Newspaper Page Text
A ?*A 4 V ?^kwa___*st^-ss \?'\L\I!I.Vl.V-\.a SW-YORK, MONDAY, JULY !), W88, PRICE THREE CENTS. MR. DAVI1TS CHALLENGE. TUK ATTORSEY-GENERAL MUST PKOVB IIE AJ-SEBTIONS AGAINST MU. PARNELL TilE KkCSaUTT OP ft'UT ll KK t CTIOX PLACKO eros I UK ei V. IINMIAI- I Hi: t'llAHOb eil OU. i.i si .N A'r.tiN-: ? 'i>..srx. t i. I'K.Miii ht mu ii Mt. i?a\ ki i .' ma en asa >w ep_i' h. Lomlon, July .. Lu hu r-i-? ? h .it the Irish deni ohm mt ie u ai Glasgow yetterdaj Michael I >n\ itt rafcrriog to O'Donnell'! libel tull u^.iitisi " Tht 'J un.--." Mid ii luiel boca hinted that there mai eoUation between O'Donnell and "Tht Times.' '1 his charge, be -* ;. waa entirel.v unjust and an true. 'Mi thc contrary, O'Donnell had pursued thi ceo.rsc uk-n by lum agnitibt bis own |udgm< tit am will and on ins Davitt'* advice, along with that mc other Nationalists who believed thal il" would receive- rm impartial hearing before ; British .luili*". '1 lie \ limi been grievouslj diaap l>e.i!)te*el. Surely, Chief Justice Coleridge, whei he* discovered thal there wns no oaae on which te go to the Jury, ought to have prevented Attorney General Webster from trj it;-* t.. make oul a against the mm mt in court and who hui tm neena ul defending them-ohce. iii" excuse ol " a - limes" thal thc lives ol their informant! would ii.?t n.- safe .: they were brought forwnril wns absurd ;iinl an int tit t > ?? mme ii sense. Thi real dang r wits ti;.ii thc Informant- tbcmselvci ?ri n.'l bc ida i in I li dock on the charge ol forgery, The Attorney-General's ns-scrtion thnt In* could prove thc < . .u " I he Time s's" arti ile-- on " .' I I . ' ' ? ol fun .ti inevitable. I un was io taken? If the* lette] al Iavi Mr. I'.uii.-il \\. .'? :?? nulnc : ll .tl .it* j i. tnt ral, bs ii law ol Crown : lo convict I'arne ll, tin -J fi;;.- I .,. , .11 W.i* lils dut' :?? plaee I deiek. . mi io adopt - i ! ii ' ?... * Iii.. r did nu! ti.. lion . , . ? r till re line tin ir ol f oren ni; ti.- Hov eminent t' Mr. J ll ,. . i h I...-, crame nt ?!:'! nol pul Un tn in thi ...*.. ilii-y knew -.*. ;? lint i li weapon) li wa.*, in \- lld lr* -it*. li m.i'i- known U I md li ind. i< Ihe ?:-. . ?? n j,,- Sm i any appro*, ul ol ol< n ii tra inst ' Th" 'I imes is ron.t ?? ;is Mr. l' i?.?!??- mal - is eonee med, Inti i.. i ;...-. i .' s .. Imil t lint, ul i i. ? instance of Mr Mi Ui ir, ns tr usurer i I the part*. *.-. - n ::?.*;?:'! Hud fl ' I < ('Donnell durinc the pn*i*a rat ions for thc trial" ti bi hari 11 -ii* Hadst one un- hub* I ted to {rive evidence regarding tlie cori ... O'Donnell on the i i Mr. Pernell'** ? from Kihnuiiilinm .1 iii ? ? . ; sis oi thc " Treaty.* Arr ... made to hold publii meet in es ni ??? hieh th rc will be pre seated foi lure .i petition ,i?U::r.: I'nrliament in take decisive mensur - to bring thc chargci again-1 tie* I'nrii !'. I* - to n ll elli .1 ? 1 onelt. .uti. Mr, n'l'i'i"- -'I w ? ?* n news nfreney 111:?i liis count I ;i'i-?.'! tl the mode ol pre.tire tnkci in his auii ngninsi " Thc Times'1 ni the instijrulioi inul . ri the i ? --'.;?? I nd* icc "I two cmiui ni <,. ? ..:*, ui in pr* "f thc lieus ? t'o* 'im rs. Th -1 * tr'!* -ii h. bot li of whon ur- lawyers, u rited thal "Thc TimeaV move M lie completer* e.\ rosed ,! that |?pcr were ootna'IJcd tc -I,,.v.- its tvlinje hod. i all -??*?? rial e vi ri thal ol O'Donnell foi *? -. O'Donnells itolicitur niuo writes ter contradicl lin* Parnellite deni il of kno i . '.:\'. s ; im) ;. on i *1: -Ir ol Mi I' : i ??-?:- - ' in hi* | \Vf ? .1. .,1.rr ' : 'I W til 1 \ . r * ' lir .!. Mr. l''i.r**i ll thal O'D im ll retu ri ;r** purp - e ! ' living ;t l'fi\ ;.!?? DP. MA* R x Z1E AND Ml: 1 WO EMPEROR*. Cori:! ;' ? ? i '* - in '' ? : "Val mw .M'! *. Ed ? " Intervle ? . ' at Venice. I lu tl." Duli *.- admit naturi ??'- mal i ly In oi ?j.i -\. ? . "The H n-> ? ' ' i- -ii:'Mi, rr from Ile i i lied ' ri .. - were i. ratcl. 1 ut tlr;it it i roi I pia's ilt bongil , lived lo :? * l sr il snd was the < man, ? ? l-i ind was i ? TIIE !>' !\f. "'" M VltLIlOlfOUfiH. I, Duchess ol Marl ? e steamer : froi ...... | -,.-..! |0 ' for : I ?? .. . i -i F.npland. > phi: v a- \ s wai. roMM vxdeu. i of f'* * sud fourtei ii Ioi-j i* !*. l.*oafs, a ;il ;r to lie escort to i.oil* ? lt la a ?? ?? ei in i ;. ro? il ? ;-. ? l'lllF. IN TIIE MARKET PLACE Op ATHEN-. Ail Many shop- tn ? *? market * lace In t' olvlna ab o: -".'??'.ii r\| IQVOR a: |; *_. l's J ind* ol meii i I ? fact ll acted as a ch-irni and from carly i I thc four larpo steamers, coveiti wen i ii' ked wit Toward evenli ri ? ? ,wd d. and Le ??*. ? foi lu bc had. ?VI-' . ? ' ' ? .?; |?.,., were so:*! 1 . ,,.,?,. ,,f i?,*|, U iii but f"\f. ' . while at ia li .1 rife WAY TO Ct ?,, ' Ulled Batt ' ni* ? Ai". eloihliK -in bed li!n ? la I I lieu Jinn!"-! Into ih , || sunni .,, mnd lor s a h Uni ' n- uatei im , hi face- a f si lr'. H ' *.'-.- :\ i- i bi lu J . ttl ? ll I ' TU USIA Ali ?'??' i i ?'? i ' -. - , -nt| i-t' I lu-t ii,.-:,i. The ? *?*. ? i:. .* . . .vii, i In Ht i . ? ' . cor] ; ? .. ind s i i ?? i . ? I ? IO . lu |,-(| III ti.e I !? , i- ;n 't ? io 1 ben i e .'." * -I yr. ?? I, j rb ' ???. ' ? WI lae h. under Ihe nun stand ol i gam. I M. Well i, . ri .. ibe litii Prov Isle ,,,i j attallon, attn, . tanpri-ing tbe ?tb .-* j hara, Cantala Sabt J. Pruya; Hat uer. al Captt n .io .j.!, m. ii.,-;,-. | ; j, ,,. qi, ? j ,,*. <-'aui?;u j?.U(,b u. ttmXttaU', aad the LiOlh, of Kinma. i aptain Rocekts Morse To-day th- offleers nn'l men attenilcd nell ute orvicct rondnrlrd by tbe Kev. Dr. ,i"!.ti C. brown. Ibo chaplain ol the U_th. now rector of St Thomas', Church, Sen Yore, 'll." aervleet were held uinln- tho trees on tbe Muff. I TUE EDITOR ELOPED WI rn TBE ACTRESS. DOTH WEEK M M'.I'J in. AM. TIIE WOMAN TOOK A sm \ l.l. I om i NE PROM iii lt ll: -l: SM'. Bt. Louts, .'