t 9HE HAYORALTY COXTKST. TAMMANY OOHPIDENT AND DICTATORIAL Ma ? ? ri i-.t.ii-av*; wm. moi'tnty nw a STirM.iiii iiiMi-AV.iii.Aiii.ir OAXDIOATKa, KM -.'.it early, the polltlclana ere a'. i*e?iiy talking of ti.e possible en* available eal t"> Uh* nomination lot Mayor. The sneeeesor i" Mayor Hewitt tia- vu many i ' In iii- .if thal Ute leaders af the various pol treal organisations are ante ir !?:-? ana otu thal be thal] I ?? a etan *?*.bo is anea to persuasion. With Mayor Hewitt thors has boen banes to oatala i Bee foe ? r irei] inny Hall leaden tong ago withdrew bom Ihe BeM aad ai I thej would eel an fa I ??:i i ? Mayt r. '? bey point tei the tael thal ? :> of H.* minos which have become v the Mayer*1! leroi of ee_ee hat Wed by Mat with County Democraoy edhoi nremi - asterdan I iii'. Oa tis i \. l tlllllill-h.li 1 ?tier i",miiiy Demoeracj leaders an* aol sada fied villi tbe >!:t." ' * ' ited ilie ana whom Ihe -bounty Democracy Bub-Kx ecu tl vc Piaaailtuin. eompeeed of tin- Assembly Dlstrlol toed tea, !r;-.\ ? *: -? aa ed ai tin* ebolee of the organisation i ? ? raia pla es. The Mayor tm- -Menah i tbe h ??.'! era e>f all the poUtleal organise! oas, aa 1 seems rather l than otherwise at having accomplished "il it (rue- without savin;.' that Tammany will nader no drenmstances Mayor Bewltl di sup port him ii be should ive:." a nomination from any li I- doubtful if the Administration at intaoj ii ii t" come to Mr. Hewitt's support, something thal i> aol -hely to happen, when the relation- hetween Presldenl Cleveiatui a: ! Mayor Hewitt are borne In mimi. A T.: v\ I'.t.itAN TICKET THROUGHOUT. Tin*: h ltueat!a] Repnblleaas who strongly fa*, rn ? ? . ? r oralnatlons trosri loy t" bot? tom, belle' g this course will help Ure Bepubllcan I mali rr Hy. Should lb - be done, an tEoti v..i. io have some strong man nomi ir h. .| lor Ihe W orally. P dice ? ommlssloner .''lr'; Mi i tove sroul l Ul the i.i!! admirably, i red from !;; i, a id lo accept ;i Bom Inallon "f any hind he must, under the law, resign hi- place aa Police Commissioner al toeal 100 days ? . t * election Other namm spohen of are n _*. Plumnw r, A '?? M Mini jr s li olon ?'. s. V. Il Cl . all good, Stn ii | i.-''-n. Tamma ... a 111 i erne a can - own. There nay be ri onion with the County ! . :? i-1 acy on yt et, nt In any event Tamma y Hall will Insist on naming )!: : politicians t I at t o lime that Mr. i os would i tc for Maj or. J. ff-* ? r the Roan] ? i, and also mal Hank, ti ;?! * I ?? gb eif an oi g inli itlon man to .I., . 'i .i. e ''ii. and 'i !-. l tower eoe h ? rotes. Thi confident ihat Ihey eau win with a f fill, e OV? V DEMOi RACY NAMES M.V.'EB. - !.#\" been presented e.n th** County slits ol Ihe I mi e. 'I ho mosl promln John i'. \ !?? r his. objection Iii bis case as kn thal of Com r '-? lave. Mr. Voorhls has i "illy a full like]} to i- - thal f.e r a- almost ci rt al n ..! -. i nnnlngham, tbe eon "i the Noa Amsterdam Club, has il . d as i ne a nominated. .?I speculation aa t*. . .n again in N"" rn ' much doubt In tht ttiimi ihal Mr. 1 . i. ..h. ll ? huowa that iboui playe i out. Ile IO I ' .1 ' "it ry ;? III 1: ls n it lij any .a- 'at - sure Ihat i r ? lilith li thal Mr. the forest 1 i ..nniy, ahore they dod in locating au expcrlini nial ieee park r purposes. The tot selected, IOU acres, ht oa Ihe mom tain stn am, ."*. iveralnk Rh . rn Big Indian station ? ? ? Halli oad, a few ml de the tpol ? i of thc forest prlmei al. dl\ -1ny ol mountain, \ alie). . . ?*. ard, a ll ii n i hamlet er *> Mage ni tl. ? v. j ve, .uni only an occasional small ti* li? ri. i for grass, j.?"..:?'?- or occasionally buek ? alni er bunter. Beal - a ?? fro ?I ???!-. Tbe rough grouse ead i ? Ob i . 87 the Commissioner bas provided res, witii a j., I*.-- of . : ? ir- ri- -i in rc And i ' QC %' i.iii ; * ?? ? hav< .!,.- rs an i upurl t ? ? and iwo ? . ? . I * ir .1 ? , ., . alli m , "l tu ? ? ; . . r Ono ? .??i -i -. ? ict 1 Ihe tot? al on ol ii. i oi i* :.'. BABK1BON A < VPOSIT1 ' INDI DATE I ? of the ri"i:. ? ? ri.. I.t li lu maur I i Iii lu- th' s li ..