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GOING TO THE KACES. __, INCIDENT ON BOARD THE CAPE ("HARLI'S. BURTON AND BURTON'S WAYS?BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB STAKES. " Monkey Chai Ile."* that e!>ony ornament of ih" quailcivretch. that brilliant and steeplechase slider tncl itIhiiirider, usually take* th? " Ray Route" for Monmouth Parl; and on Hie way to Sandy Hook poses grare fully and smilingly In the crowd rd Falcons. Nonr will conlon*! that th** Hon. Charli*s Vcrpl-inrk ls a beauly, yet he* ls pot without ed ni I reiIB, fer Mps cover a BIBI?tads of sins, ami In tin* cool while corner of his ISgsMl SJ*I Mr. Yer always cwrlos a quiverful ol '? real Janis.'' When that distinguished Barta., Garrison, as? cended the ganaway am! pau*nl upon the lan?tnR Hi the afte:*cabln of the cai** Charles on Sat-urday, his g!v:co was sharp*:!**! at a seo.e of fair women who occupied thc greet: BattMt s..fa<. All eyes were turnrsl upon him and liu*lrcl voices whispered "That's Cor:Ison." The pi-cat jockey Biasaad. He worn a tight Utting brown suit that displayed his lithe form to excellent advantage, a black derby that lopped ptT well hi*!hy lae-*, and patent leather* which exhibited the hsMaeSI <>f his IrM p. His cutaway was buttoned nearly up to his collar, almost eoncoalmg hl? cravat and a gold-n <;, ftB?iBBBJ thirteen haft cllanniiii'.s. which sparkled gloriously, flashing bark the* planers of tatt} BB_BDs*Ul? ryes. Thero I* no lellinp how limp Garrison nilpht have basked In that Sunshine had ho not sudelenly discovered standing like an artist's nioch-l In [he centre of the cabin the towi-rln-' Igoi. nf Mi. Ve-ijilaiiok. With a look wither? ing Mara he- faced quickly about amil dived Ruo a dark and secluded ooraer. A tall walli rose from her preen leather cushion and Uko a ship under? pin sall. Ik ire down upon' Hie statue. In one hand iho carried A copy of the American ''rink' un," '?.lark's Tip-.*' " Goodrich's Selections," -FrSB_*l l>mp Shoots" ami (la- "Quida"; In ihe other was hat fan, with which, havlnp arrived within hailing dis? tance, she* ISBOtS Chaney on lin- left tar. "Ah, Mr. i burles." quoth sh-, boan,ii?: Uko a wax candis-, " yoi. kiaBar what Hu* latte* come to you lor."' ?? Monkey" prli.s. '* Now, Mr, charles, Just one LUtlo word and I'm ott." - Monkey" show* his purni, shakes his head and turns uneasily on nm- fo.-t. "Now, Mr. Uharlis, Just give me orA* sure thlnp to-day and I'll let you go. Who's going to win the first race.*' '? Monkey" hangs lils head. " DO, Mr. Charles, tell me straight. I've been sick wllh malaria and nni"*t win enough on the fr*! race lo pay my doctor's bill." " Better pay dc butcher 'n lo' do doctor shir fur 'e self."' Oh. come. Mr. Charles, I can't l;eep talking here before all these people. See how they're laughing at BM ?'" " Wal, I specks Swif 's pood 'null ter beat dat Crowe!." "Swift? Why, Mr. Garrison tells me that Saxony's the good thing.'' "Ga'>on! Huh" "Then you think Saxony won't win? Swift hasn't been running w-'ll lately." ?? V us sho out fur da dus'?" "Oh, Mr. Charlo*, th? idea I" "All right, all light. I aln' say'n' nulhln' mn', ccp'n' I like Swlf." ?? What are yon going to ride In the steeplechase?" * Whin's pwiner s!art ?" "OB, Mr. (huile*, if you don't know who does?" "Sis'C' I'll lid*' Hinda." '? Hinda? I d<>i:*t sen her narnu on the card." '? Ifs dar. I rt'i-k'n'. sfialpht 'miff" "(.olnp to do any of that sliding business to-day ?" "r-huh, aln' I pirrili' too olo fur dat?" ?? Neve:-. Cunio, Mr. Charles, aro you poing to rid-* squai-e ?" " I ls fur a fae'. Gwiner ride wld rubber lines, so d'aln' no chance ter do no pullin'. I pivln' yer dat straight, BO*-'." Bbs ai?ked a areas by swift and Hinda and retired amid great applause/ *? Mr. I bar?." vn-nt forward and tho voyag: was couiiniied wit Smut further lu tide-nt. Tba fall meeting of tho Brooklyn Jockey Club bo plu mi __**?day, Beade?ber 18, and ends on tatar day. th** '.lilli. Baillee for twenty rleh stakes close on August K>. Tlie added money ls *?4*>,r.OO. I h porsa vuil bs Bl,000 or moro, and a like sum will be added to all over-night handicaps. The declaration I-.- in lbs Itsbas is BBOsnal?i small, a feature to which tba attention al owners is part?i-ladf direct**], in mali!nc; up lbs programme, tba stakes ami handicaps v.iii t.p- sp, arran_od .is io rive owners an opportuolit* ti. iou -.villi,.ut sacrifice ol Intereet. Entries for Ibe Expectation. Hudson end Tremonl stakes, two-veer olds, and the 'ailinn. BrooklTn Derby a:al Gazelle ItO-CS, lillee vein i ld*, for If *' I pring nu ting eif I.S., a:-" close ob August 15. Mr. McIntyre has mail*' the pondi Uo ni ol ;ill slakes '.pull as will buan a steal inaiiv ooa_nations. How gtnpld the belling rftig would be without mr Baal The puhlie nate tabea a itrangri liking to this plucky boob aaber bseaaas be Isn't afraid to chalk np long odds and five them a chance to bent him. Long may Hinton Brave. Have yoa baard his -olllcicjiiy .' slip into tbe ring before _ o'cloek when the pondi?-n aia* uiiikliig really th'-lr slues fm- the Bl? race and BtaMOB yoiusoif wilbla twenty feet of Burton's ttand Fifty other men will il. ne .am-- thin.-, lb?r banda full of bills of all de nominal lona. Burtoa'i first move ls a vigorous swen of tbe ring through a pair of Held glasses. Ho ls _ettln_ a line on the nthe-i- slates. In a moment in- limn, the .', end picking 111 > I pierce of chalk begins mar- ng al a furlou* rata. Tbo odeb be lay* are tremendoua au*i you Involnntarlly follow the crowd In their easer assault upon him. 111 _ Ii lu slr go iii/..-ns if Bali snd Burton la In tin* midst of a perfect tempest "f banknote*. Nearly a sf on- of bot?a it sri anl he has laid againw only l .1'. The] give bin no lime to mark a price against Hie others, bul force the-ir money ipii bira arith so j,'icat dee pe rat lon thal he ls simosl smothered. ??lu bock, gil bach there, you d? fioi*: Hurulred 'n'-twi-nty uv,- io five Kaleidoscope, .-.tami bock, cou foo nd vim: Bban'l bel >i i a rt>p|lar if you dou't <iuft erowdln' me. Hundred-*n'-Sfty to ten Minority. Two huodred to twenty Hawley. Didn't I i*-n yon fools to pit back? GU bark. I sa.-! Fire-hu mired lo fifti Glenspiay. I'm uji your money, you d-Idiots, Hil I pit rou-ly lo take lt. I wool have lt: I won't have lt I Gel oul o' ih- way, I tel! yon !" Arxl be keeps ii np, the dowd scrambling to pet liear him ami laugh?g at his lamper. At length they p't tm their Boney and be proceeds to comjilete his Mate. In tho couiso of this operation ho soliloquize*, thu-. : " Kaleidoscope, twenty-five. Oarsman twenty. Ful? ton*-? hesitating a moment?" Burton, you oki Biol, Tun'!! j--ii broke; Fulton ten. Bom ?eena twenty? liurtoii. confound you, you'd better itop right now; Breton tiftv. Ten arly fifteen -Burton, you're the dauinde-i old fool ever m?