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1 *mr blaine confident. HI BELIEVES THE REPTBIJCAVS WILL WIN ON THK raoTECTION -SSUK. LX.AVISO ENGT.AND IN EXCELLENT HEALTH. ANU READY TO ENTER ENERGETICALLY INTO THE CAMPAIGN. BT Cl BLR TO THU TBlBl'aU. Cnpyrierhi: 18--N . Ey The Nott-York Tnntti**. London. July 31? Mr. Blaine, who had intended x> leave London on Sunday, and visit Oxford. St rot ford and other places before arriving at Liverpool, found himself unable to get away. He remained till to-dn.v. and left bv Hie noon train lor Liverpool, with Mrs. Blaine, lils two daughters and Miss IVdce. Last evening he dined with Mrs. Mar? shall O. Robert* in Grosvenor Square. Tbe guest* W--C WRBsaf American, including Mrs. Sti \cps Mr*,- Mackay, Mr. end Mrs. Bradley Mnrtiu, and Mr and Miss Endicott. Mr. Blaine's Mug? wump friends who expect to see him arrive a wreck will have to endure n surprise. ** I never was better, nor In better spirit*," he said last Bight. Ile make-s Bo secret of his sat'efaction with Mr. Harrison's nomination, and proclaims his belief in thc ertainty of his election. He will net even admit, thnt the 0008081 is likely to be oloae. ** I have." he suid, * but one answer to such quest urns. ___, HbsbIoSO will win." I need n-vt tt_\ T"u that Mr Blaine goes home to throw himself heart snd soul into the campaign. He is perfectly satisfied with the issue ns now framed between the Repub? licans and Democrats nnd Uieir renegade Republican allies. Tlie free-trade ht bel is on tlie Dcmocmts, and the***- it will stay. We owe something to thc CBgliOh for supplying the gum which makes it aBsth. M.*. Blaine hus t>eon long enough BOBO to And got orhol Free Tr;nh rs nully think, ll* lu*.*- met some of their leodiBf men. They arr Okeg In H'.l'lic mid private alike. They pour out- eulogies on Mr. Cleveland, whom they loe'.c lo Oi their standard-bearer. He carries the Bl ii .lue'.c cmbia./oned all over with J: ? -ii Free Ttnde* for America. Mr. Blaine was i ? it i"!. httCNOted t., hear of The Tribune ?" Kii-iinu'** Only Choice"?and ol its re OmrkabB sal" on the day of publication. " Voa are ?|iiiT.* ri-iit." BOM li**: "it is one more 000> tint hotWOCO Knglnnd aud America, but tho Eng lis i candidate can't h<> elected this tim*. The English have shewn ih< ir h;md too plcinly."" I might quote many more thin.-s Mr. Haine saul, i- egoisg 1 'sue io say them for himself. He I* nui-iti.Tt to m t hollie nnd join In the fight. i - ns lull of energy ea be hi of confidence. ?? Dont oueuB-k-rstand me," he added. " I Bay Ut- are going to win, and so we arv, bal w -lull ?"?enuse *.ve ?re going to make thi- on ? .-(? -Boosioon hame; boeones too ahall omka an people iiniterstiitiel it is their lotcreota we are lighting for, and British int -rest* which ) Demeesam are AghfJBg for. We are poinf to appeal both to their InteU-gcnoa ond tbols isitriotism. The more uudn ines vv COB r? :* *h, tbs Lurer will be our majority. Il is not to be won oy lyina down BH-P wa it: ni?, but by hard stiiiiiiip.g IgtrUstg iiiul I am geing to elo iny i-iii are hie enthusiasm and his delight in thc prdapeel pf moating his ooponeats; most of alL, I Hiiii-y. those .Vug wnniiis who have sap ; ' : ' raab him hg s i ompaiga al eahimhp ia his absence, ii vv. s. LLnra Tm blaine deception. PIlIL.snii.riiiA TO Viii WITH THC. WHOUE 0OtXK< TRY?NVAV CI.tit's ABB I "Il A 1*1.ACE. If i'hilsil'-lph 4 pride- h'Tsolf on aiivt'ing lt ls in her ability to gei Up ;,|p j-aradrt-. >\;r ha woo honors awaiti anel again, aad Ptomaam U Ba K ti*.* Oeamnstratloa la b'- *pveo Bare la Bonos eif Mr. Blaine ne-.t week |l s tbs lalenllua ef Philadelphia pasty Badora Bs Bows Ihe Bees! looking body ol nico in tho profession. Ii will iiiclidi tho famous ?? BBpntB-Oao lnvlnclbies," an organization Ihat has already pOSadOd in IhlB r ty on one e., ivvo OBOOBBiafl Thej an* a haadsomoty OBltermed r"r;?. ?elmilug I.,* r 1,000 wewlieie ("loii'-i Winiam n. -"mitti. who eemmands them, whs at crand Marshal .ackson'* i e .. -. i- in Wi sj Twenty Bftb-st. jjeeleidsj ii ' ps w-'ii'I lan out Iii full fm'--- ai.d re.rn" here on a *iic- al tram. T:;*y wei go down Hie kay if i le lo i beeta The i etea '?.-an t I-*. "f in-.ili'leli-lila and the Fnlon RepubUeos t inti (et Baltimore wm eiimmpenj ih'-m (ie-ier.ii C. H- T. ("H's v.: ll pis ? .liv h.*. GraOd Maishul nf the Vt nu-' !\ ania (I:-. The Ketleaal RegahMeaii Committee has tamed nam ie. Grand Marshal Jaehaoa a Harrison and Morton rsiBpaign tall, atioti' tomn-i; fe^i in dtsmeter, whieh was n.llcd .n tho famous campaign ai "Tlppeeaaoe MMl Tvl'T too.*' tn lr.40. It trill t.e a feature nf thU para General Jr hn BaBBSBT, af .ler-'-y City, has boen appointed .Marshal of th* gea*Jo* say Uvtstoa. No ! P-r of (!:? i"rai:Uati|: - from Hem-Jersey ),_. boeu waived but li is Staten thai In addition to tho . |y onnonoosd Ihs f*SBMaghayses .' of Newark, the Phelps (ii-vd. of I'atciMui, and an ssgaalsaetloa of about _ixi barn Ea-i Oraaga, bet dei other welt known organisations, will be pa force. (;*?!!'?!_1 Ramsey's comniaud ali-a-ly eeB-SsM of upward of |40l BBSO. tit ne val Ore Bj i? J* l may I- uiiabl** to act as Marsha! br Coe neciiioit. ie, account of sickness in ht* family. BhoaM SaoBtB to d" so, anoltier appointment will s.,on be made. ?.innd Marshal Jones, of Prooklyn. has already ed |hs bosom of forty -ix ospontaa-huu whloh w.ll take part in tho paraiie. with fully 7.000 wen. a''I new club'. BBB OCgBOtOSd daily. The TOOOg fu> publican Clah win turn out over 50O mee. Th? BBsWtOg0-SPOtOh has been sent to Mr. lilsine: N.-?-Y..rk CUM, SUB bl. 1880 H imees B. RMae, a ?***? CMo si BOo**Tsea, Igreraeel Te aerklaemm ?f Bew*TosO wtn mm em in Neee - and seiennie von Ihe Ijiii'-ouv of the Kifrii A veone H-'itl eui the fveniiiK of ymir nrrim! PATR1C*K FOP.D. (bw-s;-*'. .tiiiv rn-it mt' Baraed thal duting the dav tne CMeaee r-."'l Allar.tie Usilroad had detofluJaed to oftci a oas and a third rale to New York to Uie Fla'ne meoplloo._ MP. BLAINE SQgUELY TO OPKAJCni T-MITI.ANP Aucuva. Mr.. Jul; _)1 (tijif lalii? Mr. BUtaS cabled as follows to the Mate BepOhBoaO 'Omin;;*-' ? ivs oBenweai "I sholl lie pmeoal at the greai l'oidiand meeting. August t3, and ejieak." Tl'i: CITT TAX BATE \TICREASED, Th- Ptaasea easmOttee e.f tn..- ii'^rd of .vi(l.'rTnen fee terdey mforSH UH las i?l<) for the currt-nt year a' BB -- ea el.o"0, nn >gM0e0-S of sis tenta ov?r last year, when ll waa BC lo j?-r el.OOO. The rsm fur )ax-|*-y?rs saBBV-B froni Siaie laaaOMa i? e1- 94 ^t oe SI.(XXV The n.tal valaa U?n r**a.-he? this tie- sum of 81.888,888.881 00. The tomi us i.vy i. BBOtgaaaoB '-* BRM. fLETELASD'H noe I AL ROVSD AT AlAElOS. N. w li.xjfuiel. .r_.s?., .In .il '.-:,.slsl'-- Th" n.omias ai Marlon iiein.