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tftame V^XLVlll.^ ,^>?22^, NEW-YORK MONDAY, JULY 23, 1888 ?TWEI .VF. PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. WHAT WIIX THE SENATfi DO? -PH III 11 lat HM T'*F- DISPOSAL OF TIIE FREE-TRA DE BILL. . si7iii4,-tTrCTK BR PB?PA?41UI_ *MMIII as to the wisnoi- or passing thf senate mr at he AT TRIS SESSION. fsr Ta_ac.r.AP'i to tub tuiBcvo.*! ?troshinrrtin. July -'j? Whether or not the Sen? ate Finance Committee will complete and the Sen? ate discus.*- .md pans an amendment in the nature of a substitute for the " Parki,intern"" bill before the adjournment of CaafMBB i*. uncertain. It is pretty pone-ally known that Hie sub-committee s amendment, ear substitute, winch will bc ready to be submitted to the full committee within the next two or three dsys. aims Bl a complete re? vision of the tariff and internal revenue laws, ond it is still more generally kn* wn and under? stood that the ? Park Lantern" bil] i> a mere hotch? potch mens'.ire, de-signed, not to remove the ineon gte_?ea nnd inequalities of the presenl kw, lilt to BtOBUiae Democratic sue I s in t'-e commp election. It ac-Tii iati$ instsad of niBovlns pr--ont Ines?bM ties, and as 10 the surplus, proposes ro taessssa H 8? far as the revenue from customs is eoneenwd. That is what, tii'e Free Trader*, want. In his speech cf April i t. opening the general debate on the ? Dark Lantern" bill, " Premi- r" Milla deeland in terms that " if to-day the barrier* BgaiBBt im ] -tc ns w-re broken .'own ail our imports ?should f_t*nease trom two to throe hundred mil lions," the pr aperity of tbe country wtmld in r'm^c in th* sami1 ratio. In r.n*itlier pince he said : " If we had np* tarin", if all the enst,.m houses were torn down BBd the Government was supported bv direct taxation, not more than 1< ix-r cent of all f rnnr.'ifacttin cl products consumed hp ali tbe people w p.u'il ls.- imported into th*- country." And almost in tn* -ame breath he as*,-.-.j. ?? What uso have our manufacturers fur a tariff ar all T* The "? DarU lantern*" bil] wu* framed in nocord nnec wi*]; the theory above iadicated and it bsa been modified in aaefa particulars __] g* ? ??,:? b__a rons ?! rai ns putwrigl ri tin desiree and -oarvicti ns of the free-trade e*b*1 whiefa ptepnred ir. Semi- of the most import.-.rn modification* were net made nnril Julv IB, and the bill did not rta.h tin- Senat" unril bite yesterday afternoon. The - -- . Marly nine month* old and Con P-* ii- Kitting in tho heat of midsummer. It BBBBel be held together si\ w*- dc* lti_T. and some of the bigge*! and must imp-ortaal appropria? tion bill* have yet to b-> I'on-iil*'.-'-! BBd passed BJ both House* l_e' eBBBOl (five even a BMBth tu the revenue question, wi.i'!i the D'-ni'i rrntic majcrity in t!i" House ha* taken nearly tine month* to consider and di>p -se of. after irs l:is'.!on. Dunne all the time tl)" hands of the Senate hav- i-cen virtually tied. During all thnt time, too. the free-trad" leaderi tn the llonse hnve eonUnuouoly and pe*-_den_]y refused to make public the InfonBStiOB, if any. upon which (halt I hi baaed, ot to civ- any intel!i-ont or in teEUg ' s foe tbat action. From firs; to last, m th* :r attacks upf_ the proteetlve si stem the.; han- p_n_r*d the. tactics of the buahwhacker. Always ii-nr. [orr- the Bennie bsa had the benefit of thc information furnisbed io the eo-ordiaate bnnii-h of Congress and which is ab*-> liit.-lv eaaeBtla] to the framini n ins! sad IntollireBi tana1 m asurc. Ia tl '.-.s.. ri-e >.-n,it.- must Beek and obtain thal infonBation for it- if 'lin> mean*., of course, dupj cation ci '.?? ion bl more time. 'J '?? ! .aiirtei- i.f Finance r*-***ly oMained mach needful informal ion by open? ing ir* dieu- r(. the reprcacnta! ve* of mai i rem atm "t nrorkingmes engaged in atamifactur in_ industri"-, a* areli es t., th rcpresenuitivcs of tl nm-, t r* las Bil I v- h- nr l.u.l !"?':i i .Ned bj the * i" niiiitiec. Bul the lac! remain* thar the ile ns ill have only a seam mont- in which to eonaidrr and dis] I which rhe House id n'-i-r sinei Dccemlrcr '?>. despite the 'i'si-h???? - *_,.?:? appeal and w* rain g. 'lhere is a difference of onin u among Repub li.-iins ,ts to th* wisai'-'ii ul :in at tempi by she r**un' ' - l-r and puss ;, suitable substitute for the ** Dark L*tnt*rrn bil] ni this tea-ion. A gened many "f them express the opinion that it ?.?niild be sv:v-r_:i. vie* ol the eviueoi (uer that no taniT measuK eun Ip.muqi'-- i law before Con gr*-*s adjourn*?to have s sulMJommitte* ol tbe I anmittee un Finance authorized t-- sit during the recess, to obtain such further information ea ; i.. nee, s-nr-.u and to prepare and submit i" Semite, when Congress renssi*ni Btitute for thc so-called Mills lui, which will c<mi ii.i-r.d Itself t*- thi country am! form the basis ol intelligent r venue legislation. They fear that thc hasty consideration an i udoption of ii inb Btitute a rn* ith i. nee. when everybody will be exlt-tu-sted 'v the toil and strain - I a ten d ??? ss]i,u iinil anxious *,, leav* I Nattai -1 Copi ? nol b ? wii or proflfabl ? On thc oiler :. some Bepublicans including, it ia said, a : ... Republican members of the Finance * mittc* favor an rfiori t.. bring a substitute .--j. nug ii before she odjoununcnt, and lei ? : . n committee oi conference, whoee i all benet *l opon in Deeemher. Prob*bly :*s to which courac shall be adopted trill I.' pa.-ii.a1 within the nest three If th*' former, Congra** nmy adjourn by st 20; if the Utter, it is pi*oln*ble th;it the i- -ion will run pr. tty weil into September. Hs EFFECT OM VARIOUS INDUSTRIES. BBBBBAI Bl sines*. IBTBBBSia I'Ai: il.VZED? Talus with I'll -M'.nf.nt IiF.ritKSrNTATlvi s I\ MANY BPHCBBS cl" BC8_BESS. 'rson mr ki. icuiaOf-BBBBPOBDf-BI or .mr TRir.rvF... Albany, July 22.-it was a striking farr rn those WV. talked with the BBBBaben Of tb* _*B?latBW "lille Bren here the pa't -eek the Kitti farifT bill ff. i'. efT.-.-t on Industry s-emerl the main subjei't of rbi anions th<- BoMton and AsasmblyeB. Mem ken fnu-i manufartuilr..- district* reported thar the : ? 'aioii of til*- i Ul ii* the Douse <>f Bepreten tatives had had a p*nr_y_ing effeci apoa buslaess. This wa- et pee! olly the ui-" la plaeei when there v nr w.*,Her. tmlls ur kn!!