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away to the morgue from the Chrystie-st. side ond six more were taken away ut the same tiino from the Bowery entrance. Ono of th.- wagons returned later for ibo re? maining bodies. Thc of leers wein instructed to ie]l those looking for mi-Ring people to hi'iuire at tho morgue and hospitals, whit her they went in large numbers. THE LOSS TO PROrEIlTT TR I FI.l*. (5. Tho loss of properly hy Hie fire was trilling compared with tlie loss of Vuimnn life. Abram Stern, u lawyer at No. IS] Bowery, owned ibo hunted building. Ile said that he purchased it nix months ago and had altered it late wot',, Miops for tlie tailors His loss was ahCBl $"'',0,;*", bal bis properly was insured. The sh<)|*s in the Im liding were occupied by Alexander horn. Rey faan t.ruft. David Klein." Harris Wolf and John -pvine. Their 1 >s,-s :.nel the losses of their em? ployes probably will not exceed 86,000, but they were Bald to have little il any insurance on their property. Furniture and clothing worth n few hundred ilollnrs were burned un in thc rooms of tho Ste \rn--?ns. In thc '* White House" then* was a loss ol $501), chiefly hy water. In the IVoplos Thea? tre Pome scenery nt the rear af the singe was dani ..j.-d by Witt -r and thc ila mea burned of a .mun corner .*( tie theatre roof, bul ibo damage to thc (heatre property was lesa than Si,ooo. AWFri, f.xpi:i.ii:n(tn at the hositiai-S. HARROWING BORRR8 AT TIIE MORGUE, WHERE Till" DRAB WRRR f tB BR. At Bellevue Hospital tho i.flicc was crowded during the evening with the friends ..f Hie missing mid In jared. The hospital ambulances which nspoadad io the rj.ll lad brought lack with them Michael r.ublnoft, of No. Ill F,s*ex-st. Ho was at first not thought to bo seriously Injured. Dr. Kidniann, who ejamined him, found that his bruises wen* slight, but his back was badly injiued lunn a fail and lila cu so was pmuounood dan-scrou*-. A young wanan Who was brought to the hospital at Ihe sam-* tl.iie waa atti non seriously burned about tba face h',.1 body. Sli" was unconscious and por t n ol the body wero burned to a cinder, lier Hist came was sahl to ha sarah and ber borne was re? ported to bo at No. 43 Essex-st. From appearances she appeared to he about twenty yeats uki. Hi" was taken by the ambulance lunn No. in,. i 2 tc wary. No nae had ldenllli'-d lier lat" in tba evening, aud ll wa-* not thought that she could llvo until morning. ljiter lu the evening H'-niard Rothman, a tailor ol No. I... Forsyth st., tl.itt* twa .cars old. and Philip Turleve, twenty two feats old. a ladoi- of No. Ill rxlancoy-st.. were brought Ran Ooveiaeur Hospital. Hath were bailly bumed, but not, it was thought, fa tally. CROWDS LOOKING POR THEIR FRIENDS. w lien it was Ramed hy tba friends ni tba victims that they mmro b*tng removed ta E'll'vue Hospital ihey bullied tl-eiv in crowds from Ibo lower part nf tne city. A lew of them who had tho means woro able lo pay their way In tbo street cai-s, but the great number were poor people without money, who spoke 1 nie or ae English and ktiow only In a vague way thu direction ol tho ln*.l;tii1h'l). They walked ''-If dis? tracted along tho Bewetl ead HP 'lim-l ave, bare? headed and loll,.wed hf nonda, whick were .tttiaciod by their di .tract rd mininer. Sometimes UM annen would run wildly for -several blocks until exhausted by the- effort. All who came vci- admitted lo thc oflice, and Clerk Richard, vvltlr Ihe aid of an Interpreter, was able to secure wpb pinch difficulty bon then tba names of the persons for whom they were searching- burne went a-vay re a stui tl when they found Ilia* thu Ii.ends they wi) linking br ware i "t ai ibo hospital. Shan who vi ero Bortala i hal their tl Rads wen- in tho Hie, and had beea lost were laban Hi the ut *i,u with tba vi>-v. ol hRailljli g th ? ha din there. FIFTEEN UuLlt.S LY TEN O'CLOCK. The dAail wagon of the boopltal was httsy til tl.