-liv .- (Special), The elopes ml of lbs r**iv Editor of "Tht Posi Dispatch" srltb Emma Stock nan Xtrion l the ralgalBi tentatior here, rhe de velopmtnta to-day art of tht usual character lr: aaeh cases, lin* basham] bad loni been deedee-, tad aroha ap le ri * ? ? l bia wife, bli fortaat aad iris Mead ?one, Speaking of Ibe woman to-day, lu* sahl: "I i Idolised her. I i,ad nei erne to work f"r hut her. When i Mas ..ri wiiat i though! was my dealb-bed thins thal I possessed i gave io ber tho amount , bel nu lu ile nclftboorhood of f-IO.OOO, (ISO.OOO of th's I" lui: lu nioner, while the rcs! I- In real estate .itu! rn.v ont on Interest, i rave lier im-. for I though l??a* gol ns t.. .lu* and did aol waaf her to (rave to jr;t\ costs of Hu* administration nf the r-t.*ue." Baltimore, July - [Special] Mrs. John w Norton, foin,'-riy I' Stockman, ".v.m eloped with Editor Moor*, of "Tht St. I.mus Post Dispatch," wat weil known In Baltimore, she was I ie daughter of n saloon-keeper, who objected lo lier going mr tba Shs Bril appeared In public as ri Juvenile In .film T. ford's stock compan) In 1876, Bhe -non j ? ' : oi - ette, being s graceful and having a channing face and ti.iir-e. in ber early theatrical career her I led her carefully, arni nearly annihilated several young swains wanted i" fl it witii ber. Sha was a member of Ml.-- i Mary Anderson's compsnj arbon she became acquaint- . cd with ?' mu W. Notion, *..!n> wm l icn the . ii sn ti Mi.-- Aiitlei-"..'- i mpeny. . i ?'... July - a , rclal i: or. Manltou "-ay- : " Mrs, li wife of th ? ti an . edit. of '1 ir.- Bl. I oul I'o*' Dispate li,1 i' . -ii i i-; evening Informing bel of ln-r husband' ? .1 >; ? mern a ir h M rs. Joun l\. ss rumplctel) j rosti ited by ibe i io -i <? any on -. Mi ?-. sri lt ! only I.i-t vi .;,. u ls un : ? t.i that t?ho . : bu l er n tum io Bt. Louis lo mi MORE TROUBLE FOR JAMES E. QUINN. a liv; iv ir: v..! i \.. - i ms A lt mm A KT BUL IN I'I-I I i \--l MII.Y 40, ano tl er a rangle In Pyt i Hall yes . the occasion being the regular meeting of Assembly Xe !'?'. James E tjulun, Master Worki ? ? district, last ari eh suspend *i I ?? al Assembly No. .'..Tn.'., which i- ? ul car build- j era and dr* goods ss and al the I ead ol which . are Phillp J. Mn:; rat li and David J. Norton, winn Mr. Quinn arrived al Iho hall yesterday, he bund | McGrath and Norton already on band ? th ?largo fol i . . ? ? Ung I.der, Quinn ! need tba) Hie dele . ? ? ispended - ! * al," i whom h* named, must withdraw. Mr. McGrath thou j harangued t thal Ass *mbly ' ,7<;. a ?!- in.r |c ill) suspend il, it been Informed i-i time and Ibal slnco thc notification no meeting ha'l been held. Mr. Norton al-o spoke, I ? lng applauded. Master Workman Quinn was ? dlj pul oul and "ar. 'I in forcible terms thal if ibo demons! rat itu were nol stopped, and th.* aua pended delegates iii'! nol leave the ball, be frould nol . |" n tir'* meeting flit declaration was received with hoots .-?.'..1 Jeers, In the rnld-i ol which Quinn marched out. After thc exit of Q ilnn, thc Bull \--o clatlnn held ,-i mcciii ? al which it waa el elded lo apply for a eli arti,-, and If one cannot be procured to take bold "f alfali ai I control District Asacmblj No. 40, which tho sss darkin can do, as ir hold* tbe I dance of power, lt :- a**erted I f Hie eneniles if Quinn i ti -ft obstructive lactic* will be hereafter rm ployed which will prevonl bim .' ri ag-ln presiding. Vim ng thot - *i i vails that If 1 ? ? thc Asseml ly will nally break up. PLANS !'"!: \\ il HSTANDING A BOYCOTT. Pittsburg, July - (Special), ir wai said around j Singer, Nlmlck ,*. io.'- mill I oday thal special police. , officers would bo sworn In le take the places of Ihe ? watchman arba w|H ault srork to-morrow morning. . 'i hey v. ;11 1 e illCSfO i in citizens' cl ir lr. s, an.] \f iii patrol I tlie property ol ti..- company until the mills ai In full operation. There sro no signs ol violence from any ot thc strikers, bul ii l- thought thal the company ;- lo lake all the i rcssary precautions In vlett nf th.* Introduction ol non union labor. Thc Knights ni Labor, rn 11 ? meelina ol Local < .semi i-vei \ Knight nf I.a! rn i in lin- mills. Mw* thc* strike iva.- il.'in o a number llie-ll!' ?? - of ti ,- ll 1' r- v. i,,. V .?;. liol ell.; I. e. .* I ' me r.' ..I tli ? it.iii wi re per mil le 'I t' work. Among t hem a itrlimc*., ha, i i" "ii onie .li;, ro tn :: will he ??-.: lh il Irom tho urder ana black TO FORM AN AI.I.IAN ii ?F LAB Ul UNIONft i ir Inioi-c, July fi ; ? i,ii.. \ '..i.r : i nee "i dele - from Ihe various labor organizations In Mary -. ,-i- held ir'-r- tn day and at tail ??? l to l"* call . ? onere A constitution was adopted povldlng (bat each cen ti ii labor I odj. such aa thc IM Irlcl Asse mbly ol I'. ? is of Labor, I of Lal or- and Ibe ? ; ? Wale coi :? rem . anil each local asscntl ly n union shall hu\ ? file r- of the ron ?? v :!l I.:. ried 'linday. 'I he ? ' so t hat. all I , i dmr ma) i rove al any particular one thal mr I ?? oppressed bj * sv - At I ION OF TIIE ' \L LABOR L'XION. At the mcetlns "I thc fe ira! [.abor Union In lon Hall ji t ai i> 'ir* a fa de afternoon taken i:i> with ad ol the beer boycott. |{ei rc, ccielai*] ol i he Journej mt ti Iii owen' 1 said that Ital 1 ?? all ir'.' ri regarded ii*- b ?:-1 itt, an ! Ibal I while tho Journeymen browen wen I k, with ? a ? "i waul and di ire - an.: them, a- they received little or no siippotl from the Central Labor l ni..h. Aftei a long discussion the iii -s dectslou, up r lie Iii,, roll, ? rr I ???:"i t no .1. lt .- ned . . i!."i i y that i he r**ri-er why 'I i to r lilli*, lieut via- because the esruiipan* would nol r..!