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Mr. CRAWFORD AND THE DEAD "A BOOK OF GHOSTS. WTTII TITE IMMORTALS. Hy F. M ATC 1 ON CHAW FORD. IS***, pp. 300. Macmillan <- Co. Mr. Crawford hns not written a novel this time. but a book difficult to classify. Thc opening is Ingenious and in parts strong. The idea of n vi iilthy clald'ii-r in science, who, in cxpa'rimenting .with tollurio electricity, so nlTccts thc condition of thc elemental forces that for once in a way nnd ?during a -short lime thc dead become visible lo iho living, ond can mingle with lhasa ns formerly, is developed with decided skill. Thc description of thc el, effie storm caused by Au'-rustns Chard's ex gxrrimont**, and thc first npi-earance of thc denizens of another world, in their habits ns they lived, is thc best bit in the book, weird, original, and full of uncanniness. Having put his dead people on thc stace, however, the author npp.ars nt a loss what to do with them. Hs hus arranged a ron sh scaffolding in ne\vnncc. Three hullos and one man havo taken a c.istle on the southern shore of the ?Sorrentine pen:insula, in an isolated and classic ?fitiiatiin. and herc they ore visited by the ihadM Mr Charil's experiment bas rendered visible and tangible. Once on thc stage these historic) chaTnclcrs do nothing but converse, and the book falls into the ?category of ? Dialogues of tlie Dead," of which thc liurature of many nations contains abundant ex? amples. Mr. Crawford hns tims put himself In competition with not a few famous au-tors, nn*i among modern w-riters with Fenelon nnel Fonte Belle, wit?i Lyttelton nnd Landor?the last named _>ein{f much thc most formidable. Taking the best Sf Landor"! ? Imaginary Conversations"' ns ex? amples, it ls certainly true tbat he -surpasses all who have essayed this form of composition, and the spirit, le_ruing, beauty, wisdom and polish of his ?writings may well be the despair of less gift?*d and less tboronghly equipped imitators. Mr. Crawford hi? endeavored to increase the interest and ? vraisojnblance" of bis characters by making them ; talk os they would, could, might or should have -talked in life. But owing to we know not what miscbance, be hns succeeded only Lu reinforcing lhat obronlo perplexity of modern Spiritualism? tbe strange det_ioration of intellect whica- seems lo characterize all the alleged eommunications ?from ? tbe other side" There is variety enough In his ? dramatis ?personae." We aro Introduced to Heine. Julius Caesar, leonardo da Vinci, Pascal, Dr. Johnson. ?Francis tbe First* Chevalier Bayard. Heine, I?seal and Johnson are evidently intended to 6pcak in character. The Imitation of Johnsonese is easy enough provided the copyist ls content to follow only tbe external form. To duplicate the groot lexicographer's wit and wisdom is quito another enterprise. The attempt to reproduce Heine Is scarcely more successful, and it is inter? fered with by the curious blunder of th? experi? menter, who, while postulating thc theory that all men after death continue to believe what they held in this lifo, puts in Heine's mouth rever? ential and even religious expressions totally at variance with his known ?pinions in the flesh. Heine's writ, moreover, is not of a kind to be imi? tated by a less nimble and ethereal spirit thaa his own, and though Mr. Crawford makes him utter some " smart" things from time to timo, it ls lamentably apparent that the lqss even of that puny body which languished so tragically upon Mb "mattress grave" has seriously affected the evolution of his ideas. Almost the same remark may bo made of Pascal, from whom we 6hould have expected much better and fresher talk than he is herc delivered of. The author of the " Pro? vincial Letters" and the u Thoughts'' was always ?perfectly lucid in expression and generally original In his thinking. He had the kind of mind which, given favorable environment, would havo made him a great man of science. In this volume bc is merely a faint shadow of his books, however. Caesar poses with dignity. He needs it all; for bc is repeatedly referred to as the " greatest man who sen lived," and that i_ panegyric on so colos? sal a scale that the individual capable of - living un to if must indeed possess an abnormal share of ? aplomb." As regards Caesar's views, no doubt there is a wide lield for speculation. Mr. Craw lord has chosen to ascribe to the great Beman what many may consider a too modern spirit. The am? bition to be a civilizer, to leavo the world bettor than he found it, to establish an enduring empire upon elastic and progressive lines, may have been Caesar's, for to genius is given insight and percep? tion often far exceeding contemporary knowledge and understanding; but at least lt may be said that there is nothing in his literary or historical remain- to give substance to such a view of his desires and purposes. It seems that Mr. Crawford has not fully thought out the scheme of life lived by his " Immortals," for whereas ha represents them sometimes as fixed by death in the charac? ters they made for themselves during life, else? where he speaks of them as continually learning .ince death, through study of thc living world's progress. Thus wo find Caesar discussing Ailar cbism with absolute modernity of ideas, and criti? cising the campaigns of Francis tho First very niueh as Jomiui might have done. The state in which these shades find themselves 8s not a little singular. They have no knowledge whatever of their ultimate destiny, but they regard the future with coiisidciabje-inquictu.e. They at> jieiir to be in some obscure way cut oil from com? munion with their former frieDds. They seem to be altogether in the dark as to the laws of their ehadovv" existence. They have no information to Impart. But like the average spirits called from tie -va_ty dee]) by the Benaan medium, they take great satisfaction m talking platitudes. The subjects of theil BOBVersatloa are the large ones which have ?been argued all round from the beginning; and yet somehow the mont latexest-M of ali these questions arc not dealt with at all. Ptihaps there aro not nany inquiring minds which would be very grateful to a group of distinguished ghost- for " revisiting thc gi-xcps-es of the moon" in order to grind over some of the old definitions of wit and humor; to reopen thc discussion as tx> which kind of love ls ?worthies., or to poss time in conjectures as to what rirtic-ilar moment in a given life )6 the happiest, pou suth theses the scholiasts of the Middle Ages go doubt delighted v> expatiate, and the frivolity of a question never weighed with them if only it could borve as a 6hoeing-he>ni wherewith to pull (in all manner of subtle, hair-splitting dialectics. |fa Crawford's topics are not 60 recondite as those of the schoolmen, but most 6t them are as ^soluble, and therefore as eternally oj-a to argument, which renders them unprofitable. There is a certain pleasant indolence of lci-ure fn th. talks with thc Immortals; a poetic haze seems to brood over the scene and to soften the ?fantastic! aspects of it There ls a quaint and not altogether unpleasing pseudo-anachronie?a in the bringing together ot so many widely separated entities. Of course this is no real incongruity, fer with Death Time eSBBSB to operate, au'd In tternity there is neither past nor present nor future. Being dead. Julius Caesar and Samuel Johnson may very well foregather, nor is there eny apparent reason why tiny should not visit the Sorrentine coast la company, and. to 6peak girofancly, put their diaphanous Jegs under the game mahogany. But t<i make them behave (naturally in such imagined aJ-SaaBBtansa. tvi, ?Bently demand, a genius BSSSSSg than Mr. Craw lord can bring fa the undertaking. His conception ana bold and nov* 1?nt laaal BB part, aad could he have exec ut-.