-; po broke if you *i*ii:"t stop righi now; ye-*, right now! I-ll tawny twentr. King??te thirty?wall. If there ever was a damned Bid feioi ii", burton. Here'i Hie place lo back 'emf Twenty 1<* one Raleldoscope I Come on: Burton, you'll batter viij..- nir that -ian- aid quit." I'ien-e Lort?ord tend* In a big i-nrnmlssie?i on Kale-liliisci.jii- n-ai ibe ruling enids ors Knocked down te. i to i. Bar?rn has not discovert? this. His price - rands at 15 to l- 'Sol" Liechtenstein, having takit) In mon t-t. Kali lilipsct,jip- than h" like* to carri-, about the ling to hedge and stumbles upon Barton'! 19 to 1. ?? I'll ga ve,ii a hundred on thal." he says. Burton lake* the bet, a p-'s oul the- 18 to 1 and chan,* down IS lo l in its n?re. "i'll g.. y?ni another bundrad at t?elvo," says Lichtenstein unmoved. "You know vi hut vou're dolrr'?" says Burton. " I think 1 do," re pile- the oilier. "All right." The bel li recorded and again the odd. are lowered, this tim*- to lei t*> l. "lb*?*," rr'-. Barton, with ? fl'iirlsh. "do you want any mnie. von damned simple-ton .'"' Lichtenstein Haltingly i.tur_* bj ld- o-1 Male. The bell signal* that tba boraea aro off. Linton tears down his Mate, and go Bf I v r behind the grand stand, illootly paeea tap ami sowa Mw lung cet-rieior Thc raes ls inn. and up ges-s the shout that the Minority cori I a* non. luutan dashes bae'k to tba rlr.g like a madman, meeting on ihe way an old _*? uualntance. -Tell nie," he stammer., "d'd Kaleidoscope p**t th*- plaeel Quirk I If KaJetdoseopc got the place Barton, rained, the obi fool." Wm n >)..- day I* poded i aelgbbor inqn'rcst "Hello, old rooster, boa *io > t u siami7" '? lil utia-el *f I ktiiivv." (a Ihe quick reply. "Won four U<"'i am! on the first .-ace, lost three thousand ?pii the sec* ii'1. wp ti a couple ein tbe third, lo-t oa ;f" ?uni i h, lo*i on the tiff h tilaiiji-d 'f 1 know how 1 ata*;d. And I dont taja-" BtUTOh for Burton. Ho went to Bahaal last Winter to ixrifes-t Llm-clf In arlthm'tir. Reglnnlng paec lie j* now well-to-do. Borton u a spoi'tsmati, and may ba never go brake The Dwyer*, lt is said, eiperf to win the Traver* Stakes at Saratoga to -morrow with Slr Dixon. Tho ian- (s won!, BBBBS 9AJ0Q&, C_ftJ won lt last year. Slr Dixon, while- not at his lyst, U fa-' coming Into shape again. Ills next en page me nt at MaaaWBtb J'aik ls in the Palls?le stake*, to be run on Saturday, August 4. Tb* BMK?lag that begins at tho Springs to-morrow continue* for thirty days, August .'IO being tho last. A spp-clal train BIS lb? from (his elly has baas airaaasd la order that Kow fotfesra may ma up to soe the rae'es a ml return Ibe same day. B-teur MOB fara will h. ION (bsa BB, .Nearly all the promi? nent v. eatera stable's irs bow at th*- eourse, rhe^ Dwyers have gone thara from Monmouth, and Mr. Il appin will wkiii fallow. Iks raess pmabM to bo tal Bxceptlaaa] Bttcreit. -? SALE OF ERDENHEIM YEARLI.NfJS. The entire jireiduce eif the Erdenhelm stud for 1887, the property of thc late Commodore N. W. Klt**on, will be aold at the American Horne Exchange to-day. OMSBSl IfU'.e will beelu call m. for bid* at ll o'el oe?. B-*ag | yearlings are the get of Alarm, Reform, I-slnseardock and Woodland.*, and the lol I* one of the finest sold this ye-ar. A GOOD HALF TEAR FOR IS SHEAR CR MEN. CONTEMTUATINO A NEW JOT?RTMENT AND THE BEFORM OF A CHOWING AMUSE. InMirance men who have gone on their vacations, or who are Hbout polng, aro serene In their minds ami In the righi coii'llfloif to have a Jolly time af lbs MS Bhare, on the mountain* or In the ronni ry. Most of the tirB.fBB.iri have hail prof I able experiences during thc six month* recently ended, and ofllcers and man agers leave their desks for brief periods of recreation fully satisfied with "assets,"' "surplus" arni "new business." Tn Ive sure there aita exceptional cases of bad luck, but tho verage lot has been a tolerably happy one. In that ilemorallr.ed branch of underwriting, fire insurance, tho " fire fiend" kindly '* let up" a lillie am! many of the companies have had a brief perloel of comparative good forturre-some of them have really had a phei.Vune-nally harpy time of lt. Mill rates ala? in a state of confusion, romm'sslons conform to no standard, and really there I* little cause for conpral-i lat lon In the lire Insurance feld. Thirty eu forty companies) have declared their usual dividends, this ii'.imbet aboal corresponding to tho dividend record of lest July. The particular thing In the local Uro in suraneo business at this moment ls the cfTurt the New York Dnanl of Fire Underwriter* I* making lo .-stab? lish an Inspection bureau. Haivtoforo Isa soB-peaJai have relied on their own inspectors for Information as to the nature of risks, the larrey MrTleB Bf the hoard hiving been llmllrd to thiee or four men. Now lt ls proposed to put a dtsdptln*Bd s*|iiad nf flfte-n or twenty Inspectors, or surveyors, In the llehl wbOSS reports will be pi lilied dally ar.d furnished tn fhe companys. The board ls loohfl ??-' for th'* man to be placed at the hoad Of (his new department and no doubt he will ba teeta*. Probably he ha,* been fo'in'l already, for lao name of the prestdOBl Of one of the older city companies ls frequently named in eoanecthsi with the potltlon. The co-1 of ibis conibltied In-pcrtlim will be ni't bj a pro-raia assessment on Ibe companies. Great ex lactations are entertained COOCerolOg Ih^ aniout of pillia] an efllclemt survey mips can do and a consider able ?toluol?tl In the numliei of flro. ami lbs Borerlty of i oates la tooked for after tba sysrem shall be la working onler. The talk at Hie offices of the life Insurance com? panies ls to the- c-fTect that a lsi.-- volume of new boMnaaa has i.*i*n done between Jaauary and July. Undoubtedly the! roeords epf lu-t year villi be larpc-ly cxe-eedetl thli year. Thc life IBSUI* a-..-' ls still on ami gives bo indication "f fallinp on*. KotwtibstaadlBg ihe growing compel Hon from BBSCSSBMBt companies, ihe "old-Mn?" pl.ii seems to be Meedfly proving In popular? ity, lr ls claimed by ill-<enilnp t?.rou of regular companies thal rhe educational ililli: me exerted by the assessment BOCletlea is worth to iii" old comapnies many millions of new bBSIBMI every year. The peraaaaeal protection which the old com pinl-S give Bppaola to theise who have seen th" bene? fit of Insurance of a temporary kind, and lt la siinidy a piiii-e-s of "graduating" lo COOM over Into ile- "Old 11-.'- i.iiiip. Like their fire insm atic-.