Newspaper Page Text
also rewards bim by Increasing his command i 888 Dec. 18; New-York \\ rid, Order in relatioi to returning Rebel fln - to States; "Endicott Drum and Cleveland did no! know they could not giveaway Governmenl property without thc con sent Of Congress' ! ?;. Juue ','.*>; Ni vv- York Sun 2.) Forakcr's dispatch :w No Rebel Bass will bc surrendered while I uni Governor." Froteat ii Cleveland (18r*T. June 18; New-York Tis**-**, 1. saki to have ruabed head' long in tho general delivery ol eaptared Coated" erata* flues, son-.1,1 I s io'' them 1887, June i 8: Ne\\-\ ? i - ;, Orders revoked b\ President., * considered with more cue-'' 11881 Julv 17: New-York I im< s, i ISTAIXROOK, JAM S I -Appointed fest master at Woroeatc i. " iriuroph <? i ape i's lyatem Chairman Democratic Binti Executive Committee; refused two ot r educes for which candidate: mode of Ufa not sueh -hal people believed bi would be parti, ular.,- efficient poa tm aater" ii 887 March l ; New-York Tun' - EVERHAKI, DR. A.?Appointed Postmaster at Ripon, Wi*, .ii place of (Jp?am, removed a** of fensive p*rtis*n I "plum furniabed proof that every charin- was false: letter from Congreeamai Braiic, Barring "iii*<l beat te oust 1'ph.un, am failed to get cliii-.i-s; mi the contrary, hud lettes from promiiiinr I >. meer:,is, winn 1 was irvine t* work ap ;i d's... Baying no foundation for i against Dpt-tm, ami I stopped in disgust" 188fl April .'lu: New York Sun. 2. Everhart failed t* Qualify, but after Con.:'ss bad mat lu- appear**. and dernaade- ellice, ami was kicked into Ettas) mgg, Dec. 2-.; Thc Tribune, l. EWING. E. R?Conan 1-Genera] to Mexico brother-in-law of S. natur CoskxeU ilM_( May lu; New-York innes. Q. FAIRCHILD, C. S.-Appointed Asst. Secreter, ff Treasury. Had b*an Attorney-General of New. ork. ond eondition ot offloe ;--verely eritioiscd |1885, March io: The Tribune, 1.) Statemeal made by " New York World" that " Attorney General's oflice never bo extravagantly eonduct*M as under Fairchild's r. . Imt" [1885, April.) Opinion ot " New-York'i im. *.,?' 1887, aa Attorney-G nero] ? policy al BompouB-ing with fraud,"' auotad 11885, March 28: Tin* Tribune, 4.) FACLKNEi:, CHI - BR R.-Appointed Thief ol Division of Records, Pension Office, by Black, nt solicitation of Voorbees: wrote :? a-tt'-r <-! iifty--ix words, which was rubi! ihed, embracing thc lng: u Copey, a lion;, a pointe, Wt. ak. Resp* t f-Tley, Hesrde, rote, pou Turpy, tlola .?way** (l **?*."., o.t. *.'!*: New-York Timea, 4.1 Lamai enid: "Voorhees, your man can't spell; ? I > low wlio seeds i : willi one p _nd?DeiDO crat witli~an i." \'< rhecs answeretf: "If nerti drnw the lip -i - .'. iii d"bnr n -' the Democratic party . Bcpt. 5; New York i in al unlssed atm. having first demanded resignation, which was refused. Told Viins '* Mc ill ii-lit yoi on it," and they did. President :- infer to Vilai }* reinstate Faulkner, and he was rall?tated (1888. May 6; The Tribune, FAYE, TO Lo Ni) -1 I nols; app Inted Conan! ar fltettin: Indict. counts by Grand Jury ast m. nth for \ iola! State liquor law I BSa-j April 28; The Tribun A UNION SOLD:!.;;?>* .ell FOB A SCARF riv FISTLI.'. F. IX?C usin of Au.liter Shelley : ap ftinted chief (|erk s i; architect 81 2,5ou: was edacated by Governmenl Naval Acad erny, but while in acrvice took anns fer rebellion, an_ wears n scarf pin v\ hich he boosts is n piece ol a Union soldier's skull, and n memento of Ins aehkvements !7: The Tribune, 5.] FLEMING. W. B.-Appointed Judge, reported " morally nnd w< tessie ! yunlitf1 (1885, Aug. 14; New-York World, 4. Clet land's letter declaring pe win not the man 0 885. Oct <': New-York _im<*. 10 FLINT. Wl_5TON\-Examiner of Patents, hav? ing _i*-cial rnformatii n in (Patent Of_ee, displaced bv person named Montgomery (1885, Au*_. 7; New-York Times, -I FLoWEi*. 6.\MrEL.-Appointed Asa1i**t*n. Treasurer U. S. si New-Orlcana; was Confederute captain r?*?.l cousin ol )L P. Flower 11885, July 20; New-York Tim- s. FI-OYD, J. M.?Coahier of Treasury at New York; asked to resign, had been thirty-two yenrs in Aaaay Offloe ad Treasury; "Knows more fibout details of Sub-Treasury than any man ?vin." '18(*<".. Feb, '.'J: New-York Times, 2.i Folsom. BEN.?A cousin of Mrs. Cleveland, appointed eons*-! at Sheffield; youthful, inexjs-r lenced. wtthou! commercial knowledge necessary to *p_?formancc of duties 1888 Oct 1 7: N w-York ?World. 4,i Bald bael no backing whatever; was Republican in 1880; appointed police clerk, and In 1888 was delegate to Republican convention. Removed from office BS oletK, HufTulo, now clerk Republican Board city commissioners (1886, Oct. 1?: Thc Tribune FORAN.? App'iititd Postmaster Bi Lambcrt ville, N. J. Asked by lady to re-address bur let? ters to C-Mige, snd did so. patSiBg them into her dox at Lambi-rtvillc. where Bbc found them on re? turn bom 11887, .Toa 26; New-York Times, fi.) FORD. W. C.?Statistical division Slate De? partment, complaint by Demoeroti that be waa ippointed through influence af David A Wells to Barre Fr** Trad* anil bo uses his position <1886. Sept 4; New-York World. 4.) Oualiflcu ?ona and per* ridiculed (18... ipr, 80; Kew-York World. 4.) FIN LEN. MILES .(.-Appointed Postmaster nt Ptn-ator. 111. Mi ibor of firm v blob hired rn >n to take sp fraudulently 18.000 acres of bind under home<st'nd and by having shunt'.- on wheels to move from trad to tracts His partner testiiicd he was the wicked one. but Emlen re? jected 18B6, Mat ' ? rhe Tribune, 5.J FORSTER, CH .RLE&-Ind inna: Appointed Consul General al Calcutta; transferred to Eber feld on proteot derk ol Internal Revenue; got into trouble with Govern inent about, pete - meter Rnd Mi nuder u cloud ?<1885.. Oct 11; New-York World. 4.j Not eitisen though he declared he waa; bat became ai after takinir oath of oilico (1885, Nov. 15; New _crk World. 1. FOX, D. W.?Appointed Superintendent of Mint, philadelphia. " Randall got bis appointment mad* to-ilay, uni' al o it 4C0 places are dow at the dlsnofal of Philadelphia Democrats" (1885, June 10] New Y'crk Times. I.) Letter from Presiden! to him not to permit Coiner (hester to attend eon ventioii because Randall's man 11887, Sept. u; New-Y ork Sun, J.) FRANKLIN, B. .T.-rnnsUi ;,t. Hankow; former Con-CTes-miin arid Confederate (.apt.tin (1885, Nov. 17: New-York San, 2.) FBI?BT, W A?Appointed Sur-orintendini: Ar rhltect of Treaeuri : was rebe] of 5th Compan*** "Wnshintrton Artillery (1887, July 22; New-Tork 2.mes, l.j FOE CHIEF JUSTICE, A COPPERHEAD. FULLER, MELVILLE W.-Appointed Chief Jus? tice. Untried and comparatively unkne.wn man <1888, May :.': New-York World," 4.) From sum? mary of leadini eooc a, appears more for municipal 'than railroad c ratioBs; needs must be that lawyer in these days has oorporatione for cllcniv: worth 1880,000 1888, May 7: New-York World. 4, and May io, New-York World, i.) Had declined Civil Service Commission, Interstate Comm?arion and Pacific Railroad Corni?is*.on I wai active Demo Baal in 1858 and ever since, und th*, recognised tend of tho Democratic parr-.- in Legislature dur ig stormy days of 1888; licensed of beinir Cop. pet?ead (1888, May 9; New-York Times 5.) J_w r**-TS know lint little of him 11888, May 1 : New York Sun, 2.) In\ "ti.-iMen of charfrep of disloy? alty durl!i- war (1888, May B; New-York Sun, t.) Chnrares preferred by Dunkivy, real estate agent, Chicago, that in 1881 Fi Her, being J<iry Commla sloner, secured lory favoring bimaelf in important ?pending suit which involved title to large traci ?1 land fl r?