* ii.n to ? ..ii.i.i. n i ii.* - . . I r life *aiiii iii' und i r ha* th iri.ni ? rm In inli..., I ; ! ' ? . *. ' , .1 - en* n*. pie ? 1 _ ', i.'r* ?ti* i it"- t ??!:' i."?_.".: Ill* av ni- inn! rut*. ? wmrtn, tot tte e-f-eei rretaeo-etlpa tit.' ii..i ?noa, Iroparo blood, billeasnessaad other socs ll,4 c i; Lee ired ll ba wtUe wlthoot taklaa ta* __rri_, eld ,-?'. i.ills, iii'*** *ro ?ni> i?e*e|i>*1 lt. our i'*r by tliii?e till. little *r)ijl?til. ? lenei-ii aa Di j-..:i.> Plea-sat Pellets. rVocnBlBg. io lirtt-itu* poralaa i -i .vu esr afterwards, _? tlir ola style pill* elo. On*, lillie granule a duse. rm*! Wost.-in ..|iini,m i..it and blend, he i- repreaentatlva ..: ih.. best stock ot both. Iteprerrntlna ?o aueh iii ii U lil.'al in An" iii i,n ? ' nf". I." nlll. th ft" \i>f?? fun pr-Optc ss the i" i representative* of *H - ' '.ll'l 111' ti. -I i IU ri, m . \ I .1 1 . hill,aile ii. BEBE'S A CBANC1 10"0P1 v TBE BOOMS" lvefiiw; i*i:\i il. : - i\ nt' HEB IfflCI THAT WU t ir* r w iwt -it'. iTtOX. w.i ihtngton, Jurj - I8pc Jab. Plai in these ii: ipati be I -H n, il:,"' ul ri,,* un taloa "i Ai i aunts, i existence ol any eontroversy bctwee i io-! Controller Durham and .ir" Gi n< ral Land OB :" th ? .' I 'ir In ll i. - r mu ,i offli e, md .. *? denying thal he hail Intimated Ihat Comml igor's views npon thal point were Influenced i.y Hu* fat-t thal be (Bte kslager) had a claim ? count of salary whick arnold bave ." bo pa ??' upon by Controller Darnam. la view e.f detailed teetlnonj which baa since been furnlsbed to tl.: deni ol The i'i Ibm *. be I- compellt .1 te te Mr. Johnston's publli lr* *l denial ? d irrru- and Illusory, an! to m-i-t upon Ihe securer) of h.e orig ? ii tali ent of If: matter, In tbe Issue ,.f The Tribune of Monday tost i:..- j re ont management of Ihe Ge neral i and I ' rooreovet Dr rather Ila 1 more parti ularl] of it- Division of Accounts, I roue, from Ihe Important principles Involved, the ?m.- of moaej al stake, with I e one i" lt- helpless wards, Ihe settlers on the public C a matter of the greatest publli ? which continues Importunately lo ? lionel Interference and Invcstlga lon. The i i ready caused the Insertion ol an Import ii plank In tl *? platt -ri a lopted hy the National Republiean t on \ en*iou al i i leago. A tanner Issue of The Tribune Invited stlentlon lo th- misapplication of money deposited by Individuals, ?railroads, mil enies, eic, to pey office expenses connocted with mrvi - and ? ts mode for a sp | only applicable lo c | i I then taoney, in tact, paid In by the i eopli lo snd li "l l;i t;'ti-t by the Govci tum nt 'i li- i Ilk gal pa; mont eif r.ext which const ll at i" rulla1 ly sacred dep i heat eura d mi ;? peril ularly in the State of California. With ihe consent and by the ii.;.' lion ol ti..* General Land Office ll ? vcyoi General I. is used large arnon nts tor nil gltlmate capt Ut mes ot va , and ilarly for Inve ' I .? n i.i i]. I rated t ministrations. With thal charming naivete which distinguishes tin- refon i Ad ii,., i aili i, loudly clamored "open tho books,'' ti;.* official i.--.o.i and evidence of these nefa lom li i ??? lons i.r ii ? !" .'ii -..un brou least all \ in the pagi - ol tl; ? run ii i] rep ?i ol fhe ? bf ih.* Gt i Land Oflice, which Interesting docu? ment details ii; rxtenso delinquency - for lo bo prceumodthc Commissioner who oiil . snd . 0 pe ? '? ?', i1 ' i ? ;.: ? li. ;?; ?leachuicnt. gays lt. lt Hammond. Jr., .1*Ceneral of Cr.l for iii.* ii * il ; ? ri* ? lui '-? ? ! --T : "Ilo* i appropriated for t ? nnlfot m bi j ro rlatlon In foi nu r ye i ? ru ! bnon n aa 'ibo -i" ' ? ? up from ; """ii ili'i .??"il v.:. 117 to th' ' i hal li tiri- :i iw i" ?? ie i. i ile illy ? I . . . lint a f_!anee -: tho n ] ? custodian of S] I w: i show at ? ? inents \\' I di are of hirst e value. et 1 - tliiuari. ? of i'h- department, and the ion.-', ? ? .1 ;n**l 1 used 'special deposit fund' was I . Il s-i.