-'.l it thoroughly his BBS08SS would have been decided. Kveu as it is th- aarlfl arith ?winch he BBSB Iud 6tago and ushers iu his dur ecu rs kajparta to tha work, aetwith Haadtag th'.- increasing aTitlBawcaa al its as* vcloj.ra.nt, a IMbUbcB flavor of ihe s^jw-rnatural, and a tone of the classic patiod caught, i' pjaj he thought, from the imperishable monument- of pattin- herself. The closing s-srno, *n which thc nvin*.' people Visit the Isles of the Sirens, see those lind fatal sisters, an.l haag their alluring BOOgB, ls a return to thc hi.-'h promise of thc Op-BiBg, {The verses given herc aie full of the spirit of tbe place, of the unti*.ue lagSBsAs, cf thc- past ?ad of the tragedy of a hoary past With their Wfctical melody Bounding ju _,i8 caf?> thc reader closes this strange book, and until the waight of the conversations which form the BJBSaSSB i-irt of lt recurs to him is disposed to commend tba volume quito heartily. If it were all like the first and thc last chanters he mi-lit do sn with a clear conscience and a salistleel jiul-rnx-nt. bal in thc present case tho " il' unfortunate signifirane'i. _ Km Pnblicalifino. T-ADTTOB 9 QUIDE-BOO-_a Describe Cities, Town* and R.-M>rts cn th* Route*. ILLUSTRATED WITH MAI- AND WOOD-CUTS. For sale at bookstores and noiv?-Maii_s. Piles, 25 cents asea. hudson r.lVF.rv ROUTE.- Bom-Yetm ts West roint, Cauklll M..ui,lilias. Albany, Trey. Saratoga Spring*, I~_s ', I ai.. Champlain, \. Do aid uk*. Moot**? and Que. bee. via Hud-, n ?Tver ste inter* Contain* -j,,, ,ui maps af Catak? uni Ad__?s_t Mountains. _a_a_-OA li.l.l'MT.l ll I' Tin" Visitor's Guido to Pa ral nea Spring*, '"??tl1 B_.pi BBd wi,ad-cuts. BABATO- v mimi; vi, w iTTftn TMiauiiaaa tat UaB us,. i.v i?r. w. O, Miiimiin, ..f Sara) ia .'v-inga 6F..-i*sII")I* RESORTS on t!i*> Atlantic Coast. NORTHERN RESORTS, lioston to tho White Moun? tains, Esk" M*?Dpktemagng, Cr.-cn Mountains, hake Chan. piala, Ogdeneb?g, lloatreal aad Qaebea * riiii.vni'.i.rHiA ami READING RAILROAD and Till'. PENNSYLVANIA COAL REGIONS,?New-Yerh and Philadelphia to Eaiten, Bethlehem, Delaware Water Oap, Munch C-unk, tai ramon, Hairl.-buiK, WIBlaB?B*-H ana Elmlr*. ERIE RAILWAY ROUTE.-N<**v-York to Ittui", Wnt ki:.'*> i,iou. Boehe*ter, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Cbauunqaa Lake, und Nissan lalla, vu Erk RaUwar .mi hiaaehsa NEW-YORK TO SAHATelO A, BUPTA-iO, CHAU? TAUQUA LAKE, AND NIAGARA TAI,I.s. THOUSAND IlsI \M\S.-VI* Nm V'.rk Cs?tra] ll IL and Rema, Watertown und Ogdc-n.-buri; K. ll. NEWPORT ROUTE.-New-Tork to Boston, vii New port and Fall Uiver. Willi PsesrlpUeas of Newport and Nari-i-aiisi-tt Hoy. CONNECTICUT RZVXR ROUTE.-Ncw York to the White Mountains, via RT. Y. and N. H. and Conn, Uiver r. r NEWYORK TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. CITY OF NEW-YORK.-De**crIptlon* of the Public Bulldln-s. Parks, tte. Street Directory, Traveler's Direc? tory, and Mop of New-York. Sent by mall on receipt of 25 cents. TAESTOR BROTHERS & CO., Publishers, 18 and 20 A Mor place, Nf w-York. TrNITTiyG-CROCH-T. _R_BUKE EXTRA NO. Bf. (CH- LATEST NUMBER OF THIS POPULAR SERIES OB ILLUSTRATED MANUALS FOR HOME WOR__R_ PRICE 25 CENTS, ADDRESS THE TR-BIJN_; NEW-YO RE. Jnstrnction. For Bovs and Youni? Men?City. A "-CIRCULARS OP OOOD SCHOOLS FREE ? Bute whether for boys or girl*, and locality preferred. |L E AVERY. American School Bureiu, 2 W. Uth-s-.N. PREPARATION~for Pslf College Examinations. Bum? mer SesAon WOODBRIDGE SCHOOL. begins Au.ust 18, 32 East IBth-bt._ LTNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1473 Hrosdway, ? near 4_d-st. ; 61st year. primary, rommcrcl-l ana classical departments; Instruction tliumu.h. M. M. HOBBY. W. L. AKIN. N- C. HENDRICKS-N. Brina. For Both Sexes?City. PACKARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL Ol- sTtNOGKAiHY will reopen Tu - - day, SepV?ber 4. Send for*circular. _. _. PACKARD, Prcsidunt, lol East 23d-au_ THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, WEST MADISON SQUARE. If. Y. Open ali Ki?_Q?. Also Seaside _um_er Comsa. For Youn? Ladies?City. A - MUS. SYLVANUS REED'S BCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES (2.TH YEAR). 6 AND 8 EAST 53D-ST.. NEW-YORK. (CLASSICAL SCH'JOL FOR GIRLS. l'.'Cl Madlson-ave., j Dear 125ih-st. -Pupil* _tt"d for all ck-lieges oma to women; those completing preparatum b'-ro adnniu-d to '? Wellesley" without further examination. Prim .iv and aj V_nca*d -epa.rtmeel*. Tor ma for boarding pupil* moderate. Reopens Sept. 28. Miss North and Min*. Barn.-a, Principals. ?\lIS8 JAUDON'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 348 Madison-" .'J 1 vs.-Will reopen MONDAY. OCTOBER J*-t- Pira pppll|-received Into the family._ i \\ I6S PEEBLES AND MISS THOMPSON'S J-'1 BCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 82 and 31 East ITth-st., New-Yara 'Aa*?(?-** until Sept. 1st, care of J. KENNEDY TOD A CO., Bli?ers, 83 Wllilam st., N Y._ M ISS CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 15 East eith-st., N*w-Yor_ Will reopen September 28. Boys* Clsrse*. REV. DR and MRS. C. ll GARDNER'S Boarding snd Day Sch oo! for Girls, 007 Bt?-IT*. Mrs. Gardner, untlior of History of .'niuce, EiiKlaud and America, in rliji_o. Brooklyn. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS SEMINARY.-Thl* day asl boarding school of y>.ung ladle* (BStb year) will reopen September 26.* sent on .-ijinllcatlot? I3S Mo_U"_U0--t., Biuuiilyn, N. Y. CHARLES E. WI ST. MARY A. Bili*. HAM, Principals For Both Seixesv-Country. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE.-73d v. ai 1,. .ins Sept. 18. Tin*.-. A. B. courv-s. Pr-epa*?tory Sohool. Eii.lni'sr [Ing, Music. Both Sexes j ipeusea low. Address |Vp;il.!!l'i;i"p. WILLIAMS. I). D , l-.-ts't, M.-.vlvlllt-, I-, mi. AMONG THE HILLS, tl I I n Ircim New-York." Order iii-pgrauiiii- t : J--- .9, andu lu ot CH APPA I ejl'A MOUNTAIN I NS 1 Ii t, "IL, Chappaqua, N. Y. 1 "t' LAV! ": '?.' K N Y.) COLLEGE md Hudson j \jiBsiitute.?College tar girls; I 1 prep* ld or buslix-ss; conservi' *ry af tousle and ait; Ihoi .u.ii ia I uructian in all departm nts; B5th year opens beptemt?1 , JU. bend lot ill'i-tiaii-a car*locuo, !.. v. a. 11. i la* k, a. M.. pre_?eat ||E GARMO INSTITUTE R-loebeck, N. Y.. j , M._cs I?r culJ-i.''- or rm' Lu*n ?-. Addreai tho Principal, _ JAMES M. DE GARMO, i'll D 1,"*OKT EDWARD COLLEGIATE INsTlTrTi:.- Slat it.ii begin* Sept iv. Superb new building*, steam bee*: u gradna?og Curnr*ea tar ladi'-s and gentlen?n, in c.udinc Cou*.;'.' 1'ii-pai.tory and Commerleal; Musie, Art, I Oratory. 13 Teacher*: * Literary Socletlea; lu Pre* I>?ctur.s each Term) Pre* Tull?- te Normal * I Board, fuiiilsli.d room, tu*d, liitht, waahlag, and all studies meena ry t-. gradaatloD, except Art und Music, Uno pei rear. Bead r. 1 catiiogue. JOS. E. KING, I) f* . Fort Eduard. N. Y. I-!