Newspaper Page Text
VOLXr.VUI.K?. 15,231 NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST I, 1888, 1'ltICE THREE CENTS. THE ATTACK ON JUSTICE DAY OBJECT OF THK PhBTBLLITl ONSLAUGHT. JUE CHAMBERLAIN 1 i'lSi'DES-MU. OBRIENS SUCCUSMl I- Bl IT-PROHABI.F. I > F. B \ T F. ON THE MANIIKYILLI. IStlVV.sT - a FRAN C1LLON" COLDLY RECEIVED. [nr CAnLK TilTHR Tltllll NK.l Copyright; Igggj Bu The Sett. TOrk Trlbunt. London, July ill.? None of the amendments -ffcrod on Mi.iuliiy ni.lit to the Par? nell Commission bill was vital, mid none wully of much importance except tlie rffort to rxptmpe Mr. Justice Day's name from the Commission. The attack on him was ns heavy ns the united forces of the F-nrncllitcs nnd Glsdstoninns knew how to make it. Mr. Mor I j s speech and the letters lie rent! from Mr. Adnms made some impression; Mr. OladslOSMi's Support to this onslaught on an Knglisli judge an Impression still deeper?deep enough, perhaps, to be called painful. It js not, I hear, that Mr. Justice Day is really thought likely to be unfair to Mr. Parnell, but Mr. tarsal, wants a Heme Killer on the Commission, and simelmdy bael lei he attacked in order to make room for one. That was the real object of Mr. Sexton's amendment to incrca.e the number ol judges from three to five. Thc accused persons think it of gaea! nu trent to have an advocate, or at least a jud^e, who is sympathetic to them. They are not satis? fied with mir.* impartiality; but neither on this no: on any other point do the Government show any sign ol yielding, Tho two Chamberlain episodes added nothing to tho dignity of tin* debate. Mr. Parnell's charge of betraying Cabinet secrets is tun grave not to be denied. It is diflicult of proof, even wero it true. It is meant, say Mr. Chamberlain's friends, to draw edi attention from the nunn ?issue. Hr. Chamberlain himself BBB disposed this morn in s; to leave it unnoticed, but was strongly advised ta deny Its truth and challenge Mr, Pnrr.oll to prodaoe evidence. Mr. T. P. O'Connor's escapade need not be dwelt on. No human being ran be hasflBed by being calle d " Judas,'' nor is " Ji dus'' Chamberlain thc kind of nickname to Mick Mr. OT,i-i(-ii's veniiet of one hundred pounds llama ires Bgainal n Cork paper for libel is reckoned by Home Bairn here as a point* sooted for Mr Parnell against " Ile I Hie; s." The accusations against Mr. O'Brien wire In some Kapeela similar tn those against Mr. Parnell. Mr. O'Brien te-ti fu (I, was (ii.-s*. xamincd, and came out alive. Ha told little that had not bet n known before. Ile admitted anel roggrdted the saonatrona calumnies against Lari BpeBOei and Sir George Otto Tre? velyan, pleading political bi ot sal tit a in palliation. lb Anally g'?t his verdict. Why nay not Mr. L'ar m-ll go and do likewise- ask his Gladatoniaa friends. Very poaaibly be will, T_M verdict in the Mainleville inquest will give rise to a debate in the House of Commona,' at l*'iist, thal is what the Parm-llite party now intend. Mr. Balfour, boarever, oo being questioned ha-s ix pri-sil the opinion that the censure on prison t'llie.ials ia not warranted by facts; BOB is his confidence in Dr. Parr shaken. Ile would wel? come, he added, aay flaethod of bringing tie* before the public. ** Froucillon"' is not liked. It is perhaps its brilliancy of dialogue that makes il M. Humus's rt.*.-te** rei. but* the forte of au Eng1 lt1* audience does not lie in detect mg the sparkle of French profe. Baside, " Francillon-' requires good acting all round, lhere is no one in M. Mayer's troupe cf comedians up to thc mark except Madame Sarah Bernhardt, and the character of " Franrilli.n'1 docs not give her scope enough to make up for the pen eral deficiency. The audience received the play coldly. G. W. S. -^_?-?_. UriiOAR IS TIIE HOUSE OF COMMONS. PARNELL RENEWS HIS ATTACK ON CHAM* BEHLA1S. THK BII.M1NOIIAM MBMBBg GIVPS AN KLABORATF. IXI'LANATION-TIIK GOVKItX.MKM SK.VKBM Y ATTAI Kl I) BY SIP. W. Y. BABCOCK.? AMKXliMKNTS TO TBg COMMIS? SION BILL RUIXTir. Landon, July 81.?The Aetate on the bill for tlie ap? pointment ief ihe Parnell I oauBlaaloa, aaa recanted ia Uie House of dui,mons this evening V,'. II. Snit;li. the Government leader, -Bored thu aaapenalon of the ?landing order uniler which Ibe di-*-'i--l"ii on Ihe Com mlssleeii bill would bc Interrupted at midnight. Mr. Parnell prl Baled, bal tte motion vis adapted bf a Vote ut _\tl Vi lol). -ieiii-l,t Mr. I'aniell, res inui!'-- H.e debate ntl P.. T. Reid's propoeal in !? -niel Hie lii'iulry Into tin- eoaducl of iii.- seeoetatea i" aeeasatloaa for murder and trio lenee, said Diat be referred y i-ii'.ay evening io Hie pnUPWdlBgS ?! 'li'' i ubiii'i lu from 1882, Which had freqaeaUy leen dlralged hi Mr. Chamberlain to bimbil Bad eeilier National'.. Tb" i hain.nm Interfered to slate 'hat this Uno of ah serration waa not in outer. Mr. Parnell reviled that he would reaerve further Statements until lie eanie be-fen-e the* i ouiiul*--l.i:i. when he would ba jue panel te, prove lils charges by lil* n'evn and ct) ers' evidence, and bj) Boonamia and state saenta of Mr. I bimtirrtala himself. (FaraelBte cheers.) Tbe nationals, eontlnned Mr. Parnell, aerequlte ready to Basel dedal te ebai ga - before a eaart or a commission, lt was not reasonable to auk tbem to po before a i-'iii.ti, -.-inn Boleas Hr-y orara tobi wbo their neeueen *pera and (*f srhai they vera mammk. sue ti fair play BSlgM Ix- to*' inti' li in bestow uj'on Irishmen. They dora told 'bat they might extract the charges Bom '? ParnellNtii aad (rime." Ila ilecllnc'l to use tliat loni anel libellous paaipbht Mr. I bainb-rlaiii said he deilred to oflBr a personal eiplanatl'Di. Mr. l*ain<ll bad made pat usa!lons ac*in>t bim. and bad threatened io lui dr th" aeeasa tb.n. before Iha Ceeamlaetoa if tba ebargei wera forman.* io tin* subjecis referred to the Oaaualeslon, be would le- happy O' Rlvo any explanations that Blight be found aecessBsy. ii" could proa-lee that thee ?nulli le* bo shirking on LS part. (' beers.) A> lar an ie* rnulei uinl-i-stand lin* arc usaf Inna, lt was a!;??_< d that dnrlag the period from 1878 to lkH>. before ha MOS a Minister, ho had const.inily Incited the Paraelltea la Ba what bo was afraid tee do Mat lelf. That wm not a very serious charge. Ho wa.* perfectly rOOjBf le b-:ive th" HBOBltoa ?'f his pgiaaaal cowantha in ihe bonds ol bis friend,, or BTCa Sd bl, enemies. (Cheeta.) Mr. Parnell fuitb-r irtiBBld him of be draying secrets of tbe Cabined becweea i-m> ami iggg. The only dlrrt communications he had had With Mr. Parnell daring tba whola ad thal poi lad weiei Ki-it, lu re? lation to Mr. Parnell', mamet tum KHsaainhaas jail, infonuatioti of what loeb peaes balag <i<ny seaveyed io Mr. Qladsaaas an'l Mr. tamar; gad --cone], bb to 'ho formation of National eooaelli in leataad. lids ?arheme Mr. Parnell lifujse-lf hal IBgBJOSlQd t'i him. Mr. Parnell inivv d'u:el ev er having approved that fSVpOBOle Mr. ParnMl I don't deny BSBBaUog to ibe pirmoasl lo ettaMl-b a Nat oiial BOMBI] lu Iiitlin. what I deny is BoasdmaBBg er at--?jiiiin_* la Mr. Chaaahariala'a le.I,eiiii". (i'rl"s of ?? Hear, hear!") Mr. t haiiibe.liilii ippaaled that ho had proof, of hla itatemeut la M.