Newspaper Page Text
THE PLACE FOR JUMPERS. Ll;T CEDARHITR.ST HAVE ALL THE - . . I'LF.CHA ? MON-to-cni i *-uoun >?*. - nm cosrt wi .xn Kl v Cl i i.'s - i sk:??? Tho l: rfc f.' .1 i- a ? itlon bM ae !? ? I A t| ia! 34. 55,27,20, '.o am) :'l hw ? nf tli" ?-.->! ll. rl*.ir. ot Monntfiutli Park, mere "-iii i.e flat rai'*- Mts! tiru*.' Me*.*; I *'lin-*- 'nell day. Why * ? \ i\ with Bat racing entirely. Mr. i ht \- . ' i\ i* _ ti. i* ii ?' ? j " key di !?-. ard con Bno your attcnili n scKly lo lei \ ? . s I '? --? . ri v.. ' ? ? turi if >eiu couM ftruM ? in. ti- *j. ly .,' ihe Ju ? tm : Th i u wtlUaf to i>e*!;'*\ Ihat ateepk-ha Ins i- a proper i'll si e , .'rirhii'-r . bul it !',fllttce Itrongt] I" il*.** opinion thai Umber-topping on our ftatl raft i knt ii ne ?' f fust nt all out . liutii-in uni equine from tl:** IcgltlmMc inri There seem* t.i :?? iori of control over tha dis airs wined mar the aport nt Monmouth i * * ri ind riders do what a ena good li ?; -. gnd tin* v.m-t -f. rn- . ? Monmouth meeting continues to-morrow with a I initri'* ol ala races, Ineludlns tho July Mult'*- for : : ?: I ?? .--: the Monmouth ' 'ak-, tor i!.i*e-i* ytai Oil -liles, one and ow Quarter mllea; Hie* ghrcwaburj . * ne inn! "ne* hall mllei: a lian tilca] -. one mlle; ? selling race and a aterplechosc. hi t!,.- July *???.;<- ma ?; na allowance ..? Ave pounds, which makes Mr. Wlfhers's l :?: ii Mr. ii ont'a 1 di I I iii ? d ??' - r i . i ld .ii tl.' Shrewsbury ll i will be pi he Dwyi rn may atm i iv William Lah land Alli probably - nd Exile, who ls . : ot . Mr. Grata' will try to i n with uni*-- -"i-i* one persuades i ir.i io go ? Monmouth i up i nat i he Bani. lu. r.rr maj I BJ.'. I bc ll un! li its' ur-* viii roprcrscnl Montana Morrissey. Ol course, l"m boyne will have :.> po, and lt la more than likely that Mr. Asl e v -. too, may be post. As ?- sraa declared out of 1 Oaks, i .i* will ly lie between 1 n's !.- - Ai ' wye r Rrothci-' Bella lt., although Mr. Wit rnlsh a surprise in i i ! El hi lt ta full - I OX rim! "fill . oud will nevi r pet a beti i the VI ? nth i '.:i''". Th i lay, foi "" ' -irn of !/ n-'f' 'I v. tri: - !'. j ? rirni* . : i - 121 ??- ie of i ne ai il" ? rather start! -? discovery Iim Jusl i.n nraele* ?? miiii" fit.wii rannol win Ihe ( ! ? Stakes with Troul dour, .' ? I.? ia never rn terell . ny other ai Monmouth this sea (-.. i. At the Mt! - ? - ' oney : aland ?'* i 91,000 . '!?? v. Ill i"- ad led to i ach race. Ku? li lor Bve Imp close on July 15. They tl The ( * I - ' hy .*.-.; i: ' A . 'l Jl N i M - *' Its to !>.! ruii'.ii .* "I A USU fl *.' I. i . i ri half. The Twin ('irv *. ? . >patakes "f ... i - . If ill-tin I bf \*..*'i-r i<-\ v ; ii r. XV> Ipili i . t. announce I Au . . .. I ? l - H ' I ol : I hr Ju'.** 1 I li}' A if . .i \'. L'hU ? :.un..rm ? -.| S. ;. ? . . :. ii' ats of one mlle ind a .'i lot \ -*t ? ? -? - r ? *... . r -ii i.i i .", i . foll f..' he i?- 'i''" ? I I ? . -I... f,,ifen i : :. ?-??- ? I- ?? * - ... ll : r.ib-i ti t.'ell fl ' th*.- * iv iii. ii-'.'! hom foi the cloelns on ibe day I* lan Hi i ??.-. ? nil j. V"i rt l i. il. i-inti' Entries <>f yearlings for thc Realization Blakes, l BOO, *. il- for the Ueallxatlon ol leoi, val . cl isc ..ii July 15. THE OFFICERS DEFEND THEIR MEX. rn: i i.'-vi n-.'ii if ;i a\ ? :. i : sf i.r wn.r, \ttiii.' SO RESIGNATIONS ; \ ]?!..": ED. mai ' rf Ike ?'. ni i ca ra i ii 11 em In r***.*:i-1 i iel at tho S rr.] t week. On h rhall i-f ?-?? i .... . . ? , i Min i oe ? ? .. j . . .i wi ? hs I I ri rf ? imp before lia-! . I red th< i several ol tbe te merry. | ? a Stall. .,*. 1 v.rt- ..? : * I ; . r , - ? was ? ? sun - '?*.? ? hours t i | i , atloit I y *,;.. ? . Lie - . f v , ir. ? 1 . . -, r ? there wa* no truth In il we?i ? . uf doing .-.. a* bs i b ? n BE .vj rv ?,'.i.,.'i'' be people "I i li. . ? ? ? r ' the ol rr..- Navy a i ? anl lum ? ? -. I IO I - i I ? I -'' Blt 1 i . . . nee ;? i ? ? r .* ar, | ! i ? Ki Ki '?'> Babington nil ni-' ?? . ?? lo tlie ?..rl< lt. ' upon ll Richmond, f v rmi ii..- new ir:m i i scr Main i1 : iii* no future tlr-i hargca nee 1 I at tli * na A survey * III \ ?;: for ih'- p'irpose ..( i xamlnlng Into Ihe trouWe thal bas been ( .r*h I .-i gun i to . .': it henever the : i thal lt will take ;.!?!? foul i - ' ? "' bel *-. ii Mfei carriages, new t m-ports. in hare a new ; ropellt t in ;i!rt e ..i.i* broken by grounding la Narraganaet Baj i .* i, and will ai-' have i.'-i bottom ?: rm i. IBIRH-_MEErC_LVS AND THC O'HONS ELL CARE, ii "':? .in .: . \ me * I ? t - The London Times," i n ? . li.11 libel! 