* ranklin. n. Y. Delaware LU irary InaUtnte. Yea; lit-eliiis Sept 4. Collegi preparatory, LiiKllsh md srlenOflc cou:-**. CHARLU, ll. V EURI LL, Ph. D., I a lyal._ Hv< hi nsxiAvN in. j., instiifnViia- aide np u'ati'pti as coll-pe preparatory for yoong rn- n. Ledi. *' Ci'liege; niu?!c, art elocution; bo*i i/nUdm. 0.' lt* . ti-** laboratory; accornjii"dnt.s n*9_rly _exr boarder*; ladies r fu-'d from lack of tot pa*i sevesn eonseeutlvi years; young men r.-'fuked foi six 1; [heal vars. 1 .fitMath rear, _'-pten,t"-r 6. Catalogue- free TJA". GEORGE ll. WHITNEY, D. D , rie?ldent. PENNINGTON (SEMINARY) NEW-JEUSEYT- TII.pv HANLON, D. h.. BtesIJent?Commended by Dr. Mc COSH. Exesli In health, gleelpllas, home *-obif"rts uni scholarship; 8-80 lovers all extras but arl and music. C?l?o|iui v.-ry U-autltu! and ciiiiiict.-._ OCK.LA.Vji 1 0LL1 OR NYACK *p.N-TilE-IirDSON, N. Prijparatory for Males; College tor Lsdi**. Rpeclal tea* lng lor I?ckward rmplls. *.|.vns s> pt- 17.. C' of iv li BANNISTER, A. M.. PrlaclpaL _Qf*|A -MAPLBWI-O- I_._-TY_.Tf far b-.ui sexes. y?>lfll.r'onc'.r-iille. Penn. Preparatory, business 1. g lish Oraduitlng, Sclentifl'; and College preparatppry cours *. St-erial care To little boy*. Highly rc-comm-.-Ldei J. -HOUTL-DGK lYale). A. M.. Princlp-U For Young Ladies?Country. BAQCKT INSTITUTE. Short Hills, N. J. English, French, and 0*r_an boar ling andria? school lor young ladles. I'rin.ari, '. ..:.. md coll-k'laie -'-partineu?, Early apblkstlon ls ti-s r*Gl?*. Ha KAI lt BT h. BAm:ET, Principal. ORD?NTOWN [EMALE ? eJLI?COE. W. J. I) t* 1 i?, luca'.lon cn the D*-lJ?ar". Ji< .ilttiful. home? like |nd C hristlan. fcuj/*ti'ar f.vcl.i !??? In music and arl. )le,,;ch, rusi.iii.i. aud moisis c-arefuU1 i-ua.-d.? l-..r cat* logue, ado-T-c-_REV. \\ .-1 1 BOWEN, 1 (~"M5LLEaiATE SCH'"-I- KOR GIRLS, ENGLEWOO_C / N. J R-Dpen* b* pi ember _<'. Preparation tm col? lege a neeleltx- Pe ? *d ll Vasse and Smith "n i-ut "inti ita. ADALINE Vf. STERLING. CAROLIN- M. UEKR1SH, A ll _ ARLINGTON SEMINARY, foi Ysong Ladle*, w-.t ( [.eitei, Pa.- lad lcm. b-igli.s Sept 17| l.'-allhy and beautiful location; ill bra'.'".*- taught rir.O i.<-: \.-ar. Kor e.-Slitfiit. ad-i't-ea |; DARI.IN','lu \. Ph. Ii. l'rip KREW LADIES SEMINARY, Car?eT N v 284 lt vd; (,j, 1,a s. p. n.:.. t 12. Ip adi,tu!, hu- t or ough- Hil,-- tt-ii 1 . ________ JJ- LMIRA COLLEGI FOR WOM1 superior a .i>Ivsatise* it. College ? and Vnpantorj tourwn *-f -tildy: iil-o i*. Ma-'? and Art, Baal ,u.,r.. ind furn shed with in elevator. Cnarg* illy ninden te, Bond foi Caulegue ?-? Vu A W. e'V-WLI.s. LL. li . J '* V p OLDEN HILL SEMINARY, l^r. KG LAD] *?? Bridgeport, 1 oao. A'D" m Ml** EMILY NELSON !' I fSpaL Hill TON SEMINARY I'"U YOUNO LADIES, -. Y . og* I- uniurp* -ei in music, . and art, at:.-*-1 -.- to sra . U?1 > or __ii Schools. tor llluiirated ratalo.uo silt. -1 A *. HF.N1 PICT. A. M. nOMB AM) DAY BCHOOL POR GIRLS. '? THE ELMS ' 1***. PORTER, . Pujnls sdndtwd lo Va-*ar, Wellt sfi-y and Kmlth jon *,ur ci-itlOcate. Quincy n.'l.'i.l for children. YNDOH HALL. POI.-GHLT 1.1'SIE, N. Y. L A Girl's S* hool or ii..- beal ' lae * *?IBS* Preparatory and Academii Courses. Language*, ah. Mum*. Addre.a* _SAMUEL vv; i.i.i, ni ck, a M. Principal, HOME INSTITCTE, Tarrytown, N. Y -A l.oardlnp arid day school f,.r young lsdl'-s and Utile girls, will rt*. t-ptu _.pi?mb.r lb. MISS M. W. 1*_'1CAL1. Prlaciual. jjnotcnction. M; For Younf? Ladies?Country. MM B_0 WILLIAMS' .sl.LUCT FAMILY SCHOOL hui*. YOUNG I.AD1I- AND LITTLE GIRLS, Amber*!, M??*>. lui., bent. 12. .8. u> June 17. '??. bend Li Clrc ul si ?.t_o. C.llo.u Ailiaiit.ges ai.: ri.'l'.irsii.'ii t0* e .diego. L'-.A.N ' SEMINARY, "fs'l 'sill HY. CONN -Hoi I School. Yoong I... las. n.-utifui ond healthful lo-.i ? from New York. Half hour fiorr, li.1itf.1r I A Iii -ai;, ?/, J ll NI I.I VN._ "VI l--s BA UTI : I l's N-'TT'S, Hum*) Ita , I lui School fur Young s, 33 Well-aU, Now n Beni .4. * . . i ? . ,,, p. "I-* MAUI I. MiVlN.v i INO AND DAY -'I si HOOL, _o_ and 2**1 w. ** Chelten-ave,. l-crman (-?*). l'lnl.i , begin* n* .'"'li rest St pc SO, 1888, " Ap ? ami " authorlted I La Mawr * ol;.-;-.- to pre i .rodents foi ii. en! nations. Pupils pj? _ MISS 'U'LKM *,'*,* KmsKhini; AND DAY SCHOOL I ri- "Tarry?wn-on-the-Hndaon, wUl reopen \A \ r uiiill s,. ptembe r 1. MORAVIAN S EMINi ARV' I'G MM:,*'. l.AIHI-s." luthlebem, Pa a e Bturr** expel?ace, e-mMiH? iinh beal modern '-Al* ta/lllUea equalled by fa-i sad ? nea ?? ^."^;;! DAME Ol' MARYLAND! ll . ? | and Prejmra'nrv fm Little Girl*, i mu ii v i". *" three b.iI*-* trow Baltimore, mi., conducted by t_e SHU ra ot Notre Dates, Bond i. _ QB-jjuN- Institute, Bing pip the Undana, New York. fr Girls uU Young Wemen, _lat real begin* Bepi 10. IV lutlful loi silo iii..h. lu Art and Musi. Christian culture Thorough and advanced y Academic cpptir- Ul* r ir college. Col? legiate cu'-- prepare* f.-r deg .r A. li ac Columbia s M. VAN VI.Li I*. A. M., E. B. SHERRARD, UOBIERE BEMINARY, Sin::,ford. Conn.-Home board? ing i I chflllrea, thorough Inatruc. tam; mother** care: reopen* September _j. Address Ml** A. TH f KS 1. 'X. iTin"-i|.al _ i i si M i ', i i.v, ly if NEW-YORk. I? particular* addict _ Mr?. s. J. LIFE._ . MARY'S ir\:.i.. i:"i:u.\'.i"N. N. J. Ka old it Church s,''i>-...i in the eountry f.-r >_'irin. ufa begin Ila nc-,' u ond school yrai on W* lnceday. Sept 28 lor ,". stating terma etc., apply to Mi-s JULIA G. Mcallister m.- principal, ii'inin-toic n. j., et ie i: l: - >i. ;. ol N- ??'. J- ; -? ? Iho president. _ ki EVEN GABLES.-MRS. WL-n "'IT.-, HOARDING ?'School f. i v ung Ladle*. Brli-geton, N. J. Ccrti.1 cate admit* i" We lesley. Prepare* rot any OnHem. In the pinej region. Climate ol Lakewood, N. J., but milder. Pare apring irater. Gymnaala-i and sun parlor. Illustrate l * i . . ?,' -.ii application;_ ria EMPLE (.r.uVl. LAJDIES- BEMINARY, Saratoga J Bpringa, N. T. Thirty-fourth te ir b lin* Beal li Aili.-- CHA? V DOWD, __________ rp ALLMAN Seminary, Patenea, N. J -iud emir?.with I ? i rough iiisii'i, 'i..ii- in erecr depirtment Musictii ad. Vantage* far drculan address mi** m. M. Hunt. Prln. rwtfti Missi-- AN ABLE* 6 hoarding and day 1 School tnt 1 nong Ladles will reopeu September 20, a_t_fl(l Bay ard-st., Now-Bnm*wl_k. N. JL_ WALNUT LANE S* HOOl -FORMERLY MADAME ** Clement'* Boarding and Day Sea-? Bm y-'img ladle*; Jc.'.I j rear open* September 28: Academical and collegs .ab,ry Course*; Pupils enier Wellesley . on our ixaiolnatlon. For circulars, ad_re?a M!*s ADA M. SMITH. 1 PMn-lpals. Mi*. T ll. I'.Ii HARDS, I 0'*, Phil*. \VT\sr WALNUT STREET BOARDING SCHOOL for tl Young and LRU* Girl*. Re-open* Brat. 19 (*ith year). .Vlsi J. TUA I TM ANN, Prlndpll, Cltfloguo on ippllcalion. 4,301 Ws_Bt-*_, PUilad'l, Pa. Boys and Young Men?Country. VDVERTISEMENTS FOR Tilla N KW-YORK TRIB inl will in: RECEIVED AT THE UPTOWN OFFICES, No. 1,238 Broadway, coiner Thlrty-ilrst-st.. until 0 p. m. ; 860 Broadwan between Tw?nty-*e*}oe i and Twenty-third s's., until a p. ra ; 270 Wes.. Twenty-thlrd st., corner Eighth-ava ; 16- Slxth-ave.; l.".:t Fnurtb-ave., corner Fourteenth rn-j 780 TliUd ave., corner Forty-sev ?nt?-at.; i.*""7 Thl*?-ave., aeii _lxiwlh-s_i i.tos First n--. j i-jp; Weal Forty-seco-d-at. j Ninth-ave. and B >? eighth-*-, and 80 Liberty-*-, and th- U ARLEN OFFICE, 1-" lat i oi" li'indr-1 and-tTieuty-L'tli sl, up to lt p. tn. st regular oBIc* rales._ A LEX AN DER iNsTiTUTE?Mlliury Boarding School, __ White Plain*. N. Y o. B, WILLIS, A. M., Ph. D., Principal. BtCKWARD AND INVALID HOYS rar.