**tnt?* the In terference ut thc Knights ot l*abw ?|tii I hi ?Lui, ? Uh tie ri i le- ii ft ? .-M i on union rn. ,1 iiliii were among their -'"" ern] li ? .1 SVCCESSOB TO 1>R. BABEEOVCE. Trenton, N. J.. Julj 6 (Special), it ls authorita? tively stated lbal Dr. v.n hlugton Ilasbrouck, princi pal of Ibe Mite Normal behool, will quit the ot. February I. 1980. Il lt lt i dd, . tpted by ihe Stttc IV ird of Rd Professor .'. M. Green, of Long Branch, trill be his or. 'I he re?lRnatlon ls Ihe outcon e of i ? movements In this -tate dating bach lo I of I". O. Chapma ,,f pul - i'" '! ??? .1. * n lon Pndi ? ? Ut who I- a taint I vt e.!* i *. - i attie, r5 .* Democratic Prohibitionist, of Monmouth County v..,- a eaodloate - ; crlntendent, a A I hattie, ii,en iii the State ??,, nate . I tcj with wai mth. Got Abbett, on tbe contrary, espoused thc rs. of Mr. : when Ihe Slate j Ed iles Into an rle. | Hon. This ang . ? '?'!?? Lat! wlntei | Ablet I v.-r a rai for i nltcd States Senator and in thc well n *i. : il at prize .-??natur Chat tlc wu ? ? . ? ?-. Democra r? for Abbett Al belt's At'.- at greatl; ph ? ? Ila i ??-. :? lt raiber I li dly lo ti - fi ?? ? I helped to defeat I lha ' I . i um Ri nflli ni 1" * I hat the ? ? ll-tsbr ck I been ] pal foi ? -' '"'''" ?PI" friend Gove rt ni Ile has been ai . dui alor. UAI.D KNOBBE1 - Bl IPI 7" KILL I !e'/f OTHER. St. I..s, .!ni>- ?-. Information from some Dald Kl o .1 ? -unties In So tlbwe t Mb towri I- to it trouble I I wi f... Hi ns of the Btld Knobl * illon A D ? . v ;i- ai; lcd Bt Cai I i. Bl a i ..!?! I lo prove an mi one, as Petit "1 Ihe , f ri i ai 'l abo havo stolen durli . ll last . .ri*ti. ? ? i nu Itt . , I , i , , thal Ihe ntl iii -I- more H. n ern! er la- hecn : ? ..I moi-i) killing ' i.' I f >r. a well a ed and if an oi en war thould lal i nie is apart banded. i V.tsy DAT FOE WaIMELEEA : LONI EBANCB Loog iii.-uich, N. J.. laQ * ' "l"1 ?ho] ? -jiuI .1 ar roomei of Leif Brat - nie kt| I . bal theta who knew tin* i i ? a drinks they wanted. Wines wera tunpllcd tu . _? hoi'i . .?* t* ? ba wi-iio<i ti. aider ibem There vere a auatbtC tt laney rimmIs tor s an*! nillir ihef upon OB BrOpdWay. 'll"' gamhlln. dorise - M. re lh lull blast all Hie aituiuoou ever..'i,.' ii.* mania fetr -nil i'll ti z li a ngubu epidemic I,ne r's year. There art a numbet ol sporting mea here who ; iii" full inuit allotted in ??"!' to eaUtd dab boase. Amoru.' them are ? era! Ilebrewt, whe art prominent In Wall Street circles. One <?: th" patrons nf Phillp Daly's Pennsylvania Club Hou*e won fl2,.> al tb-.* itil* ile - n ried hi. sml I ' I drive in la iee Joh- Daly's new and il-eant ettab 1.-tun'nt, ihr Long Ulam h L'luo. riert n ? playloR, iio'i lo about three hours bc irose froin tbe tai)..* a losei to tin- arno uni ol tC-.OOO. TBBEAT6 FBOM TUE BROTH ER BOODE a i.iMiitu. iTMKI Asri rtPATKD BEChVBE Of tikim oa ailKiiii> DTXAMmaa, ChJeafo, m.. .inly a.?A loeai paper sajn thal if tho pretenl erlala lu Hu* affairs if tin- Brotherhoods of I.oeomi five Bo ginee nt and Firemen eh*es not result In a penera! Strike, ll will ne t 1." tl;" fault < ' the* tad leal (aetlon. The toaders were i sy yesteadaf 'brae inn up" the mop* eonaervatfve ne>ml* rs "f lha tsro ur .-lot-s. Ungo |s tlr'- retOg-lttd 1'Slier elf tho i.-i'll'-.ri-, ami voiced tho irnarel ?sentiment whan he sslel : "If the railroads, through the dlelatlnti ef rhe Bar llngton, are ready to declare open var apea tht Brotherfaooda, we ave ready (or Ibem II kt cl land I am lurline.! to believe rd. statement ls true) thal wholesale a.-re-'- of mon prominent In the* presenl strike win bt mada v.iie*n Ste ne, of thc Bur? lington, gives the woni. i nape -aid before, and i ?av it again, thal if any roch; takes plaee svery !?? id In i i.i' .-?-?" will be lied np Inside ol thli: d< ort." "Are thc men rev!*,- arni wfllli g lo maka sm li i "Art they ready and willing 1 I should tay thej were, i., yon I magi i ?? ihat I b ry ? mid I mil to the consummation of such tn outrage I No, slr. thej a ill not." Thia hun! of talk i fined lo Ihe Burlington tho cvcnlti ? ? from Ibo ? ?'. Mile', au kee and St. Paul, thc Chicago and i. rm 1 tho Fort W ayn ? an i i . upon [log ? and h< ld long if the trlko add .1 lo the rai tin* radicals In sll of the divisions. The Burlington lopli of discussion In ct hood me ling held ilnce the strike was declared over I.? mont tis .lu. 'i ic radical* have |umpcl -' ' rt and sought tu precijiiiate .i strike. I i tho In-: IW? r. lat ives ir*.'0 cverj road lead lr I, is i" cn Imprwsll !?? n. ase tris r. lin ? in ??ni "\r-i rn- I.i tn.?en 11 i .iiiun- road i. i m. ..I inc ??time movers In ibis orgaul ..ii ??I** I.-* i.-*???! : I* of tho Iii i n fe ? "i us ala sys rn il nt at n -l rh it in mist ab wa* mado alien tho Imycotl wai lifted, i I.* *Q' tn ii arc i. ;.'? l at the matt u ? I ni mean*. 11 nu an? r' -ti sm ihoi iuel alli be selected si I ia* mon an iii ? np ]oiriii.!ty i- presented, it means thai I ' ".ni a ? , th ? lirotti ii I "imi t . '? .ni" -..or. ?, or . ii".. an : n tba did af' ?! 'O' nu "i :.r ? ma le the s Iclln p racy ir take i dan! in ii ourselves. I he men un um road are red hot. They Mould strike to-murroa morn ln_, if i gavo ibem Ihe word. We are making no bluff. We mean business. Our existence s tallon .- ai stake, and if the righi must con ootnc" EAS! ERN F-N'GIXEER- DI* OFRAGED. A aaeetlng of Dlvtalon So, mr, ot tnt Brotherhood ol I.emotive Engineers was beld yesterday, nr which mi twenty members were present. The ; ia! attendance averages nearlj SOO. From several i"*rs who art employed on various railroads running Into Hil- elly it ama learned thal after routine busi? ness bad been disposed of tht general situation la re gard to ibe I hlcago, Bullington and Quincy strike wat Informally discussed, bul no measures wein proposed or suggested relating lo Int (Utan tetlen ol iii- Broth erhood In extending blither aid to the itrlhers, rhe -??