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MONMOUTH AND SARATOGA. RACELAND TO RON AT LONO BRANCR CHE RED BANK AND PALISADE 8TAKES TO BE DECIDED. Thro will toe some good racing at Monmouth Tari*. ,-o-dsy. In the Palls ado Stakes, Rat-eland at 120 pounds will meet Bad ur and Taragon at lil and Specialty at 160. In the Red Bank stakes for two olds a poorer lot will mn than have been im-eilng recently In tho two-year-ol.l sia!.r-s at Monmouth, but there li enough aperd In the Ball '?> furnish a fair race. In Ure flrst race several smart sprinters will come together. All lu all, lhere will bo no lack of variety and Interest In the day's spurt. If Britannic doea nol bleed in the head (which must always be a matter of uncertainty Bilk 'bis horsri, he should win Ihe first race, While -shotover has ahown such speed in his recent running lhal ho should pet second place, and _ .leroy must bc marked danger? ous. Ransom has shown BO much speed in pri? vate form that he ought to defeat the rather weak field opposed to him In the Red Hank, cspc-lully us he will have the benefit of Cairlson's vigorous riding. Mr. Galway's stephanie, whn ihOWed promise the other day, ought lo got second place. Racrland should win Hie Palisade* Stahl's. Badge and Taragon will make a good light for He place, while Specially may also take a laSfe at H. linil-t'-, however, will probably run second to Rac-latnl Mr. Galway's fine three-year-old colt Montagu Plight to win th? fourth race, .vlth Roar, second, al? though Senator Hearst's colt Surinam will make a bold bid for the place. The fifth race, at welter weights, ouglit to go to tlie Ualuchy Geraldine, wllh the equally unlucky Strble awa** In second place, and yet the result most Sepee4 on thc riders, as well as the start. If GaguMtaS does nat get off well and ls not well ridden sha on hardly win. and Strldoaway must have bom a! Illly In Ihe saddle and a fair siart to have a chane** of Hie pla.**. Turfmen are si 111 discussing wiih loges In? terest the great rare bet wet* ti the Bard and Flrenzl on Thursday. The feeling grows rtronger every hour ihat ibis meeting by m means settles the question ol superiority between the two. The Bard has vi rn 1 eight magnificent victories th's year, defeat tn** Kltii*sion, Flreiui. Hanover, slr Dixon, Hidalgo. Favor, Balla, Volante, ElUwooil and nearly every horse ol any apeed or merit In the oouatiy ex? cept F.nijieror of Kartell ami Tern Coila, whoa ho has not met. Rut there 1* no reason to bellera Hiat Terra Coila at his baal could have run such a mlle and a hn!f ns Eli-nz! tm Ol Thms.l.iv. I'nn..! has run ten races this year, of which sin* won and lost six. Sho ran one of ihe beal rae es '-vcr **e-u m Anier'ra on T1i,i-!i>. bul she his benn beaten HOI only by The I.anl. Kln^ton and Terra Cotta, bul also by Elwood. Eura-. . iiiutMtar*. and tone other*, lt is i-o ar.*?*r to H:is m ?w ihat abe mel these horses In handicap.-, or. such terr.-- thai th'-ir th sr rei were better than hers. Her career, brilliant as lt ls. ls far I-clow that of The bard In 'min-s-ivi- ami over* v.l.r-r*-,, inc lit. Te *i-!c wo nv lu IV predate Ihls horse and ml is rei.p* acm his true qtaaUtiee eonstaotlj Ignoro the way In vvhleb he lill BO good as Hldalpi, Favor. Exile, Linden. Kingston, and others of their das far In tho real when !.?*? really begaa lo i Hi? llls viriory over llanorer in the Brooklyn Handicap seas not a dlfil.-uli one. and llanover, no natter wi a: be he* become linea, va- a good inn-e then. Flrmxl must -how a record *>i victories ;is brilliant am", dar. cling as those ol Tho Ban) i" lore she can bc ranked as iiis equal. No 'itu- victoir. even a- striking a one as that of Thursday, can pul ncr on a level v.ith Mr. Cassatt's great haine, li was loamed U-i nigh! by :? telegraphic dispatch from John Kelly (who went In Saratoga m stated In The Tribune yesterday, with ide hope al arrai frcai ia<o be'wccii The Hard, Kingston. Terra i nita li-enrl and ol hits tv a in.le ami a quarter al Mon niouih Park, af ni- ihe ( hapiplon Blahes), tta; nothing md vet hecu --citied. Much ile-iem.- nfl ti:- rc-'lll ol to-day's race f ,r ibo Merchants' Mahen ai .sai-tnua. In which Kincstnii ami Terra Cotta ero expected lo meei eguin. lt i- tiy no maana Impossible thai Uie treat lensatlnnal uie which Mr. Kelly ls toing tt. bring al'oiii will take jilace. if fi does ii wi;i exelte as ruiich iniet-e?i a> tran aroused bj the mcmorabli moci lng of Iroquois, Monitor liol.-, Lieorge Kinney snd Miss Woodford In the faun"!- lionmoulii siictal Makes at Monmouth soma yrars aero. Vv alni- (.iai/.. th- own, i nf F.lkwofd. said yester? day morning nt -saratoga that While I is horse had nol yet broken down, as reported, he waa likely to give way at any moment- ll.i.t-c it iK?*-s nol now seem firobeldc that Elk wood will run any mino bard races his year. Following aro tho lists of probable starters at Mon? mouth Park: 5:30 P. M.-FIRST RACE-HANDICAP. SIX FUR I .ON C.S. Name. Are. wc * Nsms. Ase. WU Fred B. i Ul .ie,.- i.e.-. * JOS Shotover . 4 112 Kpeodwoll . _ P-_ Britannic. 4 113 Ocean . J BS Telle Doe. il low prodigal . 4 '.'il Fltrroy . 4 100 An tum . a UJ Meas. a iou I T. M.-SECOND RACE-RED BANS STARER TWO YEAR-OLD-**. -NIX FdRLONOS. Owner. Heir**, .sue. W't. !".. J. Baldwin. LUuian.i. C.nimtoad . US .1. B. nanum. Bansoni. Ravon d'or. 113 J. It. ll a ttl ii. 1 r, si,.,. Falsetto. los Auburnvale sn Mp. Iliiiiioon. Llsl-in . lois P-eakaean Stable... Roulon. Ten li meek. los llamal>" Stable. Killin:.. Katula . los preaknes* Sfahie. . Stephanie. 103 D. D. Wither*...... Minority lilly. King Elliott.... io. C. Littleeeiit.-.vii pellew . Fellow era fl . IOJ h. s. B.own. i.aiiduh lilly. Prince Charlie.. 109 3:30 P. M.- THIRD BACK?PALISADE Sive THREE -VI IR-OLDU. I1. MILER Owner. Hire. Wt A Belmont. P.i* ? land. Pille- . ^_o A- J. ('assail.. . Taragon . Si ru l ford. lil H. McClellan.<i?".'lue E! ! -e.!. Ill A. Belmont . OMirgc Oyster VulllyCUl. 100 c.. B Merris. Specialty. --? .... li", J. B. Ilaertn. Iiaan-lla. J--.- Daniels. lol 4 P. M.-FOURTH RACE-HANDICAP. l'a MILES. Nattie*. Ap.-.*. VV' e Nuilee. .\ ?_-,.. %V't. Connemara . 4 l;s Rpeclalty . A io.-! Montafu . 3 HO Aretlno ,......, ., . .'. Hs; The Bourbon _ b UT fcurinain . X lob Beano . c, 03 4:30 P. M.-FIFTH RACE-SEASIDE STARER WEL? TER HARD-CAP. SIN FURLONGS. Name. V a W't. .Nam-. Ape. W't. Rowlaud. HU fi.*,* i e...i lyu Maroon . 4 123 filenmounl. 4 ie*. Volunteer . 4 1.*", i ,.; t ti am . 4 iib Kin,; idla. li l.'.i I,,.,-,.?. 4 IH ?Strid-a.av . t 128 K ha fa ii . _ ll-i Me*L*'i*.-hlii. 4 111 Bonnie 1-aJ. J 10. LsBlher KtocJ-i'ic . ii 120 6 T. M.-SIXTH RACE-SELLING. 1 Mil MILER4 .Name. A'_-e. Wi. .Nana- V * . Wi. I.onp Knleht. s 118 Rt Valentine. 4 vr, Malaria . ii 31? l.umlnarj .il 1'"i Breton . 4 din Unique.. 4 hain Keene. 4 Hs Re-fund . i! Hs Bela . 4 IUS Billy Brawn . id 04 680 P. M.-SEVENTH Kv. STEEPLECHASE FULL COURSE _V*atr:0. \\", \ Wt. Jim MciJowan. 108 Leroy. i'Aa Westneui-laud . loo Elphin . IIB Blue Dav. 130 Retribution . El; Will Dav!