-fiiUv .and for and In.rructed by an exporleneod lihyslclan and !'-nch.-r. Ilest, ..r i-.fp-rences. 1 J DR WILLIAMSON, Ne* _o__n_, Conn. H st |> ETTS ACADEMY) STAMFORD, CONN. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE AND BUSINESS. BOC? YEAR. _WM. J. r.i.TT.s, M. A. (Yale), Principal._ T-TANT SCHOOL. Roslyn, L. I.. N. Y.-Bosrd!n| School of th*) highest class f.r b'-cs: Primary, liiter t-ediatc Academic; Military organlrailon. _GEO. BRUCE! CORTELVOU..PrlnclpiL C" CLASSICAL AND HOME INSTITUTE. ' ppughkeepale, N. Yj-Prenarea Young Ladlee for Collage; nilli home coufoi ? anl epe.-ial care. Ml** SARAH V. II BUTLER, Principal. CAYUGA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY, ~ AURORA, N. Y. Colt no] e. J. WRIGHT, B. S, A. M. _ B lill HOLBROOK'! MILITARY SCHOOL. Bing sui).', N v. Reopens Thursday evening, September 1.1'li. Adrtre*. Rc i I.. A, HOLBROOK, Ph. D. J*LMWOOD SCHOOL mn HOYS.-Al Milford. Cnn. ^J Paientl Who am unforiuna:o in tho maiiagi-irrent of their aoiis will do well to proiit Iv the advantage. otTered ly ll.!* ichool. Address FRANK M. HOWE Sup'U j**REEHOLD INSTITUTE, PreekoM, M. J.-Forty-" tourth V'.ar; for bsvs ?nd young own. Address Bev, A i. (HAM li LILS, A. M.. Principal. ? REI I.*" ic INSTITUTE t s.,u:h WIJIitm*town, Berkshire County. Mass. .. private s'-hool for bovs. prepare* for college, K?_ ta school, i.f b-Slne**. I'ortvew'venth y.-?r begin* ...lur-sliiv, September ld'li For ca'-ilogue addr'-.s '?lORGK F. MILLS, PrlaetpsL nlCKLA.*.'!) MILITARY ACADEMY, WorcaetSK Ma--, SSd yu. begin* Sept. El, 1-t?. Clis-lcai, fatienuric, Bunine** Pr!.': arv DeperUnents JOSEPH ALDEN SHAW, a. M., Head Mister. ?JV- HALL Si MI NA LY -rill'. Yi'I'NG LADIES. J ]trl1g.-t?n. N. J 28th ie-: beg?I Sept* IBU- Be* advantage* at moderate rat*-. Music, Art, Ancient, and Modern Lamguag ?. Gradual?lg cuur? o, llealihlul. Physical Cull-ir.-. a i lr- -- _Rev, HENRY REFACES, rh. D., Principal. IRVING INSTITUTE Tirrytown-on-Huiraon, offers un u-uil idvsntagei to 1'ar.i.ta leeklna the hell Instruction I : thi r boys. Address A. ARMAGNAC. Ph. D. _ IAKEWOOD, N*. .1 -Ci.iirtlaci lr Place Behool for Roys. a Attrai iii" ai. i ia a. .'.ala' li ti lildlng, erects 1 foi th" :.ur l se. ii. in hav* separate room*. Careful physical, intel? lectual and moral training. Tho*. D. buplee. l'rinc._, titrit IlLl.i.s BOYS' SCHOOL, nillerica, Mass.. 13 .'I - <1 9 iiillts from Lowell, on thv li t ai and Lowell IL R A et. lilly I Lett Kan lly "--lio d I r I: v. Iron 7 te li Inclunv.; f?.l tens corni I ri. b' : 1 ijt cluular to M. C. MITCHELL. a. M., Prinelpal _^___ MOUNT HOLLY N. .1 l ACADI MY FOR BOYS. Il HENRY M. WALRADT (Yale), Principal. IVORWALK, ...N\- NORWALK MILITARY INsTT ii Tl TE.- i iaaa. rul training ; mo ? i it* -, euj'enui i ana*!um: bowling alley*; _F. ti. ROBERTS, PrlnclpaL 1) \':k' WT.Ni'l, INSTITUTE BRIDGEPORT. Ce a ?E.*. pol for bo) -. .vd .mi; igi eas*. Parent* alway* pa,- L Regina 6 pi Pj. ls-d. lor til l ?. S B d' NI S. A. M., Print ipal. I) ENNSYLVANIA MILITAR1 tCADEMY, . ni si i ll. PA. _7TI1 YEAR OPENS SEPTEMBER 19. a M i li I ai;\ . m.1.1>.!:. DEGREES IN ' IVll. I NG1NEEK1NG, < III.MISTRY, AID lill El i'l'lir. AND Alli's. A thoi mixed I'n-paraton Departmeat. Fm cii' ular, iilm tull Inform* _ COL i ll vs. i: ijVA'U's President_ 1) "i e.m,i i i -ii N r. Military militate. All ice*. I-*-, i'.u-.i,..-. Wei r Sa h.- thia publication. llluatraud catalogu*. (. B. WARRING, Ph. p.. Prl? K-CTORY SI ll""L fla -.-Fr ll'.y^ I30O 1860; lom* Uifluenc s; thorough tchool systeni; *-x . 'nm, boat houp?, et- Adlrt** J - ii :. i . . .i ST, M. A., Rector. URNSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Trev, N. Y. The eldee! School ol Engineering in the United Next term begin* B*pt 1_ The Regtater for 1888 eontaInt 11*1 ol graduate* foi BS yeara, with their ' - i Iv, ra 'lUlr.'m,.'nts for . - s. i tc. Candidales living at a dlsiancc mjy aui-U al llicir bi I ,? ?*. A DAVID M. GREENE Director. Kl\ ERVIEW ACADEMY, P. l._- j- la N. Y. -*"??*? 1 Year. Prepares thoroughly f.r*, tne Govern h.. ut Ai_dc. . : M /nv lirill. _BISDEE tt AMEN. Principal*. KBV. JOHN If. * "N \ I.LsL's school for In I..- al * OLD SPRING o.N Till'. HUDSON. S.-nd for clrcu l;.i - ______________^__^____^__________^_ Ronnrvs SCHOOL, NorreUr, Cou. V Uuime) School,|,r i.i.-ir.u boys and Tining men for Ysle riiiipi-.iy. iiaivani. Princeton, Columbi-, all ike "beal eel a'.lllr s. h" Ill*' . "ls mid thoi intlfui, in a remarkably in-ai'thrui town, tl.- houri fruin Now-York. i-iins, ?400. Tho high?st ref * i' n*Sc , given. Addieiut, Xor circular snd particulars, REV. JAMI'S A. TOWLF. rrlnetpal. CJ t GEORGE'S Hill, foi M<v? and Ypjung Men, lt C5.'a. Md., Prot J. ( kintiR, M. M.. Principal. Select, thorough, life. |-V? and pj-aoA. _ ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, Sing Sing. N. T.?Rev. J. . lilli* li N RIDGE GIBSON, H. if, R. ctor. Tlc I 90-1 j _r uni h. i tn s,.^., ,r.t?., J., I - c_ I*."I.Af. s, I r.l i'.u: v l"f.1 Si II. oil. N-Mburg. S: ~? v. Tweniy--sth nar will u-gin Bept. K-h, ISSS, Fm circular*, kc, address HENRY W. Si OLA R, i LToutHJ >' ins : 1 'I! fl . I.i lc-.-it. N i-|.i-i: i? loth ' loth aaa** Preparea f n .r.y i : Bumaeaa French, German, Moria Li .!. H. K. TRASK, Principal._ SUMMER S< BOOL, NORWALK, OOPJPJ. Modnate eSargea Foi el rc ulai vii ai F. H ROREKTS, Principal. _^ rjpHE PEEK8SILL MILITARY ACADEMY. Pick* I kill, N. V S?nd r..r Citalogue. JOHN N. TILDEN, A. M.. M. D., PrinclpaL A'lEI LAND. Peek?klll, N. Y - v hoarding ichool foi Uai's. Pl..J . CA '.A Ii \i;s| I..,-; j; a.. t_ EDWARD I* , i: S . Prlne||ial?. U" ? A- tDEMY, BRI DO ETON, N. J. '" a Hob ' *-?,,.,., thorough, au . PRIM Il'AI S -I' Al I H ALLEN, II. A. (Eng ). _r~*" 11A,-S |i \v IllGNF.Y, ld. I)._ WI ACADEMY. WOftc KST1 ll. '! I et Mi yet - ? ? tensive; p ? ? ! ?i.ii'lii'' s- l;.?,i* Ce Mit:- i.f H W. Alu.Li ROM HIE A M., I'rl'. . H o* n, Dert. L'nl , ai.J Walli -ley. ami -. _ \\" "I'.aAI.l. il VI... " ii I t; KILL. N. Y. 1 ar i , i.iy. f-. nj for circular*. w "Mil ** 1 i AR 11*, li r. 11.i.i. MEDIA (p, , vin' '"?Hflf | M| IIOVS I ... a 1'.- ..I li.l-ll, ? io | fa i: ... i ni si Phi lsd. labia '.'I traliM SWITHIN C. 8UORTLIDGE. a i: , A M (Harr'd pr..p. Miscellanuous. CIRCi;i,Ai:s SCHOOLS, both msbs, ejtv md r.,untr?. - alts careful advice ie pere-ita, MIRIAM CoYRiLRL, fl La*117iii-st., b-.-1?ccu Uh ave. aud Broadway. GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKliTS. FEATURES OF NEW-YORK DRALINGS. The speculstlon in tho cereals on Ssturdsy wi* of sn ordlnsry half-bnilday chatacwr without sensational d* velo|imenia. WI., at ?nd cat* ruled firm, while corn was w.-ak. There was a demand for 18,000 binti-ls of wheat to arrive, but no o.i|?*rt movement, altheugh prl<'p-s nil' 1 1 '.ail 4.i high'-r. Tho transaction* In tim options were fulrly good (3,500,000 bushels), and on fair markp-ts nbrpp.a'l and bul!l*h weather laps*?I pMSSS a.liauc.-l 1-4.1-2 cut. Tl.- lull gains wert* not held to Usa close, birt th** markp-t -ni. I linn -ml up M for July and August at Ml) 7-3 and lid,.h.t iii ??"* 1-. i I tai B pa "-'? r al BB ?-1 tad _** na! . iiiln-r al '.'