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f ALGER IN INDIANAPOLIS. IN CONFERENCE WITH GENERAL HARRISON. QUARTERMASTER W1UTSETTS ASTOUNDING W')RK-A TALK WITH MR. EGAN. WJTTKIKCRirn IWm TRIRUXR.] Indianapolis, July 31.-General RsBBflg A. Algor, Mlchlgau's candidate for tho Republican nomlnailon for President, has been nn honored guest In Indian apoii* to-day. Baaa after th* Chicago Convene")) 'te Wa* Invited by General Harrison to oorae to Indian ?polls, and yesterday ho telegraphed that he would come today. He arrived this morning at ll o'clock, while General Harrison iran addressing the Henry County di'le-pation, and was received by a eeonaalttw who escorted him to the Dennison House, immedi? ately after ho bad Itel bsd hs cngagoment wiih Hie Indiana visitors Qewral Hiir.ison wenl io thc hot-el and claimed General Alger as his guest. takln| bim at awe to his home, where the distinguished visitor wai eurertained at dinner wtth rx Governor Will Cuni back and CWtgreeSBBM si ,*;,?, nplrantB for tbe His publican nomination Mr Governor. He remained wltb General Harrison till near Tne close of the afternoon when le departed for Cinclniial! to spend a day or two Ibero at Hi- Exposition "What ls than in the assertion nf PcmocraU that Mlciiigau is a doubtful Stato/'' was a.kt-d of Gen? era! Alger. "I have not th? len-i el mid In this world that the will entry Mkhlgaa,' ta u-plied. "Tho Democrats arc claiming everything, and BXJpeot lu this w.iy io fata ilinngih i think lbs KegnbUoaus an going to malic a ch'St) sweep in tho North. 1 thor eughty bebe-." lt. ceneral Harrison and Mr. Morton will lie dorie 1. Th.y ar. glowing In strength every day. Tho Republicans aro receiving acce.s-ilons con? stantly, ami. so far as I kMW, tiu*l I air to dofe* Huns. Thc I, ,,f i).e campaign are el,-fine-,l. There aro many ( rmmhafhOll in Michigan Who aro Protection? ists, and Protectionists are not Democrats this year. Mose6 W. richi, on- of th" Iraihii.' GrMBhWhSW, ll lu w making prolte tlon speeches, ?:id timi, are athen, I understand., who will tabs tu" st ump. A;:olber thing that ls beneiicial to tho RefUhBOBM is tho tend? ency of tho PuahM-lsta to go hack into the old parties." "What is Hie Batto rn- qi: stun in Which tin- pOOpM of Mtcbi^an evince the most Int rast !"* -There ls hot one issue, ..nd that ls the tariff. Thc people of Michigan are strong advocates of protection. and on that q naman alon* it win give a large ftepuh* li*-?n m awi Ity, ant. besides, I thluk that our Begee ?eniatives in Oongron trttl !>*** Inanased." General Alger says that it to tba intention of Ihe Michigan Republicans to endeavor to make nrrskgs* atenta with the National BenoWICM committee lo.- s Vhlt of Mr. Blallk* to thal .stale. When General Harrison'a bulianapolls frlrmls were luging btw tor tiie Republican nomination for Pmt Bout, cou-.t E Wklteett, a DeB-ocnt. who has for Several years bwn quartermaster eef the indlaus (? : Army of tlw Be^ul Ile, remarked to a group ol friends oi- gay that if Genera! Harrison should bo nominated be would not only give the Republican tlckel bis StlpFO-t, but Wuiilil pledge the votes of a number of -'!.?' Democrats- vYIien Harrison was nominated v.. Whltsett J Ined In the Popubllcan dcm awtratlon and bs u now fulfllllog his promtoe lo bi lug Dthri- Democrats ov".* io the Republican ranks In a wi \ ihat ls astounding the i".uti,-ian., of both parties, ?ii b-ii the organisation e,i a regiment of Harrison yu uds wal undertaken a lea da.* ago Mr. Vf hi Wett wa? ni ? . - --. " I v. ill furnish my bwn ii.'.n.- lu* quietly remarked. " and they will all .nats.*' At a meeting of the regimental offleen ' t. ha was __, bow many meu he Lad in his Company. "Om hundred and thirty five." was tho reply, -nnd ?hey are all Democrat,. B-foro I quit worii I will h ire -.'(X).*' Patrick Egan, who was a de)e;;ato-at-largo frem nebraska tn .?'*.? n and who socon l eel the nominal am of General Alger, ww tare ne day, iiiul this afton wn srn ace* isl -d an MtervtrW vitb the 2< i bil u i union and General Alger. Mr. Eran was for two y< n tbe president of tho Irish ?" '-jl League of America. The league ls non* political, bul Mr. Egan ha., bow a Republican for i ? ve.;i:s. In v.'.oi.i Hie cai j. rp - Bayon havo placed greai reliance. ii" li an educated Irish. niau of excellent address and of Influence among his Monto. He hw beei In Bew-Ywl and ba* Mea I.el io believe from repmcotallow that tho Benub 1! 41, will carry thal State Iv u lur^'e* majority, cbi'-riy etfee of the frisl m.'e. lt was eatJ nKitci Hip.; Blaine reeNved 70,000 Irish votes ia thal -lia! I.,.ii wlU get _s nianv.-' said Mr. Egan. "While thc c-tl. islasm i, not of thal pei nature. fichera! Harrison i, ai! ihe time growing because ol : - ? i advwwy ol the tariff. The Irish-are far protecUon because * sra nor. This is lu pursuance ot Napolc ? to hi- generals. * Find out v hal youl-1 ii' my wants vu to do sud then don't (i.i lt.'** Mr. Egan said that polities with the Irish ls a mat? ter of I'liiiiiple and at I.; uncut and liol so much a matter of leadership, iii- wm -we tba Iris!) vote WWUtd b. largely divided by General Harrison'-; in? terest and la felt also that the labor vott* would be to i.e. wall derna with the Republicans. Fifteen hundred arder.t admirers oi General Har* M?*e.n came bvw .rem Henry ("ounty fills morning to honor him with a demonstration. Ihe rountv f, bm thar always gives an overwhelming Republican ma tartly and lie- In what is known in lu Mano n "Tho Purnt District*' The delegation wai received in University Pink. General V. llliam Grove, one of Indiana's mosl dlslingul ied rapt tentatives in tbe ! ? man who hw ten very prominent bi State -. In t"*h.-ilf of thc visitors briefly address, d General Harrison, who reap paded as follows: ( .-I1-I-...11 Bren aind my Henry County friends: If we 1 - ? M any BlseoatsafSd siaiasman who takes a d-*si amk env vi-w o.' (to BOMtiTi I think ht would recover hla l"i rlulB S ll iia ? *.: i lee k once iu a while into Ott tare* nf un ? thia 'Ani,'au,..) You conj from i ,. ti Hew'UeeB-M dan thc wit? ?:?.- enan lied. Tw had w sarly slsiawt in yan paaatatlw ihat has dune mock le pian ala your BBMartal iaierests, and Bsncb ii,* ii* in lift up then i Bl r-l-l- lo th" putty a* tbs heme and to the toendanefmm. (Apstaane.1 Tl* Pi tenta wM Ww taw end ara n. iai ce and ln-iuantu! an elfin-nt in ymir popu btieu. and iu thc BBUBltaB sanoaadtas la ?r<i ti pe,pie in- able fur Iho parity nf ile lr Ula and lor their bi B8 Bad torteg > I ali nen. They were tlie cari? cwmles of slaver] sad Ital have always natural!? Bren lbs strength ot tta RendbUi ib i Brig ta ito tanami Ity B (Apptoaaa.) Teai spokeeasw bas e\presM;J you.- continued Intere st In ths ptirty to whb'h Borne of vol . ? ef yeal Dialur.-1 powers, ard Beast of von the aailr Wvnloa of ve,ur vaiUh. Tho BWOMISSS lui', hw BSaenipllShSd ter UM country a woik in Hi- ln.ef I" nea cf Its Ute. ll pies-iv.*- the N? . ii by a vise. BBUnaWW and p.ilriotlc AiiniiulsuiiUon. WLat thai n. SW f?r y> a "nd .Your pu-wrlty, what lt mun.*. far Iii*. world, Be man tan le.L Jt would han br'ii a ell-Baa of disaster for the *orld if thi, Govanuawl of tl I pariataB The one aaaelnB nperi-Bwt ot lim- gevenamil ww salved, wc l.i?ve Bomeastratod the enpaciiy of the jieepic arid a eltl xen BSlBten l? ir.alntaln tta Inviolate unity ol the R?. (App ii'i-c) Then; remain, uow, foj-timately, OessMaM gwettau u> b? thouiiu of sud a?tti<d We refer lo the grcut war, imt In any spirit of hinvUilty to any auction or any class of men, but only because; we be Hen ii ie ix* Bswd i"r tea vu.oie ssanttiy loyalty and Bdeiity to tlie ilag shouid be taBSSSd. (Oieat applause.) It was aw o', the ga ai iiiuuipliK of thc war a particular in wlii'h our war WW BIsttegaMMd irom ail olhor wars of htktotT, thal vrc bretik'ht lb..