* namnwhai eiondy and th ri: cir. ng. Mrs. rw-.veland sud Mrs. Folsom iwmslned Indooi*. with Mr Bad MrSL '.M-r, and re..,i|ve-i se-veral caller*. BB800B tilgra teing Mr.. Samurl Uanrn. ol llostem, ilau?ti'''r of Berretary Iisyanl. who has a sam *; Bal tapoisett. about five mile, (,,,?, ^;ar;on. Mr. and Mis. Joesph IsfaiBUO, *She have aeomOBOr lions'* the bay fmin Marion, sailed over and madu a hiiort rall at Mr- (Hider's this .fc-moon. There tp _ mxtky at Mr ? I.-,-1- ,i.i,,, mm evcmiij, and among mose presant atv Mrs. ( leveUml he.* nioiher. Mr. and Mi* Browne, Mh.s Bronson, who is vlsltieg the (Hiders ; Miss Haewaod, I i.d-tv. u "i Jolmson, asst elate edn^r of ? Tbe i eiriiiy,** and aBkOBB 'lhere _\ \? |M m },,,. 00 xtiurs day, on .Ind.-a -Austin's grounds, ? _ ,,, i^ devoted io il... hulldue lund ol the Mar.on siocial Club: and a* Mr. OflO-S h a member lt u not .inllke-lj- ihat Mis. I i-*ve|?n-l n i-t atiertd A' the suigr*rioi_ ot MIm i mia-, of HiHTaio, who h. vtolUag Manoa, Mrb. ctove lar.d has consented to contribute a nuuber of her auli-giaiiii* lor the bouelit of Ihe tau. GENERAL SHEliilAN TO VISIT THE CATSKILLS'. Kiiicsto::. July -'il (.-p-'ial' (.'-neial Sherman-will Visit i.eneral (jeorge il. Hiarp:-. at Kin*,--ion. either eur fealurday of th:-* OOl h Bf the latter part of ue.v after the arrival af Mr. Illain'-, whom he has SaSjBfSSl to meei in Xcw-Voit. He mar be a-io.upadle.I ),. ie by his *lfe and daughter. -h?y all pSBfOm t?> make a tour through rh* Cats-dlls lu tompany with (itueral hharpe. Booms at llo'el Ksatewhill have already beeen seeaied for Iho Sherman imrty -? * ?-1 EOLDLEBS PLAY BALL IX (AUP. Stele Camp. Hecks Bl H. July 31.-Il wae another cool olgin lo camp last ulgtit and everybody gt a goeud ulghi's isr-.t- This morning BM boy* were tBBOlBd le a v*ii.*ty of weather, lt flt.i befog clindj, then showery followed by wind, sunshine aid h et. Thc warmest 0088008 experienced todax wa* at S a. rn . *i hen the mei-cury ran up to Ol dogi-es In tbe shade ho wsrtn weather did not prevent the men from 'das Boo.! work la camp. Af tor dluner Captain hunton gave Ihe men a good training In a ntry SSL a/TSJfiSB1 h,"m th"* *,h SWaBaeill playod a SS!___LTS ,'.11 ,<V,,,V *???** *** witnessed by a inge number of persons, Including many ol tho officers. EEL ATI 0.\S STE AIS RD TO BURSTISG. BE EXUAPPT llTn IIKGIMKXT MOBK AND MOBE rxHAPPT?vKitsmvs or Tnt: TBotBLB. Trouble has been brewing in the llth Keglment or some time, and the presentation ol a sword to lejor Frank A. Jones on Monday night was not at ?nded wiih the harmony and good fellowship one light expect on such an ? cash,n. Iha ld fc-eling mong the officers of tho regiment dates back to their np to PeekskllL Since that time Major Jone, _n_ ''?'nacl biowai- have been on e*c___ji?;ly unfriendly attn*. The friends ol the Colonel declare that the whole rouble has ar!?cn ont of the Jealous ambition of Major ones, who. tn hopes of promotion, has been working readily against hl_ suporlor -Ulcer. Kheri ly after he return ol the regiment from Peekskill the CoUmel ent a blank to the Major that ha might Bli out hts ?slgnatlou. lt was then proposed by Captain Ranken hat tbe officers of the line present the Major with a landsom. sword as s tokou of their esteem for him. "he sword was boujrbt, and on Monday night when tho olonol and several of the officers were ld the Adju ant's oflice at headquarters, Captain Miller and Ca* ain Baahea entered ibe room. Captain Miller re lucstcd the attention of those present, bnt the Colonel aid that if he had anything to say ho might go to tho if-ii??-..' room. "If you have anything to say to mo." said Major 'orien, - I wish that you would say lt here." " You wm pi-ase remember." responded Colonel Hewart qsnetty, ?? that I am Colonel of ibis regiment. Baler Joass then Staffed out into the hall,, where tlie word was pre .tnt,si to iiim by (. aplain Ml'l-r. Two of the officers eef ":c line, when seen by a re wrier yesterday, said thnt Major Jones had sered In in Insulting manuel- to h,s superior offic.-r. Captain lauken, aa tao othes hand, ?ae quire as emphatic in til statements ss thoso nf Ihe Ofpeotog sid.-, jl,- said hat hi hui wished with Major Jones m keep the mst '"-' 'i'"'i until the charges preter rod egalnsi colonel ?tewan hael been acteel on at headquarters. He houKht. however, that poms onswei wouM be mad O tin* assertions maile against th" Major. [loth side-. ire Bgnsd that one or ihe- other mast now r*-igu. -?. OIF FOR A DEUA TU OE FRESH AIR. 1AXT nonna mark thk chilbkkn* wbicomb? rag mambo ot rowna and hos-*-. Eighteen Tribune I*mah?AU parties l?ft the ( ?. ?osBesday. Their destination-, ladwlsa over Bfty OWBS aii*l villas.-*. Mattered here and there friem Vewvipe, pena., lo Hm fomhoiload Valley, sooth of Basi-teOwrg, to points in Psiioam ami Wsw namfshim Blunted within tbreo -riles of the Panada line. Thc I from one pince was IO", from tit Rayv k'llle. Penn. The Vermont and New Hampshire e_ mrshsos weal hy way of the Kenrich boat. mum IHO children, eighty-four of whom were bouad hr nolsliioiih, x. h.. ami Weet swo, v, n. r r.-,o te.vvas an* near the headSJOBem cf Ihe ('nn iieiiiiut Elver, sod tit region ly ins mund shoal le -un-Iel-re ed the linet agricultural awi r-ru-lnf* .section a Hie ataie. Thc eh-Mrea WSfS Bf the better dais of tenement people, eahxtsd from Bew-Yeth and Broohtyn. ami ?re Indebted for their invliatlons to the elTeu-t- nf the Hov, Kr, i-u-.-M, el I stebroeh and Mi>-- H. L, Barnett, i city mi-.-eena!.-, nf New York wham heniio B IB a ? -ct HewaaBstOOB. Vhs tno:h' is ol many of lhasa ehUdiea aie now vtstttog at Havel-n.. < or.n., enjoying a two we'ii.s' om:i c. 'Hie HttU- travellers will be bcak fa st d at Wore ester, Mn-i.. through the ktndnea sf m. le- n. Doe, th.- frofriatae ut -ihe W sr easter .- Gass ?? " a lar.-e- room in a lestaursol near ?ot harlag been rented for the seeasloa Im Inp l. a list nf keats, laeladlBg ths (iroiuu ho- r-. wiii. li were omitted _ y mjioy't Issue: Colebrook, n. IL?Mrs. Graham, Bm. Lay-. Bo* Mr. P.rtiw-iivill". Mm, Karil Stevana, Mia. '-. Osgood, BlV. E. Allier",!*. Mrs. Harker. Airs. Psniel Stevens, Mrs. Thomas Bl WQHaai MaUtben, Mrs. A. C. Hicks M.-a. Bdsraid Dall, Mr. Di -Hey. Miles J ?'??- v.. ii. Tewsh ur, Mrs. A. J. I Joho Little, Kn, Charlea l'. WlggLn. Mts. Jeremiah Tsong, Bia. AmOSlO POOOSB, Mm r.olllr Holbrook, Btf. Millie Firkin, A. II. Fer1.e_. Mis. Hiram laang ' i eok West ftiewai-dstown. N. II.--I. Vi. Hilliard. John "arl". Mrs. .lar-abs Mrs. J. Little*. Mrs. Ilan-l-mi Parker. Mrs. Ephraim Pinker, M:s ],. Parnham, Mrs. e. p. rar'.tou, farah MejUBstss*, Adaama POaoeB, Br. Watkins, Charles Mai I 111. Jsssph French. (.'-eeii:i riismhsilslB, Jared Lura-. W, W. ii , Mri Tuttle, Mra. Hiram PlfSr, o<*<i ft I>*-8ith. (irototi, N. T.?Mrs. F. E. Mstaears, Com Hubbard. Mrs. ism Cummings, Bm 1- PuDer, Mrs. t Mrs. ll'ii'i ar*!. Miss D Puller, Mrs. < .miles p. ll Mrs. smith S'oadway Pether Mac- ?. Mrs. Miles Morton. Mrs. M. P. Gale, Mr*-. Henry Colby, Mr-. Gran, Mr i :- Smith, Mrs. Wesley .Morse, Mrs. Carrington Mis. i>e?a. Mr* Prank Colbj Mis. A Dowser, Ml K. Done! . Mrs. sher. Bm. Avery, Mm Peed. Bawler. Mm- B* P, Gale Mm. E. Paeans. Mn tx Boones, M lVa'-hv. Mi "* ,. Mrs. m. Mason, w. a. Smith Mrs. I karlee Pealgn, Bm. l>. Et v.