Newspaper Page Text
-tatffwottt. I * *- ?-ti- Maeljy. 1'ii irs Mrs- i Tf BT TBklB-1-i Brabtci f. ft LA Saltia MIL bl*.M-">wi. \m. .".'.'?iii it-Dsy snd Kvenlm Jernt.ilent and BM I'rm* iii jr. ion. MAMBO** so* imr m RA TM I -'_' and 8-The Ktvpsak*. ?*"i.ti.u..f\..?t Baasli ill Bl Or< i; i \.: ?, i i tba Fall af norna Twuuca O-B-Br* I -opera. 4in-AVK. tn ifm ar. uaurabnrg. 3v,ocx tn ^tJiiniicfincnto. rn*a. ct ripe. i.t. A'unsssrsnti. 1 i MltcollnnMr.s. T At *. vncen-e-eie. 8 BMilflCtil ! .irtittii-ti'i t :! Ainitoii aaiasatKasl n.-w i*niiiicaiion.n l ttS-lts. S .1 iiffji. Mfiiiiiii. 7 i JR'..lil om iimi'm. . 7 6 I'i.mus lt . 7 4 Kut'.trrsi ('Marci..... 0 :?' lr nt ., ?-. fl 6-; Husiiie.-f Nt.iice. 4 I Heal Kauto._ 7 1 feiintir iioai-o. 7 B|lteot-S snit Flats. it r, JLi|?ie?no >oiiros..... ? Si Salsa b A net los .7 ri kt -iis.ons._..7 BlsinsBS Haab . u :; l/rraiictai.?. S 4 Nue.-iai Nonces_- r. .. Muns. 7 1 KiriMtiurm Wanta-... 7 4 >; Itisliuctioi,. lt 12 Sleaiii0?.f.?. tl 45 I "Lil Katlcea. ... 7 1 ?Murnini Kesuits ... 7 '.'.rt Nainacea.ii.nHeatha 6 B Tea-tors. rt ri M.steiliuieoiit. S f. li.r Imf. V u Bnoinrs. Notlttfl. OrriOR PORWtTDRl Ju -inn Variety, ra ? intactareday T. el. Nru.nv, 111 Pultun.nt., Nei*,-.York. I'ltkr,. l...,rt:v Tal !rn. .fe. TUIDtNi: XE-UM TO MAIL, BUBSCBIBKRi - 1 .Tn.'. I. 3 mn* riflr. 7 rlavt n -eek .... tb BO Si 7B I ' '? I 1 . r, nllhoul suuilty .... 7 f.0 875 2 Ol I 'iv Trlliuno ....,, 200 100 fyi We.ttiv "i'.itii" ...,,, 100 ?? ? kimi We. kW r.ltinc.. 2 00 - - Ks adi by Postal Order, Expreis Onie;. Cheeki Dm rt ur l;<*i7l-te?rwl I CaBh or Pl sm! ft ,-n, ?? sent in an unregistered le**tor. iii. in* ai owner's risk. Mun (?tires, of The Trlbqaa, 184 tfsssaa-a-, WasrTerlr, Adelre*-i all com-pon.ctKe 6ltn*ly "The T.'lliur.i*," NSW" Votk. BTtwcn rimcvs or thf. mirv nh Atvamsemeats for pnbtleauoa la Tbe tn nine, sn Bade* fur rrjui-,. iel reey .f t.'ie daily r"i"*r. srUI bs reef.-ei ai ??., MknriaB braa-k oOleaa la Nest York: rirmich onire. i.* - BrOB-irajt ( a. m. to 9 ii- m. Kn. P*>0 Broadwiy, berno-n 22.1 arni C.".il its., till o p. m. No. 303 Wi ? 1 ... io a. m. t" sp. a Ko. 71'?(> SJ ave., n ;?? 17th at. 10 a. ni. In 4 p. ~_ pta, l.cji ha ave., a rai lom n>, io a. m. ta 8 p. m. N't. 100 Baal Ho i.-t-.., Lear _a-?*.<;.? lu _ ni. to .* ??? p. nv Di foti rs,*, \-o. liq , cmcr of i:th-i_ ? ? - 4 ! I-'.., near ul.vs.v_, I, tat-ava Nu iso l*-,: IS-Mfc-at.! open ej-.'t'l 7 ;30 p. a. -. . Hi Ol Ul li Cl 1 IFS. '?'?g.'otl* ???*-"-' ''? ? ?*''? ? ::??' >???'. rOTTHDED TJY KCEACZ? OB1BL1T MONDAY, JULI 9, 1888. VI n i i BIS MORN I NO. Bow, * t in . thal he Di l.imoll v. iii lake thc wit at il: he ile ni?l t!..-- * i i in collusion with Dr. ling i'i t. Ill' III rr ri ?? ;: l'tiin,? Hi iiry wwi lintf oommim . . t i in ii .\ i ??.m. live Uro i I Bk Al Don ?? tic - Tin Ute ol of the 1 Court have been tami ml with hj the cour i I'.-, t- r- ' ! t il ls of (leen mill i!,t'a*-, 'itls ni iii.iii_,-s rn | Broil engine ? * - General Sh rii in ? .. moved ii.oi tho Swatnrn to his cotl quit. ? - '..-!? r .-1 in I'lttf Cit] - Dr. M. !".?.' in t mm I frcm I ol hii -. , i y ? , ? !. un ii. ... i i the ? I Muhr, ' lo 1) ll--*, nc i \ . :- i ?? ? I md (.ii riidcd in thc i i J Dist rid. .1 ts. in' iv : ii, Kni hts of Lol ino i Euri dc \\ Hie ( \. ? ? t _ ' ? ' . . - i l, c?; I / . ' Eur tran Daily 1 I 6,ifi <?' ? ? ri at ??.?