1 him in Its entitled " r ? ? I lt ??' 1 thal P. J. V. 1 yuan, \ bi ms '? NUmbel -. tt r. - I . A .ii. v ho acaii ? ' i.f In- Oft ll fO '. i . I f k te ? ? ? I-f I I ' ' in wan ' ' I 7'/'' 'iii :?:;;?. i WET. i . ia now i i ? . ? * ri ' ? r-i propi i ? ? ; , for sot .*. Tin: rev. VB. HORGAN DIX'S l Tl - I ILLY 0. Itcv. f : f Trinity I ? '? losing .' I thal tbe re v. is danger - rv t told by thu s i ? ,:. - li 1 ? -ts. r' li ? 11 .ri, I ill ' r | :. i ' ';1 f i ? ? on. !!?? rsil I t!is' lhere i a within Om last (.wa ur Ihree i: nut Dr. Dla ?a? suffering fran aa obacarattau at lha an ti? _*t a\,viti thnt wanka at"., and, nitious- not allon ixl lo rani or write-, ho viss nol tun- I ? " mi. nor a I I th trouhl * ?' '- * i"ti-. All thai I"* nee led was real ll il r-i.-.i i i it, . trout Mra. ta week ago, - ii Ina thal Dr, Dix expect' i io i rt i to til * | i UOMK NB W8. PROMIXESfT AI-R1VALS AT THE HOTELS , Ul': \\: n i . i n. ol !''??? M Iowa iii.: *. i hit 0 v >*. ol Indli 3 EV INT-t I ? .Nniy. Wi! \T IS i * TO D VT. ? | Uv.' Repa! luau Nation. ai ? ? *. . . , Fifth Af .?.? ti..-, i ?.? .-, ri..* i;. j.i*'*.:?? in I'lub, No. *;?'?' ! th-ava. bc na lo t "ri lui. ?? Invest! itlon of Hw tqurducl eon ? . i I ri. m. B<.,!.; Al li -ir i. i ",* UalL Mee r hr .r ll.Lim ll -f i ?' * polo i.i 'lintis rn nm i ii ri cane, Supreme Court. Miss Ring's stolen bond case, JeOcrson al I l ('"if. I :.?;?.fi a ti-ti -i Rena. ; i v ur-iiii if tit, Joha'l (illili Pleating It1 - International Sharpshooters' Union to-mament. New. ark. Tariff dlacuetion. Bemet'a Hall, Eaat New.Tork II .ir Grocera* Union, No. tit i_-.t Xwonty.thlrA-at., 8 p. nu innr-TOBK city. Tlip Van Norman Institute, .Ixty-eeeond-at and E!ghth-ave., bu started a summer r---li >? >l for laii. for live weeks beginning July ?_; the cow ? "i leclui ? Includes a whle rholee of -? i '.;...*-. ranging Irom mathe i..rf i. - io | alntlu -? n .'l j hoi igraphy. Tho bulhllrig furn' of tbe new < atholl. Dloee an *-? ni.r. ii .. ha i -en started with f_-,000. Tho b v. iii coal - Tho purso which the pri ala of this dloeeae will prc sent in Aiehblkbop i orrlgan u.ri ion ol thee ' -..i.i amount to .;?-?".<i"i>. ?J he Rev. Peter I rr- ,ld*. vlf c-prc Iden! ot St John's College, i't'ii.nm,i. ha- ls n pics'ilcnl ol and tra lafcircd lo i-f Petei'- ( ollege, Jci icj I Ity. The I tish-American Anl Pree-Trade league, ol willi!: !*. li. McNamee is : i pu - dent, pron .'?in men in lino In Ihe big parado In honoi ol i ;.'? ;.-1 ,\ .il of James < '?. I'lali -. An ai tlsl .ii - n .li of a modi '? ti i a Venn no v ould never thinfc ? ; one nf thc ; rule .? . n.v mi fashionable raiment rr* the bli* dr) rhlbl li lin* better to c i ? ry year wriiors in ihl ci int rj ir c or lose li I..i ? ? .i ir i.. ! j,i ns, i i iiiparaiii oiy l> ??'? ol are ii. i'.'i.'-'l now, and loose* who n t .-t lo ! ;.- i. .. i ire and gol .lo than if I hey Ihe. There aro about 75,000 commercial I rave Hers In the i cd States tu daj. and thc old li type i- almost extinct. !?>'? ne in has done it. 'i be mani I i i ure of a omen an Indu* * i j ol i I*.;, i '?!.' : row th in America, will year arno ,:.i lu oi _o,i oo, ll . ? e.tpe t lcd. No ih i oi a. . an ol I wm ian, w a - f iidd .: :...-. No. f- l - ' hoi I** ?'??? ><-'? rtUy. lier lip . ..i erod with fa - reen a I lie 1 ppo d tu ul i;. ,U .... li 111 l - im f a mi lino** ii i r .'. : sulc dc. ? BROOKLYN. v. ,,rli hes l '*? n i i-.-.i . h.. .in' walls ol tire* new Roman | r. r. . i .-* Xtl', ri ?ll"'. 61X1 ll ai I I'ii- .*. li v VA cos *f .'.in ti. :...; ;c i: "-f es a 111 hold their .1 . ... be 1 n lcd i", ? be 1. The liortiii e.' Kdueation '.iii hold Its annual meet? ing to im 1 r,.\ . it . . '.1. ? ir; 1 hal 1 ? pi nt olhci 1-. Loin 1 .. -i'i' ni If mil iv iii ".?. 11. will 1 ??? p clecfCiL n Mr*. Wallace, who was reported misting on Sat? urday, rrtti! ' i home >est?-nlay. Ile bad taken aa HIM .\ pCCICd I lil' lo ff la . hi n ! I A competitive eiramlna lon (01 appointment a cadet ai the West Point Military Acadeuij Irom lha Hld . ,? ii.-tint vmii I.* held at D a m. today In th* Pia 1 in nnnr ni Rye soi :. lt ? ill ti < un lu led by Professors Peckham, wyuionr and Pratt l li<* youth receiving Ibe highest testimonial from thc ex rnnii.t 1- viiil be appolul 1 cadet by Congressman S. V. V, lilli*. Dr. Lyman Abbott and Mra, .Minn win sMl for Europe on Wednesday, to lie gone aboul six 1 1 bej will travel on ihe 1 ontlnent. , . body ol a man, a ie a.I thirty, "f med um height, willi darli hair, a *? aimil h face, and a darb suit, wa- found yesterday In thc river M Baltlc-at. it bad not been lons In iho wMer. NEWS IROM THE SUFI RDS. NEW JERSEY. Tli- lillis arc -" ahorl at Short lilli- thal horse* n all the way to the summit without bet :; : -it 1 ITT. Ti.e* body e.f Judge 1 riiiiK'. of Hm Supreme Court of Pt i, sylvan! 