-. ECOND MACE lloPlilit. STAKES. TWO-TBAIb ol.liv gtOO EACH, crl.'.oo ADDED, ci rUBLONGS. I J). Witiitrs's br. c., by Bsnsatlon-Faverdals, 116 ri (Manln) 1 . B llsgsrln's br. c. Winfield, Hi . (Gsrrisnni 2 istls _ta-l< - b. e. D shin, 120 - . (Fltti itrlck) A . h. Browu'a bi. r. Bcportsr, 1'0 . . (Hayward) ci . T. BU*sri t Ben's enf. Va-Tout, 112 . Miller) 0 . Belmont's-, a. "oreel Bing, li"> . . (Godfrey) 0 un ; Brothers' br. e. Brussels, HS, (MeLaughUa) o . V'lilbaiim's ch. e. Blnsle.. ll- . lilla*- I...k) - Tlme-1 rill. "Broke gows behfad. Batting t*> ela?Diable 2 te. l, Bepertei 3 to 1, Peres! ling i t? i. lave rda! i c ll _ ts l, Winfield 8 to l, Bras ?1. s to l, biii*.-i. .-'.uno ii ta l, Va-Tout lu to i. Plaee ravi idals c ll 7 to .*>, Winfield 2 m i. Buddhist ?as wlthdrswu. To a prompt .ind fall ?nt Tai.ii.ii.* ,-? .1 _ v.. i -? .nay, Miscued closely by imas. is, Winfield, glnglestoM ami Beporter. iiiablu sis ts,?t. l-'It/patrl.*k dlda'I seen ... km.iv what lo du ith bini, finding diflmuiiy la placing hm properly. Gar is..n leefe his flmut I., ike Beat Quickly and Winfield ade UM naslag to ai. 1 a...uni the Lum. Coming lui" le stretch, Reportei strode into the lead, followed br the m. i.iai- n,I', ti v n. inybody'a raes as ikey ?quanti "nv f'.r hum.', nil r. i lg I. ni. Al Hi" furlong I" lt Pt "au Mask" skol ..ut, dropping his horses as if they ?oro anchored, aad coating an .leno, won by ball length between leeend and third, bingle lona wa* s.i in:.- ap on iii* i urn wk u h- Hiddenly colls peed ai l .?ll b.'lilnd, lilaylerk pading him to a walk. It was Bought that ha n is eal dews, but there wen nu mut.. .i show it. ii.- f. ii 'ame bektsd. IliP.l) BACB-LOMti BBANCM UAMDIOAP. tbO I n ll. si..-,iju ADDED 1 ll MILES. -reskneia BtaWe*. ti, ??. Belvidere, by BUIevJseonet, t yrs, HS a.i-s'iiuir) l V. Gian's ch h. E-kwood, 6, 134 . . . i Mari in) 3 i-i-'. Brother*1 hr. e. Kingston, 4, 121 (McLaughlin) A .. is. Morris-** h. h. Pave r, o, no . . . Bilk 0 i. ,i. Cassatt - ti. h. Kuma, :.. 124 . . (Usywsrdj 0 t. i'. Asii, s h. c. Trlboulet, 4, lot). ? . Kc I V. Jen-lass's ti. e. Dunboyno, 4, I OS ? it'hapi . n .-ge Hearst'* b. c. Hanbrldee, I, '.13 . (Norvace) 0 iwan ,),. ?_*. Pirate, 1 gs . . (Anderson) c) 1. Bradley's 1.. c. I..- Logos, D, HT . . Church) O t Johnson's ch. c. b inr. lluyward, jr.) 0 ?1 ne?8:10 12. Bo'tln? to win?Btngston ev a, Elks ?.i ic t,. 1. Barna i t.. 1. Ttiboslet ? to 1. Belvi-ere IO to 1. 1 ivor 10 to 1. .. 1. ? - r. is 1. St ."ii i". t.. 1, Dnnboyne i*> to fi, . ls 1, l'i.-i:* 20 te 1. Place?Bsivld-rs a m , Elkwood . Flrsntl did BM Start K!nrr".>n wa* Iii th** w h.*a be Bag fell on * .h.kI start, Bslv-leis ?.i^ Msoad, Bans i'h 1, sr,., ,,1 ,D [.miih md Blkwsad last. In the ma t, ha grand stand stockton took tko lead, i.i.* on Um turn si and B-MM ike raanlag np the baekstretsk, 1 -..ii lapptos lum ;., tke shsalder, Bing. .ton raanlag easily in Fourth plaee atti 1 kw.1 bringing i|. ike rea r li d btoub 1 ike big bend. Trlb 1 wptrsved hi- poaition en the tara rmi as me geld sum a m.1 the hoawatfeteh ha was in tbs lead, half a leiiL'rh ,.'f..r.* Biagatea, Bavor third, i.- Loges, Dui.i>..yu.*. Baa? .rid-.''*, l'ir.ii.* and m.. kt,.ii wsw beginning to toll bar k as he pace grew bet, sad ike u.iiii** w.,* 10 tis selghta, 'issi asi Um Brat t.< go ender. Favor 'oliowed sui! and si iii*- big bone retired Bingil n drew ?lear. Rveryl 1 the raes "as w.n. Euros nada bli ru*:, bul blt bolt being neither long uer tam was t'li.'i'.ly shot. Within if hun Ired yardi nf the post th.