V01 XLV1II.K?. 15.236.
London, Auc 1? <>n the resumption of the
debate in tho House of COBa_auUB to-day on the
Parnell Commission hill. Mr. Ilalfour, Chief Sec?
retary for Ireland, s.-iid tn.it tho sjK-cch of Home
S-. rotary Mattheus his: night, in which be sui*!
"the Judges already hail tin- power to Balee!
such charges ns they dcom-el worthy of an
iniiuirv.' contained what Ila |jovernmont. had
oil along stated.
Sir Lyon Playfair. Liberal, contended that Mr.
Matthews had extended the scop** of the bill to
sn enormous extent. Mr. Matthews now s.u.l
the ir.i.i.iri was nto un organc-ation which induced
crime whereas the House had been led to believe
that the bill was intended ta Bambie certain mem?
bers to clear their characters.
Mr. Bradlaugh declared that Mr. Matthews
had made out an absolutely n-w i ma.
Mr. Cbasaheslala repeated his statement that,
ho would have been glad if the range of the pro?
posed* inquiry had been limited, but he said he
hail never suggested a limit rc _\ ire li ng larsons.
Mr. Gladstone said the Govenunent'i oovenanl
had been entirely and absolutely ohailfled He
wi: 1 his P*?r<-' wouM take care that thc country
should undorstanel tho proceedings. (Cheeta.)
Mr. Balfour said that Mr. Gladetonc cn the eve
of the inquiry had pronounced tlie opinion that
"The TiniesV Inters were forgeries.
Mr Gladstone?I said that I was justified in
concluding that there must be _ mot.ve for tho
extraordinary way in which the Utters were now
being thrown into the shade*.
Mr. Balfour saul Mr. Gladstone's remarks were
rr. si improper. Ile denied that the Government
bad altered the hill or changed their positions.
Mr. Itoid. Liberal, offered an amendment pro
riding that, tlie Commission shall inquire into
charges anel B-fefatioaa only in so fur as tho sam"
may bear upon the charges and allegations against
m-.-mberv .
Mr BextOI said he had gathered from the
speeches cf th Minister- and their supporters
thar thev only desired an imp:irv into the alleged
rc_ni>lici.y al members with e.imo. To include
thc cond'ict of outside persons was irrelevant.
BXoepI in so far as it might throw light on the
nssiimed guilt of members. Mr. Smith's
friend Walter at first din not wish tliat other
persons should lie included, but when he visited
Mr Smith he know that the letters he had pulv
lishod in "Tlie Times" aroold be proved to be
forgeries, that his charges against metaben would
break down, and thar* tli" only chance he had of
escaping disgrace and th" ruin of ** The Times'"
was to get a roving inquiry into the conduct of
persons over whom members had no control, an 1
thus mislead the public mind.
Mr. Matt hem said: " Hm primary oi**jeor of
the lull is to Becnre an Investigation Into ?
of what, have been properly described as a cata?
logue of melancholy nnd il.sgr.K-.-ful crimes, re
? | whicb th** Government thought it of pub?
lic importance that the whole truth should t>e
known. The inquiry is not into the corni.ct of
members as mem'tu-rs, bul In their oepacity as morn?
ed an outside organization. I should have
thought, that in order to completely establish Ur ir
innocence they would have' desired the Inquiry
to tx* ft;ll and complete. Mr. O'Donnell in a pub?
lished lette'.* said that Frank Byme WM only tho
agent of more guilty and more wicked persons.*1
Mr T P. ot.'* iii.nr-Doea the Bight Hon. Mem?
ber insinuate tliat he meant Oft fCtfea kt
"Order;"" and "Hear: Henri*)
The Speaker called Mr. O'Connor to order, and
Mr. Matthews continued. He said he had con
-cyeel no m. in'mtion against any one. If be had
intended to make a personal charge, he would
have done it ic plain terms.
Sir William vernon Harcourt said if the pro
tractloa of the debate on the bil] required any
?anon, it would be found in Mr. M..m.'i*sura's
lt vms only by peiatatenl prcsaure that
th Oppoaition ware at laat beginning t"
ths real ?Beaning of tbs bill Cheer* It now
ai ptared thal the Government's object In ci
tr- Commiaaion was nol to give thc Parnell ite
members an opportunity to clear themselves ot
fi ?.. and calumnious charges, but to inquire imo
fi political organization.
Mr. Healy sud he believed the change in the
us the result of Mr. Wa.Er's visit to Mr.
Mt Balfou-admitted thnt the Committee of the
Cal met on July 11 decided tee include " and others11
ia ti- rt lo.noe to rhe Co-nmiaalon, and next day
Iht tri li Cabinet assented. Ii Mr, Smith, in an
ing tin reference in the 1 lo.:.-..-, did nut rend
the* words "and other persona" it was doubtlcsB
a s'ijj,.
Mr. Gladstone said he thought the conduct of
tbe Minister*, kn Bitting silent when Mr. .smith an
ed t, ?? i omni *-*.? n lea*, ins "?<? '??'
import.iiit words, deserved - 'ure.
Mr. Goschen laid be did nol think thal Mr.
-*one, iu the whole course of les Ufa, had
acted aa now In declining to recognize the truth
M.r.'s-.f's wolds Nu rhetoric n*T in
penuity of apeoeb could ait.-r tbe E'c-t thal thc
tiona ol Um Government fre.m tue Oral a re
ta include " othes persona"
Mr. Gla< itt ne -sud ba had not
the ?nalleet intention to deal w:th the
? - ? "ii involving the
. of tho Government, imt the state?
ment of the Government was not rational or In?
Sir William Vernon Harcourt sad that tue
whole ' the Government had been s r?
. to accept the word, ol the Parnellites,
while reedy to indorse and promote ever] cal
ol the foiile-t Uind. We,nhl the Government now
:,".*?.pt Mr I'M-iie ll s .leninU. or proceed to try
to fix upon them ehargee ol perjury and fab*
Il tao uambers wanted to ?*?? *'.?? trne unfairness
and hypocrisy thal lay behind the 'iii :, com?
mended them t" the frank innocence of Mr.
(...*' in n's remai .-;
The . hairman here advised a -eaaation of re
crlmirmtion ?
A division on !<tV. T < td s amendment was then
taken and the amendment was rejected?24] to
Mr. Goschen, in the absence of Mr. Smith, who
was unable to be present "ti aecounl of a domes?
tic affliction, stated that if the I ill was not passed
hv th.- eloae af to-morrow's Bitting be would move
tliat tin* re-m.'iineler of the elausee and amend?
ments be forthwith put Cries e ( " Obi oi):" and
ches l> .
Th.- Parnellite memhera of Parliament will
meet to-morrow to arrant? s li ur of demonstration
igainat tbe proposed compulsory ti rniinati'in (f
the debate.
Mil BOAB ll si UBS 1* \ENEI.L.