-good! mills. The Mohawk Yaller is Mudded Wllh these mills ami tin- re; of business in the Valley won ntunerous. Aneatblymaa kfaae, who i* ii lar.e itoekholder la the I! art'-aw an Manufacturing Company, a: M*tteawBB on the Ii lutcreiiilni: In lay : " Today a dealer In boatery called ir' B Bte, a drum? mer for a Baw Pork house. au*l be told an that be had not been able to gel an order lu < ot the uneertolnty among bustneoe mon oiii'i^- to the Mills till. Ketaii sry-goodi mcri ar' in.i going to loy la lari*e storks rd h<i*.|*-,\ a- 1 kt I . .hame of trie sloe- depreciating largely in value eerferc they can sell il. l'eople want to s.-e wi,at CongTCBS i golng to do. This drummer i-aid tn BM that when he proposed to go om ape* the jsiad. i,is employer said that lie could ge, ba! th*! lu- eioubted whether bl get any orde*r_ Tin* tarin* agitation kulti ail Bindi of business. A BUStaaei rei! to jp hod by th< tariff srinj,urtu'.**, wttk athei brade whaa rh"y arc -epresM-d. I'asslm.' a bill red-Otllg ll-..* tariff du ct tain attic Isa ls, a p*"sl dcii Uh* tnrnlag a caw into a pai-den with the intention of k*vtog h-r pat only l tiigqlskaos. f*?r BBaaaha* or other ali tba e*ge tabaaaapt ettfeM and apaliaS. m. boata* leji hata u an exampl'' *<f ni?at the protacttve tartf hat, don' f*,r Amer.cau ?aah-BgBBBB. A. a Jouroeymoa hatter iM-forr- is*',0. I only neolred irl U."> et r day for my work. Rem *^t*_n*>eyaMa iiatt.-rs i seal in g-*? and #.;:. a*> a weak- wat-* ?',*v amrksaaa ae*rly all own thur <j**ti 0*0888 at * Maltaawna and have money In the savings bank. Dui thai ins. n,,t n,, casi- brion* til- wai. Thea Ibeli wean* barely ne tamed life, and they lived in pased houses and had no pioperry ben.nd n.e., tlolhlll-. All n-Ter tin. Stat'' lou win ritiel ju-i nek eommnnfttas _s that at Matt.-a wan, whleh have kaeBBH pSBBpesaBB Ihiough the pro? tective tari IT. "* DF..MOI KATIC MISSIONAltir.S. AT W*)I!K. Tbe I>?*moeratie National rtimmllBBII han- beeome alarmed bv ak* many cases ol abandonment nf the Deaneeaahi party hy Damsaratle arawftfngaaa in m*nu faelorle* in eiuisc.jueiiee of tl,,- aili.ptlon of the ,M,|I a_ill. Te eouateroct Hus movenient thej lian- craatmad A*seuili]\ mail John llariiri. of %*?? \ ..rk. wllh arh*u nienU In faior of tin- Mills tull, ami arr now ing him from factory lo factor;, to -explain" Ih* lill to BSeMspaaa, Hr. Mar'Ui came BJ the' me'-iinc e,f Bbl Ijeglsiature from Connectlcu!. He Intends ai BBSS *o make a tour af New -Vork "stale, and from this stan will ye to Indiana. itt eminent Ix-u.ocratlc mocibcr of thc Legl.Uturc, I who for oHvious reasons did not care to have his name disclosed, said: " I have heen up In St. I_wrence County for Btv eral weeks living In a place near the Canadian line. Krorn what I heard there, I think thi Demoeratle party ls In great danger of defeat from the Mill* bill and tho pension vetoes of President Cleveland. I elld not find an old soldier, either Democrat or Re? publican, who wa* going to vote for Cleveland- Al for the tariff, that wa* plainly losing us a large number of votes. Then the eulogies of Cleveland In the Canadian newspapers are hurting us. An Irish American, for Instance, would have some business In Canada, and would no sooner ero** the line than he would find Englishmen praising Cleveland and lay? ing uhat the Mills bill supported ty him was the greatest piece ot statesmanship of modern times. Mell, no Irish-American likes to hear f_at kind of talk, and I think lt hurts BB." Speaker Fremont Cole broupht the report from Schuyler County that the sheep-r_*ers of that county were greatly disturbed by the progress made hy the Mil- Mil. "The dealers In wool," he ?ald. "In Schuyler Counry. whether Democrats or I'epublicanji, are opposed to wool being put on the free list, and they will vote apalnst Cleveland beeanse of li. ettie straw will show which way th"' wind ls blowing. At Hock Stream. In Yat*'*- County, on th" t-nrrters nf Bebny ler County, a Harrison Club of lOO members has been arg_?SOS. Sixteen of these 100 members of the rPih are Democrats. one nf them li Lewis J. Phinney. whom tlie Iiemocrats ran for member of the Assembly a few year* apo. We shall gain larpely In Behoyler County hy th" tariff Issue. Indeed, we shall pain every**, here _\ leather* New-Vork upon that |ssii?. and from 1 bee* from mr fe_krw*-Asaembly_Mal I Inda* that throughout th" s-nte we are makins gain* from the Dernoerats. And I (In not hear of any de sertloTis i,, thp Iiemoerats. I believe that the Prohi? bition vote will be less this yea-, beea*ae many tem? perate o Republicans in th*- l'roliltdrlon rank- are sa* Isf.-d with the action of the Hepubllran party tn passing the High Ueenee act. I look, thereiore, to a falling off of th** prohibition rota." DEMOCBATfC BBTOLT IN THE SALT DISTRICT. A lew j ears agc* opei.tor- while drilling for oil tn Wyoming County cann- across a bed of salt elpnty fee' In thickness. Since then the Wyoming sal* li*-ld and salt manufactories have bfim*1 famous in thu Btat*. Aaaemblymaa Van Oofder, who repre? sents th*- county, iaM aa Friday : " If the Mills litn |s pass.-.!. I doubt whether we can keep opot! ihe salt works at Warsaw and other places in the county. Tie Mills bill puts salt on th*' free list. We cannot compete win, sob aatda by the pauper labor of Europe and bronght art for ship*. Ran? die*- of thousand, af donan eave been invested In the sair watta *d Wyaming Cowary, and they would be lost, I fear, if the lull bee*.me, a law. The Democrat! Of the county perceive this, and many of the-m are Jotntng the liar-.snr; club*, willie (pitiers say they will v. te |_r Darrlson *'ne of the moot prominent Deatocrati af Waisaw, Joba I town, who has la: p.- Investments In tdio tait work* and In a sheep farm, has announced himself openly for Horriaon. Bo das Ueorge a. (.nene, a woollen man? ufacture and pi-ruiner.t Democrol nf tbe town nf Pike, in whick I live. I am told then- |s a Harrlaon dub in Warsaw whleh lias lifrv Ipeinoerats among lt. member*. Pike li a small place, bul there an- seven Democrat! in it wbo sav t),*'T Intend to vote fur Har aml the protective tariff. Tha' Booma a small ? ir the Democrata, bo! voa spread our that lost *.f -ev.-n votei In every election dtstrlel of th> Mate and we shall havo a tremendous majority for Har? li-on ? hone Island people an' gre a My taterested In fishing (or menhaden and transferring that fish into ferMli/ec and an oil whleh ha- been pt- atlv ti-mt in lu lui eat lng machinery. Senator .