*-s8. Jun" 2; ihe Tribune, 2.) Charges ny Chicago lawyer of nnprofe-isiional conduct in two eaaes (1888, ^? ly 29; The Tribune, 5.) That he was Copperhead not *i nied by stont* 1 friends tl?i*H, May 10; ' ? >?, 2.J S'*c dava af! ?:? .incjoln's fina! proclamation of emancipation 1111 liois JLegielalnr. ss d :- lolutiom introduced by Fulh-r to i r ? - ;. noe with slavery 1n any Rate (1888 M v Ir.: New-York Sun, 4, and Mai The Trib'i.'.-. l. Resolution offered Jam 1868: "I'r ? p. inc.--! thai Cnlon eannol he preserved li to public feeling by coarciv.. measur* - voted February l for resolution deel ringi ? ? tion of Cnlon rnipr.s-si hle ai nation proclamation withdrawn. Also voted February 1_ ag linsl h il |ivtna suffrage to Cnlon soldiers. Also voted June 8 for resolu? tion deniou! '.' dlgbam. Also June io i ? donouncini Vat* i for {worogalng $8, May 15; New York Sun, 4.) " Qualifications dent-'!: over seventy ni | ra Wc st called on Bpeaker Carlis ? ?? wi <> li lie f" All thc J * S ipter-ie Court, ob invi? tation of the President, bad coneurred In reoom mending one of their own number: IVesuient poid no attention to reeoi u he had in..".-!. nnd Jtisri* ? May 7: The Tribune ' vd appotnten limply because rabid Cop-,, p' ' ;?. i. - s to think appointed for .fo.lii''i's: w?. puzzled to know how or why he i ggested natl] beard *.f legal case, slowly creeping up tn Supreme Court, frreat iat_road against liefa Involves title o water frout worth - ll to 840,000,000. Dave op*?lioi i me connection l?tw*-i:n that case and appointu' ?! ;*?-*. July 8; Th* Tribune, 18.) GAL\'I*;.\N. HUGH V.- Appoiiit-.1 post__aet*r st Caslambus, ?an.; eonvietc I in ( herohec coaaty of foBgery in seoond desree; was DenM*o_*tki candi daw for auditor p-t State two \<*iirs aga; plan of fraud na to nae fictitious d. <-<i of rea) < :is t>a?is for loans .-n note* to fictitious in-rsons (1880, July <;4 ; Th*- IYibaita, I.) "?HIDE TMICiiEE THAN HIDE OF RHINOC ER08.** CAULAND, ACGCSTUS II.-AppotSrted Attor? ney (j> tip-iiil. wu in Confederate House and Bc nate - I March i'..' The Tribune l.j Active i-ruci fptition In ? b- which government of Arksn - - zed by Dcmoerats; frtatee iti letCsi to Cakin "a Govcmci srkanaaa I bad to poss throoah SOCae ol the v. ry iuar'< rs which will beset Cleveland" I18H5, Minch 21; New-York TtlBBB, g.) Rtf/.cw of ii..s imtliod of bufipres-ing iiepublicans 1885, March ifi: The Tribune, l.j Appears*- Bi counsel for Vir-'jilin against united States aftei Ids appointment ns Attorney General In suit on attempted repudiation of -soupons by Virginia, although CnUcd Stales hint invested latgl Min of trust funds iii Virginia bonds ;ciui the coupons li question; arguaient openly dismissed all consider? ations of morah ty ; nullification is a perfectly exact description (1885, March 28; New-York rimes, i.i iles, caees ali decided against Shite 11888, Feb 2: New-York Timi a, 8.1 Just rendered deckdaB which iH'tmits whiskey tint: to import liquor whick it had exporta'd to avoid Daymen! ed tax, swindle on i>eeip!e; connection with l'nn-Electrie scandal; l.iilc- thicker than bide of twenty rhinoeercaes, At lanta Constitution 1888, April ti: New-York Sun, ?-.'.) Behavior regarding suit of Senator Call i.iiinst .swain, a tend elaiffl (1885. Jply 1: Tin Tribune, B.) Protcet against pardon of Wait.-, defaulting bank PresJdenl of Ekattleboro, for* wardell t < > d-p irtnient, and Gurlnnd replied, " 1'res? ident aeverai days ago pardoned Mr. Waite." Jan? uary 20; though the official record of depart?ten! did not show panie n (1886, dan. 81; NOW-Tort limes, .a.. opinions in matter of Navy Deport? ment against Roach, and eondoct in telephone matter, eleen here set forth. Nearly cnlrap|?-el inipi appointing to otlice man for whose tirrest foi boise stealing Carland as Governor of Arkana*! had offered ii reward (1885, May 29; Ifew-York Sun.i History of telephone caaea (1888, Sept BO: .V w-York World, 4,? "Difficult to understand how -Teat telephone scandal cnn iiass away without re-construction of Cabinet; (/inland and l*imar very deeply implicatecr <lM8(i. Jan. 'Mi; New-York Sim. '.M 'Carland must po; has allowed depart Brent Justice* to be prostituted for Inn private nd vantage" (188a, Feb. ll ; New-York Sun, 2.) En? joined by Rage?a from donating stock given to him which be had not earned (18tf<>, Feb. 20; New York World, l.j His profit*, and row between Young, Casey. Jolinston and Rogers, revolvers drawn il 888, Feb. ta : New-York World. BJ " He. lieves nubile office is a 8j>eculativo trust ; while allowed to keep li is post, scandal, ?,-Towin-' sus. picton and the shadow of dishonor hover about the Administration and Mr. Cleveland is rrspon slble" (1887, March 4; New-York Sun, 2.) " l'.m Kle.-rric IpeeulatiOB; what lairg-, constant ami increasing diviuends of disgrace nnd dishonor it makes payable; nnd every one endoreed over to Administration'* ussr,. April 20; New-York Sun, 2.1 " To repudiaie Garland would be an aoknowl rdgment of responsibility, and confession of po? litical incapacity, and confession may se ni to be suicide"' (lf*B7. May IH; N.w-York Sun. 2.) " Re? ports i'll I-fl-Electrio scandal ni.ulte it difficult matter for Garland to continue in office unless imt h be and President arc utterly insensible to public opinion. Shows that, Attorney-General. Solicitor. Commissioner of Indian Attain, Commissioner of Railroads, and other associates of Presidens dls tinmiished hy his confidence are not acting on mic 1'ul'lic office i? public tru*t." Posion Advertiser l -.?**".. July I ; New-York Sun. 4.j " Charges sus? tained against department officials beyond oontara diction; Lamar's lettp-r to Garland show* nearly soo prosecutions miler lund btws were frivolous and in direct \ iolation of orders of court and rules .1 department nnd carried om for thc s; kc of fees" 1888, Nov. 2; New-York limes, 5.) Adverse decision of United States Circuit court. Judge Jock-son. Cincinnati, cn rho ..'round that Dell Tele? phone Co., having no domicile in Ohio cannot le? t-ally be sued thor.- (ls.***;. Nor. i :.?: New-York -, 1.) Deportment behindhand; Court of Claims Bt a stands'!U; 211 cases called rind Government ready in only 12; lueb dilatoriness never known until this Reform administration fl8.HK. Feb. T: The Tribune, H.) GE.GERICU, L. A.?Appointed Collector of In? tern?I Revenue, 2d District, New-York, plaoe ol Frlcdaam ; " not to be commended : purely political appointment; no change demanded by interest service; Friedaam more useful than any mw aian could bc; selection very poor OH*" (1887, Julv ?'?: New-York Tim*_, i.i Father keeps beer taloon 11887, July r>; Nev.'-Y'ork Times, Li G_PPJ_KT, ALBERT.?Waa arrested for stealias 11,000 worth of pjoodsat Racine, and ooofeased and held in bonds for 1800, forfeited bond arni ran awayi writes a'ter loni* absence from northern Dakota that lie bas been appointed postmaster ilssei. Dec. 10. Thc Tribune, 1.) GIBSON, A. C.? i*otisin of the Senator: appointed United States Marshal Western Dit-trtct Louisiana : in; circumstances. " Drinks whiskey and plays poker like a gentleman*1 il ****5, May 22 ; The Tribune, 2.) Honesty and 08?rage assailed by Bouton. Democratic Manager, with no response 1885, May 28; New-York Times, l.j CILLESITF.?Appointed Postmaster at Dayton : was ward politician, disloyal dunn'* tho war, ar.d is Mayor cb_rj_ed with releasing murderer on straw bail. GLENN.?Superintendent", construction of Cus? tom House at. New-Orleans; Confederate engineer, popular and capable; removed oa recommendation of lllitentte inspector named Holmes; removal countermanded ile.5, July 10; New-York'limes. 4.) GLYNN.? Superintendent Ii. U. Mails, Indiana division; "Otic of tho worst appointments made, not forgetting others lhat have aisgraoed the pub? lic service in thia Stub-: n*>r I maa with whom honorable gentlemen should I"- forced lo associate'' April 18: Time* l.j GOODE. J* >1LV?Appointed Solicitor-General, hnx'ini* charge of administration election laws; mus defeated for XLH'th Congress but voted In by partisan majority; fraudnlently elected In a Re? publican district; report of Thompson, Democrat against him i ?