Indian.pull*, ind.. Aug, 1.?Petite! E.an. ex pres?
ident of the Irish National Iz-agu.- ol America, who
aa* in the ct?v yastssanf to pav Bli mapects la
f.enoral Ilarrls.in, was lateivtewed li t flight, just
juior to his iepaitase los the Bat Beere
*pondent of the Assoi lat.-ri fetas, pp (|,. i'arn"ll Com
mis.lon and Hs probable eCeetl upon Ibo Irish
Mr. Epan expressed ktsaaelf as wflBni la meet
a fair and impartial lareetlgatlofl lie. mbealt*
lindy deoian-ei the- irrr?*r- pubHthed by "Tba London
Time."' to ls lorgerlea. Begardlag tbe rbaign n.-vie
ty Mr. Parnell in tbe Beano al I i ai Beena, Tuesday
elpin, against JeeepB I Baaibartala, Mr. Beea, eaieag
6ttie*r things. ^.?inl I.- Kii'-w during tbe whole ttmo
that Chamberlain wa. eoamnaleatlBS ( al in.-t nereta
to tbo Irish party. Chaatorlala
undermine (.lade-tone-; mun- than thai, i ham Inn "alu
lrd?-d ro undermine l'arn.-l! lilia-' if In older le bdaee
other Irish leader, to come forward a: el spill the
parry. Chamberlain, tald Mr. Egan, han I.B tbe
?orst traitor to the English parry lt ever had Bs
kat been a traitor to eve rv party rn which h" beloaaed
.rid le every principle-, if Chamberlain iver- a maa
? tow or, be waua! n-h tot an ;.-. *, ..iv i-cRamine
farrells .eriouK chain". .Metiii.i-i. if the Brlttae
'abinet. 3ii- Kgan san!, were- i-vvorn tee aeerac) ;
jaaeefora to dlr ulfa Uuvaraaaeoi laereia wm tieaaon
?*!*? If ' liamberlain vould ilemaiiel an InveallffS
o''(i he (Eaaa| knew where the evidence could be
?',' to *?mia'Ti ParneB'i clarita some of Hui ei kteare
*** in wrltlas aad ii. the hoads of their bi
. ^ri'ti. .'.ni*. 1 Kti.pe-ieer Wlllla)U ami Com I Hr
**u Bismacrk arnveei at fMedrlebaiwbe rn sBdalgbl
?*?? Sl-tttiani-ij await/el tl:oir arrival al his man*:..ti.
? *<**1 ?t people cheered Ihe i-.mi'1 Mt and -.aug
?atch oa tba U-iH-c" sud tho I'lU-slau National
anthem. The Emperor remained at Frlrdilrhsruhe
until half-past twelve to-day. whon ns* took tho train
for Pot-dan*. He bad' Prince bismarck a hearty fare?
well. A throng of peoplo wore at the* depot and
cheon**** tbo Emperor as he departed, Tho monarch
arr ved at Spandau at 4:15 and proceeded by iteamer
to 1'ttsdani.
ciirr.iiEn bt tamma as nr. wr.NT on* bo. hd the
London. Ai.g. !.-The Inman Une's new steamer
City of Now Ye.rk Wt Liverpool to-day on her first.
voyage to N".-w York. A largo ennui el poof
at tho landing stage and pier he ad te. see h?r depart,
she carries 1.000 passengers. Among tho number
are Jame* G. Elaine, his wife and daughter, the Karl
and Connies of DOBOUgb-BOie and Ea.li"*. Bely ai al
Nora Butehlnaon. Mi. blaine nw accompanied to
the dock by several friends, who Cheered him i- the
leader put oft for the steamer.
pmiaovs-Ss prom oehtbal africa.
London. Aug. 1.?A dispatch from Zanzibar mya:
"Two native messenger, who xt,-ara raptured Imra ila
earlier expedition lev trfbec in tbe Uganda dietriet, bor?
dering on tho Albert Nyanza, and who recaped irom
their captors about tbe beginning af April, have pat
arrived hore. They report tliat Emin Ley was In a
situation of groat, dltliculty. Provisions wore' Beares
and difficult to procure, sad hil Hoops wore beginning
to be discourage*!. On April 4 Emin received a sum?
mons from tho Mahdi, dated Khartoum, to surrender
and disband his troops, the Mahdi threatening to
attack If Kmln refuted. Kniln also rocetvcei a l**tter
purporting to be from I.upton Ley, urging ulm to
?ttrreadee as rho only rn"ans to avort a massacre of
tho Europeans at Khartoum and Wadelm. Emili's
outposts confirmed reports of th" Mahdi'. BdvanOO,
?tating that scouts on arm.-el moeia Lari appears 1 Bl
th" confluence of the Nile ami Sobat.
*- Emin eoe entered tbe Lupton totter to be a forgery.
but ba ele-clded to advance Minson with Hie bulk of his
troops by tho lefi bank of tho Nile ami to eadeavor
to surprise tho Mahdi, compensating f>-r
lack of provn.lors by rapidity of attack.
Ho was much harassed by the non-arrival al Manley.
Vague reports filtered from tribe to trlleo. It was re
portod that stanley was d-nuded of men and sunnies
and hemmed tn between tho Maboda country and tho
Albert Nyanza, other reports were t-e the- effBel that
Ptan'.-y, after several conflicts with the Mal lagon and
Mino tribes, had heea compelled to divert his eoune
in an unknown direction.
'? Iiesorfors from Tippoo Tib's caravan testify to his
willingness |o assisi Major Rartte'eit, but they .-ay rhat,
owing fo tho rumors regnrellng stanley's fat", h" hail
th" greatest difficult*. In obtaining men WlBlBg to
penetrate Into the Interior.*1
I'li'ilin. Aug. 1.?Evictions were re.uni'-'i on th"
Vai.'l -ie?:- e-tat"s y"s*onlay. Thorni-* E. i-mingham
aiul bia wife and adult daughter, ol Moyaata, itoutty
defen.i"d th*(r home by throwing bolling water, lime,
cte., upon th" bailiff, and police, whom they .
with a long pole, persons occupying boat sin tli" bay
Ite Moyaata che"i-'ii the defenders Th" ;
Will th" aid of battering runs, finally mad" a breadi
In the* walls ani rushed Into iii" house. A desperate
fiuht ensued. In which rte-mlngham was wo'indeed ami
arreeted. Throe other evir-ions were effort.-el quietly.
The names of fiv'- j rles-. Who urged
on tlie Vandeleur estate to resist the evie tors bat
lorwarded to Ihe rope by the clerical authorities.
They hare also Beni a report to the rope of th" ca."
of Father M'Konna. of Kilrush, who on July IT
openly am! befor* other prle-ts and a magistrate, in
feirme'el Colonel Turner that only lolvent lei Ult. *
allowed to Join the Plan of campaign on tho Vu
Tandetom lenaats wno offereei re-lstance during
evietlon have beea leateneed to Int] at hari
labor for terms varying from one te. Bs bb
Patrick Deny, a returned American, living near
? i. baa beea arrest d on itteplelon of murdering
t'orhan. tho Ixyceiited farmer, on Sandal last.
Sr. Petersburg, Adz. l.?Th" Czar hss given a fare,
wo'j autli"nco to Mr. Lathrop, who has Jual n
tie American mission to Russia.
Londin. Aug. 1.?Dr. Bchwetnfurth says that -Stanley
may have reached the louthern portion of the vast, ill
defined re-_ion known a- Batu GaseL, whence there are
two available roetea le Wedelal. He- thinks stanley is
safe if ha ls wall -unpheil with animiit'lHon.
Paris. Aug. I.?Al the mealing of tho lhaieholderi
of th- Panama canal Company today M. do Leaiepa
proml.ed on behaif of the directors that th* canal
would b" opened in 1890. Th" report presented i'.V
M. d" Leesepi wi, approved amid cries of "Vtve d
Leaaepi i1 ? ^
Melbourne, Aug. I.?The < entennlal Exhibition
here has been formally opened.
BY nearly rui'.ri TflOCSAXD.
