Newspaper Page Text
THE TIFFANY-YZNAGA MARRIAGE. n was a graman io aux. ri-.orLi-.-THr. cocrw AT MWIIATTAN BKACII. ?Why the maniac of William MergS Tiffany and Mrs. Jan Virginia -BBBSB, which took place at the Albemail** Betel en Saturday. *?*?? have been BBS ..,,,.??, .-crecy wa- pu7.7.1lng to thc ducted willi io minti i ci?. r _. . ? .?i? ir. ancle tv when they came to hear major ty "f |.e.iple in *""". ______., of it tc-*c-i!iv BO care'"1 wrl? 'hP WttttSptM that the affair should be a srcivt. thar even the alert mana? ger of th- Albemarle. -Mr. Parker, wa* unaware of it until lan* In thc d.y. though th* Lev. Dr. Daniel C Po'tcr of the ?BB*-* Tab-made, united the __ tlninilslc! pair ?? 11 0*<*,0,',1 ln ,h', ,rtrvnoon ln *** Yinag*"* parlor. >""? -'- Th.* ptBM pal reason for celebrating tlx* BBfUBM In luch an extremely quiet way B sitrPos^' -*? 5Ir*' Vtnai?,'s fr.ends to be d:if her dfs.ncl!naricin to attract public attention sc aoen afer h'-r di* orr* from fernando A. Ymaga, wh-'h wa* granted to her In San Francisco less than lix nioi.ihs ago. Hr. Parker, In referenee to the wedding, said yester* flay : "As 1 wa* uot nvjuiasied to keep silent I assume that I nm nol violating any caniJenc- In telling what 1 Baa* about lr. Mr-- Yr-nrasa arrived here with her mal- on Tuesday, and wa* assigned to her old suite pf roaaaa, gsa 54. .*._ and BB. Ile; si-ter, Mrs. William _. V_B_orbttt, li?s boen with her a good cV-h! lin"*'. Bad Mr. Tiffany wa* a frtxiueut bj V hen Mr. Yandrrl.-dt cann* in, about bab j . 10. oa Betardag morning and sent up his caid ti. v>. :.:. Mi. TMany n. walking hack and Birth In froid of tbe office desk, Neither gentleman iee wed to recognise rhe or!."-', Indicating thar they hail no* r ently. .ina" a. Mr. Vanderbilt wai about t., --i*p BB?B tl))' elevator lt seemed io flash through thc h*ad af each who the other wa*., anil afn-r a ninrual banclst-aklng thev n?ni upstairs together. 6oon after, colonel William dav arrived -Braying a package of papen, rappoaed to contain ihe evidence if tke brtde'i l.-gal divorce, and * a- tax wa ay ro Mrs. (SB's parlor I i!!*! not s*-<' I'r. Pettier, but I tut'; *'-* ho came, too. if h* performed the ceremony. J-r-. TUfaM , 1:11 bj cluck, signed M. V. Tl aga. about half pas! nj. and btr. TlCai ?fra?-. Which In the meantime had come here, was sent with lils wife's to Mai hanan Keach. They left tbe hotel In a quiet way before 1 o'clock." The only i' the ceremony besides Iho.p- Bili?til J menfiipfled were Mrs. ll. !;. Rollins, nv-errleh v. Vanderbilt and Presidenl J. Hampden of the Department of PubUc 1'arks. Mr and Mr*. Tiffany ipenl tke day auletly al altai) Bench resterdav. It was said there that weald renata a: the hotel fur two wi-oks. lt !? said tba! Mr and Mrs. Tiffany will sail for F.'irrpjie BOOB and will remain abroad until fall. Oa the'r reran th ry will make their heme In san Francisco, e Mr. Tiffany ha- lived fer leveral veai*-. The 1 .- born in and has sjp-ni much of his time In r.'iio*"-. .\s of thc famous Esmeralda M - ..r.any ti I* understood that he la- aeqnlre? a fortune of two millionia. A* he was rded a- a confirmed !'a"hc|er bl i rrtage li cai! to he a pen nine surprise to his lJaltlmi>re and ban Francisco friend;. TIIE MOOS'S FACE HIDDEN. Mavt preirrr werri! the TnTSl Ecursa?th*: Bxaiamos a m_msTB svcckss. I.r-st nigh' was clT-.r, rle' sta:- Shana BBS and _*eop!o whii wert a-- -ile* and observant lierwren the ho:r- Bf li BBd - WttBCSS-d The Seeond telal erll-ase of the muon which has tal?n pla-e during the year 1S38. Thc first -mc eec ai led on January 2*-. ffa*te_latlng astronomen BBiaTaannd befurehand to the reporter that th" moon would 1 -ertain moments of i ? If any arron were tUacovered la rh-* glvea fi gu re* ir maa! have beea by the "ni"* caVularing as tronnm'-!*-, for to th-- unasTonnmlral person Wi tb eye terned ' iveaward rhe (oretold time was esaci enough to pleas ? t j BneruaJ observer. Uousetops were tilled with whole families; the Brooklyn Bridge was lln"d with amateur astronomers poring Bpward and rle .ti-cots were full of many, who althoupli they had Bevel beard of nodes, penumbras a- d i ll gell aa eaj ty to sea the Tilibtnarm of gatura's nigiit-iamp. Every one, : utronoater in hs observatory, eoaatiBg every moment valuable, breath!et ly i ring ? | hil ? ! I ? Bf?os lo paic-r. to rhe yawlMitti lair who were emt f.?r a walk in the I! t, gave up earthly pontt!*? for Ihls truly heavenly one. ictlve medium In I ether which proven ti eomidetely tie j.- i ' ? inn'i rays at 1 time of ac eeltp*e, -a a. to i '. entirely In vis,id.-, m.iii I* expin an ot?1 ? la tbe Straits of Sw la, . . toefl rmoui te i eonvnl ral dna other*, and thro*. rs of terreel!?J du surrouiieliti. ipace. To thli fl of tine par tletes astron, nen ascribe the total Invisibility of the moon iinrii?_? the two eclipse, whn-h took place in the ? ? --1 in Janus r of tl <: ih pr nf?d an appearance quite sim -? ed i revloui I i rhe Kr eruption- that ls. th*- outline* ol brr surface remained well i|. ? 0f the sun' rayi a pied. Last ni ghi the siirface was at no time invisible, bur presented, even when totahv eclipsed, a eopper-eoloreri appearance. GAY CROWDS AT CORER ISLAND. NOT DETEBREO BT TmrFATF.NIN*. WFATIIF.P. ?TIIE HOTE_B I'l.AP A BICE HARVEST. Threatciii: .? ?; a 'li-h of rain arrested the grear rush ff! people to Coney Island yestoiday, wklefa began la tie- morning With an Impetus that had-- fan to malse tbe dav BMBMrebM in tbe eaab booka of tte beSal-ha ?;? n Ks li waa, in spire of all drawbacks the crouds wen Immense. Booie waireti for the clouds tn poll I ' . ba! tow gave up entirely tbe excur? sion planned tot tl"' day. Th*' favorite all-water route of the Iron Steamboat Company was pa*?Baked to such an extent as to make- it a Btibjael of eon gnt-la tlon with tlie | gcrs that there was sn?.-thdag In rh'' skies to lc* p a f< iv theueaade ar'. Manhattan Iieach wa* 8*. throaged that the overflow threat? ened BB taltaiian with tba exclusiveness of the stately Oriental H.," I. Al thc lirlgt ton Hearh notel the piazzas and music hall- ui-r** thronged. Al tbe weal end of the Island all thc shows did a big ' --. and al together It was a fairly profitable day foi ad on the i.iand. iras, LABBTsrs MotHRB TisiTisc, nm. Long Ilr-inch. July __ (Ppeciab.?Mrs. Langtry ls grieg ::. M tor Brown, oatt age m Ba_-ave Mn. . bm, Mia, Lsngtry'i bk?ker, and bet tau wbe 'ame over f om England 'asr w?ek arc gilesta. The cottage 1* roomy and ol*l-f_-hioii"d with wide aa PU/J." BSSAT* OS A PROTRCTTTB TARIFF. ? /?? assay et aipetttl >n eif the Arm rteea Pi etan. Ilia Tariff league have jmf bees announced. Tl.-- firag-fl offered thn-?* pt I ISSO, .iou and 880 ?-. -j.-e >i\ .-ly for the bea! Bsaayi BS r He ne* produeUaa Indispensable to a supply at low i rlees of tbe Bunal : j.i-i.j.j,- of the Vi and adequate bona prvd'ictiou of these curriniodi'Ii-s lasposalblS without a proti-etlve tariff." Th** i-onipet*tion was ojien to le-nlor students *-i Ain'-rican colleges, of '.vinni nine? teen competed, njin-si-nting thirte-en Btat-S and nla t< sa S-gesaal eolbtgea. Ihe i< Hawing ar.