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IiFFiRIICAN CLUER TM NEtl'JERSEY. TWO _ranSBl SD LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS-TnE COMING CONVr.NTlON-rOt-NTY OPTION. Trenton. If. J., J-Hy *--?? oo..vcn.,on ot the ... ? . , ,i, state st Asbury Park on Kenn) can clubs of IBS >"*-.? " ... ._._, ,- ,,, k . -*?at orrs-on. -lie Aticust 15 w ll bc* s pre*' i"'" ? . Miii.n- v Mott, was herc pester* Of the-Ut* I,cipiip*. Wilt'*" M-_m ? "...._. dav m-ttag mHtaassaia-. ?_ rpcr.0,1 he ouMoe.k ,?r th. convention a* Bf***n?-. "*???-** la-, October." said Piesatoai m-". with nineteen chilis repeeeeatetl We have now BOO clubs and now . , ._, heine fol Ul1'*I Constantly. Th'* con onjranl/.atioiis .ire oenm _______ ventioa eaU fJafHal IM *- isyaasBlallBB of len firm ea-* el*-, Bad every part of the State will he rrpr.* sea'ted r*onie of _M de'.'ere* eho ea sn* tUsttO -rollbSd men of BBBJ 8-1 BtaBB*, Imt thc younpor elcv ment la the party ls, Bf 000-80, most larpcly rrprc-t-ented. The oh''**'' ?'oir C*-t,"'rlrl'- ?* ,0 taterohsaga sentiment* and to i-*P ou' 8 "n'> ot action for the organizations during the IBf?flit" lhere aavac wa* a stronper deairc to do active service for th? Kepublican revise thsn there ls this year, ant! lt Is simply a question of properly BtUfBtOg a vast number of er.eritetlc workers. We Believe that the _0.000 voters who will be enrolled lp tlie clubs of New -Jersey can do nr.ich toward earry Inp ihe Stale for Harrison and Morion, and the clubs want part of the honor of this prrat work, and if push and BBthaBB?_I will scconip'.lsli anytrdn-*, we shall make a record to Be pio-id of. ConpresRman Phelp* ionised to make _ speech In tlie evcnlnp. and If Mr. McKinley can rome, he also will tie present. If lint, cither radiator Frye or Penator Hawley will be the:e, a.-nl se We are sure of liistrueiloii. Ppee!al will be run from Newark. Kliralx-ih. Camden aa.; Trenton, anil rc-oooj taree have beea obtained fer delejrates, Ashore Park has some special advan iap- al thi* season ot Ihe rear, ami excellent arranpe n..'iii- have been mode there." .loin V. Poster, secret*!, ol rhe State Kepubllcan Committ.-c. -ays the (ainpal.n In IM- Bt?te will bra one ol ami-ment There will be the fuilesi discussion ?? questions ai i-sn,.. and the state committee will endeavor tu circulate tai iii literature mora widely than ever before. The ipeerhoi of tlie Nen .i.-rscy meni bei_ in i onere** -ill malic excellent campaign litci-a lure for their (!!siiicis. Kach ha* bcavi rein*p"llo*l to br the Mills hill. i?lon of the Court of Errors a:id Appeals defend some I nd u* tr* assailed bv Hie Milli upon tlc Hip!: License and I minty Option law win bo sm ouneed on Tuesday, July 31, Thc court had a conference leal Tuesday. There ls mme reason for tlc belled that the Court will decide against the ron itliutlonallt- of the coaaty option part of tho law, itiitalnlng the iiiph license and Sunday closing features, i .'ir* objection ls said io h.. that thc method of order ?no iicens--M election br petition of one-tenth of the votes is a M delegation of ti.e legislative power." arid a.* f.ieh contravene! thc constitution. BEBB1 BOGEE* WILL PE EX IM1SED TO-DAY. Heary Bagel* t!i<* yeans man who is accused of stab 1,::,-- i,is cai.,rude. William Iiunn. alinos' lnsiaiitrv killing him. en saturday nieiit, iras lakaa to th.* Terkv?la Court r.-aterday hy H. tc the B*?ly, of the Twenty ?sesad Pie sine- He had nothing to say and was re zanied by Justice* Whin f.: examination to-iay. THE PETROLEUM MARKET. KEW* FROM THK Pl-XS ami RAKOKOV F-tlO-S, ByeeBlatloa in erode petroleum ls at a low ebb; In fact, it may he laid lo b** absent from tin* market. 11." traillnp In certificates ls of a narrow, professional eaarsctet n:.<\ the general -Uspoattlon of the ordinary * : ? StOt ls lo sell on every rally, and to pound values whenever they ihow toe allghteel laadeacy to reaction 'ile lal.--- Weston speculators appear to be doini* little, and a/all Street has not been convened to a favorable view of tie future. Under these circum itaaeea the eoaBnaed itrengtl ol price* is the mora (-Ipiilfieant. It lc-ts entirely open commercial ron BttoBB the excellent condition of the refined trade, and ihe failure of tbe bears to achieve much ineeeei With the dr-ll In Ihe oil country. There I ay |pe some totereettng Items of news from Mt. Morris, |B i,recite Coaaty, Penn., this week, but ther* I* no reasoa at present i..r expecting any latportaal develop ments In that direction. Al Rakerstown thn usual leeor! to nltro-gryrcrlne ha* been mado ami the early butcher's weil hes been shot wlthoal sttmu fat?lng more than a modest output, lhere ls yet to he brought forward features la this Grid t.i revtva iii.- tear**, of a few tr**]? apo, and outside of liakei-s town the Held situation ts unmistakably bullish. Thc pipe-line fipurcs tell the tale of ihe condition of pro? duction In the face of Inrreastnp consumption. They II a (to less than twe, thirds of July an excess of ship m. nts or dclivci'.os of nearly 800,000 barrels, anil If tho tame rate ls sustained to the end of ihe month tho Mock** will he eal down la duly 700,000 barrel* The da !\- average of the runs has been only .IC.223 barrels, against 47.r>_<> barrel* a day In June; 80,400 harrell In July. 1SBT; 78,033 lands In If-sC,; _7,_0B barrell la 1888 and 86301 barrels la July, 1684. HsB dilly averape of the deliveries has been fi].-124 liane's, against 65,663 barrels Injune; 61,6T8 liarrels In July, ls-7; 7?,46. barrels In l*--e',; 86,711 barrel* in 1686, ami 80,413 barrell la 1864 The daily averaga of the charte.-s has been over 5.0*10 barrels a day In iixi. -- r.f ti,e average production. Tho figural reported from July l to ij (ebarters to the goth) are a.3 follows: 1 il'O*. Rum Iiellve-lea. d-llicrles Chft-'ers Total bbl. .. . C8A.2S2 1.167.008 478.811 B30.95_ A ? : ' dav . 88,8-8 rtl -1-4 ?"-.-'Jl 41.?'.?3 ll,-* foraaotng exhibit of deliveries, while materially lr. exeMl *'f the runs, ls morally certain to be pnatly Improved through thl biter months of the year. Wc ?bowed, a week ago what lt was reasonable to ex'icct In the way af an excess of consumption from Aupust but, and wc still believe thal the averape- rate of deliv? eries will exceed 80,000 barrell a day. The premium over certlflca'o oil for the* white sa:.d pnieluetlon of Waablngton w-as raised last week fro ii 8 to lc c-tits per bane), makinp thc current price to produecrs In this tic-id ove-r ?1 pe-r barrel. Such a premium will provest any exhaust!on of credit balances, and henlM there ls every leeson to look for a large cancellation of certificates In the draw Inp upon th* total visible sup? ply of oil now golnp mr and certain to Increase laler )n the Mason. All the foreign markets for refiled oil were higher than a week apo. and there I* an' excellent ! eil done herc whenever vessel room can bo se cuivel. In spite of a recent heavy advance In BOB? I t* There ls every reason Ic look for a bl/* f refined to Karope, and the c-ammerclal Mrenpth of rhe position ls supplcm-en'tod by tho fact that there have l>cen many larpe 0Oate_*e_ for refined del! vet les su_a aheaei by Buropaaa speculator* who cai.tiot shake oir tho habit of "ihortlng*' oil on pu? en] artactple* This short clement ls not reflected directly In rrude conditions but lt ls real neverthc lc?s. and ls likely to te an Important factor In thc certificate speculation f-trthor aloofe In tho year. If ipeet?atfoa lc *lay fully reallied tho ?trOBgth of tho i position and the promise of rhe future there would ba a le'tp-r plane of values at ar; early date. If lt even be conceded that there ls little prospect of a revlVO] of such operSttOBf, lt ls han! to (pp-lleve) thal Bdool curtailment of certificates and tho cer? tainty of a big elcm.'iiM for re__ed for the it*st of the yp-ar Will no; assume a inatii-ialiy better raiige I t ide prodoet The iu*ve*?eal of prices may not. !-? loll fa tor] t*p traders Mho vant ??sure Hp*" when to '? buy at the learesl and s.-ll at thc hlgbO-t," but the ? nf itOChS bf acliiiil consumption at Hie rate af 700,000 or 1,000,000 barrels a _C*Bth will afToid little M" ??: for aay bu! temporary spp-i). af depressloB. Last Week's ends oil market fulfilled the promise of thc preceding week, jt opeBed at f_ 1 BaSS B-8 cits a::d a VlgOrOM eSott ot tho bears to secure eheaj) o!l was successful In drlvlog ggane lo 70 1-fl cents. As usual, '...(?iioii, wi,I,ti would .hav- been perfectly natara! even if lt had rot beea asatated by tho bears, was loahed apofl by nu.