Newspaper Page Text
MR. CLEVELAND'S RECORD. Continued from Fourth Vii?e. belonging ba Dei*,, rt merit to save nionev for Gov? ernment iltv**."*. Mureil ".'7: Yin- Tribune, I.): though rseliinc waaena of Departonut. uaed stable fur liimseli ami Commi_ioBcr Montgomery, their liorsos fed at puhlie expense, Government mes Benger employed to drive Commissioner's carriage liss:.. Ans. is; *rin- Tri-uae, '.:..-. Lamar'a defence i>t Thompson business that ._*?apaoB-a por? trait hail be-on hanging wu li thal "I other Sec? retaries, for ninny y.ars U*.'i. June 13? New York Herald, _.' , coBBeetioO with Pan Electric joh?** here we hive Seeretary cf In! trior uniting with Attor?n-'y-iii-m-i-ai employing name, aotbority, lunney of United Mates, instituting and oarryiog on in their own private interests, and for their own personal enrichment. Litigation again.! t>.11 ?"? nt of CnitaM State**, ollieinl scandal ol (Int in.a_ni tudc.. over-topping everything else ol the kimi thnt has ever boen concocted since tlie nation was in existence" (1888, Jan. BO; New-York Sun. 2.i; " regard h-ss of law, of facts, nnd of public nistu-e. endorsed and adopted scheme of usin_ nain*- an.l authority nf United States to proBeeute privitte potaMit suit*' (1888, Kel). 4: New-York Sun, 2..; title to Bell's patents in no way relieves Adminis? tration of taint-, already so blackly smirched ilr-sii, Feb. ii; New-York Min. c.-; t_n 1.i,-.-tiii- worse rhnn Credit M.-bilier Kcumlal. there- BOCabiiie! Mui i-sta-r na an grid ii **!*(!. i'll). 11 : New-York Sub. '?'.': ? of what eoiiseiiacuco are Garland. Lamar, Alkina, Armstrona. Goode r pshaw- sad ot h. r official* who are mixed up with I'an Electric job, compared with millions of Demiu'fntic roten who suffer DY" ?pre-sciiee of these men in ollie**, an.l wini wit! rx* put on tho defensive at coming election tu meet Republican Indicttnen! again*) them'" issi,, feb. 12: Nc-w-York Sun, 2.1; " must go; follow* lag Goode an*i Garland he Pan Elcctrio seaadal should be fastened more firmly uj>on the Administration ami the Democracy*1 1888, Feb ll : New-York San, 2.'; "Yrs, public office isa hm Electric trust" 1888, Au.. 18; New-York Sui;. *.' ; under Ijimur om- chief of diviaion several hundred dollars m debt te his clerks, hardly one ot IBS suborelmatos mil cheated (1867, July 12; New-York Sub, l.j '" Lette, lo sparks nnd his hasty publication **f it shows has neither temper nor calm judicial faculty which should character? ise Justice of Supreme Court" (1885, Nov, 1_; New-York Times. 4.); appointed Justioe Supreme Conn. lsr*:. Dec 7: New-York Sun, l.) LAMB, JOHN E.-Pct of V.ior!),',-.; " A violent. Democrat, without special reputation or Stan*?lng as a lawyer, BBd was rejected by constituents for ("onirress last year. When Blaine visited Torre Haute, Mr. Lamb, then i Coagres*?Ban, f.ton-1 at the corner of the main St.eel "I thc city nnd shouted intended Inaurte as proeeaslon pass ti. This is the sort of partisan he _ and to reward him, Charles E Holsteia, I nited States District Attorney, is removed, a gallen! and dr-tinsuished soldier, u lawyer of Bne ability, bas ntade an efficient oflic-r: nr. grounds f.>r removal except offensive partisanship, bat was particularly courteous and quiet speaker, there bein, nothing of the vi,ilent partisan about him'' 11885, July I; New-York Times, oj IIECKSTET. OF OFFICES AND BLACKMAILER I__tCA_-__t, r D.-Appointz-d Surveyor al St. Louis tis**."., Nov. 25; New-York limos. 4. As eminent as Diggins in election operations; protest of Star*- Losuraace Commissioner, aecre t.ur.v of Demoeratle State Committee, Judge Bar? clay sad Representative Front, who declare ai> pointment direct insult to -.11 decent Democrat* : nacl been appointed Ta_ Collector, bur was by Democrat ie ootuiel] rejected f**r character: i's ts* T: m issn waa bead of " Dark Lantern" organ? ization, and charged with selling nomination of judge of City (Curr to a man who, alter ex? pos ;re. was defeat-el at the polls : s-w..rn tesli cioiiy after eleetioo Bhowed organisation received $7,008 from different oandidatos, and tbat I.nn eaater lia*! offere.l to enrry Ninth Ward lor Frost for 11.500 (1885. Nov. '..'.: "i'he Tribune, _.) Al*> charged by Congreaaman Glover with de fraudine United Suites in connection willi whis? key ring ls.sei. Jun. 28; The Tribune, 1. Suit against Glover fe-r H50,0<*0 damages resulted iii verdict for defendant on live counts, aad SB lifU-en count*) a total of thirteen ce-n!s damagea for Laaeaster; verdict that he personally figured ns huckster of sffloea and attempted to black? mail ea_?rJdatca; verdict in his favor for one cent, on char?" of unbending public m-moy ; same verdict em charge of attempt to i ll ludgeahip of Court of Appeal- to three persons; same verdict on charge defrauding an i r? >ri company : sum- on charge of collecting tea per cent on nore which salkd f**r aighi; same on charge that h*- wai piv.sip'.fiit political organization lor rh,- purpose ol selling offloes; nme en charge attcinp! to defraud Government in contract for beseting apparatus ia Cuatom Douse; aame ob charge thn! be trans? ferred property, winn bondsman for Whiskey .".in., in order to defraud Governmenl; same on charge of betraying private trust: same on char.** of genera] brat] reputation for twenty yean (1888, June'lH; The Tribune, i.i L__NGj W. W.?Appointed Consul et Hamburg; rsnlil to be- representative al Hamburg of Gould Huntington syndicate; baa beea immigration agent of Southwestern Railroad system in Europe for four yean 1885. April i : New-York Times 5.) LAWTON, A. 1, - Appointed Mmi--t* r ro Russia; ns Confederate soldier never had his political disa? bilities removed Is*:-. April l-l: New York 'I inv s. r,. \Y;is sc-i/ir of Furf Pulaski ancl rebe] nfli cer (1 885, April 1 .'i: New-York Timea, 1 Gar land reports him. neverthc less, qualified, holds thal Johnson's proclamation removed disabilities 1885. April 2H; New-York 'linns. 2. Rebel lns.pbiliti.-s A.! quoted 1885, April 30; New-York Hen id, A) noteworthy that our of abeu! twenty nersons ejt eluded by thai aer. this Administration has already selected" three for Important appointments; ap point'-d Minister tn _Austria after -isabilitif* r* Baoved by CeBgreai 1887, April IT: New-York Sun. 2.' LAWTON, ISRAEL ?Appointed Directer of San Francisco Mint: charge- that he iv owner of block let for disrepute bis purposes (1888, March IT: New-York World, 1.) LAZELLE COLONEL H. M.-Chargcd with publication war records; ordered board to consider what records should be destroyed or sold as wast" paper 1887, Dec. 31 ; New-York Titre's, 5.) LESLIE, P. H.?Appointed Governor of Mon tana; was Governor of Kentucky, then Circuit Jml.e for several years, but beaten in Strong D' mo erntic district, and h's irascibility on thc bench BO great that the Presielrnt would not appoint him Chief Justice: stieeve clod ll'user, who critieisrd Sparks, and resigned 1888, Deo. 18; The Trib une, 2 i Maginnw, long time Democratic delegate from -fontana, had promise from Governor limiter of reesaBsaendation foi Governor, bur President woulrl net appoint, thoti-li he* had served thc |*.<> ple faithfully and waa id* nulled with th"ir inter? ests 11887, Jan. 1: The Tribune, .'. Presidenl a_ate_ ir was because Meeton? had in-cn agent, of thc Manitoba Railroad, which bad quarrelled v.-ith Northern Picitic, " he would not Ik* drawn toto th*- quarrel"; Governor Houser had carried Ter? ritory for thc Democrata by Maginnis's sid, prom Isin. to rosicn in liis favor: did resign: Presidenl nt once appointed Leslie tl 887, Jan. 2; The Trib? une, i LEWIS, E. P. C ?Of New-Jersey: appointed Minister to Portugal: colonel in Confederate ser? vice: sold relies of Washington an.l nor?