- tba a wann ? '? C. TX Todd, l nive--itv og Wooster, Ohki; aeeond, fe. P. King. DfB-Vei-lty of Kan*a.s. I.awn-nce, Kan. ; ?tad, Lincoln Halley, narkacc-l _alv_i_ty, Lewlsbnrg, Penn. of ti' lea loUowIng ita?eats wen BB? the writers ri inoalali.: V'allaci' Me-c ainaiit, I_afayeti.- C-UegB, i ? Charias 8 Wlatera, fOarnell, H. v.; M. ll. Hoo? ver. WIMIa': ktttat Weet Marshall. Am Mass.; ?sward MaaAeO, OoDege el tba City af gew-Tork; Lewis \j- G. Beaedlet, Trtalt) College, l<>^_~. ir1 '?'?? Cnlvenlty e.f Minnesota: F i. i-ai:*'. D-rtmouth College, ra, H.; Frederick H. Parkbant, Coram?lan College, D. C.; E. P. lea, Knox College, 111. GETTISO THE WffSEBM UEADT. kn api'li-ai.en ha. been ___, fay President Kith of the Pasl io ttl* lienrd ..f ai: men- ks hi.pi.--t h eemiBsBi -he aaanaaba* te- th*- Maenaa of Art In Ontral I'ark. Tl- i-.i- ? | a.v |?? .-, nisi" f-ir t)i?' BWB by Mr. Vaux, and cvervthir.R ts nnw nady fer tbs eontracts u> ba- Ut. 'The work on the new building k.p-*h on rapiliy. a hies st 200 earasatsM uk! ; bu*y, sud Hil seataptte for the nMaM work have all kSSB Mi In thc Mu-uni Clcueral ell Cesnola I. din Liing tho pn-i?ration for ihe exhibit*, Khl'.h are tn be placed In the new bullung a. soon as lt 1* ready. Thc day wi for tho op.nins ls November 27. _ V A881STAST tllSJBTF.U FOP. ST. JAMES'S The Rev. Charl*. A. Ilcimilton ha. accepted s call w, be assistant mln!?i>-r st bt. Janira'. I'roteat*nt ;:pl??opal Church, at Madli-iu-aia. and bcventy-nr.t-st. II,, ws. lorn erly ?*al?_nt at Ihe Church of thc Ur-1.iyi*4 lJI*c!f'!'-, in Eighcr ninth-.t_, ind has hld I fillowshtp in the General Theological f-t-minary. TAVOUARLK WRUVPMRR FOR aWRWtRS CROFR. Washington, July UL- The faOeWtag ls the wec!!nr crop bulletin fe>r thc weat ended eaturday, July _l, Issued by the eigrial uiHce: Tem oe ra tu.'?'! he week ha* been cooler than usual in ?ll difctrtcia on the 8-8888 Coast. The ivers)*** -illy teiDper.iure ou the Aliti-iUe O-BBl waa all d_~**? below tho norniil. ?? -There ha* been in ex cc a* of rainfall In the western BSSBJSB Bf New-Yori? Well distributed NBM UM In New-Eiiflind. Geners; remark*?The weither ha* been favonble for Sae growing crop* Id the wheal md com region* of the Merthwe*- Th* recent heavy rain, have Rre*uy ?o tiftttA jm jojMUtjjn ot cern ind Mts, ^i |U_S|Sjr j 1 ?nd I'enn.ylvanla the wheat, rye and hay harvests haye been about complc-ed. TUE THIRTEENTH ON SUNDAY. A CROWD TO HEAR < livi'LAIN TALMAGE. MILITAT.Y UfTIKS OF THK DAY Sl'CCESm'I I.Y I*ER CniMBB OB r\Tt.\t)ia IB wiiitk TRot*Si:n*s. Stare Camp, Peekskin, R. T., July 22.-This wa* a# red letter day for brooklyn's gallant l.'lih Regi? ment, lr was their first full day In camp in three >ears, but the place has every appearance of being occupied by old veteran*. I-ong beloit* reveille sounded this morning a great many of the men were up, putting their tents In onl"r, and when (lid Sol (.imbed over tho river bluff he wa* irreeied by the whole regiment. Tho officers were Introduced to QOVeraer Hill yesterday befeire ho left camp, after having reviewed IBS w%tk Keedmcnt. Thc Governor also stayed unril after dress parade, which passed oft smoothly, and tho manual of arms was gono through with that '?snap" which so well become* a body of soldiers. Adjutant Iiussell I.encdlet became slightly flurried and forgot to call for the reports from the flrsr. sergeant... nnd was promptly mado aware of the omission by Colonel Austen. In the evening thc band gav.- a concert on tho paraelo e~ound. Frederick N. Innes, the new bandmaster of IbB P'glment. plefaBd up a trombone and gavo several solos. He was loud? ly applauded and was obliged to repeat each one. Tho l.lih has depart.i! from rho convenfional method of performing guard duly, and lnsiand nf men from all of the companies being detailed each day, one entire company takes that responsibility. Company G was detaili-d for guard dury to-day and Its caplaln. William L. Watson, was officer of rhe dav. Fir.-t Lieutenant William A. Brown, of Cnmpar-v K. and Second Lieutenant Henry Tinker, of Company I, were the officers of the gnarr!. Ca?ranv c; wai de? railed the fi-ti day on accounr of teing tlie ; company In th-* re.inienr. Th<* others w_ take th"!r turna according ro their numerical sirergth. Long Mts tin" announced for Chaplain Talmag<* to ?peak, tie- vi-:tors began to arrive in crowds Brea l'e''1.-kill and the surrounding country. The meering was held In rhe laic"' tem belonging le thc Men's Christian Association. Tie- theme of tba sermon WSI '? Cscs of Straragem." The majority of the visitors staved all th** afternoon anil un* 11 afi.-r elre-s panda la fhe evi-nlng. The nen In their white trousers made a fine appearance. ' ?! Tauaase apimaind oa dna para*.* to-night He evidently forgot l.n white gk", es, an! - lille the regiment was at parade rest he was struggling to ger them on, much to tho amusement of some of ihe spectators. These a:t* the baseball that will play to-morrow : Campany A?Chichester. Fiber. Itlier, Lane, 1'aiter sen. Settle, Qeotga, Holmes and JehBBOB' Company II graft, Da Manet. Magarfn*>, T. Plare. Wilson, Pord, E. Demonet, c.. Plate and Hoi okene! Am tern believe* la raking t:tne bv th" fore? lock, so wh"n be saw some member* (,f i nmpany IC gelling mixed up rather promlBcnoualy with a crowd of good-looking visitor*.. Ie- ordered an ontpoct estab Uabed at tbe foot of tie* sinus leading '" the Peela kill ferry. Th** post is in charge ol C G. Tinker, and under him are Sergeant Crawford, Cor? poral* A. A. Hayward anti H. M. Wheeler, and six private Rumor ba* It thar ti-.e Prate officers are not picard with ih" genera! maa "f the newipeper reports of ?ap They t!_nk ih'* pranks of the boyi hav* been made too conspicuous, tor the reason thal the county members of the Legislature will be uir to make appropriations for conrinulr.g th" ramp afrer road ' ;: such nports. Tba member*, if then should ls* any ro make inch o would d', wei! to ?pend one dav al the camp and go through th" drill 'tat tho men dei for one morning and there xvould be no more hean! about the men who go to 'tie ramp not ear?ng their money Colonel Anaten l? a Iiem l?rat, bnl at least four-fifth, of hn command are Be? ana, ami Tribunes vere in so gnni r,**ine-t to dav thal the supply ran out long before the demand was san-li. .j. ? A QFIET DAT FOR HARRISON. AT CUFRCII IV THE MOBBTB- ?TISIT?B BY Ma n. nr: yo u .io avp ir. c. kf.cfns. Indianapolis, July 22 (Special).?The only lrn*r ruptlon to-day of the reverential *yi|et that hal always prevalk-d In the Harrison hot Sunday was i by ealli In the afton?, n by Michael il. De young, Editor of "1 ?" aa I R, C. Kerena, of Bt Louis, Mr. I>*> Young la on hN way from t be Ba t, 11 ml tin.*- si:?.p the Chicago Convei h'* itopped In* for thc y rpo** of a tall with Gieneral Uart?on boron going home, li-- ii. nbs -.'in General Harrlaon will be a.- itrong on .. ldc i east as a:,i cand late who could o mi nat ed. ami suv* confidently tba! I en elie:!,i of tho Republican* carrying California and Oregon. Mr. Kerens called solely for ti,.