(?' Toe 1>\ii.*i foiBi m. Kilt be tent tn i\ii,,'.><? ai -I 50 per . ? tl , . \gt. - . m. Ow\ ? ' I Hills ] ,1 . . ? i the Le ila - ot iho v - taken in 188$. C '?>' '???' populktien of tbe American metrops'l been i mattel ol cn.-<v,.-ik lince 1880, when the l I eena j ; ???"77 persons The i I jr H jus; ou . ' iti mat i - thc pupal: T< rk os I .(it C.] to. wi Health pl? i ii ni ll Ute troth li - ' two esl N, tv-York mus contain about i\<- 0,000 in 1.. Loren highly elat i ., pi * - nt : l V.hii'li Hie- :\\ ?-. The V p!n.\ ina !iif'!.v* and lt r a, week oi two will l:i"-'.l , ? in ii ra i' U ian ta have ?! - I ? en. li wever, thnl it ii nol * Brooklyn o.u.i is alao in the Weal an leasing reg I pen limits it i- thia \.iiiniv iu'- | ,s w,i! . j . m Uta Mri* 11 rl'> i ntert. Th< point oi al concern ia whether or not thi e will bo two Denoctatie candidates in I. Mr. i ntl '*.:is not s.'U'.lit ti ? ? mot racy, t ii .: ii! han de ? t to in- onion n ith ; ? I n have the naming ol 1 .? !:? kel Ii iw tho "< -" uUI re - ? f wisdom - would appear to I . ?.- t ? thou- eat ? . ion in the i if' -? dei Um i. I vu bi tb aides aa poa ca:f I I ? - _ ^ 'I ? e . n: io tli Bl '.:: I ?.f t; ; j li I - ports have | i ? that i ,.,.-.'? - s ? ' t tho il- :i. J i i :? i Dai work has !>con t,i!-*.,l!f ;tr.-t I btlt iti ihe fa*;e cf tun <f his | - M M - Otto and Wallace, great and ?ho!!.v rantablo hl-.i:ie* with Ibe opinion* havo been taken. Thara have been not ? ely editing at d roviaing, bal whole paragraphs have bi tn rc written, and in one In d mi a a i : i'ii from Shakespeare, having little re 1.--, ancy, i*. int roduecd ? 1 l.\ ri.! Iii , lo Homer, ll* rodolus, Pliny, i'.?-?. 1; i*** hard tt> i : wli.v lin* disCO\ itv I f tin -i* e ' nc! made earlier. I en made, i i plainly tho duty of the Conti or oi C tigress to see thai the ofBt lal reports In uccf irth are : it in every particular. -e Tlio Swatara, having General Sheridan on board, arrived at Nonquit about ~ o'clock yesterday afternoon, and twro bonni later the General was safely transferred in his own cot Ulfa. Tht*!'* will be general rejoicing at the Bucoeaafnl termination of the voyage Tho patient duos not :iif;??*-it- to have l.d Ii by tlir* Jonrney, and now in the *i>*t he has longed i" reach ai d fav liable conditions, with the tender and loving minis? trations 11 his family, there is good ground to hope for Iii*-- certain, if nol speedy, com eenie. _-______-_____-_____?-. CONFRONTED WITB A CONDITION. Mr. Mills and Iii- Democratic supporters do m.i deny that some woollen manufactories would bo closed bj tlie-* proposed reduction cf duties on woollen goods, '>..! they claim Ibal others wt old be b< n<,,;' ?! by g< cheaper supplies of wool as much ns they would be lniii I'.v the large reduction ol duties upon goods, Ii is obviously fair Brat to con whal is sdmitti d. li' s ira * cstablish i nts, perhaps nol a n atively large number, should be closed in consequence ol thc change of tariff, where would the bands find i i mont? A small mu;.ins t.f unemployed labor, as all know, has marvellous power to i wd down the wages of a far