*. '... Mis n Tanner. Mrs. L K. Draper, Mrs. Nelsoa Harris, Mi>. Everett Milky, Mm. Hear) Powell, Mm H. D. Spencer. P'-eiville Station, X. T.?Mrs. Plnekneg, Mrs. I.'iiiaii Darill ", Mis. Juba Mc.Ueilsr. A CI\CINNATI PITCHES iREBSTEP. T"!iv- Miiilutie. the haiHisO.iie pl'clier of the f'ln riana*, club, ws* arn'ste-el after the puue at Wash* I'ijk. iiriinhivn. yes lard ai Deputy-Oherlfl ia BROSted Om pl-.ver. Sluilane and another yoong niau about a poos ago omood a barroom in I'lnciimari. Mullane cla4n!'.''l thal hM partner .rde'ie el *roo?L< IndUrrloilna'ely and the ii.suul tr'eu!ile fielleev-d. Ile* sn-e'st 1PM miide on an pvOet Irom the sn; 1'iiic ( unit af Brooklyn, which had odjndgtd bim * MulUii'-i to lie In contempt. Mullane and his partner worn Indebted ta rsaatds 0 Co., of this etty, rall a yaung lawyer's clerk - Mullane, at WmhlBgHm Park, **,',i: a sam room rn Id supplementary pnieeedtngs. Mullane iv?i angry an-l threw ihe papers ls tbe young ? fare. Por this he has ainee been Onad ?.-"* I n eleni r-'cariis and Manager N-htoiltr. knew ol Mallara"i pllgW la?t night and probably prvvi hil pi-.m. tiie Bight la Raymond BtBBSl .lad. - ap - THE A LU LRU ES ACCOMMODATE MR. HEWITT. The Aldemaaa adjonnmd y earn sd ey ttsWl A \ ?in. Them wm essse offosBlea whs i ll "as learned thal the adjournment was at the B-Sfi boeaum he wants to t.kc a vaeaBoa hlSBOaU. Mr. Dorree mods a igosefa m which ha loslonated thai Mr. llcwiit wa> not eii-jwis.-d to a*. Ibe "Mi.-ei who by law should tm ihe Mager*! (hair dnrlag bn pj ;he iKisiiiem, ami it leaned onl Uml . seen .eouslderab-B eommenl in Tan. * Hall regarding Ihe sBsgad mlaotonm ol Ihe Bayer in pernell rueMnal Bemtsr to a--t a** Mav ur. The ju v, as pa-ocd, howevsr, }tnt as fee Maj t deklird. _ INJURED WHILE BBTTTEO IS THT TABB a- Beary BeUhe, "t No. :.o" w>si twi wa- driving Bf the n.Viine ISO-Ung to the M'.iint Vin cent lintel in t entr-l Pm* "ti Mendal swnalng, I." . -.-el to pass a carriage in front eif him. At the nmo menmeB Ihe issdnls m fsenl turned sharply in thc same dirrchnn, the tvo mrrlogm enO-dad, amt ihat of Mi*. >e:ilie* was overt urned. thMWlBg lilt--) and LU vii' lo th-- t'lotind. Mr BeUBO was hr'u-"l al-oit lbs bead and on tn- left lag. and his wile had her aakk aewieli ipralaed- PeUeeo-aW Harnga-. i??i the leam, unit the ramaaate af tbs eanlefOi peas M\ty,suth -t. _?-?-... a MF.LASt iiul.Y BAR BBOOTMBTBSELW. Il.-i niu.ii, aj.'" tvvvniy, carne to thi? elly from (,,.,?,-, the OB and found sssfkrymeet wltb ii. a rHenltiiint, at No. 188 Bm st Loedp Iha man ha-t Ik-cii Mik and rn- lane Sol;-. lt wa . ,.- d ihat !." -'iie'il'l Kn I" a hospital fer I ll ;?.-.ii yesterday, hoi Bte ea Monday tii^at he weal te .nile In th'- r.-at ol hi? eB_pkiyer*i house ead sh"' lelnis-i! In the head. M" was re ni uv 1 to Bt, ifl ;i,,s.:-al and 1! was said that ho pmhsH] WWU-d Ult: IISUll bis Wo" ml- _ UU. CA TAP !\V'..L'S DODY TAKES TO IITT Tl.* Inidy of tin- unfurlinal'i |.ia\ Ancht. Haril.-v (.'inn, be'.l, wa* brought t* this elty nv ii.e paemmm and trUmU at rn aaOettBBes?i Mom u, BsllSg 81 Mra. ('Jii'i>b.:l twi h-r t?o aona. John jud Osbert, te*,-* ta- i'"dy hen Blobs '?> rituhurs. wham tbs funeral will bc Utld u,Hay. iir. (aropli-ll ?a? a BMBBa i iiii.,iii, and Un aerv-oa win be in-id ia ssessdBBm wttt l.'io rn-'- ?.f HMS e-l.urcli. '?'?I- I ..I'ipl" ll fna.iiv ""ii a ?j.-l. .t in Him te mel-rv a' Puslun.. H-u. BS-M. ?* ? l?lanl aetieiary of ir.- Anora' Fund, hal SBOSfS ot LUe arruii; u.eul* for tba tom ral._ FUEEUAL OF JOHS F OVRRDtQBAM. Tho funerii! 'if 1'- (''iiinlueham. aim died eiuddenlr whll? _othln? al Mauhaiun Beach on Jaly 21. look plsae al the ( e,f IBB Ainiiiii-uiloii, al (jil- lr- J mai tuny-arm ?*- ?ni ?sssdoag, moaaaBag. tu. uxir nae SBSSSBSg to the church by the Hancock Clul. nf lbs XlXth AOMeSBty l>l?iilci A iaree nunile:) of bSSBOS of Ihe dead nian were pteSMl and li?le--iied M tlie nairn trlhute paid him br tbo Hev. Fatlwr OnBiu. wii-* ie-* forn.e-d the funeral e-eireuioulv-s. Mr. Cuncliiia-era wa* ih n.-rr.hcr nt th- Hancock Clsb, sod al a aneilsl ? j i. imi .ii ?? wja -piioinied Wi d.-u'i aDiircnrtau n-ioiutioa*. Tbo bodr aaa ?etknu tu BB Kirases-i'a CexocUiry. U) W?audir._ur Cuuiity. lot turiai CHEATED H?KE ANB ABROAD MMIGRANTS ROBBED IN TWO COUNTRIES iIOBTOAOING THEIR PBOPKBTT IX* ITALT?LEFT IN AMF.r.ITA TO STAP.VF. When the OBngmse I'ommltree convened yesterday morning to proceed w th the Immigration ln***st1g-r tlon, Mr. Morrow offered the following resolution, which was adopted; Ilcsolved. That while this committee ls in session In the City of New-York any two members thereof named by the cha mian shall constitute a Quorum fur the pomoae nf lase i ig subpoena*, administering oaths, snd takp.*.- the ti-'minnv of witnesses, and a ?ub rommittee of two or thn-e membeis may be appoint"'! by thc chairman with 11;.? powers to soudan an ex? amination of WttaaoBOe elsewhere during Uie tim** the committee ls cocaied in said city- of New-York, nr at any othes Hine or place that the full committee may decide. Beeem. Morrow and Oates will rmbaMv return to Washington to eiay ta attend to Important business, and the heating ls adjourned until Monday at 10 a m. Th- til-.1 wlin.-s.s fOSBSSSBf, Francisco Blcmonte, .aid: I am a native of the province of pBOtOHOOSO, h Italy. I i.,mied a little farm thom worth SAXO fr-.ui> anil wen !i?ii out by the day for 1 1 2 ta S fran-. I wa~ per*.11ailed to come to America by Emilio Torelll, an agint of an oirlgrant moiety ai Naples- I bael 800 francs wher. I left home, bat sft'r paving mv tar I had ve; * inti* l.ft, and mpcbsd > ?w-Vcik with only ?#_ in my pocket. At Castle Garden a man beeb US paaaport. giving mo a card of rhe Italian Enil-rraMon lee-Sty, No. _ nari -t. I wn* there and flu-y mid I i : ceuiei get work by paying a d -liar. I asked them When I wendel ha, a'de lo ff?*r work, and they said. ** When dod wills lt." I have not had one dav's w-ork since i came here, and have lived on eharftj Th" 2m) francs I botlOWSd from a friend, and i'i"U? laed to pay bim 2*o francs at the end of 'bo year. 1 gave him as teeurtty a niorteage on my lirtle farm and I expert be will attn, h H. as I am not aide to Dag. Th'v teelel me that thc Emigration Society hen* had lands, and tliat I would get a good place at once. (;ul_epp| Mcneill and Antonio Peramblglla were also examined. They were inure intelllFent than the i.ttn-r Italian Immigrants who had testified. Om had been a clerk n the petty court nf his sillago, while th" mher bad been lu business fur himself Mi oettl I lind too francs of my o-**n money when I left Naples, bul iii* loo 11 n ihe iteamer whil? in quarantine ? tail thal I spent nins: of my money bi food from tho steward. 1 hail only 180 frat!