Newspaper Page Text
MR. CLEVELAND'S RECORD. (CotillBord fr*m First ,P*S*_\ _ fla-s has BatnrnTlv ttaMsi many I nion veter? an*. BSSM as disabled tha. shay ***?*? -*?-*? HifficullV find other cmpl'.vment. BS make i.rn Lr patti tools- If I', al veteran-* are intended, so docent citizens weil may ka by tho app?ini snent of Ma-kfpai*. **? >,oior? n,ld !'nU'? roiori.dis draakara. aa. Mhow_ag idiots." ?VWri oas ? reiga IBaist-T is ob the point of be-Bg put 0- B train fol intoxication. BR_ RR. other plays poke. "hl> wt*,T-Bg *--**-*?? **? Bjnaaall and S third is tho ?? boss pokes player" _* , ..:ij a fourth beooaBea notorious hy the -cath "f *'is ??*>**? in a vile den: trina another at ROBBS refuses to d;no wiih a-iT r_th*ili*' deia_FBIBI*, and ono who ehvlar-es ?-Cathe-lii'ism worse than PRfaaisfl-- is sent to ?Spain | when a Minister at Colombia aBRSsjJBB ia a Ba* ifhl a th ? * asa retary; when tlie Min jsters I-' Para, Chill and Yenez _-la laptaaaul private claims ol a doubtful sort; when the Minister to E_Bg_tt_ was'the attorney for the Emma mine. Iv which mai.y E-Qglishmen warre plunder*-*!, aad the Minister to rhe Argentine gepub-c iescaata ia pablished fjispatch-a alxmt the fCBiT-P-cp of that govcrnmeail : when men ai*- accredited to 8*overamenta which a* ia ! have m.. .st savagely assailed. and an old-clothea dealer pen*, g consulship In set!lemont df a debt for campaign uniforms. gad an annaf-i-liaed Greek ia seat to repre sont the United States In Tnrkey, at the time on the point of war with Greece! when Mr. Ketley ia set i aluin; Kuri.po. hal ia hand. huntine f?>r a goTeramenl which will consent T*. receive him?this great Nation is bardi* honoted iv ifs foieiga represcntstives. Perhaps thl wont featBTS ed the sad record is the ii<Ts;si."ni-y with which men have Leen appointed after ih*-ir bad character or an_tness had l>een exp* led. Volnrnefl of evidence were* pla<-ed before the President, and after? ward Biggias, Thomas and Raisin w, re gp. pointed. Beecher was put into three different i whi.-h he disgraced. Bancroft, reji ted for I - tor, wns made superintendenl of the railway mail service, In serera] cases r of indictments fe r crime were sour to the Presi? dent, as in thal of Warner, and th** pera, n*- in dicted were afterward appointed. Be keeps th- poatmastev who thought a sheet of stamps was a circus poster ar.*! stack ii oa the wall, hut remarked thal "the darned circus looked all aiikc" and be retains in office Ute man who "drinks whiskey and plays poker a gentleman." The President personally ordered t; i*ement of the Chief of I rda "lm could no! spell, after he ha*l heen discharge-el?th<- "fellow who spells appoint ?with one p _i <1 lioiiiocrat with an i."1 He raf. fen Goode and Cpshaw to Bad Incrative ; after their full i.\|j-.)*ure ni fraud; U*'<'i.s G*r land ia his Cabinet, and luis promoted ! the same fraud had -CCU ai*k'd ly his official a* tion. Such is the A dm: ri is! rat inn of President Cleveland aa deaenbed ly evidence drawn mainly from Ile ince rai ic sources. In *he fol lowjng ojiationa the figuraa fdlowing tho names nf Bewspapcrs indicate the page - arhich r_uoted dispatches or edit*.rials may bc lu und. ? REVIEW OF APP0INTMMM18, R7B_I__1G OUT Cl'll'i'LKl) CMON SO-JHERS _BL?, JAMES A.?Appointed Postmaster a? Auburn, lil. In place of veteran so disabled thal he could -*___ difhonlt* gel other em pl* :-?- Aug. '?>; New-York Sun, . S nate i lu C'Ui'iriii; ????iipi'i-:iir.'ii air.-r Senate adj Og. 1": fie. I. il j-- A lg I " ' Se* _orS Sun. ALDEN. WM L?Consul ur I;*>inc, member if *" The new-York Times'' Editoria] .Stu'! 1885, luti' i - New i orh 1 imo* i ALLEN, M. W.?Po-Uaaster si Titu*viiio. E'liiur; very letter in dei both Gran! iii*: 1 lld* ,m i ?.-.,. jv . v ,s I ,, rimes, 1. ANDERSON, CLIFFUllD -Assistuni Postma_ ter ar Sa,unDoh Shortage ni ti 'omits, ? refused to j - .. * last, i; N York Time - ABBELY, DB. NAGEER-Caaxo] st .1-r a Of. cot ntrrj to settle j tin Sstars ? Ire. on thc verge ol mr ibss, Oe! I"; New-York World i Name ait-drawn 1886, May _:,; New-York T__ BEWARDD.G A deseeter ARM-! I." v- ? i ? -In Union Service ar Bull I deaerti -i; promoted in Bc i*; ap? pointed Indian LospecU- 1885 Aug 18; The in .'.' A I KINS, J. D C.?Held public (.lice for t; " lix year*-. Hebel; Colonel Fifth Tennessee feat; member Rebel I .**.",. Marc] ew-Tork Wi ri-.. . \ ? nst I i\cr 1885, M..r'-.: :.'l : The rn bu ne, l Evidenoc Atkin* refused License to Cleveland, Indian would not { ill proflts t" [?.. land furnlsl ing ali tlie capita] an I . all the woi itel * * ? -1 i is u it : N-? .-. i ? i - I.i Sena! * July -". . N ?? I - '.. -' BA< ON, *:i." R-vVei_her, Bro klvn Be I I ii. ??? fut .i -'?' ll >: : ling, wli" ? | oiated ?? I I laminai ion * ontrary t-p k Sept 18: Thi Iribune ? I'-t I ?? ? 'oracj. pi ind discipline he i - ? equal In thc i d in order to Ell] ase tli*' unman 1 i"r the >? McLaughlin'' 1885, Sept -: New* tele i ,-i, . 4 BACON, J. C.?Charge d' Affaires in Pan 3 * rr-in-law ol Senator Butler 1885, Aim! IO: New-York W* ? BACON V B?Cleveland's brother-in-law. Su ti et i- New-York World, 4 Bailey - -i ? Ren? ae i ? states thal I politi - ? - Thc Tribuae, '.'. EY, E P.?Editor ol one ol the moKl ?' ? . ?. Stal 1887, - New-York World, 4. Appointed Post i ? ? ? nst a veteran r; also ll ,?; ol Democratic committee 1887, Feb. r .*?*? i Y.irk Time* l Attended Democratic I*..-- ? rention. "Not the Bligh tesl pretence Pr c! observing the ' ivil S*-r\ i* ?? law regarding ?' tion; nearly all arri^ ali are ?star.- or Federal offices 1887 Sept* 17: New.York Sun. 1 BAKEB, ?. VAN HORNE.?Appointed Dir-trict tUorni ? ar Springfield, BL, contrary tn an express i tn hi* [,r.''lecessi,r that he should I I teni ? \ ig. ',.- N". w-Yc BANI r.'"I"l \V L?Appointed Collector at Pori Muli. Worker fur " ! 19; The Tribune, 5 Brother-in-law o ItorConga.; eharged with treachery to tlie Demo _?-.*.? i>urt-. ;.s ehairinan *>f Hi. committee; called in outspoken Copperhead i-.-n. July '-"'. New fork Sun. 2.) Accused '.1 In bnildine ii:' * !,i'-ii_(i and I*'.rt Munn Railroad and of bad treorel saCoUeelor nndei lv.-i. it Johnson 1886, Hay 5; The 'I ni.ufa-, j Charges filed In June, tnt no ronsldcr?t1ot from Premdent 1886, April i. N'M-Yeiri. Herald 4 tdverse report: >. tot, ni-? - I '?**'. Aug. .**?: Ne-w-Vork San ? A. point *1 Superlnte ndent of the Rail vi ar Mi i1 : ? ? ? tmeni made by ? ,.-. ? he had i...'i f-.t-- f,*r p ause, ! - repre vc- having protesteMl with ifforting i - found n wi . fr ? nd v ? ? ? ? a *>f a Li tte it i *;: The Tri bane, 3 ile N ? *. i . I .,,. . BABRfERRE JO-.EPII.- -opoint?-d Clerk of f Davis. ?* Hiblish*d f.'r him ii book vilifying Lincoln and ,'ortl ern peoi ' in 18?? I- rs pro fst d f i t : The ' ? .. '.nd Jul**; .;: Tiie Tribane. 1' until Borbierre r I \ Vork World. 6 r\!:l"',V JOHN A?Appointed E^wtaiaster at luperior City. W * ir place .pf a <. ?,,; New*York Sun. 1 tfti-r adjoummc ? Aug. Ne* ?orh Sm -.' |]pf__nEB :?! -' ' " '* FOB itn-sI'in sCENI l;AUr.Kl_ f.Il.ld.::! B.