** eve;.lng oarrylng u.c charred remains of Hie victim* t" the Motguii. Hy io o cluck BItaea bedtos bad been 1' coivtil and plas d ii. lat;.**' pin ? bCZM slung tbe sido al lins baie brick .it A great pile ol then b'e.vs empty OCCUfied Ihe cent re of tho iluor, and it wab rapidly reduced a_ Hie Bsa4 wagon arrived wltb Its ghastly loads. Any Idoutltir ation ol the leraa'.r.s so'-m-d ab- ..lately iiiiimsslMe. Oe a lew ul lbs t'* Iles Fiore won it-inniiiits of Clothing -u-Urle-it tu int... an* ibo stx: on some a Huger or car nug: but In neal Been then oriiiiii.ents had been burned or liad melted uti. The corpses wero noth? ing moro than black charred iranics irom which all the lath had been consumed. Only ono or two fBDei Ktaincd any seniblanco by whloh they could bo dla llugiilshod as human feaiures. Eleven of lbs l.itie.i bodies were men, two were women, on-- a boy and one a girl. The remains ol tba two children, Joseph and Celia Gruft, who were only linn- gad seven years old, WOW placet! in ono b"x, tba fir-t la tin- berribk row tad neem! tbe entrance The nether, Azolla draft, who perished v- iii theiu, was placed ia tho neil pine tal al their ?aile, lt was discovered tba) lu the sgoales of death she ha.i civil birth ta another eblld, which wa_ burn and nnmnmed la tbe Bantia Oe tl.o hedi el eoe mun, whose bead and Bheql t: sheared nothing but tho skull and hon ea, a pee* tina ct ilia etatblag was bal slightly scorched, ami In on. oi ihe poehata was toual a roll of bills amoui.t ;.e .-.s m.ii i lottery Bcket Tho enaalaa wen Identified as iliu-o of Joseph Levine, sixty two ye_i-s old. win. wu ketl In tho -hop of his toa, Deary Levlene. A Bfth body, len badly bm nisi, na, h.en',l, ! us that of Mo,ids .Scl.wartl, a RaaataB Polo, iLuij-six years old, ol No, 07 Lud? low-st. The distracted Mendl who were admitted ta the Morgue, wen overcome by then terrible views. Wh-n tba rofiin leis wen lifted they stand vacantly at iha iiightfid sight, aud retreated Beveral of tbe women, wi.o etan watching for husbands, Insisted on being shown ether bodies, with tbe fait:' hope ol recognition. Then Guy beeaan weak anti faint, and hail ta b* oar i.ed from the place. Btkom was m. ease of IdsntlBea* timi during the avaalng aller tbe bedtaa had rca* i.cei Iho Morgue, thc-o tliat wen- Identified having been iota gilli lill by illative. Ron tbe places at which they were found in thc building. Auiur.g then vi ho cauio lo Inquire for the nil.sliig was Hair, ..rasbii.k, a young Pole, wlu? was In search of Minnie Myi isin, a girl of eighteen, blie bad been employed in Ibe building and had not roturncd to her home. No. ll Ludlow st. QrMbcefe was engaged ta mm h'i - hu! whee he came lo her home lu ihe even? ing, ho leann- i of thc lire, Tho wife ol Jacob Korn? berg, of No. 83 ftonyth-st., walked with bet Meada fi,,ni ber bean t > tho hospital. Her husband worked on the third Beor ol De bu mod building, making lut tiiti holes. Nothing was known of bim at thc hospital Tlie woman fainted In tho QB. OS ead had to bi* taken Into ono of tho wind- for treatment. Sho said that she bad four small children. The wife and relatives of Solomon Seheverspoun, of No. 73 Ludlow sL, were among th* inquirers for tln.