-ait of his crandmoth'-r, Mrs. Custis (1885, March 28; 'Hie Tribune, 1.1 LOTHROP, GEORGE V. N.?Appointed Minis? ter to Kussia: neted lor Phoenix Dink, and a New York Judge fouad evidence which established a ease of '* active, design***- and Intended fraud on part of balik" 1885, May .'"*: The Tribune, 2, Supposed was urging legitimate ami equitable claim (1885, May i-i: New-York 'limes. I.) Dc eisie.n of Ji.elc 1'e'tt-er. cf New-York, above qnoti-d, bal Jodge Robertson -hough! Couosel Lothroppcr rsonally not coanisanl 11885, May 28; New-York Times. 4. Aria! emtieal tendeney; amassed foe tun*- ehic-fly in s--rvicc- of railroads Detroit Even? ing N'evj.s is*',. May 14; New-York Sub, 2, I/)VEE J__-OMT_.-Colleetor ai Corpus Christi: rcrroved utter rears of faithful i rvice for alleged Mtacoaduct in his youth [1885, Aug. 3; The 'Irib ane-. 1.1 LYON, F. (J.?Appointed Postmaster at South iak-m, ia place el Laarrenee, who hi*<i held office twenty-two years; removes poa! offloe to his house, n mile- and a half from the -illa.--: boycotted by the people (1885, Dee 14; The Tribune, 1. MCCARTHY, BARNEY J.-Appointed Postal Railway Clerk al Watertown, N. \.: " r-triot" sins one of th" most active ward politicians of city; rm-mher Democratic County Committee; in place McGuire, in service If teen years and Union veteran; one of best men cu road (1888, Juna 12; _.i"rv-Ye>rk Sun, 2.1 CLEVEEANDS HIRELINGS AT WOBk. MeOLF.l.EAND, CHARLES P-Deputy C-diee tor; waa-delegate to New-York Democratic Srnte Convention from Westcbester Distric! : aN.i H ? CARNEY. JAMES. Revenue Stamp Agent, waa lander ?v_It_ District: als., the fnlinwing al tended Convention: IMEI/UIAN. M. P., Special 'ir.: -irv Asent, and MAGEE, CHARLES J.. Clerk in Custi m llipiise. who H:i<i seiits on sta..-: HAJ.L ROBERT, Inspector Life Preaervera; MARllN, Collector al Oencsee; BEACH, I ll Collretor al Syracuse; HANLON, I. ll, Collector ut Buffalo; HACKNEY, Poatmaaterel Fort Pis n; HAMMOND. J'*etmaater al Senc-ca Falla; LODERlCK, POatal Agent: BROWN, Marana] of Northern District; RILEY, PATRICK, Postmaster a! WeM Point; BTODT, JAMES C., Superintendent Public IlmM ings: all prcsp-ut (18efl, May lt; Ne-w York "World, 2.1 Mc(:oN\TLLE, DANIEL, Ohio-Appointed (Sixth Aii-liTi.r: "very active worker in Ohio polities, in pince of .fudge Crewel*, wh?ea char? acter and ability arero such that manj li-'i.-d Pr-si'l*nt v- ul-i reeogai-e his m.-nt*; by retainlna liim iud'-'init'1\" 11885, March 2-r.: Kew-York Times, i ' Mcconville roi a lawyer, bul vice ckiiminn oi,in Di'moa-sratic Ptate Committee. an*f creivat* i-e.-ri*i,ir\- Goveranr Hoadly 11885, March 2.'.; The Tribune, 1.) DismlaBed ? clerk in his oflice for BBOU-ing for Illoine PfevJOBS year il885, June 4 : New York Sun, I.) MsELWEE, J. S.-1-movcd from New-York Custom House lor druakencc.6 und Lo-uhordinu ts ion: te-stimonv of Moore; testimony of M*Mul l.-ii that McEnroe mus mined br Maynard in violation of law (1888, May 88: New-York Sun, McKEAN, H. P.?BOM place in Pension Bureau J attended meeting ol Pennsylvania Demoei_tie stan* Committee, opposing Cleveland- candidate! persuaded to vote for thal caBdidate; promoted I.* bc BMSBSBSer St While House; rewarded for pernicious activity; an Instance of praC-Oal p*.li tiis tis';*. Marah '?? New-York" Sun. 4.) Md,ANT",, ROBERT M.?Appointed] Minister to France; aged and conspicuous Democrat of Mary lntm, who in speech al Baltimore in isci de? ll ired he '* lontlii'i! Inion soldiers" and that "the Invaders polluted our soil" tl rsi*.-., March 20; Tin- Tribune, L) McSWEENY, EDWARD.-Refuaes 11,600 Post offloe in dis.nsi iliiSa, July K">; The Tribune, ?1. : Blade Appraiser's Assist mt at San Francisco (1885, ('ct. ?:: Th.* Tribune, 2.); gets ipeciftlrr created sinecure in Custom House at 81,800 (1885, Nov. 7: The Tribune, _.); reward for denouncing Blaine. M.\i ILK.? Appointed Minister to Sweden nnd Norway : D-moeratlC lender " who lintis po difTi cultr in adapting himself to standard of working oolitic inn* of Indiana"' (1885, March Bl; New York Times, 1.); does not pay Ids hilts, plays poker while reoeivtog Swedish officials: irregu? lar business hours il PST, Oct. Iii; New-York World. 1 an.l I.) MACON". DANIEL.?Appointed Collector at New York, vice lledelr-n. ns soon ns Thompson died 1888, Aug. ll; New York Sun, I.i; looks very much lil*:.-- politics u **(*(., Aug. ll: New-York Sun. 2.): professional politician, machine man of extremist, type; no other capacity fr*r position: difficulty to comprehend appointment unless in reference to second t<-rm: ludicrous anti-climax to removal of Heddon, who was nnilT enough, hut Bl lc-iist no -moils politician by trade (1888, Aug. ll; New-York World, .1..: arbitrary eonduet t-* blic and Bubordinates [1886, Oct. 22; New-York . n. 2. : resurrects old law of 1 TO'c that mani? fests mus! l*e- Hied in full before clearances ott [riven t" steamers; law bow impossible to execute, bul mum are lined for disregard and then- is great indignation 1886, Nov. 12; The Tribune,-, : hacks down from order, saying "due to a depnty who had been overhasty" [1886, Nov. 1 .'I; New York 'linns, s. : declares flatly that he never signed letter appointing lVteis, of Ogdensburg, Depnty-t 'e.Hector, while nil letter wns actually on hie at, Washington ilisl*6, Dec. 23; The Tribune, -.' MAHON. J. J.?Appointed Special Treasnry Agrnt ai Baltimore, secured bv Gorman; puts Maryland to the blush is-r,, .ian. :jj New-York Times. 2. : w;is formerly proprietor of policy shop, niar!., i space i J86, ron, 18: New-York Timi*, i.i: notorious Ninth Ward politician [1885, May 0, The Tribune, l.j MANNING.?'Appointed Secretary of Treasury; hii-l been on very Intimate relations with Tweed, contract and receipt of money (1885, Marci 6; The Tribune, 1. : printing bill endorsed bj Con? troller Nicholls, ";i blank fraud" 11685, March 6; Thc Tribune, I.); manager of Democratic enm naign snd notorious aa politician; manu, i Cleve? land's campaign for nomination, arid regarded BS representing ihe worst element of machine politics . i .85, March 6; The Tribune, i. ; letter of resig? nation, for Free Trade is*:. Feb. 16; New-York Times, l : rcsi_!is to become president of a hank 1887, Jan. 30; The Tribune. 1. ; killed by sham economj of Democratic Congress, refusing neces? sary repairs in Treasury building (1887, Dec 25; New-York linns:. 4,i A "TOO CONVIVIAL- FOREIGN MINIS"!T.I 1. MANNING, T. C.?Appointed Minister to Mexico; appointment us Judge refused by Democratic Gov? ernor McEnery, because habits "too convivial" 11886, Sept. l ; New-York Timfs. i. Would lune been wvll if man of diplomatic experience in Span? ish-speaking country lind been obtained, bot rule of political selections still followed; wns Confed? erate licuter.nnt-colonel 11886, Sept. 1; New-York Timea 4.) "Savannah New*" aaya: *? If I.** than half a times a year his ni>|>etite for whiskey gets the better of him, his failing ,s not. suili as to seriously impair liis usefulness'" : tyhi* nered among friends thnt while Judse often lina? llie to held court for d.irs: since appointment he easae very much Intoxicated nt White Sulphur Springs, .".nd left for New-Orleans in that- candi ti"n: became so unruly that enmlurtnr threatened to put him off train 1866. Nov. 25; Ifew-York World, 4.' According to dispatch to "Globe Democrat'," Manning telegraphed to Secretary! "Have i" en drunk ilir1-* days, bul hnve not lefr my room, and created no scandal" : reported too drunk lo attend duties or ^i_n papers l.