- vanqul-hed ino the same lull, equal tltnen-hw under tbo law thal we malntainud lor ourselves. (Appiauae.) In all ib- addt'-s-is whi.-ii have been in?> to me. then ?i.'i t. tea rnn taaaain ot the pnv teetinii of our American iiiUunrlos. I ace it upon ihe banners which you carry. O'ir party -tanda unequivo lai.y, witi.i-ut t-vaaion cr |t.alii!':?;ie-.n, for the BwllteS that Hie AaUWSSW B-SSMI BtaU he preserved lor our Aineriiai. psadaaeW (Great applause.) We art not at BNteted iv shs snggssatoa'ttal wc should sbsbssmIbs to loreign predaeen Ult beat market lu the world. Our aSBIlaw of people are the best buyers lu Uie weald (IppteW-Dj and Vbry are such becauae our working stosass i-.-.n IM heal wage* (A|.plaute.) Hut we do not mean to ta BSS-MsU With our own BNtete We sho'_.J s^ik H. pnsseM Steen :eud more friendly seBB-BOnlal relations with tht Ouiial and .'.outii American btates. (Applause.; And what is SWWttol lo that ti.dl Keiular nkali" are the hist eeadiUci of CbUinerce. Thc merthant iuust Snow when 1,1s oiiK:.- will be rn.elved, and when his SanSlgMHM will b.* ntaaaeBL m tliuie tan be no Hade between dlitajit BSWBBWtttea Winn we iie-od, tbei-fon-, I., IW aatBMMnwat (?! AnaalCW steamship lines between cur puits aid ina perta of Centta. and s>outh America. lAppi.ii.M:. j':,eu it Will le* W IWgW nec??_ary that au Aireiiraji Minister, comniiuloned lo sn Amcricah hitatc, I ball take aa English nlnp io Ci vc. poul to Hud another I_n|lish shi|. 'ji n:ry ldiii to ul* de-senataii. (ApptoMI I ive . i- i* . ? d by thc u_e of Hist ug.y ?.,rd " aubeldy." (laughter) Wc should pay to American steamship Unas u lit*m i n tm saeryteB our Inalla luntead of turiuiig lia ni o,-., to British tramp ?steamships (AgptoaBB.1 We do .-cl desiri, to BBSBlMW these neighboring dove in men is; wc do not delia u. dial with them In my spini of ai'tfressioii. We d'^-irc those, psUtlsal, mei.isl a:i4.uuiiii? icial relation which shell prouiof* IbalS interest*! equally vi ith ours. Wc abould no longer fun;-* those cmin-ical relations aud a'lvaii-,t'*i> v. ii.i a our f<- e.gupbieal relaleoiut suggest anJ make so BSSB-SBBa if iou will uaw nie fi, in lasttn public spec-ch, I will be glad to take by Um baud my Usury County filends. (Applause.) / NAMEH BOH OOYWU-OB Off FLOKIDA. Jacksonville, 1 la.. July .'il Op'x lal).--1 oloncl V. J. ?Shipman, of I'cusa.ula, noes noniiuatcd by tbe liepub lii^sn htate Cou iee imo v, da. foi (-"ti rner by wcia Liation. Other iioiiiinauoiii will bu wade tu murrow. WEBB TitADK ANO THE feHOE TRADE. J. Hanan, jr., of Hie Him ol J. Hanan A -Son, isannfai t urers of shoes, Centre-at. dlscuesliig tho effect thal Ino Cade, it adopted here, would have on A-Qcricsu BbBW tiles, said: " At the prtaeui time, with Uie small duty W Imported shoes, l-iigiisl. Hianutacturers eau plaoe in our maiaeu a better shoe Uuu we can muk': aud at a lesa Brien 1-sIk.j i? m cheap apes there ital line hand sewed sine, eui b? imi. ii .1 from Loudon and raialled herc lu (.'iiiipeuiloii Him Aincrica-i makers. In fiwlt-erlaud labor Dr. Ba?e'a Catarrh Hemedy curia wbea every other se BaUWiesaaiig loila. ls even -beeper atlll. The workmen thora do not get anywhere near tho poy that we pay our men, who mate from Oltt to *-(>, and in aotne branehee ae hl|h aa t'22 a week. And this iiolwlthatandlni that we lisve tbo most Improved machinery In the world. If free trade ls adopted here I ahull go out of tim business an! tem the factory, because with the pom-ly paid tofete al Europe them will bo no chance to net any return on tho capital in vetted.". MR MORTON'S GIFT TO IT.I...AND. HIS generous assistance in hep BOBS OF NEED?TESTIMONY OF "TIIF. ll EUA LD. ? Tho Tribune has received many Inquiries from Itf readers relative to tho part taken by Levi P Morton In sending relief to the stricken poor of Intend li 1880. Mr. Morton did tako patt In this charil able action toward ireland, as the follow teg MtruetB from ? Tho Herald " will prove. On March 10, loaO, ''Thc Herald" said: We prim a most welcome letter frem a dlstliiRiilshod citizen of New Vol lt. who dBW not permit us lo use hl. nainp, iii which he a proposal ol practical tull Itv foi the succor of (he port* Irish poor. Ibis benevolent cltlsen has lei med fnun the Setiretary ot thc Navy that the ship Constellation, whloh tho Seo retarv proposes to send with contributions of food to Ireland, under the authority of a recent Joint resolu? tion of Congress. Ilea at the Urooklyn Nave Yard ?iv.ii i.._ a cantu, but that uo tenders have yet beor, mailo This gentleman, who ls personally known to us, and whose responsibility wo can ao safely indorse that we assume to guarantor the performance of his oller, a guarantee whicb would lie superfluous If he did not desire tu conceal his name, proposed to pay fen one-fourth of tlc cargo of the constellation ff other parties will make up the balance. . . . Now York, Mareb 0, 1. 80. To the Editor of Tho Herald : I leam from the (secretary of the Navy thai the shir f'onstellattoa. Willoh he propose* to .'nd wiih contri? butions of tow io Ireland under Hie authority of both Houses nf Congress, approved February C.".. lfleO, li at Hi- Urooklyn Navy .ard, but that no tenden ol eargo have bwn ni ade -iou are authorised to an Dounrc thal a gentlemw personally known to you. vi ho ?>. linea to lave bis name mad" puhlle, oilers te pay lor OM -quarti r of the cargo of the Constellation, If other parries will make up thc balance. The ca parity of ibe ship ls equal to S...00 barrels of flour, bu h.-:- cargo should be Bsadfl up of Hour, oat meal and s.a.I potatoes, wi,.ch las. Would arrive In erne foi Planting, and repla-e thew which tho sufferers have WW forced io use to suaiain life. 1 shall d'-slrs the distribution el the cargo to no made bv Mr. BeuMU'l committee, as you ac* aware, nen arttotos of food will 1* delivered free of cost, save to the Government. If you approve the Idea you can mali* ibe proposition wu bout i fi .i- Ita present at lessie u-m,: my name. Von may assume to guarantee tb<* performance of mv ofter. Believe rn.*, yours very tnily. A FRIEND. On Marrh IS "Tho Herald" said, editorially t Vc corp:a*nlate the friends Bi siifterlns Ireland that this Beal carpi bas been so promptly made up. Tbe Constellation announced lier readiness to receive freight 00 Tuesday ne.\t and on Wednesday her cargo win be on board. This is due In -Treat part 10 the distinguished eltlr.en who started the move? ment. Tlr ic is no reason why we should any longer wnOWl KN iame As his oller was conditional, and lt was um'nain whether the condition would be compiled With, he pad a reluctance to see Mb nam* wnnwtsd with au offer which he mlrht not be called io lu.!.'., hut. now that the cargo ls complete and t1 .' offer Hurting wc take the Boort! to n*ue that the generous donor who Infused life Into this move? ment |s Hon. Levi P Morton. If Mr. Grace, who mahn an equal soatrtbuttoe, falls behind Mr. Morton, 11 ls emly bci hs did not lead ths way but fol? lowed instead of setting an Inspiring eiample. The Constellation Bailed on Manh 2~ and arrived at Dublin on April -if) after a ftormy voyage, and was net by tho Duke of Edinburgh. EHOOUBAGBIO NEWS FOR KEPt-BL-CANS. D]-.MuCKATS THINK NORTH CAROLINA A DOUHTTIL Statp?Mit. NF.w at BBADQ0ABTBB8, The Mw of carrying North Carolina for tho Rcpuh 1 can ticket las been ridiculed a good deal, but Judg Ing by tho testimony of ibo Democrata themselves it ls not such a remote possibility alter all A few daya apo Hie Demoerntla s'ato Executive Committee of North Carolina Issued a confident el appeal for funds setting forth the necessity of hard work in onie:- io -air the Stale. A OOpl of Ibis appeal found ? s ?