Newspaper Page Text
Nm^0t\i V0* XLV1II.N?. 15,233. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, JO.\ 31), 1888. ? PRICE THREE CENTS. FIGURES MADE TO LIE. gTOCKSI.AGER'8 CAMPAIGN DOCUMENT. MMBAmaBBBB AXD rAISR 8TATI8TI' .- HOW A FLAT FORM ri.AVK BAS MADE. ' tar tti roH*_rn to thk -num-s-n.1 Washing-cn. July 2ft?A "statement show? ing tbe quantity of land actually restored to tbe public domain, and of land recom? mended for recovery by the action of the Genera! Land Office $nd Secrets_ry of the Interior, from March 4, K'fcS, to May 12, l$gg,a has been issued by Commissioner Stockslnger. and sown broadcast ever the country for oampuign purposes. Thii ao-called statement is printed upon one side only for mon convenient use hy newspapers and cam? paign oratora, and the Commissioner's signature is neatly appended in facsimile, which is designed to give additional weight to the startling propo? rtions contained in thc circular, which has re? ceived the warm approval of President Cleveland. Under tin- head of *' lands actually resrored to the pubho domain" are given 2.1 o_.41 7*'i.'i acres si Unds in granted railroad lim ita. This is made np of four items, wluch'are as follows : 1?The decision ol the Interior Department that thc forfeiture of tlie Texas and Paoilic Railroad grant carrie-e! with tl a forfeiture of the Boat-MSB Pacific grant within conflicting limns. 'lins was a decision made purely aad sim? ply for Democrat, ? buncombe." us no forfeiture Bf Southern Pnilltfl lands hud ever been made l>v -'?ss Whenever the Southern Paciti'' liaii road watts Iks -"'?>''? kkk. acres now eliuracd to have been ISBBSBfd, it viii iimitif-atii.n;i>?ly get them. And this is s- wall known thal sol a stagle oatry applieatmn has ever been maeie- by settlers or " out? siders" f< I hinds embraced in thia " bee^us" restora? tion. The second item is the claimed test oration of ;,cres of Atlantis and Paeifle Railroad lands in California. The late CoaaBtiaaioB : S| arks held that there was no grant of these 1,500,001 ncr* A Judee Sawyer, of the I'mrcd States ? ll emt Court, hu*! previously so derided, and the De liar, mental '? restoration"?so calleu? ? a mere clerical act. The third item ,s s " restoration" of 32,400 acres of N. rt hern ]*acifie lands. The questior in this ease was in what direction a cert.un ter? minal should be drawn. If it was drawn in one direction the grant would take land on one side. I tlie I.ri- wis rim in thc other elircetion the r*.ilr.\id would gel the sime qttaatity of la'i.l on ther side. Tlie railroad got its 13,400 acres ir. any event, and no lauds were saved to the pub? lic domain The lasr item in those "restorations" is 10,017 a-rcs of Si. ux City and St. Paul Railroad lands in Iowa winch the State had lefsssd t" accept and . were rcconveyed to the United States upon a request originally matte by the Repnbiieas Com? fier of the General Land Oflice, Sf. C. McFar? land. Th" presrnt Administration is merely a residunry ?-. iind nut B tiisi-e.v! rer or owner of this " uss eastlea." Tha I . sal forfeitures, of whieh 2 **,'-'?"??'?? Ml are claimoi. in the ** statement." wan limply tin* (ulm.tiiit ion sf measures origi nar-d m iii" preceding Republican Cm cresses. The claim of r-storation includes the nonlaal ;irea of batta once purported to hare beea granted t" right Southern railroads, while not an aero of land ever passed to the glBBtees, bee land.s whal .?.*r were enveye-d. none were with drawn from tlie public domain sad every sets?so purporting to have been granted?wa.** d:*-,*osed of bf the United States muny years airo. The circular claims that 1,133.3(0,000 acres of railroad in destalty laudLs " were" restein-d. Tins claim is also fairs'-. Not an ai'n* haa basB sn restored, sn far as diligent inquiry has discovered. Orders for resioratie>n wan issued, it is true imt a sufficient length *?: time waa allowed for the anin tn ni ted land-. an'l they uren daij notified to come forward and make such nlections. Ir is generally under? stood ihat the niiroad oompanies promptly, all ihe lan is mere mre, and hit aot I - agk acr" t. iu- ? ri al ored." - egera ** statement" nports B7< of "t.riviite. land claims withdrawn, landa re storeei." Thia is a elaim of restoration in a can -? Solan gnat?where the grant claim was . ? ogma boom yean ago, sad that settlement made then laade oom mon " public restoring them to the public domain, ? wa*i tim ol." recorded by thc General Ia - ' ? and nothing B ? m cir ? nxgroKATiOK." Mr. 8 - - r's extraordinary ** atatement" - that '.*7 160,808 acres hare ben " a tmV nader tba beading: brine, under pre-caqrtiea, homestead, timber culture, d'-ert. min.'rat and timber cuitur** land Uws ? nn ? andi.lilian ? Sn to abandai.i. ? Canful iBTesttgatioo dir doses thst this par tienlai I sa xagg ration bf just ahout I - I Tho mariner in whieh this ir.'ii, sf thc ** statement" was constructed is Indicated, ? i ona-sage .n the Cotominioner'a Ile says I'oder the Timber Cul* tin* laws reiint]ul*hnient? of en trie*, ind tbe miming uf entries tor the purpnee of selling BlSB-BSBBl le a btieinc?.a of pr.-nt and an a--quail_<*d abu*, of the privilege of the ,?_?-?. The name traci* of land are entered snd rallagalehed em and em spain. (,ener?!!T. tn each ca** s new entry la filed airnu: a f with the preeciitatlon of a relinquishment of Ike former and the prncese poe* on Indeilnltelv Mean? while the land* are held from MtttofBMt and remain un Inhabited, aabageeni and um-uiilvau-d. The Commissioner th'-n cites S number cf ? \ I - tSOBB ths (illi'ial nSSBda In BM BBSS the tame 160 acres in Wahiaaha had boes ** (?mcred"' fl limes, and " Kiiaquithed sad cai:* five times in thc last eight years-four ol tbs entnes and three of the relinquishment* having tx-cn tiled nader tlie- preeent A I I in. In another case. In Dakota. "entered" and '?relinquished anel wnoelled" Bra It appean thal tu, ingenious*, but met Ingenuous, Dem >cratic mathematicians have these and I na, and nted each ot fhe-n m many tums as ti.ev were ** relinquished timi a- ording to the 1 Ll lu lins way the suuit- l ? .ilel figure a II live caaseUatiuaa had been recorded, anel the two specnic en-<-s cited a ou ld yield an aggregate Of 1.800 SOIM Ki ba 'ii"! 1. I te, thc " Bt '.- VD A : ministration.' Could anything beylon I.ilse- or misleading thun a " s'ur.ii, ..- OtaUd on tuofa ealcuiatioi. *. -en a sufficient nuiui?*r ol ** CBBeS-lst-iona" for a mu il Ipi i.i. .iud the aa.,,- uaartei settle n would yield Htoefcalager s ^i^j r>{ ,,-., , acres Now, everybody knows thal "General" B|?rUs waa a mon energetic fearlen aud in? dustrious Refermer ih,,,, Rtonkelager, but Sparks declared oftUnllj- ,1,.,, ... . ,. ,-,.... tiny of April, le-', and tht .oth ot June 2,107 entries only went cbm l-c.V "mhrac-n. .51...20 acres. K SBoekalagac'B - Bmiemenf wen true, be would have nv mi gated, examined re? newed, adjudged and eaunllcd about iBBOoO entries in the short, i^-noe; oovend by his own Jasaaabcaey, whieh begsn oaljr shout eleven rn* r.tli* ag*. Spsrki aaanulted Congrt-M frc quently aii'i violently for un nun . ,,.