-1-2 mid May at 97 1-4 BBB*? Oars on tit-* -jp-'i "as 12 <piii lewsr. binduli; shipper*, .pow? der, took 32.000 bushels for export Tho options were I Ipi- tin) Millaa of one largo house In psrtlcular, and the n artel rte-si BaaB si leaaea sf l-l for August at .-,4 ll M. 3 S for Sept''*?! * a' ,M il 1. 6-*. for Octotjer at 54 TH a- I I I Mal f"i Non inls-r al .'.I flits. ttoA oil''.v, and tii" options up 1-4 for August at :tl 1 C an 1 1 I cont f.r September *l 30 Ifs and OsSSBaS 'it 80 1 I cents. Tho laid mark-t na. BSSBMSSi bv c_|.*-rtiT*. *n*l tl,.,|..ns in IS BBStS., '-niling down 4*6 points BS to '? lons: July, -.SOO, A'l.'i.-. 88 88, S'pteiiiber, i_ 02. and OeteSes | Thp- teccljpts of grain rind flour reported on Saturday at N-w York. Phfla-elphia, llalrlmiaro and BiatfSB nero a.s follows:, 1*38,881 l.'i*liola; I rn, 1%880 bush* ls; asia UV'..'! t s dais; total grata, BS8,IM ba?sU; flour, 20,0.7 packages. At Chicago, MBwaafeSS and St. Louis iii.) irrlvals werei Wheal, 118,878 basBsIsi asia, 186,814 bu-!.-.*; "iii-, 171.700 bushels, total Brain. 488,888 wtSh eli; flour, 1...G- barrel*. THE TRA Dla IN CHICAGO. Chicago, July 21 iS|H-i lal).-Hutt hlnson yesterday was only a nmder-to neller and was a bear lnflucjnco: but, if there ead bBBB anything to btiir', the market m>, blgg-r felling than hi* would haw) been necessary to deck lt. ' ul.-at opined at 801-4 cents, sold BBtwasa 7'.' 7 .-//S0-SO1-2, and closed at 80 1-8. July closed at S3 1-2 cents. December 1* now tho BBVariM ailing month, especially for tbo foreigners, who aro making '? hi-dg.*." Fur an hour '.hero was a sharp trade In torn, !;it with th- cloMng of tho market* in tho East energy ib-part-l hero. Hut-htaooa hm in this pit, as In ii heat, a moderate seller. So wero Vf. T. Haller aad Baldwin, and Farnura ct Phillips were the principal buyers. August opened at 47 1-4 cents, sold BStWSSfl 47 1-4 and 4*1 3-4, and closed at 40 7-S. July oats sold at 31 7-8 cents and closed at 81 5-tf. Norton <_ Worth? ington, who hold tho cash o.-.t* In June, and who put the pilce to 38 cent*, aw onjlii'-ering the July manip? ulation*. Au.unt advanced 1-4 from sympsthv with the July option. Provision! were e.icoedlntly dull. Pork ? kept within a range of 21 1 2 cents. Ko did lard, and tho ranfu In ribs was within - cania BOTTOM MARKETS -UV TKLF.ortAPH. Ltvehpcvu. July 81-1 p. m.?Cotton?The sales of the dar Included fi.nd') bates Amt?BBB. Kulan-* "dosed steady. C))iau*ls, Low Mldilliiig clause. July dollvorv. 0 Sg-SM. sellers. July snd Atigast rtolivurv, i ii Std. -t-lltrs: August and hepteiul'i-r delivery, 5 280-4.1. hovers; *sept*_iber amt october plelivrr. !> IS-HM. bm-ers: October an-'. Novomtv-r delivery, 5 13 Be*. Borers, November ?nd !)t.eenil?er*lellver?', 5 11 -Halal, sellers; Iiecember nnd January dei*verv, tHieU'L sellers. J si,nary aad I'.lirnaiy .'eiivery, t> lu iAA. bftyci*; bepteinber ? 'J-eJ4d. burorv Ualvkstox. July 21.?Cottvn?"teady. Middling. n'4: I...w Mtdtlllng. I'-a: (iooat *>tt.ln*ry, til; not and gro.aj n-ceipls, ? bales 1 slock, 1,1)2.'. bales., July 21.-Cottou-Stea.Iy. Middling. 1(V? : net and aros* reecipta, in (pales exports to Ureat Hrttaln, ? : coastwise, TS b?l>\s; sales. BS bales, stock 4, IBS balsa. OBABUarOB, Jnlr 21?Cotton?Quiet Mid.Hint Q\ : net and .ross receipts. 138 bales; expoits coastwiso A<1, bales: ssles, ?Balee, slock, j JO bales. BAVABBAB. July 11.-Cotton?Steady and firm. Middling, O's; Low Middling. 'Ah: Hood Ordinary, ll : net and grosa receipts, 21) bales: amoru coastwise, 873 bale*; sales, BS bales; stock, i -' ? bales. Xrwniia.K.A.vs, Inly '.1?Cotton-stoadr. Middling. P's: Low Midfllliig, li"*; Good or.llnair. hi, i net anti gross receipts, '.ul bales; exports to ureat llrltaln, .. bales, Baler. 4.0 hales; stock, 88.841 bales. H-adi cr3. RS registered for 20 cant* for pesfase: vacancies always on hand; farm rt sump. R. E AV-J-Y, Amurl AMERICAN AND FOREIOM TEACHERS' AOENCY supplies Professors. Teachers,' Tutors, Governesses. Ac, to Collet.**, h. hails inti Families. Apply to MRS. M. J. YOUNG-PULTON, 23 Union Square._ A BEST TEACHERS supplied; no"charge. TEACH*. Iwayj in_Scl?>ol Bureau, 2 Welt 14.b-s.. N. Y. V (IRA DI" ATE Of Vas?ar CulJcg-*. a teacher of several yt?rs' exisTjence. wishes a position to teach. Ad dross A. H., Tribune Office. _ PRINCIPAL rmarried) wsr'ed for suburban boarding rm 1 dav echo. 1. Addtasa, stating quallflcation*. " EDU? CATOR," Tribune Ofll'.-e. I^UTORS, governes-ei, professors, teacher*, all brinehe*; cltculari schools supplied parents; English. Ereneh, Orman. Seenl-fa spoken. MIRIAM COY RI ERE, 31 I.a-t I7that-j between 4ih-ave. land ^roadway._ WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' HUREAO (foi f* I it? *exe?) supplies professor*, teachers, governesses, rr.uslciaiis, housekeeper*, companions, 8c, to colleges. Bel >!a and families; also bookkeeper*, stenographers and coprlsta to business firms. MRS. A. D. CULVER 320 5tha-e.. New-York City. -financial. WAGNER PALACE CAR CO. STOCK For ssl* by ll. B. I10l._.I\S__CO., _IH Wll.L.-sT._ is io em. _ EfUATIOIf CHESAPEAKE & ?S RAMA! CO. i.i WALL ST., New-York, July 17. 1S88. Receipt* of DREXEL, MOKOAN et CO. for First Piefeiied, Second l'reterred and Common Stock of UM cm ** ________ *. nilli) RAX-WAY COMPANY de? posited, in accordance w.trt tha plan of reorganisation dated Keb. 7, lesa, and lpn which all aaeeeamea? han ged for . ii'.-rav d !? Dallon certificates, passing bv delivery, rn ai.n.ilp'a'l.'n at their oftk". S3 WbU ?>:.. New-York. Recelpu pre aeatc ir ie i bs pm iiy in : Recelpta foi Bertes B, ?i pei eew ind 4 pet cent bond-, uni f.-r cur:.aa v | pei rent booda, may al*., be exriiiin- 1 far tngrsved reors-nltatlen certlflestai la pur : Ail <pf theta certlflcatea havo beea'llated on the New York Sleek Ezehange. HOLD?RS "I OS PER CERI of all da**** of stock and bonds allp-ctt.-d by tho plan i-f reorgaaUattOO, having u-c iitcd Its provisions, HlllBlSI-llllS siockholdur* and liond boid'-rs an- hsrabp giien Baal aotks tn ii*ipealt their *?? curlti.-s with DREXEL, MORGAN t CO. bete** Aasaal 1, ltaN*!, and contour, lo the n .julia un'nts of said plan, If they wish to partial ho i_ H..' beneSt* theraes, i. ll. tOSTEIt, 1 B.S.CBOBS, I ..nt..lillee. A. J. THOMAS. J WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY FIVE PER CENT, 50-YEAR, Collateral Trust Bonds DUI 193S. liilYs"."*! P.iy.ible in Yew- _ orL .1 .'in 11:1 ry and July. Wi OBOS for ra.i!., a limited umoiint of tlie abovo boniH secured by a deposit of scitirulcs with U10 MERCAN TILL THCST CUM PAN Y of Nen- Yo rk. Co])b-s of the bond and deed of tru-l can be Inspected at * ur, ?hero full 11 lil be furnished. We lassBBBSBi Vat ?? Lond? as a desirable laVBe_B_B_ MOORE & SCHLEY, IB IHO ADO.. NEW-YORK. IRVING A. EVANS&CO., f.3 STATE,_T.. BOSTON. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. CO. NOTICE OF BEDJEMPTION. ALL PEBSON8 HOI.DINO ANY OP TUE BONDS of Ihe SOCTIIBRN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPAN1 ire herc iv r,"'.i_-d amt iheraj I* non in ita- hand* ..r the aad-i* Bignell. Tiu*u*iis under the mortgage lu which u..i 1. I i.r mn bondi is ??? im.-.i. ut* Bam ol oM: iicndekd THOUSAND DOLLARS. 1 ld, whleh, nndni the term* ol Mid rroit.a.e, Is Bl)plle?ble to the redemptloq or purchas* of said t-.ii.i-.. ant thal the onderalgned mu r>** ??! \ <? sealed , '..I- ai th* 1 _? u.i one* '-r said __i|Mny, e-raei of . -nd Tma-iis-iid a'.a., S.n Francisco, f..r the *ui ...i'll TURHDA"! . the I WI NT1 ll li.M' Ai '.I'.