-e who w<to missing. Reuben I v.nm-, tailor ol No. bi! Suffolk st., employed In the building that was burned had not been heard from la-t i gt i. George Levine, a telegraph op? erator, and thu sou of William I_evine, whose body was Identified among Iho dead, came lo the hospital not knowing tho late of his lather, having inst learned nf tho dhaatar. He had been Bl He- house ot a, where th" enttrs tamlly wen tn have met at a christening last night -We wen to have a rood limo tonight.** ho said, "but lt is a bad night lor Ba." AT THE OTHER HOSPITALS. Three victims of tho fin* wci-o taken to Gouvorneiir Hospital. Their enan wan A*-ias gpa ada. * tailor. twenly-seven years of age, living la CU'istle st.; rhibp Tm lort-:, ago thirty-five, tailor. No. Hi D-lauci-y BB., and Hernani Ko'hman, ago thirty-two, tailor. No. 14j Forsyth---!. AU thn*e ware Imsaianri. .?puiids having boen In Hits country r.nly a lew months. Ko person n.jured ai Ihe fire wore received at tho New-York or ihe ('bambi is Btnet Hospital-. When tha anbulaaces aatvel all Hie Injured liad bina taken ean af During Hie whols evening nc-ires of ]>eople called ai the?u hospitals, ma:.lug lii'i'tliles for friends. 'rho official, at St. Vincent's Hospital wero visited by an e-'inul number of persons, mostly Hebrews, who came to Inquire after friend*, and n*l allves who hail been iak*n there, (inly two wan \ were |da Frmk and Edward ya pas tte Tlie wemaa "c. tu probably die. as elie ls suffering from a fractured skull. ll; ANTIC SCENL-S AT THE FIUF.. RTE-WITNESS! .S TELL OF THE DESPL11ATE BAT 1 I.i: ROI LIFE IN WHICH THE UN FOB TU? JUH PI 'FEE ENGAGED. The scene, nw heart rending, ai.d win be a horrll,!.* memory to thone who wittie_-.ed tia in ( row.'.s of people remalneU around the ?ceiie of the ealatnliy until late at night UMer-lng with morbid curiosity lo all that witnesses could tell ol what they saw and hated. Some men, when the cliouis of fire wcre heard, rushed for ladders to plant against the te.-ie nionwbo-jsa which ls In tbe rear of the Lumed build? ing. Ono of them said thu when ha and bli rom paoiom* ran ii ?? tbe narrow court-yard, the building was raartnf like a funuuc*. Men, wornt-ii and children ?r?L-?ed with fear, went pitching their household goods eut of the window* of the dingy tenement. One mau tossed out ids child from tbe thiid floor and a stout -young German caught IL They planted iha ladder, hardly knowing what tbev wera doing. s, d-Blid tba dame* and smoko that caata Rota ihe , leath-trap above they could sos trantio men and ng like wild boasts. One girl Jumpod from tho roof, bur stories, to the lop of tbo tonoment-houso. Inothor and tl:'*n another took that fm loni rhatico or life. Tho lirst broke ber leg. and waa curried lown tho ladder. Men were fighting M P't over tho ilgh Iron fenco that separates tho burned building rom tho adjoining tailoring establishment: women fere Hying hither and llitlh?-r anil I UM Maines pat u "l.e and their Benaan were l.< arlicmlltig. BOBM if tho men got over tho fence, bm Hie we m,*n aeaM lot. One girl caught ber dress on a circular liva ?loco and bumed there, for all thl witnesses knew. ORBMRVA-EXORS OF A NEioiiltOR. Abram (Schneider, who bas a tailoring chop on tho hird floor of Hie building at No. (hr.vsiie I., iud which adjoin.- lb'- burno*! .structure, tali how ho .moiled smoke. Ho walked to tin* fm)ber ond ot bis bee*. " Heavens! boys," lie . *.\, laiimtl. " there's a Ure.*' In five minutes,** he added, "tba building was In lame.