-. 8 Hawkins ls a member of a Brm ni hip ii is cn-app-'i in the menhaden trade "We ai*" going "ur of business,*1 said Benator Hawklrs on I K-idav. ?? for we con nol -'ara! tue competition of the j <heap oils freim Italy am! Japan, upon whleh a duty ! should !" levied The MUK hill .how* rh** direction ; the wind I* blowing in < ongress?* towering of the i tariff on all Undi of arl I we caanoi hope for ; au. protection tVe employ S rf) men and lava- thn-" .teamen ar nnrk. one of whick li worth SBA,., and we also have a menhaden, fac tn!\ ashore for th- rnaiiu*acture of th*" lis!i Oil ami th-- fertilizer*. Th.- fertlllzen have I driven mit gnano. br pivtnc farmers a c. aper article, j bul ir we qui I the ht iel non tba formen trill j buy a dearer fertilizer In all there are o.c"**) men I ariel a mflllori oi ie of ????*nltal Involved In tlie menhaden ' flshcrtA!. and the Industry I* thrcatcnisd wltj) .le>inir. Bon, owing to lbs Importation of men ch*_p oils by c!k-i|i ii Senator r-lonn. ol ( iwego, said: "Th** most pmmi aenl woolli fi our eitv is a Bepubll* eau bul !<? ha- never token an active t .irt in rarty . movements I met h rn a lew dari ago ami he said: ?l i.ave been noding tlie Mills bill ar-*l lt seems to me mv business Interest! ai*- put In peril bj it. It alan ipi me I had le-'tp-r take bold for the Republican and do some active work to p<:- it in power again.' I odd bim we would b<- piad of hi am-e. Tie |. a rusher whet: he pets to work and we shall therefore probably make him pi-esid* nt of our _? Harrison club." A CB FRC FI TREAS FR LR MISSING. ONLY A SMALL DEFICIT. AND THAT NOT ZR MONEYS of THE COICGBEGATIOK. Pittsburg, Jury a (Bpectal)-?Winiam A- Qrbeon, a tnisre.i employ*- of Mellon Brothen, real esraie deal ? rs, and th* treasurer of the Park Avenue Preshy terlan Church. Eas! End. ha* atyatorlnualy dlaap pear".!, and ls npnooed to be In Canada. Ile was employed a* a collector, and has been regarded M a man of unquestionable Integrity. Los! Thursday h** collected BTO5, dui Mellon Prorhers. Mrs. Gibson, oa Prlday, eatted and asked Mr. Mellon if he knew whets* , her husband bad s ne. The replj wa* in tho negative. An BsaaBnatloo ol bli oecounti showed tahat BT06 wa ;rn taken with him. ''ri *-a*ardav Mrs. i.ih-nn . received a lette, f;?_ her ? toted N,apara , ? would no' mme back to Pltmburg. Mr. Mell* tl -aid to-do. I ?? l will not prosecute Gibson. H.* had no bad habits, ii -v*-r par-dil-d. Ile was a prominent mem? ber of a * kure_, ami was looked up..ri a.-) a model man. ' He hail no lime to Ntsit oil or praln cvha*v*'s. .a I the roone* did not ge. that woy. All these facts lead ' m.- to believe thai some sec re I sorrow am! trouble led lum lo do this. We will hait- the stolen money re? funded, but not by Gibson." Mn Gibson hos left home, and lt ls surmlied that i s-arteii aft'-r ber busb-sd. WHY THE ITALIANS ARE NOT DEMOCRATS. Philadelphia. .Inlv 22 (Spep-ialu-Tlie much-talked-of Bjeattog Bf Italians at Kelly's Hall. In christian st.. to? day was held promptly at .1 o'clock. Por iev*r*] hours prior to BBS-dag the doors, fhe streer In front of the hall, as Wi-U as Seventh and Bghth sts. and Chrlsrian st . wen* blocked with people drawn thither on! of curiosity. The erowdi wan almost *-n Mr ly ni_*!e up of American-, thc Ha.'lans not members Pf the assoelatlot: remaining at home. By |-efjp>e,r of tbe pieeMeBl of Ihe society, f*fetn Itanchlbtlli Ibrce of policemen who were on duty at th. hall prevented any eseepl members from entering the bonding. Addraaain were *j**de both m Italian and Bngllak and nothing of an Incendiary character wa- -.nd oi ?7 a Demoeratlr paper af this etty," ie ?? of the of?eon af the toelety, ?? that the soldier organisations, with their arms, would participate la I . tl of whole cloth. The trouble uly ihi*. Most ol "ur members an- Republican* and '-nil" In i et rn ii Kepubllcan cb uni ! heij, to eleel Harrison and Morton The only politic*] 1 utterance nia*l<- in the iv.toes *<a- ti,ai Bv* weeks . loferenee wo* held by th** leaden of ? . wh . rame to the eonclmloa that the ratlc Administration ***< aol friendly to lae 1 Italian* In flus countrj an*l they agreed * ia! mean* | siippiild bp- taken to wart, 'hell fellow eountrymea of i the treatmeni they mighl expect If tbe iia-mocronc ticket wai elected There na- n.* disorder, and v.ith tai exception ol tbe crowd In thc itreets, the rasoal tm-ei i.\ w* uld not have known that a meeting n is I being held at all. WHAT PITCHER STOLE RECOVERED. Providence. K. I., .luly 21 ?The I'nlon Bank fills I all th-* notes, drafts and ether securities stolen ly th-- telle:-. Charles A. I'itchcr, and axprBBBed to New Vork M the name of Jan,.-- ._ BobarSj, to th* *?*!?<? of Brown, .hlpley a. Cox, I-ondon, au*! Drexel, Haran* * Co., P*ri* The f**i*-ic: r.,rn Di th' lank had been warned, ami when ? lii-iiu.* addie ned t*> Robert! rame t*. hand, Identification auickly li doned All tha p.*. Li? nn urned intact. -??? EBSJSEBE* KILLED IN A RAILROAD ACCIBEBT. Lynchburg. Va.. July ?_?_ A t?.-1 il _,!<? collision be? tween freipnt and material trains took place on the Norfolk ami W * stern Kal Ima*t thl* morning, a!?? o'atoek, eight siHm aha** fhe city, killing both en gingers, one fireman and of th- crews. Iloth engines ate completely WreeBBd and BSfSS can de ri.i.iish.-d. a torfe lon.t b_adi ha- bean at work al! day moving the wreck. *n*i rhe track ha* been clean*- The loss lt i-?tlmated at SUM .OOO. chal_if.iv Mtl'.l'HY IN COBBBCTICBT. Fenwu-k. i olin. July __. - Ed" rird M.irpliy, Jr.. chair? man of the New-York I*cmoeratlr htati- * pi in rn 11 tee, ae 'iii,jamed '.