-Appointed Penaion ? ? ,,t Col ti .ie chairman of the I? nt" l-l ; . ne of the kat*. -aa! I nure, ii, place ni *,-n-r:il Wykofl removed for rff n-?ve partisanship "juiv i- New-York Time* i tr,, ui erith l-ted by soldiers and i Old rock-rib)-, d !??en' that if Wy k'.fT wa* reaioved because ol parti*_ii!e i.rv !><...r ia*t- I., .'ipi'oi'it as h - r the an e.f the si Committee: r - girded aa extreme pur! - ' the l*e?diag aa- j v<i-;iret-s iur Payne and rhe retU-'meni ol J''-'i'|]- - -oa" 11865, Juli .0; Ncw-Yorii'liiU'-i- 1.J Ha-l a record ,.i .1-se-tion and was dishonorably dis tiic-Ml; received furlou h m-r us raiment wa* going into adion ar WiBchester, arni while BM ware falling about lum left, tin- field omi went home: woo ooart marr ia led anil w-nteneed tn br ? red : appoftled for reinstatement, bur th-- di? vision comma ode rs, Stoke*** Wruihr and Meade, indoned his appa*] unfavorably. Order ul nmnt-ly rc-okeil 11885, Jaly 1 **; Tin Iriluin.'. 2.i Chairman of deleirarion tc Democratic State Convc-ntion omi member ol flu- Committee en l-esolatio-*, vtolatiag I*Tesi. dential order; appoioted in place ot WvkofT. wbc i f"i- partisanship but never attended any convention **r was i member of any committee 1885. Dec. 7: N.-w-York Times. 1 > BATES, J, F.?Iowa; appointed Chief of th** Free Delivi ry Sen loe bj Po-Tniiist'-r-frcnernl "i place of i.iirfe*,. ( Bate* was chair? man .,f tin- Iowa .1. legal on at the Caactnnatl Con? vention and favored Vila* Other qa*Ufle*tio_i ? wn i 888, .Inn. l: 'fhe Tribune, 2 BAXTER '. W.?A| !>? :nrc*i i.overuor of Wyom? ing, vic*- Francis F, warren, saspcaded N-p* 'J* : New-Tork Sun. l. Frcnces public lund - Hs tpi En-rliih lyndieate (1888, Dee. 8; The Tribun* S Warren waa lavolved as violatlni law Bgalost fencins public land. nn*l when he was suspended anil Ekr-Xtei named, it ivns discov? ered later th;i? BaUCtex nils also implicated (19S6, Dec '?*: Ncpw-York Thaea, i BAYARD, J. A.?Secretary of ArlsoB?. Seqa> turv Bayard's -on. not froa. Maryland: E-ltimoR lb-r-iid 1886, Nor. io; New-Tork World, i BAYARD.THOMAS F.-8ea*tor froa Efelawan appointed Secretary pf State. Early la tl he made a speech strongly iymi> with tht South, the republication of which leavened bil sap pori s* candidate for rh*- Presidency. Had recenth a th Senate a resolation regarding Insl dynamtten, which many Irishman strongly eon dctnned us oncftlled for and unfair in f'rm*.' Wai reckoned an arden! free-trader. Hag prored 0* pricious and uncertain. His course has not beer I by sny fixed policy or 1* purooae The New-York Sun. i 185, Jun. 28; New Ydrk World, 4.' .Befusea appointment* to any obi who oppose* hw nomination. Jacksonville Opin? ion. ri88fl January *: New-York World. 4. No Cabinet officer bas mad- so many r_uni_T ri ! I* tlepartrnrast is*-,. April 14; Bew-Torl World, 4 " \V}i?n iine*_one politicians are ap pointed in profer.-nc.* to coed ni*-n. Ibis bas eer tainly been done in one ie;.ortm?tit. In th' n of our Ministers and Consuls, principle. ppf p-forni have not been perceivable'' New. York Stunts Zeitun_, 1885. May ".:,. " The mar who waa picked ont for the Bagljsh mission was the arrorney in the odious Emma min.* swindl The man who sent to Italy ha* no othe-r rueont exec l-l a speech agaiast ihe Italiaa 6o*_r-B_BB lie- man who zoa?*. tn Oreeee ws* four v<*ar? arc tb-- applicant fer tlie Mexican mfscion at Tho hand* ? ; Garfield. The ConanWi-eneral to Meliiourni waa ii Kaine worker, 'fhe Minister ta. Rueaii will I'd anti] lu* disabilities are removed The Minister to Mexico wi ii not e!ii>\arru-*is th' \i!'l; ,-.trallon dy accepting, althoil-h bc hal li""i '?..ntirni"d by 'h.- Senate." Thc Sr. Louis Poat Dispn 1885, April 24: News-York World, i " ' '"ti" 'ut" body**?atching business to rehabilitat. "it;: > Hi*-, s ? erring en th.- crave: draec*il ? ? political obscurity scores cf r_eeay*d hulks. more than half of them m. ti who do not bellevi ?'. "ion unity of theil own Government. and are citizens because the power of iii" Govern in ti' t irevc Hu'rn being its aliens*' < ln ', Knuuiri'r. 1--.",, May 'J; quoted May o. Ni i i -I: Sub. . VRSE. MISS?Appointed Postmu *t-er Bl Mus*.. ia , hi,... 0f r.ov..]. wh.. had bees heartily supported by P. m.,crats snd Bepablioans. liut F O, I' wanted a change, accused Love] naive pnrdUsai?hip, and recommended Miss Citizen! of boui pa-ties, In two public meetings, protested against the char." as btise and opposed thc change. Mr. Cod-Oaa also op pooed I SSS Nov. 'A: Tribune, 1.) li ?'. THOMPSON- TOOL IS C__VELAN1X-. BEATTIE, II. S.?Appointed Surveyor of Port of New-York "One ol thi mutrt, bro* wi tu Now-York politics ia always bringing ii the front, who ar*- always ready to do thc dirty :oni which ol'ler and mere conspicuoul men .." Evening Post 1885 Sept 17; New-York -.4. Great fri.nd of Huber! 0 Thompson, nu li r f-T Whitney: Secret*ry ol the County Democratic i'nmi:i;'t.'i- 1885, June 28; New-York rimes, 1. "A man almost unknown, absolutely ird of outside New-York, who represents Hubert 0. Thompson and nothing else, President upon* 1885. June ~-i: New-York l.::. -. , Beattie not a change of which the S* retary of rh" Treasury 1 :.* any reason to be Bene?iel was capable, upright, expert? s' ase a nari ian . - ?".. .Tun.- "j;*; New-York 'limes. 4 Recognized a.* another irift to Thompson; "congratulate II. 0. Thom 1 names be woe yesterday appointed hy President to control the New-York C_**tom House Would rather huy- seen him appointed in ??? n name* 1885, Jone '-'?-: New-York San, 1 Charges preferred for evading the Civil Ser 1 lee _cl i - -,;. ."in. 1 B : Tribune, I. Chi igainst him under investigation 1888, May 20, 1 I'eatimony ot Conway, form-r r, li nt to Civil Service exumin ??-*?: told thai litters of prominent persona would help; remarked it was against told tLui they would nevertbclesi help: na told thal Register Martha controUed the Brook? lyn patronage. Beattie asked il ever in aervles '..lor": answered yes; "Why in hell didn't roo say so-" Testimony of Bleuvelt, abo:t Widow McGinniss'a pig raffle; Wyatt, Barite Ollie*- told him te ge an ; take ;v>rt : in that way S.'.*'1") w;?s r.usod for ll.H's e*mp*ign: Bowers testified '.''.it ted. and was told -<? had ui go , 1 cJfee M.iv 25; New-York Sun. 2. BEE ll' R CAPTAIN HERBERT FVJOTE?Ap? point* d 1 olle ""r at 1'. ' S 1885, J S , Sun, 1. Owes office to "partisan service of par m. nol to own persona] m.Tits (1885, June S w-York Sun, '-!. Disgust *i Demoeral J irthwest, who charge thai the .'ippaununent n his father's servieea 1885, June 7 N w-York Sun. 1. Wu* s:.!-eoti!rnct.,r for lil" mail mute ! tween Pori Townsend and Seminlu i- <i. W I Left to lnter\iew Cleveland about ? - tor, for which be waa an ant; mail route neglected, complaint* for I tn Buthoriti unsafe condition ms i : r. San Francisco Call quoted 1885, May 17; ; New-York World, -i appointed col.tor at Pori 4 recommendation alone. Bad piirvi-r of st....m.'r: rc-..rd laid to be non" of the !'