1, who db 'l In Euro] -. arrlvt d yester ,!.(, on M '? Bte ame r Ohio. The funeral will lake pl icc Pi un., the Judg '? foi*m rr bom . lo n 1 Al::.'; I ol I ivers in I if faith CUI- I !i|e*ii y.-:i n.nv afternoon em the shore <if Newark ? baptism of te vu ron' * I . di memben ol lh ? '?'.'. ? y Memorial < bapi I an this wai the : ? TjONO island. Jan 1 Fl; milkmen, whll -....! '. Mand ( found 1 .1 fifa> live yeai ol a* ?? and hail 1, ami ? mu-tai ii *. Il i himself with a 1 Cornelius Walsh, who, with M lill im ' >w< n . v . by 'I le rney. Hie - 1I0011 ke 1 ? r ol Outr 1 Kills, lan on 1 ridaj nig Jnst ai midnight Saturday. WESTCIlESTElt 1 "IN IV. es Sullivan and J'?hn Wan!, two nn-n see work. "?Win were -u|.pt?-???! to he :.'.'. Vork, i?? i* 1 -, a Nev Haven tr-riln un bali:nie. ? .uni iii- ta.i't.s killed al Moimi Vernon. The y'all uipl ii to cross in )....' "1 th appi-achln ; ital REVIVAL IN OLD JOHN-ST. CHURCH. TUT. BEV. TIIOMAS IIAUKISON BEC INS A TEN DAT OLD-FASHIONED -AMl'-MKETING BEB VII 1:. There waa held yesterday rn the Old John Btre I Meti* )di-i 1 iii-- -"pal 1 burch iii-* Orel *f s aerie - ol ca mp-meei Inga, i . be na.*.'.*:? 1 throughout tha nexi ten days. The iuri*h v*. 1- fi..'.??."I, 1. mr' being drawn there, no doubt, I--, tbe agreeable neat ii r, a- well n- i.y tbs nans ..t Um noted young evangelist, ti..- Bev. Thomas Harrison, 1 in- ?? ; tho . r ???-. fortunate ly, thu 'I ij waa .. te alloti Mr. Harrison to give full vern - enthusiasm, au I his listen - lo d i]iense with Un Iftei ri shot ? praj hy tb i,a-t'ir, the Bev. Dr Bowdlsh, the ronj: relation n rited to join In n.lng the old Wesleyan hymn, * 1 I ? ', Conversion." Mr. Harrison then preached fr **i St lohn, ri 37: " And !...:. thai cometh to Mc 1 will In n* ? . it." ll , 1 1 i.v condemning set ? him v. Uh fat ?.tris tu save - ? . -. Ct in : i much of tl - , bm ?nw nothing lb : . . : ? : *, ?, ?? lou ?? . ' - IS I . ind n ben 1. . f ? 1 1 . ? : tri' n ho ht*11 I VE v. 1 rpi ;,? TAKEN ro / ny n p.nANt .1 Dr. Cfc 1 Fm* ? ? ll arper, r . 1 ' 1 1 nie. Oar-en, ypsl ri ny. I ii .: I the ( ? : ? : 1 1 . 1 l' ANTING TO ADOPT A Lil ILE LIM,: f. P. Thompson, 1 of ?? , 1. \v.-,t,i,,:* 1 "i ' ' ' . Iii. I. ,...- ti, |. .11/. ol ' .*-,... Lehmann, f,. I gill ali I f a Uti . : laki 11 io 'i-i* '...1: 1 , t.i'i h< lab 1 Hi 11. '11,* Wash bbxIous ii .1 lopl tba liri. il ? bad read ol bi 1 Inti 111 :?- ?-'?', ii- i rota, j.. 1 'i anal - bi a.ld malu .i da .-iiai.itr aid!tion in bia household, in. (khalil at anea replle 1 that "tke least *.. . ilagtaa people know of 1 Lu jouiig nilax, Hit: butter lui il.ur ?uv.uo _/ alinj." 1 1 NEW-YORK'S CLUB MAY LEAD. ? ITS PRESENT WOIIK WILL I'.T IT FIRST, j NINE WILL nw.: TO PLAT v. v* IXL fl* CLUBS '?'*.' ! MEN. Th. I last if the nine .. r. n.f .,- tho club i ? ? ? r sn ! Ihe ? 1 mil. The Trlbm . ] manta will te In Ike lea 1 In a i i nt the a iii be la front la thal time, unless i ip 1.1... its Mil-*. Thi r- i' r ? i ? in n, ni either I ur i' - - * local !"? ii ur.' ill ii a ""I eon Ul ;-n at ? - an. Tn erg, three In ? i one in Chic i ? thia week. Th may p n,,r r-t\ morning i lal of th.\ i " ? he i " ii . 'iiii aught te ".la iiv??. The . ? t golan their tour In the W< -t on July IT. and th a - the fa-*. Tke team stops over al 1'htladelphia nni plays ihi. .mi.-, nnl will not reopen tba seaeea .a the I* ?]" Groan la until July .::. The League rac lo date Mioara the Chicago duh tn ? i. ?i-ii thlrty-i Ighl vii u>rl< - out ol iii" played. Tbe Detroit club ls aecond, with three leas rici reata The Nea I are third, having two mare defeats than Detroit aad one The '! i ? *n hum* baa thc - ibm anmb t ri - as New.Tork, tut i.a- three more tl- !? v ideip-la dab lo date '.i- i "-i the mme number ?sfis rt 1.1.- ; tat, .*. ' :. taren ? ible ? Inn i , ibte ia:!-, a 1 .* ?. X.? ?r 1 ls aa follows: CT n 6a r t / r - If: : , ?-1 -j 2 U ' _ ~ - ! i I' 'tlOll . orb_ . -.' 6 I .. -, h : ri - '?: - ;, t 33 ?.: ? III I ... 1* . : >ii. *i ima I *sr 4 :. i: i 7 i ..* 1 4 7 I 7 .it : rt i, .. :t ii l*S-t (I 4i -i e, .: -.; - j .i ?: 4 l-i ".I ali-.'. i ? :.. fi li ii :1 2- ill! -ii - ? ?i I 'I he .1.1 Vi ? ???? rn ' lube :n ? bell :. *.*. ith each other: _____ _...N*!_.5l 1 i ; TS. Warr. WT st Vf. 1 t-r. !? ? . .. nitrion * "i 1 i "." . l ? I _ . ci.f JIUlu 2 I 1 li'll r* ?? i ? li .' ' . 