**??;. April 4; Tbe Tribune, 2, and May 2; The Tribune, 1.1 Was member of p. derate Congress i 885, May '.'; New-York Times, 2.) Voted for ordinance ol eeeeaeion 1885, May 2; New-York Sun 1.) "Goode mus! eo: he began ithorized us*- ot offloial power for pnrposc of pnvaie speculation" il886. F*b. ii : New-York Sun. 2.) Rejected Hoar nnd Mahone denouncing tissue ballot _tauaa by which h*- got elected in 1878 In Norfolk District (lh_0, July 10; New-Y'ork Times, M GRAHAM.?Secretary Civil Service Commission, to be- dimiaBed* brother of man who <le feated Congressman Coi in North Carolina: iteno irrnphi r promoted instead (188C, Aug. 15; Thc Tri? bune, 2.1 GREEN. IIAZLETON. CI.TMS1IAW. JOINER j WILCOX and WEAVER, all postmasters; and THOMPSON, district Collector: ELLIS. State : Ass ss..r: ;d! delegates in Democratio State eoa ' vention; letter to World cl 887 oct. 5' New-York j Wori.l, 4.) I LOVE OF LIQUOR AND HATRED OF INDIAN'S. CI.'EEN, KR \EL. -App-irited agent for Sisse loti Sioux, Dakota; was man who struck John Brown winn wounded arni rUearmed; testified struck him with his sabre in thc face several times n-ftc-r li" mus down. Was in C ni fed (Tit te service : pow appointed on recommendation of Dav. member Democratic Natl anal Committee for Territory; specially recoiamended by Hunton, Virginia; Boteiar, Wost Virginia; nnd Corcoran, of wash? ington, mentioning his services in eaptare of John Brown 11885, Oct. 28; New-York 'limes. 1 and 24, New-York Times, 2.) Since appointment " has in-ill a trood deni of time Intoxicated and seldom free from influence of liquor. Made effort to break np Indian Behool*, Compelled all whites BrekiBg grating lands to go to certain person to make ar? rangements; Lamar has letter showing the facts'1 Ussr,, July 30: New-York Times, ft.) Appointed two vears ogo; Senate failed Ba act: President re? appointed ihe maa, Eksintc apiin Ignored appoint? ment: " difficulty with Oreen appears to be a love of liquor and hatred of Indians: freon*?itly drunk: thought Indians botrer be killeii than educated" (les". March io New-Tork Sun. 3.) GREEN, WARREN.?Appointed Conan] nt Kanagawa. Arrested for debt (1885, Kay 22: New-York Sun, 2.) " Boston Herald" saya will b< rejected owiijg to dissipated nnd disrcinitubic bab? ita (1888, March 20; New-Yock World, 1.) ti jeered by Senate beeauss of questionable oonduct in ames of poker, declining to vvtU" good losses, lind operated Basting rink with%nythinghui good reputation 1I886, Oct 2: N**rw-Yorh World. A.< GREFJsEBAUM, BERTHOLD.?Appointed Con ?ul to Bi in -an Islands: an.* leoond-nand clothing rat Sun Francisco (1888, Aug. 18; New-Tork Sun. 3.) Appointed in liquid-tb-n of bill of Demo? cratic State Committee for enmpai^n uniforms: " en! oul without being confirmed: behaved so badly that speck.] envoy1 to t.triiig.iten ont mattel ni 1888, Aug. 2"l : New-York World, 4./ "Extraordinary anne*, can_ed State Depsrtmiml 1 s|K-eiai envoy; molting unnecessary ass of himseir (1888, Auk. 21; New-Tork 'Jim-s. j Hoisted American nag thei*| Bates sent oat us 1] to investigate (1888, Nov. 22; Nsw-Yorb 'j 1 th- s. B.) Was iiiioweel t-p return on leave aad In? formed when her-- the* eommiasloB bad been held lu*-!.-; his resignation demanded; h-- promlaed it. but asked lesva to j/? first lo Baa Praaaiaoo tai ar? range hit.ivs. Thea waa! to Samoa again, in? stalled him*, if (,? Cor.sui, und refused to sive up place to lintis, sen! on! byGovernmimt, Had bo : place as administrator of estatB of rich Frenchman who hud db-*!, and irrcgulariti'"* were found in ins trust * 1 r*sc;. Oct :n 1 Tb* Tribune, 2.) j ;i'!.,| (1886, Ocr. 4: Thc Tribune, 2.) ORJiGORY.?Appointed I-o?tma.ter Bl Ithaca. Office used as pariii-ti bradajuartsra; bli 1 los iii n state of 'lia*'*: c!.,-".'iip- delays nt New-Tork mud: lc-tt>-rs cuni sreddiBg la vi la ti ons delayed for days or weak1: reprimanded from baadquarten (issn, D*c. IT; N'ew-iork World, 4.1 GRJ-iORY.-Apiiotn-ted Indiaa A-.-ent in Wis* cons.p. it*ri-_ii!arfties exjios.ij by Senate Investi? gating Comuutte*; Indian r*_urve? betng 1-ripped ed pine mid Indians robbed; forced resignation (1888, April 80; The Tribune, 1.) GUOUME, J. h.? Appointed Collector nt Dilti more; vary wteitieen auility (l.bti. Fob. 18; Nuw 1 ork Timea, 1.1 GROOME, W. W.?Appointed PoatlB-Stai nt, Vieksbarg; appr*ived asssssinatloB of Mattli'-ws, advosaaiBg uav of extreme nje-asurcH to H"curo Democratic naaassj BstaaBsd Biarder ot ReiiubL'-.m kheriff: ta April, Mufi, his paper, "Tlie Herald," ' Will to Dftrnoorttt*** should direct attack at white Republican ho-sr., and kill them wheu BBSBB wry" [1888, Jun. .0; New-York Sun, 2.) GUEIiON, ('.-Hector of Customs at St. Vine-tut, Mum ; rejected bap-BBC tba mau removed bod pledtf* of K*-lIy, Democrat in bot-, that he should be retained if ne would put some Democrats in as sobordinatea; ha did, aad yet was removed in- Kelli to punish Bsaatos Bahia (1886, Aug, B; Ni * Yorlc Sun. 7.1 GUNNI.NON.?In Simu Auditor's onie*-; held place twi ut' ?llvc years, sad chii f *.f division ilj t, ii years; waa pol oul by Auditor Mcconville for farrow, ol South Carolina, and Bia rte third * I ass clerk-, then iiii-'i ? rourtb-claaa clerk and then dlsmlsi il i ? -?'.. .iiiiii- 22; New-Tork limes, 5.) HALL, w. W.--Government Secret Servioe, ar? rested for beating woman over head wish stick (1885, Nov. '."?*: New-York 'limps, i.) Fine ro? da.i by 'Hort of Disteiot-Attornej at St. Louts; story scandalous: both ihould be elisin:ss--il promptly 1885, Nov. 80; New-York Times, 4 * HAM. M. M.?Postmaster .ut Dubuque; editor and active politician, and worst iori <>f C-opper ' ? . March 28; I he Tribune, 1.) ll AMBLETON .?Appllcanl far Tensions Medical Board, who celebrated Ins appointment Bo an Im? portant offloe by Democratic lieus.-, naming his son .fohn Wilkes Mouth Hambleton (In Uti, Sept. li : The Tribune 2.1 HANDLEY, JOHN L?Appointed postmaster Fairiiel'l. III. Never Bettled aooounta as clerk ?pf court, Wayne county, refused to surrender books; rcjeei<-p| (1888, Juna 1 8 : N".w-York Sun. 2.) HANLON.-Sp*-, ml Tr. usury Agent, was riinninr* dlstillc ry on Eighteenth-*-, N* w-York. W-OB tav was high, and In bad odor with officials; was one of delegation to assure Tweed of ile-ir oontlnued confidence after hi*. rpoa ire 1885, S-pt. 22; New York- World, 4 : Evening Post, Sept 21.J HANLON.?Internal Revenue Collector st Ncw Orleana; bard fight for delegates to control ('.lin? ty Convention, thirteen far and sixteen against him: convention split [188T, S-pt. 26; New-York 'Times. 1. HANLON.?Colleertor of Internal Revenue, Seventh Indians. (Terre Mantel District; charge Ignoranl and illiterate, engsged in light nt. dis. reputable reeort, sn i neorly Wiled w man whom ha accused of opposing confirmation; habits such us to disqualify 1886, Mai IB; N'.-w-York Sun, _.] Senator Harrison decbired very bad ap[*oinrment 1888, .!u!\- 28; New-York Times, 1.) Rejected (1886, Ju!\ 26; New-York Sun. 4.) HANLON. JAMES A.-Of Medina, N. Y. a> pojiit.-d Collector ni Buffalo against several Buf falo ' pii'ii'lui' ?-. ii the surprise of people; was Demo* ratic lead . In Orleans County (1 886, Oct. :>; New-York Sun, I.i Wrath "f Democrata uh-.;, n,-r H : The 'i ribune, 5.) HANNA B, W.?Appointed Minister to Persia; noi n Persian scholar, bul long prominent in In? diana pelil *: in L ila! ire wns Invetarst? op? al] war merisurea, and <lid all in bis pow, r to embarrass * Morton, of Indi sna (1885, April I?; The Timea, 2. Appointed Minister to An ibllc: declarea Buenos Ayres Governmenl mos! extravagant on earth; "my greal i the language" (1885, Dec. 7: New-York Times, 1:1 His business veutures in ? ine Republic, ni I I lon t<> Indiana ?'n; ncic:- to come down thero and r*-.