*,,., I,, the BepubUcafl National Hradt|iiarters. it to highly to-smtlng from a RepuhtcM -poiut ol view, and leads a> follows: Booms Mata Democratic Executive Oommittee. 22S r.r.i: ?viii'-si., Haleigh, N- c.- Jaly Ste, IBbe. .;*, Hew Mr: As you douhttow already know, a political campa un cannot be conducted without money. This lommitieo is sony, but In candor tod to sBy thai there ls disorganisation, in dlll'-i-.-iico and discontent in Iho Dennie retie party to an extent, a.ul that to iccun ihe .-tate in Novemb r to Cleveland and Ptrwle, there must be systematic ard anoewini work until the dav of e.- i i This v\Hl require funds. Knowing bow and liberal von always are In aiding the party, this conn nee feels bound to notify you of tho situation and to ask you foi- pecuniary assistance. All contributions when received are placed In bank ai.d checked out a* needed. A* the names of all contributors and tbe amount paid by each ls pre? served, f there should be any surplus on hand at the I ? * e.f the canvass, there will bo no difficulty In a pro raia distribution of lt to those who havo created thc fund. Hoping lo hear from you at the earliest moment, I am, yours very truly. BPIKB WHITAKER. John C. New retained frem the West yesterday, and re. urned bis plan Bl Ita BopaMleM National Head quarten. Though oveiuoadW with work, ho found im,-- t*e discuss the poUtleal situation in Indiana. In the light if a* Governor Porter's puhtished refusal to ' Ihe Bepubllcaa candidate for Owaanos. nia v levi, tmtm > i liter io those sspresaed hy colonel Dud? ley, ile sad: Governor Etatte-r's letter has not oansed the least alarm In llopublloan lat'ks, In toot, Hie only talk of this ls found In Democratic papers. The declination va.s ex pee tel. Mi-, l'oiier is wealthy. Us hp* de? cided literary testes. At presenl he is engaged on a of Indiana, whle-li enini'sses bia attention. !?'* Bl ie - i1 - be ?- i nts lo ku Bb road, and il ho entered the campaign ho could nol net av,av. Cnder these cir cin lances, and fcellns that hiv lias had honors enouKb, be retiree. He waa a stroii? and MPUlW can? didate, beean-" every one, almost, knew bim. Hut are i; di a dozen other no |o take his pla.''., ? ?? bo ni** theyl well, ibere ls Gen cidI A. P. Hov c.v. BB ex supreme Court Judge and i ni" ii Btates District-Attorney, wbo would make an * xcellenl canvass, lhere ls lohn M. Buller, if Indianapolis, a comparatively new man In politics, t?' 1 one of Ibe brli-'hlett htWyBrl III the West. Con lan Steele ls another wod mao. no is will Cum)ark and Mr. Robinson, thc pt*, nt Lieu tc nan t *? ? who well mi-ills promotion. Yon see tl ere ls plenty eif food manual to select 'rt,m. Tbe ]>oiu (ic.-ais know lt, loo, Just as weil a* they know there ls not the alighi'-st cl.mic j of them carrying Hie Slate. Ex-Congressman John S. Wis-, nt Virginia, was among the most prominent visitors at the headquar? ters. He had aji aneaUTaging report to make nf the outlook there. He and Mahone have burled the hatchet, and all ls harmony. Senator Hobart. Chair man Quay and Mr. Clarkson mn all hard at work throaghenl the day. Herc are some of their callers: General Daniel McCauley, Indiana; G. T. Jackson, Minneapolis J S. D. Baker, byracuae; J. L. Cunning? ham, Paterson: P. L. Benedict, Connecticut; C. T. Poe. California; G. H. Mallory, John W. I*wl?, Neva, da; E. -I. Virtue, Philadelphia, aud L. Edwin Dudley, of Boston. .-? - INSISTING T-Ltf POMES SHALL RUN. HIS NOMINATION DEM ANDED IN SPITE OF UL. BBOKMT HI'T-INATION. Indianapolis, July 81 <-i>cc1al>.-It now looks as If ex-Govcrnoi Porter would bo nominated by thu He. publicans for Governor ,n splto of his protest., ami Np Bated declarations that he could not be a candi? date for the oflice He adheres to his determination not to accept the nomination, but lt ls now proposed ibat all a.plranta for the honor shall receive an aut'ioiiiative command to stand as de and a unani? mous demand will be made that he shall be tho can dielate. (niler tho extraordinary clroumstancea lt ls believed that as a Kopubllcau who is disposed to respect the party's most positively expressed senti? ment, he cannot refuse to obey tho command of the Convention. To-night there appears little doubt that this plan will be fully carried out. Fifty of tho dele gales havo ptodgBd themselves to vote for the ex Covcriior'a Humiliation and to-d:iy telegram,! wore ree i veil from twenty counties pled|tit)2 support to tho programme that bas been agreed upou by some ol the party's __o_t luiiuei.uai politician... A LETTER FROM GENF.KAL HARRISON. Mlddu QranvUto, N. Y., July 31.-The lollowlng letter has been received here by thc local BepubUcan Club from tue BepubUcan candidate lur the PBOSt I doney: .-silas W. Faitlltner, esq., ccrrevpotnlliig pecretary Har . lf-n'i and Murtoa ProtecUon t_luii, Middle (iran Villr. N. V. My Dear Bf'. Your fa'Or cf the <_'_tl |r|at )ia, bl,^_ reerlved, and Iti rei-ly 1 beg to thank you and the members of ihe elua Whieh you represent for their Cordial greeting and avsuianccs of support. Smk ar* ganlxatioM furiilsh th'- oiii.oitunlty to u-e lie antral of a areal body of Republicans, and 1 trust von will not only take part In tbe demunstratloni of tbe cam pai-.ii. but will do 'hat Individual work which is so efficlrnt In securing secessions. Peri truly yours, HENJAMI-v HARRISON. A ITT P.r.PUI-SfcNTATIVE FOR A ? REFORM" PARTY The members of th* Demoeratle National Ex.- uH.c Committee toot yesterday at their v __*,.._.:? .-v in Weat i ?'niv n.uii.-et. They held two \ouu IBaataM but both wore of an executive nature. Senator Cnni_.ii, Qsagpew man Scott, Hermann Oelricha. Mr. Briese, Chairman Ham-in and all ihe other prominent leaders were present Several BHbtoBM ware di*, ti seed, but one of the most important waa tho proposition to ntllire thu country press mere extensively than has been dene In any prevloua cam ualrn. Weokllis are te be tarried into dallies durlna tha * -".i.aiiru, and all sorta of aaslstencu ls to be iriyeu te the rural ediiers whs are wllilux te belo the Admlmaarv Uou. 1 .\ Assemblvman "Jimmy** Oliver wis ror.sldarrd a Kiwd representative of tha Reform PrsaWbut as aertaant rsmith A: Angelle Illari Heaury ia maras iso el aot to tr.-eK. ?ii'i-n? aaliilactisu after wran aa and waaklaa. ax . _u?a-r reluaund. at arms of tho committee, and be will, lt la aald. b? ap pointuil io day. whon tbe commute** moeia attain. NORTHERN Sl-EAKl-IW IN CHARLESTON. CONORK-iSMEN TAYLOR, OF OHIO. AND MASON, OF ILLINOIS, A UDUC V, THE BLACK VOTEHS. Charleston, S. C., July 31 (Special).-Democratic Con grewrnxm and politicises who atm In the habit of prating ibout thc nepro Democrali of the t-oiilh should havo wit? nessed ihe Republican ratitVatlon meeting hep* to-night. Congressman Mason, ol IJHii'V.h, and Taylor, al Ohio, caine down to address tho voters. Tba black men tiirncil out in thousands. MSWIS Mason and Taylor also made many friends arnon*? Ibo Democrats and a asaBSBlHw waited on them to ulghl te prolT"r IbSte some jiii-i'iiou, which, however, thai were obliged to (!i-c)ltie, as they bael to leave here |n the morning. The ?speech of Con-rressman Mason was short, bright and effective. Ho put Ihe BrfUMB-l to the white Dni ocrats tn one sentence*, '? Iki you think ll lair to UM West," aald he, '? to admll wool free and to protoct the* cot Um, sugar ami rico that you grow .'" Ju.Inn Taylor BpaBa fur over an hour and a half entirely on tho sub? ject of protea lon for American Industries. At a Domocrat.c lueetin. at (hester In Ibis Malo yes? terday Bevaanw Rlehaidom wa** tesaKsd by 'he- award, which was composed of member, ot tho Faini'-r,' Alliance. A reformer, II. R. Tillman, ls conducting a wann fight In the Democratte ranks, and should (Ms Bgbl continue much btegpr there -wtll I** a wed ("banco to break tho Solid Souih even in ibo Pal met io State. GF.NERAL HARRISON AS A LAWYER. Kingston, N. Y. Jnly .'ll (Special*.