-- len v Inn 1 landed. I c.i'il.l hoi gel w.irk. an'l have Bel Werked ii ciay sine i mijvei. j applied betta I Italian Consul and Ihe Emigration society, bu- it was im use. My Wits and four children ar" in Italy. I wanl '" go back, aa there la nothing here for am bm atm v at toa. Ante.t:in Sp-amhlglia nexr handed In his ps-r-pnrr. He was rhe neatest ard BMMl IttteOlgeat-loottag wit? ness ths rhern Italy, ii ? waa Boothes victim of the padrone's "pee* suasion." Be t il ?-? i: n Italy and came Set i eety. i bsd land planted lo oil vs worth aluin) -.'.dOii francs. I va- very anxious rn set i" come, H-id borrowed _>"i Banes hesi a i_<iv. riving bar my note f,,- :;iki fran -. v.hicii I am te pay tho 33d day of Pi biiiaiv in ri ver0 woikii.f.' in my village tld wstee wen tl ?'?" to 09 a dir bul tbey wld di tl las aboul ao man Idle. 1 have only epuie lh's*e days' wink nnd I -alie ont BS ?'.-. et vieixiy lue to pu-.- the bosses f"r work. I v.ant lo fco "ba-k to Italy if anvtrody wlU help ma i"l Brrardliil, eif Ba ki M>ill>err> nt., banker. . mQwaj ntb-eontmrtor, ap pernod before I h - coi is ? I i * ? Ibe j Ivllege to onswer tiie accusal lona niaib: ngataol him hy wit e ii tba prov loui Ba Bs ?a'*i thal hM asms w-?- untarnished and el-ar te, him, snd that la*t wlatee ? needy co Ile tne-ii y. a one be bad h aned tr-ttMi. Ai. aa well a- in Htifa ,i tboughl. and be wa- willing to uadrrgo a -iii.- iiin?* investigation if Ihe commltl i red ii Ml ICING A MCXIG OF AS A tJOTXOB. .i * . . ibe well-known auctioneer, of Nn 80 .. mad'- a BOtS t'-nlay anel at the same lime afforded many p*ople an ...ia day, ll- sol ? estate i * #ur-i. sai'i t.i be n leleel portlss of Bath Ii -v-h. lbs -. tiie* bOBM of the P,eas(,ns for nv, r ene l, * C ats lar-.'- 11 subdlrMed Into 340 lots. Wilbla the last _i.. r otrsr t -'.e- m the peop? le bulli and w --er maim lal I, si, iha ? i tn e a i ? i,; - nirablo Mr. Jebaauu Maned many eompUamatary trans portmion t!ei.eis. sud then- wet" shoal i.-"."" pmpb bi : (Booming train escorted the people t" th** Benson homestead, rn front ? d anil an excellenl I f*.r all. M -!~lar.ts. tonk seats In a - preceded by tn"! led the wag ta tbs 8ml :? - Bret .. " esch Tbs lol - in tin- Btsi pi.,, k ? MOO. Whenever a tale wa- ended the hand led the Baal lat The eiuwd arm > | ? Prices warn - ? - ? liuist will * . .* resort lt . Ul-at Ti:'.".".; Ml:.'." TX JU BED fir A BLAExx Ht, enn ? ? v :-?..;. i Tl- I .r-mnii In :- .1 lia Ci n | Nel lit | IS *,-.% Off ?? Vplesl-. . ? ' ? - ' ip aa I three men wi . .r.. ? ?? ? . _ "it ot his Boom la ? kia i . wa? -ut -. i hi- | ba ii Antonia PaaOBa, sf Ki 411 : ,-? niie-li'i: '!?? l-and-'hir e'unlli-st., lecotvag s_;ilp-vo_ . . a ?? ie. ... Th*- ai-n fife* r-naeved m the Pr<'?hyt?-rl:in Hospital, whets I' was -sui lhai they v ??-. | renae ws? enoated Ha -ail ma Mem worn oit ail rihif on Monday eften aaa, 1 -.nd its wa.*- inin a crack of tba m-k .ind r<:r.;i.ii 1 __tx\ until a apaik tram aaa ol the siedga-hamaMSs louou-d it e.IT. Mig IIB BVBDEBED OR SHOT ACCIDENTALLY t A e.-ii Sled _: - ? ,,ii Meads] Blgbb rt" bal 'ka1 I : * ' - ,i - * .luir . Il Hi, lr i |BS the**- "aiind In the * living tnt r..- - THE WEATHER REPORT. ?r:eiv".i:v\iKvr t*ffntCATlO!fS OOO 30 ROOM Wasaotsren, Jr.iy -ti.-lo a. m.?Fur Hew-naonmd an.i BeSStseS New-Vera a_d stationary Un: i< ralurc. fol. WsOassOsy nish* hy lair sud slightly cooler weather, mw : : aaasOariy wi ? Kor rai-t rn reiuiarlv.inls, New-Jeri-sr, Helaware snd Maryland, fair. proredeel oo tim coan by local rams atation ery te-aiperatore, fuliaweet WeeaeoBap n-sht br sli?htly cooler wrat'uer: ssathsely wtaBa I'e.r v.re_;nia aud Nurt'i i aruiina, fair, preceded by local renison tuereviat; ?mtlaaatytaapeea lur BesihCaistlaa, e..**r<.* *r,.: ?;<*r- -.. iae^i rains, fol low.-.l br lair we./,har ; atatiun ir. tenip-ri-fure. r'or Aliioan iv. Mi??i?ai|,pi. lOBMaBO and Kaateni Tetas, fair weatlnr . pr , . .1 . .i, 8 tathara amt . llaetnaippt By lees! rum. BtSttsasey temperature ea ihe oalf; aliel.i.y cooler in tbe l.-iun-.r. i".er Atkaaaaa. Taaaaaam an.l Kentuckr. fair and cooler, irccmiu-1 ny lUl.ooiry temperature lu Kaatern Tauua-aea ati.i Kastaeky, fm Weet * rrinia. W. m rn I'ennsylrnnla, Weatern Sew Tish Mel 'luu. I_.r, peaeeB B? tba Lalee bylucal raina, ?tightly roslea i e,r I:.-, : . .n! Illinois fall, preceded la the northern jM.rtmua by lo-tal ralua. cuo'.er. 1 ,ei Ix) * cr Mice.can au-l Wisconsin, fair, praeeSe-1 on tho %?? r.i br 1" ni rama ?i.itiun_ry tempurattire, followed by aiiahlly wai nar weall,er Wm','iiper, Minnesota ani r.aetern aad Bonth WSSSmB DabaBBi f^ r and w-rnier, lar Iowa Sad Nabraslca. fur ar.d wirmer For Mlsneeeirl. Kimi** and i-'ilorado, fair, precc-deil in ("ol or-itu by local rains . cooler. Xl OOP*'i 1 1 . 3 4 I ' e it.,. *, T ? , - ii:ii-.t nv. local onsanvATiowa *??srt*~-"wsat-i '? '-.irH-W I BAR 4 I | ? s (..rpi *ebaa 30.0 20.5 i ? i ua i aa ???*.? ??? - ? United btates M.'iiii Berrlea steasiea at this elty rh Saahaa laOieam tba .tun uotttd ai lindi, ii'. ptiSitnacy. 21s B-uadea.. namtrxs Orrtci, Ans. 1, 1 a. ui.-(ieiierally far weather pr vauail yualeMay. wllu claudisass lu tbe rrenlng. Ihe tempsralure ranged be tween Tl ? ano. tl . the aeaeage 1Tb ) ?rio* _e iowcr lh__ 0u (i,., correei^oeilius unj laet year, md 6 V huher than on Muii'tar Ia aad near thia city to-day there will probably be raia, folio weil by talr weather i allghlly coaler. EA1LWAF INTERESTS. DETROIT M__flTCHA>TS COMPLAIN. -BKT THINK TIIIY ARK BEING I*NJ- 8IXY TBEATEP BY RAILWAYS. Chicago, July 31 ?The Interstate Commerce Commission In sc.sion beta to-day took up one of the moat Important canes that has yet been brought up before that body. It ls the case of ths Detroit Board of Trade aud the Merchants and Maeufa-i nrers' Association against the New York central, Orand Trunk and ?>it Shore Railways. All tbe members of tho CommmstBO were present The '?omplalnt ls ilgncd by j. vi. Flynn. pre?ldent of the Hoard of Trade, and I?. D. Thorp, of tbe Merchants Mm Manufacturers' __xc?ar,t*e. The complaint ls that for a bing time th* merchants anel business men of kermit hsve suffered bv unjust snd Illegal dis? crimination In faveir of i>!eagn at tho hands of the mails named. The compla'nant. In specifying the particulars of the discrimination alleged, stat-sl that Hw Grand Trunk, New-York OOntSOl and West ..hore roads from a thorough tr-ink Hoe from Chicago to New York and the East and that their profit on that class ol business ls divided pro-yirtiema-ely anning them. The unit rate, or 100 per cent, wan the rate between I'hie-go er.