> Henry ltosencr and family, arrived at I ?flin-lek Hall to-day MU. UANDALL STILL KLPT IN PED. Washington, July 22 -Mr. Handall passed a ejuiet, comfortable day aird thl* evening continues to bold il.e impioNCDietit of the peet wee*. He ls still rery weak and dchlUut-d, and koa to lie in bed all the tl Ul*. TIIE EMPEROR IN RUSSIA. IIE AOOOMF-jriB IHE CZAR TO CUUBOH. MAGNIFICF.N'T MUSIC AT THE RUSSIAN SERVICE -PLANS OF SEEM ANT'S RCLER. St. Peterehurg, July 22?The Grrrnnn Impri... visitors attended a Lutheran ?StTise this morning. Aft< rward they accompanied the Czar and Czarina to the Castle Chapel, where service wan held ac? cording to the Russian liturg-v. Splendid cho? rales were rendered hy tlie Court singers. The de? parture of the German Imperial party has been postpon/d tint il Tuesday morning The ? Official Messenger" says that in propos? ing the health of Emperor William at- Krasnne Selo ihe Czar include*, in thc tonst "his glorious army."' Emperor William visited the Queen of the Hel? lenes on Saturday. While returning to Berlin he will prohably visit Prince Bismarck it Frii-dnchs mhf* A CBDBBOTG DEFEAT FOR Bor'LANGER. THE opportunist C*B*._B*TB wins at anuri. HR nv 17.000 majority. Paris. July 2_~In tba election lr. Ardorh* to-dar for member of the chamber of Deputies. Beana**** (Opportunist) received 3t>.j*14 votes and BontaUfBf 1'....-:;-. _ A VILLAGE ATTACKED BY REBELS. TWENTY VIEI.AOr.ns KILLED AFTER UV EU FIC.HTINO. Cairn. Julv 22?Four hundred rebe!* attacked a vll lape near Marly Haifa today. Colnnel Wodchou.e, after severe fighting, repulsed the re!?ela. inflicting a severe lon. Twenty Villager* were killed or wounded. pacrrt^sraa koajtsstpattfbs immolation. Montreal, Que.. July 22,-At a mas.-me-rinc last evenlBg, under the auspices of the Central Trad*! and Labor Council, to protest agata*! pauper Inuni: rosoluflnns were pass-.] protestlnp against contract labor and elemandinp that the Government put a |tc p tn lt at once hy legislation rhe same as ls the Pnlted x-ierai Member! nf Parliament oddretsod the meetlnp In su;iport of the resolutions. A IJONAPARTF. WEDDIN**; ON* SFTTKMr.F.R ll. Rome. Julv BS.?Tbe marrlapp of the Puke of ,\n*ra to Princes* letitia lionaparte ls fixed for September ll at Tu:'.:.. ? ?*? CARTER. TTTE ATHLETE. COMllfG BACK. Lon.lon. July 22--Cai-ter, the athlete. s*fJed fur New York yestor-dav on the steamer Etruria He at? tributes his recent defeats to kal being nut of form. ? ?? ? TnE WAGVXB FESTIVAL AT HAYIiETTn ("'KENED Berlin. July 22.-The Wapner Fe-rival wa* opened at Itavreuih today with a splendid performai.*-* Bf '?Parsifal."' Among IhoSB present were PrtnetM of Wuncmburg. Princess Amelia o! bavaria, and P Alexander of Hesse. All the sest. for th'* fir Sperformance* have been sold. The Emperor ha- OP ere.! Hie band of the neilin repiment of Hassan SI perform chorals at the grave af Wagner. 21FST EM r LOT ES COLLECT FAREST TWO MFV WHO ARK MTBBMUBB TBAT TniT SHAM.?MAJOR DOW.VS Mr.N? TO TCSIf HIS CASE. Contractor Wallace Downs, who refu.ed to pay his fare In a Twenry-thlrd st. crosstown bobtail car on saturday aftert.'-nn unless an employe of the com? pany collected lt from him, was amfgaed In Jeff Mai-ket Coori yesterday on a chane nf disorderly conduct. Down declared that afier his refusal to deposit his far" In th* baa --amuel Morris, the driver, collected t;.e fare from him. but relumed lt at the ce.m niaml of special Policeman Gory, who ls paid I ro.vl and witnessed the occurrence. Down! refitted to take the mrincT, but Mon- breed it tata hi> waist coat pocket and attempted to eject him The contractor had almost triumphed when Gory pla'-ed him andu arrest. The _ear*_anl said he d--sir*-(! te make a bart '-ase nf the mat:*?r and Justice lord ex? tra! I until Ui-ruorrow, when an examina? tion will be held. Jame. Connel, of N'n. Leann Avenue A. wh*. ai*o refused to place ids fare In the boa as a ti ttl principle, looked rather after ids night'! |n caireraiion. Ile ts a Joni nevin-,!, carpenter. He "a.- (arrested at c. o'clock in the evening on the ear driven by John Morton, two boon aftp'r tbe Down! episode. Justine I'nrd paroled him for eianilnallnn at Ihe sam*- time rhar imwn-'s .-as.- will be dlspnaed of. Major Downs was seen bv a reporter last nlpht a*, ? ,,-e. No. in East Tweuty-tlxth-**-, and ax? ed blmsell as perfectly ii it he ibould pain his point when tia* COBS ramo up lor bearing. il" said: I toll my r_*t!''*r on BatatOay sf'emonr. that I In? tend-:! ie bosrd one of th.a |p"b tall* In order o, te.t, the ia ne ai ,,n nf vbethBT th* pu' i!- are th- Stf/tUtS Sf a eorpav rattan *l ihe earparations tie- servant* of th* public. I BJ** BB UM r?r ... p..-it* ST* -"'I W/SOI T*v.>nty-thlrd-?t., snd I hnve .uhp. enaed all UM paneagon orb* WU! on Ippesr ll th* ad u-n-d btortog of rh? .-a M I was locked up far f ur h'.u?* and a hjir sr the Nie?? I'reeinr-t S'atlon Ilniuae, and I feel *nre th.v Ju ric* Fard na,ull have BUodaaed the .-harpe acalnj- m- chi* mom Inn If Mr. Dew* eaooosl for the rr.mpf-ny. had not 'i-i'-i'd a pPIOSO-Ol apn ns- me In ukiah *n skaatatt re. fu*al to pay a far* waa thc ground fur Hie dc. l*t*a '.- ri r. I did 0*1 cern**, ni did par mr fare ant th? ??om pany'" ? refused lt. after ha*.inc had P"*?"*.len of ihe mn:,.v. Mr. Levy, a tieUm at th" lady orb* W*l tilled on th- Twenty-third ?'. . :i*? a fee eaBed on me this evening and was nest. s?*lo*n I* tova thl* ma'*.-.- pii-re-d forward t, ?n cud. n>.- or?. BM in 1-7 manner by legal, pe-.-iimarr oi athel I* reni'-dy tin- ??."ra-iii nf 'de pu:,Hr bv th. railroad company. I fully Intend t.. pu?h th.a matter until the bou-ull esr n*ii?.nci. 1* . '.hlng of th* past. COROEESSMAR O'NEILL'S TROFRLFS. AN OLD SCANDAL REVIVED IN MUS. MOO-UTI PBcoras- *o-_bbx ms pbofoskd mai. RI AC E. Washington, July 22 ("Special..-The scandal of last winter ixi which Con-rr. ssman John J. (''.Will, .>f Mh> seiurl. and a Mr* Elhel Moore flpurcd was laopnaad this wept Mrs. Haeea elalaai io have been aiarrfH to the (ongressnian by a Justice nf the pooca went to Mi. (CN'etll'.s home m Sr. Louis and began sn action ar law to prove h-r .-phis as his wife. Pometlrne afterwards ike ask'd O'Neill tn provide for her child. Thia he de * li.l t., d* Recently ihe found adi that O'Neill Wis about to rr.arrv a yoong woman af Ms home in st Louis. Pi - i revolver ihe ? 1 lt p tiona tu ihooi bin on sip!,:. Der Mends, bc tUssoaded ber brum her purpose. They advised her . io horsewhip (in. lr. pabll*. On Thanday toll -he procured a rawhbfc* whlp and accompanl-d by three of h'-r | Uni IO the Capitol IH-civerlnp i.'N. ,1| ,,? th* Of the Ilou-e th'* swibIob ha*! ope-i.-<i. ike started to ram- oot -?? a eertala ? bi greasmn aware of the trouble be! Q end Mr* Moore, tatet-apted her ai,-I led ber Into th*- ladles' reception ?oem. Here he ? ? ?? 1 ?-. f * I ri r%r,-.] UOOUn n?pf to take k* ? revi tige in such a ] would aol only disgrace O'Neill, but injur- *:,. partN. ..