- purpose lng his resperri to General Harrison. He s on hu way to Hew York to attend the I'.ialne di stratton. His euitomsry attendance a- i morning and a lot nc wen tho only ats oi til- day with the General. TO BETTS i:.\!Ll*''.\!) MEM POLTTICALLT. Chicago, july 82.?Aboal Ave baadred awn, repre? senting tho engineers, Bremen, brakemen and swItch me-n of the road* riiniiir.-- | lc ago, le-ld a meld? ing to-day iii- object of whick was to take action en sis of Interes! ta the anser, it wai claimed tba! Bboae la abe Banting repi.nted i through the Btate, and that ibenfon they Would bold th'* balance of power as far as the lature was 80-08r:i*'d. A r 1 nt. WM form-*d. \i.ll have for ii* battle cries the nyeel of tie* Merritt i l a ??'leter eaforosaient of rhe pi-l . nat the Pinkerton!, a rom of ti\'* wai abc appointed whleh ls to take ijiai.n ana SCI a- a >ort of central boar l from winch all directloni are to emanate. Ko reference whatever in a direct way will bo made to the Burlington troubles. A LETTER FROM THE AAA'J PRESIDENT. ir.IPH-AMET.IC ANS EN! lURAGED TO CHEATEE EPPOBTB IN OHO WIZATION. The most successful meeting which the centra! organization of the Irish-American Ajni Free-Trade League ! aa in held was rhat of last evening at No. 225 East Thirty sixth -at P. II. McNaniee presided and before the regular business of the meeting had begun the secretary, J. F. McCarthy, was kept bu-y with rh? enrolment of a large number of new mem? bers and receiving the reports of the presidents of fhe various clubs, who bad weleome Intelligence to gtws In relation to the admission of new mp-nibers In the HVecal !ocai clubs. A spacious and comfortable headquarters ha* been obralned at Science Hall. No. 141 Elghth-sr.. and is being Itted up and will be ready f.,r occupancy IhM week Members of the central organization of rh- League -rill b<- placed In charge of fi. .ihich will bo openi-d at a!l leaaoaabhl lours. both Bight and day, for the dlstrlburion of tracts and other carrpaign Meralan bi tbs npnaentatt1 fhe various irish-American organlza .: .ne In this, but In neighboring clth-s. Among the ipi wen PB?left v.aii. wko has orsantsed a bru the Laagae in ri,.* xvnith Aaaembly Dtotrlet; Dele? gate Daniel look, an f_on-BioulIarj Dslsaats David Flynn, and Chairman MrTTaaiOO. who -rated that th!* revolt fruai I'cmoeracv by Illili Baili tallia was cleat? ing widespread In tercel among tie-ir eountrymea in other eiries, and lii-taieed Bad?lo, Ifewark, Cliy, Havcrstraw, Plilladelpbla a:.d other et "from each of which ? bl said. '-I have ra briers from kniting Irishmen, asking for advice a- to tl.*? BMmattoe of antl-free-trade clubs." (Appia Ea Jada, a. L. Macfteen, a- ebatrmaa of tee ___cu Hva i ommittee, preaided ai tke an?Mag af tkal body, v,a- baU labeeqaeBtly. m .. who ha* done the heaviest part of the work In MSaalStng th*- Laagne. has ju*t i ? . a brief rial! ta Npiv willie then be neeivsd tba faUowtag to in Oiauaal Banana, tba reading of winch was greeted willi applause: indianapolis, tad., Jeir 3. u*98. My I>ar Sir: Your lette! *'f Jun- 27. fr'>m San'a flt, N. M., received, l'e-? lt mo t I auk vu tor wards of congratulation and ? ?: MStiaSimSBt Whleh it con Ulna. I luve heard of tim work ticing dan.- by you and your clubs in Bew-Totm City, Bad BMMl sin ? I nd it. Commencing a*, lt dil In thu lnier campalgn season sn1 b*i*n .ny i-anell?U-s were norn1 ruted, lt 1* iuelf an evidence that tba nx-u win. ha..' joined the dubs are actuated by an sanest desire lint the principle, of Ihe li'.-pubilcau party mould triumph. I am glad, indeed, to hear from you thai the work h*? tHs;ii ?o successful, ??1 sincerely hope thu rour labor, and the labor, of tho*e a**~-dat<-d **lth you may meet wi-li BsaBbsead ?nd in-ater succeaa, for lt I. onlr by ?Bab e-ff- rt. ttut wc way li<pj?e for the re*?-ration of our p*ny to pejwer. Your* very truly. Ii EN J A M1R HA URI SON. FXALL ATTEBBAMOS FOIi A FLAG __X_U_ From Tue I>> troii gan l'reaa. A toon lill-:-'' >m.: r..u?r f"r two hours Te.terdar minn..' ii new tetegnph tats n Be nata H. When ih-y iK-ira-i digging Hie hulo an old chap came along aud Ui - (.oing to raise s pole, chT '? e ip s* III Mn lt In. I allu. did believe In opening the (-__i|?jiiu early," Ile sal down on a door atep until thc ledi waa up, ar? ti., n, _k aaaw al MM an a n tess* sway, he ..ked "i-i ?'..-? |. ac '., ' i .*. r - tts d-'ii'i gsasS-By haiv aiiy," replied thc _an, ? bu: you cm n.ak>- hm- If v..u v ?? Wouldn't it bc putting myself forwirdf ?Oft ? - n*pI edy najaaaa, chr '? Nu one." 1 bay, you I" he continued a* he soulnted aloft, " which party I* ItT" ? The telegraph p*rty ? Ob, shuck*! aoBabody mo vi al a-Ji-in, In Z Sra't rote that UcSst;**. POPULAR OBSERVATIONS. RECiLLINt. THE CAMPAIGN* OF 1840. A WHIG STANZA?THE CURIO'- SAMS OF TOLL TICS PLATED I1T S'tTHF.RN BOTS. To the R Siter *f The 1 ri bu nt. Slr: Kemlnlscencc. of the campaign of la4fl pul dished from time to time in th- Tribune remind me also of that period. I was then a boy of nine yean, living In Georgia I recollect th" "karka cue*," which In that section and at that pcrieid lt wa* the custom of both the Whl_ and the Democratic parties to rive In connection with oolltlcal meetings. They -ero what might be called political picnics. Living In tho city of Savannah, I recollect ono that wa. held In a irrove near the town. Long, rud-lv built tablo* wcr* rreetcd. on which after the address? es hail been made from a hastily built neurum all who wish"*! were fed with bounteous luonlle*. which usually Included beeves, hogs, etc., roasted whole be fni-o immense out-of-door fir***. That table, or por? tion of the common tablo. where tl>? loeaber* aud most notable of tb. company ate. ?as usuallr sud rolled with wine, and I shall elwari remember that lt wan at one of these old political gatherings that I was first permitted to taste Madeira wine, which was at that Han BBB af the most fashionable wine-, tnt greatly detcrlmratid, and U now seldom heard of. I also recollect hearing th" camnalrn tongi of 1-40. Ir seems to BM that such songs were then more popular. There wen more of them, and Bre? wan more freriuon-lv sung than campaign WBBI an nowadays. Hut I remember of them only one stanza?or ?oerhans ll was onlv a part of a -rania? whirh I have ri"- nea m-'ntlon-d arnon, those re? cently recalled and reprinted. It ran thus : "Oh, Matty ls a man of doubt; H* win*. In. be ?(rcs aa! : !(? ?- not toe people's; eandrdare. oh! They've drevsed him like _ hot notate I" Another thine I wish te allude to. If ernr.hasln" the proverb -The child ls father ta UM man."' 1 h-' boys of Savannah, from tho small- t r.. tba yeatft v bo wn benly loo roaaa te vaia, were thoroughly organized cs partisans upon one dide or tie* other. Tie c|tv WM divided Info districts, or precincts? what thar wan termed 1 do not nmemhe^-ead in is provided. Whether thSM re identical wfth th""- of tbe mal voting ??ts. I cannot MU: bal great eii-rr." WM Mt : in lathering boys by th** lead-rs ral bc! _? rhem Inro rhe polling jdice-. md Ote the ticket, anti In gnanllng against leda.1 by promMei "r threaN b tty. In inert the game of ? played bv the boyi rn tlon imitation ol tbe teal cii-iip' by th*1 men and with no le?s ihrewdne 11 any wonder thal tl 8 eoutbc rr* bora nolitlelana! Oar northern bovi have nu l.