-,. I looked Into tho courtyard. Tho build ngi inver up six or seven stories, and with simpson's ?aha a Ittts courtyard. Thc fl am .-a were pouring out -1 tho windows In sheels. .Men and women were .creaming, passing by Iho wintlow, like wild beasts. suddenly a woman, lu-r tire-s In (lam's, Jumped from the third floor. 8hS struck a Huu and lt broke her tall. Another woman ca-t her if norn the window lad next two men. A mau wa* hanging fioni the ill of tho window on tho seventh floor. His cloiU-*. wero barning and lils head was going from side to .Ide. Ho vainly strove lo cling, but h's hands rrfii-ci to cinch. He fell ami lils hotly Wks dashed to pieces. I could look no longer, and shouted 'For ;od's salo*. Hie windows.' We wrenched open the Bindea which looks Into the burned building and helped mea and women lu by twos, perhaps twenty live. "Hut the heal drove ns back. Wo had to shut tbe window to save the building. Then -WC r iii. bed to the roof. Some men bad climbed over tho fence, but the women could not got over. How wc struggled to nar ihe fence down. Flvo to a dozen people were literally roasled before our eyes. Tho men Beatty battered themselves In places against tho fence. Men aud evomon curled up Into charred masses before our eyes, md all tho time wo woro pcwarleas.1 TERRIBLE EXPERIENCES IN TBE F-FILDING. A poor maa WhC said bis name wai Marimo was ha.illy aldo to relate lils frightful cvperlenee. lia was at work on the third flour There wen fifty pct,],ic on his floor. Tue girls at tbe windows at the roar wen* .-miling at sumo young fellows across thu way. Suddenly there was a confused no so from below followed by shouts and -creams and Iben smoke poured up Ibo narrow stall way. Next Markus re niembiin that bo wa* canted hither and thither In a mad, .tugfc-inig mass of humanity, borne rushed tor the roof, others packed the rickety stairways, trying to got down. People wero trampled under foot, everybody was insane wltb fear. Tin* Baree flames grove some of those on Uie second fioor to the stars. Hack all rii-bcd fm* tho roof, but they were met by tb<>**e who bad gone before and forced back beven ur Bight in'ti and women wore speedily overcome by ths flames. One isiims eereened " Tbe window I" Bs had worked for Abran Schneider and lananbwed the win.low. A lew persons ran to the windows, Bugatti Cg tliat tho firo escapes bad boen removed a month ago. hut tba window was opened la .-Schneider's place and tho struggling people passel throagb. A man by Hie nani'- ol Mark- tonghi bis way down t'i the icc md Boor from the third ami thence climbed down by the lire '-scape. Bia brothor Joseph anted on ihe same goer with him. They became separated a,: 1 Unka WM Inquiring pitifully from everybody i ; Joseph's boily had 1.n fonad. No ono could tell him. Ba stood in ibo little court yard while tho lii-t in'-ii wen* lowering the chaired rennins from the top bf tie* roof, In nels. Tko bodies were ao tearfully roasted 'bat tbe Inane had te u-e hooks. Outs's body via. dropped tc heavily ou tho ttl-- .*' the rool and thc head split open. Half s dozen pate-faced men told a reporter how they had saved their livs. They won- winking on rd floor and sat together. Tln-y wan quick io ,-ie] When the alaru, was given and n :i b-itly forced th.-li wa. to the stair-, the majority of pimple being at tlie other end ol tho roon). They could not t-ecol lect bow they got down the firc-cscap.