Booton, A ag l (Special).?The eighth annual eon*
veiitiin of thc Catholic Te.tal Abatlnence i't.ion of
America w-a_ opened in Ho.ton this forenoon. Al B
a. m. solemn high ma-.s for tho convention was e>-l.
brat"d at St. James's church. Tho sermon was
preached by the Ber. Mugan w. Sheedy, ol Pitts?
burg- Th- convention ???-?. caiie.1 te order ai Tre?
mont Temple at 11*90, th" pr'-1ileiit, the i:ev. T. .1.
if \\ e.re-ester, presiding. MeOBIB. E. A.
O'Brien, af st. paul's, end i:. H. Mooney, of Spring
r.'-i'i. were sppotnted as eaaiiclate Bocretarli
these elele.pate-s MIT" DBmCd ."). I 00 or"
denilals: M. J. Power, of Philadelphia; E Bl
i f r.i,sion ; vf. ii. MeAi IB, of -Scranton, I'* ira.: Walter
Ulbbona, of Chicago; ,i. (.. Lemand, ol -
H. i arro!l, of Providence, and Thomas McSbei
Ohio in li i opening i dreei Ihe pi lalth : -.ul:
No ewra -Btportant probtaa ihiatanda miutioii .ii mir
hau is thea thai af y inte
a.i th.- sei'-iai nu'-st:.-.:,s srhlch d:?tn:'_ tm body
u is rsepaaaitla let u-ue-ii al u.** aathrift .heh . to t -
povert] aiai pauperiaiB la our midst, l
r,:h v ,,.-?? thee SI - and OBlUM :1a* I
man a tonitaai itiagttoi Ioi thi comiiert ml in l?*i
wli-e-h lt drives friem Iii" beast. Tli- n.* st iSsctlTI pre
?ry lin- i? that, ebaeiled by waa i nlveJ nat.
tn aatei tba bbIooo. tai thi. rasoluUoo aeeM most sffeet
iv.-iy arlpa ll nut al eatatanea w^:. m\m etsrlalsa, sar
tathara in the bwvsomm laid dawn tha rale tbat poUUea
Bhaold nevr enter late our d-'lit..*rjtl'.iis, ffer.-se.-uis- that
thia aeald be a wt '?
. /aiian. Ttl" __e_Bbenhlp "t tba Balea aaa number*
M.:.-,.*.. ar. laiiaeaa lei ito yeei *-' I B
Tiie report of thc gem-ral R'-orctary. Phillp A.
N.Ian, ol rtiilailolphla. phews that Utera ai
affiliated ie, the general union twenty three *
mate unions ami forty-eight detached sm-1* f"?
The L'r.lnn of N.-w-Ln:::s--i.,)-. hM (Beheaded, While
i st 'f Brooklya, wh.ch wai withdrawn, ha. since
bees readatlttad. The dince-san antoni of Grand
Rapids, Mich., and Pittsburg) Pena . have leeon ad
:. Daring Hie y.'-x 190 -octettes vv .* sdmi ted
and -7 dropped, 1-aving now OB the rolls 7td WC ie 11 e..
At the afternoon aeselon a lotter wa. reed fr"'n toe
Pope, in reply to tbe labtlee addreai wm bini by
order of the la-t Convention. Letter- nore rea-l from
Cardinal Olbhona, of Halnmore: Archbishops Ryan, ol
Philadelphia: O'Brien, of Halifax. N S.: Tad), ol
r-'.\tn Boniface, Mooltoba, and Biordan. of San l-'r.n
f,-c-,; and Bl.hopi P, F t> It illy, of Spr.ni
Hsi'klns. of Prwridenee; liradley, eif Maneheiter, N il .
McMahon, of IIartf..!*d; .lan-e-,. ol Bateb
of Clereland; MeChnher, of LoulevHle; Mallen, ol
Eti'-i \ A Curtis, of *vVi!m!ngton, sud DWSTfBr, of
Turi W syne.
Hire Ingham. Ala. Aug 1-A telegraph eipcraie.r
a: i.eeiti.ti. I '?. i .irrivi-.i lu re la-t night, sisiev thal
.... tim.- a gang of in tom blBOl ? I
lng around the coal mines nnd iBlbead eampi i
i,unty. Th'-} le'Came so bold that th.;. ?'. Sad arri-.',
and the last liiltevl Mate. iKj.ity Maikhal aim I
that region wa/, run om and ordered n"ver to
Last onnday tho gang wayla'd and muid-r'-d a proml
ii'-ni etttsaa lee his money. This areueed such excite*
(noni ihst a poose area arsunlaed i" bani Iha "*iriaws.
The moonshiners teiak n-fig- li an old e! Kt eif the
Brierfield coal mines. Tba Slttsesa d-le-rmln-1 lei
s'arva- th-rn r<? death If tr.'-y Would not e-i.mo ont and
lurroader- Oa Mondar night one* e,f c.- moonahlnet.
mad-- a I old dasn tor liberty, bul wai 'hot deed. Th"
i-esi of Hie g-fig am stu] -ii Ibe inn a.
mr. viLi.Aiiii's isTLULsr i\ TEE kOVTB rm.v.
When Henry Vlllarti was In lu-rlln, be sabeerihed
.oniothlng toward tba espoaOOO of a S-oith ft
pidlti'if Which Dr. Neumayer, of the fierman "
ci".' i-vatory. at Hamburg, has b'-cn <-iid'-ai eirlng to
orcat-zo. Mr. VlUanl'i lutcro-t lu thc exicdltioa l?
.Imply thar of a contributor ro rh**- fund and lt due
? his frleadehlp lor tho originator
BACH ANM"trt to inplcEni g the other.
Tho eoauattteei of hm tifhamad and Braal Fatal
Terminal tad th" BOtfolk and Sfeatera BaBroad onm
pantoe n:ct yaeterdeg in eonlereaee shoal the pn>
poeed sal.- el eaatlOl of the Last Tenm-saoe. Virginia
and Geo: cia, which ls now heh! by the Terminal I BB>
pany. .Nu pe Ittve eoaelualoa was reached. Th*
Temma] ' ampaay hiv. oBared lo asD its eoeti-uDtng
inter, st in tin- ijrst preferred stock at 110, snd thc
Borfolh ami Ween .- y has replied, lt is aa
deratnod, with an lattmatloe thal ll would i?>" par
After th" meeline it wa. sahl on tba part of tho Nor
folk and Western ihat the differences b"twe-e-n tba
eompaniea were aot likely le be eeeitame, ami on rho
pail e*f the BtobBBBUd Terminal that a less price enul*l
nen po:-.ii,ly be- accepted. Both Mate-Beats wers la*
lended tor effect on tho nimillallona. .nd tt was eon.
slder*-el probable by persons ac.|tia!ntcil Eh the slt
natlon that iha sal" woald be effected. A 'lit'--* tot ot
th" Richmond Terminal Company aald thal ba waa
?nt thal the tranafer would be made, ail
in" prue and details ol payment had not been -BT*
-?. ?.
The railroad men from Tc.a-, Btw Ifexleo and td"
Bonthweab rn roads who have been iu se*.sion at tbe
\\ Inii-eer Heetei p,r tho last few days organised yes?
terday by flirting ,E Wallie, chairman. [I
Ly one ol tbs railroad aianagen preeeal thal
nani" of the Tgintiattffn was the "International Aa
soclaUoa.'1 li" tald thal nineteen roods bad :?