-ip harvest of dollars, hue outraced polite officials; hs said: ?? .Ii bs ol every kind flourish and corruption stalks nbo'it opcnl . With --'it- ??!'. eui' sticma*' (i.s.*,,, April 14: N w-York Wc ld, I HANNA * * -lan L Appointed Direct, t r. p. i: i: li mc ratic County Convention di** elarei linn "j p. in-ni of workingmen, monopolist ini'l labor crusher 11883, Aug, i-; New-York World, t HANSON, MAHLON B-Appointed Tnt.mal Revenue Collector; old Democrntio wheelhoree i --?'-. Julv 27; Ni w York Herald, l HARDIN, To\I -oi Indiana. Appointed Col lector Internal R* lenee from Democratic sources thal he a ii morally and mentally unlit; d i --,:. May 26; New-York Sun, l.j HARKNESS, it E.?Appointed Postmaster nt Berlin, Wisconsin; nrresteil for embezzlement; - li., borrowed as il lor lirra (1886, May 18; New-York Sun. 1.) ll UM; IS. I 'isl rid -Attorney f >r Mississippi; pon dnct In election condemned by Cleveland, and re signed i"--. Jan. 26; New-York World. 4.) HARRIS, J. C.?Relative of Pan-Electric Sena? tor; Indian Office; h-tb-r to Cnshsw that gigantic frauds were detected 1886. Aug. 23; The Trib IIARRnT.?Appointed Postm-xster st Philadcl phia; w:is chairman i-f Democratic City Commit. tee; Crosby states could bp- no more serious vio liiiion *.[ spirit ol law thon removal of Hnldekoper, n p' stmnntcr ? i especlol merit, supported by many Democrats fl881*. Nov. _e;: Th" Tribune. 2.1 Com? plain! "f Civil Service Association that lie distrib nted appointments equally among election dis? tricts ol ? ?" appoint* men arho cannot write or ?peak grnmmatically, dismisses m*'ri without charge*, no I examinations oi nnpotnteei nll*'Lr*-*l to he frondnlent 11886, Nov. 10; New-York Times, 5.) Complaints rhsHenged by flarrity and bf bani boord 1886, Nov. l ;i: New-York Time*, :>. Ti-stjn, .ce tba! only I; rc or tour clerk* were i' d oul of 406 <pr 500. and only four dismiss, d f ir ians.'. Hnldekoper re? moved after Vila* had told him his office was tlie hes! manatj I In tl I d I I States iib-**, April ii; '1 be Tribune, l.) ACCOMPLISHED AND QEN1 LEM.YNLY FOR, GJ__t HARVEY, OSCAR J.?Treasury clerk, eommit! rd for forgery, petition forwarded by Randal (1887, July 17; N J ork I imes, 1. ** A.mplished lover ii, is Mug wump; ii turned mn but turned in; twq most I d P* -ins;. I vania Di nie Randall aiui Curtin, proi ?i d against appoint? ment 1887, Juli i": New-York S...i, e., Ar real ii, In i . ., .oi by forgi d pup irs i ? - .. July 10; New-York S ii DAY, MALO . Assisi mt Postmaster O* ii"i; ;. ni ? offices, ?-.'- i .. in Flori i t dispatch*? of 1876 (1883, Mai i :.?? ; 'I I.- I'rihun ULAI ll, G. C.? d .it thc reque I i I him l -85, Maj ; Ibuuc, i. III.Did.N. E. L?Appointed <"ol!ector of New York ; Huber! 0. Thompson! candid ito nominated bj th ? Prei oi. ii - ?? . June .-; Now-1 ork Sun. l.j N- w name never heard at the White ll" ?- : Thomi on s.iid i<? lune made discovery that bc ?.. ii ive all others beat man in Ni -?? York; flgure-lwad candidate; t*i!k abou! bia linn's di?ippcarancc with drj* mr. But President would not let Thomp*son*H valuable servio* unrewarded i- ".. June 26; New-York 'linns, l.j Mn .cusses Hcdden's unfitness with freedom, but Cleveland indebted to Thompson for such Democratic support ? ?? r.ived in New-York; ** Thump*..ri expected to be Collector: will it do to n omi nu te anybody to whom be waa opposed?'1 Demise of H?_den"S Brm May l ascribed to dry rot, but word ??'! that be "will take care of the boys'* [1885, June :"; New-York Timea, l '* Apr* Influents d scribed as made with Darrow partisan purpose; spoilsmen under Tht?anson declaring were made with that purpose and do other; i cured by two New-York members of (.'iiiilrud on representation ne*oessary i?> success Democrata In the fall; aasoeiationa of Collector and antecedents of Surveyor give force to claim lioth appointed on old-fashioned ipoils principles 11885, July :i; New-York Thnee, 4.) " Presidenl grooaly imposed upon: cannot conceive that mun ii Mr. Hedden's calibre, antecedents .'mel allian? ces can materially assisi reform" (1885, .lune .m: N.-w-Yirk Times, 6. ** N\"ih1i that if l'n-si d'-nt bad any intention of yielding t** Thompson's Influence he would do so frankly and place bim In (' .Hector's office" [1885.June 20; New-York Times 4.) uCongratulate ll. O. Thompson; nnder other names le- was yister'lay appointed by President, to control New-York Custom House; would rather have seen him appointed in bli own name" (1885, .Im- 28: New fork Sun, 4.1 S< >ii suites that ap -pointed because M inning' threatened t<> resign if Presidenl would nm appoint Thompson's candi? date 1888 July 2; New-York Sun, 2.) Preai den! si,ii import ra were suffering from dishonesty and Brand, and money of Buffalo merchants wiil not b h as that ol New-i1 ork Importer! (18*5, Jnne ii5; New Vi rk Herald, -I Confirmed il-- 16, Morell 4 : The Tribune, 2.J < barges of mis. Conduct, esnec ially In appointments, and persistent disregard i t I Ivil Service Ac! : veterans petitioned for removal for violation of btw in dismissing Pore man Dake, ot !'..klyn Districl il885, Deo. IT; y.i--r: Yolk I -. 1'ive numbers of Civil Ser \ ."? Board forced t** resign by hostile attitude of ? i Surveyor toward thc law; Beattie mended private secretary ea lit peraon for one ot tbe vacancies, withoul e-perienoe and noi> fitted; h.*s undertaken to nullify oct by s control ct lt ard; Impudent attempt to set. aside tbe law ?'- '? -ii ! : Ni w-York Timea, 6.) rd of Heddon for first year justifies m every pur: ic.liar revere comments on his appointment; record ol studl -I <? \.*~:? ? n ('nil Service law, de bi-, rate I- trays] of prin iplc - ol Preel lem ' ac!ive D' in'iTiii.c workei* appointed 1886, June 26: Nea _ork Timea, 4.j Charged that he I 330 men, all Bepub . iiiul appointed 280, nil Democrat*, to be in ; Nc* Foi i. Sun, Li I ? nation tavil sd, because patronage, emu rolled by wont s .rt of politicians f.-r partisan pnrpoaes . Aug. ii: New-York World, 4. Removed immediiiulj ut" t el* nih Huberto. Thom poon. II_-tDERSC)N, E. D.-Chairman Democratic Slat. Committee of Indiana; appointed Deputy < lommi-bioncr [nternal Revenue; took oath of ofllee January I to |al name *<n pay-roU; stated In In? diana ten dayl le liam frauds by which I. lure was dawirganlied and bogus election af S**na oi-i. .lin i.h. psj bom Government >ish7. .I.'.ii. 14; dh" lille.ii.', 8.1 Appointed In pla." of Rosen, removed, who was retained ta a minor nest '? Hutt Governmenl may not, lose tba benefit of his ability and experience, which nr>* invaluable," and who, never .1 partisan (1 t-?(5, Dec. itt, 'iho Tribune. 2 Hr-NDRICKS, J. " ?rVfmsatci1 ut Manna, Indiana: also Gray, hwta_aatei ;tt Portland. La* diana, Mated on platform ut 1.1th District D.-m oeratio Congreaaiouai convention; Daniel Krisher, Postmeater ai North b-anohaster, chairman ci** I?_? {.-at Kin; Poatmo-ter li. J_ Seaton, und William Nerti, I'lastinasl-r al Vern CrUX' in nil. fifty poet iiiiistars present, pernicious activity (l?8fl, Se l.t. 1; New-York World, 4.) HENDRIX, JOSI cn c Appointed Poatmastea et Brooklyn; waa itoaa M.l.iu;;l.liir.s candidats (1886, May 1 ; 'Iii.. Ti.bane, '.'. 1 ti_.V_.X- S. L.?Appointed I'ojtmustei in iilace of E. Gr. Ii.iyius. ii disabled soldier who bad lo. an arm but mi efficient officer; Senate Committe report* appoint*nen! purely partiaan, aad ** i ? >;. > t i ?. ot law -uni'-' l';i,ie.I States Boldien preference HESSEN.?Suneyor of Custonut ut Memphis sent in rcaignation when spa-- inl examiner calle upon him. T?iBIN, L. E., a Coafedente eaptaii appointed instead [1886, Sept. 8; New-Tori lllli'S, 1.) OAKHUE.. AND ELECTION SWINDLED. ll IC CI N'S, EUGENE S.?Apii.influent, Clerl Treasury D.