( which h,. wot a member, ai !. meanwhile, had ben wari ci and eluded lad for Bl Lonni te bc married. Mn. Moor*- was deti-rmined to prevent this. Itu- ls a Catholic anil so |? the ynuni woman he pro, marry. Mrs Moore, therefore, w.-nr to-dai tn-fore JusUCc ot the I'r-a.e L'wl. J, O'Neil nd mail- oath to ber -' ? lt to the Archbishop of hi LbuIi After detailing ber -Tongi Vi-*. Moora request* ihe Archbishop no) to allow the rnaiTia*>- te take p!*<-p until the St. Lou1? con.--:- s!.a!l have derided ir. (lot oner whether p,r rv,t hei- marrlape to !V>*Hll **,)_- legol. Mra, M*Kpp- *ai- that O'Jielll persuaded tier to a secret tnarrlapp- A* the na- a Protestant nd ba a * atbnllc, he told her ii,at later cn th?j Moiill po to Bea Vork City and be married by a prlear. -.*,,. consented, anl h>- eail*d npon a man whom he Introduced to h.-r a .1 e.-ice Walters, who married them. After O'Neill left her Mrs Moore chaim, that sh,- rall* : Waller* at his oflh-e and found that hs * a- r man who performed the seienjoBj at all. *i. , found that Justice, of the pe*** In the District of 'da had rm power lo poi Bil Bl marrlat, monies._ AB INSANE O.HI. LOST FOR a DAY Dr. F. F. MM!**?, of No. M West I Ifti s.xth-st., Infot-me*! the police last eveninp rhat M* Measle*), Anna, are slsteen. who was rSaaHBIaa, h_>i from her nurse and was at large In the city. M: , Marshall ha* beer: demented fur several years, and yesterday rhe nurse ***_. directed M take h-r out for a *a.ll on one of the Iron steamboats to Lang Branch. The pirl wa.* handsomely dressed ai.*t wore diamond earrings. On the boat she remained by the nurse for a few minnies and then suddenly ran out on the dock, ami bf f.'.<- time th-- nurse surfed after her she -as hi I lu sight wa* ?eon to furn iowa Klevenlh-ave. from TU-lttl-tatrd Ot The nurse went b?.k and tobi what had liappciie-. -osl Or Mar-snail noni in lt,e tte*! j u. u:. th->t BOBes siat ion and uad * gnn* alarm sent out. Miss Marshall ls a lonrlfWl girl ami her absence SSBaaa* l.-r niolhrr mucn antlety fi **s? feared she might fall min evy hand* and Im* led a*ay. Ijryai night a dinpalch wai received at Police Head (juarter* from Ash,ru. I. I., stating tkal ihe girl hail bivn found riding" In a car. She could give no account of herself. Her paionti were noun*, and nut fur her. force of hands on the pittsburg Division, but pre? liminary nrve*ri will have to BB mn, a* In th*- r_*e of a BOW Wore much progress can be made. Th*- surveyor, are now at. work. TIIE BEST DAY SHERIDAN HAS BAD. COMFORTABLE DESPITE IUD WEATHER. INCREASING THK AMOUNT OF S*LID FOOD Q1VBV Tna patient?tnr. physicians hopeful. far T___Ga\ruroTna tkui_*c_i !>onqult. Mass., July 22.?The most exasperating and unpleasant day ilnfce Sheridan'* arrival has proved Iho mn?r agreeable and aomfortable fe>r the QssstSJ that he hat passed for weeks. It has rained slnco morning, but in spire of fhe heaviness of rhe atmosphere, the General's rough has troubled him no rnnre than usual. This cough ls th? rctult of tho severe congestion nf the limps accnmpan'ylng the first weeks nf his sickness In Washlnpton. A.s usual, the cntich wa* wheeled to the front, window anil the Gen? eral was hlphly pleased at rhe slphr of an advonrur on* neighbor wading around In rhe meadows, and wanted him to come in. To morrow, if tho patient continue* the same, this gentleman will be admitted t" BM him. The amount of solid food given lo td-* sick man ls gradually tnr rea* In g. The follnwin. bulletin was Issued by rhe physicians at o o'clock tht* morning: AU thine* considered. w? regard If, ss the h?st dav Oen-ra! Sheridan has pnsaed .In'" his arrival ar, N.itiouit Ills cough ha* been easy, nitwlihs-andine the unfavorable a it rhe weather. Hi ha- !'""n happy and restful In mind, his ann'tlte and dlg"?uon hav* ben v-ry satis? factory, and all hi* ether symon,ms favorable. WASHINi'.T'lN MATTHEWS. HENEY (' YARLOW. DAGGERS TO CSE IN THFIR BF SINES!*. CONFISSIONS FROM TWO COMPANION* OF HKNRY It*C,KRS. WHO MUBDBBSB hi'N.V. There were lnrerestlnp devi-lopmenrs yesrerdav with regard to tho murder of William I. Dunn, af Forry nlnih-sr. an*l Bight*-***, VS Saturday nlpht. and they promise to he moro srarrllng when tho whole truth concerning the affair ls known. Ir appear- that lt ls nor denied by members af the gang who were arrested -lay that Kogors. the accutod murderer, was In fact the l'-aib-r of a canp of young thieves and cut? throats who Infested Hie tenement-house districts on the we;' side of the etty. Th'- father nf William L. Mnore, who wa* said to he an a-sppc,ati> of Rogers and to havp- been with him When the d--*i of ooturday night was committed, went Int '-vening to the Forfy-seirenth-sr. station bOUSS am! gave his son Into cuotody, saving h" bod learned from the dally papers that he was m-edod. and he ? him to fve the cnnse^ji-erces of anything he might be responslhle for. ToOBg Moore wa*, ipiestlnned closely by Captain ____**, and he admitted that he had been ated with Popers and another youth named William I*crr*-I In con'-mplatlng the robbing of tenement ard fla' houses ea tia* wost side of the city. They had purchased at a Hnwery store ? '.aggeiN, with bone handles and seven-Inch Mod**, all eif a kind Whleh they Intended rn use in " their business.'' M-iore aLs? Intimated thar Donn had been In some way ennneeted with them, bu' did not say whether criminally nr r.ot. and had on BOCOOM of .ome rjuaiTel gained the enmity nf rhe tht*e. Thil, lt ls Inferred hy fhe pnllce, ls whar furnished the motive fnr the killing, though Moore did not ad? mit t! at anything "f fhe kind had heep, apreed upon. Th? mfnrmarion which Captain Kllhlea thu* gleaned gave him sufficient cause to apprehend Ferrel, who wa_ a roommate of the ailee.-'! muid-rer, at No. SSS Wet* Forty-ninth st.. and a few hours later the man wanted wa* brought to the station by one of 'ives. Th-* prlseiner seemed sullen and not Inclined to talk much, bur he ta.-'ily acknowledged the froth nf th<* statements mode by Moore Woori Btked tor wh*l purpoM the dsggen a ere purchased, le.- replied l*n a idoelo ma;.