- rout -t:ii oraries, the life insurance men have foeuiaad Iholr attention on a ii'f'Hni. Ob .Inly IO. as ropm-icd by Tbs Trlbun ?. a met Lng was held in rbis city attended by Iho repro -tentative! of eoiupanie- whose asseti aggregate nearly e-itiO.000.000. lfje object or this ni snag mis lu (and B way io prevent :he dlsconnlinp of Hist pr. m. lu ins by agents. This piactlce, kOOWn as the "rebate" alitiic. has grOWB l i bothersome proportions and the work of ftge_? is mach iMnbarr?ard bv lt. Whether a practicable method can he found ia reoMdy the evil wu', bc known carly in rhe fall when another conference Will be had. Meantime a cimtnutoe of experienced lif* h ? ince officers wm carefully study the perul anile* ed ?? rebate" for th" purpose of ativis np the ceiinjiinlei what to rio. The miscellaneous Insurance companies?Plate Ghi--, AccldTt, Stearn Kolh-r, F idell ty, eic- hav*- all bad a fortunate six months. Perhaps th" pr*-nilnms in acci? dent insurance afford the narrowest margin for possible profit. Bul ibo accident roruranie* have done Well, and so have all their neighbour In tba mhcel snooui group. -_. A COPRT OFFICER LEASE* A LESBOS. Each of thc Juders of the murts In this elly when elected hal -omi- special r.*_n arba bael leen a si - it ol confidential meKscnger for bim before he waa .lt*ct-d, and rhat man ls always mads an officer of the court These officeTl thin lc they own the courts. An Instance oi ibis _eeurred t-osntty. On*' af these officers walkad info the office of the Superior Coori elerk ami disjiiaye-ti his rads? laying to Ibe old and exp-rtenesi deputy elerk: "Is thero anything hera for Georg.* .'" (meaning any let ifis for Judge Ingrabasa.) Tlie respoetable and ancient derk tooled al him nml Midi " I will look," and In polnp through the let? ters he said: "I Uni a letter here for .lack (meaning chief Justice Sedgwick); l Bad here another for (hailey Ti-uax (meaning Judge Trua_); 1 find hero another for Johnny Freedman (meaning Judge Freed? man); and another for Hoop (meaning Judge 11>..,j..*i c. Van Vbrat), ami another for Dick (meaning Judge Richard O'Gort-f?1." Th*- " fresh" officer retired, and ever since, when he has ajiproachcil the old deputy clerk ami Baked fur let tera, he h.-i< a.!,***l for letters br the judge and not for ?? George ."' FES EH AL OE DES.I AXIS LI SIR IS. The funeral of Iienjamln a areli known builder of Brooklyn, took place yesterday afterno* n athis hame, Bo. 300 Btuyveeaat-ave. a large number of his _*?oooal Mandi sod buolneii aasoclstes sod ac? tina! iitarne. wero piSSSBl,besides nianv rn-*!:ibata of the stiiyve<-ant Avrmue Congregattoaal Church In which Mr. Mfiikln was an a'llve worker. The ti-rveco, w-T-re eondnotod hythe paator of lbs .horeb, tbs Ber. Jose* w. Brooks. He rooke wannly and feelingly of Br. Unlkfn'i Industry. Integrity, humility, ail. .'-t.p- , reverence end carnell ( htisilan life. The lonni "Asleep In Jeaus" 'u- tung. The beds waa |?ken to Boston, near w.vii lr will bc I Mr. I.lnlkln wa* a reader of "The Tribune" for /..11v jt-iiis end WM an unwavering Republican all hi- Ufo. A BSSrVL ROOK FOR LIEU ART HEADERS. The Bew-YerB Llbiary Club has puMlabed a pamphlet for the use ?f lllinirlan* and hulk leaden generally, which gtres s complete Hst of the _00o jearaals iok"n by the i forty-one libraries of New-York and Brooklyn, plvdng Hie place* of pabUcSttaa, the frequency af occurrence, where j the different paHadlCSlI are and whether |_* Ubrarlaa eeo 1 tain full sets of back numbers with current numbers, or j partial nets, or simply current number.*, together with the j date e.f the first appearance of the igBllBS nr paper, under any nam*, alihi'Ugh dliTerliic- from ii* preses! titi". Th*. I pamphlet Ie cdltad lil the Columbia CeHOgS Library, and can be obtained there or at the library of thc Young Min's Christian Association. A RF.SCVE RT TITO BEATS UEBBESQBB POTS. Two piris in danger of drowning were bravely rescued yeeterday oi l-dBe-et,, Breellja. by two mnaatmiei boya Tho girls were Mary E. Ilwyer, nee fourteen, nnd Li/, Robeaoa, ape five, i.etti of (fa .7 FaetSe-at, Wails .arc. leaaly playing on ?i? wharf with ether children they fell inn. tha water. WlB?ai Manning, ape seventeen, ami Thomas Murnini?, n.? fourteen, et No. Bt Amity-it., ivers eleso by, and without any bealtatlau sprain.- arorboard te rei-cue Iho plrls. Tier BUM.L-l In bllO-t-S the? ta ahem afip-r saaaMefoMc BU?_ty. The elder **f the beeya li empleyed as a msaasagei by the Weetera Union T'tlc -raj'h Cempsoy and tho younger one by the Poets] ph Company. VB. TtHTAST SOT IS IMAIBVLATB BABOBB. Dr. W. C. Hr.vant, laMMBBl U Dr. MaodnnSll .lt t'i" Ward's Ifdmrt Insane AaylBBa, I* at pi"-nt Ivmp In St. Luke''* Bospl-H ??-rleaaly Heb with an sttsta nt typhoid Brrer. Aeeerdlrag le the Katameat el Hr. Booth. worth, li"ii*f- physician ai Sc Luke's, th/* di--, been lurking lu l?r. Bryant's system for nearly thn.-o W'-ki, but. male Its app irani" la a preBOUOeed form oidy two or thiee days apo. Dr. S"')-li north dues not think the patient is in any Immediate Banger. Th" story published yesterday to the efleci that Dr. ascribed hi* condltli.n to ihe unsanitary e.ndltlt.n af Ward'* Island Asylum Dr. BeUthwerth declared li to be without a .-billow of fanni?Ilea) 1 TT ELL-KSOtTS RESS ER if OMI. AC A1S. A marvel nf Bsataeaa <t tool steed aa tba Mmhattai Athletic Cluf-hou***- Men* reaterday art'-rni">n. lt wa* tlc- BS Baal*?Ol champion "Lon" Myara Obi has Just returned Hem ? two yoir?' trip ie Au*?ell*, ii : I noi make a fortune theie and I* anxious for a race with any runner In thc world for any amount of maaey, thc distance to Int from 200 yard* to one mlle. It I* hinted that now Myer* I* bick an effort will ba mad- to make loot reclBg In thl* country what ll 1* lu England aud lu Australia. ? ?? ?? ? A REPORT OR HORK POM THE POOR, A ni'-'tlng of members of the tsoelety of Ht. Vincent de Paul wa* held at C'aih'-dtal Hall, ai Bsat gtftleth-at, and Lrxlnp-inavc., last nl_ht, Hi.ii'lgnor Eat I ey p.e-i |. In*. The rejxart for lin: quarter endinp In June el., a. 1 Hist lhere were fifty-one SSafS-Saeea "f tho *or|. tv In the elly, and that r*7.591 had bSSa distributed SasSag th poor. There ar* 1,100 meinlirr* on ihe roll Umber Dougherty, ot Mount Lorette, li. E. mad** an . iii- -* mi tho work of the or.aulialton. -? A RAILROAD PRRMLBRBTSRRWMOBBS, Junes I). t_*pag, pre-eient of in* Cleveland, Olumhu*. 01BS?MB and Indianapolis Railroad ha* Barskassd for *'.if>,CH>0 the larpe new house ii *?*i-i-niy rui'ih ai. and Fifth ave. IBS builrtlnp, which fronts the park, la of orien w-iih outer wall* of brownsione, anil ls four stories high abov* tho ha*?m*nt. Mr. I?yug, who now live* at No. 41 west lhin.yiourt_.B_, alii aocn move Into his now house. A DEFEAT FOR BROOKLYN. ATHLETICS LU?' KKOM THK START. a?0O8M ok TtiF. cn ih iv mr. tso pennant It ACFf?NKW-YDliK HAS A KINK CIUNCI, The Ln.oKlyn and Athletic baseball clubs played an latorestteg contest af Bblgawaad Park yesterday ?flenaioa in the jpivsiiiti- of about aJBOQ ?***-?tots. HM At?BthM look ISS toad al the start. Welch pol ! i BBSS orr balls, steele to second on I'eoples's poor throw iiiid scored on Innis's ba." hil. In the second hu,In: Later and Qloaton hit safely, then Terry gave Mt-tllmoii* an*l *** val4 BBSSS BB balls, forclny In Bauer, and (ilcii nu BOOrod a BMNB8BI latat on a wild plfch. BoM-bOB rOOred the Win?Og run for the Athletics In toa -evenih Inning on a long hil ?o conda- Whtab Caratberi Btfsjadged. Brooklya scrn-cti in the third Intilnp, IVojil*-- pet!Inp |a llr-t on Robinson's miss of bl* third strike M.