-. A bar-teader ta a neighboring gin-mill said that he WM Hilting some ol Hie girli who sat In tho back uart of Hie burned building. Ile went away for five minutes and when he returned be saw flames shooting fiom the top of tho building, aud pcoplo Hying around on top. " If the men." ho said, " had helped tbo women, they could have climbed over tho lenee, but aa lt was wiien tbe men were over they rushed off. shouting 'Fire:" " Yes." . a-td bin sister. " and those poor women wore Bereamiafl and wailing liku canaries roasted in a cage." OR] AT EXCITEMENT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. 'I'I,.- frantic Shrieks ol Ho inmates of the burning building, the nearana td tho Bra. and tho kaowtodac t Ii Ht lin i,,., ami relatves were near death drove almost BCaay tba ]>co]ile iu tha nWgiiburlng buildings, and liny swill.'ned In dev en lo tho roofs and Windows ,,f honan near at hand. Thi-v lon- ii(i Hu narrow passageway., thai had to the fac? tory Iii-iii thl i hivstio st side, and tried to get Into f ?? building, only being driven bach hy tba eraah nf i pie pourins i ut umi tba b'-at and suiuke bom tba Ira others rl'in_r n. positions on roofs and at windows. There wert men, women and children, and they added t'??ii- eries to the shrieks and groans hf perishing and panic i rased people In the building. It was not until the police arrived and drove hack the outsiders that '!,'? i,.-? . i could do mn good work, for the. ? wained In thc court yard like rats, ami could not bo moved. Women raved and toro their hair, ami little children .I. while awn, di itv and flit liv looking, were as wild aa the women They ran from plaoe i" oiac*. noi minding the pushing and jostling by firemen, who tiled to get them out of the way. TRYING TO FIX THE BEBB -NSII.ILITY. MT! BIRT] NI' "NT D'ORRCH AND FIRE MARSHAL FRANK DESI LY AT WORK. Bepartataeaeat D*Oeneh, of the Building- Bataan, looked on willi a shudder while tho Branca were carry? ing corpses CHI ol tho burned building. Later be b-iel io a Tribune lt-poricr: "The boRdlni was a death-trap*, of course, but lt was as well provided with mean "f swaps a-; irs situation would permit. Yio cammi iron',,*, ihe tear? ing down of pnch a bonding because it li b* mmed u> by other buildings and crowded wui, workmen, Women and children. We an* evou limited by the law to tho noan el Moape which wo eau eenpel owners ol such bouses to provide. There were Bre-eseapea on Um building, bal I an Informed thal ihe inmate- Mini lo maka nea of them. Ve cannot eompel peopls to use finneapes. If ihey lose their pre-eme of mind and perish when they have me.uis ui escape ar hand, whoso fault is li.'" Mr. D'Oouch had not been Informed that tho Uro-cscaiH's had been partly removed from tbe Chrystle-st. cud of tba building. Fire Mar_hal iraak iu- busy trying to ascertain tbe origin of the fire, but fie said last evening that he had not succeeded. Men wbo wore ou the second floor said tho flames came up from below. The .tevcnsoiis on the first floor said they _~,t mw tho Hames In tho ceiling. Mr. Frank will continue his Investigation to-day, and probably will take the test! limiiy of several wunonoo under oath. Abraham Stearn, the owner of Ihe building, ar? rived at Hie flits shortly after lt broke out lie dui not care to talk about the building, which ho said he bought nearly six mont bs agu from a man named bhoutt, who ls now In Rn rope. His loss, he thought, would be only about IM0,000. which was nut covered l*y Inauraaoa As lo the history of the building and its former ow.iei. he knew m.thing, be said. ? 