Newspaper Page Text
LITERARY NOTES. !?. W. dayden, the autheir ol "The Karl? Uta nt Bamuel Reters." is about to publish another volume ander Ihe lille ol " The later Mle et Samuel Rogers." Th** vokime will tell Hm* slary ol the poet's days In the celebrated bout* In BB. James's place. Mr. Ctag* den, lt ts said, will Include a number of letters from Scott, Wordsworth and other celebrities which have never yet been published. ?/?terre Lori's famous story. ? Pecheur iVIslande." kW) been translate! by Clara Cadlot. and this transla? tion will be brought out by Vi. 8. (.disburser ibis week under the Hile ol " An Iceland Fisherman." General Horace Porter ba? written a gtaBOSSSOjaS paper on "Railway Passenger Traver for the Sep? tember number ol " Scribner." Mr. HowollVs " lyrlcatrd farce." ** A Bea Change." ls comlnf Ula weeli from tho presi ol Tlcknor A Co. They will bring out at Ihe samo lime ? A Mexican Girl," a story by F. Thlchstun. a Oloradtan. A eheap ediilnn of "The Story of an Alrlcan Farm" ls In the press of Cupples <fc Hurd. A book entttlt-i "Mary Queen ol Scots' Library" will be publlehed by BM Stock It will give a list with biographical notes of the books which the Queen possessed and studied constantly. Mr. Walter Rreant says: " I am not 111. I am nol ordered away. 1 am not unablo to write." E. P. Roe's last story, " Tho Queen of Spade.*-." to? gether with an autobiographical sketch, will appear In the October " Llpplncott." Frederick Pplc)ha-*en ls about to putill.h a novel dealing with QoBBaOn society. Mrs. PcUand, the author ol that clever novel, "John Watd, Preacher," ls obligingly described by "The Pittsburg l!ulk-iu" as "petite and excoedinply prt-tty." fc*he will publish a poem In the next " Harper." Roth amateurs and professionals who use tho earner* will find ? The Photographic Instructor-" (BOOTH Manufacturinf* Company, New-York,) a con? venient book of reference. It ls a collection ef leisons prepared originally for students In ihe Chautauqua . chool, by neOmeer Charles Ehrmann, a high authority in this branch of art. -V'cro })nblicrttion9. MIDSUMMEB HOLIDAY NUMBER. THE AUGUST CENTURY. CONTENTS: MY MEETING WITH THE POLITICAL EXILES. In (.coree KaoaSB'S se risa on " Sltierla awl the Exilo | ?ni''; UlaalmmB hg freak, BaaibBBI and Frasier. GEORGI. KENNAN. "A biographical sketch of the author ot the above-named series, BSW attracting mich wide notice. By Anna Lan? oma Dawes, willi frontiKii'.cce af Mr. Kennan. A MEXICAN CAMPAIGN. Tho beginning af a Ibrm gail eBHSl (-tory hy Thomas A. Janvier, authur of the '? Ivory RIack" stories. Lc. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. By Mrs. Van Rensselaer, with ale rea Illustrations br Joseph IVnncll. THE PULPIT TOR TO-DAY. A striking and timely essay by the Rev. Lyman Ab? bott, I*. IX SIDEREAL ASTRONOMY : OLD AND NEW. A popular and Instructive paper by edward S. Holden. ol Lick Obaet leiaiy. A STORY BI R IC JOHNSTON. Ona of this luthers inimitable sketchci of Southern life, iUuilTJled bf K'-mble. HOME CULTURE CLUBS. A snrgcsMve contribution bv 0earea W. Cable. THE HEART OF THL SOUTHERN CATSKILLS. A descriptive '? out-of-door"' paper by John Burroughs. ] KNNESSEE AND KENTUCKY. Chapter- in tho Lincoln Hlalotg by Messrs. Nicolay and Hay. A HOME OF THE SILENT BROTHERHOOD. A description of thc Abbey of I.a Trappo, in Kentucky, by James Lane Allen, with Illustrations by Kenyon Cox. Poems, Topics of tho Time, Open Letters, Bric-a-Drac. Ac Suld everywhere : price 35 cents. THE CENTURY CO., New-York. r Thc Antrim number of "Thr- English Illustrate! M:>?n rlae" oautaiua tbe opining chanter ul a sh.-ri. story by Mr. Henry J.-.m* ?*. ipnia day. Trice 15 cents. Annual subscription, $1 75. Till: ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, No. BO. .Vi-u-t. (('NTLNIS: 1 The rarlsh CI* rfc. I*. <n-, th ? i Icture br Gainsborough. 2. Tba patafoala First Part Henry James. _. a Baghy BaaUe. m. l. Newton. With fllnatratlaaa. 4. Family Portialta S. .1. Waymm. 6. _Sm OB ll aad 'IV,-graphs. i . istrate d i.y Harry gsutass, r>. The Mrdltatlen of Ralph Uardeot, l'rof. w. Minto. 7. The Old Tryst, its. ti. Ms-aarlea S. A. Ah xaaata u. i.i i * I- ra. ii. h. Traill. . grimes IfeaBlaga, lalUte. Letters cc. If A' MILLAN _. i'ii. New-York, _11-lTHAVK._ rriIE DEAD NOVELIST, ?* __, l*. Boa, cu\e- the- lad stroke 0f his pe?n. Om div el his d-alli, IO tl.??;.?? "i'ii of bis cr?at storr, "Miss l.i-i. which appears ealj la TIM COSMOPOLITAN Moga7lce. Tba Mig bb mawr He|14ay Baiabet ol Ute cosmopolitan ls now on tic: aewetaaea, Trice CO ten tv Jnotviution. For Bovs And Young: Men?City. Preparation f?r p?ll Callen Esamlnalloaa Sum Bier Sealion Wo-.Dlir-lDOI. SCHOOL, bdifiiis August 13, BS Kasi 45th?t. L'NIVER-SITY GRAMMAR BCHOOL, _..T8 Broadway.' neir 12d-st ; 51s: year. 1'riruary. oatn-.-rciSl and tlasskal departments; instruction t)e.>rou_h. M. IL HOBBY. VV. 1_ AKIN. N. C. llENDlllCKboN. Puna. For Youn? Ladies?City. * _ mis. BTTtTABVk REEDS SCHOOL FOR rOU-fQ LADIES (..Tri TBABb B AND 3 EAST _3*. ST., NEW-YORK. \?JA(Ks<>N SEMINARY. 2. OJ.. Btb-ave., a .-. nc ? IgAih-sl -Claeeiial Hoarding and Day School i"r * 'uni' Ladies and i blldreji, Pupil! St tea tut college. 'i', .. cai iraialnit- llulldinit detached: i_'l-i*. airy; emu nd* ea lenitive, well shaded. I'roteas ...n. Marj )-.. Cheri y. Boarder-, ?.'"0 ysriy JJiivm licgina be pt. 2(1 (l LASOICAI. SCHOOL FOR GIRL*, 1001 Madlson-ave., / aear 128-b-st. I*apll* lin-d for ali rollefus open v, women; tin-- complcling preparation here adn I Wellesley without furtbei asnnnnaila.. Prlmarj and ad? vanced depart me*, ta. 'iiiu.- r.-l boarding pupil* moaerate. i. :.-oct. l. Mi*-- Nenb and M--*- Darno*, Prlnetpala MISS lAUnOM-0 s- BOOti FOB '* I ni S. Sdh Madison 1*1 a ve.- Will reopen MON DAV, 0CTOOKU 1-t. ilvo piijin- )?? i iv- l lol , in * laatJIy,_ MISS VI.i-BI.ES AND MlSb 'iiiO.ii'-iON'S bCHOOL FOR (-lill... SC and 31 East 57th-nt.. .V.w-Vork. Aaares* u: ? Bepl e-re uf J. KENNEDY TOD A CO.. Hankers, 03 William-t:. N- X. _, JU HS- GALLA HEH h SCHOOL lOil YOl'.N- LADIES, 51 West I-ifi v w lille! ak BB0F1 BS '" -". s ( IRCC1 -RS M ISS CIIIbiiOLM'-i SCHOOL FOR OlRL-i. 15 Ea?t BBtb-St, I.'ew-Torlt. Will reuiA-u beptcmbar 26. Coys' Cla*?e*. UBV. HI*, nnd.Mils ( ll t.ARDN ER'S BeB*d.nff and Day School for (.ni-,. 001 .",-a-.ev?-. Mm (.ardut'i ti li -tjiy of France, England and AmcritSj in i - ri^Hi. MI-MM WRKAKVO OOAltDIKU AND DAT 1 BCHOOL lol ? 87 E--.1 0>->tb-.-*i., reap n.-. Oeiuter j ; drealars ea applii allon. THE COMSTOCK egCHOOL. (Establ sb. I 1s.'