-Wheeler II. Peckham, the Democratic lawyer, ol New-York, has been sojourning at the (J rand Hotel, In tbo Western Catskills, for some time. Ibo other day In co.-ivn sallon wllh a Republican of National reuptatlon, while sitting aa the broad hotel pinara, Mr. Peckham paid the following tribute to the ability iii thu Republican I-rv Idem tal candidate aa a lawyer: " Why, Mr, do you know that man Harrison is an ugly man to meet In a legal contest I tell you Ben Harrison as a Pgal opponent In court l, a man of dangeroua ability. He has beaten me twice In very important cases before th"' United States Court in Washington, and WBflM have beaten me the third time had 1 not been sharp enough to retain bim on our side lu adv ance." SEW-IIAMPKHIRE REPUBLICAN CLUBS TO ME*T. Boston, July 31 (gpwtol).?A convention of Re? publican clubs In New Hampshire will bo held at Concord on Scpfmber ll. Several of the ablr.t Republicans In tho country will mak-> addresses, including, lt ls experted. Nathan Oeff, of West Virginia, and Henry Cabot I-od-ge. In iho evuutUB there will be a monster procceslon of League clubs and campaign companies, wllh Illuminations aud fireworks. It li Intended to have every etty and town In Ihe glate represented, and tbe* demonstration will probably ? rnpis, anythlug of tho kind ever known tu Now Hampshire. _ FOIRTK.EN HARRISON VOTES IN ONE FAMILY. Bollefonte Penn.. Julv 31 (Special).-Cen irs (ounty -hui tor hold* tko record for the lan-est number ol votes that will bo cant this fall by -Ingle families for the saaie political car.dl.1ate. The lirst fact made public here In this connection waa that sixteen voles would bs given tbs Republican ticket by two fami? lies In Snowshoe Township. East week the fact waa published that two famlllrf In Tavlor township would cast a tetal of nineteen votes for Harrison, Morton and Protection, and now the newt; comes that DaAO t;Higher, of Mllesburf. his seven sons, Ms three sons in-law and three grandsons have declared their In? tention to vote unltreilv for Harrison. Fourteen ve Km from one famllv lor th'- same cajwildste- beats the record. Mr. (ilngh-r would bc slad to hear of lt il such a .howiug can bc surpassed. NOTES OF THE CANVAS*. A Harrison and Morion campnicn flub has been nr eanlrerl in thc Xirth Assembly Dtwlrlrt. with one hundred members. It will be consolidated with tha reirtilur club of that district. New members can be enrolled PMSay nlrht, at. Ma 37.1 East BlChttoW These are tho -Sheen! President. Henry E. Schumacher: vite un silent, Leo Leh? man, lind secretary. Henry te Bliss. Tba aristae of a Barstow and Morton banner bv the Young Republican Hub nf the Twenty-second Ward of Brooklyn, laei Bight, wa, the cause of tircut wthasteSBi aiming lin- Republicans of IM ward. A few effective remarks were mad* in a v ill building, comor ot EU-iith st. and Fifth-?vo.. by Stewart L. Woodford. Richard MewhOfl aud T. L. Woodruff. Mr. Ncwhall waa an ardent worker for OtoWtoad four years ago, but ha nays Cleveland'" Free Tra-Ve prliii'lelcs hsve di.irustet him. The banner la one of Ihe beet ever raised by any ward assoclathm in Bracklyn. The Henry D. Purroy Association of the Vth Senatorial District raised a 01,000 banner al No. 276 .Sfflog Bt. last nl|ht. The district, Senator Mike Murphy's, ls sn old stronghold e.f the: County Democracy, but tha Tsmmany men say that they will carry it easily this fall, on account of Pansy's defection. The banner bears, besides Hie picture I of Cleveland and Thurman, on* of Governor HUI ar.d bli famous declaration, " I am a Democrat," The Republican Club of Cmf-hester and Mount Vernon had a rouslns- meeting on Me.ndav nintit. thc purpose being ui arrange for taking nari in the rrcciiilem to Mr. Biston There was au enthusiastic spirit BWBlftSOBB bv tin sneak? ers, who spoke assuringly at the " StoaMW of HstriSW sud MertW In Hie interest of protection and w.ukiiiemi-ni." Them ls promise of a large representation of BeBUhliCBM froiu both placo* in the Hialne parade. Blanches of the Irish,American Anti-Free) Trado League havo baw formed In 1'eeksklH, Yonkers sud Pssstekssasto A BeurifhlM branch of the Luagur hat bBW oritsiilr.ed in ibo XVII lb A? iii.iv District br Dominick Hsslln. The Irish-American ve.and UnluU, of w_irh .le,i,o Dany ls the leader, hts carried the war Lut.i New. Jersey, and clubs are bein* organized there. The Flist lluncorlan Cub of the City of New-York will hold a meeline at the cluh-honee. No. 162 istaiitnn SSm earner sf Keiffolk-Ht.. to-nlgh: al 8 :B0. A number ol BBeasteSSg ap*akera aro exi*ieted to be present. One hundred and twenty-eiaht workingmen of the XVIIIth Asaeiabiy District, many of whom voted for Cleveland and H-tudrleke In 1881. sn Monday nisht held a preliminary sssetlw ai N". bas Second-a ve., and decided to nrrsntte a? the [adepaadwi Piotatilln Association, with James IS. Murphy as nicl-lent. Aii'itu-r nSStteB wll be he*ld on i *i-,i., Tb(i Republicans of Nen-Rooh-'.ie a-" wide awnke and at work ptOBSllM tel Iho Pnildwltal e.,nt. -*. They orssnlzed a ci muslim du), with a hundred en lolled lawnbers slr .ady. with a piosucct of two hundred mero. Letter* have been received by William *K. Rolston. the secretary of Hie Ninth War>l I'lnn-r OsrM fr'un Mr. Harrison and Mr. Morton BehMWtadBtaB His rec-.i.i nf thc resolution rcrontly admited by the club On fiundev aftornnon nun hundred Democrats, every one e| wb"in voted for Cleveland In lftO-i, will hold a meelina In the Second Ward. of Elizabeth, for rhe purpoao of organizing a Harrison and Morton cainualcii flub. Many of them havo been more or less pceflBteSM In ixilltic* h*r*, and the development aa to tho true Minalton among Hie workingmen of Eli? abe th no rt will, lt is expected, astonl-h thc MswsniCi l-adas nassCanbly. ibis ;* thu stieaneel DaananSto waid. Pawn** City, Neb., Jelly Sl.-Tha Republicans here m?t last ntabt for th* purpose of Iormina s SMflMM club. Elahtv persona Joined and rlerted tho following eSBeersi Captain, n II l'uller; flr-t lieutenant. J. A. Wrlaht; second lieutenant, A. I). Strlnk. Darlu*. Conn., Julv 81 -There will be a grand ratifi? cation medina and banner- raisin ir, BSMtof the BWalees .,f tho Younii Mon's BOSSteUSW Club of Dnrlua. for Harrison and al the town hyil on Auwust 0. Charleston. S. C., July 31.-A BweMlcW mass-mi_itlni wan held hen last nli'hl to ratify lbs BflWlllB of Harrison and Merton. CaMfWW-W Ml IB. o.' Illinois, Congressman Tavlor, of Ohio, amt ethan aidia-vd th** MOM-W. which n**s thc lme-st Reieu'.llc.n. inc-liiig hall let- far Bann) vejrs. Messrs. Mason and TsMni Als cussed the tariff Issue. Tho meeting adjourned about I o'alock llils murnini.'. ROW HEAL LXTATlt IS VALVED IN HROOKLTS. The lirooklyn WaaeaON have Increased tba valuation of real estate In the city for taxation by 8*8,788,810 over last year, tho total valuation pelns 898B^O<^B8, aud of personal p,?,,erty by g811,?-B, the lolal U-Ing ???_-.-..'.UT,.li), making the sum of both if40*s,.'>i)u spinal ?ci8n,8._ 1,074 in 1887. Thc following teeto show* the Increase In Um valuation of real estate by w ards: -WSSBS. BM JW lDi%Z* lyu- , . BB0.VBS.B9O B8B.BB7.470 OOWt'ibO TA a . . , 11.0,.*}.r.e.-o .vr*.; soo 1 ,\. roo Third . . . Jl-JMJIO 1-.3H.-.0 1,5 o': 7) Bsf-a1**' i *y*;?j"p vi,4n,bM J,..,:.."f_ J "th ? ? *?>') F..4l5.s_d 12T-'10 _*_*,_ ? ? is .rr...v. 1 i?si7,(KH) 6 'tao tV -..???? ? ffJ_*-i? to, 00 P..