-ut M r night they might f them and - - not ip*e__." It Udpated thal " and Ferrel win make valuable witnesses for tbe people when RoSBCI I* brought before rhe bar to answer for the crime of murder. Henry Hoper* was remanded by Justice White yesterday for examination to day. A CLEW JO THE RATH REACH SHOOTING. THE POLICE THINK IT AV ACCIDENT?CONDITION OF TIIE Wi.PNDKD MAN. The myslery has no: vet been removed from rhe Shootlag of William Fi. Ii-rhii: at Both Leach on Friday night, but a clew has bera dlseoverod which win j robably lead to the unfolding of the lecret Yester? day Justice Cotiradl. Chief nf police af the district, In an Interview with a Tribune reporter, stated rhar one of his employes with a message rp. Kathleen Villa ;.l out the time of the shooting. This boy, ofter delivering the Bmssago. lingered mu far from fhe villa, an*! somewhat concealed from view by a tree, in order that be I (es! rifle* While ? tyi that be e-ai1' Mr. Borton, manager "f th-- villa come down the steps, advance a Utile distance, and fire a revolver three or four I direction of seieral yoong m-n who were fa*r re? al from tba ground* Th" boy then became frightened, and ran "ai without s'-eing anything more. lattice i- therefore of iii- opinion, as he stated, rhat Mr. Etorton thought be was ihoottng Into the air, With thc inieiition of driving out the uninvited .?u-sts. and thal - ?- of the balls from his revolver aretdcnralty struck his friend and guest. Mr. InileriulL All this _**-__ IO 'usiu'y tb* Ju-n.-e', pr-fatory remark'. Whack WOT*: " I d"n't propose to In '.?: I hav** facts.? The employe further said that the outside**, w.ri- n,,r loafers; ami that he knee th** names of two of them. They are Bkleldl and Ahrens. both sons of hotel men, Ahrens, when riiies _- ar Brat i tined to talk, but Anally declared: " I'm not pomp to -.ay anything, i'm a friend of Hor? ton's."1 These sratemenrs were then laid before Mr. Horton. -,-!,. i--.piled thal "tbo<e things would have to be proved/ and denied that he did any shootliig 'hat even? ing. He reiterated thal he had told au he anew. Th*- evening belora Mr. Horton told that he had !>een drinking wine daring Prlday evening. Ife i d ilia' be had a revolver, and that he dad given ant -p. h i gardener, Robert Houttoo, a ibor! rim*- before. rbli gardener ?>- In ti;.- lower pair of tbe ground*, near thc entrance, when the -hots were Qrad I and be thal le al-o discharged his revolver Into fin? al r. Kirk r^ste, nf tb* lated F-ctange !n fhl* city, now living ot the villi t i i of Mr. underbill'* Th-- Interview with Mr. Horton wa- repeated t*. him. and he replied 'ha* he hod not --en th- affair u l .'. d aol . ? lt; bur that, what . ru an a Dr. Bpelr said the wonn! -d little feverish and had i ,. I reaction yesterday, but otb-iu:-.- wai doing w*-il RIVAL FACTIONS SUSPEND EArn OTHER. BMTBICT AJMBXBLY 4;i splits in twain OVBB MA8TBB WOaXMAS i'U!N'N. ?? hundred anti thirty-seven de ? . ttnblsd at Pythrsgom Hall yoaterday to attend the regular meeting of D A 4 ' * I ? i'-' wai a pa I OT Hi- " Q.iltur or th- '? atitl-Qulun*' faction, and the-- wets expectlon* *.f a general quarrel Ai at the last BMBtfngj, when Master Workman Jam-s E. Quinn arrived h.- found David J. Naughton and l'billlp J. Meerai!) already tl,ere. H.-fore calling the meeting to order Quint req i 'ited Mee;rath and Ma tao t<* withdraw, . g to a luspeuded local ly. This they tl ? arni a-keil Quinn ta open the BUM Hag ai.l read ttl" ib-ci-ion of the Qaaeral Executive Board upholellng Quinn. Ma-ter Workman not univ r?-fu*.*d to open I** g, but said that if the ssembers eif suspended local- dui nor leam ihe kail be wot?d adjourn the meeting to After a deal ..f i!f il - delegate ? present, left Hu- bali and *ent to Na '?>- Forsyth it . where a boruBonloua m*e i held and I , Executive Boord't ? fsd. Th*- Bu I rai!.*' -.-dion threw In tho weigi.t ol Its thirty local, on ttl- -td*- eif the Mast.:- Workman. .mn guinn faction ikon held a meeting i 1 hall ai Whleh Phillip J. Mci.rot arni William N Lead *;n sleeted secretary. A ? was maile t.*r oolog tbe -<-ali of Bvs orgaal As 1). a. 4S. l.e_Ii-p| by CJiiinn. I a.! iui| them, they vr.-nr tbrougk ti- formalin- ol ?ii*|x"u*litig *!ulnn and hts faetip.n. which lem--. Oiairict Assembly 4ii In a complicated state of mpoMl ? - _ -- LEAYINc; THE *ENTKAL LABOR UNION. Al UH regaler meeting Bf HM : entral Labor Union ?.estenlay. tin* rSBtgBBttSB **f Typographical Union No. fl was ofTerr-d atnl accepted by a vote af 37 to _9. ??-ult will lie that t iiKni Nu ci will lie deharreil from taking part In the parado nest l?bor day. Or? ganizations belonging to the entral Labor Union have ban asked not to have print In* don* tn sho)** crnpioiing member* "f Typographical Union No. fl. BUBB Mil TO heath IS MtUDtBt TMM-JttTMM SttBtt San Francisco, July 2_ --A report re_ehed Auburn, . Bl, of a fire last night ii, Hidden Treasure Mine af sunriy -out!,, thtrty miles east of that place. Two miner*. Lober* M* Kitchen and John lloueiing. have l ?? | i, takt-rt dui dr arl and several other* wen* fatally burned. Ko particular* havo yet been obtained. PRESIDENT CLEVELANDS RECORD AS A REFORMER PLEDGES BROKEN AND TBE SERVICE DEGRADED. TUBLIC OFFICES CONVERTED INIO~PABTY SPOILS A_\D PUBLIC TBUSTS C05FTDED TO CRIMINALS TIXE CLEVELAND MACHINE-HOW CC5?TP.CCrED-" DELEGATES POURrNO OUT OF THE HOPPER. A DETAILED REVIEW OF DEMOCRATIC APPOINTMENTS WBICH ARE SHOWS BT DEMOCRAT-0 TESTIM05Y TO VIOLATE BTBBt KC LE OF FITNESS AND TO DISH* OABD EVERY PROFESSION OF THE PKE9IDEXT. **?* Mr. Cleveland gained the Presidency as a Reformer of the Civil Sorvice. If he then de sirod the chango of tariff he now urges, he de? ceived the people about it. The votes which turned the scale were " nod Ky his rxplioit promises that abuses in the Civil .-service should bs ('"rrectorl, that appointments should lie made for merit only, and that qualified and faithful officers should not he removed for par? tisan reasons. In his letter rf acceptance, Au l*, 1881, he said: The selection and retention of subordinates in Government, employment should depend upon their ascertained fitness end the vu lu.- of their work, nnd they should neither i*e expected nor allowed to do un-iuesTinniih1.- party mb visa. In ease nf his election, he declared that ****> form should prevail, sn that: Tha unseemly scramble for pince under the Government, with tlie consequent Importunity which embitter! official lif". will rcn^o: nnd th** publio. depart*-oeata will not he filled hr those who cone.-ii.- it to !k- their fir^T duty to .-nd the flirty to winch they owe Their plane* Tn hi*i lc*!tor to Mr. Curti*. I)--ceml'0r -">. 1881, h.