*. 187 Repartee . 183 Littlefclliiw . 138 Th.- Colonel. 135 Rrac-a-Han. i ... A If tors . la". Has aa n lo . 14.*, Ballot. 18-1 Fan. Brown. ... 141 Vaucluse . 188 WU Bond . 143! Alex T . 183 Mentmore . Ho Jackson . 133 ; Bcbatsv . ito Ten Fellow. Et:. JSfhooliiuister . 180 Hindi . I..;, Monte (Henel cr ISP Chanticleer . 188 Cheriemau-e . 138 willi-. Pelmet 188 A NECK AND A RECORD BROKEN. FAVORITES FABE BADLY AT BABATOGA?THE WINNERS YESTERDAY Saratoea, Auk. .. Bpeelal),?With tha fourth race spill In two there was pientr el sp,rv to-day, but ii waa af nn ordinary hjnd, as non.- ol Ihe Batahei lu the Ive Ral races wero clo**-. Rm thu hurdle- ra.-- tarnished two accidents which relieved ihe iioni'tonv and iitulmli ? f?iv hioodthlrsty admiiars ,?; thi ?,rt. ef ra, in-/, foi Olen arm broke his ne,|_ and Wheatley tried le break Ms. A his owner. '? Harrv" Morris, had miPi. 1'iiiiy ni"-. ? 1 I bo a spectator li-i doi.l'ti's. e,,.i_-r..!..lated lilias,- f ,,n nol | hlvinc tho mount. lt Hhiiiid Ot. at iiain aatve lesaoa lo him, and his friends bo|K' thai he uiil n* v. r rtsk . again. Tho weather was of iho Billi Sj k'nd, arith a eeppi tv sun. but them was sun'uienl breoro tn ihiik'' ll |il.:i-.c,i for Ih'-s-- ?ho (,(ti;|,'.d ^:-N |? t;,,, s, ,?), ASKtBg the visions to Say vis L'-niai ,i,,i,i, Kelly, who toma m with the (*(,!iu-:i.-?l.,n Hl.i.ii ls E'ni.-lit "lui -.. i* *i* :, Inter M I all lover-; ff I'll.' -rori-. FlIBjhedj BTSa nial lei . tho eommisaloner, vi lui nut., io- perea_ilBl -uni-, sad sven loacrs who ebannd i? doom li'.liin i-.-, halt, were ii..-> le lo fuel their losses Isafl keenly. That he was |,i. s, j -., reimiii here gees without saying bal then weald be aa clips,: In Mi.iiiiiMith-*. benin, lfu-. and af! i B-ClBg the ewneis of thu -cru. ks- hen la r**r-, i ia the ?epeeed grea*. rsce ba i><-irl- * the sfttiaoso tisla ii'i Bew-York. Tim backers of hvaelias .-.-_.on fi:, t Badly, Ldei mel tho Bertha II. cult- BOOMI Jul.-. M-irrav after the ra being the only ones h. win. ThB gloat .-urp.-lw of th day was thai of Ital Begeat, whs rsa i raj f.,nu bia eon petltors in iho IHsi divi.-i'.ii of u.,- millaa mea i..'I ii ad* tho bookmaker, fat wiih foy, sa bs K__alael Bt M ti i ii Ujo flOMj wllh"Ut Hik'-is. The rae ?-?-. i-.i,. mostly jun twav affairs, and Interesting only to holders ..I ivii.iii.u. tleketa Perhap- lt nay Intei-est aon>< ono t.. know that the record was beaton u?day in the hurdle mea which ws* run In 2 01 ll. airE I. eemct b. ats u,,; t-xlatlug rv-rd hy 2 1-8 irf-cond*. Details follow . FIR-*T RACE- I'EKSji ?,.Vi MAIDEN TURI E VEAR OLDS. BPBCIAL WED.His cm. MILE (L II. Kernat-kan's b. a '?) 'lt' Brooek-Berths lt ? 110 Ih . ..(Hamilton) i M. N- Nolan's ch. ii Kentucky Bsn. 110. stuval) :? CrawforO A ilm-hf's h. e. Amos, no . i Fa rab ? ?Sheriff O'Neil K'| 1 -', Wi ,n...J 10". sud L.iii'a 100 Bk >au. Heiuiiu 3|o2asa'nsl Hertha H ("it. 8 to 2 Wynwood, 4 t,, I (neil*. 4 io 1 Kentucky Ban, 1 t? I Li,lim. 18 te isi.'-ritf O'Neil. Plac- .. i? 4 na Bertha H. c-it, a to ag-iiiisi Kenlucky lim pM,U--A)iee* *la. Winwood SE',, fleld S2A Muiu.iis tl! _" 'lin.e 1 .E. 1 4 At the slKual Sheriff O'Neil ran forward followed hy Amos, and Hi" pair ran lo the half no*- and tail. Al the h*aA at tim suvtch thc Bonna B- oolt look the lead aud coming away, won by four length*, Kentucky Ban sis leiiKth* from Aron*. The winner was name I Jolga Murray. SECOND RACE-PURSE ?35o. SPECIAL WRIGHTS BU FURLONGS W. O. Scully** b. f. Louie Wall, by Wanderer-Mamie S., 4 yr*., 108 lb ...... (Hiimlliou) 1 W. E. l ussldv A Otf* ti. t. Elmira, 8, 101 . (Allen) U C. Comehlaen'a i.. a Keaaaaa, I, 77. ... (Cleary) dh. R Tucker's eb. f. Fr uni sar 3. lol . i Hames) d.h. I'.i kins im j;i(,k Cotka 101. Volatile 10H, Leclaln-i 103, Slash,., 03, Estrella 101, Au'trlana 11)8, Alia Vt), Cateaby gelatng lo,'., and Le ka view 74, also ran. ? lt.-mIiik 1 ii, 1 ; l-.stre.ia, ll lo 2 Keunesse, 5 lo 1 Lottie vv-,11, .-, i,, i jjuiira, li to 1 i.e Claire, If lo I Cateaby golding. 16 lo i Lakeview, 20 le 1 i'erkins, 20 t" 1 Au-; i lana. lb to _0 the oilier*. Place?8 to 5 Lottie Wall. 2 to 1 Elmira. i-ih.i?Estrella tit), i.'iitie wall e2i, Ksnasssa BIO, Muiuall CAI Cd. Tlme-1 10. After aevetal atiaispta they pot away with Kermesse Volatile sud E-t.-elia in front. AustriHtia ran forward and passed Bli bis sae at tha ball ami led io tho ln-ad of ibo strotch- Lt.nie Wall then rame and won by a length from Elmira Remsen und Kenn,-se ma 1-v n di*ad heat fai ihir,l place. THIRD RACE-PURSE #100. Sl'ECIAL WED.HTS. ONE MILE AND A FURLONG* D. A. Doing's b. g. Leiex, by l_'lai,vWar Reel. aged. 110 Th.iFarrel) 1 Chkag.i SUMe> br. e. M.ioheth ll, 3. 107 . (C. Covington) 2 R Tocher's ch. tt- Bitthdiiv. 8, 110. . . (Barnes) 3 llan.v Ces BPI 111. Bo B'-ep DO, Broiir BBBtTtS 103 and Boinia le'll. al-o ran Bellini*?., lo 4 on I_elc*;. 3 lo 1 Binhdsv, rt Macbeth. 15 Banlta. 30 Bo Peep, AV Bronrmn.-irt.*, 00 Harry Cooper. Place-Nothing I.ele\, _, to .*, Macbeth. ra..1-- Lelo* if,i, lind. $.">o. .vinni.ii- 10 lui. Tlme-1 :.".7 3-4. Li -les lumped i.fT wiih Hie flue and made the pace, wllh Macbeth soeond, and tbey continual thu* without change to iha eui, ie-iex heming Macbeth twe lengths, with I'.iitiiiai ? lei,nih and a hal.' BB. FOURTH RAI'E-PURSE ftkk SELLIN'C SIX FCR LORGR E. ll Sturm.'* ch. g. Pat Regent, by Rcgent-Clpsy, 0 yra., U2 Ttl (t'UHH.(I'errvi 1 Vf. p. lluivh's ch. f. P,onip. 4, 100 . |J. Harris) 9 A. H. McCampliell'* b, f. Mirth, 3, 95 . (BO-kM) ?'? Belle Bioeck no. Pull Sall au. Wsbasso 81, belia si, Persian los. Carrie G. 103. anti Hsrrv Brown ns. aleo ian. Rellim, -s to 5 Carne G.. 4 Della, 7 Romp, a Mirth. 10 lull Mli. IS Bells llr.eeek. 15 Ha-rv Brown, 90 l'erslan. 30 Pal Resent 40 WabanM., Place-1'J to 1 i'at Regent. _ lo 1 Roma Coal- Cenie G. *10. Della *??., Pat Regent td. field ?25. Mutuals Field ?ll. Tlinc-I :10 3-4. i al il-s'ei.t juinped away wiih the lead, wns never head? ed and won by four lengihs fruin Romp, who was a length better than Mirth, The winner was sold to Oeorga Avie* tar BSO0, WsbesSS ian away before th'.- race and waa arl thara wa. Ul 111 BACR-FURSR SHOO. BELLING. SIX FUR EON l is. P. Herman's ch. e. Jaubert, bv King Ban-Lou Pike, 4 yrs., 112 th (fi.Kio. .... (McCarthy) 1 Cotton A Boyle's br, m. Letritia 5, 107 . (Williams) 2 Waif-t UraUr-e sh. g. Pocat.-ilf. 3, 10? . . (Martin) M Miiitl-lo in Ob, Melodrama 111. Miss Mouse 100, Bough? ton 100, Pells '.is. and Eitllte H.*, ai*- ran. Betting?I tu 1 La tu tc. 3 in 1 Letritia, 3 in 1 Jiuberl, 1 to 1 Peeatello, s to 1, Broughton lo to 1 Mis* Mouse, 15 to 1 F.'IK, ... le 1 MliithliM.i!.. 40 to 1 Melodrama. 7 to ,*, .unbeit, c. tn .-. Letritia Pools?Lafitte all, Letritia $io, Held f2S. M'ltual ?.Ul 73. Tillie- 1 il* Lsfltle ?:is fli-t nwai bul Jauhert obtaining the ]i-ad a- the naif nevi I relinquished lt sud won hy two lengths f""n Letritia, a length helm" Poeatello. The winner was bousht by Cat c.ii i Boyle for IL SOO. SIXTH RACE-PURSE *il".0. MILE- ANI) A FA'R LONG. FIVE HURDLES, Gentry . Ce.'a h. ii .ludj:.