THE "ALL BLACK" IX FRONT. BROOKDALE YOUNGSTERS WIN TWO RACES. BADGE BEATEN BY bfcFAUETER IN TnE NEWARK STAKES AT MONMOUTH. With Mra. Ijtnglry at the post to see them started lt la not surprising that Ihe youngsters In the 6eabrlplit Stakes should make one ol tho most ex? citing fin shes ol thc Monmouth Park meeting. Colts Miles and Jockeys were on their keel behavior and all BM Ihelr inmost to win. Miss Cody, apparently beaten at the head of the homestretch, rallied umler high pressure, and -Julnine Ransom and the Cyclone colt caused both to extend themselves. Tin* ls-.uo wae Hi doubt to the 'ast stride. First one nnso was In front, then another, and the alternation was so rapid Ihat the eye could scarcely follow lt. At thc furlong poit the Cyclone colt seemed to falter. Ile was tightly sandwiched between lils troublesome antagon? ists and I.lttInfield could not use his whip to ad? vantage. While attempting to drive bis mount he was in reality driving Ransom, while Miss Cody, on the rall, occasionally felt Hie cracker of his whip, lt cannot bc denli*d that Micro was a good ebal of floundering In three ssdelles, Sir these lightweights cannot ride and whip -with case ur grace. Rut at last L.ltlefield's whip chanced to stray In the ellrcctlem of the Cyclone coil's steaming flank, and at the touch the youngster responded promptly and namely, getting lils nose over tho line In front of Miss (ody, who boat Ransom a short nech. In the struggle tho Cyclone colt's bridle slipped, which probably accounts for the dlfflcultlei In which he found himself. Rroohdale bore oft Min two year-old honors of the day, thc Chamo's illly winning Hie race for maidens with surpassing ease, beating Khaftan, the " poeid thing" wlthoat effort. Tho held was a wretched one, if ls true, bul the Ally will Ix* dangerous In much better company. Mr. Withers honored her with a name as a reward of merit, and she w ll hereafter appear on tho programme as Chemise-all black Swift was withdrawn frym thc first rate, Fitzroy was short of work. Choctaw doesn't lille a nilla and a sixteenth, Joe Lee was out of his class, Telle DOB was nut fit, Valiant was too slow, Cambyses was poorly handled and Eil rp at rick couldn't ride at lot) pound* 60 Kaloolah won. Flrenrl had nothing to trouble her, and, superbly ridden by Eat. Eon. won the fourth rare ip haS-feetve aisle, the fluUh with Connemara berni: drawn tine to nlrase thc gallery. TU* peat fillv will neel Tbo Bard In tin* l'r>*"hold Blakes to-morrow, lt was re? ported at the Iraak that Kingston would bc sh pped Iruni saratoga to take part In tho race. fae public would have nothing but HRdg? in the Newark stakes a terrille phillie Brave bim lo * to 5 in thc twits, whllo t.ooigr (Hiter and Cascade ?ent begging at ti to 1. Lemja thieu tbe rare away. Kadge* could met have (pel if he bad not iaee*ej h's Jeps off ming io run around Ge-ofke <>ysie-r and pei thc rall from him. They st on: (Heel against rmi, tither for six furlongs and awn .till lighting lt out when Hefatiltor sIImh-U up ami vi mi. MclatigliKn. a '.io tee 1 shot, vvem the selling affair, lead ng fruin end to end, and l-etrll'titlon overtook thc lusielors w-bn pieing,*.) em Luminary. ?The ateeplpchaeg nas a gilt tee B'eaUnoreland, abo les running lu Hue form Jin-t now. 1 cw bookmakers cared to lav ara n*.t him. Chanticleer fell. Hui,-ta, threw- his Jocker, and .Tim Murphy bolted. Tke race le-eiki'd boneel en-mgli from Ihe oataMJe. bul the lockers were m> plaeoi as to pnsxV1 lite*. ? 'Follow tin* miine >" || now a pnoel rub' in playing steeplechase*. Thc ring bas cnn. fi aluavs mad? the favorite. Ihe racing was good throughout ami thousand* en? joyed lt DeialE aro given below: FIRST RACE- HANDICAP SWICPsTAK*"S. gSO EACH, *1.OOO ADDED. 1 1-10 MILES. J. D. Hatttaoty** b. m. Kalaoijh, by Longfellow-STlph, i yrs., 10<) lb.(Taylor) 1 P. l_.nli.ird. jr's. gr. c. Canibvs.-., 4, IOU (Dvlioliue) i! W. n. jennitic-'s eh. m. Taite Doe, 0, K'S (Andhn D. D. WI thors* 1 b. a Eit/roy. I, 109 (Lit)lol'ld) o W. c. Daly's hr. e. valiant, -t. OS . . . ii'.iik-, 0 T. MeCauil's b. h Choctaw, m-'l. 109 , (Rafferty 0 M. Jordan's b. c. dee- 1. 3. 108 . . iChappel) 0 Tluie-1 1. Ii Bettine to wln-Ti-IU' D--e 2 to 1, Fitrrov 3 to I, Ks lie.lah 0 ta 1. Chen-tan I la I, Jae L*-e* 10 tee 1, Cnn byeea JO to 1, Valiant 13 to 1. Hate Ealealah 2 le I, (.'am? by sos 4 to 1. Swift was withdrawn. T'dle I)e.e led for seven fur? longs with Joe I..e a' bes saddle, Eit/roy t lil rd. close up. Kaloolah hold fourth place until Um tum Into the hom" stretch was made, winn she mov-1 up and, easily out? pacing her opponent', won bf half a l-n_ili, Cambysca ?second, a length and n half before Tell** Doe. Fitzroy was done at a ?flo, and Choctaw at Ihiec enartera, ?BLOND RAI E-Sl AHMIillT STAKES. TWO-YEAR OLDS. ?.>" BACH, 81.800 ADDED. 8 I EUI."NOS. D. D- Wither*'* br. c. by Toa Ochiltree-Cye-b ne. 103 IT. ( 1 J. D. Morrlssev's b. f. Miss ,"odr, 107 . I Anderson J I J. B.'s eh. r. Rans..m. HO . . iGoodalC) it P. .Lonnard, ir's b. f. Ctliity, 102 - - tt-llhe) l) J. B. Hagitln's br. e. Winfield. 