* said: The lessons of tho pBSl ihoald >** unlearned, ami nieh offi-tala, ns well aa their Bneoesaora, should be tiiu.'ht, that efficiency, Btneae and de? votion to public duty ar** rh.' Conditions of th*ir conti nun nee io pu i*1io place, and thnt the quiet und unobtrusive exercise of laffivfaual politic*] rights is tbe reasonable measure of their partly ?erv! ce. To show that he thoroughly understood the pernicious tendencies which he pledged hiin lelf to resist and OTSrooiDS, he (leeland in his letrer of acceptance : When we consi'ler The patronage of this crrent office. Tin- allurementa of power, the temptation t*) retain public pince one.- gained, an*i. more than .iii. the avaintbilit-y a party linds io un In? cumbent whom a horde of offlce-hoMera, with a 4ea! bora of iienefirs received, and faotaicd bp the ho|j?- of favors vet to come, r.r,me| ready to old with money nnd trained political service, we reeogni/.e In tlie eligibility of the President for re? election a ui"M serious unger. How have these pledges h<*<*n kept1 Tho President has become a candidate for re? election. But has he purifiod tho puhlie ser vieo? Has ho boon fnithful lo Civil Sell iee Reform, which moans, according to " The Xew Tork Times" (May 31. 1884 , The essential principle of reform is the absolute abolition of petrona**, the complete and per manent separation of the po bli 0 -nice, i_ its administniri _? ^ranchos, from politics. In the fellowing pages. evidence regarding tho actual conduct of the President and his ex? orcise of the appointing and removing power is presented. It i-* eviclenoe mainly from Dem? ocratic sources. Out of 1,048 editorials or dispatches quoted, only 21 !? are from Tnr. TRI-OrTE and all Other Republican journals; more than throcr-uryTors aro fr**m papers which are now supporting Air. Clevelsad for n-etoetion. While great care has been taken to omit statements bv these supporters of the Administration which wore afterward found erroneous, ir is possible rhat. in semi" Instances out of so many, Batisfactory corrections have been overlooked, and if in any case this luis happened, Tnr. Tkim'ne wiU promptly pub? lish s correction. It appears that in seventeen eases the Civil Serries law has boon directly violated by ap pointmenta and in seven by removsls; that the intent of the law has been violated in nine other appointments gpecified and in sixty-five rem* vals, besides 886 cases in which the fa. is without namos ar*- given. Arr. of offensive partisanship by *.(lina's of Mr. Cleveland's se. lection are specified in 1 "1 esses, while many othera are described. But it is within the personal Imowledjte of every in'clligont citi? zen tha' the entire anny of officials is ga actively at work in the cause of party as ir ever was ii, rhe days of pierce and "lucinnan. before Civil Service Reform was ondertsken. < if-k**-! stat** ments more than a year BRO sh.,wed thal above four-fifths of the officials under Preaidenl Cleveland had leon changed during his Ail ministration, so that Ja AugtisT. l*--,;, the resolutions of the National Civil Service Kc fpirm League declared: The chanire in the unclassified 'lvil service js so great as to forebode it* 'i.:nple.<* pun isan r> eonstrnction by the eWc of the Administration. The changes during the past year have sub? stantially finished this "complete partisan n constnicrion'': undoubtedly much m*'re Utan nine-tenths of rhe officials are pow men se? lected by Mr. Cleveland. and Klected becanse they are Democrats. Mori hare been un? pointed in a great majority of ensos expressly for partisan services. Tho appi.*'r<ting power has Leon need lo reward party worker*, from Mr. Manning, chairman of the Democratic State Committee in New-York, aad the chair? men in <ihio. Maaas-cbusetts, iVew-Hsmpshire, VermoBt an'l many other States, dows rn ii*** very clerks and do- rkeepera who isrved during the .campaiirn whicn resnlted in Mr. Clere land's eleetioB. The names of i7 Botorioaa party hacks who have been selectsd f**r ufBce represent a great army. Th-' aim*, in ri ni; power has been need io support 35 relatives of thc President, bia wife, hi* Cal inel i (Beers, promi? nent Senators aad other officials, and ia 11 n:her lui*.-* specified to \y.iy personal or political oblieai In order to male*' places, a great number of anil faithful public servants have bSBB diatniaaed, A few lU_ttrationa, Bach as th-* dismissal nf Mr. BaeOB ft* the keeper of a Brooklyn gin-mill, an* monti med. In a h* si paitiaBBship has clearly dictated actioa in coBtemptaona dtnegsrd of public opinion, as when Benton aad Stone were dtimiisrd fnr nialcing political speeches; the Deinoeral reiB-tated and the BepabUcaa was refnaed; orin the case of PostBBsater VVallace, dish for offenaive partiBaaship anl a ap? pointed : Wallace jirovcil that he was a Desao p ra!, and thiT-Mipun he wai r . ?' ated and Ute other nun toned ont. In Botabls eases rh.* public BCTTi-C has be.-n BBSd SO OOntrol nonii aatio-Si tims CoUsetor Bishop <?f Cineinaatl paeked a conTcntioB with officials ko aondaaae hil BOB f**r sheriff: Messrs. Hem-die! and May? nard appealed to post mas! ci s tn make _ ___? \:i*s of miers for the Ile tn-* rat. r party, In at least three Mates offices have heep openly and shamelessly m.ld fur * ash, ac* OrdinSJ to Deiin crati. testimony. So "Harper's Weekly" ad? mit*, that " President Cleveland has n,,t been *ii-'.uin'ei by liis party in Civil Service lie form and yields tn his party.1- "The New T*_gfc Sun," referring to the fardaf agaiust par? tisan ai'tiiity *>f _________ says : lt mifflit Ik* a good Mea fa* I'r.-si.lcnt il. ?-. . land BB issue this proclamation iisuiti. At a ino incut when, to quote from his letta* of aassfllaasa '* a horde of oflli-eholders, with a teal horn sf benefit* received aud fostered hy the hope of favors yet to come, stand ready to aid with money and trained political service" the Pr**ai denf. who appointed them, it would he especially fliting for Mr. Cleveland to recall his subordi? nates to the path of duty. llSta, April 0," " The New-"iori: Sun,"' 4.j The I lem**'ratio organ at the National Capi? tal, " The Washington Post.*' declared in May : .Mr (leieland ,s ;i candidate for the renomi? nation?an earaeat, c,,-, r. aa_do*a candidate, armed and equipped at all point- and BSSBSBBBfJ of all the sd .'aatagea sf a great ut ubi r of frienda aad a powerful machine, Lo->*-** out for the* Cl.