(0n Qm bub that bb ?'?-i. -*?: of the atti. yendon** number ol ri pit -, p\ ighbe,ili..e,<; ,,f 240,441 acres?probably less? 1 ? year, hrs ? .1 follows either that the iirct-cnt i. ' .-: ? - aad vereal nixaioner tad. with the sum.- loree, eaneelled ?.i\i?.r,. near 160.000 entries, or as maru- m eleven month-, as Spark*, hy his own showing, eould not ha.. -deei iu doing ia a SMS psrlod than one Luifdred and el" 1'i-on Sfock-!_gfr's " BtBtesaent" and other equally trustwortny data supplied by him was based ihe land plank in the St. Louis platform. - ? TIIE ADMIM.-TIJATK'N 'KMKir (TTS Iil'.rp WMhlagtoa, July '-.' tSUm lah.-Ii may 1^ remem? bered that wbeii tbe vote WM tabSS BS Uto 1 SJ ti.e " Dark I^iitert!'' MU, Mr, Bogg, a DssatcratU -toprevt.tative v?liu fave.iv.l t;,<? BMMBn, BM wi'u Mi liitndaii. abs d^ sheeal aa account af iii eei?. *j|.r Admlnisii allon laattsn Wan SSSJ aii|{ry ?l?oul ll, fur au onl'-r lm<l U-'.-i, ISBBCd '? Quarter thal BS Mend of IBS WI thSBM pl**' v?*t? ag.iirnt that "f tic rataaas ss-ttassbsr, whs tu-ud ugh ifl tbe n__ioii_! ' oiiiM-iis of tha DatBocrstU l*ciy wu;.; (.rovrr I lOTSlSBd wa*, yet tmkno!' ii h P?llUcai faiue. r*o angry were ffiejr tliat Mr. Hogg Bas tingly iabu-_ed few bia action. Less than u _____*t1*ftw*w*rd ho wm defeated for renomination ann the Administration men are In high glee. They naturally ascribe hu defeat to the fact that he con aenied to pair off with a Rick man. who was opposed >o the Adnu nial ration's free-trade MIL That, doubt? less, ls the correct explanation. TEE INDIANS BELD AT STANDING BOCA THE COMMISSIONERS STIIX HOPgrtX. ASD THE BRAVES SQUALLY BETERMIWED. Standing Hoc* Agency, nat. July 20 (Special).?The Indians at this agency, who have decided unanimously not to consent io the opening of thc Itesarvation, but who are being held at the agency In the hope that they will change tbelr minds, have put In a quiet Sab? bath. Many of the young bucks have lett for their farms, but they will be brough! back for to-morrow's conference. in council laet night the Indians spoke I strongly against the policy of tho Commission in keep? ing ihem here after they havo rendered their decls.on. They say that they will not sign If kept hero j fur six months. Tho Commissioners are still hopeful that they may induce somo of them to sign j but there is small foundation for their hope. The ' meeting of to-morrow or Tuesday will doubtless be tbe la_t at this agency and tho Commissioners will leave for Pine Ridge or Cheyenne, in a few days an attempt will be made to force the Indians to sign either *? yes-* (,r ?? no,'' but the Indians are sus? picious and yvili not touch the paper they cannot read, and fear that a trick is about to be played on them. Chairman Pratt, of the Commis? sion, who has attempted to keep the facts from the preoa, has fi.und that dealing with Indians like Call and John Grass ls vastly different from subduing ami commanding a few Indian children In the school at t arl ib . Penn Sifting Iluil refuses to return to the agency nntll the Commissioners han bom sway, and n in more than i probable that he will I*, forced In br the police nr tbe military. He naya that he has lathed with many i Commissioners, he knows just, tv hat they have to ; say. ami lr* docs nut wish to hear I lie-in. rierre, Dak. July BB.--Bltn tba Patt, Afrald-of j ' Nothing. l.ltile-no Heart and Takes-It-Standing, chiefs ' < of tba Tw.i Kettle baud nf Hon.- Indians, frnm the j ' CheyeaM uiver Agaaey, are in Iowa ki toattfy in the j < li.-n Way case. Th ;. aspnsaad themselves In laver | ' Bf the s-iemx treary and anxious ro sign lt when the e-iiiumis,!,,ii a-Ttvea They hare great faith in tho -White- Farrier" at Waahlagtaa, ariel de not b.-lleve thar I,.- WoaM advise them to do anything wrong and ? their latereet standing ls an lr.tei 1 ?'ii- Indian, and be exnmsn as lils opinion that all the indians will ratify toe treaty. THE PR ES 1 DES T LEA V CS FIRE ISLAND. I HE STARTS FOR BLOCK I8I.AXD AXD NEWPORT? FAPrCTFIi IB JFRsriY CITY TO-MOUBOW. The Presidential fishing party missed the best fi.-ii ing day of all In their trip to Fire Island, by slipping I J away ynterday moralag at 4 o'clock. They sailed ta Block Island with the Intention of tunning perhaps to Newport, and returning ta Jersey City to-day, possibly -j In tin* evening. IJut. lt was fluitday. and tnat may : be the reason for tho departure. Vet the biggest : I haul for some time wm made yesterday. One troUlng j ^ I party caught over SOO bluefi-h In the morning. ! j The departure of Mr. Cleveland did not occasion j n I much comment, among the 200 or moro guests at | -j the .*<urf Hotel. Mr. (leveland did not rome tvhore j g I while then-, and lt was soon made evident that he i 0 came n, t as the lYe<ldent bal solely as a fisherman, j , To tell the truth, the interest which 1.1- arrival excited j g j soon waned, and when the ?mn shone clear on the I t j bay where tlie Susquehanna liad been the central j p i figure, little e-r.riii-lry was manifested as to th" p ?ments of the Presidential party. Some reml- I *, j nlscerices tren Indulged lr. however. ( Tlier* -were a good mary felly Republicans ur the i s ho'el, ami the Ilarrlsor: arid MortOB button was so ptontlful that Congresaman Amos .t. Cummings toobed v lonely. Yet. bad Mr. -loveland come ashen he would a havo had a loyal and titling reception, on Friday v ? ?? BepubUcan steie.el at the hotel door and distributed .? Harrison buttons to tall friends as they landed from | | the afternoon boat. Several of the republicans al ii ihe hotel, Clifford K. Smith, of >his city, and Hewn I Burnt and Fisher, among them, are talking of rharb-r I lng Mr Sammis's strumer, tlc* Hippie, to go down a I tho bay to meet Mr. Blaine. fi While tonk wore r-.'retTing thar the Prescient lost r a lat Hsh.Bg dav by going away, they told how th? I'.Meat attended re. batlaeM on Saturday when he .i a great catch. The party rene t,e*d Klbow Point, I , thne mile-* from (he Surf Hotel, at I) o'clock. Tic-re the steam yacht Zingari paBBed elOM to the Presl- ( d'-nt. IP- was sitting in tiie ste-rn. lir.e In hand. In ? tent on bis present occupation, fishing. They rauzht ? a glimpse ol a ttout back taned on the- parry, of \. ( aptaln -? Dode" WlehM grinding away ar the chum- a ? ming mill, another glimpse (,f the- st mit form swathed , e tn that Fhirlda buckskin suit, turning to Captain WlehM, throwing his tish to the Captain, who BB- ri hooked them, and then went ot; gri-ullng, grinding : ? at the old nilli. The Zlngara tooted three. tlm?*s. inn '' ' Mr. CleveUnd neither beard nor saw. ether parties saluted with tl,.- same* re-ult. Hut when ihe pattin saltii* i- be stood e.n ti. ? Binqnehanna J without ht, ina in hand, be noel gracefully ac- i l.t."--. i.