--*">, Nor. :i(i: New-York World, 1.) "Bronchi disgrace upon Secretary of State, whose friend he hus ion,* been" 1686, Nov. 25; New-York World, 4.) Noth? ing i" shew guilt in anything ojecpt liberal ir. dul.enee in liquors al tabb- (1886, Nov. _'7; New York Times, 2. Nomination not sen! ia; does aol astonish Louisiana Democrata who listened without comm-*nt to stories concerning Minister which wen- sen! here from Mexico (1886. Dee. 14; New-York 1 iim-s. 2.) Common talk of Louisiana Democrats that Presidenl made un fortunate selection, and reports likely t** be re peated unlcse men *-f different tastes and habits sch ctod liss*". Dec. i *',: New-York limes. 2. Manning produ*oes certificates that did nol get drunk at breakfast nor elistiirb neighbors by hav? ing art.ok delirium tremena (1886, Dee. 28; New York Sun. i.i Preaidenl said to have been eom pelled to appoint by threats ol losing renomina? tion 1887, .hm. T: New-York World. 4.; Sur prise that name wns Anally sent to those Lou isl ania ns who knew President's reason for hesitating i*-i. Jan. 7: New-York Times. 5.) Returned on v..-iiiio:! tip mingle in campaign (1887, 0_t, ;>; New-York World, 4.) MAREN'S, JOHN.-Appointed Dost must -r Ham? ilton. Mo., contrary io (aw, by Vi ns. Senate be? in- in session. Confirmation in tins and several such eases refused, cn around thal law was vio? lated l "86, Feb. i s: The Tribune, 2. MASON, JolIN A?Appointed Deputy Collector by Heddi n: wns member Democratic State Com? mittee, an*) retained editorial control of ?? Newhurg Register" 1886, Feb, 13; New-York World. 4.) MATTHEWS.?Colored; appointed Recorder of Deeds at Washington; was of Albany; evidence thar lu- threatened to discharge " Matt" Cook fiom his -position on Capitol al Albany if he did not vol ? Democratic ticket issi-., 2; New-York Sun, Testimony of Cook thal he *]i*l vote Repub? lican ticket, and was diacharged 'is*-'*-, June 2; .New York Times. 5. Rejected by Senate (1886, Aug. l : The Tribune, 2.i Second time nominated, notwithstanding rejection 'lPsc-,, Aaa) 10; New York Times, l.j Vote on rejection only one Ke? publlcan arni three Democratic Senators for him ami thirty-seven against 1886, Au., n; New-York Times, l.'i Cleveland's explanation *'t reappoint? ment (1686, Aug. 26; New-York Herald, 4.) lind worked sealeusly in campaign to defeat Swin? burne, Troy District 1886 Dee '-!.'*: The Tribune, Change of sentiment in his favor denied by resolutions of District of Columbia Democratic Club, al Washington, ami Flaggett nnd Wilson re - :.i ed from club 11887, Jan. 7: The Tribune,:!. ?? People's Advocate" declares " not s representative of his race; when seeking a house required mic with in* edlier colored family in same block : merely ic professional negro for revenue only" m **?*?", Jan. fi; The Tribune, 2. Rejected a second ti:ne, :u te IT: reasons given (1887, Feb. fi; New-York Sun, 2.) SHY IN 1861; DISLOYAL NOW. MAIT'Y. DABNEY H.-Appointed Minister to Colombia: dismissed from Regular Anny In 186] for treason; claimed that be rcrosined long enough to gel valuable informal ion for tlie South: charges preferred, bat fled before nrrest; last July de? clared that h" -? -still preferred Confederate ban? ner, and was willing to light under it again, if necessary" ; had fought two duels [1886, ocr. 20; New-York World, 4.) When first appointed it was known to the Presidenl thal he boo declared his hulled of Dnited States flag;, had deserted in 1861, and was dismissed from the service .886, Oct. in: Tlc Tribune, 2.) Reappointed by Presidenl aller rejection, notwithstanding disloyalty ol ex? pression nol lons since rc-nrding American flag ? l **<*.. Aug. 10; New-York Woild, 4.) M ax Wi-,LL.?Postmaster ai Rondoot; Induced by Democratic manager to resign for Si.duo ___ appointment of his son to clerk-hip; S-derly, h Greenbacker, and relative of Maxwell, appointed Poa?Baster, and store of the Democratic manager n ni-.! for post othee (188., May 1 .'<; The Tub tine. ..'.) MAYNABD.-?Appointed Second Controller of Treasury 1685, Juae i ; New-York Timea, l.)Testi rn*.ny before _eaate Committee, ihowing thal as Secretary h^ had compelled discharge of men whom Appraiser McMullen pronounced exceptionally efficient; discharge on purely political grounds; iunl compelled restoration **! McElwee when dis ,-. - d for drnnkenneaa and Insubordination; glaring disregard of law revoked by Civil Service Commission (1888, May 26; Th*- Tribune, l.j ?? _xpeaure <>f scheme to convert ptwtmssters into local political spies tor beaent of party "f Administration leis sot preveated issue *>f eir , lui Th ita aad eleni'*-. President's warning; discTcdif? and ridicules Administration; silence .cl inaction of Presidenl can be Interpreted by subordinates In one war only." Harper, weakly March 26; Tha Tribune. 4.) Reandiatea tl,,- im.avasstog elrcolar, saying bael not signed it. bis name said t** be appended " only as guarantee Of -mod bull*" Ilf6_, Feb. 26; The Tribune. ;,., MEADE, J. [_?Appointed Postmaster at Hasle haist, (opiah County, Miss.; reooflUBended by Lamar; siiaeei'ds C. Ia. Matthew**, brother of tho murdered Matthews; wjis BBB??Uta ol De-nioe-rniic in'nmg winch clc-clarc-d il. " necessary to welfure of all Dices und SB?MS for Matthews family to k*ep ont of politics," and ordered " Print" Matthews tai leave tba ccu ut r on rain of death. After Matthews had been s'-iot. .Meade preaided nt. nulling which resolved approval of killin* iinsr,. .May 24: New-York Times, ii Aoeerdina to report of Saaate Committee, hud disaribate* iiruis to Democratic mab before flection; testgna tio'i d-manded br v*llas (1688. May 8t; Ss Tribune. 1 : and May 2d, New-York Times, l.j Suspended beeaase refused to resign 11666. June 21; New York -lases, |.) Murder of Matthews defended hy prominent Mjt*sissippi Democrat as a political neOeaaitBjr, and Preaidc m denounced; " _.._*_* of mea hail Ut bc killed before Lamar could co to the Senate ami thence into Cleveland's Cabinet" ll 666, Jaas ll; The Tribune, 1.) Ml.i Kid.M. GEORGE ?Appointed POatas aster at West Pola! in iplne* Miss r.erard, mani yeats Po I master: no one the-r.- knows him (16a8, May ."iii; The Tribune, 1.) DRCNKAUD ANT) WIFE BEATER. MLILLI", DR J. LKM'.s'T.-Appointed Consul n* N nea sa lti. Japan: arrested .oracBBn-t, when totoxi ?nt'-d, on Commodore Troxton ar ihe- Ebbttt Ho_ae i hn-1 not, live.l with his wife for years; Mic was'T of dis'in-'uiTied Naval officer: obtained elivorre for brutality ami neglect 11665, May 6; New-Yark 'Times. :,.< Preferred to Demoeratle I'nlon soldier di-ftis. Mar .'*; The Tribune. 2; BB? May 6, New-York World, l.l I'nder influence of lic/uor began quarrel, clutched the CooiiBodore's beard, was abusive, declared he wns unrecon .structcel rebel, euraed everybody nn*l anybody who refused to recognise bim; arrested by polite (1885, May t: New-York World, I.) Administration irnins nothing in carrying along such discredit' able upheavals ns Kelley, Moreen and Moire, the last named appointed CCiBaul-General In Japan, ami BOB lone ago in the police Manon Bl Washing ton for disorderly and abusive conduct. Secre? tary Bayard seeds to get some more vigilant nnd truth-tolling spectacles before he picks up any more demi beata? Springfield Republican (1865, May ii: New-York World, 4,i appointment oc? casioned President great annoynnce, bur. (Mora lo delegation mid Mein wns pcrfec! gentleman when sober, bat wors-* than howlintr idiot when drunk; ih->v had seen h'm univ when ha was sober (1885, Nifty 28; New York World, 4.) Nir.iKi.KHAM, MISS D. A-Ci-reat-granddaogh tcr Thomas Jefferson; was dismissed from cierk ship in Pates! Office, where she supported her aged mellier: ninstated, wiih asaurance would not have heen removed if ancestry had tuen known (1886, Au.. 4 : New York Sun, 2.. MERRICK, W. M?Appointed .Tusrice, District of Columbia; denounced as lecessionlst; sixty-sis yean old, and committee nported unfavorably h.