-, I', 1888, ut r, I... li tn elli be ti-ii- I, uni such bond* 11* ire i.C'-r-al a' the lowes! prlco will i" ? leemed .-r purchased to the srnouol i'r.,i>..-,.- to I.- ia!.1 -I' i>. t- 1.; Surrender af OM Kirst MoitKafo Dtiiids Bouthern Pac?* lUiiioail ny." I). O. MILLS (' fi. L. LAN HI NO. f. in Praoclaoo, July 20, \WH. Tins'.-.-a DAL. Sharehol hr*. |.'. ..1 ct.upoiii', c:.-n or n)ppr>- tons), I*) O'.). .Nan ina re hold* r* at ? ir?der* te aiid 1 - t*r,c-tm. nt. TRI M il-. M?l'ir (ioneral Dal Henry De-tier, J 11. Kneel?nd, B. :. 11.: , .. iter, C. b;. uart Bi henel. ?1 ill ' H.N-.I Ml RS' COAL COMPART, _ .1 viii IVE. I..; I ll VI' i___^ Til Iwi-'sTDK-. New-York, lair '-'? ''*^', \\T\. OFFEB for sala, ;u,cl raoomn.<1 to mi? tt ,r*t.,r?, a few d'.ir.ii.i.. Booda earalng double tSalr In'.-i. -'. ni a pt: ?? m.I'h yields fully six pr ctul lu gold OpoU ll?'.' 11' L- C. DLIaEDlCX A CO.. 23 Druid ni. -financial. PACIFIC RAILROAD [OF MISSOURI] I IK*T HOBT-BACrE IIO.\D.?t. The ni,,-. ?7,OOO,OOO IP-tids 'nature, Auir. 1. ' The MOMO! li cv tl IC railway company has i.aiie ii.ia nd ii. '-? Beads si tte tata al laVBMBBWT . mihi f.r a t.-im of fifty je-ars, Ile- j.r ? . I m I i. a ie rai a i la IBU ter** Prtaelpsl __ nf the , , aaa la ba pajaass at gold. BaaShet-srs who wish le avail of the prlvBass ta < v tend will (ire--nt theil borda .at lb*' ?RRCANTII.K ritl'jsT COMPANY, wiiera the ssa*?Bl of extension ind SSW c.u;,au hheei.s will BS a"-''- St I Tho coiopany has mad' SrraBSBBBBB-i with KUHN. i.oi.ii .. COMPART, on bahall *>f a eyndi'-.n". ??. ama duo tho bond* nt maturity, at par, and t<* BS?nd IBS BUM on th. lr account, KUHN, LORD A COMPART re ?s-rvdng Um right, in t.i.-nlnat", althea) roil" . HM privl lego haiahp sztsaSsdl to tho BeadheMsra A, ll. t ALEE, Troaxurer. ...rk, .Inly 7, 1883. Referring to the above, Bette* I* hereby given that the prlvBag* to island um Boad . I RM? 0* charge, will cease on the io I'll INST. ___ KUHN, LOEB & C0._ MANHATTAN TRUST COMPANY, NO. 10 WAI?-BT., NEW-YOLK. CAPITAL.?! DOO OOO DIRECTOLS: F- O. Frencn, N. Y. H. W. Cannon, **. r. R. J. ir,,... pr. T. doini R foti, N. Y. IL L. 111.. In--ii, Uo-'on, T. J. Cooli lg*, jr.. Ro*ton AU(.rt-i. Belmont, jr., N. _*. Jamel 0. Bl Han, N- Y E. D., N. Y. a. .*-,. Ito enbaum, N. Y. c. !'. Livermore, H. Y. Wm. Dowd, N. T. C. C. Hal,inn, N. Y. Samuel ll. Shipley, Phtla. Chas. V. Tn., N. Y. il. T. Wilson, V Y. Henry 1 i.-i.I, Chicago, Joh- I Wale.bury, N. T. .'ramil Ormond French, l're.i.;. i John i. wm. ilbery, Vic*-Pre?dent Authorized to Seen* anl BX-C-t* Trusts of every ae. scrit.tlon. Trustee for Investment and im-nagcment of real and personal estate. Deposits ni Interests subject to checoue throu_h the Clea rina-Hon**, Registrar mid Transfer Ayn*. Dit>ii)cnij Notice' OFFICE OF PU-?MAN'S PALACE CAR COMPANY, Chicago, Iii., July _-J, lSft.8. DIVIDEND NO. 86. THE USUAL ODARTERLT DIVIDEND OP TWO DOLLARS pei ? !_>..' rn. net earning* las thia dar been Set?ired, payaola on an-: af:- r A Uglis! 15, 1--". to holder* oi record at eli*, of bu?lne?* v.. . I i. 1888 Trinsfc-r boeka doro August 1 anil leojeu Au.ust io, l_*-8. _A. S. WEINSHEIMER, Becretary. OFFICE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPART, No 100 I'.a. i Iway, n '-York, July 12. 168 TIIK BOARD OF DIRECTOR.. Of THIS L co sim ny baie tills ita-.- declared an Interest diilder.d of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT cpu th* of :i)p' company and opon ti.-- imount of Ita ^. anl ipeclil "reaerve fund" .firmed In pursuance ol [he pi visions of the act of the Legislature or the >*_r" of New-York, pasaad April 18. 1874, as ann tided, .Milled "Aa act to provide security against extraordinary conflagration! and for tin- creation or safes/ funds by ttl. liir._i.ui- <? compute!" . payable on d*m_nj_ They ais.i order that tin' oldest - scrip !.*eu<>? that of L-.-scJ?bo ri??c_.ud In ta_h on and af'er _ylh bepteruber next. CTRL'_ 1 ;;* K. _bccrei.iry. _ TUE MARQ1 I TTE, IIOCCnTON AND ONTONA OoN RAILROAD ( ".. No. 1*> WAI?-ST., Mew-York, Jeir 18, IS I Till. BOARD of Direct*.rs hi* this d;iy de clared s seml-annoal dividend ot THREE I PER CENT upon the iit<.f<-rr--d ito * p.f 'lils comjiany, jayablo on August IB, I**-1, ar the office ol the ' "inpany. The tranefer ba ike win bt .losed at a o'clock p. m. on Wc I letday, August 8, and reopened ai lu o'clock a. m. ou Thui?ay, August 16, _L. M. KCIIWAN. K"er?t,-irr. TUE ST.'FALL, MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY l "MIAN Y, 4" AM) 42 WALL-ST, New-York, Julv 2, 1888. rHE BOARD of Directors have declared tho u?_d .pjartp-rly divld-iid of on" and one-half per cent on thc Capital Stock of thl* Company, pavable at thl* offley August 1, lsaS, to titockhold'rs of i.eord on that date. The stock tran-fer book* will bo clo^d at 3 p. m., Juij 13, and WUl ba) leona;-.?, at lo a. m., A-gUBt IT, 1888. EDWARD T. NICHOLS, _A - '.arr. LOUIS AND SAN PRANCISCO RA IL WAT COMPANY, Itt BROAD-ST. (MUI* N". ? v irk, July ic. i*.S. THE'USUAL semi-BBBual dividend <N*o. iii!, . of THREE AM) Pi.Ni'..HALI* .1 1 J, J'KR CENT, on the first preferred stock of ib.s eomianv. lia* beea _?* ell red, and ll payable ,n m.. niter August lo, 1 ? stockholder* of re-cord on the book* In thia office aa of July 23. 1888, a-. 3 p. rn. No certlflca'p-s p.f fir-', preferred stock will bo rccelvl for transfer after Mondav. .tn ly 28 1888, at 3 p. m.. until the morning of Aug. El. 1888 T. W LILLIE Treasurer. ttailroa-s. WEST SMOKE RAILROAD. N. Y. c A n. H. R. CO., leaves. Trains leave West 421-st. station as ft lows, and 20 minute* earlier fr.un foot p.f Jj)-nt., N'or'.li River Detroit ind Chicago, -9.55 *. m., **J iou. *. iii p. m. r*t- Louis. "0:00, -.I.) p. m. byra'use, Buffalo, Rochester, Suipen*!on Bridge, NI ?gara Tails, Stitt, *9 5", a. m.. -0:0'\ -8:lttn. m. Utica, 3 :15, ?9 :5V (aj ll :30 a. m., *cj :00. *8 :15 p. m. Kingston, Banirertle*,, Albany, 3:15, *7 15. *. r>5, ia) 1! .30 I. m. (a) al :*J0. -ii :00, -_:13 p. m. Cranston's. West, point, Co'iiwaJl, Newburg. ?3 :__, ?7:16, ->",'.. 10 16 J 11:30 J. m., <.s>4:0O. 4:10. 5:1.*, ?**!.'.. >l:45ji. m., and 9:00 a. m.. 3:15 and G ;00 j. isl. Cranston'*, * orowall, New burg. >..r Monti?- and Canada Ja-', *(*> :00 p. n. Hamllton, L-indon, '9:56 a. m., -ii .oj, "8:15 p. m. To rento, |9:6tt i. m., W:00. '*:1."> p. m. l legini ileeplng-eara far Di.ruin. Nligari Kalli, D> trolt * St. Louli Kaia- ja Spec (1 ll :30 a. m.. (s) 3:45 p. m. Draw b , ar- thnm'*/h t. Sam i. --, 11 :30 a. m.. Drawing-Room Cars to Cald iii- onl ?. a) 8: lo p. m. Lal,, s Mononk ami Minnewaaks. via New.Pal?. 9:00. f*) 11:30 a- m.' (? 3:48 p. ia. Drawing-Room Cars w i..n 0:00, a 11:30* m.. - ?'( IS p. m. tullis. Ka..'.T-kiU. Hunt r. Grand ir '?? Station, snd Phoe? nicia, 8:16, n 00, ii ll 30a. Bi is, 3 tr, p. m. Drawing Cara ? Gran ill,' I to P la rm Hotel Raaterakill and Monal iln lliu*-^, 0u 9;00, ia> Hi30 a. m. and i sj 3 4.1 p. m. ti lb -. Palenvllle, Cairo and Mountain Doua* st_t:on. 3-15, T:i.">, BtWi (i 11:80 .. ..... (*. 3:?!?"> p. m. Drawing Room Cars io CatakUl u:i t-)) ll ?'