- orinith, by stonehenge. Tail*, i. Iged, 14- Th.(Jone-) 1 c. H. Slonna's eh. c. Voltigeur, 4, 145 . . (Storms) I Lachine stat.,e-e h. g. percy, c., l_.s . (Gooda] I 145. Mea_ou 'jtie.-i, tja Sllekssrsy l_0, Mir shall 128, Whest'y 148, ind Lljero 182, also ran. Betting S in 5 Voltigeur, 5 to 1 Meadow- Qu.s*n. 0 to 1 Ciel.ann, 7 lo 1 Percy, 7 lo 1 Lljero, 1_ to 1 Orinith. 11 i . i Sllekaway. Pines I to 1 Judge Crifllth, 5 to 3 mi Voltigeur. 1* o a Storms*! pair $22. field *2*Y Mimili- - III Itu. -| im,. 2 o| i -_>. Judge Orimth won by half a length, Voltigeur second. there lengths from l'.-r.-v. (ilenarm f?i; at the seciiid hurdle nnd broke his neck ani Wheat ly fell at the Illili but waa uninjured, Jockeys escaped -as "CRACKS" MEET AT SARATOGA TODAY. I'll 11.11* DWYER THINKS THAT TERRA COTTA AND MONTROSE will BRAT KINGSTON. K.'nat"*__. Aug. 3 (Special).?The programme far t? roorrow p aila * :o give a mrisi ,'f sensational race* the Merchants' Mui,'** being the feti-rai attraction, with King -tan. Mannas,. Terra Cutta Waiy. Elkwood tiri Yoong Sweep as competitor* The race ls e\riting gnat tater 1 _ee-sip in.night. Kli.g?ton Bad 'lerra t'ottx sold mi even tenna In Ihe pools, win. Mea ti eoe nol far behind, bot there is mui h di'Uht of Kingston i"-lng abu- ls go ths !:?:?.?*. Phillp Dwyer did BOI sf sk favnralily of his Mit's chances to-alght atc! wis ef thi opinion tnat Terra Cotta and Montrose would beal him. of Booree, much lependa upou the paee. Meatroso has been doing very if nod work, and a* ihe rare f..r ila* EseolaiOf stares did Term Celts much good lie will run teener than on that -'?iii. .s., Terra Cutta should win the Merchants' Stakes, with Kingston second. From Hu* - ,i-y manner In which Gipsy Queen won thc ?Spinaway Stakfs lt looks as though she had the Saratoga >t:i ,* - al lat na i *y, with The Eluiics* running Into piae... Wloie should win the ojienlng race, wllh Kentucky Bun s,.i ,juj. Little Mindi fer the fourth race, Yum Yum second. noaa are the entries: FIRST RACE-MAIDENS. ONE MILE. Nam**, wt., Name. wi While . 107 Kentucky Ban. 104 l'erslan . Hi,- , SECOND RACE-SARATOGA STARER TWO-YEAR. OLDS, six FURLONGS. Name. W't. Name. W't M."-a..ii . llo Th.- Lioness. 107 Heron . llo Hiu*s.i* . los Callente . llo Long Eland. lo.". Gypsy Queen. I07 Juanita .-nit. io.-, THIRD RACE?MERCHANTS' STARER ALL AGER I". MILER Name. Wt. 1 Name. Wt. Tua Cotta. 128 Elkwood . 120 Kingston . 1.1 VV,,:v . til Montrose . 121 , Young Sweep. !*1 FOURTH RACR-SPECIAL WEIGHTR SIX FIR I.f Ni.S Name. Wi. Name. W't. ) ttl. Mlneh. 113 King Crab. 100 (hi, kah,uniiiv .,. lo,'. Yum Yum. Os Maia . . lo", .lim Mu:phy. 91 ?V . 102 FIFTH RACE-SELLINO. 1 l-l! MILES. Name, wt. Nama Wi v. II . Ill Broughton . 109 i'i -Ea . Ul NetUe . 00 1 ia 11. nu Itosione . w e . loi-l Tudor . ua i* 1 tia ...lea Drumstick . Ul Kedar Khan. 109 1 The pool selling this evening wea a* follows: Pim rea -White MO, Kentucky thin $13, Persian ?'-. I '.I- Gipsy Q,.1. |85, Minis 01, $2i, Dwyers' pair $10. Linne-- glB neron glO. Md iflE Thin Kingston poo, Terra Cotta .00, Meatreoa Otk .He. Ei.;-..ii*! tkO, Young Sweep $10. Fourth Yum Yum 100, Little Miaeh fSO, Kine Crab i'lb. ih Ll gg, ii". Tudor |28, Letritia 123 Ena R $23. Pasha eld, D*':i:.-' a li, Red Stone, Eau., .111 .lo BSCh, Nellie, .Cn A. IE, Broughton, Kedar Khan $J each. RECORDS r.I.*'Uv IN IN THE GRAND CIBCC-T. BPLENDID SPORT AT THE close OF TIIE. BACES - BROWN'S FINE. PERFORMANCE Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. g.?Three thou se ad liva hundred people were present ai tha eloae sf tha Onad Circuit ni,.*,. Ths Hack wa- in r* od condition an'l ronatderaMe wa* dom* in ih-- way of record making. .1. 1. Caee'i -Utilii a BnWB i .1 1 a i v-.e, v, are.ld r- * "! I of 2:1.1. Io the - ? . the 2 :n:i tias- he mad.- a record of 2 ls I ii, and BOW stand- at thc bead of the four-year fill m.iiiu*.' stallions. Johnston, ths pacer, went a mlle BM record of Hilly Roy.*-, 2:14 1-4, and he did lt in 2:i:i. in the fi'-" for ail, i*rii. Wilkes ami Bsssllaa wilkes beth reduced their records hf I 3-4 iseeada Tb lirst rsce ama thc pos-pom-d 2:10 class, with all tho starters of yesterday la lt. purse $2,000. Whlta Stocking! gol ola- heat and lavenia ihe ether and the race, Ttme-S:1R 2.17. The 2 ail CleaS hud six starter*, and it was a close and fail contest, as the time shows. Drown was the favorite, sud gol 'ie' -e., ,,.ii in;.t i.y breaking his record, bul Mulatto was foo -am" fur him. Purse S2.0O0. Timo -2:22, 2 ill 1 il. 2 22, 2:23 1-2. Ku,Muan bad ll Bil hs own way In th'* 2:17 pare to sadd ??. Winning In three straight heats, Doetor IL helng ? deas -*"iid at evcrr flni?h Tln.e-2 :21 1-2 2:18 1-2, 2:15. Aft.r BM first iieal in Ibe fiee-for-all. which Ro-OlUM Wilke" won. Prince Wilkes WOO In *tralL.'ht Innis. Purs* ?2,000. T-me-S-ll W, 2 14 ki, 1*11 I 1. 2 21 14. INCIDENTS OP THE YACHTING SEASON, A PRISE (,i I) Iii li BV lilli NI.VV l-.iii ili.i.i.i. CH H's COMMODORE 8ELL.INO THC. ANNIE. Commodore Charlea Piyer, tf the New.Eachelle Faebl I lob, lia- ed.1 ii -liver cup !,, \achls In llo- thirty to ihlrty-flve foot water-line elasa, to be mlled for nen saturday lt 1 .."-1--- E. . -.<? r the rsgulai cluh , Ya thi ",' this .las. belonging to other elana at.- ibm n vi ted '-? romp lc, which display --f liberality is ..-r i.-tiiii.v creditable te Hu Kew-Bochelle 1 lab and strletly iu ac -ni duli,.- with tin- principles Which sro actuating . .managers at tbe present time. Ceaoaodon Pryor ..Na anti',' i. ? * thu. ii- own yacht, tha Eorybte, which is known to be very fas', lo bet elssa srlH aol eompeta Tba -i*. I' yseht Annie', formeriy tbs property u < ta? ltra .luiiu Curtin, tin- Jersey City -B-lmsker, waa mid il inn lion hy Burdett t Dennia at Plet N".i7, Casi River, ?sol ia ".2 tem lunn ea tia* wal * 1-, ii f.*.: beam, 1.0 toot drought sad oas a langi cabin, ,-..-n mi:.*, twa lani*, a*.d ail *?< I ll 1111-.-- ll t - .--I,'I il lol ii -iiMt'i-'-s plaasare yacht, i Ursa erewd of jiniit-n* 11 attended tt,.- aale, prominent among thntn la-ina Inspector WBUaaaa who ass blmaeU a boaWbulMer ti ?!,.e m. . Tbe bidding staite.l al ftOO, was lively, ?nd lu a Ii'" n inui"* lim up tn over +E5_0, the ya- lit belag knoeked dowa t? Over-tm t Hawkins far tijiub. a.ny 1,uiii far i.'i.issi over toa yean ..?<> Tha Amen'an Yaehl dab Hans.- lias bean aSsvasd with tn ?ii palaUng at the aaboeaai yseht Alain., aroBaalsd ty caiii un Han ii'-n. <<f Handlea ?_ i*.'eh:i. W. W. Alias, if Alie-lent.- M.i-s, wh'i luis hal the i.l? sham iBCBCh lin// nu trlii! In some * * . ha*. isahtBd lhal ie- Maul* to k'*'-|i Ibu llnle wander. Ile ls snr.- thal abo ls thu fastest crail. gSsat, and la h..king fer a test i.f speed wini an> launch al IR] Ret ll, boa esenl a 1 hci k for UM Kim of UM Hu// lo le r taiild- r, ( . D. Moah.r. GOOD TENNIS PLAVINi; AT STATEN ISLAND. tho mont enjoyable day of tho tennis timmi sent at buuin l*land so far wis yesterday. The singles final will tv played to-day. Them wa* some good plavliiu yesterday, as the score tliat follow* show*: I_ldle?