? *r: alleged account with steamship con nol satisfactory; charged with irre_iilarit,ies while acting .is collector 1-*". May Itt; New-York S Story thal while I Spumd ? ok from *rentlem*n 1300 to be aeed for .s. ,,i postal 1 "'??*: *_iys he eave it te, Post*l \ ot Temple, vriiich the latter denies 1 ss.;. April v -w-lork Time** 5 Testimony "I Temple ;? : K<*plar against him. Daniel Keplar testifles ? rongb Beecher to he turned money orders for peraons ai th-* East. H. Ip Temple t stifle*, that Beeeher never delivered 1 or m uey I 886, June 23 : New-York Timer*. ? A Ivers* r.-pp rt: hil confession thur he handed 0 er t. anotfa >r person monej entrusted to - ithout even takins a receipt shows thal he afe person to conduct office 1886, Jone 9; S Vork Sim. ",' - Nome withdrawn to escape n I88S, Au?. 6; New-York Sun. T. ,-y officials iii?isled eve* deficit in accounts [lector, and meanwhUe ha* disappeared 1886, Sept. IO; New-York Sun, 4. Full poee: Temple dented that he ever ? d money from Beecher, and when thr-atened with Btrest fiececber pleaded p**Mrc_r*y und - note which was i-iel on rle- day he wm appointed collector. <>th"r '/?hnrs''-*- B__f*cCn_g eh-mcter; every memr-er of the committee believed the ch;;rc*'s sustained by evidence (18$7, July 10; New-York Sun. *.'.' Appoiatod apecia] agenl of [reasury. though aame waa withdrawn for ? ,r after loss (eonteat; special agents do not have to pass Senate's inquisition 11887, Jan. 8; New-York TiBM*. 5.) Blake, formerly deputy had for ar*eelrs gathered evidence that r had robbed the G_v*r_niiieat in opnim ejtarted Eaat fortified with affidaviaa; stopped over a train ai Chic***; was found in at door of hospital with contusions on died thero Documents pnb-uThed by " The San Franciaco Chronicle*' malle oat strnnp eas.- Btrainst Bencher in opium muitcr 1 887, Jnly New-York Sun. a Special A-r*nt of the Treasury DepartaMntj ba spit* of rejection for col ? n oharges .,f dtaborieety and frau-1. whtdi ci .-rv member of t] ?? committee t*eiiev.-'i siisuvineci Testimon) collected Ivy Blxke, who was mardered i- 1 hicsga included the seizor* of books of the Pori Townsend <'usr..m ilonae, iBtrrpolitiaiii ;: Bc a li r'* handwriting, name of Ah Cooy added ?i to list of 1 nf*'nu*-r* a's" paw*, of atteriiey ' ,,. ?? to Gardner, Losp* tor ot Cuatc n receive 1 from GovernmeBt ' barged with Gardner, Eteeeher put rd a* dummy iBformer, and c-ttBecSed Sd.'em name, taking fur aelf and aeaociatea all but > k if offi?si it that he r* celie1 only suin. G_rdner nrr***,te,j i..i smogi opium at Ogdcnsbarg; telegraphed lo Beeobsr eak? ins '".rn to assure Secretary thal e.ardii"- w*e In syndicate a* ar* informer bal Waahing t..n ii' - Inls knew nothing ol bim 1 Ma, March :,-, - in, 4 BElaL,?.. W.?Appointed Pootzaaaterat W.-b-ter ? ? . Had *' Ineumbent Hunter with partisanaliip, but laid in applicatic n he mis editor ot ,1 Democratic paper and oh*???- of thc Demo. committee; thur he !.;id made ipeecbes in aad want'-el office us- reword; that Bal* or would enable him to do mer.- work lor his 0*rtf dian ever Made eighteen speeches and ? atinura on committe. . baa been even mer*- offensive parti 1886, April 1 : Ne** -York Sun. 1.1 BELL, ISAAC. .Ir ?Appointed Minister to Neth "Chiefly famous os the brother-in-law . 1 Janies Cordi a Benaetl of The ReBW-York Her? ald' aiui the arearar uf that plaid ulat?r with the le ;? cane " " Kept Democrati*' sp nt*- in Now pori : uni formed and maintained u m:irc.liiiiK stall ? New-York World, J Slf'll* il.AS M -Appointed Superinarndent of Foreign Mails In iJalooe "I Crawford, experieooed and bignly honored offieer *t the time absent in h,iiroi? a deli g*B '" Peal*] Con-r-s* bv l_s_*ttetf? of supenon 1888, April 1:Trlbuae, 1.) Acn\" Dtmucrutfi said ht wua " ano-ker moa like Hig pins" ins*). March lt*: TjlhaBB. t.) Had ben active ward poRtic?_ in St. Loaia and reading derk to Democratic National CoovcBtioB. Ai> poiBted baeanse ViBu ask! the ? pressure brought tn In-iir f**r the ap- ointment, of Bell to some pi the Deistrtateat bad basoaai so srr?-;it rii;it h* I not re*.!*-!, any loagBt" 1885, May *, : ihe lril> un<-. '.'. BErtTEDICT.?Appointed Pobtts Printer. Lone cliter of ?? ihe Ellenville Pre-s:*' brother, now e*imir. to be chid derk (1? aaa 87; New k"ork Sun. l lu offlc ? only two weeks: dist 150 employee ai one order 1888, Sept 86; New I'lm.s, j President's marriagt ?tamp aliiiim for Secretary Yilas prepared in ?rn ni Printing Office * 'ontribntioaa 1" c im paiga fond bj witneaa, who considered it diplc l--". April '.'i : Tribune, 2 Benedict and May? nard eirenbtr to I'listmaster* asking mimes and -Militics of voters at their offices tor partisan use I*.* f?i, 28; New.York Time* 4 "Benedict and Mnynnr-. n*>r ehiktren; thoae who read _irca l:irs nor fools Insult to Pres den!: B i be will distribute Ilale'i spcei h ? ? show tbe world thar rbi* is nor th.- kind of ad-mil tr l many people think ir is " is-*. Mardi 28 : Tribune, 4.) Resolution to amend 1 ___ Article Conatrtution "United Statea," io print.-*! at * io'erm. n:is sympathizer with Rebellion ar.d aeemi to be? lieve ir succeeded l-*-. March ?*>: The Tribune, :' N.--.p-r served apprenticeship, according ta fl? own testimony; law reunires a pm '.eil printer I?. March *-: The Tribune. _. Resolution in that fortr dnr* arro President's m*-ssne_e wirh T*nci-> Railway '".'?iiir.usion report had been or dere.l printed, ard requiring answer why docu? ments w-*re ned- delivered. nn_ whothr-r any had been prin'erl ; One thirtr nyes, one thirty-one noes fl 888, Feb. _. ; Thc Tnb*_o, *) REMOVED FOR CATJSEi RF_STOI_ED BECAUSE A DEMOCBAT. Itr.NT* >N?Disr.irt-Attorney f..r Missouri, re? tool "J on ground of offensive partisanship; lm pe.ssii,].. tr. mi ji..iiTiP':ii appointments withoul neglect t.. puhhp- hu*!!"-**. 1888, Oct 28; ** \ork Tim*'s. .".. Reinstated through Swator Yeal I -?*?;. Sept. '.?: N-'w-York World. I. "" No reaeon able doubt thai he is guilty of rhe- vulgar, al and dieloyal utterances againat tbe Administration from which hu appointment. Trannie decency Irksome to *uch nature* us bia" fie-" 8; New-York Times. 4 L-tt. rs of relMtftte ment i --*'*. Nov. I 8: N'.-w-i "ru I imes, 8 Bento i's reinstateme-nt opproved at, Wsshinirton on account ef alleged rs .tor Veal Stone writes simllar letters to Benton'i 1886. Nov. 22; New York Tim<T-. r. Damaging (acta; statenient *.f Sullivan, who hear*! Henton lay: "Dont ' in Cleveland's Civil Service namba (-gery; ii bil ideas cf finance fruin the rold-bug! of Wall Street, leeches that luck the blood of tia' hon* st r?*i.m.inrv *.f the West, ';;<* vampire*" " I' -? ri" ;tr thui Beaton foiled lo tell the whole t nu h. '?cirv oin ha-.e t>.-en in no wiae nvr" flagr?ntly rlcious aad db.loyal than thai oi District -ttorney BentOI - ? . ': ..ric I Imes ?" ? *.; .*- ,:,?: -pardonable insult to president Cleveland; te. siH.iismen proof that the President i*rTendered hi* If he *1 <m nor dismiss him. he will lind public opinion will he come Hr** pu/:/!