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BACK IX THE FOLD AGAIN. THE THIRD TARTY TOO MUCH FOR HIM 1 A PROMINENT NEW-JKRSF.Y PrtOHimT-ONIS*] WHO WILL SIr__0_f HARRISON AM) MOUTON. William P. Crooks lives at No. 33 Carleton ave., Jersey City Heights. He is Grand Socretarj of the Order of Good Templnrs for thc State o New-Jersey and Deputy Bight Worthy Gram Templar. He has been, durins tho last lifted year*, foreman in the tin, iron nnd ste, 1 shops o thc Pennsylvania Railroad and is popular witl thc workmen of whom ho has cb ?r tire, ile ha1 large IbIbBBIJS not only in Jersey City, but alsc throughout thc entire *->tnte. He always lahore* in the interest of the Republican party until 1884 In that year a chango came over him and he threw thc whole weighl of his intiueuoe in favor of St John nnd thc Prohibition party. The new rccrui' occasioned so much joy among tho leaders of th;v organization and his accession to their ranks wm deemed of so much im|M>rt*inco that they at once placed his mime upon tho National ticket as om Bf their electors. He stumped thc State for St. John, nnd with all the zeal of a con vert worked bard and long during that oxeitini canvass to win votes for his new-found allies. Tl liim, indeed, may be said to have been due in t large measure tho uncxiiectcdly heavy vote whicl was ea*<t ia Now-Jersey in favor of Prohibition. READY TO APMIT AN ERROR. Like _M sincere and Bptight citizen that he ia Mr. Crooks bas never been loth to ?i_it that hi was wrong if Decision demanded such an admis? sion. 'Hie present he deems an opportune timi for such a display of courage, nnd accordingly ht niiik. s hold iMinounceinent of tho fact, with tht siguilicaut addition that during this campaign ht will work mi-ht and main for the great party ol progress amt thereby help to pm Now-Jersey in thc Its-publican ci'luinn on November 6. When a tt paitoa of Tm: Tri rune leached No. SI Carleton ave. on Saturday Mr. Crooks was quietly Bmoklnf a cigar, after having returned from liis work in the l'< BBsylvaala Shops. Scattered on thc veranda, where he sn*, were piles of letters and pafSBB from thc different organizations with whic_ Bkl ls connected. " That, a good days mail for n workingman, is ii not . ' he said in answer to thc surprised loo_ of tba reporter. u Well, I receive a large cor reepoudenoe like thal every day; it is sometimct larger even titan that." AT l'i'.Al K WITH HIS CONSCIENCE. ? Is it true, Mr. Crooks," the reporter began, ? that you have quitted the Prohibition party und aro going to label this year in the cause of Rc pallin anism P " Von i.i.iy write that down as a fact." he re? plied ; " and you may add, too, if you like, that 1 feel (taite at peace with my conscience since 1 Blade thal Besolatlen.a " The Tra nt" Nie ls anxious to learn your rea? sons for deciding on tho chango." "My BBBBOBS for udojiting iho change!" he ?fhiii-d. ? Why, I am only returning to my father"; harass, If you ask me why I ever Mrnyeel away, my reply would bs that I was anxious for a chango. I found, bane I er, that thc roof of my now home waa lull of leaks; in fact, if I may usc an Irish bull, 1 found the roof wa mi t a roof at ali, or il there *?*?? was a roof, it must have hoon blown off, for tho inmates were only enabled to koop up an appearance oi health by huddling closely together. In othes WOlds, I lound that the Prohibition party wai sa utter iiiul cnini'l'de failure, that it was be? yond human power ever to realize their dream, and, wont of nil. that they were laboring to smash the BepubUeaB parry, or. failing in Ibis, to defeat that, party al ail base-da upon all oocaaionB. and reg*r_lc_a of sacrifice. This was too moen lor mi'.'' SICK OV HIS EXPERIMENT. ? You tried it as au experiment!'"' " ___actJj*-an experiment in the interest of tem nerance. Bul I hav*- been wofully deceived, rhe experiment bas been a dinna] failure. De siring to profit by experience, 1 believe now more firmly than I over believed that whatever of gooel is to be secured, either In temperance r.^fpirm ?.r elae wbere, bul especially in temperance reform, will h. >t secured within, and nut without, thc party of Abraham Lincolh. I si*:ik of course of tem i i ce reform j;** a National issue. I know that i;i this very city al thia momenl then- is a vast eua of m -.'ley being subscribed by our Democratic friends In the li *? rests of the sain"!:; yt rh*.- Pro bibitionist* with o*ft--npeated and emphatic na s rtlona ol sincerity, are n..t ashamed to work hard, knowing thnt every step they take in a close State bk*' rliis tend- to help that party : for I have i'*d thc Blighter*! doubl thal they ar-- guilty of the sin?:iinl it is a grievous sin?of Democratic as? cendancy -,n our Commonwealth."' WHAT TIIF. PABTT has DOMl IN" tncw-yx-BET. -How du poa regard the efforts of the Rc pnblieaa patty in tba State ta the caufse of Tom pBtancef* '" Perfectly satisfactory. Dining the last State, elocti'.n BOBM Mends of mino who were candidates for tho Legislature stated that they wara going to *'.o certain tilings in favor of temperance. I BBJd little to th*m. and they little to me, but W-Mtt they elid say was to tho point. They wero (leered, and kepi tinir promises. The Republican majority in our Legislature sacniiccd a great ?any Mends among their constituents. For that I think they deserve my support and will re? ceive it. Ry moans of this high lid-nsc, an in? crease- from ??.">() to |250, there lins booti turned int** the banda of our County Treasurer 1200,000. Our tressa]If bein!' thus replenished from that source, say taxes and other people's taxes, ara kept down.*' " Do tin- Prohibition jttirty mon expect to suc? ceed ?" " I am sure they do not. I look upon it as a Democratic moveS-SBl under another name. The speech mild*- by the candidate for v"ioe-_-_dtleBt ut. the- ratification meeting in Now-York, some weeks ago, diagnsted me. Mr. Brooks virtually laid: 'Wo do not expect to be elected, but we do axjpee! to defeat thu Republican party.'" " lleiw large will tho Prohibition vote be in tho State f ??The highes! number they polled was 10,720. sis months ago. I thought that during this BS?inaign they would lia ve 70,000, or aboilt one? il* ml ol th*- entire vole. Since reading the plat? form of the Republican party, however,?which I*. -,ii outspoken tn thal gre*! 'iuis'.- which I have at heart that every good citizen ought to bc ?sit,shed with it?I am eonfldenl that only 15.000, bi tbereabout*, will rally tai their atandard. General Fisk, of course, they would re? ceive some thousands Ic.-s. OJ*I*OMN<. UlI'lilM IN NKW-yORK. "In all the efforts BBBde by the Republican parly* during thc last throe years in New-York In toe interest of temperBBCe, the Prohibitionist* have opposed them. They opposed the Crosby High Linns.- bill, ami threatened to ostracize BO eially ;is well ;..-, politically any one who should vote for it."1 *? Univ do y*ui regard thc t'.nlt plank in the Pro? hibition platform I* *' I do rn'1 like it at all. It savors too much of free trade tat atv taste, lhere ar*- a Bamber ol members .-l oui ontaaisBtion who hoid tba BB Bis opinion of the rInform as I *lo mys-If. We have some very siren;.' lodges in the si ut lum Bection of tbe State, an-l m ami around Trenton workingmen who ar*- supported largely from the twittery trade. Tho tariff plink, I know, doesn't please them; so they will rappor! the Re*?blle*n nominee." ?? Hav*- you told the Leadera of the party thal you are n.p langer witli thi in t " Tliey seem lo know it. for The Voice' has been alren'H* attacking me, and another heal organ of the party here <l<>no the mme. Hut that is no harm. I am BO looser a Prohibitionist lam a Republican. I feel at bom.