Newspaper Page Text
ts ?? .-adnallr an-1 somewhat mtafu_y ,0""'" roncusi.-u thal tl.<*n is a Civil S leo places in N>- iori wh u.-s; March 1 ii; Nev \ *rk ta indifference t.. Seclsri to be In Democrat ? rimes.1.) lort. I ''. !n. ' :"V' ? red I r? p 8Tty:dia_isi m te Governm Jirt.s t.?. ,.*.,,. -orb the only locksmith who uaderstood outof order, and no ene ia I >;i?ri".i-nt could open or repair it 1188*, Jane HS Rsw-Yoek I a.) '?5MiTIT-\npoinrm.'nt. Clerk; i- cousin of Sc Bm- Fair :- 1>"'-' l8! V '^ - Se. ?k fete W~ GRABBED 5H OFFICKS IN TWO YXABS. SNYDER. VALEN'IIM: P.?FoHB-lly Clerk in Minnin-''' BBBk Albany, and then of Jordan's htak *; t(1 mnhi* ru*- for h;ui: appointed prh ?Anning ir. place ot Sperry, who had - illoch ? ! ?***:,. March 10; N.-w Y.*k Timse i Pouad salary too -mall; next appointed Chief C'.-r months, but found incapable 1886, Jan. ?'(: Tbs ri " nat on roving commission ts- Investigate Snh-Tr siade Chief of Cor Dil isioo ol 1 rc as _ -. _ of Captain Johnston. ., wounded ? teran, twenty -vi:.' had -rea i :. worked his wag ur. while Snyder waa Inexperienced 1885, gift 80; New-York Timea, l. Johnston hail lost Icc ard ama badly crippled by wounds, but was ? d to make piece for Snyder: but that on did not mit him, and be was then ap ItoiaBi ; Currency in i la .?inc.. had held the petition for many vearv a fl | ami court I86A Dec 31: N w-York Timea, 5. Then bel p I axed of Washington, * Scribe's place, Bani ? NVw-i rk. was worth 88.OOO yarly. | hil removal and the ntment *i*-7. Jan. |: The Tribune ri in Dept ' pointed on flt Democrat* of 'he principle Civil - bk removal ' r tc rm" ti nholm's Itel about S ?nba ? ? ? wanted him. thi 12: 1 W JACKS. \ C* >mx - . orders of * Wast; ap] n-port tra * ipending pt in .-iitri ? s. ns nt Washinp-on holdin . ' i Mav ? ? \ cision thai S ntitled to land In . s. 1 le gul ly li people bad settled ther i - ? er, 1884 1181 New - ? resolution : ? N w-l '-rk Times, l. Order ? final ac" i- tries pending ?Beach for fraud. - ? ???sid.-ut uni Cabi? net t - nus be nffpii- - - ri! .; Sew-Yorb Sun, 1.1 r*p*t?s's ord'-r : ling all ac?i u and mil '?. ing ;. lanooent . nd tiie . net and the dia? ls; when If I ?? ol fraud or wno g exia! nor tneir i on general .-? <-r n u *_T : Sparta - revocation Wits - . . n and ol'. ten -? '. ii -. kparll x. 1 r Bad ot: li irth -?? . I; New-ior_ l__rs, S, Brother of McEnery, fr*o_. United States land in sid of levee and drain? age* or education; commiardon with oontrael t" i/er 'na:'" of al - Land Ollie 1886, Juu. 18; New-York Timea, 1.) Spf?t?ffi rel isa] to set?a accounts of many Land Barveyt?a, after lia four ya-ars. when ordered I by Controller Durham " " N Let tax - f Lamar dt*clar* s" President must latarr _i Interioi who will eoaform to your opin t .- appoint a Commissioner of Lei i?Imiiiista-i- business in hat?ion- with eh Department" 1887, Nov. 12; New-York 1 i tum to ha\?* his owl wa; led il time and again: A - was io an? noy* 1 by Sparke thal rr than com i ?;.' ]*-at dly *<., S 13: . " l>-r* - SI 'A RK v - I ire?ton. ond lev? ant?-en ol ? boltii ,. .Ju'- ." N ? from ii. rn :m.- .. New York Time* - cinniiti dil ? il baldi and - to be i.- ' ??it' appointment of K >ew "1 - " I',, - ?-r\ ti. . . driver, teeth c be ' . M reh Nc w . ? k '? ? ; . v, h. ' "b-v t-hiri-1 si ll ?: al a ' - ? *-.- ;.-j_."_ wen guests; ot d al 7; New . GLVSLIVT.I- DOG-ITGHTEB, AND POLITI? CIAN FOB PLCNDER BT1 dealer, ? ; . . pla . ot _ Hem .L. ..' public .... .- ot change" l ****".. s.-ot. i 7; n-'H '-. " i. ?* A Br ? klyn Alderm .11 appoint <! ii Bacon i I inre.rr.iy beyond qut-ai n, a iramptaesB and indui rem ved foi rtave exeept con ? btbonn1 - . \ in. re . ? - ? ... liquor ?s-dh-r m place of old c- ? ? ? rolls _.* mg Post I - -" S pt i 7; Nc v.-'! I ; * '? ri* d under ar ? * .*? stealing !, Sept. SO; New-York World, *' ii:* di _ light inNovci h- pt. l'.); . test ol Civil tment h-dd llle , ? - ?. ? ? likely to cu - ippoint i nation New-! . - exam]nation tbirf ferred : "'Buen ;n oil Nv. lr,: N ? fork ''? ? *_. 1. rejoicing . ? Nov. 82 Vork 'I un.* :? or of Idaho: ? 1 : has oi er him : hi Oted ." politie .i coi ern * i ? eon cr mon" ? ? ' ? IN* S A. E?Ai p ral; hus . I ? ? i* have.. ? i - '1 B>." any Republican I v.: ,,-,..i it, :? beea bb se am baa aaked to -? bim pal out (1 81-0 '? 1 ! r first four v -?' 'I !)? n. - - anti Bteveaaon ia only j*.si geti band In lb*--. Aug "-rk World. 4 STEWAJ-T, PEED J. -Po*_-_a_ter at l?errv, lilah.; arrested with depatg, C W. Haer, o_4ir_"*i with f?abezxlement; was active politician ai.'i Del , tnasonr (1868, May T: New-York Tim BTTVEItS AV. i'.-\'eter;in tor 12 and a half roars an soai Sew-York and vi railway mail elerh : pfromoted for * and exper _maa; was told resignatioa accepted; ha I not re t.'ivi: told it, was a pol ta laing him: Baltimore D tppointed: by trickery I o lurt'p- iii.ii.ber '?'