- look lesoad on a pass.-ti I,,11. and IC?led on o'l'.rlen'* blt tn centre. In the fourth Innlnp Smith pot his base on balls and si'ored on Terry's hro-bagScr, Terry MartBf on McClellan's out and Burdoek'l hit. They were unable to ecnre In tho remaining five Innings. Ihe score was: Welch, e. f *-i.'rr. 1 f.... Lona, il li.. Larkin. 1 I, Hailer, '1 li . (?bason, aa. lioliiaauii. c. eward. | 4 0 r> 1 cii n a o L l Atliletie^ lr. pl jOO| a IA ll -Irn.ifrlvn. j r.|lfcjp*| ?j # Si-Ol Bl Bl ci Plnkney. 3b.! 0 lil ail 2j l 0, I) ll! o o O'.irina. If....I O' il 0! ll 1 0 l 3 ci o c'?r*ther*. p..! Ol 0, 31 (? 0 0 ll io I) ie Knut/., lb..I 0 ll fa| 0. Il 1 ll 4 li B-lth.**.| If | ?_' li I M T'-rrr. t>.? ll 1 1 ii || .; :-. M*0*ll*B, rt. 0 *' o ] a :i o Bord***, 1 h. B| 1 Mat?were, rf 0 p i o o Pi-slss, s_..i I l Totals.l~-!~<i _7 ll!**!l 1 -'7 ll 1 Athletic .... 1200001 v < I rn .... 0 o i s 0 a S S 0-4 Barned inna tihlilli 2; nr**e.kiyn. 2. L*ft eu bea > ?Athletic, .'.I Bf?-klyo, n. i :r-t bam aa onere?Ath? letic, -'; Brooklyn, a Pira! baas on bella?Wdeb, i. Britt? re, Lyona, Carathera Boots, BmlU. Btrueh oul Mittlmere, Bettord, Ito?aawq l. Burdock. s:..let, bears Welch I, Gleaaen 1. 0*Brtaa L smith 1, People* l. ii' i\ pl?ber larbta. Beast raas?Ito_ ? i - . l. Tc. bal '. T-irv. Is.ubi" p||yi Bi ?ek, snuih. \v;i,i pltehee?Terry l. Passed bail* -Rollinsaa t. Peoplo* i. UanNro-Mr. MeQaada Time -1 :15. _ ?? ' CAMI'S IB THE WEST. Otaelaaatl July __.?Cincinnati won ?-day*i pam" from I city rather toMiy, awing to the mlaerable -nv part | rea Bulllraa by the Kasai Olly loam dunne the ! firs: ft,ur Inninps. X? lt?adaBCS wa- B.-00. The *. .,re mis ai r .':.,u.s i Cln iniif: ... . 021 1 oooo o-m Kania*. City ...OOOOO-OSO? 1 Baeehl! | Kanaa* City, 7. Biron ' ty, S IV.-.i- .s -smith and Sullivan. Cmplre %! r. Ferguson. UmlBTille, liv.. Joly 22.?Thers wa* n bl? crowd i" ree the bill rame to-day, and lt aaa sae?tag to u?> eighth ni'|. Loni-ii'!- ali-ad. In chat Inning Wplf and si'ip't.iti came In eelllalen running fara hot nv from Rob Lot -i sabled ta muk" Hoe., tuns. Gold?nilli--. umpiring waa sharply erIUeleed bj both ?doa i , ... ?*?? foUeu?: I?BlKTltle. I 1 Od 1 ooo 0-3 St Loni.. 0 1 <) 0 0 1 0 ? X-:. i...iiisvii:o ii. st. iritis r. Brien -X_rulerflle 4. Bt I.'.'iis ;.. l-ii' FwtWg anl Hudson. Umpire -Mr. Ooldamlth. cii-ip'iand, Obie, .Inly __.?To-day** mme, the flr*t local Sunday championship '-'am.', mis ployed si Ooaaga Lake, a Bums limul twenty sales ---utii. anil m< ult ?,-?-_? i by about S,0C0 peepla Th* Clo?"landa won through Smith'* wiidn-s* and l>v hittinp tho ball at the right time. Tbs Beere aaa as f.-iiows: Cleveland. 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-0 Ballimore. 2 0 ci 0 o 0 o 0 0?_ Boaehlta?cleveland -i. itiiiiimore rt. Error*-c lore land ... Bait?nora ?_. litebera?Bakeley and Smith. Ota. otto?Mr. Deeaehe r. The baseball season at the Polo Crnnnd? will be re? opened to-day by a pattie between fhe (few-York and Huston (Iii!.-. The borne dub has been playing In ?plc i.dal form of late, Bad If lt can keep up IBS pn-.-t-iii pood work ii* chancel for the League peasant an* decidedly BaM-ring. M.innper Matrle isyi ll it the- men will keep ip ih.- preeoni style ol pluyli p ami the player* are equally as loiigulna Tlie _lne ls still third in ibe race, bul i* onlj thrte rlcioilei ami twa defcota behind Chicago. Iho leader. Aa rhe Be_torn t! .: . c n: E'-: ih.- w,?',:. Ihe New-Yoik nine'i cbancei of being In rle bad wiri.In two weeks BTC excellent. Chicago leads al preseal with fortj four victories and twenty Ave defeats. Detroit comes nerti with mi" b ss victory bul '!;?? satin- number of defeat*. Tin* i isi a and I'nllad Ipbla clubi are cloie together for fourth place. Tl o Pltliburg dub, ilnce the Infusion of now players, hus abm been doing excel)?ni wort ami may yoi trouble the leaden. The record tn date ls as follow!: C.u^t. _?! 3, fi 2j gj |i Sj g ?* . ?? al ? " _ 7 \\f\} : I ill dla 1(0.' ?? ?"' Detroit. 0 Kew.York..... I Ph il sd* I phi*. I - Boston . ?"> 4 r ? itt. * ?? E. hanapoita. o :i li i 11 I .. 4 4 '.' 0 .1 :i 3 4 ci 7 I 4 4 .*. ci. ;> i 7 ... 4 A A ti .'. 41 Ci!* - Li 's 7 ll els 4 .it Iii H HG Tl 4 ..a lat I 2.. .is Gaines Ip** .. " i j.'. .'.'. n 3:i ?;. .1- ta i". A lal !?? .bowing how Ito- first two series between the Weetern ami Eastern clubs tcnnlnotod ls as fol? lows : I SI |||, 5 -; : ' / to I : * _ ii jj' a - "I _ ' New Vork ?t .? :. n 2:i trnles<?. i-a.-i. a.i .1 ; ? 7 --ii petro Phil i - Ipbla . 4 ?.: -.< 4 l? i- ttaiMirir ... Waahlagtaa a ?.? s Jj 13 loltaaaps?a, Oameel-af? Ifl ii - ? -amaaleot IB ti a 7 i,at . il 8' M Jil ?-' 7 ll I.l 3 4 :i :i m is 'jo in the American Association ?!-?> the raes for the pemianl ls an exedtltip r.iif. Ihe Brooklyn and st. I?tall clubs ata> m clip-i- together f**r Ike lead that a victory tor ona sod a dafeal for the other would change their position-. Th-* record ls as follows: Clubl. 'I _ 2 > ri S = III? si. -i _. *? li _ i S 3 I ? _ I Bt Ixiuls.I .. 1 llriMiklvn.I 71 .. i incini' 7 -' Atnl*iic . *. S haKinora.I 1 7 lyipinsville.1 ll a Clorelan.l. 1, 4 City.I 2 4 Qnine* lost._ 4 ii ii ilia Iii is 7 *. 1*> I I o 4 11 7 'J 4 a .. lo I H 4 I'll 4 . .'. 7, 5,3aI 5 31 ..| 4 :* .1 _ 6: 4, .. 4 '-'I ll 31 4, 4 . Ul .'-'.; 2i 27 JU 3S 45 i, 471 ..I 'iii-- rci-niti of the series between tbe Easters . Weston clubs are appended: liroppkirn.| 7 il li 4 Athlatt*. -'? ll tl 4 Balun?r? ..ia | .' CICTcl.nd. 11.1 Qaieealiet..Ililli iain '-' l -st. ll,l||?. li cnn innatl_ 11 i.o nunile. i" Kanaa* (ny., I li 4> Sc .' lei 'lani'-* l*>-? | Dill Lv ll'. Jo Thc league pamei for the week aro av, follows: 'I.. I*-. "... v..-k iv Beeton, st i'"i" Grounds Mew. Torii ; Philadelphia i *. Washington, at Phllalelphla; Ind,anal".I", t- Chicago, at, 1 ii i,aii,a|n,iis; Uettell is. J'lK-'a W, ll ii'Vo ll. Tu.-lu New Vt.rk vs. Ttoston. at Pole Ground*. Hew VorK ; l-l;:! idell Ina v*. Washiii'."cii. Bl Philadelphia De? ll-lt I*. IMltaburg. at Detroit; India-apolls v*. e h;. .ir., ai Indiana pol I* Wi?nesta) New-Tork va. R.apton. at Polo r; rn'iiids, New-Tork ; Detroit i* pltuhur*, at. Detroit; Indianapolis vs Chlcs.o, at Indianapolis; Philadelphia i-. Washinc ton. at Philadelphia. Thursday?New. York TB, Phlla |c I phil at P*p|? Ground* Ne* V..ik; ii.-i.a, i- Washlncton, ut iir.-t,,n; ii.hp.ii is. iiiip.ip.i, ni Detroit; Pltutrurf v*. Indianapolis at l-l11 ?1 .ii: _. Prlday New-Tork v*. Philadelphia, it Pole Ci.d*. .New V,.ik ; it,si,a, vs. W;.-'ii'.;-i ai, ul Bi?ton; D*tl-ll ra, chi*?go, ai Detroit; Piueburg v*. Indiana pella ac Plttaliil'P. Haturday?Mew-To*?i ta Phiind-iiihi*. at Palo c;r,,tinds N*e? Booton i* Philadelphia, at Boston; Ca. i n v- I."it, at Chicago PitUburg v*. lnd!ana|i,,!i- al l'.n-l-urp. The schedule of the- Association for the w.-ek ls ae follows: J. du CUrellBd v*. Rainmore, at Cleveland. 'in.