Including tt....e- w-.t e.; the Missouri Elver, a .
soitti.'.i* iti -. iii- Idea I- te. transact ba lne.a
the- san-.o si i. conducted by tic- Trunk Lino As i ia
rhe las ii on will be teeamed lo-day.
Phlla.l'-lj'i.lii Aug. 1 (Special).?Il ls tho opinion
of prominent fciirtia.! men hoi.* thal tbe Norfolk and
Vi .-.te: ii Ballroad will toa the East 1
tern, paying as rental iiii Iii per ci ni of rle- gross p*
eefpte, with the guarantee tnat the minimum reata!
ihould li" enough lu pay all ftxed chare-, an'l -'. per
cent on thc ).l l.ooo.ooo of Ont preferred Itoch. In
aehiition to thl., the company la * i iee thn
g6,SO0 preferred Hock held by ti." Btoh
mond Terminal i mn puny, at ?11'..
lt was als.i BBSOrted thai Intonated parries In the
Norfolk and Western here an* generally favorable to
the proposition ol loa-inc me Baal TniiBooaoo They
.ay th" road ls doing well and earning m.,re than
to pay th" guarantee demanded. The n
ami western Company bave appointed i larenee IL
i lark, Richard s. Brock a.ni liowia U.
sider the E.. e, Virginia and Georgia mater,
la conjunction wc iv- lem . J, Kimball.
Aug. L?The '" ii" B making an
effort to si-e-up* a share i'f th* t"a trafii'- from :!io
I-ae-itic to th-- Atlantic Coast, which el lat" bat
; illsed tn a greai oZteal bt the* amid.an l'acllic.
\.--:.-: 11 iv tbe first pl tnt, ?' - iteea carloads,
arrived at i bleagO 'en the WS] tn N-u-4'ork. 'I: .
was received ai Portland, Oregon, by the Bot
I'ae-itie. transferred t.i ih" Burlington and Northern at
st.paul. ai.el (er, its arrival her" wa. taken eaatwaid ovr
the Chic iga aod Atlantic, whicb eannecta wh
Brie foi Nea fork rho ubjoel is t.i overcome the
in ed transportation
from ocean to ocean. Tie* train made remarkably fast
time on tot the route, and is lehednled
te, run al about lotty toltol aa bour from
Tha genera] Eastern peaaei get acorns , f the Trunk
V ? I dil
... : i
and the na* ki .d siter Bxlns ioma ?
- ulla bad bpi Ile I f":
lo Niagara 1
P. i . Stohr, general Eastern acent of the Cl
st. paul atnl Ki.isa. I Hy Railway Company, gave
notice yeeterday that, having ceempletod its Una t"
apb. Ma., tl wis prepared to accept
f-i.i~i,t and pa.senz"r banana to thst point nt low
Lone Island Refined Conr?a-iy has ni"d In thc
E. E. a mn-tcat'o for
eX>0 te. the Central Trust C-.mieanr. ol El '
t.i *'(?:,* bondi .' r j ilka amount in iton**s>lwatltniff -?',
si.ooo aaeh. beurina n iht Beat, aaad.anaaally, payasi*
St. I'.-inl. A'i~. 1 (Sp< I lei Greenway and
I General Martin, ol Manitoba, have returned
? - - already
- have been taken b ler fer the* .
I ? l - ?
IN ref the arrang*
'. ?:-li ibo North* a I * * until
tie* matter had n re his ealleacae* la ta
Government Tha Li i - * . * ? ??? calli l tesethei ea
adelphi.. At._. l -????? isl Saiiayora h.v" I
Reading Ra
f.-ani th** Ta elfth and 1
Corbin has de ired I * rill ret. wait for tba p*'1"
go ahead i
owned tmyaoy. n
-ii be built
?i Ceaneii. :
tho nen' af way to the* company, tba r>ridgci. can ipeedlly
? u i.
. *?.re Mat to-day to the sme balden
'r, tia* traction liri" Stree! cars thn- a I SS OB .-acii
.-hare ,i.ti-t bo paid to I.on ; .
belora - - ight at
? -':i'*nU
Ac. L?The refuBsi ef the Loalsvflll and
BaahvUia Com] ay to lign tha Boathera Rail tray and
?n aareemenl - rall
iliad n-., i. .. i -? ima blow to th" sase elation. Tha
e . I- '
In Uta a-s.ei ..it,..ii. and ll
ll BO. About twenty **u . I of I
,!!;?? received i of d Th- onUp
sthy et - ?
a- tl,.
Tba annual meo'lnir of the
ne i ind Mahn - I rs w-n
?'.ar. N*e : '
I sad ll la turn, r* ?
IEE* - . '.
i ls held
and the ?
v ?'. tho Toledo. Mri
naw anet Mn.kegon by ti.'- Brand Trunk la noa an ar
- mai.
. * Ireulai fr> I I list 'if
? ni,:, ii ?-?? '" severe tha nen- ecqulalUoa,
..ni they ?re tin- Baa
Grand Tutah Le
,?..-, tar. 1.?Ths adjotuasd meeting ef Weat.
om r* eda 1
crain r.i-"? aral bel I yea'-wday ra Be
inform*- - trana
acted, ? sdttee sf thia. -vi. a/,..
io further ron?l b-r the ? .
Chlcacu. Ami.- 1?A -.*n-.v,,.- laaSBd anion*
M. I'aed re,ae| had gtvSfl BOtieS that lt wouid at one* re
Ita through rn"-* between CUleaga imd St, Paal ti
the i a*.- "' -'? *- aaa, tba prom
eta Ba change, however, wi
; rated, which Will rennin, as at pteaei -lie SO
- ita Ti,.* _ ri th- rumpla
eef th- - - El i: Tl4. ,
I sh* rt haul clause rf tin*
Mata Cemon ta tow. 1* is aattetpeted that th"
i acii'iti . ? ie St. Pl ?'.*?*.* . ?
iveston .ni p.... it [aland, Iha aaly read, now holding lo
th? rtO-c nt ht*.*. Tte* rBdacUaa amman* ta hm so p"r
"(it on ail ' Ml ? n i hc-a; Md St Eau '
.. * ? polata
m.- i -i ba -actc- nf E.- < n
tral TiB-M .-?.** anim iras in aeaaloa ail div today, re
the nb
kiah i '. ih- I r-^ulres
? |
\ barrel. Il waa nc-'i that reSaed all and
; for by weight, .nd
In .11 c:i**<> where _ ? ? , e-u|.
? ea th'- ba.-is if *,\ .oil ur." half pminls te th**
gal'., ii.
Th.- dl.-octnrs e.f tia ChlCOgB and MMe R.iilroa.1
lill I-n 1 Bl ! (SI r. nt,
? r l.