-re aa- .1 -nil.11 rush Irani bsaind and bsfsra Um 1 ia *..u.i recover trow theil sasueneat, Beividere chased by i l naahed ovsi th- lim- ahead ol, winning tleverly bv ?? neck, Eikweed b.-atin? the fSverlte by ii bead. Tke race aaa ansatiafactory and Um ilma slow, raeae arc Um tractions: 0-301-4, o.->J;(4, 1 Mi, 1 ill l-'J. *_: IO l-l IMUBTII BACE LORI M..MID STABBB TRBBB. -1 i,-. r_:,0 BACH, S10.000 ADDED, 1 l-l Mil.1 B. Dsryer Rrothetnf hr. e. Pir I)l\on, bv niltet-i, 11- :?..(McLsushlln) 1 K. J, Baldwin'* iii. f. Les Angeles, ll.l . lArm.trung) ?_' A. H li Print ? [loyal, llb . . . K'ndfn I A. J. Cassatt's cb. e. Unsuder, Us . . . (ll ay ward) .1 M. Jordan's Mk. c. Dofence, ll-.Chapuel) 0 i.v ? tirothertf ti. t Bella lt. lia . . (Fitinatrlrk) 0 I-. (..'Ilirird-- rb c. CH\s)s, 1 KS.I Iii.. J. li. Ilagglu'i b. c. ri,/jam. s. ih . . . [Garrlwu) o TiBM?2:S7 12. Betting in uln-sir Dixnn ivaa, Prlnee Royal 16 to 5, I'i'.' s -i t?. l. i. i - - t.. i, Bella iv, B to l. IO to 1, Marauder 13 to 1, Owsa 20 to _. rises? Mr Dixon t la 2, Los Ange le ? A to 1. ir Ugo, Guarani i and Refund were wlthdrswu. F..r Um tourth time Bit Bison and B-lvid-re, full brothers,\.* mn and won on tba Mme dav. This oninaWlenco stone tempted msny doabters n> bach f**ir Dixon f..r Um i .. i, Belvidere having jusi wea the Lons l'mm.*!) Handicap. Tko Dwyses, doabtfal of Iks celt's iblllty ? i'rini.* Boya! and Pltt}amea, saul Bells li. to Um . h.*lii lilm, baekiag Um til] n Uttto fer n place. M. l.aushllu ri.d'* a iiaiilnir raes, Belli ll. ki.lng out, to niHki' th" running. Lapped t.v I. - An ?? ;? - the Iel tin way lor aosrty i ailie, when tiring badly she dropped keck. Los kngeles tosfe ap ike hoik then and trading ari.und ike lower lum. sh..ned the nay late UM ks sui .-ti r ?ii. McLaughlin ked brea steadily ereepiag np, s,. had Qsrrlsoa, alUkoagk PtUtJa-Mi did aa.? is run Mnr.iii'l. r ?si- bel BO I" hem.* and,- ?.is i ? .ii-. Defence ioul i n ? t.. ike fr. n' after a Umid if.H iii Um iirst. quarter.'d .ws,!* fm UM BBSl -i I ii ?ri.-, sir |ii\.,n. rahs had Ix'eil shut mil sa UM lum. iain.- through his h*.rs.*s \utli le, ead ai ike furlong pole "as in sapient r.ssjnd. ike i>-ie thereafter ?;e never In tSoahfc The i.iiur* tottttnaed t" pauck Bl kim, bal could rmi t.'.ush him and in- won casi -? .h.. h by Utrea lengths, lani between s Mid aiid third. Qarriasa palled uu and BiUj-BMM lini-i..'I ia-'. Ill-Ill RACE CORl!tTK_AX STAKES. WELTEH Wl.l'.IIT llAMHc Al*. ?'J0 KAL ll, S600 ADDED MX I i r.l.n.M.-. . KiriT c*rab, by Klsgn-her-Csrits, ISO I.iMi-Lau 1 ir. Pareell's ch. a li.lien, t, vu . (Biayluchj Ail '.-i.y fe Jnbnaon'a :.. e. Mira lo, :i. ur, <Uhgwn .?s. ii. Street'? ch. c .Nias'aia, a. Isa . inhauerj i ll. C. I.lil;,.:?!.'u'> (ti. f l-w/I.'. 4. 1J0 . sl.rl'iei ( C. T. Perry*, t.r. i fl tu si ii. 12-1 . (Oorri*. K. I. ii---- f. i'utulanco, A, 1_0 . I'.i'i'.i i lu\is v UbU's ch. g. Kui-ht if Vlnton, :i. ISO ? T. K. .Miller's h. h. Ha)r;, BnaseU, ?*.. ill. Uti ??:. Idi l In.*., kilt llrias.' - ll I.. i. I, Iii li. , ;.: ?? i. i. sd'- en. e., by _enseU-n.Id-tia S, ISO. . 0 ( C Hillings'* tu. g. Dake nt Boara-a, -t, Kt;.' [M-Lyneh] i i io. n.-trina to wla?Blag inn 4 iii .*,. Regulus a m i, Bub sst! ii to i. Mliacti I rn l. raltaa I i > l Pastis lg ts l Petalaaea to to I, Daks ol Boaibsn i" le i. .n ? i.. 1. Idalia reit lj rn I. Bonall lil i-'ii I" i. Bi Vini.'ii SO io i. Pleas Blag < rai. naas, Paitoa a ta i link.- ..f Boarhea a. .--I ibsmefaU) si U ? pad punish BIBI tn.l UM WOtSI M IkS sia.i. .lina, ;.* a ..fl. l*u--if: sud Blag Cist) ilnse up. Fallon took th>* lee in ihe gret fmlyiir: and I t seaH) all iii* wey li.