-. ParnelPa awn writing IChaeaa.) IJe reiillod to Mr. Parn-ll gBCBpflBg lbs pmpusals, a.--I ii" prviiii*,"'! tn p.a. o tbem baBora his aaUaagaaa ind try to obtain their assent la them. Kveiyihln-j tLat pBSaad lie)wren him aii(i Mr. Parnell wa* coni -Diinle-ated tie Mr. Gladstone and Lord Hartington ai.d Othtr Ministers. On two other occasions ho had kad direct personal ronitiinnii-atloii with Mr. Par bi-ii. once v.-?_ ni tba Howe ol Conine., i<, about wbloh bB NssasBborsd Boihlag, The other was on lbs ..utidav af'er tho Phoenix Park iMera. Mr. o'shea BdOfld upon him bilngfng Mk tkttiell -elli, bim Br. PariKll -That ls not true. Mr. t ham be Wa! n i-cpliol thal Mr. 0*BbOd was ?artalnly preeeat, hui tLat nothing was Kaid or dono ?* that me.dig which either ho or Mr. Parnell Lad a**uion lo roane al *^k IRiau L-CADEB INSISTS ON HIS CHARGES. _hj. J-arnell aald that tho communications between Cbacuberlaia, LiiuseU, Mr. DUlon and I another pSSBga not now a member ol tba House ol Coe-SBona related lo quite other subject, dian the Irish I-orsl Ceveriiment bill, and covered his relea-c fiom Kllma'hham Jail, li." Arman bin. tbe renewal of eoerdoa after tin* phoenix Park ?arden, BBB, later, In 1888, ih" qii'-siinn re* pa:-lliig the DOn-raaOWal of the Crimes Act. lint whatever the subj:ct of the io:.s lt did not touch 1.:* ehacajB thal Mr. Chamberlain had vlo i:iied bis calh as a Cabinet Mlnl-t'-r. He could pro? duce a letter In Chamberlain's hand aliu.ling to the and withdrawal nf tba 1'nllr.v bil! for Ireland, la which b" Rimmed |M Lord S;i nrer's dlseomnturo at tbs withdrawal of the aaeaeuro. (Cheeta.) The i halrrnan remarked ihat Mr. Parnell |ev*ni"d to have exhausted his inply tn Mr. chamberlain's j^rsonal explanation, and that lt would be Inconven? ient to proceed with _ foliar discus--, lon. Mr. Parnell only desired to say that O'Shea did not accompany him to this Interview. Justin MoCarthy dbl. O'Shea came afterward. Mr. Chamberlain said that he did not Intend to Im? ply that the subject of National connells was the only matter dlsruwd between himself and Mr. Parnell. All he wished to say was that he had always taken care to li-form his colleagues what had passed be> tween bim and Mr. Parnell. He apyc-aje-d te> Mr. Gladstone to eoaflrm bi- staleiaoata. Mr. Gladstone said ha did aol question Mr. Cham j berlin's statement regarding the Kllmalnham com? munications, but In the present state of his MOODOO* tiona ba would sequin to know exactly what the communications were before entering Into them. As lo thc comniutileailniis with Mr. Parnell lti l,*s?5 on local government, he said that his memory accorded with Mr. Chamberlain's. (Hear, Hear.) In H." dlvisinii nn Mr. Held'.-, amendment, ths Houae fated BBB against lt, and 107 for lt. Mr. Anderson's amendment that the charges to be Investigated be defined In the schedule was rejoctcd by a volo ol 245 against *_00. Mr. Molloy proposed an amendment to mod-fy : the clause regarding Hm allegailona made ao as to Incltlda only snell nf them as tho Commission might ' think gt to Investigate. Mr. Matthews Objected, saying that the amendment j was aaelaea since the Judges already bail tbe power I to select such ol tho charges as they deemed worthy , of an Inquiry. Till*. OOYFRNMENT CIIABOLD *,VITII COLLCSION. Slr william V. Harcourt charged the tmvernmeiit j with refusing to accept the amendment because Mr. Webster, ihe- Attorney-General, had icbi them that tho Commission mint Inquire into anything "fm Times" willied to bave laveetlgated. 'Miry wained to allow "The Times'* to throw Its dirt Wtthoat restraint. (Cboera.) The Ministers wen mahtng tbemealvea a coii'luft of foul wat.r io be poured upon tho Irish I National League. ("Oh, Oh,' aad sheen.) Ibero* ton, be would not trust the commission to ln<julro j Into what lt ehose io eon,|drr fir for investigation. Mr. Bannerman -Roberts*! a. Selie tor-Oen , eral for Scotlacd, Indignantly repudiated tin- ilandorona accusation] iha*. Hie Qovernment v-t-m lu collusion with ?? Tlie 'lillies." Bli Winiam V. Harcourt oiTere.i to witbelra-.c lils ! statement If Mr. .*?nilih would say that Mr. Walter, ol I "Tbe Tim's.- had nol Leen consulted in sciuing Hid 1 bill, il'ameline cheered Mr. Smith, excitedly- I ri neiK'.t tbe charge so vin? dictive and contemptible Cat lt was nol worths ol a d'-telal. 1 deny lt absolutely, and an am__.ii. that sny gentleman could bave been found in thi* Doone '? who vu* iM make it. o leers.) Mr William V. Harton ri?Aa I niderstand Mr. Smith to say tha* he bas not been Mr. Walter, I with? draw t! o siateinent. sc.'.nf.s cr excitement I.v the HOTJBX. Mi. Smith?I did not ny thal 1 have not seen Mr. Waite.-. (Ironical Pamelllte ricers.) I simply deny bavins consul) -el him In refctenee to (ha bill. (An , uproar followed amid contending cheers and Bries "I -f-r, oh."i Mr, Smith's roka inaudible. The chairman appealed lo Hi" memben lo remember th" traditions of the House. Mr. Smith poattaned-1 again deny absolutely that I bael any negotiations whatever with Mr. Walter re? garding the bill. Mr. Walter has called upon mo as an old friend. Bal lu never saw the bill, and I never hod any snit of plan with him regarding lt. |( ben, i sir william iiaui,mt i,i:iUi.,i that lt waa ex? tremely Improper that the Government should com? municate wild person* bringing iin accusation anel not with Hi" pollens BCCUSea. As tb" facts stood, tbe> Government now admitted having dono so. (Pamelllte chews). Mr smith claimed that he bad made an explicit statement that tho bill had been drawn without communication with '?The 'ilnie*,." Slr. Gladstone, recurring lo the amendment, held that the House ought lo know whether Ihe Judge) would refuse to consider malicious, Irrelevant and tiivial charges, If Ihe) bad power to do 60 the fact was virtually excluded from the bill. Mr, Goschen contended thar power to Inquire Into (?relevant topics wi- ii benni in the measure. Mr. Labouchere said tbe Government refused to accept the nmeodmi ol because i' did bo! dan* to alter B Word In the bill Without tho permission of Mr. Walter, it was admitted that Mr. Walter had visited Mr, Smith on tbe Burning ol the day on which the latter announced the bill. Mr. Bmltb- '1 ha' ls not tine. i ri.*? of ?? Wit bel raw :" ?? tt Iii.draw :*?* esme frc.m th" Opposition benches, and tia* chairman said: "Das the gentleman withdraw the expression.** M .*. Smith I do. Mr. Labouchere?Let the leaelcr of the Govern? ment answer this specific question: Did Mr. ttalt.rr Vlsi! bim "ti lb-- elm lie announced that a eommls sle.u would be j-'iantc<l I Mr. Smith?1 have sta'ed to the House everything that has laappi :i"il. ?