*rhtl. . . ? 10 13.,(M0 p.4.7,4-0 Ti.e, fflntli. , . 7,.'.r I'S) 7.n7,2*.?i) I1-'(no v.,>'''._' * ?l.HC3.?n? lI..4(UftO ...o.. 'ViVln's11- ? .VVJ'1'0 1'...H...*..'1 \\tt.mtk iwiiiih . ? s liiM.'na) 11.001 ino Thlrl.-enth . , lft,_-i,*>0 ll illili govirls-uih . PW --i'll Si:.t. , nih . KsV.llKeirifh Elil.tee nth . Htoetewth . Tweniiflh . Tweniy.nrst f we nly aeeend Bu j'?' 1;'. 1 wenl* third . 2.',?6S.flT() Twenrfoutth. m 711.120 ?''a ) .e.tntb. H TIS.120 weiity-llKh . ai.07i.0o0 wemy-sUUi e,P8-.iSU0 Total ... . SMI,001,DOS SJ^,Tw,0_S e2-~788d.r? a trina.'" "'* wU1 vn'**1' ,xcee4 ?**-***? ot BB* Teat CANADA ANI) AMERICA. FEATURES OF MR. HOAR'S RESOLUTION. THE COMMKnClAL nEL'TtONS OF TH** TWO CO0_f TKIK8 TO BK IN VK9TIOATEU? IHI.f.S AXD MEASCIJKS IN rilNlilliisS. Washington, July lil.-In tho tMkktO MhdUB, Mr. Frye, from Um Select Committee on tho pac I tlc Bnfl landa, reported the Fnlon Pacific Funning bill, pier vldlng for a aettlement of claims growing out of tbe Baw "f Isolds ami to BBOtWS a payment of all indebt srtnns 'Hie bin is ihe Oatbwnlta MB n nperled te Hie: Hons.* i-oi'talnliii,' many amendment*. Tho lilli was placed ni the e aiendar. Tho resolution offered by Mr. Hiar on July '24 was taUcii up and BgBBSS. to. lt pmvide-s for tho ap polntinciit of a committee of seven Senator, lo report uiKiu the nleMew of senntens and buri noss between tho United btates and Ihe Bililsh North American po_sr_?lnns, Including I ho effect upon lbs eOBSWaWB und carrying li ade (ef tie United e,i..les of the i.'ana illiin syslein of railways and canals and |M pc,pei of Uie displacement of any r\l .ting Industrie, of the United State, by Industries Mtuhllshod there. Also wMthw thc abttgalteM of existing maltee, ami of Intel iiailmikl law, are, aud haw been, ohwrvod by slich dependencies toward thc lr'oplo oi tbs Halted Blain, and as to tho number, amount and character of exlitlng rl-Jma against OMI HrltaJn bv reason of the violation of such obligations toward tho pooplo of the United Stales in such dependencies. In reference to the taaaanwtettoa question ta tho resolution, Mr. Cullnaa, chairman of ihe Committee on Interstate Cominerce, said that Ihat SBBStelllBB expected to enier on a thorough Investigation of tho relations bBtWBBB the United Slates and the British Canadian posscs BOSteMtad wiih tho subject of transpoi-taliou both by rall and wator. Thc Senato tiien considered Hie Sundry Civil bill, Ihe fun HOB being on the amendment ol Mr. Spool? er appropriating $7r>,iiO(> for a public building at Atchl-ioti, hans*s. Mr. Heck made ? point Ol order, and said that If this amendment were, decided lo bc In order, thc effect would be that hereafn>r the rule of the senate would bc that the Sena!" might atiach to the fcundry Civil bill, appropriations for public buildings, force the HoUM to act upon them, and force the president to approve rhe-m. whether he ohtoeted ta them or not. Alter a tong ulsewslon ibe point ol order wan, withdrawn, ami tin* yea ami HS vole lalten on thc proposition Itself a- a test question at-ecring all the oiher public bulpunga. The amendment was rejected- yeas, 21 ; nays, BB, ? ? ? ? THE H0ES1DEHT at thi; white HOUSE HIliHLY SUNBURNED BY TUE PIBBUTO TRU' CH1EF JUSTICE FULLER'S CALL. Washington, July 31.--The president. Postmaster Ceneral DtohtWM and Colonel Lamont. arrlve*d In Washington at 7 o'clock this BWrnlng 'lin- Pneldenl and Coloml Lamont weio didve-n direct to the White House. They arc both very much sunburned, the President'! face, however, showing the most decided coloring. Colonel Lamont said to an Associated Truss ?apestSB 1 We pot In at 7 n'clo-k. having come from Fire Island with linly om or two sious The President wenl "ti i.e.arel thr Susquehanna Thursday night, and i'll not leave ber BXMUl to Bal until last nlghl af ll o'.-hie-k. Then itortn ai.out his rialto to eartoua plaew nu tlie nuts aie uiiti'i.i. 1I? did imt take a meal ott the ya/lit. and then *?' a- no one in the parry at any time except thn?? who Wen with ns when we loft Ne\c Pork. We caught a lot of fish ami had a splendid time all through. Th-* President caught, his share ol the tish. Chief Justice Fuller called at the White House this morning al ll o'clock, and had a short Interview with ihe President. He ww accompanied by Secretary Iiayaid and Associate Justice Hariau. A HETBACK FDR THE DIRECT TAX BILI. Washington, July 31 ( pian to puah the Direct Tax bill through tho Senate) collapsed .ii'I denly and unexpectedly to-dsy. About three- BBOnthS ago Beaator Spooon latrodneed the bill, which passed the Senate early in the BBBBlOa and Which, when ll was up by the House, led to Hie now celebrated deadlock, lasting ten days, and out of which the Dem? ocratic! majority, under the coercion of the brigadier*, ca:..e vb-toi lons. As InllUdMOd by Senateir Spoo'ie-r, lt was an amendment pinpi,seal to the Sundry Civil bin. it was nnunbnousty wetwnaaended by the Coan* mutee on Plnnncn it wns not supposed, therefore, thal ir wouM toad to n.h discussion la Hie* senate, whatever Hs fate might be In the House afterward. lo day, when tbe Sundry Civil bill was under con? sideration, Mr. Spooner offered his amendment. Mr. Hauls, of Tennessee, al once made a point of order against tt on ibe ground that It was new legislation. To th'- astonishment of tho senate tho presiding offi? cer. Mr. Ingalta, derided tho point well talton, though Ihe bael paillimentarlans In tho body had expressed privately an opinion ta the contrary. No appeal from Hie decision of tim chair was taken. ThU leaves the 1*111 in the sante position thal li was left in hy the ic.a ?* ai the new of tte deadtock, when tho Demo? cratic majority sneed lu take lt up for consideration In i-'Ct-oiiibei- next. (."VERNOR'S ISLAM) AB .\ PUBLIC PARK. B i Ul-Bton, .Inly Bl.- Representative .-iplnola. nf New York, to-day reported fav mably from the JIouso Com? mittee on Naval Affairs, for reference to thc Committee of the Whole, a Joint resolution granting permission to the City of New York, through Its Park f'omnils llOM <. lo Improve' and beautify (inventor's Pland, In conjuin Hon With a public park lo be laid out on said Island. The BOUUnlttM says: The preixlmlty of fiove-iiior's Island to a large city like New-York. In the absence) ,,f any necessity for such an Island for the protection of tho city, naturally attracts the attention of thew who d- sire ta give sm h recreatlein tn ihe overcrowded people of the lower part of the metropolis as sm h au Bland WOttM alford. It ls sixty aero.. In extent snd within few minutes' reach of im city by steam. TM BM fort em the Maud l-l utterly useless for public date BM The lower part of Un- e-iiy ,,f New York ls In sad need of a park. r-t. John's Park v as absorbed by n railroad, TM 1 ? i- - el public buildings have BSturped tbe ctiy Hall Park, tho Battery, which was Intended to be a safety vent?a lnntJ?of the metropolis I, halag ratMd for such a pur? pose by railroads ami by Un* teualgruut depot. There is no real reason why tine island sbenM ue>t beoonvertad Into a park, tn give health, comfort and recreation lo the many p .or who ai" sadly In need of such a respite from the- hcat-i ami dls.-omforis of the city. Tho range' ,. f bmBbw artillery, ti,.* usi'-i of modal ii ex plosive, and naval armament makes li entirely nwlws as a point of datsun br UM atty from any attack ot an etieiuy. Other ann niore 8fr**Blr1 place*, havo atrwdy hew tahen as tiie sites ol forts and defensive stations around KeW-TorB. There ls no rea-son why rho island should mi ha utilised hy tba people lor recreation and pleasure, ? ? co.V(,i:i>sM.\N* BAKER CATCHE8 A TIIIF.F. Waahtagten, July :n (Special).