?I? hail i>..-a r> trained been ' rvioe, nen dismissed aad lervici demon U666, June 12; TL I rib ne, 4 . VTOCKTOV, UOHABD.?AppofBted Conan] : -*-**-_!_i at __tt-r_am; lu-U n.ver vu*-_d as St cit-- I '?"? bal hi's in luential nial res b R i ? ? - " tk 1 ina b, i.) V- ? ;? . removed for maid g _ erne with Beni ? ? oj lie'ir.ii., who was reinKt?l d; Pr Mdcnl r J* nil j _ lett* ,-? * - - p loyal intenat In miniMrati -u. thal safest and snr. is enl \ I ? STOWELL, A. T.?Poatmaat*?i ai S In pin.-;, of a *1 sab] id vetei ' ri . n appoi ited after Sena: New-York Sun. 7. and Atti Ne I -1 STROBEL. I- EL?Secretary of Lojntinn at : carnpai_: rn policj. used a* cami . i . \ St'LLIVAN, W. T.-Iu?;. I :i* in Michi*au; i Ly comp -.-?tu and I I by : not ml ie v:ii und r haw except foi I ram ro ne not hm. _____ j hnsin-?ia tvietclleedly bungled, and ted by Civil Service btw i Vork Time*, l. fc__VEY.?Appointed Collector of Castoma ilvesten; lerved through the war ia Con ita army (1896, Sept. i . Vs "*. ..:k World, 8.) SWEET, lfISS.-_Vn-.on B-r-nt, at CUcago; ?v liis own faithful and meer, In order ta. ii . run the offlc e foi t * n< I evident Oneral _ April 8: Sew-York : ? rphan of general who defeated Jacob - .Chic tgo, and v - rm in : ss^( April 6; 'I h-* Tribune, 1, i i. lu'- Ti ibu Stoi ' Sweet, il :.. I ? upon demand l - - .. April i ?? ? ? r foi three >* ars after person I - : . ?-. ? w;is Si ' ? " - fund to his owl * W. 7".-A . applicant tor ' Jhief of Bun Whitney nmoved to msfe May 2 ?. New-York al Whitney bim; f Niau 8wit7ier promoted 1 res! i to plaei, as * M fl: Ne?-York Tin**-. 4 s i-IERD.?R* 'ii rved clerk 3r lor talking i ol I cs with two D who were not removed (1886, Dm;, -'j; The Tri 2 'TIM'1TNS.?Sun*evor n*- San Francisco: demands itials t i the President from Ckii : i-T.uii.s)',a to land May 1 : New-Yort Sun. ?? TTTCOMB. -ssisi d _ *? rt - of Treasury, rc . i f 86, Ju ne ol tl.Ideal ? - s- nf the Tr* aaury offlc ron tho lowest irrod* br efficient service and bas praeti performed the dutiec I Uef.-i. rahip f ir many yean" 1886, Julj 30;New-S rk Timea 5 THOMAS.-Coiner United - I PAR LANGE Cnited Bl Wiitrii^Attorney, travel. i * *r Louisiana, i - work, *? ng Star.- , in term* ni extreme violenoe 1887, Oct "j: New-York World, 4. BALLOT-BOX STUTTER AM) SW:NDL_N*_ BB ?' THOMAS, MOETJS A.-Ap". Ir, ipeetor; 'Qorrmaa's chief lieutenant in -altimore - ! ? sam: whatever G rman wnnted 'ter how dirr*," iii-- wara ? waa always willing to d it, - National Cemmittc- tu is-, and i***-** to 0 ? - parrj-, arid to show the party mans ? _it-bOXBB alni prc ? .-Mi. ire had carried on ri. -a --: all mai.- ? f his family lupporred sir's ? ? real by Bol L, bul te. l.j - - ... i o . _\,.v ' ' ? ? rai - ? ? ? . . ?J or Stat to ? lly ensr ; th - ? ? seem ? ran. 3; i ? Lam it r ? copies all | t pr - ng official conduct of w:.s - ? ll" - : Senator Berry, Democrat, could n * en bs a Som ?*...? thom as matter of -. 26: Tbe 'I ? Report oommittce marl _1 foi United Stetos s rvice: - ?? been nomii ;*'? 1: nam ? shonld i tl, l::i".ii when flaots in his ease became no claim t* - ? ration exco]' r_em*nt. of irresponsible majority Mary? land debymtes 1886, June ll; New-York Times, j * iflrmed. all Democratic Senators sunport N.W iorlc Times, i,) iMPSON.? Son of Arniston! Secretary: np in clerkship: prof.-st of Sept. 14: New-York Timea, MJOUAEtc?Appointed Deputy Cat raffle; protea! ts (lu ?... July i: ri ' . 1. TORREN' E. Z S.?Removed hy Chcaowith on ground tba! ' bmin 'I* IWNSLEY.- Posl ' l n ? * - tion i spec re I . ntiy Informed thai . . , April 'j TRI ?UP.- ' ' Conuei .?? n believer ? I Ii A -? \ Timea, I ? moved l - -J, .lun. 4 ; ? ' !? ! - t ., bul d . - ? a--.-! met i ad: tried ? ??"?' f* j, ur yean nev* courl ? ' influence .lu_e _ : New-, ork '1 __ea, ...1; "i WI E I 0NV1 n.:i L.V.ND. TYRES, THI. ppoiatnr_n1 i k Hui talo : plead! --u.u-- forged pap* r .ru i. i. tat tiarj ; by Tilden 1B75; went io Minnesota In land Stael _c i ?' -' I oed in l*--i. 11* ."'"i guilty ba' Ing forgi d papen, served al Still vVater penitential-] i ur*yean; Bad I Nc ??- .ork Tunes, l, aud Bept 16; n-w-York World UF8HAW, ALEXANDER B?Aatistaal mir.sioin-r Indian A??les; s isl* >-x iMtui_. .sa:..*- ii.iiii who wa.* .ilium agaat ol ri/hts to lix- Dun F.leciric tel*t?one --tenta, 'am? ii died by Garland, Ham* ann Allans; li U pa ned creating ofliee and -alary -""'I ai ii-pm r-yiiust ot Harris in s- Bats I a*'-, Au*. -*; ?asr-xsak sun. " TA-JL CAFIALN Jo__Jr_ ..-Pension Agent, | - fr iud : attempt tai ko .i'-' identaily shol after tha i ; N. w-York World. 4. i.. li -Appoint ? mmis -. mern lier of i piii.ress; m i.iior of ?iver; appointed rn place i fourteen 'yean April il ; The 'i i VAM 1.. SENATOR.?Family in safes: ."