- once more, and tho BIBBS ti on i so'agu* ii'.li' that. I oromise The Trib? une not te struy away any mer*. I shall usc my best earle*vore in this county to hdp elect Har? rison ami Morton." *> ? PUB- TRAIiE WOE I.I) KILL TIIE SILK INnritTRY. since tho attitude of Charles S. Higgin* In support of the Republican i*'afform arid candidates was deflruv] ho baa received tho following letter from an old friend, II. II. Crosby, vice-president of the Paterson Savings Institution, of Patoison, R. J., comni'-iidlim hi* position -. Paterson, N. J., July 20, lf?88. My Old Frit-nd : I Ml Th- Trlliun** s?y? lld* ?_*___ eommeutln- editorially en your position on thc qucsUou of protection to American industries: " Mr. B__S_a ha* t>en a I MsBg DMMBSt *nd wa* av pointed t Bridge Trustee by Domocratlc officlilj. He de? clare* his firm adherence to the party of protection, *nd ?ays that the ensctment of the Mill* bill would mean tho ruin bb the soap Industry tn this country-" Yee, and you could say the bilk trida. We have In this city e**e Ste hundred silk mills, ?rre*t and small. Carry out free trade to the letter, snd fifteen to twenty thousand* will hu thrown out nf employ. I elory In youx position. Truly yours, II. B. CROblJY. THE WORK OF NEW-JERSEY CLUBS. The -rsi Republlctn meeting in Bereen County, K. J., waa held on Friday night, and the attendance wt* bo latta Uu l tho Kepu.ncin* of that dlau-lct feel mort than fret certain u_v tts State wU go fox -*rci?.u._. __s meeline wi* held at ttnekensack, in thn new town hall, which hoidt. a thousand people. Tho hall wa* packed and many could not get Inside. The .peaker* Brat! Mayor Z. K. Pangborn, of "The Jersey City livening Journa'.," E. Y. Hell, of Newark, ind (J ha ri*"* H. Bet* loufrha. Grand Commander of tho ursnl Army of tin ?sawfelle of New-Jersey. Th* sj>oakor* wore all well received. William Walter Phelp* was exp-cte-d H Bl present, but he could nm leavo Washington, ba-causc ot tho Anal vote on tin' Mill* bill. Th'-r.- iv.ic a loree numtier of laboring men present, and ihe meeline, con? ducted by tho Repui>llo?ii Club, ot which Asa W. Dick, naen i* president, wa. said to bo tho largest and mo.t suc? cessful ever held In tho county. HELP NEEDED IN A GOOD CAMPAIGN WOBK. ORGANIZING REFTOI.ICAN' 0_TJBg IN I'VKHY AS SEMM-Y DISTRICT ..V THE CITY. The work of organlrdng Republican clubs In a'l tho Assembly PtltllelB of tho city gBM isptft| BS " so rapidly, In fact, as to outrun tlie ability of those havteg lt In hand to cope with Iho niovenieiit u Minuit a |00d t deal more flnanclal assistance than they have received. f, Tlie committee of tho Republican Club of New-Yoi lt, which ls spending tho lime, money and energy of Its members lavishly upon the geog work, ls deeertlBg of all praise and support, and so well has lt carried out iii-- unilt-rlalilng that a large number of cl'iu'llve clubs havo already been stalled In different part* of she city, and nurtured until they are not only alroa*l> SSH* sustaining, but doing aggressive work In their neigh? borhoods. There are many districts left, however. whore other clubs, no less active- and aggressive, could be formed wllh a lillie financial BBBBHaaee at lr*! Bl provide proper quarters, cte. I'm- such pnipeOBI tba committee has Issued an appeal fop |B,0OO, whlih no doubt Will lie speedily ..i.b-cili-cel. timi ill.itti.l I need have no doubt that what rhey gua* \iill bo ju? dicious^ expended. Rritowlng is the appeal: Last spring th.* Republican Club of th- (':!-? cf New Vork ai'p'dnt'd the B*deralg*0d a Committee sf Twenty. Ove to secure tho formation of Republican Club* In the *. viral *_ae_lblr Disiriits nf the city. Soon after lt.* ) ! appointment the committee met and MSB-lted, Bash j ! llstrlct wa* Investigated and a full nnd latsM report vis made upon lt. In most of tho district* no clubs j txlsted. In som* of them clubs had a nundea! galla**!* Silly, while In a Btw of tho district* there wen I ? Ind efllcient clubs doing good wotl;. Whorl club* were I I wanting entirely, and whats * Rey vero feeble, ti?- ena* J %'aU*-e sought to rouse tho Republicans to BTOatei a.?'I\ 11v and effort 1'ariiy throngo Its S-Otta a:id partly. BO ' !iiubt, In consequence nf UM prneral clnli OMlVeuienl toing on throughout tho country, BM lick ..I anCBBlt Iob new chilis and i*t*rs*nltlas and strengthenlne. th* lld ones has made rapid and favorable ulogie**, lu ?avaral parts of the city Um ii ni. eMieiaoal sad mirk arii ?!1 that could be expected or _______ At Um no a it tim,* there arc no clubs in anani districts, aid Hms* * te Vting In some localities need help to make thom ?trong .nd cfllctont. Tho end soO-ht after ny tho organization ol t'ip*<-.e clubs ls the supremacy of th" platform sod UM prinelpb* of tho BepoUleaa party. Th" work air- a lr tame, te* which is peopaaad M be aaatlaaail. in bi Um tater*?- si I lae v.. ill .lng of ihe tarty tt large. It I* believed that the welfare of all who lsbt* Sstaaats up a Um aaeseas of the Republican party and it* prluciiili-s. and thai ? Will bc ansur.-d If a know LU'.- ni UMM priactpil -. I I tho dangers which threaren their overthrow, ls -.'"iierallr diffused among the people. Th" NM'Ional l.overnment ;*. at present, dominated by men who have no sym? pathy with thu laboring man. To-day the vote af UM TMaeiiiBlli Baataai?Mttvai in Osnaiasa i* praetleallr solid against thal protection which ha* nindi- UM ii.*-ch?nlc self respectlng and lndcp. ndent and which sashles him comfortably to support his family and educate his dil ',;? n Tho policy of the present Administration would reduce and degrade the intelligent and thrifty laborer of America to the miserable and pitiful condition of thc laborers Bl Kur..po. It ls the chief purpose of UMM dab* M arouse the workingmen of the country, and particularly of th!* city, to a sense of the dangers which beset their future prosperity. Mew-Tar* City ls the largoat manufacturing city In tho country sud contains hundreds of UMaSBOO- of Wile? ri ula, will lie *<-riou.-lV IffO-tOd by the propeled change* In the tariff laws. Nowhere con IB* \a len b so easily leashed as lc-ri*. nor ls thar! I*0t>8l I'la'' arhara a tew rete* ono oap eu the ether, can have so ?.'? offset as in ttio bIom .-md pivotal BtaM of (few York. The campaign ls alr-n ly bi?un. A eoatortobli club-room in each district, ciucallv located, and sanpUed with papers and BoeVOMBt* iihich BaSlytt BBd di-i-n-s the issues tetWCMB t1-" pull's, and when Um people, and especially UM young man, can meet and confp*r and Usteo to coiivlncliig Speaker* v. Ill br ri powerful 10X11?17 to the regular porty organization, lt will be h '. r UM edoeatioa cr roten and bring i" Um work of Um auapalga organized and bntntlla ? ' I sad letlon. is BSed-d to carty fOTWird the Wi rk so well ad? vanced is more oMoey, and thi eoBualttet eau proesi i s i furili'-r without lt. It* lin-tiilter* B8VO I their own means, and the waru to then is a la! of ol I***, bal oatatdi in-ip la aeesBaary. Ai i fruit or the effort! of tm* c.BMBlttea a oi nala* rs bli uvoiber ol p-ita iv-- el >' ? have sprung np m __r*re_t port! of th! etty, whl not only arlf-sust-talsg bur dolas agrr*- |V. wbtk ie th lr " peeUVI DI .