*'!, then suspicious, tit l.I'li'TtT""! >'!' I ? ' ' ave hinC t ***',, D-ec. :;: New.York Tim Testimony "f Jud I I Demc-crnt. that Benton did use the language stated above; also Judge A F Hickman, Democrat, Bonk Presi? de-! Yatee, Democrat, whn sar be went ont way r.i attack the President; l/iivi*. Democratic Editor, Hunks the language correctly reposted Dc* IO; New-* rk Times, l BISHOP, W I - [i tern*] Revenue Conector st Cincinnati, teni Ii puty Into Commit cr I I*1mi ?? ct for poli; ieal in violation of law. Sends official! wi? ro convention to nominate Bis] Sheriff. President Cleveland ni ut remove ur I hold Ins p.;.,..? u'...i.: i ,\-,l Service; i mun in Cincinnati knows Democratic Convention controlled bj Government (rou gen i nd store-keep en ' - *??. * let ??. N -. BI-*sE'I.L. a. D.-Colleetor al Buffalo Brotli'-r of President Cleveland's fnrra-r law-partner ', May 10; New-York limes. 'J.j AN MPOSTOB FOB F_<S-ONS COMMISSIONER BLACK, J. C.?Appointed Commissioner of Pen? sions 1885, March 7; The Tribnne, 1 . in place of < lark r- in .? ? d nol ri signed as President first said in appointment: Clark had risen through ali - by merit 1885, March l -: ." w-York Times, I ?? Boards of examining surgeons now reorganized in Ma;ne. Massachusetts, Vermont Ohio and ?adi? ana? Changes ir. New-York and Ll lend. Reorganization consists In -inn;; to each board of surgeons a Democratic In nlace of a ilican nm; irity." 1 885, Mi limes, -.. Dismissal of all Bremner* of the .'".".ird c.: ? Kami?lng Bargeuus ar New-Orleans, ta:'"*- most emineni physicians faithful in public service, and in their places Black pm ta i ?? v* of ward politician grade and a doctor nnder indie lor violating the la* tatton of :i raise claim. Ni ret that _ - Ideas da md egree arith President'! II" proposed I rul ol 18 examiners in Penaii n Office and lill their out referent*-* to law. . .85 A - New-York Time*, t New-Orleans appoints revoked .m-l charged to false telegrams. Auk. 28; New-York Times, I. Senator 1 ? * that Black " obtain?*d pension . preti ?.. * and was an Imnoator, I could not hohl oili.-.- ;i day afb i ? barge had proved; case for immediate and l ivesti ntti Sew-Yoi ? es, 4. Never investigate-? lister, ol Blacl * -t. I -*:., .1 _n< l ? . ? .ic .". Dru?s $100 a month; only nia.u on pension list drawing us much; has 15,000 salary br? ilia tn itment ol other brave Union *??! who were badi] mo;.mle.I. like Stephenson, lian. s. Board, Bal . ? - **_, July ll, I'l linne, 5 ? ihtainc d ll ,200 for pi asian npon s that be waa a physical wreck ai I ?trained to abandon hil profession; his person emaciated, and neededipension io give broad t.. self and opportunity ta eduesate childrea. ?')*>; Ihe Tribune, 5 A-.,al resignation ? i St?*pben soii. Chid of tlie Middle Division of I uiio had foul wounds, lr*-m wi i.-reii greatly. Black wil tran for diemisuing hun but i the change wa- in on by men high in power, whom he was unable io withstand 1885. June 5; The Tribune, 5. I'sis * ivil Service <!omn Dem? il ior all p lor-sificd dei kships : co ition papen "i applicant* and tia-n ascer? tained politic! ol men recommended. 1 --*'.. April 1 '.i; New-Yoik '1 mi"*, ... * undidate for Vice ii: : ut v ippointzocnl Dye for that purpose. 1886, N it. 20; N* World, i Granted pension to Colonel W. R. Morrison, win, bad lii"l no application nnd no pi expressly required, 1888, April 21; Ne* * ? ;, Morrison returned pension certificate, end yet check ama aenl him i>\ Pension Agen! at . -.,. which he returned. Violation ol aw for bencfil of parCsan. 1888, ?ni''. 2. Mack demanded thal Pension Agent Wilson dismiss derk be bad appointed; was fM that it w.s ii bonded oflJee and he had a righi r<> his .v. ti clerk ; Block backed d May IQ: The Tribune, l 6. Resolution Ino, whether circular bad notified claim I I i ?__k_ would not be considered il evidci. wa*j no! fnr Dished in 1"" daya; second, by what authority of ?i; third, wh tier any claims bad been - i tho! mund. D "rut* admitted such circu .-ir bad i>*-. n issued; that it was Illegal, and a device to frighten But eight hundred claim* wen .ul dxeular 1888, Feb. 28; The Tribani WANTS UNI! >N BLOOD TO SWIM IN. BLACKBTJRN, JAMES.-AppoiBted Internal Revenue Coll?*ctor l"r tbe Ashland District Ken? tucky. IsTirotherol benator Blackburn. '--'M.. ?- ? . - in, - Sim ? . I nion: litt.-r of October. 1881, to lu* wife; "Gran! 1 may make the Union m<-n of Kentucky feel the of my kriif-; nireii*! to begin work ol murder in cnrni-s!.; il I - I th* m. may beU ix- m.- portion; waa! *" sc Un - n deep aaeuah for mv horse t?> swim In." is-:,. Maj 10; New-York 'line's, 9. Apjioiiitmect afterward re? voked BLAH- JOHN A?Dismissed trom <",ust*im Boase v.j-.-.!. '.ci p.ti charges of rising rude (language, though ehargei were explained to thc declared -.itisfii d,.ii of Surreyea Baattte 1888, Oct i_; Jew-York Sun 3 BOARD t'ICHAl.D?Appointed cl.-rk of ri ?aila I'l-ii'-r three iodictaien? for forgery; u.i* ilrn-t-d three ' -trill'; money nnder false peeteacea; *u. in 'J i i roblv'ry: ta theft In Kentooky; rrcom i by < oBtrollcr Durham. I* rn ii*- would steal something kn a month; di-1 money order fer ;l >'?-. . mus ira. - an.l orreote ? F*j awaiting trial . - Sept 2: New-York Sun, l.j BOYD, A .1 - \p|?iiT*ted Coll' ?ernal Rei. I.'." for Nor! h < !*rolina. < *'iif. '.h-rat- i! .i<.ti*- 1: influentis in State politics (1888, April l; New York '1 Ime* B l?i)YD -Appointed Minister to Switzerland Champion poker player in hentueky, - 'linus. 1885, May 15; New-York World. 4.' BRAD. 1' -Munster ar New*rlc Ohio Wai found short 113.500 in OOOOOBtB as >h*-nff of county BBADBUBY.?Appointed Surveyor for Port? land. l>.n_ :in a* ti-' politick?i ia Mah *N,*tit 25 New .* ork World l BRADLEY. J* FRANK.?Appointed Revenue Collector for North Carolina ria tor, foi years defended Illicit distillers and ab iaed n vi nne officers; he Blade clean swan bb soon ss he gol pesaasBt-B el the oflice; appointed a* deputy one l.ii.n who hinl la-el: Indicted fer Illicit dist) . ? l with embeaxk-s Kei. 17:1 be I ribunt 2 BRAG-.?Appointed Minister t*. Mexioo Cp.n i ion t'\ "Hie- holders: and Poota tater Sue ur ar>- the active ttenteaanta h-r*' of Bragg, white vi.-ral follr1h-c_ls^ peistniii.ters ar- - or active workers foe kin-" ilsoti. Sept* 4; New-York I?Bea, 2 Ilanlly hiippv when out of a quarrel. !1888, .Ian. 15; New-York World. 4.1 BBANUAM, ll ll -Licensed as Indian trader. Was ni'-nibi-r af rhe law tirm of Lamar, his son-io P" AC'lJ - --ii*ui-. i--ii a _**!?;.rn rs Butler, Pugh un*! \ * *t in rh" State l>e|>iirm_-nt 1885, May ii ; The Tribune, l BROWN, C W.?Appointed postmaster at, Co? lumbia City, Indiana, in place of a vet?BBB so di*, ahled us r.i secure other employment with diffi? culty; s-nar. refoaed to oat iiaBS, Aaa, 5; New Vork Sun. t Med uh* n Senate adjourned Aug. IO; New-York Sun, _. OlT-CEa S'?LD FOR CASH. __ BROWN, S S.? Chairman of Democratic state Committee of Maine Charged with accepting li t men ta ot postaBasters; neighbor ?1 he bad taken up a large mortgage on his and bought a hors.