-vk if.-- -I never knew them t" rda* al politic*, or, rather, partisanship, tor of eonn is ? ,t it -as. As I rem-mbor the on then )'i\.Tiiie poll-, everything was done deeentlv and lt. order, with no levity and bovsh lilian' with al! nrloaaaeflS. and ! waa _i?-atlv Imp*-*--'1 wl'h lt* Importance, though not of in ar" ta ender aland rxatit'r what lt meant or what was th* u? Bf lt all. Though?to use a Southern phrase?I iras " ra's1-*! - th. 1 have alway* roted th" Republican tjek-t. and cann"! bul hor-* that th-* grandson of "old Ttn-eeanoe* will defeat bl? opponent a- th? grand did ? Mani V8n ? _ .. _ New -yorli, July 13, ISM E. M. D. _____SOI DEM''"RATS IN PENNSYLVANIA Totht B Siter et the Tr atm ne. Slr: It might seem useless, perhaps, to take notice Cd any ^ullttoal changes lr, any town or village In this Kevstone *.tme. In view of her laree Republican major li'-s. bul seime e,f tlie recent aaeassta?m tai bm party from tho Democratic camp are exciting much em? inent. During las' week rho aid soldiers who tonghi for tbs old Bag organized a Harrls*>n and Morion Blub, and. to use their language, they aro going to vote a*, they shot. Among the 142 veterans who onroll-d their nana's up?.ri thc li*; waa Samuel J. bretti. Who was th" last Mayor of lids etty. lb- uas from early manhood a Democrat, and only w**nr out of the etty'! p-.v-ei;nve chair In last April. Charin I.. PettlnffBr. a candidate en the Demoeratle ricket at our last munal Ipal election, has also anllsted aader the Uarrtson BBd Morion banner. An BX-ebJef Bl police. BUM A. igh, * life loag Democrat, w another aequ rania. These men an all old i I prom in"nt cttinna. 1 I tha grand old flag i? on tbe to wu Mt. The \ i tub. with its ii_ memben, win do much nil I for the ticket, lins u_- the preliminary meeting, and by r.'ic time the neal meeting oom* r?r alli eatrj augmented, why don't the ,- < I * I soldiers who an- Democrata organlzel 'lhere arc not enough of 'hem. C. Alto.-na, I'cnif., July 1ft, lr-3. m DEM" "'EATS WHOM PRB TRADE HITS HABXh Tn th e Bitter Of The Tribune. Slr: Dei." ??- in Franklin and Essex Counties are in a situation which ls amoslng ?? rv.-r. Iron furnaces and on* mining furnish employment here for thousand-. Proa trade threats from Washing tun tend to paratyn the chief tadaatry of the region. Workingmen and the Democratic capitalists, with their bnndn !- af tboBaaatli af doQan al -'alic, - il.*- poastblUUea of aie/A-Hleg with Ike tauttL Al the Demoeratle leader hM nnouneed devi Smith M. Weed ls reported a-i saving rh:it he t tu nppor! cleveland, but h" caiinot aid a free trade policy. Mr. Weed ls one of tlie ?? king pins'1 of - reg-?a, ar.d his 'lc*-!!*- to noteel his and at tbe same time to bein el**-: Mr. e loveland e t . no little comment Mr. Weed, lt i* said, holda thal bc feels nnab?i to meet the oufcome of a policy which will certainly wn-cli an Iron bu.sin*-ss pow furnishing nine-tenths of a certain Clan "f metal produc***d In miry. Among DemoeraM In this vicinity there ls an Intense and growing opposition to Ihe proposals of the free traders. Idl>- hla?t furnaces and lal empty bonan alr"a<!v betoken th*- Injury arising from the utn-cnalnty of the Adnilnlstrailnn's policy. Beapeelfully. M. Y. II. Plattsburg, July 10. IP fi fl. an odd c_nr_cB in ______?_*. To the Editor nf Tht Iribu nt. Slr i While with some of my relatives here In Michi? gan, la-t sunday afternoon, attending the funeral af an old af the town, and patiently awaiting the beginning af tbe eervtoe at thc ebareb, my attention was eatted to a tablet of marble ln-,ertctl in the wall directly over tho pull lt. Hore U a true copy of the Inscription on lt: " This ls to certify rhar no ndnli rer belonging io any nore! netety, or ha< his life in? sured, cir tee et dies not kneel in prayer, shall bc allowed ro preach In this II-. | God. The Lord of Hoeto is Judge.* On the front, wall of tl :!ld!ng, BB_?le, !' rhe following tabl -t; " House of Cod. Look uni., me al! ye end. Of thc earth, at. I he ve saved, and go to Amen a:.-i amen, l-ti." Is the author of that edict, I mlfloqnlsed, and 'he owner I Vicegerent ot \l .1. At lent. I wm mach aaiused ai bli ? not "i mention bli L fllnr-llke fait!, in Ihe nannie in- tbesM to h.,Mi thl Inner and outer wall* of the lanctui JAMBS MILLEE. Ida, Monroe Count v. Mich-, June _7, l?. '??N-ISTCNT PABTT EMIiLF.MS. Tn tht E <litor ot T li >? Tri I ti ti -. Slr: The (tory Communist emblem?the *? Rp*d Ban? danna"?adopted by the I*?BBoeratto puty as its battle Tl s manufaetnm af bandanna ba i- an exteneive one \_ Gnat . and it is entirely SOMfatenl With ths Pns policy that C?evelend and ah pa-rv ihouM aaa this emblem as a snub ti Amer!* an tndnstry. The Mar; and Stripes are mamiractBied cJnrtly In rhe United ttotee, and then who von- f,,r Repnbllcan principle* have always afforded t_at Ca* the g; protection. Vork, July 18, 1---. __MOC___l- wno WILL SUPPORT HARRIS-'N. To the Editor of The Tribune. Kir: I have liecn nothing wllh pleasure rhat many former Republican supporters of cleveland have de rlded to come back to the support of the BepatrUean nominee* this year. My father, three bmrheri and myself, making five voles In all. will support Harrison. Bt lave all grown tire*] nf I g ami hM promises, rwo friends of mine, formerly Cleveland men. Albert lad Behead Btabl, of No. fiO Flrsr?t., have also an? nounced themselves In favor of the winning ticket. Illrhanl Stahl la collector lor the Itetall (,rocetV Cnlon. lie.-pe. ifnlly. A. K. ELI-to. _Tea lark, July io, ia/-_ _ DHOWS ED A T KOCKA TT.t Y TIFACB. Samuel W.'.-rs, sc*c-npanl**d by Charles Korners ind Teorg-- Slit rhard. si! al rtroapUlrn, yesterday Ro-ks nsr Bearii. The three mun went in bathing a' Wj ,. .right *nd Smith's _e_?l_e Ilau-e. They had bt-.-n in tte surf bul a (hort linn- when W*t*r.. who wa. a c.n uderSau distal..- fr in bl* com Bl -?? > os. b-iii* s gasd .n.miner, .uddenlr Uir?w up hit hands wi ahou'.-d Ms udp. Hi* corni?nlons io ko to hi. assist-nt., bul ie was drowned before ih.-y e.-uld reach him. It ls supposed inst he was _-ir?d with '-ramps. Wann, who vs* thirty-Bv* years of ate. llv?d M WIBaOBbbV snd nostrand aves. He was a bart*n_--r. .nd l.-avi. a wlfpj md two chlllren. ? KU.LLD ET TUE I \PLuS10S OF A BOOSS. -T I...ul*. Mo., July Bl IstaWaltoB conies from Hon, Kentii* hy. near flender-on. of a faial boiler ci ilnslon ai th*- coal shaft* of William. A. Mos*. David the eiif.neci, BBd Moses Ha-skin., flrrinan, were n.tautly hilled, and " l'ra-d" Muttama, Frank Throop .nd Alexander L*)ugi_-_?r wera badly acalicd. '._. wo Utter will die. A PERSISTENT SFICIDE. AX UNKNOWN MAN J CM PS INTO THE WATEP. XiriCB AT C.'NKV ISLAND. A slpilar drowning case oecurred yesterday after? noon at tho 1 'est Kml Fishing Station ?t Coney Island. At I" :.'io p. m A. AndT-iipti. af No. IBS Porty third B-, bri",Min. Hugo \\ urn. of No. 1_j Tblrd-ave., Braoktya, Paul Alaaao, of No. 57 Cheam tiara, and an unknown man hired a boat, at the Weet End Baal lions.