greater number of who continue employed, particularly In manufacturing works. as u ii< iii of only a sixth of the supply, accoiding to Tooki, the English et n< mist, cous *d an ad \ anec of 100 per < i? I in iii" pi ice of ?? so a few unemployed workci . stn liing to ? starvation by ? to n rk al reduced wages, bave powe ? to force down Ihe wages of many millions lo tho lowest point al which thc v 11 ker e an live. Whatever else Mr. Mills's l ill nay do, then, it threatens t d.iv r, hj tnrnin ' out ni thi ir present emploj mont a l ":.' I * ' imbi i ol i N iw lahor ?ple know lhai a '1 iwnward mot in u igc.-s, win f ia ilh a ti- lino i'i I I, with Ihat ii usually begin iocs on until at rate Iho uni mployi ii (ind > ' Hut ? ? tnufai lui ii ' ???* '.? this i mtrj a ? t ? ? ? than s! ?. :!:..! ir onlt li en ' onlj i-i tho i *. . ? ? i - ii : ru-ncrs won] ? .'.- ? .i year, whii h is fc, more Ihan lhrt fun ilmi c??t e I all the ? ? ?.. : do to . ii *.\ aol len i if at th ? lie wa ? ' i ' a l"-> in - ding 175 per cent of Ihe cul ire cost of ls ? Mr. Mills i -! of tho i esta! ? ? I !.!?? they i ri : - chcapi r wool: i instead in wool, 'i !i?* mnn tiirc now pa.i i m rn O.uoo.uuo l's.'!", ? ? and ' -:-! gel a i il mean a dc jr I ons in 1 in i ivcd b.i ?' ? ' I pro] ls. If 1 not en! .... duty enbane * - ? jr, the ' I ta ? cents j 1 "ii about i ?',-. whi !i would he - : '*.'? ' - all tb - i.-s thi ? i ul \in i wool. I s not Mr. M - irmer also i ? in emi i **. The Presitl - worth a farthing !?? lal - who are " con fri nted*' with ibis "com " Tl ? waul tu know hot*, they arc going lo :? t back ni* n j lt il I j ?t ion in wages inf. - and t n farms, ? e.* v lost ? base ol ft t American wool ,::. i w< Mr. Mills is t,i ? ? , sable for not telling : he do - not know. \s for Ihe i' - -af.* I., as.sun ? lins never ? i a ihought. rA Cl RTIS, Mr. Curtis, i his eli li linn in 1 v-!. wrt te to J. A. K il z mi I lei. ? ; l ? li* stile i" Mr. ll aine i n account ol his stroi u iug from Penns.i kania : I anti-Pr_tcvt ion, and ilia; their candidate, whoovei he might Im*. i At the close ot ? i ? in ht published the f"!1"*.*- i .ill" to tin' Mugwum " . itn, tn * ? . ' ! - I . ? i ? ? i i - ? *? ? . : proof atm : I not i ? ; Iii lents, aw '; ' . i - - i . Mr. 1 that a Mint, In i : rand date who was a ' r. In i!"* end Mr t Lia Hally < lin* i I Mr. ( llow | ii-* uris t.i. \ ' | ? - ? I I - frumps. I: " the trill : -lie i '.lier ift! both. Which of these confessions of the In dependent faitli was to be considered ortho d In which hostility to Mr. Bl a Pt was at owt 'I an l o i ... ,i* anne refoirn i in didnte, or thnt in wi i cl nett wa nurdi ? lo standard mid free trade nnd . . luded as I ? Mr. Curt: 's Inqufsitii e f iends have ? perplexed by th-eao difficultii the \-.i\ ls made i! ar for them since ? ? ll:'!" i- :,'s q iminatit n. Thc BepubUcan i didnlen pass without critlcismi Mr. Curtis linds no faull with iii "ii rn ? with the circum? stances e.f tin ir nomination! but he i.? veres in supporting Mr. Cleveland In the face ed tl;.* abandonment "f ? 