7 10 I ., li: l lt i m : bas rei aim I the leal In th . '. he rr. ..*,??: tbe bl ll pla; in-' In -, . ndl-1 : n ir. anl I I the pi nu n I r n ti thiel . at :i i.--. The Bt, Louis i lob la I i third, ari I tbe pap r ehami lons, the I nails, I . lyn nine will ?ri,nu i- on Joly 21 and fri;. Thc -fur linr- ni the iiife* is as fe.Hows: -. ?. _ -. Cl ri 6c r-r ' - * - r -1 r - rr - J n - g ,-, ?. /. ' .'? -? ~ ~ r ? . ii ? rn ,n- lo =! h ? H. _! li KriMiklyn. st. Luna. A tlllSill . i ne rm .tl . I-.illili "li*. I. >nlM ll ?? e ..-v-mimI. Kansas e I ty. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ f. ? ..-I.rsoiio it ibA'ito'.at.ta .". . 7 0 7 I'* Iel 3 i I 11.1 1 4 li A 1" ". rs .".7 .',.1 .'. 4 .'? N '.' ?- 4 av ba ?i li 4 '.' * h .*,.'. 60 7 " :: . r'i ei rr .7 ; . 2 1 1 2 A . 2 ti fl '.I 1 I ..'. ll -1 l . 4; IO T.s 2 i i A .. 4 ii ..Uh :..; The Eastern daba of lha Aaaoelation haves c>"i i -ii in their aeries with tba Weelara nines, aa Ibe ipjiendcd record frill _ FAf-TTS. tl 1 : -. - >' - e o Si ?! S - ' se ?*! ar 2 ^^^^ Ul -T TS. KIM. - . ! : Uro*.kim .. 8 ll ri 2 IH -r. I... - .... ll 4| 3| Atlii.-t r .| 1 8 -.' 4 i' ir*... i natl 2 li 4' 4 11 r .ina ,'? il il 1. 'insviii.- .... 2 1; .-ii *. -. i ? v, l iud .... 1 ll l I OK u.-t* i Hy., '? 11 ri, 4 lei imi ? lui;. 'M.f, Th" New.Jt f- ie race. Th I ; I rn di io I E - tal uni a. <. Kittel I-lri IC. ' . ] n A. C . ii . ' ... I ? .? a I' 4 ; 1 1 '-' i i. nu. I.. lulj lr*, ho I ?.: . ." " Ith. I! lea 1. .. Ith vr m second; C nnoi i- Oft-. 3 follows: Playets. / - ? ? ? ' - > ?' i 1 mouther*. Uetroll. .* An- ?:.. ' ll - l*-u :; Mi ..i.i-. i* .... : Ki Hr. ir..-,,,.. ? ,...i. Se**.Yo . ?? i.,, Ilo.lou. ernns. N.-iv. *, ,ii., I iii'ixm U t.?? i . lit, \. w i rb. * ! linel lei, I adis ll , ., lulu son. Huston I I Kt m. i lil siro II Wi. ie. li ? roil . Vi I'fi rf r. . bin gn . _ 1.1 Miller, riiubura. ?'?' non ni .,. ..v._ . .m.. . ii w ute. lion ton. 53 21* lei oft: 07 .ibm ? f ,i rs. Ill fill..)"*', s .. Ai ll!-KU lr" ;.. h. ? utroii ?'? ' --?- >l ? lou .-"???? Lil 17, f- ^^^^^ , - ' . f.' -.7 :? : " . i ?- i . ? .. m. .a . . . :?_? .->: -. it -j'. I.V4.V71 ill . . ia . ,: ..i iii ... . . j- il a .:-r, lilli .40*1 . .h. 77 ii :'l .Hil . i'.'** ,-. 1-7 .in ,irl Vi .lilli ? 'I ? . IU Sill 47.". :.. -.fl 17 lill 1 I'J ..."- '? n .7 ..'.? '?-', ri., . . 14 III'. .-?. 'i '; 7'. . . '.ii 1-ii t.e ..7- -? .imi 17., .' * *-?'? 17 -'Hi A. .-I".' .nilli :,.i 21* ; i lift: '.'7 .21111 . I ^^_m . ? ? ir .ii .,'. .\ <u *t ?i? i.e '1 hiiinpson, Detroit ... -?' I .il ; ir, Phil i ll ':. t ll ri.-.!, lit.I .. .2 )..-i,nv. loillanspoiin -.( Nash. f".*."'.. - i il nu's. I ii.|:an riiniis... ,t. Ii.'.i'.f . ..ri Juii .- lt ..SH . Hf; |;? 12.1 I ? .f'l 53 284 .i.ter 4 1 104 12 5.*. W '-'-?? -i-f .- KU J. '.I 7 . 2 ? :,.i jiii. .11 .".7 Tli ,'. 1- ?.?il.i |n .'.:. Ul .Ho AlO !,i im . i- ? . 71 :;_.t ,. I ,.i 25 iri bil .-.' . ju 77 IU Jl HU -iii VIS In Beldina '? '' " '. rii. the catchers with .082, ? i. in " place and O'ltoarke ninth, bhom ? ri, but ii - ".:-. played In six ? - ir , ii come i ? *-'? H"-: lin's ;r\. iri"- , . in ls .074 ? .ur- . lealn .iii the thli th Ku ce nd an 1 .'.'.i-.t . Ila.:.. : 1 I' llb nu i '.'? : .i alao lead iho Ward's Ind on places b O' Itoui le ri 1 iii" ct nire-Oe ' lei " ? I I . . |l .i ls il) i tub bl i Hr. r. Ii, ' . -, * tho Al leal l-i I ni ..i, I ? *i LLD Ll Mil V. (IA II'-S Till - w I , Pl ... - ? i ?. ' , ? ft * ? : , . . i * i . - i . vt - , i New. ? i. . - . . ? : \'. ION ?. i * i ? . . \ it 1 ('itv f*. Il I : lt I i . . || I ll ., ' I . nine's s vf I ?? ? i i "i? Ilsverstraf* rluba will . ? i r .i the third an ? ' i . Kei jn-..n. ?villi., aui "i lite - ison, uni ?" et.'ti la lb i ison * id Riven !?. ii.-.iirr , ,. ai through, . ? i< Ibu bl l aaa aa bulb, ftlh h i.'1-li..ii ? UimmIi.-I ju ej?? ly to 0*Jlo_s amt, hm iho latter did nor. rstoh il l'mtkiiey ,?? McClellan. Pouli ? sinning rana l I ,. . . i | 1 o O O ei . ... I .? 0 ' " " ill -? uni*. 7; 1 ; IO; n I'ltche . hare I -? 'i "'' "" ?rn- I'. . ' I'h.I * e* ?'- '? . li ll O I 2 0 O O i' I .... (, I. ll (I ll (I o " I ' 5; Cl ind. ll ' . ? .'- . loader. Kan-:,- I Ity, J Ol J I Tht I , Relating, proved i dee I !? i failure in tis more.Kansas i ? 1 ' '' ?' ,.f dlsputlna np '?? '"?? elah ii inning, when Hw Cowboys - then a lea I -t one In the ninth ,i... ir, .... ... ,,:,,, cte*] i*. Kirby's decision on balla ar. 1 lo b fair. i" tl ? \i-!.,,-? I,,;; ol fi.