--tii't.t of rf", jier head, which Wat levied I few days ago, was enforced, however. Several mem? bers of tbe Brotherhood who were seen hy a Tribune reporter at ibe railroad stations in thi- elty generally expressed opinions uhr'*.1, showed lira: tbe memben In the Bast are discouraged by tbe disclosures mad ?reek ol tbe alleged dynamite pKM to wreck trains and property on the Chicago, Barlil | i Quint] road. They will not countenance the use of any violent or ui.ji'i-t means to attain the ends for which the strike was begun, li ws ian I that the disclosures refeir d to wi rc a compl ile re, and t li - belief s I that when Ihe full details are made pul Ile ii will be found 11 it tho whole affair i- ? kpiraci against tbe Bot hoi!.!. .1 CLEVER ATTEMPT TO BREAM JAIL. A CmZKX'l -fir OP elni:i-s BROCOUT TO THE l* IV A Ql'tLT. The facts In relation to tbe attempted escape ol John Gllmariln, s '"rr-, t. from I King County "ii Pat tr relay will I ? bil I I r?fi of Charltli and Correction In Urookl] tjreen to dav. 'i be way thc escape wa red .. i" Idei part of ?:-. WI en he walk d to the barred gate ol the prison on Patusday and ashed for I that ho had been a vi tor in ? shops looking for work whei.tside tuen are employi I be a he was nol readj with bli replies to tbe kee per rx plalnli h ictlons snd sas he was detected, ho eotv ;? ed ibal he was a prisoner, bul I ?? refused to tell bow be became 1.1.--.--. .1 of Ihe suit be woi *. \. tei lay, however, be espial.I tbe way it sra* ? i into the pi Ison. Ollmartli i who frcquentlj visited bim since I.r- lerm "f Imprison tiient began In May. Like other vi Hors she was al lowed t" carry bim articles -ned as thc prl on allow convict! lo receive. On the Fourth of July she went to the icnlfentlarj arel carried with di ejnilt. She was carefully searched lo ? ??? thal ne contraband wai concealed In I", clothing bul ne pb-toi ' ? ' eui i * iln 'i ri over t i ,:!i: iitin. tin Saturdays tlr" prisonei maifhi-d In Mjuads r., tbe prison bath-runm. e..i mai Un I sd prov louslj ripped up ll ?? fam ) qui! ? ?.-pur tl "i hail prof fled, and bad found nnlltcel In it n new -nit of fiti/e-ri- t lot hes. Ile pul thia on and over it td" convict' garb ha had been a caring. In the hatti roo he continued lo avoid anj fnrtli-r andressiug Dian laking oil i.i hoes end stoekli - thc pies of suffering from a rbllL On ti." aa] I., i.ju he -t> -.; ???! oul of line behind some fauxc ar.d qui . tl I lB. Ad lint ri r it, rn I Ich was with tl e suit, be sra* pret Bred to ?.?.alli ,i- ,*.. ii be could deceive Ibo i-'iji.I ai tht door. -? RAILROAD INTERESTS. TROUBLE OVEB TUA'**1 "VJ"! nt. vtai, RAT-S. Chicago, Julj - The Transcontinental Ai Delation me. m..- in this city -'lil drugi on. There i- said to I..* ron* 'i >rablr trouble brewlt .? between Ihe Southern m..1 ii: ? L'ulon Pacific i i t ol trafOc. 'lie- Canadian Paelllc road has taken ship ments of sugar at rate - much lotw (ban are el i lines mentioned from san Francisco lo i 'i t.e boothera Pacific ls anxious to make . high Hon the tralfle will bo drivi n fi. ? ii..,:>. The I ni''!: Paclflc wants to make lou ll, ir l- |? Hov d. itelj carry mu ir from San Francisco tu I'ort lai . and i n dot n t ? Dene er fa il... . >n ? ? short I. ne. thu* Bettine Blunt ? Uh >u -ont!,, rn |*.*ii:i' road I ll .- I* h ? : ance to | lie* ..|?*iii,i.- ol the lim I.ii.'ii.n - Mt. - ' ! -tn- r I r. r ; '.;, "ii'ril linen hs - si BJ - re ;u'i line - -"'.i.i?- their exe form of a il, ? Ml : point*. Tho. tr:** ;. t1 md for | rbe West li: BO! i ? .! I i i-i if ular und i-; rn ? ??-. If 1 ph the I . bcd. MISCF'XA i.sli.v. ,Y INTI LLI01 SCH Phi ., li ,|.i.i i. .in. , R-bert II. Coll ruia, . r i ' Una "f iii- railrosd fi. n i. . * . i*. i ling, ? ? ? ll W .III li," I Kan., J Ph? Iud fi Dtps lcd yr* ind th- ? rt-- sss taken* ai the Ju i ? - dee i-i..ti Iii ri',,. M Hu. i.- da*. - 7ii" Tl fl w/. . / nm s: I /< i '?: ie,//.. 'I''.*." fraift ? building . Sos I3J and 439 Montgoastrj ? t., ,i. i dre tl 3iia p in v ?? iierday, lefii live li.i'*. ai, i imaged I ? ... n l bj ' lt ard t ulk t, i . IO bj h was ore n; i i bj si? le-. Tho I te oul tn Mle ..e l ? pi. .ni -.. raphtlj tn it ll bUl t!n-', Sll gOl .''lt III n*l t'. furn!ti r* ? I the n*n mi- v.ii" dam fl ' i i M ii ? '.f-W. I li ' b-ildJ . 'in* ; f.u :. ? " , ii RI TBU T ? OS nt T Li ROB. ,'I,l!nel- ll'dla. Jul., - -; * ? ? I :. ? Inti ratal elation, tppotad taeoavtcl labor, das made appllratlaa tt a thatttr. It- BB Stbtltblp In principally ol wari naman, "ne* "f the Ital ht**i.s will !.<? to de >i | trie I nit. i f "Hie ut ol tho law i ? -<_ n 1* 1 ii ri Ihe hi -i.uw,* >f convict good-. AN ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY. Ni;i,i;i'.M!.n*ri;T REPORTS WHICH MISLEAD. iit'Ni'KKD-s ot DKCISIO*** i.Miriirii-riim'ssNn.-i op cbaxom or Toa orioina- rkcord arhnar th* in'spoxstatu i v ai -r.s. mr tausaaam r.> rna ntiaaa&i \Vi-i(,*\(,7iiN, .July -.?A bill is pen ling in Con ffTtm for the purchase by ih" Govcrnm nt of a nd if Uta I'tiit'ii Stilt'- Supreme Court reports to ba kepi nt any place whi re ? tenn "i ? United States District and Circuit Court is held. There are 111 suth plaeet not now supplied. The bill wu- Intro? duced in the House, it is understood, al the in stnnee of Bania A Uro. of Albany, who an the publishers .-f srhal ls koowa ns the "official nli .uni ns it jmsseil tit" lions.- it provided that the e-i.-t ii eaeli set should be $1 80, making :i total nf 118,240. Tha tiill an apprapriatl 120,000. 