\ ".vf -i ionera? Hammond al*n ?o i . i . r onrad, ? i ? I ?il ? run r; .. ' trna tli-; * i. ? the ri* i- I bin lil O' "'I ?? , ? of ' Ice lo roller! data for I I cation of ; im' -. ?? Th i dui ns ni " -*!? - 11"* - ii vej ii i ..h. ? I, " rr ? ilallv Im poi ? unlng lo IrriM* their mil have ce a -.I tn be patient nf n dela* w hie . r!i'*." In such f.t fhlo i does tl tea iflr mmlf ion nf th ? e. u i ?] I ?, ?'?? expend the k pec la l< for t ? ?? rrsoidlnar] es pei ? ?- i - * : ( ir by law, \!i sdi nnee - ol moi et - lo Su r ii ired ! I ' o'l-'i ? ? i ? \:- " ii nf the f'cn-"l*al Land Oflice .*.* account* covering these mis i.i i! I! itv ha* I bj i Hy all means 1 gicss ?? open I lie ' oohs." ? SUSPECTED OP CAPSISO BIB '.; n .'.'-? DEATH. : . 1**11 I a warrant ..f Martin O'Ni ll, of N ?? ITS R ? . :. i i ha* ?? nf causing his wlfVs death, i I lakes Into custody. William / I ll lu her death '>?-? violences, snd thal ! r body sra* cov red with ? and I.r r *.-.'-,' * ii ?ir.*, r.n'. said ? ' otu "f f I. GI I i ir 'ii - ol he r ii* a th, sravi ? ? alcohol ? ? li I Dr. I i po ? , *. tho I ihat A .| ??, i 0. to po to O'Neil r'i I : ? ll r, ; l. *. 'I \ ?. I * LAST WEEK FATOUABLE TO < .'?rii. July - 'I ii" folios li ? r.ij. : . I i - ? foy, July 7, Issued by the Sll * tu : i "i|.. ..itui" tor tl about fi"??? ?; ? foi Ibo we i Rall * is hrs ii an ? i ? -- ..' rsl ? ? N fi Xi iii. A. * |] i -'?-? v.i ? '* th ? i ii iii. \ ' reportt 1 li t;?? i ? . ?. au I . ol ton fr . d ? In tho .-. ..nu! i. ailey*. Tl ;?; the i "in !? ?:?'- ?*- '? "i- . .1 th" coll ol that ' on.. fsr north as Ni -Jer* , IVni lt bu i and era poi Uoi of Ohio nu I Ind na und - ? I ? : on 1 ,u fenns] Ivaul I 1 I.I LL GIRL'S ATTEMPTED SUICIDE J.i tii" It irnbostle, ?rh convulsion*, . .cape 'i from ri.;.. I Int ' ? ? til" SlOOP 1 .. I-"ll. i ?t. M ri dei u baud * her anti ri -? <:? i the * . ii Vi 11,1 ?! ; --.'. I. i to l1 ? ll : ? ' ? ? -:..'.. rs of Cl !,, ii,., ii..... nt ii. ipltal. ii-i rathe r. II. Lit plumber, at fi ? beal I whei ? cdled Ile say* bia child has I froni -ta since havlnft had an etta k of the . ti tn hei I climb nj I., eta t her i IRISHMEN FOB HARRISON AND MORTON. Prom '.' I ila Ai ?an ? iii" ? ?? . . . n I : .? thu disciple* nf 1* I . ii', r | ,11 ? ? I . - ? li-.'. ? ? i liri.y r Cleveland and hl> Cabinet who wish to ?:?> America a-iur. ... i "A,-1 ? * ? i i sim nil i >< - I ib vt Un ' A v IRISH DI Con:A 1 OCX UL BA ?*' VLETELAS D. Prom Tin- Bj rai in *? i vi-h I., bave tin* ? o-br I will H I J ..lin M ef a ? ? ? .I'.iw.r* . ,. I * ll ivorl*! What did Cl.I do When nm. wa* calli I vVoril ' ?i;..lld f"' he ?!. I call liol ? IO Ml. Sill I" :! ,. ii,. . ,,.-i.i ill.I lust ns lu* W_Ul?d bim Ul '!?' I t-JIUM ?' thai lime to give luj Ul* lo rc.*jiu tho Insult lo i ?.* ii.?ii rassf* BILL te SUSPICIOUS. ITU.Nl\t' OPPOSITION TO CLKTI LAND. iii*- M'.fi.ri-T Of ni- .mu. i;i'M*--i>f*.r\iiiM' T-h. f xNi'li'ACY err PLOWS! POI IHi << IVEBMBBe snit' Ai' iu), .July ? r ITII1 ls en (Offed Jn-t i.ow in the ? BM -If a \ I* tim of Admin trallon h ? lie f ? remain j em. i ? \e o'liii probably b ? ited I i ' iven i without opposition. Tbere ls no general ?i the success of tho Democratic ticket lon foi- tho Governor, crvlng I it ural ly have Ihe call '???> tri" non nation. Hm thal dues do) suit lr- restless and suspicious nature. Ii ill iiinris of pro)ect- t" defeal Min. in bia three years aad a ball "( the Kxecutlve . he i-. bs im* failed to form aboul bim l I band "f ai'!- or man* ii" im.- in i - tr..;n rf present aol one iii. iln.*ui-l..*i| leader on whoso devotion lu* can Im .11 i- :i curious eommontary on in- pro? of -(io!i- distributing, a pr-tenm on which he ? proudly declares himself a Democrat, thal le* lia nol .-ni Influential adherent anywhere In publie place. Muller, v. in N nearest Un, bas I V-,000 plaee, Inn lr* i- tot influential. William Purcell, who baa a in inber "f ti. ? Board "f A; Hon. with vi.i.i, in* i- heartily disgusted, remembers i ii ommhslonar t" |lva that place ;u ?--.'