.' NO. S. WFAi ." ?0TII ST Boardln2 und Djv Seboul for Yoaae ladles. Rtop-iu, Of- 3. Kim DAT in cnarge. For Both Sexea?Ci.v. A-C.RCULAR8 OP HOOD KCIIOOLg FREE. ? Stile whether for boys or girl*, snd lu'-a.ity nreferred. fe li AVERT. AnKirie-BD Schc.l Bure-iu, 1 W. H-S HN.V, Ja ACKAKD - ii: --l.NL-.s i 'H.l-l.'?*? a'*':- -iCtfOOI, ol s 11 '.'ii-jiai HV -sill reopen 'i v Miay. September 4. Send for circular. S- b. I'ACkAllD. i'rt-biilcui, 101 Bam. -31-t. Q TX___H'S SCHOOL OF LANGUAOES Ol g. V 0ITT. ?^ BsBwwm Maglaen and Nb uvs. 27 EAST MTIf-ST.. NEW -TOOK, mid 177 MONTAOCl-sT.. nnOOKLTM. An InstituHtn fer pa ion la who wish thill Basghters to mas-., ferclrn binruagra thoroughly. Scud eom Braalcailona t-. New-Tork a-_driaa. I'.isoinl Interview Saily aft?r Roptember 1. "The Method" (esevermtional), Oerinan, Freni li, Kpanlsh. Italian, Latin snd Oreelt t 1*11: BEI-.LIT7. BCHOOL OF LANOUAOES. WESl MADISON SO L'A RE, N. T. Opes all BuxD-biir. Also Seaside bu__mtr Covrae. Jnstmrtton Brooklyn. DBOOKStaH BnXOIITS si.minart.-TMs day and I) iioa^liig school of Young ladies ;?_th yc?r> will rropou Keftrniber 20. Circulars sent on application. 1S& Muntague-ai., BrvolOvn. N. Y. lill A KEES E. WEST. MARV A. BIUOHAM. l'rluclpala Boys and Young Men-Country. BOARUINO SCHOOL nm SB ii"YS ENDER rears old; _s:'n ve*.ir beglni Beptember aext. Hi *\.im , vii' institi"i''?:. i-'tiK Island, IS. T. A? ADEMY WITH HOME FOR TEN ROYS. Thorouch preparation for College or llu*lne** with Graduating Course* Special attention to F.ngllah I ? sitlon. Hood Hymna-lum Ten Hoys received In I't.n.-: pal's family t.i all borne privileges. Absolutely In*iitiitul leieBiioii aiid B''iiuiii'' borne, with tba meet refined sar rouiidiiica. llinlieist i, r. i.ihcs alvan and required. J. H. ROOT. Principal. Greenwich, Conn. "\ 1.1 X AMT"1'. INS'MTUTE.-Military B-_r__ug~ School, iYwwiel*ui.i^NwViTiSi a Mi rh n Watmt B v. KW A ED ANU INVALID BOYS careful'.v cured for and Instrnelcd by sn experienced iihrsician ami teacher, ilest of ref.'i-cticcs. Ul*. WILLIAMSON, Ne-.y-landon. Conn. |1ETT8 ACADEltir, Stantord, Ct., 50th Year. A select schoe 1 for boys. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE ANO BUSINESS. Individual Malnln^. Pliysl.-al drill. (Jrotiud* large) and very attractive. _ WM. J- BETTS, M. A. (Yale), Prlnc!psl.__ B-RDENTOWN (N. J) MI LITA l'.V INSTITUTE, nu u.e Illulia of ibo Delaware, between New-Yurk and l'liliadeljihta. Solid foundations in English-American academic ?indies. Careful preparation fur cnllego and lusher scleutillc sch wis. Music. L'|itou'? U. S. A. 'iactlca. RIV. T. IL LANDON. A. M.. Principal. HB_ \nt st iii.OL ROSLYN, L. I., N. Y. An taeoi pointed tthocl cf i),e hight-it class fur boya Eogllsn, osaalcsl. rommerclsl, "-??: nv. (.LO. 111.IVE COHTELVOU. PrineipaL_ .RLETON SCHOOL l-'Oll TOYS, HKADt'ORD, MASS, Home an! day pupils. Select sud .-_.'.. 8550 per yeer. Heat tarni beglna s-iitembor I.', ls*'_. For clrculara ad areaa 1. N. CARLETON, A. M. c ( < AVL'UA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY, AC liol*. A. N. Y. Colonel C. J. WRIGHT; n. S.. A. M. CORNWALL HEIGHTS BCHOOL. Twenty-second year beglna Beptember 20. Address ?Rev. CARLOS ll. STONE, Cornvvallon-HaBaeo. N. Y DR HOLBROOK'S MILITARY SCHOOL. shu Sing. N- T. Reopens Thursday evening, September 13th. Address Bey. 1). A. HOLBROOK, TK D. I*t LM WOOD SCHOOL FOR ROYS.-At Milford. Conn. J l'arculs who are urif.iriunato In Hie manaaement of Ihelr , will do woll to prolit nv the- advau'aKes offerod by this school. Addreaa FRANK M. HO WE. Sup't. I,' RESHOLD 1NSTITCTF, Praabold, N. I?Motif luuiih year; lur hoy* and young nen. Address fur. a. o. Chambers, a. m., principal. ('i NWOOD INSTITUTE, Matawan. Moamonth (-'e., IX. .i.-Kine loeatlon; thorough training; military dtiii; library; gytnnasltun. ?_o0. J. Calvin iCee, A, m., Prln. / < KEYLOCK INSflTUTE ~ ~. ?tl south Wllllamatown, ilerk'hlre County. Muss. a prl. nc school for boy* Prepa**1 '<" college, Men? inie - hool or business Forty-sevenUi begin** Thursday, September 13th. Var csu logue iddresi e.l OROE I'. Mil.LS, 1-iiiicipaL __ HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY, Worcester. Mas-., 88d year, begins s.-;it. IS i=?A Ciaaaleai. bcieuUllc, Business, Primary Departments Joslin ALDEN siiAW, A. M., Head Master. IRVINO INSTITUTE Tarrvtown-on Hu leon, offers un? usual a-lvaniau'es tn nareuta ic-'klnc Ihe lies! Instructiou lol Um r boya, Address A. ARMAGNAC l'h. u. IAKT.woni). n. ,i -Courtlandt Place Bebo i far it>*vs. t Attractive sn 1 comfortable building, en cte I fee. tbe nur. pose. Hoi ps rate rooms. Careful phyalcsl, intel? lectual uni ii,, iai training. Thoa D. Suplec. Prln MITCHELL'S BOYS' SCHOOL, Blllerica, Mus-., ls Hales from Host.en and u niles iiom Lowell ea til" .ni i.eiMii u. ll. A strictly Kleet Family School leer Hov. irom 7 tn 15 Inclusive; fa.i term commences lilt. ac. l. Send lor vo il. C. Mlle. II-.LL. a. .M., Principal. ^ORWALK, v usn.-Norwalk MILITARY IN STL Tl TE.?Thorough icschlnsi careful trainli ? aupcrlui bulUlug; nju sling allaya; usc, _ .- S. UOJIERTS, Principal. I) A li Iv A VI Nt 1' INST1T1 i'i . BRIDGEPORT, Conti. ? home aeh ol fol boy*. Advantaaea Brat * ,--. Parema al way a plea* i. Begins 8 pt, l'.). IflkS 1 .,1 citClilsra addreaa S. R. JONES, A. M.. Principal. _ 1> EDDIE INSTITUTE, illGilTSToWN, N. -I ls in I ;, in-.*. Prepares foi College. Teaching, Uuaii?. T'loruu'.-ii in German, French, Music, tri Opcni s>-pt. v.*. Kev. JOHN GUI ENE, Ph. n. Principal. 1)ENNSYLVANiv .'.ILII .kV ACADEMY, CH rs I ER, PA. 87TH Vi.Ail OPENS bElTEMBER 13. A MILITARY COLLEGE. DE6REE8 IN" I IML KNlilNEERlNG, CHEMISTRY, AEUIl'i El rt RE ANU Allis A thoroughly-organized i'i, ],.i.. ,;,,:/ in-i: t. Far circular, with lull Information. ?? Eii.--.-s _COL (Has. e iii vi,, President._ 1JOUGUKE1 r.-li. N. I'.l MUluri I natl tu ta. Ail asea ( "1 ..I, Eualneaa, Weat Point Nina* thu publication. l lusuaied ca il gui C. IV WARRING, Ph.D., Prto. RECTORY sen""!., Hamden, Conn.?Vol Hays. tJ'av '? i'Abo, home iuhuencee; luoneu.-li set,aul kystein; ox- i ituslvt- ginuiiis, gymnasium, boat b.nise, otu A_il_t-s Rev. ILL. EVEREST, M. A., Rector_ | RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE; Troy, N. g.?Tba eldest School ol Engineering in tbe United .stuie*-. Next lena begins s,,,:. 12. The Register fe.r lara contains list of giuduat-*. far ill yes rs, with their positions; ui**o courao ol study, reejuin memis far adniis ??1811. expenses eic Candidates living ai a distance may be examined at tlx-lr Add 1 DAVIT) M. GREENE, Director. R.CH JOHN H. ' r.