- to go listing. Tho party had been drinking considerably atid all nf the men wci-e more or MM iiiidi-r th" influence of liquor when they html the boat. The men r*)wcil to the channel at Coney Island Point, eppnlte stillwell's Basal WhBB the baal SSlllSi opposire the point the un? known man stood up In the boat and without a word pf warning to his companions Jumped overboard, lils companions pulled him Into rho boat again. They then pulled back to the shore, where the man began .faking off hi* wet clothes, as his companions thought, ,t" fry them In the sun. He then jumped Into the water for the second time. Tho water where, h** Jumped was shallow. The other men called for him to swim fur thc boat, but he made no effort to do sn. Ono of his companion* then shouted to him to swim to ihe shore. They had fumed a b.*n*l In the creek .when they heard a scream. They lmm-dlafe ly palled emt again, but found that tho man had disappeared. They searcheil about tho water, but could not lind any trace of tho body. The men then went ashore and reported the ease at PalMe HeadQaarU?- and andi a itatoanal t*. chief McKane in bog rdann with tke above They tamed nvp-r the drowned man's chiding to the police. Chief McKane held the men While he, in company with Wetrtag and some officers, went to tho place of rhe accld'-nt, but they could not find the body, nor any one who saw thc man lump Info thc wafer. Chief McKane returned tal tarter, ard told the Inns men tha' be would bav* to hold Hern until If WM shown that they had 1 Mi the nrm's death The chief ?til I: p< --(ldc that there might have !,.-en a fight cn the men and thai the man wm thrown over maa wen accordingly held until this n will be made. Anderson i- a ? ?. in lirooklyn, and when :i bed Where he mci the unknown man. said : " Bc ha* to - doon ai d came in on eat lal night, when I Mked him if he rif*l no* Bibing With mc to dav. H?* said 'Yee.' This morning ic p^ano- to ihe -al-., n aid mel nie ami my companions and we rame down t<* Coney Island. 1 do not 1. re he lived." Chief McKane, upon examining the clotbn of thc mining man, found In bia packe! a bank book, a pack . 1 a par envelope mi Ridley i Se - Hew-York f'pon the envelope marked m lead pencil, -Mr. Pulmann, ..-- . 1 " lr \ auppoied thal he man'* name wn l'ulmann and thai !>? employed i\ Ridley .1 Bona. A s,.arrh will be made th? morning for the body at low _da. THE RACE CONFLICT IN ARKANSAS. FORTY PERSON'S INDICTED IN CRITTENDEN COUNTY". Bl Louis. Mo., July 22.?I nfc-mar lon has been re eetved fjf.m crittenilen County, Ark., to the effect that tba Onad Jury, which has been investigating tho banishment of eighteen negroes by an armed or_anlza tl'pn. has mado Its report. The p'sult U thc return of nearly forty Indictments. The Grand Jury found tbat anonymous BOtM had been sent to a numlx-r of white ni'-n hy negroes giving tlie white* five .lays to k?ve entry. Upon neelvtng the threatening epistles. MB? met, armed and escorted out. of the country the negroes Implicated. Anning those who !'?'? or Ben to quit the? country within five days wore .!. I". tho leading merchant of Marlon; Sheriff Vf. F. Warner, of Crittenden County; J. H. Stevens, a blacksmith; L. P. Berry, lawyer, and S. O. Mosby, a former magistrate of Mailon. The Grand Jury traced the anonymous notn to tha offlea af Ubi Comity dirk, David Pargo -I'li. one of th*: eighteen' negroes benMhed. HM office wa- opened and fragments of anonymoM notes which evidently had not seemed to b-- satisfactory wen fpp'jtid oo the flour. Experts pronounce tbe rritlng a* thal of .). w. Ramsey, s young South .1 ro In the employ of Ferguson as a clerk. Tin- motive for the si'lidln.' of the f .i.'d in tba tod that Ferguson ? : !? v." negro i ounry Judge, had !i?-.-:i Indicted by a former Grand Jury tor habitual drunken? ness, th-- penalty for which au removal from oflice. Thc Intention i i reign of terror and break prosecution, t'erguaon waa one nf the Arkansas alternate! lo the Republican * onventlon - i. 11-- na- s,.rving . -n ti ' jerk -. County, an office worth 1*8.000 a year, md Jury wm highly sen sational. THE FIRE RECORD. a cobtly pntxwouca ENniRrri^Nc. Ar au early hour yesterday morning tho residents of Mata st.. Sing Sing, were startled by three loud explosions In . roeeeeelt?I, reaembl?lg fhe firing of a cannon. Many c:t;_ens hurriedly came our of their houses Issuli -- from the pm snd i<!*t"l manufactory "f Abraham Jones, In Main-sr. There also occurred a pyrorechnlc display, sky-rockets and ronni: -? la all *l rectiOUS, caiisin * a siampeele anning the crowd that colleetetl in front of ii.-- building. The volunteer firemen wen promptly on the ground, bul their work wm seriously inter? bred with iv ihe ss]IosIom that eeenrred in the burning banding frem time to time. The bu a three story brick <, was completely gutted . wi*re extinguished fliior wa.a oceupied by tia- OWB-T, Stephen AT?a, and hil family, whip all e-.-.i; 1 without Injuries. Tba third tii.or wn occupied by an Odd Pell a* a me-'-tlng room. The fire originated In fhe gnu ihop by lb* ezploalon of a kerosene ump. The lou ..ii si,,,.;, js al.ont 13,000, toll] covered by in-iurance. The other ft len will aol ev.dg8,000. H IN WI I.I.I A MST. OS SCN'DAY MORNING. Th*- police make rh.* toOowing report of the losses by fin* al Nip. SSS Wllllam-st. early yesterday morn? ing. BeppenlU?Mr .i- Son. engravers, who occupy the r:r,t. leBOBd and fourth floor-. .f.'.,oiX); John Chler, print'T, in rho third story, 83,000; damago to build? ing <_,0O0. ? MEST CLERKS PAY III HF. AF BLCSDF.RBI Washington, July 22 (Spectali.?The gupervlelng ni of c." TnMary toaad aboul ti.r0*' months a_*p that ti,'- appropriation for his elartOOl and toebnMal kura woald toll ikori about 88,000 af tha sum required to mei't the rall af the p;iy n-lls up ro July l, 1888. it was decided to make ap th Selene?a by temporarily ndeetng tbe nlsriea ac -!y, from one half to one dollar a elay was takea fi-eini r.'i" pay of ali employn la bil office gelling aver ?fi ii day. lint with the nell understanding (though thal thia reduction would eon t_me only three months, when the m-w appmpriation would be available, July l. 1888, ami the lalatlna re? in *ith'-r words, tho clerks were reijucs',-.| to ? much from their pockets to kelp tbe o0m out of it;! tender sad avoid a defleieney. (Jnder cumatancn tba clerk-: quletlj *?> the i dreaming but. thal an July 1, 1888, they would ead. It li now f>ootended that, owing to rho office having beea placed under tbe Civil Bervtoe rubi by tbs I :. July 1, lt will nol I"- p'.s-.ble to rc-turo tho clerks, a.s they ai ad according ta tha . . ) an- now n i out aot)ord : three aad a half moathi ago. It i ol th ? toidi of tb* - ffc r. Why, I should rhey .??ii"'-- ? \\ ll r. v. i.o created and Issued the order j- ? I - I Areal leets otu* ?? '.nilli' ? I Service allow ? to be done it. burea cause an Incompetent ch af mismanage? the affairs of his bureau ( BC IL DISC RIYAL ETSIS TO COF.i BD'ALF.SE. St. Tau I. duly ?