?"'I i" Michael Rickard, too weU to (nol General Mckies, whom mil made a tun , ?: al |2 ' ' ocsn't care . make a move even in Tams many !l!! for the Governor, ..? I famm II. Man? ning, who im.'ls a similar place, merely empl l.- gratitude by tin* mtml aatravagaal devotioo to Cleveland and los low-tarlfl issue in "The Argus." ell, who was ll.I!'- persona] appointee over iii'* Dep irtmeni ;.i f7,000 a year, i- ;f o] ? n ?i I m. aii'i lot i to a i tcntlon In lil i proem lucrative oflice in case e.f min re-election '? .-ni-un- ti.' Republican Senate in iii- behalf, and having a new nomination by lill! next year re? jected rn- linn*.' np. General Lathrop, mil's appointee :;> supcrli.loni of m.fe Prisons, is Hm ot.ly ope "f ti,* m.* ? ..ri.. ..,- "f -i.ii,o ti.- nu.! influence who ls a ?; rn* I: ailh 'if'.' ..t iii ? (iovcrnor, ??; ? .r matter of honor tl un preference, for in* is en! by ???; 'im. I upon bio by mil, t" a nlch ho ur-oi'* mosl st;* ? ? ? ? ,. !*, pori ml i I of State offlees, bureaus and de mts win'lt bave been Oiled bj Hill's own ap 1 ol mei i le as ll may appear, In view of his character ns an anti Cleveland man, bo I : uni,..ur an effort at rcphvlng Ibem bj mon "f *.- on.* ..f iii** Cleveland appoint. whom : - dian, Sup i**iit of Pub *. nt "i ' ? Ranking De ? it; Perry, Commissioner ot the Capitol; An drews, -iipcrintendcnl of Pul -. *-?*. t* li all Ibo i .ii .- i. | n - of hulldlnf i; He i si I Allen, lad wn, Dalry t'ommbi loner, j *? i .i ba niles an avi i ipe approp lath n ni i j - |j :. : i i- an ai nj of ! .tate Asses1.,... an I | of the Oni ::-\:t- i j Ina! appointee**! of i lee lull or, ? of ve hom I. I- liri! "ii"" 1 I I 1 -j'l.. ? **?*' l ? adherent ol his own. And tl. -, io i, n ? wa* a a ld, Demo il non-] .-iii itaractei "I i i \ lat i's ,i| pol ni i ll ni 'hi ul : *,;?^ nobl - reform- . il ki ??? Admlnlsliatlon, si I ..ll Coo ie, old oi [dna] me mbers of lb ? psi li f*-it poillon when lilli came la ;? . true thal ll ll had a Republican (Senate io lias fr fju riiilj Inl U Ual the fact is that a I, I wai ns .it nf ' limes, until lilli chose lo Dahl \ .; i i: ?!.,. i" ? ? , hny ap ;. i . sun cue la li ino. rt . ir j- nol not p that In i ,-.- of el< cl ou the ii an) -:.' ?> ???? iii.. I! publican one, ,ii,ul i . ? re ti ol i'i I i 'in-' a ? I ? ? i.-i i i ? or.: Iii, o". ti. 'I in ? fm her friends. Mn ?? live .e. nie a n- nrd even "t dlsnlill-lng Ile pm a nu u> - in 1 *?',, fm .i tal ve iii ..- I. - *.*t in ri ni.* fur the ? , this lui :n ll ut' il i* woke I wa : rte Lill, ll i for a veto Kit-valor lilli, teri Sheri in'? oa n r .?I lo ti." state Wiri mell ; .Houri e Hallies, I.- i- i ii ii"- i.' Un ' :: Sin - a- Senator Murphy ai -I irena eailj to in il.. "i ob hoisting ' auto over the i bea 1 Into the ? I ' ?? rf r v hom ri i an ni lane -. he l- non . I _? , us contests I I ?i ii la! noni ? lol ll i III prepare ' ? ' f-.ve f... i, ie r mi nation In tl : op nisi 11 lo Ad -? ?? ri : .,? Kl i v .1 ? hr ti ; i lentlfy himself with , . ? on i I'tini he i il rlou-lj r n ? .' t i'"W.'f- t a* il " :. iii 'hi- toa n. in - r, **? ,i"t". .?;? lhere I- a division on i levelnn i a al all, I.*? ha-i In lu-ti n isly elreula - thad be I t<> I. ? '*. !'! lie the' -:. ? ? ie'ivr!n:j* he, ? ' i . iiiit-| ..I. ii In r|." i .-I'. f n . -ii ..I I.. L'iv him fui'li.'i* |. "\m-i-. v. Uh Hi ? nominal m li ll "I vi it|| | ? .-. on. no matter how, hi* ti as i ? .,' i ., ?? i V || ri- j, ; : little t in th ? Co ntty pap rs, and it the ( ont entlon. t?ne tl rrrta'n The HUI i itself . JERSEY < I; V REPUBLICANS AHEAD. XL '. MABCIl ON ir \i- INf! Illili; HANNI R. 1' : ? ou Jerse-y city ll ? i-f- of rm;; I . Kei ii. of Jersey City' * Hoard uf tt'orl of their iii Incl " i" ." and f"r- weeks have l "im i,ni. n on for raisin; a t loveland ci in fronl "f rio ii- h *adquarters I i . ji rsey tit:. U< l| hi , Filday nigh! wai if lin snd Mi to the bree te rn finn* of Kessler's Hall, ? rhe wildest kind of enthi ii.