-: ol the trade as only ihe bepinninp Bf i BOW down wai*! ?tog of vatos* The market stayed hut a brief moment below fit) cents. Strom* baying w&, developed Bl rh" lower fipures, and when tbe tbortl tried to cover theil contracts a siiii.ty nf eertlfieatea, exeepl aa impravlag values, ira* Baa phsslied Basalt: a gradual lise that restored Iho market to the best p....?.: of the previous week and k?I lt ai the ead with a net pan of more th*a ) fut. Ile- marli't is In the posttloa ihat lt was m -, i.k or lea days apo. The Barren! stunt interest is subs taa nally i ever; lhere is uo extended long lu i ? : certificates ar-* lodged In Krong hands, nnd While Hu- d-itiand for r*-al oil I* tnrvenslr.g. them ls a .inp supply of goods, txeepl when the pytiers In ihe shape of pbant-Hn ee-rll--ate* R*ld . - t*p he looted fur lilli; seeptietSBl of an advanm exists widely, bal Ihe same lunporl r-oeritiy exteod-*d to value* oi any reaction ls likely lo he found lu Ihe tatura. The *?rket dosed wlthoal *ieeided tone. 'i he range ot prtcai ami tho total ifoallngs in Kanonal Tranill certificates a! ihe> Consolldste. Kt-.K and petroleum Exeh?Uga toe the la*l IhrM a*ij-l were as follows : \V.a k _?-**- Julr 24. lfe_0. July 23. 18fi7. July 21, IRKS. it.73 1-8 7U 14 Hi 18 I.78 3-S Hi 3 4 84 8-4 L-wes|.7_7-S 78 3-8 TTn 12 .7*5 18 82 8 8 83 6 8 SBlM, barrel*. . . - 8.r,V>ooo 7.184 OOO ll.rio5.ono tales st I* BtesB Evrheaas 1.80-.00Q i.80S.OOO t.OI8,ooo j' Total s*le?, harreln . . ? BBB.C0B 10.sso.000 I 3CM.(W) i ] llliii'-d oil mo hlpher ibroad, and late In th* *e.-_ j , there m-- b renewed active d tmaod here. Price* early | * wi-ie reduced i B cen! in sympathy with crude, but I ( tie,i'd unchanged ned firm at 7 1-2 cents per pallon. , Abel test, ai all poi is. |j .)H. CJITT. Pena.. Julr 21- Nattoasl *fTin?H OrttfloiPM ou'-iied Ht S|"? In.lieat. 81*. lo-real. SI*.; St*Se4 83V *..- SV.800 t?n-l.i i-leatiin.**". S'l.'-OO yarrala i .-har III* W.'Al'J bbl* ; slilp.-neiil.. 8I.2'I2 b.rrola runs &CI.S93. i-.llio. iVni. Jnlv 21-?'etrol*ifn c!o?*d *ct1*i; *.' I i rm.sit < -rn' '? <t?. opeiiol al ?4'a; ci_a*il SI r..*H; M___M, 84-Al le.wmt, 8:!S. I''..m. P?nti.. July -.'I.? W_tlona! Tr^ r?rl!fl_??aa ' at 81 . i el*Md_lH3*ajl higlioat, 843, : loWMt. Ha.; CHanmea* 1.7:10.000 t?arr.n. Trri-vai*, P*nn.. Julr 21-N.Uonal Trasilt Csrtlflcalei *i**_*-al?l-4 ;_lK_c?l,6i^, IcjWMt, 6-'?, OlOMJ, -IV A DULL WEEK IN STOCKS. THE SITUATION ENCOURAGING. GAINS AND LOSSES OF THK NATIONAL TOEA-URY. Suuclny, July 22?p. m. Tim I'ni'ccl BtatCB TlgBBIII*! Inst week received from customs 16,410,4fit, ami from internal reve? nue $2,178,077; from hoth $7..r>f<rU 09, Bfl-iBBt $7.2i*3,"i06 for the jroccdin-* week. Yesterday's Treasury statement shows a net pain for the week to its cash cf ll.-04.4~2. Tim increase in th? net c;?sh in its vaults was $l..r)54,.'iKc,, and its d-> l>osits in National banks were reduced ?840,636, Tho gain in coll waa 1721,041, made up hy a gain in bullion nnd coin of ?1,078,611, less nn is-suc of cert i float es of gl.2".4,.,.7(i. These figures prolv ftlily complete the chaiip-s occasioned hy tlie tranv fer of tlie New-York associated hanks' gold coin from the Bank of America to thc Sub-Treasury, nnd n corresponding additional Issue of certifl<'it<-s therefor. Such transfers furnished the principal reason for nn increase since June 30 of $10,300,000 poid in the Treasury-, and of $12,600,000 in the nra nu nt of outstanding poid ct! ideates. The liability for thc redemption of National break 11 ,!?> waa reduced $.r.r4.l **.*i during last week, so that tBC week's net gain to the surplus was 11,768,687. Subjoined are the results of yesterday's state? ment compared with that of tlie statement of July ll: _ . July 14. 1S88. Julv 01. 1888. Differences. Geld fin and bul. Ices rcrt.lflratns and t?IOO.000.000 . . , SsSO.Pp-i 400 eo0.ei0fi.4alP Inc. :1,013 37.9:4.342 7,_l3,o;>0 3*1 623.40! Inc. 7,0-0,078 Inc. 000.122 107,1)!'.) f.2,027 244 r,2.0M,*si8 Inc. 20.601 rouav V. S ))"tes leas certlllcalos . . . Nat. Iiat.k note* . Silver did'rs and liulll.pii lesa eel'* tlflcates . . . rash In Treasury $188 550.048 $190,101,130 Inc. H. 664 3S8 Dei-o?lt* In Na. tlonal banks . 64.832.120 M.482,190 Pee. 846.8-6 Total bnlon'-e $2l3,3S2.174 1*244,5S0.02G Inc. 11,201,45. De iii'-', for funds held !n r.'d'-"tn Nst. b'r-k Dot** Includln? tm) 5 per cent fund 97.874,521 Dee. 504,183 N'*t n va llald* balance . .. $144.943.10.-, fl 10,710,102 Tnc. $1,703,037 HANK CONDITIONS COMPABED. By the operattoBs "f the Bab-Treaaary and hy pol'! exports in the week ended Friday evening, tlie New-York Vianks lost 61,418,183 cash, which would count in the week's Bvcragea for a loss of about 1500,000. A week SSC Bte cst 1111.-11 -*<i that th*- boat?1 actual cash hotdiagB nt thal dat*- were shoat ,3,000.000 less than the sum piven for the average of the week. Yesterday's hank statement shows a loss in cash of S2.073.200, which indicates a con? siderable- flow of money from the ulterior duriag the week. Probably thl Bash reported in yester? day's statement closely approximates the actual holdings at tlie close of bua*??OB Friday evr?ting. The reporteel decrease In deposits?S'l.l 1 fl.800?ii 11,800,000 greater deotlae tlmn the other ehaBgea call for, which more than offsete th" discrepSBCy 111 the other direct ion in lin- chanpes of th- pre? ceding week. The itatemeBt reaalta la a loss of |1,_74L000 to the nurplus rcsi-ric, and leaves it at *2(..44b.40rt. $8,4 97,325 July 23, 1887. and 114,370,100 Jnly 24, 188?. Hie changes in the weah of 1887 were- as fol? lows: Loans decreased ?3,237."i00; cash de ere-used $445,l*'i0; deposits decreased ?4,066,800: and surplns reserve increased ?871,228. Thc chances for tbe week of issi, were: Loans in ereasid 1188,400; cash increased 1180,500; de? ne-its decreased ?1,015,100; and larplai reserve* incrca*cii ?686,875, The chances for the week of lr*81 were: 1/oe.n* laercased 5100,100; e^sli de? creased $702,200; deposits increased 11,459,300; snd -surplus reserve deer. sued |l, 127,0-5. Th* ll*)tt?**HI 60?Beroi iritl thoso cf corrcarKindlnp dates of 16.7 and lSsl ,-i? f..l!-,?*: Julv 23. ism. .lyly 23. 1817. Jule 21. ISSI. , Loans. . . . |_48._40.5*D-S85.V249?r>Oe?79,a30.5'-0 fSl-ep-lp* . . . 881.401.400 177.033.700 $91,475,400 I tenders. . 18,752,000 22.561.600 3-,7l!.:Ono I P*r*ollt* . . . 3.V2.0r.-.*OO B04.861.-00 415.117,900 Circulation.. . ly. IS a, .'{OD 8,111.400 7.0-2.200 Th-- falkiwlnc* shows the relation bSIWfMI thc ta?ll re j sen.- and the tot-1 depoalta at th* respective da"-. $81,491,100 77,088.700 981,475.400 IA762,01.0 __.->",] ",<ni 3-,:n.i'd 198.2;**. 1*0 i-.p..i.5K'..2' 0 i13a.21O.7O0 r-8 104.700 91.0S7.875 103.779.300 I10.07S.700 $8,497,325 $20,440,100 Specie Lv-al-t'iidors . . Total ibmiib . Pecann Cl required a.alnst deposits Surplus Rat:'* ii reserve to deposits per cent . , . . 27.80 27.33 31.37 Following is Saturday's statement in rle __*>!: j I Le,**!- | _, nantes. _I Loans. Specie. ' ten,lcm. I I..-posit. New-Vonc'TT.. ":.,.*..'u.iii)(i M1111I1.11 1 omp. 10,170.1100 Mere?ulta'.! 7.'.'37 100 ..lee-haul-a'. 8,080,000 An-.ina.! 18,111.600 l'lienix.I 8.410,000 City. B.8.7.400 TT_rtes_>*_-...| 8,818.100 I'liein'.cal. 18.18U.81MJ Mer-Maiit.' Li. 3.282.500 (.allatlu.I .*>,M>7.400 Bntb'IA Urov * 1.1)31.-00] Bullit Trad'*.! c.i.-eawicli_ 1.1-A.--0I Leather M.itifi; 3.. _*T*ntil Nat ..I i.M40,ft*)l)| BU-Of .N'-V'k, XO'iT.lDl'j -.020,000 1.880,000 I8.8l0.00il 2,081. OOO 810.000 10,00. ooo '.,41(1.H.10 814.41):* --,;.,;,?, 1.lia.eiiol Hui.limp, 7.461,000 1,872,800 872,000 Iii.-.ali. lon l.'.'ll.OOIIl (IO OOH 8,360 "I'll 7,7 2.40(1 :*;..'.,.1 14.H87.00U 811400 i7o,*on 2,863.300 8.24U.500 846,300 2-.,60li,HOO 48'.?.400J ii-:- Pd ' 3,1*84,400 'Ja* '.'"il' 74-*..-Il" I.PtlO.VOO 150.700 '....: 4..'"'I 2V9.0OU 2,167.008 1)111,401), 1.1 2(1.200 '."'.'. -im 2.81-6.600 107,600 1.681.200 203,400 3.678.600 462.3 Kl 10s I,.'I) 1.0.-00 91H.KIH) 6(>?.00ii| .22.700 American Kx.. 14.H61.00W 4.108,000 S.OtU.OOO 16,241,000 C?m waree.I 20,863,1100 Ilrnadwar. 6.406. SOO MerOanulo.| H..'..-... 7 00 Tariftc .* 2.HOO.P00 Heptit.lir.! S,7li7.80. tl.atliaiu..J 4,678,71)0 reoplr'. . 1.R48.6O0 ll* America... 3,110,1)0. Hanover. l-.6li&,200 Irvina..I 2.817000 1.1 turill'.I 2.642.900 rVnaa.n.I 8,883,100 MarKet.I 4,844,iinO Bt .Vic.'iol.?....* 1,704,800 Win*.. Leather, a.o'.fl.OOll Coin K-Cttan,i/r *>.77 V-'OiH Continental....! 4.S44.10U! Oriental..1 2,111, OOO Imp A Trader. "Jl.'