- arni baggy, bat bc previously a I ta rnbacker the Democrat* dischtimed responsihilitj 1885, _b?eember 15; New-York World, ilution offered by Sena t ir Hale, Including tetters signed bj Brown Bettina money fr- m peroone appointed for expense* for ?? attending to our Maine' (1888, Deeemb*er*15: Nc w York World. 5. Alao December 10; New-York '! that out of ion of the mer*- im? portant office! ppf the Stur -. Brown's r.mmenda i B7, and erverything tended to show that the w_ sha people ware not consulted and appotntmc nts were the work of one man l 888, January 7: The Tribune, 2.) --leged that ha charged 825 foe foerth-etaai post ofleea, on*l sdmttted large snreesa in ion* for money ro cover expenses 1888, July ll: The Tribune, 2.] Offlee-brok-r; letter winch he wrote for sss* -sn,.nts to defra* expeiisp-s created scandal and destroyed asefnlneea Man rejected aa P st mastcr al Llncolnville was in jail at tim** ap I f.-r i,ml*' In BBBi*-ellice : Postmasters at I'niu :n;d Liberty bad ahwaerT-d terms in jail: I'ostni.isr.r at E-lsborougfa purchased appointment I-''u Brown and proclaimed amount paid (1888, July 23: New-York World. 8. BRYAN, Il L? Formerly clerk sf Senator Rayard'i eommittee New oflice of itenographer roi Bayard cr at*rd for lcm: r*-.arfl<-*l aa Interfer? ing with proper discipline of ot?ee by claiming lar.e power-: appointed t" edt! Hf-fOfl law- at 83,000 .-I appareaty boldinc rjtber office Bl Mae time 1888, vpfcniber 2] ; The Tribune, BRYANT, F.. E ?Appointed Aaaistaat Attoraey General for rio- p st Office Department by Vila-s; waa Editor ol * The Madison Democrat': it bi now i\ji eted 'hat r);p' manager of the same paper arlU s'l.-r.'ed Printer Roan is 1888, March ll; New York World, i i BCCK, CHAR?Appointed Minister to Peri. ** Countey lawyer, ncohabi] nc er -rot a .1" fee; lix yean in ran for county attorney but bu.!',', '" l 885, April '.': Ni w-Vork Sun. I.) " Youn| irticnlar prominenc*, who has To lil' position by sec uri nu it" !--'?. April i: New-York lime* 6.) Emin bug hunter; *?:.?!. ed a lawyer with two cases: K* n tuckiana ste!" lum '" carpet bn_i*er from South*1 .pril l : The Tribune, i " Said 'hui he mada hi* waj to Lima, borrowing 1800 of Enelish 1 onsul at Panama and begglnc deadhead ts**. ?? been made Minister to Peru in lt of Mayor firacc i"-S_, Sept. 1 ; New York World, t LC* K. S ll ? Appointed Postmaster nt New-Or 1'iiis. "Served through the war in Confederate ?tor: merchant made and losr one - captain in White League ia 1874" July 24 : New.York Times, 3 CKLiEW. W. N.?Assistant Postmastef at Coahocton, Ohio. Arrested cmbexxlemcnt Govern ment fund*: failed te or remit 1887, Jun" .*;; Ne* ' ? Sun, 2. BCNN. WALTER H -Marshal for Northern Di* trict ol New York. Waa Sccrer.iry of Democratic imlttee 1885, May t: New-York We ? : BURCH ARD, II. C .-Director of thc Mint. De? siri 'I r.. r's' ti. thoush nc ch*rs-s preferred 1885, June 25; Ne w-York Sup. ,'. Suspended (1885, June '.".': N'-w York Time* 1 BURNETT, J. E.?Appointed Attorney for tho rn District of Alabama, in place of Dusk . dimunds's report thar reasons were purely parti. mn 1888, Feb. ii*: New-York Times. 3.J When reappointed was conlirm-d [1888, May 1; New York Tim s. i BURTON.?One of Gorman, men: sppointed foreman ordnance factory; od'dal who was re ? r putting plus into 10-inch pin .ur ord? nance yard, so that could not be {fut ont I ? 1' I: New-York Tim* - BUTTON ?Appointed Postmaster at Lynchburg. Kdif'.r. who. after appointment, eall--d Sherman "first ?? - :. miserable mountebank, unsent ? scoundrel, uncharitable d'-..*' and Logon ? .? il ",, illinois orang-outang his dirty ? s ? and Hour "white-livered, onion-eating twanged old hypocrite," and Conger " a slang ? " etc. ls-ii. Moy 15; New-York Sun. 2. d. bur again reappointed; charged arith tia ? la ofl partisan anel intense ? "?. to Civil Service, reform 1886, Aug. 10; Sc - lu--' World. 4.i Bl M'.I.K. JOHN II -Appointed Collector at New Haren. Lons time a political worker 1885, Blay l ? New.York Sen, 2. (ELL GEN W. L.-Appointed Marshal for Northern District of T* xas. In ipeecfa hp- said : *? I will c> imo s Democratic club whether I vio |*te Civil Service or nol i am a free man. huve not been made te eat fi.*: leal.' 1888, May 14; New York Tin * .HILL, JOHN A?Appointed Custodian at Philadelphia A ward worker in RandaU'fl dis* May IT; The Tribune. | JAIL _____ FOB PLACES OP TRUST. CAIN, P.?Appointed poestmast.-r Port Dodge, Iowa Appointment secured by J ll. Dunacombe, ? !iu_' to atli'lavit, required Cala tc |4 ?? i- o l "I ial*ry received fer support "f I eratic pup'.- edin Dun_com_ei son ? -**'.. May '-"-; Nc w-Yor? S in, 2 C._Dv7ELL, WM.?Appointed Surveyor at Cin ? i McLean heeler" ls*:,. March 31; ? ? ?? Has now appointed a third man, who nasa criminal record; Hamilton County ie year, and served ii fear in Si i under false preteai es" 1885, J dy 8; New-York Times, l .ppointa a* Awlst n . | i' Office Bul dins Jerry Mulrov. a ward heeler, wi ? I - icrved two tarni* in the Ferdinand Whitchey, who served 5 ? S ag and a year rn Hamilton ? ap] ointe I us janitor ' >'? 'onnor, - rved three Ohio Penitentiary for *i-olin_ :i watch and chain 1885, July 1: Thc Among other ? at Cincin n ? ri was Moran, formerly a backman, charged v.ii- arrested early ia July for in? na the Poa! ? IIBce. CALLAHAN. JOHN?Appointed Foreman of .-: Navy Yan!. Wa* leader of mo!) to break ni ni -?-tinu ot Pl rtemouth in the last camnaiim and arr- rted. trie? arr! Dned by n Demo* , Mayo!*. S;\ry bur :? I ir political - .ii tli.i' yard air-..dy (1885, Aug. 7; The I'l-ibim... 1 . < \MPAN. D. J.?Appointed Collector ar Detroil II.I* fis! fijrhl with ex-Mayor W. ?;. Thompson, a ' ? nt Dc moe rat, who will prefer charges about office of Collector; what he docs not know about Democratic methods sot worth know In-" i--- May 18; New-York Times, 1. CAMPBELL, ED -Marshal of Southern District ii I i For many years chairman of Democratic I 885, May 28; New-York Times, CANDA, C. J.?Appointed Assistant Treasurer it New-York; known aa representative of i in multifarious en! Jan. 21; New iorh Time* 2. CHASE CHAS. S.-Appoint.**! Collector of In ternal Revenue in M erupulons I>*mo politicinn; disloyal during w:ir: Prc*ident ? cry bad appointment which ought to be re* roked 1885, April 23; New-York Times. 4. As ld be found in Sort tictpaal in Maine Garceloa frau*!* 1885, April 22: Tribune, 2.1 Adveraely reported by Senate 1888, Feb. '2i: New-York World, 4. I;.- -ted 1886, March 2; New-York World. 4 Chenoweth j. p^-Appomted First Auditor .1' lr*:is'iry A Confederate 1885, April 18; Sea York Sun. :: Cat al office illustrated by reatmeni rf G. S Totranoe. of Cattarangus County, V Y., uhom ho t*'ld tluit his plaee wa* wanted fer a Southern man. and rhar Southern men bad .??ir share of places; but to Torrance he gave i letter ital .- thal D lound with him. that his discharge was n ade neceaaary by desire done ? ? bMi rh- fore- In the Department Th- n bs appointed i friend from Texas, and Bpeedil. afterword raised ry 1 085. >)yt. 28 : Tribune. 