-. :: a.s i l<-rk ; ii SOB ria in Tnaauq . s irtmeni ; a cousin in Army; in ; a cousin Department Jusi . ,.i Eternal Rev ? nne; a cousin In Pubiio Prii I ag f t_l * my, and two nephews pa!r<-* in total h en members ? ti Vance family, g'-5,._0 1888. fbb, -'-: New " VAN LEW, MIsS.?Postmaster nt Rlchm*ni*l; .. .-: 2 0 pa mi to laborer at *~ !0j ta BiehsaoBd aad sac rs. nnd waa active ns spy: rewarded with 1887, Ju o' <*, N*.-w-York Time-., :. VEAS ?master at DaItimor'; avows Democratic; renurvss Harteourt, William, beeausa bs had beea seven - i los and . i no highes grade i --",. Aug. 28; Tl ted to s?*cun Democratic r_m*ointeea l* in open violation of the rales 1886, Maj 17; New-York rimes, 4.; No doabt cnn.*iiderabi> nuinb'-r ot :. appotntess to Federal Berviee 166, May 2ft; New-Tork rviee Commission that he ii-'-' b ni act and dlnctlv i iolati -1 letter of Rule r- 1886, July 10; Raw-York S:n. '. Hw defBBOe furnishes admirable illuv of nmult "f I'mploying rampant poli ti'-jan ro enforce law intended to secure non-parti? san Barvioe 1881 July 8; New-Yolk limes, 4. Pacts timon Post 'Oflice; (onnd there :'.iiiorrats ; dischargwl nearly public??**, m.-st o'f them for no reason than their politico; r s, with three ur four Democrats, nle6t_ng them simply beean rs 1886, Jury 10; Sew York 'Tinie. ; i ? [very (annoyed by demand hr C,,,rman nnd resigned: FI'vNK RROV told Dresidenr should resign if pli hurl rivata bus ness: tailing ur. v ? sarre kaiflSl under :---: May i: New-York Timea, I.) \Ti:m. i\"| .-* "? Ho,-- 11 ms: appointed a ed for C .si.,ia- treads; I --?. Feb, 11; I.; Fen. ii: Th- Tribune, I rE, J--Son of Senator; commie. ? - world to?nspeel consula; Government I ', Uar '?'. New York ' ifTICER ACCUSED OF EM B-__I___ENT. vTLAS, W. F.?App-ii:*-*-I PiwUBaaiar-G-neral, -, a;n : raga ni member of Congress out sending messenger; rud ipi Ju| . ion busy '" -?*? !'? . ?: 1 be i ...':;i-. ".. Ld - aiid snspe: " ts to fl1 raaia "iri-uinr to __ine, Ohio, Ind ? \ .. ? lent te assist a they BR ? rr*,; suggest lbs.Taniml re li-f. ru -re proof ol partisanship St-nat*?*, or person wh* rn Representative eau :. 1 credibility" *' lal..-ly fo le;irn tbat mem ben i I not the fcu;lek**- and i they ought to be" Mav : | Tic Times, 4. Lo'ii*?ll* Po-t i by ip?u__ t maa wh ? favored ?dent l -' ?"-, April 24 ? 'Tiie Trihi.:. * | above circular three Editors ???mic pnp.r*i hav" reselved ap - n Virginia 1Si5, Atti*. 8 ; The Tribune, Important appointment r>-. ommended bv Ohio - mm ti. Judgaa and business men, a defaulter lown t<* s,-a-r*s 11886, May i.;. Nt-w iork San. Z. Tba tenet successful of ail iii? 18*5, Sent. 17; New-York World, I. Foreign mail poli'-y delny* oili-ial dispatches: Bayard complains fruited State* dispatcu s will aak- aftej. those Groin ? ::; New-fork World, 4.) Buoy in political canvass to secure election ba r; at Madison arith Br*?.nt*, his Anonn?v ?___ el.reotrn-jr oanvaas personally; toni* hold of war*l work; p-it 61,00ej into legislative canvass. . r:_ publicly 1886. Nuv. .'.; New-York Sun, ". Active rnr?ir. in mi/i* campaign, Wiseonahs, 1886; letter ol partner, hnigiit,'tn Poatamstea Wright; Knight -om_adlott M i aaaerta it waa not sos-ad, - of min who heard ft read: yet ?\ Bend mon*ry to P<-tir_?der I in tinr.rton, and asked bim to do all . > iv. J B : New-York Timi ? strikes Ru bia*. Kditor Milwaukee Nov. 13; New-York Times, g.) '. I ?.- Wei -h that Vi!na and oulera - of embenlin? property of Uadil Ins:)::. ? mt?_yj Welch Indicted for li el Wal and testi r.i'ir, thal Vilss first sssaulf ttad that he toot ' .' ? - bul " wh-n j , hatea to i ut hi* fa ind li * t up" (1888, B :. l. Jury out t' rry hours ana ; Walch jnbfl Iribune. l.j Tel .... * :\ .1 Servlce 6 Postm i-i.ts I ? rty-flve elsewben had I and in on!? two rna ? ? to na*tl add I hod ? - : ired to 1 ' B., brothel of V tner of Pul n Bl I . owner! ? b Sparks ?rae f i '? - \ih ] ..ter 18*47, De 'iii:.-..-, 1, nti'l 1887, April IS . . : ' I i that In S peri* - Lumber Company; any had dealings with In 5.1 Letter ? r stating that ti-stimony Committee **h".wed _ross-si mal .. I'nlTed States official in ? James 1' Gre .orr. ol . tating Bubiect deserved vilas's ittention (1888, March 14; New-York 3.] FROK -TAIL TO JUDGESHIP. VINCENT, W. A.?Appointetl Cbtef-Jastlos of N-w '?. - mraendatioo of Sprim; cr: i . r*l ion Clark of Court, onlv an old : Vincent had he-en Loan Association, which covered ler wiih mortgages; agents my ninety nar c-p-nr land ratriea for five yean hn-l been f-. lent; appointment of their rut .rrn-y as CbJet-Jua tice ? v in their Interest; fact.- | before anent, l"ir- supprrssed nv Arror_*-r . *. t i:; New-York World, i. -. while practising law, Vincent : up mob to ts'-i/,- a mine by force, ? ::. nnd wa* s.