.'tMsOllo Park.I 16.S47.100' -North inver... 1 l,95.V-'0o( ;.?34 -iiKJ. 16.831 40() ti.C2el.0iJ0' 3,26JI,o(<0' 4.2o*:.a0i) 2_,3>ti,P<*Oi 4,680, i()0 1,486,100 ?-.iM4.20i> 2,367,1 Ool 2.782.600 k,i;ih.4oo, 8.8_l,70O 2,606,4001 2,848,100 4 1)47,'-Jill I'nat River.. Ksiirfli ."lat. Central .*s'at.? *ec*Tirt ."tat... Mulli -Tat.... Ijrat Kat.. 'Innd Kat. KV Bat l-x.. Boner-., NV I'utinty... Der American. Chase. J-iMa Avfiuie. Herman Ki... Germania. t'inlet Male* Lincoln.I '.,4*i0.ili)CJ (.arfield.I ?.,4:?4.o*)i) Filth Nat. 1.4.1*;.4"0 Meti'opnlis.I 8,788.800 \l est -aide.; 1.028.300 H**i-oard. 2.le. 1*.\in .itat.? 1,740,100 Western Xst.. I 10.11*. iud1 ?.,J70.2OU| 1,80:*, IHO 1(1,074,SOU 1,001,800 860,609] 0,1 ll.-.'00 l,V8S,SOO| v<r,-.7(Hl 8,,-liP.tiiiO 668,800 -.'ppp.ipDe 3,1611,608 '. 2,402,20O{ M<ti.jon lo.SOI.eoO B'.aoool sii.'.MDD r.,oi6.iiuo 1 41*8,800 8CS,,"ie 2,084,600 *>(*.siiii ;'.i,.'p.7--'i 3,!i'.i0,400 S,*SS.7l>-r| I.. ]ii,i,l*ie 14,407,100 'Afi.lftO 244.Mi'), 1,268,000 67!*.",e.') 246,100 3,080,0*00 .H'lO.fto,) 470.--ul ?,,.i',i7,i00 i 876,600] 24*4,000 4,106.800 848,300 pu,.ioo 1,668,600 S71.00i)| Xfis.cvi'i 8.1(14,000 . 16.000 166.000 6.221,1100 , 6.11.1*10 721,1100 6,504,7011 94,0Oi)| n>i0,*0i) 2,11711.600 6,4i!'.-.'i)'i' 1,016.200, 24,*l? iii'i 2,HM).;-;0o 3.740.7X1 23.262,800 209,200 2K. 2. in 2,:'OI.lou .lld. lilO J.4.-IK) 1.522.S00 2,*aa.-*"PO I7.50l.lll0 2,3.12.0DI)- 1.313,0110 M.278.600 446.COU ru.coo, 4.:?*;'-..ot 1.6'i6.'IOO 4M."*H) |,l6n,4O0 1..MS.400' 1.178.200 21,206.700 l,')') 278, .<i)0 .uro 307,100 114,-00 11)5.000 16'.',fl*)0 5,o<tii,:io(i 1.300,600 2,461.i<00 1,12'l.SOO 143.200 2,660.600 74t,rein 146.700 . SI, 500 3,**17.7oi) fiGl.SCMl ?.007!!i00 471.-ih* 2,74.1/0.) 771,600 686,100] 1,tv.?>.*??) I 846,2601 I43.20ol 1*1.1'"); ].?--'?;.. roo, mo. 700 161 *".), .78,900] l.Oli'.I.O Kl' 4O0.5O0' iit;*.o ia ;..-, -i imp a po :..v.i.','.'();) '.e.; 1 _-, piiii 124,(?*o 24.'.. IO*) '.'20.400 4,47.".,4i'(l 3.237,41.0 ; MM 2O?,0iio 1,818,800 i,..'.'.?iii) 4,704,600 .67,600 '..2!ix,40i) 462,000 2,0*2,HO0 IO "O.I 2.01*0.1 00 il''.ll ...l*Mpp*? -m Iho N'.-r V..-'. Ca .-Inc Ila-. and the <t..r!:a Mid at the N-w-Vari; Bt-CK E?ehsnt* far tb* '....-k p-f thlp.- vcars ?*-)*?K :-- CoHowSI We ". en-Ins- Julv 24 I88A Julr 23, 1887. Jaiv 21. ir-88. Exchan.el . . . 8510.090.070 8-83.35S.776 $5rX','lo:4.9".)l bo. ehar.-s will 1,100,006 748,161 1,1'J.tiOO THE MONKTAUV Sf! I'M K i.N". TOT TRIBUNE pr?Ited on Saturday Mint Di rector Kimball's cattautte of tbe goiii and silver in tl)*- United States on June 1, 1888, oompared with the estimate of Joiy I, 1887. It showed an iniTcisi' of gold arie' silver circulation in the eleven months nf $8*4,OOO,OOO, Oa JllBe 1, l - - *. tlie Treasury's cul bolltiugfl of (-'olil ami si|\er were |13,6-8,.2- less than they on July I, j 1 *-* x 7. I lenee the expansion ol gold and silver ia genera] circulation in tbs eleven montha wjis iiM-r 198,000.000. The Treasury, however, in the devon months hisd inoreoMd it.i holdings <>i !'? nUtender notea 118,014,403; therefore, Ihe net ct.. [pimsion of l'-Fiil money ia jceneral eiroulation was (oat about the amount ol the te.tai expansion "f mid .ind silver. It is proper to say lien* that 1 ih-- Treasury's aeposi! In National baaks was 123,490,898 greater si the ead than lt was st the beginning >*i the period of eleven month* snd that tahcrefore so mueli of the ad-liuou t-i the reaera] droalation belonged to the Government, for lo- aeourity <>f arfaieh lt held it^ own IhpihIs. Mr. Kimimll reports the oolnage of the world during lie calendar year ls-5? ns follows: Hold, **i.l ;i0?,797; sliver, 1183,602,666; total /old and diver, 1888,500,8113. The total produet of ii.*> vorld' in thc }-e;ir ISSI was L'olif, 188,764.235; diver, |12M_7,800; t*?tftl ?"ln nnd silver. .'.".'."., '21 7''.r>. Yesterday ? 'lnnsury stutcment shows let gold, Bl-vsr sad legal-tender hotdiogs IS.40o.000 le*-s than it- boldtn.?- ol Jobs 1. 1888; riding to thal Bun M.OOO,OOO, for the- sdi.-r lOilioge of tlie iiiLt-rim. ^'i^es 18,400,000 M the imouat of aaldition to the iraeral clrcoui-on since lune 1. 'Hiis, however im> h*-en *'f1-s.-r by -reid ixporta dur?f Hint i>eriod to tha axteat of 16,831,000. With such facts before ns. it requires no argu aeat cr rtasoung to explain the e-.isy oondition if tlie money tnnrlict all over thc world. 'Hie oe*] monev BMrkcl last week was fully shh.Ind ,t 1 1-2 per cent for call loans. bunks iere ni the Street freely inakuiir lifters at. I |* r etit. and acceptlnK 1 1-2 per cent a- the beat ob aiiir-bl*- nile. A.s yet liiere i* no b*r_eoing Ol he iat?s for time money, oltboagh n. tone I noticealilc with lenders as tli- tim*- a*pe_*ch_S or a movement of erop*. ('ommeieial p"!***'", ?"(,l> ifiiifh In good eli mt.n.l with a betta*r supply at nus raBgUtg from 4 to .'. 1-2 per cant. a?cor*lin.'s' II ct.-iraeter and .late of ituliirily of Ute paper. 'he foreign axahaagaB rated isaav| all tha week, nd finally c,|os..d on the baslB of S4.61 "<-4 and 4 A8 1-6 rcsfKc.tively for \onii nnd short hU-rlms. lold wok exported io the amount of 81.469.000 uring the week, but this wa* cn special orders. nnd nt n cost, measured by rates of exchange, of l-8aB.ll per cut. THE GENERAL SI'I l".\'l Ion. Hm last week mad*- further (l*-vclo!)ments of encoumriiii: prospect-. There was ? cont n icd Im provetneut in the oereal eropa, sad the weather (generally ba* been all tint omM be deairad for s bountiful harvest. The prcspects of the cotton i yield have heen materially Improved from ih? date of the ln*-t Grove-ran*?nt report, and the ex tporii ol thc *'M cr''|i eonttoue to be unusually large f*ir thia seaaon er the y*_nr. l_.*-t week they were ?2,688 hales, a.*.inst 18,031 hales for tlie week of lss7. l|,o dry.modl trade eeSBM to be getting into Rood position, ned reports from iii*- lotorlor warrant th- especial on ol an neuve nut limn business. The Stock of print clot!i< lias j run down to an BBBBaally low point On Sa'ur : day. Jnly 14. it consi*tei| of 86,1100 pieces, against at cerrcspondm? d-ites. 461,000 pieces in 1 ck7. ! 280,000 nieces in 18811, and 1.470,000 pieces in : 1888. Tue coal trade is re-ported to be in good j shape, with tlie stocks above prounil at lower ; pointe, than usual at the season. Tlie output of anihracjt.- coal for tlie first half of lids yeiir waa. 16,155,455 tons, being 255,000 ton* pester , flinn the tlrst half of lf*.*7, mid ?',:?'.*.OOO ton-s ? greater tlian in tho first half of lr*ri0 RAILSDAD EAl.MNi'.S. The reports ol railroad c_ross esrniBS. for the * first half of July are not making as favorable com : rarisons as did tbs returns of earlier months; bat ! it is Beceeeary to remember that thc rctorni bow are etanntred wltli a ;? riod whlob thowod Improve ; menis of about 13 per neat in the period *>t 1886 ; Of ihe sixty-six ceniipaiiics. or systems, which have I reported fer the Brit week la July, thirty-seven I companies have reti-mul pains on the week of : 1887 iveragh!lg 9.61 per ceBt, sad tweBty-nlne i companies have returned looses averaging 11.79 ! per cenr. The average -pf th*' whole cumber La a I gabi of 0.42 percent Forty-three compsnles have report l fer thc leeond wak- *.f July, of them twenty five have returned r ins averaging 11.00 per cent ami eighteen have returned lo wei averaging y.i l per cent, The average of the whole cumber I* b Bain of 8.23 per rent. The following tahlee divide tin- aggregate*, difference*and peroentagee ol gains j und losses: ( EA-JflNGB. ! Flr.l week in Julv. 1fs7 1886, DI Terence.. V. e. T>iIrtv..cN,-n eo a m-2.Cl" fOS *'.'. '*i". .SM lie-. * J17.72B 9 cs TiKiityidno co*. 1.7 5,740 1 MM.7LI Dee. 901 08811.79 Te'-l 00 rn'* M O.M.33*.) 13,071,035 Inc. elO.clOC 0.42 Second week la Ju! v. i--: is** Differene** v.c. Twcntv nv co'.a BL 80S. 789 8?017 3!3 Inc. 8-14,684 ll .00 I. i.-i.- -ii c**l . 1.207,840 1.162.863 Dee. 116,498 !>.ll Total, 43 co*, ft070 808 Bl I 8 096 Inc. 809,091 828 Exclusive of BurUngton and Quincy *nd Atchl son, Topeka and Santa Fe, seventy-five companies I have lund*' their full stateincuts for the month of I May. with tho result of a loss in n-1 earnings from I flu-*' month of i ss7 ?>r 5.99 per cent of the whole number, forty-six have returned sains averaging ? 7.hi |?r ce-nr, and twenty-nine losses avers na 12.91 per cent. Ten companies nave Blade their full returns fer the month of Jane, showing e -ins In net earning! over tlc month of i.ss7 of 6.28 I per cen!, of the Bamber, six small companies return (.