-partmciits iti place **f Trudi, tivent. nan* in lervioo, who bad riaen from clerk questionable appointment 11885, march 12 New-York Time*, t.J Great povret and Influence Senators ami Bep-j-esentatives glad to await the! turn-* in his anteroom; uni make himself vcr us,.fui to Mr. Gorman (188.*i, March 13; New York Times. 4.) Will have to **'*> '1885, Marci 1 7; New-York Times. 4.) Wm Confederate daput; of Winder st Richmond; coBcernod In Krea pavi'iiunt. joh, Baltimore; sued for money Jos at faro at his place and settled; connected witl sink of iniquity called " French ProUnuM" eorrapter of elections, who took lead in Kowari County for Gorman aad drove rn--r**cs from poll with revolvers; ted gaog Baltimore repeaters a Indianapolis in 1876 snd 1886 (1885, March IO The Tribune, 3.) Resolutions Maryland Civl Service Aaaoeiation: " Not man of Integrity, li*.nor continaanoe ta offloe IrreeoncUhble with principle *pf Civil Service reform: err*pr calen tated t*> brini discreelitOB Administration ; lubpoenaed ;*< witnea larequenting (ambling house" il 885, March 18 New-York Times, l.j " If worst enemy of thc heat political methods had undertaken to Infllc thc. keenest Injury io tba cause of reform ai i ii,- blow, could n*>t have shown a better wa] than by choosing Higgin*, the most odious r*-p resent.-lfive of the tliosr odious political pr:i,!ie.s A iramMcr, lobbyist, defendant in snit for recover] of debt ipf lippiior, protector of disreputable resort Colonized Howard County in 1878 arith party o' voter*, Charged that he carried county and di* trie! by most glaring francis " 'I ??-">. March lt! New-York Times, I.i "Min of disreputable pri vate Hf*-, lobbyist, colonise, of voters, nde|*1 in every form of corruption, given over to mci* dangerous nnd rbom-nable polipeal vices" '1 88.1 Mureil li*: New-York Times, 4,) Endoraed bj Mayor 1*1 trobe nnd others 'Mareil 21 : N*w Vork Sun, 2.) Ptace impor-nnt betause pc -s **i". of daily knowb-d'-'e of ?nnxntAoe existinc in evcrj branch of Twasnrv gives Dorman chances to lxdf *.lTic/*-i?eekers tl885, March 1": Ti*." Tribune 1.1 T/-ft*-r of ex-Governor Carroll tn Gormen; "You nave a* d your bich position to de_rad< tho party, and insulted ih-- party of this State betraying the Administrntion by appointment *pi thc vier* tvi i of pc liriclan it ls pied ? >d to avoid " 1885, March r'": Mew-York Times, 4.) Doenmenti filed by Civil Sen lc <? association : nnpolnb d with ont. exnminition contrary to C. S. law Mardi 21 : N-v York Times. 1 I Charge* fited al leging " forging names on poll boo:-- frau intent personatins. hlrint of renr-titers, rnfflanlv intlml dat ion. a pref(S'ionnl lobbyist -rambler Inter -'? ' iu profits of gambling house, sned h? i recover money lost it. frnmblini house." Letter of Wallis* -riving confession of D'- In* that he took out ballots from ballot-box, bum -d them In stove, substituted other*, and it was '? -?11 wron ur, '?ut f*T tlie good nf Democratic 1 nri\" (1885, March 25; Kew-York Time* i.) " Com nie te and shameful representative ol tho system Mr. Cl vc lund Wa* clecteij to pu! ntl ced to. und he WB8 foisted on Mr. Cleveland'! Adm uistration by n hc lleverand adept In tha' sy ? >tn" f18?B, March 2'.t: N'i-w-York Times. -1 ) Maryland Democrats declare appointment "direct slap in the tone of r (1885, May I'l: The Trihnne. I. ta snltc of all rirete?-its linallv appointed (1885, April l: The Tribune, I.I Rejection of Kellar oft'-r certifica? tion by Civil Service Commission 11885, Julv 2; Tlie Tribune. 4 ) " Tongue always lo- se -and wa f "in" mischief dully: secured appointment *>f Mo I'.'i.' us captain of sratc h, unwisdom * ton apparent, everybody laughing at Iii-* order requiring doc -- k.-i-pp-rs t-i irive mi!iti)ry Mints tn every officer, McRae rebuked; " Washington Star'' printed the facts, ni'il reporter charged by Higgins with steal i ri cr |fip-rs. C< TifVp,n1c,! -wit', reporter. Hicrglns tacked down, cud Moaning ta Iii* presence declared belief that reporter was charged with oftVure not committed. ? HI-grins uses every moment of offico hnldiog career to prove appointment ;i Marnier. Chenowith Inspired Higgins in belief that a chance nf riding over Civil Service jaw. Surely not more difficult to trnmpl" on sm-ill clerk than it would be say tn--tuff n ballot-box*1 11885, July r.: New York Times. 1.) Clerk Birth Auditor, several timer! promoted under rules, discharged because, when bc thought Blain* elected, he hid left his *]e-k willi others long enough t > give three cheers outside (1885, .run" 4 : The Tribune, '.' - Seems t . be about tin- only appointing power In Wns! that is not makin- -rross blunders in.Appointments 1885, Ane_. IS: New-York World, I.) Higgins, Basin, Morris, Thomas, running Maryland pr1' 1887, Oct :i: New-Yort World, 4. " Retire? ment too late te mve principle grossly violate I In appointment mid retention" [1887, Dec. 13; New ^ orh 1 nies. 4 j IHE*iAIM'.? Coast Survey: official report *-f In toxication at oin.*.-, ;iiso associates in bureau; fraud* in account*, fraudulent rolls for payment; Hilgard a, and among tuen nn-i ?? fonnd *!i rolla who render no servi. of D ni", lat ic, c '..c. r ? ., Aug 7; Tho Tribune, 2.) " Democratic rascals, ?* lij turn them on! :'' is*.-,. Aug. 6; New-York Worl I. I HIE!.. '/. T-- .ppolnted Marshal of Colnredo; Atkins, of "Rocky Mountain Sews," asked with? drawn! of nomination, statin,'! Hill ?* boy. Inexpe? rienced and unsee*'tainted: hut i'r.silent ? | not dlr-eiiss. Atkins says "Mugwump policy Idi? otic: Sparks an ass of the most monumental kind, puffed ap with egregious vanity Uko n toad on log after a shower v.-i Heaven has jusl opened ifs faucets to nive him a bath." PENSIONS EXAMINKB INDI! CED FOB PEN S-ONSFBAI DS HIRE DR. WM. fl.?Appointed Exnminlng Sur? geon or Pensions on forged application [1885, \ . 27; New-York Sun, I.) Already under indictment for violation section 5,488 Revised Statutes con? cerning frauds ta claims s ninst Governmenl Auc. '.7; New-York World, i and 27; New-York Time* 4.* Collector Pensions siim- region ar? rested two days niter al Lake I*rovidei. for I lng name of dead widow and of witu.OS to I i tion claim (1885, Aug. '-"-': Tin- Tribune, 1.1 HOLMES, RICHARD?Appi inted Pc stmnsterst Natchez; chsirmsn Democratic Committee*, mail ager election t? -iu<is m i .-.* i; ii* tail* ..i rear?ni for rejection 1885, Ana. 7: The Tribune, 2; Aug. 18, 'iii*' Tribune, l, and S.-pt. B, New-York World. 4.1 Nevertheleaa confirmed 1888, June 4; The Trib? une, 2.1 Chairman Republican Committee re? moved for offensive partisanship; ohairman Demo eratic!"'- appointed, who manipulated election returns so that district having great K" publican majority is represented by Democratic Congi cann mi; political activity wlulo poatmaater (lriitil, Jan. 20; New-York Sun. 2.1 HOMAN, HENKY.-Superintendent Post Office Building at Washington; Vooriiees said: "Thank Cod, wc have nu asylum for eur friends St hist'' (188rt, Oct. 22; Tbe Tribune, 5.1 HORNBECKER.? Appointed District-Attorney of Illinois in place of Connelly, suspended, according to Senate report, on strength ot n partisan ana ii nt rue report in his case, ami bad faith (1888, Atnr. .".: The Tribune, *,.) HOWRY, G. R.-Of Oxford, Miss.; C. S. Dis? trict-Attorney; was from Lamar's own town, and murdered Sullivan, who ha*! determined to defeat a friend of Dowry named Morgun, candidate for Judge (1886, Ans.'. 