* [ord ? ?? compliment. r Th. PreslUcni made the fir-M raith that morning. " ? d the sixty Bve Ssh. Pnt ? ii Dickinson look a good *bare of na gras- inui i . onie fish. '? deal did a ; wenl awaj rMterday with I, which may be I ne reaBed when he learns that ,\ 223 bluefish were landed after hts eiepart?_:?". _ Colonel Lamonl telegraphed to tia* PenM>lvaala Railroad officials yesterday from Fir- Uland to bat the'-rit's special cai ready to gu out at u p. m. V Tuesday. ,, . Uland, li. L, July 20.?President Cleveland j, and hli parry, who w.-re experted ben to day. did not w slop, but .ailed ly ci',*.- ie. laud in their yacht. MEW TUTXSBB TO BB < H os rv TB BALTTMOEB I P lialtimore. July 20 r-Speciali.-Two seats on the j sr Supreme Hench of baltimore City will be filled In ti.e B r;e-.\t three months. The law ntabllshlag an addi? tional court for thia elty, to be known as City ClrctUt ? No 2. n--cc,siraies the election In November of j *' a new judge and derk, tiie first to serve for the Ml Pj Judicial term of fifteen and the latter for the _?ual ,Ja term of -Ix years. Tie expiration of Judge Brown's j tl. term In November will create a vacancy In thc office I chief Judge of tho Supreme Hench. (.overnor Ja^U-s.n will appoint Judge nrown's successor, who will serve until the general election next year, when a JadgB for the full term will be chosen. Among the lBeaubon ef tbe hav who have giveji thc subject ten hlderatlor. ihe impression prevails that Captain An? drew C. Tripre will be appo-nr-cl chief Judge Imme dlataly SPOS Jidi'o Brown's retirement. For the other Judgeship, thar of Circuit Court No. 2. upon ui ich the people will art In November. I_or*rv 11. p* Harlan 1s believed to hare the inside track for tlie y regular nomination. I aptaln Trlpt?- waa pra-slil-ui ,.< il,e tim Board ol Election Runervleors appointed ., bj Governor carroll and remained rn rhe hoard under ? t),e presidencies of John W. Davis ami colonel Albert [" nitchie. Mr. Harlan, wbe li a >oung man. i. BBBOdalo j.' professor In tbe Haw Cnlversfty. I _] .-? yt TISG A POOL IS JUTE BAGGING, j si mia, -inly BB.- George Taylor, a prominent St i Louis cotton facim. I- authority f'r the itateaasal thai I flMBUlMtann have formed a tr-i-t \; and have advanced tl - | I M of bagging from 7 to ll CBBU pw yan!, while tlK ii" advance In the raw material. Mr. Taylor could not purchase such itoeh as ba wsflted ls Bt Louis, and totogrsshed ar* Ka-ren. mst '? - and roc-lved .. reply that ba had bettor pun lias'- baal Bt Louis makers, j JJ Mr TaglM claims that rho gt louis manufacture.-,, j _,. moro apprised f bli .-Teer-- le pta.Berala the Eaat bj a- soe,n as I..* rent! d a reply, and thar thej declined i "J tu lill bis order. Fifty million vant- eif thl- I aire;rig , fo ramed pei annum, aiel tbe ailvanie neaui au Ai additional expenditure of to roflsoaiers. M .1- -.viii prodoM aeart) sss batf the product ag . i.i r: . t ulled -state?. ARRESTED Iff THE OEWEAMAW NATION. Bi I-oul-. Mo., J-iiv BS Advice- from the Indian oa TarrltflBf bar thar Depaty I altBd Mate, Maisl,al ta MrAlllater. al'led bv t flited s)atns lc.ops and some di indian polbe. Minted bbm Ldasan, hi tha i bb-kaeaw KaMaa, a. w. I'arkei. ?? je?- MeJUMetw, O. B. fiiew art, 1 J Csabaa ai.d Alsaaa-tor DMIaitt, paaaataaat ia.i, e ,'il.ens, who have be_?-n leailltii.' the armed revolt againat the collection of tt.e tax -hey were taken to Paul's Valley, and Will be remo! esl fnun than to Fort ainltu, Ar!... for trial, (."vernor (-ur. of the ' bU kasaw Nailoii. sa\ - that tba trouble about tha col lection of ibe e atil.- tai ls nearly over. The uon cit :/'-i - will appeal "> Washington to have the tax de? clared Illt-K-al. and In case ol their appeal not succeed lng, will auber quit tim Territory or pay the tax. oi .-ai In t ll HUT I'OrplMi OIL OB RUES ISO PROPERTY \ K1 Montreal, j.,]} _e, ppanlsl) iB Incendiary fire took i"-i- Heh murniii,' Fin* broke out In Iioust A .Major's ita)-- p__ tntewleil tej i betel, bass which tho SlBBflBg hUBSbaa aarnwly escaped, or*- man being so ? ? lilli lu i thai li" i.-.l to be taken to the boi Otben wei') more or IcSs lnjuie.1. home - baaeagtag te, a caite;r named Itovlan were ? In Haine-, ami upon th- flreine.*ii going to ii..* place, Boylan wan discovered with a --an of oil .'iroatflng ;t around. Ho was immediately arrested. HU stables have been ou Ure several limos before. Lass. SO.OOO. MR, PARNELL AND TBE COMMISSION BILL OF THSEE8CORE AMENDMENTS TnE IRISn LEASER WILL MOVE THE FIRST. London, Jnly 20?Already sixty-two amendments have been proposed to the Parnell Commission bill. Mr. Parnell will move the firs! amendment, to Inquire Into "The Tlmea" letters. Mr freston will move to limit the Inepjiry to persons named in the schedule of the bid. i-UKf-PX MCTHODS PRACTISED IX IRELAND. Dublin, July 20.?John Forhan, a boycotted farmer, while returning home from Tralee with three laborers n a car, to-day, was shot dead near Listowel, Kerry', jy two disguised men, wbo Jumped over a fence, Ired and escaped through a wood While Farmer "McAullffe was working with a shorer named Ruare In a field at fdounamukle, -'<a*k, on Saturday, a man disguised wtth a while doth entered and demanded their namee. Ruare rave a false name. He was ordered by the stranger o fall upon his knees, and he did so. whereupon he stranger shot him twice, and be died an hour ifterward. The stranger escaped. His Identity ll tot known to McAulllfo. rHOUSANDfi OF SAVVIES ON STRIKE IN FRANCE. ran*, Julv 29.?Eight thousand navvies are now sn strike and others are expected to Join the move nent. Twenty-three of 100 persons arrested have ieen held for trial or. the charge of having been rnn *er*ned In the rioting ar Iaslliette. Thoso of them She are foreigners, if found guilty, wljl be expelled Irom the country after undergoing punishment for heir offence. -MPEROR WILLIAM'S RFTT RN* TO GERMANY. Herlln, July _$).?En>j>eror William ls expected to irrlve at PMadrleh-rahe on Tuesday night 'le will )rocecd to Ixrrlln on Wednesday. A BK. DISCOUNT ON CNITEI) STATES MONKV. Winnipeg, Man., July 29?The banks have fecMed hat American money cannot gei ben, am) a tlc ell ount will bc ma-ie on rhe currency of that nation. Hi - discount ls 3 per rent on all paper money. Sliver loilars go for OT, rents j :,n -rent pu*, es for ld ? ? pl ca's for 20 eents, There ll M dlacount on o ami Seem piecj. The city ls flooded with Amcr can money. PHF.MIF.n cnEENWAV.s RAIUtOAO PL" - Wlnnljieg. July 20? A di-pareh announces that ?render Greenway has effected arraugenieuts w|ih th" forthera FSellC to operare a system of rallwajs In lanltoba. It ls learned on gnni authority that the igreenient Involves moro aid than the SS.000 per mlle maranteed. it k said that the Mslsianc* will amount 0 ?