-.mis averaging 100.32 per cent, aaa four others losses averaging ono per cent. The nut earnings of May, i ss7, averaged about 20 per c. nt (.Tearer than those of Moy, 1886. The following tallies divide the losses from the julius: NIT I'. ARM MIS. Mnnth cf Mst. 1887 I0*1* Difference". TV e. K"-tv.?ix (_?? 84.180.008 e4.4ftC.6f*- Inc. 8817.6*4 7.84 Twenty-B-M oafs s.i'.oo*i4 7,111.107 '?'?>?? 1,0-4 807 i-f'l Tr>t.l 75 co's 12,340,072 ll,Cej0,7S'J Doe. 737,1*3 689 Vin:h nf lore. Sis .(prnpanlca . Four cunipanie* . 18-7 1S.-4S DUTe-teneni P e, ?72.**li 81B0.8i-Tnc 878.0-0 100..12 I 188,674 D c. 40.137 fJ.Of Tntal 10 co's. .8-07,626 e,'.3!i,.*il7 Inc. $31,**92 0-28 A DULL WEEK IN STOCKS. Last, week opened with considerable activity and buoyancy in the stock- marketa. Further -harp advance* In prices were mad'-, and there 1 waa 1 coneidersbie liquidation of thc old oat ' standing short interest dunn. Monday arid Tue** day. WhT? th it eoaaed th-- market lapsed into dumeas aad prices basan t- recede. Th' move men! hi*! hoon too vi'plenr 1 ?. attract conservative : buyrrs, and thej held off fora reaction. The loan : market after all this had happened, and all f__rougn tlc* wi' lc. tailed to reflect gay material 1 reduction in the aggregate of the outstanding ? short Inti?rest, 80 it would appear a* ii the stock* inpplicrd to the old ihorts were principally from n new short Interest which was encouraged tc toke that side of the markei because of the sharp advances fe! ll li clear that there was con? siderable rcili/ine of prods by earlier buyers, Bad purchases for new venture! anon the loni ride even al the topmost figure* The course of 1'ie market during the remainder of iii" week pretty well rstablisbed the theory thal the bcw buyers were a* strong and as confident of iheir position as h:id hen rhos.* who renliz-Ml fora reaction. The market waa simply dull and drooping The eov erers ol Mondsy and Tueeday ol imort stocks to a large extern renewed tli.-ir int. rest on Thursday ar declines of aboul '.' per c.-iit. and y*l 'h;ir ;nl diti-niil pressure npon the market, instead of breaking values, developed the fae! that orders to purchase wen- ortry waiting an op? portunity for execution. Thc transactions of tbe wreck aggregated 1,102,606 shares, against 1 .'.'.'it.ii*', shares for tlie preceding week, bul thc activity of last week was all m tie- first two days. The liniil prices -reneralh show small changes from those "f a week ago: Exceptionally St Paul is 1 per cent, Loire Shore is 7-8 t?-r nut. Chicago, Si. Louis .and Pittsburg preferred le 1 ?'<-! iht ..'it. Omaha preferred is 1 ivr cent, Burlington and Quincy is 1 .vs per o-nt, and St Louis and Ban Francisco is 1 per oral lower; Chicago and North? western preferred is 1 1-1. Long Island is 7-8, Mor quette, (loughton and Qntonagon 1- t l-l, Mil? waukee, Lake Shore and Western pu ferred ls '.', New-York, Chicago and St. Louis preferred is 2, Erie preferrar-d ls 3 3-8, Norfolk and NVestern pre? ferred is 1 ,'i-8. Northern Pacific is 1 nnd preferred is 1 l-l. Oregon Improvement is 1 1-1. Richmond and West. Point preferred fe <". I-**, and Rome, Watertown and Ogdenshurg is 1 per oenl higher. There was nothing In thc nun (-mc-nts ol the week that indicated anything more than a waltina for developments ns to the kind ol material ol whleh the mure rect nt bayon were made. For an entire three days there exist***- an almost unani? mous opinion that tlie market must reacl i? fore further advances could !><? established; bul after the reaction, or rather the nagging of prices some 2 per cent which resulted onTy In more dullness, the later dealings Indicated that st leos! n froodly company had coioe to il:-- conclusion thar tie- r" oction brought out no slinks, and rle- week closed with a siroii. tone of confidence In value*. The outside situation is daily improving, and the heirs now have no bandies for their arguments excepting the continued unsatisfactory relation-, between roil rond officials, which ls rratisins low rate 1 for traffic and the unsettled difficulties between the Burling? ton and Quincy Company and thc Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer* 'I lore is little question that both of these imi ediments to a perfect restora- I tiipii of confidences will soon be retto. v. -.1 J Europe has continued to be n considerable buyer of Ita special favorite*-, and hardly a mail bow leaves thc pori that does aol take consider? able ;.!;i.Minis 01 Ami lean railway bondi and atoek* Subjoined ts our usual table-, (riving tin- number ' of .bare- sold of al] stocks, the highest, lowest and fins] prices of thc week, together with the! final prices rf ;i week og >. prefixed by the average I :i< es ol July 23, 1887: WKPKI.V -**)(,_. STOCKS. At. I, I ?.;.".? I I All .t l'.lll.O ...I Il O N V Al. t.rf. li I: .c 1 nts pre! Caaa-sBoath'i * -.-li I mr*'.' ss pj C.nii-1 ol tt J. - ( entral I'v Ifl* J C.dip.a .'. (lan.n la. 1 lit < Oil.. 1*1 i'i. ? ute* I fhlc A. Burta** j Ch let Sorts Pf. C In Mil At st l-l. (ii V .. si I'prr cm I..* i'm. .. Ch St I. A I' int : CB bi r M Bu.. da nrrf . fti B.* y.I I'll n 1 a r.' 1 in I Ht r, ,t CB.I 0 **V _ ll arel ...I CCC * i.... ... coi n v * t. ...1 I* 1... -v. I>ei_ il. i'd! 'I.. . -I-- err. Dan '? tut v .... B I V.t e.. *1o lat t rf. ita ?.''. ip.?r. 1 Tarp.v .t. I.-i .1 (ir lisv W .-tl' 1.1:11.,;. Uentral. Ind Rem A Wea l_*? f.ue* tr.. Lalee F. * t? pi I v n IL SALK* i hu al July-1 Julr 28. 1 ll nth- Low. 'Final 14 1--;. ?-? Mt J alli isss. 89 IS. 9*t .. 1 inn . 17-i 0. se*. .. 1 17 "ll .'1 Bl 1 '?' ic ht r, .'.II -. lo 3 l 3 sp. .j s -S I I . - J- ll ll .. I 1S7 : ISS 117 lill I io-1, ll*' 117 li." 14] 1U "14 :?.'. loss in I 12. :ii4 Ul 1 ? BB I117 13' 44^, se lia I it:) I l.j 1 te 65 4' 87 lj ? I'T*. al-. s:;i IS l.'i. 110*4 HO . 71 lils 107 117 luTi.. lei* J.". 8.1s. :i7 S7% 88 ? l*.*i , in., 107 ni*, lui.1 ur.-, io-, loss los Ta TB 75 4 5 .". j ft .'.*) all 1 f.O 88 'J 4 183*, 1*44 1 13.SI la. MIS Ills, Ul I . . _\h ' ?-?* ?* I") 13 i3l-*l M ? 30. .',1 17S <~\: 1- a ie . 70., lu . Bl I I'v )1H'? 13 ??. I.*Ih Muir* . ... I'4'i' te t;.' , 117--I1 -'1 I I.lilli' I al.lld l,.,i -t'? * S??h I.. N A .1 OBI Manhattan con . Mar ll .? " M n.l 11 i.i..' .. rift tlon .1 e'b.r_! ?'*) * en.a 18 )| l.s t W..1 M si LBS V i rr! Ill Minn A St 1.....I 17 ?J ?Sit, pref .1 j I'la. Kan * Tn 17*. Ulaiii.iirl I'm inc i|pp-,il..t niuo,, Heirn, .t 1 aa^l. *J.. C. Asl I, . a V i'a.Dir*l... I voa BIL . I 1 (' A St I. pj1 di-j! pni <T LXatW ..... r.V..i_a .*">' rt1 a*. V. A .*? I ,Y Mi A H.... ^7 ic: ll* , 41 ass 1*4 ;. las sa , *<ii, ifs ass H BIS' .'..i '-" IS 10s IC 70 "4 1; Q ;: . 14 *Jj '.MV -?' 1"'. IIB 1 li * la I I 88 '? :.-. 87 iJ 1. io ???? , MM. I iii lat. 7.,'., a I7S - -*).. 3 fis liss, U7 4: 133*. is'.j' i... - ? ? . . ll *W 13 1.'. v, '.'4 .15 1 M _s Ml BIS 56 1 ut 1 *?. 10 issi 13 S l-'at 46S - '?'* Mi Si SSS BS SI lil'i St i BIS .*'. Bl 1" Kl M'S 1*7 ? ? 1 lal 141 >. I4l>-' Hlh' I Wv SI 117 I 4*>, 3.1a,; -? - Y I. A V ?IH A *-V tv <v au* aw.... 1*1 saw art.... lot & We.t_ Ml I prr_....| sd aor r_o.I i?4S *,7 ]0?4 3-'*, in. jii\j, inc. I..*. IIS . s Bl 1 Bl 38S -.CS , : . .,-*. 80S I.. -.. llS ls, .ai 3V3S *."?'-'-- tit flsl, lllS-, 1()S.. Ul) I SH ll US is "a ?-?p.-. 57i? SSS 'a 11 m. 5u S ' il 80S 31 Si 17S 1" 41 I 60S -.asl -os! ic Bl-H ns: ?a '--SI No, shute, ?.pal. ito 2,4!'.) V.p.'. :''nj 7.-.-SH 100 ' fs.elni I 3,4 ,.'. .' 11 '.'I pi 1 Tl'. ' 19.338 .i.i 137.011 I, _? li nj ano ? 4.810 17/ ll.!'-'.' I . ..3U| 7**0 1. i '..' ; 4 uaw i 63. S. 8 , 1,830 , . '' e loo ? lcm , 5,1* I IMBI , 400 I.'. ) t T30 j :kii) ' 1,11(1 ! 8.100 80,181 !?..? 1 17.71*3 1 i>i). p 1 3.4. '.11 I BOO 1 4.10 < HOI) 1 '..*?'? - 100 I .17 1 1*1.1 1 St'.ll I ' - '.il.M.'.I ; - l 7.130 1.711 C li . r lou 18,014 IO 4*41 ': *,al 3.41)0 1 l'.),716 14.-1." do prf.I GOS . OLIO A Mi.... Ok? Sen. ' tim .1 Bl L urf.." . ro imp..' Ore fir A Nar..I the |r? Ot S'..,rt Una... P*a Dr. ' I' .? ".caitlin I'lllal'lWA l 'int Pullman Pf an.n Hlcliir,.' | ? pt l:>hA M 1-s.r -f. lUnir. Wit ,t *i i*t 1. _rk A Tc\ MI. A A TH.... du I'ii'f . si La s *. st LA sr pret. d'P 1.1 lll<jt ... Bl PA Iniiniti. . st Paul A I) pr! st P SI A M . de.x-illT. l-o i ''.lMi_. Southern I'acillc Teja. Pa.lnr.... do laud <r. t'nion I'jrltlo... Wait..ti .; ls Wal.a-h |.ref,... il ALB pr*r. ... *1o ex-ilir. M.-I I'll TeL... Adam, r.xnrn-. Amer Kt. pre*.. 