'ii il Sort Ice reform and ? .?'ml persistent electioneering fora second i- rm. Why dues ! i- Cleveland' Bet an a-s bo wrote i" Mi. Kitzmiller in the oaring <>f i-i and a*, he openly I'tlmi;- in 1888, Ihe Independents are anti-protection and must li:r.e- a revenue ri form candid) i " I SINE OF INJV8TH U" Tl>e Democrat ii National platform "wel? comes an exacting scrutinj of the administra? tion < f tin* Exeeut h e pi v.'-i" dui lng i he la I four years. The party, indeed, boldlj "chal? lenges tho mosl searching inquiry concei ita lidelity and il votion to its pled ?*"-." Hard? ie, had Ih?expressfons of boastful cont in the integrity of the Administration be- n cheered ai St. Louis 1>* fore Mr. Randall I ii necessary' !?' denounce the extravagant ex? penditures of the Department o J caused mainl.v by litigation inthoinl I fl pry. "It nd a temple of justice "" i i claims that fearb ss D it; "it is a sink of in just ic ? !'* The Democratic party, in awarding to thc Admit n Ibo tesl it'" nial i I in t ho rn, \ i: tually did what tl *? Pi self had done, lt condom il the Pan-El tl il. 1; lustifled tho prostituti ?n ol functions of tho Depart mt ni I Ju nary ?*n?i*s i f Vttorney-t le < iarlnnd and bis fell iw a iml ' trs. lt ai ? ?? I I lr ctrinity ns good, sound I; morality, -;!> ol Ibo di tal le ne 'iii of the .\ttoi i at tho President's rig il has "challenged the mt ?? ea ; ing inquiry ci n ming its lidelity and -?? thal " pub Iii Wbal was the fundamen I prii pie ol Pa Elect i ir iij '.' ll wat bank ii . influence of men for thc pur pose of cleating sp ? . al I stocks. The II Thej ? - ? ?i I en al le hem I - nu !?"?? would buy i n ii - ow a ni i. I - ? lt were i>-?> f I" iii I taken cnl; bj I) nats. -? ; I feived a g ii . i : t only his n i a legal opinion resp * which to paj money to tl i pany. 1 ?I' ' :ie| rC * ?.. ?! fi -ii Mi. Marble, foi mei ly Commis ! I ive refutation of it. The ci "f ners ai ?pres* I Mr. .'?' rblc's ion and conl ri md's fimi as a . : ' Thoy ral od in "-'?'?>. no in cash, -.' I ''-i if which thej: divided among I : at Iho out si I indi, liability 1 ? ? i. I pn lilt d I ;* thi ase e.f bis name a id i* ? al opinion. '? ?? r ', il been the i Cong Later on, mpanics w< !' ? Electrio tele] s did ri shown to be w rthless, iii" coi ned to bai k on the (1 i lise with the n. Mi. i fi '., id was then Vt tun - in the i of ib * Interior. The coi p ira ? ompanj .inn j the 1 t- 'in*, a bad a ? ; ' any and ob ihe De? part nw al thc head : IO of f lilf'in- stock in Iris pri rhe 1 tWO ' llli'-s meditated ? Hell Com? pany. They i I on te bring ? when and as thej wa t thc on, with pre ? ipitate li. ste end in defiance of law. Thej lind no public ? view. Thi ? I . n ith \ b ii the ;? and their s] had grea influ 1 ?? plot was exposed, but thi iban . io bc begun vice of ?retarj Lai I has pri mot tl I" tho >iij a p in ? ne t con inu< i to i ank on the < iovern nifiii. ExpenJ cute the * man, Ihe noble "Iel Unman honon d ' si lion. Th ? litigat ion l ! pall ifs was :.':? tdj before tl c .url ? I : bul it wi ed in the* ? ? - of the Ai ? I bit, fellow Jobbers and strikers. This ia Pan-E ted the D Just ?* " '1 he Democrat - - "FREE n US ', ' i." - X bas said tain contingency, the party would I ? by a larg ? ' be li ? .:. pa ' ;t. in whiskt \ partj. a " *aloon'' j ? . ... ? i I in a N - - warf) ? ? : qc-c?this ia t 1 . whit h is tin* 1 ? Blade to irs:..,' ii S . ? i among . ? . - t II . . - roting t . ? . ! ? i ?? , . bc teiid that ibev ara Daa i I eratic party is soaked with whiskey, runs its ! WHUSiiswn i m_p. ? i, ;ns l.v money taken iii atei the whiskey ks v i'h whisl ey i.''"