-' '-.-I. - p ..-? j i'.i?e)s | h|> | baye bi--')) brought. into exist.-','*- nader rh*- uperrUlen of thil aoanalttei tad with its Basaslsl ail ore eli sad j strang sad di1!-, in, real lag Ha Ii staii'tunBilli) Th* ttrtrmnd* f..r Bnanclal ?Bes a* the preaaBl moment, from all pan* of th! etty, are Infinitely greater than the eoaanltSM COB supply, sad Se* BIB riv-n that a* noan as duli* BM Ibrm I I oj proper Qoarten provided, theil awohen cm belargelj aa ? oMoted _nob the D'-ino'-ratir party, siiaii in- Seay theil appeals 1 We must unless the money ls forth'-nnuiie The commliiee, therefore, connd-n'lv appeal! M gen? erous Republicans evatywhers at jid ii la this important Wi!:. At least f.^.OOO ]$ required. All who contribute lo this S-Jarl stair rest assured that every dollar Hay (.-Iv-' will be expended Judiciously and strictly for club organl ration, and bs paid out upon detailed vooehen mig. Ket a toot of lt will be wasted. Remlttancea may bi- forwardel to Wi!'lam Rrookfl'-ld, treasurer, No. Ab Cllft-st., New-Yoik. who wfll acknowl? edge receipt of the game. Weenie 1 fall j. JAMES A. -LAMCHAKD, Chairman. WM. RF.ARV, .s,c. wm. BROOKF1E_D, Treas. Mortimer c. Addams, Blchord J. Lewis, Lucius C. Ashley, Charles K. Lraow, James p. rearm Henry Melville, John A. Grow, J?bn S. Smith, James W. Dawe*, Kolon II. Smith, Henry W. Hayden, William H. Townley, Job E. Hedges, " Joseph ninan, Charles A. Ibis f*. V. R- Van Wyck J. Homer Ilildrfth, A. R. Whitney, James fi. Lob maier, H. M. WyaJt-Sp, EDWARD T. RARTLETT, President, BBM-M* Commitleo on Club Organlaiiilon In the City of New-Vork. IfO LACK OF INTEREST IN MArNK READY TO REI'IN TIIF. ACTIVE CAMPAIGN? RE l'URI.ICANS UNITKD AND ACTIVE. Augusta, Ile., July _1 (Special).?Ii ls gratifying to BOt* tho BBBBBBOna liielniscincnt W-ieh tl I ininilna ilons mado at Chicago are receiving In this State. Maine Republicans to a man are giving the Hebel a hearty and cordial luppetl which Indicates ut leas! 10.000 plurality tat liurlclgh in September. II la Significant that the conservative mri) of the party are highly pleased with tho nominations and give the tlili't theil unqualified approval. Ia th* BOlghbor ing city cf Waterville, where au wa* pol as mooth as a weil regnlated party otgiiilialliiii ibonld be, th*, chicago laleetions havo united uii the anTeraal cle? ments, and a hading BepnbUeaa of that elly says the parry I., now in excellent condition That Mr. Blaine ?s alaiut lo cunie hume and enter UM IBBspBlgn Wfth ail hu aU nine vigor and power li giving lae DearM erais, i,ii ona*inri lhere was a period winn they ventored to sjoiik of Patnam'i eleetton, but the] are content BOW villi saying thai they xi ill he able to re? duce the Republican majority. They are ail-tag a itrentMos BsTor! ro aryanlae a working f<.rce far tbe campaign. An executive com? mittee has be-in rhosp-n to tako chajgo anil heail aaartaea are) ta be apeaad la Portlood- Hie Btata Committee has held several meetings tn prepare a plan of campaign, hut lt remains t<* bp- sp.ii \ihether anything will b*< accomplished. T_e DenKteraUe or ganlr.atlon lias bc-en peculiarly Inefficient in the peat, ami If a new leaf _ toned OVBf BOW if will a gre-at snrprlse t*i Maine poll titians, Ike Republicans will open the active campaign about tb* iiil.l'lle of August. A Inigo annuirit of preliminary work Is being Sane, however, and tho clerical tore* ar Republican head? quarters In this city ls actively engaged. ?_ Hur? leigh will take a hand soon and tho ability as an organizer which bo has BbOWB will prove "t gre*! value. trVSJ REPfRI.irANS IN I'llIEADfCU'IMA. Philadelphia. July 22 (SpeetS*").? liepublicans tliem sclves aro surj)rl.secl at th*- raidd Itrlde* with which the organzatlon of clubs ls going on. AJBMBf every day ushers In a now club, and tm SOSBai are the oflicers chosen than a banner ls ordcr-'l and iiiilfoiins adopted. 'Ibero wore never so many political mulching organizations in this city before, ond Ihe number U bound lo swell. At the t'nlon Republican Otoh ho-dquarli-ra,, and at tho City and State I 'Uinnittcc roomi lt I* stated fha! before Ihe close of August t|,ere will be fully six hundred Republican club* In Phi Iv d'-Iphla, with a membership of over 40,000, Ibsra will bo a number of parades In which all the clubs will participate, 'ibo flixi tiini-out will occur on September _0, when Ihe campaign will bs BpSBSd tit tba Academy eif Haass. a*rssldaal Mwla g Btewart, of the I'ennsylvanla League of i;.,ptibii< an Clubs, will call tho State Exeeuilve OBBUBMSS lagatbar UM last PSSJi In Augi-il. To-niorrow the R*imbil* an Stale The Boat Hl?S-( in*. Clcoretieo. Xl_a*y Bro*' Speolol roroax* (emmit tee will send many thousand collett of Mr. Milne's portrait, with a quotation from his letter ol May _7, under the healing. " Illacinc's Prophetic Words." to all clsase- nf voter! iii 'he Stat-. John Wana? maker ha* given tho Young Republican* Hie uso, free of charge, of a large building h ? OWttl In Norih Hrold 8t. Tho club will occupy lt until after the election. MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN!** AT WORK. TIIK CAMfAION B-MPg IN KAnNFrVT TWO MONTHS KARlIEIl THAN Dg__? i_TTi:tKoRariiTi> riir. Tiunr-Mr.. 1 Indianapolis, Jul*,- Bl.- Ota-Vga st, Hopltlnt, of De? troit, chairman of the Michigan State Central Com inlltee, was here- last week for the purpoio of having a talk with (lenora] Harrison. In an Interview he said: " I think thl* ls going to be a Republican year. I know lt ls so, a.s far as we of Michigan are concerned. lt was this certainly that led us to make such a fight for tienoral Alger. When we taw that we could not get him, (ier.oral Harrison VS* our next choice, bc e msc nf his record In the army, and hi* known fi I* nllines* to tbe ve'eram-* No nomination ever .Teated more enthusiasm In Michigan. There are no wounds to heal, not even any scars. Harrison was popular In Michigan before ho wan nominated. Ile vl-dtp-d Detroit In February, and the 6peech ho tumlo created a mo.t favnrahlo Impression." "What ls tho political situation In your State f* ?"The Democrats are malting a vigorous effort to rarrj- the State, and are now claiming that lt ls doubt? ful. We shall disappoint them, though I have no doubt that Cleveland has boen BSSBred (liar lt will be carried for him. The Administration has paid Blare attention to Michigan ihan to any other State, with the hope, I think, of making lt doubtful. In my contact wllh men, I havo found many Democratic who will not vote for Cleveland, and I have not heard of a Bingle Republican who will not vote for Harri? son. Tbs light will ba made on tJio Issue between Pia.t '?tliui and free Md* TBS majority of the Deasoerotl thorough!! believe In free trade, but many Milo ti , i,;.,ive, liiiiir reformer**. The Issue will be lissiIj drawn, ami I haven't my doubt about tho out? come. ? '? Whet will the laborln. men do!" " The grear majority nf thom will rofe with the Republicans. They are almost BBlvSISSH. l:i favor of proteettoa They are taking more Mareil lu politics this year than ever before, ami the moro they study thc _mei of the neat galga. lae neater th** Rc publican party they pet. Thc lumbermen will nearly ell < pporl Geaeral Harrison. Tba Democrats know that, and are attempting t" bold some vote* by noml :? W. R. Hurt, l wealthy lumls-r dealer of Sagi? naw, for Governor. Their BtalO Convention will BO bab] *ni nanda**". A determined flghf ls waged against I. ir! hy many of his party, but he seem* to havo the Inside frat ls. t"urti two years ago he wa* a Kepubll can. lu ISSal be tnppartad BaalM and the Democratic nominee for c.ovcrnor, so he was half over thin, and two years ag* li" g"f clean over Into th" Democratic raab*, if be 1- oomlnated it will lie oa account of his boodle and tho fact that he ls a lumberman. He mys he will pur $b<>.0Oo lalo the campaign, if he Is BOB?Bated. His comp tltor for the nomination ls a junii.uiiiced free trader, and If he li ramed tho Issue will be clearly eleflnee].