0 8 F.xpr. Wells Fargo Kl Amerc.a io_ Parin.' Mall. Cnn tl*,_. I Phil..ndphla Co. ' A nea I. foi c a i. Consol ?"oul. I Maryland C*al.. HtwCOwl. Tenn< na . : Iloineatas*. I cintario.I id ? lv,-r . es Q_i.k*Ur*rr-r*t.l **i Total 1*1** for the weelc ? BB percent s.auasmcnt ?*1il9i1. Tho fi,llowln_ wero Saturday** quotations for unlisted Willi? Ho. II A E new .tock. Brookira El*St*k Chicago ?* .illili l)pp trait recelr/s Iiiiiut.'i, so mlre Mini Atlantic_ Do iir.'fd. K'ii-iiii. V.i mid Q* ol.i Mmmoa st'l im preferred... Flipiula iii.livy _ N iv Co. ?Ul. Atk'tli jMO-toM National Int . I Mci.can Nation*! New lat lia . N Y and eircifi I woes ?ka lat lia -_.l. |Nor Voe lilt co p IP?d rt'oreille Jilli. Aili'd 38 30 ?? 07 .... 28 I Du 1'rerorrc'*_ tleeim* P-etfle... KaiiairMnatiit ohio div i lat ni e) ure 104 Scioto Yaller l?t 7 H.'p*. 01 I)., ld 7. U5 71 St I-inlA amt Chi *.a ai 1*1 mori'i;* Ca IBU. 103 1st l" Ka*ta*- <i T .?a l?t lia, s'tirt'd by .. | M. I. s an I Wn 08 100 8 iToludn, Peoria A ? Wcatern 1 i! 4a 74 75 23 jVlek.lmrK <^ Mn . ridisn. Do _d mort. 40 47 Wesl'n Cnlon Tel trust on. 00 _ American Rank j "aot* *'oin'pun i-. 2fl 20 American Collen Oil trust cert... 37?? 3-4 17 K>|t'imago* las Trnat i'J ll Mexican National .. Do Trnsi Raffia Do I'.iii-triiilioti (' iiniiiiii-. 22 NJ -OIlUlol.. Sj i a r, w b sud a.. 2 I l3?aai * I St I. an.' (lil. st I. A .'hi pre. Tole lo Ann Arhpir and North Mich. ... Ta.'- lo, Peoria A Wo-torn . Vicksburg a Mo. rellim. % Do pr*f*tT?I.... . Al.' i S HBO'S P.-1; la- Si . ..ld iii l'a.- l.t mniiioii 10.1 1081 Keely Motor Co.. Do 2d mor .uar iiicJ 110 , I.e!i:_h .- Wllk**" Flor Itv an.lNav eon cppIpI bonds _ 2'J (ii-, r.-u Pa. Ittol.t mart-age 0,.107?? 108 Da 3d in ea vaaa.. 44 Kuwkl .uni * Uno lal 8*. 72 80 Kin and P.-tn l.t mor. 105 .... L N A .nd e-liii lat 0. CA I dir 100 105 L'Uli Cenfl l.tC* 00 ;Chi".go KoullAlPle ',1 and UM Int (iur ?, Co' t.n-iital Const I and Imp"'" _ I.i trii-ii-ed .i'k mit CO N 44 8 narri) 8t?ck. 16 IB Mt D'-.a.-rt A '??st Sb.iro I. CoBS 2 12.2 26 N T Mutual Iel.. Dat North P.lver Const (..-..-tip. 6 C. Th* Naiiun'l Tran sn co., Pipe I, eertiflo*t**. Po** 84 Western National bank. 93 05 CLOSING P-UCE3 OF HOSTON ST-C-S. Boston. July 21 1889. Te?tor<??\To.d?y. A Toe. A l.t . <t Toa ll P.... KastonA Al'ia'y post ,fc Maine... I lm Hu i'll uk _ (Jinner. 114 . cir San .* i!|ot. F.astern fill da. Flint ? Pere ML. rum .. i* M itt Kan City StJ A C. Illiifts 7r... Met Cen con... Jlo-lcan CentraI l.t Mor Ulai. B V t N Burl.. dc 7a. Ojt'1. .t L c hain Dilan, com 12H. f-'a 21(1 121 ai ya 120 i* . r.7*a 4.I-. 1S.-I -;* 12i*4, Holland rom *t*i*a kutl-nn DI. 2l><) .Wt! i oat l; lt .... | com._. Wi. Lent ii rt PM. Alione. Min Ul. enow). Oalam't A Heel* Franklin.. Osceola. 120*-jlwuinrr. li's Boll Telephone. Boston Land_ C'",7, w.t<*r rower... . i. l'aniarank. 122 .| MM* Cent. san D I, Co,.... B*. Weil k.nd han I 16-a Lani S're rt.'ce 114 20 121 3 J OIH, tfe.terd.y. To-day 35 17*. 37 1 21" It'a lst-y BB 234 li 37 17% 87 Vi .08 240 IA HS* 73 233 7'4 7 153 21 37 24'a MS 32 24', r,i?. ni ....'. 180 linen & Sehley arc offering n limited amount, of the W* stern Union Telegroph Company's collateral ttusl 5 pet cent fifty rear i?*?n<->s. Tlie lionels ure ? direct obligation of tlie company, secured by n de posl! fi tlc st?cka and bonds of the Mutual Union telegi ipli Company, which an guaranteed, Inter .st ,,i,(j dividend*, by tho Weateni Onion Company. "I In- new bond* sin* issn.-cl In purisiian*-e of a policy adopted !>y rhe VVestern Union Company, by which it ollera to the holden *>f its nutraBteed obugationa its ding! bond,secured by the leeurities ilius ob? tained. The bonded Indebted ness of the Western Union Company, including this issue, will nor ex? ceed 115,000,000, and Its ti vi charges will be re? duced by the Hf?hange p-opoaed. EAILUOAD EAILNTNOS. r CENTRAL IOWA. 1*9*. 1887, 18SS. Number or mlle*.... 509 510 510 Second week in July.. '. S24.3I0 825.ova Isa. 1 t-p July 14. I . 881,8-0 888,81*! -OLUMBVB, HOCKING VAI.r.EY AND Tor.KIi". Btual?t of niiioa_ 3.1 u2o ;'2o Second wck in July. (43,-44 888.715 Jan. 1 Ipi July 14.. . l,37b,1.8 1,430,'JtiO KY ANS VILLE AND TEIUT.E HAUTE Number of mlle*.... - 146 181 150 .Second w.-ek in July, ei!>,f'l.'> ?ia**l'i e14,'.)|.r> Jan. 1 lo Joly 14... 181,888 42U,l*07 410,310 EV*NS VILLE AND INDIANAPOLIS. 18B 13. 1.1S e.".,033 $4,r.''.t r-3..'.:.7 B0,8I8 118,448 118,081 MISSISSII'PI. C10 GIO 010 1. esl,loo ert-,. s i ?_ . 2,055.270 1,870,038 ClrTCINNATL JACKSON AND MACKZHAW. Numb-r Of mlle..... . _8fl 321 Fliii weidv In Julv- -. ?S,123 I9,si',7 Jan. 1 ui July 7.... . _i'.>,li)0 841,800 CINCINNATI, KICIIMOND AND l'ul'.T Vf\YSE. N-in,!.-r p.f miles.... fl'l PO SO K!r-t ucek in July.. 86,888 88,833 80,718 Jan. 1 ia .lily 7... lS.23il 200,037 304,883 I I.V INNA! I, \VASIIINI.T*'N AND HALT1MOKI-*. Number of miles.... 2.1 181 281 First, *vr.c|t m July. cf42,-.'.i!J B41.244 Jin. 1 to July 7... -. 1.043,1)50 1.02S.490 CLK.YKLAND AJS'D MARIETTA, eek In July.. 15,301 84,80-1 Numb*r of mile.? ? week In July.. Jan. 1 to July 14.... orili) AND Number of mile.? ? aa k la July.... Jan. 1 lo July 14. I1.S94 135,'J7'J Kir-t Jan. 1 to July -,.... 141,422 132.80!) *?"!.! MlffS AND CINCINNATI MIDLAND. Nen bel ..f miles.... 70 70 70 Flin ivpck in Julr. <fC.7s9 87,870 Jan. 1 la July 7.... . l*i-,3ijl 188,908 BB-AWOKB SYSTEM. Number of milo... 1.140 1,140 Mr-t week in Jul/.- 883,817 *<)--.180 Jun. 1,140 *111,I)-'S 3,424,3'Jl 1 to July ",.... 2,041. es 3 3.17.1,5s'. PLOftlDA BA1LWAT A\D na vic; \TroN. Bnmbei ..f biSm b_4 B84 874 week In Julv... 830,808 831.048 831,190 Jun. 1 io July 1... 408,733 r,.,_--.ijl 881,711 i.r.lM) TEU.NK (CANADA). Nnmli'-r of n.lle*.... 2,91s 8,418 8,418 ended Ju!*" 9.. 8818,388 8891.439 8*1 J.-ui. 1 r* July U. 8,107,-01 B.888,000 8.IM9.741 GRAND KAPIDS AND JNIJIANA. Nu-ber of mlle-.... SH 4 72 472 i -eek in Julv.... ?4l.i-**. IM7.-01 S'.o.?.".?:. la* l ta Julv 7. 028,008 t,-8o,016 1,204,-7 ki rasa city, fort bcott and iiempbib, <T7I (171 871 Kiisi, u,-.k in July.... 841,2-8 177.535 883.710 Lui. I t-. July. 1.!*-?:,a-., l,:i'.l..Vla 2.i?73,057 KANSAS CITY. CLINTON AND Sl'I'.I N' I FI I'.LD. Nnn.b-T **r ii,i>..... isa isa isl First week In July.... 84,618 *3 :. il |4.:r.:, Lan. 1 to 7. 110,__0 128,-81 120,052 K KO KL'Iv AND Wl'-STELN. N'rjrrber nf MllM .. . I!" , KS iirst week in Ju'v.... 88,832 *.'...|.*3 88.602 lan. 1 t.. July 7. 146,420 188.818 186.897 TOLEDO, t-Ojtfa AND IVF.STKKN. tl N'nrntier cf irll?'?? . 217 ? 247 i nc ? m July.... . 81Sa374 817,279 lan. 1 ro July 7. . 45-1.004 430,0.4 FTtOpEAN FINANCIAL MAniTKT lr-i,nx. July Bl.?1 P. m. ?*. ?9 H-KJ for money il*'.'. li. (or Hip* icp-o'intj Atlantic imii lireat iV.-airrn t.r-t no11.air- li-st***' C. rtlfl-at.-s, S7*i 'In-. 27.? . .to. |aK*nd ? l*i'i*.i Mcniai eirdin.rv. -I * Vi. Ht. Tani. C*mi?oa, ItS liciidiui'. 31H . Jlexitan Centml llr.t niorixaeo bouda. '.- - M..ncr ls >-.?-^i pot cent. P.ri.' d.Ivic. . pi until :: par cent rente, at S3 franc. Ud ii-ntlnics for Hie BOC?C Tin-rate -.(iiiaiouui in Hie open market for *otti ahor; snd litee inou His' billa 1 -a, if I *? nar cent. BVBOrBArl HiionccK MAtiKf/r*. Lirmrci i, Julr 21? 2-80 n. m.-iiaer-Ilol.'.er.o-Ter fre.dr. ?alu liol.l.-r< olfer rr.-.iy .l!aiu??Holder, oler modi-i_t*lr, '...on- liollum o!t'-r inodcralelr : slmri ni) linn st 46a.: one clear firm nt 44s. i slienl'ler. firm st 4*)s. cliee-o ? loll'i. offer frcslv. I'.illiSW? R*l4*r* oiT?r irini* cit*/ slea4rst '."-'a M. "Apunsor rurpentifto -fla! era cr t fl?ain? Moairrs offrr frr.-l.-. 1?rd-*pot .ml future.- II.ild--r? odor prim* W.atern ? ol ?n* July flrtii a'. Halli ; .ls Anrnst jc.1 -optenit.p-r inn at 4'J. Wheat?Holder, offer ipsrtaglri nair . i. 1 ?/later ?tundr ul SO t*>t l netr Nu 2 siprin - ati-.ty .1 Ca d. -'.pinr Holtrrs offrr freely. Corn?Koot ati-l Futures I-.I ter. *fter freely. Hon. al London : New-York But*-i ho Ht'Itv l? .''"'I. la mom. Joly 21.-. i*. rn.-sp.ri_i of Turpentine, 27s. Od. per < ?* I HHKvrv. Julr 21.?Petroleum. 7 tnark.135 pfennirs AVTW-Br, Jn!r -I- -Wilco.', lard clonoil at OS fran.'. rea in.. |?*r hu) kilo., AVTW-Br. June -1 - P*tro|eti*n-Flna pile Amerl can, ls ism a .5 ceninne* paid and IS franc* .17 *i crnt'.uira .ellar.. havana KABXKTB rt av ita. Julr 2i.-spani.ri .till. .'3iD4 _?::',.! i* Exchinie niel, but at.-1 ly. f-1'I lt ITS Of 'J L'ilP KN I I NE. Cit i l.r.-aTO.I, Julr 21--Turpsnlino ?t*_nr at 320. s.i IXB-B, July IL -Turpentine firm ai 32 .o. \V!__i.*,.i..\ July -."l.-Tarpontm* arm ai il??_ TIIE MARKETS. TOTAL I.ECEI-TS OF I'T-ODUC-l Ter North Elver. VessTls and TUt.roads. Ashes, -, n*mp, bal,-a 5 Lari. pkm.. BBB Beana, bbl* Si Bl***, hal.