-. cause of age *i sst;, Murch 15 : New-York Tina a 5. MERRILL.?Appointed Minister to Hawaii; Fairchild's private secretary, and has taken very prominent part lu local Democratic polities 188 ., Mnr.h 31 : New-York linns, I.) MILLER, J. S?Of Weat Virginia. Appoint! I Commissioner Internal Rcveauc in place of Evana, " resigned.*' th** appointment said, when he hud not resigned (.885, March ls; New-York Times, i. Very active In GuberBatorial contest of 1864, r-net did large shnre of practioal work which re suited in Democratic success 1685, Murch IT; New York Times, 1.1 "MnSNESOiA."?n_s furnished the spectacle of two prominent Demoerate engaged in a aort of patronage-peddling concern, offering to purvey thc* offices as If they wen groceries Kentucky fa i cmbarrafM*- the Prcsl len! by nrgtos unfll men f ir riiifs. Colorado politicians forgetting the reason f..r Republican failures, have put forward di* reputable men for oflice ile-*."., June 4; New-York 'Times. .".) MITCHELL, A. "W.-Tnkes moiler for geftin. places m Agricultural Bunao, and allen f> g?*i for 110.000 Agency worth -l". 00; Investiga? tion 11885, April ".i ; New-Yorh Times. 1.) MONTEGUT. ?Superintendent of Mint, New Orleans; dischar-jes five Grand Army men: Com? mando- ,,f i'0si remonstrated : Monte?ii n- Iles h id bren In Confederate Army :irid * 1 i-1 no; propose to be bi.'s-,i bj ani member Grand Army 1885, Aug. '.'?; : New-Yoi h Sun. i. SfONTGOMERY, M. V.?*Commissioner of Tal? ents: never held import ant office i,?*.-,. March 1!': New-York Sun. I.) Criminal lawyer and attorney before Ciingressional r~_imi*teea for railroads !c=.'p. Mardi io: New-York Times I. Act relined lobbyist who lind nt laid se sion defeated important land forfeitures ii B85, March io; Thc 'Tribune, id Appointed Associate .lusttc... District Columbia [1887, Ai>ri 1 2: New-York Times, 1.) SLANDEREB OF FREE SCHOOLS. MONTGOMERY, ZACH ?Appointed Assistant Attorney-General Interior Department (1885, Msy ll?: The Tribune, |.) AfBIBSl secular com? mon *ch/)o1s. '? Sscrsh." end belonc? t > chivalry 1885, May .ll : New-York Sun. B.) Attacks upon public s*ho-l system, denune i.-.tions of t?chers ns ns cfirrnfaie? of merni* ju?tifr opinion he is a cronk 1885. Sent 24: New-Tork World. 4.1 Ivr-v Tl -r p.,iir.*i frc itchooli br hi'.i ha I be rn i nf ro White Hen?; ni sddn*s November 30, 1878, <>n school Cjiiesiip'.n al S-t-cramento lr- B*iid; " The institutions of th:s countrj must lie made the In ttitutions of the rhnreh. and then our Sunday schools and the so-call(*cl public aehooli will h ? ne The common ich toll of this or.untry BM nothing more .,r liss thnn so m.inv schools f.,? teaching the ronna scandal and wrong doing" I "-". May 2*",: 'Ih ? 'Tribune. '2: Maj 20; The Tribune 5.) Incidents as 'Ai'- ^p*-"*nt of Pillsbury nnd 'Troup, the r"n"vnl of Mr. Deni, the internal !.' ntie Collector at Milwaukee, i gentlrman who w. in rdl \i;.*,s the reverse of a partisan, t - n" off. _. *iv*- | ar'isan : tl ? Bpp mt?lent of Meade ? Copjeh County Kn Kl in to S ****OBt-offlee In l-l 'it*; i. and thc select jen of Mr. Montgomery, of Cali? fornia, ai .'ii assistant to Attorney-General Gar? land, contrast strongly nnl nnfavoraru. fcssl n of principles'1 (1885, May ???.'.;' ew-Yorli 'l imes, 4.) MOONLIGHT, THOMAS.-Appointed Governor of Wyoming; former Republican and thrace a louder Democrat; disgracefully beaten for Gov? ernor of -eases 1886, Dee. 10; The Tribune, MORGAN, A. P.-Clerk in Pension Office; re? moved at demand *i Singleton because rnthor of pamphlel describing Mississippi method **f carry? ing: elections 188.1, Julv 5; The Tribune, I.) MORGAN.--Appointed Postmaster al Kearney, Nebraska, while serious charges wen under con diderot ion hy Senate; discovered by inspector* to be ;* defaulter, nnd name withdrawn (1866, Slay ".'0; New-York Sun. :.?. WORTHLESS. BUI " ARE VOO A DEMOCRAT r MORGAN, J. M.-Appointed Consul-General al Melbourne, Australia; wns Midshipman Dnited Stat -s Num. afterward officer on Confederate ram Alabama 'ie*:,. April 21 ; New-York World, "Worthless person; tom,: oath of allegiance In Navy, Oct 24, I860; and thenfon specifically excepted from Amnesty Act; Ineligible By t ai ? nf political likabilities., unfit foi place by reason of personal character"?The Evening Post (1885, May B; New-Yark World, t Pamphlet by him defending Blaine's forei_:i policy excited Bayard's wrath (1868, April 83; The Tirranna, 2.) Ex? plained to President that he did net wril ? pam? phlet to favor Blaine's election; ?? An ron a Dem? ocrat 7* asked the President 1885, April '.'.'i: New Fork Times, 1 -: hrother-in-ln? of Dawson. Editor ol Charlceton News and Courier; also of Tranholm, who wns eorispicuous mcrr.her of Jell Davis's olli Ciel family l.*-s;.. April IA: New-York 'Times, l. MORTON, C. R?Appointed ??iramisaloner of Navigation; reward for several scandalous stories about Blaine (1886, I iee. r>; The Tribune, Wns never me>re limn clerk ta count rv express office, wholly Ignorant of nnvigntlon. nnd hi, np pointinen! endangen many livs; In place of Tap pen discharged, a man known throughout the civilized world for organization of the service and high ounlilication 'IHsc!. Dre. T: The Trib? une. T. Morton Steels and BCn'dl ou! ns his own nu elaborate list ed merchant vessels under Ameri? can fbi- prepared by Tappen il.sst, Jan. 26; The 'Tribune. 2.) MUELLER JACOR-AppoiBted Consul-Gen eral at, Frankfort: official r?pnrt on feeling Ger? many toward United states says: "Germany dr'ads American bogs, wheat BBd imports gen erallv. bul still more the Importation of American Ideas" (1885, Dec. 2:1: 'The Tribune. 4.1 Report deemed sufficient t'i lustify demand for neall; Bayard holds had perfect right to expreaa opinion freelv les:.. Dee, i'>; 'The Tribune, 2; Dee. 26, Th-* Tribune. 7 MULDROW, DINKY T..-Anpointed Aetistaat Secretary of Interior; was Confederate, and whsn member of Lind Committee of House reported notorious McGarragnn ci.iitu 1885, Marah.) MULLEN, II. P.?Postmaster al DelawanCity; defaulter in sum of r-'.MTl on sales; committed in default of bail (1886, Aug. 1; New-York Times, _.] MULLEN. MIKK.-I'nrd'.red by Clevclanl on Governor II* a liv's recommendation; waa convicted of illegally locklea op io*' eolorad men when police lieutenant, I lincinnati, ;in*l depriving them of votes '1 *??-.. Aug. ll; New-York Timea :;. Detaila of election frauds (1885, Aug. 15; New-York Herald, 1) TAPPING A CHURCH TILL. MULROY. JERRY.-Appointed Custodian of Pnblie Buildings, Cineinn.'i'i: " a man who served 11ma for tapping n chunh till:" has enntrol and a|i pointment -f Drg. nninher roboi-dtoatea mlary 62,000 yearly, served two t'Tins iii work house; Utrea sentencea an teeonl. taro elrunk nnd disoreler h. anel one for stealing a e)..? (1 B85, Sept. I 5 : New York World. 4.1 Sneeial Agent Investigstes sad reports; Malrof dischHrged after thinec-i, days on ground rhat * ffeaca was trivial, sn 1 bsd behaved nell since 11865, Julv '.M ; Ni \v-Y. rk Times, .'ti NEWMAN, COLONEL, of Mimeori.-Wanted ofles of Inspaetor <>f Pork at J*iraaalem (1885, Maroh 12; New-York Sun, I.) NoDDL-.i;, ..TIER?Appointed n-liaaaiiii at Covington 1 appointmenl eauaed by ('arnslp- after pr ml?'Bg ofhee to iinotlier fr.end, nnd deosivins c. us! it neills: made- as favor to Tc-rn-Il, win, h:ip| kill'ri Haney Myers, OarMs?t'i forawr opponent aa candidate for Congress: BBBBlmonaly op* iwiseei by Drnioorats; Denien-ratic paper promlBes to pohuah ( arhsic's. iauBoral neord, whleh bas heretofore been jealously guarded (1666, May ll); New-Yark Tim- s. 4.1 NOONAN li ri, .lerser City.-Appointed Postal Clerk on Baaquahanaa Ballroad r.'Uts- for t!irce in-s-riti,s; before him c (.. sfooasn fur three months: lr#fore him I'lul Klretnier for Iii.* mon: hs sll recommended br McAdoo; eomplainta thur twenty-Swe ngiatarsd ktten are n, Ming on that, rente nnd rf other roliberjcs 11**17, tab, ll ; Ni-w York 'I nnrs, 1 NOSTOK, Jf>HN G.