-nt to anl for conti rt; nmalned s_ areeka; mm *? - ? ?? of ec '".rt h" had outraged; .... \n_ ,.? . -; who] ? ba ? :*-".. 1 m-s. '.'. In Mleotion *)f jami ? ?? Dorsey, a eras oecu ? mi ' ? for i ping a j '? ? -Ye.rk ? - rtee; al I mi alnt ol i tries in lao rae fused 1 to the I* ? declared ' I ? -?!i.-t-.r ' New-York Time ... ointmenl ll ? ? ni t n fer * ml !' I. and i i"i. 17: ? r aaona i - ? ? I ?-I. ??-: .-?. r- m< 1 I8&, Nor. in: Now major J ' ??? Agent ar ptmenl asl ?? o', il !., tl - for Co . ? - : Wag -*n -r wis hut i asd of hoi td md ? ... ' Last rn District of Wi* . ruin" Democratic State CoSBStitSaa : ? . '.' WALLACE. JAMES F.?Poat_B_Bte_ at ' removed for offensive partn-in-liip ? ** W<X)D appointed; WaUaes thea proved .-?cn a Democrat und Wood n _s ' '.mo* pur. bael- |-*f,, Mar.-h ll; WAU IV- DR W.-Appointed Consul at | th; En Ikh's -"n-in-law nnd ar Mats B8BV?B :. bad r-soluti n i-oinhninuiK Adminis wTiith appaaaad hy appotn*?n* * Walling bad tailed twice m btuBnem ai druggist :.i La*i-iavilit- and afterward al Indiaaapolia; i' ti. nt api-ointed him for bis flne rer-ional appear anea i *-7, J.m. ll; New-York World, 1. WARNER. JQHK.-Po-tmaaaf*. at warla; nl 1- gi | iii?_ii_*ed Lt:u_i Ax-iy lox txtuliin._ fu!_e P. musti r roll; uni int ion Int, i isl i ? . ? -<diI i.. | _6; Nc w-York '-' WA , rm y. wan mi' m pera te : admittc el ta? ta lee r iirii'. drui - I appointed 1888, IIGCCVS, t-pufy Uni ? hotel-keeper, quern! about hotel-keeper'* wile - ". l Willi h. Jc ms -Reporte ri,rn Consul 't * ;nfiprm.-il him timi la-, i ("ni'' - ? New-! ork: V. orl VVUITTU ? N.?Appointee _x -or at Sr. L . .., , -,| Louis mea to * ihio and Fran I * I ? irey, **'ho mad'- affid . : ? ]-.-. and l; ? was Induced to ? prc minent Democrata with pram nferment; l.-pi-p srntatite (,r.. er Bought 1 | ir a Democratic iri-rwl i - - . | ribune, WIOE1T.?Deputy, Third Diviaion, N r-York did not come : ii |.;-,,; f ,r ? -?*, Aj ri] B; New-York Sun, 5 WILLIAMS-c..|,,r. I Minister to Hayti: toned . : 'radi.'timi treatment April 20; iii- Tribune, l, and ll ?, l. WILLIAMS. RERBEET.- I ? led P 'mus? ter nt North Bend, s.-b.. lu piece of an editor, Hyatt, removed for offenali ? partisanship In print? ing the story of boy who said "apples would not pivo boys cholery" (1886, May 'Ju; New-York _u_, S.J CLCBEING A LADY-HADE THIRD AUDITOR WILLIAMS, .1 !hird AAdttot of Ire's .ry , 1 .ti ? r. . vpnl IO; New-York World, AJ A follower of Voor hees; last June a Mrs. Delea <joui.r:ir, editor at Lafayette, and temperance siwa- , in ? 00 in : ivor; tin* ',? -'..-in J *-:i.; Union . . | appointment of Wi] ui um on pubuo corruption, as y blew to honesty au*l LS__, Dee WD prof men en he would wish he t . ?ry for him to take some aetioi . 1 ? ? a b ! . rimea, L and I ? then bought a tract near b ? i , .Vv,-.. WIN ANT. JOHN B ! Flackc nsack; eil tot r. cention ot Mrs. I mon sol? dier; . T's IVl'I'l V, tak'-n '??nt.; his I a meeting and I, April . I : New-, ork world. WIN CUESTER, BOYD?Appc Nios; ooaski?ed pay too small, oak April ll; New-York Times, 1.) 1___ appointed ."-.loinUT to Switzerland, (dent lover of ker; -.lid to Lav*, woo check fer gl.Oi 0 fr* ni mandu Woud Cl 8 83, May 'j; New-York Sun, 1J WINSTON, F. U.-Appo.nt-'i Minister to Penis; hail hims 1 ? ru Illinois National <>n__*i. un<l b . ted Brat Hetrtenant, tc rho two military rank ar Persian Couti : or gorgeous _uifurm desi;, ,jau_ ;; New-York World, *l.j K. turns nnifc__, attentrion being . to Stat 1.1.; ; ' costumo Dot __Thor'..-d by Cong ??-', Jan. '?>; Now i ork Tim--.*, 2.' Ai* I * ne po irtioa of Brigadier Ganami; itatement in Chicago N."\*, that !.- waa innmnt-* with a most un fortunata cr., Jennie Jon a who died bi opium den; Winston sued for libel 11866, April 12: Naw-York Timea, Lj But ion withdraws libel -nit v fterward with aclo it thing 112: New-York Sui., l, Bs .... duappointmans aboal axpac ti.i marrii. irk bun. _) I _b_ely talking about ofilcial b_n_uctions 1.8 ', Jan. *i; The Tri" -fter sending reflii?.a rdon, appli.-el for fran did railro?J frc ra Teheran to . icesaion of all minas ia i'cr.ia; state "wrest In sch?me, but waS re rn.Vtr_r-in-law cf Shah: eeu I is in a kel. ---York - . TILERS, R. __?Appointed Consul at Hong Kong; waa :? ,April ; New-York WOOSTER, FRA.**- W.-Post-iarTtei Ington ' robbing mai- . Jan. . J. W ?N ' ", . - ? New . ' wi- i N.'iv ?' Wright is able, teing* (1886, Juuo 26; N BEE ~ ?? WRIGHT, J. EL?Ap ter at __*. inetti . J. H. ' trying 1 ? V we must . | olsrate, ? in othei cl - iv-York Timea, i. \ il Bi ?' . 8 York YATES, I*. W".?Rafhroy M. il Agent; n mend' ' l much needed i I ? ? ? sk of whiske] into mail ba., wld cb and " ?-",1 !,y *?*'* hibitlonlHt*; di Nov, -4; Naw Tini_s, 2 YOCNG, __)WA__-.