*' " Havo the Republican* begun their campaign work yet." ?? The campaign, so far as the Republicans are con? cerned, has really opened now. twa monrhs earlier tlian aver before. Clubs aro being organized |n every county In the Slate. Then* were many Alger clubs before tbe National Convention, and Immediately after Gsa**?I Harrison wis chosen Govemur Alger wrote in all tia's*' dubs and requested thom to becomo H'.rrl 100 and Morion organization.*. Ills request in every Instance has been met. General Alger ls taking an active part In tho campaign, end 11 lil keep up ills work. He will clo all ho can do in both the Stale ami NaMon."1 " Will ihe vote of the ?.r<-cnbackers or Prohlbltlon 1-is eui Bach of a Dgure In Michigan!" ''Tho Greenback party heretofon has been an Im porianf factor. This year lae hailer* win rapport General Harrison, and 1 think a majority of the party will da UkeWifM. I llO BO! think the laird party pm hlblflonlsts a:.- a* strone Ss they were two fears ago when tl.ev cast ii vide of ?_'.' Many of tho promi? nent mn of tho pani have announced their Inion tlon t" support Harrison and Morton. I think the Bi publican, of the State have never had better rea? son tn feel confident ' LONG ISLAM) REPUBLICASa THE NOMI."*. A'J'lo.V*. OP HAI'.RImiN AMI MORTON V.TI.I. Ria* I III I I) 1 CUBS FORMIN*".. Probably no nominations eould have tended to unite anil solidify the Republican* eif Long Island is-ttcr rhan thoa* mado ar .'hicago. The four or llvo hundred who. by voting fur Cleveland or st. John, en abled the Democratic candidate! la 18Bd lo carry Bal? fe ll; * aunty by 550 majority, aro Mltofied with Gc eral Harrtsoa aad atlll undoubtedly ntara bs rho rani:* of tbe Republic**, part j tbe coming fall and Boffolk County trill be found oa the right sid* with Its normal majority for ti.e Republicen tsnrtlrtaloi of between 800 and 4<K>. Bo al->> In Qoeeni 1'minty will the ma? jority of these Mho de*"lied In lfs-1 be found work? ing with a will for Harrison and Morton. Among Republicans In both rounttea there appears much greater enthusiasm for their nominees than ls at pr--; ont visible 011 tlie part of the Ix-niocrary for rho St. I.mils tie kef. Local Republican leaders express In the i:i*'st sanguine term-; their conviction that Queens County will bare Its Democratic majority reduced be? low that of 1884, which was several hundred less than usual. chits er* firming In every village In both counties. Flushing had a rousing ratlficatlos meeting a few evening! ego, et which the greatest enthusiasm was displayed bf the larg" Bamber present. Tho .Pro? tection Republican Compalga Club ls ihe name of a new organization In th" village of Oyster Day, which held a ratlgeattoB meeting the other night. The Repub? licans nf cien Dove an rallying in force to the Bar* li-nn bonner and ever -oe) voter* have requested ex Senator John Ilirdsall to licconie prp'sldent of the Harrison Club which ls being formed. A larg.* club has beea funned at Pearsall*, where a rat 1flc.1tfon ni's-flng was held a (tow nights ago. Tile club has IBO member*. A club al -early loo members has also been organised in lama!ra ? REPTJBLICA-l PROSPB TB DI X F.W.I HRS LY. Trenton, ff. J., July ?_-_ (Sjx-clall.-t.eneral William J. Sewell !n an Interview here regarding Hut i*nlitlcal situation sad: '? I believe New-Jersey will go Rrpuhll can. The only denicul of danger iles in the candidacy of (Jencral Clinton Ii. Fisk. I feel pretty certain, how? ever, that ho will not hold the strength that many credit him with. I think the atfltudn of rhe Republleaa party anon tho temperance aae-Mea w-ui bring to lt \ntp-s (mm many of those who would other 8 IM hue cast tbell bollol ; (or the Prohibition nominee. If th* candidate ha*l conn- from som" otbBC State, va could have cut down tin' temperance rote of i?s,doo thai was casi for risk for Governor to ai out and ' ll, ? .-lat -." ?? How moo) roles da fee ccu,ced" to Fisk'" '?dh. about 7,000, al iii ?mest. Thil would give fha siare to ii.,, 1 ison and Morton." ?? Then a.* to the Lc glilature I* "Th- Democrats Will make a vigorous cftc-rf to carry tbe Legislature, not only to secure th- United State* Benator, bul also to repeal tbe nigh license Local op? tion law. but with ile- protection issue plainly brought out, l cannot iee how ?e? Jersey can da otherwise than vppIp- thc Reputilli-sa ticket New-Jersey ts decidedly an Inilu-iiliil stiiie." to cm-, 1; vim.ima i:i:iTi:i.!CANs. nichiiionil. J-ty 22 (Special), ll ta leaned here tn d.iv c. .t 1... Bl ita I * ntrai Commltlee of ric- Bepobllca?1 belonging to UH Honston, or anll-Mahone faction, ls to convene ss early as preetleal ie eooaMer the propriety oft*?log down the electors] Uc_11 pal bp la opposition io that Barned at l-etersburg ia May bf tbs State Don renllon. The Unbone Central Coavnlttea, which wsaate to-morrow night In lvi,-i-sburg, will pOBltlvely dSOllas iii BMke any eoaaeorioni i*> wbal ar** ealled ? Bonan." and ll I- thought Ciat th" WI? lloaStOa facflon. for the good nf all, will give the entire Republican fore at a siiov.. ami Ugh! Mahon-- on -tate Issues toter. Every Republican expects and believe! that wis-* and bli frlc mis win > ? No"! KS OF THK CANVASS. The BtopahUeaas af Bargea Osomtf, N. J., held their first ___0-flBt*tlaa (pf UiC lami-lgn ?t Hackensack on Friday evening. Th-- nw Tomi Hail, ulindi wat* about POO people, was crowded, and many wore unable ir, |* ,1:, ndinii-alrpii. Clon.-l C. J. Ulai)veli one of th" veteran R'-piibll'-ati* Bf th'' county, presided. Th* chief a.Hr ??. of tho ci.piing wa* made by Major Z. K. Pangb.rti. pf leieay Cir/, nh" damed ___-?_ tttetsj o> aa aaa of Hi. pi'pl.'cUV* tariff system. Tho other speaker* were B, Y. 11.11, of T.'.u-'fk. and Charie. ll. Ilurrougli*, of Rutherford. Past (irund Coinm.iider af th* llrand Army p.f Ile- Republic, sf New-Jeri-ey. Excellent niuato was famished by lbs IPsatweed band af Haabmasafc Shs Hie ken-i k Republban Club ha* a BMBBSMBIb Bf BOO, and will simd a delegation te the Ashury l'?rk Convniiou of il,.- Bfaw-iatasy Republican Iv*Kiie, Ui be held on Tim young men ut the Nlmictiih Wsrd have organised a Voting Men'* Republican Club fi.r the purpo-B of forwarding ihe Interest* sf ile- Ri-iwhliran 1 arly. Tue Mlewtag sn th* riBean al Bm club: Pre.idi nu Phsrtoi C. .Srlnil/. , drat vli-.-p.. -1 I nt. lair, * rd S. .-aiirjpjnt, *.-c ond rles Btoala-at, Georgi lian.m. r, raeerdlag aoct.-ia-y, Basiael 1.. ger*; eoire*|.lias KeraUry, Slfnd 1. Barrow; tsrga-Btot-erflBS, Hean Brtaeahais! Tbs Rapoblleaa I int* il gabway to nieeiing with much encouragement. The handsome room* of the club ir* opon each evening ind visited hy number* of voters, btiviral Dtmocriis have Joined Um club, sud mora ht it ?nnounced themselves ?