? A'"' thl. ii ile* new tempt rance party that, nnde I | p . | ?? The Nev v ork Even ., be hi ? ki 'I by tho Chi .ni' This ia too mw b of :i li ke to last .-I VII '.EX NI AL ERE I M. I mi th ? Fourth of Juir ht ?ri 'i in rangrntulal ? himself upon tho , ? tea if thew wert* another holiday up *n which be Int itv I t > < th.. o| I : . Beni In Iii- situ ? thnt bc we uki think to more p ? np ,*i *, '..? i . of many '?! Iii- anffoi un,l thnt ha might derive some meana of hasten .1! ;* riod when thi we " ahall r 'present cxl : . ;. Uian tl '?" al 11 1: ia "ii.n ?.." often?aid thal iii" Soi illy fur* -it ii ulm-s. The ? ii Involves f'.mplimont. To tolerate . js I,. ,*v:. ..: .!rrir:"'t* r. i.r to explnin this foih thal -i' e.i ?.ut expect tn !> some day none fi them core t" Interfere with tbe , by which their neighbors hnva acquired -wealth. 'I bb .- a libel v. hich dbi bt t" ? "? re - rited At iii-' some time, it is undeniable that ' are far too patient. Look at the streets ni New-York, over win. li any 1 ""iv and everybody people "i v .-. -York exercise control. We :ill know thal there is probably no either elty <>f equal Importance in the world, iii'1 Inhabitants <"r which are ti"! consulted more respectfully, and their Inter ? -d. Take aguin, the question eif transportation. v ,1 t!i<- time ever eome when i'i" ritlzen who to ride fi '-I vated or -riria'-e* e-Mrs trill \ ? ?\ ob oinii what he ? 1 - for?namely, a gent in it comfortable car, not overcrowded? , ration 1- b mnd t.. t ? nil accommodation now. Practically, not one '? .1 the Kamo 1 1 ' !? . Whoever lives in th" Buburba di inn; *r penn - ?? t> represcnl no unavoidable ?? . ? li the greed snd dishonesty of cur;*'*.ri-. Th? a "i 1 ot thousands "f 1 r> ? t . "?.. r in t he ?. mil rs ont of thc c ; v know l?-.- snd experience how delusive the ? thnt n ? iii."'- tort 'in:?". | .??ul morning in hot, stuffed and stuffy otu--, during which al! the refrctihmenl of the1 change - ? . ? * . -i ..- ? 1 *t how nany of ? 1 : ? that they ar 1 Ictims : ?? ? ? them were lied to e)*i their ?! ity lo the public, thc I w a' i fort- nnd 1 ? aience, ;ii"l ? ? ? ? anything like .i 'cent treat ': . om,, r , ignore ? of those unl versul ? ? .1 al the . ia -' b r truth only thnt these s -. for no matter ion with the ex - not .! reform movements.. -ei apparently simple a ll (Hi :i - li. lt "I ii infill rr- if ni n. . ? "iii"' without the 1 ne *-'-'l bj 1 * erthel ?. wi ii ld be , ir after .i ar the nhl ex il tid 1 people in-* delibet I to I ' nnd poi simony ol corpora . : ' ' on, N ith streets are impassable, with trans 1 lines h more than half the tim* it :- :i mi -v tn tn"..*!, -.sith every comfort rdinat d l ure som 'times proV.bly in ' dd i" hu th >ir servnnts, lhere r-ii 11 \ me sort of ? r, 1 be victimi . whie !i at pi-.?ur st 1 ? ,r sorrow -. Ji : .-.rr tn, b "... .1 'lt.' liberties nd ab I ? of the MONEY r 1> RUSINl 54 ilmnst mi uxium tl t the mi era Otll'T ir* fiilse, I - ? ?r tb ve full eonfl in thia - I l . cnn ?_'?; out b 'fore : Mat baa tx n from .