-i.-s srhe *! 1 'r lo boya at OLD _l_UNO*ON THE-IIUDSON. b'tid for c:)d) |? IVER VIEW ACADEMY. Il Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ;,:ii Year. Prepares tboioughly lor Callere, tne Govern Aca'laiiiie-s, und Business. Military Drill. BlSBEE ,t AMEN. lrinclpBls.__ RORniNH SCnOOL. Norfolk. Conn. v He ma behool, pn paring b ya an 1 young men for Yale 1 ulversity, Hu- vu al, t'rineeton, Columbia, :i,i ibe best col? leges and m .ci.uii', scho la instruction vigorous and thor . ibid healthful (own, y-..- hours from New-York. Ten.-. MOO. Ibo hlghtest ni areuoes given. Addtena, lur circular and particulars. LEV. JAMES A TOWLE, Prlncln-t. ST. Cl'el;', es HALL, for Boyi ind Young Me-,. s-T George's, > L, Prof. J. < KINI Mt, A. M., I'm. IpaL Sele ;. th ?? ??: a. * il . 8250 an t -:? " _ SI'. JOHN'S SCHOOL. Bing Sing, N. Y_Rev. J. DRECKENR1DH1 GIBSON, ll. H., Rector. 'Ibo ^0:b j. ai fl ... I ? 'gi . :- ,* ? ' * : 18, 1888. SIO LA Ks eREl'ARATORY s. Il'ieel.. . V. Twentj-slxl ? Sept 17th, i. -. For elrculara, '.**.. address III NRY W., prlnc. SfiETH JERSEY INS"! ITE'J B. Bri " - r.nii sr I fa n 11 r el.* - ??? : Herman, }iu-:c, ? Art, Milltaij - H. K. TR \s\'. Principal._ j fHUMMl-H Bi lE'i'l., NORWALK, CONN. ! c^.Mi d'.*r_us charges 1p*oi clrcubr address I. S HOBERTS, Prlnrlpsl._ UV. I'EFKSRILL MILITARY ACADEMY. Peek* .. ,, .'. V Si n 1 foi ( iit-al_jiue. JOHN N. TILDEN. A. M.. M. ft. Principal. IE! LAND, Peel kill. .'v. _*.- a U.ardlno school foi : r ,*|, i.a- ii.,:., ire au i 1 '.-.:, - CAUL *,. liv: : ll, v.. _ edward '? i" MisON. 11. g.. Prlnelpsls. VV' Es'i* . I .'.I :s EV ai a:*. MY. URI DO ETON, N. J. "' v lloma ' ?- Lor* s* sh, suceeasfuL I 31 ye ara '? cns. | i'RINI ii v; 3 i ALER \EET:N. n A. (En;;.). \l> fl ESTER A( ibEMVJ'wORCESTER, MASS. " Mih v* ;,r. it 11 ? naive ; :?;?!-ii.e ns ample; lea med; ihordugh pretiara of ti. Vi. abeu HOM III E. a. M. 1'rlnclpal adi is rn iin,wn, Daiuiiuutb, Wllliama, Madisun Cnivcralty and vv . bli i to Ainlicini in lin; elrt--.* .. T \ W OKRA LE llAl.r.. tt I" . KSXII.L, N. Y. For Young Hoys Sri, 1 for circulars C--IW) v VI \:-. S1IORTT.1DGE MED. VC* A' \l" ''?'""''IV. Hoya College or Bualneaa 80 minutes from Broad st, Rrstlo 1. Pl . I ., *.. ,. ji trains da ly SWITHIN c. SUORTLIDCE. am. AM. (Harv'd). Prop. ( For YcunT Ladies?Country. A CADI MT <>)' 1 HE SAI III ll lil ART, Ah LONDON*. ONTARIO. "11 diiect line ol Ne ? V ... 1 li igo mid SI. Loui" E n E* mi 1 nd tull .-',:;,*; utinuni ? undueted ly thi* Ladle k of i I Helli Plan ol alu Ile Hs |l,_t pUr? ., I j.,,,. ;ull|,, r ,,-,,. . ., 1* ti,, 1.-, . HaQiuKT ins! Eil'-: j:, Short il Ila, N. .1. Eiigl.ih, tn th, snd Gen ian ? >si Ung and day school iar young ladles Primary, Intei .. aud cuUogiaie uepaiiineiiu. Early sppIicaHon ls deiirable. _Harriet & baquet, principal. B' '-I " N ' '* ?? -v- I I .'I A El. ' * ?! I I .--I., N .1 ' - ' D- lawsro, ll .ilthful, home Ilka and Christian, fctpcnoi fsclliiles m music an 11 anni is and ooials care tu! ly guarded. Sur cala logue, add RI V WM, C r."W i n. it,. pOLEEGlA I, FOR GIRLS. ENGLEWOOD," V. N. J. H *a|,* I.a *.',.? Fri je.i-,tn,i, I Ieee ii ape laity. Pul - admltl 1 ? Va ?ar, Wellesley and Smith on cur ccrlifltaia. ADALINE W. STERLING. ( Allen IKE M, e.i UKI.SU, A ll. __________ | CLASSICAL AND lleTaE. INSTITUTE, Peughkec|islo, N V Prepai - Young Ladles for I College*; uiUi I,, na- iMimfe.rta and au rial caro. 1 SARAH V. li. BUTLER. PrineipaL 1 OTT v.E *-i MIN \RY \ ll me Bche flor-. Lad.' ,. 1 ? (' ,., N \ . ii*,,-ia. -? ni REV. C. W. HAV. . l-l ai,,;.l. ARLINGTON ?_ IMINARY, foi v ung Ladles Weat Chester, la -.'.1! 1-rm begins Kept 1 7 , la sll 1; Bil I .ai ch . ie -e.*. i ur ? llf.l ?- ? ION 1- D , l*:.ii. REW 1.a..I. ' KEMI '.'A*:v Carn .. :* v. *.:u ?? year opens i- mb . i ? [lea u a* ? elike. ti or uugh. Ulna iii''* G BOY . *I ill. a. M. L,** EM DEV 1 "EL. N, .... ?? . It iidvai,---. s :?, College, Scientific and lTeparaiary Courses ol Study; also In Music sud Art 11 ..- 1 by 1 un 1 funil bed 1 elev il r. Cbsi 1 ca ira for Calal rua (?? I'n a. v.. 1 o\vli ?. [et*. 11. 1 .. ?-. ;.' . jpOLDEN HILL SEMINARY, FOPi V'OUKG LADIES, KM!LY NELSONj Prinelpal. _ iLLEGIAl E i ' il ll 1 : ., N. j" Uoardtas s,?:,.,_] for a preparalor) and -?al i'ii', euurics. Year latrina ??? 11 nibei it SARAH E MAGI . Principal. : I *.'- en*-ii'i CTE, Taii-vt'.wti. M Y-A boardjiii -t?i SJ school foi young 1 li* s i.nd llttli eltis; vti.i ie.-. ?I \V M I'll Ali. I*rm,ii?il._ HH'K'N SEMINARY I' il roUNO LAD1 , I linton, N. Y , eifTi is un-ut| ,.s ? ?? In nnisic. j ( languages, sclcneoi and art, itirsctivu v-j maluaua uf big a 1 mboals lur lllustrsted catalogue) sileli'-sa A C.. HENEDKT. A. M. fVY HALL SEMINARY FOR YOUNO LADIES. Bridgelea. N. J. :?th year beglna Sept 19th 1 ? idvantagea it moderate ratei Music ah, Anclenl nnd Modern l.-m,a,iKi(.-. Cindiu-ii;' cooBKa* H.-lthful. Physical Cull ur,. a ? Kev.HENKY REEVE-S. ph. P., Principal. KEBLE se I,.n i|.. sviH.e,-,' \ y HOARDING SCHOOL vu: III RIA I adi r tha sujn r Ule.11 of the Rt. Rev. T. tl. HUNTINGTON, H T. D 'lim ilghl nih school year beglna Wednesday, September 12, OBS. Apply lo MISS MARY J. JACKSON. 1 cala !> ii Snot Action. Tor Youtiff Ladloa-Country. LYNDON HALE. l'*)t-c.HIvr-"EI*SIE, N. T. a otrPa si i.i al ibe hem ciasn. Oanage Prepsrston and Acadcn.ln (uni- -. I IBCBSBBa Ar', Music. Addrcai _ sam ri i. WELLS ii! ck, a. Mm PrtaelpaL _ |\l iss V. RLlg Hil Til IHM l's Henpens iha Seminary lol Vent.: Ladlee at Mnrtl' town, NeW-Jel ey, ?-, a ' nil.* e 1'.' 'I hale,tr. a Ins'iue-tlo Iii English, French ina Geimn; Mush- sid au. (.round sm plo foi i* ....nial. (* *i Morristown uaeui I Terms: BoardlBg Pepita, gfiOO. tlr. ulara ., sj i li. a Hon.____ ME' \N SRMINAKY, BIMBOO RY. CONN-Hook School. Yam,,; Deautlful and licaiil.fiii lem Hon. -line" ii.e.i i Sew Ya < Half hour fiau Hartford. Ad In aa Re - J il M. LEAN._ ]\| IIS. |_ li W I I.i. I AMS- SCI.ll II KUI I.'i S'-yiOnI lil FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GI RES Amherst, Mas-. From s---t,u E.. '88, t" .lunn 17. 'SB bead (or Circular. iJbl). LulU-go Advantages ani 1'ii-paraiiuo tar ( . \] 55 5ULKLi . > ': ? IND DAY M !l'">f Hitor g ii -. Tarrytown-on-iholladaon, win re ipab Wodnei day, '?',*t.*i-:. . lu, Add - . . until September 1. M'l.Wiv:, si ??.vu;, vi.1 1'iR .oiN'. LADIES. lt. thielii-in. Pa. a eontury'a experience, combined witn bern it. ? 1 ? -r.