* Slngle.?~MI?e Qtisrllev beal MIm A. larkin, 1-0. (1-2. 0-4. Ladies* panama Win m. BaBoy snd mi** ii Quanta beat Mles L. Balley and Mis* Vot.rhee*. (io. | I ladles Double*, lTnul*-Mls? A. Rot BjOBB. and Mlai Williams beat lilas M. BsOSf uni Ml** *SBkmkf, '* k 0-1. Miv.*d itaaMaa'Mtw a Beblnsen sud lt RoMnsoa bea! Mis* A. Eaikln and A li. Larkin. 0 .*.. I il Ml* Wllllain* and 1*. Johnson heal Mle* Voe.rhee* a.,,| i i I'ost. 9?A, 0 il Consolailaii-Prellnilnsrles- Ml?a L Ilsllev Iva! Mia* I, Csmpliell, 0-1. 0-5. Mis* (i V. lilian.. b-nt Ms* N Janssen, ll?1, 11-0. Miss R Wii-m, ham Ml** M Hillel, ft-4, 8?0, 0-2. Miss L. Balley beat Mis* F, .Isnssi-u, il 2, ti-'J. ? ? (JAUDACR AND MeRAT WINNERS BY SIX LRNOTHR Albsnv. !.. Y. Aug. 3.-The ihree-mile double acul chsmtilonshln rsen between Teener aul Hiouni. dU DOOSbSB* and McKnv. was r**w,s1 ..t S:40 i.Vloek thl* morn lng on Saritogi I,ake. The wat r wa* and the rsc wa* a gool one. The Judges WON J. B-B-HP, Bl Cam bridge, and E. Roger*, of .Emir Henge Faulkner of Cumhr.dce, ws* referee. an,l j. |(. Kemi), of the sane Place, timekeeper. At the word " g"" Haudaur gal MeRay dinned ihe water Unit, imi it was nip ami turi. fur aboul thtea-uu.irters of a mlle, after whh-li (.nu Um and llBRSy '*>"k UM leod and kept lt. B"th BIOWS wein out of the course, and therefor*- last nl-oiit a minute ea th. tom. Before a nille bsd beea th** betting wai Il to 1 on Hautaur and M.K.iv. On th*- homestretch Ix'tt teams wero pulling s strong stroke, but Haudaur an<! Mi Kit won easily hv six lengths In lt minutes and ll BSOSaia Teemer wa* somewhat handicapped by Hanlin Thu race was fur $2 t'.OO a sile. wm -FLINT, CONTESTS AT KXNG8T0V. Klngste.n, N. Y, Aug. I * Sjiecial i.-A byciele lourns ment st the Kingston driving park !hli afternoon was par? ticipated In hv wheelman tram lv*ughkeep-lo, N'ewhurg. Fishkill, Albany and this city. Tho flrst race. o|s*n to all except Albiny, was ono mlle, for a silver m<*dal. Il wan won by Herman Vonderllnden, of poughkee-psle. Tlme-3:_."i 15. A half-mil? dish, open to Poughkeepsie nnd Kingston, was won hy " Ed." Merritt, af Kingston, In 1:45 1-5. The BUS Balla di*li, o|ien to all except Kings? ton, was won by W. IL Boshsrt of Poughkeepsie. In il 2,1. Tho two-mile rsc* went lt. Viiiulerllndeii. Tlme 7:45 4-5. Tho fiver* mlle rs.-o was also won by him le 19:50. Tho track was slow. WOREISG OF THE EIGHT-HOUR LAW. PIFITRFNT VIEWS AMONG rflR LRTTEIl-CARIH F. I ll ?MU. ri'A'tsos's COMMBNTR For a long period of ti uk- tli" letter rai Hers all over the country have looked forward H' 'bo time when the Eight -hour law would j.-'. Into egeci. Last spring Hie Central Labor Enlim ]ia.s "il resolutions condemn? ing the action of Postmaster Hearson li mit -009001 lng to review ibo letter-earriers- parade, and ail along lt has been supposed lu- wag OPPOMd te UM new law, atlil since it has gOOS lol" OJOratRWI lhere havi b.*en many complaints regarding its Infringement a Tribune reporter yeeterday talked vvith a Bamber <>f carriers, ami i hey nearly all declared thal itmy wore perfectly istlsfled, ami thai n> lae as they knew the new ian- requiring only eight boon of wort a day wa- strictly compiled with. -**Hi'i one ol them: "Then ar" always nore or leai 'kickers* among such a large nuinher of iiu-n, and some "f ibeni an* ? kiel.:np" now because their wort lt dlvbled ia lhal though tiny bogia at 0 o'clock in the morning tbey don't p-t ihroogb anti] fl al night, the four boon ?swing' or two hour- 'swing,' is n may be, making Ihelr attendance twelve hours a day." one ol the men who had a "awing" said that I hough he artually worked eight bonn, bl wai a--* much put oui a* though he was worttng th" whole day. A meeting will be held to-morrow, ai which ll i- expected reno lotions win lie j assed eoodemnlng Mr. Pennon* and asking for his removal. Pod master PBarson, in a atatemenl made yestrr day, eondemned th'* letter cuni'rs for having taken lt upon themselves io set ens* t!,e phSSage Of IbO eight lumr law without cooxulUng the responsible bead ol Hu- si ri ice. The consequence of tha pas-age of the Jaw ls ihat many are worse ofl than tln-r were 1.afore. It has Bot been pi s-ll'le, though btmCSt end' nv iin bare been made le niai;e ihe iiesi of ibe tltnalton, lo apportion the lime so M Io BTOM varying ami li regular intcrva!- between their loon of Bervlce. Tbe mtiuuiit of dui u matter to be baudled ls si. variable fi''t.i day lo day that the law ami ibe requirementa of ihe public w i vesleaca cannot hSHBOBlBO. In con-M.-ration of these Jaots, ho ndvUea ll**1 carrion t<> work a.s earn c-ily for ihe repeal as they dbl for tbs ena. linciit of ihe Uw. Den i- sn example of the ineBlcirney and slow nets of the present nwll system tinder Ibo manage? ment of the party la power. A letter addressed te a lawyer al Asbury Park was malled a; Freehold, S, E. ni July 83, nae bing Long branch live day* later, ami two days' Diure tim" wu- consumed In gening lt lo Asbory Part, when it via- received -'it ii a. at on July im. The aavelope la-ais ibe cancelling mark ol HM poetmaster at freehold, and Hie date, when lt was rec el vim! al Long Branch am! at ..shiny Park. SOT SO MAST I-A ILE RES As LAST ll EEK. The business failures IbfOUgbOOl the coiifiti** In the last weak as reported by lt. O. lum &. Co., ot Ihe Mercantile Ageaey, wore mi lor iii" Cotted Mates anil twenty live for Canada, a total of 'lld, sgalnsi SSI la -1 week and if*it In Ibe correepondlng week latt year. In their weekly review ol trade, Meaan Dun a i o. lummarise the commercial rondlUons in Ibis way : Business is a little better, and th" aggregate I tiovv fully equal to ihat ol last yesr, smallei ni soiiii- importanl bram*hew. Foreign trade ls dlniln hhing, however; Now-York report* for four woek* show a decline ol VA.- percent In value e.f export* aue| iiiiich nioie for tho latest wool With only S slight Increase In Imports. iii1-* -ia'" of foreign trade li a conslani reminder lhal much depends upon a continuance of loreign Investments ami loans, The New .oiii return would Indicate on rxcesa ol mer chaitdlsc Imports over exports of ab'.ui tin.UOO.OOfl for -inly, follow nu: pttl.0u0.000 for Ihe previous siv months, i oles* products move oui freely, i rassnienl may result, nnd tba rise in prlcre of ex i- product! lends io cheek th-ir movement. Tin- Treasury ha- taken io during the i*-t week R_.OO0.0Bu moro than ii bas paid out, ami the actual 11i-i of all kinda i- .. out (KiO.000 I as than ll ? month ago, (.win. mslnly to th" large retire mc ni of bank notes. Hui thia results from Hie com ??iiiativc Inactivity nf trade, snd reports from all monetary rentres Indicate ilia' Ihe supply of mono) ls ..inp!" for all legitimate business Ti ? of ihe cable v. ar and Iho excellent crop prospect., have been need to advance stocks about nfl real pe -baie, hui Ui st.