*s.5(M) per mlle guaranteed. A spea-ial ae-ssi.n eif he Manitoba legislature will ha called Immediately, 'his U rendered nectary by the fact that som - 8MB amy will have tt) lie chartered to issue bonds, as none ow exists. TEXAN HORSE!lilEVES IN CHICAGO. WO BOYS DRIVING A LIVELT TRADE FOR SEVERAL BREES. Chicago, 111.. July 29.?The police have raptured a oy, age sixteen, who calls himself Edward Hrown. Ie claims to have come here from Kendall County, ex.. about June tl. He came In with a carload of cxas ponies, and when his friends had solel their rock and returned home, he formed the acquaintance f Charles Orana, age nineteen- Brown proposed that icy go into the horse sreallng business on a large 'kia, being convinced that lt would be very profit ble. They rented a barn on the West Side. Hight 1 forays were made. Th" boys hired five men as rooms, bought hay by the ton ami o*t* by the car >ad. In le-ss than rwenry-four hours after they iarted in business they had stolen five horses snd lld rhree of them ar a liberal price. The boldness of their plans was remarkable. They ?ould hitch two stolen horses tn a stolen cir-uj' ml drive' along .Michigan-ave. until they saw a team hich suited them. To sec a good bone ni'-ant nwn r_*iip for them, fdr they would follow lt homo and i all probability secure lt ihat Bight Every law ays th'* two 'Ie.\ans would go out Into fie sa* i look for good horse.. Thev *-ule them from Hyde ark, (J rand Crossing. Se,ult*. Chicago, bglowood atnl ih'-r sabarbs weal and sour-.. Their stable bee.-amo ill of valuable howe*,, ami p.-eipli begM I I ie place fur the purpose of bining stock. All Hi? llie complaints wen eonlag in to tbe poller thi'-h ntl (Mt, bm they could not lind th'- tnleee.. "e. ily lg tbey st al" a horse and buggy from ihe Na *rh de and drove to a blacksmith 'rap te, have im" r. [lairs marte*. While walting, one' eif them -tal' ie blacksmith's watch and vhs boob accused "f the ieft. Roth drew revolvers anel compelled the bia. k -nitli ti* apologue for tbe charge. As soon ?, ih**y are gone- tbe ?mirh complained a* rhe t.nit.* : *i. Btatloo, giving -i good description of tho indite. A detective followed them tee their stuhl,. nd shadow.-d the place- (or three or four davs rane tied, bat Bnwn was arro-te-d. "ti bim ?a* Hind wno in ra?h. Twenty-five borsM aral eighteen "i'-n vehicles ban alread* I md, and more re coming In e* Thc horses are uniformly ne and the vehicle, range from a dog-earl te, a mr-tn-band Hrown confessed everything to < aptain lilli, rs. HE STEAMER PATITHIAS BEADY TO SINE. BOVKSED in vinf.tai'.d haven aftee a OOLLXSIOlf. Vineyard Haven Va-* . J-Iv CO?The steamship srthlan. of the Hostor. anel Philadelphia Line. Captain Ickerson. from Philadelphia for Hoston. and the ] hoeiiie-r Ayr. fnitn St. Joli.-i for New-Vork with a j irgo of lumber were in collision near the West limp. ' Ineyard Sound, about li :.T0 o'clock last night. In a | esta nor'he-a-r wind and Bloody weather. The irthlan wk struck amidships on the port sb!e, and a* nm aground lri the harbor, leaking badly. She id a full cargo sf general merchandise anil fifty five j Meaagem, meist of a-hum w?re awakened fiom a und -leep hy the eoOUMB, though no panic and hut , tlc excitement occurred. A few wanted life pre- ' rvers, but were soon rpil"rcd by assurances from the ticer* ni no Immediate danger, l_.ii than one hour ter the d.saster the Parthian was grounded safe and minnies* lr: lh_ bather. All the passengi'rs on ani were le. good .plrtu this morning, aol tvei, ken to Renton. The Parthian wa* hauled afloat ls afternoon by the steam tug Confidence, fm i.-^k ul l,ecn 'topped latlsfactorily and the ship was iking no waler Ir wa* reei-mmond"d that she go her destination under ber own power. *-h ? pro ede.] at 5 :T10 p. m. for Hoston. Tho report* of th,' prams of the cuiiM:n? reaaeU di.Ter aaaaMenbly to the cause of the collision. Tue schooner WM dly damaged. _ _ AX IE1SH A TIILETE II BEA KS A RECORD. Barry, the Irish athlete, yesterday afternoon at 4 rlock, succcede-i] in breaking the record for dtsto throwing the slxteen-peuinl hammer. The feat wa = rformed at the Manhattan Arblerle Club grounds, ar ghty-slxth-st. and Eighth ave. There was a small lends bm, The ludgei wen L ?__ Mv-ers, p. t. -rd W Halpin The distance to whlfh th" ,;,.:..? r was thrown from the butt itv lr_*2 feet H l _ ?hes. ihe previous record. bUo marl" bv Parry, wa, I feet ]l niche*, and was made on the same ground! out a year ago. _ '.VERAL RU1LD1NGS BURNED AT SING SING Fin* broke out at 8 a m. yesterday in Perin, i rsch.s Pyrean Art Tile Works at the lower end of tin st.. Sing Sin.- The Banes to tbe ad .lings iiiid destroyed Michael Hvam's fruin.* use and stol.: Da I ui-t-e-story lodging aaa, a tmato baan ewaed bj Marv Orady and oe pied by Pi'ler i I'ark'-r. Abc.: am Kipp's machine .ii .lal a frame bouse oceaptsi by ir colored families aaa believed to be Incendiary origin The _n nan it etched their hose . ks of tli" liud-on River Railroad and >ck'd the* road for - rbi .-. mo-t ?hlcli are partially laaared, ar- el!-rn bu led a. biwa: Michael liv am. 8-bOuO; ;ia\.*l Roea, MMJXhj; iraham Kipp. .I!."!"). Pertrain Iiir,.-':. *i_uou; irv Orady. 83,400; Peter C. Parker, #1,200, Hliam rhey, W.dOO _ BAJBM BtEIXLSf WILL go to georgia. Waahlagtaa, July 20?Congr.ssmin McKinley to BBMpted art Invitation to v|>|t th" OSSSgla Cha'i Kpia (luring Uh* 111 BBSS Bf AagBSl ami make a speech. *. d ?a- tendered tala ?natontag by Senator m. Tba time Ot Mr. McKinley', visit |s left 1., a rutert.i ( OSSPIUATOUS i:\EiVTED IS HATTI. Th- UaaSM Aba*, which arrived on Friday, brought the x.rt Ilia! Hay tl la lu a aut" nf revolution. The urrea fever haa been ptSfSlaM In l'lirt-au-Prlnee, and npr.ied who could M leave ibeir homes. Th?-r? on ibe u-oh began tn burn and rob Uie diMtied Mease, 1 President Salomcn waa obllfed to declare tM elij d?r nartlaJ law. Ibaturbances continu.'d for BOM a e*. A united effort wu rhee made by a .and of con rater* Va burn (tie elly and u, aoaaalnale Ute President, -ea were Marled all 'iver the etty st a given nigua., an 1 a time lt a.-. in"*l aa thueigh the whole elty wouid bo nmyeti Prom lent Salomon waa aut of the elly at * flatt ?r WOOli Uaw b*en allied. Immediately nu his urn he eel ah-iit discovering thc- conspirators. Twslve Diem wer*- found In a caff by the bellco, bat only ihr.? soiurad (iullllo. a full-bload-d nrgru, iBMaaeaaa a BoaataaB, and I^iretx*. a ranigea Cuban, ey were turuBHMU t'* Many tn hl|h BBlSlorliy are mituarvrd at being an? ted lo tbe pb t President Salomon ls far advanced In ira, and tn hla arbitrary gnverruuent may bc traced cb ot the discontent ? faith U now aianlfeaUng ivaeit HOW BMJTH M. WEED WAS HIT : A VICTIM IF CLEVELAND AXD MILLS. THE IROJC, LUIBER AND WlMlL OF CI.IXrON COTWTT AMONG TRtsK " RORBgR " INTERr-STS WHICH THE FREE RAPERS WOCLD THROTTLE?IS MR. WBMM ix mi.iTics t Pittsburg, Jily M (Special).