*-Con_ul nt Windsor, Can? ada; charged with " doctoring" statistics of trade so that united States waa compelled tc Canada - ? too by sward of Commission in 1877; statement of Professor Hine! thar fl from Cnited Si lian tables wen not onlv intercbnngt-1 ' ndvalanta of ta hlas rahlished In" 1718 (1887, Jan. 15; New York Tim*:'-, 4 i Profsasor Rind's proof ol 1 ? . ? rnrd ?! to L cone* ive of Dnited States inch 8 man tai Cs ' 20; New Yor_ World, '. Brown, Canadian arrent before - -rd in 1 (*77, cc fl otc d data ???' Wno] li and had headquorten in t ea el ar ed tbat 1 of moil"'' Brown, but he dii-rriDut.-.i it arnon ' ? who prc for Brov in Au.-., 1878: afterv ard -. ii against rnited State* knited Si '??- Con? loi at V . , A ' : N Y< il " ter of Internal Bev * Due In Nol ? lor for his owi I - ? .-? l; New i ' * St. I ? ? ? York ? t I'V World, 1.) .i rmiTi rrorr. , ? In I . v iii Imj t_e only h: ? ? jp.'iit, ? - ? i- thal "ii : " It wit I ? bettor than sn. Ile- r ni of tbs N'aiy i.a* j,r ?? - ?, tao. .- thi* YanI n I . on tbelr a-- . a !l,e J ..lui -* bi :?' thc ? ? --ii i. so. to be relieved or irsnsl [Isn_ing np for niniii_* : :..? > !-??< ol * .uni pei ? .... tiled on 'i '.ni; i ? thom -. perji.rj rornmil a tint rancid , n hm o to noeent I .?? b ii _ _i-.t Be ?? i-!i iii.* plant of ii we r* in-, d up ca rotary a_it_q . i>i* s*iii<pniinniii-s ?r*i eomft-mr-lns o .id tx*th.* bow bij A__u_suraUuu 1_ tcl__ Cuuij,iru_iijt_ HOW FREE 7 8 1 DE OPERATES. THE EFFECT PI*< iDI'CED UPON Q_IN___ WIIV TUC;; TS THE BMX*) IS TBACTICALLY DEAD? VII'.WS OF I'F.OMINF.NT DEALFBS. Imw baa trait*) would Ctn for every article of Amer?aa naname*? - al quinine, wiii.ih wa* put on the fm* list In 107-, may lm cited as _ To-day tl." article ls no cheaper o lld have keen If the duty of io per cent had not B8sa t__.-n orr, and the tratio lu cinchona hark no lonjrer o?l*t* because tho manufacture of *iul_lne is practically dead. There aro nominally lour heness la ti,.- i rut.-.l States! that manu!**?turo quinine, bul it is baBevad that, in facr, them are at two, anil probably univ un*-. It I* th.* comtrmn trug ida thal mos- of UM quinine I this country I* made abr*>?d though lt beam American labels, and that lt cannot bu made here asaapS at a los* under areasal circumstances. Tha trnel*- In epiinine has undergone a complete revolution. From bein**, a few years au*), a rare and costly dru th" product of whleh wa* much Mow the demand, lt come so lew as only to pay fur growing In such s m .lava, luella and Ceylon, where laborer* Bia paid from twiv.- | i . nts a elay. ami In ?pita of the enormously Increased and ever augmenting a-mural, rh') supply is sun far lu c_cesa ot th* needs of the world. When IBB wonderful power* a* a remedy tor cer? tain dioeavs were first discovered, quinine waa found oiily in liol-ted portions of r*outh. America, and lt rvqulrod by the processes then employed -ro? ten to fifteen day* to extract the dru*- from the bart Now it lu done In Un hour*. Thei Eii.linh planti?d millions of the trees in Ceylon and India, and rho Dutch planted other minions In Java, and from being worth 83 0? In ono ounce vlali in London In 1*77, rho price fell to 50 cent* tor the best English make; at I-onelon In 1S*)7. Manufacturers and dealers who havo given Information la Sha Tribune reporter un tho subject wore averse te having tholr name* mentioned; but they all aim* that lt wa* the In ? 1 pi'inluetioti of quinine) and not the act of Con gress 'aLlm* off tho duty which redneed Qm prle*' efl tho drug. And that it was that act of Con*?ess which" destroyed Ola manufacture ol quinine tn this country, ? I ap Uti market tu an inferior article, the tabor. Beam tha dury w._ Off, th'- erude harli found a market h'-n*. i* ? MkBfSB averaging ttl pounds to rho pailiif:e ha' il here In a single year. Tl ls . _ian gr?I now, andi If an American wholesale mt* cinchona bark he must buy IT eitbSB er Amsterdam." Mop: than million , .pf tbs b_r_ w.-re produo-d by the British and . at!*,ns l_t yeal- and brought to tbOSS i lied high all over the world prior to 1*79 and h.La i^>.-Ti diminishing la of tbe inci'?-ed supply, a?