-vi land machine, f llo-.v citizen* You nu-V hear af it in Georgi* to-day a;i*l in Maine to? morrow, loir wherever it i* you will find if in beautiful order m*i working ns Bmoeotrui' an<l .a* effectively as a Corliss engine. It has yet to meet an obstruction, nnd the delegate* are pour? ing out of the hopper at all hours of The dav ami night. Tin* being tlie truth, why aol proclaim ir" Thereupon "The New-York Sun" thus com? ments : JVtfor a public immolation Bf the President's shallow utterances of incipient >t;ir?Hman>hip thou a continuance of pre te i. and cant emf shan USbS, May it; -I'he N.-w-York Sun," 4.) Finally "The Kvening Post" sums up the record with rho nsrsnarhnlj admission : The painful truth is that we d-uiht if a sim-l* Independent voter :n rhi* Star -. of rh*- thousand Who siippori'd i'rpsnl.'iit Cleveland La IwSi, any longer attache! any hnportance to the utterance.! of rhe m-sobers of the Administration on th?i subject of Civil Service Reform, er any lonsei refuse* to behove that the PreeldeBt'i promises .ind prof's*.i.ti* p., .? beea violated or di*r-? garded <>n a gnat se:,le, arith the utmost hold-) n landrv places .-? n<I in divan manner*, and That men 11u*- Judge Maynard and Surveyor Beattie hav. sc! detailed or told off to ??? ii* mu-di ( nil Sor\!".- aloise as can b*? readily conce*led or disguised when they aro found out and ri pased a?. May Mi "Tho New-Tork iv ening Poa*."] So sweeping a change of officials, s-ovorned I y such motives, necessarily involve* the ap P'intm-'nt ol BOBN unworthy men. President) I li ve-land had app* Inked only seven Territorial Judges, when he stated in a published letter that one of them was " morally arni pmfossinn aily unfit."' Within a week live of thc seven were puhliely nani'*! aa answering the descrip? tion, in the judgment **f people where they lived and to whom they weSS best known. Three ,,{ the five the President has since re? tired for misconduct. Whether his judicial appointments were exceptionally unfortunate the follnwing memoranda will help the publio to judge. Thi* savory li-t includes two murderers .arni la of two others, five nototii us duellist* and throe rioters?one to be Judge of the very court by which he had been imprisoned six week*. It includes five persons who had been indi* ted **r convicted for frauds against tho revenue, appointed to be i -feen of the rerenae service. It includes a jury-fixer. B dead beal, g lawyer g n'lty of defrauding elisa I and an at torney who had cleared nntoriotis bandits by i'*.ntr!\-ing a <l?'feat (,f justice, all appointed te be lodges. Emersons were anp* [ated psMfeBi agents who bad been indicted f**r violating Persons guilty of ribbing tho mails wore appointed po-tBB-Bters ot mail agenta one when appoiated was in jail for robbing the very office to which he was ap? pointed. Li'iu* r-solior*, their sons or atr*.r - were Bppeiated internal revenue officials. An impeached State Treasurer, defrauding county ot town treasurers, seven fnrgers?ono of whom ha*I served two tenns fur that of? fence, but '" knew Cleveland personally"?and men guilty of robbery, embezzlement, theft, inalf. as:in*e. tapping a church till, grand lar ceny, bribery, obtaining money under blas preienees. of a printing steal, a mileage sad a patent frau*!, of keepiag gambling hons"* and h-'tises of KSOti for 'ii" jile of both sexes, of :i-sault and battery, fist .id insult in? woroea, of ssaaultiBg a lady teoperaaee lecturer with a club, of wife-l -.cmg. of blaea> mailing and selling offlces an*l of selling official infonnatioB, with an editor nf a tog Bea' paper and a llmoklyn police nftic-er who was diSBOissed fp.r arresting in her heel at. 2 a. BB. B aatk WOBBBB against whom there was BO charge and COBB pelling her ko walk a mile ko a station?all theso are chosen iBstraBsenta of reforaL Scarcely less offensive ls the list of men who bare boen notorious for political crime.*. Per? sons like Pillsbury and Chase, who tried to steal rli" .-tate GovenUMfBt of Maine; liku Higgins. Th* ma* an<l Raisin. wh*p have stuffed ballot-b* xe* and swindled decent cirizens for years in Maryland: like the assist sat af Mackin in Chicago election frauds, and of the con i i*deil swindlers in _dia_*polia, Columbus ami Cincinnati, appear among Mr. Cleveland'*, chnson inatrunwata of reform. With them aro le, of Virginia, ame got f-flke by tissue ? frauds; Shelley, *-f Alahaaaa, who bull doxed and swindled his way into Congress; Hull, thc participant in Florida frauds: Holmes, who had a larg" par! ia r bl rig tho people of Mississippi of ic If giiTfi iimant i Groome, who publicly advised nitirder for parry's sake, and M.-ad", who jus- issassination of Print Mac.hews. All th".*" ha.*- len placed in office, though sum'* are bow OBJ because the i 'fu>ed te confirm them. The hst of criminals embrace*. 137, not in cludfug lt )>? ri l guiltj of political crimes. f ", ? persons direntty connectes] with the criminal classes. Hui uese there are mentioned only 11 persons guilty of the crime sf treason, though fully ono-third of all rhe appointees **f Mr. Cleveland, an army of thirty or f**rty thousand men, ar*' af that class. - ;: ta ,i:,v artemiit ro enumerare a;> Iments of copperheads, whose disloyalty ,,:ice made them lnfaippi;*, though ill are named, and the n*-w ( h -i Justice heads the Am uig th" Babels, those who were tho in character . ibm t?. the surface; liko ih.- jiors.-n who wears a scarf-pin mado of rho skull eif a I'riii.ii si !*li*-r, cr thc *>ne who hepped " 1'nion bleed would be deep etmugh for hil botSB t" sunn in." Tho men whose language shout Lincoln aii*l C; g ., ??,,Mit Blaine or tho - of [Taloa veterans was too vile to ho print* d. have found appointments from Mr. Cl* \ elan*!, with OBS who personally insulted Mr. Blaine and annther who iii-iiLed General Lugan, and two deserters from the 1'nion army. There were Hung three years ago, per* haps, a lena J.vl'fN wno had never sorghb removal of disabilities, and Mr. Cleveland sc*, lasted three of these for foreign missions. Tho same spirit selected Rebels, deserters and revilers of Lincoln and Ci rant for officials of the pension service, with several men who had robbed the Un vern menI by forged or fraudulent applications, and one who had robbed tho Grand Army by false pretences. He who signed tho order to restore captured Rebel