** a bolo a* i *i ,* wai bedeeke I with ni flags, and for bloc ks around a ma - ol houtod themselves hoarse for the Republican ? FALL AT THE I I'STOSI P : ' * ims, Dep ??. Coller* lor In * r th#* Ma "i ? of the elor ordei n under Iho 1 within thc Civil ti .. ? beti in's ' ivil Sci \ lt. for j motl .-? " 'i 'ii- dell ? ? mall] v..iiiv.*,i. for .... its a ' ? i . ,, i kuos,n bow to irorb Ihe ? ll .--t\i.. l...i, | of thi AIIING POE Hil'. BARATOG \ CONVENTION, of the Republican I>*aj of tbe until day noon, bul a number "i i * '.vii.;** il.i* majorlty.nl then viii . ?. ii* ii "ie t" ., ' Jamea II Lehma i * ol the i .. rue, trill li at ? inn,'. 'I be i ? ut I vu l ommlttec i ii ?iii bold a nu*' Hall tn-moi il r ngemenl i I ? liotli on Wedncday aftei >??>?*? 11 and 1 lay having a I itlon meeting, prue oded IH e.n U.'.il,. rs.-U I'I -I"" ? .' st t|in > iiiAti.iioii, sn.1 lhere* sa ill alt" Ix' .spi'.i i.im by K. ii. Wolcott, ol Loloisdo, and .uiigrerns-ii'u C. A. liouiylle, Of Maine, ami J. C. liui-rov *. of MlOhlgaa. Th* convention will Im< held al tba i islno. Nea ly every county in ti,!? state will be rcpn tinted, rmi from Ttin to Mimi delegates and alternates will probably be ;; ? **nt. 'i i." rallroada ha* ? a ipee lal rate "t ... and a tini'i for the round trip from any point In the Btale, and lt I- believe I thal 0.1. ur .-.imo t.pie um take advantage of tli! opportunity. Ilrhets ran I"* p.ured al anv rallroael oflice, and v. iii be good for returning until neal Mond C'lAII'.MAN CLARKSON CONFIDENT. TOT INFLUENCE Of THE ENGLISH HU ?lill'. CAMPAIGN?GEdfEBAXi DASI I. Al'."!.* II! f lill'. Indianapoll . Jul) ? (Bj eel il). : belrman Clai of Hr- National Rcpub an I ommltlee, - pe il several hours in Indianapolis yesterday. Ile eame for ihe pur i... o ..I ascertaining General Man ion's views rt lag if . nt of tbs campaign, and waa In eonsultatlon with him three or four hours. Du : r the time Colonel John C. Bern, and Atti i General Miehener, of this State, wara present Ar ? i wards Mr. I larfeson expressed thal opinion thal los i Republicans would this year Incraaee their majority ii i-i (rom ",i?i to 10,000. "What ti" von think "f the outlook in general 1* '? it i- Ural els "Haw* 1.1111 atty ipeetal rei DB for -n\!tiK Hint, or i'o j ii,i Judge from r moral reporl " "Wolli i have both. Il ls Irua thal lha reports from all directions Indicate an extremely favorable .dillon of tire party, e pecially In Ibe East. No laity can win s national victory In this country by advocating ? eommerclal policy which bas the unanlmoaa and --qualified Indorsement ol ibe whole '?'.'uri-.h press. Tba London papers recognlw ll ,tt Clevi I mil's policy m. in i free and openly say so, and you read dally tba lilllie-! eulogloi of bis statesmanship, v..ii. i do not tlilnk the American i.;>!" are going to give up a thal thej bave tried tot so long and adopt one ntiiriei!, so far a- tl.ey aro concerned, and especially one advocated by iho English pn -. Great liritaln'i tncrchanta ure nol t. i. io far ss I know, for their broad statesmanship and unselfishness." ?? w hal aboul Ihe alleged weakness of General Harri? son with the laboring els ms ."' ?? Ihal I- ali non erne, in the flrsl place, ii pu* nines upon a condition eu tl n masses thal is an iii-uit to them Men ai ? n sdln - now, ? this year, A Ile like t il ? hai io bi *.i"i like the 1 I n, Moi *j letter aga tl ':* ld, to eiei bairn it must !??? ? *t ?. 'n ii it li lon lat for the pul Ile t ? : fi all i ii eratic charges against Harrison, they have been fired l iii.* public have four months t" see bow i .--.?? ly fnl-'* thej . effect of an; i"; ona! charge aga'i I him will amount t" nothing when tho public has rn opportunity to :. vi -tir--at.' it. Our '-ai dldate c ti this ? -I * ' irkson, accompanied by : John i '????'. !' fi : . i? nd iii" u.