'lin* regular pri^* p*r volume, a-oords lng tn law, is ???.', and tli** presenl nutn!"*r or ve>! iini s in ii s.*t is i ?_'.",. To supply tie- lil places, therefor-, with th** already published at that price wonld involve a t*it;il expenditure of $28,500, and it is understood that efforts are mak? ing i ? have the ''ill so untended in !!:?? Senate ns to i'l'i r.|>ii *t" thal amount iirnl provide for the pul base of volumes hereafter published. tin* main and ostensible objeel of the bill is a nee -- sarj and praiseworthy :tji|x*iirs to bo self evident, bul - ?? -"iiiiiis objections np* raised t the '? official edition," which is declare l to * only inaccurate In many partic-lan bul In? complete as w.n. It appears timi there is "another Richmond in thc tiel'f in thc *hii|>e* "f what i- known ?? - lawyers' edition," published Bl 1,' cheater, which ? ii.*.I I*, lu* ii correct and complete transcript of the record: oft Court In this edition ft ap? pears thal tho cen Beal ? >.f the Clerk ol thc Su? preme Courl is appended to each opinion, ''ti thc other hand, it is claimed that in thc thirty-nine vol'um- ol Walla e* n ti* I on >of th?" official e* lit mc the variations from thc record ol the Court ? moro thrill e>ne thousand" opinions, and may h.* counted by thousand-. In hundreds of cases the syllabi pn ; ai- >l by tl bave been chan ired ii i rt cognition, and th ? re porter Ines assumed '?; dil f"r tho authorship eil Un* same; in tunny thousund Instances thc " state in. nt of 1 " pre pap 'I by thc Jud j ? lin- i>. en "iihtfil" and "amended," and ia some cat norcd, bs Hie reporter, who, apparently, 1ms ns. : the authorship of the same, and in othci thousand-* ol i ittt the language uf the opinion itseli varies from thal used by the Judge or the t'niirt. n.- shown by thc Court rcce rds. ItOWJUmi [AL OPINIONS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. of course many, probably ;i large majority, of these variations are immaterial, and yd il is as scrtcd Hint they ure unauthorized, and that then* *.\. re livclj times in the Courl when some of tin* changes were for the lirst time brou bl to their no!:".*, nut lon*; ago. Mu-y were nol slow to real? ize tin- fact, o' which memben of the legal pro? fession generally will have a lively appreciation, that if a court reporiiT mny vary from the official record ol an opinion in any res|.t. he may do so in mattera whieh ure material ns well ns in those which night be considered of little or bo consequence. He might err unconsciously, or his lodgment iiii'rht lie ut fault. When a judge of one of the highest courts in the world writes ;m opinion which i- to stand is te judgment of thnt court, he is presumed to express ins exact meaning, and nny change of his language by n emin reporter, except under the direction, and with the approval, of the fudge, must offed the integrity ol thc w And yet Reporter Wallace and Reporter Otto both ii'i'le such changes by tlie thousand. In -onn- cases thc latter rewrote entire paragraphs in the body ol opinions prepared by judges, and delivered as the ludgmcnt ??! the Supreme I ol the United St..' - Sui t conuni with " edit in ." and other***, iso changing Ute :? : i- ol tlie < "uri., both Reporter Wallace and . Reporter Otto took tha responsibility, in violation . of nilli:; ther certain opinions of the Ce rr-!. Section 681 of the Revised Statutes provides ilint the reporter "shall cause thc decisions of ihe Supreme Court made during bis office to Iks printed and published.' This statute, which is mandatory, requires thnl "t ie decisions'1 of thc < our! "-iiiill bc published"?nol that a purl .-ii.ill : .* published, while the rest romaifrV unpublished und acct ?-lblc only t" members '.i the Washington 1'iir. or to lawyers who make a lourney to Wash? ington for the purpose ol consulting them in the preparation <>t t heir c LAWYERS EM DA UH v--i u UV Ot Pl RJ REl'e Mi in1 ro rs of the legal profession throughout the eountry will be astound'tl to Naru thnl from the so-called " ollie in I edition" of thc Suprtme Courl n-pr't-ts of Wallace and Otto, mora than 230 decisions "i the <Hurt' ht*e been omitti 'I altogether and no reference what vcr made to them. This i.i. t. will appear non" the leas significant because ! nearly all of these are what .nr'* usually styled ; ?? practice decisions." Et erv lawyer having charge of cases in the ili-;riet and circuit courts of thc Cnited States, which cases are i" co eventually to the Supreme Court on appeal, knows bow - '\- ;? ls to adhere to the forms nnd prcc dents id down by the higher tribunal, nnd many of them I; ive cxp< r * aced tl e chat rin and dtsnppoint i,f seeing ih'*ir cases dismissed on som.* ( technicality e.f which they were ignorant*, be? cause the reports upon which Ihey relied wen* im '. Not loni,' ago, .t l- - ol. a lawyer living - in ii distant Snit.- e.n.i :.. Wasl ington ta argue ' n ease in thc Supreme Court. Ile had prepared , cose with grent care and was confid ni of success. He Went into court nu.I was dumfounded when :i motion i ng^ounsel to dismiss it was promptly granted in accordance with a deni bi id flown in o ? ! ?? I ion ol which he never had heard. Ile was thoroughly familiar with the d thc Court as published in the -'i-i-a!!-'I "official edit on," and then for the [Irs! time learned to bis _renl astonishment thal the e*'liii"ti if ' >urt Reports in h.s library was imperfect. Ir ou lil to be stated here thnl the volumes of rts preparetl and published under the di? rection of th** present reporter of the Supreme Court, .fi. . nr *. in ey \ accurate and 11 rn pl 'te, bein;! 