-i.iv Brooklyn i* Albletle, it B/aMilngton Park, Brooklyn; Cincinnati i*. Kati-a- ?"ny, ai Clnetooatl; .- Bl i. ali *i (^eulaville. v. : ? iai No gamea ar-' sea*. Thur?tay- Rr?)<lyi , vs _pt.,i, t pr. at Washina Park. Brooklyn; Clareland v?. Louisville, at Cleveland' Aciilcn, v? lim inn.iil, at Phils leiphla ; Baltimore vs' St. Louis, al llaltimore. Erldai Brooklyn i* Kansn* Cliy, at Wn.hlnpton Park, Brooklyn; ' lew-land va l/iul*vllle. ai Cleveland ; Athletic ia. i m. lm,ail, al Phllalelphla ; llaltlm-.r.- \* st I?.la ll Betti suiutiii Breeklya v. K.ns.aa cuv, at Wa*iiin*ton Park. Brooklyn; llalllmor* v? Bl L'.iils, ,,i llaltimore Cincinnati v* Athletic, al Philadelphia; Cleveland v* Ixulsvill'-. Bl ( I- l<dun 1 THE OOSRERSTORS <>F sr. cha rles BBRSOMSVi The cnnier-stone <,f itu- -harsh of fct_ Chaile* rtorromc*., it nt,.- hundred-slid futty-fusi *t and Sen-ntli ai" , <s ,, laid yesterday afternoon In the prewnee nf a larne confrre ? allon hy Mishap John J. Conroy of Curium, a**l*u*d hy a large number of clergymen. Many priests abs did not cd-C-t- lu the cereuionlea wira __Bj _m. Tue place where the altar of th" new church will bo built wu m*rke1 by a wooden cross, rlo-e tn which wu a tempo, rsry platform, carpeted, to whleh those taking part In the eervlro* were aligned. Slaty toys who r"ii.|>' -e the band of the Unman Catho!!- Protectory, were them too with their music The rector, tho Rev. Charlo* M. fi'KcclTe, wa* presenfcsl some time ago with a silver Ivory handled trowel, which was uaed by the bishop yes Prdsy. 'Iho Rev. James J. Ilo.gheity, r*etor of tue Mission of the immaculate. Virgin, pr-ache 1 the nermon. Th* new church will b** finished In ()* Inlier. Its dimen? sion* will he 76 try 100 feet, tho around M mprlsln-r .1 ;? teen lot* In Seventh-ave., between Quo-hundrcd-ind-fortl eth ind One-hundrod-and forty-flm vt*., which oost $102. 000. i ? A FAIR AND HAPPY RETREAT. COSEY COTTAGES CROWDED WITH GIKIA a ruACr wntiRFi thuse wno most nekd kkst CAN FIND IT--SISTKR CLAIIK AND UKI. WO.IK. f)n a hot, dusty, Bummer's day lt would be bani lo find a pleasanter walk than along Palisade ave, In Bog?'WOOS, from th" railroad station up over the " mo'intaltr to the river. Th** avenue ls sheltered by trees, and tho natural and artificial beauly of ibo scenery ls a rest to on- who has Just come from a crowded city. Tho further along one goes after reaching thn summit of the " mountain" rhe scarcer homme the, ind lt ls rather surprising to see, after having passed what would appear to bo the last house on th" skirts of the town, two cotfages peeping through the trees on the left, a mlle and a half from the railroad elation. 'Ihe cottages aro shaded with trees and set back (-om.- distance from fhe avenue, fvlng a little road thal P-ads efl the avenue. Wh* n th** reporter pa-*'il Bp lbs road to the cottages he wa* surprised lo Ree their stimps swarming willi girls, big and lltfir*, while others were swinging In hammocks near by. There were too many for one man to count, jr was tho '? C-BTBtoaOBBl Home,-' or a summer hume for working gai . women and children, nialntnliied by the Onler of Ihe Biston of Peace, List summer 1,2-0 women, pjrls anel chllelron sjient their hard-earned vacations Bl ibis home ami went away With new strength and courage, Tbs firsf cottage tai Kog_h tai Myla -.nd American In hospitality. That ls lei say, every ne.p.k and cor? ner is ti-i-d In acceinitiiotlatlng all lbs girls and Who can be paekod Into iii.) bnlltllng. Il ls ;i I airy cotfa-e, and a home Uki- look pervades fhe [lace. The nfltlng room I* llifcil up nilli taatO, ami IkOtO ls a jilano. Upstafrc an' cosey beilrooins lill"*! willi little lids. Cots have to |,e nel'led when them ls a rush, as wa* Ihe case wh.^n tho number nf hoanlors ian up to about !.'.0. .\ei-o.s 'he Iowa ami Joined Io rhe f!i*st milner**, by a covcia-d walk ls the coftage w h< i" ihe Stoters slay. This I* sn Us lu style. Tho boarders lake their meals boro, ami some of theta laic rooms in ike cottage with ihe Stoters ihe Mellier Superior, or the Mother Oeneral, a* she is railed, Baiter Clare, the weD-koowa Nun of Kenmare, lives In a third eottBfO, wllh athel boarders ami Sta? tors, rear by In the avenii". Thia will be tin* aeeood year of the Home, anel the pn>l ll ls doing ran si an ely he OteiOQthnatOd. The majority eif pl il- who caine bera last year were sick. Tl.*? girls ret for two or three weeks, perhaps for a month. They breathe the purest air, eat whole BOBM food aii'l enjoy themselves every minute of their lime. A small charge ls mado for hoard, but BO ono ll ever mined .way. If a *irl cannot pay ber board dur.'-ig tbe summer, the Sisters t-11 her to jiay when ?he can. Expense's WON nut made lasr year, but the work wont richi on, and nett month work will ho begun on a new building on th* water fronr, which will aceommejilate cvn more boarders. This practical Institution ls carried on by seven or elpbr sisters. Sl-tir Clare eSsBB to rbis country from I i-f i ni'l. where she had established several similar bosses three years apo. The majority of girls who rome to flin Home are shop girls. They conic from the largo establishments in Now-Vork, and the esti? mation In which the wink ol the Home |. hoM by employers c-oi be asea in the faeI ihai Macy, simp? son. Crawford A Btmpsoo, Ehrteh Brother*, Allman, 1 hlley ami Dean all contributed io th* furnishing of tbe cotiapis. "Ho-.v ela the girls pass their time ?" Baked tho re? porter of one of Ihe hlsteis. "They simply real al enjoy ?emselvss,*1 wns the reply. ??.Many of the gnu who wen- !,-re ia*t were consumptive. Ikey boom from May until SeptoaMrer, and stay two weeba, a mooth or a summer. If vi-- can raise enough moaoy we cuni to'make our new building a permanent borne. That viii cost about ?.0,000.'' 'Hie reporter watehed lome of rhe girls at supper, earing with returning appetites' then ho looked at nu the lawn. Many of thom seemed tired; they had lust com*' from the shojis. Others were ?winging dreamily in hammocks, while sunn- were starting :or a stroll io ibe river. Music fruin, a plano in tii** lim.- sitting loom added to tbe enjoyment i-f tim occasion, and lt i**omed as though the cottage whs rightly named "Paradise." Tke Homo M boo s * t arlan. WOOL-OROWISO IN AUhlttALIA THE EFFECT OF KI'.Mi >V_J_ THE TAl.IFF. VIEWS of a man wno oVertS a million siieep i in: INDl'STBT HERB MUST BB PROTECTED. Just how tlie wool-pr,.wing Interests of thn United Bl Bea ivi'uid ie* affected hy the rojieai of th<* loria on wool could scarcely bo mon- dearly lllustmted th? by the tacts and flptires gleaned by n ?TH DUI?" r-potter 111 a eeavsrastloa alth .samuel MeCaag-ey, or Melboona, th. BWOei "f a inllllun sheep, ai. I SW M tbs Stott influential aad latelUgsal wool-producer* to Asstralto. Mr. MeCaughey had sa ageni busy here all winter purehaatBg thc finest apeet?ena Ol the American merino;, I,, I,., found in Vina ait, New-Tork and Michigan. La-t. lear h.