14; New-York Timea, 5.) [HIBBARD?Appointed Minister to Japan; was cob,ucl Confederate regiment, member of every Slut*- Convention *>f hie party lince war tl885, Apnl i; New-York Timea, B.J "Peraista ta re? minding diplomatic corps In season snd oul of season, ur;*l In terms emphatic, that by sid" ol Tessa effete despotismi iii" u small matter" ii sm;,. D.c. 28; New-York runes, -I., Publicly called Japanese "little brown people over the way'; official reply, "Climate too blank let for me t.. travel in. at hast with any degree ot comfort" : how he behaves in liis carousals (1886, May 23; 'i be 'I ribuue, 12.1 IHTDCKOl'Iai". OEXEKAL-ProtcstagtiinsMiis removal by Grrand Army 11**?.-.->, Nov. _o; New York Sun, 8.) HULL, NOBLE S.-Conneeted with frandfl ta cnuntiii- vote ot Florida, indicted and tried, and notwtthstanding uru.-.i bj Senator 'all for I'.-st m*Bter at Jacksonville Pi tilden! refu*-ed, hut it (lurk Hull's request appointed Clark, and c lui',; mai? ll -ill his .!? ? pu t *, ut ono* HUNTER, li. M. T.?Appointed CoBeetor at Tappa bannock. Vc; w.cs Coo federate Secretary of Slaw-; had been expelled from Senate in 188] ii***:.. Hay 28] ripe Tribune, 2.1 His office now ii mere siii.-c.uio (1885, May .; New-York Herald, 3.) Hi!'C, WTLLIAat?Appointed I'.>? |master at Sr. Eouis; thrs*bed Mr. Joseph Pulitzer In st rest, Srar, November 12 (1885, Nov. ll; New-York Sun, :. st. Louis dispatch to Sun Bays: ** Ai point??uta ara stanoh m nostrils of decent peo? ple, in v_in ciel Congressman Qlover tell Ex, eoutive Ids aatminae for Poatmaater was _ rjoin iiion _r_akara, his nominee for Srajveyor a nMcal, bin noniineu fer Collootor i-f liiT.-riiiil Revenue but one re-move from imbecile: appointing in tt.f burning protests notorious drunk.inls. embesskra, ?ark-lantern politician*, belpleaa un Ik-ciIi-s, at the beck *>i croaa-ro*ds Confederate Benator*, bargaining with them for tt packed oonventiou. If Mannins's maohine attempts r<* nomination, ri.m National Convention will not. lie helli in St. Louis (1888, Auk. ll New iork Sun, h.! IN OLES II ART, W. T.-*Appo intel P-jetinaster ut Annapoliia; went South from Min Maota to rabatsarvioe (1885, llarch 20; The Trlb llle. 1 DTTERNAL IU'.VENCE -Commissioner dis Biasad e indi teen oolorad masaengera, iii)point*-<l roUBf white, men prinoipalll lrom Boutk * 11 * ?ovcred that fiey w?r" unfitted partioularly for .Mirk of nteaaint spittoon*, ii885, July 8; rlaw lork Times, i.i JACKS'iN, H. B.-Minister t.. Maxlco; wast on c-dc-ritte, and political diaabilltiea inver removed 1885, April 14; New-York World, 4.) Ground ol disability that ho had violated his onth (April 13; Tlc Tribune, I.I Recalled and returned (18-88, Orr. *.: N* w-York Herald, 8.1 Act of 1 872 quoted; appointment !*-*! "Cincinnati Enquirer" to say: " Bayard MSBBB BO have- gsai into ft body-snatching business to rehabilitate with offices those vcrgina on the grave" (I *w*\0s_ M; Now-York Herald, G.) Democrats speak of Messrs. Jackson and I'h(_ps being reaurreoted politically (ittt?5, March 25; New-Tork 'limes. IJ MINTS'! EU'S FIST-FICHT WITH niS SECRE? TARY. .TACORS. CHARLES D.-Minlster to Colombia; a pugilist of great violence; while attomcv ot Louisville, thc Mayor being a witness, jumped on him in court nnd hammered bim with his (1st. V. C. K iri tr. of Texas, appointed his secretary; had n controversy, and Jacobs pol,shed *>ff secretory in Stood style: pore was spread about, and Jacobs sailed for Washington: Bayard mortified (188?. .lune 80; New-York Sun, J1.) He rhnrges that Kiiii-, his secretary, was in lenone with foreigner* against American*, and rightly knocked down [1888, Oct, "-'4; New-York finn. 10.1 JAILBIRDS.?" Washington Post" s'.ys: " Fed eral patroBage in Cincinnati employed to elevate most disreputable ond odious characters. No les* than four criminals hold (Jovernment planes in Oliio to day ns <lire-t result of Democratic dispensa? tion. Recent subordinate appointments Ohio in 'e'reasury service incltide three notorious malefac? tors, one chronic, workhouse inmnte. one in pa-tit tc-ntfnrv for thefts another Indicted for murder, but escaped because principal witness disao nesred" (Washington Pofrt, 1-85, Nov. 8.) Rhode Island postmaster had been arrested nine times in tliree montlm for violation of liquor law. Penn sylvania clerk of Mint son fessed writing a forjp-d letter of Neal Dow to Influence German votes In oliio <1.*?*<_. Sept. 8; New-York World. 4.) Maine* t'ostmasta-r appointed while in jail (1885, Aug. 23; Til- Tribune. 5.1 JARVIS, THOMAS J.-Minister te Brazil; hod heen captain in rebe! Army ond Governor of North Carolina (1885. March HI; The Tribune, 1.) .JENKS.?Asst, Secretary of Interior; resigned; could not tolerate Sparks (188G, May 15; New Y'ork Times, 1.) JERI ?M I '..?Collector of Custcwns at Corpus Christi; removed: admitted bv Democrats that Jerome made a model ofllcer; has materially re eluciel expenaea; only Eecleral officer in Texas who inaugurated economy. In ht* place Charles F, Bailey appointed Collector: Editor of " Rockport Transcript" end active politician for years (1885, Aug. 8; New-York Times, |j JOHNSTON, JOSEPH E.?Appointed Cnmml** *i'pncr p.f Railroada; well-known GeBeral in rebel service, seventy-six years of aire, and unfit for net iv.- duty 'is-*-., March 28; N.*w-Y'ork World, 1.1 JOHNSTON, ("AIT. S. A.-Chief of Recorde and Malls, Treasury; had served iimb-r twelve Secret? r*f*n< had wound* many ami evtrnordfnarv; was discharged to make place for young man from Albipuy ri885. S pt. 80; The Tribune. 2.) JONAS, .'HAKEES.-Consitl at Prague; Aus? trian Government refuses to receive ci S**5, June '. I : \"\v York 'I im*-s, 5.) Did not run away from i ie order to escape military service; waa student In 1848, a patriot, nnd fled from country; editor Bohemian paper at Racine (1885. Juno 27: New-York Time* 1.) In hi* paper had violently denounced Austrian rule 1 kh5, June '22 ; The Trib? une, 4.1 Name withdrawn, but. again appointed 1 BBS, Nov. 19; The Tribune, 2.1 JONAS.?Ex-Sen?tor; nrpolntod Collector fit New-Orleans: us bitter n Bourbon partisan as can he found In Louisiana '1885, April 10; Tlie Trib? une, ".' Mini.- several powerful speeches in varl fpus purts of State, declaring he wouM not surren? der liis riirht to free speech. Three officers par? ticipated in Hld District Dcmoeratic Convention on i?. li:-If of King (1886, Oct 30; New-York Tillies, 2.) A " CLEAN SWEEP*' DEMORALIZES THE SER? VICE JONES, AQCILA.-Appointed Postmaster at Indianapolis. **? Generally believed that if Jones *i:is appointed, Mrs. Hendrloks's brother, S. W. Morgan, would be really Postmaster, thus pro vi d log a good place for a relative" il 885, Marali 23; Mew-York Times, 1.) Reward for party services rendered many years ago tl885, March 27; New York Times, l.j Disregards Civil Service law and *-liar?*'s preferred, " fact* President will hardly ignore" : Jones removed Assirtant-Poitmaster and put ta broken down politician; replaced cashier w:rh liis own son; removed stamp clerk; removed chief of registry nnd ptit in Hendricks's nephew, n bipy of 23, clerk In drug store: replaces chief of repair department by pork inspector; discharged juuitor and put another son of his own in that place; turned emt four poor women engaged in repairing mali sacks, aud put ta three male Demo orat?, Among persons discharged were one e.\ General Cnlon ;inuy, one Union veteran, one sol? dier's widow, and a niece of General Burnside, no complaint save that they were Republicans. " I bael promised their places to Democrats. I don't know what tlie last election meant, if it did uot ricui that Knpublicnns were to be turned out" 11885. July 27: New-York Times, 4.* Investiga? tion by commiaaion (1885, July 80; New-York Times. 5.) Appeals to President il8?.">, Aug. 7: New.