?ve Commis.
nieht tho eieponitions of Homer H. Paiera lobe E
dell and B BBWhBI ttfl Seaton of r?-i-rott wei*
read, all ^iiellae M Uar* ?t fa un 1 grain bu?l
p'? ..f tha: Mea re ia ad b piaaaal aadat
Bf thlnr". Will;.rn II Rrti-'-, W?lt-*r .1 ?,
1lesa?!rnus oT.-n e.r Um rate* upon the
,. h-ic-j, .- era.. rv limitless, niid g a Mimer upon th
druc tra ie e.i ral PK I -*iii.-k?y,
Mlehigaa Oeatial r.,ai . ie ntl i bs to
freight st i hi' aga aad Da
: trott i.ii . i.-? - lom ,,r the Mkhlgaa
?.Milk"! at - f,f \nr
i '.. D'" linet, mimina narth af
I I.uk'- I ,,,.. Tha ? ,* ? 1 :I.U n.omlnH with
I the e.rai teaehaaay "f Peary it Ledyaril of tho Michigan
,, BaUwey, .nd a murArm ti thc Exccuuio tom
C-Hico havlus clurg. ut freight rate*
Th" First Presbyterian Churoh, that for upward
of forty years lias been :i f.i'.i;ii;ir light ro tlie* eyes
of old New-Yorkers, in Fifth-ave., bet ween I.lev
enth and Twelfth sta* is tilled with many -sacred
memories and fond BBBOC-Btioas. The rhureli
soeiety is tho oldest, I*resl)yt.*riiin or_.inizntion in
tim cHy. having been formed in 1 7r.5. The churoh
gltw wit li the city, and became the centre of
wealth AMS} E.shioti of the old Presbyterian fami?
lies. 'Ibis church occupies a unique pince arnon)?
the -Tesbyteriaa eburehei in tho city, ns it has
bees the parent of many of them and is loved by
all. The plot of ground upon which the building
stands wae presented by Robert Lenox, and is thc
block between Eleventh .-imi Twelfth srs.. and runs
vvc>t about 200 foot from' Fifth-ave.
L-ist Bundey momini hetaeen * and o o'clock
Cliarl'-s J. Day, the se-\ton. who lives at No. 2'A
West. Twelfth sk, went ro tho church to give ir,
,'in airing. When he* oponoel tho doors ho was con- I
fused hy its unnatural appeaennee A light was
buming in tho vestry-room, fliar, ar first sight he
wns nimble to explain, sud the floors of the ehurch
wire- eoTered with hymn-books anel Bibles. Thc '
?eaton's confusion gave amy to aetooiahaaenl when
he lound that tlie door of the safe was kne>ekeel
SUI e f shape and thar its cnntent.s were missing.
Il finn dawned tipen him that burglars had boen i
at wrk in the ehureh.
now thf. THIEVES wonKF.n.
The method by whieh the thieves entered thc '
church waa plain. Neat each "omer of the* cel?
lar gtanda a brick box which is used as a ventila?
tor in tho summer ami as a heater in the winter.
The _<dd air shafts ar'* on a level with th-* ground
and extend through tlie foundation. They aro
protret.sl at th.- external nponintc by a thick wiro
screen. After midnight on Saturday th" tl
ftit.*rrd the eohureh-yard, egad began work ar tha
screen nt tho southwest corner of the church.
This part of tho building was hidden from
Elevontb-gL by the Sunday-school building. But
while tho protection from E3eventh-at Mght-oeera
was (lorfeot, then waa sn abeenoe of shrubtn-ry
on tho Fifth-ave. sid" of the ground... and even
in the- dim light, thar, siftotl through th*- tr""
there was a chance cf boin,: dlaeoveted.
Tho screen, howeve'r, waa broken and several
bricks were knocked out of tlie wall. Then the
burglars walked around the front of the church
and bogan operations upon the shaft- in th"
northwest com".", iii" ihrubbery is thick on this
j hide of the church, and tin* view from Twelfth
st. anel Flfth-ave. is entirely ob.trnoted. Ir was
only the work of a moment to rip ott tho sore-en.
It is suppose el that there wore thn*e thieves at
hast in ri,*- g.irp, on- of whom .."ted ns a look
j out and kept guard near Fifth-ave. The bereen
ticing removed it wns easy to pot into tho venti?
lator. There theil progreas was impeded by a
heavy brick wnli. The ventilator pipe on thc
1 ins.'I.* of tho bri'-k box eonneeted arith the beat*
l-tg pip" that ran along th" ..-Har floor, ami
tho thieves close to batter down thc
brick wall rather than crawl through this p:p>.
Within this brick box there ;s mi, ?
11 * "i br ?!;. and CE'* this i..tt.
the ve ..i.I.*, thieves next
itruction. Then they I
confronted by the outside brick box
. i. nbout -i\ fen ki mire. Thej ("eld walk
m tltis around Ihe heating tubea; and when they
.-? ? c. the heavy outer iron noor door they imaelied
Hie- i; ca a heavy hammer mm stepped
into th. ,.-Hor.
BREABTBG open thf s .fe.
Once ir. the ehureli tli" thieves went to tho
middle alan, and walked to tiie pulpit and then
? ?? vestry room "ii tho southwest eomer of
tl.** church. On rho way they Eroke open a con
tn>i;ti"n box Which wai n.-iile-d t" the wall, bul
ti d not touch a box whieh was labelled '* com
munical - - hr* picteer." Tbey also took a
heavy crow-bar, a sL-'l^e hammer, several liles,
-iii'! screw drivers belonging to tl." sexton. In
. Oom was tlc* ' ? t ui.'t into the
itona wall v.nh th-- 'beor about Buah with the
plaster. The safe eio.ir was literally smashed to
witi. the crow-bar .-.int sledge hammer.
I bey ii.i.ii- i'i. ic v ot noise, and tin- neighbors
beard it and also mw the lights Bitting in tha
between 1 and 8 a. m., .Jonday, but
thought it waa the te .loo at wurt..
In tins safa waa -i silver baptismal font and
.1 two-gallon demij e;,:i ol i-nmniuuioii wine which
ile- ' The font was worth
alee.in, |150 intrinsically, "'it it was held ns a
pici :* ? a.,- church. It arne bea ?''
hilly chased and bore rio- following inscription:
'? 1 In* . ? . t<, iii.- First I':- shy
terian lin,:-, li, i The burglars ma.li* a
? irvwbeie f'>r the communion setvioe,,
which had ?.d removed t''*r tue- si?*_r.ii*r to tho
[?astor's home The sd*.- ?:? rolled
.-lilli; .-ir,* kepi i:i the safe, the sexton, oa Fri?
day evening, had i it nader a cushion in
? .< s" we-r" net taken. 1 tie*
pulpit was badly soile*d wnli candle grease.
lin- .s"\t.eii of th" oi.::re!i is iin ex-eergean! >,'.
tli" police having been for many years in tbe - --
iee ni., Precinct lb- did a little detective work
on iii. "wn account, imt as h..did not make anv
headway, he reported the robbery to Inspector
Byrnes, ;.; Pofioe Headquarters, last evening.
( apt,c.-. I'.r* .ni. ,:i whose i .'' Incl tin* robbery was
. ol ria* r> Ilbery on Monday, ami
working diligently t" liei'l tiie font.
??er Byrnes detailed Detectives Crowley,
Hickey and Mangin on the ease, dh" pastor "f
tho church, tut- Rev. Diehard Iv Harlan, .s o*,t
of thc city. Workmen bave ben h'-sv in th.*
.?hurl : da- repairing the damage done
by thc thieves._
An Injunction -cns pant ?'. by .Juett-o O'n.ien in
fi** Bapreme ( "iirr. Chambers, yeeterday, at tht
of Wa ? Stephen H. Wlnanr
(rom entering mechetnl ?-' I
Guild or Hi i !??
i to I i "" offleers or commit toes of
I es to 1 relation* between the
md I lefend ci."
it va*, les aad yeeterday from a praatlaaal l>mo
1 eratic pellttetaa, .-. friead cf Congram maa William
1. -c,,tt, thar Mr. Beotl ls iii ai th- rotta?e of hu
? ir, Mra. R. H. ar Elberoa, N'. J.