'CFOWHS AT TUE TEBTBEAECR CAMP MEET1X0. Ocean, N. A.. Aug. a (flpeet__}<-Not withstand? ing tbe beat, Hie temperance camp mooting bM bven nttsnloi wah groat interest to-day. _hc E.v. W. W. Hicks, of Florida, mado the address ol the muming, and gave a glowing account of iho tana pei ance movement lu the South. Rollo Kirk bryan of Michigan, gave au Interesting chalk talk. Mi .Julla ( ul- man conducted tbe st iet.tilio Umpeiaiita; -oiiii nan tkR aftenem. Edward Oaawal, iiiu tunny mun of the camp n.e.-tlng, niado the address of ih< evening tc an Immense audlenco. The great audlto iiurn was crowded, 'lo-morrow morning the . ev. >L If. Pogson, ol the Sixteenth .strei-t Hani 1st Church, Nev YorC will speak, ami (.eng,- ff. J.nlu, ol bru tucky, will make tba address ol iio evening. HEEKIXG DAMAGES FOR FALSE ABBEST. Pittsburg, Aug. _ (gpeetaR.?The attorneys for Lib.-it E. Harnell, a young man of than city, who was I_st w.- k BBqpRled ol tm thargo of swindling william Murdock oui ol 910,000, by means of tbe "bunco' game, will to monow Clo tho pa-iors in a .ult to re? cover rji-DOCM) damages for Ial-/> airest ami Imprison incut- Murtiock, who ls a wealthy 1.,ni,alor ovm seventy years old, and Ibe Perkins Detective Agency, of this city, are made defendants to Eamon's action. Tin* charge bung over Hai"nott for six wonlln before 'rl.l, ai.d he was then acquitted without difficulty. Bs allogos thal he suBurcd Irreparable damage lr reputation. Never Heart af "Davy 1 rock ni ? Corni" t Thai's queer I Wall, lt wai Ilka thia 1 CoL Croekatt wai mi-- . for bia akiliaaa iu?rk? *_n. one nar be levell*?d hli K-a at a imiiaii lu elrae, wbeu tha aul mal luwoinit i:n ? nimiii 1 ur.?f?* inea nat I " Hello, thara ! Ara rou Dav] Ol eilall f If you aro. I'll j oat coma do wa, fur l know io,. geae coon." Jual lase a itoo? ni Ur. fiarr.a't Plr_?.i,t Pur native Pallete aod aaa how quick iy roar bilieuoneea asd la Jlgtioiteu will emulau tba example of " D*vy t'rockatt'i coon" aod "climb dawn." Thar ara aaaclflos far ail la 1 aug amenta of Uta Ur tit, iioiaauk sad bow*!*, 1UILWAY INTK1.ESTS. NOT A WIDE DISA^IKFEMFNT AFTEl. AT.L. Till". NOTICE Of TIIF. WITHDRAWAL FROM TIIE JOINT LEASE MAY HE RR- ALLER PreaMaat Charin FraaeR Aiaane, of the Bean Paclflo Hallway ( om pe ny, w as in New York on Wednes? day. A slimt roiil'i'-uce with Hitit.y Villaid about thc laen el tba Dream RaBwap and Navigation Obsb p-iny l.-d lg many rt mini-* In Wall Hi-eot, and BBC af thom was to tho elteot thal Iho Inion Pacific would r?'t.-ii it> cottee ..f withdrawal Ran tho joint leon Mr. Villaid sahl yostenlav ' " I ttSEsi wltb Mr. Adm's an hour, psttiaps, anti of couran then vvas nu definite conclusion. I leal iud be vva-i still lu favor of admitting th?- Rorlhni l-nil.r, and Ihat tbe notlco cf withdrawal did not mean that his eompaniea we:.? unalterably opposed to a Joint |ea*-e. He desires nna modifications of tho former agin'-nicnt, and he will conic lo Now York si mo lime next week to dl-cns* details. I had upilci-toixl thal the I'nion lac ll"- bad withdrawn Hb-ulutcly, and I was pleased to liuuw tliat we agreed on rai-Till point*." A friend of President Adams said that Mr. Vlllard, before he Failed for Europe, bed approved (he bnlM Itig of the now branches, and hail declared that tht y ought to be completed whether the Joint lease ?m perinaed n Beh A million (lollara bad already been spent, and th" contracts Involved about four millions nora, it wa- aUe>ced that Mr. viiiard vi as perfectly acquainted vi Ith lin- aeopa of the extensions and Ihat the maps and eoatraats awn shown ta him. Mr