103 . . (Donohue) o B. Wt. Walden's ch. c. H.urislmig, 110 (Rllle-liiini o P. H. Rninmel's bl_. c. Little J?k'', 103 . (Taylor) 0 W. C. Iielv's h. f. Clarissa. 102 .. . (PafaSM-l 0 J. T. Stewart A Son's rh. f. Lnly Hay, 102 [Lewie) 0 F. J. iiaidwin's b. r. Sanvmede, io.'. . (Chappell 0 Madison Stable's bli;, fi. iv VUtor-Luectte. 102 . (Horton) 0 Auburndale Stable's th. c. Huntoon, 103 fear. I0BJ (Wlivbiirn) 0 I Tlme-1 :15. Betting to win-Cyclone I to 1. Ransom 3 le 1, tVIOfleld 3 to 1, Miss Cody 8 t*i 1, Utility 10 to 1, llar tlaburg 10 to 1. Cltirlsiu 12 to 1, nany med" ll 10 1, Little Jake 13 to 1, I.sdv Hay 2o te. 1, Linette evidii g 90 I ? I, Huntoon 20 to 1. Place?Cyclone colt i-v'-n, Miss Cody 8 to 1. Sourlre snd Gendarme did not start. After a de? lay at the post Miss Cody cot ..rr In front and :or] fe.r a furlong, -shin Little Jake took up the running. Ile was the leader on the- tum. Coining late UM Bttalgh' Utility assumed cominan 1. in^galng ll Quickly, however, te the Cyclone colt, who drew out a! the mik with a line burst of speed. Ran-om ai. I Miss Cody follow nd aeed chal? lenged the " all-biae k" nt Um furleag. a whipping, raw!. BSg finish resulted In a nus viet-.ty for the' Cyclone c'eit. while Miss Cody beat Ransom only a BBS-It 1 'iii'* Cyciemi' rolt'a bead'tall -Upped so that Llttlefleld was unable le be of gre af a--*-:-.rance. Mrs. Langtry weat to th* pael In ths waiter's cartlase and saw tha yeaiiu' patrhed on their Journey. THIRD RACE-NEWARK STAKES. THREE-YEAR. OLDS. e-V) EACH. ?1.AW ADDED. ONE MILE. fe. fi. Brown's ch. c. Defaulter, by SpendlhrlfVAUtbor rss, lil lb .... . (Taylor) 1 McClellan A Roebe'a b- e. Badge, lil (Lewis) _* A. Belmont's ),. r. (ieorpe Ovster, ind . (Andersen] ll I). D. WlOtera'a h. t. Cascade, lol 'esr. io2j (Llttlefleld 0 P. LorlllBrd. Jr's, eh. c. Koleld'es--i.p--, 111 (Donohue) 0 A. J. Ca ma tl's br. c. Now-m -Nevi t. lil (car. 118 1-2 (Hayward) 0 R. I*. Asbe's ch. f. Snowdrop, 101 .. . (Ettki I Itsae-d-dl Bettine to wla BdSgs 4 ie. :,, Bearge Oyster 0 to 1, Taae-ado 0 to 1, KaVldi,.ea|?* lt) to 1. D'f.l'ilter 12 to 1, pear ec Wares 13 la E Snowdrop 20 tu l. Piece D {suitor 8 to 1, Hadgo eena SfeeSwel was withdrawn. After many false starts they were sent away wiih George oyster two lengths ii ? lore Badg-. Kai-.dosrojs' thud, tt.Utera bunched An? acreon and latafn immediately hagan racing as hard n- they could drive, sn tha' ihe two ealta ran their l?g. pf before .reeehlng tho hopiestreuh. Defaulter then hal no dlfli eulty in coming through ?nd heating hat's winning elev ?erly by a lengih, twe. between we-iii and thirl. OyBtCl ead " Spider" Wrnt Jil to ple-ee. lu the last f'lileeiig.. FOURTH RACF-IIANDD .1* .Swill ST \K ES. J33 EACH, ?l,2in ADDED. .8-10 MILES, I. B. Higgin'a h. t. Pii-atl, b> Ole.i. 1- F.or di 4 yrs., 120 lb . .? ..lOatrisoti) 1 Oshwood st_We*s h. t. Coaaaananb 4, HO (LitileBeldj 2 W. C. Hair's li. b. The Bourbon, ?',, fe.*, . . [Ellkej it "Preakness StSMe's b. g. IOijmm. 0. uni . Moonev) o T. N. Mlllcr-a b. g. Twe llaok.-r, 0, 'Ji . (Andeisoii' 0 Time- ." "it. Betting U> win?Flrenrl 3 lei ?'., Connemara 4 to 1, Ru? pert 8 to 1, The RonrUm 13 to 1, Ten Banker 13 la J. J'lsee?Firenrl uotu\ Conue nani 4 to 3. Ernest did uol si.ut. Flien/i waited on her horses nntll they wire headed for hain- In the Straight, when sbe strode over them with su nu-sin- ens.., winning by a length, which mldc. easily have been a daren. iiui>ert ran well for seven furlongs, th-n sulked and r"s|tni.'l the lead The Routr>oti, who in turn gave' way t - Conneatarra at the head of the hemestrcti-b. When Pleaaal cellared ?Connemara Harrison took a hurd pul ia her. MSB leg l wary pretty gallery flrtlsh by pcm Un? Connemara ti ra"" a- h-r thr oa Hate h. FIFTH RACE-PURSE ?000. MAIDEN TWO YI AR^ OLDS SIX . CP.I.o.N'.S. D. D- Wltba-rs's br. f. by Sensation-* ban.ols, 107 Ih (Lillletleldi 1 P. Leriilard, Jr.'? ht. c., 107 . - (Ellk.i 2 (Hdeeen s ).. ?. Radiani. HO ... . (Flaher) 3 SVls A Hall's b. f, Sourlre. K7 . . . ( 0 H.igelti's eh. e. Hais-.,,< no . . . (L"?lsi 0 I 1*. A**?'a li. f. liladys lol ... . (O'Brien) o Bradley's br. f. Elill.- Si., 107 . . . iChapp.1' 0 Wslbaum'i cb. f. by -UforaaElasUe, 107 [UeotUej ? Ttmo-l 10 1-2. ? Bolted. Betting Ui win-Chiimnis filly ll to ,1. Bkatt ni 11 to ... Harsac 4 lo 1, Sourlre 0 lu 1, Llawtlc Illly 7 to 1. dartys 15 to 1. Radium .20 u, 1, Lillie .M. 23 to 1. Flac?-Chamois Illly 4 |a .'?. Klial'ci 1 1 * | Utiliij', Ri/paii ami Cairiiiii-s were alihdrawn. The , Elaaiie*. sily bolted at th" start, kkoefclas Um rail down, bul dMng no serious dain-f.-.-. Khaftan miali ", rhnnliif for five furlongs, tbe [set being mate endai tin whip, when the Cliarnols Bl ly eam- ny iiim Ilka B tktt, Winning wllh rid,eu.ans ens.