Jil. t hla '.i'i- 1< "f a dan
| charade-!-, hut |t has exhausted lilm M niiieh thar.
Mr. >cotr i? no- likely to ho Bide '" retain tn basin-ss
ni p>il I ?
Beweestle, B. EL, Aug. l ISpeelell.?Ia the Wright
and Dittos tennis tournament, the laosee el tho second
I day mr :
! nurd, flr.el s- H'icli Tallsnt beat O. L.
Klnp-l-y, cu, ..ri r_ I*. IfeMUOaa heat fl. P. Mitch
"11, >'? 1, til. C. A. (has" Ec ? L, Klngsl*'y,
SB, t:;. r Mn'siMi heit SfeedeBi BB, kt. Q. A.
| Shaw, Jr., (.cai t_ 1*. Dodd, <"> 2. Bk.
0 E Campbell bear Vf. Il SI* cut., ..?<.. B >\ 6-0.
MUss vs. \s right, Bk, 3-Bi
rnflnishoii prepminarv round, doables Weedin and
ii :i* :. t-eat gleem i bl default Dodd and
M .'1-t iieai Kellogg .-.re! Pallor, T-S, ?-'_.. Mai
lad ? . ? -,? usher and I*?*.-*.>. <n. S.& Baan
and Shae te-at Tatton! end ' I Jennine*
ami i . Hind. >*. I. - IO, ii-1. C unp
. I ' Mullen beal Blxby ami Wildes. *rj, tv...
- da 'amp. Prei;.:i:i. Aug. 1. Th" weather in
j camp laM n..- ? ', n ":1 thin season.
ll.e ialu f-ll in torrent- I ,.!.?, and th- camp
was Uaastaata. *: lotervali with vivid dashes of
lightning. Th" wind blew a pale, and the boys slept
hut llrrio. a-s they fear >l they WOUM he hi .wu dOWB
th** revln" Into tbs creel.. It waa pa dari, that per
BOVtag shout th" c?mp had f e carry lan'erns.
Ii cleared off thia mornln;. hui th" weather haa boen
very close all d-iy. Tho d-tlls woe lalo m day. owing
io ih- wot eoadltfOB o' Hi- -* eil any elrtll*
wen i n isuaiiv ?.. .it ani rather unsaMsls - I I
puaid lui. mt r.iv little t."". elrll.s
Ci ile* ....lille--, .*IC|.|<.., Simple W ||l-e| 111 g. CK.
' / tt I .1 - .'.' THU. BSD SEW YORK t .1 V .11.7(1.
IC oin st,-r, B. V. An.' 1 Th.- surviving meinhem
of the -.-iii Regiment, New-Tori* Volunteer Cavalry,
linday held their frcvrnili annual reunion at Windsor
licath, on Lake Outarlo. tomi ado Cllntmore, of
nt-a-lfnrfl, read short sketches -iesorlptlve of -wents In
which th" regiment figured, eoatrfbtttad by veterans of
tho organization.
Indianapolis. Aut. 1 (Special'.?A supplemental re?
port relativo to (iv I |mi les In the Indianapolis Wot
Office has hoon suhniltt.-d rn the Executive Committee
of tho indiana civil Barvtoe Befora Association by
Luci a. ii. ,-*ni th, tho lead.-r of the Independent move
menr in this stat.-. Il revtewi at length the- dto
mi--s.ai cf faithful and efficient BepabBcaaa Boa
vic* sol"ly for the pttrpo-e of rcaklr.g room for Tiemo
eratic nm bet I, many of Wham are of in lavory p-ptita
t on ar.tl have r-?<--.:?-!- in Ihe criminal a
enc tv. In th" criminal cia-. Bl - Itt di * ip*
cully rho eas" e.f ?? Earrie".-" < onroy, three ti mea con?
victed of gr.-.mi torceay Bend robbery, appotated a mail
agent at, the (Talon Sia'tnti to succeed a Kepal
soldier, who had h>-M th" position fur lo von teen ?? Bl -.
Jell.:, I; Tompkins, who was ebarged with debauch?
ing a giri of fourteen years, ead .cu waa retained In
tho mall service after proof of his eniilt had be-on
produced in cou rr; and ai.o tho eas" of "FiatT Bar*
rlson, a negro lawyer, charg-d with forgery, who had,
as attorney, oSered ;n writing to soil oui a client lur
ii", and had ottered to sen bli teiriee to rh*- Bepab*
Hean campaign Committee f"r .._".. Tin- declaration
-ef l'ost.'na.ror Jones that h" vv.nild nut appoint Re?
publicans tn the rtoailflod wrvtce, no matter bow high
they stood on examlnat.on, ls quoted, and Mr. gmlth
'? With th" commencement nf his operations tho se*
vh'o lie^-an to deteriorate, and during all this tit:
city has hail, and has now, an neflelent and unreliable
mall service, and thn working UBtAooey of tho niall
tervtoe wai n'".e*r sn badly wrecked aa lt ls to-day.
Within six months mall has la ii nadlstributed In this
oAec ur.ci iho rats have eaton holes through the
" Tho dl.Torenco between rho men appnlnred by
_*o?tmaster Jones ami thom previously employed ls
radical. I distinctly stake a tow exceptions Boai
both bodice, but In tho aggregate* th" tenner employes
wore tidy. The;." aro not. Tba fi m t bsd I - I
bearing; these* have not. The funner took pride to
th"lr work and In the hlgfa grade- ed their OlRee
e..:-.- little bur for pay-day and In some way lo g"t the
niall off their hands. Tho forUMC were
careful; these am careless re, eraepetallon
former were eeimpleto masters of the- WOril f
e.:!iw; those practically never are. 'ihe f'irm"r wen
thoroughly iklltod; rh.-se ar" uneklBed Bl 1 have ne)
dc?ir** to beenme skilled. Tia-* foran r were ru!"'l by
iho postmaster; those a'-r aral foci todegen lei I the
postniasicr. Tho former were not "offenalve parti
. thees an: petty poinictans. ir.is comyi
could be carried further and into mattera mom offen
atvs, hut it ie aufflelcnt to Ba) nat if the mcrli
tem, Impartially carried mt. .honiei produce ni
-ul-., ihe law would be better repeal d.
- Nearl) all e.* .-? (act bi ? fbi before
the Administration, a cim-se whh li ir ls mel
pursue further. Tho Administration ls nut unin?
formed, lt ha<- le-ver been without an ah.olute mid
Instantaneous remedy, its studied Indifference to
vinlsttoni of law ls tho Insolence of office, ami ll li
alike insulting ro Civil Bervli - and m tbe
people ol Indiana."
Worcester, Kai, Aug L?It having h ?