__ |Bpastal).?OM of the sharpest rlvalii-*-. iioied In tba railroad world for years ls the ?.a ,n now |n progren in the Coen d'Atone country ami Montana and Idaho, When the {forth I'aeitic and Oregon Ballway and Navigation con; an- putung forth thc lr -.-st aftorta ta -? l Tin- Oregon Ballwsg *::d PJavlgaloa Cenpeay I the rontiiirt for a branch from Karmtngton to Mullan, aad ls pushing th" work with all possible rapidity. Tbs Northern Part? i* pushing also a imo into tba mines. Fifteen hunelrcd men arp- now at work on the two roads Between I aaar ff-Jaaa city ami Mullan, BBd a.* a reeult much 8?8) : ' BUB Aildltlonal fores ar*' betSg BIBI bf 'be car load, and s*ion tha rountry will lu- goodad with railroad workmen. Th'-re ls no longer any doubt as te the intention of the Bott beta Pacific people. Tie- original lenroy af Ike line Mi* thill?h i "-'Ut d'Aleno. This ls the road that I* now building, and lt is gem-rally h-liev.-d thal the main line east of Helena, Montana, will bo abandoned Man day BM the mute through * BM! d'Aleti.-. As fast as men are brought in by tho ron tnston of on- road they an bought up and put to -n:* ..ii the competing line. Livii company lu* been doing |-a bea! to harnionixe m_totlna IntenfaM, ind the probability l* that an sgrrement will soon tie made dlviebti- up the territory, and assuring each road af a shan* of thc carrying trade al UM arian. ATTP.ACTlVE QriET AT LOSE, JlFACIl Long Iicarh. with lts gutotBSM and exclusiveness, its fr*-- .1.m ? ? .lodi paaay _Mny**gB>tBBBB-, photograph galleries, papeara .tami*, etc., I* a* at tra--ti\e and js.piilar With those who want undlsturbeil pli'asiires and comforts BB IhS BSSSB'S strand a* lt sv*-r wa*. In fact. lt. populajrlty seems greater than ivor, and lt I* not Improbable that there will hare to be aa solargemeut of tha hotel there The spplica Hon* for rooms In tho hotel and for Hie rental of the cottages have been greater than the accommodations, anl. In addition to the fine bathing, fishing and boat In-' janies have been added lo rhe attractions. Among ethan nab?SSOd at bbs boto! are: John C. Sam, of Indianapolis: A. ll. Shephard, of Washington; ? -ni'f Mltkiewfca awl faroih. 8 S. Calmer and family. I ir. K. V Plane, IT, J. PawdiBg ami wife, Mrs. John T Hoffman O-nrgB H. M_y ami fan.liv, Hamilton Harris ami fannlv. John T. Terry and f.-imMy. Governor John C. lirnwfi, ofTennecwee, and family w. H. (iel. hard and family. J. H. Work and family, and John R. Waters and family. i ? s obituary. CAUL BRENNER. Louisville, Jaly H Ostd _-8BaMB the irtl.t, died here this aftern*.- n. at might's di*..*.*. Ho wa* lorn at LMtnetsB?B, ?siaMS, in USS, and came to Loul.vlil i when a boy. II" beean business a* a *?gn painter. His flr.t picture that attracted attention wa* exhibited it the e ania?lal BrrblMBra M 1878 Ba ni nay indu.trtou*. and ?.;do_i ws* there an exhibition of American pictures without i Brenner. III* especial study was the beech tree under all groupings sod conditions. He loam a wife and eight children, tho eldest of whom. Carl, ls studying painting In Munich. -?* COLONEL ENOS FOCRATT. Colonel Enos FouraC. Chi- f of PeBM of N>w-Errjn*'-lck, died at his ...ii'- hean ai Mflban yaala-?by morning. He i* as an Bade of BX-CuBBin?? HIMS BM* snd was born tetoway Baal nbn 18, U-7. BS isMgasd ?? a?*e* sor. and went Into the army a. captain M Company F. 1st New-Jersey YotaaMSta, in ISSL and was in twenty? -six battle., and wa* mustered out of nevin In 1888* haling a-.taincd the rar.k at nlSMl at tie* battle of An? tietam. Ile wa* wounded in the had. and lt wa. thought ho would die. In 16*1 he did court martial duty at _as.t.vinf. Tenn., and was with Sherman In the mar-:h to the sea. He wi. mad. Chi- f M PeBM In awS*\ Bo will be buried In New-Brunswick. _ EMIL S. ll _B___ff. Milwaukee, July BS.- ** ' | sbto iSIS^SlI herc this afternoon ann.*I life at BlSBMB, Cermany, of tho millionaire brewer. Baal Bcbandein, -rlce-pn Heat Brewing Corrpany. II" hns laen away only a meath, having gaas te Barep* Immadlalaly atm toa tal Curiveiition, to which ho ww * del ?sala __^_ PROFESSOR HENEY CAKVILL UBW-k Philadelphla, July 2-.-A M_Mgian hM hero snm.unclog thc death, at Mn .d. j lam lilt at Baan Can I ala liMinar Acad.-my Ot Hatai I ?? *? tot* OaUege Pntoasn Lewla nlled In lang? land a few week* ago, and latandad to nanto diirip_d thr'.-e or faur y.-ars, his alto and i hlld accompanying him. One of his object. In going t? England at this tine was to reid a pa**"' British Asea and lt wsa his Intention M pMWBM hil get logical studies In Norway._ PrSDAY-SCHOOL WORKERS AT _..?!?THT PARK. Albury Parfc, July 89 (Bpeetal).?Thisi was the ninth day of the Sunday -school Assembly. The Kev. Dr. Henry A, Butti preached the baccalaureate sermon at the Auditorium from Paul's words t " I have kept tho tal?" ?"Peal," said he, "wm b eredlbto witness. Be was uear enough to the beginning of Christianity to know whereof he spoke. His prejudice* mm against Christianity. Ho lived thirty yean after his con? version, and had ampi** time in whic'.i to Judg'* af in truth. He kept his faith through persecution. aflUa tlon, lufferlng and Impr sonment and under the caro of all the churches. His ability waa unquestioned. He gave to the church tba key wurdi af the ology, such as Justification and sanctit-ation. He was rho great founder of Christian theology. From Paul's day to th.* present time theloglans have been expounders of Paul's reaching. H. gapped the Idea of a world---ld chr<**' lanitv. His Integrity wn unquestioned Af'-r all hi* suffering*, Ie* was able to asg: -I have kr pt tba faith.* We have to take much on faith. I would take Paul's testimony before a"? o^f* ,,.* falfh that could command an itfellect Ilk*; -aal '? a life like hts and hi* triumphant d-ath convince men of the reality of Christianity." ^^_ .. uni i-unday schools numb-"-"! twenty-one hundred. The Woman's Chrhttan Tom peranc* cnlon held a aervlce this *f?',":_r^'y,.r the usual >s>ach meet - i ? rmon erse delnerea b? the Kev. Dr. C. J. Little, of Syracuse lulversiry. aa? ? A SEW 8YSAG0GCE DEDICATED AT LOSG BRAS in. _ong nranch, N. J.. July 29 (Spec I al).-The new Jewish synagogue, the Bonn of Miriam, on North Bath-ave, tho only synagogue on the New-Jersey . wm formally dedicated thia aftereooa Th" building 1- a handsome frame structure. It a M crowded to the doon and several hundred peraoBs were unahb* to gain admittance. Th- dedMat-On cen monlM wen nader tba suparvfetaa of tbs Beard af TrtlitCW T M. Einanucl. pn lidenl : Leopold Marks. -rlce-pnaUent; charles Behwager, nerstaiy; Louis Bothenburg, Measurer; J. Ooldstaln, & Buasmaa and F w. Marks. Rabbi P. de Bola N mdes, of ^"syna? gogue in Porty-for-rth-st., New-York, preached the h sermon Th. catorj ceremonle* ?!r..c,? .1." ".-d'by he Rei Dr. Edwa I and. \ well-trained choir from New-Yorb rei ne mus c. The offlclatlng clergymen were clad In the fl vestment* ol the Jewish prlc-thood [-,-,.- i, worth with the -- ?;? ?_???_ ? remain* unpaid. About a third ^Jffijg. d to-day. Mani promlneui Bebrew aud -ana ttagen attend, d ihe nrvleea ?i-?