* opposed to the fr ^ ids tendencies of tho Democracy snd will vote for 1 and a-ot.-ctlon- The club will soon raise a han tSBBM burner across tho squar*- fronting their headquarie-r*. A large body of citlren* gathered on Saturday night In Watching 11.11, Montclair, .lid organlied a Harrl-eri and Merton Campaign Club. Dr. J. J. II. Dov- was sleeted president, and A. C. Snider secretary. The BBS! meet lng will be held on Thursday evening. EXGOVERNOR ALGER IX TOWN. nu doesn't oemnm any BOaWBBBM (state DOUBTrOf., NKW-JKHSKV POSSIBLY KXCEIMKD. Ex-Governor Alger, of Michigan, accompanied by hil wife and daughter, arrived hero yesterday morn? ing and took apartmenta at. the Fifth Ave-nm- Iloii-I. When calleelTipon by a Tribune reporter In the oven'tig for an expression of his views on the political situa? tion, tho e.t-flovernor was Inclined to WBB88f oil Into reminiscence* and story-tolling at first. Hou-ever, hi* nat:iral enthusiasm finally got tho bettor of lils ro?ervo ond he talked politics freely. Michigan, ho ?aid, wa* certainly going Republican this flog by 'a much larger majority than sho hail known for six >cari- Indiana he consldereel no longer doubtful, and, liii]p-cel, lt was his opinion that tho stafo had alway* boon credited with being moro st-OBgtj -toBBBCratla than was really Ihe case. The BgUTOI af fl"- li-f elec? tion show that the majorities given to the Republican members nf tho legislature would give a Republican plurality of over 10.omi In the Stat**. A good proof of thU wa* given by Iho election of every ?opHbUesa State catii! Idat** except tho liovernor. Tills year tleneral Harrison's gnat popularity Would give an addlilonal element of success. Although Indiana was loobed upon by well-Informed Republican! as being morally sure, thero would bo no relaxation of elfin! In tho fight. Tho old nxlom of nothing ls auro until lt ls won would be fullownl closely by the esmpalp managers. 'Which, In your opinion, are the doubtful State* this year 1" was ask.-d. "To be camile!,'' n-jill"*! General Alger, "I don't think then- ar-- any doubtful State* New-Jersey, of course, occasions a little anxiety, as there Is no way of ascertaining lion- strong 00*01-1 l__ ls In hi* nan .-tate. However, if tbs Prohibition p.-irtv doesn't poll any larger vole m Row-Jersey than bent-fan, die Slate I* cei tain to gu Republican. Every other North? ern State will unquestionably I e carried by our ticket, New Vork locl-deel. Stonier Miller, who it ls es pected win Pp- the Republican candidate for Governor; I- ii -trong man. Ii*- ha- been i good toldrer, i cl* an uml honest, ood ls a man of great energy. Re win make a personal canvass ol the State, and you Blay real assured that be win aol allow tbe guss io grow und'-r his feet,-' ?? What have you tei say regarding tho report thar tho Florida delegate! wen bribed to vote for you :it tie' CiPiiveiit'iPii. Governor f "Nothing. I Sealed li once- in toro through a tot Mr which was published in ihe Tnii'ine. 'io repeat the denial would not accomplish atty more. Von may -ay. however, thal i sever uaed any berni in tho .-south, except a gun L_rreL" Mrs. nial Mlsa Alg'r -tint to day for Narracan Ott Pier, where ino* ia rend spending the summer, The ex-ciovernor win remain ben tor a few dais to linish sitting for a portrait that he ls inning pola ted. Ile will then return tu Mi'hlgan. RELICS OF 1140. FORMER OWNF.ItS SI'.NDINr, TIIF.M TO G*_M_S_ HARRISON FOR r.rcK. Indianapolis, July 21 (Special). l:<*l|c* of rh" campaign nf 1-10, when hi* grandfather was elected President, are recelvi-d dally by fieneral Harrison from all parts of rhe country. Tho most of them come from old Whig-, who were enthusiastic admirers and followers of old Tippecanoe, and wirh hopes that they will bring him good luck, tho cherished memento! aro (forwarded to tho grandson af their oh! hero. These relics are kept In a large drawer In an upstairs room and aro given rr verential caro. The coirectlon consists chiefly of buttons, coins and badges. emblenM al the log cabin ami hard eider campaign, all of which bear designs or Inscriptions wen j.opular at that time. Among the oddities 1- B gil - laoco-dhlb, In which appears a picture of * ? William Henry Harrison, with the datoi of hi* elec and birth, on oeorly all of tba relics appears the chsractcrlstlc log cabin, with a barrel of bard elder standing beside the clour. A piece Of copper. In Imi? tation of a coin, heirs the outline of a pair of seelee, tho side ascending representative of the Democrats a:ai descending the whigs. Around lt is tia' Inscrip? tion, "Weighed in thc balance ami found wanting." Oa tho mvenc ilde to an outline' eif General Harri? son's bead, one of tbe mos! interesting thlngi In tho collection ls un old log cabin Mug boob published by s 1 lorinna!, printer. In it appear all the popular campaign soi gi of thal time, among which were Soldier of Tippecanoe.^ rang tn th" dirge " Nm a Drum Heard*: "General Harrison." se! to ti air ?? I'lz-'ti Barplenf; "Whai Ila- Caused This Great CommotionT* to the tune "t "Uttle Pig's Tail." uh] -pp p.n to ihe numil'*:' of more than a hundred, Among tba modem contribution* to the collection li the cop per save] used al the Chlcaso Convention and an oak gavel presented hy some sJ-rlrers, sdn specimens "f i.!l tba n'"v badges thut hav been issued hy d In campaign good*. RF.Pllll.K ANS TO WATCH TiII-'.IR WILY POER Ihe Republican villers of lhat parr of the IM Ass,.mbly District embracing th** .With, XVIItli, XVIIIrli. XXth, XM-I. WIVlli am! WVIIIlh I'.lc: tlon Districts .complain that they have fur sou,a yean been badly treated at the polls, as they loeb organi? zation. They have never been organised snd want tlie Republican National Committee to assisi them, a* they fep'i thal in tbe coming campaign bo! b vote should b" lost, and lhat win* tlu'V Organised th* se.-ni , which eeOBItOd around the polls at the la*! election would not bo repeated. " Laal yeer," sahl a rotor yoatarday, "tba Republicans of my district had gnol (iiniciiity in being registered and everything wai done lo prevent us from voling. Tlie Inspectors won If mirant and p.i the booba so bhtrnd and blotted tho! ir was almost Inpossible to distinguish tlie Dames. They wero so Insulting that many I epubllcon I wouldn't go to Hie polis. Then aron lew R publl can hisiths about and 1 was pul to a great deal of trouble to p-t ballots for myself and friend* With an orgaui/.oiloii In ibo uppi'r part of tho district, where there arc *, g:,i?t many good people, all this would bo done away with." POLITICAL AFFAIRS IN CONNECTICUT. ______ INTI'.ltKST IN Tilla REFDBUCAM TICKET ?Pi.AiT.s POI Di'.M'u ir ath: WOBKR-tg, Hartford. Conn., July BS.?The vote of the three Deniocratli- representatives from Connecticut, for th" M11 L-i hill (l*pes not BMSe that measure any atora popular in e eiiine.-iicut. Mr. Vance af this district, who was elected on a protecrlve ].lat form of his own framing. nodVOI credit for doing what ho dared lo do In behalf of protection bf scaring Mr. Mills out of the wood-eerew Mellon ami securing au amend ment which allows ihe duty to remain as It now ls, but. this I* only ono Industry in the stat" Th" favor with which the- iKitnlnatiors of Harrison and Miptton was received la till* state noni In no way abated. Then* has never been a time When Connect!