-Postmaster nt, Flsmhenu, Wi*.; 01 niictcd of ronotag town Treasury : t irned Ucvci__- Dcmocruti aud bte-*-*: c-udiibttc for fi Indian Agent, and then for Postmaster (1816. Feb. I ; New-York World, 1.) Protest of people, finally prevented appointment, N'))!.*-.. i. P Government Director, Union I.iciii*'. .oi r eoiiiuipiodation of Hoadry; beeanae of ins activity in electoral oontest or ima, appoint? ment -.ave (.rear c iTence to TMdea's friends, but Hoadly 'aid he hid forgjottea all about it. Nore* ic. lined th- offloe (1885, July o', New-York World, -0 OBERLY, JOHN II-Appointed Superintendent Indian S* K oin. had len urged by Springer and Townsend for Colleclor at Chicago (1865, March in: N w-York 'limes, l.) Proposed to make re? movals and to appoint competent Democrata (1986. Oct 1": New-York Tim's, I i Appointed Civil Service Coaam?eioner; complete inrpriss; "liol** knows ol him, and thal little elocs nut ntlcrd evi denee ofanyeapec al Illness: wis CI,airman Demo? cratic State Committee and applicant for Collector i.s.;. March IT: New-York Times l.j All his lifo nctive politician. Morrison's manager in Senatorial ( nnd most, acrive in searching for crnVes at Washington; wanted t* be Marshal of Northern In*!rici "f Illino^, nnd cursed President for re fusal; was upi outed Snperinlendeol of Indian Schooli ami pleased President hy report (I88<a, Mar*h IT: The Tribune. 2.J His Hight from Mem bls in 1861 (1886, March 18; The Tribune,!.) hs letter about offensive partisanship of Palmer, Postmaster of Chicago, aad recommending a Cop? perhead, Judd 1886 March '.'.'I: New Vork'Times, l.j When applicant.Dickinson, of Michigan, said to him. " when wc- have nn election in Michigan. the humblest committee-man would be ashamed Ipi he down lure on a hnnl for an Indian Inspco. torship, especially if election involved I'mt'd States Senatorship, A Demoorat would oonaidai it shamefuL disgraceful to self and parly"' (1885, May ]" : New-1 -irk Times, u.) O'CONNOR?Appointed janitor Money Order Division, Cincinnati: " colored man who was sent, for three years io stale Prison lor stealing gobi walch ar.'l chain" 'Isis.-,, Julv :i; New-York Times, l.j Case Investigated, lound that O'Connor eerved three years in prison but behaved \%? -11 sun-e us83, Julv 21 : b'ew-iork Timea, :i.i OHIO CONVENTION??* Cleveland will un doubtedly if Indorsed; all Poattnaaters, Deputy Postmasters, tnteaia] Revenue Collector-, I'osi oflice Inspectors, nnd Government officiala gem-r aUy, ar" her** slnady shouting for ___* (les-*, May i 6; Nea -York Sun. 2.i O'LEARY, D?Appointed Postmaster nt Albany ,it. request of Delahunty. Manning's son-in-law, whom Clevelnml lind declined tn appoint, 11881!, "tug. 8; New-York Sun. 2.) Astonishment on all M's ls-:.. May 34; The Tribune. 2.) O'NEIL.?-Appointed Superintendent of Engnv Ing "in place of Caailear, experienced aad rom netcnl expert, requires explanation; gives Mr. Manning occasion for more s. rin'is reflection than he luis - .et br?.,.wed upon ir ; ex-Mayor of Hobo? ken 11885, April IT: New-York Times, 4.) ORC11INAL, WM.?Appointed Postmaster nt Canton, Ohio; public Indtgnatlon caused crowd to hung Senator Payne in effigy (1885, Dec. 28; The Tribune, I. PAGE, CALVIN?Appointed Revenue Collector in New-Hampshire; was for years the attorney **f Prank Jones and other brewers (1885, Oct. 16; The Tribune, 2.i PAGE, s. DAVIS.?Appointed Assistant. Tress Bf Pl'.ilsdelphia: ollie?-seeking for many years snd many ifmes defeated br people; In 1*70 for I ;p .is,ire. 1681 for Council, 1883 for Tnasunr, if-i for Controller; hud been applicam for At , for Postmaster (1888, July 18; 'The Tribune, j.) I'.\I.MT".I,'.?Postmaster nt, Chicago, removed on score of offensive partisanship 1885, May T: New York World, i. S. Corning Judi appointed, a notorioti ' rp rhrad during the war; President ? aside candidate nee mmended by Illinois Congnssmen :irul chose Judd, whom he knows and admires 11885, May T: New-York Times, l.j PAMPAS. D. J.?Appointed Collectors! Detroit; Dickinson's mnn ; " will ci.olly weed out Republi? cans, making tie* oi-cc Democratic top to bottom" 1 I I. Oct, 27: New-York World, 1.) PARSONS. WILLIAM.-Special Indian Agent: wns Editor New-Haven Register il 88.-,, Juno 24; Ncw-Yotk 'Times, ,'i.) PAYNE*?Appointed in place of Barhierre by Pension Agent Davis, Philadelphia; acknowledged had heen arrested for obtaining money by false pretences to Grand Army, and had pleaded guilty, 11885, Aug. 20; New-York World, 4.) A POSTOFFICH Hoi -HIT. PAYNE P.?Appointed Postmaster nt Fort ! i. dae, Iowa; appointment secured by J. II. D, ins comhc, who according to aflidavita required Payne . 1400 rear ly oul of salary for the support of naper ediied bj Dunscombe'a son (1886, May '--; New-York Sun, 2. PEACH, li. F.?Pension Agent at B_atoB; ro [ioria-ii to Senate ns appointed solely for political reasons in place of Gouch, nmovod only because Republican 1 .*-?'. May 26; New-York Sun, 1.) PEARSON. IIKNRV G.?Appointed Postmaster New-York af desire of Hubert 0. Thompson and Mayor lirace 1885, April 6; The Tribune, l.l President's reason given in Boston Advertiser's in? terview, April 'i, because " PearBon had nfused In hen! cf canvas* ti permit P_*stofflce to be made political machine" I8ri5. April 8; New-York Sun, World "' felicitates Itself that Pearson made hims* ll coi i f iilurc* ro do Anything in aid Kepubllcan campaign last year" 1885, April *: New-York World, 4. Cleveland's further ex? planation, Iloston Alvern-.r. "I am under gnat obligation t.. l. i..-nil I; publican Pr s*. end I must repny th. obligation in nome way" I 185, April 8; New 11 rk Sun, '-' PHELAN, M. H.-Appointcd Consol at Halifax: recognised party leader and Editor in St. Louis l 885. May : i; New-York Times, 9 PHELPS, L. J.?Appointed Minister to Eng? land; ?? in- worel oi Bayard's Mleetions; un? known person of uncertain Democracy; a strati-** blunder. Known only ;.* *.ri*-.-1 of ihe most odioti* of s''nr|) pr.ictici?to eal] the Emma Mine Affair by Ihe mil.hst name?performed on _ngllsh n*en iii reeem years." 1885, April 8; New-York World, 1. Acceptance retainer from Vermont rogues that. * kited" n 65,000.000 silvermine the Kinma Mine nnd --'ld ii In London (1885, April I*: New-York World, I H_ coat of arma; pecul? iar aping ol' foreign customs; secretly tainted with .mcriean doctfine.?Bridgeport Farmer '188s, April IO; New-York World, l.j Hardly anybody knew him; President so unacquainted that he teal in Ins name iBcornctly; full history of Kinma Mine aiTnir 11885. April 1-; New-York World. 4 ?md '!'..' Washington Post says Phelps favored Bayard In 187.'. and voted f**r him in 1"80 ami ls* I 1885, April 8; New-York World. 4. Pro slavery and anti-war Democrat (1866, March .4: New-York .'unca, 1.) President first nnminnfed Kdv.iii Phelps; afterward eornefsed; peculiarly offensive speech about Lincoln during the ivor. but Mr. Phelps " could not helli 'C he had over naed the btngunge quoted" 1885, Marah 2T: The Tribune, 4. Boston Herald says of Phelp*. Mo Lane and Kelley: *? Men inst ns well rjaalified aad a ghat deal mor.- satisfactory could have been found without much trouble. It is not gool noli, ties to ?hume reins of a I?--gone era for conspicu? ous positions nor the beat management to aesrah oul teey ctable nobodies for offices that might be berte- till'd With I'lal as r'?SpOCtob? somebodies" iles*,. May '.'i : New-York World. 4.i Tells son of Pr ncc of v.V:il. s ?? should follow in bia father'* fe it M* pe," but the father '" baa been loose in monia In quite a remarkable degree" (1885, July 20; New-York Sun. _. ? I'UIKLfl'S. ,!