-Not many years ago some huntsmen icar Hyem Mountain expressed the ns* plelon to one giotbor that there was Iron ore some? where in that rcu.a One night th" huntsmen camped upon a lower supe of Lyon Mountain and built a fire to BBSl their BBBta and food. As they were watching j the bubbling cofec-pot, one of them laid, peering Into ; the Are: " Vihj, there ls Iron." The party hit built a Are upon a ledge where there was an outcron>lng of iron ore. and the heat of the t Cn- -tatted som* of the ore and revoaled lt glistening In j tho flames. At the time of this ellscovery there was living In i Plarrsburg a shrwd lawyer, Smirh M. Weed, who had no capital e.ircp hie brains. The land at Lyon Moun? tain was nwneel by a reslepnt nf a distant city, but Mr. Weed Pased If and then strove to interest capital? ists In his schtme tn develop the mine. Analy? sis showed thar, rhe iron had constituents not found In Iron mined efcewhere in the Frilled isiates--constlt uents extremely valuable bl steel makers. Hut th" mino was almist btSSeSSSfbla Mr. Weed Induced UM stale to bulli a railroad from Plattsburg to Clinton Moon, at TTiai'smnia. for the oatBaalbta parpon al transporting piivtslons tor the convicts, and then leased the rall* ad fe*r tba stupendous sum of fl a year. Dannernira was situated three-fourths of the dl-tance to Ly<n Mountain and Mr. Weed, therefore, soon axtoaded Ha railroad ta Lyne Mountain, ami bar* lng thus BBSS-SI a nu-.-ii- for rh I traiisportatloti of his ore, he opened his ml*.e. Tba i all way was BXtaadad list wluter. i.rt|i now lt roatllw Irom Plattsburg to Saranac Lalo*, t lUttBBfr of -evi*nry-feiur mil'-,. The obse*i'ving tourat mu-t hive* noticed ererywhen along th<* line lohni thai i | gai I e mining company work. Annul tho charcoal kilns there sweeps an awful anert. Tta in ..ii beea eui "if, Ihe hard wood fo: .banoal, tba -of: wood tor Umber; Iha biisin*, han bean cut down, ami then Bn hM been le-t lanai- e,ve-r the tract tn prevenr forest tires The Chateaago rna Mit omdlnetora also own thc rstlnad, have- reeeatly purehaeed a tract of Ional land twelve- tBlUa lu Wldtta ami twenty four miles in length, extending irom Lyon Mountain to Loon bato, on each side e*f their railway Tba wood choppers and tn" i?haren-! ankers are already at work In tils tract, destroying every tree and bush. Mr. Weed'' chief emt ..-pris.-, however, ls lion min? ing, nnd al IteqiieBB potato on the railway oi large mound of pig Iron. fBrnaeM and fbrgM, ...nd al Lyes Moaatala a dowe shaft, with lifting apparatus on the side of the mountain. One ls not litrfrlsed to hear that .OOO men an- employed by the mining company, mr that lt has forge, and furnaces In other parts of Clnton County, anel an elevated track at PUttiburg far loading and unloading ore brought down from the I.von Mountain mine. VOW, Mr Weed, beside, ti-elng the chief owner of an Inn mine developed hy his own Industry, ls ono of t!i" mist prominent iM-mejcrats In the Prate ne has en? tertained President Cleveland at his handsome house here in Pittsburg and has bees lUggetted hy Admir.Mra ,lon Journals as worthy of BeiBg MM Mend when a Demirratlc candi'late for ri'ivornor ls se-lected this fail In Washington by the Admlnis-ration chiefs. Hut what shall lt profit a man to own an Iron mine and be a ?immlrtent Democrat. If such a bill as the Milli MU, redue-n_ ri,e duty on bloom iron 92 a ton. ls passed by the National Democratic Adtiilnl-trafion. Mr Ctoralaod la tata ina trade mes-ag" e.f last December advocated strenuously the abolirton of all taxes m. na matorlak. Iron oro ls a raw marerlal and Xi ITeed vi,,i.:.i washington aad naaonstratod in Ittong .. . .iri-t such a recomme being adapted. Mr. Mills was a' Bnt determined thar -h" eluty on Iron ore should be abollsheel, but when the owners of some trumpery iiVi 8*4868 in Alar hania Joined Mr. Weed, he yielded af*** iron oro was left MtoMhed. Itu Mr. ITeed ls nm to escap- entirely unscarhed. An lape.rtant part of the business of the ChSteSUgSy lum gining Company ls the manufacture of charce.a! bloome. Thar ll Why 'he foreste ai" failing Bad Ui el,una al burnen an so dani a' work. The Mills bill a the doty u[iei!i the charcoal bl corni fr*.m i?-j_ a tor. to SS a Then li great agitation through nut Us Fis - region in eonnquence ut tl daetlot, anti it prenti sm to asea much affect on the vialing In (Tinton aral i antin J'.lin II. Moffitt li iaiip'-rinteneler.- eif tr.- fnraMe ar Belmont, lo Frmikiiri County, where thi iv Company Ita bl "'in Iron. Mr. Moffitt la also tiie ( DO? BO from th" dl.tricL Ile is a notably Inda* P-'ii'l-ir man. lair still Ic* musr have hui Mr. Weed's t when he made a spee-ch In th** Hooae af Rep SIvm on July :i nmomfnUBg against the re ductlo . '?! ri," duty upon ide.nm Iron. Mr. Mott! off< red m amendment, wbieb wm of course rejected, keeping ..m iron ar BBS. Ur. Moffitt In hi- speech showed that tbe men fear eif a law Ilka tin- Mills bill had already closed forges sad made iron i bo] I ?* urand li. t nnnon, of Sew-Tork, wbo is i In this Champlain Valley, says ne I al-... l- stacking up Iron waitlpg for a better market. "My mci,, be -aid on Thursday, "know thar I could ; nol make- any money e,n the Iron I am manufacturing, thal I am beeping them ai work Ib ottb r sol to itop the bui ilne. My mea aloo peroehra disastrous in tbe lr 'ii" Mtlon of the House of UepreMBtativea open tbe Mills bill I-. and I a.-n ? Hetiiib lt fall." anmng then will vote tor Harrison thl is I] from the acta of k ni * loveland's subordinate* .-*iiii?i wisc person in the Trevor} Department ruled 'hat Swedish Inm burr- oould be admitted a, - ?"? t-tp Iron." Now -e-rap iron pa), a duty "1 only BB Ml a toa, while gwedisn i pal a duty of .*._a> a ton. The Beaiemer steel iiiat:ii:sct'ir*-rs anew thal tbey could us" the i just m readll] ? tbe cl iteaugay ehar coal hinom- in th" manufacture ol bessemer steel alni they began using them by the hundreds of tons and by the ship I Smith M. Weed ls a gund bnstlMM man and he perceived that he m bo) getting aay arden tor his '? bl,oms. Om day li" mel W. T Howe|, now proprietor of th" Wetherei tlonae, bur formerly a special ag'nt ol tte Treasury Department Howl ? ol utile because.* ed Cat fact Mr Weed sahl to him ? "1 can scarcely believe thal rhe Pennsylvania manufacturers an making Beaeeawr sreei without charcoal blooms a-ul yoi ilu-y are nor ordering any.1 Mr Howel pointed out the decision of the Treasury Department admitting Swed ih Iron ai scrap Iron. Mr. Weed started for Washington ny the flist nain lt was acknowledged thal some one had blun? dered, b*it wi ? i -iii i ii be discovered Any* *.f the Treasury Department was reversed. Meanwhile American labeler- arni Amerl ? a - had been deprived "f hundreds of . ' | .|e Hara ntl i-1 ti"* Chateau ga] Company had lo-t an anormoui amount ef busln Kee-e-ml) Mr* We-..i n,"i Mr Howel aod c-vcl to him: " \v.