<l not on aae-unl i SO per Bent duty having teen removed. Bald tl*) manufacture-i-1 ''The a*'t wa* bulled through, . of the nil''*, at tbs very SlOSS ol -.. wtui undue haste, without debate, aad lt went Into Immediate opera 'lon. It w,i_ tba Brat American manufacturo BBS-lied by tao free-?ada octopui, and lt was effectually itrangled. if be'-n lot aiipi.e It would have Ben more thia doubled sad In a flourlshlns condition tei-day, and quinine* Bo! hava beea appreciably dearer than lt is. Wc do foot UBI to say that tho foreign artlci* is in? ferior io our own, but hero _> what L. E. Atkinson, of Pennsylvania, said lu Congress teeenttj ou that SUbJeOt: "'Tlie United 6tatess deHi*rves no credit for the reduction In price of thl* importi'd drug, and anybody that claims that putting qulnLae on the fre* list mado tho great reducUoa ta price fall* tola a grave error. The duty should never have been removed, lt does tho consumer no good. If tho price in LondOB ls now 50 cent- an ounce, and th'* duty of 2U per cent, to wit, 10 eena an muire, were added, rh* lucrci_ied cust would be lo? In the course of trade F-w mea take In a Hie time 100 gralu* | of quinine, bul the duty on tliat amount would bo only _ l-_ ceuti, a trlllo too tnslgnilleant to consider. But thu removal of the duty he? made u* dependent upon foiajl'i_rs for our supply of quinine. In 1878, I the i-_ioval ot the duty, we imported but 17.'i 18 a, to _.-79, rho duty being off, we lat] . ;* ounces, and our Importations la l-*o7 wero .1.7 ounce*. When th* American snpply ww made In our own eountry 1* came u-oiu maaulttetnr-i-rsj who had a reputation to m_intat_, and who pure article on the i_ar_et_ BOW BO mau eau tell m .ether what he buy* ls admteran*! or not. E_ is-rtinenu must be made upon alick man to determine I ow much lorene?i quinine will produce a given PK s ito With the pure article ma.'.o la America no mien experiments wer? necessary. I submit teal whoa a man S lick, good ruedlciuo, and nut chcay i ?at ho want*.' " Aa a matter of tact, the guaranteed American ajilcie to-day at from 88 t.i 4_ cenr. ar. ofln.o :li not protootcd) while . " ? prodaet ls ... tn is mamet. I _unier will take the cheaper article with? out regard te Its quality, and tho fact that ttl I . mporta fir tlie lasf fiscal year aniounw:<! to COS wUl glas sonic idea of rhe How that w.i_ .truck by this specimen *>*?*-trade - li au luaaui?cturer and mo American cua ? ? ? I'IF JOHN STREET REVIVAL GOES ON. tiie 'Bov-r'I:^,, confidi-nt ot having TWEN'TTFIVQ HO'DEED Cij.fV_.TS. " Twenty-live lrandrod. t?-entv-iive hundred," m_r .','i:a;iy ih" it*"". _____? Bas?ne, tha so ' ailed boy-preacher, yesterday iii-iit.iilg as h-* came up gila of tb** Jotm _trect Church '-nrh .hurt, quick hands asBVi ai 1 t-i the number of penoi- he e_pe* is to iee ?ted before next friday. Bs las ns doubt thal that number win be leeched 'ina! area -areeded t>to'-e , adj bibi laeiay tliies hai-hed " ssaaais for .ii' hare tents to bim, and they heep coming raster, ha ?ays. - morning sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Bowdtah. Before tho sound of Dr. Dowdis"*** fled away, tho ac uv-* Harrison was on his feet, beginning Ibo ti'-*-* linc ,_ a tv mn and running around amunii thc congregation. His usual invitation for " simpers to -OHM up BBd walk la rh*' ll.'it" linnie diately ioQowad. To cele-rate the twenty-five hun who have bec;;, sa-, '-d,'* Mr. Benison anr.cunceil, ? .11 be held on Frldag a Jubilee revival. The ? - will I:? r thaoughout tlipj day, beginning at !.alf past _ o'cluolf. lu _M ii?>r__? with a peBtaSSStal lervfce. At 9 :30 there will be a " Jubilee love-feas*.'' rel? it 10 :M0 hy the Jubilee sermon. At 1_ o'olocS Mr. llarri-on will preach a sennon to the bu- .. - men. Tho body of th" church wlU b*) re?ervp-d for \ them, th** gaUeri*'s being op-ued to all omer*). A "jubilee praise, ?ervlee'' will follow at i o'clock, ami ii sp-rnion ar 3, commemorating the twentyvtlvo hundred conversions. Darin, i'i- ..-v.-ning. fci mid DJght, there win i.e thc Jobllee tevtveL -ajii. 'his,1 t-avs Mr. Harrison. '? ls to bc lu? greatest revival that Las over raker: place." OFFICERS SOT AFRAID. Beets of th* officers at the Navy Yard apueared elli* : festerdSS by rhe hints of Daniel Laird, ex Skat -Jug and Provision Bureau, that when he _avo his taattmoBJ i.i tiie court ir would bo to the tito* i ada! ?f '? many Navy Vari tSBetaBI of high rank, who | had winki'ii at ibo Irregular giaettoai r*-ar_:ig cun MI duty ar praaaBS, Cp.sciaily those ? Pay Department, say that they da not appri! anythlng rhat will oonueer rhem i tha! they aili loder from his -ugly the eusiom il yeera'1 of buying ' I inalltj tba ? ? ..- ?: fun l*hed ana fi' ? i coffee fro'ii : ;- af rho Navy laid they refused tu c_ ; iiiioni. MR. PESTF.COST WASTS RLYOT.rTIOS Tlie Bee. ii'i.h e*. paateeest sp,,Ke ? icniple on "Soetol Evolution?"ut: II-* Mid lu pa-r : ' _SBM if they enrich therm-dves gea aad X ase ta blame a* . roten If we reata?i a srstem which tempt* . ..-?. BBBI t-i get rich la far and defend* them In -. I a IBS *nd 1 down p*_c_e_rt uiHin the hon-st peoiil.j In the I troul I ' ? Hi uot *.-"Ui n.u.h a.'.usi'.v s-sar-yrl thst Hie rtibber* ' ? - ;.. I way with I . | .iblng ? . . tate ot l uiian Ifes laber t,f t.ili. rs. WI.; - theo) be- ? ... .aa ' ii ha rubs, viu uni tin- man far wh"in vhe rebe y.