\ork Times, r>. Investigation confined to violation <>f rules, hud nothing to do with laborers and workmen or with declarations of EHjStniastsr; * of merciless partisan prescription oatside the ; art of tho service governed by ru ls, BOt lui stignted 1885, A ;t.-. ii: New-York Times, 4.) !.,*!. r ol Swift Civil Service Reform Association, it thur spirit iuid intent of law violated in discharge employee classified service because [{cpublicans, and in eas*- of on* Wilmington, tlie .,ter concocted I clumsy and easily exposed ,.| j., justify his action'* H8**5, Am;. 19; New-York Timea, I.) Demoralization postal a ?* vice har! ro realize; express money orders have - -.-.I io per cent because of postal inexperi ; s, me appointees eau hardly write their own : one mail carrier, No", caught rilling let ! rs in ins I"'.session, pardoned by President; eratic i aper says *' Congressman Ry nu in kept busy appointing felona to offloe un*! obtainint" n for their crimea" [1888, July 18; New "> ork Times, ."*.) " Dismissed every man und woman In tack department, including four women who had others depending on them, with n*> charges n any; removed janitor, watchman, eu** ginee?- :nid elevator boy also, declaring because th. y were Republicans, and men appointed in their - lae es were active political workers." Testimony Foulke, presidenl Indiana Civil Service Reform ation 1888, Mareil 29; New-York Times. 1) JONEJS, J. E.-Appointed Postmaster at Port Wis., In place of veteran fo elisa-bled diftictilt to secure o'her appointment; Senate refused to act; reappointed a it er Senate adjourned (1886, Au*. 5: Now-York Sun, 7.) JORDAN, C. N.?Formerly nppointed Treasurer I'liti'd States, formerly treasurer Ontario ami Western Railroad ; " looked alter interests of S. J. Tilden, with whom enjoyed confidential relations; Administration could not have manifested its earnestncBS for Civil Service reform more clearly, or conferred greater bendite on servico than lt. would have ilone if it had chosen Mr. Craves"(1885, April 23: New-York Times, 1.) Long account sam*- ilny of West Shore Construction Co., in which Jordan represented a participant JORDAN.?Watchman for Interior Department; appointed by Lamar: was fortne'rly personal tue"* s, ager tor JetTeraofl Davis, and then Jacob Thomp? son's private messenger, and dlsmfsoed for disloyal utterances early in rebellion (ls85, May 20; The Tribune, 2.) ?II DD. ALFRED B.-AppiMntert pension Agent at Milwaukee, waa bookkeeper for John ll!ae_, ii noted liquor denier; had no record n* a soldier: i iolatiou of 1 Resident's plsdga (1836, February 18 ; Thc Tribune, g.) A HORSE THIEF FOR LABOR AGENT. ( JUDD, C. P.?Appointed Colorado Agent, Labor Bureau, .lust been hauled sp on ah?rn of bora* stealing (1886, Aug 18; New-York World, 4.1 Stated hil*! served one term Kaurna and two terms Colorado for similar offences and hud confessed 11885, Aug. 14; New-iork Times, 2) Appoint? ment revoked, " dismissed to-day, Admta?tretiou lm* an aversion for ul! jail-birds except ohio tall? ier is'' ism;,, Aug. 10; New-York Tim. s, 4.) Writ t ii confession in full (1085, Aug. 18; New-York Sun. '.'.i Denial and defence ridiculed (1885, Sept. .'; New-York 1 imo*, 4.1 .Hi DD, S. (JoitN'LNiI.-Appointed Post mr'it cr nt Chicago, well knu'.i 11 Copperhead T8ft5, May 7: I rlbuiie. I.) Reported stace his appointment hus bera actives In Senatorial contest just ending. Uffenoe which mcritu dismissal in fourth-class I' -tmist'-r cannot. pro|K-rly be overlook**!! In poat master of lirst class (lrt8.*>, May 21 ; New-York Times, 4.) Lawyer of feeble health, betta axpari cnoai phytioal BBcrgy, quickness dealred. in reapooaible minor otiiocs men wet.' placed ly him mIi,.s.- unfitness led one into Quited States Court aa defendant in action for atatfraaanoo. Ho clnfms be MUS |versecutei| because be hud Shown U|> KTiiHS Inefficiency of Chicago postal service. Discontent at < liicago wHo,panel; bumneis somer divisloni anl i*.rmly behind; takes New-York papers longer t?> travel tv.o mites in Chlcnso than nil the way from Nen Fork nerd, Jan. 13; New-York Sun, 4 ) .11 Di,E. -Morally aud professionally iiulit_ no cording lo Cleveland; tit.- followtag list of aer* tnpointed of whom five were tuopoaed to ba the judge referred u>: April 17. W. h. BRINKEH Miaoouri, Associate Judge New-Mexico; April 20 O, W. POWERS, Michigan. Aasooiate .!ud_e Utah: M?J ?.W- B. McCoN.SEl.E. Di.,,. A* soc ia c Judge Dakota; May ll, W. C.. VINCENT Chief .iiistic,, .\?N\ Mezioo*; Junia io. w. I! FLEMING Kentucky, Associate Judife. New-Mexico- Jalv 1' ..AMES li ?l A-j-S. Iibho, Chid ffiSeg '$&*! Jul| ll, E. J. DAW Nh, Oregon. Judge Al .ska l;ip.ds in tbs east refutaed by ViUis ,l8K.*i August ir.; Niw-Y ork Times 4.) Correct uume ought lu j nut ice ta. bs made nubile) (IMS, Aug. 23 ? New. York World, 4.) "Singular that person should \ *? appointed to a Judgeship only npon the strength of a petition signed hy Tom. Dick and Harry without -Mich an investigation aa would have rendered the appointment of a candidate morally nnd professionally unqualified nu impossibility " 11885. Aug. Bj New-York World. 4.) ' JULIAN, U W.-Appointed Suevcyor of New Mciico, tu pbee of Pullen, who waa dvil cagi neer nnd for year* sturdy opponent of land rin* ftixl 1**1 made laud lu ivs a car lui study. J_J_S is sixty-eight, was !->r yean extreme ItV-pubheaa Pun gi osama a, entered Deo-ocntie party whoa RepabBcana slopped electing him, noisy aatL monopolist until Baptoyed al Waabingtoa as au tornov for railroad corporation is-,, J-_> ;j. New-York Times, 5.) Dues not strike oralerver ai a conspicuous re-form proseeding [1885, June 4* New-York 'J imes, I .1 ? JUSSEN. EDMUND -Appointed Conaal ot Vi. enna, brother-in-law of Carl Scharz, was attorney for whiskey ring ta Chicago winn assailed br Bristow (188*1, March '-*!?: iho Tribune, l anil March 31; Nc w-York World, l.j ' _ ? RAMBLING ABOLT ECEoI'E. Il AT IN* HAND."' KEELEY, A M.?Appointed Minister |* Italy, Was Major io Confederate service rl ?-',. NLircrj :ii ; New York Time*, i " Must stay at hom* or represent rIiIh free Ite-mhlie at som* court wher* bia mediaeval notions nil! ba bmbb ia harmony" (1885, April tl ; Nsw -?rfc TIbms, 4.) His violent speech nbout II tamest ha lng gross and bloody violation of righto, er**] and caiise!"Ks Invasion of Papal State"l (1885 April 8; New-York Tim -. I In same speech' ho safd: "Am to-day recognising authority _**? ernment over my own State, found* ! "ii what I consider a groaa and bloody violation of .* rights committed against myself and t'u-m'' I1H85, April BS; New-York Time,. R.) "As urn* for any other diptoBiafic positioo; Bikes pail - to say authority of fi'iviirimetit be represent* founded on grow ami bloody violation of public rights; cannot) ba flt representetive of that Government" (1885, April M; New-York Times. ?'.. i: -\ of speech against ItaBans 1885, Apr!! ll ; Neats York Sun, 1.; Cabinet meet in? decided tn srita draw name (1886, April SS; New-York World, 1.) Declines Italian mission 1885. April 21; New-York Herald. !. Appointed Minister 'o Austria; " no capital where his peculiar gift woaM be more readily over-looked; is er and would find much Interest In chess congress at Vienna" (T8**.!i. M'iy 1: N?W-York Times, 4.) Austria refuses to isselve him; wife was Jewt-B try parentage, bat abjured faith when married a Catholic, sad three children are baptized '>i.ti>. olfes 11885, May 7; New-York 'l Imes, 5.) " Sup? pose Administration mus' peraiat in trying him on the B-tiona of the world catii it finds a ^'.uri nen* t-oo particular lo take Ir.m " 11885, l_5 7; New-York Timea, 4.) Interview with 'eon ;---,, May Bi New-York World, echei sine* lie waa appointed prove that he _ not even a loyal BB 1 true Am-ricaa citizen" (1885. June -"; Nsw-York Herald, 4.) Quotation from V ic una pre temenl of question (1885, July ll; New-York WorM, 5.) Appointment Minister to Italy a blunder| euice iti publ;.