2 attack on Profeessor Baird nsinnat -d extravBgance and ?ia honorable per? ot funds account* aassed; t*ad aot the nanliiii-ss to withdraw outrageous aaaertion*, doe ?o m.,' : other discreditable mo! 20; New-York 'Innes. 4 Imputing .. professor Baird 1885, Nen :. Ne* ?Turk Times, B Compelled to bc Kel?ir ius elerk ander Civil ?i.-r-. ..-.? btw; Secretary wal "find it ? ip have th.- btw ??'?? red if be dismiss men who try " evade or deliheratelji violate it. beginning a ti, ;i!in Higg na" l --'-, July ?>; N.-w York I lm< - l 'ULM.I.i C P.-SWiei t..r .if Internal ReveBBe. l_-mu\--d but Ber Miller strongl] pro? rated rina ins linn jobi ware ocroeaaaCT aad ia> iu'-*r.'.! him to remsin 11885, April 7; New |..rk Time* 1: April 7. New-York Sun, 1: April ts. New-York Times, i Hut, nus utti-rwunl removed. ]?:.!>?-?- being want.-.I for j Demoexal CHILDS, JolIN T?Appointed Consul at Baog* cok. Refu* i tpp entertain or ro keep icrvanta, rn*! delivered oo letters ??( Introduction: Mid lu? sts tn lng t-. m.'k" th*- Uriag pay and waatod the In order t" arrite ?? '._ on the oouatry Jun* i -: New-York Tribune, 5 CI___ST__, MISS SARAH L?Postmaster Bl Nv ?ck. au.-peudea thou uh record w_ clean; fat!ler when Postmaster, at re gaasS of citizens, induced th** Depart BB8B8 to give a second mail to the town and paid thc deficiency from his own pocket. Orlando Humphrey appointed; active Democrat 1885, Jim*' 17; Tribune, i.i Genera! opinion that gross injustice wo* clone Mi*-*- Christi*, and the memory* of her father; tbat, acta on which charges wees assad were parfeesBsrl at some loos I*. h:m*cif in attempting to give people more convenient service ins:,, June 22; New-York Tinus 4., Defence of Mlsa Christie (Jue St: Thc Tribune. 5.) Edauvelt's letter to Cleveland . July 17: The Tribune, 5.1 CLARK, O. D?App* inie-el Assistant. Secretary of thc Interior. Not deemed competent, consm ering Mr. I-imar's unfitness 11 _{*.">, May 12; Ihe Tribune, I. CLARK. S M.-Postmaster Keokuk. Bspsfft of fi Committee stares that ne waa suspended purely for political reasons, us papers furnished show no , - . April CLARKE, W. F.-PostMiu-ter at South Bo?t*n. Removed by Postmaster Cone, of Booton; lu tiona of '.rand Armv ptpteat against summary dismissal as contrary to letter, spirit and parpoae of -twsioutragi that h<- snm removed from oflice without cause or bearing; displaced fer Inexperi? enced civilian; laws cited 1888, Mar. .4; New York Timi--*. 5. CLENDENNDf. II W*..-Appointed Postmaster at Springfield, lil.. Senate committee report* beean*! of scrvi-vs as rhf editor *.f the leading Democratic pai**r and manajrer of 'he Demoerai Stal Com? mittee l ?*->".. June 'j:,; New-York World, t ition adopted by D-mocrati-' Stat- Committee requeatiag Administration to brreatigate Gen dennin's conrip-crion with corrupr State printie. rimr. sad that be be dismissed aa Bnfl*, for or honor '1887. Sepr. B; New-York Sun. 2.i COLMAN. NORMAN J.?Appointed ''ommi.-* sion**r of Agriculture. vvhe*v*up..n New-Tork Sun says: ?'Wiiul is always bod for crops" (1885, March 30; New-Tork Sun. 2 Mel President per spiu.iiiy, who thereupon naawd him [1885, April 2; N'.-w-Yerk World, 4. Upon urgent recommen? dation of Reprerentative Convene and Ch*irm*n Barge., of the Democratic Stat.* Coo-mittee, he '" appointed as Stat.- Agricnltural A_??? rir f,,r Ohio a man who turns out to have beeti tried an.l con? victed for stealing atul who serveii hmo- nsoaths in iall in Lake County, Ohio n lss;,, July |; N?.-w York Times, i.i CONFEDERATE ARMY APIi'INTMENTS. LiiJdei. jiiuit-s L., Marshal ol Northern I'lstner of Mississippi; Pearre, Charl** Ii, Attorney of Northern District of Texas: Cab.dl. Wm.. ihal of Northern District of Texas, a West Pointer who resumed for Confederate aerviee: Jon**, B P., Cdlt-otor st New-Orieaaa, many \-p*ars prominent politician (le.5. July .; New York Times, 1.) A THIEF FOR AGRICULTURAL AGENT. CONNELLT, JOHN B K -Appointed tftatiatii**-! Agent f r Ohio Agrienltnral [Vpartment; served term of rhr"-; months for stealing promissory note, and escaped penitentiary on the around thal the not.* was not good * 1 f-85, Sept. 15; Ne**York World I CONNERY. THOMAS.-Appointed S.-crefary L* B?tion, Mexico; of New-York Herald 1887, Jan. j. New-York Times, 2. CONROY", I*\LNLY.-Appointcd Mail Agent Union Station. Indiana. Was eantenced in 1872 to the penitentiary for rwo yearn for grand buroenj ; pleaded guilty of robbery in 1889 and wai sentenced ter two year*; in-*neted for riot in i-"*w and Pound guilty; in the siitm* yesrh*- was indicted for robbery; ami a-U in 1888 for assault an ' Pry 1888, Jan. 24; N-w-York Times 7 Full rec mmendation by Congressman Bvnum, with rig natures of Governor Cray. Jud." Niblick. Auditor Attorney Heard, and Secretary Myers *.1880, \-? w-York Tim ? COOMBS, II W.?Appraiser at Baltimore. Re tn red on representation the Maryland dele? gation unanimously desired Downs, his successor. who is Gorman's man l888, Dee. ll : New-York Times, 8 Telegram to Coomb* from Secretary suppressed by Appointment Clerk (1888, Dec. _j; The Tribune, ", COI IN ?Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and working chief of thia Department nnder several 8e< -???anas. w.-is at, tirst relocated to remain and f"r months his retention was rhe bosist of in il Seme- reformers ? lt was " like rh** mnthod in Great Hntjiin."' Then bia re_*niat-on was required . Oct 28; Th- IrH.un-*, l Letter of rosig nation published; says he had been ready to retire if desired, bur was anke-l to sra-, and that the Sec? retary1, request now implies that his resi.nation is asked only for political reasons [1885, Nov. 2; The Tribune, 1.) COOP!:R.-Appointed Internal Revenue Col lecror nt Pekin. 111. Insulted Logan when a ean didate and apeakiag at Pekin: h- was Mayer and ref ;*??'! to stop a mob, which bowled down Logan, the loeb being led by Cooper's son ,18Sii, June 17; New-York Sun, I I OOI_.R, SAM. P..-Collector of Internal Reve? nue Cpr rh" T-r Texas District; accused in letter to Logan of being a poker player, of drinkir." and of attempting blackmail . 1 -J8?>, April lt; New-York Tillies. .". C* ?<?PFR? United States CoauBiaaioner. Hus office in same rcom with Goodwin, connected with land banda In Alabama. Illustration of cases; May in. Tam Ft*?rec defendant beM fer trial, Ma Pearce being witness and United States Deputy: Mac IVurce -COBBI sp-,- iritr for him. Nett day Mee ivarce wa* charg.-d before Bama Coasmiaaioner wirii ili.'gal cur tins of timber; Cam Pearce-was wit a_t bald for trial, and Cam Pearce became bondsman Many similar instances given. __ Coa_ missioner received fl p?'r day ami fees. Not ex? ception*] *ir exaggerated case: fair sample of work of other United State* Commissioners in AlahaiBa : th?". otperate in pairs: the same practice prevails jhout the South and West, HS98, Dec 14; New-York Times, 2 Laws violated with impu? nity ; agenta of th* department just play this gam to lill their pocket* Agents notoriously unfaith Dee 14 : New-York Times, 4. CORSE.?Appointed Postmaster at Boston. Wns I Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Com- i mittee, and married niece of President Pierce l ss,: Oct '.