- Congrenssan C. g. Baller, of the Rochester DM Mri. had au exclllng ex pertoaw thi, awning last before leaving hu hoard. in*, boan for tba Capitol he lalinmd to his noan from tho breaUfa-t table, and found there a young colored man busily sngBgad In relieving tho di-awri-s of his desk ol ihelr contents, w Incii iMluded his pe ie ko t IkmiIi ami a number of other valuable. Mr. Baller at once seized the thief, and thinking ol a possible weapon In tbe hip pocket e,f tbe ln'iuib*r, Ihe doughty Con? gressman doubled tho young tuan up In a twinkling Taking him up hy main itnngth Mr. Baller carried him le Hie lie-iul of the* stairs ami called for help. The li!ii|iil.-lor and a Walter 'ame ie, Mr. Baker*! asslst auco ami held the thiel while He* Coagnaaasan wenl in isaiah of a policeman, who SMH had the burglar In eestedy. Mr, iiak-r was ihe hero ol Hie hour to? day among his colleague, wno loamed of ibo occur? rence. SENATE AM EN PM FATS REJECTED BY THE Ucl's. H. Waahlngton, July 31.- In tho abaenw of Speaker Carlisle, Mr. MoMlUlO, of TanilBBBW. W_ei called to pnahla over ihe Honan, Tha Bontorenn repost en Hm Omaha Public Building bill vv... lejeei.-d, ami the* nieastire bas a^aln been aent lo conference*. The- Army Appreprlattea MB, arith Benate aansednenta, wa. di, eus?*-d In Committee of the Whole', nml nil the BBMnB menfs were non eOaeBITed In willi tM exception nf than relative tu lorttleattoM ami oidnanea, Than amendments wen aowldered in ordw, Hud Mr. Bayon, .if fenns, held that ihe various tortlflcation aanad* mints Biade by the Beaaie would have bara ruled eui of meier ii offend in ihe iio'isp. Bo action, however, was tah) n, ami the House- adjourned. BONDS OPPBMBD AND AC" 'KITED. Washington, July .'ll.-lo day's toted nffiijiigs BggregnteB IBjDBO^NN In lots as follows: Four i>*r cenu, coupon, 8BI.000 .il 1C7 l-'_; ?e..,()O0 at 1-27 4 s |00 l'onr per rents, registered, i?17..,(M>(> at 127 1*2; B*_"2,tKM) at P_7 5rt; BiV.i.iKK) at 1_:7 -Iri-lOo; 00,008 ai 127 1-4. a Four and a half per rents, ooupmi, fio.000 at 107 1 2. I SOI ami a half per cents, registered, at 107 1 J; *27ii,Ot)0 at D)7;i4; #110,000 at 107 81 100; Bl,2.'>l),lMH) at ll"7 12. Tho Secretary of BBB li "usury this afternoon ac? cepted 0&O, OOO 4 1 2 per cent reglsteiwl bondi at 10. 1 Itt and W.OOO 4 per cent registered honda ai ISfl l-l. TImi Heat 11 lah ?( las. Cigarettes hissey Bros.' Bpseial TaToura, TRY PERFUMES, SOAPS, AND POWDERS. Thry tue the B?*M, Moat Etqulalte and LaBBH-Mg Odors lu I.*l*l<*nce. FOR SALE AT ALL DBD0OIVH -?*s*'l) MltlM Hole JlgSllla for Ibe 0. M.i NIK A' H* IlltO*. Si CO. 72 Kendo Street, New.York. THE COVBTB BRODIE WANTS TO MARRY THE OIRL. "Sieve'' Brodie, who sprang Into notorlciy and the East, River from tho Bridge, appeared before Justice O'Brien, la the Bapnna Court, (feaaahem, yesterday and, through his counsel Frank J. keller, a,k"l t ie at (.illunie lord, the young girl whom Biadto wlahn to marry, he letoaoad from the Know of Men fi where sho was placed at Hie iiistatico of tho Society for thu Prevention of (Turpy to ( hlldicn. Tho girl was taken to court on a writ of habeas corpus. BbltdgB X. Gerry, M behalf of th'- Inst - tatton, BOtttendad that as she* ba.) benn regularly cum? in tte d on tho petition of her mother, who charged that sho WBB disobedient and ungovernable, she should lim be dtoehargaa. He said that iho Socloty had Ihti'i.Te el io keep her from going to min and bad ransell ber to ha talon from lu ollie's barroom In Iho Bowery, whose sba was rarraandsd by bail laBuaMee. Mr. KellT dMlared Hint the mupto were anxious to g"t marrlefl ami that, as ihe girl was over slxte.-n years e.i.i ibe colin, could nut prevent it Tbo de cialou wa_ reserved. ? HE HAD TO PAY TIIK DEBT, WITH 0TBBER. A Judgment wa, llb-d In tho (ounty Clerk's ollie - tn 'Brooklyn, yeaterdqy, BSWdlUB Dr. Alvah Lewis, of Montague st., ?1,001 In bis suit against Amos Broad nax, a lawyer, of No. 120 Broadway, New York. Thc testimony, (alien by Johnson, referee. Shewed that Wlllla-n II. Hruadnax, the son of Mr. Broadnax, secured 80,800 from Dr. Lewis by false pretences and forged seeurlttoa He was aireMed. and to settlo the* matter his father gave Dr. Losrls 04.000 In per? sonal pmperty and two notes for gT80 each In July, I00B. Tin* |ntf?p were not paid, and Dr. Lewis BOSi for tba amount with Interest. The defence was that they wen* not given for value neolved, and also that tli'-v Von Bbtalaed hy extortion. The referee said that extortion was not shown, but doubtless there was a cruel, aliiio,t B wnpelllog for.-.-*, lu the facts sud denly disrlof-e'l to the* defemlanr. The QMSttoa Wbeth *r Ute n' ot r**-,nrut.on was compounding a felony ana not presented io tho referee with a r.*|iirst to find if lt was committed. BITS OF FECAL NEWS. The application M A!"X;iii.d-r J. Mayor ber pcnnie-slon I.-, M-.-ve ;, monlSB-satal eomplalat in his r*iit iwteM th. Nnith Riv*'r Oeaeiiuutisii Osneans nd WoerlsheOer t Co., the bannan sm Baatod by justice* Prnsi, "f the Baaartot C arl yasaaiday. 'lin* suit ww srlniBsBy breusht io eiifnre iv the sri'-eltic saaBHWaan of a contract hv which bouds of tiie Osnatrusatoa Ceaapeny worth -i-1o<j.t>oo were sold tn the iil-intlfT. A virdlct far the plaintiff waa r several yearn ago, and il was soughl lu thc n'"w proceeding tu make a d"inand fur the return of #10,000 paid mi account of tin) bonds, as it was claimed to bc Impossible to enforce a epecltlo perteTsaWM e,f (he eirlginal seutrsst Oa b-d.?lf nf Javrli KeenW sud William J. O'Conn.,r, the BlWBW -illili were dismissed from the lores on a chane of steming nt IM tire In thc Ceuturv Buddina, In Cnlon {?Kiuir**, judge) Alfred Bteektas yesterday obtained from Ju.-ilieu O'Rricn, Iii IhS 8U0MMS Cain', Cliainbers, writs of MTttonrl In tbo review of the proe:e<*diugs of the Fin) Ceaunisslwsn la the cs,e. It ia cUtniod that their dla missal was without just caueie; that thc ( eandsslawn ha.l no authen-ity to pass upon charge* by Whtei 'he men were BBSUSSd of a felony; and that the Judgmout wa.-i against the -arelaht cf evidence. behedult-s in the asslgnnn-nt of Thoma* IC and David S. Knox, touinosing the ilrm of ThCOSW R- Knox A. Cu., bunk,. Hers and publisher.**. Na. si? Brttdwsy, were filed yesterday. Tb.- liabilities sn B8B.8B0 BB; uomiuai asset*, S90.8S7 ol ; and actual santa iMo,313 09. BtiMdaha in IM aesifmiucnt M Albert, jew Her, No. 52 Midden lam*, lo Siegfried ti. Price, wero flied yesterday, showing llnhfllttoa e>'>.i*02 TB, nominal BBBSta B4.438 SS, and actual BSBBtt 88*888 26 COURT CALENDARS-TO-DAY. RurssMKCouttT?CHAMDKiis?Before O'llrien, J?Nos. 12 sbl oi. ne. ssa, we, bbb. sos. _, . ?__. SirrBBMB i "(.ii BrSClAl Tbbu?Part I.?Before In. jrshani. J. ?No .tar e_aleii?ar. ?stjiHO'.ATX'e i rn rt?Hefore Ransom. R?Probate ot the wills oi Trier Sohnumel. Joni. F. Bo..iuf__k, linage! Ward, ll .intel B. Uiiln. I'elt-r Bryan, ll a. m. hi-i-kuioii cofar?si'Et-ui, TEUM-Before Ingraaam, J.? No eiav calendar _ _ . common ?.lkas - special TknM-Betore Van Hoeaen, J. ?No day calendar. ? ? ... RBOBEWATMUST KEEP OFF WALL STREET. William E. Brochway, the notorious .urger, who wa* ntoewd Inn pu,*)!, wrwal ana tha ag", v. as nsw near Wall Street on Monday afternoon, and a detective IIIHSBBl Minted him as a " suspicious person." At POBIW BeedQUU-BHM the pil.ouer said he was sixty-six yeses of ag*', and a printer by truda Ile was lue Ked up all nigh', and yesterday bc v bi K towed In B i?>lle'? court with a warning to koep away from Wall Btseei The pgJUe Btebs a practice of ariestlng ex-convicta who are lound near the money conti, of the city. -? FLOUR ASD GPAIS MOVEMENT. Buffalo, July ai.?Th eastward movement of flour and grain fmin thn fJml thnogb Bu'falo for tho month of July, ld-.