- I...0.lil *i\tr Bl (he various Mir*, ea.di al which hal nikPii | jirl/e. and lil* j.r. sent ah Ipinenl cmi-l-ls of uinety-twe non an l jin awoa for aaeb of irhleh ha ha* paid about *100. BeOM of those seat las- yeoi came a* h *h :n t-.*-'*). Bl has hea-n ?t th" ?Itt r llouse for a few day* atilt?log (pi tba shipment, and th" sheep were stilt la I.,udna hy thl BtSaSK1 Richmond Hill. ThS A inc i lian merino* were Introdoeed Into Australia by |tf*. 0. Markham, of Avon, N. Y., In b*>0. Mr. Mark hum was at ihat lim-* SSI I UBI J of tho National Wool. Brewara' Aaseetatloo, and convinced bm* Auitrallaa aheep men who nen- rieltlng thi* country that tho tieeces of their sheep could be lnctea?ed in weight by iroaalBg willi tho American brer 1. Til-- experiment proved emi? nently successful, the first cross etToctlnp a net toeteOOt of one pound of wool to each shcej), and ultimately raisin;; the averape from six ftp nin* teen peBBdl The resnl: ls lliat lim rich dealer* who can afford the expense aro pro * urlng a* much of the American stock as possible, lt ls a costly luxury, but. ls Immensity jinilltiilile In tho end. As tim Ansi milan) colonies are now entirely free from rot and other sheep ?|BI1B*M. there ls ii stringent law requiring Ihat all si-a-k Intended for Importation *hall be quarantined at I/Mid .ti for at le-ftsi a tortalghl aodar tho eye nf tin- igoot geoerB-. If pronounced " clean" at the end of this time a peru-l for shipment ls granted, lad thl animals are again quarvntlci'.1 f..r three monihs on their arrival in tho Colony. Aller gi /Inp ihev .nd mti'iy mo-* Inter-s'lns points ccn.ernlng the dlfllciilty and export** of pr-curlnc the American sheep, Mr. MeCsugbey said: "Te*, there ls no don1' ttiat v.e e;u, proaae*] sheep and wool mini) eheaper in Auatralla than yea caa here. We do not ihepherd eur flo,.ks. We hillas., th- c.,uti-ry In pad.larks t.-n miles '-iiiare witit seren-wit? fence.. Th.* laoilnmm ooot |c atiiniei of raisins .. Bbsep on freehold land, of -blob our firm has 800,000 acres In one locality, ls tirty-r<>ur cent* for feeil, and fifty c nts fur BBBBBgeuM? and shearing. Hut 'In- ordinary price for common sheep (hat run on lands lesa l at a Beantnal sum from u_ OoverouMut i* only fonr cents and a half per head. These lea*.** ar.* for a mail mum loriad .pf eight.-en year*, and when, at the expiration of tho tenn, the leases ar,* re-old hy auction or other w!?c, tl,e incoming tenant I* required by law to pay his |,rele,-es?,,r f?r his 110100, building*, wella, and oiher Im? prove*. " Tho average wool product of the common sheep ls ? bout six peUOda pot head, wini h enaldo* u* to net seventy. Bight lents on each I!.I at. LendOO, or H>?80.0**0 for Iho wool of l.ocio.oi,,-) .j,,,.,,. jf ,h? Ai.t. ri. .-u, tariff ls tiikp-n off, our wool will bl north live cents more per pound at once, and AmMcan wipo! will fall five rent*. Our chl-*f sour.-'* of preflt ls In the sal" of Kiirplus stock for Which thara !* always a paed market." "Could the shecp-giowlng Industry of Aii.tralU ba much extend.-d V " ladsBaltely, With very slight encounpement lt would bo rapidly Increased. The region* ma up!.-1 f,>r Bbeeg hiatlon* win pol be required for MtttSSBBBt f.,r ci long porto- a few years sso wo ,1:"''* '-ulan) *,,.?? fr,,m (South Australia l" Qaaasalaaa, ? distance of mlle*, anTThey wi-re at.le io Mba*- Itoag tba latin I,,.,* amounting t* next lo nothing The Inl-ti, udip (rad* ran h.- nude ?"'" *-.I> BBtleOI when labor can lie placated I" die md!* md make excavation* to Mers ag Hie rain waler." Mr. Markham wa* present during the interview, and mad* th* tallowing continent Up.,n che BtaMaMOl sf Mr Ms-deugaei '? If the UrIfT la un,.,, o(T W(((l| lh? |o. ?,? n*. rt'.-iht ba kept Sawn by An-trallan and ether foreign prt-ncer* Jun long en,mph to kill tho vi.h.I .rowing in 1 p. iry of the United Mate,. l,?, ? t?-, ,h., i.n,p,?,.v |, ??,.? d.-ad where aha! ?.I The r..r.-ip?,.r win ikea har* Hill control of the market, and c?n churgn t-v.-n a hlk'h.-r price for hi* wool than tup now pay lo our own producers."* --? THK Oil DUTa TO lip. SXAMJRRD TO-DAY. lue d-li.r. M_ ii'i.iniiar, employed br thu Second Avenue Car Company, who aron. eTer BtSB cinlry, nf HO UN East Fifty.eighth st., on Raturdsy, rru*hlng her scull and kilting her Instantly, wa* arraigned baf?r* Jus? tice White, In Ihe Votkvlllo Court, yesterday.- Ile nald the affair was an accident which lt waa liupus-tle to avoid. Ho waa remand?, umll to day. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. BA?fl?IO?DI /-das Albert Haight. of the New-Tori Supremo Court. BREVOORT-Cotonel J. J. Copplnger, U. 8. Army. CL A REN DON-Rear- Admtril John il. Upshur, U. 8. Navy. FIFTH AVENUE-F.x Governor Ru.seii A. Alger, of Michigan; John R. McLean, of Clae_asl*, ind f-eagreesmsa R w. Dunham, of Chieigo. STU RTE VANT-Governor B. T. Rigg*, of Delaware. a* WHAT ES GOING ON TO DAT. Opening of tho Down Town Republican Oub room*. No. 1S0 N.T. -.Tl ?t. Hoard of Aldermen, special meeting. Baseball, New-V'ork again*! Huston, Polo Ground*. 4 p. m. Inquest In ease of Mrs. Levy. Coroner's office. Riiiev-.lent Soc etr I? America picnic, Washington Tirk. afternoon and evening. Picnic of Chinese Colonv, Bav CHIT Park. Staten I*1?nd. Meeting nf Officer* of 7l*t Regiment, armory, evening. Hearing In Stewart will case before Referee Paige. Arraignment of lirooklyn Ha*oba!l Club player*. _ _?? NEW-VORK CITT. The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good "shepherd gave a dinner to all of the Inmate* yes? terday In the convent, at the foot, of East Nlntleth st., lt being tha feast of st. Mary Magdalen. Archbishop Corrigan ha* assigned tb* Rc. William F. Gulnan, recently orelalned af tho American Collogo In Rome, to St. Mary's Church In Grand-st. Father A. F. Tanner has rahed fl.1,000 toward the building of a new church, at No. 527 East Seven? teenth st. Tho Fnlton-sr. dally noon prayer meetings aro continued with an Increase rather than a falling off In attention and number of attendants. Clrcii* peoplo say that the offspring of trained animals aro far more capable of learning tricks than any oilier, and frequently more so than their parents. Tho cool weather of July ha* caused tho lawn tennis courts In Central I'ark to bo unusually well patrOBlaed for UbiI time of the year. Tho Centennial ce|ei,ration In memory of the entry of New Vork State Infei the Union will take pla.-o ot Poughkeepsie on Thursday, July i<l. There will be a parade- In the afternoon and a display of fire? works from tho new bridge across the Hudson. 212 , feet above the river. Excursion rickets will lie sold j from all stations lielween New York and Troy by both tho New-Vork .entral and the Wost bhoro Railroads. 