*li. you an '?Yes," dd Howe] - Ho you are. aren't you," Mr. Weed laughed .and replied : " I a-n somewhat eon A. w. lansing, E litor e.f ? The Plattsburg Sentinel," Who || IV- li :?.. j" l ; ? el Wltb the* ||1 j, uterday : " I look for a large L- publican vi te in th:s county uwins lo Ihe passage "f the Milli MU The rhlel Indus!) Irs of I Inl a ire iren. Ii.m l. and all io i bed by tbe tariff Th" Iron buslnei 1 ta cuii 'illls bill." ' Weaver, of Plattsburg, rnhler nf * bank here, and member of rir* Republican State Committee, i Ira liny- ago: kAssemblyman Psimer, In i--i. ted ri a ipeech that, if tlie Democrats came icm ? ? charcoal bloom Iron t. i-en::.f-,- wonk) be In operation in l ?. M W.I replied that he would buy every torn thal *? .L- I bas shot doun, ta Palmer was e.ght. for sncii fora Bee BOW In operation. ? ly, that nf tli Cha-e-augay (... mpany, at Belmont ? SHIT DOWN OF A LBBQK HOSIERY MILL. Bcxaaao hands u>ta?rai mills bill aixaaan to ur. tbs cAi-nr. The Norfolk and New-I*,r:;n*?w|.-k Hnsiery Company, ' ! if sus] ended we.rk at their mills tor a i^-rlo.1 e.f several BOBBI i or. at ai:v then I ba a largn BeaMBd for taelr pasta than at preeeet, The eompaay run a small mill at Hartford. I "tm . bal most ed tL*-.r weirk ls done at New Braaawlek, where they own Ave large brick buildings. The* eoSBBBBf, flitch has been in existence since lsfi... li in souiiel financial condition. It ha* paid as high a dividend as 10 per cent, but Ism year '.ha ilividend si, only _ jrr eetit Tho principal part of their lui- - in tiie manufacture of tine unelrrwcar shirr*, elrawers and stockings To a Tl lbs BB reporter, whn tabed hitit on Satur day the raaaoa for the temporary closing nf the milla, Juhr. M. candider praaideat nf tbs nmpaay, said that it was entlr-ei*. | | the uncertalr-ty bnegbt ai..i r by tariff legtolallon"; that their castoaters'wera walting, before giving their onl--s to sc if the Mills bill wooli! bn pas??i, arni foal th- company did not want tn accumulate a large amount of Mock on an ' ' tin market. ?? What e-ifrct would ihe passage of the MlUa bill havo upon your Industry 1" " We would bc obliged to lower wagoe tn order to compete with foreign manufacturers. I will tell you why. The present tariff on the raw material ls 10 cents a pound, ana on the manufactured article there ls a duty of 35 rent*, which ls our mainstay of pro tccflnn. Now, were boin these duties wiped out, as the Mills bill proposes, wo might save a small sum in bartag free raw wool, but lr would not. be equivalent to one-half what we would lose by thc removal of iha weight duty on the manufactured article. This litl'-feneo would either rauso us to close our mills or make- it up in some other way. We cannot curtail our general expenses. We have been giving from GO lu 150 per cent more for la)>or than ls paid In der many arni England. Our competition ls principally foreign." Mr. Carpender then alluded to some statement* ille-ged tn have been made by a stockholder In regard lo the - shutting down-- of the nilli. Ile ?ald rhar th? rharg*** of mlsmaiiagemenr were false from beginning to end. "In fact," continued Mr. Carpender. u tbeee ihlngs are tromped up to sustain the position that tari ft legislation has nothing to do with the temporary inst* Dston." V. M. Hmso, the treasurer nf the company, took 'he same ground a* Mr Carpender. anil said: "I iave been a life-long Democrat, but I know arbon my ntcri*?ts lie, and I propose ro vote this year for Harri? son. Morton and Protection." The 800 employes of ih" mill, while bemoaning the necessity for a shut lown, are convinced ihat I) wtll not b? for lona. )lany of them are strong In their comlemnailon of rho ?emoval of the farlT vlvncaiM by the pending bill, rames Nelson, a Democrat and one nf Uie largest stock miller* of the company, ls a treestrader In general, bat the retention of the present wool duttoo, and rven d'-slres that they should be increased. SOLVING A MYSTRRY IS MAINE. .UILTY OF A MCHDER DONE YEARS AGO. "HM CRIMINAL NOW CNDFR LIFT*. UBRBOB BOB KILI.I.V. AW. HKR MAM-A ("ASK THAT CACSKI) MUCH F...CITF.MI.NT IN IT** DAY. Bangor, Ma., Jaly Bk.?A brutal and mysterious BBSdar was committee] In this city on February ?-, BTV, Wililam H. K:llnr. a mpeetBd cltl7.en of aloa urn. wa- found dying In the smiw by the toad n the outskirts of the city. The barna mystery WM it that time eagmeelag public attention, anel lt was - ,> Mtta deeds wen Mmmltaad by Jin same per.on-. Year- BMIOd ar: 1 both crimes emalnei llirlMrod Ar la-' tba DBStat tTBgBdf wa, otaed arni the guilty paoie-s mcai misled. There was little eloubt that the motive of the crime las robbery, though how much had bMO by h" murderers was unknown. Ttien* nemed DO clew '.hateve-r to th" assassin, there ttelng no trace of uspleloiis e-haraceiv _ Kllbet's company on tht BB] f his death. FJllof's head had been crushed benlm! he ears With an axe. The bloodstain.-1 araagSB ei.inel In tho sleigh which the unfortunate man oc upled, with 42 cents In change. On i-eak suspicion an arrest was made, but he prisoner was soon discharged. Il ww ncartBined hat Elliot had stopped to drink in a tatoOB kept by ne Lyons. It was also learneel rhar when he drove mt of the city a stranger was with him. Further nan this nothing was dteeovend. The reporter who bM BOeeesded In unravelling tho aystoiy a few weeks ag.* learneal ihat Lyons, rhe aloon-keeper, hail killed lum?e]f three years ago. ami , friend of his stated that lyons had told him tt knew who killed Elliot. Hellef was strong hat this had preyed sa I.yons's mind and atised his suicide. Finally a man was found In whom .y..iia hail Ciinfl*l*>el the story under an oath of secrecy. Ie said: " Sam Haynes murdered Elliot." laynes kept a dlsonlerly house known as The Farms," a few mll"s our of he city. He wa. In I.yons's place whern Elliot came i. When BUM went out, Haynes followed him. A -'oman who was at the time an Inmate of '? The 'arms." Mknowtedged tha' on tbe night of be -BUrdm Haynes came In late* with his clothes iloody and "iv a--i=v,i him ro burn them. Haynrs ur another cr:m" was nn| to stare* Prison for iv.* yean. While in jail he Ulled a leeper and was sentenced for lite. Thli case, like the iaii-on murder, has caused great excitement tn Maine. '? I QUIET SUNDAY AT TUE STATE CAMP. . DAY OK RAIV ANT) IN'S rRfCTTO**. I RES'* PARADE axd Bsuaiot-t 'Barten. Peeto-ktll, N. Y-. July 20 (Special*.-The most ?-elcome KM ad rhat rh" new arrivals In th" -state Camp e-ar>l yeelnrdsj was the call for snpi?*r. When 8 'clo-lc cam-' they were all tired and hungry. A-tO latlon, however, will do a great deal. Brad sbnn afrer "lng Introduced to rhe good rhings that Louis Wlnd otta suppltos, tho men nemed to have caught tho plrir nf thal Jovial host and wen happy. Lieutenant Vileinel F. A. Schilling was In charge of ti. ! drem arade, and though a UrTI.* sriif ar Him lt passed off mOOtbly. The whole camp rurn"i| our to le munt rhl.s morning, and a pretty sight tr was. The torday w-as detailed entirely from the Uh :eglmeit : today details from rh.