-, shows an Increase of 105,800 banek la tba receipt- Ol Boor, and a leorases Bl 2,101,018 bnabBta In the neelpta ol grain, asttantlng tti.iir :is Wheat, as compered With the same month last ye-ar. Tba neelpta "i Hour thus far this Banoon are* the* lilllie*,f In tlie history ot tho trude, being 1,047,070 barrels. The shipments of grain by canal thU seaaon thus far are 13,2-0,633 bushel,, against 31,772,819 bushels for ibo ?ame tinto U?t year. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, MINIATUita AbBABAB to-hat. Hun rises- 4:.*>2 | Sets. 7-.19 I Moen rue-| Moon's age 23 HMO WAMU. A. AT? wandr Hann- 8-811 Dor ttl' I 8:881 Kali nata. 4 88 F.M-da?tlf JJ-os. SiBI I Ooo. Ult. Jut I Hell -tata, ibj INCOMING fl TEA .tl I BA ic-iur. Fillet. Fri tu Willi tia; Westernlnnd.Antwero.July 21.Tte.! si tr Italy.Liverpool.Jnlr 21.Na timi il Baa Marios.Aswnwj.ll.Inly *.t....Pacllla Mall Snntisg.i.Havana.Jnly 2S.vv ...ra Bermuda.3t Croix.Jaly li.Uuetiec ru anea at, acc. 2. Lydian Monarch..f-jaudw.July IO.Monarch city of 25.Anchor Mariala.Hamburg.July ll).Catt rKlDAT. Atti. % panmark.London.July 21.National Celt le.i.iy.rpool.July 26.White istar Illili.Breuieo.July 'ii.N (J Lloyd outgoing st.:am:-:Ri, ToniT Vessel Veuel. Line, For MUM closet, satis. Ur tannie. Waite Star, Liverpool. 'J, .diam 12:3iipm e. ,* '*. i iin u i. i.'v.-ni ...I. nenin. Hpata, Nation il. I,vurtu, il. noon. 11 ir.*. \.i I.loyii. iiremen viv Sejatii'toil.lO am 1 pm Ittii-nl.uni. ile.i Htar. Antworn.ll am' 1 j, iu Iii,un ". .N \ a Ilrii.ii, Kruil imi-ts.. i pm Colorada, I'.u it-.i dan. vinni*.! _IO sm noen. Ciiv ul .vlinaintr: i, Wate'S, Havana, .to 'i pm 4 pm THI K-DW. AUel. 1. fltare of Indiana, Biala (Hasgow. 1 pm Miivii. HaniU-.viiier. Ita uburg. 1 pm Valencia. Ki-.i ii. unaTOOfT*.ll am I a m Allen*. Atlas, IC ii a in ll a rn ci-iituegos. vvai.i-s. Nassau, ao. 1 pia 3 ? _\ Trinidad, Quebec, itaruui-l. I pm tf pm I Ktl'U. vt u. _. OBWBW Mara.nv. Honlosuv. Kord-ianx. 3 pns Burnley, Al ._ W 1., Barbs,lues.IO am noon. SHIP Pl.\G \E1VS. TORTOr NEW-YORX. ..TCKSDAY, JCLY 31, 1888 A Ult I Vi: I) Htn.imer State* pf Pennsylvania (Br), Mrtin. Glasgow July 20, lt ,l? .'i witn in,l?.- ,ui l 28! i*a.?.-iii:?rs to Aiiatia Bald? win A Ca. Arrived ar tim Bar ai ti ana m. -tramst-c: ?w n Briano i Ur'. Mwnas. Barrow July 8. Hall .av _k. in ballast te BaWtteg ot Archlliabl, Arrive,! at Ihe II >r ai S |e m. Htnaini'r Athos Hr'. l_>w. Kin sion July 14, Colon 17, Hort Lin.ou i'i, .Viv ,?? 2't. I ortiiiu* Iiilau.l 2,, nuij mitss and U pw non to l'uii, Fe ir a nod A Co. Airtyc.l st tue Bar ai b Ht) ii m. Bteamsr XdltbOodWa tBri, nonneit. Montego Ow aod sa Ami's Uiy ll ilavs. with Iruil to U vv??aols Jt Cu. Arrived at lbs Itu at el .-io a in. bteaiiirriiwent (Xor), Lund. Baraooa ti dayt, with fruit to ii DamOlA Arrived at tba liar st .1 n in BlwiWl Ailinn. ItisS. u.ilvuston (I .lava, via Key Waa wm. iDdocHii'i nssisnnr tn C ii MalUn-yd Co Bteamer Rndaon. fi-nemaii. Bew-OHeaas ts .lavs, vyith imise ami peeaenftera to o li -seaman. tstoiiinrr Nsi<m-lue, kembla, SavaniU-b 1 .lays, with mdse aael paw meera m x i. Walker. ?*-***' BiMtiner koannke, Huliehera, Newpeerl Newa ami Nortoik, witt muse'ami uas<eueers to Old Boiatalw **a Ou Bark Axel vi'astoll (Hwe.1'. I^ifven, i-e.rt BwiB 2H days, vi* lielawars Bioskwater. with sugar lo lluwiaud A Asuiu wall. Bru Krnesllne. Whittier. Havaaa Jaly 7. Mutaeraa 15 wun aeg -r t?> onlor. Uris Kosarloii.ii.ini, t'sbi Havana IR dara, wltb nnlae and pasaeiiKnri lo (J Aumin-1*. .* I'o. Iluiluil to Hie Canaries. HI'NMK I-Al Mandi Hook, wiud m.^lerate, HAW; cloaily. AtOttp Uland, wind fraiU. SW, ilointy. Arrived faMMMkhfm Kramer Cassius (dar), lux. Ua)ubura Joly 13, with mdae te I nu.'i. kyeb. * in. Arntedat ilia Bar ai k ,V0 li m. Stearner U'er-e (<??n. llelaisasten. Bremen July .1 and Boiiiuainplon-J-.', willi nnl.e amt 1AA paaseu?era Wj Oelrtcka AUo. Ai ru eel ai ibo Uar al lupin CI.EABI-I). -.nrun lI^_-_.IUOtB^), ***** **n**Br*B Ttoijnnwtowa Hteamer dalila t Br). Murphy. Liverpool ria Qoeeaetowa-, Vernon ll Brown A Co. Steamer Spain flin, (infflths. Liverpool via CJneenstowa-. bte irnrr i-hrnlaud (Bolo. Jamison. Antw?rp-p,u, WriRht .tHo)is. _ "** ot. '-.mer<nr>. Valli it. Marsellies-J W F.lwell 40a. Mles mer< dannel (Be). Cl.nksael, OlaWMBS. SWSI_w? Ac-i'..o. PwrweW n Cst , ? ,. ? ^ Hie.iiier K lilli na-ldeu (Br). Kennett, Montego Bay-oe. Weasels at Csi _ , m. ii mer Delaware, Clnchesier, Charleston and Fsraao-I na -Wm PClyde .*<'o. , Htnamer Breakwater, Hole, Weat Point. Va-Old Deeuaias*. 8a Ci. ^^ Hti-amerdeiraoelotle, Kelley. Norfolk and newport jrsw_ ?Old Ile) Dinton an '. t ?Sieauwr Jose phine Th.onip.ioT_. Moors. Baltimora-B SI Ilee.l n--r. Hteamer Herman Winter. Hallett. Hosien-W 9 t> *a<v>? - ? ,.' -ei -'I... i ii .nan, ii.,.is. Portland. Ore? -uttaa A c.. Bara Annie Heed. Warroa, Myrtney, N8W-B WCaaierea eft co. Uara ('onteCer.Si-.aparv (Au?o. Hcllch. Buenos Ayr?a, Ja. H. Wanl A Ca. Bars Marr ('Hale. Ifiaain*. Vera cms-n 9 Mstealf ft oa Bark samuel K -Spring, ''--ss. I' .ri sud. Ha- J K Brett. Brig Fairfield, is.ewu, Port au Prince-** C Klilott BAILED. Steamers Verala, for Liverpool; Delaware, Chanestoat Br. Wwaled Wea I'olut, Va. Billy Kalis nf Afton, .olCalcutta. Bi nts Alfreeio, for Proareso, F airfield asd Ev viva, ron aa*. Pr i noe. Also sailed- via t.rii ii'mi Bsaad -Steamer Harman Wiutar, tor Boston. SI**)KB.V. Bhtp Xorth Amsrlean. Lincoln, from New-York for Kel, boin ne, Jiiui- 23, lat 7 B, bm JO W Buln attytMUMMTU > t stbamkri. K >??!<? V P >KTS I.iviiRrnoi, Joly-O-Salled. steamer Halla (Oar!, Q for New.Vork. Qi-kemhT'iivv Inly 3')?AiTlye.1. steamer kean DI io (Bri, D.u-i-or. fruin Ne v-Vi., a on i.ei way te Llvaroool md arm oeeile 1) II a Mit ceo. Jniv J.? Arrived, Stesasn Wieland (Oar), Ah bera, irena N'aw-Vork. Ha - iii*. July .31?Sailed, steamer HaininoaU (Oare, Qa.:*!, freem Humour* hsnoe feir Nmr-Vork. e. .iikai.TaM, July So?Psased. steamar Pone* (Br), Bowsa, fu, ii Ma utetia.1 ,n purl* on her way ??? Nc* Vork. N ii-i .-.-?. Jaly il -Haile.1. etea.nor Britannia (lr), PartnU, for .N'ew York. _ GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKETS 1 LATCHES Ol' NEW-YOEK DEALINGS. Tho market for cereals opened weak and excited, owing to weal er cables, end developed a natural re* action after the sudden advance in price, ou Monday last. The hears had tho market completely uotm control ami effectually sijuoeted the long elementt prion shewing BeeBan ail round. The specuiatita dealings in wheat sgingalad 11,000,000 bushell. Meei ar the opening were .1 la7-8 lower, but early showed fra. tIonal advaawa, until In the afternoon the BgttlW nWedSd deSBnn of 1 3-8al At rant, tha market closing firm at a recovery of 1 Ha.i-8 from bot tom figures aa tollowi: August, o.'i . i; beptember, 02 TIA ; Octoiier, Oil 0-8 ; November, 94 3-** ; December, Dj 1-8, and Maj, Ol' li t a,h wheat opened .tmnge., but elosod with tho options tosaowhut lower. Then was li'tie trading iiy exporters, only 4'V>*>o bu.hell being taken, btu fair bu sine; ia wa-s ilona to arrive. Corn option opened steady ar about 1-4 rent lower, then advaned 1 Sal 1 -1, afterward declined 1-4*3-4, chi-dm,' steady at tta following prices: August. .1**;Jt-e; Beptember, o-'i a-i; october, __ 1-4, Kovonther, ./iii, ami DoWnhW, -") 12. Spot corn wis moderately active ari'l showed ne ile, elded i bange In price;**. Exporters took 80,mw bushels. Oats developed some" activity, due principally to tho covering of shorts. Options opened l-ftal-4 higher, etd anil dee-lined again to about yesterday's cliisliig figure-. elOSlDg steady. Julv, however, wis tbe principal (eaton, ihowmc a net rain of 4 lTg ci nt,. Pollosrlng nf' Ibe cliping riuntatjiins : August, 80 lt, BeptOtetar, ?JO, and October, -"J 1-2. Knot oats wore Brm DUI quiet, and No. 2 mixed j-dvaoc-d 1 cent The sales numbered 300,001* bwl els. Laid waa strong and ndvuueod two pennis, closing Arm an fol'0wal Ac gnat. ..'