-> BOSSES ISJCRED JIT RAHS TR THE STREETS. Fr.,:n The Albany Journal. The nt-_- "f valuable horses toland In thl* etty by MU in tin- streets is large A lady at this .fflee a dav n twa a. i aad arid mat a Mr. Btohep, a resident nf Edward*-.-, had lost, a 1-lBbM hor*- from Loci a.-. th- result of ?n Injury r-a- ng cn a rusty' nail. Jame* McKune, an expre..mau, a Kw reeba since had ? horse similarly Injured, which rend- r- 1 him unlit for usa and from which lbs animal ha. not yet -conrad. Another expressman. No. 18, had * horse badly hurt from the same eau*.*, which necessitated his HllllBB-Bl from work for some time. If the cl-*rks in the stores would use a llttlo Judgment when they open rases cf goods on the sidewalk, aud throw the nail* BtoBWhen than on the ItnM, a great dc- ot thia .ort of trouble would be obviated. ? TCH-IT AFFECTED THE HEAT. From The Boston Transcript. The Listener** friend Q. hus lately set up a household nf his own. and Mrs. Q- is I.Ivtog much valuable ad vice relating to mr bonnkaep__ from the butchers, bakers snd candlestickmakcrs with whom she deal*. Haying had maa littl-! dill-'ul ty In keeping her meat* In this hot wcsth-r, lb* ? ? Mr butcher, who ?ald th-* fault *p_B'l in the Mel and then piUUllMO to BU Ms haw to keep har meat In the refrigerator. - Van must put lt on a plat.*, io," h- ??, "and then ?oy-r lt over wlrh inetbW pin''1. *" I 'CBBM it a|n - *? nueb a matter of slr as lt la of ifanaaphan I" This -? a-mosphcrc" botband Mrs. cj. for awhile, but .he finally d..'Cided that lt was temperature tho butcher meant. gloomy rOBBBOBIRBk -'rom The Uacela (Mab.] JoanaL And the voter, never vottoS, st? '* gloating, still s grating, o'er the ?orr"W that await* m" whoa the ,*? a demon'* that la dna__is ?a _ta shadow an um Beor, and my ...ul from -ut that, shad a '^n the door, ihall be lifted, nevermore.?(Thurman. ?-? THE CASS TOWED FRO il OSE FIDE. rrom Th.- CbMaga _Mb-_a ? V, . tba, n she washed tho bleed rom hi. aeaa, " this i* -Sal yea iel hw dis..!,.-;.::., hav.' told yu no; to play with Bob y Stapleton- ir yoi ,:i i h- ? **''''- i I "? b '???? i ' Int* anv ' I ahiiuld punish yea *.rl.,u*ly no'.Y if you were lot so s>i.n!v jaml-hed already." ?ar," repl id a/Ulla, a ij**tleally, vs h<* glanced n a ei ? c-* ? go and get tho .lipper. Tn haven't Mfa llob.'1 THE WE ATI! LR REPORT. Govr.R*>TMK>rT indications ?ron 30 nocrtv W?BBB?e*-, July Bl?PM NrwED-iand. local rains, ollowed ly fair, .lightly warmor weather i yarlabi* wtnet* Far Lost, ni N"W-\'or., Ka.t.-rn IVonsTlvanla, New mar, I'clswBr** and Mary lam'., fair weather, followed joiolayafternoon by le?-I rain* i -lightly cooler; variable rinds. Pcf sonth Carolina. Oeorg'.a, Florida, Alabama. Ml?.:?*ippl -malana and Kaat.-rn T.-xa*. fair weather, preceded by Deal rains tn Florida; statlimarr temperature. Kor Virgie.!-, North <"?rollna. Kentucky. Tenne.nee and lrk_n*_*. fair, with *?nonary te-piralure, followed by lightly cooler weather. Fur West Virginia. Western New-Vork and Western Tenn ylvani*. local rain*, followed la We*i Vlrflnl* by fair, tightly cooler weather. for dino, Induna and Illino?, tali. preced*d by ioeal atn* io unto. *1 mhtlr cooler. I ur Michigan and Wi*con*t_, fair, preceded by local rsin* n th. l*ke. ; _Ughtlr cooler, except atationtry temperature a Michigan. Minnesota, F.a*tern sad Sonthwe?t?r_ Dakot*. local Hus. followe- by fair, cooler wcath.r. For low* and Missouri, fair weather, follow*! Monday light by local rains . cooler. Iur Kana*., Nebra.k* sud Colur*!-, local rains, preceded j tait w_at_er la haslem kans**: slighti/ wsrmer. TRIBCXB LOl-AL OBSFRVATIONa __ BAR. I Him t 11 ;o i_lgg4't8''p O'cti ri* i **yT-7..%-',Jf7*-*^r'"*??e?-?- ??r?~r?-? r-*f?2^;.-.jil :; '.;:\' 30.0 ?--.,.,., , ,.,'??? A. inches 30.5 Taint.'*? orric*. July 88, l a. m.? Oca.raily fair w**t-*r rrrailil yM-tdar, with a meas _a?i_tr af Ai, Tee temper-tar* ranged between ?0? and SI0, ta* average (70." > being _-,?? lower than on tb* 8BBMB8BBBB8J day ??? y*?r, and ." higher than on -satnrday. In and near this city to-dar there will probably M fair weather, followed br .bowers and growing cooler. THE !___*___ EV THE CATSKILLS. Hotel Kaat'TsklU. N. Y , July 2_ (Wpecl_l).-The atf bu been dellghtbil herc to-day. The Tribune reached Its numerous reailer. among tho guest* at thl* hotel at 0 !_f a. m. to-day. The bundle wa* taken from the early Catskill Mountain train at. Palenvllle and waa hurried up the mountain In fifty minutes by pony. express* The express wa* starred last Sunday by two young men ol Palenvllle, who extend their early .linday paper delivery to the various other MSMBBS In thl* end of tho ( a'sjilll range. A largo number of papers were ijubkly s*-!*!. hut on the arrival of tha regular New-"lurk newspaper package af ll o'clock. ev. ry paper if contained was nap aa*- of at once and still some of rhe gneats were* unaappMad. Ihe eclipse of thc noaa WM closely observed here by several hundred gaaata who remained up tor the purpose. A, more favor*: ; -, - I to Ml lt could not be selected. lT_e iky was clear as crystal. PROTECTION". The mammoth steel vault now ?*:ng built by the Mar. via Safe Co. tor the Garfield ."afc Dep-ilt 0o.,23d-at and 6th-av*.. this city, ls fast appro.v-nin. completion, fn asaterial and construction lt will ?cllp? anything of Ita kind In thi* country. Escape all danger from atta?_?of Dtarrhoja, Dyien tery or Cholera Morbui by using Dr Jayne'! Carmina? tive lia'san: --aa old remedy, te tie sura but a* safe and certain a* aver. - ? Indiscretions m eating or irinking often cana* serlen* trouble, which may b* prevented or removed by TaR-aX fa ?SSLTZCR AFRHItiNT. ? ? Tb* Beat III_h-( la.. Clanrenes, _ i ?*t Trot.' -??? -..i' r-ir > ir_ M ARRI ED. 8ftEI.DO~-DAVFNP-.ItT In rirooklvn. Jeir 91. I**.-*-, hy tbe Uer. Morns W. l'ric", Mr*. Sad.e R. Davenport l* G*orge H. Shel 'on. _ Softers of marriages must be indorted with foll name and address. ^^^^^^^^^^ DIED. BLEECKER-At AtUntle ruy. X J.. Jnly 19. Anna Inger soil wifeof the lat* Henry Bleecker. tor?erlyof Albany, N V , am! o! the lat.: Itov. William. Mei::, of Pb lad?phi* EVE Ri: IT- At Cruton Falls, on Thursday, Joly 19. Georgi. anna, wif., nt Willum W. Everett, and daughter of tho lat* lot teri Bf. Kellay. Foner.i: at Uer late residence on a un lay next, ail o'clock. Carriage, will be at croton Fall* on arrival of train l**vtag Orange'mural I?p-it at ll li). J0rr\STciN-')n ITidiy. Julv 20, at Bsr Harbor. Main*, Princes e'olles, wifeof John Taylor Johnston, aad daugu. t.-r>.f th? lal" James c*l'e?. or this city. Fun.-ral serv.ces at lier re.i leuce, .io. ? Stk-av*. on Tue*?t_]f ni.,rn:ug. '-'.tli Inst., al l*):3c). Please omit n iiron. Mli.l.Ki:-At Newsrk. S. J.. a*ierd*v mernlaf. JolySl, *ol. John Mdler. in hu tstb year. Relative* and trends are resoavctfully invtted to attend h'.i funeral from Ins lato r?td?10*. Fr.-nian-st.. between j;,.? orv amt Ferry ats. i ballantine _. Cai , oa Tuesday, Jn'.v 21, st 2 o'clock p. in. r. i___8?_t linger m_L North Cornwall. Cona., Joly Bl. 1888, Mrs. Cathirln* lt. Hager*. aged 79*. Funeral at her Lite rea..lenee, on tuesday, at 11 o'clock. Rf'E-On Tli* Julv li*. 