-__ .1CSTICK DA, SEEEIKG ADVICE London, July 31. In eon.'-nee of last eve-nine's debute la the House of Commons, Justice Day has referred Ihe question ol his wring on the Parnell Commission to Lord Salisbury. FBIGHTENBD ELEPHAXTfl I REATT. A PANIC Munich, .inly ai.-Tin- celebration ol 'he one hun? dredth anniversary of Ibe birth ef Ludwig I. v.:,s con? tinued to-da... Ten thousand pcs ina Urah purl in a historical proceeslon. Thc Coori viewed the proeei Bios from a platform erected before thc monument of Ludwig During Hi** prooesslon a steam car In ihe form of a dragOB pus eel a group if ca*in*l i 1 elephaatfl la the section devoted to tropical ani List? en, trader. Three frightened elephants broha tooee anet inched arnon,; ihe spectators, serioasly lajnrlag twenty persons. iii" elephants were not secured until they bad reached Ihe Hestdens-PlaU. HARMONY BET-TEES ITALY |__XD AMERICA. Milan, July 31.?A meeting of United States Con? suls iii Italy will be bald m thia etty on August .1 for tho pnrpOBC Of discussing the fortnailon of a society io concert means by which thc friendly and commercial relations between Daly ami the United orate, may he aogBtenled and boneeBdaied. A beadqaarters win be seleeted for the soelety st Milan whan ali tba Amerieaa eonaalatoa shall bc repre aanted and when a collection of .Amerieaa law , de crees, BOWapapma and other publications shall bo kept Meeting- ami eonfenaeea win be held from Hmo to time with tiie object of furthering tho som m. ie lal relations between the- turo eountnoa, BTEABTTEES BELO TB HAIL. Aurora, IB., July 81.?Baaeieisea, Qoddlni and Kaaa. i. three of tha men charged with th" chicago, iiur liagtoa ami Quincy conapOacy, had aaothar hearing in court ye-.-toeia*,. The only now evidence iseewies nave waa that Daaentsea porehasad som'.* ammonia and several packages of blue vitriol at a drug itOTO and Rave it to him with In-truct.'oiis to go to Mciido'a and put lt lu tbe lunts of sever.I loeomotlv i *,. He- (Bowlea) went to Me-i.dota, hut thc engines were SO doselj,bid that he had BO Opportunity lo u*-c I-'" itttA Tbo prlaoaen wen iieid io ball, Daaerelsen in 80,000, mi three charges ol conspiracy, malicious miachl.l and unlawful bandi ng ol dynamite ; Goddlag in .-? on two charges ol conspiracy and handling dynamite, and k'i"gcl Ifl 08(000, on charge of handling dyi.audie. SHOT THE VOX STABLE ASD BABB HIS BBC APE Chicago. July 81.- A dispatch bom Upton, ind., says: uOootm I rutchiiri.i, a Boaatabfe af Madison Township, came to Tipton yeaferdag and swan ral a warrant for tho arris* ,,f John Madley, "barged with stealing a hoi-se, BBddM ami Other artie le,. Tho war? rant was place e] In ihe baiul* e,f Slierltr Bates, wbo With Cnitibliolel Immediately started In pursuit of Hadley. Wli.-n near (urtlsvllli-, the two ollie--is separated. Criitclillclil tn*' Hadley coming down tho iliad In a wagon and liefiumcl Mm that be had a warrant for bis BU est. A few warda passed, and the two men pulled their revolveis. Cf III lb dahl's Ul '1 Ure. Ho was shot tana limes in tho abdoama by Hadlev, who then mad- bis e-rapc. Two hundred men are -searching for the murderer, ( nitchllelil ls reported to bu al tiff)', t dead." m lil!'USG A FA HO GAME IN A CLUB IfOl'aE. Posion, July 31.?A s'rangcr lo.t |"_'7() on faro at tba Manhattan Hub lasl evening, ib- iSBOrlad tu the pallN aii'J Hi" place was " |-aii|iKl" this afternoon, live Iniualcs werw SlfSStBd and a lar^e (iuantli) of gambling Implements seized. This ls Iho licet chartered club tho rooms of which hate been "raided" by the police of this cur. HIE TBBATl Ri.I EC TED. BRTOIG BOLL'S DIFLOMAOT I-KT-VAIT.S. THE sjoc.Y fi wk au BY TBB BBBAl BPIB1T TO SION NO I'Al'Ei'.S- THEIR A KO CM I'.NTS. P'aii'Mng Pock Agency, Dak., July "1 (Sperlal).? To-elay's ronferenee was by far tie* most Intone ting yet be-iei bat ween the roiiimlsatoanrs ead Ibe indians, buth beoaum new lalaontia were broughl te hem anon Ibe Indiana, and bee awes they showed more than ever their Opposttloa tel lb" treaty. Last night thu Indium bud a lenincil, lu which every one of th"lr number over eighteen jeirs nf BgB was presor.t, and Speecbaa more earnest anil tiny than ever we-re nisele by tbe chiefs. After apooshBi hy Gall, John Ones, Mad Pear and otli-r, nf prominence, a vote was ial;rn on the propyse.l acceptance of tho treaty, and every dusky warrior shouted " No.** Not sall-lied with this, the most solemn scene of the W"r][ was en.neel, by every Indian laking an oath to the i;re*at Spirit Hi' he would sign no paper relative to the treaty; that he would sign neither ibo black pap"r, which means Yes. nor the red paper, which means No. Bad Hie Commissioners been cognizant of the farts when they jn-t In conference this morning, they w.uiiei not basra been ao hopeful, 'iii" Tomnkatoaen opened tb" eoaBannce promptly at 8 o'cloeh Ibis morn? ing, all tbe Indiana t Bing present, Including Bitting Bull, who arrived last evening. The obi meal ls sulle*. ami rettoeat, bnt Informed an lat at pieter thal h** would never eonsont 'ee tha signing of th" treaty bv any of his Meade, and that ba thought the proposi? tion was all In favor ut th" While men. After open? ing the conference. Chairman Pratt Introduced OOW? eili'ir Church, vide, arrived at (be agency last evening. Tbe Governor spoke to the Indians for thirty minutes, anel delivered what was eonatdemd a very eonvlnclnf I and effective speech. Age_U McLaaghUa then pleaded : earnestly fnr the measure, ami iva followed by Judge * Wright' but all the speeches were willem' ri.ert. John (Jrass was the first of the Indians lo reply. Ho F.-i!el: ?? Why do you want our lands I Have yon not | enough lanel feir tb" white people. You are met pay? ing us enough for our laud. Our land must ba worth much to the white man, for wbi n they first come he-re Ibag an* very poor, and afier they have been hcii} some* time they a:e i pointing tn the Cnui mi.-tuners and th" Governor) dreased very weil. I will neit sign either paper." Crass maintained hla reputation as a cunning speaker, std won appto'i a fi-om th" Indiana. Mad Bear ipobe next; h>* oppowd tim treaty *?ry itrongly. Thia wm pretty dian lng to the Commluionen, bul Ihey arill aol give up yet, and will hold another ronferenee to-morrow. All (atonal cootra In sining Batt, bat he Muirs to have ni'irh to suv. Ile would BOl enter the circle to'lav-, int dorins 'h" conference outside on ids puny, wllh 1 I nee. who ai-o declined '" t"* c'n.ic a pr i' ol tb" eire','. D is worthy <ef considera? tion that ultim a tow hours from th** time ol Bitting Lull's arrival a; th- agency the oath '? Ihe Urea! Spirit was tali'ti. mal a., sining Hull was Ihe Medicine Man of the Ballon during the great Indian wai js koomi te be one <*f Ms tactics In controlling the tribe. The luellan, an- basing a good lime "f lt, as tbev are being f.