-1 meihuda, aBorda laclUttea equaUed bj few nml ex cul led by none ^_^_ \| ls.S l-.Al-.ll ' riv MISS NOTTS) Home l'l a,,ri Day si I11.1I Young Ladies, ";_ Wall-st, New Uavaa. Conn., will open Beptembei lb. Circulate -uni on application. ^^^ MISS M A UV I.. ST EV. .N s'" l-.e ia "RHINO AND DAV hCHi )UL, ."_ and 2"i West Chel-en-lve.. German town, Phils., beglni ita 20th rear sept '.'(). IB88, " Ap* proved" sad " lulhorlretP by bryn Mawr College to pre pare students r> 1 it- satraaee examinations. Pupils pas laminations In this Scheat _ ^OTItl?_ dam;-. OF MARYLAND loll irlale Institute for Young Ladlee and Preparatory School for Llttlo (lu's. F.MRLA P. O., thiee n.ll. - I Baltimore, mi, conducted by the Slatera of Bette Des .-"?al for im'iingu.1. _ ( ) -slNlNU INSTITUTE. Bing Bing '*n tba Hudson, New-Tork, Girls jul Young Wemea 2ut veiir be-ins S'-rt. IO 11:1 f(il for Minali,h. Rest advantages In Art an*! Music. Cbrlatian culture liar ugh sui advanced lie 1 ury work. Academic eoarati 1, * tor eollege. Col legiato courae prepares far degiee at A. ll. at Columbi* College, s. M van VLECK, A. M., E. li SHERRARD. ROSIERE SEMINARY, Blamford, Conn.?nome board lag school f, 1 mlaaea and children, thorough Inslrue in,ei ; motile i's care; mopens September io- Addreai Mira A. THURSTON, Principal- _ lox GI HeSUl ll fl RM IN .RY, E. I . NEW-VORK. Fur parUculan adiiicss Mrs. S. J- EIFI-. ST. MARV'S HALE. HE REI NdI "N, N. J.-The old? est. 1 Behool .ii Hm ? luntry fi r stria, win begin Its Ofty-aeennd school yar on Wednesday, Bept 20. For catalogue, siatiuc terms, etc, apply t.e Mi-s Jl. LIA o. MCALLISTER, the principal, Burlington, N. J., or to tia- Bishop ,.f New-Jersey, iii" president. _ rp EM FEE GROVE LADIES' Si MENAI'.., laraton I Springs, N. Y. Thirty-fourth year beglna Se;,t. la. Art hess l HA-,. K 1" "AD. En I) . Ii 1* M.EM an Bem'nary, Paterson, N. I.?Full curse.with i"Ue.-n InatrucHom In every depsrtnu'nt Masleal al vsntagea Sor circulars sBd-ves Mlaa M, M. Hunt, Prlat ?pin; hannah MORE ACADEMY, foi Young ladlee I ; Girts, founded In IS32. REV. ART ill K J. EDIE A. M., M. D, la'?"???11. M I_ ri! HE MISSES AN A BEE'S BOARDING AND DAY I Bel.', foi fount Ladles will re*,jen Beptembm 2ts, at cn Bayard st., New-Brunswick, tt. J._m 'I* KIN l'l V ll VEI . P.. i'-rly. N 1 1 1 Si VHLlt HEH 1807. , .,_ A thorough I ? : I wen tv young ladl*? *varle1 adi.ii,:.,. e? Careful training In ui?n 1. , mind and arr in Cn-'.i-h. Music, Art un I Ena na= t pre indents pr,*. paring foi ai v * * ile ge. Twe ni ber _7- I*.. . ll vi ill.i.l.l. (.i BliONS RENT. ^ Walnut . nooii-FOR.MF.RLY madam ff it e ii *, Board ? ? Si bu >l f ir young ladle*.; :(?_-1 v..11 ? 1 ? Sd Acadei ? a en 1 ? nu r Willi -by on our itlon 1 ?: ? a': Miss adv M. SM ITH. 1 Principal* Mr* T. Il I'-I' HARDS. I Germsp.1 wn. I"' v sari -r walnut stkeet boarding H Yi ung Misses snd 1 I ? *? - E ? 1 ens 8 ?;*?. IS C.ith v- Miss J, PBAUTMANN. Principal, Catalogue un ipplleatlon ..Sol Walnut-ft. Philad'a, Pa. Fer Eoth Sexes ?Country. \leeches V COLL! -.. ,M rent begins Sept 13. Three A. lt 1 . Engineer? ing, Mils,,-. 1*. ,::, > *\. -. l.\,-a-s l?W. A I In ss -.'. 11 1 1. 1:. w li ma ls. D. D . i-, ? \ M 1 1 vi: I- *. Pe na A MONO . ii.. Ul l-l.-. : ly-ta miles ftura N*? mi 1 vli'A gUA MOUNTAIN INST! . N 1 Ci i. v VI cv .1 "i.'.M.E sn 1 Unison K ?-? . j Instil ty bu-:- 1 .nt; thorough In ?a in all ' 1 ai ma rn*; .;.'iii ye .1 e 1 ut s , ll). ? U'*. REV. A- H I EV . \ '? . 1 Di. l,. db INSTITI TE, Eiiii-'.' ? ic. N. V.. | --s. Ad ll james M. DE Q IRMO. Ph. D, rt LINTON LIBERAL INSTCTUTE.-16 specialists; . eai.i.-e ? lu mu islnesa ? iia-lum. C. V. PA US ELL, A- M., Piesident, Fort Pfsin, N. Y. 1,'OE.T EDWARD 1 "'.El '-I VI E EN- Iii 1 ri yeal begins Sept ll), superb new hulloing! beat; 0 araditsting * ladlei and gentlemen, In? cluding College Preparatory and ComntericBi; Musle, >, 18 'i'i. i.'-i ?, -t Literary Socletiee; io I ae ? V ea'li Ti .ia. nea Tait! 111 to No I 1 - - it,, furnished room, fuel, linht, washing, and all -indies necessary lo frsduatlon, except Arl and Musle, ? re si Bend 1 1 i-i * -'l *. 1 JOS. e. kum;, d. h.. Fart Edward. tt_T. 1," 1: ask li v n. y. Delaware Literary Institute, Year ?'? * ... English .md Il IR . S il. VERRILL, Ph. I)., Principal. __ Hv- .- 1 Fist, vv s . ? ie rejH atation 1- . a" 11 *. foi v* ung m n I ?lb ?' '?- 1 lle-s ; berat lalee ladle ? i.--* ui ivs yeai -; reeling men 1, ru-??! foi ;;?-?? .f iii- ?-.. yean. Fifteenth year, be piembi-r '. Cstal >gue f ee REV. GEORGE II, WHITNEY, D. P., Pre ^F.W.JERSl 1 - :' v : . i"|n 1. SCHOOL I"- ? ladies and, Trenton, N. .1 -Thia Behool will ri o|,,*n Me ii-l.r jan"- for bi i rooms, tutti n an 1 iici year, sal tu 1 al ? 'Sue lo \V. ll * ,11 Ho Cl !*', Tien-*.11, N. J. DI NNTNGTOJi [SI MINARYl NE-V.II RSI V THOSL I HANLON, li.D ron en le* 1 by Dr. Me io' 11. Ev-- in health, dlaclpline, lanie comforts st 1 rae but ur. and t _-____?-?__-?___? I_ ,n ULAND 1 "El. ,v .-. I'ACK "SI III* HEEsCiN, N. Preparatory lui Mains; v idles. Special teae lng for backward 1 '. ?? ? ? is Sept 17. ( iita'"L'uo al ,*.. m HANNIS ii.ll. a. -E. Prln ea'dlj -MAI'EE.'.ViiiiD INSTITUT*: far bo.h .-ir*' ttOiJtJ. ? pen . Prep, ratory, buslneaa 1: g Uah (?radu?tiii(r, Sclentitic ji,'".'* '".:???-. Higi ly 1 ? i- ? led. J blloJLTElDCJE (Yal.;. A. M. PrineipaL Musical Instruction. AIEADYII.I.E CONSERVATORY d' MU8I0. Eminent t bi : **: ., __ bram bea nrasle nrd pr*. _c*. mplls, lal! u-rm i? ? a . S<-ptember 4. s.-nd feer rata "/'I-. E. A. REI NOLDS, 1- " ? Ivllle, 1-J. MiacollRneotis. n IRCTTT.ARS Bt BOO LS, bott - ea, elly aug eeaatrv, I il adv! ? tn parei -. M 1 iii v vi e ";, II East 1 ;?:, ? I j:. . 1 ?*- 1 \-. vTciiclKrc. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY ra. 1 . ;.e s Profess . .. .-. iloverneaaaa fcc, IO Ce gea, I ' : An ey lu MILS. M. J. YOUNG-FULTON, _.l Delea S.iuare. 1" I Al UER "E cl '- 'I -N ll ll' a*- D Bl lOKKEEPING . SI -? ie. ni : 1..11-' be lela 1. li teni in ev ? ry re -,,. ct. \ 11. ,Uh parti . ., -. bt'l NI Elli AN, P. ? 1" Ti *-,,-. I'i 1, *i-.--, 1,,.*. , ::si ssl >, PROFES.HORS, Tl vu I.i.s. Bil ! s r,-l-,e la hll|,|,llad : Uah, 1 roll h. Hi-ri m. -;?-?? lah 11 Ul v vi 1 uv. uiERE, 81 Ea-t l.-li , : ya. -eu IB Iv EAI ni.:-..- U fc N'T Ell snolher lui 1 ench bi i '?* ? .* -1 . ? -ii., it pi 11 1 ? li ?*. 1 nu* 1 .*? * 1 variety ol ii bi 1 \ ai me :c ft to IL Ve AVER!. American b ul (ur an, _' V,. -l 1 Eli -f., N. Y. \' VS . lei: Ul au I e t? 1 . * ?? lattin mu de, Sami,; Gentli n en : les, *- eal* 1 ii unlvi 1 - ? 