<: The Tribune. 5.) COSTER, C. E.?r-ension Asent of New-Tork. Experienced and highly valuable; resignation de manded because pin.**- woe wanted for Democrat 1885, Dec. .': New-York World, 8.) COTE, GEORGE W.?Appointed Postmaster at -.- s Point, Wis. Was sctive p*r*i?an and >*v member of CoBgresl I 885, March 24 : Thc Tribune, CRAIG. GENERAL.-Vile remark about Yankee graves when about to Bet appointment (1885, June ?J: New-York World, 1 IV * *MI'LTENT. DISHONEST AND A JAIL-ItfRD. i RAWFORD, K. D.?Appointed Peataiaster at City, lows 'onvieteii in Dnited States Court al Yankton. Dak., and aentenoed to peniten? tiary. Appointeii in place of most efficient Post? master; Democrats send letters protesting, and d*s (?laring lum " incompetent,-??to*?sst and a jail bird: thought the Preeideat meant what be said about re raining; worthy and capable officers until their termi expired, and had net. therefore, reeomm inybody." appointment secured by orin'- broker arho knew Vila* al Madison: predeeiasor removed an charge offensive parrtiaaaanip, signed by two men l -.?*?.. Aug. "i: Ti.e Tribune, CREELY.? Formerly Apiiointment Clerk fer An? drew Johnson Appointed r? the smi" position 1885, March ll : The Tribune, 4 Declined,aad ne 8. Higgins appointed 1885, March ll; The "1 ribune. 1. CROFLEY.-Appointed C. lleetor at Georgetown. \ iscd ol toasting Wilkes Booth In 1885, but as quitted 1888, Juno ?-'4; New-York Sun. 3. CROUCH, HENRY C.?Appointed Consul at Milan; son ot the Editor of "The Kingston Ar |ht yoars oid (1888, March 19; \ ?? jfc r rime* i i 'ULRKF.'I'H. Ii. ti.-Consul at Ania. Connected with a weekly sh. et which eourts dangerous 11 ? - i; Fi'Dti'-i-ico. ___ aros supporter] by not one Califonta11 ur bone or elsewhere; euee lived in I * ;.:.vare. and j**t former friends there to oak Mr. B?yard fer a place I 887, .Tau l : i il c Tribune, 5 I CN NINGHAM, P.?Appointed C lief "f Division in the Audit* r* ofiice. Was i tussged with default is Treasurer "f sprmgfteui. Dino: said in his de? feats thal the township d.*i aol Hun need the money, und ha waa using it in hi* own busini'&s 1886. Aug. l B: The Tribune, 2.J CURRAN, JAMIS.?Appointed Postmaster st Hoboken Man ol' guei-tionabie aaaochttioai arni deploaable illiteraev. It was alleged flint Qovernoi Abbett, hs.l refuas- te appoint lom ts a minor of? fing in his ci ft-, on account af eda-atiooal ?ifleleB eies Was h.* appointed thal be mighl learn te read aad writer 1888, Jaly 14: Naw-York I hues i CCRBY, JABEZ L M.?Appointed Minister to Spain. Hi* speech <>; Maj l'-'. 1876, uuored from "Th" Catholic Visitor." of Richmond: *' lia .man .sm wa* a,cancer, catii I BaeieBce and e__Aculatiag ih*: ipiritnai life of the people, and m .rs. than pagan sm" 1885, Oct. 18; New-York World, 4 Brother-in-aiw of Spania i ? ia Dnited State* Calderon C_rllale. w_o ls _ el in preasins Spanlah dalma 1885, Oct. i ">. Iii!.,.ii- Was )'.cr of the Confederate Congress and colonel ot abe Conf-derate e?v?lry - . New York Turn's. 1 a _t st BB a: ui.'i" Ini ' In public atv.urs than Minister Phelps, which * saving s gre*! t_e*l - Philadelphia Prcai ll885, Oat Hi N.-w-.ork World. I .. t* _ DARKEY, D. T.--App?.:nt.d fenelon Examiner ?>v It I* alleged that oe atom a so Cor,feder*te guard at AnderaonviU-, bul li" denies the charge 1888, I'"" 10; Nea York Tim s, DAVTD, JAMES L?Appointed Osage In.lian agent Suspen kd because not paaaraaed of the arv quaUflcatioas 1188T, March 18; New York Sun, .'i _, DAVIS. W. H. ? Apr*.int.-*! Pension Agent at PhiiiideipinH. Will coi please th*- Grand Army. who protest because he put mani- ex-rebels into office 1888, January '.'?.'; Me** Yorli Tunes. .1.' Pirat oiii-iai act wa* Ba appoiai t.p responsfh-s nosirion under him lJarbii-rr*-. whaa* book, !*u!> h.-lii-it after the va ur. was for th- virulence ami .ii |.-c.-iii-v of its attai'Us apoa I'lipin ni'ii without an aajBail in war li'esaiur**: Logan's nTiite*t i.sKi; Joaoary ri : The Tribuae DAVIS.-Dcputy-Coilector ut Ncw-York. Tc-U ?say before Senate Committee by DeinocratiO tritueaaes; iji.s_i>st with his methods; activity of F'-derul offiere-bolders ia caucus and convention; starlin < t stiiuony about bribery con? cerning purchase of ?it* for Federal building I18S8, May 25; The Trib BB-, I.) Test im*.ny of Justice Downes, of liing. bamtoB, about bribery m Mlectioa ti site of ticivernmcnt building; Davis criminal ia using his i'la.*- for hus own advauiago 11S-S. May it; New-York Sun, J.J A RUNAWAY SWINDLER FOR JUDGE DAWN fi. E. J -AppsSBBBl Chi-f Justice of Ran away from oregon with _%SSs of 130,000 "fi loaas iiiul Botes 1885, DaeaaabsB V; New-Tork World, 5 Suapeaded DeseaaasB 'a. :u.'l'ay --ff*- D.i-s,,n. *?! Miaeoori, appointed. Dawson being pron runced onfit, " has recently i nt an *ipiiortiinity to g--t nd a by committing a i nous offense in Oregon ' 1 : New-York I .;, s. I ._fter removal liaapprnrrd la Indian caa**; wanted in Portland : - Nu*.emiter 20; New-York Times. J * evi iad'8 lettes about " J idse morally and praf_s*_cnta_y unlit. I h?ve boen (ta-ci-i-. .??; *od mieled by I vin- and treachereiua r-; revntui i-iiis."' ['< tition s^nci by two Surrrema Court judges ?; it 5; New-York Times, 4.J DEIGHAM, PRANK A. -Postmaster at San dosky. .re-mud I r abotneting letters from the nuiiLs; proor in bia own handwriting lho~, Www* mary 15; New-York I . - DELAIIANI Y -I", "e.mmend.'d by Manning for . later at Alb*ny, bat 1 "resident refutsea be a_B_e bs was fa; her .,f Mn un i n ,'s -...n-iri-law, and appointed man picked out by Delahunty (1888, October 1 7; New-York Wo, i l. i DELANEY. A IL?Appotated Di*trict-Attor n*-y fat Wisconsin, li:-, BOOT?BBB wi*h liragg. ?Saul A. h. Il- iii ney sh*l) COSt-Tol GlIIBIUBBIBB anty" ; appointed soon after laauguration, bot Bragg brok- faith, appoiated ail fourth-cliiss I'osfuia-te-s and other officers, aad bad eight Poatina* era in the WaSkeeha County convention, all working for him lc**'), Aug. ll; New-Tork Times, 5 r^*rmitted'to resign on ao eount offensive partisa ? rward apixiinted Collector of Custom- fas ______ aaa*, Feb. 18; New-York Timea 3. DEMENT, I. &?Appointed Surveyor-General for Utah. Denies thal be w;is detected m fraudu l-n; stones aga jost Coograssaaaa 188S, Feb. 3; New-York Timea, 1.1 Coa_ra_ted with sworn testimony of cor- i res*rdiag h:s ?K_*r tion that the Mormons have ii lobby six-miing money'at Washington aad oontrolling a certain Senator 1886, Jone 20; Tribune, a. "Made Deedleaa misrepresentations before eoaunftte* to day, eating ap frightful stories of corruption givea out By h.m, wondai what ?evatopad such mendacious m.-ir.'