* 433 Lard.k??i... .chi i? l ? iiop*.i'-ira.. IBIButtar. pkas 7,874 * otton bm a 7.1'l.ea.t. I.fisi Chooa,,. pu_. _,'>-:) Cotton ?-t Le*t?ier.sta,.al3,C'i D Ilo/s, No. ll eii.t.til..... 40 .*,;..s-.aii.)i.. I10|Rle* p..... i'.J r, IppiIS SlI.iHol.sar.. Iii. -jo Hp?? * '? . .-? a.. '.'.i *.j Coi'.irr ck... 6.30."-oirtia t ira. -lar.-n.pkga. 7DU Fir.-., lm!.... 7*?| '.ins_ l.H'* l*llow, i-kga 107 K_.?.?a**. 3,*i7*.i K.rtin. 1)1.1... 1,802 I***, l.k-s... NO Flonr. pk.a.. n.i'i I-! .,r. bbl IBS Diair..,. ada l.*i'i7 ? Bea .li-ni. 424l Pilch, billa... 11-, Tobacco, p.1 733 4 MK_i bag. ::,,'*-. nu,?.-, ta 7l*> Wl.taly.abl* 624 Cst*, basti.., l.flj.l Wool, baie? 1.429 MaiL bn.iu.. -..-UOfPacana, pkh. 871 Pm* basti. . 660|OutmeaCi|fa? 1.7311_ GENEUAL MAUKI.T IU-FOHT. coFFK.ia-lu lt.p. rrowtha He- market 1* dull and nominal oa ilej b**U of li 1 -o for I.ilr invoices. p>.i i.if.'s No. 7 (to srrlvs . n 3 4c The gr..n hi wan qal*I inn M.Mdv. salo*, 3..00 iiii*. M_-_-bo oa private tem*. Tic speculative aaa ve?* ni wa* light, but inc iom et lie b__j>_*i mi- Brm, cinsin? Quotation* r*pr*? Muting an advance of 5a lo for U10 day., 1-1,000 bag.. CleMr.g _ , piltra. ntr"^**'- Lowes-. S*lea January .... P 7.'>tf 1.80 USO 975 7i0 l-'t'i.iuiy . ? . 9.00* :* s.'i *?*?-? Marci .... 8.908 0 88 . . . . 9.98810.1*0 10 00 10 00 1.000 May.10 *-' : 10.05 10.00 10.00 1.U-.0 Jill)').10.0<p.( lo a "> July.11.26-ll.1? 1130 ll.W * 1'>0 Auras. .... 10.50-.* loco in.-,.-, io..'.') 4.0.0 Bepu-mber . . . 9. US rf 10. to looo '.-- 750 e>>p-r .... 9.70* ' , p Nove rebcr ... '.' Tn.; '.'.7> ii ,-r . . . 9.70- 9.78 9". 0.70 1,780 COTTON?Th* actual market, una dull, with th" lona ia*y In ile absence of anr important d'-mand. (Sal'-., 393 bale*, imia lin-* 23 bal** for export und 3*1; ba!** lor eon i,.. ? 1,. el| ? 1 ted 878 bale* comparing willi 888 eal-* thia dav lil week, Sod US ? ...nilli,' dav I isl v. ir. san'" S 'p'i'i.1 bel 1 ?!!)" beginning of the prop year) the receipt* ?_,;-.... 1;. 1 .-,, I.;-...-, c. bales, comparing wit ti 8,191,888 bales lor Me ?..a ????io ia .j, 1 on Hu Aiui-ric-u lard of cla.sif1~.a tlou am: _? pianos uuir. Ordinary . 718-18 81 18 Strict Ordinary . s 7-l*i w -?-10 ' I ,:v . '.l's B_ Strict Good iiidli.ary . B'S lo Low Mid?Inn .lo'* I"*. si:!.' Low .'"'- IO. Middling ... .IO lt-10 1" 1S-10 flood Middling .ll iii st lei Hood Mill lng .ll'* U"* Middling Fair .Il\ l__l Fair.Ui l-'a tsTAlM-'.i). Goa- Ordinary.7*s Low Middling.O'. Strict Oood ordinary 80-10 Mid Lim,-.lo 5-16 Ult? Int*ra* rs* iBowa la tl option market, wini* elo lng price* repr* tented j d< tine ol lu2 points far tao u_y. bile*, _o,ot.'o o.u -. Lii-lng Month*, price- nighest. Lowest. Sale*. Julv. .... 10 i',3p/10.04 10.01 lO.Ot 100 . . . I ? " ..,' 10.87 10.85 ber, . . 9.78* 0.78 9.b0 '-'.77 1,-00 .9.888 9.80 9.54 9.66 400 Noi . , 9.478 *.). io 9.4d P.47 1.000 Ueccmtiei . . . U47- o.4*i 9.47 9.40 bun Ja. ut v , . . 9.688 '?> ">l '.*>3 9.58 1,000 .. ,? . . . d.00a 9.til 9.01 9.01 - ??. Maren .... '.'?.)-'.' 0.89 9.08 '.'.OS 1.000 Anni . . . . 9.70-- 9.77 May. ->3? 9.*4 888 0.83 1.100 HAY ANIi -1'llAW?TIM mci. en nt I* llglit and values r.-iui.ln as laat quoted: lui, eholcs Timothy, per 100 IB, 96c-el; No. 1, bftu.Oe; No. 2, I&aovc; ?orer, mixed, tibaile; elover, ic j shipping, lie.*..".-. -tran?Lon. ry**, 90*95e; si.on 1 r*. 7... . .'.i'-, 46*80* l-I.eal ll AND MEA_?fLOUB?Then wa- th- usual bu*inea* reported, bhlppors bought rorj era?ly, laking 6,400 bbl . and ..,-.. y from local source* ara* slow, in um meantlmi prto*, rule mady to ba. Sale*, i3,e.'')o bbl*, Inelwllng 1,300 biaa City MU! 1 ? ira. 84 3j.c4 IJO, latta* in dow package*; 900 -ni. I.i.*, S3 l.-.i-jJ iii 750 bom .-suj.'-i inc, .-?- 4I)..*_ '.)'>: SCO bb.* Lo* Extra, t- 75*88 _8j 4,ooo bbl* Win ci- Wli.-Ji B?tra, S3 76*861 and 8200 I.i.I* Minnesota Extra, 8-76-85- Uu.,ut!oiis: Flue, e. 10 -82 75; .-jui-erilne, 824088-90; City -Mill F.-tia, West ludies, e4_o-*4.o; Patent*, Si eom *-.) Law i.xiraa, ea 76*88 26; Wini** Wn.ii, Low gntloa, t'J ioui.1 88; lan t" fancy, *_ i'ln-i, ~,o; l'acenta, 1 ominon t" iaic-y, SI 80088] Mm ueaota Low Extra*, e- 76**8 ?.?>, I p-ar 83-8**84 85; Ry* mlxton-a, .3 y.i.;*4 25; Straight* B886_84-8; Patent* Common t" laney, ri3.',itj. .'dar kel eb?od ^ui-it. . . . BOUTMl?tN H.ol anil uu changed in price, suie-, 4'.j bbl., iiKiudm^ Common lo l-jir Extra, ul fr2 boai'A Di), (.oad lo * hole* do, *4 </*?">, Patent, BS 10 for 1 amy. . . . RTE Pl?'UR and ii.tlioui fuitlit-r chalice. Salcii, 41X) bbl* baperUlie, p-3 2o.t3G.i, latte1 taney. . . . COBB MEAL?Dull. _?_? lo* Weat?rn u,uoto_ ai. 82-5**8 86, aud JJiandywuie, || IO, ORATN?W1IEAT?The rash market was very duli to? day, with ihe u*uai business incident to tb* eloae of tao ii':"is. il.mci's, |,i.weit-i, aiiaiii' 1 prto I -u.i lc, iv 11ti th* feeling Quito nun. sio'-it to irnve (mainly ui . itufl bad 1 r_.ii- demand, Option* itrengthened, ind nc d'aiiiiL's reiched a comparatively n ? .? opening l-B_l-4o better, la Wi . ile* idvancc un brm ? only to advance l-t<*l-2o later on, cloding arm at aiioui the i.'-si rat** ot tic day. Sale* 8,824.000 bu*liel? future,> bu*h*l* spot an I to arri vu, Including N". 1 Hard '.u 3-4-*'.>_ delivered: [Ingrai"l Rod, 881-38 93 n . No. 2 Ilea, 00 1-2*91 In il ?.'?? ind elevator, 'Ji ls .Ul 3-s F. u. H., 921-4-92 1-2 delivered; .No. 2 July, ?, clohing nomi?il: do, August, b0 8-.*t>97-~, closing ?mber S9 3-8-89 8-4, closing at 89 88; . 0 ober, 9O8-b?90 1-3, eloalng at 90 l-'.; do, Novem? ber, ?, eloalng at '.'1 1-2: do, December, 928-10803 1-2, eloalng ut D2 1-2; do, May, 97 1-8*97 8-8, '"-lng at 97 14. . . . RYE?Dull and DomlnaL . . . BARLEY AND HARLEY MALT?Dull mid nominally unchanged. CO EN?Buffered 1 break w-day itu a L*as act!va b-aln*a* uni fr-'tr offering* of the option* by one large house. Cash grade, decline?! 1-2* ina ty porter* to*i only 82,000 la:-!.. I*. Option* nero weak all throu.hpiut the '-i- tl ro t-hoit session, ut tho clo** sin,wing n decline "f 1-4.7o-Sc. Si.Ula lion iva* lif.dess. Sa!, a. 878,000 bu .he 1* r* 1:11 r,?. 118,000 buinelH Including ungraded Mixed at .'>i 1-4 <,:,;-. No. .. .'.7 I 9 spot, 5i 84868 to ml ve, both dei iv ?iel ; No. 3, Julv.-. Closing noinlieil ; do, AUgU.t, 64 88284 1-3, cloiing it 84 88; do September, .',1 3-t 866, ri..sine lt 84 8-4; do, Octo .". 3 Itt, clo* lie at 64 7-8; d... Nov a S8 7-8-54 3-10. closing at .-.1 lo, December, BO 1-4.50 : -.-. closing a. 80 1-2. 1 * \is gpoi I...S mies quiet and steady, prloea showing no marked chang* Option* were dealt In sparingly, idvaneed _-8_>l-4c, closing steady saa-. 55,000 bushels future. 48.000 bushels *r>ot, In? cluding N .. 8 at 37a: d' White. 48c; No. ?_>. 37-87 I-'-'.-; do White 48244c; No 1 White, 461-Sc; Mixed West? ern, 3 ;,.?:'??.?; White d p. ?iii.aic; No. 2 Juiy, eloalng nominal; do August, closing at 31 ll-: do September, closing at .'io 1 n-; do October, 3u l-.c, closlug ji 80 l-2o; do White July, cle-lng at ll l-4e. . . . FEED bte 1 ly and uni bau '. Hui's -lie tune ls steady, but values show no Important changes. New-York Stat-, crop of 1887, beal, ll-T2e; do 1 edlum, 9210c; do common, . - Pacific * asl, tT'.p IS?;, o_lCj.j; da I *jjti, 3-0c; lorn.aii crop 0! 1887, 18230c. MoLAtiB._i Dull, with boiling suck entirely nomlnaL M ET ALS?There wa* c.. business accompi?ned at Hie la* ?? 1 laii-s are mir., ar lea* nominal. NAVAL STORES !?' -r spirit* tu I mar? ket a.,,. dull a) ;M 1-2884 3-4c lie-in - dull. Bl I I ! i Strained, 1110; 1:, $122.; F, 81808) 1.. -1 87_; ll, 81 40281 16; i. -tl 502*1 68; K, *1U2U--: M, 8176; N, 810084196; W. Q-., .2.10, W. W., r-'J.i. OILS?The '."-icrai market wai dui! snd ralve* were without Important change fiom ile Bgaeri mri.-nt ye?tenia-. Quotation*: Cottonaeed, nude, 42 _42 1-2c; Bummer Villon, inline, 40*48 l-2e; Hummer White, 48 l-2e: Cocoanut, Ceylon, '. l-4c; . 0 1-S-H lie: Cod, -I. latle, 82c; foreign, 85c; Linseed, raw, city, .'?.*!.?; Lard, prime, present make, 02c; Menhaden i-n.i-. s undi 25c: light preaaed, 29e; bleached, Kint.-r, 32c i bleached spring. Ile; Sperm, crude, 8! 1; tacpiral wlater, 68270c; MeaehM winter, f8_75oj ?I ^jirt-iar, 07870c; Whale, '-rude, Northern, tt I B9e; natural winter, Ile; bleaened Hinter, 43*-: extra 1, I'.'-; Sea elephant, bleached winter, 54c: Rod ulalu. 322340 j .aponlfle t. per fla 4 l-2c OCEAN FREIGHTS?Tha gi-m-ral market continues Brm anl minc, shan no Important changer. BERTI! FN .. ,\>.: .'?! i.N i'r,?'io lilaaaow, *i?.m. henee, 10,008 hn-ii grain, prompt 1 12.3 Hid; 10,000 buah grain. 