*! New-York, or all points having the New -York rate. The DsBsnt people claim that their proportion should not ex? ceed 70 per cent of this unit rate, under the long and sheirt haul eli In reality the railroads charged them In per cent. At 70 per cent, er rhe natural rare. Detroit would have lo pay 8.12 BO on a carload of grain from Detroit fn Sct-York rolnts, while at the 78 per cent rate they had to pay gBB. At the same time it was claimed that th" 7e) per cent rate was granted to other points Bf Detroit, and In fur ro s'.l joints west of Detroit This divert*; thousands of carloads of agri? cultural products from Detroit The respondents, In replying, admit that the facts are as Stoled, but they deny that the same ls any loss, or ground for them to OOOegl a like or eviulvalent rr!ce for local shipment* between D.troll and New Torfe. Til- leone between tbe two paettsa i- therefore s'piaielv Joined, and the cane ls one of law to determine. The raliway eompaniea cliilin and make ss the basis of their defence the goelrlSM thal I itaON ls not Um onlv con-li'eration thar mag Influence the priee of transportation. They alle/e that rhe bllllnj. welch? ing, I aa peeling, Im rtng of blOa of ladlnr. switching a: el narry oil ir thing* * bouM be taken Into rnpsljtero Hon. and that In ' )M I-rtroit standi at a dtssdvai ti .- And they further claim that they must meet ro.upt'ltlon Ol ti Hat and shu, ter Hoes. BjUL^OAS WAI in BOWO-fS BUBDBft MIDN'CIIT I NCO TNT i'll OT 1'MPT.OYF.S OF BIVAT, ROADS AT A DI-il'LTi-U CROKSINO. Boston. .Inly 31 (Special).?There ls a dispute be? tween the town aathorltMa nf Keven? m eouasetloo wllh tlie Pc veiw nicer Bsltway anil Hie Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn Roflroad is to where tho tracks of tha litter company ?ha!l be eioaaod hf the street rail? way. Tho town authorities fixed the crossing ar "(?-..nave., CreeeeM Beaeh, f" wbh-h the officials of the steam mod object, and lay claim la the ownership of a part of tho land on which Hw electric road ls built. To profeer this claim, they have balli a fence to thc alleged limit of their property, and this fence further WBSBi hf IhS enemy. A new dispute has Baw arlaefl In regard tn the cross? ing of the narriew-gatiprv tra.-ks by tho overhead wire* of tho street road. On KoadBg ul_rht the latter road | tl BB over the ()c**an-ave. To prevent tr.N thu Bsnnoibbqi people ? -argo turra te, th,, spot aboot midnight and drew twa snglnm snd faur sum, bbs upon each track, lam i directly eons ?.se ave. au wm quiet antll 2ATi a. m.. when . bl] atteO-gl Wm B ? swing a whs- fi ..iu the poeti en ena s-,.i-* the tia laneo on ts- atber MOe. The wire was pinmpriy i'-i'r-'l by the 1 ??? Beaeh and lynn em ployee, matroag at eince* an.l agata eur. Then thi> Darrow-fauge sion proee d et to "mt down the posts on both ' les -if ibe track, thus putting an end to tho for the til^ht. IMMIGRANT RATES NOT CHANGED. AGKXT HOI Will. 1 MI'HATICAI.LT IiKMES THAT nr KAM < BBTAU sn th mfa ts. The perj^.-ai paossnosr hgeota <>f thc trunk lines met yesterday t,, dleenea a hotlnta of Immigrant passen g.-r fan-- en Ibo baeM "f ii PB rate to Chicago, which was reeatfed upon at their BMSttUg h*-ld last week. Aftm a lons -?inn lt was finally derided to submit the matter to the exeeatlee eonualttm for its esasldsf -?hhii at a BmeMng tu I,.- r.;ll-el at Hie earliest possible At thrt glees (if 'he Bmettng, ("hall-man ri. I* Pleanoa said that the mani point ar Mens ls the pav af eomaOeotoao m heniOlng honm beepers pad i tk OardeB. ami the* mails WOOld a!l fi- es a reduction, ptDOMed thal the passenger cot the ? n-eluc'leiii, the whole nf Whieh neiw pam liifn th" pockela of th) ont !!er. while the Immigrant still pmrs the tun ova for ins ? . Of the paSBSnaor agents who was present st the im i-.*..- expressed Butch dlsgnsl sr the BaBaaadad ramon whieh sro dally . i id mid that in the ?seating the ottanMon of Genera] Paaaenoar Agent Uni will, i ir*, lackawanna and tv es tern, ww eaHed I : Interview with hit)*, published yee ?? wa.- r-nnr'e-e! fee ! nv - -ai*l thal I M road steel all cou sad arould muk.- a strong BoM f?r it- ii-.---. Mr. Flelwlll emphatically denied hav thlojt, and stated rh il be had nor even miked with a reporter tar the paper which pub liahed the Interview. STI II. POnMTSQ A HEW A ?*ct( i ATI OX. The managers of ihe railway Itara miming the .-uni Ken Mexiee yssh idnj resumed their nO-n.k Mttlag ol 'ii" windsor Hotel for the purpose of reeelvtag :*: ? I -i mles of tin* bow Organisation whieh ia tu lake 'he place of tho Texas Trails association As nt ready reported, the new v will embrace within Irs sci,pe of action ail tba waiii at present eeeompllabsd by the existing body, w .'ii the' dlffesenee that ifs sphere of opera - s'lll ex teed ovor a largely Increased area ll is ejai.ri thai ' latlon will be complstad cn or before Saturday aext THST COULD POT WORK WITHOUT OFflCBM i| of Hie Blrestom of the Cincinnati, Hamilton an*l Dayton Hail-nod was aeaJn adjourned in eeneegoeom ol tha abeeaee eif rho peeaMeat and - tvy-i other ( In -lt -nari members ef thev board. Another attempt to complete the organization of the . y will be Binda in-day. Mist SLLAJ-IXIFI RAILWAT ISTEI.W;r.scp.. Cleveland, in v di Bpe lal ?An uni urtan'. -hamre .il Ohio .: J. O. fchaiT, general -ni*a liit.'ii.l'iit, sle|i* duivn ead bia Ofltaa (? abolished. Tue) OBtMa ??' . sapeHataaBsat fait tm tba paeaem apea I it -. m al ?? : al ?:*'? Mew-Ystg, baba I .-. ? an! w ???? m. Beasasl ghokl Oil probably return to the bouih. ,n, faty BL?Tl reek aad n-m-Eng? land rr.i?s muting- for .Inn*- WStS 8180.0781 ugaiuat S400.5W1 fur June, IBBTi taemas* BBB.I0-. The Bot fntruft fur th- quarter ending Jun-t 30 oem 8870,080 s BBTL3T8 tar toa man eastern ia-' yew; Ba ereeee, pd 1(1. Th" net earning, tr* iu Ott" ber 18 '" j June 30 were sa.1BI.aB0l far the mae period tli- vt* vn.iis var the*-,- iv, SI,SSS.ft *. BS I t-r. 87L0BO ( t>!.'ag.*, July 81 A ia* Hag "f emeral BMBaBOm of \ ,:-thwestern. Western and Southwest, | Baba il* j wss bets m.dar n' -ti* aSSsa "f Ohstnaaa Beilba ia for the -?? 'if agreeing upon ?> me plan at l.ann?iilrliiir the in ; t.-r-s-a of rhe various lines. Th- read* that ha. i nc . bei-e-.-an ruicaqo and Mlaaearl Rival poinu 1 un through buslr.eaa from (li. maboiird -icrecd tu reetui*; rates August IX A saSMalMaa waa ui)ii-,nr*si * :--h the manaie i? -f lin- "gae" aud St. I'uui and Duiuih roads, mitti r iii* -nabliaiuneiit ot Miiafa.-tory rela'inti* renard! ig comKtitlve traffic. It i wa* also provided that. B | 1.inala linea I ahuuld convene' e*u Tuesday e.r aexi week ia consider and i '-_ a* 'ai. uenin mim U and fro ai Illinois do mts. THE STRA W? r I BOA TE OT TWO cnn.DUES. Johsnua Kobliner, thma years of a^e, and her tar, Mary, had a HIIIIBIlablli cscip.- fnun death yesterday. Th**y lr r en ft"- third tlon: ot ihe tanemem hims.* go :,-_- Koaree-et, Their mother was I tba trout slim . room yesterday and th' toM thom ta oil on _ hmnge i -?- the wladnw. As they ., the hmage, I :. r ii'.