.i la loo-tsjswcd Di-menf I8e6, Feb. j: New-York World, 4. Responsible for stories of fraud boiled on notfi.n. 1888, Morah 2: New York lime.. J. Reappointed, though ?vna reported adversely by a unanimous oommltaaa. not credit*blc to {""resident, entirelv unfitted fur office; can see no excuse for renewing appointment l ft-c*, April 10; New-York Times, 5. Astonishing and unfounded itoriei aboui gre*! land frauds in Ctah which nator Blair tp> pronounce him a "monumental BOB* 1888, M.*y 88; N. w-York DENBY, CHAkLES-Appointed Minister to China, on r.tmmendation of McDonald 18'!.>, May .io; New-York Timea. j emeral that be resinned his place as < otoae] la the army and "would never fight lo tree th-* negroes"1 I SSS, May 80; The Tribune, 1, and June -.;j; Tnbune. 5.) I>id resign Jan. 15, 1888, giving no such rason 1885, June -': New-York T-BMB. I.] Com plaias thai lalai, won't supoosi the style he wants to maintain 1**7. May 3; New-York Tfmeg, i.j DENBY.?Appointed Secretary of Legaooa to Ci,.na. I* ti apply himself at once n, rh*- a'-.iuirc m.'iit of Chinese language, as regulatioaa require that Beeretarj must, learn Chinese; has some years' work before Lim 1 ?*?*_, Aug. 13; New-York Timea 4.; THE MICHIGAN BOSS AND HIS TOOLS. DICKINSON, D?\v _?Appointed Postmaster* GeneraL Had be*-n party boss in Michigan. "The party in Miebigan ronsistfd of thi* elev*, young lawyer j anything coming to Michigan he mauaged ? bold of and ptoce to ault himseir ii*.*.", S"p. .'i; New.York I Lt iea, " Cout_ola (irand Rapids copi, ntion, his member of th** Committee on Resolutions being an Alderman recently tried for bribery; among thc i In participation was Jpiliii Ll Maloney. CollaotOI of Internal Rev who ha*! within a month removed an experienced Republican deputy us an offensive partisan, and the deputy pat in his place wa* also in mum fjonvention (1888, Aag, U; New York Timea, 2.) Indiana Poet-_aete?I investi? gated ; testim my of Foulke, Prr*iden* Civil Ser? vice -v--- that r eelt d from Indiana lol replies and 35 from other Btatea, showing removala without any aotlce given, or ehargaa or investi? gation; that the President knew of this and ap? proved: that th* President told Foulke it was not possibis to let lovestigatioBB ba* m_dn or to lnt, the parties know the eiuirge*} against mem; regretl that Fi dke bad made au investigation and boped the Association arculd co slow. No * rviee r-f-irm in Indiana 1888, March 2'j: N -w-York Time*, 2. Department b-SaSS and I in getting for : arly the use of s. for which l rreat Britain pays B300.000 yearly 1888, April 10; The Tribune. 5. Mails from Rrpubltoaa Congressmen i Washington subjecterd te otMcial espionage, tam? pered with, and Intentionally delayed 11888, April T; The Tribune, 2. Postal service diaorgaalaad throughout the country. Testimony of the Henrv Bill Publ s'ling Co.; letters delayed on an average twenty-four boura; many letters never received or delivered; one w_s mere than a week in travel - sty mii"s; i-rear, trouble because so many are lost: agent* and clerks Inefficient (1888, Ma7 11: The Tribo ie, -i [nelheiency "f Western mail Mrviee; pm postmaster sent no m.?.U lor weeks. and when asked why, aald th- bag waa ass full uni be waa waiting nil it wa*-: another senr for stamps and received a great sheet; didn't know, lt v-as, but thought it was a circa- poster; stuck lt on wall ami said t.) his w fe?" Darned cir? cus riders 1 toked all auk"."' Sp?.he* uni com? plaints of Democratic detentei irom the Terri? tories 1888, May 25; The Tribune, I DoDD. JOHN W?AppelBted Assistant Post ma-ter at Indianapolis, rest?nony of Foulke: reported to nave been attached to _anib_ug house Indianapolis, and *sai'i "it was i.-uer for .ii timii to have us trump up charges .--ainst them" 11888, March St) New York Timers IMiRSHEIMF.R, WILLIAM-Appointed District Attorney on Tammany recommendatioa luppoasd t., be b.r col IS, -Lil' 2; New-York Weall i * barged that the aDegrd endoraeaaaBrt was a 5ros* fraud recured br fat**- preteaeae l IBS, j.,- ?_>; New-Yoeh VYorw, i Charges preferred, four yean ago, ol overcharging mileage while attorney ter Northern _h*trict; csDed " Long-mil* Dorabcfmer" in thal region (1885, Sops, 8: New Yorii W'.rli, i Amount of ehargaa $'.6,208. of which " I ii.- World' aftirrt. IO to have beiaa fraudulent (1 *85, Nov, 15; New-York World, 4 Further record as mileage Byabbee an*l noble efforts to retail r.rcuilway frBBCBias for Jacob Sluirp and his fellow thiel June ll; New-York World, I Beaigned; fa. ts relatins to mia it of office hiui ne.lect of bus? iness ; putting tecreta of ti:c Grand Jur>- into his ipapex; fraudulent mil*'agi: account, laid re Senate committee; tettec by _*?_?**_t Bait? ing explanation (1888, Feb. s; New-York World, l. DOWLING, JAMES T.-Rsflway mail service, Indiana. Mail oar allowed to eo to laifayette without meaaeoger. and mail brought hack. He waa prominent political worker: appointed for - : . and had boasted that be bad bribed three mem len ol council to rot* for a stree! railroad Teatimonj ol Poulke, prtaident Ctvil Service Association ll 188, March -.; New-York . DRUM.? \<ljiitant-Cencrnl; got Secret.-try F.n ? to s,_-i an antedated or h-r dismiaaing Ho-.-iin Iron - in division (1 ?-*b7, Feb. 10; I irk Wi rid, I AI'IiilMLD WHILE IN J.VIL. DCNTON ?App* inted Px simasterat Lincolnville C-ntr*-, Minn*-. Now ser-niK nut an eight month*' sentence in jail for - *t.l money aa ck-puty at that -ame piece; petition tiaoa by more thoa 100 Dem ocr* ta and approved by tho chairman al the Democratic Suite Committee 8; New-York Times, 4.) Appoint n. at asked ai Brown 11 *.", Aug. li; . rk s in, 2 Brown *le"lar''.s tbat ha knew nothing about tlie appointm apt in the wi..-u be wa* at Washim'ton 1118_. rk ll. rakL.S.) DCUHAM. MILTON J.-Appointed First Con? troller of th- i r*.. it ,>udor*cnient af tho larch 1 :i; New-York Tine-*. ; A* e member ol < ongreas be givoea*] .uni lilver coinage -.1-83, March in; The Tribune, 1. DCSh_N? Attorney for Al bama Ui-mov-dand Burnett apjiointad for ts; full re i-"-i Senate committee Hoi . : : N. i York Wor I. fl EICKOFP, ANTHONY-Appointed Fifth Auditor of the Treasary. A well-known G*er__a Dasaa* crat; a hard woiker durinj the rampalga; had ? ? bra inder the D mocratie National Committee 1885, Jnly '.'.*: New-York Imas. .' Killer should be Iel MOBS ami hickotf ch.!'.' * l.ur.l with etn ploying a c* eannol write, becauaa ono n:iil iiiliiiiiuiiiitory rhentn*ti*m when signing a pay-roll** l*--.. **.-| t '.'.: New-York litnes, 4.) ELLIS. MYRON H.-Deputy Latemal Kev.-uuo Drunk and ni lad. re l"riisied on promise of good bebjsviorl -'"t aowttag drunk azuin; arrested and lined .-- a., 13; n i ^ ri i im - ENGLISH B K \'..H.:tited Fostmastcr at N'.-w Baven In pl I v fte*, Ilka I'ear sppii'>, *a:i* -ii" of 1 flee! ol the p-.mntry 181 April ;.; New-York s.m. i -taat .1**1 of grumbling about work of ofttoa ur New-Itavaa ana complaint* in 1 ci * Ilar_ horn l ?*"'). Mar. li l.".: New-York i imes, I.) ENDICOTT. WILLIAM C -AppeSBted Se.-retary of War. K.presetit.s nobody bal BBeaS-SBi: de roeauor snot stiitisiiaiuslup lw**7. March 4 ; New Yorli. Suu, '-.' Iii"port cvU-uring General Milwi;