2 l-_dj Antwerp, itesn, 83,000 btuh grtln,3d; Avonmouth, Ke*r_, hence, -.-.o."* bush grain, Quoted 8_81-4d trom stor* . . . PETROLEUM CHARTERS Bremen or Hsmburg, trom Baltimore, ? n*'rmnn ship (prtoi . 9,000 bli!* raflnsd. Sa 3d. ami 1 German shiji (to arrive), 10,600 bbla relnod, -_- 5 1 id. m. 1 a German>., 7.000 bid. reflned, 1 11 ? ..?rms: Hamburg, hence, u iinn-h L.irii (to irrlve), o.oejo !.'. s reflned, 3* i'd. Continent from Baltimore, a German bark. 4.OC0 bbl* reflned, private t-rms: Hamburg, fran Philadelphia, 1 Danish bark, 7,000 bbl* reflned it* ar? ni",, j? ni. United Kingdom ind Continent, a number of \ ?il ? on old 1 iii ... cha 1 n CH A Ul ERS Cork ot len fr. ..1 Baltimore, a 1 si. ii-,, r, 8,000 -c. ii- .-, l aad inoth*r. 11 oim> qr., :i 4 1 ??.?I. . . . misi l.i.i.ANi.'ii _ 1 11 \r.ri :; 1. from St. John, a Bpanl.h .teamer, leal", lits: \s. ? Count I. r..r st. Jai 11, N. M.. lea ' ?- .".??.. port, . ir vaia sb, il !'. ' PROVISIONS?PORK- na! ntlnuea .I-. and jiiit-ea remain steady. Bales : bbl* M***, within Hie lange. Quoted: One-year-old M"*** :" iii--!* ?_.?; Ne* .*:?--. 814 .... 115: Bhorl Clear, el5 752810 7-'.; Prim*, |18 252418 .r,*)' Prime M- --. |15?815 :>?. .: rm . . . BEEF (j'"' ' ai-l ? y Extra India Me**, Iii tlerrea, if 12 '.".. fi'".: Extra >;???-'. in barrela 1 . +v. W 60 per barrel and 8lS-*12 50 in iii rees; Plate, - Family, ?:i 50. . . , BEEP II.Ms s . ',. alis here ind 814 60*918 foi winter pet* ie. h'--.>. . . . ci _ MEA1 I'heie wi? no bu*li 1 . . irket renuii ? ? 1 ? ;,. 1. ,1 1 show no change. Pickled n<-i li.--. 12 ni ave 8 l-3e: IO ::. Oe; Plckl I Ham*, 1: . 1. 1 ?_><?. i".-klej ra, 7c: Smoked do, sc; brnoked ilam\ 12 8-4213c. . ... MIDDLES DltEKMED ll. 1 ' - I and Iii? > Ity Heavy to Light, s? s I-4c; Pig*, a 8-8* - . LARD?Spot ?a. dud aa 1 oaat i in jirina in option* only a moderate bu.lneai wa* iccompllalied Ut-day, aid jirl'?-a H-r- ;i m I fi point* I " steady. Weatern Steam 4 I at te irltboul ?i:-*. City S' na steady. Balee, 30 lc*', 8.10c. Re? fined quoll 1 8 c. Contln* nt, !- 0 ?- Bout I . . July closing a; B 00c ; 600 les. August.. . losing ? ' 600 tcs October, 1 _.flOc un 1 ii: lia- not varied al ??? our 1 line er., ' 20 121 I '-'.? ? : a.r (Irk na 'ut'-, i.i 1--: V.', , 'nip*. I021ts> ; dairy "1!,-. ll I -,?!.. I ?.?.?; Western ' Il I j_2*p. ; 1. 1 I. 17c ; Di .. 1.1 1 2210. : Kaotory, 13 1-2*15 1 2c; Dafr* 1 i lu tory, 12 1-2^13, . . . CIIKKSK U ll ' ' I '"ry, aw.) 1 !??. in fumy -.. te, Bc, and Colored, 9 I : skin -. :!..-, .'? Ohio Bal 788 1-4*. ia.*.* in light demand 1 I si idlly I I tate and P-an syUanli '-, I- 1 _. ; Weatern, 1)_17 l-4c; Canada, - :: 1 -. SI 1.AK I .?:? raw ati-ar th- mirkel was it rm, bu' qa*. tc*, a- 11a.. I -, 3 -,-.',.? r.r Molasae*, 8 1-4c far BO !? ll M rei 9*1 ? st C..h. irirtii:?. Ita-fl ned Hiin. noni.:') r*th*f leas seilve. ms: 1 ul I. .af - I 1. ? lc; i-i.a.! ? 1 Bc (iran 1 1 ,' 84*; Mould " k," 7.'i'.-: Confectioner*' "A." 7 lld.'; Bland* I "A." 7 1-4./73C: ntf -A.- 67-8*7c; White, Extra "C." 8.81c: Extra "C." 0 3-4.:; '? C,** 0 6-8*0.090; V.'ilt.w, 11 . - n KTEARINE Duli ind nnehaiur*? W**tera qu-ii.-d at IO 8 I* rtne, 8 l-8<r8 Me. TALLOW Imll and unchanged. No lalea p'paned Primo CH ? QU I 1 a' 4 l*c. UVn STOCIC *_\".KP.TS 'IV TKLP.C|RAI?t_ nvrtMA. Jnly BL?OBBSS B**qlB8. last 24 hour. S.3KI beal Total im ???? thus tar 12.141 aaad, Fur muk. tims last we.!. 18.800 Coeala**d Ihrouub l"d i_i?. *.;, ,,f wiii.h io Baw-Yorki 77 carl**?1 **u ssl*; prl .-- tl*c)in*4 III* 1 ?.,-. flam last M'ludar. t-t'-d la ' hole* Shlpnlng 8l 18 - I 7| j Con, mon lo lair #3 7 i a ti ott. 2\> *allo**a lott 01 ir. .sxten? I'.ncelnts laat -.1 nonra were 4.H..0 heat. Total for ih- maali n.'is ur 4'. BOB haad for ?ain.. um* Ust n?t ? -'?.1' PtlOM dei-ll-ie.l |0ain>. Couiiiioii (o lair |3 CO * 84 SS I eioo.1 to e'iii'i'-i *!..?, 7?, j.-a,r t? a?K\ Lamb* 18 MOSS 78 1 Ohete* 80 ooa Ito'ja? r.p-coipt. I**| .'l iniiiri *; 7-Cp ln-a-1. Total fo? tha u,.k ilma I,ir .'7 140 aaad. |_r MOM Hine last week 14.771 bead. Coci.igiuNt throngn 3a cir*, wi of *.v.,-!i u> ?OB Vork: ll rarln.l(ia tor a.!.., market advanced .'flo.-, -clccto- Vorkcn 80 Hat 40. -olivie- Mvdiuui weight! BSdftM 50; Rough 85 0095 60; Stag* 1*00*4 25; all ?naring, taken. ( iiicaoo. Cn.on Rtoek Yaru.. Jnlr ll? Th* Ttroatrf Jon nml reports: Cattle- 'leewipt. 4,O''') nea<l; shipment* 1,o*ni hea.* , m.ark-t slow amt ? .had* low*r. Hteer* BS ll u .'. 75 i Miocker, and Feeders |2 no*3 75 ; Cow*. Ililli* and MUM fl 509-3 ju I evi. e allie ll 76-8*1 '.'?. Iln<ji-H*,\ait*i* Hoad; shipment*'O i market lower. Mixed *'. sei.m '..'": Heavy fft 90*10 40: Light 8 28 j skips fl ooo 4 io tAotp- tMeaipt* 3.000 head: shipments l.nOfl; market lower. Naives Interior to l-rlpc'-. f3iH).?4 2.'.: Weacru Shorn |3 Sn,/l-l IO Texan* b-urn 8-00*3 VOi Lani'i* I.', 88-8 25 ncr 100 tb. **t. Lofts. Julr BL _-?(??-R*c*ipm BBB h.'vts BBS* mema 1,000: uisrkec Choie* Heavy Natl** I*leer, io i6#S8 O'). F*ir Ut Hood Nallv* .-Meera fl l-l* SI 0 Hatcher.' -uora. Melli . to CB*!**. 13 6"*4 (ki Slot ker. and Fueler,. Fair lu ?J_-?-l. *i4n_.iSO. Kangara, corn-fed 83 110*4 t'O ; xr.i.s fe I Ct 5*1*3 7*). ___ //o..|.-it*e*iot* 400 h<*_d; .hipenant* 1.000 M?rk*. flrni. choice Heavy and Hatchers' selections lt lOrfii .5. Packin.. M.-liiii to WI-*. I" iki-t? u. Light grade*. Dr'insry io ii.-.t. 84 8*8888 ?*"?-<-/- ? lt--. ?ii.t-s 400 hea I .Momenta 2.000 head. Marka! tiri? Pair io Choice 43 .0*3 00. LIVE STOCK MAKKET. Now-York, Rarureiiy, July 21 -liK.KVKS-Reeelpta were 35 cars of 040 head-25 cars ll OOth-sL for Mr. Kjh man ar.d 10 cam st tenet City for thc marget Tola! lal ii,.- w.-.-k, 12,11s heait. No tmltiiK- Keeling weak. BhtpaMtta as r>-po:i.-d yesterday. M..-ion aiiipm.n.s for the wok, 1,439 Reevea and 4,058 quarters of ba-f. I - ALVI__-.No fresh arrivals, and no'Jiing doing. Feel? ing ilull. I -ll i-.KP AN!) LAMnS-Ree.'lpt., 28 cars of 6,48*1 head US ct city and H cara it bOth-if. Ki lr w (..,., I Mn... had MBM waaai a' former price., but Com? sea ira* dull and weak. Lamb, were .low and .till further decline I '?c per rr,. Th- pom W*f* not cleared. poorest to Ile.t, Sh.cp aold at *3 BB0BB 25 pur 100 B>| Common to Choice Lamb* at fof+il 78 c Bolos I. P. Sadie- t Co : 10)1 Tevti* Sheep, 80 Bl ai'-ia-,'", nt 84 P"r IW lb: 123 dino do, 98 ft), it 8180; U.'j de, Ol B, Bl SIS".: 12S Kentucky Land)*, 02 lb, ?* 86; 232 dip. OB *h, at 88 7-.; 2U7 do. 04 rf., at ?0; 240 do, wt a, ai *ii ka J. M. nSSBSkl 60 Kentucky Sheep (buck*), 106 Th, lt S3 50; 1ic? do, 1<:2 th, at *5 25; 199 Virginia Lamb* . 54 m, at 88 10; 210 Kenimky do, 07 D, it BO 10; isl do, C7 th. at *o:.0; _rj Vast v__rf?I do, co lb, si 40 .17L-'. .lucid & Hufkln.ham : SM Ohio Sheep, ff) Th. at 84 <*-'.; 108 d*>, 80 ID, at ?4 77: ea", do, 87 m. Il BS-Bj 167 Ohio . oo rr., at BS; 838 Weat Vtrgtati Sa 88 rr., at efl; 410 do, C. r?, at 40; 13. do, ot Bk, at *i02_; 150 do. Ol lh, at t-(i 75. sliernian ft Culver: 177 Ken ucky Sheep, 110 lb, al 84 40; 112 (?hlo do, 70 Ih, at *4 HO; 113 do, 94 tt, al ?I75; 45 da, e. m. atd>."i25; 214 Ohio Lambs, 51 th, at I". 80; 223 Kentucky do, 5'J D. at_5 0.">; 1.4 do, 03 tt, as SO. I Newton ft Gillett: 10 West Virginia Ewe*, 90 tt, at BS SBi 309 Weat Virginia Lambs, 51 tt. at Bi 25; 89 ky 'I-'. 07 tt, at. *0; 98 Jo. 09 tt, at *0 25; 42 do, 74 n, at Bi "'?? M. Collins: 159 Vlrelnla Sheep. 70 tt, at 83 75: 319 Western do. **4 B, a', -l-l 1-4 : 1 13 Ohio do. Sal tt, at 85; 137 Virginia Lambs, 04 TR, at $5 50: 424 do. 57 1-2 tt. af So .70. 1). Hnrrlnjtton: 130 Ohio Shep, 83 tt, at ?4 50: 147 do, tSW Lamb*, 70 tt, a'. S4 75 ; 188 do. Os tt, lt |3 26. ? Dlllenbaek ft Dowsy: 2*j.i Wai ira BB aa. e-s 1-2 B. il tf4 io. Ilallen'.cck ft Hollis: 250 T.-x.i* Sheep, 80 Th, at 84 23. iipk;> Receipt* wara io cain nf 2.147 head-10 car* at city ai: 1 el *ais at 4iith*t. No ?ilea on liva weight. _\oiiuii-lly euady a*. 8808848 per loo tt. TIIE STATE OF TRADE. BA-IBs-SB, Jaiv IL?OoHoa steady i Middling 10*4* Flour quiet, steady. Howard Street sal Western sup.-fin* 1.60*43 86. Kxtrv ?? ct il'll-l 85. Fajiur do ?4 cw* J4.o Cltr MU!*superfine0860-3SB. Kxtr. do |1 25*3 76. ila Kio llrau-l* fl 70** il) Pat-usao Kainllr *> 25. ti., sn. perlaliv* Patent 45 5n. W|ieit?__ealfe_t_ linn, active. Knit* ..9804C; Lougbi-rrc St rf Usc. W'siorn Urn, quiet; No.'* Winter Rad .p?t -*5*s.'. 