>ii*.. g r ? iral), und-r MsLsaghllB'l -SSpSVSM ilrinni;. got u; Salt Rheum Dfr.-n CSaBBS fr. j! ..*., ry ?llh Irs Int. n?e ir, 1,1 rt sr nn. I* l's ? .-?? **-ll*. the Bleat Ii..is1 i.urlll.r . ii rf? Kill rbi SM sud .ll .kin disease* li thom u? hil ileailf.-., reUOVBlSS .lld liir.ilur. UM i..,. ll trial. ?? kiter tin* f-iiiur- ..f n.t..- skilful phyalstsaa rn sue I ll...I.. Ba sn.inila am Olive mi.m.. rn I have aaa aaed tea buses ot uintmen . me- an.l . hall * Sal i .. la .1 . I ile- l...i i Ul all ,i|| ? ir h. - oi i. ut I ll, I* dow rout val ..I l. ?nd i.a* bena ililli-i.*d Unas hi ?a- iii month. .. ubi-.'* Mr*, ll. a\N)iLli_>CiN. 60 Nc***, lull ?t.. lowell Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by ill .Imcii.siv si ; *li for eb. Prot,?rf-l onl by C. I. 1IOOU A CO.. Aiiothocarlcs, LowaU. Ms**. IOO Doses One Dr.ii._r In tho lani hi ride* and wem by three-quarters of s length, Kulti.ii Mating Miracle two lengths. SIXTH HA()K-l'UIWIr* *000. UUUM. ONF, MILE. J. IC. Ml donald's h. g. beag Knight, by Longfellow H. M.- Knight, nired. HT ir. . . . . (Blsyloih) 1 l'.\.*i Islor .-.ral,I..*- h. f. ii..Iden ll.*el. 3. 100 (i'-lmer) 3 I). T. i'ulslfer s hr. h. Ilnus-tonle 5, 110 . (Goodale) 3 ii. Bradley's u g. Kin;- i*., agaa, '.io . . (/sues) 0 i).** h. f. Luminary. 3. ;x) . . . (Helli.*-) 0 a. Ur*. Welngardt'i ti. m. Boaters, sged, r)7 (BUko) o Csatifl's b. g. Argo, ?'*. lo3 ? ? ? (Armstrong) 0 ir. Burgees'* Ur. e. Moonshine, 4, loo . . . (Dougie*) 0 i. tindera.l's eh e. Glenbrook, 4. 114 . . [Bkaastn o I Cotton's ti. u. Glensprsy, 4, los . . ? (Donohue) * W. LsveB'a b. g. i.y Leag Taw-risa, a. TA (Mullaliv) I Tlme-1 :43 1-2. Il at tho po*t. I I *? ll. R-ttlna tn Sr-B-LS-g KaIgM 4 to .*>, HSU-HSU-I 5 to 2. t.nldeti Red s"i e-. I. Arr.*., i) tn 1, cilensprsy 7 to 1, lg to l. Bisnhrsak .o to i, Luminary 20 t<, 1, Ml-SSkiSB 30 IB 1, King II. 40 to 1. l'ls? gelding 50 Ui 1. riBSB ISUg Knight 2 to "?. linlieii Heel 8 to .*i. c;..ib-ii Bael stois Ike io within ilfiy yard* of IkS line, when Laug Knluhi inswd her and won try a length. II*.u sit.mic coining strong In UM kCSMSttetCh ran toni af c;.,iri.*n Bael iwtoe, tordag Oesdalc c.. null ut> ti ivsM iiit'ln-' down th.- filly. This feature of the rac*) had a very ugly look. I'lcnspray was left at th" po? 'I il.* PISB -'"I'lllsg fell Bl the BtSTl and lo?t ills rider. MAI.MU KAI I'.--IIANUK'AI' STEEPLEOHkBM. IT use *>7C0. KILL COL' M. T. Pam...'i's (,. g, Bsfeiee, hy Hurrah-Kinney R*.. Bged, l.'.'i rr,.(Downtog) 1 C. Mooney's b. g. Bassanlo, 4. 145 . isrsnlain _ u. McBride's ch. g. Major Pickett, sued, llb (Mara) 3 K. G. I.orlllard's b. g. Keirlbutloii, 0, 110 (llenshaw) 0 i: Ahrens's ti. c. Buckra, sged. I7? . . (l-Htl..*) 0 Hanley i Ca's b. g. Judge ?ii lilith, aged. 150 llmenm) 0 IV. C. Dali's b. g. Will!.' rainier, 4, 135 . (C'roen) 0 p. Gibson's b. i.-. Brm ii-linn, -1, 140 . fChsndler) 0 C. v's ch. g. Ju. kson, ii, 140. . (ft. Kenny) 0 T. French's b. h. Mentmore, o, iso (Daivi T. K.??iins's .*h. g. Kmg'1'roiil.ler, aged. 135 (Verplanck) I A. \v. Welng-rdt*. ti, h. John Henry, 5, loo (Dicken.) l Tim. -5:01). ?Iterns.d. IFell. IThroivn and hilled. Iluckir. and Major rickett having killed ott tho opposi? tion by a merry and at the.* sumo time iragie chase; through the geld, Hafen te Stie-S up from tho rear and won. The gssd Hiing nearly cam.; to grief, however, for Basaanlo ramo with a spurt at tho finish that ilmost nipped tho winner BS UM POSS, BtfSfl" beating him only a h?