'Ihe Janitor who lives on the top story of a down? town -flce-builtling, enjoys life moro In thesO hot nights than many a man with treble his Income. Cameos have gone so entirely out of fashion that, the moist llnely-cut examples now go begging at one tenth the prices at which they were eagerly sought a few year* apo. The Rsv. Jame* W. BaMMU, of Mansfield, Ohio, ?applied the pulpit of tho Pilgrim Congregational Church yesterday, preaching In the morning on "Tho Cbrlstlsa Endeavor Moveaaear," and in the evening dative*?Og the first of three leatarn on " Honorable Women In Ihe Illble,** his subject being ??Ruth." The Siitulay moi-nlng train on the New-Vork Central road leaves the Groud Central Station at 9 :">0, Instead of 11:30, as heretofore. A number of peoplo wero left, on account of iho change, yesterday. Ceorge IT. Tannler, tho French Socialist who chal? lenged Justus n. Schwab, tho Anarchist, to fight a duel, hail reoolved no furlhe-r reidy yesterday freim Justus. Il ls not probable that a, duel will take place. Justus ls understood to have spent yesterday In commit ring the Penal (ode to memory Tbe funeral of Mrs. John Taylor Johnrton, wife of the former president of tho Ncaw-Jersey Central Rail? road, whei died rod-OBl) on Friday at Uar Harbor, will fake place teemoncw at Grace Church. Mrs. Johns ion's body, accompanied by friends, aiTlved at her homo, No. 8 Fifth-ave., last nlght. BROOKLTrT. A hotel situated opposire rhe Willina- entrance to Proapeel Park, has tho sign "Sheds de Hotel," on Its barn. Has this anything to do with catching the French vote ' In De Katb-ave., not far from Grand ave., are a number of tall upon trees, each one of which has a dude Ilk" collar of cotton batting. The cotton ls sup? posed to proven! caterpillar fre)in piing up tko tree. Josephine Jost, age twelve, v.i>o waa reported la-t week as missing from lier home In Manhatfanai c. sine*- July g, bas been found to b. with friends in .Mer? iden, (omi. A light In the church of tho Assumption, at Vork aud Jay sis., yi'Sterday morning, a'tracted the atten? tion of the police, and they roused up Vicar -General j Keegan, who lives next door, and he opened tko doors. After a lon:: search. Nell Ward, age twenty-three, of No. .".-1 1 ?_ Bridge-It, was found under a pow, with a piece of candle and a soldering Iron. Ho hail opened a poor-bOZ, but gol nothing. .Iatncs Logan WSS arrested yesterday morning on a charge of highway robbery, preferred by Charles B Blab, of No. no Baekett-st He followed Walsh from a Hamilton Ferry boar, ami near Backstt-at ami florry place, knocked him down ami robbed him of his scarf jilli, worth SIS. James McKnlghr. age thirty four, of Ivy-st. and Cy? pres av.*., foll from a Rockaway train yesterday, while lt was crossing the trestle at Wemdhaven, and was seriously Injured. Ile was removed to St. Mary's Hospital. -? NEtTS FROM THE SCBUERk NEW-JERSEV. Charles Richter, ape fourteen, of No. 10(1 Adams st., Hoboken, waa attached with smallpox thirteen i!n\s apo. anel nntlep was sent to the county author? ities a foo days later. The smallpox ambulance from tko hospital at Snake Hill was scivt tn the house yesterday afternoon to remove the patient, but his moth*r objected to his removal because he was out of dang'*r and nearly convalescent. I?r. Herzog WM called tn and advised the boy's removal, and ho was talion av ay tlevrdto the mother's protest. Charles A. Wallen, a milkman living at Livingston, drove rapidly around a str*s-t coiner near his homo >*? ?tday morning whllo serving his ronlo and was I In-own from the wa.on, strlkln. on tho curb on his bead. He was picked up unconscious, and his In? juries ar* believed to bo fatal. JKRSKY CITT. Catherine Hines, ape thirty-five, an ajttondant In tho lunatic a.ylum at r-nako Hill, while returning to the asiluni after a visit to her home at a late hour _atmalay night, stepped from a Delaware, Lack? awanna and Western Railroad train at the Snake* Hill crossing and was struck by a tialn gtlng tn the opposite direction. .ho tO-Otvod Injuries from which she died at 3 a. m. yesterday. i *>? NEWARK. Gregor LoefTer, of No. 85 Hamburg place, wa* ar? rested on Bat?day Bight charged With embezzling tho funds of a secret society balgo of which BS wa. treasurer. He was locked BP at Police Heail'iiiiii'tot*-. iind peate*?tog was held to await the action of the upper Court. LaeffOf had tefl flu* city, bul had Veatored back to visit a friend and was captured. .lames li. lSradley, au agent of the Metropolitan In? surance Company, was also arrested last night oa Complain! of Allen Bassett, State superintendi-nt of the company, who charges him willi embezzling ..j.-,.. bradley lived at IJ-12 Soillh Tenth lt., where ho has two Children Iring a* the point of death. Ho wa* aeverthetooi locked up. Mae?. Work-Baa William E. McDermott has re? signed his oiiie'D in Dlstriim ."ii. Knight* of Labor, to which in* was Bleated a f--w months ago. He has been succeeded by Worthy Master Foreman Burta baalL LONG ISLAND. P.lshop I.oughlln, of Brooklyn, yesterday ded? icate.) tin* neuly eroded Loman i "othoUc Church In Patcluagiie. The seimon was preached by th" Kev. J. Kiely, of the Church of the Transfiguration! Brooklyn. STATEN ISLAND. Cantala William Stall, <>f the canalhoat Eastern star, owned by the chi". Cool Company, of Booton, was yeetenUy norning fnnnd dead in the cabin The beal |i ani-hi'f.l off Robbim i.v.-f. Captain 1'iaii I* luppoead to have did ,,f heart disease. ABOTBBB police OBTEAQS iv 9MBBBT city. AB-tkai Jersey (itv policeman has boen imyeaded for outrageous c.induel. According to a Complaint sworn lo by Thomas Holmes, of No. lTR Sl\th st. Follc-miiti Hogan, of the Second Precinct, was stag*,-!-. I BAKING LPOWDER Absolutely Pure. TU* powder n?ver is. ic A marv tl of purity. ?trengU ?nd whole?.men**! Mor* ecoiiimlosl lian th* ordinary Hud*, and cm,no' be sold In eomputltlon with tb* wuliltud* er low io*:, ahurt weight slum ur uliusplii-.e powdar*, bold only In eau*. RuV-E Uaai_*;_ VoWl)__ I?*., i_l Wc? bl., N. T. In_ about the iti-eets drunk between 12 and t n?_ Saturday morning, flourishing a loaded revolfa^** threatening to shoot Inoffensive cltliens. Holm*. _ seen and Martin Zlnner, of No. 4S*) Grove-it., ?erI turning from a meeflii. and saw the policeman In 8ixt_ it. Two colored men were walking along In f when Hogan, who was not In uniform, called to ta?! to stop. Hogan flourished his revolver, and rene_5 his order to stop, at the same time announcing ?