<>IIN F.?Appointed Judge United Stat's Circuit. Court. Western Missouri; while Judge ol thc Supreme Court of Missouri deliber stell left his duti.s io ac! us pr! nd] il counsel f.r Prank Jumps, notorious outlaw and murderer, and iccured an acquittal; conaidentI outrage by all di.nt ciii/eiis; then nturned t<> the bench (1888, June 25; Tbe Tribune, I.) Resignation of pre? decessor kepi back to iccun appointmcnl of Phil? lips, wiio wits " lionized" by bendite and rewarded by Cleveland; tricky conlirmation 1886, June-Mi; Tha Tribune, 1.1 LINCOLNS REVXLEB BEvTASDKD. riLLSlU'KV. I". F.-Appointed Internal Reve? nue Collei dor ni Boston; " Very bad appointment, unscrupulous Democratic politician, ought to lu* revoked, bad recored, dialoyalty during tbs war. .?uni aided GaneloB eonapiracy of I860" 1885, April 23; New-York Times, t.i Reported adversely hci'iiu*' participal -*i lo GarealoB frauds ii B86, Feb io; New-York Timea, I.) "Governor! Council, bj throwing ont certificates freun live cities, and exhausting every device of technicality, fixed up n rump Icgislatun arith no quorum in th*> House; question was submitted t<* Supreme Court which unanimously rejected elah?a af revolutionist?, Pillsburj snd ( base wen- biffa In rhe plan, though personal responsibility for dkgraceful attempt to steal ?).c State perhaps exaggerated, bal neither dissented" (Springfield Republican, 188c, Peb. 12.] Nominations troth bad (1866, Keb. 17; New-York Time s, 4 Pillsbury, chas* and 'Troup appoint m. nis ii ned by Booton Advertiser and j'ran ?cript aini Springfield Republican; "Could bb. h;i\<- been worse except b\ leleetion of Boavista" April "?"."I; New-York Sun I.) " Pillsbury lum hen a panis,n. likewise Mr. Chaae; likewise Mr. Troup. Bul it I* nor, ar ail shocking to And tha Administration hi;re- aad there giving out un t.lhee to a rook ribbed, iron-bound and steel-riveted Democrat ona of tbe aid fashioned kind with no ?stopper, etc., f..r ol meh it* abe Km gi I nm of Re form" 11885, A|>ril 24; New-York World, I Pills bury rebuked again: appoiBted Custodian Govern? ment Building, with ciintroi *if appointments nml expaadituna of 1100.000 rearly.?Boston Post 11666, Mm lt; Nen rora Times, 4 | Nomination min rs.|\ i-.-p. rte.I to Semite ; 88 editor Democratic, paper used language not. lit to ba printed about President Lin.'oin 1885, April '.".': 'The Tribune I.) Rejected il hm;. Marah '-: N* w-York World, 4.) PDE J- M.?Appointed Appraiser of Customs at Cleveland, but deoUred unfit by Democratic Con gressman Foran 1885, M:iv 16; The Tribune, '.'i POLLARD CHARLES BL-Aagioinled Aaaoeiata Justice ol m mirana; intimate friend of Garland; unable to spell ooneotly; deBeuBeed by Demo eratic journal ns jury :!\>r, who was oompelled i> H suit to disgorge ' . eli. nfs property Ol which he had robbed them (1666. .Inn. |6; The Tribune*, j.l PORI .H.?Consul ut Cny of Mexieo; rastaaatioa deuiandcd hecuu-o ho had rciiortcd about Mmi.tcr Manning's drunkenness; refused to resign; E. C. Moore, of Missouri, apPOnttod 11887, feb. IO; New Y*rk Times, l.j In telegram to Bayard ha spoil-* of Mexicans ns '* our emBBieS" sad Bayard re? moved him 11887. Feb. 8; Ncw-Y'ork World, 4.) If) RT KR, JAMES (..-Appointed Asslstaat Sec? retary .if Stare had been Confederate- Assistant Attorney I General nn*l GoverBOT of his S?;ite; pr*si ient of 'Nashville i*n*l Chattanooga Railway; BO lg ni .rn nt of foreign Minina that aad to revoke by telegraph his interpretation of Tre;ity of I ?l 8 in liis letter of twcntv-four hours before- [1666, March 20; New-York World, I.i Ignoring D"in eic rai:*: caucus ami asking votes for Senator while Assist? ant Secretary il a*7, Jan. .fi; New-York Sun, 2.) If)StMASTF.I.S OF WEST VTBCINIA.-Bo ceived eirculnrs fro.-n Senator Kenna, eliairman Democratic Congrcssjon,-*! Executive Committee, asking names and polities of all patrons of their ollie's [1868, April 10; New-York Times, 4./ IflTTKR. CHARLES _L*-AppO?ted Indian Agent, but reieoasd by Senate nt reriiiest of i_iwaar, on rl.e ground he was incompetent ami unfit; ?om miltee suggested Lamar lind better ask President, to withdraw t.he nnme: Secretary confessed that wns impracticable, as certoiii influence's at work would make it impossible to obtain withdrawal from President (1886, Aug. 4; Ncw-Y'ork Sun, 1.) A DEAD-BEAT FOR JUSTICE Of UTAH. POWERS, 0. W.-Appointed Justice of Utah, in spite of charges hy Democrats nt Kalamazoo, wheeo be lived, sustained by sworn evidence, of rob? bing clients; recommendations of Judges Cooley and Sherwood withdrawn, because procure*! through misrrproprescntation, ni'sort money to lt_cl Denn.eratic newspaper, but never dui, ai. I r> tai ned the money; after his appointment crediton got notes for tho amount; Dickinson, boss of Michigan, represents opposition, due to Mormon hostility n 885. Dee. va ; Tim Tribune,.". nnd 1 8m*,, Jan. 6; Th** Tribune, 2.) Michigan Democrats protest; not la the best stnneling nt bar: charges of unprofessional conduct (1666, Dee. i": New Yorig World, 4.) Michigan people astonished show lc I have bec n nominated to any office; aelgh boH say thal when attorney he c--!he-reel chiim of 31.00*) ,-in*i neglected to refund money to client (1886, April 18; New-York Times, I.) Supposed to be the ** professionally uni'!"' Judge |188.-,, Aug. IS; New-York Times, i.) Charges agalnat Pow? ers known io President, and thc two Judges of Michigan Supreme Court hail written to President itating that after persona! Investigation they wero satislied charges were substantial;/ true (188)?. Jan. 4 : New-Tork Times. 6.) Rut appointment wis mode, nnd until Senate Committee unani? mously decided to reject, President refused to with diuw his name, PRICE. WILLIAM H.-Postnnster nt New Brunswick; charged with intentional delay of De? partment letterK to form*-r p- st master about settle? ment of accounts until his time for settlement ex pind I8s7, Jun** :.'.*: New-York Sun. IJ PHI NAM. J. H.?Appointed Consul at Honolulu ; editor two Democratic pupers (1666, Angil 80; Nev.-York World, 4.; Allen 0. Myen telegraphs tojlnyard: " Appointment Putnam is disgrace to Administration. This man woold Bell American flag to heathen fe>r an undershirt; financial record ns n bleeder has been a public scandal: there is imiversn! di*_ust"' ll*-8-". May 'A; New-York World. 4.1 PYM,. JOHN F.-Appointed E-o-tiBaster at Yin ton. Iowa, in place of one-legged Union soldier, s A. Marin*, wno was tarnod out : Pyne proved to have been Indicted and convicted of violating pen *ii a laws, .ind wss renloved (1886, May '-7; New York Sun, 2.1 QI'INN.?Appointed Superintendent Railway Mails: formerly discharged ns Republican for in? efficiency: constant complaint of bas ness men: notorious Indiana partisan, appointed In place e>f Burt, one of the most efficient offioera la the Da? pa rt ment. RAINE, FREDERICK.-Arnninted Consul-G-m ernl nt IWlin ; wns edil-or of German paper at Ual timore, and especially abusive of German Govern? ment ifts.'i. Jnne . . ; The Tribune. 4.) Was pro? prietor of Raine Hall, a Inger beer shop and restau? rant in r.-i!timn-*a (1886, March :n : New-York Times, I.i Violation of thp rule of State Dopar' n-*nt prohibiting appointment, of foreign born citi? zen to represent thia eoiir.rrv fn his native land 11 sn, March 31; Now-York World, 1.) THE DOSS THLC, OF BALTIMORE. RAISIN. J. FREKMAN.-Appointed Naval Officer at Baltimon; "will arouse ns much opposition of friends of Civil Berrie reform as that of Thomas; even more notorious person, chief of all Maryland lobbyists: all good citizens condemn* 1886, .'sb, 18; New-York Times. I.) Raisin, personally Bided by Iii.