?lo a. it. and (a) 3 45 p. ul I ? Daily. f Dell* eic , Other trains d*l!r cv ipi Bundar, u *? Leer* 1* - ? ruy. i*. h. K bl i Uon, ia; 11 .'" a. m., [? :i -i" D m. ; Hoboken, West Slim* 6 ta tlon, (ai ll :30 I . ?. ):;. For tlcgets, tim-- ? ole* i - -r or Keeping-car aceom : . it offices. Brook!i - : Washlngton-su, Tit" I . - i-ii-i nilip--'. fo-.-. of Ful ton-st. Kew-Yorh I 183, .-...v. 163 t-3 Bowery, 12 Park pia-.- and West .-j.-oix- Statloos, f^,.,t uf West _2d st., tool ol Jay -'?. N. I Westi - calli tot and che.-it- bigga?* fn.m hotel" ind ?? - i -. C. E.. I. KM '? 5 Yandi ri il: .. Cen ral I..-. :._ i Agent TRAINS -.OK BOSTON X via Ncw-Y'ork and Ncw-F.ngland and Rew-Tork. New-Haven and il i.T-ri Rosdt. Leai.. NI IK VORK IO A M . -:i P. M., ll -M P, M, Arni- BOSTON 1:80 P V . *. P. M., 7 A. M. PARLOR *' .RS ON DAY TRAINS PULLMAN BLE1 I'INU CARS e)\ NiCUT TRAIN* ?8:00 p. tn. Dally, Includi ig r-unday*. (??her trains c'ally e..-pt Sunday*. Bleeping car accommodatlo?i ran be secure,, at ticket Oflices, 3a7 Br??vay, ai.J Claud -entral Depot. \r.\V-VOKI*. AND LONO BRANCH li.UL _.* ROAD, FOR RED DANK, LONO BRANCn, OCEAN GROW; a>:;i::) park, ocean beach, spring LAKE. FOUS I' PLF.ASAN I" fcc. . ' OMMENl INO Ji LY 1, 1888. TRAINS Ll.vv I. NEW YORK, l'e.. ?T OP LIBERTY BT., 4 00, ii:,, 0:80, 'll 15 a m., ?1 SO. _:808:80 Irast oxpreas), 4:00, '4:80, 'tt:80. 0:15 p. ia. Sunda-.*, 0 .co a. m. and 4 :00 i ta FROM FOOT CORTLANDT AM' Di SBROSSES STS., j :i". T :!". ?:? IO a. ia. : 12iO0 i., 2 :30 "8:10, 8:40 (limited express*, except i: l Bank), 4:20, r, cjo. , imi p. m. Bnndays, 7:15. -J.15 j. m. ; 5:00 p. m. * Denotes expr* -- train* RUFU8 BLODGETT, J R. WOOD H P BALDWIN, _fsupr_Gen. Pa-. Agt P lt .li. G. V. Al IC ILN J. CENTRAL RAILROAD Ol' NEW-JER8ET. Viuuxul LIBERT. STREET, NORTH RI VEE. Tim ? T*bli of July l, i*oms. Fer PiULADr-l.l'lil a and ru Nlii.N. " Bound Brook Ro'lle," ul 4 7 45, ll. ll a. BL | 1 i-0, B 15. 4. 5 JO. T ^'0 12 p. at, SUNDAYS iii . ac s.'m. , S J*) u o. m. Train* leaving at 4, 7:45. ll a. Bl, 1 :80, 4. 5 3d, 7 30 12 p. r... have eonnMtlon for Healing, llarrl-bnrg, pott* ville, etc*. , 4 a. m. for Eaaten, lietidehem, allan'?wa Maii'-h Ch'J'ik, Uoading, Hair iburg, et;-. 5 45 a. aa. lor Laka Hopotcoig, I?"awn. Bethlehem and Allentown. 7 ..-J h. rn for Tien lugiaii, E.i*.tan, Dp-thleheitt, Allen? town. Mauch Chunk. 8 30 a. m. mr Flemliigt.m. Elko Hopetcong, Easton Betiii'-h'iin, Allentown, Mauch * hunk, vv like-barre. Serau lon, Beedina, llarrlabnrg, Pottavllle, Tai?a<?. S_ltnokln Sunbury, Lewlsburg, WllllamBuon 1 p. bl f*>r l leiningtou. I ...1,11. Bethlehem, Allentown Mai.i'i chunk, Heading. UarrUburg, eic. A 45 p. m. for Last,,!). Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, wm,.'.burr.-. Beran*?-a. Tai?aqua r> ha mo kin 4 HO p. m. ),-:i..iia"uii. Lake llopatcoug, Easton. Bethl-hi in, Allentowl ?'* 6 fo ami 5:80 p. ax f..r Somerville and 1 ? ?,,-) 6 45 i. m. lor Eaaten, Bethleheni, Allentown Mauch Chunk, Riadlipg, llairuburg, etc. on *5uiiiays at 5 lo p. in. 4, 3:15. 9 30, 11:11 a in, 1:30. f-jJO, 3 ;*,* 4 |:S0j r. ll p. 11, ? bnndais. ?;''0 j ,,.,1 ,,,'? ', * for Bed lt.nk. Long Braneh IA abu 1 r.-i. Oeean Drove except Bundi 1 t Plc isaui l*arloi Cara ai a 1 ?,' U 80, ll Itt ... ui . 1 -M. A -???). 4 80, S:80 p. m. 1 - l'. 1 bl, I SO. 4 al*' |. ni. for 1 , ? ? LAKE Wein!), Manchester, Tom* R ier, Barnet 1 etc ,-,-ev'''..',''?.? .'''i,1'', ''' 'ut 1;,'J " -??*-. A1I.ANTIO lill. \ Iii lan 1. I. : * 00, *'? i". BIS ' SO, ll :15 a. m 1 BA " 1 I ? 0:15 p. in. bund 4 p. m. fa l'T'h V ?-.--. .11.. F..r M..N vu pi Til l' IRK 1: tCES* n Tu* lai *. Thurslav, un! Mturdiays, 1.18,9 11:18 m., 12 lo, \ ,0 1 :3I p. UL Parlor 1 1 .... t, IIU I INDY ll.; I'.ni n; 1 ai l.*'.Ne; 11: v\. II ".IAN (;ROV_, cfc. FROM Pl' i". 8, BJ lt Y t 'I IB ?. M* u mouth 11 a-h and [-nj 1 me 11. 1 1 go I .... 4 HO, 5:30 p. ui. Sundays, -j Jo. 11:00 a iii ;. lu. Foi Elbe v hm Qi . 8 00 o -oo II :0*q a rn . 1 tai :c 1., a 1 p. bl Tor MONMOUTH PARK Li' 1 8 on 1,1 "adara, Timi*,!,,, ana haiunlays, 8:00, '.'in, 11*00 a. BL, 18:18, 1 Ceo I',,r AiUnil.- Rlghlaada, 4 30. 9 OO *. m. (1 :VO Saturdays ? 4:80, ;. ;S0 1 ? Pul I .it. e.. od. T. ii- Rn. 1 aa t Birwasst, 4 ;30, 8 00 a. m.. Ticket* an 1 iianior Car aaata c.,n ts- nreearsB at 71 415 B81 'Mt, I 140 1,881 Dr.Iway, 7:1; Bthav*.. M Weal 126th-*t, 182 i nt 125th .1 . New-York; 4 Court ?u. biW lui ton st , i's Broadway. Bra.oiiiT.. New-Tork Traiiafer Companj* wUl call lor aud choi.k big.sgc Dom hotel ur rvsidt-u.u. * Ratlroa--. ^^^^^^ V - 'Kill KJ..N RAI i.i:' > A Ii OF Nh .V-JKNi"? ll?Train* leave from Charobera-s_ huu..n we*L !'*? let Eagleweod, Tenafly, Closter. Bp__hm, and <-r_ ie l pi /*?* 4 :'*<), 4:80, B:80, ?-, *4:()o. ic :io .. ' * _ midnight. ft : ... - ??'.'-. J* j.. BL Lor Nm 'o', -prin" Valley. M.,p,-,',,,;,. os. j ? ') iv k d ? -. 7 " IO; ' a. m., 1 :50, n ,., ,, , .',??** !, ?:!') I. m. an ." '? ' I- m. .Satur la, AdHtlona 1 tr_ii? to Ores-kill and way, . ;4. 4"_" 5?. p. rn. ?? *?? EBIE BAfLWAY.-Tfckel Oflkaa, If] -ir 711 ml '.-67 ?roedwiy, IBS 1 2 fever? 137 W__? 1 c.*. ari PU.e.! ..... * ." ~-*. I. .. I l I.Tlll_l..-l. I!r,,|pk?. 1.- ,. .''**? 1 -av.- HA I Iii I D io iii ii.ili'i'.-s 'irWew "~ ' fa *. m.. daily, Day Lr; r-a, buT.-t drs wing, room c ? '-_ io : ..; ' j, cn ??? n 10 3'j I. ni., week day*. Tn'awsr* Valley ri:m^ u._ car to )'- ? : ,-' ^ tt p- ni. da ly, "? St. Louis Lia les** , *o,* Pellman I ain ar 'in a-. 1 buff t -;?? ? . . .,, p,7? lalo. N la gai il - * t * aaa t_ 1 . ^ S p. u.., ?!) ly (i 'lariat ''ep.'l,'.' i'.ll. ', ? a ? .-l Ow.-gu. Elli.. "I J-. .-.r _y fain. Cine.aiiill aol Cl V Bntae fl mi Pa ssa 1 1. 4:48, 0, 7, 7 -, |W 10:30 a. in 1 il* 1 ton; 1 l 45, a 3:4*), 4:10. 4:40. 6.10. .'..:). R.V). *, ; ,. -jj 7:3'). 0. 10:50 ;.. m.: 12 night. Also to L . ,,i I- M ._ . 4 .> . .'. .' - |. ' . . .; ? ** p. in bunda* 1. 4 15 - .i"1 ld So j. i 1 -A :i. 4, A "'? 30. 7 .'''. 9, l" 30 Li. 1 12 l Bs-??????????????^^^^^^^^ Kctra? am 1 .VC" ur* ? 8 :l"i, 0**3, 8, s !?>, ? 11 SO I BL , _, a .10. 4 :_0, 4 '.-,. 5 . 8 7 :30, 10 p. m. ; 12 night, fauiidaya, 'ja. r_ : a _ 0 .1.1. s p. ra, '-*-? Rldge-ioppd and Suffern?4. 4 .4* 7 50. 9 .jo. ie) ;in _ _, 1, 8, 4, 4.3). 5. 5 3o, evin, i ,0 vi _ _! 12 night. A > B Ml to bufferji, 8:30 1. 1.. Bunday* 4 li. b Jj. ;rj 3* I. m , 1 TS, 4. I d') p. m. : U . ? Newburg and Comwijl-T SO, 0 a. m. ; 3.*?0, 4, 4 30 B __ j,, n. Bon lan, ;? 1 m., 1 At, 6 p. m. Wa?-..'k-w.-K ... -, 1:45, a i0 to a. m.. 1, 4 ?,**._. Goehen?4.45, 7-80. 9. 1" SO a. m.; 1. < :f!0. 4 to 5 5, 8 *. aa. bard.} a, 4 45, 1 80, 9 a. m. . e-, ..,,, i, ' ." ** _-*rtetown an! Port .!? rv ls-4 .45. 7 .V). 9, la SO a_. 1 d'). 4 :3ip. :,, 7:80, J ii. in. bun Lia. 4.45 ia. V, ?* a m. : 5. (13n, 9 j. rn. ^ *"*? Expeaa* train) fr-- fi* Wes*, airtvo In M*w-_?h si 7:C5, ll iftO a. n... aud 10 20 p. ia. ?w. j .vr rt rn y. L. P. Fap.mfr, _G. n'l fcup't_General Pa***uge,r Agent MEW-YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSOi -* RIVER RAILROAD. GREAT FOUR-TRACK lRLNK __MB_ Oh 11 GRAND ' I Vi Ral S'l'.v I lc X, Largest and Finest Pa---.-.-, r Station fn An-z-rl-a. 'tH a. m., itocii.'eii.-r Espie es, drawlBg-roooi <.,.. _ Alban;-, Troy Hud t,j ra line.. ? 1 a. BL, Sura ..ea. I../- f.<-r,ri-e, sn! Montr--*'. *|,*_?| drawing 100m para t. b Iwell Lal? _;or.s. PlatUborg, and Montreal; a.'*-- 10 ts-, a . .^ .) a m. fur Ad Xortl Creek, Setu*?