-d bv the Commissioners, and ll.ew mn be no .ben:.t ol their plan '" remain until m-xt ration day. alni then to hld the I om mission farewell. BAS W. K. EAS DERRI LT REES SUED t A Sl'IT FOP. OVER gl.000.000 .SAID TO HAYE REEN DROUGHT HY Vt. L. IIUEE-I. OVEB A STOCK TRANSACTION. It WW runion-,1 lu Wall Street yesterday that Will? iam l. Bmese, of tba stuck broberaga finn ol Braem <fc fcmlth, whose* recent enc.muter on a Loag bland feiryboal with H. H. Qolllaa, al wall gtnal foam, win ba renumbered, has Instituted puer.Ungi agalnil hH aatagonkl on ihat occasion, tt. K. Pandorh It'i nama | w..s Bientloaed as ona id tbe porsom intonated, but ll ls not believed thal li" has anything to do with lilli , particular suit. Il was asserted, however, that Mr. BneM bas brought a suit la tho gupreaie court agalaat vf. k. Vanderbilt for damages amounting to over, grouting ont of an allegi-l breach of contract un tba pvt ot Mr. Vanderbilt in a Laka Bhon stock trans* action. Tho lawyers retained In the case are said to he Teeejh II. ( hOata Bad P. IL Smith l?ir tb-?eoin;ilaln*i)? I and Howland -v Anderson for Ihe defendant, They, were all out nf inwn lust Bight, so no itatement could bo obtained fruin them. GUESTS SCARED RY LIC.nTXlXG. A BOLT SHIVPI'.S TIIK FLAiisTAI'P OB THR ROOF OF tiif. pu,MET noonie, cniCAOO. Chicago, July .'H.- The gBCStl Bl thc PalUM BottM were itartled la their sleep emly this morning hy a terrille clap of thunder acrompaaied by a perceptible) shock In all par's of th" hot ia Thoughts of dyna mite bombs ainl earthquahn caused ina:ly all the gue-ts to hurriedly drees and crowd through tin* corridors. Meantime the few pasaen on tha street at that early hour, I' befog about tl o'cloeh, were kepi busy dodging living splinter*;. The Bag-staff ai the northam! corner i f the build ng was found shattered t'i fiivcrs by lightning Ropes were* prompfly stretched across Ihe -1<I? walli lo kc-p Iha pedestrians ral ol posalbla danger. Investigation sice eil. however, thal the actual damage done by tba boll was alight, notwiiii lat.ding tho genuine s-caro given the hundreds of people In the hotel. \>-,1cday waa the hottest day experienced in chi? cago this season, iii" thermometer ranged frum 78 at 7 a. m.. to !'?'; at i p, ta. Several cases ol prostra? tion wen reported bul only one malted totally. St Paul, Minn., July :.'?. A 1 ?< al storm of cnn-nil violence struck St. Paul to-day, 'lin* signal oflJeer i ports (hal for a dior! lime Iha wind blew at the> ol ;i nile a minnie. Con derable damage done iee telegraph wires, temnorarfh suspending com? munication with Minneapolis, tftluwater nnd other .suburbs. Peter Sirambert, ? carpenter, was killed b\ lightning and a labor ns man waa rendered lu ae nalbia. CAtBUlAC TOTAL ABST1XEXCB CMOS. Boston, July :;i (Special).* Tba I atbolla Total Abstinence Union nf America, which will hold its annual convention In 1:0,0.11, Wednesday ami Thurs? day of ibi- week, bttrodueed the proceadlnga by a grand torefa licht parado to-night, in which a large number participated. Bow Rn gland can claim tba credit of originating this aoctoty, Connecticut having organize.1 the Brat State Union la 1871, Rhode 1 land and Massachusetts L'-iui: tl." next to follow. Today nearly elgnl hundred societies numbering about 00,000 membeis are on the rolla. STEALISG ELEVATED TLAJLEOAB TICKET*. A Tining 1,nm inn:,al l;,,',,-i Merrie wm cmpinye<! by Iha Maahattn Elevated RaOway Ceaspaay abaal ria iiiuiitii* agu a* a i el Iel ticket scent Ile mcaied Um ii through UM Fidelity and Casualty Company, which weal mi his head tot SLOOO, te K":'raiet.*<* hi* la.... Sty In haieei:lin; Ike railroad'* ni-.n-.y. BatfelBg '"'? iuri-i tee afcaks ito faith af company iu Morrl* : until ia?t Batniday, whan bs wai pul n duty at iha Twciity-thii'i-si. sutton af Ou Third-are. Haa That evening the co-spaay i? aald la tort aliased about itoo nortk 'f tleketa Mani, was wnperlade bal aeald not i.e. teuad, ss Marri,'- beadasBn wera at saee informed, 1 and they siait.-.l several defectives lu search "f bim. Ile) Was [eeein.l lett Monday uiglit In l.a-i I -ilt-'li te --nt ll-*t., he? il*, -ii Ave nu'** a and li. When tha SetecUrs atteaqiti 1 ' to arn-i-t Marris, \h>- latter BWde a hBld Bght f"r fm lan, and would ton succeeded lu ay bad not a police tiltlrfl COBBI t" Ihl di lei liva 'a ii-,.-taine. The) prlaooet protested hi* laooeeaee nheaMolly mui at Poll**. ii. iIqaarters Um bmbi ear* r-u wari te af hla itothlag failed ?a. Bli avei any of tin- Bdsalag - During lils BBBIth "ii Manda*-, however, th" BetOCUn learaed that Morris bad BOW aelllng elevated arn? ueketa in nilooa place* at gu reduced ran-*. Yct-'idi-y ii.artiii,.' Mn.-ii- waa artalgoed la ito -i ' * I Market PbUcC ( '"irt (eli Ito nen.plaint nf I ii.*|--i-!or Sully. af the Pldaltty aol Casa itty Psrd ii il Cunt a- th- iBllread aampBay had ton the .miy in m**i by tin- prl : ba mada bj thaa ar theil regreentattnu , ia ", i* ; ? , -\. .,: iv a| ,!n- paitoa until thi* . | t, dive UM iu.Ii,,ad e *.i;mi,_, a rkSOCS ta nuke thc ii' , Bia!*. A rVEOBASEB Of DIAMOXDt tOMBtRQ. A. C.. lUJclltTe, ;i ia.a.ul. r of ii'.ctle-t' di iii.aiid-. nt No. 82 ha* baw away from hie. BBfoB Cr rt?j?, a-i-i lt is feared thai ho ha, cone te, Cjti.iela or ixiini I'tbci plnsa vi-re- u vi,i I..* equally hud far the law la ' Hud bini. ll" Mayoa il-lu* In Dili city (hal unmunl to : shoal ?3o,cih>, nd Iha t'liKiti lint bli eredtten ar* na ' | Inion* la Ihat ia ally all of Ito Ba bia WON contrail*! a d..y or i-i hatsea he dtoai seared, Unity ali sf his pur | chane* at Bamauia hav* baan from Btaaa Vaa Meaaea ? i diamond lni|Hiii.r al BesBdway and Jahn-*'., ut whom j iiadciiiti- bought Btoal ci.soo worth al B_aa_sads ate.ui a ' w.-.-k Iga, and gave) a che-k fur the amount, drawn on a j bank in Janieaburg. N. -I. A few <1_v? aw tin* ahBeh was r>i ni iie.l prole-,, Bal lbw Uh* c'.-ik MUht tu Mr. lUdollflV'* Ukad h.- found that Ital-Uib- had roue- away Ol'* sala" day the |U-el.,i-?: Wa- neal* and had liol been he-aid from allic*. Arning (ether* to whom hu ,>w*? monnr fnr dUriie.ieeli are: MWB Ie,mu. No. 0 John-at. ; II. Ian, No. 10 Malden lane ; H. lidia*, No. 12 Naaaau-*t ; Joseph O. Doty, No. 8 Maiden laue, and k**'<tel, a tiUoi la Naaaau-ab , MAYOR HEWITTS CHOICE. TIIF. NEW AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. cfni'.i'al james c. diane, francis m. scott, j"hn j. tuck-em and walter howe se ll < ted ? p.easons given for namima tues;: men. The iepi eiintments of tuc new A'liioeliirt Com? missioners were not nnnouneed by tin- Mayos pea* terday until about 5 p. m. When they were ofll eiiilly made known, it was seen that, with a single exception, they were prcci-ely as indicated by The Tkiijcni_ yesterday. This exception was the ul [.(liniment of Mr. How", wlii'h hud not been pub? licly mooted. The list ls cs follows | Qsnenl James t.'