-. n freight wars do nol yoi Improve, in -pit*.' ol frequent hopeful reports. ? BVRPB1BR CAVSRD BT .1 MA BRU OR Mis-. Blanche AsptnwBtl nnd Dr. lotta C, Clan were married on Wedn -d,\ il thi home ol ibe bride's mother, -N.. .". Trinity plato. Weet New-Brighton, The wedding ii.ii strictly private. Tia* ec renton*, was perform i bj the Rev. Mi. Harrower, poster ?'. the Church el the v sion a', Of eat Brighton. After the wedding Dr. and Mr-.. Clailc .Time ia UUs City, snd lt* ls believed thar, -lev ul! tak- tlc* steamer QasesgnS bf Europe Id-day, I'i. -r, theil return they will llvo at Dr. Clark's heme at We* Brighton. Dr. Clarke l*n son of Dr. Ephrem fluke, who al the time Bl his death two* a... wa*. Um olde-.; physician In Richmond County. He ls sixtv liv you Bid, whll- tn-* brid-* I-. only nineteen. No little surprise was caused Bl We--, Brighton i,y um marriage, as the engagement had leen kepi, a I tofound secret. Too Mri ll JBWELBT FOE PBTTATB ( ITI/.ESS. Castons laspsetara Brawn sad Peachna idsod tram twa posssagen from Barepa yeaterdsy Jewdry enough le dack a geeddred shop. Tin- ?aaoeBgcie attempted ta aasaggla the artldei laban by aaentlng them In their clathltig. Finn. Louis T. Aprclo, wh., e.iiu- ?? Ci s'eam-r City nf Kum-, wen- adred l braedet 3 i 1 walch, 3 wat, li chains. 2 floger rings. 4 rn-. ~ pern cllh, 1 pea, 1 -ea-fpln, 1 M.-as* pin. 1 of earring*. 1 ?? .*"". i.s,* and I clgiir-hei.l i-. J,s,-,,ii s. hm ld r. who '.ii,.'- an UM Hearnes tisha hai i, baal ever s salad fork and spoons, 1 watch ebala, 1 pair of bracelet**, i pals tl iiiiiii.aii i carriage aad a dlh handkerchiefs CROSSED RET wees A CAB ash a TRUCE A wi! d ?-?--,.? 1 nan Bbonl f.''v-.\ roon d aga, while trving I-, croea Brosdway sad Exchange place yeaterdsy. wa- reashi between .-ur Nee. vu and .1 ona in.r-. truck. and IsstaaUy kiih-d. ll.* wm taken ta tho Old Police Btstleo, but nothing eoald be found io Indie 10 wini ia* waa Th.* grivet sf UM ear, Daniel MeCann, d No. 4.*< Thiiei .,'..?.. and William Mjuin, ?f Myrtlo-sva, Brooklyn, the tiuek driver, were ari el l. m. A v 01.h BOLDIBB l'l il: Cantala William Bayaei died u 11- kama No. Its Viii* ,!,-*-! , Brooklyn, at lbs ai.I Uxty, il? ia 1 been ? eaaet U*i with th , -JU1 n,, Naiiitnai 1.nail f,,r uiiwnii if fort Per twentj iiim- years ba wa- meoclatad with tha tm *, ,?,, 1 tehing* li!.. laaaaaaea Coomoo?, rtatag froM the past d Ucrfc le 1 ?* Btes leal, a ih.-iiIiui ba bdd naUl Ihe eeeapaaj ili-saUed lu H's;. jj,. |,.fi a inf'* aol three eh Iha ftllietlli Wi. nlng. fl'Sill VG THE SALE IIE HUSH WOOLLEN GOODE p. ht a. White, agent tm Ou iii-h Westlea htsao* faeinrenf Asaoriatlea, i,ns 1,, mi ai iha '-ii-* 1 House Thia I- Iii- ?? *.,,nil vUlt w IH1I11 ipr, and h" f,,i ihe pur [i.e-e af pei-hillir t h<* -._!?? af Ill-ll Waall'll f,,,'., ? |, |, |, has languiahed be* ibm bs -ia IBetery n. Iralaod eeald af. * * |*1 * . el, .i.a* * (OB IMI '??Ulltl V. 'Hi mi* aaeeaat ehlegy, ba *.? aa iilsUsa ma fanned, liming suth w.ii kui,wn irishmen ss Davitt, Parnell and Aichlilshop CiefeS ?* hacking' lt A lar.- t,,,--,i\ h. toea ci-'a.* I io Dublin, sui far the*, a? eil 11 fu- maim -.t'luii-i-s in 0nc r.'i load, Mr, '-vin:/* j. inters r-.r tin.- wi.aii.-u materials f.,r whit h ti-- Oreen l-lc h famed. He. say* he ha* BOBO In the principal Eastern lilies and In many of the Weston (awns ** tar as Omaha, md received nrd-r* BOBMSOt to keep the woollen milla In ireland toing for twa yeera HOME NEWS. PRO.! IN KN.' AKUIVAI_S AT THE IIOTKL8 AMII EM A KEE. Count. Arc Herman Minister to With* iii-'e.ii. 1 iiuii iain, AaaMea Charge sTABUna at Weah* logion, nial riiifaeoei a. ta Perry, of wiiism* 0 lilli NSWICB M. R In-rall*. of Clndnii'ill. EVFKF.TT .1 Winte-e,,,,), Riley, of indlanaiMill*. FIFTH AVENEE - inui! litarge vv.'?t. ?.f liill*tnn. N. Y.. sn I ox ' -iu r-ssii,.iu J. Hale Bypher, of Louisiana. MURRAY 1111.1. Bishop e s. MeMebsu, ..f HsittoeR ST. james . Oooerd colton Gnana, sf Memphis. -.*. WHAT IS OOma ON TODAY. Monmouth I'ark races, MSSBnOUth Park. 2 :30 p. m. National lillie Association shooting conicals, Cre?dmoor. Irl.h A merl, an Antl-CIevclsnd league, No. 183 East Bi end way, fl p. m. Barien Deamentle Club mass-meeting, club house, 3 p. m. BnpubHoan masameetlng. Yonkers, 8 p. m. Cricket maie*hc? in l*ros|iect and Central Parks. Mu?lc In Central l'ark by Cappa's band, 4 p. m. NF.W-YORK CITY. Detectives are still looking for Adolph Pamballnn, David Sp.-ri's defaulting bookkeeper. Mr. Spero ls confident Ihat lo' vcill on caught, but refilled to give Hu* masons for his confidence or to say anything else about Ho- matter for Ihe pirsent. Heorge firegory O'Dwyer, a blind boy, -vt No. 244 East Thirty-fourth st., has published a mirch for pianoforte entitled "Brilliant Keeepilon,*' which ls pleasant and .simple. Tho free rending mom and library of the Cooper I'nion -will be i loaod for cleaning and repairs from next Monday to August 20. A plot nf ground In Sevmty-nlnth-st., near Flrst ave., has been mid ftw SI 2,. ,000 by tho .Manhattan Life Insurance Companr to St. Monica's Human Catho ile Church. For several nights swarms of big brown n.ofhs hare bivi! floating Hound the electric lights In Yorkvllle and falling dead In such numbers that- the sldowalks were bp.wn with them. The Mugwumps will be glad to hear that their ally, O'lkmovan BOOBA, received last weeli 8120 from his dynamite subscribers whb want " Loudon laid In a-lics." The Very Hev. T. J. Campbell, Provincial of the New Tort Maryland Province of tho ?Society of Jesus, has maile bis headquarters In the new- rectory of St. Francis Xavier's I burch, West Sl.xteenth-st. A gasometer malters' union has been organized at No. !_''. Eighth .'ive*. doods of dud have taken the sprightly green color from many of tho trees along the drives In Contra) I'ai'i. ? An nhl soldier desires lue prosonl address of Joseph dalith, captain of ('ornp.iny I, 4lh New-York ('..valry . also of Thornton Smith, dnl rergeanl al tba same regiment mai oompaay. When ia-,t baned Ol they lived iii this city, information win be gladly reeelved by Andrew Seiffert, North Bergen, Oenesee CO., N. Y. Er. John Woodman will give a ?? White fros- TallT ob Bundey afternoon at 8:30 to "-nuni* men la Ai od allon Hall. Iho subject ls "Glorify God therefore In Your Body." Field w. Sweety, the yoong lawyer of Marion, Ind., who is charged with procuring Dr. Rockwell, of Brook? lyn, te perform a criminal operation upon Annie Lo? retta Murphy, wai arrested yesterday by Deputy Kheri fl Thomas ?'. O'Donnell on nn order <>f arrest 1-.ued by .lusiiA O'Brien, of tbe Supreme Court, la a tivii suii brought by Louis N. kClnehhaumbor, as Hie girl's gii.ii'liiin ad IK. ni. to recover 124,000 damages I i assault ami breach ol promise of marriage. The defendant wa- released ? n gi* lng SSOO bail. Mlehael Wallers, bil wife and two children arrived at Castle linden a few days ago, ami as Michael was reported lo have ihown symptoms of Insanity on th.