- ninth, Smith called in- boll* '??) each i.r the rir-- three men al the I M, hla dee i-:..n- bein * que - ti, Barkley ihen I t fie runner '??> with ih" ball, and threw '" Phillipe. ?ii" tone ronni r on Brat, Kirby calling i".*ii "'"- To tb - Rainmore violently objected, Manag i Barnes at Bi i?r hrs ir. n ..If Hi" ll'l.l- I!" Bnally -ri.; -I ,h- .. alter a Bfteea iriinut ?-' wrangle, rm I "i" ?-"""" waa p!ayi t Probably th'.- aaa* alli ba protested. The -core ? i- ? Kn me (irv ....01OO0O100.2 . n ii 'i ') l ti ei ii i i ?a. alta Kbb is ':? D :: ? .- 7 Errora?Kan? ni city, I : Baltimore rr. lite: ? Sullivan rn. 1 i on i. I li,|.|i.-.- K il liv rm.I Siniflr. BASEBALL GAMES IN TU!*. TTFST. ... , ., st. |.i... I to-day1 gai ?? al tl ?* of fi" eighth li."li:'-'- Tho home nine ..ur,,,**- i ths i*i,ii!, i, ? . : ?-? point iii. I won ? :i Hy. ??? ita- as folloa-: i ,,. innatl.0 0 0 0 10 1 0-4 .ti ii et e; 1 0 0 0?1 hil -Cincinnati fl, Mb! I. - lelnnatl I, A thli i * Pltchei ind il Doe her. -?. ? DU Edi KIELS ADDS TO 1T8 BF.CORD. ANOTHEC MURDER ON SATURDAY NIGHT. A wr.lilUN'f. PARTT RX Di DIN A FIORI AXDWTIIE ita i il di' Mira, i I i/\ \ a I -un. Another -;' ath from violence, mal r tl ree within tho 1 put f:. - i dand City. Tho la it vlei Im Ml r. 'i v, rsl on, a v . ? -i ? flftj four. Jo ?-.?. i . ? loch 'I up In nm ly Ja I, a i lioul ba I, tor tho a and John Wood* ls ! eM i i i ho plat o where this I ??! la a two? s'.,iv i . rig, n ? ;? .!.- nee from Ja I ri' . I : v. i ... . Il] ami his aife, Ihe Ural Beor bj Mrs. Wal on, the owner of Ihe 1 ul] ,;r. -. ind her brother, James Hov Itt, a J wife, Across a lillie yard In the rear e>f tho house i- a mall woo i structure, ii, ? hleh for the I e i.ii.arii. The wtfo of John ff. Smith, no relation t" tl..* prisoner, eli"*l -is weeks ago. and ho ca tn find a sui tm, an : the *. - - mai i :"'l on hat md i ? I afr. tuai'i hold a rec pi on In rle little re_. building, in which iii-- occtii-a its of tho house In fr ni were Invl t'.. All bul Wt :- aecei titi Tl ? be rr ai ii toon all t fri ts i Heel . A little after 10 :'iO o'clock tl peipie from Mra. Wal bouse went bach tb re ami tat "i "? stoop In Ihe front 'if the hou c on Purvia-st. The young fellows "f Ihe neighborhood heard of tli" wedding and ? ? .iniiii .-muli and bli i iw* n ,:?? ri ? calatta impfan." 1 cal nta wt re old washbollers, tin pani and kettie?, Smith Hi* liri le -I-, him i n l.'-.l oul from ihe real l tul I i' - ti ar he woul! i'i'-. f ?! ri :. _? ol b cr tor them if thej would oi Ij \--.\ - li tn In | ea -? At tin' same moment tl Smith ran down ital!*! fnnn iii- apartment, followed by lil- wife, uni I them away. Heu itt icei * i to enjoy the racket and told them to *? i ah ??'. an I at use tl rmsel*. - all the* wonted lo. Woods a in ihe ba?cincul art i and was e u,. ni -- of all I ? lh* was per fer tl) sober. Hewitt's remark angered Joseph Smith and be turned upon him. In t minute .. were engag 'I In a baud o, hand fight. Mrs. Smith Joined In tu aid her I Mrs. Watson i ail ...ri" iiiin li'i* bite-hen before Ihe beginning of the ? ? : , ir. -.' enpnns, ? lille Hewitt used a l ase : all bal with t< liing rtfeci th< lu-ads ..f hi- .. pp un- nt-., li was ll en 11 o'elm :-.. Mrs. Watson ran out through the inli io the which lone low railing, the lop i . which i- al "!it len l< ul atio, ? i< ? paveuii ul ni Hie eui an '. Woods, In .ni Interview in lila cell, told what lollowed. ll i i ,? . i -i i ? .-. r. II rn I. '1 !.??? J '? I'I his Wife ni nu i limit . ? . .jl - ii.i 1 -ri m ri : i i -.1 Bil 1 -I. I !?? | r , he Up. S.i\ t iv! alu ? v - an If I. She hr I ?;,."i, ll." I. . dvi r, Ir.'i ir-i k ? a- l r oken. Iniine-lal ? , Im -..r, no ul, render mo any a--. The I".::.i ai Ivi d an ! the sur In ti-- fa rd v> Itli n deep wolli ri In I I- ht ml Heve jtt ff a -. ill i i Un :? 1.1 *.? Minim's tom .. the 1*1 ill tim elute lied III li - I ? ? two ( Of hmltll Wt . ? eil She had an nglj ?.-.-ii .t ? I I ol a I'li.v. ar - -ui ii," i af. The : d I'ii Mouse, whero I h* ked up. DJS_.PPEiBJ.VCE OF A Ni." YOEE EOT. I:*' iii, ni, a ?? nineteen, ha? been i li!- father's home, N'o. 900 Sixth ave, tor two weeks, and alli - nt Inqulrj has been made, no trace nf !iim ha ? been discovered. He I his father In ore and si blom we nt oul rn ? i' ; known that be hai! any cl ?e companions, and no other boj ort.i ha lift n isa) * hi'liie sini dls-pi "n.t tl, I'iillliii ihat ?? hen N*i i left ii -I..I- Sunday, two weelu ago, l ?? hail aboul *?_ ? ? going tu < mr' -, Island. Il o. A i that ? -A him i'ii Rig! th ave. lu li-' 'I uesday, but ns ; '? -....