- br tua, 1-ngihs, Kbafti.n three befoie Radium. Mr. Withers Baaed the wlnini Chemise In ord. r le Beef up the sensation. IIXTH RACE-PURSE ffUX). SILI.IM;. dMi M ILE Jeraev Heights b. e. .Mi-I.iuL'lilli) bv King Aifoiiao-Vis-a-vis. 4 irs., P7 lb . (Hay wind, Jr.) 1 Gideon's a f. Luminary, ... 83 (And?-raanj 2 C. Mters-N b. b, Ronnie* S, .. 113 . (Wh* imrii) il W. Street'* eh. e. Niagara. 4, 114 . el Lewis) 0 V. F.llie.lCs ti. ? p-url.*, aacd, 110 'li E. "-ls, o ?O. F. Wiseman's rh, g. 17 nie ne, ', '.'-.) (Ellbe) o T. N. Miii-t'e. bi. h. 1 isv pat-. 0. IK) (M.-.i.iv, fi R. Krai- ,'? ls g, KUil ll. lu'.il, r*7 , )? ..?"?* 0 R. B. ciaiK's h. g. Ora?aiaa ii. IU (Ooadale) 0 Tlme-1 :44. Betting in aria? Eumln.irv k t., 6. Policies 3 to 1, Ualene 1 to 1, Roiiiiie s 7 ie 1. meeare 7 le E OraaeSet i" la i. Bing B. 15 to 1. Clay l'a'- 30 to 1. Mclaughlin -I" to 1. Blaee?Mclaughlin IO to 1.,arv 8 tn ... St. Valentine. Long Knight and Drake were '*******eaa?*?. -ir La uah i in made ail the running snd won, t . 35 . T- French'a b. Iv Men: inoie. il, 140 . J. ll Dawes's h. a- Mm. n Ran. 4. 135 . c Me,.,nev-s ch. g. Ja-ksem. b. 13*. \V. C. Dali's b. h. San, Brown, age-d, 147 R- Rradlev'H hr. g. Elphin. 3. 188 )) 0 ridden out by a neck. Luminary got off laat, and msdn un much ground, but could do no latter thnn lieal old nonnle 8. a neck for tbe place. No bid feir the winner. MAI NTH RACE-- HANDICAP STEEPLE! II \S|\ PU USE 8(100. SHORT CDC USE. Stanley Mortimer's afc h. Westmoreland, hy Wilful dani har Lard Clvd". ag-d. 152 rt) . . . (Mara) 1 AA*. C. Dalv's I,, g. Willie Palmer. 4, 135 , . . (i ( 1 llekeleh) 0 C. H. Rfie'rkctfn b. I*. Leroy, 8, 13.1 . (Uslmrno IIcmpatflM Stable's b. g, Repartee, 3. 181 11 Duo Queens Co. Stable's b. g. Jin Murphy. 4 i io . (M. Kennv) * .1. R. Dawes's br. h. Robstay, ,V 133 . (Nevena) " J. H. U'Wls's rh- g. Chanticleer, aged. 133. (Nolan) ?? Tlme-3:10. 'Refused. "Fell. Betting to wln-Wostmoteland 8 to 5. Rrae-a-Ban 4 U 1, Repartee 5 to 1. Mentmore C, to 1. Willie Palmer I to 1, Sam Bream 10 to I. Chanticleer 10 to 1. Elohln 10 to 1. Jackson ll io 1. Jim Murnhv 20 tn 1. bora* 20 to i. Botany 30 io l. piece?W8ce__ereeB_-l non-. Willie Pa'iner 2 I ? 1. Jim Murphy blltai at the third Jump, Robstay refus-d 111 obstacles and I ininti -le-,- foil. Weslni.nelaiid walt-'d in the ruck until reaching the fiat, wiicn he lost every? thing, wlnnln without effort bv two length*. B< WM n-parded so airtight a " cinch," that not more than a doi-ii bookmakers laid against him. KINGSTON AN EASY WINNER TERRA COTTA ANI) BLBWOOD QUICKLY DIS BOBED OE AT SARATOCA. Saratoga, July 31 (Spa(lal) 111 I MSl races sines the Suburban wis run have- demonstrated that the victory of Elkwood was a laka of a most pteaoaaeS- character. Th. wh.. entertained a doubt tn UM nuitr.-iry probal'ly had lt removed to-day Iiy the race* rnr the Excdalot Btekea which settled the claims eef Elkwoeid to the exalte 1 po.|. timi In wble li a .suburlean victory placed him. Th'- rac-, fieem v.tiie h much was exported, was something nf a dis? appointment, iliknagh ll arse many aaa ugh t.? look ai. Covington received inatiaeUoaa t_. make n .tiff pam, and ? Terra Coila to tho front as HMM a* the flag fell, and although ihe track was good be coull Bal make* ihe pace (eal enough to worry Klagaten, wha nailed behind ElkwesSS ii ti t i : well Inatda the last Iai lang, ttkaa Bte Laughlin iiecan riding. While his oompetl-Dre were being punished, and wltkeat even n Wing his ttl ip, '-.Hi nu bre.upht Kingston ho'ne au eesy winner by ii Bet*, Whick COttld have |MCU a fall length had it been (le.lred. TM Itni'.*?2 MO1.-was a great disappointment to Hie ere.wei. Tin- pees was mode-rate tiir"i)i-')i"0t, with the quarter In 0 :_<), the half in 0:33. Hie three i|u:iit'Ts In 1 Aa, uni UM milo In 1.43. Mr. BlBtl and lits friends lost a large sum of moms, as UMy peiBlBted In ave-Tattag Elka eal, ani the picnic they proposed hav Inc bas b-eti pa.tponcd In deflnlte'v. Te-ira Ceetta's running was al*o a i*iro di appointment te. th- We-Mom division, which plunged heroically e-n their colt's ability to wear dawn Etngston with a flight "f -i" e.l, which he certainly did not piaatM to-el.iy. of ihe other races, the first was easily captured by the Hasgln tilly fl oap, wine beceiaa a hoi favorile, and was paunded ai' evai Um Ham. Thee eeaaa the dumps. Brown Duke was In the sulks and would nen nm, "bile Wary Improved cn her previous races, but Wea not go.. 1 i*nou*:li to b-at Lei--, wbo ls onie Mete lu winning faun, lor tba Spinaway Stakes S'tvla was *-' Hitched, and lt was Boon noised ebeal th" ring *bat the LUnoas waa mt herself, ani a drive was mad- on O'."en of Trumps. Rut the Ev cetalot s'.iiei.- eerrled al Um prlte arith Olpey Qween, admirably ridden by Manin. IM iitn-ti. k. wi." hal bCCB -?ll to ?? p.iil'' Brien this morning fa: 8000*, wei entered In tba Milln- raes f-i 8000 Bl 1 Won, and was bid up c. BE.loo. and baili tl-- i'?ii'-r e.f tin- Benaud hot aa and the Baaoclatlea lid ?*-ii in dividing a surplni of $700. The utt.-iicitm.