-i ti ti 1 25 ea< b 1 : - 'i ii.- si which repre ri ry proper 1 to ? ' - ? I by : ? i wrns. 1 f U that 1 ... ..... v But I tame 1 ? ? ra re a*, raged lesa i . -?? in itiih'!,r Il is yet ?-. 'i ? -? -. -.-.' ? ? ed more or li -- lion of new ? \ awhile grain, cotton 1 nd ? rk pr I has risen 1 ' 1 ' - rr. it . :. - prove;.; ."rv. * h street ia, i f that *? ? ; markatdj Ihe Stock J 1 ad Cotton 1 ? wh.-;it. Wi ' ' ? pre* nt Indira! . 1 *. iehi -- i- nnm , dull, th ? i*\.?? 11 . .r. to ? .;'- 'nm- ? : Si w-} .*rk abt ' I*, r * 'it. Dui 1 ? taine ia ? . or even it is now, 1 - - a de? ll with Bl lunation ii ? : ' 1 : ts aro beti 1 If Out I I si . ; -ff . 1 ? . . thea * * . -' .ir. niul ? i-t?.i beeeaea tiiey hn\? b?en mark'-ted, but just thc other way. Yet the sappi? baa certainly been largs enough. I? amy -treated with the rceorda af new bal sh iw :i _: at deep aaa la all ? -? la New-York for the half rear 1,647 pteaa weta tll'il, with ..'?"' ' ? timated c*t, against iur i,.,.-. -. i?. 17,315,1 'u i itimated <?" '. li.mi; ,!..,? *. ?. me i" Increase, nt"! !"? - mounted ai ?? - "'? "bile tb i.iiis reserve i*- about ? ? ' '? ea if. tl it Hgura it ia : tbe banka Ulm to ha iiii'l it is supposed th ' ' ? r quired for loans bi i n i. been aa Invariable feater*. Th.- Treasury his taken in about MOO,OOO more money than ii. b d bm -l daring n v... k, be idea i I >0 <. t*> (l"i"'-iis in banka Pi r ign imports continue larger thea last year, nnd ?-vi"its nearlj i" pei eent smaller, and aterling exe * ' ?'''?"? tboug_ eea aidcrable amounts ??! rn ney appear to bave been I .Hi'-.i in ri*..! uti ? r'i foi il it account. Wi* . .ii.,) D , ,i, ? i.i.* tariff i>v Congreea, it i- geneially believed that trade will become more active, Bot a i>???.iratic vietory on the tariff question In the 1 l.nrsi-, or ? destruction of pail al tho crops iiy eir*. weather or storms, might easily cause a greater dei i - i a. "Prohibition Bombs'1 is the* title of a lenflr-r, publication issued fi ra ti"* Prohibition Bureen, No. 33 E al Pourteenth-st., of which Clinton ll. Fi*!; is president. Ii- a me appears on aaeh publication. As be ia tl Prohibition candidate foi Pn sident ona * bomb is devoted tei ii sketch ..i his hie-, from whicb this cariotta acntenea is i mi..i i .1 : ti ii rep 'i-t'-l that Ihe Rei I Stn -ni,-i* pu ntl.v ottered him ii li* ? i dee fined. Thia waa subsequently i" his mn for Governor nt New-Jersey em the Prohibition ticket Ii la ii little singular thal in a pamphlet Issued by himself, descriptive of bia eiwri career, G ihould be ol I to re ort to the - .'?'- rfuge eif "It is reported.*1 Ho knows either thal be . i Ifcred tho Senator Jiip or t ? ; h.- readily underatoo I thal ll he wa ? not J the position, the method e.f statement quoted might be available in making a i vt temperance Republicans think well enough of thc Genera] to vote lur bim. Waa that what wns Intended ? The only thing the 1> mocratao papers have been able to prove against Harrison is that Ins father's body was at len from 'ho grave, but, "i far, they ba rt aaid tl I Harrison did lt. -rn iker Carlisle, Governor HUI, Mayor Hewn*, ami tin* other distinguished dissemblers who are ntl trill.