11 ie tri? ll.?? official records of the Court, edited with the greal it care and highest intelliBenc*?, Ile lins not iissumi d to U of the I !ourt. I Till. 1 11 aN1.1 ? ? DIRAVOWEI) irv TIIE I Ol'ftT. Prom Soot ? h li ?*. ed to lie 1 ntirely trust- i worthy il hos hen ascrtnine'l thu! promineni members of thc Supreme Courl har a- well 1 ? it- Ifhnvi h >n astounded ut thc revelations inn'.nl.v '?? mmunicated to tli m, ? form onlj an m- gni-canl prop irtlon of the 1 lian :<?- .uni om issi .ii- which have been discovered and ? lin.- of .-h: ti is now, for thc 'n-t ? ? Kn befor ? state d, the ' lourl .'a- held set - ? verj I.- -iv kc? "tis on the subject since tba matter eras brou hi lo it- notice. 1 found I in a <hl.'mina, either born of which seemed to be hie ;is the other, ll I rained at last to soy thal ths record "f il Court must stand .i'i eon!.', im* i? ? mi 111*: *d or changed t" lit tie* rep..rt of any e-,-i>.* a- ;.iiii||s||i*il by the official importer There matter rests al present and th-f ii.* I'l't.t .in *'l io real ii it bad aol in*. 11 for tl, it to bear In fat or af the lull fen t!.'* I" l.el't eif the AH.<-f, |"|li|isln r- .'f th" so-called ?? official e'liii n" .in 1 cert tin intimn iiit.s raoclvcd by a eorrcspondent of Tin. 'linn IM' The pul'lli Ity now given lei lt should not lie un t-iiil.itt'ta->.-iiii-iit. |a tIm* Court, who h promptly <lis uvowed uud disapproved the chuuges aud uu* issi nus ns soon as tiny were brought to its attention. Moreover Ute 111 I t ? - in the In* i :?' -i of [iti pints \ h . . ?i" nding in the United s iu.- Ci mt- ibera "f lha legal profe-vl 'ii throaghonl the country. BOW REPORTER Ol I" ? IMPROVED" AM "I*IM"\. It will not be amiss to rit?* a single example ?bowing ri,.* manner In which I..-i..>rt?? i- e>tr.i ?? Im of the Court, I ii ? ? ase eited is the som'wini et lebmt -I one "f Kilbourn ag un-t. Thump.on. S rr., iii.i .ii- Arius of thc Hons,* ol EV ;> resentativea, tbe opinion in which was prei by A-soelriti Justice Miller, Who is tliile'el fl purity iip.'l terseness of his literary style. Judge Millet v.i-i li*: The Bpsskst therevpoa i**ne*1 ro the defendant, Thnmiv *on, as Berge lal ?? Anal el iii ? Hoase, hts arts, ? ? ii "f ti..- ii ii-' nr.i rr. Speaker's seme lol] ai rr. wlilrh writ, Btti ' rarba, nil-; Now, therefore, ton an aareb] manded ls execute the hbm seeordlBgly." The pl ? I sven that auder ths sutAorlty "f this snit the deft i Taonpeoa, arri--;, --n-i Kllboarae, itelng ir-, ri na tares ?I*, in iras accessary, ar, t k-pt him in cassady, la tte* i-'Hiini'.n jail, unril rte ITSS ii I writ "f lin1 IS "?,-[,11- .--in i ny rho lion. David K. Cartier, Chief las n.e "f ths Bapreoie curt at tm (Matriel of ColamMa, mil. ti are tie* srinr" trespasses complains. **f, ml bobs And this is what Seporter Otto substituted for ? Milli r's language: ny Villus .nil in ? v, sf s-'ii'l warrant, ne , Ihe ili'.'elirlai r, SS SUI li *"?;?.?.. \ the sold I and convey him in custody to ihe common J-il ol ol ' ulumbl i, in ? : !-. 'ii illili ru air- -I lian, and .li I tie u Sll I there Brees him by his bodj an.l lake him Into c-*u>Jy, ai. l forthwith convey him to 'ii ? ramon Jail ol the ? ii I ?:. I I..*? p bim in ? thu ? .n until .iii day of A] ll, I i?fl, un I lu which day, In n-?ponsa to a mit of ha - '. i r,* order ..( thu I'hli f Justit*-1 ul ' . .' ? ? imbls, 1 ? liim ?.. pri du< .? thc i ? I] "f K. bourn be r ire I J ii-tr re n* tb. Courl II?-- In ir. i tj ol Wanhlngt-n, In the District I order ol ill'-..:;: s th-) defend ge snt-st-Arn -. e invcye . the -. i KUI urn I - ? ; lIOUMJ un 1 il;, ri an ! there ly of the isl foi the Dlstilcl ..r I .,*.. Ki.' irrn In hi* tu-*, ly -in." -j i delivery r.. Mild M.n ???? i.i' ii ara the aai . , ia . eomplalned '.f sii 1 no - "JUDOE" OTTO AS v-WN'-T fCSTICK MILLER Further on, according to the reporter, "Mr. Justice Miller, aft* r statin | the case, delivered the opinion of tb ? Court" It will !>.* observed that " Jin!-,.*" Otto <!tI not sllow .1 istice Miller's statements of the case i" appear, but substituted un " Improved'' stat ? ..I his own. Judge Miller wrote thal "Thom iii.I arrest saul Kilbourne, using no more force than was necessary.?" In the polished style of the reporter this incident i-. thus described: "The defendant a- such Se rgcant-at_Artns, in order to arrest the said Kilbourn . . . . wenl to him and then ami there gently laid Ins hands on hun to arrest him, and did then and there arrest him by his hotly and take him Into custody." [low did Reporter Otto kn.r.v that Thompson "gently laid las hanils" on Kihi..urn. ami boa could Thompson arrest hilbourn except " by his body'' P?are questions which might suggest them -??I ?- as nol impertinent. It moy n,- told that the alteration in nus case ?- immaterial, but it ht none tho less true thal it vitiated the record ol' til" Court, aini waa utterly indefensible on any and every ground. A-.'air.. when Justice Miller wrote: "Which are the sain.* trespasses complained of, aad none nth r." Ueporter Otto took the liberty ol substituting: "Which ii" th** tatt savers] supposed tn-s'.i??? ce mplaiin I i i and no other." Ko 1 i-ayi r will dent that thc interpolation, vi the win.'- "several ned'1 constitutes a material altera? tion oi tin* record. It i- pro needless to cite other examples of altera? tions, material and immaterial, whieh occur in tin' ?? ..iii. nil edition" of < Itto's reports, in the themselves os well a-* in thc syllabi and statements ol cases. As before stated, they are uumhi'red by thousands. It is an o|ten - - thal tho Courl was ..lail to lu* ml i f Uciwrtcr Otto. \ I.I fER VRY i.l.M!' 01 bis predecessor. Wallaoc, it ls unid that Mr. Juatiic Clifford dec are ! thal " il Wallac did ne I resign he wouliL" A comparison ol Wallace ports, a*- published with the official records of tho .'