* voyage, l,'- vias bouI io Ward'i toland. COItoctor Ma gone yesterday decided tliat nu* steamer must lake him bat b t-? i oi tor lam. Thomas lindie, of No. 32 Oak st., brother of '?Steve-' Brodie, Ihe bridge Jumper, was beld Iii SI. "'Hi ball at the Tombs Police Court yeeterday for Hie lar i-eiiv of i gold watch and chalti, trained ai i?4."i, the property ol James McCullough, a tea merchant of Buffab . A Idler from Felix Adler has been received by J. JiKlel-ohn thanking him for a ropy of tho opening BddrSM "l Rabbi Joseph. Mr. Adler -.ays that ho !.i_s read tin* Bddress with Interest and satisfaction, and welcotnes the coining if tho Rabbi to this coun? try. "Rabbi Joseph,"' h.* adds, "has struck tho key nots of UtU- religion, and the itaadard nf piety which he describes ls one by which wo musf all abide.*1 An exhibition of Lieutenant Zallnslil's famous pneumatic dynamite gun will bo given at Manhattan Il-ach tonight. An old ship will lie flr-d af tint fl completely destroyed. In Pain's Old london Amphitheatre, at (lie termina? tion of the usual entertainment nr.ooKi.YN. Mi - Marv A. Griftftha ha.* begin a suit to recover I s du breach "t pronlas of marriage iTOrn Joseph R Hui nett, ol Eifayettc-nve. Mr. Pur? lieu ia Boveoty-two yean old and in*t bis wile in February. . Mra Margaret Bohnfeen, whose bttsbOIld ls a liquor teller a' Van liruiit and Commerce ita, and le re pun, i io be worth #50,000, wa- Hoed BIS In Ihe south Brooklyn Police Court yealerdaj for assaulting har husband Ile appeared against her wltb blackened eves anel a scratched face. Police commissioner Den has rebuked police ser ?^.-i-ani- m im sign themselves acting captains when in h mporary command ol their precincts, tnd he -ays lhere li no si,-ii tank, and the practice musi be dis ClllltllllH ll. Mrs. Sarah Greenalade, the woman barber, whose hii-ieiiiul culls hlmsell " Lewis the Light" ami was rc comly arreated tor disturbing a religious meeting, I lathing of securing a divorce from bim because he doea nothing i" auppori her. She admits be is a crank, bul linds fault beeauae be doea not mal.'* it pay. William H. f oliver, a milkman at No. 2:;o Rodaoy it., viiio inui boen doing a good business until he lo-! lhere i* mi -ui-ii rank, nnd the practleo must be dis amounting to tT.,d. Ills arlie is without money to support bcraell and child, n*, ber husband left bar only SSS cents. The King- county Elevated Railway company lied yesterday In the county Clerk- office a teeond ami? ga ??? to covci Hie issue of bondi for .Vi",ni") a mlle, l!,i- Whole I,sile imt to rxce-tl (7,000,000. The (Nate i ".ml ol Aiisaaon will visit Rrooklyn on Tuesday lo ii. ihe King- County valuation for pin1 poses ot --nie taxation. NEWS FROM THE SUBURBS. NF.W-JKK. EY. No tidings have yt ben received ot (Tillies Sehlelfer, a young man living on Bowls st., Union lilli. Who drew a check for BTOO oa Hie First National Hank of Hoboken on Tooeday, ami with finn) additional In money In In* poekd smrted for New York lo pay a 1,111. IE- family believe he has ben foully deadt with, while lome "f hlq Mendl ileclaro thal ho must have committed suicide, as he was desiiondent when bo left lils hume. A case of smallpox was reported yesterday from the tenement Bo. IBS Adams.;.. Hoboken. This ls the ililnl case reported from this house within a weeli. yRRSRY CITY. Ihe Jury which Investigated Ibo Flaherty matricide retained a veidlel jroeterday that Mrs. Flaherty was hill.*.! hy her son. Michael Flaherty, 'iho prisoner was formally committed for murder. Tba i-aw aini Order League bM deckled wot to (|ue-tioii U"- validity af tha ii*i. Ileeasea Hun bave been panted, bul win take steps n. enforce a driel eompBanoa with Ibe tow. Reinhold Hartman, who f.-ii hom a ladder In Swift's Chicago ii*'-.' company's toe house, died ol bis Injuries yesterdnj la St. Francie Hospital, George Habol, who waa crushed while attempting to lonni ,i Delaware, Lackawanna ami Reston Railroad train, al a. died tn tbe hospital. ? m ? EU.'.ALEIH. Phillip GammaO, a brakeman, While coupling freight ? i the pig ii, ii dorks al Iha tool of Broadway yesterday, caught his foot ina frog, and f, ., ? unable to cvim ate ll was run down by tbe train. Il ami Hm lou r pun of bis body OOfa tua iplod In a hon ib.-. manner, flammall lived two boon, 'J I." Iieelitall cm ol Ibis eily are beginning to get in then- gae woik. Lillie QOOTgle gUnner, age two ami a hall yean, ana run aver and laataatly ktltod by a bobtail car boloBglBg to th's Newark and Ell.a beth Hone Railroad < smpany, In front of his bonn*, No. -ii. F.ii/.aie th ave., yesterday. Tha ebOd ?.u cruising tho track and was m,t wen by Hie driver, wini waa making obangs. Tba driver was arrmb L ft BSD HE-siF.u eui n rv. samuel Brhiflier, aga leventy-ooo, a wealthy r*si dent of Tann,,wii, while going upslali*. je ? dropped <i"a'i bom boori dlseaaa. ii." Rei Andrea j, Minivan, of Mooni Vernon, baa received a call io ii.e Congregational (burch at wuu niantlf. ? onn. DOOMS Nethercntt, nf Pnrtchester. the young man who alter a political dl_cu__lun with several others Typewriter Challenge. TO TRI A.--H-II4 A* WBITI..O .*tlA?HI.*slC COa.PA.4V, HARTFORD. CRNW. I have travelled over 3.500 miles, from Salt lake OMf, tar ths purpa?e of n.eetin* la on opsn eootaet thseiMd csllgrsph operators on behalf of whom yon have lasuad ohsllanaea For this porpos* I entornd tha tonraamant arraage4|l ^^^^^^^ Ution, of this City, dua notice of whloh was sent bi yon tairty (lars ia advanas. r_[ Via il -nap., nun :-telegraphers* AsaocUHoii. of this (ity, aaa notice 01 wnion wa. .-..* ie. j.... w..r,y oars ia edvanaa. The test ocenrred last Wadaesilay evening, but rour machine was not represented. Vanr New.York agent state, a. yoarexeaee that all yonr siper ta are "absent from th* city on vacation." In order lo bring this much-dispniad ideation to aa isaas, i ,_ rntOloam fUTBrave-UnaoaponaOB i" ROW York aod return of any anea oeerslor wbo WBIsem*OM wtth roo In thl. ?a_ sm! equal, on the Caligrapli niachise, my apeart an the P.emlngtoa. If danlre.l I will stake aar amount from gino to WOQoa the r.aiilt. . Tke matter to bo writ tea may Ba aalected by my competitor tram tb* proceedings of any ease tided la tha N'?w-Y?* courts dunag 1H87 ; the test to o(copy h if an hour or upward. I ahall r.aialu In New York thirty days to aire any operator so rtealrlig, an opportunity to eompeu. FRANK E. McGCKKIN*. Official Htenographer. Vaw Vnrk Addreaa Astor Honae. **tl atmU City. CtaA In a liquor store a few evenings ngo waa struck with a stone and Webed on tbe in ad, was said to bo dying yesterday. __ LONO ISLAND. William Bowen, a laborer a Rockaway Peach, went bono* drunk on Jl. ii -luV night, ll'- 'I'lai-f li'-'l with his wife, ami after giving her a terrible bealing, ho gouged ont one of ber cy-. The other oyo he gouged on* about a vear ago. .-he ls now totally blind. Kowen was ariesteii ALOUD TIIF. SOUND. T..