. Duane, Democrat, li'rancis M. S-ott, Democrat. Jahn J. Taebsr, Republtoas Walter Howe, BepaMh un. Tho tippointments were looked for befogs noon, and soon after the business of tho day heyan the City Itali was beseig-d with imiuireis. Tbs hours sped on, however, and Mr. Hewitt continued to shake bis bandi saying thnt ba was not yat pre pnred to glwa tha na mea of ile- rne-n who w r** with himself, Controller Kyen and Oetteral Newton, C, nimissie ncr of PubBc Works, to make up the sew Aqueduct CoBunlssion. ile was absent from ins offloe during a fe''10'' putt of the afternoon, and wiiile bia was out an appa featly well authenticated statement waa sande at thu City Hall which gave ilia appolntmenta pseetoely as the Mayor himself gave them au hour after his ret urn. lt was learned that their premature announcement hud its origin in a telegram Irom Walter Howe, at Newport) tei n friend, communicating the fact of bia own -ap? pointment, also the names of his aBBflfiatfS Vin bearing th.s report lbs Mayor displnycd not a little vexation, und refused at first en her to oon lirm or deny its correciness. With the appoint BBentl Mr. Hewitt gave this statement: Thia duty was not of my seeking, but wai Imposed upon me by law. The llinl'.atloii as to ths iiolltic-s of the appointee* ha* somewhat embarrassed me In thrs D*-rf..rni BaOS of a duly Which I ICgatd as the ina', Import-jut act eef mv sdadntouatlee. Bu Us et ta this U-Bllatlw I han iried to wean bat ewnslaBtown who will be approval oy tim puiiiio lednwat, aid wim win absolutely Binna i - Basa? lt to me necessary that one member of th* Itn-r 1 Ih iii'l bl au BBgtaeei i,f Ito wry histost standing In his nrote_-ion. and Wltkoal conni.Itincnl as to the*Baal biston- of the work. BUrtVWlely ni l-eii"iai .launs ft Daaae, who has i'i*'. hew retired ai chi>*f of Baelafin of the. Army of the Cnic 1 Stales, I hBW baw abie to -,e. cure BcofesatoBBl eailawce, anlmpeaototts latearlty aul ?treat wpertoaw tram his connection with the Waahluwa eleaedacl in Um Hm u his bow dime*. The legal question* Involve 1 In this grear, undertaking, ami especially with reteiaan to th*) Baal BKtleaswt ol UM aenlneCS for conatiticllon, neem to require the undi Md-**l attSBtlW "f a lawyer nf ability and experience. I c-iuid na,. tii,-*H-fore, aeleel n lawyei tawcad in um full printie.) of his profession, but lu Erancis M. Scott, one of ilia laalaiwta to th'* CBaaael t-> ih.j Cerponttoa, i found a Bum .inii,cully gwlUtod to dtochaiga the oti'*rous duties ..I this branch nf tao work of ibo I'oii.iulssl in. pubiiej Bptalw saeassd te Baamad tba aeicction of a pncttcal builder, and un,aug the bbbmb Meowwoded bm bj the Bmlldetsf Eaatoage that of Mr. John J. Tue.-ker nani. I ta BM m.? only to b? obeolutcly iiiioiij.atloiiiible, but in view of hi* hifih character to be eminently dcirablo to CoiiRid'-r the prae-th-til rjii*osti.,iis ?llll to be eEcMcd as to UM wai.-r supply av mini da for the. MW AQucil-ct. a, te the feuirth place-, I havo boen moro eadMfiaased by ito Banket ol eligible pereew who weald bo wining i*'. the poaltloa, n.uiy if whon I weald trust in any ? ; liter with Ito decision of Ito mist important aad the cart- "f UM largest Interest* Among ItoSI gWtlOBBW l have tinnily Wetted Mr. Walt.-r 11 e.w.-. win,, WlttoOt Ma own knowledge-, haa been appointed to tho p.sition. I rely upon lils public spirit, which to hw exhibited ?o often, to assume and perform this gr-.'at duly, which, lt teena to me, inu-t commend Itself to the sym? pathy and devotion of every good cltlrcn. I have nat felt at liberty to reappoint any of the termer esaatlaatooer-t for tho reason that tho I.e^ialanire evi? dently Intended that a new Commission should he formed, and the -election of any one of tho former Weald bo an Implied censure upon Hiatus who are not se? lected. 1 han therefore toll constrained to choose en tin iv new ii,en, who will be freo from any commitment* ulm ti might ailed their ladgBBWI as to Ito reservoir* yet le bo ewatroctod and Um eoatnets ta ba siada Aliil.A.M g. HEWITT, Mayor. Tba Baw CommiSBionem .'in- expected to appear at the Mayor's offlce to-day, Like the oath of offloe and enter upon tln-ir duties. The Hoard will probably be organised by tho election of M.itier lle'witt, ns president Mr. Hewitt, sahl yesterday that three of the fiuir appointees would devote their whole time to the Anne diet. -*-??_. SKETCHES OF THE NEW COMMISSIONERS. General Duane entered the Military Academy ut Wist Point ns a sadd tm July I, 1844, being cred? ited to the State of New-Vork, in which he was born. On leaving the Academy fous jrean later he entered the Army arith the brevet of second Lien tenant, and was attached to tba Engineer Corps. Ile was made si.e'.,iiei lieutenant on Maroh 16, 1853, nnel first lieutenant on July I, 1658. He declined the position of captain in the 13th Infantry, to which be ama appointed on May 14, 1861, and was made captain in the .ngineeia oo August* a of thal nar. Ile became nrijor OB March ll, 1863; lieu teuant-colonel, March ',, 1867; colonel, January l ii, 1883; brigadier general and chief ot sngineera, October Ll, 1 ?86. During tha War ba waa breveted three times. ns lieutenant-colonel and colonel anel brigadier general. The lirst two brevete wen for " meritorious and faithful sar vie.*, in tbs field in the campaign frmn the Rapi li.-m tn tin- James and particularly fer distinguished preefe-sj. niki Berriew in the operations before Petersburg, Va." Tha last, brevet, rewired on March 13, 1865, wm ten- " gallant nnd meritorious M-rvie es during tin- aiege of F-seiaburg, Va., and in the campaign terminating with the tummler (ef Ibo insurgent army under General Hebert E. Ua." Tho following sketch nf Aqueduct Commissioner Scott was si 1,1 to ihe press by ('orporilt loll Counsel Beckman after thc Maim had given notice of his iippiiitiinn nt yesterday: Fianc s M. ftOtt, whBM .ipi ointment ss Aqueduct Com m!?,iaiie-i has haw lanaoneed, ls al present ASBlrJtWl Oowauaal to the Cerpotatlea. Ho wa* ippolated la^BSS hy Judye Laeeestoh and ba* enjoyed UM tenBdew aad liitliiiii'-y of that c-iit'-iiint*. ii* WflU BS af lils a?M**'ui*, Cl ? i>'nrl.*u and Mr. BsekflMC- lluli'1, ll la mub-r thu his tppetetaasat vu.* wggeeted by Mr. Bwfc waa, ?h". it i, sail, h-i .sena** BUBewity iii persaadtos Mr. Brett t*i allow his towt ta ha pweeatsd U Ito Mayor. Blaea Im ha* been in um a8toa M ibe Oerpentton Ceaaael Mr. toa hal la Charge BMSd of the more lm|ortant and lii_rl.iite* actions Bgatoal UM city, arising oui of con r.r public woii,, and toa Ihw malted a peculiar _:.. v. 1* |ge "f the law atT'-ctins tha totttprstatlw and rn fi* -ai. nt e.f Mi.ii ewtraew i I I mBdeatlal ie* lariems wiih til- mi.",.ive CeefenMw Cowaests rises 1BBB Mr. Beet! ha* als" BWUlnd an Intimate kwwladga of the lil,lory of tin* A,ai* I'M ani *f thc legal gMStlWI that have Brlaw Barlag u. iwaamnlw. Mr. Bcett ww hew la thia '-Ky, attende-a tttmmrn Bel ol No. 88 In Thirta ??"iilli-t-, and giadaated from tho College "f ile- City of New-York In 1861 a'i t fiom Coiuin bia Callage Ij>v Betoel In 18BB*, lian walch lime h>- Uaa actively practised iii* prefeaalw la thia city, being tot ?Maj years tba partner af .Ito late aa-Jedge jei.iaii Btttk crlaiid. ll- ha, hBW for a loiitf tilla: Ito * un Ung colin e. i f.r ito Mew-Terk Cotton Esltonga, an-l wtll point mun a* AaMetaal CeaaW m Ito I irpaaatlw Bents! hi* sttawlw em ir* ly to aeaawislal '.ml - ... I Stall law. Mr. Bcett hM alway., bon a li'inocial la pCUUei ani wai Illy aiiiv Ifl I.