1 ; ( itholle^ con . :, llE.-s.--i. H 'J [_ACHERS' A'-. NI . , li inst 17ii, .:. IVOMAN'N {-.VCHANnr. Tr-.ACHI-'.R-s* ItElirv;- -, rv both .exes*, mra ? toora, t-achera, gaverneaaea, usi.i-ins, housekeepers, eompsalona Ac. ti esllagea. rhi.ois and fi*. ? ilao i..-,... pera, staaofrapbera ami e.],T,s's la I 's il, 'i.s. Ml'.s A D ( I LVI 1'. -I-- .'.th ave.. New York City. Battkgrt nub Brokers. P. W. GALL/IUOET & CO., lt A.Mir, ICS. C0MMEP.CTAE PAPKR. STOCBS ATfD D0NDS. UNITED 11ANK llllLIJINH, WA LEST.. OOBMI-Jl BROADWAY. n. FITCH. Jr., ilt\V-YORrc. terrier N. T. buts Exehanga. VERMILYE & CO., B ANKERS, IC AND 18 NA8SAU-8T*. ffewa-York C'ity. Dertlrra in Inirna-ul Seruritias. flMMERMANN & FORSHAY, A BANKERS ash BROKUUk 11 -FALL-NT. R. > [EMBERS OF TUE NEW-TORS stock EZCHANOB .slue ks AND BONDS BOUGHT a.*'d SOU) OB OMM 1st ION I" ile : - :n bullion, --i. , lei . ? '? 1 ' "'I ail pan* uf .?? Hail I. l'l SUI ? .... Iv _f mum ml. SOLID MINING INTEREST Offered Low. ' 1 a. 1* |. iiilenea a cited wi Hi tat itt* - . I ilea,1 li, a vain lb ?? I. ike sii|H-i| r an inti"*. Two principal owners v,i-it ibu I latrtj able I.... ? lila ? , ,,. . irg? body ll 1 in a year Int i per cent div! li nd on thal bo debts "ii- I'.-aa.i .*,. n. I 1 Addreaa J. P-UVBY, B - tier, liuur.uod. Mich. -financial. _ First Ylortgnge o Fer teni. ttold Ho mis of the Columbus & Hocking Coal and Iron Co. TOTAL ISSUE, SI,OOO.OOO. The best proof of the safety and value of thia Inverts ment security Is shown In Iha fallowing summary of the ? ouipaiiy'a opcratlo'i* for the ye ur eiidlm,' Mareil SI, 1*888: EantOfS.fl,S4?,S3(> SS Uporstlag sxponiesu.... 1.184,129 i?l Net receipt*. $191,012 42 Inteiest on OoikIh. $00,000 00 \n\rt. 12,00002 Sundry innmiveinriits.. H.Tis 71 81.71873 NET SURPLUS FOR TIIK YEAH.Ol 10, IM ?!? A limited amount of these bonds for aale at 07 and In" I'f'. Infrest payable January and July. JOHN H. DAVIS & GO., IO WALL-ST., NI'.W-YOItK. A settlement having been made with tho principal uefllteee al tho city of KHratmtb, leaving but a small : fraction of tin* iebt eatataad-Bg. Ballee is hereby given j that the undersigned vu ill re"l"e;ii all bonds piSSSBled at I tia- MenesIfle Trust Company, Nu. 120 Broadway. Baw* Y.rk, BSOTBBB I* KIT KM ll Ell FIKrsT, INNS, at t,Q per cent of their faco sud Interest to July 1. H'SS, In (ssh. I Otia FIT7.IJKR Al I), ) -.--. . _ - BTBWA HT E. WOORI ORD, I "seal Agents. NEW LOANS. ?1.0,000 CITY Ol' ST. PAUL 1 i.'i BBB CENT. BONDS. MATU RI NO lois. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN NEW-YORK. tTSyOoo ramsey comm. HI1.IVE80TA, 4 1*0 l'l-lt CONT. BONDS. IfATURINIl ISIS AVE OFFER Till vli"\ r. I OR SALE. FUEL PAB> ITICDLARS ON APPEL ATI IN. BLAKE BROTHERS & COMPANY, ;. Naaaaa st , M w-York, --., Bsstsa. Ki;oRM\i/vno\ CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY CO. 23 WA LE ST.. N.-w-York. July 17, 18S8. Receipt! of DREXEL, MOKOAN 0 CO. far Kirs'. I Preferred, Besead Pre! I sad Common steak of the I Cd ES APE A KR I OHIO RAILWAY COMPANY de 11. In accordance arith tba plan "f reorxanlsation 1 ? *.. 7, 1888, and ''ti w.'iii-ii all i Meas moa ta have 1 been paid amy bow lie exchanged fur engraved reergaa 1.1- ag lev delivery, em application at, tia ir ance, SS Wsll-at., -New-York. Receipts bn.> mge mast be properly indorsed. :: elpta foi Berlet 0, 8 pei cent and 4 tier cent and for currency 0 per cent bonds, n.nv also be exchange I for 1 (organization certificates in imr tuanee t,'. in*tie*" already given. Ail of tli"s*? certificates lave been listed on tho N* iv York Stack Exchange. MOLDERS OP DO PER CENT of all cla*sea of stocky and 1,1,ni- effect i iv Uta i, el reorganisation, bavin* accepted Ita provisions, ou tatami! na stockholders snd bon'i c.v.'u Bnal aol! 'i te. deposit Uielr se s with DREXEL, MOROAK I CO. before August i, 1880, and conform ta tha rei ? ??' *-;iiri pian, if they wish io participate in the beaettta thereof, C. ll. COOTE.. B. J. CROSS, ?> Committee. A..I. THOMA**, j WHY NOT INCREASE YOUR INCOME?. SPPPOBB That von bave etO.OOO Invested In Government Bond i at pu ml vaia . ?? oa will re< >*.ve in t n years, bi ilmph Intei ;. n irly . . . 82.500 if .1 Slli.e/s K't.K-. Sl-OUl.H. Jl-I*!.. fork Central h. li Hoods would produce ia tba same time nesrlj .4.000 Tin 'i per ??*.??? ot ;(>e Western Karin Mongaga Trust Co would I ? I I . - . . C.OOO I'ii'* 7 pei cent Eua ran tee i Morl rages of the Western Farm Mortgage Truat i ,,. would pur !?? Ute -aa B tim .7.000 vi v? a-;-, la that YOU Investigate es. our methods f * luctl lim s*. and ibe CHOICE chaise lei of mir le -. iiiu,. lt over, w hen res ly, let I vince v,,ii with such FACT8 hs we are ninnis . eased to lay before any. reeking a perfectly recure, mto, ind rare 7 PER CENT INCOME INVESTMENT AT r\R. SEND FOB DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET*. WM. T. PRATT, MANAf.i-.l.', ftdnFoi-brtoolMGi., CAPITAL, .ai, 40 nml 111 Wi-.H-s,-., Ncvv-YorU. Tii's eompany ins piseed tu irly Ten Mi::!'.ns in loans without tli" le, s cl a J'liji* ee.' principal o; interest to the Investor. ARTHUR LINCOLN, INVI.-TMK.NT OKCI ll IT I KS, 18 EX CR .NOE PLAI "-??YORE. .IHIIN PATON Sc to. 62 William tt? S WM pey en \* ? si i. i--s, ike (-Rowing coupons .md Int ,:? i * at late : <, i I lin- Flral Hoi'iiau.- e. ml Interest on Hu* (.m. i a ma, ,1 I'n ti ri.-el Mo, b iii Ibe Le.iilsiiiua nml Mlnaaari Uiver k. if ( a, laurel mi ib.- Preferred "tock af tbe Kaaaaa city. -1. Emus nml t lu , .-,. IC. H. ( ii. viki rr ii mw \\ hiimis, PAYING 0 PER CENT AND OVER, A .SPECIALTY. Cito, il i ? I i,'1 ICE, bera New-Yorl Stock 1 ichange, 7_ en I 74 Bros la iy, N. Y. nilESAFEAKE AXD nillo i-J NON-A-N..ENTEI) SECURITIES WANTED By RANDAL ll. FOOTE, 4'J Broadway, N. y, city. |?OR SALE.-500 SHARES AT $10 00 L (LOWEST rm i . BIG BEND TUNNEL t MINIMI I K. lu blocks of 50 or me,io lilarea A'l In ss -EH. LEND" p. ii. Bo. G72, tt. T. NORTH CRN EMU IC RAILROAD ( 0.. '1 III vsi KER'S Ol I ICE, 17 Broad s* , Nea *. ork lui) Co, iss_. I/*oi: PURPOSES ..f iii-* annual cl.vti.ui to 1 I* held transfer booka of tba pre. I .ii in I coi al tin- Northi rn Pacific R R I a ?viii t"- do. , nt 12 m. Ssturdsy. Aug I. m-vt. and remain , ia-o'd until ' a. p___Ji ?? , Sepl 22, D' v:. Dj "iii,a as On lin. I iii Dil GEORGE s. i: \ .TEE. Tr-a JJbtiCE OP ANNUAL MEETING. T<> STOCKHOLDERS OP WELLS, PARGO & COMPANY. Toa nm I,, i tba) the neal anana! meeting ' f Ute -la, Shi ;...e,V, far til- I ila tie,ll af din nora foi the ? naulng year, and for the tran of sn* le eiiin * . before the nu i ling, hi 1 I In iii*- .