- well known ? rlnllt. and no one el .* lo have ? en him, ll hat she wan n l?iak ri. Nu reason furl I ome i- asslgi il Tin* poll c havo teen notified and advertise mon!. have been iii lerti il lu the pap* ra. ?. -_ l Ul a: ll ii tTBOUl iv / ?* PI IX-.TIO.Y. The body of an unknown man, appen tlj ? oul - only dre yean ot age, found beside the Pennsylvania Railroad track near Waverly, N. J., yesterday, and waa taken tn Newark and placed In Starr's morgue. When - lu 11 riini ; ii .? were covered with h it i ni l ii wa - thought thal be ha 1 '" "ti struck ' . i train \ ? ??? ti. ? Mood had been washf i i thal be a ri- nol bi ulm* I in any way an I thal tli.* Wood had . ?? from li- mouth ii I- note fr*,. I Ilia* li" ?a- - i/. I with a hen bulli*! dow i !n- ' i V - III thai of a brick -? *- _ cifg. TUsncvr.KT cleuks 111:10. Tho ... ... 1 ,i,,r, ? WC! rirr ? >:.-? firm, v.. re t * : . : in e..Un-, h. Fredi ri ? " cutter, wa ?? fr fi ? t ? 1 pa "ii *.t li'*n i. I'Mii l ai bia he ll "li- fi * . Daniel v..-:-' m. r un 1 ? ' - 1 ni l. ."'.'. PENTECO ' - ' ' - - ?? * 1 ? ? *,'..-? BESS. 'I '"? lb Hugh 11 f :.- . ? tv in * no lo . - 1. ? I ? : , ni.ul ii la 1 ; II ! Il. 'liar, v., ha*. ? i..,*. ;.. 1 1 1 , . i . yt* i*- I:,-* lotti il rttrled Its I . .lav. ll ls s ? th ? . rb 1 aorld In ah h ? -I Kur..i*. -' 11 || I .- ;. I* ! . 1 . Il.'te-t. hut Ihe J r I .1 ; ri th 1,000 -, . ? -' TO BE El ir .v.- 11 1 /,*/, 'I !'?? ? : ' i.r [he h.r ? ' 1 1 at Newark ? III Im In a lh a | ara i ? an I -?? III 'i "iiii ihe 1... in . i a ? sum 11 1 ti 1 ? ,. in." 'iiiii', ,. ? in ; a.- in the j ' I., alt.1 if.. .-.1 ti.. ... the 1 ni..:i. Nea \ 1 Hy it ul 1." 1. i" ? 1 ? I strive 1 . , wbih >i,.i'ti.-. Buffalo, \. , . . .. i . - ? r.i ba ii**!.! nini.*r th- eUapteoa ,,r ii,,* Nowark bhoeUi titty, uni I.i aildlilnn in this tvi.-h i llal ol ihoutini eon lt i.!t, a ?|H*t*lal ?nivrtaliinu ul ?ill bo proud.- lur tat li succec-lnii day. MORRIS PLAINS ASYLUM: dr. mcfarlane explains ms case. II!- |i , ?il.l.t.W fli IIY MAW nilli M e.i II!,-' VII') KM '.* I'i" MUCH. Tha Investigation into I I Morrli Asylum, :.'. J., will be resumed h\ the '? ... r in -. Report* nf ti.'* n pilli'' <] In "l'!i" ?? . ? - hO I i* 'ive |,r - . ?ii, ,,-. i,,.i'. ' '.tab mont : "Ii I by l >ard of Manag i - al tb di r mo "* i - i.'.r for rn) evident il - ? . prove ti." truth ? I i :"' ???" ?!"n.a;* merit. ,\t thal meeting] waa called before ti.* nt,il Int.*) pi" it .I .**, lo BJ pi" ii"" In tba in ration, lu, tl hud lo take bu i tor t*. Sew Tort to i * sod. ti,is i i ivealed th ? fuel thal the i> titer waa i* or. Dr. Green tool ma lo t.i-k tot lh* tre-tmBBl at an '?? ebrlate who waa an Inmate of tbe a ylom "it would !"? Impoaalble and al-" Impropei Into dctaila <>f thia ea pt to state thal I ?? linn alcoholic treatment Li'l been Med fur a jeer with ri,.* me -t unfavorable reaultt : then ll wea thoofhl ? ii to preacribo for bim a moderate ambo ni of itlmul-Jita. This I; Ihe only caae oul ol over 900 tkal I It-abed with which any faull waa found. The Board "f Man ibo thought I bud bc a away loo mue-h from tlM .-i-ylnrii In ti,,* la.i three timrith-;. Bal I rallnl rn ti."ir- mind thal fur teven montha I ha'i done the work of two ass ls tanti, and during thal time i was rm:'li confine^ -ii that eonalderable Ilma allowed undi unit-led, accra *e! tn iii-*. Ti" ? .-?-ii.-.! u!iv i did neil lay these facta of mlstnanagemenl tke board ol Ma:.a- ri. I answered tLa* I hud ntend-.d tn when I had collected i-flklenl evidence. "-These were all the chargea thal were brought against mo, and which formed the grounds of my t i nm ni. My di ml? ni by ti,'- Board "f MM-gera waa In consonance with tho action "f Mr. Monroe h triona i.ii'i* employee. David Edward v.!,., had bi -:i ihe bulchi r for live ??? i i, bs I thc fact thal ia, _.* quanl I I come to tl - ti nted ' - tulll on. bhortly afterward he was t* i'i tn do some be i* y we -!,'.'illy unable to do, an I help waa n.fused bim, t I a*i alwaya heretofore been given to bim. Il" waa told stil.siaiulallj thal i i i I gb I .'..i ir or go. i i ? ? , . recopilzlug thal iho ch iractci of i*>*: ter ba l become an Important v ? dion, called aa a wltr.c - ???1 In the He tesl ? ..; ; ? .. r ... butter scat ou . ? .i ? i hud long [a 11... I ni Uti lelieii, iuhl of a i op rr food, nftenva i ti " nu!* ii help in '. ti, who was employe.] In tho kitchen, .tatefl a' r - bad ral I propei fis ?!. i his v. ..