-*! Republicans were so wld** awake at such an early Ito** of th" campaign. Tho Interest ls un? precedented and lt will _sslst tho uiganlzatioiu I_i--r on. A meeting of thc Democratic managers of the St.itn wns held in Hus city, quietly, on goturdo] to t, i it was laid down as a oeeessary party policy tho! h." AdmlntotratloB should de mor.* for rle* worbe i. Tbe Hist ro-nit of that aioetlng was tia- dfemhsal "f postal Kout*- Agent Weed from ih*? Conneetlenl West? ern road niall service for purely political reasons, as Mr. Weeei has been an acceptable of?clo] for iixteen years, and ls nor a " Worhlng1 politician. Vsrfoui Ingnenon have been aj)p-aled te to make _s many places for guild Dssaoerata m they possibly soo, r-u far as th" Slate campaign ls concerned, lt ls COBtOdBd that ex Mayor llulki-li-y, of this elly, will bs the Republicen oomlaoe for Governor, with a New. Raven man for seni-id pl sena Tin* frleodi of Tien _r*t Warner will _rge his retenllon. The Democrats are ar sea as to a candidate fur Governor, almost avery prominent Democrat In tb* blah* haling been favored wllh a " mention.*' Ii la BVOB saul thal i oH_r-Gcoer_ Wailer is anxtoea ta agata bo a candi dare, but thi* l-l hardly pinball,e. __ l.leutenaiit Covornor Georgi G. sumner, of this city, and Con grossman Granger and Major Fork, Of New Haven, hav.' thus far developed ttf" greatest itrengt_. Tbe contest for iii" Repuhljcan nomination tor Congreti in thia district ls plainly between as Bpeaacr william Edgar Slmonds, of Canton, and John L Rous ton, of Enfield. Either ooo would Bub* an ox c'llint canvass against Mr. Vane", arith tin- odds In favor of defeating him. when bli vote tor tho Mills bill In taken Into cowlderatlon .*,'?.'??.?.Icl.v.s Af A8BBB1 PALE. Asbury Park, July __ c.*-*?*#* -lal).- The Rev. Dr. Clyiiier, of Huston, preached lu the Hist Methodist ?ptssepal -borea, from tba warda: "Grieve aol tba Holy Spirit of God, Whenby ye are BSB-Bd unto Iho day of le'deinptliin." The BVBBlBg BMSttBg WM iindi-r the au-splee.* of UM local Woiii'ii". I briStlOS T-mp* BS?88 i abm. iiiierestiug ail lessan aron ieUvorad by Mn. R J. C. DSWBBi Sale president ; Mis. J. T. lahls, coiii spnndiiig sc | ri' ta ry ; ami Mrs. Mom I,.-ml, of Ibu I'hlUdrlpbla Halon, The Re* Dr. Rp 1". While, af c in.iniiati, preached la th*- Pii-ii)t.-iiiiii epea air lahoraocl* Tbs Roo. d. w. sbeUlnger oBJolated nunnisip an-i avenlag la Ibo Pnebytetlan church. in tba ii_i.i ii-1 shank lbs Rev. i 0, Colby dlseosned on. "(Spiritual -ballon ms.." \ ? oOOlol * ludr leiule .a| beauiliul iniisic. with Mi-, Heres as soloist, ai tho Wwimlnstcr Presbyterian Chanh, tba Rm Young, Ibo p-*s'"i, are as hod thia morning. Pother MacNamare, of tha Reformed catholic l lunch, ad droned aa audience ai __ucsil._al lUii. A RED-LETTER DAY FOR MANY OVER SIX HUNDRED HAPPY CHILDREN. HOSTS FOB THEM SECURE!) RY "THE TBIBUNE" FRK'slI-AIR I'T.VD IN 42 TOWNS. This ls a red loiter day In the history of Tribune Fresh-Air work. A* many a* twenty dlfTemnt portie*, il-st lied for forly two town* and villager, |n New Tori; New Jersey and Ponriiylvanla leave the city te doy ami tonight. They will be attendee*-, by twenty Can falters, and Include In their number* fhe repre? sentatives of (Iffy two charitable and religion* IniM tutfons of New Vork and lirooklyn. The aggregato Bomber, eoamtng fifteen or twenty mothers and working girls sent, by i*eqiii**f, ls considerably over COO. The magnitude of tho preparations for departure may bo readily Imagined when lt, ls known that, asldo from rho attention the children get In their homo* from their parent* In tho way of clothing snd luncher, full 100 teachers and missionaries are visiting tho tenement-houses, collecting rho children for physical examination, and escorting them to tho respective trains for departure. So lr ls safe to state that, in eludfug tho children, parenfs, attendants and teachers, over 1,000 people In tho dry to-day aro playing mme part In Tho Tribune Fresh Air work, not to mention threo or four hundred hosts st tho other ond of tho Uno anxiously awaiting tho arrival ot their little guests. Tho children will go by fhe Lehigh Valley, New Torb ."entral, and rho pennsylvania roads, and will le-ave tho cars at the following stations : Meridian, Cafo, f'enoa, Ludlowvlllo, Vienna, McConnellsvIllo, Romulus, Fayette, Port Leyden, Purim, Montrose, IflgbtatO-am, Philadelphia. West Camden. Williams? town, Washoe, I.llicrty, White Haven, Canton, and ono I hiv a| forty inn children ls to bo di,tributed In eighteen separate towns along tho ll. W. arni O. R. R, All of th" liwt named party are what aro known In tho Tribune Presh-Alr work as "special -hudson*-; that ls, children Invited back te tbe same homos they have visited In previous years. Tho little boys and girls w!io eompoae to day's parties havo their homes scat? tered !n all^ *pf the elly. They all belong to the lowest social stratum, and ar- perhaps as needy a lot of Hui" ones as could handily bo 6e-loctcd for tho thousands of un fort un* to children who crowd tho rookeries and ton fi Blent houses from the Pattery to the Harlem. That the kind country folk who neate* ami entertain thom may be aeaurod tboy aro doing a abbie wuk for bumbnlty, arel that the many gen . iii-, iib,ts to "Tho Tribune-' Fresh-Air Fund n av realise tbelr -rifts an- abetting ono of the most i""iiiifui ehari?se of tho century, a few plain facts of truth concerning tho little ohos may bo related. Were a census to be tafeea, BOOT one-half of the children would be lound to be half orphans. To the la-: Individual, th* Minde coo are delicate, or so In cllned, aad the rael majority havo a sufficiency of neither food nor clothing twelve months In tho year. The patenta of ioma are eoasefeattosB, han] omrbsn, bul in fortunate, ami constantly wage a lo-ing barrio with (ate. In many ca-es the parents arc lraprovl- , j dent, at;d poor mana-**tn"nt ls tho source of their poverty and distress, whits not Infrequently Uicy are : ; addlrii l tc 11, lem pe rate habits, and the hardest kind ! } of Bittery ls tin* logical outcome. The love of drink j *? hu such a mc-ini-rlzing powot over Iho parents, that ? tha tendency ls inna-ro in ilu* offspring, and a child fc six months old was recently noriVOd In an East hidii | f DUsety, actually a baby drunkard, sluco lt refused to > ied willi OOgbl else but malt liquor. One | ? little girl of tho Fayette porty lost her farhcr otUy a ?hort time ago. He was Ulled In a bar-room brawl, j She || a bright, obedlenl and deaervfBg child. Another has a Crippled mother and an Insane father. She will ?ec tl*- country for tho Urst time In her life. Ceca ?tonally a parent ls f.eind, ftill of good lnfentlons and witta plenty of push, bul opporaatly so heavily boait paippd as to have little ptOSpaet Of ever rising above his picet.t itetu*. Due of tills type, who has throe children going to-day, and whose wits does day's work, being ont Of employment, averred that ho would not, live oil his wife's labor, BBd went ro Philadelphia. whence be tends his earning! home to his family. i: ? ? is a boy of fourteen in tba party, tor Philadel? phia. N. v.. of mere than passing Interest Ills father, j > now ib-a*!, Ma* of noble German blond, a gambler and ! * a libertine of the aprst type. Thc boy's mother ls a laundress, bas seen better .lavs, but to aol averse to work, 'lins lad Inherits ioma of his father's torUtlcs, and has mon pride than any boy In New Vorh ul like social and financial standing, li" ts } a- laving a- ;i Bitser, and always wear- good clothes. , g lie works rn the capacity ol errand hoy, and Instead of l paying to tl i street-can the ttve cents given by tho tum for faro, he el?tor walk! or steal! the ride, ami i . . the iia :..?