_ ho was a rollceman. Tho men stopped and the ot>__ man bogan to berate them for not complying wits \ first order. Tho scene occurred In front of B ?aksel's house, ami as he approached, he asked t_ colored men what the trouble was. The polleeB resent"*! IP.lm* s's Interference and became ahu.i Whoa Hollins told him he was drunk, w A f*;w more words passed when Hogan seized Holm*. and dragged him toward tho Grove Street prdjc* aj tion. Mr. /.Inner protested, hut fhn polio-man nntt*ii* silenced him Dy thrusting the muzzle of his revolver 2 his face and threatening to shoot him. At the ?i tlon (Sergeant ( orrin saw that wa* dr-mk and ? fuse,! ti, entertain his complaint aganl-.t Holme* h_ permitted tho policeman to go Instead of locking __ * ea. Holme* and Zlnner have both made a BS?sB i against Hogan. I?a B -? titf pnoDrcriov ttr coal last tea*. From Charles A. Ashburner's Report on Coal Sfvutle* The total production and the spot value In __a 6tafe and Teriliory, exclusive of colliery eonsurai*__ aro shown in the following table: ~^ Matti and Territories Pennsylvsnia ,i Marat il* Hltnmnioii*. Ohio . Iillciols. vi e-t Virginia Iowa. Maryland.j lsdi ina. Mission!. k'enlncky. Aisha'o*. Tenn*****. c eli * ipIo_. ii ni-1-. Wyt,a,mg Territory... Virrint*. . W.isii.iigton I*rrltory. Indian Territory. New Mexico Territory eieorgia. Utia Territory. A i ii,...a. Texas. M?il -ar. . (aliform*. dre I>ak"l? Territory Von tana Territory .-le island nebraska Idaho Total.I 1IS.S?..IS IIT-.S-XIH iucroaseover 18-17.i D't.iHA.oAO' ae.lis.2i1 Quantity. 8h?rt Tons. 19,806.3-11 lO.HSI il 10.Sol.7i)*, l'l,'.7-a.?s'-0 4.S-S.W0 4 ?;.i.*.x il. '7S.U..I 3.-17.711 3.-O'.,?!?l l.-BSlsi; l.'.mo.oool 1.1)00 ooo' 1 79: Tl*. 1.SBS.B7B 1.1 S25.KS3I 772.01 ?l 1.?.-.. 1: bob.o-mI 31.1.7).V 1*40.031 ] Jl'.IMII)! 7?.eMlO| 71.4611 &".0o0l 11,6 WI *.'l ITO, 10.202 0,0001 1,1001 soo ?--:.* a* Bl*** raj - ...... m Doesn't Uki* fo be Pored.?She tat a garden party) ?Isn't thai young Profcs or Ilralnfog coming t_a wai. Mr. I)*- Sappy ' He?Va'as. Miss Maude. Shall I present hlml ? li*-- Oh, dear, sol I think young men wit*. bralDB. Mr. I>c Sappy, are such a bore.?(The Kpoch. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATUH.-l AL_ANA_ TO-DAT. -ni r'.ae* 4 111 Set*. MB I Moon :"??) 7.19 I Stooa'* agi lt Minn vv.vrn? A. yt? S*ncly Koot, 7 -*<> i cl ir tot* ? Ot I Hell lat*. I jj P._r--andr II*o_ 7?1 I H..T. Ut*, 8 12 I HeU (isl*, lu*). INCOMING STEAMERS, TO-DAT. Vtttel. Fro-%. TAO*, spain.Liverpool..Jnly 13.H*?oat Circasala.;.Glasgow.Julv ll.....Au?? linden.Hamburg.July 13... Bamb-Ano All-in.Port Li mon_Julr 14.Altai City of Colombia..Hivana.Inly 13.Wart S-BBB?T, jL_r 24. Nevada.Liverpool.July 14.Ott? Kibe.firemen.Jnly 14.N O Uart Chateau Margaux..Borilearix.Julv ll.Bore*t_ C'olorauo..Aspinwall.Jnly 1 *)....I'aO-l* Bat WKDXBSDAr. JIT.T 25 City of Alexandria.....Hann., _c....JaIy 21..........W*r.i OUTGOING- STEAMER*. li Ks: j at, JCI.T 24. "*!'.. dos*. p m am am 5 Mat 3 pi Veiltl. Ti in*. For Wisconsin. Ouloa, Li v*rooo!. ... Panama, -pan Trans, Havana. 1 iraiiSBomT jl-lt 23. Adriatic. Watte Star. Liverpool. 4 am 6 30ao Tue Queen, National. L.veroool. 6 *_ B ui*. BO UevOj -rouen vi* -<o_t_'to-. 4 Belgenlaini. Ken stir. Antwerp. 3:30 Manari, Want's. H*r_o_ ?e.-. 3 pm 0?Boee. QasloaBonoaSa. - ia IBIIBBUII. JCI.r 26. 8tate of Nebraska, State. Glasgow. e. a rt. Ham.-Amer, Hamburg..._ ara 30 sm SH I PF IS G NEWS. PORTOFNEW-VORX.SUNDAV, JCLT 33. ISeS ARKIVKD t-tevner strathleven mn. Pear**?, Yokohom* April lt, Kobe 15, Nagasaki 2d. Shanghai May 8. Hong Kong ll Bins I?l">ro -J?. *i tile June 1, A-ien 1ft. hoes i'l. Part Ssl! ti Oii.r;i.t_r Jnly I. will) ind*- to Carter, Hawley a Co; Tessa le Fun. Ii. i;.it.- ,. Co. Ant* -d at th* Har at 3.30 a m. steamer Aurania (Kr), Bains. LtverDOol July ll, QOMat tnwn 15. with muse and 675 passengers lo Vernon II Uro*. _ Co. Arrived at th* Uar at 3 43 p .u. Msnoier La (fri. <1* Jonsselln, Havr* Julyl*. wu uni*!* supI 4M-passenger* lo Louis ile Be b ian. A rn Ta? ut ibo Uar at 2 a m. s-to.iiuer Wyrtaie (Bri. Hearst, Glrgentt June 23. Paiera* 'J a i steele BS, (Ji'iraltar July 4, wu* wiUe to Phelp* Bro* * Co. A m.ed st tim liar nt J a ir. Steamer Plata (Itali, canal, Palermo July 2. Glbrsltsr T, with mdse io order: vessel to Phelp* tiro* A Co. ArrlT? at the Bant >> da B tm. Bia amer Hiiiobobtt (Hr). Grimes, Santos Jan* 30. RlsJs. nen?., July 1, with mdse io Busk A Jevons. Arrived*! tl* liar ut 2 a ui steamer Mack Prince (Br), Milburn. Vera Crui Julr ll, Pr.i.reao ll. witti md** and 1 pasaenger to e < Amsinck - Cat vessel iu Botloni A: Co. Arrived st ch . Bar at 3 p m. steamer Ualle.e (Span), Arnbalzaga, Malani** 6?ya willi -us' ir to order; vessel to chas P Suransr a c.*. nt the Marat 4 p m. steamer Claribel (Br). Clinkskel. Falmouth, Ja Joly I Cai .i-si.- Har 7. Pori -Morant 13, with rad*-- sa-t ps**aa(*r*a Pun. Forwood ? Co. ut ihe iur at I,ls a m. -teamer Seneca, Walker, .Newport News aul Norfolk, WI milsc and ni* sou.or* te ')!>' Dominion ?sa <:_ Steamer ila Iran ti. i. lenney. West Point, Va, with md?sal pssssn^er* lo i *!d Dominion sa e le. st.-iiiner Wvaaeka Boee, Ll-'iimond, City Point and Nearie?I, W!tlimd*eand* to Old Dominion sa Cu. Bteamer \\ luinroji, Bragg, Portland, with md?e to Hor*Hi Hall steamer Herman Winter. Hallet. Boston, with radu tl ll F Dum*. -teamer** llkesbarre. Cate.*, Boston for Port John.-*-. Birlc Artete i Aual>. ^aijanovieb, Lisbon 60 -*ys, wita __? tn af?an ve**el to Bela Cosulteh. BU-fSBT? At SaaSv Beek, wind calm, eloa-ly. At C.ty l*i_ii.i. wm l liglit, SW; cloudy. Arrived yesterday ? Bteeaaer LlandaffCity (Br). Gore. Bristol via Swanies /air 8, with indso and passeugcrs io Jamas Arkell At Co. Arr.t? at th*. Ii ir al lu pm. steamer Rliaetia dieri, Vogelgesaog. Hambnrg Jn_?* Havre 12. wita nida-and 7*2 ; ? *. ugera to Kuniiarll AC*i Ainved at Hie Bar al ll p m. SAlI.Ea StMmer* Welhaven and Y.lun. for Baracoa. t-.lup Pulomnia. for Melbourne. Brig Johd li ' rut.aton. fur St Pierre, Martlnlqu the KovavaxTa ot arisAii-Bi FOREIGV PORTS Qce.xstowv, July 22-Arrivetl. *tesmer Servia fBrl. Ba Kry. from Now-Yurlu on lier way to Liverpool i*ntl proc*?<l*<l) sailed, stesmers Kirm'.a (Bri. Cook, and Alalka (ht). Bar ray. from UveVB -ol hence for New-York. I. i i tii'AM. Julv Ji?Sailed,(teamer Rotterdam (D?B_ Basker. for New-Vurk. aBTWBBP, Julr 21 -ailed, steamer WesternlsnJ (B?l|), Ramtle. for New York. Lizard, Julr 22? Passed, steamer La Normand!* i.Tt), Ot Ker*_blec, Iroiu New Vorit on hor way to Havr*. Auueunceiueai*. E. _. W. The "Wichita" Collar. E. & W. A NEW DKS...N IN Cl'LLAB*. HENRT A. DA-IBL8, M. D.. 319 vf tar UirH-ar. Diseases *f tfi-a Verr.u sr at* a. Ueuito-rrtnerr 0r|__ inii'.iteaca.iii t alor, i.i,' Hears?Stu l-l I* I -REAT REDt-TIO.. ll PRICE OF CARPETS. I'lT, ACCUMUI.ATION OP BBOB-Oj USMt S1KOLB PI-C-8, AM) I'VTTUKNS Of UVURY PB S* Ul I' II* 'N. WI. li.) NtVI* l.NTF.M) DUPl.Il -ATIXd IO ci.*'M'. OUT QUICKLY REC IROU BS OF ' ''"?T .VFKAMK II*'DY BRUS8EL8, THIS SUASON'B STYLUS, roOM 75e. PUK YAK!) BBB t B-T-S BUB-UB iN'ciKAiNs. nOM 60c. PBX yard, all wool ART SQUARFS ODD BESESl AT Ll SS TH tN nisr Ol' PRODUCTION. KIMMI'S BBB?- **? (I.e.TH!B, 1, 1 and 3 YARDS WlDL AND Ht-'M 1 TO 4 YARDS LO.Mi. AT ABOUT "NU HALF TH- IU ULAR PRICE & ?MXTH-AVK.. 13TH AMI I ITU Sim TRIBUNE ALMAC FOR 1888! a. cexts a corr. Parlj Platforms and ElaetUn SlatlsUei With Copi*** POLITIC AI. IWI_rELLA.*iY. Accurate, Complete, Standard Authority A POPULAR HAND-BOOK lor Th* -~Of PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAI-K* Fer sale la Trike** touuiu* Boote. Beal Br -*** peeuse pale, bo aaeve.