*ad, while rickett third, was only s nose back. John Henry tell Bt the hodge i.pti..s|r(. tho netting ring, breaking his back and hurting Dick, ns seriously. King Troubler also went down, bul a* - Monkey Charley" wm on him, no harm wa* done, Charley b"lng Invulnerable above the h. .1. Mentmore wa* disgusted with the water Jump sud i [used ii ? ' ? * - TIIF, BUBEWSBUBY HANDICAP. Fellowing are tho entrie* for thc -brew-bury Handlcip, Va mBaa to, bc run Tuesday: I Nm...*. Wt. Nimif Wt. Klkwood.121 Trlboulet.10d B, ivl lerc.181 Dani oyne.101 .123 Stockton.lei.*) Kingston.129 Inc Bourbon.103 Kxllo.121 Volunteer.-'.lui Monism Begem.120 Huperi.10* Kirenil.110 True llriton.10_' (ii. un.ll-t *sc. Augustine.Uri .)..,.'mi.114 Bolero.loo lb.113 Rlineiho. Sj I..* Logos.iva Benedictine. 'J8 Bauburg .113 Di.dem. '.?? li. tele June.119 han bot. Si t'eorge Oyster.los Tenaliy. 92 Cnn. niiira.100 Glenbrook.- 00 WIBHBBS OF TIIF. AI.CYONF. BACKS. The Al.-oyne Moat Club had lt* annual le-salt* y> verday afterno .n over a ene.mlle straight-awiy course on the Ar? thur Billa Tin* WSBBI was somewhat roagfe and Interfered ec ask- rabty wltk sm king geed time. The orsi tatt (or fouroarej bsirr.'.s na* WM by the Whites In ts n in. lg iee. in th<- palr-osrsd gig race tbe BTkltos ware again vb J. II. Bl-StC waa Ihe ra.** nf UM BUffS I-Sfls In ii min. _0 SSS. and iho Whites were thu victors in the race foi four-oared ikells; time, 4 mli*. 40 ?oc. The lirt.Ii iii..*.- f.,r i-.s-'lii- sir ed Ikslla was w.m by the niue* In 0 h.i:i. 'J2 SSS. A Cunny tub ince wound up the regatta. WASHINGTON PASS RACES. Chicago, July 7--Thc races at, Washington Tark this aftern.i.m rSSBltSd BS fellows. , First race?Thrti'-eiuarters of s mlle. Queen of Trump* first, h..uni.* Bounce, liri tl rad. Bediipht third. Tlme>-1:17. Second race?One mlle and one-eighth. Yura Yum first, madia l*. iscaad, Prose Uilid. Time?1:57. Third ra'<??Creal Western handb-ap.?Ono mlle ml s heir. Montrose, Ant, Lung!.ghi second. Woodcraft third. Tlias J .'Al. ruth race?Sellln'f.?S'*ven furlong*. Lepinto first, Castilan second, Faustus third. Tlme-1 :_9_. Fifih reno Beliing Brvtm furlong*, jennie KeVha* land tlrst, Gray Cloud second, Hornpipe thirl Time? 1:*-'>'i. I . Sixth race?One mlle. Badge) first, Orderly ?econd, LstoX third. Tlme-1 :42. I -? YEANLINGS ALMOST C.IVFN AWAY. Ynumc'si.-s's of tsshlonabte breeding were almost*, elve-n away by Colonel Bruco it Monmouth I'ark yssBudsy. The joint Kile, which IsSB place In the saddling paddock before tho races, comprised yearling, from thc Brookdale, lill * jud Newminster stud*. These are tho price* .i. i bayon: Bey edi by King Ei_f*t-Cfidene*e, $325; Castle Stable. CkesUMt cit by Imp. -tonehcnee-Mary Buckley, $840; I.i - S,;,.uiJrl. Bay edt by King Ernest-Bijou, $120; Abe Girson. liny eelt by Imp. Stoiiehenge-Majorlty, 1375; Castle Stable. B.iy edi by Imp. King Ernest-Laura Gould, el25; Walter II. finis. Ched SUI colt by Imp. Macaroon-Abundance, g'Alb; Jamea Stews**!, Cb.srnut any by SlMMfccngeOaetagaattBi e500; iv w. Wal !? u. Bay lilly by t-'ne.-i*.Tattoo, t'2b0; W. H. Chepper. Ch.