- '.dies formi'i- Ihe Bridgeport Charitable Pori cly, In eetobratfng 'heir sotvnt* fl fr li anniversary a. an orpanl.aHbn. yesterday mal in th'- viv room wnsre Hu* Moiety was formed ,'n 1813. ll.e president, wira, Uussoll Toinlliison. stated thai ihe first work dono by Hie society WIS for tho flifiiUil'b of IhObO who WOtO! engaged In tho war of ISIS. TH1IITY MILES OF SEW STREETS TO PE OPES ED The mooting of tho Hoard of street. Opening wast attended by many persons Interested In the openlni*! of Kim-st. and College-place, and In Hie High Fridge Park, bul. although there was discussion upon some of tlieso malters no action was taken for various reasons on any of them and they were all postponed. The Beard passed a resolution proposed by tho Corporitlon Counsel for opening twenty streets atid ; avenues l?- tho annexed district between Baal 184th* st. and Fast l-H.'.th-st., In all thirty-two miles In Iengih. j Th* resolution provldeg thal the whole expense of Hie la*piovcneats shall bo assoseed upon the prop erty benefiteil. except in ca-es whan Hie Commis? sioners of Appraisement lind that ibo slreels to tin Improved are over a mlle In length. In such ihe apptalsed value of ihe land laken will be paid fm- half by the city and half bv a-.-ssment upon j tho i.mporty benefited. Mayor Hewitt said that ho | hail oppoaed tho openintr of these itreeti honing to j g'-t tho law changed so that iione of Hu- e.v p.'ii-.> ihould fail apoa iho c!iy. Tiie pmperty-ownon in bo bcneflicd, however, had been abie to defeat, any change In th" law bv ihe Legislature, and Hie time had iiim,- vi heil Hu- city's growth could be no longer retarded. Hu therefore voted to open tin streets ami tho Board unanimously coi,cnn,-ti with him. SHE WASTS THE THOES.ISI) DOLLARS A Judgment has been filed In the Supreme Court in fBVOt "f Mrs. Harriet E. Bourne, ,,f Fm.woori, N". J., agaln-r her sfepmnther, Mrs. Mary li. Bar IOU, and her three hhlf-dsten, .?'tin:- saide a Quit etolaa desd in favor af the laffer, which the na ladaoed to riga by tal :--illations, and by wh!*:h she gave up h-r rights In her rather's esta to, which was left withal!', a will In l*,.:*,. when eh' was eleven year- ot a e. She only re*: lv.1 t',0) ii h-n shu was entitle I tn about .$1,700. MA RINK IN TEL LIU ENC E. VIINIA-Cltl- AL-tAV 1.0. Td-HAV. San riles. 4:fl4 | Sets. 7:0CI | Moon rns lill I MOBO'lSia tl UK- I WATUa 4.IT San*? BROS- dill I Oor. Iofl 42 .1 Hell Hate. 613 P. -f-__.a.l7 Uoo- 4 'J_ I dev. lil' L in I Hell Oate. ti..' INCOMING fi TBA MERS. TO-DA V. Veiiet, Fenn. MntXtt rta*. Hen rn ark.I.ont'on.Jnlr 21.National Celtic.Liverpool.Julv lb.White Star City of ldc li monti.Liverpool.July gi.Inman Marsala.Hamburg.Julr PJ.Carr SENDAI", AUG. 5. Servla.Liverpool.Inlv 28..Canard ll ...ia.Hamburg.July '-'.....Hamb Amer MONDAY, ai *.. il Eider.Brenton.July 28.N* O Mord La Normandle.Havre.July 18.. Freuon Inns A mles.Port Iv JU.ulas Verttitnnus.Montego Hay. ..Aug 1.At 4 VV I Manhattan.Havana.Aug 3.Ward's OUTGOING STEAM ERL to-da r. Vessel Veuel. Lia*. For Malls elisa saila (.reece, Vitinnm, Lon-lon. 2 nm I trana, cunard, Liverpool.ll am -:30 am : Cltv ofChicago, Inman. Liverpool. a pm ?l-urnessi... Anchor, dlasgow.11:30 am 2 pm California, i'arr. Ha:tir>ur_. 3 pm Werra. N i* Linyti. Bremen via S'th'mp'n 11:30 am A pm I'Culanit, Beth-Amor, Rotterdam .1 EH" a ni ;i pm LeGaecocne, Preach Trana ;i pm Atina, Janmioa. 'J a in ll am Mexico, apes Trana Havana. 1 pm J pm City or Atlanta, Ward's Havana. J pm MUN DAV, AI'ii. 0 Muriel, t-uebec. Windward Islands. 1 p m 5 pm ' ti i.-kw. SOO. 7. Alaska, Onion, Llvorpooi. 4:30 pm SHIPPING SEIVA. PORTOF RRW*YOBS.FRIDAY, APO. S, 18. 8 ABKIVBtl Steamer Hair (Rr'. I'e.-irce. Liverpool Julv 16, Queenstown 20, willi inline an! iis7 passe agars IO 1- vv .! Ilur-i. Arrivod at Hm Bar al 2, i 5 p ih. M.-amer Dui lita lilli. Magee, Hull July IS with n-.tlso to ; Sun i le: sou <t Hon V I l al I lie iur ut ll a m. Mcune: uer. Hellman, Bremen July 2b. South anip'on-jo. witn iniiso and738paaaengerato ueirlchiRCo. Air.t, t it Hu- Hiir itt ;l a in steamer Rotterdam Dtobl, Bekker, Rotterdam July 21. j juli m.iso sud Aol passengers to Kundi, Edi e.t Co. Arrived i ai ih- Bur nt I i rn steamer Volta (Hor), Christensen, Barecea f> days, with I frnii to (.oin.-/. A PearadL Arrived at t:.o Har at .'..45 p m. I steaun r Portia mi). Dawaoo, at Johna SF. nml Halifax with rhIm and oaaaengera i" Bowrlng A Archibald. steamer Benefactor, rribou. Wilmington ;i daya, vvith mdse and pans.'liners in Wn. Pl lv,l, Hteamer Breakwater, Dole, Kewoort News and Norfolk, willi nels.- :.n,i passengers to obi Dominion sa Ca i steamer Uuyandotta, Kelley, New port News and Norfalk, I Wit tl mil -e iiiul";. ISSKtlgurSl ) 'lld ll .lill niau s. , a. Hteamer Lacy i' Miller, Sillier, Bangor, Ma with mdse in passeueei i to E ii .?mith .t ilo. Bars John J Marsh, Whittler, Port Spain 18 days, with IBg r i" order, reseal tod ll Winchester A '??? hark Jose E More. Leon turd, Malan/a* ls .lays, with sugar toi m i ia. reesel to Wardell A Ca Lark I.lilian i liri. Levier. Windsor. VU, ill .Cits, with plaster lo V C A C V King, rossel lo .! 9 Whitney -'. Co, Hark Aga'u, Powers, Huston, in 'Min*. t? Baan A Boa. Brig Hauy, If aali, baranna U M r jt dara with logwood to perkins A Welohi r-s-el io swan ,t Don ling I Im in Light, Neis-in. Win Ism, SH, 10 tlays. with plaatertoj ll Klug* Co. vcn'l in Viii,er .V- Houghton. Behr Moselle Dodd, DooMnra 'Ji daya wm. angai tour dar: uss,! tu master. Behr Roes Bose iBr). Pardv, Pen 21 days, wtth mdse ta O Amiiock k Co: vooool te Beammel Bi ?-. sf BRET?Al s in,Iv Book, wind, modi-rate, s. weather .hunty aad aaa. At city Uland, wimi, light. SW; weather. haay. Ai lived yes'enlay stoanier Cltyot Savannah, smith, Sarannali .1 days, with mdse ami passengers to ll 1, walker. Steamer Did Dominion. Conch, Richmond, City Point and Norm;,;, with noise and passenger* to DM Dominion ms Co. r\f steamer Heiser ,inni, from I'openh .gen. previonsly reported, brings ir,', pneougsra snivel ai tue Har at 7 p m. CEEUlKD. Steamer Van Deck (Hr). Fisher. Liverpool?Rusk A Jevons Steamar Hergens. iran i Nor). Muriousen, KouigsUerg via By ii ney, cb?w w iiurr.m M Oo, steamer 1' (.'aland (Dtoh), I'otjer, Amsterdam ? Flinch. Bd ye A io steamer La OsseogBS (Er), Mantell!. Havre ?LOUIS Ile Be? hn... Steamer Burnley iBr), Hansllp, Windward Islanda- Leay crafi A I a -ranier stat* ol rot ii. Williams, Port Royal an I Fernan? dina -C H Mallory __ Ca Steamer Seminole, keaible, Cltarlostoti and Jacksonville - VV in l-i-Ivie A Co. Bl earner City trf Savannah, Smith, aavaaoaa?Henry longa. steamer Fanay i. HilHnghaoi. Baltimore- u N Doe ii' :. .-.teamer (assin:i(Oer), RH, Penh Amboy- Flinch. F-lve *_ C. Bara l'roducent iNor), Jensen. Norkopiug. Bu -Benham ? _ Bey soe n. Kunu Kortuna (Nor), Kristiana, BlBOthOlm noaliom A Boy e sen. lii.rk I rederika (Br), ltotiorta. Kvmo.itli?'cinimell Bros. Bera Veataroaa (Ital), Ponwo*. KtoJoaetro T n,i*i>*>,. Hark Anni lierwntti, Blabop, Kew.Crleane N ii ."li ie t baldina ( Ht). spoii_ule. flt Kitts?A !'