[ lu his fend fm' liii- raiment. A ?? brother bas boon living with a family In rho n for four years. Two little girls. Pulu-h jews, nil also go with the Philadelphia pani. They an six ami eight yean reipectlvclv. and as pretty as _ picture*. I'helr father at a pedler, and in th* three [ their home live the grandmother, father and _ fi ur children and three boat? rs. and tbe three 0 apartments are lighted solely by two window* The g ls a frugal woman ; iho. 1 io, had au oppor in take a vacation, hui had to forego the pleas? ure, sin. ? she ran'l speak uno word of English. a IHtle liiii in the Pert Leyden party is ti" daugh? ter of an Inebriate woman. The father deserted ids family, and the mother dm Ju-; returned from Ward's Island, wbc re -le- lees been serving a lentence tor dis? orderly conduct, The Port Leyden porty win also romain a few Bohemians, and several Romanists, in addition there are iv.,p little girl*, very Intelligent, of Now England birth. The father bsd s good business in Providence, !:. I., Biol wllh revi tee, and moved to Nea york In th" vain hop** of bettering himself. Thc L'ato excursion hat among its numben two iii-vs. t! " mrvlvon of eight children, rh.* i,rh"r six hilled by tia- brutality off the mother, who. herself, nov,- I*,., fatally sick in a hospital. The father also li dead, nf the same party aro two children of a wash? erwoman, who support! a family "f teven, ber baa band being lnt*ne; also tha little ones of a woman a ho fe- sis i-ir- hi ; earned the bn-ad of llvo children ami an Invalid husband. One ol tlu- portie! fur Northern New-York contains a girl eif some promise. She is il*teen, quick to learn, ? I ?.' iweei disposition. She will be matriculated this fall a* a student In Mr. Moody's seminary at Northfield, Ma**., with til" avowed purpose eif being educated a* a foreign missionary. Th" Industrial ichool In this city willah tba now artemis wu*, poy tho lint for her Widowed mother, and Grace Chan*) has signified Its lotenflon to atsuaie all expense of buard and tuition nt Northfield. The six hundred Children have all been minutely examined by phyircians, some of them three or four 111 les. A few of the number examined were rejected ai i cannot accompany fin* pantos bv reason of evi? dence of contagion! disp-aso or other objectionable eau e . Ono woman was releeted not on account of pbyilcol debility, but fruin the simple fact thar last a- ponrea m macy fabrication! into her host's ear. concerning tie* Heh apartments an i service the hod in the cliy, that ''The Tribune"' Fresh-Air manage i:i* nt barely escaped censure for giving s ticket to so wealthy a "lady." All the children are ora'.y to get away on tin* vacation, even down ro th" woo dots of three years, to whom the eountry I* bal a name ind they all ariah to ibow gratitude for the high pleasure the outing afford- them. PoUowtng are tho hosts In rh.* various towns visited: 0*000, H. Y.-Mr*. David Norman, Ml?? S. I.av.-", Mrs. Peter Egbert, Mrs. Rs- smith. Mrs. jahn Marma, Mrs. a. M. Raymond, Mrs. John Miller, Mr*. Rages* Lockwood, Mrs. J.,nathan DeOAld* Mrs. O. M. Avery, Mts. j. D. Kai mani, Mrs. _ Bellett, Mrs. Tl. M. Ives. Cooloo, Pian. Mrs. Charisa ReweR, T. S. Manley. W. d' Lawreaea, Barloo Mnntgnsaitj. Mr*. Cowall, Mr*,, "-'i-s. a L?ley, Mrs. Ovarhlaar, Rev. Mr. RoMe, Mia. Illriiia Mrs. |-.,u!lii" D**at* Mrs. Tft-lgSta. Mrs. Jenni.) Seymour, Mr*. _. I. Gatos, Mrs. Walter Rom-las, R. T.?Mn, C. M. Vail, Mrs. Patterson. Mr*. Roary Ltok, Mr* Oeetgs Ltok, Mr*. Wllaoa smith, Mr*. Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Vuu Ripper, Mr*. Hire*.-II. Mlaa Matti! Roan, Miss Rebeeei Button, Mrs. Btratrd, Mre. ci.'manson. Mr*, i.,.,., tito, miler, u** Dr. Rvarta, Mitt Bryaat, MtoaJoaala Warre*, Mr*, Booro, Mr. Daolal Klnnc", Mr. (onlay. Mont!'..?, Peon.?Mr* Manger, Mrs. n.-riin, Mrs. I'?!, lal. Mrs. Bilby, Mr. RltetMOCB, Mis* (.'uri'. Mrs. Warren Bingley, Mr* Charlo* Read, Mra C. Raina* Mrs. r,;. M 1.,-ii... Mr*. J.ah Shena, Mr*. Bsdskir. I.nJ'oivvill", N. T.?Dr, \V. II. I.o.-keiby. Mrs. William Baker, Mra. WBflaai Btonfrt Mr* David B-yneld, Mr*, j. II"! I- h. Mrs. I.nilnr Ile! !? n. Mrs. Arthur IlamlP..ii, Mr*. Pia,a r-mlili, Mrs. H. II. I lia, Mt-, i'-inie Bower, Mr*. Ive*, Mr* Flora Sperry, tatt? n Barwo, Mr*. Uuahard, Mr*. N. K. i.i ?" , Mrs. V Moe, Mr*, j. ir. Ri... Dal" I*, d." Button, H V Mrs. H. S. Brock. Mr*. W, A. Redden- Mra. Satooett Daria, Mrs. rihtass Fenner. Cat* v v Mm i?. Walford, Mr* T. Oltaatad, rimer Mills, Will Kim aili. Un, Purdy. Mr*, tl. Taylor, Mr*. C. .;. Van Porers, 0. B. Merrin. Mn Ls Boat,, Mrs, D, Rooter, Mini Jemie Root, Mn ll. goat, Mrs. urines, MIS! M. Tho-UMOO, Mrs. J Wiggins, Mr.. Will Harris, Mr-, ii. Botuford, Mr* Btett-ea OlaMMod, Mr*, s. g*ewl> Inn. ( leul-s Forbes, Mr. cl. D.illii*. M.-.!m. N. T.?Mr* l*. T. March. Mr.. K. Wands. Mr*. H. Teller, Mr*. Barker, Mr.. E. F.varts, Mr*. Guppy. MB* C. Briak, Mr* A. Gallant, Mr*. H. Porgy. Mr*. Vf. i, i.ii-. Mr* Mai nts Mr* Istaa Qbbb-1 Mra. T. __8ris_* Mn 1.. I inib sMi*. C Van Lie*, Mra. R. Daboll, Mr*. II, j \ :-:-j_? n Weak and Weary j Dsosritaea Bia eaailtlaa al wetej pesate debilitated by th. | r; narin iiealln-r, by el!*cu??, or overwork. Unod'* S*r*a- | li parilla I* ju*t the medicine oOO-Si t? BWIOBflM (hat tired | 'I ('??lin.-, to purify sud ipili-keii 'he ilu.i;i*li bloi*l, and re *lor.> 'he I i.-i iippellle. if you need a go.-d medicine be sui.- ts Iri llood'a ,s_rsap?rlll_. - My :i|'|"'tl'" nu* pen, 1 could not sleep, hsd hesd a. hS I gloat d'al, pains lu tb-- bink, my bowels did not BMVS i.-'.'ii'arli' Hoad* Sar-upurllls In a short Mm did BM SS Bt** ti ? o.d il ul I BM! like . aa* m?n. My pain* and setae* *"? i-i'i'd. my 1.1>i?*? 111? - improved." 0?OROR P. JA* BSOtf, RaabOiy Manon. Csaa Hood's Sarsaparilla ill druggUt*. SI; *lt for 85- Prep lOOD 1 CO., Apothccarloa, I?well, Ml 100 Doses One Dollar Sold by *U druggist*. 81; lit for SS. Prepired only by C. 1. HOOD 1 CO., Apothccarli**, Dowell, Mis* TRY ? PARTS w%kiVtkiMn.% PERFUMES, SOAPS, AND POWDERS. They tire thc He-*., .Hoot Exqulalts and I.astitiR Orior>? In Existence. FOR 8ALE AT ALI, Dltt-'OdlSTS AND DEALERS. Hole Aaeut* for the I- M.i NTRA1 lg RHO!*. A tl). yi Bru rle fstrret, Sew-YorU. Hendrick*. Mrs. Ri, Drew, Mr.. Dr. Brown, Mr*. E. Power*, Mr*. Charle* Drew, Mr*. M. D. Druir, Mr*. J. lllckock, Mrs. E. F,. Well*. Mrs. If. Dudley, Mrs. Rest, Mr.. Meadnm. Mr. It Cramer Ogdensburr/h, Mrs. Alice Hutchins, Lester Monro*! gpeogaOffRS. Mr*. RSttll C. Kitts; Potsdam, Mrs. f. G. (joodill; Gouverncur, Mr*. Julia IU_St; Normy, M. h. D. Libby; farndon, Mrs, parks; Lowville. Mr* Arthur, lira. William DSaSOl ?otWOSB. Mis. I. u. Wilbur; DeKalb Juncl.on, Mra. O. A. Stacey ; Knowle*, ville. II. Y. Frost; Copenhagen, Mr* s_MB IIowi*; (anion, Miss 1!< ile Harrigan; Lynns, Mr*. Amelia Vin Maaior; Adams Centre, Mra. J. P. I.oti.wr rthy; East Venice, Mrs. Mary Donalds; D-.-r Iliv-r, Mr*. M. A. Hulbert, Belle M. Cutler; Lyon* Falls. Mrs. llici?ja, ger; Collinsville, 0*car Davis, RMBasi Divta. ACKN(?\VLi;i)<;K.Mi:NTa Amount previously BSSBtOWttdfBi . . ,817,409 m Poilsed by "Ohio Clubs," brooklyn . . . 