-tnut filly by King Ernest-Nina, $lu0; E. H. Gat rlasu. Bay filly by King Bl SSH MlB-lllJ. $550; W. Walden. Hiv edi by Dake of Magenta-Disdain, $1,050; H. Mc? Bride. Bay coll by Duke of Magenta-Uyptei, $135; P. J. Flynn. Bay cit by Emperor-Fellr-'.ty, $800; A. Creamer. Bay edt by fin Bte ilsan-Siy. S150; IL w. Walden. Bsy illly by Daks of Magenta-ivrrc-ption, $350; ll. W. Walden. Chestaat Olly by Dukn of Maqenu-Vlrglnlty, $400; R. Vf. Wli '. n. Brown illly by Iree.a-is-Cyr_-B, $225; E. B. Davls. Bay illly by lr*-ts-ra>BI_cea t, *rl-0; A. Lakeland. Chestnut illly by Duke of Msgsula OeseetS, $1*35; P. J. n.vim. Elmon, by Polas lldBS. $550; Castle Stable. hlssBe Bassall, by rirlir-fdllh laasall, nib; R. W. Wald-n. Alice BoMBBSB. by Charam*-Lady Crace, $4C0; WHU_m G-lte. Betty Cary, by Cliaraxus.Kllte, $110; William Gsite. IlnjM*, by Tom Ochlltree-IIibernla, $475; C. Littlefiald. Victoria, by YlateoQaeea'a own, $225; c. Littiencid. Mis* Kader, by YliglllBn Bass Kider, ,100; 0. Lillie il-r 1. Gavotte, by Maed-ff-TSrsnto, $350; A. J. Cassatt l'uriuii, I.y insi. l'l//sir.>-tlelanto, $^f>o ft. u, c'lurke. /.niuo!-, bf imp. Mort'-mer-Zoo /..?., Uv ; I'.. C. Lian. Ba] or browa edi bj attila MeGaaw, trcioo; I. ll. Mc Creery. _ AM Kl! K AN ATI! I KT i,-* WIN" IN* IRELAND. Dublin, July 7.?The visiting Am. ri ian BlfcJstBS took pan in contests Bt Baimbridge to-day and wen s-*vnil prl/.'s. In tho 100-yards diu-h Weston, of tho Maahstton Athletic Club, was first, Oaen\ ot th.< N.? Voik Athl.n.i Cluh, third. Daly, of llorrisokane, took first prl/e for sunning the .'.iVpouitd welaht, the uecond pru i ydna to Bray, ol Iks Bew?Yotfc dab. la tho run? ning kigk j'nrm si JorJun, of tho New.York Club, wai Irak Tke adie lat raes ujs area bv CoimeiT, of tho BtanhauBa Club. In puning ike lB-poaad shot Cray, of ii..* BCW'Torfc Club, broke the world's record and look IgS i.ith a MON et lt t- .*t. In the long-jump con . i ..nn-ll, nf I'.Isn i.iock, was llr-t and Jordan, of the New-York club, ncsad. Ike ISIKyaias dash ?a? won by Doini, nf tho New-York Club. The lueittlng at Balls ' toatlsasi on Monday. IsIILTTlNi; Ul' Blt; POOIi BOOMS. 1'lttsl.urg, 7 (Bpsdd .-l'oil.iwlng the conviction nf l'n i- t (' ., proprietors, for keeping a gan, UlBg boase, Chief Brown, nf the Department nf l*ublte BsfCty, "ho Instituted UM -'lit. iseasd orders that ill pool i.Bl mu'i lissa a week fn>m to-night. Price ,t c.. have apiwaled to lin* S-gBSBM Court, ind bo-d.iv poditd tho foil..'miis.' notice on their lilac ktmard : " Bs m.u ? am-.lon |m...Is s.,'.l. Bookmaking on ill Threo per cent o..inml*slon charged oa ill tlalis,i.*llnti:..'' St il'i' h Co. foll.niei MU, hut comb! ra Hon* continued to be r. ni'* ai Msaua I co.'* restsiday's tfseUlea of Judge e'.r.i.r dil liol .miude bCO-MBklllg. l'rlce'S Mil ' rn , ant to siIh.ui .nd a half million .lol. Im*. Vi.* linns ion,mission on u,i? luuld bo *<*iciii\. h.* ihoussn l doll.irs. .1 DUtEBB TO F.t'VADOR'S PRESIDENT.ELECT. The BsUousl eaters of Ajairlss, SsakB and Bsaadss were ih.* c ia. r BdscaaMUta ..t Dd-MUlce's Isibb dining han i*st nl'-'hl. on th- iciaaon nf a .?nini.limeuury dlnii.r given lo !*;? si.]..,: . !??, t. lions, i.f r, .j..,l,.r. I),,n SsattBga dj I lsd, md thone pro-etu were Cnsuli cm Lion, of Columbi. ; HuU. of llcusdor; Kllvs, o| i ...ia; ?:-fiuuii, of (ficaragaa; Basest nf Bgslai N.ii.irr... of Msxleoi Cain., of the Ar*,.*iitin.) llepubllc ; ; Holli lu; at.! many prominent Siuiilsh ne*r. ihsiiH of Rsw-Tork city, cuiiiiirin Psrea ?a'.d they, ai Sgealsh AsmiIcbss and BpsalarBs living lu Bew-Twtt iv. I...m.*.! |*IS Ideal ls mat only en account ol th. his'ti position lo uhl.h h- had been fleeted, but alH in-s- of tn. fame ms * scholar, patriot sud diplomat- Ut referred ls rloqasal HrsM la Hm gre il etti.rt msd.* hf M on I., half el klS louiilry, .ml gr.*, ted him a* Uk s..n ..f the lils al che lYniial AmertiHii Itopahlls F. G. Mena, S i" Trisna Consul iaider.ii ami stkan als., nu!.' eoiuuHioen-ir* rssiarks, to which l'residon Kbnes ri lout' l in suliaule icrius. - aa HELD ls 4 nrBMS II HU COUOXF.H. Joseph lebaasa, BUSS JaSSSU Henry U1.Nelli, who lt -aid If tm. indi. ?