-.a i. tary's ro* tn, st thc grin ral olllce company.ho Dorthea*! curlier of sun-,un,- and ? SI Ito il i ii Uar ila, iii i" "'.* H. "'. "ii 'i i" -ii da* , r August, bo -I. ? will bc ? lose 1 on Saturday ii," '-? "' di r of July, 1 , -,, eh.- niih flay "f Ab james heron, ?**?, rotary, OFFICE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 1... BROADWAY, NI W-YORK I ll") Jul] il", ll Vn'i'Ki; i-s HEREIl. GIVEN thal al Lbs iv m. .tina af the Boai I ol Trust?-ea .*f the Mutual Fire In mran I . on \\ .* ia lay, il *i reifilutlon ?a- un * . , scrip nt Un comban* Issued -ii par ml tl per ce . - i ? i Krill H ill i **.i ?? I'll ,1 i-i. Bl I ;> i - n nf a iii I"- um'!' my on snd after . .ii surrender ??? ranretlstl-jn. P. ll ARMSTRONO, Presl i * I -I. "1 NORTH AMERICA. N* * , 'VEE HANK or NORTH AMERICA hos l reaaaved io tte, a- v. , Ulla Building), pend? ing the eompleUon ni tbeli new building "ii Naasau-ac, gurner of (Velar. TO i**\ i *i()iis. -, rk, July B I - W '? OFFER for sale, sod recommend to lo? af vi'siais, a law dectrabin Honda earning double their ?i .? i? ?.- ? a ile ii ii* i *.*. fully mv pi i Ul/eel. Ute , - E. ?' RENED1C 1' t i " . 20 Broad-aa. _ Dinibcni. Xotiico. U. .,,,,. Nea Ve rt., .1. i OCHESTER AXD [-ITT8IUJRGII I I; io First Morl . Ci upon? . Ingest 1 isis, um be paid mi ami Mter thst data .et iha Unloa i eu.t ( oaapeny of ti.. ? IRED. A. BROWN. Treasurer. r.i Dimbcnb Notices. ~ftliVi^v77T0AK National EJcciiAfrfltr-f/NRT New-York, July 27. IMS AT A MEETING ol tho Boord of Directors held this day a dlvid-nd of TUREE (8) PER (INT nas declared on tho capitol stock, iiayahle ott and after August l. c. it. OUTCALT, Cashier. \ LL COUPONS duo 1st prov., aad tho prin " Stael of ?H bonds duo on Unit <lnu> Issued by THE RAILROAD EQUIPMENT (OMPANY, and secure 1 t,y miling stoek fuml-li'd ra 11 muds und* r Car Trns-. lona, -? paid uti and after that da'o at the offlce of POST. MARI IN ,t ( 0., No. -'tl I 2 rio.- st.. New-York, arid E. W (JJ.AUK t CO., No. 1-. South 4ili-s'.. Phil-i Mulila. Jul] .11. 1888. IE -A. V. POST, Trea-n-.-r OFFICE Ob* THE SEATTLE LAKE SHORE AND EASTERN RAILWAY ICM I'ANV. 33 Wllllam-st. and 11 Evehange PlSSe,_ New v.,ru, italy -?, 1888. COUPONS of tlie, lir>t Mortgage 8 l^r cent (."l'l Honds ,.r nus compsny, eua August i 1888, will Imi inn! on presentation at tho efflca "f the Cullen Truat Company "f N( rn Vnr.';, So. Tl broad? way, on und after August 1, lo*~ X. W. HOIT, Jr., As?lsuuil (see rotary. "III' i; OF TIIE POUOUKEF.PSIE BRI DOE COMPANY, New-York, -Diiv IL I?*-*t?3. TNTEREST on First Mortgage Booda of this Company, das Angas! 1, 188ft will be paid e.n pis lian nf tba coupons at the Mercantile Trust I omi ? this city. w. r. CARLILE, Treasurer, rrni; INTEREST wi tho following Bondi i*~ ***- pajrabla at lbs banking house nf Messrs. WINSLOW, LAN I Eli l cd.. No. 17 Naa-sau-st-. New-York City, on nnd nfier AegSSt 1, ISSI ? CLEVELAND . ma HONING VALLEY RY. CO. Pl rat mortgage GIBSON (ci Ni v, IND., Court Hun-'* Os KOS'it s;*co COUNTY, IND. County Ba LAWRENCE IU R. CO. I ir-i mortgage 7s. MARIE ITV, (Hlln Mar, 1 ci,. Ml 8s. N. Y. LOCOMOTIVE WORKS OF ROME. N. Y-. Ul-' nani/* PITT8BUR0. Ii WAYNE A CHICAGO HY. CO. iiisi, mortgage 7s, Series ?? B." Second mortgage 7s, Series '? II-". RAN Ho Ll-ll COUNTY. IND.. Gravel Onad Ba, rock island, ill.. w,i'. r Warka Bc ST. PA I I. t NORTHS-Btl PACIFIC RY. CO. Geneni mut. (is. Bi aeral mic li*., registered quarterly. Ai ty. ii. HOWARD COUNTY. IND.. Gravel Baad Sa Principal be,lids Nos. 1-8 Inc, TTuI*on Ciav. P.. AEO. IB HAMILTON COUNTY, IND.. Gravel Road tia. AUG. 10. KIRKLIN. IND.. School House 7s. AUG. 23. BENTON COUBTT, IND., Gravel Eo_d Us. AUG. 30. MIAMI COUNTY, IND., di--. i Road cs._ LONO ISLAND RAILWAY COMPANY. DIVIDEND NO. IL TUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS hsvo do JL tin md a quarterly dividend of ONE PER CENT anon ti- capital stock, pay ab ? August ', l---. _;.en-;-r i ,., i ail 1 n-open Augu - 2. li NRY GRAVES, Treasurer. New.Yaric. June 2ft I OFFICE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, No loo Brea Iway, New-York, July 12. 1888 TM'E BOARD OF DIRECTORS ol' I HIS 1 company li ? title day dec ired .rn Intereal dividend il THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT upon I * | my sn I upon the amount of lt. p pe **: el ?? r ? -. . lund .furn 1 uanoi ol the pr-v latona nf tic- n, t, of th- Legislature ?? ibe htate ol New-York, paaaed April 10, 187- bs .vu iel to provide security against ?vu i iidinai v .- Hm Insurance companies" . pays le on demand, il ila- oldest .: j- ot !--? ?? rudeamed iu cuah on ind - .. . next. CYRUS PECK, _ S< e.. mary. __ rilE ' INADA ROUTII1 UN RAILROAD COMPANT, TRI Vs: 111 It'H OFFICE, IS RAND CENTRAL DEPOT, NEW V THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this com 1 red a dividend of ONE AND iNE-QUA UTI R Pe I ? :, i-siiAV, ci: io1.i ia. IA ii ibis ifflee. 'ii. - ? ?ii: be cloaed at -t e'eloek p. m., on 13th day "f July, mid will be reopened "ti Uta norning of Au-u-t 17th, 188. a elyn COX, Twaanrer._ OFFICE OF Will i'i BRK v -.' i i : I. COMPANY, is I.,iel vim a V. N EW-. ' HlK, Jul] .' .. I HUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this com _L |eu:...' have thia day d lared isus quarterly dlvl .-nil eef' one omi Ihree-quartem il .l-l. p**i ei m. out of arning** r*.r the qua - June 30, 1888, p I ibe office on and .-iff- r August I", 1880, to - ., . - f n-cord on ilea' data, Tho transfer books will bc dosed front August Oth to Oth, both Inclu c. n PARMF.LEE. Treasurer. _ Hi; MICH : ' ? '.vi. RAILROAD I iMPAN'Y, TRI ASUR1 H'S OFFICE, GRAND CENTRAL STATION, NEW-YORK, Jnne _l, 1---S. pill! BOARD OF DIREl TORS of this com 1 puny have ibis da] * ip I i dividend ol TWO Pei lent, upon Its capital stock, payable on wednesday, bs Ea', day el August nest, at rbis offlce. The trauafi r booka will be close 1 ?: Ap. m. on Erldi.v, he Hdii day of July, ni/l will be reopened on the uioi-iiing f Friday, Un.- 17Ui -Viy of August next. HENRY PRATT, Tresa THE LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN HOC I'D l.r.N RA ILW Vi CO., 'RE ASL* RE IV Si OFFICE, liKANI) Cl NT RAL DEPOT, NEW l ORK, June -Jl. V UK BOARD oF DIRECTORS of this coro 1 pany have this day declared i dividend *r TWO -er Cent u;** n tl. , | lysble ai this ,,**, VEDNESDAY, the E'-ui day ol August next. ra nate r booka will be clo* 1 e- it o'clock p. m. on FRI (AV, the 18th day ".' July next, and vu.i be reoj u the i [ of Friday, ihe I7:ii dav ..f August E. p. WORCESTER. Treasurer._ 'HE MARQUETTE, HOUGHTON AND OXTON A* (."N RAILROAD CO., No. in WALL-ST., New-York, J'- v ls. 1888 rn!'