3000 Pan of collection. Trinity Churrh, Newi-ort, il I, l'."V. C. I Mai-Ill. 173 70 B. V. Merrick, Int. ivol.i. .V II. .- -I ? L. C., Dalton, Ma**. 2*00 lair held by len little (fir!*, compoalrit* th* Wo -bridge I- r-.-li-Air Worker**, l/'r H""'n li. * Morrl*.? 37 W A. I>. i>., N>-iv Haven, Conn. . ?__?_? **> 1<Q s:at.v.o<4 Pletcher, St. i'tui's Rectory, Engle? wood. N. J.;.*,*** Iff Mrs. VV. A. HoW'-ll, Trenton, N. J. . > * 1 (JO f. L. C., Dalton, M?**. ..... -a") D. D. Wickham.| 20 00 ll CM .? 10 00 \nna E. Lanpher, Secretary Bohany fv'Cloty, Westerly, l-l.? _._? BU Festival given In Danbury, Conn., by Mary Merritt, Ann!.- Merritt, Laura Davenport. e.r.- ? Tweedy, Aim.i Barmio, J- - McLean, LoalM Cowpertbwalt, M* Susi.- -nd Juli* Hough, May Van gteeowyck, Dottie Ro I, J* ii H ivllaod. Looa Bteveo*. Loalai Davis, i-.ii.ii? Orsa*, Matta Uro*-, and Annie HOger*. 117 M :. A. BJ. 500 I Vf. Katon Fayetteville, N. Y. . * * . '-""') ill*, ll. Il. ?'? 0 ,'. M. F. -''OH of a fair st, tb" residence of Mrs. F: Mk W. K'llr, llrei-nwlth, Conn. 110 00 1 King'* D_ugtileis," of Fiontr*t, Plaltilleld, N. J. 6?0 '.. o. .stll.-s, Mnrrl.fown. N. J. * l. M. Phipp*, cii'ii.'p- Farris, Conn. ... ai he ? Whatsoever Ten** of " King's Diiighters,*' Middletown, N. y. fl 00 '. il. Smith. 6*100 :idward M. Cami'ron. . MOB I.-n i illa:ad Club," Waihlne'on, Conn. . . fSOi-0 dr*. M. A. H., orange. N. J. Il I'he MIsm-i Davl*, t.ulway, N. Y. . . . * In f-J ?'. A. Il. OOO itindnv-schonl of First Cou-rvgatlonal Church, F,..-hing, L. I. -SOO TJ'i. 100 iuntlay-school Cia** of Young Girl*, Durham, Conn. 2 00 1 I.. Ilorb'n. 23 00 1. D. BUke, i*or B. C. A. S.. soo ?er the Kev. A. D. Smith. 30 00 Class of Fourth Presbyterian Church, N. Y. 3 00 longregatioail bundiy-school, Great Barring? ton, Mas*. 11 02 'ifih Annual Contribution, A. It. D., Newark, NJ. Iraea Church, Honesdale, Penn. . . , (JO) t. ll, C.? r.'-i :. w. ii. 2 i*o . IL Richter.* IOU 00 I* of a lUflle at Bellevue Villa, Hi ch lan ls, N. V. 10OO Ir-. II. H. Laos*., 3 0*) irs. BL ll. M. loo oo l. M. 10 IM :hirl Annual Fresh-Air Sale. MSCOO-SL, Prook lyn, by Bttaaor M. and Marlon IL Berry, latta Janiliisoii. Gertie T. and Kutti A. Rel* s?.n; asattted by Maurice {flaherty, G Herc*, and Hauy Tuttlo. 10 W ? ll. Heck. 60 00 L's Rc ury w leckata . ? .... 3*'?? ,. McL. . .... a .... 6'iinJ I. M. D., a thank otlerlng . .... _*> 00 ash. .... 6 00 I.eay -arn^l by F.mlly K d*ey in pulling M'-p-ds. .... 2 *v> '. F. Thompson, Isle au Ilaut, Mp.*. ... 10-0 .. A. St'.-nart. MOO tBIe.,. .K-i Lob.;. 3 00 "liiiii!'! ............ 3 Ck) lara) ............ Hi". 3 Ch) . T., In memoriam. 3 c..) from Mis* Hattie M. Stevena's Parlor Bala, Brooklyo. Boo HO. 10 (Al '?'iiit* I.all-s' Di'l-pendont Aid Society, Dan. bury. <-"im. 13 00 . H. Beheock. Fairo-ld. C"nn. ..... 10 00 eor*e Mcculloch Miller ...... io e*o A-H. 5 00 air held at White Plaina. \, v., hr ?? Kine's Dau-hters." Edita Hall, LoolM Greeo, Mai -ai" Oreen, Marni.- Le Vt'ley, Mollie Lewu, Beleo Fraser, Mood !.-? Vii ley, Marv Reinhold, Mai-u. ri:..- Chamber*. Amy Woodworth. Mfg -* ?. 3 OO ar.l.n Party and Sal-* by Ml ss S_ n ; ' - ? - Sunday-school Clo**, I'r. e'hur.h, Hudson, ti. V. : Cordie tn 1 iv. To* Minnie Van Berger, Grace parker, May Arm sir.11-, mid liessi.; Huller ..... (fl 51) Total, July 21, |gej.glO.017 34 HIS ITFTU ANNFAf. SFDSf KiPTl* *N. 0 the g il i 1 pp r ot Vhs lr, tin ne. Biri Herewith I enclose my fifth annual subscription 1 the Fresh-Air lund. Ii _ a c,eat ploaiBIS to me to >? ablo to do this arni to note the degree pf public lt> ?rest which this noble charity so ieecrvadly enlists, lay the good work be p.rpp'tua'c,!. and the mind* and OdtoS of our future men and women be train***] sod latiirod fur bruad and useful lives. Very r-'si.-.-tfull-' 011 rs' A. 1_ D. Newark, N. J., July 1*. 1---. THE SF ND AY TRIRURR, Mr. Smalley wrote in Tu Sunday TRIfaji-l is sixth article on London society; Mr. William /inter contributed a Utter oa A Sr rai lord ___Bb_a, neribiBg every-day life La Stnitford-oti-Ayou; ubcrt Howe Iliinoroft's *? Ca li furn ;i IiiPt I'l-cula,'' Ooords of Ptoneet lhiys, was nviowad; trts\ I. I'iirrntli wrote on An IrBVoOet and [OW Foreigners had Fun With. Hun; a hillel from lome SBggested Itel th*- Pops mi^lit Lave the denial City, and BSVS BB ac,mut of tin- Kulrur auipf bj Madame Cn>[ i; o__Ct ieatures aiS E. C's letter from I'iir'.s, vYsshlBgtOJI Gossip, laaasfl at Men af aJbtlrs, lu aha Chareh i'nrii, [iiscum Art Tr* asm-, >, Military Not*'*, BBBtlball. iiciiij.', und all lin* aewfl ot thc day, of which tho ?adiiig topics WS_S as follows] Foreign.?Lviden..- ;ib the Maneleville lagaesl lowed that his pun -sliiiicnt had beea for uuus .alli" >Bg period* Lmperor William reviewed the iisaiftB troops and heartily e-reend i*y tho .hillls. _= _ William ti'lin, ti referred in a speeah 1 __loburgh to the silicide ol Hr. UkUey. - lu; ni broad wreck at raaliiilo, Mexloo, mus iuuud j bo dm- to pure mali, iousfl isa Whits lOple **u tin- Bke-BS linet are besiSfBd by lurderoua Indians. 1 ire**.?Both branch's in sessiOB. :?s= Tho " Tin- Fii'eeliiiiu s flank lull was pssi -. ie appropriation being fl,.1,000. =__-= H?o .ouse: 'lin. l-l-, i' iiiuic im! oraa paaoed by a vofa f IS3 to |?g; ato-sn. Pitch, Brower and KeiaaB* epublican* voted iur the meaaure; atnsn. B -*, I'-rriiiiaii, GrcenmsB and Sowden. DeBSOBtalB, .iiiiisi it; Mr. 1'pupIuII m:is paired, hut ezpBesssa is emphatio oppositloa to tho lull. Domestic.?Geneni Sheridao read tlie daily lipers and sat iur hours propix-d ap IB bcd BO* ide aa ope* wind,nv. Geneml H*_rtosB *'llt diiilli-. - . All.dher lhllliii-I'dl ?**?--*_? ns ur'i'esip'd ob b cliui,.- ,,i complicity m il"5 yiiiiunie plot, :?-=^ The Chicago anthoriti. iri-iitetied t" make au effort to punish jsaa lost for Iii*, work ani*it!? the Chicago -BBialtea ll s. [vee gave Ins sid ? of the sloiy retof"-" i the indictments found against hun >" (-,!"''in" uti. _=__ lihe bank delimit, is Creel and "bite 1 Raleigh, N. C., wen nntcnoed to hard labor m ic I'.i.iti-iitiarv. Tha 13th l{*'giu-"-'nt **** Ito camp at IVeksUiU. fur an.l D. fa?W *ont _ itter rmignlog from the Coonty Ltomocrsoy, ? bw political organisation to ba fircfSseo. s?-*? p' L. Dunn was murder..1 by H-tirv BSfMB 1 Fight have. An Itali in icalptof whs ??* leafed by gsa. Hr Msodonald ma* ?? a re i*rt in rogiiref to smallpox Bl WttttYt IsiBBd. = - - ti arrest was BBKal m oonnoi-tion "?*'"ll__l-,3 livy Viinl (Trend* and more are expected ~~ - .?iliium Underhill woundd in.v.-ti-rtou*i) t. llath Beach; no clew to the |>a?rpi'trotor. - he Cunimi.loie's cup in the Am ucl" lBOBB luh's regatta mus wop bj the SttSBgar. tho mery en,, by she Beatle** and tha H*-f??i12_* v the Susquehanna: th.' Alalanta's cup ?-*?*-?"?"? he winners si llonmonth PRrB aara maor. .-porter, Belv den, Niagara. W?J ,,'u Davis -Brooklyn easily "? ?'/'*< > ? rhleiics. : s Stocks dall and higher, cl?J-ii_ Oofiai u.av Mill ba bad at shs S-toa, or hy lilli. SlMectl pa-,'> H. i'll.'*'. 1 ,''',U;,? Don't Yon Kbow a, vou rmn.t afford B^^yjJjJ' na\otStA iiow'tbai it Mg ano teesmsmefttaxteimuaue. t? ?*??> ? ain't Toa kn.i?r that ll SBB bs e'.dy > ur*'i ?'?"._;* ?w liol while the the.,..*-).! *U'I ??? B*??J ''? P__t\_ Md hst* utuirly f*i.*l mat Dr.__f_\*w__??_r\\^_n\ esrtata sara! 11 i.s. sesad tte _?si rasia, sad taiga ag andrea* oHt.o*?.i.l. of snttstel.tao* aMw****tiasj m. ot ut eouutry who coo wiUfr l* ?w *mo**J/- ? raasBstSi