*:- to make the people eif thia State be li. ve 1 - in ehi with free trade, are remind -'1 of an intel of the- tariff debate. Mr. StfcComas, a Bepubliean ! speaker, paus -'I ? ques? tion : " Has . .11 in this ti !.;.i ? :? of the Am tarifl - in favor ? borne ? ri I iborer'." i fained the very c i" of the eo'.trovcrsy between I'.y \ ieldc 1 the floor I bis challenge was accept l promptly. " N *." cried Mr. lb oker, of ! fluential Democratic members.! " Th iv wns no one, bi il j nii v. : any Dem Tins waa tli.- r * ly made I v ti e party I -. : it > most I Southern m It had nut mm v...-'I t.i -",- ii: favor "f the Amer? ican t:tiiiT system and the Intei ta * i iborer. Sot on ? word I in favor of prol t every! Vet Sp ? ? "".":? Hill :*i '1 Mayor tl manufactur? ing town to bell >ve that 1 not mean ? ?I ?: .. _, . The Rev. I>r. Cuylcr has beena radical fmper :in'*.* man all his life and i ooo ealmenl ..: ins svnii.if I.v for I - * i tbe Prohibitionists I t i itt ?: an end t.i the elrini evil He now complains ? ? ? i. party lacks morality ia ad I rev. ? war tax ? trend _ ni any part of t - it the Hg | ? :.. .i tact : . -." r ? ion e*i the 1 ty * foi ? ."ii'i" ayatem whereby our Nat ll ia - ? The President's . . lcd fi !. r free trade. Th re ia nol and a-| ?* Tlie Charleston Ji t* recently ted a large nn ari um ed to i:-.'. ? ? ? I ,i\ - te> build big h it, 1-." I ? ihia ita reprcsi nts General ... rlint ?? a ii and two 1 r any workingman." 1 News that a tedi pays to build I not pay t.. build ai . . __ Thc v that " the J v* i ? - ? '?' ' ? ' Campbell, of r be able 1 ? ? lents. Sec? retary Whit ? the . pi of funds are avail Incrran I rhe Atlanta - - . - . ? t.. !>?? repaired; the monitor M l .. .- t-i be r - . ? tor t rsi nit t ion of the new annoi to ax '? if the Naval A- i not a . . thia .-I the known t<i -? a barrel ? I ran*** ? I . *. . ? - ? . that st*.poolta while ? - ? aa strivii that sort ol . . - tests nd did 1 - ? ' I . I accepting hN ? i it r - f'nm* :? i printed for a long time. I did aol exhaust " 1 h? GkabaV fai r. for in tin- sim.* jur-.: t- ia its tn.??uw>d -MUtencea a touo oi -lo-os-y which au_ur? iw-l.,' Ma Here's ' richness, indeed! "'lone, of modesty:" When the witt inff-np ut that, ?pntah -Mia fi BEEBE ia capital Is in every BOWapap-l in th'* badi "Tone Of EwjEtWrnf I" When this |iiireie|,i;i| ht Itt n .m ATI, Rt Wi rat ling around tot three .vars in the plati into , he. was pitchforked hy th'- mae!.], ,? e.f m<4,| accident-, climbs np ea the edp uni j,ov*? aa tha great .ind oaly aaviou of lha BapahMa bo-b ;?????? itv aad ceirruntion that pervaded tha flintniaaanl anti! Be, <? I hind, late of Baffalo, i-''it te* tlio PAtht of Uiiugat " TOBW e.f ?f,<h sty,-1 forviotli! PEIfSONAL. .Timtie'es starW Matthews, e.f hm ratal SlalM gt> i ..un, -inti lils family are at IIINfleld, Xians,, fur rli^ summer. i - tal Ai*", rhe Herman Mlnlit-T fo thli country will -yet,il niii'li ul ti.e fcummer at ba_Mb Mr. William Warren 1% th* pontt of Mr. Joieph Jet, i- i ..n -ir 1.i://.a11i"s Hay. Ilie Ufo Mr-. Clarissa Al-len rilfworth ?tr1nr**r. rf B-fl-le, tra. a 'lin-'-t deoeeadaat el .tnUn Ai_<-n, of l'!\rrrtiuth, and at ono time a pupil Of Lydia II. | ? ?' i. hard ? f a OtMar win tMa we-k rvMrest .ti,.* fartlea' irofln-srtaj bfonatag club, of pi ' . oe "Ti.e? i" - ??