> to Im> a n liners or sa accessory to i homicide, ws* .rr.:,u.*d hStSBS 0s$S-M Kidman yc?i?*ida* aud sent to thu Hon** of Dcieniion. Tho murder whicl Jehiisiti ls fa il tn know I good desi aliout la that o Ooraatt-S Lauhsui, on Vier {iii. a, Norm Hlvar. oa Jua< si fi. NEW-YORKS BEGIN AGAIN* A VICTORY SNATCHED AT PTTTSBUBa AN INTERF..STING CONTK8T- Ff/)WF,RS BROM ADf MIRF.R.S OF TIIF. MA NT**.. Pittsburg, July 7.?The Giant* defeated ths Pituburfi lo-day in an Interesting game. Thero were several billllant [ii-vh, .1,-1 the eleven hit* of! .Staley were timely. The home player*' error* were coally, and the *pf:et*eJor* Shewed their dlnspprovsl many time*. Slattery'**'h;t to tho fence for ihme. bate* snd thst of Coleman in t_? s.n...' plae.j were pieassng feature*. Several Um, were made bv Ward. Whitney and Richardson. I'revloul to the game an elegant floral tribute ?.e presented te ths (/lams by I/mpire Lynch on Intuit of ?onv NewVirB admirer*. Tho game waa wluioaeed bj 2,200 p/opie. Th. BSSIS was a* follows: JltUburg. | r.tlb'.pe n.\ *. | New- York, | r. it, poi ai ?. Hnn.'sr. rf... Carroo, c. coie-tan. r I.. I li Berkley. 1 o. I eli lian ?i.i|.i?. l f ll K.l.*'.oe, * H...I O' Hmiih. . l>....I 0, MlHer, .1 b....| O' Maier, p. 0. lj S 2 2 4 *. - 1 10 li Cl 1 (I if I) o' 2 1, M x 0 0 I) I 1 .. 7l n 1 (i Kwioi*. e Sj A fi I) iiiena'n.'ih! o 1 3 T tertian, rf... ( 0 0 1* Connor, lb.! 1. 2 lei o'Bourke, if. i *. -i Ward. ? *. . l I' ci. *s|?tt.-ry. rf.. 1 'i '2 .Vliitnev. Ali ll I o 0, 7 0 Keefe, o. 0 0 B 7 nan. _Total*.| 41 7'-4lltfi 3 1 Totals. ct,ll 27 24, A l'lteshiirg ....20000200 0-4 New-York . . .320001000-4 F-rir.'l rur*.*-i'|tisl/*urg, \ ; New-York, 3. Two-hi?? hit*?Coleman. Connor md F.wIiik. Th rc. ?-ha so ht'* Coleman and rjlatfrry. Double play*?Kue-hne, Smith and Beckley. Fir?t haw on balls?Sunday, C..*,nor and Tier. Hit by pitched bsll-.-Mi.tfri. Flr?t bane on errors -Pittsburg, 1; New-York. 1. .Struck out?Hy Staley, 5; by Ke.-fo. rt. l'a-uvcd tall*?Carroll 1. Wild pitches? Staley 1. Umpire-Mr. Lyn. h. Tlirx-2 .00. OAMSB IN, CITIK.S. Indianapoll*, July 7.?Healy had tho Philadelphia* at his mercy to-day, although they made pm\ rain'-l run* la the eijsthih inning. Sander* dr.vlng tli.*m In with hi* Uno Ins hens hit. The home team batted hard, but the visit? ing plavo.-n SsMei snarply, SBpSSSsBf Andrews. The BBSSS wa* as follows: Philadelphia ...00000002 0-2 llirli.ii.apoll* ...000011101-4 Ilasehlts? Philadelphia, 7: Indianapolis, ll. I.rrors? Philadelphia, 7; Indlanain.ils, 4, Pitcher*?Casey aud liealy. Umpire?Mr. Valentine. Detroit, July 7?The Washington nine played a m-vlel game* in the Acid 'oday, and. BBBftMBi ky 0*0-1*1 -rrat.-try In pitchlm/. managed to win a tiawt and Stdtlag gai ? tho Detroit team. Thompson had lx'*-n doing vi priorly that h.* wa* lalrl off to-div ant ptmag (, irfes ?l-'n.s1 thi. morning, took Thompson's plac* tn right Hell. Thi Wnshlnr-'ton nire- MSISd the w.tining run In the la*t kv nlng amid considerable excitement. The score wa. as fol. low* r Washington ...00000110 1-J Detroit . . . .00001100 0-2 Banehlf*?Washington, 6: Detroit, 4. Errors? Wa-ii. Ington, 0: Detroit, 2. I'll, hers?O'Day snd Gruber. Umpire?Mr. Daniel*. Chicago, July ".?This iftvrnoon fully 7,.WO people went out W the baseball grounds to WitaSSC h- BSUti -I between the BSSSOS and Chicago n re*.?. Tie h. in.- t.-.m did all it* eff'-ctlve playing in the oi^ni.ig inning and Ikea utcerly collapsed. Kn..-_ a I h. A With fc liing ??'