Villain la* aec?pte<i n,e presidency of Ibo On gun and Transcontinental Company and yesterday qualified beloro a OemaUsslooer Bf oir-gf.n. SflXG THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT. AMERICAN CAPITALISTS DEMAND -SATISFACTION FOR THEIR FRANCHISE. A suit has been brought bv ihe Montreal and Euro? pean Railway Company against tho Canadian finvi-rn ment ta recover IBDByOBB as compensation for tho value of the franchise granted lo tho company lintier an act of tho ('an ad I.n Parliament, by which powers wero granted by Iho Oovcriiment lo tho plalnlilla for tho const mellon of a railroad from Oxford, H. S-, lo New Qlaaaaw, B, h.. with breachee la pagwaah and vic lea. Hr. Ronda Onea, wha is one of ibo directors of tho railroad company, referring to tho suit, .aid yes teiilay . "These proceedings sro of a friendly nature, and were BtttMpatad In the act of Parliament, which provided that la UM ev-nt of tho Government, taking our road we should settle tho amounl "f eon.pen-atl"ii to be paid us by arbitration, but lt. case of the arbitration not being airn-cd upon, lt was provided that this suit should be brought to setilo flu* question. The Oovernmenl took over tba road after we bad eoni plotoel seventy miles and only wanted BB pay us for ibo actual co-t of Ibe material, and not for the labor I \ pended, nor MU li pupen ta maha n any esmpunsa Hon tor ibo loss (,f what vye con-lder a valuable frati ciiise. 'ihe directors destined t*> arWtran upon tho terms offered by ike Canadian Qovernmsnt, and ere have Hiereforo availed ouraelvos ol Ibo alteiiiatlvu coiitcmplated by the law." ? - PROBABLY HO SETTLEMENT WILE RR BABB, Tho meeting of tbe e-eenilve ruoimlttoo ot tho Trunk Line, Association which has been call-d to con? sider tl * propos-d redtictiiin In Immigrant rates will be held on Tue.-day. Au officer of uno ol the trunk lines said yesterday that then does not seem to ba lay ft -Slbtllty of a settlement of tho propose! new schedule of rates by tho executive committee. a? under the i ole- of the Association no chi.tig*- i"i:i be made by tho committee unlcTn unanimously adopted. It ls known that beth iho ontario and Western and the Del? aware, lackawanna and Western lopiussolallvn dis? sented from the proposed BS rate ta CMeago at tho meeting of general easseneer agents held last week, ami it is therefore expected thal the uaeahnotu eonsenl of the exocutlvo buanl will aol bs neorded ta the pr., aoeei in u-? ol .. leUtus i" adopt ttio pew -'-nie. the matter will hav* lo bo i-oleircil lo a meeting ol Ike nuuk lino presidents. MIL OARRBOIR Not to hilt) .\ BAH-BOAB PRlsbarg, Aug. fi (Special).-Thoto was irinnnphad from tills cltv to dav ar Item to the effort thal Andrew Carnegie and his partners would build a railroad Iran the Edgar Tkonsen steel Weeba at iirad doek, eight miles from th!s city, la Minerva. Ohio. where connection would he tumlo with tho Cleveland. Youngstown and Alliance Kalima 1. n iw I uildli _, which wae sahl lo bo alieady In tba control of Mr. Carnegie and Ids assonate!. It was further stab-d that the new road was ta bo used In transixirtli.s ore from tha lakes to the sevrral (arm gie establish ments about Pittsburg, and was to co-t, apart from rolling stock over UC.000,000. A member of the firm of Carnegie RfOthon A Co, said to-day that lt was the mosl absurd statement he had ever read, and Dial li was folly to talk of Mr. Carnegie lavnttng f-j,0()i),n(),) |n such a scheme, Boon Hine agu tbe firm deUvend a large order of rails to the Cleveland, youngstown anti Alliance Lead; and bunds, which aro still beU, vvere taken an security. Tho sj.