- was iai--, m- weathct Cue cad much mu was .xpresacd .it the' prompuwaa .f iii lag. Mr. Bherlden bandied iii- large Balda with ease and skin, and st 2:15 tim people w-n* leaving tba gteaala McCarthy and the etber beya Bnapended leal Thursday wet- reinstated andct ibe new llapeaaaUeo, bat lt ls an nouiie-.-d ihat no rockey will be reinstated bu enfiel undei any ce-lislileiaiiieii. ni' ma-.t-r v hat pre'.-.ur- ls brought U, bear Bpon ile- radii- lUlhO-lUea. The de-iail*. follow: FIRST RACE-PURSE MOO. 8-4 MILE, j. ii. Haggln'a i*. t. Prose, by Oaeadaga Peedy, 3 vt-., -.'j 1-2 n.Beiaean 1 Lemaaney Btua' l?- g- Banner. Bearer, ;,, no (Williams; 2 santa Anita Stable's b. ni. Estrella, 5. lol (Armstrong) 3 Eiia Smith coll Pd, E-n lev nu. Blggunetle lol, Hilda 80, James A. ll. 107, Clara C. lot, Kentucky Bau '.',*,, and .Ma.a '.*'.'. als-* ian. Betting .' le l Pm?. I Estrella, 5 Bannar-Rearer, fi Mala, M Uiggoueltu, 10 Illida, E"> I Tern C., 20 .lames A. IL, -'" Keii u k- Baa, 28 Elia smith cdt. Piece?3 to 3 -en Prose, i! io 1 against Renner-Bearer. p.? -Prose tAo, EstreLa ?13, lieid $30. MuiuE- T " I" Tbej were off al Ihe Brat attempt with Estrella and Blggouetle in ftoiit. lu the atteteh Prue, cam- through an j nan hy ii length an 1 a half from Haulier-B- arer, three leugtha from Estrella. TlnM 1 ill 1--1 SECOND RACK EXCELSIOR STARES. 880 EACH, 81,000 ADDED 1 14 MILES. Dwyer lii<>-.* nr. t. Kingston, by BpeodlbriftrKapaa. ia, 4 vi... us ft.iM"Laughlin) 1 Chicago .-ul*** 'B "h. c. Terra Cotta, 4, 11s (G. Ce.vlngton) 2 Walter Oratz'a eh. h Elkwood, 5. 113 . i .Martin) 3 Betting Even Kingston, o to 3 against Terra Cotta, -1 le 1 Uk WOOd Pools -Kingston 880, Terra Cotta ?42. Elkwood SIS Mu-na!. -+12 00. As .-o .I, ?_. ibe ilgnal was given Tetra Cutta ru.bel far win I lil.ewe-t bv likwaad. ani |ia--li,L- iio- s'inl the Western was showing the wac a l.imtli and I half fi-ai ii,? i"-I arba un. a length from Klngaean, Tho? they ran without change to the half, whan Kim'.'on mured tee Fib wood'* -.allie-, m -1 .o ei'.'iii iii wu- apparently satis Bod and took a pull ..n Kia.-.-e.n. who dropped back again and th* v ran "noaa aol tri" to tbe beal ol iin- at retch. Aa thev lani'' t.e th- la.t fu ri < .ii tr th" trio were lapped Then Martin began whipping and ?*. anon followed by Covington* the lash. "Jimmy'1 roda viir.islv, and a* they approached ila* gnai esme tee ihe fronl sud ?,,ii amidst h.nidi excitement by a _""1 neck, mill Terra Cotta a bead lb- beat ol Elkwood. Time 2 io ii 4. ?HUED RACE-HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES. #20 i vi ll 8300 ADDED. MILE AND 70 YARDS. D. a. ii ai ii---. u e. Lelex. by Lelapa-War Reel, ig( L no n.i petali i T, II, s'.' b. f. Weir. 4. ins . . (Moore 9 J. ll. Thompson'!, br, h. Dad. e,. ins (Newmeyeri a Molli,e Mei irthy'i Last, los. Brown Duke I OB Boho. nilan, Da. Yoaburg, 03, Hypocrite, 00. Teubroeck li Macbeth ii . (OS, sn 1 Bonita 108 101 Bl inj. Os mina i llao 'nu Bettina '?'. to l Brains! Brown Duke, s Lelea 7 Hype ','?''? , Bad, s W..*' lo V'oeburg lo oarsman, lu M.,, h'-U) IL, IS Bolemian, ll Mollie's Last, 20 Tenbroeck 2-i Bonita. C".i> Macbeth 820, Bakara Duke si.-,, Dal .13. geld Mutuals a- :*e There aaa somo delay, ewing le Hypocrite kirkin Vnsburg and Injuring Freeman's foot. Daune* waa -ul,.:, luted. Then after several attempts Wary lumped od In " l_fA V':' V*'.'" -,:" Voaburg- liles came a Timc-1*4- ,""' V ' "-',''' "'"' ":,', '"" Umttth* le hind. lol - ki ii'i: yr SPINAWAY STAKES. TWO-YEAR l'l IU -.Ni J * ?10? ''" ,I'*700 ?'"'"'?I' H\l. ''Vi''i:.;"r *?'?';'"'" .V f r'-h-v Q.?? hy Rayon D'or Llalui.uh. |00 1 .(Martin) 1 E. i simmons - , i, f, q,,,. (Walket 8 Vendetta pa, Maia,, niiv. mt. Tho Lioness Kit Ra I "I-;- 100 .al Ros.I ult ai.? ,,?. ' 10" * i'.*'*"" i 7. '. ,,.;'-:,,"" '-".not Trump*, u ?, | Tho ,?,,...,,,, Pji-trjove rt t? l ,.,|,.v qi I,,,,, io to l e.n- "...-uill, . * , | ,;.,,,?, -*,, .,, , VandettB, 20 ta 7 -nfcn of t"^2 U l ****** aT**r*Z*t ?0 to t?;;: ?;;.?; j;::",.v;:!v v"i V;::".a;r;.r'1 M0- Q,"">n "f Mutuals ur SO. '.m.??-ti Bf Trumps hied (he beige i* 'he .tart, nnd at the half waa b netk before Daisy Woodruff, iani--d st Om Birth by r.lpsy Oe," a Olpey Oneen rame In th "" ,' .*'", vv"'1.,v "?"" lengths, Dalsv Woodruff faur lengths beck. Time i :0l, EIETH RACE-PURSE *(oo. BELLIED. THREE Qi IRTKB8 "E A MILE w. 0. Brien': ),. g. DrumstlcK, irj rWilnaearda-BlewMai. , i yra, 102 8. Mien) 1 D a n*,ni*,-, i, -. Colonel en,,.,,., *,.a i, us (Walker) 2 w 0 Bcnliy* eli. e. Daiivsa 4 i"ii (Barnes) ii Wows -.'3 Rumn lift, .lennie McFarland too. Kedar Kahn ill, lanie- 0, OP, BkobeloO ioi, and Ca po Un lia ttl-. lilli Beti u^-o t i 1 ,v.'nliiM Jenn's Mc Fal ind .', to ! Pu yan a l*..n .i> 12 Calal,-I ii?* as 12 Doun*, lek, 12 Kedar Kain*, 12 (uni" c.. lb Wows, 13 Capel i. 20 s; *',*:,.ir place 3 to 1 Bftt'nsl D'tini.tlcl , ' I,, 1 C.boa*: O'.i-us. Pool- -.??, lennie McFarlanl, fib Ranyan, -i3i) fleld. SI umala ibu. Wan bv a inud reeond a , Breacaaaarta *o. I^.iit'llgll s3. Iluffal. ot. ThlrJ-In^H*. ioi II. 880, Il.ilhdav SIS, Ars'o ?2. Held *2. Fourlh-l^'irliia ?23, Battle ?14. (iallaliii ?Ei. It'd Sn,-,- SS Elvo 11 ti, Pronehtea ?'