-. speech denounced Victo: Em? manuel as robber nnd not likely that King Hum? bert, son of Victor Emmanuel, would be willing to receive) bi?l. Austria also objects l- . .-i "zealous representative *.f Irishism transplant!?j to American soil" (1885, July 18: New-YeBh World, 4.i Will not b.* received, would be kias neas t*i ??iky to recall bim at once ll bus, Jety 2: New-York Time*, i., Public feeling in Italy, appointment o|**ii in ult; il bad appeared tie re would hav*. been egged, if n.t mobbed in the streets; remark "** Government founded *.a (.?ross un*l bloody violation of public and private right*" eauaea member ol Ital -neat to say "that alone proves his unfitness to rori, resent another nation ut our court" ; let | Austria equally strong 11885, Jnly S3; Th* Tribune, 8.) * Appointment to any diplomat^ offloe was fi wretched, miserable blunder, and to allow him to ga rambtfag about Eunaa with his hat in his lia iel is a dis. rac.- to tba Stat.* Department Inaigniflcant Individual, prao tically anknown to bil own conntrymen, un? heard of by th.* Deasooraey until Secratanr Bbb* *rd dug lum out of obsci_rity" (1885, July St| Now York World, 4.) Mesaaga from Austrian court.; docs not recognize legality <-f marria-.-e between Jews and Catholics; Bayard's reply ox* pressing ittrpriae at rshgiotii tate)?rance; de? cision to leave mission vacant [1885, Aug. lt New-York Timea, 4.: Au.. 7: New-York Herah), 10; Aug. r*: New-York World, 4.i - Secretary cannot afford to keep <>n making mistakes In his appointments"' ll .85, Aug. 12; New-York Times. 4.) Main gre thut Wife was :i Jewess (1885, Ans. > I! Ncw pronnd Austrian GoveruBacnt'a objection Y'ork Time-s, 4.) Bojection explained by e*. Ifiniater Francis ns caused by religions feeling, and relation bela BOM Austria arid Italy il sea, Dec. 2H; Tlie Tribune, 5.) KEITH, A. Et?Appointed PoatiBastor st D*-n* ninon, Iowa, in place of Myers, removed for parti IB-Uhtp, hut Keith was editor Democratic paper, member Democratic committ"*\ delegate in con? vention, made stump ipeeches siter appotatiaaa) and took part actively in Democratic campaigB, Ile wins appointed by Postnmster-t_ener*l, sa dc i meni6 snow, as reward foe party services, ami his own letters to President show that aaefulneaa to party would be grear ly Increased by appoint? ment [1886, Marcb -6; New-York Sun, l) Wrote to Pi'Stmaster-C p. ral thal he would *levot* bia salary to establishment of German Democratic paper (1888, May 21: New-York Sun. ll Ad? verse report on above facts (lt*8'5, March 26; New-York Tim".*. .r>.) KEEEATi.?After passing exsBilnstlon, refused pla"., by Higgtaa; protest, of ri*.il Service- Com mission 11885, July :i; The Tribune, l.) Anser .of Democratic friends because Chenowitn Anally retained Kellar (I6s3, July 13; New-York Times, 5.; KEMP, nENP,Y O.-Appolnted Naval Officer at Huston, in place ol Hall, ill"..-'.ly suspended S report e.f Senate Committee (188*5, April ai: Th** Tribune, _.) Since opp lintment has violated without rebuke Civil (Service rules, presiding over Demooratic Sta! -?"., July 6; New-York World, i KENNY, HEl.'N'.YifD.-Supering ndent. Wire houae ar New-Yc rk; and JOnE8, PETEB ll. E-y master, arni Special Agent PECK, all absent without leave to attend Democratic Convention at Se ra toga fl 985, Sept. 24 ; New-York Sun, 2.) All invest I ! [1885, Oct. i: New-York S in, 3.) _-__NOCIIAN.--Appointed Naval Officers! New Orleans; a Confederate, on Oem rn! Gibson's s'.itTf severely wounded fl 885, April 1: New* Yerik Times, 3.1 Houston, Democratic manager, taus. an;i, assails honesty, purity and courage; hu *l5n,(i()0 rea! estate to sit i-f,- action for n-> response 11885, May 28; New-York Times, 1.) Senator Eustia says Kernochan '* invented a auhsme striking name's .if 7,000 Democratic voter*fB?I lists; but Republican Judge, though strong parti isn, refused (1885, Aug. 4 ; New-York World, I KI'; removt-d from office thiai ycars after lu: baa resigned (1885, July il: The Tribune 8.) KETCH AM, W. M.?Appointed Postmaster nt Pouglikcepsic; editor Democratic paper v 1 -s7, Feb* 15; Ni-w-York'limes. 1.1 KIM HALE, JAMES D.?Appointed Director of Mint, vice Burchard suspended 1885, Juna 28; lin- Tribune, T.) Burchard waa requested to re? sign, and declined [June Ms New-York Timei Ll KINDT.?Postmaster si Shenandoah : sho-rtaga ia ncco-.ints, 11,800; appointed two yann i 1881. April 2-'; New-York Sun, 1] AN OBSCENE BLACKOUABD KTN'MAN, E. M.?Nephew of Con-jTcs^mnu Bp**?ager; appotated EVwtmaate? at Jacnonrllle tove days befora' Congress m t; got commission and qualified after Congress met in violation of law; charged willi insulting and obscene comments "ti soldiers' reunion ami on thc wife, of chairman eif the Committee of Arrangements; a prominent citi? zen, McBride** crony of Kinman, was m ide depot"*. and charges that Kinman compelled bim to di vida pay : makes affidavit thar Kinman .ms author of ob? scene paj.T alice* Barned; inpported by other afraV davits; all employ-** and po6tmA**ffer neglected da ties of oflice for tour weeks ta Springer's interest [1888, July 15: New-York Sun. 1, ( * ?prove'!, and Kinman was rejected (1888, July '.'J; New-York Sun, 1.) KI.lMl'EII.-Apprnis.-r at Cindnnati, and BO_* NETT, District-Attorney; both at work for Cler* land at Ohio Demoor*?c State Convention] fully a score of ollieiii'.s were delegates; two ind " 1 delegates march in front rank **i procc-Ston (I88li May I8j The Tribune. 2.^ knott, A. L.?Appointed Second sasistaat P sV Diaster-Oeneral; Grorman's rictory; u Copperhead, In place of Thompson, removed, wlm was eevaBteea y*-nrs in servioe sud promoted thron h all -riJ'*? (1885, April 2; The Tribune, ld KIMI,ER -Collector ai T ! ?? -: i- ?-f trnfc- I offici-holding family and active i tisan 1888, Jaly.) EACOMBE.?Appoint, d Judge of Circait Ccart, Nen York; report of ' ' Coro*_BlS? ta-e Senate that \:ic;ir.. ?, did aol 1. ippen durtag ra* : s.'ii:it<-, and appointment not constUulional (1888, March 10; New-York Ttmes, 4.) '?AN OI-rlCIAI BCANDAI* OVElfrO-T-Sa EVEBI mci.i-" LAMAR L. o. C.?Appointed Secretary <>t th*> Interior; was former rn mh r Con ress ind toad" ln^' BaoaaaioBiat; declared war on QoveraaMBS before eommenoemeut .-i the RobeTlion; ottoar Rebel army; aapecial I mirri and champioa ot Jefferaoa Pavia [1885, March ?'?: Tlie Tribune, Ul Wking exeoutive abiiiti. .. ion staaaff ratiher (1885, July 1 ; The Trlhuae, Dj als., ap? pointed brother-iii-lu-v. 70 rain old, B cl ri;, i"ti Irary to law (1885, Maj 18; Ne* fork Sun, '-:'? lowered Hag vt Interior Department, busireuaing wo-.'li for ', oflii'.'tis .in! eli * and tfitcr ruptiuL' iniblle business a wu .le day in honor or Jacob Thompson, unpardoned rebel, who *g* BB** pected of oonaplittey to ?*_*a*.iu?te UnwMn, ros wliiisa* arrest |1|5,000 was offered in"u. who -iras disgraced bj removal of S*60.t io adian trust funds when hf left luterior IViartimnt. \ili.? acted as si*v for rebels it. I abimH and who tTroaj Canada s.-it during war tmrnllpai aa?i iciww fever into Northern .'itt-'s: TliomMpnal tbraboul burning cities (IS8S, Match 18; The tribune. 4.1. h....orel .1.b Thiunpson. -who I"'"','1 1>'1" ''" |? before he left Cabinet, had a -Ir-ai ll d/"'tor ct\. Instigator of plan to spread d'"**?-' ? I r-?t,.,l States, never soushi removal Political disiibilitics"' 1885. March Sf: Noa }"'*$?+ M : bv holiday ,111 531 I"'"1" '."'*, ,"r,'w ' away, but l.iiuar. in Beal I"'' ."-""'?"? ? sold hOBBBB ~ C*uUnucS *n Kl*"-^ twg>