In certain quarters that In a recent ipeecli on the
fisi.eri.-s matter Benator Hoar made an unwarrantable
attack upon the i.,yaity ard patriotism -af Scandinavian
soMie-rs ami lallors, the pnnBloi has written a letter
c. - The Worcester QsaettoP denying the charges abso?
lutely, ii" explain! thal the pa-.ar-, tn wt
("ptlnti was tak"n w*r" Bot hie own 1
ame quotations from a lotter writt.-ii Iv .\
Porter in response to ti:" se-r-.a1..:-'. request f**r his
opinion nf rh- value of Tenbee Behermen ro th" Viv-.
lu thar le-ttor Admiral tarter tayi tia' a great
now on board our m-n-of-war cannot speak the
h laaguag.; thal t!i"y eomc from all |
tho world, largely from the fecandinavlan race, and
that, they ar" descendaoti of th" Huns, Qotl ; sad
other barbarians who once overran Europe, li
s.y. thai possibly, if lt came to an aene*n wi#i i
of their own or a nelgbborlng nation, they would haul
down tho American dag aa'l hoist that of their own
country. "The star-menr," writ'- (Ioar,
"ls not mine, bur. his. I don't think he tn"ant any
disrespect hy what ho said. II- wm nor -.peaking of
those Scandinavians who become American citizens,
or mean to become Ani'-riran eitlxi
who without ehaagh .: theta i c.'enanty enllil lt-, time
e.f pe-ie-" for money lo
the Et:gll*h languag-* ur forming any attachment for
rho fu_ of the country they tervo. I marte *
'?!?>:*??? In any public .peech to Scandlnavlana, io
far as i know Md rcmembor; certainly, I not
fermi to them either In -speech or thougl I exeepi
with gn-ar respect and kindness. Thfty ai" among
our most excellent citizens."
Chicago, Aug. L?A Md seip;ci followed th" mur?
der of the twn baeebaB ptayere, John PhlUipi and
- ;' Larkins, on Sunday, hy August Detlanf! Mrs.
Phillipa waa completely pre,strare.ei when ti,* ;-, \. - if
ln-r husband'a death Mas broken ti ber. She li
spon attending the funeral yesterday, ireely
aM" to leave ber i**-d. jusi siter the ?
ii"on lowered lam rho grave, ihe became uUdlj
lacteal and threw herself violently Into the
. " weald be barfed with her
band. She was with dlfBentty removed from the
scene by her friends an'l taken tn her le 'i '-. A
: :an wa> summoned ara! uieted with
morphine. This morning the was bo belter. I
wa- determis 1 I tend ber tn th" Del ntloo Ho
pltai for the Insane, lt la .aM theil ihe has m-r
teated Uh, a::d her phy
? ?? vi ill die Of ina: . | i pool
tlvoly refu-et nourishment.
Philadelphia Aug l i-p'*.-.*.. tome could
not be ? of th ? Reeding Railroad
for tl:'* . t the new loci
tiv-e. Bo &70, by wt..,-li th. engineer and Qi
Ulled, eight * Injured, tai <
I at the Mu i
occurred. Supei
lani Bonsam I I
? ?: ll wea i be eroi
the reci ll overturned the rhe eaute a
water, 1 : ?-. ol Kngln ?? r A i
I'ond aiel Fireman Peter Drakelow wore take ia their
home. ? :
Herri! Smiley, Janie* Drlen, George E Van Vo ;.
I.. Denny, l pin, Bimi r Hell and -ii bn i ooh,
ail of Philadelphia were removed ;" cc
viola Hospital, an'l were doing troll
Lafayette, ind., Anc. 1 (Speelall -Willie l.l!,
w.iitii ^ Bot Dr Elsworth, an old etti enofLafi
. . tatty Mlle I thli ie* ?: tn* bj a ?
decpeia.li> known aa "B I a gani
known In northern Indiana as the ?? l?ir'y Doten."
Ellsworth ?? i steen, vihli" his ye I I
- ? i
are a'.l respectable an,i worthy people, b il be bat been
a hardened character for sim- time, I ?
through tie* Weet, a..i was known as rn* ?? n
Kiii." The ? Dirty Doaen" have given th" ami.
e.f thli atal other cHIob In the State much li
White escaped after the murder ani li Mill Bl la:g'\
nttsbarg, Aug l (SgeetaD.?J. r. WHbesnw, a
contractor anet engineer e>f this city, has aboul eloeed
a contra.-t fur th" erection ol an In ?
plant a* .-a'in es. Me-Jo& The p'ant la toft
OOO, am w,i: conalal eif two ! ia-r furaaece, a
H".sriii"r ral ani nail pat mill, ani itruetaral boa
works. Sal In - ls a small Iowa In th* heart of a
ii country, where e >ai aad Iron on aboand. u
? a - .t oj lally di.taut from i-i" towna of Eagk Pa
and V* Pa.o. Th* entire struciu;-.' wlU bl Blade 'ef
Iron, and will be ihlpped ready for building from
Pittsburg. Tho flnaiicial barkers af tim nsw ?
are Ki.gli.h. Am rican sui M l-l
Kelly, of Bee fork, i* a lari -? itt* kl
Pet ric io Mill... better kaoam a. "the i :? \ l nf the
i Itv nf Mexico," ls al." Iarg*-ly In'* r .tel. The
Bngllflh capttalls's Inter" le I are 1. , kef,.
* <?
Philadelphia, Aug- 1 (Spa I . Hally
r- was sold today t.y F. P, Petterson, lo John
Har;or ai.'i I this city, fi,,- MS
Mr. Harpet atti hara editorial charge, a*
vin t.e bualaeei aisaagsr. The paper will ta I
Hean in i>"'.;'
nTBoxB fever ir bbutol, r. l
lvvldi c,-, II. L. Aug- 1--Hil-.lol has hee*n .iifforlng
from an epld-mlc of typhoid fever, and len-ral deaths
have sasanad. ".(Tort- t.i dincover tbo caine ol the
fever have been uu-uocesi-ui.
?their criers nki-d att ntiov?doebtlvo
fttr Trr.K'.B*pn to tub TBtBr*ir_l
gtandtag Keeck. Aug. 1 ?There ls no change In tho
sliuaiion af the ag ie v. In th'* conference to-day the
Indians propounded questions to tho Comm i.loners
ainl th" (eimmlssionors answered snd explained.
.Many of th" Indians won* ah."nt, and Chairman Pratt
naiad tbs feiur chiefs whero the absentees were. In
diing so, he reminded the chiefs (hat they sad they
? ti ed ali of thc Indians, and, If so, whv did
? et hav* their irl.es present! The chiefs an
?wared that some eif the indians nasa Hr-e.1 of brand?
ing In eouae I anel were resting in their camps, while
oth.-rs wssa '.unil::e for their hon's which have
i i away. BttMag BaB has nor spoken ro tha
(.'"iiini!-sinners, bur h? made a speech to tho Indians
In council, advtetng them to ciemo t., an undersrand
rs at once and get bark to their farms, sa their
ssa aaBeitag wi.Ile t'-ev ate k?pf at tho agency.
It -i.ii wae m 'derate, and did not contain the Bra
that, was oxpe-e-ied Aft?-i- tolling the Indian* to como
to p_\ urdorsfandlng at once, he advised ihetn not to
weaBen In their d--clson simply because the f.'ommls
sleni"rs re-maine-el. Among thc questioni asked by the
( oauatoatoaen was:
** Do y.ti b'll.-ve* th" Secretary of rhe Interior ll
lying to you when h" tells you that lt ls rleht and
J'isr fnr vein tn sign one. of the?e paper*!, the ona
BMOOtag J'-.. Or tie* ene- meaning n-i ft
Th" Indians wore also a.ked If they thotirht tho
Comm:- an lying to thom. To thone '\ue?