*. she was il, ii hai -'"'I .f " maintain il ' ?? The secret ol thc bi Iou i I the Boa I of M ? elli ve. in fl ? is fact : While 1 iva* -'iii -nf ? ii'iide I, they V ??: .' ri to tl - Institution i iel Lo run mo 1*0 -*if.. - til... if the i.11- ,1 ? - 1 . ; ?.:* 11. '.1 v.rr-. -? parnted ft"- . . ".| tm ler an id : -" 11 tho opportunity 11 rule d 1 ? If, I , . rhe I,...11.1 ..I Man ? 1 ut,-1 th* present 1 1! ni ol man lg ti ? 1 which he - ne .er i.n a sue n vt r ; ._? *n 1 tied air : a lr .-ii i- t ondemm *i 1 -' terma by nil' "i - and th ? medb al pro, . t tho world over. '!'_. admit now tl.-it evils ira, 11,1 thai 1 ho.vila are thc faull ;. 11 and the nresent -*. item, 1 ott d be ru uehnowl ? .- f. y bail made a grievous mistake rIii-.-.- ye - Dr. 1:. E. Smith, the flr-t medical director, rei after a year*! service. In October, 1--''.. Dr. E. C. Booth, medical dd.for, presented most serious charg 1 . * ni against ti," wanlen. Thoy wero 1 niislel i*ed by a te** of 1 he Board 1 M magi r>. eif it. Booth an lil testimony of Mr. Mourne, and would hear the corroborative testimony nf ri." a Blatant physi? cians." J17/ 0 /. ENA L E SI EAL! Y Q AT A FIRE. EARL ' WILSON FOLLOW DP THEIR JANI? TOR'S CHARGES AGAINST THE TWO FIRE? MEN. Chief John I. Breanan, "f tba 0*l? natt.iiinn "f the , 1 ri tent, and Yon n tt I ha lea II. Shay, "' Knein" 1 ompany No. 11. a . 11 - ihe charges of Keating made bj John 8. Ult man, in fie employ -t Earl '- Wilson, aga met tba firemen 1 l '.'. r of " The Century" D ill Ung, No. 33 East nth -?.. where 11 ructlvo Hr" "f s : ..'.il be* a i.r. ?,. t from - 1 * -lui' : r . . I f the linn of I'ar: kV engll ? : Shay tba 12 an I 1 o' of Earl A WU* 'ai ld ll . ? ? ?. n r and Josi pb h . 1 ll... 1 ? ies; tin. lr tf. Wltti. -'i; 1 I li iccuae. | r 1 I ? ir" : tha : r 1 "Iii i*. . ^ him t,. il : ' ? !. Little II 1 O'Connor, who *.*.rt- ir- ? , use, as tie* other \ liars and Earl I ? 1 up In tl . . , 1 ... ? ? ? ad lu getting away from I ti,11 ba l be ? :i returned. ?' he and Foreman Sha; I part ol In looking up ?lim --? -. rte - had 1* "ii slow, as witnesses were hard to .il Sunday. O'Connor aud _ nt mourly tit ny the ch bave each been about ti\" yeara ? nh tli" ?!? ; .* ?? r ?. ti:.* liiv-ii'. ::*i"ii im I not i" ? ii ordered iv the i re Coi . f tri" The 1 - In .' have be en relieved fr. ?. lutj li ? "? Doppct, In Earl *. Wilson's employ, said y-n. terday that the noon robbery waa far . \... I 1 ? I fiat. \\ 1 -. i .un dui ti-' the li:-' I' |.| : ; *.?? li,,-."-, a' li 1 r. ?. ra '?mk-ii . i 1. .1 I 1 cuffs -.-' rc stoli n. t >i, not my that ti"- stealing ??'.a- dune by Bremen; pcrhapa otbera 1 band." Artiiur R Wilson, one -i tho Brm, corroborated Doppcl's ri. *? I feel f 1 *.- duty," nhl Mr. Wilson, "to sift, O' - I to pui ra ? tin* e.iiirv part 1 work waa never doti by fi... Nt ,. *, k Bremen that of Siit'iri.'\ morning. Their ?. ?:. and *-kili ?aved the building and hundreda t.f thousand* ol doltars, lt 1- ii ? uni rt uno te thai these gallant men should ' ?* .;;:? ??rill acta of a few of their number. - . .1. but if th" ir* I', ir 1.1 (iii In their duty, wo muat .1 ? , *. - 1 1 I ra i ? al .-r-ii than proaocuto tbcae men, ???-- iry. Wa have ? lit1 I* nee In 1 ile mt nt lit- baa be en ri : il em] I03 of 1 u iv ho was I wa- bri : 1 ?earched. No < lill I upon linn, an 1 tie* - for wa Chief 1) au i l| eels to make lil - : * ha ' ?' * \*, wn : In i. f, em ?? i , the crave ? ?f thia ? .. ht * . ? ,- . Ill ... ;? i -.?,-. r you I nil We J ?.i'i l-IM I lon, . : . ' : ?'I'i1 .i lilli v ' ; ll . , : i. ' ; \en--iii\- ol CIA ION. ? . i ? ! . i ? 1 tiny moved i i' ? i Irltfh count] ? ii i i ph . ? K\, 1 el ....'? jj p. U U- L1 cr*f-r->R*n:?rn**-i " DcK ____-] u ij u. y Ll J Absolutely Pure. Iii- puerder ie vvr isriii. a ii,arni or pail r, -fen*.".' gad wh . Mot* eeontn oat than ths ordinary hni'la. li I,..* I." -ni,', ii.-. ? un w,,ii thu nihill full ol lota Mti suuu ?. a it slum or uh -t. poa I rs. -old only In haii* V,0\AL _>AU_..0 __.. iuo Wall bl., .. V. MA RIXE LSI E LLl&MMUAt, Ml via n .c. ALMAMi/E Hun rt te* 4 32| Sots, rdt I Mmtm tatt TrfT Waar a IX-M i I . I a . ' r_ m A. M-Hamey rtntt. 7 li lOor. rsri 7bi\ tim; r,x,^ ;*. /-.? -tau-, Tr4il??fe I I'I h jj I H-it u_us. "jj IMCOMJNU j..A ii LES. ?H.-KAl. r??/r, /*?*. ? atllsi f, Holland.I.'.ne'ori .Jun* .3.!*atli,nu, SO .. t,n,,l_ i .I f rr..?,.ii. ? 'trttnl a.. tm re.r, ., . ? ?".. a _m5 T ? ?-r : . in.Itolli-M.f u . ..,Ieee l-l Snltv-Kmnff metis...... . ' i i.?, , , ' I . . ..'*,. ll .'. ..i.'.n.f. .oiascow. . AaaS l ri r .Jtirmnn. I ? 1:1 Vi, u,-, B /i.HSTSIia..Jul/ 5.