., Mir-b ?:., Ml e7. Be ?- -liing on Meepteekaai i api??i eba nm f-n after Hie lilee .. WINNINI. THE REE'.EN pol.NT TENNIS CUP. .?.-tviday the Bereen Pe.ieii OSxm_\ Club Cup Wis awarded tn E. O. 8-huyler, whi finished with R H. Russell tho score of tho finals. It stood thus: 7-0, 7-5. 0-1, 0-8. 0-2. ANOTHER FAST MILK HY MAUD ft AGAIN ABTONIMIII.XO HEP. APMIHEHB AT TUT. YLT.F.T ? WOOD TKACK. There socms to 88 no limit to tho possibilities of Maud S. Tbe motUUt clo stunt mare ls built mme? thlng after ibo fashion of tin* olil-tlme stroM-ears cf this city, wlili'h were inver sn full but that tlwre was ne in for ono imus, paaaonglflr to hang on. Thc Que**!! of tim Turf has ofii-ii a-*tiinl-liei| ln-r admln-i** bf laiBSaatBg her own bc?t time. lier ]ati-sl feat was e,n Meeiitlav, wbeii eui tbe Fleet woesl tra/k. ililv-'i bl .lohn Murphy, she maelo th" nilli* coins'* In 2:12 114. equal lo tke beal tlsse ever Beads la Fleetwood bf aay etber trotter. To i?- tate Iks groat man- levi on tbs jircvlous Monday mail", the nillo on t\w same traek In 2:12 1-2. but the wotidei f'il part Of Ike la^t Dial was Ike fact that in obt dione s t?> laslmelloas Murphy Baaed li?r In coming Bf th" lilli so that dor Fpeeil was pe'ir--piiHy checlii'd. Ila.l sh- been gaekcd IkeSB ls no duubt about hoi- ability, at the tr-nllic rat/* ike v. is ?Olag, to have linne lb" ti'llo vi '? I ,J points Quicker than 2:12 1-2 and beaton ln-r own record. The mil" In 2:12 114 wa* tbe scroinl ot:" flint elsy, tb" track having been cliolod tho first time In 2:1114. After tho day's feat Mr. Ileuuior climbed Into tho scat nf a light tup-buggy and took Hi" ribbons In his bands arni sped back to tho elly, tb" proud owner of Ibo ni"-t WOBdarfBl ploco of animal mechanism on carib. Her lime by quarter! In tb" two miles bail been as fol? io a-g : Pint Mlle. Second Mlle. Quarter mlle.o :i:i OlBSl-S Half mlle.1 :().'> .1-1 I :<>-t 'lbi'0's,1uai-t"i_ nillo . . . 1 :4" 1 I I iSI 1-4 Milo.211 I t 11:12.') 4, "The Fleetwood rvronl e,f Marni s.," said Mr. Hon ncr, '? boforo I bought her from Mr. Vanderbilt was 2:E1, ala! h"r fast track record, nonie* al Clarelaod, ase 8*608-4. since Him eke bas done a second better fe r ino, also ai ( levclaud, (bree yean imo. sho I- a tull.* f.\t vet ami hu. onlv been driven live, times ie, ii Miikv ibis leeann, stn* mm- break bar own ne "ni beran tho season ls mei. but i haven't da cldrsl yet wbal I am going tee elo with her.'' ap THS CHAM) . 3. 7; Lynn W, 4, 4, 9. 8 8; St. Elm.*. .',. 'J. (1. b. 4 : Edwin C. 0. 7. 7, 4. Si Lady Helsn. 'J. 5. o. ti. 'J. Tlme-2 :1_ 3-4. 2 :l0 3 4. 8:18 8-4, 2:21, 2 20. BELLE HAMLIN ANI) CLINGSTONE MATCHED. BaSalo, B. Y, July 31.-A mate li ra"- f'-r *2,o00 between Belle Hamlin and CUngateoe bu bera ai : I*, lake pia.'* (lining th" (.rand Circuit races at Hutlaio, Clingstone's ownet bkvlfg r-fused to eiit*-r him in tke free -for-ail race, th'.- puise- of B Illili has been cut down to **_,000. - ? TI 1 ri II PED ED HORSES SOLD. Chicago, July 31?A dispatch fr-iu Cleveland savs: -jahn Madden, Lexlngi. Ky., ic- i.. w. h. Hill. w..r*.-.i.-r, Mesa, th.- u'tav Ready Boy, hy arnold and tin* ebeetaal peelag marc Wlckopee, r.*--"r'l 2 20 as a ?hr,*'*.lejr-nid. Botk nanci were said with tbelt eagage ments through Ike gran 1 ciiouii. 1'ilce for both, S12.-0U." ? **? TIR WINS THE STEWARDS' CT P. London, July 31.?Tbe Gooda.I meeting opened today, ih" race tor tbe Han stales, for two-yeea* eebis, wa-, ween by Ibe J ni if- ol Portland's bay ce,it Donovan. Flour ile I.vs was Stcond ;l" 7, c ?_, c, _-, ll. A. Ellson be-at ll. C. Forbea by de fault ; P. A. shaw. Jr., be-at (.;. A. Hard, 8 1, 6 2 : Hugh Tailem beat ll. <_. Blxby, ti l, ci ; B. 1*. Mitchell beal I*. E. Ilaln-r, 6-S, 2 c. U 2 i G. - I BBlpbell neal (;. V,. I_?*, 4-c, ti 4, rt ti; ti. L. Klngaley baal H. s. i base, r.e.. c. 2. co; V.. I.. Klnple) beat w. e. Jennings, 8-3, 8-6. Following are the eli awl,,ifs fur lo-moiTOW: Deane Miler against V, righi, I'. I. V. Moppin again ' 1 . p iHsbl, Sinew aga n-1 i*. A. Shaw, )i. ; ll. U. sim um against (?. s. Campbell, C. A. ( beac a.-ain.t o, l Kingsley, E. H. Man-li-bl mian-t tt>. l-n, i; p. VIcMullen against B. ll. Mitchell, W. I.. Klngaley againat liiigb 1 ullin,:. THE BLUES BADLT BEATEN AT POLO) Newpait, p.. E, Jalj :n [Special).?A bHltlaal pale milleh Mob piae. iai- ihi. af:.*iiiiii.ii, before a large audi euee., many of the leading wtlegeri betag pnaeni w,th Hair f:iml'i-s. 'I h- ?:: BB iai'*: Illili'.. The.nias Hitch -oi k, jr, w. k. Then, Btaalej Mortimer uni Rudolph Ait-t-Tr ; Yellows. S. s Benda Jt - J. E. K-iiim han, El]lot Bbrowak! uni e.. e Wtathtap, ir. The Hw badly beaten, thu Tallawa lukins- tune ('?'