-strauss _; Co. Brig Lily (Mr). Dix, wtndaor, NS-J i Whitney .1 Ca 6cnr vf a. il Wm toi spoon (lin. Chace, Para-Miller, Bull ,V . a s.tir Calena (Bri, Parks. Windsor, Ns?J F Whitney A Co. schi Druid ii-'r), wilona. Bi John, nu A 1 Roney. BAILED. Steamers Bergeneeraa, for Kanigebersi Boruley. Rarba I'.a.-; >!,lte-tlf t?V.l?. Eel Ililli,! lil I -eui ra.ile. ( tia 1 le .fall. ship M 1'(, Frauoisoo. nark Arcadia tor Bal fast Brigs llanlali, fur i'uiua Alenas, Hyperion,-. Xilu, ale)',- ,*.tiiiil* i IX Vi SRI POBSIOM 1* IBV4 l/OBTtOB, Au<-' 3?Arrire I, stvuner Sorrento Hiur', Muller, fruin Sew-Yora in ri:,-, i:. vug ii-Sailed, steamer Egypl illr), Mimiirr, for New.Yt.ik Ullsv-fiiVN. Aug'.*-Sailed. st.*nn"r (liv of Now.York (111 Watkins, iron. Liverpool houri* hu Nen V m. I-**.::., lug- I'.is-e .I,-Lamer l.,| m. H., i,,. Vs', tier/en, ew Gas Engine "The Baldwin" ..'t'i i ft itel af the late .tm. nam Ju ttitut* 1 mr. Xeir-York. A lour* BSWOI engine in connection with storsro battery, running ai Incandescent electric (and ?uhe,ut bettary, 3-j llghuj giving a perfuet iigi.t. wita Bli the steadtneee tUat eau bo fr,,u, the hglt -pee*_ steam nngitwt lu eeihinon usu Ioi electric lighting and ir. iniiiii;ig .my Bomber ?f iigin.s io be shut nit or turned on ivltlmut atlee ting thu tomalning lights in Hi* kl . hi ? legree, A marv i -f bsaaiy. perfoetteo ind powai adapted ?o llL'liting, pun,pu.g. and all puipom s whon a Hil 1 cheap pawer la rciiuir.-A .ManufTM and gUBiaoleed by Otis Bros & Co., Elevators and Hoisting Machinery, IS Fara Kow. New-Yo.*. i 1-i.Asornr, Aug 2?Hailed, steamer Ancborla (Bri ??.__. for N-w York mot as before). '* Bn*X I'KAWi.i! POIRT. Aug .'.?t'asaod, steamer Persian Ua... (Rn. li win. flinn Nus--Yors on war le London "**?'? Isi.gof Wmiir. Aug i -1* as .ed, steamer Oiraato'iBis a. petti, Ir^rn New. Von. OM her w.,y t? ll nil. "*"'? *n> Announcements No Orb Nbbo Suffer. 1 -v Du. Tobias's crr.Kimv.Kii Vksetia* Littuur fer Cholera Moam a, DiAiiRii'i'A, Drsgrrear. colic cn _-__ Baimba, stat ii_?tiA'iig, Ac, ' *R .vet. , ksa eharm. Warravtf.Ii PKiiKRi-Ti.y Harmliss. A dolt's dose, ao drops In a wlneglaasful of water T____ * who have uaed this vain _,!>.? preparation s'au thai ____ wonld not he without it ev.-n it it were $10a bottle kLutt slldrugristsaiidat depot, io Murrays!.. New York. p+S. ?lb am! bO cents. * "? a Henry A. Daniels, M. D., 31!) Wier I-'lill.ST. Diseases of the Nervoua >*rsie-n, 'tenito. rnnarr ?____, Impotence aud Sterility. Hours: H to I'i. & te 8. ^*****?l SILVER GIRDLES. The present season has brought an increased demand for Silver Beltg and Gird los, with attachment.., and we are now displaying Novelties ia this line. e Gorham M'f'g Co., silversmiths, Broadway and 19th Street. errington STANDARD ewriter. WYCKOFF, SEAMANS ft BENEDICT. 3_; Broadway, New-York * s READY RELIEF. THE CHEAPEST AMI HE-T FAMILY MBDIC_Yf IB THE UilHED CURES AND PREVENTS simmer ll?tl UBI! Thirty to sixty drops In half a tumhier of water wtA In a few ninnies cure I ramps, Sprains, Sour btematl, Ileartlitirn. si.*k Head ? -C \*?I< KN r>-, NAl *_*._, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cite, Wind iu ihe Bowels and aU inr--riuil pain-. Tran (lera ihould always earrt a bottle of ItADWAri BEADY BELIEF with th. m. A few diops In nap-r will firev-a- ? pains (nm a (Bange Bl water. Il s better than French l'.ran iv ar Bitten as a sHu.-ianU Filly < enls per Bottle. Sold bi nil Druggist* _. FOR DEAF CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS BY THE TRIBUNE. E>TEBTAI*II.\C. AM> I Vt \MYE tl ABLB, .\o. 100 '* De morriu y Photographed i The Boeord ol a Bofus Retormor.-*?A document re ipeetfully de Heated lo Oeorge William Cartis, a itart Ung review ol Democratic appointments, alyhatot kally aila::.-(-ei, which uv ahown by DemooriHlkMB inony to ? .* -,- ini,- ,,f litue-s and every pro fe--iou of President Cleveland. A document crammed a -iii exact tacts wi.Eli every ilneoro advocate ol Belora ihould ri id and coi -;!?:? iori -roly. I MSB a eopjrj 100 copies for Bl tb; 1,000 tor Btkk, ->o. ??!> ? Biiiglnnil'i Onls I h.iiir.**?I-HTBCtl flinn English papers, ihowlng t*i AmerleaatoMMtBB England wau:- tho Denioeratte party to sr.cceti, u n- ie. leeure Preo 'ia* le. Inelndlng ?? PunchV cartooa, repi tenting Mr. Cleveland IntroduclDg ?? lee Trida* i.i - Ain.'ri.-a." ai,. BngtawTa free-trade Bag. Alie tha s'-ai af tha Cobden l lob, and a (Isl af Americas u'lii-t iirnl oilier Dsuioeratl who are mern tx-rs af thal club. An entertaining itouimaaf, al ivl.lili 190,000 copies wen* sold the tlrst day. Wea. _ eoptoi for a eenl; 10 > eopfeg for m cents; ?- per 1,000 . uiiles; |15 fur 10,000 ooptoa. Torin ol ISM.?A doeumenl showing exactly wiiat ortleles ara protected, and what renes are not, -O pagaa oaeh pogs - hy 10 laches), clearly prtntat An Blaborata Btntemonl of the iir?*sent duties one--e*y irtlcle of Imported foods, togetbor with an exhis* A tho fro li.-t in full; iho quantity ol ea.-!) arDtlA Imported la ISSB aod IS8T; ami th* total amount ol duty eoltoeted on each article. There is ? *BB Introduction reeking all tin* tarifl acts ever passed ht Jongreas, tefl objeai and tv,un ol cac , ons being et plained. Also, ?* tabla of tba total Imports, jen ty tam, fruin i thl to ISST. This little psmpoto* i icearato, eras prepared with great labor aud expeniA md win im required, eontfaually, tor reference, Inrlag tba year. It shows now America flinn ker -ii, all ov.-r tba world lor lois* pu la_or aol produeU, even iiiiili-r Hi*' pie-cut tariff, and to* mpor attona wara Inereased by Hu* - -lM* i*i-,i-'-, single eoplea, i_ eenu; i?x) eeptos lot ?*?"' 1,000 eopteo for PTO, No. 'AS ?? I'roli-clion for Furmrrs *' W lihou** Hiaiiilciiiinn, the heal doeumenl fur farmeri to rt*A a print Published la coarse typo, naklag atp*** PAfm of Tbe Weeklj Tribune. Thia document cvBtalni tbe ??Aiiiiie-s t.. ParaMra' Bined hy tba ip"1*1 ?otiiiiiiit,-., of n.i- repreaoBtatlvaa ol kstmkaBSk rhtoh mal la Kew-YorB City u*i January *?'\! iiitii!,- utterance n> tba de-Band ot ii ?"?"?"J** ihousand funnels Eu- proteetton ??? American ai' ?uitiirt*. Ai-o ih.- .i?-i*- ii reports mbmBtod by '* Bomber of tba eeaaasltlaai The-.* TOftskfAB* ilaborata practical explanation, hy torases, lor ? i,,*?,-m of fa.ui.i-, In tovoi of a protective tariff. ?? an urinal bc eobaalve and anltad Beeton, ena tbe m*.si vtseMl and totO-Oatlng pul'li'-atlon* ol ,reoaat year. Mea. Ungla sopy, I ?"??? IW ?oises for IB; IfikO eopi ?!"? >.. HY "Thc Irom PorK*'?r -" Blaine, rmptp lo Ibo Pree*deut lour ss-atM mm tmtt. Mi pee 1,000 eoflee; to leta af IftflBI and M*m rs eenie pot i OOO, .-_ 00 nm o.t. Containing tba I'r-isvni i ******_^ tho tarli! and Mr. Blalno'l i-ovvrful mfg. tom f,?- popular dlstritoBton. ffw.> ?-i i*? "r .,.,?? ia per E.-is),,.,*!'-*; ht Ml si II** * ?"? |H BO pet IfiOO, ......bll No. IOI. "ITiniipl.***__?_* SSE -atniar.v- AttnxkeAoonlalnlnBIbo******_*}"J^ 4,?i Marton, and Bbatobe. H their B!?_*\*l _ BopabMoan National tABAftsMt tBO copies :eut; S's) lier U-wOk .