* r. -. .an.;,uni ot lbat. Sha ?? dal tin., lu: lias laK-u W a*-' vc part ni p *,.;icjI Mr. Tuck*:- baa gained reputation and wealth as ;i builder. Among the monuments ol bis lame iu this city are- the Lenox Library, the freeby ti-riun llos|.ii.ii, tin- new building of flu- < ollege vt Physic inna and Surgeons (.William li. Vander? bilt's rich nifi ? thc United Bank Building Ln Wali-M., the Viliard houBBB in Madiaon-avc, between Fiftieth and Fniy-ilrst gts.; Mr. Titloax't bonn al Mallison ive. and Sevent*g-eeoond*?t.. which cost, gi.iMiii.i'ui' ,-iini many othei meeeie'is e.f architecture. Ila baa nisei built me large addltioaa te I'niie-eion College, nvaful churches and many lille' (lv\ l-lilllt^*. Mr. Tucket was born in Ihe Eighth Wanl sixty yann a^o, and is thc sou ol Cartis linker, noel "(he* ne[,|ie\v mui SUOOeWM in business ol JoM-ph Tucker, who was a lamoua builder in iii, ibu. Ile is a director of the Seventh Wanl Ikink mid a trustee of th.- Bbak lor Savings in Bleeeker-at li.* wm lor years president ol the Mwbanlca and Tradesmen's So.-h-iy. ile his lin-u it Ra publican sim ? tbs formation af the party. Walter Howe, tba second wpublloaq named tat the Commi-aiou, wms boru in this city about, forty yean ago. Ile la a lawyer of Ano talents mid reputation, lia won distinction aa a sucaker and debater in tho Stato legislature, where he served lu 1863, laa'.i, 1864, and 11*(-*5, repre seii'ing the Xlth Assembly District of this city. For several year* Mr. Howe. wu seentary of the I'nion [anglM Club. Rumors that Mr. Ilov.-e IkkI separated from th" Republican party and had become affiliated with tue Mug -.vmips petto indignantly denied by his frlenels anil .it tlc several Republican hcadquaitcn last even? ing, COMPLIMENTS POM MU. RIDGWAY. Ex -Aqueduct i minni--.oner K. _, Ridgway ls In re? ceipt of a highly complimentary letter from a largo ntimberof Ws fellow-members of th-* Produce .-tehans?. ;it th** cbise of bis connection with the Aqueduct Board, (onlblenco in Mr. Ridgway's honor and integrity aro e.xprriscd, and he ls congratulated that the Senate In? vestigation hail ie vealed, so far as he was concerned, only an honest and steadfast devotion to rhe city's In? terests. Mr. Ridgway addressed a suitable reply yes? terday to Mns-siR. Cole, Thomas, Livermore, Allen, Mccue, Annan and other signer- of the flattering testi? monial he had received, th,.fili!ng them for their Rood opinion of him and BBWrlag them that his appointment was not tho result of a political ??deal,'' and had been absolutely Without pledge on his part HIE EIRE RECORD. THIRTY-FIVE BOBSEfl BHRNF.D. A FIRK IN TIIK MUTUAL BK NI*: KIT ICK COMPACT'S STARI.K K-It-Y YKSrKKDAY MORNING. A lantern fell from Its support In the Mutual Benefit Ice Company's stable, In the rear of tho tenement houses Nos. 421 to 415 West Thirteenth st.. at 2 :._0 a. bl yesterday, anti ni lire to the place, .ie,hu Bayard, tho watchman, and .lohn Kelly, a stableman, were In thi two story building when tho Hames atarted. They made an attempt lo rescuo the forty-seven horses In Hie stable, and as quickly ai possible they cut tho halters ar.d drove the animals out of the stalls. Tho lire had started near the door ami lt spread rapidly. Bayard and Kelly had to give up the attempt to rescue thc heirsrs and run foi their UVCSL Twelve of the- animal, followed them out. One hors? knocked Bayard down and bruised him .lightly. Another horse w-as burned so severely that lt elied In the street. Thirty-five horan remained lu the burning stable, and they rou 1.1 be h-ard neighing and plunging about In their stall, for several minutes after the firemen were summoned, ah won burned to death. Tho fire scared the occupants ol the tenement hon-es Intel tin- street. For a time the firemen could Mt e nter the yard between the stable and the hSUBSS on account of the heat, and they ellroeteil streams on Ha* Bamw through thu rear windows of the houses. Meanwhile, the inmates of tho houses were *?.-andcrlng about the atrcet. It was an hour before the fire was Bader control. The stable was burned out so com? pletely thal tho walls probably will havo to come down. Tho loss to the Ice company w-as said to he about if, but tho horses, harness and fee*d in the stabls wen Insure'I. lia ie* was sahl to be ample Insurance on tho stabp), which belougs to an estate aud wa* worth about *_,(H)0. m* A CLUB LOSES ITS STABLES. A little before midnight on Monday fire broke out In the extenslvo stables of the Essex County Country Club, In Hutton Park, near tho foot of the Otanje Mountains. The place ls one of historic Interest, the famous mineral spring and Orango Water Cure of a half century ago having been at ono Hmo a noted health resort. The property afterward passeel Into ths peoaewloa e>f Major Charin Hutton, and at his death tl,') park of thirteen acioi was toand by thc Essex Couoty Country (lui). Tho stables OOWptod there .Ide* of a hollow- square and wero filled with valuable trotting anel road hOIBM and polo ponies. There ls no v.a*-*r supply In West orango aint nothing cnubl he dot.** by tho members of the club who hurried to the new except to endeavor to savo thf> llvo stock. By baiei work they srem entirely successful in this, but, ll.e extensive rang** eef stanley wa* totally destroyed. The lo-s WlU rang.* from !?