_: F.KHIT Horns a in i zo/.' TBkTTMMB sow. Tb" Hight boat law for letter currie-rs will ge, iufei effect to-day. Two hundred end ilxtj one ml,mumal i.units bave been BppoUHed lo el" tin- work required on iii-iiiunt e.f ike sboii nim,' of ike bonn ol service ol ike carrier, lormcrty employed, Tke nea earrien kara beea at work f"i iwo "r ikeee weeks sa iubsU* lutes, se, that Ikey ban* beaoai.B-SWbal familiar viltb tin n eluiic Tln-y will aj js-ar In BOW unlfeeimi io ei,h. Uren baa been little ekat-ge in Ike eekedule of deUrarioa. Tko Bamber of new ssas spportloned to Bea Fork h nearly suffclenl iee e_akc up r.?. ibe shorter houri eef tbe ?.i?i toter. Tbe rou tn buv.- in easei baes changed aol much labor iii, i,**-n expended bj Po*! mae ter Di arson ami bi- ualatants it. rearranging the schedule, The time e,f aenlce In ?any caeca dorn uni cnti.isi of righi ronaeeutlve ben.I-i. Sli'l Heel' IliHV lie- - ?. Ill.Il i pl a! Il 1 alla.I,I- I be iin-ii drat On- bonis sn- Inconvenient. In some ra n f'-w Boura1 aBnln h nqulntl carty lu tho day ami ii. ii i>e eoasfdSSSd In th" raee". Th" Iragie and S8BOClatinn records to date are as follows: l.etqtie. Wnn.i^es.. r leSV r* New-York. 4M 2H .633 St Loni*. hO 11 ,6-'*o lietrolt. 47 20 .Ula Urooklyn. Ul 88 .Awl Chleage. 45 itl Mr.* Cincinnati. id ll) ?'-4 Heiston. 'At 41 .474*AtM baae hit by O'Bourke. He icored on Ewlng'a lacrl Bce out at iii-i. Tke Bow-Fork pleyen Kided tw.i mon nins to their scon In th" teventh Inning, earn? ing lioth of them. After two men wein out Wanl made a three-bagger to righi ti'-l e on nor, 1 f. 1 '.* 1 li 1 I'.iir.loe k, 1 li. 0 ii 1 1 0 t, .-muli, p. ,| il ei 1 4 i* Bnsbong, c., OJ o 4 I it Totals ..! it 4 37 1 i, i< Totals.: o 4 2 7 17 5 ? Itl. 0 O O 0 2 1 0 0 0-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Ell I I lille.I'i I'. IJumkll ll 0. I'll sf IMS-' ai, Ciiii'liinnti it. Brooklyn '.'. iv.' i,.,-* ,,,, ba'le? Nu* I 1. I-i ii- liv 1. s., Plnknej I, Struck out Mcphee, Bellly, Carpenter, Fen. nelly, Plnkney, O'Brien, IS, Smith. Th toe. baie hits O'Connor. Tm i,,-** bli. ti'Connor, Orr. Double piara ? M'l'i. ii'il Ee-illv. I',-.-| hallie IC,.la ie- -2. Wibi pitches?Fouu I. Umpire McQuade. Time?1 :40. Tbe Jersey city nine had little ei;tiie-ui(y in defeat lng the Wllkcabarn team at Jersey City yesterday. i - lictory m* woo befon tbe gam" was half over. Tin- econ was: Jet,ev 'i'i,'. ' r. ift ps a - I li'i'kriljnrre. . r | ft pt i. % Hlland. c t 211 1 ol I Black, p.I'd, 2 0 711 o linen, lb. ! ?_? a v 0 irwin. 8 b -.* 1 -' 1 n I Knowles, .in i i i 2 0 corcoran, ss., tv v i 4; J Incl. If. 0 i it ii o linn, 1 b.; o o -.' I 1 Brady, r. 1. ll :i 1 o o McKee, rf... 1 n B I) 0 Herhardt. 3 b, 1 3 t B l Beechar, 1 f.., 2 il B 0 o lloifsri, c.... S 17 7 1 chadwick, 2b1 III li 9 B il Hair. i> Lane, a s. Tolals. El 0 .. 2 linese. c.I o I 8 1 l l -? 2 0 riugsrald, c f, o o oi 0 o Il El .7 -it 4 Tatala. ' l "v'.'il li - Jersey City ...21010001 6-11 NS Ilk. -bini- . . 00 u 2 il 0 I 0 1? 4 Caine 1 nins Jerney City, 8: Wllk*abarro, 3 first base -ii ermra Jeraey City, 0; Wllkeaberte, 1. Left on bus. . Jersey city B Wlikesbarre, 5. Three-base hlti - o'l'-ii-n. Corcoran. Two-base bus Knowles, Daley, lc-i-r, li.aii,ia plays ii,,i,,"I snd O'Brien; Corcoran and Ittiil : Howse, Ur,ii end Corvoran. Ei ? l balli Ili.Hnid 2. Wild pitch Daley. Umpire-Mr. Holland. Tim. of game 2 hours, 8 minutes. Thu Srnntona inn- unable te> do anything with Baker's curves at Newark yesterday, ami in conse? quence Ikey toll easy rlctlai t" the home* club. In -illlltleell lei the- ill esl VVOI'K elf Ell her I |,e- hum., foam alu played s brilllanl game, Smith at start ileeing wonderful work. The Scranton! gars Jacobs poor rapport in the early part of tin- guim- e,r the game wuiilil hav- ben nnie-li eloaer. In th" fifth, lix tb ami seventh inning, seven of tke nine Scranton bats nn-n struck nut. Tbe non was: Newark ....0202 1 DOO 1-0 Scranton ....OOO00001 0?1 Baeehlti Newark '?>. Scranton 4. Errora Bow ark 2. Scranton a, Pitchers- Baker end Jacobo. Cm* pli-u- Mr. I.athani. Till: DETBOITS TAKE SECOND PLACE, BOSTON i'll 1 \n li UV cnn,adelphi \. Detroit, -inly m. The Detroit nina wis again d fi ited by th- Indianapolis tram to-day. Eleven taminga wen played. The Indiana polia nine waa tho gan* by bunching itali bits io ti,,, fourth ani eleventh nu,in.--, iha note WM .' - I* ii"? ? : i'e troll .... 2 0 l 0 0 0 1 1 n 0 " ". Indianapolla .0004 08 1 0 0 0 2 7 Ba oki! i' ? at. lo: n, Ueaspolta, 10. 1 Dettoli t Indianapolla I. Pltetata?Ceawey ead Mealy I II!|l|e Mr, El lah Beetaa, Ja Quakers aefeeted Ike ii"-t.uis tn dai f-r ita eighth eoaaeeatln nm-, la an exciting eleven Inning conlea!. BTIaa again gan Ike gaaM away, thli um,- by a fifi,bi-, with ih- s?r- .*, ia 1 against ti. the flatten wenl la and batted four saned run. lu tba nveath Inning. The- ?, ,,re> wa.: Beeton . . 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-5 Philadelphia 11 0 I 0 0 i) 4 11 n 0 j_u Ba Mia 11. tea, I Pklladelpkta, 11 Brnte Seat ea, .*, i-iiiiid Spin 1, :,. pu, h- - 1 trkeoa uti Benders, im pu ? \]l l'a,l. 1 . Pinu.l- i|.hi... .inly iii Weyhlag pitehed great bell ??? - iio-' bu,-i. (in thia Befterooea ami was becked up lu in nil,- taminga ita Cewbeya seal |aal "v 11 na 11 i'i bc. Tba a an waa: lithletie .