.)"e-: Beptember, .*.> o'); (n-rober. S.97; November. 88 25; Deeember and January. *t sn. (ash lard was srronir, but quiet ar Moaday'S *>r1ce?. Tin; arrivals reported at New-York. Philadelphia, Baltimore ami Boston wen* as follow. : Wheat, W'MUT bushels,' corn, llrt..r.lfl bushels; oafs, 144,170 bushels I total grain, 4-9,003 bosheto; flour. 4i?.22fl baiTels, Af Chicago, Mllwautae ar.l gt. r. ,t;ls the .arrivals werai wheat, i7.'.:(.,i bosbeb; corn, 300.024 bush?is. oats, 1??.??8 bushels J total train. 888,048 bushels; flour; 31..90 barrels. ? THK MARKET IN CHICAGO. Chicane, July 31 (tsp-eiali.-There was much depreaelee anions tha wheel troBsea to-niirut a? than ana exhiiaratioa on Msadajr. Matehtewa tad raii.-n agaa the market, and hail -mole lt. The result was a panic, amonf Hitit in iii-, and distress amoue th.* bin ones. September wheat actually *old mi th" curt) Monday night at 88 cents. Even on thej curb at to-day's o|iemn? th'! pric-'. wts al 8*5 3-4. The last fleures to-nlcht were Bl 8 4 cents fe? BeWSSBhW, a drop from thi; hl? BOWW seeu on this bulue of 3 1-4 cent-'. Thc drop was pextly Um result of manipulation, but not altogether. A survey ol tua esblea tiiida lt plain that the' advance on rhe other side has nm been as fa*t as has bean tlitnrrl The export oleei^ Si.s dave, in view <.f ths Ians .luimiiit of vvhest (?_-_. I-*-ii remarkably wiaU. i.--,, thaa 6<\oon bushel* o| wheal cleared from the thrci ports for die dav, and only l lo ooo bushels, tnciuline sven the Sear. In the pie besides the Hutehlunou eelllun there was probably heavy ????'.iin.- by Ib*,.m and Cu.lahv. September opened al 84 8-4, the too price, and dosed at 82 3-4, the bottom nriaa of the day. Tho receipts here were 11)6 cars, Wednesday's estimate.* 100. Coin acted very independently of wheat. There waa a report fram Kansu.s of furious d.matre by hot wind. If .tarted the market at a fractional advance, and continued lt for near.v a cent. The lei-lpts, 5_o car**, were under the expectation, and Wednesday's estimate*, 300 esra, were IOU under the numlifir received for the same dsy Isa] week e-ieijfvniber opened at 45 1-4. touched 48, and closed at 15 1-2. Charters were liberal, vessel roon belum Uken for nearly 400.000 bushels, notwithstanding an advance of one-ouarter cent In lake rates. Provision! wets sxsltsd. park nanine through *_?"? rents, short ribs fluctuatlug about 10 tcuts, lard about 6 cents. ? ECBOPEAV PRODUCE MAHKRT**. LiraarOOt. July ill?3::I0 p. m. ?Beef?In fair dsmand. Pork?In fa r iteinand. Hams?In ^ood elomand : short cal timi at bb. Bacon-ln uo-l ilemaiied; C'uidberland cnt flrsa ?t Iss , -hort r.ti linn ai tat 6*1 1 lon* clear nrm at 48? 1 shoulders dui at 13a Hil. Cheese?In poor dcm ind. Tallow ? lu poor'tullian.1. Ko.ilti?In poor demand. >plnt* of Tur? pentine?In Koo.l demand. Lard?Spol sm! futures In denian I , prtSIS WsslSW SWl W ' July Irnj al 4419d. , da, August ani -s-'iitcuiiier. Brm at 45*. Wheat? the il.easnet has tullen off: new Ni. 8 Winter "teady at bt lO'ud; new Nee 1 Brinn i steady aida JIM Flour? In fair lemsnel, extra No. I Spring lair at Se ld. Corn?Hpot ant Futures lu fair ileniaiiet, roixe-l Western?epot ateady al 4a 7 lsd j ?lei Au*,'ii-t ,te*;i*ly at 4s "s,*1 : -lo. September, atealy al i*"S't. Hops at bondon : NewYorB State? In poor el?msn.l bOSDOB, Jnly .11. 1 n. m.?"-.,le*ulta linseed. JOs 3d yet einatier : rehneej petroleum. e>?di?-VI per a?llon. ASTWimr, Jut al.? Wilcois lard closed at lui france 7". renll acs per loo kilos. AnTWBM. Juno 31.-Petroleum?Fine p-vle Anaerlcaa, IS francs 88 centimes nani and 1* francs 37 "-jcentimes sellers. BaSMBS, July ai.-Petroleum, 7 marita lu ptonmgl ; *H? cox's lard closed at 41 marks per 110 B>. TBB PEI ROLE UM MARE ET. NEWS FROM THE PIMLD AND RANGE OF FRICF__ XbB speculation In crude oil yesterday was dull an$ the mariiets foutureb-ss at both the Exchanges, the BQgrngatS rnlMS at both only reaching 7-'9,00d barrels. The market opened ipilet at 8<) 3-8, and for a few minutes showed some slt*n< of activity, an advaoca of 1-8 being tba result (,f the eliott, but, as usual, rha bear, ha'l an Inning and broke prices down to 7t> 7-8, the lovvi'st ggttn of tin* day, from which llfpire ll rallied to ri cent., ani finally ch>.se*d epiiet and firm at 80 7 8 biel. A dispatch from Philadelphia reported that a British bark had been chartered at that port ttl load Ci,BOO barrels of crude oil lor Dunkirk at 4s. M* per haml, the highest Irci-shr paid lor many yeats. Th's was (oohed upon as a favorable feature, as l| Indicates a good foreign demand. There was no ne*S freiiu the flehl rrpuri 1**1 during the day. The rangs ol prices and thu total dealing-* were as follow >: BtoW Exchange. Consolidated. Opening . ? , . . 801-0 e038 il ghost ..,,?. el 1 , si I-owesi.70 .1 4 IB "8 I'liial.BO TB -0 7-8 uaies bnrrela..*Ui).ooo 450,000 Relined "il was Bm ar all paHa at unchanged (juotss Hon,. Foreign maraets w.-r?- grm and mihssgni except Laadan, Whieh advanced to 01-8*08-0. milM BLOOD. Serolulona, Inherited and Contnaloaa Harnera Cared hy ( nil. urn. Through the medium of one of your hooks received throuah Mr. T. Wray, DruKlei. A is.Ho. Penn., 8 I? BWMteSte wllh yiur CCTIl ERA RKMEUIEB. and take this opportunity ta testify lo you that their tM bas permanently cured nie of ono of Ste wor?t cases ol Meed iK'isuiiiiiir. in aenasstton wi'h Myatpatea that 1 save ever seen, and this after hivliiK been pronounced mest* able by BOOBS eef the- best pbysie Ians In our county. I U*e ereat pleasure lu forwarding to Vent this MStbweM n** -oluited as lt ls by vou. in order that others sude-ring from sluiilur maladies may be encouraged to give TOUT CCT1CCKA HKMIDIFS a trle.1. 1*. 8. WU-UNOBK Eweaena- tusk Reference: Eiaii.. T. Wiay. _):ui,'gist. Apollo. Pent. < scuon 1.01 *, 1IMM Jsmea E. Richardson. Owton Bwt New Orleans, ad oath savs: "In ltVO gwstfnlsw Clccrs broke out on 0% bodv milli I ?a? a hum. of corruption. Eve-rything knowe lo tho medical faculty was tried in vain. 1 be re sis B n. 1 wreck. Al tlnus c.iuld not lift my hands w Up head, cmid not turu lu bed; was in nuntant pain, aad leaked upon lifo as a euiae. No tettel or cure in *** years. lu 1-s_0 I heard of tin* CUTICt'EA lU-MEW** WSd them, and was ivt.ectly curv*d.,, bwom lo before C. _. Com. J. D. Crawford. ONE OK TIIK WOKUT C'AriBS. We have tH-.-n wilina your CCT1CCRA 1U'.MF.I?IB8 for yeais, und have tho first complaint yet to ISSltW from a uurchanr. Oas of the wot.t cases of 8^r<'r,,l*_j ever saw was cured by ths use of tlv.* bottU-a of 01'TK't^* .U-OObVKMT, 0CT1CU-U, and CITICCRA 80*r. Tsa Ootu tnhW IM " cake" hnro aa a lui'dulual *vap. TAY Loll 1 TAVLOR. l)rus?i?tN Fianafrrl. hm St'BOFl LOO, IM1KR1TKU, And Contagious Humors, with Loss of "slr. aiid l^r of the .kin. aro positively cureit bv; ( i TU TV rut ri -IH TUA SOM* externally, sud * ? TK I RA ?S VIM' luu univ, winn all "ther moUlclnes Wk ^ _ d everywhere. Price: t'i tulka, w ss?5* BOAP, 88 ? ?',, RESOLVENT, *l . ' r*,t'*T* "Lm? .?orrin diuh and cmiMiCAf. l ?_ ????;'"'*JJ i? Send for - H.iw to I in** Stilt WswaSS, 1)4 pat**, **?* illuatratlniis, and 100 testlmuniala _ ?-g| "" PIM I'I.Kn, blaek-heada, eh?pi->l sud olly skin prstss bv l lill I UV MElHl'ATKD BOAP-_. UTKMJMU PAIN** And W.-akncs tii.wnUT ^ved?,)yf5? tl TH IHA ANTI lAI-y l'l'*?l.**iVB f.-.*i Antidote t.i Cai.. lu't-.i-ouiion inTJCffl Mus A uow, ir.slenuuro'r; IBO -*1"" pam-s-UiUig i'li*'ai s* esssBa,