_ Lek**, Blue Mountain i__??, 1 . ii ,? .... room car to _arat<iga ?8:801. ax. FAMOUS V-STIBUX?O CHICAGO a_D ST. LOUD* LEM 1 TED, co-:-.*.-d > - : -,??? un king-ear, dining-car. lrawlng-x* n ind . .- earslaa Albsuy. Utica, Byractt-e. Roche**er. Dun..:,. , i . -. Erie, C.eveiai.d, Indianajy- Irs ?n 1 . . .,. arrlvlagM Ch.cai; 1 at * ...?-,,. 1.. ;.? .? ,_r . r : Alban* 1 rown. 110:3" a. rr... Cl ?" . s, tor Niagara lalla. Tv roiro, Cleveland, Cine uu-ti. lnd-map-.H*. 1/ troll ic4 - drawing-room cars to Cauaudalgu-, Ro : a: rings. til :30 a. m., W-rt-ni N?w-York anl Northern Evjrett, for bara toga, La.," George, I: . ., v I Ha rs to. 2 p. m- Sari ra Limited (toni - , , on!y, r,r. .1. . il m., Caldwell ?:10 p. ... ir... : 1 aul 3:80 ^^ r. . lo r.:,.s ?4 p. n... A ? .v ?*:?' a 1 Troy Ca* ta-'-s f.-r willi*?*? tb, N.rth ai. 1 lut?.mediaM nob -s 1.11 1 .p. li tm ri: ,;. !'_ "?Jj. m., I-'ast Chicago,! ind St. I?u!a Tx. pre* f.r Niagara r ???>.-, . ;. |g?, ta I'jI.'o (via) L- Wis ton - - .i.l ' .- ?? tad. - vi, iBdlanapolla, ***.. I_ala, d<.::*ji- anl Chleaca, w-^i _o?^ lng and dinin.* eera ?: [i. BL for 'layton dally,'idlng Su liv; tor Paul Sir.ith'*. dailv ai ? baiordaj ets-pina cars to C a v.,11 aul Paul _._i'._'? VU Luca _nl lc. Vf. aad 0. _ P ?t'p so p m.. Montreal and Ca: ar.d.i'gp-u Expres*. dally. 61e-ping ear* to Pl iit-r-ur,' end Mor.'rcal via R..u-; a pulnt m. '. 1.1 bt A ' ui? via ft da A1 la n tlc Rs 1 I ? r except Sunday. Sunday min dec* not mu w..-.- ..' * biay. -Pl :W p. m. ppr Adironda'* Mount?Ins. La_e '."ha-y. Lyon Mount?m. Loon Lal ?iran* 6 l'a, _c, vi* Plattsburg a.-.d Cha' I j* ;., r.:r:.e, .'- - Bchroon Lek0, Bin Mounuin Laka, Ife., via Sara'..i'll and A'l.r-.nda ?. '.'. . t . ?_ L.hi -, ,rk '.. Puttsbu t and North ] ??-_ 9 p. m.. Special 6'.e~per, s.-rliea r^"fc..*Vr 7-40 a. bl. Buffalo 9:35 a. m.. ar. 1 Clevelaad lal p. _ -Ul 30 p- m.. Fast Night Exiirea* fer ri htleld <d-1ii> R -?-?, Burfalo. Ni-gara Palla, Toronto, Cl .elias, ..?!, liid.anapoli*. fe- I?u.s. IX'troit. and < with sleeping cars. bleeping um to caiui.a_._ija ia bundays only. Ill midnight, Adlrondac- Mountain special for Sarateas, Lalw George, plattsburg. Loon Lake, bara! io !_?_, Paul Smith's, tc. also lor S.'air..n Si . ?-??>,u, anti Richfield Spring*. bli 1 hauy, Tlek'ts and spa-* tn dra * lng-roo in a ? ? irs na sale a*. Gianl Central Slat) n ',13 ;-'. .. .: P42 Br .Isiy, 12 Park l-l.'?(???. 1 Bi ??? "V place, 82 V, -? i.-.y ,.,-., md Ei-s'hgt. Sr.vlen, New-Vera; 333 Washing m and "JO Fulton ?t?., Bnoklyn. and, 79 4th-?t_, WUD?maharg. We?c ? ti'i Express vail* for and check* ba/gage fr^a hotel* er residence* ro- m car* an 1 1 I18O p. m.. Sarat'gi ir.d Utica *ie.-c:ii, ?,-l'h -J-awm*. AID*ny. 1 .> .hiaiugi ;.. ?. - ' Central stat'on at 10:00 1 m. and 1 *?* p. BL for Wat Hill, Narraga?ett Pier. Newjiort, and Providence -ad D?-*on. 5 -si p. ?. Limited E ". ?tpor_ Pier. id. '???- and Boston. 11:30 p. cu Night Ex pre** tor New. port. Providence, llost-'r. - ,a:iy. Palae* Pallor Cars of bleeping Tua ta B-aUnatloi-_ T EIIIGll VALLEY R.VILROAD. PASSLNOER TRAINS leay* loot of Cot?ndt snd Pesbrvsa** ate. -.? Mk*.we: ,> _. bl for Cataaanajaa and lntermedi.*.:-* pjir.ta, _ a. bl ter Genia, Lyona, Elmira, R..ciie Ker, BuJais and Hie West aud kcal polnu. Chail *? 1 lt 1 p. m. fer Tur.khacnic:: and Intern-1 llat* pointe, CL Ur eal 'j 'iuulUia__uc_. Co_ticetUn tu Reallng ai? Dirri* BBSS' j .40 p. m. for Pitt*-?n and prlr.i!;._ Ii ?l_BS?I ; hair ear to L an t B. .)_:,. '.a,n. 5:40 p. m. for Ma ' ? p*me_. ?.a.u to Reeding .:.d llar:.-i- I ^.: _ M . . 1 bunk. 7 p in. fur Oenev-). T.vnns. Elr!-i It *? -? r, Buf? falo and the West. Pullman s!e. p<*r u. Lyon*, 8.15 p. m. for Lauray* ind Int rmeallat? point? Tra na I* I ?-? il 8 1 bl, 1 p. bl and 3:40 i>- m. es*. neel int ali pun..* In Mahir.o; .1.1 ir 1...-?.n tvji n-gioS? SUNDAY TRAIN*.. 8 a. m. f.r Ma-cii CLai _,'?a a_d Ili-iu.?!*'* points. 6 I', j* m. for C* play a-', li '-r?ediate Minta 7 p. bl ter Geneva, Lyons. r.;r:.ira. Rochestat. But. faiu aud th-' W**U Pull - I Lions. General Eastein omeo. _.!5 Lroa.*ay. P__iK3YLVANIA RAILROAD. M. un and after JULY 1 C LINE AND UN 1 JIU STATE- MAIL ROUTF. _ Trains leave New-Vork, vi_ d.;..w:> and Gef___Bi i Weil, with Pi il i-*** 1 ira ai a. li a, '.' :c 0 a. BL, 0 . 0 I) nu * ir a 1 *-?_?? dall . n - rk md (.hie*go i.-'.-l ol 1 _i r. ? - p and bleep ng \\ tl tiled C* asia*? '-a , Lotdc naven, :*. ?' a. m., 8 :0> p. m sC*8ff and 1 .. .1 - "p. i:a, connecUlig at .urty Iur Lie** . \ ? ? an i the 1 .1 tte .ons, . ... For Lei 8:20 p- m. and 12 15 night For Norrutuwiu 1 .?,.---* .ni, _:.d 1. *?? 'I. il 1 0 *. . ... 1 . . . lp :_. bai-idajl .. - p. m. s :.4aj?. 6:15 and LO - :.. Baum.'.!'-. Washing iou and the bonth, * Umltee vv_?? indian Exure**" ol 1 ullman Par! J bu iday, 10 a- m.; Washington 4:00 b ? I I dally, with Dining Car, ut ..-io l. bl. arrlv* ''"-?"??r 1. u 1:12 B , i' gular at .?...- I * * a m., 1 an, Li . 1.1, 4:30 and tf:00 ,? m., -' 1 1-:1. 1 .. Bu ioy, *..15 _uil 9 _. io., 4 :3j aid 9 p. -- ai? 12 15 i.._ht, F.r AUaaSo City, ll:10 a. m., 1:00 and 2 00 p. ni- vneX dais. For 1 apo May, 1 p. m. week daya. Long Branch, Ba) Hued Junction ind intermediate sta? ll >i -.1 la Rah* I* sn I An .1 , ? 7 0. and 9:P> s.a. 12 noon, - 30, 8 . 0 ?' 4 20 tt. 1 1 7 p m. On buiidai 7:15, .il 9 li .1. r... -i.l 5 |i. 1:. da nol stop al Asbery _ ..... For end loint uni Norfolk, via New York, Phlalelpkai ant Norfolk Railroad, b p. bl, daly; vi* BalBB?I ml Hay Line, 1 Jo p, rr. wk dsya Dial* of -Brooklyn Atnex*" connect ?i-h a.i ,*J'_*'-'*? tra na a- Jersey Cly, *(?"?_.-_ * spotit aul __.?? arSBB?S for Brooklyn travel. |*OB ?_____>___--_. Expres* trains leen New-1 irk, v_ De-brasso* ssA ? 11. ' stre i m. - a- r^duw*: 0:20. 7 .20, B. 9 (.9, ch a 0 Li?teal wit? Dining ear. and IO, W isl*?igton I. ui :e 1 . an 1 ll a BL, 12 ,-0. I. - ;? _D, 4 1 BO. ?>. *>. '? -*-e". S and 8 p. bl aavl IS J* ? lB* Ace piniiiudBi on, *> ,J0 and ll .10 I. BL, 4 .10 Bad . p. It bund ila a el .15, '.' 9 I. died - - ,' ' <_, Z' 4, 4:3), 5, el. 0 3u, b and 9 p.u_, ai.J li*** Li.a_ Accoiumo latia.i, 7 p. in. . ? a Trains leav.uc New-1 ..rk da!'.y. except Sundav, al -, ? aid 11:10 0. BL, 1, !*.. 4, 5, 8 _ BL and .9 a. ??? nut 7 p. ii on bunda vs, ?? nn* i i f r * .m ne-i Ticket Offees, No*. 1. 43'., ,' * and ?' Brefdway. J Astor ll ai-- an I '. ol ot IV-al - I st*. . ? * a-- -t. and Brooklyn A.* Station, foot ot voln__a\, Brooklyn; button. J. .^*ejp .it> . B_araai TAstM omi*. Ca*tle Garden. ?. ? _,, ,_j The N.-i* Yuk TransMl Cmipanr wt!l cad for *" Ch-, k bsggsge '?*??! hotels ai.l '??*'-'?"'?.?*,,..ann chas BL r e;n. J. _ .J0^?... General Mai General la-?r Agen- ^ PATE CiI.\l;!.K* ROUTE OLD FOIN - - (JMrORji ^u!;! iU AND 1 m. bOOTI*. NF.w-YORK. rmi.amTmua. a norfolk B, J Tnia lea*** tool _ Cortlind ind .*?;'V_\-3 8_!l7. ? Oo ie m. Ticket- i*1* ut any Ticket Dirie.- of th* '? ' lu," _*\ __ U. W. DI NNL. --mu 1- L ? ' G. P._K** \i.v\ vokR <n* I-....-* -\N:: v> l"1!"1;_ iSRAlLWAl .-an. treal Unrtaa al tnt* oma aud Jiy ats, a* fo.. ... , . sim. U.-I ,.-i ' , li. ut loll, Dulhl Nol . . V "'vv;.11 , 1 ? ?a_ - r.r Middle eon. 1 ? M-ltKTllo. I"" v' ' * S% n rn f>r H - ,' ci -S n m. ; J "?'*- S:l. !' ?*_%__! tr Butt.i bl . per* Ui Niagai- **!?? ??ei_img e.??? -? M.Jdlete-wn!"-] SOJBl-jdw. j t_fi 284 V,--. l2ft_-??-. ?8_Y*VlbEl_ON, (J. P- A.. Ih Fi-co. MssYo?. I