(i 0 0 a 1 0 1 o 01 ? Qty.0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii Baeefclta Athletic, 0; Kansas City. 0. 1 rr..i.- Vthbti,', 0; ( rv, 4. Ptlpkon WcyklBg and (ialllvjii. Ciiiplt' Mr. liuirney. 0-STSbaajfl, July 31.-Tho St. Louis club plsjal poorly to day and was essily besten by Cleveland as follows: I (lev-eland.OOO 10028 0-1 ht. Louis.0 10 0 0 10 0 0-1 ttasohltK-Clevelsnfl, 12; Rt.. Louis, 9. Errors-Cleve land, 0; Kt. I .oula, 8. I .Ichera?O'lirlen and Hudson. Liiiplro-Mr. Ferguson. Washington. July 81.-The New-Orleens Baseball Par! Association to-day tiled a bill for an Injunction restraining the Washington Baseball Club from employing William Wldner, who, lt. ls all-god, ls now under contract to play with tho complain II ChlMgt Inly Ml. The gam" to-day between the Chi cago and Pittsburg clubs waa postponed, after two Inning"* bad been pl ij'-d, SB aceiiint nf rain. Ai itii'imoi" Belt-Been, 7; louisville, 2. At Watertown--Watertown, 5; Albany, _V I10ME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. ALnEMAliEE-Chiiuncey E. Ulick, of Pennsylvania BRUNSWICS Dun, an McIntyre, of MoutneL BOCK. EN'iiHAM- sidney T. PMnhild, of I .i/"ii"v ia. N. f. i-'.vi -.BETT Speaker Jobs 0. (ariish*. of Kentocky. iii rn wini ii- Ex-Saoatar t. N. CaaaJetii ef Weal Virginia; Ei.bani J. Blight, of Indiana, and William id, , Smith, of chicago. OI__SET-CongnaaaMn curios I ,-e-ii. ',. of ( ante . 'In,t, and lohn O. Prattler, of -St- Louis. HOFFMAN- Ex-Congreaaman John ti. Wlae. "f virginia. "Eil 'NT AL-Donn Elatt, of ohio. STURTEV INT - Cnngrrsaman Jamea E. Campbell, of ohio. WINDSOBr s. ii. li. (lark, vie.'-pre-sldent of the Missouri l'acillo Hallway Company- _ _ WHAT IS Q0DTO ON TODAY. i-jterutlve Committee of P.epubllcan 6ute Commlttre, Fifth Avenue Hot*l, noon. Argument in insurance corni stiles tax csse. Supreme Coan BaaaaaB. New-York and Wishlngton clubs. Polo Erounds, 4 p. m. Muting e.f Park Carin I sa! or e rs, noon. of Executive Committee of Democratic Nations! Committee. Coroner's inanest In Westfield, N. J., csie. New*Yolk and Texas Traffic Association, Windsor lietel. E. publican banner-raising md mass ateting. Orango, B. J , s p m. Marrissa and Moiton Battery of XVIIth Assembly Dla trlct, No. 3(W West Filtlelh-st.. 8 p. m. \ tk District I'.-i'Ubl.caii Association. Avenue House. laney city, _ p. __, Pint Hungarian lIairl_on snd Morton Club, No. 152 btanioii-st., h p. m. Meeting of maine Roceptl'in Committee, No. 479 Ful ton-st., lliooklyn, a p. m. Mn-Ic In Mt Morrla l'ark by Dodworth's Band. 8 D. m. NEW-YO BK CITT. Tho rolfed States stoann-r IVnsaoola, flagship of tho North Atlantic .Squadron, will loavo tho Navy Yard for .Norfolk to-eliiy to ta repaired. Sho will be towed outside of Baady Book and make her way to Ike (apes of Virginia under sall. Tho Manhattan Kl"vat"d Hallway Company con? template th" punkaae al throe extra benches to ao eommodata iheise who have to walt fur transfer ar lin- Fortf-eeeond st. station oa tbe Third ave. line, to take tta place of Ikme being painted. Moanwhlkt. ii hus been suggested by sumo of tho patrons ol tho road i" subscribe for tba punkaae of some seats. I*. L. White, brother-in-law of p. J. Sheridan, Ihe alleged ?? No. I," baa been unanimously elected captain of tta Sd Battalion of Irish Volunteers. Major K. S. 0'8banghlieBBy, well-known In Irish Nationalist circle's, ie at preeent witnessing tho hor? rible* eviction scenes on Captain Vandelcur'a estate, in County tiaro, Ireland. A trial of speed among lype-writers on the illtTeroiit kind of machines will take place at the MetropoUtaa Btenograpben' Assneiation rooms, Ne.. SOS Wet Twoiily-Iirst-sf., to-nighf. Prize, will bo given to tho three operators who write tho gnalsst number of trOrda in Bea coneeeutlve minutes with the least number Of errors. Th" New-Orleans iteamen at this season bring numbers .if mocking birds. They an* generally awned bf pa-s"ngors, but as many as thrco to four hundred h.ive* come mi one ship. Tho tost to Halve North wo the March hatched birds. Deputf County Clan Thomas F. Gilroy, who will sall for Europa today on the steamship Britannic, received a handsome gol'l-headed cane yesterday from ibo recording cloiks. Tho Berkeley Lyceum Association (Limited) trna mortgaged i's property In Forty-fourtb-aL, wost of Flfth-ave., to the Franklin savings Hank for Busaell SM", Sidney Dillon, Eeor;*" J. Gould and ieiieral John McNulta, receiver of tho Wabash P.all i-oad Company, wont to Staten Island to soo tho Wild Weet si.eew yeetetdaf. They wero the guests of Erastus Wlmaa. F.x-rollco Sergeant Thomas Ahearn, ago slxty -cven, ilicd yeeterday at his homo, NO. 184 East I'* eu rt h st. He hail been a member of tho police tone thirty-two yean, twenty of which ho was _er p-ant of tho Cuing Maikot Police Station. Ho leavea two sons ami two (laughlen. A resolution Introduced by Mr. Rlnckhoft was peaced l>y tho Al'l"i-ni"n yeeterday, tho objoet of whlcli ls to obtain for laboren in tbe Park and Btreel .baning Departmcnta SS per day, the wagM patel by ii" Department of Public (Torlea Tho slaws of tho tepartmenta referred to are naked on tho subj"ct. Formal aanouqeement of the recent death of Vf. H. jeroy waa made al tke stuck Bxekaoge yosteiilay. I- vi is admitted te> membanhlp oa september f, 1837, tod wa. li ft Ii on the roll, ll" wae th" oldeet member n nf age, being nlnety.thme yean satchels which he pillie-.