1888, B ".ward Payaoa Ro*. ot c ure wali-oii-ilii'l.iia. in the list year of lit. age. Relative, ami frlen.ta are r*ap**lf?lr lavttM I" attend Ih* fn-.en: ea U?Mar. inly 33, at - .so o',-inck p. m., from Firs! Pre.hy;e-i lil church, c _rn wa. I un ll nilton. Carri***! to meet W. s. It P. train, leaving N*wYork 10.1-un* ll ans. m.: also ll. IC 1'. ll. irani*. BHO'iK-oa Jnly ID, at har lat* res:-*eno*. lil Wost 57111 st.. Charlotte H.. wife .,( Arthur Shook. Funeral from st. < nrva.,sto-n'. Church, st, c*rner 7th? .it... Mon i it. Joly 23, sr lo a. m. Interment at ll-'\ ttOOk, Now York. BMITB?Oa July 20. Haag, st her re*ld*nc*. Kn. 413 W**| 22d st . New-York cur. -arah Boyce, widow ot Tho*. If an ford .Smith. Funeral servite* st her late restden**, Monday, Joly 23, st 1 .10 p m. Interment at convenience of the family. Please omit nowers. WALI.lN'ei-At Kerport, N. J., on Bandar. Jnlr ... Debe? ra-, nilo iv of the Ute Leonard Webing, lr. the Selia year of :.-- aaa Service, at the Methodist Church, Kerport, Tu**day, ll * m. WHIPPLE-Entered into rest st Nantucket. Mas*. July 19, 18-18, Rev. tleorge B. Whipple, of F?nb?uit, Minn* ?eta WHITE?In on Friday. Jnly 20. Marv A.. wifeof J . ? -a1! il. v. hue. and daughter of Henry Crofut, esq , of Lsntiury, Conn., in the _? year of her aga. Funeral taman ne heil at her lat* residence, Ko, 41 ant. nu Mon.'..iv, Jnly 23, at lu a. in. Inerrant at Hr; 'jr-uort. Ct. au Be wara. WR\ Y?We.'.ne.d.iy evening. Inly 18. at Mf re**, 748 6th- ive.. Mary Anne, wi.low of Stephen Wray. Funeral isa*tua* Monday. SM inst., ar. 12 m. ?9 Gnecial Notices. A.? l?*or?e A. I.envtit _ t'onipnny. IL C. MERRY, Auctioneer. ART BOOMS. 7*7 AND 7*? UH IADWAY, COB. 10T1I-.-1T. ihe Ma_ai_c*et Ubrart** of MERi-iiirii HOWLAND. I.SO, and a well -noun Hoon collector, IN' I.fl'iN',, Art and Illustrated Book* . Helles-l.ettrea : Poetry, Drama find *>hake?ipear:ani?. Amerl. au.i . Slavery and Civil War; Histor)-, Ktctiou, Sr;,-n.e. lr.vela and Voyage*; Natural History: Cur.osa; Augung and r-iporting, cruikshank"*.*, AMONO WHICH MAY BB MENTIONED Vanderbilt * -tieeUon, pr:v,ir-i>- tprinie,: tippy on Japan paper Bl'!.'. New Te.lament Etching*, lilli e'entnry Uiuniinats-t vellum Breviary, Waverly Nov..-:*. Abbotsford Edmon ; Riverold* loee-, 12s voa; Townsend'* e,ii;:on of e'onoer, Briuuiiica . Fielding, Riclisrdson and How. arc Staunton'*Shake?pean: Washl*.?>o irvin.. .2 vol-: ilerciilaneiiiii .ibu Pom pott, Jameaoir. U arks, ll.wliu.on'* illalone*. Behool*rail's lu mui, Dicken., Thackeray, __, ia cjUii'-rb biu-inga. TO LE SOLD BY AOCTIOB. THUi'.Sli.'.Y PRIDAV AND -ATLRDAY, J I.'LT SS, Tl AND 2*. AT 10 il.) A M. AN!) 2 3* P. M. I,**.',*! I.*) is, OVER 5.000 Vul.t'MEI. I siubiished l*?7*s L.dl*. g*lng *broad or to HM countrr for th* *nram*r, Ol thoa* who prefer *>uy:ng lo UM ria* and troon!* of making prcrerve* Ac, wi.I lo well to .end the.r order* *_rly for MUS. MCELRATU'3 HOME-MAiDK preserved. brandied, canned and spiced fruits pure red currant jelly a specialty. Jellie., Jam., Pickles and Mince Meat*. Fv-rvthlng put :i;p in g'. ?*. Uoo.1. .loretl until fall. En price*, reference*, ,__, -ddre** Mra -arah a McELRATH. .13 D.graw-st. _ Brooklyn. N. Y. _ec_ra* Jmil'-ar ORBIS TERRARCK. APOT.T.TNARI* APOI.l-INAniS. AI'oI.l.lNAUIS. "THE QCEF.N OF TABLE WATER-" riie fllllng at the Apollinaris **prtni larinj _*y_- ISSI am on n ted to . Iltf0_,000 BOTTLES. Of all froccrs, druggist- sn 1 mineral water dealira BEWARE OF IMITATION-. a To ."other. "Mr*. WINSLOW'S * lOTHINQ SYRUP for Childrea re*thlng" softens tho gums, rsiuce. lutii musti*n. _ll*y* nd diarrhoea. 23 c-nt* a bottla. To -*>olli-ii and Heal ihe fsUin l'e^ .ARWF.LL. MA.-Ki .t .a, * Kl.l'tlt FLOWER and C'L'MIIKR I'l.EA il. LUI lin.a.'wiy. i**al O-ce Nolie*. Should be read cfuiiy by Ml tau.*n.-.te? a* chao-** may >ccur at any time. . . ,. I?tt. rn countries need not be specially id a ov any particular su-amer, except a hen ... lad cony. nerclal docu:- I nol sMdally *i_re?_e4 bcin_ icm by th I ist* -? n -- .a svall reek an?i?| July 2S wUl close ?promptly in a:i naeal at this om.- _. f.dlows: SON DAT?Al IS m. for ii.iyt.. nretasanbaj Alp*; ats f. m. for l'rogroao, per slea a.iiu El ' a.i.o. rCEeiLAY ?At lp. m. for Progreao. eer steamship Pan. ai?A via Iiavaua <!i-'.lera for olii-r M*Rl_aa Stein ?list be dire. Lil "p** Panania" -t 'li*) o. m. for Pro grt-.o. per stesin.alup liisi* Prtoc*. Hom Newt?rt Nsw* Uetl.-i. tor other Mex.tau Ma le a mutt be a: rea; 1*4 ??per Black 1'iiiico "). ?fkDXKHDAV- At Hu for Irelanp*, p*r su*s**hl* A rlatic, via ijuaer.stoira, (i.nari for tlroat Br.ia.:i sui other Eiir..po_o couiiir.a* nii.t b* tlirecio.1 -per Ad?BU* 'li M :t J<) a. in. for Ea? rn .-. p.-r ste*ms_.i> *___> via SoolaauipUin aud tirein** l.ettor.ror lie..mi mi.' be.lire.u-l " iwr *)a*l. " i , st j SB a m. for Brl.ium direct, per alesmsuip Relgen^na, Tl* Antwerp (letters unui MS??NM " p*r Bela*** Und ' , at 1 a m. tor BS Croix snd st. Thoiu.v*. via n_ crou.ale*! laleeda direct, par*t***s*_i| Ori r aaa n I p up. f..r l'*i?, chlap*.. Tabaaeo snd 1 .ttaa. par .leaia.hiu Nugara ueiter. for lamplco aad iu.pi'ii ilirei-t and f*r other Mexican nt*?? via Vera ira . ma.t be directed " per Ni.gsr*"). rBVBSDilY-At 2 p. m. for Jamaica, <ii.ytown. Bell.*, e,_il<--___, Puerto Corie* aud IruxOio, per ?t?-n.hip Beada 'BI DAY?At Un. m. tor Blue-*lil*, p*r st**_i??p Barta-, rom New-urlo?ii_ ia! I'KDAT - ai ja.u.v m. tor Frsae*. **witi*n?ni- Italv, hi'.in *nd Portugal, per steamship l_ uretagae, na Havre , at i Kl _ m. tor i.reat Brltaui, lreUo.t. B*i g.uia aad Netherlands, per smam.ii ip AorauiA ?? *4uoain.t*wn iletter, for iieraiany, Au.tri*. Denmark, r-w.dan, Norway, itu.... .u.i Iar.-y luu.i t? d_reeMa "par Aurania" al .sir a. b. ?t iierniasy, Au.trt-. 1 ? ulnar*, -wadna. Norway. Icu-... and i'ufk-y, per steamship Ellie, vi* Breineu letter* tor olhei European r.puniries. via Boathanipton. must be tl roo ta. t "per Elbe".; at. _e>s. ai tor i-cotl-aa dtrset, per SSBBBBJalp e. in.?..a, via ii...gow ..tiers aiu.l b* -lirMted "ooo c ;rra?su' at I 18a m. for the Neia.ri****. via B_t per .levu.aip AmatenUa ,.*i_r*mu*i he di r*ote.t "par Auis'i-r-uni" . ai 7 a. m. for Norway direct per .leam.hip lieki* (MUBM must tr* directs? "pea? Kable"! is. a fur Australia. N '? . ''.. Hsws.ian, Fiji and Sa mo*a per .le.uialup /ealauili* (from Bau Fr.actMOk, r.o-? ber* July -.2, *l * do p. m. tor on arrival at Mew York ol a?ani.kip Aurania, with Brill, a mau. tnt A as? tra i.. Mail, for Ohio a and Japan, per -t*ani?hlt) B?la*_ (froa han Francis.-.? . clo** har* Jaiy "I*, al T rx m. Mail, for th ? Society Islauds. [sar ship City of Ps pel tl i from Han lran.-isi.oi. cl-s* here July-ii, at 7 p. m. Balla far Cub* ny ra., to Tampa, Kia., and theao* by steamer, vi* Kay li eal. FIA. clo** al un* e_c? dally at '.':.?.i a m. ?T!i**eh_t1nl*of closing of Traa^ Pacific _u_a 1. arr?a*>t n the preaumou m o' their uniu? rruuUal everlaa* Wanan o Baa Francisca, Malla from Ut* tail arriving *t*. il_eai aa Franciscan ihe dsy ot Miling of suaaaar* an*' it.aca th* amma Oaf. _ henry c raAKao-t. rnt08Ue.Ksw.Tar_. daly 18,1888,