.? f.ct up to tho fifth inning. Ar. thal point the Boston totters gauged hi* curves as/1 llnal victory -*.. rather easy. Thc scow was as follows: Bsstsa . . . .000000201-* Clil.atsro ....40 0 00000 0?4 liar* liitj*?, 8; Chi.-ago, 4. IVror*?Boston, 1 ;*... b. Pilcher*?BewdSBS and Krie.k. Umpire Mr. Kelty. Cincinnati, July 7.?The Athletic* won an easy victory from the Cincinnati* to-day by their sapettc r r.a'ting and gas li* liing. S'-ward pitched a splendid game, and tho nicking ?' Robinson was one ..f HM MSUMSS of the game. /ttl i. linc*, 3.2.^0. Tis-: score wa" a, ai. Athb-tio ....20 2 20001 0-7 Cine.miall ....00000000 ) Baschits?Athletic, 12 i C'lii'.-nnsvl. 5. Errors? Athletic, 1; Cincinnati, 2. PlIskSBB Bcwstd and _craX Umpire? Mr. Dsessaar. I. .ui-fMlie, July 7.? Louisville giuged O'Brien'! delivery to-day, and batted hi* curve* all over tho ground*. Os the other hand, Cleveland gol only one clean hit ind ihr..? ?CiBlCkeB oft Ramsey. The result was a shui out, me llrsi of the season for tho Louisville t? am. The Kore wa-s as appended: Louisville . .. .211000212-1 ,...000000000-< li.isehlts?Louisville, 15; Cleveland. 4. Errors?Loulv ville, 2; Cleveland, 5. Pilcher*? Ramsey aud O'Brien. Umpires?Mr. McQuild". St. Louis July 7.?About 4..VK) people tJUtatttt th) second game between th" BlOOkljB and ti'. Lasts nine, to-day. The BlSSkljS SMI BUtStsysd UM l nami IBUB I in the field and at tho bat, snd won ttnOf. The BBBSB wa. ?* appended: Brooklyn ....20000130 0?fl St- Louis ....00000000 3-3 llsiselut*? Brooklyn, 7 ? .st. tmtta, 4. F.rrors?Brooklyn, 3; bl. Lout*, ti. Pitcher.?Hughe- and Jiu-sou. Um? pire?Mr. Ferguson. Kansas City, July 7,-Kansas City again defeated Bal? timore to-day In au BXdtlBg gSSBa The feature of the gamo was the triple play In the ninth Inning by which Baltimore was mired. Farrell hit io Hankinson, who fielded him out at first, Phillips thr.-w th-- taJl to I>. hue, who caught Trott bCtWeCB thud lal I.*.n.e. Dono? hue threw to Davin, who CSagM Tucker between second and third, retiring the olde. The score wa* as follows; Baltimore ....132000210-0 Kansas City . ..013000081-1 Ba*..hile?Baltimore, lei; Kansan City, IT. Krrors Baltlmorc. 3; Kansas City, 5. Plnhcrs-Kllroy autf Ehert. Umpires? Summer* and B'li.-y. ether resulted a.s follow*: At Porte h. -ter- R. B. ant Vf., 37; Orientals, f At Blnghamion-Newark, ll; Binghamton, 5. At Wilkes;.arr-.--WIikesl.orre, li); Fastou, 3. At Scranton?Scranton. 5: A'.i.-ntoiin. 3. At saama Jussi city, 13; ki mira, 7. At Troy-Toronto, 12; Troy. B At Albany-Hamilton, 10, Albany, 3. RF.CORD uF TIIF. CLUBS. The New-York Reserve player? *-:?? t.. .en in a sate** at the Polo Grounds yesterday by the Monitor nine. Tho le SCI IBS o'jibatted their eppeaeats, bul could not bunch their hits. The score ?a*i as follows: Moult, rn. 0 10 0 10 10 0-S Kew-York B.rc ...0 l l 0 0 0 0 0 0-% ?ssskita?New.York Rscervefl IO, Monitors C. Krrors? New York lt..-iv.'S 3, MsUlBBBB -? I The League and Association records to date ar" i* fol. lows: * .1 Lenone. Won.I.o*t, p.c. 4SBS*tSSl*a> Won. I.oit, p. ?'. J IS .1(1*7 Brooklyn. 43 'ju A'- | 21 .Oil St Ixuill . 37 ll) .ont tt ..".sis Athleiie. --' '-1 il .bbl fun lun.ftl. Ab 2b .."-J 28 .Sun Ballimore. . -.'7 Ai ,?*l Sg .inls (Ajinaville. 20 40 .i,AA 3j .tit ' ieveUrj.l . IS H -*4 ;cs ruiifssissritr. ts .ts .ah The llae-kett-Carharts ant th* BSSBBS Ath!e*le Cluh nile - I'iayed at Washington l'ark, Brooklyn, yesterday. The BL ai* C.* outplayed the Athletic, at every point, sud eon easily as follows: Chicago. .is Detroit. U New.York. 34 Boston. 