>-a' an ? ? in wtm teaate yee team . . :. rd ate MB inls vu H diT.-n in s MB MU vu di-- ot BBtamsaB g*?>'s and filth- edn-sl t* Mildv ittl* dllT.-r.-nie : In the one ease the 1?tt lc_?Ire* ] UM -rlmi-. and In th-- ether -_se lt BBSS not. fABB-MBM.) . .I..I, Ugh faaaaaa "ie taner modic ea i"ii a-iuitiuii?iionn of these avail* augi.t. Vi du nut *_il ri'fi.rni i we want revocation. lAppUuse.) At wMUjr- We want Un- *T?*.em ch?iw 1 so that lt will par to do right. (AppUuse.) ABSXTALS FROU ECROPE YVSTE1LDA c*ii ch.. si...iiii-?iip 1?, rrnm Havre, tttAatt ar -i?-r<_v, wen. ^llss M. 1. Burtl.ri.- ">J. n Hames, Mr. end Mi*. '. li I.lieniu. Ma.ur Noil, 1_ A. Vsn R.-.-S and baa~BBSS Wilkinson. Among th* passengers ot me Khaeiis, of th* Uamburj-Amerl?n line, wero Edward A._riw_, C. 0. -ti-ou aad iie_y |-"i''f_:. _U ? >iov-l?_. BROOKLYNS .MANY I.OAD-S. 0PENI50 NEW KLEVATT;D LIX ES OVKF. A DOZES MTI! I | N'*W .\V*0 ANOTDI.P. DORH IO : a tSBBj atop has tven talien in tue ma'ier ol suppl-; a with ad--. I *>f rapid ? since th" e,pening nf the first elevated r-llroad ll that city. The last few month* have been prollflo in progress in thin, a* no lew than turee ad'lrional BaVS !'"'ii p.;ieii.-d to the travelling pobllo ?Ince spring, and a fourth will bo in BfSBSUaB by the ml'ldle nt Ai. Th- firs' Hal Sf SBBB8SS- road from Fnlton Ferry and the Bride-e wa. put in eperattea by the Iirooklya Company (bar years ago. ll follows a clrcidtoaa route through side streets t" I1* pr*?*iiB terminal point, about five miles from the bridge In the Twenty-sixth Ward, formerly East N- w York. An additional system ha* been BBSBBBSal with tho origin;* fine, by the construction oi portion* ot the routes covered by the franchise ot the Union Company, which was organized by a Rapid Tr_:.sit Commission appoint?d by Mayor Whitney in 1888, The capitalist* intere.teS in ti.i- company are, In fhe main, the men who reorgan I/'*! rho BjBBS-tya Company and completed Us struct* ui? and to all intents and purpose* the two com^.i * are one, although not formally consolidated. Tl i I nlon Company first bulli the line of Ha route In MyrtJe-ave., between Adam* st., where the City Hall station ls situated, arel ?? rand ave., where a Junction wa* made *-ru_ the Brooklyn B_s_ Tralna on the latter were then alternately run from th.* Kant New-York ter?olnui to the trulgo and Ferry, and to the City HalL Meanwhile the Union Company pushed forward thd work of construction along Lre.a_.way from leilngton* ave., where the brooklyn Hue leaves that itroetf to the ferries at thc foot of broadway. That r? "ita about two miles and a half In length, has Juat been, opened anel further SeaBptteateS tts SystoBI e*f train* dlsparchlng e.n rhe I'.roolilv.i road, for now trains are ?"r.t out Brass I ' New-York trrrrlnu* to the Bridge and Fulton Fcrrv. to fhe City Hall, and ta the BB , ? ?Sam DMi-ict ot the div in lt* main BBSS fare and will speedily* have a Iarce aud Imrea I patwina gi, The time from th" foot of broadway te New York 1* reduced to less ll BB one-half of what lt was by BBjasS car, anl a B__B BSBS* 1 tho city yet _nb__ upon ... .1 Tweuty-flfth Wards ls brought comparatively i.._! the river and ll I | f;.,m tbU etty. H'-W TEX r.*XT"V RO^D I** MAKIN e. IiniBBTBf ? I g forward OBI work upon Its structure J sarnia sr*., con neettag ???:.- this will mi, I of both the Bro klyn aud fl?? Union aeatpaalsa ia las I the ritf ItMfB l ? 'ho Union roa*l will have i--e best cone o wiih tim Bridge Tbs elevated rtreets-e ia s.n..!= sf. ia ; - over tue i,ridge 'rack-, and th<* station will bi a! 1 above the new bridge platform provided for by Hie plans re* Bantry adopted by i tssajstt l**avin_ th- elevated cars for the Bridge will havo fo geaeead a Ugh! el stairs, and those golraj from the bridge to the ntjt* tran-lt route al thu Union Company will have ro ascend. Temporary con* aeettoas win he bm aasl BsUp plats forms until the new one ls unit. The Inion Company ul-o has BBS Adel way, waUa starts fro?' ? oklyn road at Park and Hudson aves., BB s tba Mirtl'-avp-. braaeh and extends thPiugh IT.! _ anti Ftatbush aves, to th- _oag Island I?llro-d depot. This route will ultimately extend ton Bgh F!-fh-_veJ ro th" OlSSBWBOd section of the city, bu' BS BBB) win be done In Flftlli-ave. until the properfr-ow?eri wha have opposed the mad and delayed It by useless liff*. gatlon, greatly fo the detriment of their property la-* . assure the company ol bavin.' abandoned the attitudo of hostility. Meantime, _= soon a* the link ia the srructuro conn.-ctlng Hudson and Klatbusti aves, le completed arr ss _'ulion-_t., where the Union Com* pany's lOBti paseal I structure of the Kings county (aompany, this route will be opened as far as the Long Uland -tailor,, where It will take passengers from the Manhattan Beach, Rockaway and etaet Long Island reseirt trains to the bridge. In ft.e multiplied rout.