. BOARD of Directors bus this day do dared a aemt-annual dividend ,f THREE i-'i' PER ENT upon tin- pie ;.*i i ito .. ol ibis company, pa n August 16, 1*5*88, at. the oflice ol the company. The transfer books will be close I al it "'.?* ,?. m. ob lay, A *. ii I reopened ai lo u\!oe:k a. m. on 'IiursJav, August 10, 18SS. E. M. BCHWAN, Becretary. LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, 82-38 EAST 42D-ST., N iw-_ ork, July 8ft 188ft PHE TRUSTEES havo declared a ? mi-an l. lilli: Of 1 iV'i AN ll ON Eli \l.l*' I-i.,1 i ol 'i>* ' on | * August 1. .88, OUt ft till* I -e-' six ila Ul hs. JOHN Ii. V .NU ult MEI-.. - HE ST. PAIL. MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY ' "MI-AN V, ?1" AN D IJ VV .LEST., , J ? ? I PIIE BOARD nf Directors have* declared tho i .- .ji qubi lei ly dlvld nd ol on aud on : ? i tn* Capital Stock e,i ibis Company, it mi* Bea Au?u-t l, i_o3, lu ii i on Un ita, The .tock transfer tonks v 111 be ii I al ii ;?- Bu, July i, sud will bj Hope-aid ll In iv. m., August !,. EDWARD T. .Ni. ID'i.s. ^_ A- li S _ry. Ol ! i. E OF ?" THE EUREKA SPRINGH R. C. CO . Nea -. ? i -ssa. PHE COUPONS of the Eirsl Mortgage Bonds I '.( ni. company, due August I, h. paid ? . "f tba Mercantile Trusi Company on ind after that na LOO AN II. ROO I 8, i ea ul Opartnc-cl)ip Xotirco. Ne i ii- v, iLL-S E. Sett . ork, July 81,' ' pilli CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex it 1 lug ui l-i ile- Him narnu of GWYNNE V nu . in .-ii di --eei.e l bj mutual cons -ni. by remeiil rroni business of Mr. JOHN v i.WYNNK. Tb- lui.' "( Mr- Wll.l.l \v] HWYNNE III -ail linn -ii - - au I i' * ninia i - from "ns data Mr. CLARENCE s. DAV alli continue In his own na- Hi- business ol ? I of GW1 NN . \ DAY. thn sal 1 .i l c. -s. Mr. J< j ll N a. c v\ . NN E an 1 Mr. CLA AY will alon ? , * nrm nai e In liquid ii xi, Ur. HEN" A GWYNNE aili make hla ofil ? Kith ibo ?uc -s,,r be JOHN \ e. ., | SN E. _ CLA'I IS BAY. RatlroaOo._ ,Vi:>r sIio're'raiI-Road. ... -v v* ''? ti H. lt. il Co., U _ __ I lulus leave Wesl as, and 20 inui. s ranier .rom fi ol ol Ja] si . North K i.. . i p. in. .**'. LOU -, 0 e ll, .- | . .,. ?.,, sii.. ii-., I tu il a, o, j i Bridge, Nt* [ara i alla -? -? ?-? .. . .. ?, *. i . )>. m. ? .... i ? . * * I), - - - P Bk , , Catskl Alban]. .: I .. ?, IS, ? ,. s) ll 'MO ... a, , - i 80, ; ???', 1 ?"> p. m. Crana ou -, W I Poll I, ..... \ it 1.",, :la. "8 :?".."., il) :!.">, (a 1 1 30 ? m., - 1:00. 4 ". .. :1ft, ilft, 8:40 p m., and U :00 n m., 3:1ft .'i* I 9:110 p. u,., anston's, ( ai ni, all, .. . mr. al au I I ana la East, '0 :00 p. m. Hamilton. London, -:e boa, ui 0 i". b:1j p. m. To? ni", f ' .... .i ia i. s.i, p. m. !??-?!' sra Falls, De troll, in and - ? :' t:tt p. in Draw* ? i . Ge . i i . ii -i m., i 'i.i>* lng R Cald* inly, s :t is p, ;,,. i.i. - .'.;?,.**,,: ,,i Mlunewitaka, v;i Nea Paltr, 8:00, 11 ,;i: :,. a, - 8:10 p m. Drawlie IUm-iu Cara on tl ' 11 3u j : ? . I . m. trains Hid Until St eileen. Jll.l , a e , - il ..", !? I. Dig ? '' ii an 1 te, l*hoeiili . I Mount-Ill lie.,ll-.*; on '.I i ? ?' ? ? i til. ' Lilli-. Palenvlliti, Cairo and Mountain li ?-,-? Station, 8:10, 10, a * an 1 s, ;t i,, ,, |, |. , 11 *; -i ni j I . * Eijii. m. , til illy , * ' is. ntl,ar (mint dally c pt ??? City, P. R, H h. n ll ..iee.i ..... in p. iii , ll,",, :.. u, Weat Shore allon, ;n i i ???? * * i*. m. For ' , * ; - , ar j, .-iiiii. ...1,1 ' ll,'a, I* at , I " ' I 1 J i. I'ark plai-e au I - : ,i ?f : , fool ..f Jay *:.. N. lt We ic. , .* .... . fai and eh.-i<s baggage from lela ai.el residences, ? _ LAMBER r. . rinei avo. (lem ral Pa v. eal j I.W-Yol'K AND l.oN'ti BU.Wi ll ian.; ? lil' VD, IOU RED DANK. LONG BRANCH, OCI IN ORO Va ?Ei ll. PARK, "i v, i. vi ll, SP1UXU I. vi.l" H.Ni' PLEAhAN I i-AivU ' OM MENi INO JULY I, 188ft EU NS LEW i. NEW-YORK, KOOT OF LIBF.RTT. ST., 4:00, 8:1ft 1:30, '11:10 a rn | 30 ? 0 8 SO ' ' ? ' " ? " ? - 8:10 p. tr. bundaya an I 4:00 a. ni mmw* ' WM FOOT i "El I.ANDI' AND DES ll ROSS ES BT8 a 80, 7 i". a in n iii . ia .cn noon , j . > ;i |() ;t .,', ? - ;?' Re i i'e nii> . i ?*> s 00' 1 00 p m bunda) s 7 I ft :i 15 a. m.; _ nu i, i? ? IK'iintea express tialus. Ms BLODG1 i r, I IV WOOD. ll. p. haldwin. b'1-*1' (.un-ptta-AsUl'-iVIL l_ P.A.C.lHt-N.J. liailro'ios. VOBTHERN R -ILROAD of'nf.w-jerspv ll -Trsins /eave from Chamt.ers-st. station week A**.' -a m ?_______* t. htaii on week *--' lor EnfflMwond. '1 ; irkini, M4 n\__ T, 80, f.OO, :* 20, I" '"> Bia! ll 'Au a. m.; | A "!_* 4 00, 4:80, I 80, ?"? '', 8 i", H Arl, Ulfa _ ' " * Blldnlght '. '.' ?(?) n. n: , I SO, 4. 1 li. m. For Naouet, Sj/.-in.' Valley, ,vi,insey _,,_ j-^v. Wonk dnvs, 7 (ed. I" O') a. m., ?* ?", 'l in p. m. M,|'iy>i3_* 8:10 a. ,n. and 7 .;?) p. m. saturday spe.-iaj, )2 ttr_w*> Addi'.ional trains lei Creseklil and na/, _,;(> a. m. ?}"__ o. ui. _________________ ' Villi: _UILWAY.-Ticl.e1 Offices, 4oi Hr TA 711 aod .07 Broad a ?. - y, 1,7 w?_/_J.? 1 Hart, rv la. ? , , '. Strne f -rries. v. ? _ork j .(.-I ., 107 BraWaa* ind Iiiul -in - -, a ,_,,../' ' '' tuft 'tori iwins-r<MHa 'tmema ? '' ui*\t - ?-... s., i-, in ui mffet sleer)!,,. . i."'.)iesiar k_C fai,., cin ' ^* 60 n 30, 10 M I <", 5;l? 'Vt bl Mall.I,,,.V - '., Ililli ,NeW S I I. I ? ? ? BtloOS aiid ord* for checking 1 : ? ' ?- d Vf press trains les Sd Buller 1 .so _.,,,,, _._T__ Irom ' > to io iniii'i-' - ...-..>."*"*'? U a in , 'lully, liny I .; ? I ;i wll; te I- ie, sleeping relsn 1 10:80 tht*. ii-iavrare Vallry l',xpre*vi _*_, >g 0 U I" , ll.e : 4 ^ bea u. __ f ?? . _u ^ St. Lo ila: no , : , 1 I eil* IMS Ul lill,-tai blcagoT Ru-Uart . -1 ,48, 0, 7, 7 , U 11.-.11, 1, 1 :4ft, ii, 8:40, 4 . . n i 11. 1 Also to Kail .1. l,_ ; 4 SO, -'?._() n n- ? u 1 talc, ... 1, ..11, 8:40 o. 11- Sou ia; s, 4 ? 10:80 a. m.; RI inion; L:gft 3, I, *,, *, ;? : ? p. in. ,!_,. Pl , , ,, 'A 0 3'1, in no a. m. ; 12 nooe. 1:4ft -I 4 1", 4 _*-), 4 .40, I ;, 9 . 0:00, ', :1ft is .ii 1, e; . . , so p ?, li 1 ns, 4 4b, 10:30 a. m. : lln-aao? I ... .;, 1, _, i;..,i), 7:30, :?. 10:30 p. m.; 12 night ' 1 ?. ?', e,, -, a atv . i :80 a. m. , _, 8:80 - - 1 , . 20 ?', 6Q 6 ?_(_ . lu p. m. , 1- n-ijhu l. B_ : 3 _o *, .1 p. aa "-*? I, 4:48. 7:6ft 8:8ft 10:88 a as. 1 E.I \ 1 Al p. ? l IJlii.ii'. Ai-., tn li. lg .1 la. , .', IU p. ?_ ! t 1 bu '? rn, J 80 p. i* i .1 j, . ;80, lu al a. m. : 1 13 1. fl .11 p ' .. IS - and 1 SO, '?