- ling tn th" National ir lee. Mi;. lOLLS'S MISLEADING STATISTICS, .A Unlit. IMPORTER CLEARLT SHOWS TIIE I'.U. LACY OP HIS AROUMKNT. Tl '.rr* ns Broil, of Ihe firm "f Scull ? - ? . if No, 11 ?? Duane- t., wc tu tho -i ceeh mado bj ! In I city I'oiiith of July, said thal Ihe father of ll ; i lade* ? lt ' lliillali-el to n "Foi said *? I emit St..' " , rds ol wo 'I i. I lcd 000,000. pound Si i loreign wool I day. There v. >re limes when wo r.'i'i Jt. bul year we don't. Thc ma ill tl al ever; .'i- to unload. I ??? ? : . >m th im? pel fi i rel urn - of i! ?? .'. ?-? Icul'iiral i i "Tbe act il rjuantltj of e State i ls estimated * i, a Ito i- acknow? ledged to be tbe gn country, al ? 1,000 poonda. 'I be actu il Impoi rations, is bj f ,? i rnoka "ft, ll .*. are II 1,000,000. I i t ? ri . ' ; 'I ? Espy of Mr. Jl Hs' ??iii tbe \.! i*! ; nd i In at I ? l .**.. ? ? . - .. from 8 l - i" ?'. i ? i. Ir third class, i Mr. Mills tirrill'*- tb< Ohio the Oneal In tli- country, ls going av!e whet Ibe ma I , | full I..* glad t" fnini -!, this t . price ever kt.-ni n iu the history "f Ihe ???? ? ??'Mi** woo] men will lu rt; In mind tl"* woi :- nf >i,-. Mills -e* l.r-n Mr. l I.--, i-lriii'l C.- lip : lion lil Nov.ml er. IVi t Vii 111 si o ha .?? a nord tn -av about free wool st tin we m "l tl 000.000 pounds of clot j bon ?- rue loaded with lt. One of I i trade al pn - ni of it i. admitted srifh little or no duty. i by the Ti t ..-. Department In waste wool ls a vicious t ne, and ?fll-.ooo worth < .' during tho last yeai h tlc kn iwled-e ai ! i un rn of Mi i i 'i ? ,? ti ind I *r.ili ?? In the fael I -oi. i lt will will be adi . ?' ? 'I ."'"i-iii v 1 '. * . 1 ?? n Bill l-l) In I Intel ol ibe tl ma ml I good i ii! AntCI .'".ll lion.--* v ." ? ? ONI PA I.! i'i BLICANS UNITED. DEMOCRATIC DIRAPPKt HOM AND TUX DISLIKE Of WOttKINOMI '-. I "li "REE Ti- \n- , Utica N- v.. Jul] fl. Once more after years of fruit let i strife, the Kepi bile in p rr*; i- ur ii Hum *. is are ure onl at p ic ll :? ni's- i.iii-, lng to li. il-on and Morton, lt i- nol an i diction th.ii tl," m. rn ijoi Its by wble ried ri.- county will i.xceedi I when tho \.t ls ? : next Novi ml er. Bul lt h nol m eif iii ? old fa lions lhal git ? il ttepubl can victo \ in t "nelda The I *?m pitty in ihls e nnty I- In i di u rani zee] e.Illlon, and llai ri ion ??*? r'i d of voiis (rom Ihe Democratic ranks as Blain did In l--i. In ii" part oi iii" State, except, perhaps, in i, io i i -. el i.r'l - ' ii ipopular aa he ls In 0 (?..'Miry. It i- wi'll understood Ibal there ls a move . i no special effort 11 mail I i ct ceal lt) among ? iel "f Democratic leaders to beal Cleve? land In ti.e count] al any cost. Tho men who a o the i-.ii-'l'-:iI-.- in im? movemi nt i the wt ? lam In tho Democra! lc nari md I , inge a i ul votes, it ls war to the i ? .: ? bctwec them a id postmaster Hail * - ? I u r ?;. - els *.'- Inicit'*i in th - t" un v. >.. : . nu bo patt l ed un, for thy are deiei mined lo down i levelain! and Halley al tbe - ime I .u addition to th- I.crtle disaffection, ibero ls id ? large ? i te of ihe mil! hai , i enuiloyoil in ihe wooli ni and * it ton ru IN. i :.i *.. les and elgar factorl rs ti imb *r several I ri ids and tli v are blt! "rty oppi ted lo .level ?? ? ? trade views. Many of tli"-' votet the Repiil Hean llcket for th i Bis Hm . I La.Iv I'i.*-." tho organ ol I ? .I i 1 leland lui' ' "??>''' "'> ; - its leaden arc .1 ' i sy. ? RGA! '?'." ? MEN WHO VOTED IN I '"? Molt -. .i dj - i.dal). Last I Tippecanoe ?ri tho s ol i:- members, pn surpasses any in ths country. Tho oldest member ls ninety-two, and Ihe average a ??* of the twonl - i? sevontj two ye ii i ' six ii,'':"'. wcro all intbuslastlc snpvortors of old Tlpi ? they have brohgl i out their old campaign bad I I miners an l .1 rdleatcd th iu tu lim >ot ng 1 Ipi number of meinliei ? ol i in il'li* to al len III. ; ? !?*..''. I hu-Insm an ; itun sf \ TirPE INOK i I.fl; IN AITB1 RN. Auburn, July ii ii srho \ i ted f tr fis 11 >on .. : i n l i" me t at ii. ? ir.*i.iii.h. r.u !. ?' mart i- In this ? for ii mes titig of all who voted Ila nd Tyler In ; ? i" lo i"; m ? ll Horton t iuii. The t ann at ' of tho i fi llOU , : tv 1'. 1! , i eighfy-llve; a. .1. v uh I, i i eight] ii ur; i bari ? WI I v. HU un v*. I.it". ' Ight] five ; I si ?? ni ?? v five ; - itini' l U ? Lil. . I ghi j nine,: ?