114 Fhiuvlelphia... 28 loitlaiiapoli-... lil Pitt.i.urc.. ll) Was'iiugton ... 19 Il.e-k :? i ii! ir - * N .i - - .'i A. C. . 10 0 0 1 0 1 2 i vi ri 0 0-4 WINNI'.US AT Till-'. TI..NNIS N'F.TS. Yesterday pratt'.ally dseai the tennis tournament of (h.* Fnvlewood Field Club, and the day wis chsr-v I hy brilliant weather, the asumibly of hundreda 0f ladle*!, general eiuliusla.'T. jn.l renurkubly good play. Tho prlie* were dlstrlbutej hy th- pSB-Mm of UM clul, Dilght A. Jone*, bul, s'lch I* the Irony ..f fate, that, to a beardless youth wa* .wvnlid a silver sluvtng m.'. Ths ?Kore marki'd : (ientlemen's Single*: Final*?V. S. Campbell. Columba College, beet A. 1'.. Bfrig-t, TH I > -?-. I 2. 7-J, 4?ci, 0?4, Campbell uBSB-tg first prise, _ lurijuolse pin ?. | with diamond*. CfMBpetllOIS fer th.* MSBUi pri^e lu ?ln? cbs will bo couipetod for at a later fjy. BsattssBBu'a Dsafelss: Ptaela-O. B. Carr.pb.*n and a f_ Wright b?.'at V. A. K-BOgg and A. Vf. I.* , lad -' r T.-n i.i- Club, 0-1, 0?3, 0?3, thj two former wiunlng firs! prtsss Second prlre* were won bv Raymond. 23d Regiment, and F?. V. Beach. Vhs essnpsu ?! witt Ma k.iv. Frirlewo. I.awn Tfiiius Ciub, and Presser, -hm club, score ts in^ o-A\ 0-0, S-& ? STATF.N IST.ANDI-.RS DBVBATBD AT CRICK KT. All the t-SB-Ca-ktS l-ople fri tn l's* p N ?-lilly d' *. ? I pine.*, .*s.*.ilirigh*i, were ou the Siaijrl|,'hl Cricket a'round ye.terlay to IBS the mitch kSSwsBa thal club ind th" sm*, n |_k_ t rn.k.'i Rafe XhS erl. kit na* S'"sl, but the lsiarulers hal to surfer defeat after a clo*e gain.*. Batt at the fail of .ri. h wicket : Seskrlgkt IT. '-V SB ut gt, 121, Itt, IIB, lit, 140. Btaaas Island-Si), 35, lg, 43, 55, 70, 88. BB, !??. 108. TUE MT. HOOD PARTY OAF BBB IX A STORM. Portland, Of-., July 7.-Tho Minuit HushI Ulunu? i-fting party ha- Jiust returiu-tl (roui Hs trip. They n*port hanns.' experienced a teillbly fniigh time. B*_au ttieue than half way up tie* nii>.n.tain th.y neil, niertakeii by a fe.ul'il iiiml uni snow itmui. Th-y il-se-etiili'il the mountain as r_'iiuUy a* poasMS tn n caasf saar Iks umi**? lui'*- 0s__, kmsr weather prsvattsii s-SSMSBiN sj ? Isrlaaa gale* ami fcira-lag Minw liam, iii" l'.uii sn,,.???i-ii in Biaklag i u dangerous descent, sui Isro rerj aarrovlj >*s. sped losing their ines h*, slMBag down a IstkuBBlaii sesetsa?'iiie-nant O'NdU reporti saving distlucii) -es-u aa Hie* liitlit 0| the liiliith ol Jilli, fl-shi-. Ol Clhi'1! light limn th,- k-UagtsPk, ina.lo bi Inltf.l Mate* ?sunni (Mkeer c;i-.?. ls this city, lie wee uuabu* ni null th.* ^l?:llab onini; lo the gn-at dist aaec aili murky condition e.i thc Btmospker-e, hat the flashes) wore distinctly vl-IM,*. Thees tlash-s wen* an?ivere.l bi Ueateuani O'Neill bj burning -iri.fii guaatitl-s ol rad light, and thnse UluntlnatloM wein plainly -.*.*ii la Purtland sadsi IBvorable conditions. O'Neill ind (;l_ss express lae opinion thd bebograpklc *i.ii*i*i eau lie sadly rv;""1 ?", * di*!-*11"' ot -tttj Ive -Btes. Tho lllumlnistlitn exp*. I nu* ul inn oil a ki ami succco-4. _?-?????^M_*a?a_??_?.. w ?...?* . ? .-_r? ^?*<_????I* .^ I ll*. Wills ead PiBe. An oilo minore of worJa but the suiTetrer from constipa? tion, i--itfailion. u i;.ui? hi.h. I. ui.;oii.n?-*s .ott other *uch Ills csu be cured il he will* ?ithoui htthnt *,ho uorrid. old t.if! nilla Th*** *re *up-rsrdr<t la oar day br tBofO wonitar. work inc. Tel tiay. lillie siobul.s knowu a* ir. fieroe's iiseaeul Pallet*.. Nosrioiuf. ko itraslie pursm. . ilo uot eau?e costi?snef. aft?r? ai_., aa the dd Urie Billi do. Ons IHUs srsaa ls s doss