-ins and Thomas, snowed under reform in Baltimon, brought roughs from ot Iur cities; one gang from Wilmington; whole election n farce aad fraud; Special Agent'Treasury, Mnhon; "Hack"' Quinn, clerk: Slump Inspector and '-rhcr rflicers from Washington active (1867, July Jl ; New-York 'Times. I.) *- Uangs of men in employ nnd paid for public service arith money of pimple spent the dov rallying not only the lawless, but imported roughs and thugs; cor? ruption, coercion iir.d Intimidation used, decent Democrata overwhelmed hy Raisin, Naval officer appointed by President Cleveland. Could la- no more flagrant violation of one of the mo_l essential principles of reform" (1887, July 24; New-York 'Times, 4.j "' Raisin'1 Higgins, Mahon, Thomas, Hough, openly violating President's t.rd.-r in ?altimore election. Raisin at Ins old function ai boss; carnival of intimidation, bribery and co ? rt'i'.ii. boodle and repeaters'' 1887, July 26; New York Sun, 2.) Civil Service Reform ASM elation refused to make any charges because ns previous ptotesta had received no attention 1887, Aug. 7; New-York Sun, I.) RATIIIK-NE.?Appointed c. nsul-General at Paris; was head stud groom <it Stanford's farm 1887, May 25; New-York Sun. 2.] Had agreed ro appoint Le Breton Vic* consul when appointed, if U* Breton withdrew sppliestion for Cl rsulship; refused to carrv ont contract il8S8, March 1; New-York World, 4.1 _EaGaN.?Appointed P-atinaater at Terre Haute; for years keeper of worst "{roggery in ciry. when vilest of bnr-h sexes nsort on Sunday T8**.*.. Sepr. 26; The Tribune, 1.) REAGAN. H. n.?Brother of Senator; appointed Marshal ?astern District of Texas REDINGTON.?^Itookkeeper to Commissioner of Railroads, accused ot JeaUng in stock-, nnd ching brokers inside Inform*?lou ; dismissed (1886, Feb. 28; New-York Times, 1.) REDMOND, JAM KS D.?Appointed Collector m Mn'ne: wns Democratic candidate tor Governor last elecflcn 11886, Julv '.'7: New-York Herald, 4.) kl.ICU A HT. rHF.'iDOKK.-Surveyor-C.eneral of California, with snborellnates and many citizens Indtoted for hind frauds ilS87. April 4; New-York Times, i.) RENITtOE? Appoint fl Postmaster at Atlanta*, was h?-pcacbed BS Stats Treasurer in 1870 for mal faasssoe, but escaped conviction, vote in Senate lacking two of tue necessary two-thirds: suit brought to recover *f27,Onn corruptly received while in office, according to his own confeaaion; all ti.e facts placed before the IVsi.ient hy Georgia Democrata prior to nomination [1886, February 1 7; llie Tribune. 1) Kl I,KV, JOHN.?Aptpointed Post Office Inspector: wn.s dismissed in disgrai'o as Police Captain, Brook? lyn, for nm-sriiig when on her sick bed, at '.' o'clock a. m.. a woman charged with no offence, and com? pelling lK-r to walk a mile to station 11880, Oct. ".'4 : Thc Tribune, l 6.) BILLY, J. C.?Appointed Postmaster at Cincin dj : v,;)s chairman Highland House Convention: sympathizing with ring guilty of many wrongain thal city; nprcaentstivo Democrats protested ap? pointment would destroy confidence tn Presidents discernment, nn*l thus deprive every Republic?a of all excuse for endeavoring to uphold Cleveland ; more reputable Democrats protea) appointment represents corrupt poUt(clans 1886, April 17; New-York Times, 2.1 '" President Cleveland h -s actually made our Cincinnati D-st Offlce te J. li. McLean to payment for campaign services of self iiiul his |Ki|>er; why is one of the most befiting mys! rles of his Administration'' il886, Aird 18; , New-York Times, 6.) ROBERTS, WM. R.?Appointed Minister to Chili; tine large), to earnest indoraemenl of Mayor Cr..: wns arrested by United States In connection with Fenian invasion of Canada, and was Alder? man (1885. April 1 : New York'Times. .r..' " Noto? rious that Mr. Grate's firm was th** nirent of Peru, mid furnished arms, etc, Bgainat ("lilli; also that their ch_*"-j ncainst. Chili were tH.* subject of cor? respondence between Knited Slates Minister Chi?a tlancy ami tlie Chilian authorities; th.* appoint ment of Mr. Roberts caa hardly be pleasing to tbe Government of Chili; nor would it bc oondueivsto ih'ir confidence in President Cleveland's Adminis tra'-ion to have Mr. Roberta go to ChlB."?(_*??ton Transcript ass', April '.'l; New-York World. 6.1 Selfish interest inelm-ed Mavor Grace te) force ii|> pointmott, to secure the service of B friend who would bully Chili into payment of claims of w. B. Crace _ Ce, (1865, Aug. IS; New-York World, t I ROB1N80N, J. P.?Appointed Collector internal Ravanaa 7th Beatucky; ueier sattied seeeuBta as oolleotor of at C-ovingtoa, sad on booka BB IK-.'irs defaulter [1668. Feb. '_; The 'Tribune 2 ) ROGERS, ERASTUS J. -Appointed Postmaster nt Geneva In place of a Republican; "excellent umi popular postmaster, whose reappointment was asked, on the ground be bad beea faithful and ?flli i.-nt" (1886, March 26; Na-w York Times, 1.1 BONF.B. W. li.-Post office Clerk at Waterburv: arrested for robbing the minis ilt***7, Aag. 16J New York Times, 1.) imes, 1.) TWO CONVICTS nR>SKN-ONE LEGGED SOL* DUB OUSTED. BOSH, ABRAHAM-Appointed Postmaster at Vinton, Iowa ; under indictment for violating Stato liquor law; n saloonkeeper and man of Intemper? ate habits and general bad character; one-legged soldier turned oat te maka nlaoe vacant, ami prede? cessor, Prtss, B-B6aaaS?rtea. butnmoved by Vllaa beeauai iadietad and ooavietod [1866, \g_m |f. New York Sun, 'Jj Rejected, Democrata oeneur* rin. 1866, June 17; N-v-w York Sun, 1.1 ROSECRANS, W. S-Appointed Re cist er of Treasury; charges regarding public land banda in California (1166, April -'7; New-York Sun, i.i " Au. j-tiuA-iiBUsli and venomous old go? ip, who nqaSStsd to keep h;s tongue rea, particularly _te?r_-l* nuiaaad ?an be officially tenably still. A luis brought within possible control* 11886 J___ i; NcwVark Times, i.i Discovered bmaelf div '.iiilr*r on booka "f rreaaury for $::.4*)0. be,.,-,tl^ rouebjqrs lon-* since settled had been left |n eUrk_ ?ih* -. War Ctepar?sen! ; weat to work to dig om ist of other persons; found lour hst ot ?? bal__wa lu*-,- ni ail |_6 600,000. though "nrobabli not i\*i- io per cent was really due the Government, mi published tli ? Us! as Democral c campal n now ie:'" 1868, Oct 28; New-York World, 4." ROSETTE?Appointed P0ata__ter a* DtKasU ?I.; e'lit'T whose >*ry seven attack on (ininti, leaded "Imperial (.rant is Dead.*1 cauacd anani. nous rejection 1686, July 28; New-York Time^ l, ami New-York Sun, 4.j UoSS.?Appointed Governor of New-Msaloa] pardoned " Had" LaaahUa, aaa of the moat hard! ?ted criminals in the Territory, who had four rears o serv*. anef was narr* si' d at once for aasaaltiBa lil oflleer ls.*;,, Dec. C, j New-York Tim'*, | , BUSHEL.?Appointed Consul nt Liverpool; emly i nominal citizen of Connecticut, Ins b-i*ir.*-ss he, lng in Liverpool, when much of ins tim*- had b*-c_ ?pent (1888, April I : New-York Times. 5 RUSSEL, STILLWELL H.-Dnlted States Mar dial fn Tans; 625,000 bad aecounta found which jovcrnment had S_readjr paid : suits ;i_ 11 h-t bonds* men, but. aa-Ceanesaasaa John Hancock the only au*- solvent (1886, April i-<: New York "Timea I i SAINT, E>iI'M? About to bu appointed Special Ajre-nt Pension Departmeat; coovicted in issi af violating pension law in exacting illegal I ; n May lasr again Indict) *i for similar off icc 181 k lug. I 6; New-York 'I im a, I.) SALTONSTALL.-(lolfector at Posion: an old Whig; nobody Baked for or wanted him; sara*, spirit denied A. c. Thurman - * j I ncocaition nn*l ignored reform by giving CoUectofr-hip <*f New. York t-i Hobers O. Thompaon'i man Redden| Boston light between Endicott aad Collins [Hit Nov. 13; New-York World.!, .ppototed bec Endicott played upon President's will-known weakness fur Mtijr\vuni;)s 11885, Nov. 13; N.-w York World. 4.) SAMMON, JOHN.?Appointed Postmaster nf Flatbush at requeat of P. Campbell; am.ted fe>r malfeaaaace la -fflee, appropriating Btanaf passing In registered letters 1887, July 10; N**\r. Vork Times, ?; SANFORD, GEO. P.