>. i>. i enij ic i : ' i ? i*. I*, i. i ii . ic one; A. Mci i tills-.*; a. Swum') , mk t\ two; ;>. w. i -. \ entj m.i*: *- benin, . :.?' t* one ll I.. 1 | a . 'I it!', ca nt- Un ???: f. \\. I n ham, ?'!. in 1894 the Republican majority for liovernor was 21,800. Tl * year Ibe Uepublleans nj; th - sn i I'."?* to give DUllngham and Woodbury a majority i. . . ' *. which would be a handsome ? nf li it ii-oii and Morton, lin- Ropubll mpalgn In iii - State will be formally ope *i | at Hu.linn. on 'ihurwlay, July JW, when a | rally will lie held auspices of tire Repub? lican ] file iii fen- tho ir ned to'lo ij tho Executive Committee of the [prague. -- - ? REPUBLICANS ACTIVE IBXEW-.IF.RSEY. SCORES OF CLUBS ORGANIZED?AM IMl'OI'TANT RAILROAD CASE. Trenton, B, a.. July 8. The work of orpani.ins for thu campaign has scarcely begun In this state, bul Ibo formation ed Republican eluba lias bey*n rapid and i e and coi c - upon scores "f tbs s orgenl have been itarted, with a targe and enthn p. The I lea is to maa - thea ? clubs centres of political activity by means of meetings, etc., .- ?-. ?i.i.mmltfee "-'ill nave ? sider again Hr** question ".' headquarters. There are r- preferable as an ec ire, ' in ih ? otl or hand, Jersey City I ijorlty of tba members, many J rlsll ' r-York dally ? i-i'Oiu in Jersey City is roached by li would be if loeated anywl ere bly two "ti';' es ma ? ? ? i arly ell tho ? I ar tho . r *-:!ti.-, or ? ? ? I at Washing! i . . ion * I back tux t ri-.* is still ? ri. I ir 'even m under . - ? i, is the es imtne Hie bot the company, and his titi -cl testimony wi nt to show ? *"ir a million 'lo! *? nor Bedle ls tho counsel : w. -- Gummere acta for the i. thc I ? il of the year , - verj I: ? i. *.. ? lore . - appar large - um ?ii! be lon. John ii. Batllett, . .*. propi i - Jersey, bas ? :"'-:-i"ii to New ??'. aler nt to much pi r are "t i"'' pared to from n private corporation, ? of succet -. ? !. it i . present source - immci b< n ' ? ?? by ii..- iiijir rlan C tumlsle n " ."ii'l ti.' line I.\i nde '1 r. as i ? i! -ii-".I. it wont l luclude l;. dion ' and fm- capture iii (statue of Liberty (or j. Hut Now i ? genei il Go un nt we . 'xtenislon, and a tnoi ? ?-? wald ii.i* channel ol the Kills will !!:-. . o ?? lim -:t wi i! known leading tran. .ii played her iii-t two si**i-.i*rs under III ? a lie's profes i"i*.ti i am r Stockton, i'f late she baa played very Utile. ll i- believed thal lier last appearance In tills city : rt i . part in the " Romany it - ' 1 who for ? ' ? * - enndueted i ' it ra lu Utica, ai.: a bo also '?f th'* music at RU hflcld Si i, has ?t cd hts form r.I ce rae to tbl ly law. Mr. Lombard I- -t clever composer ol his nongs have gained much popularity. Mai ? ? Re ? ?? ? ? has | laced the rom te il of those who bave ii v benefit to ll. Wa* ne Bill i, ? il t ike place on ? -i.r ae tl c ;ti' i 'o mentioned theatre, 'i be fiille ' ? ??? ii appear! Roi md l: ?d, list ry 1. frank McNish, Mr. Bentley. tl..- Weston I.."1 .Frank I, sr., Norah Korthopc and the Quartet. Messrs. J. C. Kenney arni I 111 I"* tin* accompanists. Last r j. ai : i EO thc Lye um Tl ? itre C mpsay annus i ? SI .' Ibo ir tl italie ri The I "ill go il il i- night al ti.** .- for tin"* vn*"k-. thoy will ? : - viv a- Los Aag i ?-, Ball ,i nie .-. K i.i-rt- City, ' ? i. Chics; ?. 1'hlladclphia, Boston and Brooklyn. They wUI open i i a "ii nt til" Lyceum on Non tn rei 12, .. h, 1'.. ll. Botham will, nader Mr. . - iii niii.u.ii appear .m. a in inls ... , i a nea comedy. i- i ri, |. iyed with it , A I.. ' oquln tl* Prl?temps," h*. vcrj' I In fat la A- iir- before been - in t la thia ootttma, Blfinchti Ma ? i n, il.iri-iu* i- oi 1 i" 1. Mi -*. will , m.ii. she baa soc-ted competent ' i thu i a-.* i. fi probably . ap be- : un Jule r.. X . taints j id been lusanu for some time am! lui pta on ins lif.*. Under nn us i small betel i,i :i*.i..i la sj. ? i eon.