...*- t at lie was ..ti,;.,- ;i- ott. n it: !iti"?l t.. report himself as ih** Court. Jud fin by - i bis literary antics ass r porter, he was ?.*. 'int Arte ma - W rd would cnll " nmoosin'." I'll pn.1 of Walla.-e's ti:-i volume reminds one of thc reply ol Alexander ll Stephi s toni ll rm mh ? who complained of Iho li tin.icil v ol Mr. , mm, ' i Ki ni nek.' . w ht never lie was pulled iii- side "\' r t hal lu di ns Sp ih r pro t m. ?? \\ :.\." - dd tho c nr?ia -tat. -man. " 'Joe' thinks lint th" i kiel ls to Wallace thou ghi thal om* of Ihe chief d , i a courl rerfi rta \*..i- to reporl not only ii ? opinions "I i lit* Court I matt might fall under his obscrvatii n ot t nu ol ? isi. and oceordin . I imenta i tl to reporl deeisi ms whieh be dill :; il ? bey fell from the lips of the .i isl. -. !. . Mr. Wallace had some other original ideas, one "i which was to five faney titles to cases. For ex um [ile, one case is entitled " Mrs Alexander'* ' ol under \.li ch title no lawyer would iii I h...Uit'._r itt- ihe case of t!i>' united Stales Alexunder Such fancy and misleading titles per vade his reporl s, It'll ii was as an author thnt Walloeo shone with the brightest lustre. One would tinnily expect to tn .i in a dry, matter-of-fact court reporl a passage from one ol Shakespeare's plays, and vt an is nrission used hy counsel in the ease ol Pnrki r I'I,. tt.'p!*)."-ni action on a lull of conveyance inspired XS allnce tn " n otc from n i ni irk the phrase n ct nsidci ihlc portion nf 'li" din logue * ? ? ,i Kine* .i??! n and li Ihe ; ? ol " King John." In introduein : tit ii- t ital io', I.. i,,.il. stly, bul ? mil iiiiti.v. remnrks : ?? Everv one rec.ills the two irreal scenes in 'King John,' Ifefore and near tho death ol Vrtl ur." I; i- p-ihip- needle.h serve that this citation from Shakesjiearc sheds ii -*.,,*;- not to sn, : . ques? tions involved in thc ri.f Parkers -*:t;-t Phetfe pktce ami thc o| Inion of Mr. .1 lice \ son t < ? A s I s \NU .if! * . PLAINED In the case of Burr against Duryee, which In? volved questions of tb of 1 lie pateni laws as well rh of the inti in_ ni i I o pal nt for a felt? ing machine, Ueporter Wolla e, who appears to have discard d t v.- n I-. il, ? state menl of th .| io. .Inst ,i, Grier, devotes uh ml flvo po > to un ?' explanat lon of tho nrt" ol l lt n , an ex? tract from *.*. ir r. i* ada .rs r. ll iws: In A- felted : ? i. . n .. nen : : Into ll. Hr" I ' Ill III I ? - I ? mi-, li. i early lil the ! I '1 i . m-. eh fol !"'.?.-. ir- r iii nlriir ii tn sively thal Boj - ? lt bal !>"'! ?nu ti' ol W !;- s [ itenl nu., iii Inti -i- nally i i I itled to a [1 moy bc ren | Wallace's ilmti ni t" this en ?. Incltnl in- reports abound In pictui ii\?* | a- -. *.*. bile M i*. Justice ? !rl< i prises I - - than n doa I oder the eil - ? '?? probably will scrutinize s-1. - - -1?. nnd ce before pas* I t" multiply ??t the p . \p. ;;-.* C(l?i - Ol ii.'l I dil r. a ol Sill I ? .. (hirts ""i * vol.ira "8 ??! ' q fl ,| rr? ,.* i . ? rn by I I rda ol the court. Wlial Congrfss may see lit to il" in .. ias\ ol the ' .;-!- ires now i" I'-- set n rho m st vol tn - are in the hands ..i all tbe United Si iti *- . rcuil nnd ilistrjet jud - ? I ol many ol li - pu die i fl for their pruhlunee. snd th ? ? "in ? imperfeel r* ' dil '1 ,i by the I ? rr* ai \ shaken, if not whollj RVVfl' ? v VEETl Qi ix PBTLADELFBIA Phlladelphl . .i ??? - Bpeetal \ sseoHag utit be i ii t'.-ini'ii-o'V ar iii,- elub-ho* ? of th" Young Re? publicans to follii I ( |ub of elll/.'l* Who voted tor William Hear) Uarrtaoa In i-i". 'lin* mn i o' the ti '. ? l j H. ? i aloa 11 sst i t" d ? Bfgkl will I ?' "'I "ti a Krauil sr.|o. 'lhere will U s|?eeches by *ome of tho mosi promlnem uepnbl i . tht I Irs! Blaine flub h?i completed lt* arrancaaionts ' . .N'.'M VorU to lillie i.ifii in tUo tu Ml. l;i-ino on lill return ftoui Kuropo. SHERIDAN AT NONQUIT. Ci-BJUED UV TEN STOUT SAILORS TO HIS t '?! I KU? KU U-ttOYA-i FBaOH TIC. BWAVAEA ACCOM. I'I t-llf li U'tTII'HT K \tl-II\i' Tllf. Ii .CTOKa Ii! ' I ARE III- . iv a.-. Ff.' | Airt.f AS IT WAS er Till. III.I.A- * WAI*.,: -REAKWAVFft, . tar ; i > ? ia . manga, j ffonqalft, ICaaa., .Joly I.?Tha luaulnhailtft Swatara haa arrived The hoi ll p waa aaa-fat a v.nti h tower .-ill the foreao u aa I al ll .'.io a. m. the pati'iit-i* of the wateheta wa- tewatdad bf th?-?. lir-r view of the wnr --Inp. ns sh' -t?*ime d hy the lien ead Chickens lightship The nott of Non .pi,t's Sal.hath was froken us soon ns the news spread. Bluffs ansi rooks and every pint, ..f re lill"! w.ri, people nrme--l with amy. glasses. The meadow and beach before the Sheri? dan cottage arere erowded arith earriafea, Tho rick ty wrooden bridge arith Ihe only lauding in Nonquit for row-boate was ri..v*ii bf Cetea-I K. il...-. At a quartet af - a'eloeh -bt S watara. caa) anchor shoal s nile from the short*. Ge* lt ? McGowan visited Nonquil last slimmer ami wu acquainted arith tin* aavijptioB e.f the baf. Ia fifteen ?iaatee t ; g mann d bj sa nun and aa ? left the Ssratara with Coloael M ? I tn a-el pulled t'.'v-rl Di" thora. Coloarl Ki Hogg si '-I at the I ad of th ? tte oe and awaited the arrival <f the '''.it. Nam el pe ;?'??. anxl tat io rs ertaai , how the G ? bad erowded on the-- bridga ni il -r..: rd ' i the Colene I's ord rta, aa I - ? * greeting betwi ri the two Mea eentaiaed no reference to 1 ? Gei pal's condition. Cline, Cicn pral v' who bat i"ti wuk B tl with tbe children. Bl . i and [rene, tire neraljy called " Little i I *ii i !."? ihe ? ? .1,,,' Colonel ?ti and pnl!t*i| up on the beach to tee how I bard tbe i ow I b t baal j could go. After n -. is f. tn I thai high tkk waa not till ?'