{ boothera Ute*r_tt_re.a Dawe . daughter of t!" S ? -vhei elab awl traa e.r.,5 al pf foundera. The death of f,'eutenant-Ci)mmin'I'sr f>*->r;*;e H. Totten, e\.ririiv,. o-teer of the Cat- '? I 1 ----mer Tallapooaa, al HentevMoo, Drag-ay, em May *j7. 1%! a aboeb to ala brother ofleera ami hi*< family. He,?-?? a piomlsfng ofleer, ariel stood hiph ta Um M-JaMHaa of lils I I-jrnent, skill ati'l tart Be WOe only forty-one \ I had had m, -, experience than away otbera of kia age. Tba a ' (or inm eras attested Ly ? il teepee* abeam to ai '*f I.I. la-iii, I ?? "aa n*'f ee_| ar* , by Beat Admiral Brataa a.- 1 >,.? -fur ami tba eb-cera of tha Alllaace, bul by of the brazilian wai vessel*. In the spanlnli tziinbotu Infanta I f ??!. 1 re 1 ruted '?, th" lint: ?? 1 a ri'ir-r. lenti of ree A merl ran and F-gtlu . ? 1 ?!? ry at Me it. (*a ru bia i-.-i.i" - Mr. Herbert Man!, tbe explorer of whom much lt : ii in eottneetton v,nu Ur. stanley, ia a aephav of Mr. Rowland Wa ' ? I 'a-u .*. when Mr. Itanley was preparing for blt lon, Kr. Ward railed ar n,e explorer's 1 1. [IO WM 1 t.i 'l * -1 ?ri.'.*. - \. 1 rf ia your buetaeeaf n-k'A Mr. .. looking the yoong tallow _owa with hu I waal a billet, (an von Rive rr,* '.;. 1, f. I" aei .irv .; * " ' 1 . ? ?? v ii.*re are - I, I hara ' r-t ? ), li lr:-'* I was e*x 1 li :inc.' Mr. Sri i few words in M and Mr-. Ward repll' d In lin* sa . with the rom -* Wlow'i readln fey ga -iifls THE TALK OF THE DAY. 1 ? Prrevi-lnpa* ' ? I that r^nefelli-.-* I.i BOW the ra;'!t.*l of tba : tx* ' re, the eorv)"mncl R-publ,ean? are maklr.g \*. outdo't ir he a '?I ad*.ise j. ' to - burn that le 1 tten anv letter that Tm not proud of, Daniel, what letter do i'm refer lol :. Springfield lr,:..!). aaa tbs edee* ? Btamini trbo liv-- aexl ? i-liililn-n are apt t,. t-lah thal thia !s th. I ??? ay to - ii ? Long I-land Farmer?Don't ! IV- .' ..nt or me I I 1 mei ir -.i*.s - Nt. . wan havo I ai _-_?(Puck, "? !.* poesflMe until there |<; '.? 1 ada, -iv ti ? ?? ? ? treders. Thia it ide won't ba ? The din oe veterinary surtteon ar.d lo 1 !'? 1 very pl \ "ter.nary surgeon . ? bill.?{Journal of Education. "The CJ'iifk e>r Hie Deed" I- f!;e saerJlegious nam* oj a Dew WO-htBgtOB I \ ? " Will you tell me In Ava rUtM of Grover Cleves) lat;.'t i ter ?!ops ove??'New-York Herald. m r, lat tba sako of i!i\ rr ?? ? - 1 labian I Nf. he never alopa o-"*r 1 Grovcr| I .'.,VC*s, . t.v.T ttawt i\,*T, ter nf the I boll- 1 thi rs that st ran rn . ooo. ? - \ ? ' ? *t"The Arlsona Bowler" ha-- tha patel I r-*n a rl<>r (town. In a 1 : ?? > - _ 1 ' a to Ai ? t : : ? \ ll OF' ". PT. _ ,. - . r. And I 1 , ??<: - Aad .. ? . . j ' taught In t - 1 r a lad] - *) " , ' ? am. ? Eattt ' . ; ' ? .-1 A r ' - "It la a thal e-enfronti u*.'' raia, it 1* ? protect anal a I ? rather thai e a Bataaa I ? * v kt tl ft ? _ Will e-em t ? ??.-??iv*' I pu "NT. Mia; rTEM os thk n;_uc Li-r. ' nbetw It will be *. ?? '**re. , Baaeeeees Uar; tor > . . *_k h_titi_er? ? _? ? im ? ? trttt rV^?tt? : c.ursfi he .~r?- The *~*tnrm . . ? : *.t#e? ?? WCt - . 1 BtOE it I tts Uk* mair \ Tte Sew. ? in pe and em ?h xix* agata*! ove_" ivwer ix>nrrs*al? lue thf_i lg u*-.?? rill RepiiWlcaria t.* .ii their duty lu try lug to caro' 2few**Yo.k. *?*" mir fpohaB