* s,*parr_le* a- tu pal ov-e-r nearly all "f th" captain Thurston, I Regiment, this afternoon factored rh*- men etalleel for guard to-morrow eau tia-' duties of rh" nani. II" told them thar the MBtry boxes wen? pur ??? to ta Ul 'I whi-n It ralri'-el : and explained bow, ot a long time* ago, bo wm obliged te go up and own the sentry liri" and te*ll every man to gee la OUl f rhe wet. The Captain contains tht rare faculty eif ?? .ami instructive al then haplaln ?r-: -v i;. Darli pranked In the Toaag Maa'a C rlttlan ..ssociatlon teal ar 4:30. A number of people from BehthM came over to beat him. The memben of the i-r (tottery are anxious for Linday to come s0 they can g?-f to wink. TbOM arba aw them th" last time they were h'-re. say tiwi tjiev ar.ill" rhe three-Inch rifle Bold-piece something after ? le of the matlor.erre dancing -kel-ton. that preads bli purrs all over the itam a ?! iri,rantly ?ather,'if together again and goes ahead a, bough nothing bad bappeaed. They unlimber the ieee anil spread the parts over the tb'lel ai: I put lt igrtber again In one minute and Bfty-toar lOfonda Hie -th Begtateni ha^ a flourishing athletic BSBOela* on and a numoer of jports aro BOWS lor each day of he week. First Sergeant Phillp J. D'Arcy, of I any F, Is the handicapper. Company F has a gie lub with Alfred Lameiiirous as banjo. William Sali? ers, iambie: Frank Massa, rtolla; Corporal ll. .v. ,e-bullo, bones aad William Kelly a- IrtSB comedian. Mt expects to furnish the evening entertainments liis week. Altogether thia haa been a qnlct elay. It was lonely ami disagreeable all of the forenoon ami there a--.. been frequent thoa rn ir: - 'n. In plte* of this then* wen- a D imber of visitors wandering bout ike ramp all dav a !,ar-il shower came up Ju?t s elres. parade wa, being formed. After ll was over f tbe 37th Separate Company of Schenectady -ere mailiiig progiamni"- "f the religious nert etti ie r wives, in th.* evening tlie post Band gare a eiicert mi ihe parade- ground TOWN PREPARED TO IVAR AG AT" ST TOTT.V. Bt. Louis. July 20. ?Mayor Price. e,f Wooda la 8, I UL i his itatemeni te. Ooveroor Marita with re tot ean ci - County war. Stated that when the news of I*' killin_ of sheriff cross and teveral of hi- pean ! wild e-*ai**.t.?in-lit. At a leetiag Mid la tba Towa Ha i. every i tlset ef Wooda? lla was present. Bverybody was in favor of anning, rocoedlng to Dngoton ami killltu; as many Ban a* Maible BOd then burning th* town In retaliation, but Ml prevailed. Whlta tha meeting was m ?ssion Mi-!, i '-os,, willow .,' rt*..- Bantered ibertff, ro ?iv-,.,i a message from a Hunton iaw^-*r. tell bodj of ber husband could be found. Woo ha? lie people i.ave nut tor '.'" Wlnetasters and a wagon ad of ammunition, and have picketed lenttMk tor ?yeral lilli's around B'oodsdal. with I nsf nu re iipe.u any Hjgotoii mau who attempt OUQEACErtTL scenes at gloucester. Philadelphia. July -lb (Special i .ern early ?OSB *.' tiietil late to-nlgiit the four manum.rh sleambnats IBBlBg to (douce* ter, N. J , va -re crowd-d t,, th-lr linost capacity with men and women. Ai 7 u'cleick mn wen- -4.iik*.> pmpU at aloa eater, and Uaaoei ' all kinds Unwed like set BWBk water. Heretofore, > kuadaya, the back doon saly wp- opes, bal ls ei.i> a* tavern front aad par were wilie opCB a I the shutters told th'- pa-m'i-s bg that liquors could I obtalBBd toalda The crowd remained orderly utll after "lgb*ftlf. when fljht.s were numerous. mabta was evidently ex po-ted and I'i) s|?'clal BBBSBn Sn on dury along a stretch of a half mil'- uf b.-a* h. -urtecn arrests were mail*, chiefly lor tl nh ti Bg, and i'- Bffeodera usn liraci up jp tn? tataioa house. Illlam J Thom BBBB, a prominent saloon keeper and eaer of two-thlnls of the shore, sahl ta day ! " I ben ?rests of us tavern keepers for selling on Sunday oii'i amount to a row of i>lns. Tlie supreme Omit 1 Trenton will lay that the- laical Option law- passed t rh" last New Jersey Legislature is aaeoBstltuannal; i U?t 1Mb a decision ha. t*-een reallied sud will be ade known un Tuesday next " ? ?? TO OPES TIS MISES IS MEXICO Pittsburg, Penn.. July '_".?- A ?.unp.-ii> wa, formed i this city last night sith a capital stock of (1.000,. m, the object being ta "lien a tia mine in M'-iicn, sar Durango. A tracr of land haa been paiehaaad in miles iquare. An ev j net who an, ay eel the ore lye lt will vii-hi from :_.', to :... [ter cent of tm. The ntnbiitlng poim will be Kl PtMt. and from tnere pig n will be ihlpped to New-York. SUFFERING FOR HIS FRIEND. IN riilSON, BOT PBOBIBLT NOT GUILTY. A DYING MAN CONrF-S-iF.D TIIF TRIMF OF WniCIf AN'-TilF.R UAH HOB CONVICTED. It is n HM thing to find a friendship so strong .hat it will induce one to submit without protest to the awful charge of niurder. and to suffer pun? ishment hy long impr.s nm'-rit when the accusa? tion is tulse and the deed wtis elone by another, but thc case of John J. Me Carthy, who is now an inmate of Clinton prison, seems to be nn instance of such nn attachment. There is strom? evidence to indicate thal li- is sufferim* for a crime that hs did not commit, nnd that he has maintained a long silence to protect hus friend, the guilty per? son. On th" night of December 2?. IMI, Pasquale Lnverino, an Italian, wits rn ir!, rod nt the rear en? trance of Pol,,-.- Niai-UBBItaia in Mnt-st,., and hie brother Antonio nnd his cousin were dangerously I wounded. They Ii:ul a dispute with a man who wns psaslBg mid ona e.f them nusheel him away. The mun hurried off and returned in s few momenta arid a larg* knife, a fr-- fight followed. Several other Italians and strangers got mixed up in lt. At ih" cry cf "Police'' B very body ran. leaving Pas ji.-ik- dead anil tin- two otiie-r Italians badly Injured. Joseph I'i"-i*o, ;i Ioi, who saw tlie fight from a window, tM Detectives ((uland nnd I -ur*, a few moonan afr-r the flghr thal VMM. eimile was struck by un Italian. The Dallans who w-e re erith Paequak sail that it* sass not an Italian, but a mun who spoin EagVafci ARRF.STli!) F"*"R nUM A-FTF.R TIIF. MURDER. Thais was no e]e-w tei the murderer, and it lon;? remained knows as the " M"tr st. mystery."1 In? spector l.yrnc.s dually gal some inform;ition con. _? the m'n who were eagagsd in the fichte ninl BRCSted Jl ?'*" J. M-' art hy, itt June, Iggf, four yu:* sftss the murder. McCarthy sdmitsad thaB hs had been in th.* gghl !*.rl) the Ir?l_ans, but would not aeiniit thar lu- eur I_ivarino. He was convicted .ii manslaughter, a*i.l in EforesBbss he ,v;is nntenoed to twelve arid a half years' int* I>risieiinii*nf. HoCarthy refuied tea n on tne BSaad Bt Ins trial. A strong point in his defeBM wad not brought out at the trial: HoCarthy did all his cutting arith a knife orel an in< n broad. While- tile- Wei!l!|e| in l?l V.l rill i's ll'..Ct WU- 8888-8 with s small knife-. Agnea McCarthy tis oner's wife, hunt.'! np Prank Barrett, vit No. 313 Baal Fourte-e-ntli-st.. recently, who. she had beard, witnessed the- murder, and obtaiaed from lum a stat, me-nt that be s;nv John I.uhy istnb Lavarino while he was tying on a cellar door. When Luby was rm om- kne-vv. an'l Me''arlin's friends Marched diligently for him. aad r*-ecntly obtained information eoaeeraiag him. Luby, othervriM known as George ll. Davis, was a thief. He died of consumption, in prise.n. in December. 