40; do tor july sv9H54o; *io for s,-.s,_s5??c . do september MO^axdsic. Corn? Southern dull; Whit* 03-? ? laliow 18881*. We.iern ilull. steady; Mixed .pot 6'-**8)68Si?; Ju'y 62 4 a.V.'4c: Aii-iist 5243530: Seaieuiber &.l_534c. Otu .te adr an-t ilrm : houtiieru 48*47*) t'eunsyivanu 46*4701 vv.-.torn White 41442 -R: Weatern Mixed 4')a-4O'-i0. Ilya doll, steadv: Prime at 579.V.O. Hav I'.riu . Pnaie to Clinic* Western 111) 00*1!) 6!). Provisions tjulot sud steady; M.-aa Port f 16 Ol). Hulk meats shoulder, loose 74e ; eli?r IlibHldei packed 8*vC Bacon?Shoulder. * se. Clear Rib side. .'ac. Ham. 1- 'alla ',.-. Lard relined nt iiy. Batter tina , Western pacsi-1 148)1881 Croaniery li*.-oc. K._. linn al 16al6Se, Petroleum lir.n; Heftne.1 7^0. CcsTaa staady : llio careoea. fair ai 14 4c Wuevr rlrm ; ~A" soft 7\c. Copper retl.ed llr'n. I8**ai6*** Wliltsey .teadr al .1 '-'!-9-1 2*1. to per st*?nier linn 1 I ctton 5.32iL Flout per ton p's. liralu 8s_L llecoipt.?I'lonf 7."*ni lib!* Wheat ldii.ouO buali. Corn s.Ooi) ba.n. Osl* .i.o*)*) bush. Rye ono bu.ii. sfupmeoi. -Kionr 18.0B8 hbi*. Wheat 40,000 bu-h. Saios-Wheat COo.000 bush. Cori ..o"0 busii. UvrrAisi. Jn1y21.-,Vhe*t? Sit I Hard onlet but firm at S'., over Cliic.itro August; sile, of 5.000 bush. *t 8s4ei Nu. 1 Northern dui: at 6V- overaake.1 : Winter Wheat dui! Hint uni'l-iiged. Na 2 Ked !")??_'.ll i-jO: No. 1 Whit* Michigan 09?oOI No. 8 Amber 8801 No I Whit* Ore?o* 84%* lorn 111 t.ur cit ni anil ; No. 2 Wilow ai>.-.v-c; No. 3 TellOW 61*61 *?*j No, '. 51s,?51?,e. No. 3 4J~a* 60'ac in .tm*, open. .1 weak and lo*i-r, closing flrtu at oulsldii prli;*a ; No. I White 3il*?'*|i)C: No. 2 Mixed ii 1 \ H 21 4c. live iiuseltl.d; Na 2 Western .iso, Kl.-Uf Me timi, lu fair dumandi ..'heat 41.UOO IpimIi. Corn 27s.c).)i) luisli. . isl* '.cS.Odo bush. Whip, iiient. by Bail? 1 ioui 70,000 bbla Wh**l 11,000 boah. Cor| 6I.I1.mah, cai al Siitpm'-nts ?Wheat 112.0JO bush. Cora .'.,' H..1L l-.y. .). "ail ia.,a. Borto.*. Ju'y 21.?Flour quiet, steady. Corn qnlet. .teadri Steamer Veilow at Ole Oat. quiet ; No. I White al 4'.*4S44* shorts quiet and uncliau_ed. Provlalan. quiet. Pork qiliot au.1 na a 1.1..-1. I..rd st .idy at tH 37 4.11125. liam, in .toady 1l.-m.1ud and iii ni at 111 S'l/T- I ?_ 75. Butter st-ady. iii fair demand Western Extra Creamery ?.'<),; Jlc : Nort!i-rn lixtr*Creamery 'J 1 *__c. cheese st**,lr; N*w Vork and Vermont Kxti.i Be, steady, in ilcha iteinand : Haslem Bxtra* at lite: L-tra* at 1st. Kecoipts-Fionr S.700 i.bi_ and a,iOe) sacks. Corn 1,00") data l'.'.OOO 'mal- Shorts 40 lona. Chicago. July 21.?Tim le.vlin- futur.s ranged aa follow.. WItRAT .*<0. 2. Op--ii'i_. illPle.t, Lowe.* Cloalne. July.- 834 8I?4 83 s.tx Aii.ust. S'). S04 7i??a .-. pt. : ii. r. TON 7i". 79S 79*4 October. SO. -10*1 80 804 coil* KO. 2. July. 47'. 474 474 474 Auriist. 474 '474 4*5*4 4?'e September. 47 4? 4*14 4*14 October. 4a4 404 45?? 45*4 OATS SO. 2. July. 31 .Ut, 31 ll*, AiiKil.t. 254 254 '204 '.'54 h.ti.tnniber. ?--;,i 84% 24*. 244 Omober. -.I', 21*, '_4. Bi-S MRss l-ORK, PER uni. Angnat. 1880 l.e-'J. 13 00 13C474 S, 1.1. .nber. 13 7*1 13 75 13*74 1-4 70 October. 13*13 ISO*.*. 13 55 If efl. Juuuaiy. 12-.10 12 "J5 12 00 12 OJ _A_n, rsa 10*1 nj. A'l-nst. K 16 s tl 8424 8434 September. B88 S'..'4 S474 8 474 October. 8424 BBB 8424 8474 - '. ? :" -..ia Pill 111 *. Au.n.t. 7S5 7-74 7S24 787^ September. '.'i'74 7>.i74 7 l?24 7 9a October. 7 DO 781 7 1*0 7 95 January.,. C li) 6 524 OOO Flour neglected, price. .t*?dr. Casu quotation, -var* ?? fMlowa -f* 2 *>rdn? W!ie?i B3?834c, No. 3 Hprlug Wjeat liomin*!. No. 2 Red 8 lo. No. 2 Coin at 4.'.-. No. -'nata 3l4-3l4?. No, J Hy* fic)362e. Na 2 lt*rl-v 82*88* Na 1 Kl*x 8ee<l M il 14 n d. Prune 1'itnotliy *ee.l .-?; *2 40. M**s Pors *n 0*1**13 824 per bliL Lari at *s 10 per IOU IS. Siiort lillis si>, 1 sia? it 87 85. Dry salted Should-r. saxa* *.; po*7 tte. ssiort ci?ar Sid** ss e.'i?s 70. Whiskey, mullera' talah*d soo!, fl 80 por gil. rjiuari? l ut Iaial 8\c; Oranulated 8c, sta.uliM "A" 7 4c Af\-f Bocelot- Ohlpmenta. Four. bbl.. 11.088 ll.ooO wi.-at. '.ma. 27,008 H.op.i c ara. bosh. l'.'pi phii 303.000 Oat* '"ish. NO.OOO lei4."0al P. va. 1) uah. 1.00) . linriey. bu.a. 3,"00 I.00O oa tho i'r>i 1 0 Bserivic* at-Aat tri* BalMS m*rk*t wa* ,at<-1,lr. Creamery U _ I JJ. Dalry 13 _ 17a Egg. Dna at 14.8)18*'K::r. July 21.-Flour Wheat dull; 7' . Julv TO* lu.-.,' 7piV'. soptem'per 7Sc. Corn dull: l*? * SI . nata qulot ; Na I M I1IU1 M '?iC. Itv* dalli No. 1 at 57.'deliTered. Barley qnl.-t No. 'J MSB* Piovtsions ititi* steady. Mes. Pore, cash and Jnly st fl I BO Lar i-.f'ilv at ?* 424. August at fS 17 4, Butter Staadyi Dury ".33 14c. B?g*_l?1 Fresh 1*431."?. Cheea* qiiet: Cheddars 8*114c Kl*ql|H?1*1?1 .''.'KM bbl*. Wheat bush. Haney 2,000 bush, bhlpuu-nls? I'luur ll.noo bbl Manrt?uwu* July Bt.?Wheat?BassBjH w*r* 231 c?n. Ihipmeut* i' i-ara. p'loaln. qnot.itio is In .toro?No. { Kard eaab 82*a0; aa.aly 884joi Aa au.u.i 8."e?e. .Sal Northern caaii -o-n! ?. Bo July 88*a*| 8* Augu.t hcii#o. s.k I Normern cash TSMi S* JUV 78%*l 4* Au.u.i 7?*". *)n track ? No. 1 Il.r.. ^.t^: No. 1 Northern BBS, .Vp. 3 Nori'l.-lll -C'Ip-. 1 .1*11 c- steady; rata-ut* to *hip, sacks, in uirials. }i BIB .1 35. Pilit.Ai'Ri.i-itiii. Jn'v 21? F.our -Market rn'ed flrmi .v., aad PoaaartvMla siuociu* S'i 50312 75: do .1.. do Kutra* #J 7'._*i 00: No. i WinUr Kami ir a. i 2'._--:l IO j Poon irlraaia Funilr at .3 75* S3 Bo, PMBirlvaat* Uotiar Proiioi *i l*>?*t 25. ohi-? Clear 841(1*4 S_ -i" di .tnt.ut lt 4'34 ?.i. Ukltaaa ? ? r-iii.i.C. 4*d*ltr-tf1lli M 34 no. suLoai. ?nl Si.ilhern tliiuoia Ciov il 1)31 15: di do stranrht ?l &*)* ** -. -.. W'nt.-r Pitent fair toolillie* lt o.',a)4.m. Minaeaol* Clear f3 7.7 _ l lo. da f I 2a*4 no. Minnesota Pat? ents. k-'pI ti ciiuca. Si e;5?t Hil; ito do fair ?4 7535 ex), live Flour Mably at |3 05 for ('boto*. Wheal -Mstkel ruled tlriu anl quiet: spot lota were 4*1 higher, In hali! iti-maiid ; future, were dud No 2 Rod tn export elevatoi t-7'ac; Sn '.' Ped for luiv S7..*74c. do for Au.u.i -??', .1 *:.,c, do for September 13788740: do for october 87*,-) **.-. dan- The fuitan-t for n?.i '.ot. wa. ?, a 4c hi.her, un,'er liberal ..tttrin.s ; (rad* iit-m.ud Ughl{ fntur.a neylected sn I man tisl : a.les ot No 2 M i.-d ou track snit In '.'ni li .1. aa 481 No 2 niKh Mix>-.lnn track f.**c; V.'.lia u.rai.ide|K,t 57 ?<c No. 2 Mixed for Joly 5 j* bile .lo for An.nat j: <*".?'..?. do r-r September 5549664c; p'o for O. lob.-r 5a 4./ '.'. <,<: i'us-lae market for spo| lois rule-t Ultu, with n.lil bs--I trade demand . Mles of Ma, 2 Mixp.I on track .4*4*1 Cn?| Whit* Ile. Na 8 WMto 4u'.j.'. Ni. 2 White 42v future, were about vo li Kht-r. with a gonai denian.! f.-e July i s... a Whit* lol July 41 ?*4'."?0; do tor Au.nat 313)440: do fol Sopt*f_D*r 133384c: do rir Odo .er 3343334c. , aiijlier Wmin potaloo*?.er.*v, OD375c tier Vbitl'i. b?-ket . Soulheri) New Koa-, I iica e, per bb. . +i ll BSStB em New Koo* Martian t> P i-i- 8-809100) Be*_Mea Baw Koa.-, (nils, bbl. 11008186: soniheru Chill Keds, Clio:,:.., |M, Bl 76*2 6(1. !'r >v.?;i>ua st^ viv, ia fair .Uniand. Beef, city, Vamllr, u-r 'a ii.. *i 5,134.1 o'; t* to Paokit* 87 6?aS"l). Sl_Ok*d li?-f 13*13*1 Beat Ban. alli DO* *17 nu: P..rk. Me... *td no: lo Prims Ma,.. ne* S1150; itoPaui'lr SI'i 50_*17. liam*. Smoked p?r tb. 124* Ile. .lo s. H. cure 1 ni tiaro, 11*114.-: do do ??> In silt. 8 49.0. sid.,.. Cl?ar Babb*! smoke.1 94310a Bhoal<l?r* in orv ?i;t OM fu'iy cured 7 37 4a; ?* d". aiaka!. 74974a, **a .-iid.r- uicitie cared. "?n? -c. ; dk li MAk-t 849'.). dalli*. In pieste. CB D-va : oo nr*akfa?l Baaaa 104*1 ie. Lant rima?>City il ru-1 *;? 0 ma ,. 1 lo 8team ai B8TB1 Kutchnr.' loo** * 5*i. Uniter tir ..?Peno.rlvani* OMBSMiy K\tr? ni ?-?ppc. 1 W oater a i rennel T *xir* at BB* 1 li. C. .ml N. Y. Cro?inery Kxtr* at I7e 1 Weetaarn Factory 149t5o. Packin* butter 12 91 <c K-.-r* dull, steady . rici. 1 i-- li; Sic . Wo.t-ra fic-ate .t ula Chees* *l*_-l* : I [.lr; New Y .r. Full Cream i". 91oe. Ohio Kiev Ci..ic. B*aoi -lo Fair vi Prim. 74984* sutrsr? l'.eilne.lsieA.iy. powdered M I 1034. <tr?nulat*l 749*?. F-at-l Sn* 1 Winier Ursa ll'l 5*9*17 5*1 mr ion. petroleum ilull; 7.* Abel !/?.; In bbl*. ." V-. Hec.inia? Fionr 848 .bl*, \l ti*at v_:,., koah. Corn O.OO*) bilah, nat- 1S4"0 hush. M'ii;.'n.*iits-W 2.3*',) bust Cora 7,500 Dal. 17.-' ll bo** 'lol.UK). lair 21. ?Wheat easier: ea.h 88e: Jnly H{)o; Auteuil 8.I-4*; Sepl.-n.r 84ui December 8(14*. Cora dui. steady ; ess:, 47 4*: September 4H0. Oat* quiet i Augu.t 864* ciarerat-e.l dull ; october S4 '.5. Kee*lpta? Wheat l.'.ix'j bu*-, b... i_c_u -Wheal 1.V00 buah. cont 1,000 bush