Hons rho Indians mae!" tm reply, lot persl.sfo.1 In talk?
ing about the treal:.-s if 1-> - and l*7d. Th<? Ind,in*.
lnsi.t thar th" boundary lines of th"lr reservation,
WB tv th" maps ellstrilnired by the Commission?
ers, aro neer th** sam" as tBMribci in the old
treaties. <*n this petal I-ouIs Agaard, a Frenonm-n,
and Willuri Halsey, a haM-feseed, who have been
among tho Indians kc many years and aro looked upon
by flu* Indians as ihelr friends, mailo speeches. The
remarks nf them men ?'<-.*' p gi-eat surprise, not only
te the half-breech, who have anderstoed that they
ippeeod tei til" treaty, Hut to tho it><iian-4. whose
confidence th?y have enjoyed. They informed tho
UH that the- boundary lines marked on tho
maps by tlio Qavmmeul aro correct, and
il..c tho whites had taken only the land
that belonged io them. The Indians fre(*uonrly In?
terrupted t! ? , and exp.-".sed their surprise
ami dlaguat at their arguments in favor af the whites.
The atilt!de of Hailey sad Agaard has convinced
? Bl iii" liidlan-. may sign, tv- th.-y havo frlenda
tribea anel havo an Influence which may
work for r:..* good of the wh I
uta lave taken rho treaties of 18SS and
lr camps to-night an*l will hold a big
lg ? thal ar. rhe-lr council to-night
? ? i final decision and tl-.at to-morrow
To-day's conference lasted
emly tim boura and th- i ommlsstooen adjnurn'-d until
to-morrow ai :e o*e !*>?? k.
il teems ro f.-ar that the Indians are
weakening and will <:<? all in hi* power to bold them
,**, not i" tlgn. f"ntll to-day there was
no hop.* ol having tke Eidians sjgn eh-her for or
but ll now looks aa though they
. ve. They hav.* been Informed rhai
-. will noi leave aatll they
,,f tl" pap'-rs. and rhey may
;,, s|_-n "JIB," Mini" of tho people
.' I. pea thal they win ar last eon
pening of t.*- reoervatton, bal there, is no
?_,,.?! ground for thar belief at p-r?*M*i.r. The ccxt
two Aayt will tx int-:**.tin.-, a. lt l_ expected that tho
. co wlU eli M on 1'riday.
Another murder was edded to the Hst on Long
Island bf the death yeiteeltag of John cosgrove,
abo wu. killed In bent el Dr. Stillwell's house tn
Baa Bamptoo-et, sag Barber. Coroner L w. BsB
se? hegan rh* lofjt.-est last night, with the result rtitt
Slowey *?a.s held ro await tho aetlOn ol the Grand
Jury, charged vvith mm ld-.
' * ---ii.- wm c. ? ef Dr. Stillwell, _ well
known physician, au.! was regarded as a faithful and
Bl physician for a long time ha* been
annoyed by the ca istass lot of refuso
af ail kinda It messed ta be a favorite place for
pirti.--, our upon drinking bouts, who threw their
beer bottlee and broken glass oa the ground. The
neall was that Dr. -stillwell's horses stepped on the
lui,ken glass and Injured ti.* nisei*. *?-. Ho ocderM
il and re*porr ro him who were
the i "u Taeaanp night, as usual,
ve took up his post beside tho fence. At
shout H) o'e-;*,e k li-, .aw john .-leiwey, Kary *d ?
Manus, John Beffij sad I>"Ha '.'-re approaching. They
l ? ll provided with Le*er. and empiled a num
bur of bottle!, which they threw in the grata. Oas*
grove finally wained thea ta co away. Slowey re
tortcd - md a -1 to go. Coski-ovo went to
Dr. BttUwoU'i ho aaa act called the physician out.
!!?? explained ta bim the eoadlttoa of lida and the
? ?
A- I - cosgrove said ta rho Doctor:
"Them ti ey aro,** ami hutaatly noway, who was
.poko. He said: "Get
away I Ton twa bed belter learn Vou
ha'.'? 1.ti i Uowlag us long enough.*'
who I- employed in tho Doctor'a
? d to h * ;? ber eompantoa e^u'et.
Stillwell was :n the right, u d
tliar th i.' to -av. the bette;-. The words
had hardly passed her mouth whee Slowey stepped
f .rumel and struck I oetgrove over the bead with .. mo
IO he a beer bottle,
off. H" a:ta'npte.l io folb'W lr eip
with B -.at'-hii.ai! BBS his e-m
re treated, Two boura lu* - eve was
taken wm. , it tack ol vomiting, oom whte'h
i deadly ttupor and eli-! m I lally. Modi
? ?:, Lent nothlag could be done fur
.1 - '.rt'.V.T HY A WOMAN.
peon, e ptastefCC at
in Washington Boulevecd, MM Ul
workmen thal ? ted tee take a walk. In
1,147 . . v... :,
md ; -weiry lying In the
free:, room excited a-..-! he Mopped, ue
? were open
nod tbe cloted ."-imp-son
? doa an 1 reeehad the Jewelry.
Il" hui ' - 00 wnnh Into his fingers and
twen for amea Mrs.
8. a. Bpry vi.i In the ro i I fron, c.- fei],,?-s
s.'i. watch-d him gaiter
up ile- Jewell , ? --ad of set<?. -.. - >
md He wrenched
. . wladow. hut shs
: him up, ami held on.
ii. pul irly to ti:e wladow, aili then she
. I:--.;-. J.;.- aa bec *::-*?ugib, WM
pivtnc vi.-. came maalan '-ip ?a<l
caught simpson. Ile was to-day hell far trial.
ABg 1. It was expected that there
would be HMM aetieiii taU'ii ni the probate court this
morninc In the matter of tho estate of Patrick II.
.. i'ur bo application was made by anv of the
alleged astra ko letter* a lawyer, (."ergo u. Daley,
of Juill) Gaffney, the brother
alleged nephew and asked
ti he Informed if any steps were taken to settle the
i ? .ii ui- all 'hat wa. done. John (.affney
? Sheridan, the sd! a.-,..-ned nephew, u aa
heir of thc dead man.
'"?mit. Mich., Aug. 1 - A dispatch to -The Even*
Braal1 f.'oiu Muskegon. Mich., says I ?* Dr. o. c.
williams, af this city, has Inherited a large estate from
an aid Mead, I harle*s ff. Garda r. who rt;. I in New
\-.rk in 1-ri. At the t:u..? ol hi-i death Gardner
.ave- th-* ll,.* e.f |bS gSOpeilJ tel his wife ,pirlns her
'n Williams after her death.
nated at jqixi.ix,,),
- baa -iii'-aeiv reeefved tho personal
mating to <?_:!-.diki.''
, eilito I /nu, Bk vr .4 a a 1 vat read a vd stokes
A {udgssaal ?u Hsd In Hie (ounty Clerk's office
?av igatast i a--iiis II. Komi and siward ri.
fnr 1? 1.-I-,.*, no. in favor of \V Tumbridge. Tha
:- tbs Owner af the Banes**! property, which is
J eccapanl to IBS Hoffman Annex r-**tatirar.t. (some
- ag! Mr. T'imhrldge sued Mee* rs. Read and
Muk*-, f.ir au ani-'tini li- feir re:.tal, an-l won the suit.
i A ter 1 r-nkos met In Itroad
i ?E- and thi of thc lb'.man House first
dapped id'i Ince snd than twaabsd hu note.
Wilmington, Ind., Aug. 1.?" Every EvenlntcV
Laurel i-i.ii-.-spi.niiint telegraphs: ?? Tho (rmi ex
chajino at thia station suffered a boycott to-day by tho
local feagans, who refused to buy throuRh the ex
ehaaga; coiwHiuently lt wee not opened. Forel___
buyers aro wanted," *^