1885, It is now warned that on his deathbed he* made .-I ce nf.ssjeen. in which he BeknoarladfSB. that lie was the murderer of I_?*-anno. mccarthy is rf. .dy IO tf.ll all now. Mrs. McCarthy wrote to her husband and in* formed him of baby's ieaBh B short tim- ago. The (oUowiBg letU'r was received by her in reply*. Clinton Prison. Dannemora. N. Y. Dear Agnes: I received vour kind and VBtaBBM toSUS and was glad to hear tha. you and Mab^l are well. I ?eas rotj tarty to hear of Johnny Ruby's BsBtfe, tint I in*. glad to hear that he made a tsaBB-aBM adml'ting that lt was he whn killed thl Lallan. You will think lt strange, hut the truth 1* tha', I Knew it was he who ki.led tho Rattan ever since rhe night that unforrunro affair happened, but mr lips were seai'd. bee-auv it waa i-,, mv teeeaat nd t" *?**-?? n-.e tfeel he got int<i the fight. Ba -iw all th" Italian- beating me and he lumped In to helu me. and the Dalian who wa' killed attacked him. Rs struck at him faur ur five* tin,*'- uni Lur,- nSSSS his arni, and 1 tatton tha- M t""K thc kutti) out of lils hand and "tabbed h.ti.. V"-i MflMBbM that on mv 'rial tin- inri" Ir.aiaan boy. ner ns. ewen thal li- wa* looking tM window, and rhar, he raaw an italian lying on .lie dead one. When I.ul.v MBBMd Li-, irina HM latter fell on the cellar-door and I saw Lubv leaninir over him, and thai was the tiitu' 'hu. Reen saw Luby and look hita to lie au Dalian. 1 we- I >? ?-?? 'ir tlfr.-n bet away at the- time, and Lutry cali"- to nie to ger, out of the wit, that th.- pi i us. I ran toward Houston-st. Nan- -hat Lubv 1* dead, and they cannot Injure any one, .na- - Bauld only tell the tnnh aleiut the occur rasn, it aoaid Uti a leal "f d.sgrace oil you ind my child and my mOtkOt and ?Sst Bf a. I r.rn-ri:her tMI you ail thuti.'ht lr, wss strange thu I did not take the n-ltneea ,iand In my own behalf, bal the trur.n ls that I was afraid that on crosa-e_amlnatian - name would leak out, ind I did m.'. wish to Im , hun, as lt would not, de. ii..* any good, aa every petaled ta _M j- th.-- ana BM ?-. nimirted th>) d*-*? 1. I'h.T .- ?liv h., na* : t. up at my trial. I am very giad tint thu trurh I at, last, for you sud my child's sake, as I think it will relieve your know that I ar. ru ? a BHUgaaM. 1 know that I Mts dan.* wrong In ta pm*.- th.- to myself so long and letting you and my child tan '.hi* dl-crace, but I could aol ilu "-larwiM-, ui - -iinsi me. ao that I h' |e- you will begin n.e. My i,,Ve to you and Mabel and my brothers. Biters and your mother. Hoping that you are all well and that I will trrar from you PUU, I Nama, your poor but unfortunate husbanl. JOHN j. MeCAKTHT, fl BB. BS i 'Cipany. The attention of the Detective at Police Headqaarten has beea called to McCarthy's eaee, snd Inspector Byran bsa the matter under ass> siei-ruti'eii. -What setioa will be takea by tits iioln-e is not kaoam. Mrs. McCarthy ha*, engaged a lawyer, who is sow collecting evidence in tha cu,,*, and a petition viii Boon be prenated to Goveiaoe Hill, uking for McCarthys pardon. "MB, RAND ILL BETTI B," SATS DR MARTIN. THK l'HYSIClAX RfPCSlMi TO SAY WHAT THE DIS r:\sF. of ms PkTIBBI ir. Philadelphia. July 80. -" 1 ha IBgalns" tomorrow will say. "?The- .New York World' histed yestenlay that tho truth was to ba told ta the car. but to lbs ear only, when Mr. Randall'- | nd ba was no) BB_totlU| from eaaem of the stomach. His disease ls cancer, says ? The World.' but not cancer nf rh- stomach. That point was ,ul mined lasr even? ing to Dr. Martin, under when -able' trearment, as a ?peciali,r. Mr. Randall ran"' back Into the nelgh borkood of I'liila-l-lphia to pla.-'* himself. Dr. Martin replied, however, thar lr hail been deckled nor to BMtaB public for rhe present the nature eef Mr. Randall's complaint. For this ba BBSBgBed no reeaoa, confining talS-BBtf strictly to rhe starement of the fact, and requesting that no inferences might bo drawn from any remark of his on ihe subject which v.eeuM e-ven s.-e;,. I,, BOBBBtll him to any statement Whicb be did Bot f>*>l pp'|iareel to make* public at how-eve-r. that s., far from lielng tn any Immediate danger, Mr. Hanelall wits improving. Be wm free- from pain and perfectly cheerful, and rho !*'..-uiari remarked also that so far ae could be Judged trrm anv ex itlona be knew m wmob w-hy Mr. Randall mighl nor beeoato sin,n_- ar'.aln as ihe ciKile-r WMther sdvaneeO." I'or an invalid Mr Kanelall was parrlcularly bright an<l taagpi '? day. ll- bas enOrely recovered fmm the fatigue of his tun from Waablngton to Wayne. While mundy tbaaUag Mrs. J. Reilangea Coxe for her tenele-r fore-sigh! and thought fulness In caring tor him, h- said, speaking ,,t lr., sin-e minim gs : ? l toe! as if l bad tann ntoeaed from purgatory and Were e. IVe'IJ. * _:u -ure* 1, ,V. te, .l?f - I eu,nhl w Nh lt.i All the Members ol Mr Randall'i family partake nf iho sam" cheery, hopeful feeliag They an saii-tled now that he is o.i t e* ian wa> ie noorsry. A SAD ES Ii TO A DAYs PLEASURE, A nO.VT OrMtEt AND TWO CI1ILDRK.V DROWNF.tS -T1IF.IR FATIII.R AND A ("Ml'ANION SAVF.D. , of Mm IBB KeefBlB ?r.. and Fd ward Cro-.k. of No BBI lawny, e.riy vc-r.-rday morning BOBS - aa tammi far a n?hinc MaaBKtoav Mr Bgran to k wllii him his two rh.lal.-,.,. , i-ven, ind alf.- e:cht. At Lim t__ ,h,.v hir,.. , ^.^^^t _j.l W'ta- nu', lats the Kills, ,n(J, BBel-M-M -he h,,at a atatn Uatai sheir.', th- two men bean la Bah. The SlUa )>"V and girl. sear-M In the .uni of :he b?at, wa ch-d MUM fu-i.-r and his companion Tl..* - tiiiit-. ri BB-USaS for una '.line by iiutlinv th'lr luinrt* toto IM water Creek Baaed sen ih<- iBawale at the bi>at to wash his i .il bia weiL'hr BBBBBd he- boat to careen over. At this the children became frlghteucl. ind moving about the txear, cauewd lt to emslie. All of the occupant* of the boat wer* thrown Into th.* water, and aa neither of the men could swim, they mild do llUlo or nothing toward saving the children. llrrr,e-s and his companion were carried down thu KUI* br the itrong current, walla the lilli" boy ind clrl sank and were drowned. Robert W . -..ii md Jahn lilli, ?h'i wltiirasod the accident from ri..' stu!.-n Island shore, put out In I h?at ind succea-di-4 in i-i.cuiiic BB***aoa sui Cnak, who were ba,th In an ev hau.t^l They were taken to the ?ho*e, and w h.ii ltv-rir? i,.,r'. | ' hu two Utile children i.a- baaaan a!nu?t Baarti wim ?-r.-.f Craeok blamed himself for the a . ldt-nt and waa nearly aa d-eplr a (tot uni over Hid tad adair ae the fatter. Ai nartv of cttltena and fishermen went out In boat* and StBBStoB for the bodlna of the unfortunaU) little vIcUbm, but after several hour*' work the search waa given up aa u-eleaa. ll ls bal.evcd OUl Ute bodies wera carried away by Ute itrong tide. .