-. -? Hor- , i, .in adaptation of a .'rc ii eh play, ? four Wife." *? ile ii.11 au Interview wkh Uuloiph \ abls tlial iii" r.'-uit, w il! ? ii the Humming Bird" epenei their lha Wi,,ir oa '?: . aea, ?? John T. SuUlvan wUl r.'tnaiti ? n iii" BagUah tour. of Cl igo ara very busy wltk ?I ? ii ia In n. * - ' ila .*lry lu '? NatUl ? in.- iii mi -. ri Ihat Miss i ?.'. i" .1":"- arith a j N and then ? and i ? I :?? i?? r . ri.. ... i.i. Kith 'Ui'it ?* The Chi? ll ts a .?.?ur.' it. it la ? ' v - \ ol ??' .:,--,, ;-.,g hart mi., or' 1 ll ' ' "it w ,*!i H-1-li.lpli ? . tko Csa . D robard! a iii ta In .* tui- wm k of Hen \ ' stkably un. ? i friday aa the '"?' s Square . ? ipplt sea sotapany. ,s..in.' Bfij I only ava, f..ur wo.a sud "ii" man, bars satisfactorily passed the ai Til" name "f tha play ta whlafe Joha Will will stat aaat season I dlad ' Baaetag wu i- The nu lln.i I- . i Wll I ' ? ? - Vi uliiu." Miss * teem in gfoteosteaal atrclea, 1 ? ' Met ? -" i. i n* uri ? m, Slag | hjiali.R., July JO. MISS !., .1 - fi i,>i-'ur in a ii,"., ..lav. , . 1 " Love's Loyalty,1 si Dot istasYsr-e fhsetra. sagas N 'ibe Beat itiHa-t'lu-stniaroitaa, I Jfluusy Utus.' mi cc i al i*Tj.rs. BROOKLYN'S GREAT WELL ONE OF FfUSE-GCT PAHICB ATRAI ii'-NS. PBA-D-UM op tup. iir-.*.i*. s-: -C_td islam/s im EX HAI Siii'.i.i: trana ttEPFLV, What I- asserted to be the :?* it i , n. n iii iii.- soutiera part of Piospe i which N * spelled i.y lt with wafer to i.y <>*. aporatloa from slat ' persona, who Bad in Hs neve falling foun of Ineabau .'ii'!" Inten it ? ut ro indi di k tbe AH uttle i i a-.i ami -outli, ant NeW-Tot? inn! Loag i i Beear a lae. eif beal water in Ks iM'* tan places where ri i- tot four.-1 ? ? ? fc moderate depth, ami al ii.. , j.., lol'!.. Whence romes this underground supply of whieh, r.rir the sea, ls never even bracbi a panie '" ss ry one ?>?? bo I jeer. Many theories lav.* :.? ? , baveaatlafaetorUy solved theprettess. Jl mo abie ono is riiat tbs rain water, which icu np i I stratum i- rear I d, ar ami tini't ll ri IO Ilo'.v ott hy natural outlets, or ls _rSWI ? 1 | . Bela) pm Another theory I- that tl * water ro:.-,. ?? , hill regions "f eastern Mew Torfe a. | i ? ried by poroo - *-*t ita undi r l ?-villi" it i-, found. . of mountains, and bs ? only i , -?'ri.- Improbable thal the '.'.aler .supply is v. lu... derived. 11." peal amourii of ? | twenty billions of gallons yea < all lilllie*, f, om Ilii" SUI fa* 6 ? , fin* latter reached by dri-..:i v. .... : eastward of iii- ei,\. Park, which supplies ti,-ti ptoasure-grou -a-.'? -"iiive. ind the uppl] teems to be Iib park wa ; comp! tied, l . , the engtneei -, planned the i lo I." i*ni)niiOU-, illili! iii t'l'V-r ami superintend) ni of il,-* Bridge, l ployed in rio* i''f i>. -i*'1-: > weil (ron ii.** lop downward. 'jo carry ibis ont a wood ? fifty-four feet in diameter, wu li a band of a Iron aboul it. 'iii. depth "1 a fer vv feet, a:;. age. llochefle 1'ucht Club held a succc?t>ftil r .. A report of smallpox on board the < proved untru I bj n innei i 1'iirl- were Inspector B., Favertlnle colt, llelviderei Sir Dixon, King Crab, Long i**. \ liquor 'i".ri r in Long Is',.u:.i Citj I one oi a ming ol re u Iw thin ntl .fi l wounded another, probably rutaHj i;.*v. John C. Middle ton, ol Ulen Cove, .lo - fairly active ?*.*? uli small e h ni ; 1'iii.t and strong. Ci pi - maj -till bc had ti th- ottos or by ___IL Sixb ' 'i pu- s, r- . four .1 EEWABE CONSTABLE KILLS HIV R " ; - -. ?.*,. un- .-ino, livtaf SI I ? ll U . V..H * ' 1 ntl a rri hiS I I 8 181 I , iiirv I that Bs nv ope?lu r .i *.' ,*i in !..- . ss temih. Snit'.iT hs I I..*, n n (eward ? i;*'l,.ill lil * i.'i.ifv. I!'' m.i ? iii" un.: ? ut Dr. Ru Mph S ! alas ? Weak and Weary Desert. - wara weather, bj -leeaae, er. I lilfllillf is ,I|-I ll.,' . I Ile. If yea I * -in,* tn rr v ii,.. l's Saras pa *. .. v j i ' bat hsal novo i, I.;, i ll 18a ... sa I , f. i it KbON, Re il Hood's Sarsaparilla Hold by all -ruguuu, tl; ?i? IBS ti- I'tvparetl enif 1>t c. _. uuou 4, iu.. -je-keeaaasa Loft*-. _u?a 100 Doses One Dollar J