-Appo:ntee| Postmaster nf Lansing, Mich.; a prafeanoaa] lobbyist; De?. ricrats indignant thar niau *)f n:s character ap? pointed; Knights of Labor charged thar Saaford received a bit*- fee to loe.k sf?er th.-ir bill :md them betrayed them; sine.- appointment has com. palled employee to contribute money to expenses <>f Belapais?; peraoaal character unanl nously nported unlit, snd njected withon! op. position il sm'., Au.-. 5; New-York Sun, 7 SAUNDERS, J. C.?Appointed clerk ar White House, waa clerk for Democratic National I mi tte*) (1885, Mnreh 14; Np w-Vork Times, )f SCHOENIIOP. JACOR-Appoioted Consul al runstalL England (1885, Nov.28; New-York Tim*** I.) Hail failed as denier in hoop sad rta, 52 Whites st., nm! sn., i by partner; propertr aold bv bm ceiver 11885, Nov. 29: New-York 'Times, A) Da* sired roving commiaaion to enable han to study ndustrial question in England .is affecting iradi and manufactures of this country, an*! e-ipec?drf cost of previuetjon: was sept out as Pres Trads agent 11885. N*"- 25; The TrP-'ino, 4.; SCHOFIELD, W. if.-D.-pit- InternalRevaasa Collector, Pint Pennsylvania District: sends,. ,. ployea letter demanding ?'< (x-r cent of their sal* si ri i-s. -d.ned bv order of Fred forker. Collector, in violation of law and subject to Rna and im prisonme'tit; Deniocrnts believe letter a lor,-ery liss.-., net. 2C- New-York Times, 2.) SCHCM-CKER K. A.-Monev order el.-rk nf Beading, Penn., short of; fast young ivoman in case (1887, June l 7: Ne w-York Times I.) SCOTT.?knited States Marshal in Virginia] new chartres against il msc,, Jane 17; New-York Sun. 2.1 SCOTT, chas. L?MiBlster to Venezuela: wag editor Demoeratic paper, Camden. Ala. ii*-.**.%. April 80; New-York Sun. 2.1 Corif'-el.-rnti- Mu'or, recommend*-*! bv entire Mnliama clele_ntlon [1886, April ;to: New-York World, 4.1 Forms partner, shin with Minister of Great Drit-iin to collect dnims against Venezuela (1886, Nov. 20; New York World, 4.1 SEAMAN, .TOHN.-Appointed Postmaster at Dennison, Iowa: a saloon keeper, violating Stats ]nw hy sellina; whiskey nne| beer: appointUM'st the result of arrnnt-p-^nent between Keith ami himself to furnish monev for starting a Germaa Dernocrntie, paper; Keith had off-end to *t*rt su'h a paper, if appointed, from the mlarv, bel hud been rejected 11886, M.iv 27: New-York Sun, 2.) SeaS-an rejected: found to be nacre ??-lum niy"* for Keith 11886, June 25; New-York Sun. 2.1 ?* ALTTOUDE" OP A SPECIAL ENVOY. SEDGWICK A. 0.?Appointed Special Eavartf Mexico to investigate Cutting's case ; dispatch to New-York 'Tim's, Aug. 2*. _ia unval rig lalized by case ol extreme intoxication and arousal all night: a World dispatch says: ??Jockey "lub Ball at B in the morning Sedgwick, with leven others, went to hotel and into yard and be? ran to danoo; Sedgwick and una oilier tell down; ie and lour others took srr.-p-r cab to pay part *>t own; failed at sa appointment with Cnaa neat lay at ii; altitude played ita trick oa itanagar: S eel ona] of Sunday saul Sedgwick very anim 1 ant hour; last word Cutting case pronounced in rard at 8 a. m. ; most cordial merriment r> igi 1 il its bein^ pronounced; Dnited States and Mi* leo reconeiled 1886, Aug 31; New-York WorldL i. Undoubtedly participating In the convivial *ii joyment ot the hour, but Jockey club mamberra eas, ?/aa not drunk 1886 Aug. 81; New-York Timeaj 1. Bayard cannot believe lawyer seketed by b_a lisgraeed himself and country hy Indulging in Irunken carouse; to no way treated inso?ntlj 1886, Aug. 81; New-York Sun. 2. Should bs much gratiliecl if able to show stories ot :.. - - liavior exaggerated 1886, Sept l: New-Yerra" Times 4.i Bayard would not believe in icanda__! public debouch; mi?rht have beea jovial gatheai in;* of gentlemen and some hilarity; Consul ii*'? Por'h reported misbehavior and asked for Sedrwiek'a recall; meeting of American resideaSj in Mexico; reaolutiona ol aenaun offered; but ii was voted that Sedgwick then as privals cm/en and ii waa OU?ide the bu*.ncaa of Ameri? can colony to pursue the inquiry toto his oondssl 1686. Sept, 1; New-Vork Times, l. "Evas , post iBaista that 200 American citizens of Maxies, including bix clergymen, wen- bar-kaepen or bil liard room keepen i r nfugees tram |usticc. Thoa ro acquit Sedgwick of a eharga against a i every American citizen demands that be il I di fend himself, editor of Post, is extMordinsiJI fool" (1686, Sept, 12; New-York Times, I Weah* inpt-nn Post of Sept?mber l". s.i\s; "* Sedgwick*! explanation does not explain; what wnh Porch, Col. Porter, Col. West and a public meeting u'linn* tog the charges of drunkenness with ipecincation, be cannot ignon them" 1886, Sept, 17; New York Sun, 2.J Mooting of reaideata psased reaols tious denouncing attempt to whitewaah Sedgwick in Interest of those oprjoacd !?? Minister Jacksoaj Administration held Sedgwick exonerated 1886* Aug. 'ao: 'The Tribune, i. SO-LJraR?Appointed Postmaster st cur Isiiml; a defaulter: borrow, d of many friends sad lied, said to be woman in case: offioe cleaned "ut pf money and stamps [1668, April IS; Sew-YsB-l Sun. g.) THE BRDTAL REVILER <?F GRANT. SHANNON.J.J.-Appointc d Poatmaatei at Merid? ian. Miss.; bu in-'ss manager and principal editd ol Mercury a Iii* h published editorial *' coanelf ss> sailing the m mory of General (Irani; appointed itt place of Hancock, nmoved as offensive partiaaa. So man who is lUCh ;i fool as to write an article nf tbe hud is :it tn be a Poatiaaster'1 ; _mvo*aa*l of Shannon; declares not personally naponsibla ilSe.-i, Aug. 10; New-York linns. 4.1 Had baaa indicted in Dnited States court t.>-? unlawful!] spiring to evade Civil -ights law il885, Sept ?>: New-York World. 4.) Was leader ol bnlldoi h who.*- paper advocated ase <*f violence to oarrfl ticket: after Grant's death arl I published of most brutal character I 466, JaB. '-*'*. New*) erk Sun. 2.1 SHARP, ALONZO P.?Appointed Postmaster at Mi'iimii, Nebraska, vice Scott, nmoved, bal aaa to nine months dismissed as defaulter i""i Auc 12; New-York Timea, i S1IARP, K. C.?Postmaster al Oeonto, Wh.: as* re-steti fur robbing mat-i 11887, Job. lt; New-Ya-E Sun. i.i '_?__? SHELLEY. CHAS. M. A-Buikler aud C**___* crate General, appointed fourth Auditor of paaa* ury in spire of tnatm nt of colored people af Ai' I'liina. and npeated election by fmuds I ss."., .-lay; 18; New-York World. 4 Contested aral of fi"" ralsoB, enticed Harralaon toto ii r*...iu. I"" P"1 l to his head, and thnatened him il I"' dm I:"1 '''*" cline 1886, Jan. 18; New Vork Sun, 1.) .. SHELLEY, GEO. M. -_\M*n_?eter at Kmsa* City; has attempted t*. nd.' rough ihod "\ el t iris Service Law. disregarded it iii appointments, cbk ctol r. port declares violation of i*1-* entinly __i-?? erate 188a, April 10; New-York nmos, 2.) SHIELDS, JAMKS C -Ap|H)inted I lnef Ju?_ of -ri-one; recommended by Garland, Pughisssi Montgomery : nearly all memben ol the bar ia asa Territory Joined la charges againsi lum as ">'"'U..V tent, a subject of ridicule, and oompUincd etw personal character 1888, June I ?; >ew-io - ? .: lllul jUBe ?..;; Ken Vork Baa, I.) Bb|BS8B1 iJulv l ; New-York Sun. 2. , SllIKLDS.-Ti.ite.l btetes Attoroey, hortbera District of ohio; eharg?*d bi D--m*?*?tMiipopen with having corruptly lacured afeetiaa sf I?s_6_bb of Council at Akron. ? ,n SIMMONS, GEO. H.-Appototed Ihm?" '-' "?? Treiisun ? -The World has bees la-orcl nm tb * JOTfcuai-t. totendedi to , .siainum-s n*? Blly, so.ii.llv and poliUcally a much worse citlxeil than Captain Kidd" 1188-, Aug- ?*?' Rtm-T9BS arid, 4.) SMALLEY, lt. R?AppoiBl P W_U_l4i).F.Y R R-Aimo.ntcd rollcctor at Pur hune SMITH. 'THOM VS Appointed Dlrtrirt-AUMj or Now-kexieo; "active U m-crai ?'?',' '.'s^ rom Virginia" (1885, Oct io; New-York bun. fe from Vu,mi SMITH, W. E.-Ai_it*tunt S*.cretory of Trcasutyl