-, and araaafBBI al tracks Involved In fhe manage, ment of tho Un un and Bri oklyn companre-; togufiies there ls an element of danger which can only ba avoided by the most extreme caro aud watchfulne_. TDK BJKQS OOt?STT K'i_D an.j i:s SJ?-Vt?ft The other great rapid tran.s;t roeta In LrooIUyn, that of (toa Klags io.m:y Berated Rattwag company In Fulton st., wet fully described In Th-> Tribune wl.eo tue runnln. of traliui was began . .lt>.u Ferry and Nostrand-av.*. a teer i'f? ago. lMi:ep.' that time tlie structure has been e* mpleted fra mila tn eastward and tu*' present terminal ju Inf Is Utlca-eve four i?i.- The r> luiiiati-ins ara Lui . lu the re malntng mils of the road, tbeolSetBy Um at tha to] . : .dearly iu tba lou mn entire i In order to extend the roul .-. tnt.', rl.e rew Twi-ury-slxth Ward M ira as Wo.xi haven, a nea . l under a '? ' -I ;"-ansll I i.a?tera ? ind .-._.d? part of th? road I ut The men Interested in .. _iy own a controlling Interest in tb .. which is calli*! ? ? party, and tba two lines wm be ru Ithough doubls fare caa . ' oli.j/ati itrloT line fr* ni *? ir I * here lon win b.< made with the ?_i to be bmi? ia * ive. ??_-? ol ? both the Kings md the 1 _t to 1 upon to settle the eonfilctlng claims. Ther* ar*- now over a docen rated ma? in operation in Brooklyn i is already) cted and will moo be bu iren' pr*-g ?? pr ''-cr for replacing sot* (ace raja; transit la A_aat*rc-ave, by ia atovato*. . .road cum* pair-. I the compa -gal to build ls before the railroad commit-.f the Itoardt of AI*I? rm eu and nothing will be done with it boto a October. TIfB PREACHER DID BOX TALK OS POLITICS* Ti.e Kev. Qe* I. ? : . i XBbssaaeB. .. lay* ivar*'"* 'na'. Ba ?'? _ at ll i - i that the preacher*? MC-Bl Mu-wump _MS_B_e*S exis-eted to draw a crowd, a t-uonot a.'er.d** tho meii'lng and fa-ir.d th** Ta' .1 by a mi-c-d SMgMgBtlsa of m> u ar.d woaMB. *tr. Min-'in* to.i_ hi* text from Isaiah xxl. 3. and gav* an account ot the destruction of Babylon. II* ?*id Ul?? the ancient city was aoout el.hi.-eu times ?* ii.'ge as Kew-Yoi-, and (Jut raany p.-opi) Ha SM lefBBS ha. the mdu idea lg fled I ' " ' ?'?? H* se>-cii!d to be aiiiirpi-ching poUOeal ground wti>-n he warned hi* h.arars th*t - . ? would cringe f..r their Totes, but weald not attend tnelr f?newI lt they dind the next day BUM ca*tlng th??_* But he went back to l-iOyl"? drew another picture ot lt* verrl blc fate, and thain aBvtSSi uiudcru jpooei* w beware ol USS cai ami tic*. -_ J..Y iGUM'S REAM _TTLVr'LP. From the steamer* Ls - i-i-l A.-_dff 1.2S7 -. --'rd-r Sauag Um Birivsli sa tts tel - ? issay ol foDr, IWu WeaMB aid 'wo sn;all childreiL Each ot BAS women had *_jr" t al *"?* of BM children and t_oy 111 trav ?Hod togi'tU..-*. Tho youn^sr i f ihe t*. supposed moiher* .mi pridy elrl of ubouii '.w-p-iicy p?u__in-r., _.d she ? ?dgod '--ai rr-) ch..l w?s hera. I as uot marr!?. The y * I I wa* re d.?-ilued. A di*;.lav of _*ol-har*-sic* surre? al was Jolrsd in by the girl's ravel.lng eera pani.iii. 1__:/ in tte sltemoon * -inn '-I'd for th* eli?11 It Ui-ii tunic, out U_u bosh . . , tho marri-1 won__i, and thar, f_e : ?ettersMp by th a advice of a i-A'a-ly ??ai-hoal sven; In II_\.-e. Tao tnothot ot th* ? ? fall kee t?r her ?_*!?_*?ti and the l ii-.o ga-i temporarily to idipt t_i? ol ? bett th* ______ia _e*. aad had " i_ock'.'J B-wa" th* pi?*-f/*j c' aWBGAELAS I_3fl*.'ha Thl Hungarian lmnurra . - j'.ion herul a nuiN . .. Th.. -?*<-ia Moa l.*.s BBW 188 I 3 nie of tha i-? I in the i b i.. KaaaaSsr, tte -*-c e.-rr? read I aippiieanie hav* l*a?-n ? ? . j ? ?o?:ety'? _es l<i*i irvr*. _.i__ tU'i.s Ip- aaSB in.-a.-h_uic* and llgkl la1..tera ind ether appi??.t*. b _*, BieroSaete anl teachers, havo ? n meiida'dun*. Th* asso nation inf-rs BaBB '"**? ll I* in ? |?*lUon to . Beal for lnunigi?i? having tr-Jes, -ni Hal lt la di ...i -v?l ta ? iio hav*- lixl oiilj a lit? erary cducata.n. Best- ? his ll ha* aastrtaS In. pa?s*r*s h*r* ?nd ha* also given medical and leg- h-'-P Among thoa* prcM-t wan ?r. linn] B_r___hBBj Cairouex _*vy, Kala** hicnihard and Igaaea i-raiit. ? Cor RI CALKSDARt-TO-DlT. BL'I'SRMll'orHr-ClliMi'.BBS-llelore O'l'.rieo, J.-?? 8, 121 14 41 47 .*, Td, 77,-1. "' W_ H?. Hrt. isa. ltaiPT 1*1. Yet, U8. let. 177, isa, isa r.*.. .oi. ?* ?i.,i.'-io4.J0.V- ? - - ir-ltefor_ :ta', - -Pr-'baK ot th* wilis'of Anii lo _. m.. Mary hi. W.iaars. ll a. _u. Ainiu?ie Haime, ll?. _. _ _.. cst ri?aa* ?ocur-'sr'rci.iL Ttaa-Before Trosi, J.-Ko .lay C._Mi>!f !?_*** ? 8l'*ci__ T**M?Before Van Hoesan. J. ?Na d?r o?eu.Ui'- . _ ? - loubto* us.****". -aasiDNe-raar L-l-tcr* Uceor'.er Bf-.i-Ui ind _.s_Uai __ICI.I AlWiuor liott-.N?. 1 bil Ul?l?iV*.