* a m 8:88 4. 4:30, j.oe 6:80 p ii ? -, I p, 11 Wa wi<:. -Week d I I 4 ito p. __ , . . , . tf, 10:80 a m. , I, il -Xi 4 _.j, J pn :i p, m. bunda IO, 'a a. m. , ?) to. 'j n. _? Mlildi.-town wit 1' 1 .1 1:4ft 7 :0O, i, IO :80 sTeTi 8:80, -t _", ?">, 7 i", ' p. 1-1. bundaya, -.I.'., _ 30, a; a. in. ; .".. .1 ii.*, '.' p. m. Exur ss trains from 'li" Wes* arrive in New-York al 7:06 11 :60 a a . sad ly 10 n * v.. .1. Ml R I, P- IABBJOL Gen'l bup'L_ General Pasaenger Agent NEW-YORK OENTRAL -\M> HUDSON ll El -, Lit RAILROAD. GREAT J-?? I Ei EV* iv Jill N'K LINE. Uti 11 av-j GRAND < EN IRAL Bl ATION, Larpeat a.. 1 , . station IB Arrara. tt a. m., Ro ? -s iiiart.nH-r'~ni ca_a te Altiany, Troj lac, US. m., bi '.an-t-e, and Montreal, 8p*elal drawlng-rooi. Caidwe.l Lake Otorga, tu, A ie .. -.... for A di ronda _ Mountains, i.;/.e.rne, Nong ; ..... Lake, be. Drawing. room i ioi 8 VESTIBULED CHIC ABO ABB ST. LOL IS l-l 111 co, composed 1 I batu om,lu,. [ting cam ? Bu lalo, Ne-nara :? ni a, Erie, tl ive lan 1, Iud Co.edo, al . M. next day. (.utile * ts at Albany oe u. 110:80 u. in, (.nb a.-o Express lar Niagara Falit, Ta. ron **, * Detroit and ..'* ' Adams; , and luca : ll :.i,i ie I -k and Northern E.preta. Sorta Ad..n. -, v . in.i - ? y ??>??-1 - uataga _ p. 1 ... -i 'inly, arrivn ? IO p. m., Cl . in. Leraa. ? ? rlth drawing, v 1. Runs U_rougB \ any and Troy. Con. i . -, and iuiermcliata points an Fitchburg E. ii. ?{ ii p, h.. . iuriari and Bt Louis Et. .-,;.;, 1, ,.,,ii Bri lite. Yo ind Cleveland, 1 uninnau, ? Uld , WitS vi-rp. I il I li. j,, 1 ?? dully, Includina Sunday, far ale p:_g I Pau a via Utica and iv, v,. i:. ii. '..'e.-iatidaltrua Express daliy. .. . ... .-- if lat and via * le ana . 1 -? wi 1 .*....-?-.a daily , e.* ? pt sund ?no :?.ii wesl -f A ?-, 8:30 ;- M luntains, leoine chary, 1 . -1:,.Di's Ac. * - . , *., Lu . . Mountain Lase, tc, via ? ? b ,'i-x i*rt - :* p 1... b| -r 7 .10 a m., Bu ? ? 1 -??"? p m. ?lil 80 p ? for ii: hf.e'd Springe !: * ? ... 1, i'm* luiiati, I . ? troll ani a hiea^-i, vmiIi sleeping ??.,. bleeping vas to Canandaigua on 'liny. I v Iii lack M ? . - e * ? s, ,? -^ 1 1'iatisbur*;, Lake. Sarans Las-s, * ? , tstewB* v n.y. [nd '? .- ."in ai. 1 ?*" nini ctneia "80 11.1 .i;i ({roadway, I-J Park place. 1 B 62 M , and blatlon, 833 Wasbingtoa aad 730 fculion ste., u yn. and 70 4th-st, Williamsburg. VVestcoti'a i upi rn calla f*'i- ead checks ud^gag* from lia te is ,* lidl ?Run daily ; ofhers dally except Sundsy. 1 Stop at 138th. lt. sm- a 11 t '11^" ni ia--.ii.- rs , *,* .N,,.,''i and West. .1. M. TOUCEY, HENRY MONETT, (,-:. * ' at. Ge Bl i'i-* 1 ;:, t A*-rent t KU lt. II VALLEY RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS leave foot of Cortla___S sud D' -a *-? , ? a. m. far Catasauqua and Intermediate points. I a. m. r-.- Geneves, Li ?? Uocbeatar, Buffsle i-i thc W esl '.bair car to 1..1.. 1.1. 1 p, ri. for Timi lianni'i'k and Intermediate points. Chair -iii- to Tu 1 to lt adlng and Harris. -Ul _. n .-io p, m. f.*r Pittston and principal lntermedlste dr cai '- 1. un l B, Junction. ? p. m. f.r Mauch ''hui'it ai, 1 intermedlste points. tod lia.u-bui.c Chair car ta 7 p ? 1 ns. 1 vi. RoeSeaSas, Buf. iii.,, Lyons. -s:i:> p. m. f,r Ea'ii'iys ;,;, i intermediate p-einta. Trail ? ia and 3:4i) p. m. eon. and Hacleton i>al recions^ KUNDA* . ,-. vi \s fl a. m. foi Maui li ChuiiK, iiu/.e mn and Intermediate ? 0:46 p. m. f-r (nplay and Int ints. 7 p. m. for Goo 1, Rod ? ?:er, Bul. a!,, and the Weat. 1 Gel 286 li ? 1 ivvay. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. L ui. ... ,1 all, i -I i Ll I, Iv _. ' . IT TRUNK LINE AND 1 N 1 , v s MAIL ROCTE. . -- > sud CorUsndi - 1 wltb Pullman Talacs Cars a '. aili 8 p. nu ? . Limited of Parlor. I Cars a-, 'j -Ov a. 1.. 11. m., 8 :00 p. m. ; Corry m.1 i !>. m., counei lng ui Corry far Tltaa . I- ? ' 20 p. m. and 12:18 nish'. i'"'- - em 11 sod Heading. ? .1. 1 . 1 ' . - I I "?! p. m. Saiuidaya - j., m. bui i 1 Wash ex< tat on 4 :00 p. m. : and dall} with DininR Car, si 8 IO p m., arrive Washing. I : E.' p. m. . te ?-?eiiar ut 0:_ a. m., m.. un 1 12 I-", night. 0:10 i j p. in. ai.i 1_ 10 -rn 1 2 :00 p. m. week 1! n s. May, '. ]>. i" ' lari -.iti_' Bibi ii, Ba] Head Junction and tetermedlate tts lions via Rahway ? ? 3 i\ 7 io and 9 10 a m., I_ ni. 2.30 - lei :< 4 -jo 5 a ..I 7 p m. im Sunday, 7n , D:10 a 1... ead _ y- nu (do nol atop at Aaburj 1' 'or ul Pinn inui Norfolk ria New-York, Philadelphia nt. IN p 11 *., via Hail.mora 1 ', I .iii) p. m. week ellVs. b :-h ail through trains - :y and direct lia;i-fe.r for Er. al. . a ? FOB PUILADEU-I-LL - trains leal I na Desbroaaes snd I i. s, a- fo 1:20. ,' 20. s *., ), chi i LU i. with Dlnlni* Car, an'. D', Washing .ii L mi * 1 . a i I 11 a. m. 1240b L i 8:20, I, 4 ? -, 8 and '.' p. m. and 12:16 nltrhu V , i | 1 lee -.,. li, , 4 IO allel 7 p. m. bull : : Iii a. m., ?J. I IB I1- 'a*, and 12:18 iilghk V ..'ali. eaiiug .n, . . except Sunday, el 3, 9 II 1 - ,i. i . l. -.'. I i'i ni. ant 7 p. I.,. , ii sun 1 ij s, i om >-et at Tie * Isa. TU ki 1 \U I llrnadway, I House fal f.ioi ,(1 I Cortiandt at*', i \ t l, *i ; Station, .. - . ai.-*. Tick, i Offlce, ' Transfer Company aili call for snd , -i 1 : .iden t ii \s. r pi ,;n, j. u woon. -sr AgaaS V' l.\V-.oi;K. ONTARIO AND WESTER^ 1 railway. terrica al Sfeel 43d v\. ' l'_d-?..e. m. ;, 7 iii s. m., for MM im, v.ii, i ..iisi.ui*.-. Mi.tiiieeiii., Liberty Walwa, I^'eh1. Hu ,-. le li, I ,ai, E i;u_a.o, )? ll-" I, I ... ? u. : - ?. ! ' I e. BL. far Vt flu 111 Vu ?- '. -,ll*i* i .White Lake. , . p. Bki t"t i Mobong, Minnewasha. n, , Mouu* Kocklaad. VV ,. Iel p. Bk. .le ? ,. . i, Norwich. Ol * SI. l.l'lllS-^ *..-,. ,. i . alla. E ? ? ng i 'u-i.'r vat 1 I , p. tn. ; Jay. ? i '*n 'VtT; ,, i.,L? ,,_v, White I, I ''-lill. _ Pullman I) - ? I l-nhs reserveoI aa 07 C. ? SI*.___5_: ii, i tva. 184 Beet l-0ia-??*? ?. i v, ? | _?, . , , | j. c tNDERSON, 0. 1" A.. is iii New-Yore- ._ ;noi;r.;-\i.i. !,? mi. route-W *j N El"- "-ai'-** [_!*Tr_ etiirai Sistlon .u in '* 1:00 p es for v,?*3 1 .c*i*^ i i*r Newport, Prov ... ii im p m. NUhi Express tot ?"**"? Pelaea i'arlor tars or le - pin i PHAINS FOB BOSTON . h.England New-York, 1 | *_*_ _, i C 10 A. M.,-St' M - U:88 I m \ . , i So P, M., ?? _ W-. 7 A. M. PARLOR CA Rb ON Ul. TRAINS, -?.-ao. 'II i ma:, BLI ' PING ( vhs UN NH-HT TRALN* ? ii m. in ly, in* :u i ni annday* miiar trains dall] except Mu.ila.vs- tieka* , u .ur a. unimodal lona can be ?**___ ?* ***" Qi vs, j.j; Bteadwayi sud G.aud CvuUH DopOk J