-_,000 lo $.,UO0, which is covered by Insurance. QUISN DEFENDS HIS POSITIOS. GENERAL TUTOR APPEARS FOR IHM? TUE JAN? ITOR OF PYTIIAf-ORAS HALL COMPLAINS. On the order to show- cans, why James E. Quinn should not bo restrained from exercising the functions of Master Workman of District Assoiubly No. 49, Knights of Labor., aud eeimte'.lel to surrender tho books and papers of the organisation, argument was beard ynterday by Jii-tlce O'Brien In th- Supreme court, (bambers, ficneral Roger A. Pryor, who opposeel the application, Insisted that Quinn's removal from the oftico of Master Workman vras illegal. Henry Vf. Inger ami Adolph L. Sanger maintained, on the other band, that everything had been douo regularly, ami that the action asked far should be taken by tho court. The d'-e Islem was reserved. Jeihn Nolan,, Janltoi of Pythagoras Hall, with Vf. Unger, ajipiitei lei Josttoe doman, ht Hu* Ebbw Mae ket Police Court, yet'-day, for a warrant for rho ap? prehension of William McNair, a member of tho One and All Asaoclattofl and a valiant henchman of Quinn. Nolan claims that he received orders to lock the front doors "f Pythagorw Hall, and did se> at il o'clock tho night before, and shortly afterward McNair broke the lock, -lustle-e (.lot man refWOd a warrant, bur Issued a summon calling on McNair to appear before him to-day. The doors are iieew locked, and Quinn ami his partisans ynterday hail to reach their oflice through a tobacco shop that ls n-xt to the hail. Quinn received a totter from Edward Flncklestone, chairman ol tho coinmlitee having In charge the cele brailons on Labor Day, ynterday, a-lilng him tf to had authorised 1>. J. Naughton iii.'l otheis to Issue a paper called "Labor Dey," which publishes a pro? gramme ol the celebration lur Sepiemler 4. Quinn replied ihat he hail not, ami that no one bad authority to do so but the ( entre) I.abor I'nion. The glaziers of this city held a meeting last night at. No. Tri) Bowery, and organized a local BMomhlJ of Knights <'f I-uf.or. SALESMEN* ABOUT TO CO ON STRIKE. Pittsburg Penn., July 81 (Special).?A g-noral strike of tho store clerks of Pittsburg and Allegheny is threatened. A eau tor a special meeting ol Sairs BMO'S Assembly Nn. .1,1107. K. of L, to be held to inoriow night, was sent out to-day. Tbe scale will le preewted to merchants Individually for signature. If a strike ls sedated a hov cutt will ba nlaced on all mer? chants refusing to sign tu-morn)vv night. Hesoliithius win be pesead denouncing the Mari haul a* PntectBw Aaaoelatlon. A limited number of days will bo al bivie-el tho merchants tu ilga. Tba public will be ashed to patmalw only Ihow stores that have com 1 : el vvith tbe sealed agreement. All the stores have agreed to everything tho salesmen ask. except the formality of signing tho scale. Il the mon atrlke tho order will support them and all Knights will be pro? hibited from patronising the stons involved. MINERS OO ON BTRIKB, Pittsburg. July Bl.?In pursuance of a reoolutlon adopted at a meeting aa Betarday, Ihe ninan af tho barth pool ynterday demanded an sdvaaw in wige* of SS ceiits per li 11 bushelfl. The advance has be*en refused hy all the openton who have been heard fiom. When ibis news nWhed the mines all the employe-* at e,!,c- gathered ? 11> their tonis and wenl home. They bave wen getting *_ ::-1 cents per burhel, and pruposo now to stand timi for the 3-oenl basis. THEY ALL SAY IT WAS THE SBA SEIlPEST. Providence, R, I., July 'll iS)?ciali.--The sea ser jMiit ba. arrived. Philly Walsh, engineer, DmM Nally, pilot, and Georgs Howard, steward of the tug C. Ii. sanfoid, Inf'.!mod a reporter on their arrival from Hobol.'-n yesterday, with ihiee coal barge- in teivv, that at ll o'clock Monday morning, whon uti Nanson Beach, near lNilm Judith, they all *:tv*r Hi* Blowier, Which MM Ol them ever before believed In. 'Hie tug was Steaming along at about llvo miles au hour wbe-u they saw, at a distane'o of about OOO feet Inshore, au I Bl mann n-pille*, twle-e the length of Hn-lr berni, swimming rapidly, bis tall lashing Ihe water, his head elevaicel some'' six feet, and showing hi. long badalia above (be surface for many feet. III, BfSB were literally as big as saucers, and hi* mouth wa, a yawning rbwm, large ewugh to swallow a man. Tho bea ' ?_? swimming findon,ly, ap(arently making toa mile's an hour, and was WI out M ?!g..t. TROURI.E OX HIE SAX CARLOS RESEtttATION. Tin-son. Ariz., July 31.-Further reports of tho trouble on the San Carlos Indian reservation show- that tho Indians have bei-n stealing cattle aud preparing a supply of dried meat, preparatory, lt li assumed, to an out? break of hosiilithii. when tho party went to arrest the hostiles, rti.-v BBS-Bad Ure ami killed three Indian nwt ta ihe peen ntasnad tivo tin-, wsmdMBi sev? eral of tho bead, whieh itniuediaii ly left the reserva? tion, folio-A'cd s-Wwaid by other., all golug for (ho nountnlw. EA ISIS tl WARRA IN AX IROXroUNDBY. Philadelphia, July 31 (Special).-Claus hpreeklea said tn day that Iho lebanon Manufacturing Company, to whom has been awarded tho contract for 90,000 tow ol oastlnn for his aew sugar refinery In thia elly, had adrancedwagw from live to fifteen Bte W*8a .<'-- 1 LIQUOR-DEALERS STUNNED. THE NEWJER.SEY LAW SUSTAINED. , 2 of niOH LICENSE AND LOCAL OPTION BOTH UP* IIF.LD, THE LATTER BY A DIVIDED COCBT. ] Trenton, N. J , July 81.-The Court of Errors and Appeal* to day sus'alned tho High License and County <>ptl<*-n law tn all Ita parla. The act will stand W parsed by thc Republican Legislature last winter, ap? proved by the coutt of laat resort. Impregnable sara to -cgt-datlve asssulf. The court sustained tte high* license portions of the act unanimously and the county option clauses by a vote ol eight to seven. The suit I. a Republican victory over the combination Democrats and liquor doalei*s, of Republican lawyen and lawmakers over their political opponents and professional rivals. It was a surprise to nearly all, because lt had been freely predicted that tho county option dames at least would fall, and to the liquor dealers lt ls a thunderbolt. The court ls composed of the Chancellor, nine Supreme Court Justices and sis lay Judges. Three of tho former are Republicans and all thu rest aie Democrats. The opinion of tbe mae Jority was read by Justice Van Syekel. and each mem? ber voled a loud affirmative on the high license part of tbo act. On the county-option section tho vote ww na fellows: For the act-Chief Justice Beasley, Juatfcn Van Syekel, Pepue. Magie, Dixon and Scudder, and Judgw Clement ar.d Patterson. Aga'nst-Chaucellor McGill, Justices Reed, Knapp, and Judges Cole, Hrown, McGrertir and Whittaker. Justice rise,a sat In the court below, and then, lore had no vote. Only one part of the opinion provoked a glimmer ol amusement. It was when the Juelge alluded to the alleged Interference of tho Judicial bi au oh with executive powers. There was a suggestion of a cblp* on- tb ^shoulder In this that was thoroughly enjoyed. The only criticism upon tho act by Justice Van Syekel was concerning the language In the part providing foi the revocation of lie iw for violation of the Sunday law- and other Infringements. He thought the sen tencofi should have been formed differently to properly express tho meaning nf the Legislature. Positive as was the tenor of the whole opinion, lt was still ad? mitted that there were strong precedents on tho othes Sida, but, said the Justice, where doubt v. ta lt must bo ki iv eel lu behalf of tho law. The opinion ts very long and would ocenpy, Il printed in line type in "The Trlbun**,*1 about three columns or more. The flrst half dozen sentences Indi? cated Its drift, the Judge treating tho points raised by tbe opponents of the act a_ questions tliat required dis? cussion, but to which there could be only a negative answer. Coming to details, Judge Van Syekel first discussed Clio claim that tho law was vobl on account of a defect In the title, and alluded to tbo recent Mle h1g_.ii decision against a local option law as a rase In point. Ile said that If the law under review pren hlblted the entire traine, while the title merely spoke ol regulating the traill*.