--.eel i,, leave the roi .m. Bba iie-H'i them leteam and mw them fall headlong throu.'h Ib8 viludow. Thc ml kb. u fell abam forty tes-t. A etatbee Hae below tho wladow booba their fail ie, a gras, p|,,i. Hmm wWoh Ibaf roMed lats an an - "-' lo ea h ether. Johanna bsd a bruised ei,,* for baad and elbow had boou ? Bt, but they o' ?? :*'y hurt. A SE1ET THAT WAS BUILT FOR AH UCtut SH? IV ass, mpOBtad ta Bt-SOesm IT mitt yesterday tUal ? BS, Mrs. All-la ll (''Kearney had distinguished hsesetf un -salunlay by d.coverliiK a valuable OOBBSBBB-M skirt of dutiable pani* en tbe perMin ol on. of ttl- pBBSSS-pm BB BBS staauishlf Ktru.da. Thl* pnaf; . . liachet Davis. Kbo excited Mrs. i'Kearney's suspicion, aud when abo was aearcUed lt was found that she was wearing a aklrt inaile up of -ix yards of flannel. Within Ht ample folds were ii-Iliad thirU'eQ yaxxla of silk, twelvt lards ol dre., oueds. iUieso al lace, iwelv c ul edging, and some ..Ilk handkercWeis aud kid glove*. Ibe goods were confiscated. On Bundar, about twenty four yards nf dutiable silk was found In the baggage of B, Rscalante. a passen? ger on the st'-amshlp ' ity "f Aiesa: Iria. from Kawana. No a'tempr ha<l leen made to conceal rhe silk, but as Mr. Fscalante refused tu pay the duty lt was sent to the selruiw room. OB ITU A RT CimiSTOPHKB MEYEH. Christopher Meyer, prreldent ef the Meyer Rub? ber Company, of New-Brunswick. N- J-. died yester? day at his home In this cltv, No. CIT I ifth-ave. The cause of hln death waa cancer, tie had been suffer? ing from the disease for some years, but bad boen -onflned to hts bed only two months, and un to that time he took an active Interest in his business. Mr. Meyer was born lit Huicver. october 1.1, 1 ft 1-8. ne was a self-made man. and early In life started out to make his way In tho world. When only a lad of 'rnrteen he esme to t.hl* count****, unaccompanied by Mandi or relative*. He remained In New-York two years, working at flrat for his board ard shelter merely. All his spare time he devoted to mastering the language. In 1636 ho s-curn-1 employ rent at a Newau-k machine shop, and being both skilful and In? dustrious he made such rapid progress that In two years he had charge nf the erect lon of the Rama*>? Mills. He did that work satisfactorily, awi his next Job was to put up some machinery for Horace Day, th-n the leading rubber manufacturer of the country. at New-lirunrwlck. -So well did Mr. Day like the yoong man and his work that he took him Into his employ and In a short lime mado him superintendent Sf iho factory. Mr. Meyer wa* of an Inventive turn of nd nd. Some of his Inventions added largely to the capacity of the Day Mills. He came to the conclusion that if he could make money fur others he could malle money for himself. and as he was not receiving from his employer what he *! he was worth, ho decided to start tn ba for himself. He designed h.s own machinery, borrowed }300 of James Bishop and sot up a mill. A geed opportunity offering he sold It, started an? other mill and again sold lt Hy this time he bad accumulated some cap ral and securing a good lita with water-power, at Milltown, some three miles out of New-Brunswick, ho erected a factory there. It was eneeoonfOl; as business laosnased be aOOeg to ir ami the factory now gives employmcat to a thou&and men. It was soon proved that Mr. Meyer possessed ex? ecutive as well as inventive talent of a high order, iio took an Bests a Inleieol in ai: manner sf boMnem enterprises. At ihe time sf his death he wa_ gen? eral manager, treasurer and principal owner of the Hew Jessey Kuhber Shoe Company, wh ch also em ploys about a thousand men. Ibis ls an outgrowth of tbs ."f-yr A Ford factory which was subsequently traasfBrred to Edinburgh, Scotland, and then; known is the I art h 1,elfish Rubber Company, Mr. Keyes still retaining an interes* s lt. Mr Meyer was also pmsldsnl of the Heehawanieh lath*! Manufacturing Company, and of the- 0knish) Hastie fabric Oom jianv. of goat Dnmptotv m.i-.s. iv- rashes mtssasta represented oaty a part of his Investmenta it would be difficult t.i enumerate all the enterprises with which iie has been connee u-i. jp. was a director and a itoekbsUm In the old Stato Ba:ilt, of New-Brunswtik. .uni a stunt-heMes of the .New-Brunswick Gaslight Company. Hu wm ol'* of the pro and owners ol tbe Painesv lie and Youngstown Raiiwar. whieh, associated with Mr. l ii.d, lie built In 1804 tnd parred with his li ?: Mr. Meye-r was a director ol th- New York .mel BeQatoa and new-York ami Northern Hallways, a director of the fl erin an-A me ? i an I'jre Insurance Cora .- the .lu'iieipai i-i- i.' * Company, and tho .Vi lOriean Bunk N'e.t.? Enzrn i .. ,,f New York. He wae ai.o a tea; n.- director lo the Cincin? nati, BamlltoB ami Dayton Railway, ar.d his eoaneo Mf n therewith brought kim I ance ix-cau-ns appoaH "ii lo ii.-- " Yoiin*.' N apo loon . .f rv i who at uue time tri"*! to burrow - K.0 nt Mr. Meyer, hm ai Rtreeufull* Mr, Meyi vi the money il imf enough confidence in ives to b'ud If. Hr. Meyer waa a Methodist, ani! gave liberally tey .iiiu"* i i neb at Kew Brunswick, He was married, ii - firs,- wfe. whom be married in i-ie., m Mts* Manaral Kvans, of Belleville, >. j. -ii- died in 1877. n- mended ogata la ISBo, Kim ?Me Chase, da-e) ter ol I ? or - ci I base, ef I Ile had nu children by his second merrinee, but had seven >iv his Brat, ttl I Them v nf William A. Cay, of New aaootoa with tiie New-Jer ey I Shoe t'"inpany: Kate, wife of George Lowther of this city. Margaretta, unmarried, and Cia: a, wife ,,f < baric* Greyer, of 'n'.f e-iry. and Howard d., who was fi|- father's co-ifl.1ent.lisI secretary. HI- fun., rai wdll take nlace si Ibe h'ui?e tomorrow evening, anel ?h" body will b-* taken to New-Brunswie-lt fm- bung] (he aaxl day. Mr. Meyer leaves a fortuno variously estimated at from seven to ten milUuo dollars. DR. I-PHiF-tr MOBBS. Loul-vllle, July 31.-Dr. Bohort Morris 'died this a: hl> he_BS at l._ ' range, from paralys's. Dr. Monds was born lo M waarlHlBBlH in 1-17. He ba aa Uta as a oMaister, bul mon left the mtaletry an'l went Into the in-'. ? em in Mi_sl--ippi. Ba bod already dm - - try work, and gradually !:if'e..l away from I Ia I-bc, he beean* p:-:-id. nf * il f.a Orange, Ky. Bh fiindiiess for travel - .itu to leave a ; oatt ?* ; ohloh e mfli place. Ho made leveral long looneys through ? ? f the conti? nent, lecturing on Free ma wiry, and repeatedly went through all Hie Sta*- ea mntry, viiitin*^ every corner of the conn'ry whet Wm any interest felt. In flSBBISaimry. Dmlng hi. trav.-ls he was a BgnetrnM ooatrfbotor to BO KmonM magazines of Boto. He him-e'lf banded two pt-bllcatlons: "The Voice of Ma-.ii.irv.' i i American Proema-on."1 in ij' - i the ir**';. Land In mareb of relics ,,f Fraeataooary. While th* re be established a Masonic lodge at farasBteaa. Ob Mi maura to America ho published ins "Tipraia In tbe ir ?.. Land," s oom beeaam poi>.;la. am*,n* Fro maeons _w. Morris iias eentrlbotod aimo-t au eadlees mass of nrrltlng to Kaeoalc literature i'* - csse.i of a boee and Mflmwhal -arcasrie- wit, anel b<*tn_ au aa ??? teefttl and linen: -peaker. In-. Mo'Tls achieve! g i; -,, I-eturer BO freemasonry, During laic y< i '-voted himseiif almost wholly to lecturli ,. an annotated work on t* , of Burns, of - pur pose he vl-Hcrt th- birfipisne ol t ie oral tim-s ar. 1 ,-el namornua sm I '? ead writim.