>f ?r,i'? nn_K>A~, J' IT lei. I'T'lv Monarrli.tun'un.Ini'li .Monsrrk I'onioua..Mimi, ko i: ,f ..Italy .;.At * w J arKifVueoAT. n i.r 11. Krln.Lonelnn.J uni 20.N'atlooal OUTOOINO 8TBA 4 -iii. lt MOAT. -li-LY IO. Vs?s?l Vtti'l. tA-A, Fnr MsllfO'.is. tM_. *>\ v ni mr. '. . in . I.T r n V. i JO ?m l*o, tru, t ,rr. Bal-MM . A nw rr t.r ll. fettle, Whtta fMar, Urarpaoi . ?'Wau (itvor itt.m-. Llrarpool. 4 am 7 ?m I i i if. n .,..,.,, Urana*** _. . ... 6 ta Aller. So i.ioi-t. *.r.* m.. i ? soataftaa. * am 7 t. V "rt..uni. R.* * - tr. An"-*r;.. 4 sdi 7 a JJ N *, ,t Brassi, fr,/ii ports. 4 pm .Mnr.'f. I . Upiuw.10 sm unsa. City mt WaafelaalAa. Ward's baraaa, 4c. l nm il p. Aii.,.1. -lilli, am 1 pa sit IP Pl so BEWS. pout or XE*.*.'* yuk:'.bPVDAT, jvlvs i*m A' RI Vi.ll Ktenmer OJ, o. B_MMf, f.-errvKf Tip*'.'?, Qa** ???tr.*-'}, ? witt, in is-^n i ... pesaeuireraM Pater W righi A Waua Ar. tba Bar al ... to , i . Bteamer M irtell * Br), \ .'>tr. Mull Jun-. .>o. P,it'<yi ? itavs, wini m.isa to Haoileraon a Son. Arrive.1 ?t H.*. i*.?fu 4. WI i nv, -.*.,? nrHeii-o Kpan).Carmona.narana4dayatwin ?,, ano ;. .--? m." i - to i - I st ta*-Ar ai 1. : i ,m. ^?i .....'I A*n'. tia Mo? . Aslakaew, n?r.iivi* .J .'-trf, wm fruit t?. ii,.'in*/. A V- ai An? si. . tee, I uta i- lae -* ??? ?" t> elars ?u . , lon. -a rr li milan and pusengers to Wm P Clyde A Ca. er, Ueergaiown, *> *, w<^ Biilss ?? W Ht ll ni i. ir I ' ?? - ? , ,n-r Heneoa, th iib *r. Xswport Mewl an : Norfolk, wita ?. * >. --.ur ... ike ?>.* * ' f f'f.r inI Xorfo'.k. ? ss Co Hiern Va, WU ? ns asl ;, .- i --'sr..' .;?! ". ? rv, .. i... r* i- : w.'lini'tfi to Horstl, er ii-rii. in Winter. Mallett. Boat?, with nniae ta ll V r if :.!-:"ft) irr*. '' itea, for Pori tehm Ml ai ..-ti. r- >. -sr ? n' nol,-. lat-uu. M .ui lichi '? cl >u lr. | t - - .-i'.l.tV ? sr sn fri, Vin ?, MaraeillasInma il. Psi**. molli, ?nii in ls* and i.- passe nger* io J w KI wall di Oa .vr i... . .a tba Bai at tn - *.: steamnri st Ponana, '"?ri. rarpeolj T ?wi r HUI an.l franra Landon; Kxeier* i y. Bristol; in,m.. Bal I \ - ?tlmrl?ria I?c I alain Wu-i- Bart Trust, for wsst ' Bl i '>\v. Hark Antonio Sala, fnnn Havana. .ua .li. I . . - ? ? fT ea ?.?!?: ni. r ju .: , < [? i -.r QuauaTowa, ru i n ?. aaaaaaat Anrsma fBrv Hains Hom New-\ork on ie r way to l..vt-ri/ool ur:, ri c.-. .:?'!.. ...... i. steamers Ctn'.tia(Bri. MeMUkaa, sm Wr-con.;! (Hi lt. fir' .ere.- lor New- York. AMWKKt*. .lui-.* 7 -. . Rs-fsalanil iBalgli Bsj. Lt,;., lui Sew Vorii. Aiiooiineeruirrats. BttVEHtELVi CanoMli, Hioh. Mellow, Poll. is '- ' i i wrapper. Wholesale Uouaa, 40b and 410 Urand-st. Branches, -il Bl lim , S Weat 14UM-, '-ja Uth-av-s. E.&W. Tun "Wi. uta''Collar. E. _c \v, A .''LW D-StOS IV COLLARf. IlF.NT.y A. l'\\:i r.s. M. D? Al'j Waar 1 ' Maaaaaa >r fu Vf-r-.n -e.-. (, '.enrto-fn-arr Orjrana Imr ..t*? * ? ii *. itsrili Hours-.*** ta Ix a tal S P E C I A L S A L E or SPRING AXD BUMMER SILKS. JAMBS KeOREEBT & CO. "Will continue this week their Special Sale of Poniard, India Tussah and 1 i.__;lit - \v?*i._rli t. Silk Fabrics at about half their orig? inal prices. Broadway and 11th Street. : -, ~.'rSo. h SOLID REPUTATION. Thc* !'ii*'i'.n Kkaea Imf e n grr it ri'imr.i. linn bsftmwam tba ??kata ba,va patm)metttty iiiiiim.-ti'.i _ tba lii? i alaster- of th.-lr ffirrli, aini luiff irii-ti'i! t ii* abase to make their offii lririnl*s. iirjifity anil is amrttitl Hr aa* Mroiisr ar_maMMala ? ?lioo. umbi. & son. AT KCTAIL, 2974 BKOADWAT, S W.YORIt, JBttwuma Hwmdm amt Dunne sra. BOBBI LTOX.MT.. HUXllil.VV, Ol'Iiu-iti' t'iiy Hall Our fsho-i .-.tit !?'? ohrniui'd from mr A-ji'iits lu t io iir:tni|>ril*. ot lht< Halla I diam , 'instril t*ini ii lilrt'.src I ta ut \t iii u it tat- .i ttilliiu "imii'i .i. CARPETS. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE Ol' StlflMKB FIRMSHIXGS. rfr.r. 5.frame bodt ruusseia ntosi 75* FEM TARO JUST TIIE THING FOR COTTAGE- AND f' lt - '- Bl - :' IA . IA SI !' CRAIN- ii:*: toe. ri ll > .K.i \I.l. u.'.'l. VKT .- Jl IRKS ODO - ! ' - Kl LESS nt AM Ol' IT.* *. RI MN \M'> Bil MET Olin I. 2 AND 3 YARDS WID! \ VI I TO 4 TARM I : ... ?, 10 i 11 .Ll Till. R_Gl LAKFRIC-I ?8 Jl ST LAN''! n I! ff NOVE1 I Al.I. NV M'.l HOI SE SAM l-l.ES N Kl'M ' . . IT TIIE MSB I ? MO Pl :; ROI I Ol i'? n -etDHi WORTH ; AND Wa. Pl R \ u;_ SHEPPARD KNAP? & SIXTH" \\ 1... 1 mn i\i> 1?111 -1 TRIBUNE ALKAMC FOR 1 |J CENT! A < Ol'Y. Ptrlj Platfmu ami Elceltoi StatUtiff \. llb 4 oino 11 POLITICAL HISCBLLAinrs Acc*jrr.t-. Complete, '/tandard Authority. A POPULAR HAND-BOOK 1 ur Tbtt V til BS1B B A 1 M Ii CA W P-Ui| K?fr knl? In Tnbutio ( oifimi ??Bl fc? I'osiH.r palU. na -ao\ .'? VJ) 'J