> o'.?;. ck, ilo- children an I Cline sven taken Inf > th*- i rowed oil to the Bwatata i" meei Mrs. Sheridaa. The next Hutu, wat f launch with a gig In t iw thai it ra need to ward the shore, arith .1 -a,lor in the bow tl the li *l. \Vh* n within '." 0 ya la fl braoh. tha launch casi oil ti"- gig and n ama pulled laahora. --till sounding:; lin* launch anil the gig thou pe* turned t" the Swatara, aad half an hoar hitor tha watchers on shore san one h .at a* * -ar aroaad t .; stern, another under the bow, and in t law mo? rn'nts the launch came ;n tight with a gig ia tow, with an awning over it. aad it wat kaewa thal thc General arould land al onn*. 'i'h" transfer from l ?? Swatara to tha laaaeN wa- accomplished whh eaee. The Geaeral waa laiil mi a stn !? li'-r and placed la a gig whit h was lowered into the water. In the gig arith tie* General were four sailors, Captain .fohn -LrGowaa, ir., commander of ibe Swatara. and Dr*., O'H illy ami Yarrow. The first gig, arith Mis. Sheridan and Sister Justinia nml S st? r Urban, who havo been arith General Sheridan * a all bis sicknesa and bad entire eare af him. landed ;it the wharf anil weal at e.nen to thej cottage to receive the General. Mis Sheridan looked svell, bul r.iii.'ii"il tram the weary trifl and teemed heartily glad to find bet-ell al N< u- j ? in ir. ' Meantime tlio latineh ram- i'i as Beat as pos r-ii>|t*. tin* gig vv:|s Iel .rr and the -alor- ro-.v.-d lightly till tin* keel grated on the* Bead. Tho stretcher epntainiag thc General hiv aeraet the ' ? ? .1 tl..' gig A ll !it ill..* shield '1 if- face from iii- a nd, which freshened up aa the launch I tit!: and Dr. O'Reilly "ti oin* si;.* kept th.* lil.uilnt t.-irn in- taft*, while Dr. Yarrow held an umbrella above him. The nwning v...- removed and ten sailor:-, with theft ? I to th" knees, waded int" tbe iratef ind lifted the stretcher tn ;.i tin* boat. Carriaft s i iplc drew close down to tho wnter arni es en ?tito ii, in ,r ? ti..* -i"!; man's iai* *. A- tin* -.* ol- I i".t of tho water and up t!. the I raes, [ I ? or I * --iou. i 'ni* ol the ( ats wi nt ahead arith ;? ?niall siitebe 1 and led I the I 1. -eh ll walked at the '..?ii.! !'. -??'. with the umbri la. The General gawa, , silk skull ' ip und a ? md ne |..i?'??! under the chin bi I ive r hi- head. One band rlutehed the r-M of the stretcher. When neat ?ho lr .ii :*al put np his band With ii rather '"1 look tis- Imnds ? li in ,:- h< ; binkol wa i turni *l ?'.. k aad .. minti d to the crowd ? ..I th" group Iii* 11.". !i:i<| ri..i ,,i!i. ti ..*..ri\ I., a startling degree. Si,ll, ho ';!;.* wi.nt ! ? ? 1-. a Very -'",.. man. A- be*..I ib" house, bc i eyes aad took n long l""l-' ?'? the cotl te n - .. men look him evenly up the ki rs steps and throairh - iiioitt, tad i lie el* i los d. ,n McGowan -tnt I that the Swatara left New-London a! 7 o'clock tl..- in"-tnt;.- and h.ol .v .pu.1- .-uni ? a-s trip. 'I. ?? General - - mewhat 'im.i* comfortable than when be Itt Washing! I ;??,?! no worse t":;:i wi,"il tin* I> la* ll Br akWUl r was i,-?? ir i er is a chat r hr improvement) Nonquit ls the plaee to make rt. Ii ama a qaartet , i i \.!,. n si : idan v..*-. arr:, d mt" tl." house aad a- -.".-I . - ni utminatl n could !"? made, tbe fol* bullctin wiis furnished reporters hy Coloael Ki Hogg: '. ? m.. JMlr S. Tin- - ? i- ir i.? and lt thi* \ i ? ;, run of tn n boura tr..rn N limul two '" Bl - nt'' r^' il fie ri a;1s i roi I - nm- l ri . mt nf'hi ' .,-?*, us t? I tm I *i.* u : - , m o'p.Fii.r.v, lt i .*s ::?? C r A BROW. Colonel Michael Sheridan i- quartered -o ll"1'*! Nonquit and the i im '*, and nurse, tah.* their oi ., - there. Ari I >ui after the remo al to th ? cottage, all 1 rs hail disappeared aad the same stagnation had settled down on Noiiejuit. FE l TOlS UtTBPET a TTAOKtBQ TIIE SUNDAY I.A W PIM -' ur-*-'. July - -, - : ' etea, barbee shops, cigar stores, lee cream ead roafeet|--_ry sterne an l less Hun half u '!"/.'*'i lae onade ? slag "f ena ral | ?? ? min, ihaki ' aad aaaeaaaa beatha I tu ihe exti nt of 25 a I eosta u-t sreeh scored tti~n>. ?nit! the only thoa they Bude waa a Mg barrel : I. ?< water for all," la the i lae ? where tl s mi! ? a ...*.?. Te Bight ti. ? Grand Opet i House was crowded with pe pie who carne to hear the r ' ' . .,,11 -N..1' ? Views In oplle.-ltloil *e> ? ty. Hr, v ii | l.v .! ia anti iga to si ip the -ii'*" tt leases ole Ilk In the best of summer, si I it th.-ir : ii-.* was ;? -'"i1 tot i *?: i; ii. fol! iw 'i *,. ,1 int" m vigore ni*" i r-huren people, In the rorridur "f t!i" tlieati., white r. Hi" nilli-..-Iiif'.oi- elli! I I .no ind i ihree is i.h.I. .I aa u ly o\ ci bl CONDEMN I * ' ??' s. - ix H USE, Augusta Me., Jul - -? tar. Voting, i of the Biate Board af Health, ba g reporl ll tl sae from a paMIc joe, ile gives au eeeoaal al til- meeeH taampa Hon of a !' "f school bonoes in rttlas ?n*l !..?us. about ".viiii bk ? I"'" np le me, and knows thal man*, af tl .ni an* veritable . traps, Iii" ?? ? exton, pol-orioiis isa-i-s . ? . -I "iii Mt!.*. Mater I I ? n,i,i h l faraaeqa 1 ey are lin it ' ing ,! it ia weil alga eaasadttiag a ertaM ii ii-, cl ii Iran la them. 'i!'* i | mada i ., |-ni ami knows whereof iu? Kc u i -it tte ., ]...: dai 11... work Hoard i r ?*. isi'.v ron . Hie "tal.l's!,unin nf I,, || i -i ot ihe ii. - uni towna te> em. ii it-1 ste mihi td.- I.-.* organua lii i "ritin^ out uasant ,i . i i'll tm- a* tl i. . ?.--. in I efl lilni; lin. nubile*) ul al to el '. _ _ iii: i icvi'R nw rtOLATBD os fHULVIM I lilla'e |..Sra. .tub s ?- n> nf tlie kteanicis on the Delaware aaQ ll pu ir on Mimlay a* well M eliiriug Hie Weah, and lt ts aliened nou.< of theiu liaso ieaaaee, 'Ihe mai ter U to bo m-.v-btitatcth