--, - old volumes of i.'- worl in work ? direction was eotnprehe - M time nf his d-ath wae unfinished, ilia wak- a.I -taara, children survive him. ? DONALD OAK-BROir. Donald Cameron, a wi.*!l-!-:ne>wn hu.sineaa man In this city, and au old reaident of Brooklyn, died yeaterdsy at ,,*. Na. 'M.* Su Jamea piw-Ai, Brooklyn, xv the age of seveuty-tivo. ll* waa boru In tbe Wost Indies and arpa ??*!**':.','! in Scotland. He came tn this country in Iggg and in" r-d Hie employ of the linn of John kl - fc s.n. i-onml-eieu merchants, at Iln-j-I n.l Kraut ats. ii* erwarO baeame a numfc-i of the tirm a . 1 j I sa ex. tensive baaloe-e Tor the paat few yean h-t waa at the h' id aft ti) Ikl i ani'-ron. ai Sn. 4 ' wa M Hu ni- i ni-t?*r of the Produce Exchange for many ?.- i- I *o serve on the governing coen ? His home life aaa apent iu Brooklyn, wham be waa for ??'?a years a veatrymau of St. FBOart l-l*. C'hureh Bad afterward etenuciixl with Kl Luke's Church He was '-;? i ??? active lu Sunday-ach.iol w.irfc Ula d* voie..i) ia bastaam waa au-:h that for niore than thirty a, aavsr 'Mik a aeeaf*a vacation. Ilia d-ath wa* *., ,n of the lungs, after aa Pi nc aa ta Ma ?Oeba tie l-ft a trttt, IMS daughtera and lix anns. Tbe funeral will take place oa Friday afternoon In bt. fi'arch. A LECAL OPINION OB THE PE1S0X BILL. Albany. M. Y.. July ol (Speeiali.-The PegOtg At toSOg-OonosoPS opinion on tho Prison bill, BOW in tho Qeossnoe's ha_.Ui, has been concluded and will be largely sssbeitad In the mcmoranduiu with which thc (.overnor will accompany his signature of the bill IB men-row. The Deputy uo'.'is thal tbe term - penil institutions of the -Hate" iueludes coamy peBStaO tlarles ai;d the Elmira Kefoiniaroo", but lt ls ' I siood that he la doubtful whether the bill fully prov nils feir the machinery of law to apply the purpeisre. ad tho bill ta ih''.e Institutions. As only State officials are ,_:ed m carry ont the law. a mor.* exp-letl - will le required irom the Legislature their duties can bc applied io eenotf esiabll-hnieu-i. a OCEAN OROVE'/i NINETEENTH VILTHDAT. SOO tlrove, B. J-, July 31 (?*pecl-_).-Th ? r.ine . annt.ersary of Ocean Grove was eelcbrati-<l this sveatag In Thompson's Park. PmsBaool I delivered tba a.1dres?. and refer nil to n fully rapid gnwth of the place .Ince the lirst BtaettOg waa bi Ul which was attended by only tweniv two At tbe close ot tbe service tho assembly | |he t niplo, whare the anniversary prayer ,-nei-ting wa- nchl. The Inteidenomluational Lou , wlilch ha? been In sea.lou here for BflBOb a wick closed this sftcronon. Ttvmerrow the N_ tlonai Tmnixraaca Society will begin a series of tem poratn'u meetings._ . A safe st ami- y fer the faaaily daring tke seasoner Chelura Sumroar t-uiplatuis. Craaspa. Diats rh*rsa and all Bowal ( amplalnU ia Dr Jayne's Caruitna I tlva Balaam-al ri ad af admitted efficacy, and lt ecea aioa abould aria** ONO to prev ? useful .% - m Pragraat Vanity bair < tsarettea srs a eowpanion is oar aoluu*!a, satnaer ia ear idleness. >'? traveller's eatBl '?"?sai'ieta without a enttplr of Tas aA.*n*s sst-Tzan arasit-sT i? tniure _*od d-?*atetm xd rsgaiar actwu vf las 6.woia. 9 ha Oaat Hlga-C Uae Claarattaa. Xttaey Br??.*?p*etal Faeoara Sa American Artlcla __________? f tb* man earofoi an.t srlstaal manufaetore: Oelfete O o'* Caahaier. Boaionat Teliat (Soap. MARRIED. lALKTTBKfK-MIT.LER?Js'y tk 'Has, St Bl. PaafS (harch. Hoboken. N. I . f.y Hie Ber. W. B. laaror. Clara L. Miller ta OOM L IIalen'*eeS. ?TALKKR-ct.i'.IM-At tr? IsneBtrsat M. lt. (Th ti rah. Jeir 31, hr the Rec (Stephen Merritt, Lents* Eddy (-letta I* William J. H. Wa-k. r. | BhBfsm Of ittn'taam mutt he tsdorsed tenth fall nd addre**. _ DIEU. .TKUAN-At Br-Vxlya, July 3n, Charles Alkmaa. la the Ulta resr of hi* a rs. _ _ 'nnersl services Wodoantntf. Sa. m.. Calvary 9. X. Chares. BaailB Staata corner Marcy ara Uta DLR-oa Jtly 29 Walter H- Beadle yaaaosm asa et Z. F. Bea lie Btarnirnt at '"oopera'nwra. If. T. iF.v.!Ai.lN*-Oi?Tne-.'BV.Jo]y_e Mrs. Ana P. Beejatata. rnn?ral Ber vires at her late reside aaa. 1.189 Dean el. Brooklvn. oo Werta***!***. A anet 1. al IO a ol atanaaatm BaaaB Brook, a. J. inXlAMI-T? )n *nn4ar. Julv 79. Um Ann P. Beaiatale. at har tow reaietaue-. 1.11*9 Dae*-al. Bmeklva. on W?iaa*0av Aaaast 1. at 10 a m. nter-neai al Ii.iaa.1 li-aok, Ka a Jeraer. 'AM Kit"V-'m Taaaitav. Jaie 31, nt hla late rewdene*. ?"*. Ht Jarnis plaae, Brooklyn, M. Y.. Douald Caaaarao. te toa TS I enrol bia airs, 'me-al kerrie *s at ar. Luke's church. Cllntoa-are . near ru' .ni tr ?. -reoklra, X. V.. Fruay. AagBSB X at 8 a ia. t;ne11y oaiit flowers. ;t"V s I Nd ii VM -At hor late reet-lenea. 947 Oiewryava, Pa-Bate, N I . on -.itee-tsv. July 31. If*", after ? Hagar lnir illness. Catherine M . wife of Charlea V, Cunalogbam, io the .)'.' I rear of her a-je. fuiiera-l sarneea ?n Tliu-s lar, A nv-tat 2. at _ o'eloea a. ss. ??aw,mra and Montgomery n .pera pie iso copy. .rriLKY?Tn thia cur. Jnlv .0, auaaonah, wllaof Dr. A. Painter I'U'ller. ??"''. SS v.-ira. iaieroioatai I'orUao*l. Mame. -DWARD'-At herreatetenee, 519 Xoatrand-ave, Brooklyn, ?Mer a lin vat Inc illness, tieanor, wi,law ot the late C. ll. -rv 1. :warda. rnneral **orvice? Wedneeda. I p. m.. M. E. Churoh, Hes. ki mer-eL, corner New-York-ava latenaeat at i:vergre?-n*<-Mn*''i*ry, private. EMILIO?At lawSbBMBB Minor. .neaday. Jnlv SI. OsrsM Holden Iiiailllo, lataot Sou of Lula 9. aaa Mary fleUlaa Km il io. f.vV-At Taraflr. S. L. on Boater, Jaly 20. Almira A., n .'lew ol Cniarr ii tay. ot Mew-Taek. raneral se-vl.asat reateteue-of h-r -'slighter, Mrs. Will Ism Norrt* I en a", v. mi vVe.tnearfav. Au?nst I, od arrival et 10 a m. tr i bera at.. Nortuera il R. ot N. J. temnaeata8 Brwos stile*. Baaasa pagan pteaea eapv. IAY- At Rre. V. V., July SO. lathe 77thyeerof bera**, Ls ors. wife* nf juba Claru eua Jay, and (tailgater of tao lats Nm ba a iel Primo. Relit,res ?ii,1 (rienits ars invited tn attend the funeral at Christ Charon. Kyc. vvotlneeday aJteruooo. A usual 1. al :: SS o'clock. Interment in Jav Ceniet?rv -s me.t t':e j .lei tram from Naw-VorV st Ry* M -v : i ii; as? Frieiav. J ur 'll. at Berat ega .springs, X. T., Julio Jarvis Matt aaa, in rhe .Bili y-nr nf ula ase. Fura-rul from bia lal* reaitleaoo, l,_0tt Cnaoel-at, Wednee . ,r if i n'rioi-k Kiiully omit flowers. MKYfa.ll?At h.a late reahlence. 517 Sti).av**., thia cite, itaphar Merer, ailed JO rears, li months *s<1 '.di ty a Fi'.iter.i'. seri- es at boase, ii p mu TuBraday. rrieinls and relative* :nv. ' Please omit n iwors. Burial nrirate, at N'aw-Bronswtck. N". J., Friday a m. PKTP:R-mv mtv Tn. Dorothy Arnie!*. yoange*t child of Babers J BaSJeesM ratanoa. Fi a?r.l a-srvic-s from parsuia' r*sa'.eoce, ?>o7 MoU-are.. Frtaay. _ p. m. SMITH-At Lit-hfiold. ( ena.. Taoalsy. July ft. James **.*. V. V. Notice-if (a,i?r;.l nr.i-en'.ttr Special Xaiicgg. A. ( ,i-'*r'!. H.ieaey A f'a.'s ELEdANT AND U.N'l-Ut'ALI.ED 'Ii )!I.