* captured in his Brooklyn boarding house ifter his arrest. Coroner Levy aald ynterday that notwithstanding be results nf the autopsy beU by his deputy, Dr. tonkins, ou tim body Of Julius Willis, who ell' I c ii- Win.i's leland InJane Aaylum la-t Friday, ho ii..iii'!.?*tne se-ni a lotte-r to the Police explaining that ho made his escape by loreto^*, on his cell eb,.,r. and he d"iiloil tbat any pta _____* him In fetttag bis lllierty. ^""I The Fresh Air Home for poor children reread Hoarel on altto^T^ tabllshed In Summit ls In Ano running order "?s thirty children, some from St. Barnaby not pm Newark. Tho president, Mrs. W. H. DS-BBSM .*??? 'n ladios working with her aro doing e*.reU*e_, The Highland House has given a concert, us""* Illackburn and Park Houses, wirb tba nj will help toward the expenses. **? ? ***** N - yesterday u, m The drive, olla! 1 "?"?"I for ??? Wk JERSEY CITY Matthew Kelsh, a laborer living fjermaala aves., was knocked down yM?erdsT~*__^ hoi." attacheil tn a boer wa^on T>? *-?- 7 ' truck, nenry Wiffen, was arrested driving. Kelsh was trample'l on by the h . ." seriously Injured, ? - ELIZABETH. The dead body of Jacob ScbneU, age sixty, iCu_,_ Railroad employe, was funnel feating i_ ___g_\ crook near the South st. bridge yo.terdsy _wr\\\_) Si linell informed several peroone on Monday ___ that ho was going ta commit suicide*. Thomas Noonan, aire twenty, who lived in T_u, Elizabeth, has been missing since Saturday. Yestafe his body waa found at the foot of Twenty-nlntb* Iiayonn* * TATEI-SON. Mr. Joseph Wilkin, whoso (laughter Maud, a schtel teacher, was found dead In bed in Paterson on Mostfar morning, yesterday called on Coroner (_oodrid**i im deeaaaded that an Inquest be held, as he wu m ?atfeftod that she had taken the poison Intentionsn. Tho cororyr refused the request, saying fhat there wm no reason for further Inquiry. Mr. U ilkin huco* ?ailed a lawyer to see If ho cannot have bli vista compiled with. MlM Wilkin's life wa, insured ls u onl-i' which does not pay death benefltj to tis nt* tlVeS ol suicides. Mrs. Catherine Kinney, who owns her hom u Mar-ball and Slater sta., distinguished herself yt^ terday morning by attacking with an axe au elrtns llcht pole In front of her premises, allowing her km. barn! to complete tbo demolition of the offcatl*-* object. The Hoard of Aldermen ordered the Iga put there. WESTCHBSTER COUBTT, The Rev. Andrew J. Sullivan, of Mount VeTiOB, ka received a unanimous gail to rh" Presbyterian Chmrk ar Plo,vant\ nie, and a call te> tho Pres hy terian Churl at Porti-he.toi-. He l.... declined tin* farmer am but haa the Portcbeeter invitation under ruuslilereilia -? ALOBd THK sound. The Knights of Cotumbua In Bridgeport have vetrt to tako part In anv movement of their order for ods bratlng tho four hundredth anniversary of thi dla. covcry of America. -? Announcements. Henrt A. Daniels, M. D., 319 WIST l'_-rH-cT. Diseases of the Nervous syalein. Henito-Crinsry Orpok Impotence ami Stenlitr. Hours i 8 to ISL 6 to 8. A ROUSING CONVENTION Of Jersey '? BraekeetetW va.ietehr proaoaaeed HYDRO. NAI'HTHOr. PASTILLE-! th-ir n...?t rt-ad.T enemy. No family medie-ln" chest is compI.*'e "'.(Soo .SEABU RY'S READY-MADE MUSTARD PLASTUS for cramps, ch"lcra-moibus and congestion- Soil :y al diupglsts. TROY IS THE SEAT OF THE CHIEF COLLAR AJI CUFF INDUSTRY. BUT, AS THOSE DOMESTIC Otk. LARS WE SELL AT 0 CENTS AND 12 12 CE>T BACB ARE MADE ELSEWHERE. THE TROT MAJIU rSCTUBEBS ARE AGOG over THE FACT OF OCI ABILITY TO SUPPLY SUCH UNUSUAL VA_C_ TIlliY HAVE REEN TRY I NH* TO DISCOVBB HOW IT'S DONE. ONE BRIO HT TROJAN WANTED TO BET THAT TIIE " NINE CEBTEBB" WERE ? I'-'IOJ LINEN,'' AS IF BETTINO I'ROVEO ANYTIIIN'O CHIEFLY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE. COLLAS TRADE WE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING CORSS SCONDENCE: York Street Flax spinning Co. (Matted). 13 rrantlioA. City. Dear Sirs: We send herewith two styles of eoUi*?; that branded " Priscilla" wo retail for nine eenie eeet, (M " Thistle"* wo retail for twelve and one-half centa eatk As linen experts, will you state what r_._wr!il _??& UCENT.. , _, **_*mbroadwai n2_ I Hits, cc v ills. Jil. Manager. -__. CURE Piora i'Aieni- mi-Brow ?^????JJWS Hill' MS IViti-.llr Iteator.* '**\'V.!fV,rt !>!?*' ' **?___ dorsal CieiMiu. ?! druin. ln"?"^?'"'" Viii., li***}-"! Inpoaiileu. Alleonverasli.m aud *'?" * ^u, Mj* 11,,,-tlv. aen.1 tor aiatu-aiai. ?*'*. *i*"s.. Briufaf. * ** Adilreai ot vnvlan ft HISWaBi "??'*? ?"** M