*, ho would have no hesitation In pronouncing lt uticeinstitutlonal. After an analyst! of those sections of the law which related to this sub? ject, bo held that tbe law does not prohibit but simply regulate*. He decided that la view of adjudicated cases tho title was sufficient, The second Question taken up by the court ww whether tho classification by population was sufficient, It has been claimed that the section ls a regulation ol the internal affairs of towns and cities, and the diversity created ls fatal unless tho basis of classifica? tion ls a substantial one. Whether this basis ls wise ur Judicious, or whether lt will operate a_> fairly as some other basis, ls for the legislature and not for tho court to say. The court's inquiry ls whether tho basis bears any reasonable relation to the subject to which the Legislature has applied lt. After an ex? amination Info the results of the classification of the license fees and of the decision.) on this subje_t, the court held the classification valid. Tho questions as to punishment and trial, tho court held, were not involved in this mattor, and can be eliminated from the act without destroying Ita validity. The right to revoke liconees for cause was entirely beyond dispute. Tho local-option branch was then taken up, and the court said that there was no express piovlslon In tho Constitution precluding tho Legislature Irom dele? gating 6uch powers ns those conferred In this act Hie Judge cited Instances where the Legislature delegated powers, such as eminent domain and others, which havo boen passed by unchallenged. He mentioned a law recently BWaed by Congress as a case In point, lhere was n) unlawful delegation of power in this case. Put the liquor trafflo has always been deal! with In an exceptional way. It ls a subject by ltsell and no other topic can fairly be compared with lt. Tho history of liquor legislation for 150 years has shown this. The old law does not differ materially frem that now before tho court. One referrcei the qiie=t|e,n of license or no license to twelve freeholders and the courts; tho others to a larger number. And lt ls to bo remembered that tho right to sell does not exist except by license. There ls allandy prohibition, ami If ls only In so far that tho legislature removes this prohibition and permits license that the courts aro to discuss tlili case. Iii.* plea that thn law waa special In lt. application because ono county might adopt " no license" and another license was Illusory. Tho law Itself Is not special, and does mit contravene tho Constitution. It may operate differently In differ? ent sections, but lt cannot pa ic-l'l to bo special In? trinsically on that account. Innutnerablo acts aro oa the statute books that would be equally open to chal? lenge. Returning to ihe question of delegation of power, tho Judgo elaborated these points at length ami toeeli up a number of minor abJeettOM Bf M general interest. In conclusion bo declared tho entire law constitutional and vali'l. Chancellor Mc(.IU then called the roll un one of tho thlW cases before the court, being that which Involved emly tho btgh-llcense features of the act. Every Judge voled to a Iii mi. ii.nt thea ealled tea nu on the aeeood al the throe cases, which Involved thai ol the enanty option question. When Judge Rend'* name ni rewhed he vetted io revers.- tin- dOdatOB In favor eif county option, ami uroroeili-d ii give hi- raw bbs Informally. Ho considered this portion nf ibo SCI tee be a eicie-i^ailon eil ?owes beyond anv doubt, sad was the -ann anabasis In the opinion licrausi lie remembered, he ?alu. the positiveness with which Judge Van Svikel had dwell upon tho uncontitliiiHonalllv of such delegation In his elecl,lon of the Chatham local option law. Tho vote of eight to seven WM then recorded. Nothing MW remain, for ibo liquor dealers except to pay tba bl ;h liCOMe toe aad keep their places closed on Sunday. The Increase In the license recelpta ol Newark and Jersey city alone will he over BROO.OOO this year, aud other communities will gain In propor? tion. Tbe county option BiBOtlOM will be; held tn Warren. Gloucester and ono or two other counflea thia fall, and others mav b" tested early in l*v.9. The news of the decision wa, telegraphed all over tha stair, and was awaited with excited latona! In every, community. REJOICING AT ASTH'RY PARK. Asbury Park. July 31 (Special).-The temperance people here held a rousing meeting to night to rejoice over the fact that tbo Stato Supremo Court had de? rided that the High-License-I,oral Option law was con? stitutional. Janies A. Bradley, tho founder of Aabury Park, Issued an extra of his unique little weekly sheet, "Tho Angler.? The Republican club rooms were packed with tho voters ol Asbury Park and Ocean (.rove. . Speeches wero made by the Rev. Dr. Miller, of Hreioklyn: Colonel Charles Vf. Fuller, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction ; Mr. Bradley and others. ??- , ?-?. AV LVFJ.NT DHOWSED IV A U'.is'H TUB. Asbury Park, N. J.. July .'tl (Sperlal).-The Infant Baaghtor of J. L. Hubert, principal of the Garfield l'lace publlo school, Lang, was accidentally (trowm-el yc.tei-riay afternoon. Tii'? cliilei, who had been asleep In her carriage, roll-el out of lt Into a washtub tilled with waler and was drowned. It ls fearcel thai tha shock will kill Mn. Unbolt, who ie lu foebl, health. . . _j * ? ? AfTEBTT jr Tin tutI AU milk foisosino. > Haltlmoro, July .'il (Special'.?An at whole* sale poisoning wu niado yesterday In the dalry od Charles Grover, In Baltimore County. In tho morn? ing Ml?s Grover, upon going to tho dairy, d*.covered that a peculiar looking substance hail BBBB placed In every can of milk, and alsei In the cans which con? tained tho cream. She became a'armed. and nat? urally was afraid to u-e the milk. Cpon examination the substance M found to be strychnine, mixed with mm (lound charcoal pow dor. No motive for the deed ls known. ____-ay KILLED HIMSELF AND HIS IVIFE Chicago, July 31.-Shortly after midnight Hie pollen found tho dead bodies of Henry Ileesh. a retired llquol seller, and his wife. In their apartments at No. i_o South Sangaiitoii-st. No reason caji bo a,signed foi Iho tragedy; except that last summer Mrs. Heenh wai was overcome by the heat, and never quite recovered. Hor friends think the boat ol oat unlay Bight may Barn adeena hw aUnd, awring a quarrel hetwwa kkt end hm hwband. In whieh he atebbedte. pwhape In seato tMBff^t_ ami tmo hunted hlsswll ant r-? --? ?- ?-^^1 n^trmamna^^^m- '"? ? ? ? ^"<*Bm m rnxmaxmrnrnwrnm, mmxaxty mm* _\mEm_f*UoxmmmAk> ???MHMMHMBHHBHHl^HMarf__________.__...........H i