* T PREPARATIONS, ninene aaATnDToiinTxaacocoonB. wsho ? nnvruve-tue ei' of thia moat popu? lar , o ? . * o. Uar* kept lue Im auls aad laool ea Urely u ?l. CK*mSI Vlief.KT ORRIS *= AriTF.T POWDEB. ll ii isa v.a -t udor ever mada. RI M ABO yt"IN"IN*!-' F')R TKO HAIR. Ifeitwlth ? un icr'ul hair loalo lu nnaiai ir a.__j lam* pu lu. esiioiatua. D KN TI H-i Tr.i? woll-keiowo loeith powder whitens the te?u _t "ia r, ind > at i* pat Bally otto aud pretevrralira. OLOKR H." I 8 IA-TDI ' 0OXB8B.OBBAK Fortha lmtue lat* raiiioraiotrii-klineaa ol ibe skin um cream ba* ?e rival 4-STBQI-L Anew lieial.l prepsrstloB for the preaerrv tm'i e>( ihe tooth au-I _ i i s. Ha* -"n>*" e.r eutiaeptlo quali? ties io -uiv nih-r, ..iruaimx Omma ?ii>! pruuioilaf a ia*re btMita.'ul Ceiiielitiuii of lue teeth sail _om?. UMVOt>MMUA. ne ats Cavern* lotion for sm oltorattoa of a laSei .e.i -a*i 'aa,., ami taco. IMA SACWTI bl.i. BKOIXISn )*Al.Ts. Thia admUr. tl.. Blilag tar paaoaaM Siva* aatistacuou. CAKWELLi M..S.SI1Y i CO., -.atabilabad ITS'). Cham'sts. 1,1.1 Broadwur an.1 _TS Tlfthava. X. T., i ,.s ne) 1,4 . . an .ii. l _. 7 lil rn-:* st . Newport, K. I. t'onteaieol inc WEF.KI.T TRIBUNn FOR TO-DAY: Flrar, Pace?Cleveland for Free Trade?IVmoerste sn. th* Tariff. . I l'.)_e?The League in Wlsconeto?PoliOaal News. Third i'j-'?--; !.* Newa iu ussr Beard. i"ii_:-.h IfaffS?Tare I-SBSb Novel*-sowia of Uu) Cam pai.'u. . ifth i'aite.?; ..r I ? I ta ly Circle?Ksintag and Croeheu HUUl 1'..-* I a, jBdirs to ..ii- Iwawi New**? . 1..1 nm Pac*?He* BaOlb M. Weed was Hit-l'ollucal Bewa Llehtfe Pass?AOB-BSl Union Vctcrans-The TarUI itt th..- bet I i'i--.?While Cap Buflians Shot?Driven from lenin fags?Bdl ",-?'- _ ._-_,? ,_ ' s-rcrsonal-The Talk cf lbs Dav. Twelfth I' '""I 5hlr- - N-w-York and the ."nlen, . , -au ui iii'- Mid*t>?Vermont waa All There. Fifteenth Paae-eDeealvbm HM Foicirnor*?Mlsceilsneoui '?.^e^.', I':i_>-TUe Dean's Suter i Con eluded)?Prcal , Pace?The V te ju- lo niue. '-? ta?A IveruseaMam. Xv vlvrriiaemeuta. - ni arappasa, f _-iy for mailinr. f*o be bsd ta Tie* Xsibaaa v'aiiii lag noam far 3 cvuu each. , '.others. ??'Mr* WINSLOW'S s ,e._,iiNe. SYRt.*P for OBBBma Tee:.''.mu" hoi tens ni,- -i uv rs tom laB-na-Mliaa, slurs ail .a.ii. ? ! -' ' "'"?> a hettie. ? i -.,.-. mel li.-ii! the HOS* I *e CARWELL. MA- -\.\ .V l ).'S r-LJl'It FLOWER sad viv vi] itu _f. i ..*>-.*i. 1..-1 B'wap. a,. 1-mb sra. foot OtC-ce totica. Should m read dau.v by ? jitere.^.d. as ehanoas auty eCLeu- alor I. lan eouBtrlas need not be speciallv ii 4re..>el tor . a ur mr p-rt.-uiar atcaoier. ead-ol m_K_ ? ? ? f baiikiii|{ and coia merclai' -1 - '-.j al-licMel b<__-S aect by the ? al* available j.ur, .. .; Aaaaat 4 wal clow Orejini.t.y In all cases) at thia aBtaa ** balawai WbOXnaDAY?At ?a0 a * he BeasB and the La rut* i-onntries. ri i Braal . icr Btsaai* UP -avo.ia. treat Balu moro il.-ilera li-sl bi* n.roded "per biroo*",; n i _. m. dir Ireland, per steamship Bntaantf, riv 'lue i.s'o r-i iett*r, for lireat . . ail olheer Kireieaa eountr.e* mast ba -iir_.::el -per ,r-,ui.. *t ?) a- m. t*r Ku ro e. persieinship irave. vi.i*_.>.ilua_ii>U>a and i.r* -?*-*?. iieitarsto. iuiMui .uaa: " per I'rarei'i, as nyul*--. j-.-r aieauis-ip _ i " p*r llu.viv _: Kilto a. m. icr li- l.inai na - ? i' ItaHar* aiaai laml ',. I'1 *? ia. for Ceatral America aad Soul* U, . - i ?!?.. i e. a oralo, ria AsplawaU, (leti-ra lui lam * ..u.ii ka .nrecu.1 "per Oea*> i_ i, 'li -ilia. i.i. lor, Veu*7.a*u, Curseoe. Trim aol l.nisli iin'. du e.i i.uihis. per etoaioaoip Prim f. ht;, k Illl? ' llnu drik")/ -i: la m. lar J asia tcp urertawu sad Blu* ?,ii?ra tor Costa Kico. na U . .,; ? - * ar.hei "'.'p.iu. f,.r''aia IHiche, CbUpa*. iaiiaac i i 1 *.c .tau. per slea aaam v'" oi Alexia . . s ? tor ol >ir Me x >'so suie?* -anal t* Attn, mitta ). av l p. m. i.,r 'lrutiUe. po. ?u - V.ari. Jr., lieut iiw-ur laeaa TH - it-eDAY-At ll a au tor Jamaie-a, per ataaui ablp Atuoa, at ll a- m. lor \ eac-ueU ant Curaeoa. per sieamanip Va'coci* elettera for C. a. ol roiouioia ria Cursoos uiual pe ilireemt 'per V.:*o c a") at 1 p. us. lor ttararaaa i?;r Bleaaaaaip Trim ia.11 al l a aa. for f-oaaa, -N r.. * ,: aaatlaoa cuba, u.-r auam Suip. Ci**lu*s*? . SI a.'JU l>- ni. HS Newlouu.liaod -,? . stoa ire.ii Halitax.. al *-ii p. io. .ur ._ 1'iair* tl:.4u*iou. per *te*oi*r from ti lOtaO. FBII'AY-At 9 am. tor PerSB Kim direvt. nerstaamahip ?ml rioauam . ai 10a ui. lar ldc 0 ._ i*?_nl ie -ads. pet aieatnaliip Maruley. 8A1 L ii I)AT?ai 1 a ax. fer Lr-1- sad the La Plata cenutrlea rut ara_ll. f.r -si, l.-ouas ami a.. Ci<-i. via si ihaiuaa. .er Hat ot los an tor 1'riaidad aud Daoierara, ru liarlMul-.i. uer au-aui-lilf 1 fruin Ne* pori Nowa Ollera lor oluer ,?,u.!w*r?l taUuda uual >e ,' route*! "pei Aeiuuejei":, al 8 ts ai. fur the Ila hain-. Ii.?nas and , ..iyu, per aieiniship Alias | al ila m. for l-.urU|ie, per hip r.iror.a ria (jneoualewn , al l . sc a. ai. tor Oer_...u?. Auatrla. IK-umars. Hwedao, >.,r?.*, slut lurkry. ,eir *i-t th * -vein*, ria MouthamptoD and Brainea [latter* awai b* dtreetea pas "A'eri*"*-. ai ll:_i> _. u ioi fr i-.-.. - .iiaeriaud. flair. Bi - ??? .mi Perta**!, par - La ?.*?. ..^ ,?, rta Ilsvr i ietler*. uual ,,? ii ... _-,, nv a ai. tor heal nail ii rn i, p?r ateamsbif Purueata, tia Oi?*kuw vmuers nani imi ilireoi*.! "pa* >'aru**ei*"). ai ll 80 >- i lor ia* KaahariaoOa ria Amsienum. aar atoa.ntaip v Caiaad iieiiora mii.i so directed - p r p e _l n*i _t 1 p. m. lar P, -ocree* p?r Bteamahip B St lea vu Havana , len.-rs for otu.- - _U_lc*a bUies mac o-i il ira.'ted 'ort Mexeo")! ai 2 a, m. lar I'-aexeeo par at.-anuii.,. Crewa Prlaaat al 8 p. ia tor lr.ral* ami K,i_i*u, uer al.iau-abip s. Pu^aii, trout Ne wi. ir lean a. Malia :er ( bntaael Japaa. per-team ship'dlr of Pek inf from a*u Frail' laaa . eta** nore A'ici.i - >, al 4:S0 a ua. Ma. la lor tei* Haw ui_u i. _., i*. por at.-aiuali.p A*i.lraluiir?as fraiiciace*. rlaa* h-ro Amis' 's al 7 p. aa. -1*11* for Auau-.i.a. Saw-ZaaiaaS, H.?*,._a. Kiji ana .s.iii>u por> Ai?m ?l* Cram -oau Frau.'iacol, nose hara auk- '1-'. at * -vU i>. ui. tor un arriral at New York of aieausiiip Aiiraiu*. wita Ur,usa ui.t s lor Aaa. irs.ta). Maila for Hie a.*. .e'.y laiauit*. por eui -j Tahiti, ifrom Han Kraaciac-ue. cloe* lier* A i ruel *.',, at 7 ii ni M?ns tor >" 11* Ur rail va Taaoa, Iflu. and taaam by ataamer. vu nay Vims FUu. alum nt thia otk a J?if ai iusi a. Ok ?Tbeacn*.!il*of cloetnrof Traaa-PaatAc aaail* tasrraas>t ? nthe i<r*-iiiapi.,.ii of rms u il i.nrruutat jv?rlsu4 traot.l to San Praociaco. Maiia from Iha a-*st srrivtu< on il a* st nea Fran- lecoon irvoelay at at e_*aua*r> ar*ftaoamlal Uicac* ttl* aaui* day. ll KT* UV o PEARSON. Pe*lu-__l*t. FcuiHiA Naw-York. Juir Bl .*).?* Political Xotuce. (iie,i|,-Uii R-v.ues .nel Hatton*, li) aui'. IS ola "TUB ll A ".Hie N ?? LL'' KY Mn ? \-. ' e i \ K I'tlNUANT- SSeU. Buui.ti. 17 cia pern-all. liv. _.Eu_ B-v'tlDiilt, f6udM ?r'uliaii-st.. _t?w-YurS.