-akor admitted, however, thal some New York capltalls'. aial the oiiieials of ibe Pittsiuirg, MeRaeeperl and Yougliloghenv Lallrosd an* t-omldeilng tho building ol ai.i-iii.ei ouilei lo thu lakes. DfPORTART CHANCES IN THE. DIRHOTORBBIP. At a meeting of the dfieeluis of tho Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Raliway Company yesterday, Un? pin taut changes In tho boord wura uiado in kui sequence of the recent sale ol condo! to persons largely interested In the Canadian Pad flt: Railway. Tba in-w- tween hip win tn* npreaeatcd Ly Hr Osergi M* pi ii. Slr Donald A. fin Ith, Vf. C. Yan Hinno and Hilliard J. Cross, dli-ectoi. ol tbo Canadlau Pacitic, and Tboana Vi. Pearsall and J. W. Stilling, of ReW* Yoik. Tho former management will be i-epre- ?? | by Samuel Thomas, Calvin S. Hrloo, ticorgo I. "jeney, John O. Moore and James McMillan, of tho old beard Mr. McMillan was re-elect, d president, and Mr. lillee Vice pn-s.dont, willie Vf. C. Van Horne, vice-president ol ibo Canadian Pacific, was made second vlcc-pie Idcnt. I? M. Ucbwan was reelected secretary, and ff. A. c. Ewen was chosen treasurer, i banges In tho beards of tho controlled lines, tha Maraaetta, Houghton and Ontonagon and th* Marquette arni We-torn. were made lu the same dirri lon, although tho principal executive ofl-Oors were retained. A NEW FEEDER FOR TIIE PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Aug. | (Special).-The Pennsylvania Railroad has pi ctlcally taken chargo of Ihe Ea-t Rrandywln-j and Waynesburg Rollroad, and renamed lt ilio Downing!..!, and Lancaster Railroad. A charter ha- Just been granted ami the Oafamtt IbMBB MC I J. N. DabOiry, president ; Henry I). Welsh, N. Parker Shortridge, John P. (.'reen, winiam A. Patton, Qcorga Lugl *r, and Samuel Rca, directors; Albert RcwaCB, Bcentary and Itennei. Ttie capital stock of lbs ne iv company ls 1880,000, but may lie amened to H.'.oO.OOO. Tbe lino of the road eitond*. from Downing ton to New-Holland. A pro]'f I ls on fool to extend lt from New-Holland to LnMaatar, the eapMb-tlea being that through a c.mnes*t I'eii with the main line of thu I*eiint.ylvanla ai, Lanca-stor enough additional Hallie could be mated to mai.- tko etiilre lino a profitable one. At pi' -ont the road dues nol pay. MIBCBt-LARBOUa RAILWAY INTELLIGENCE. Philadelphia, Aug. 8 (S|x>(l_i> ? Thu ofllcri nf the l'eieie-, iviuila Railroad wero ni,lilied Ibis Sflainssa fiat a u.-i-llug o! UH executive eui. ml nee of (he Trunk Lino Aa loelattn would ha held in xi Tuesday. Il nas rc|,orte.l tu .lav lhal tim Erie hnd licu'in to cut rates un 8m Bl BM BSSSSBO*aS t runic. but thc I'.-i lu-vHanla ofli'-il* l.a*l no l.ife.riiiatlon tu r. |*irl on tho nubject. Im riiii/taul rans have hSSB cut, but il I* believed that the BllB mil i.-" nu further lln.ii Hilo. Tim mad rlaliiut lliul ll luis a right lu a differential, and thia l_ aliened. Pisntaasi asBsen si nie lithlgh Vail- v Bsllisol 'leny en.|i!ialli-all.y lhal tho company will abandon th" Bstrls Canal. PleaPn-BBOBl Hariahorne said Ihat the Bempaay hal ban easpotrorel by au sn ut n.e Rew-Jsraer Ia-bi*. laiuio lo Mil Hater ii,-I.i- to i.iaiiufai nin-ra along ll.e Hun of tl.-j canal, or le anv uno elsa, tm up IS Bbla tin, BS purchaaers hail aiuiran d. lin declared thal the i-.iii.pauy i.a,i na snaeat talentsSa of deane iha tami t-, mils. Wasjn havo hen tt luced un tho Beadles Railroad air,,,i,j- aagtaasn esedneten and taski atm U ail bnaelMB running out <*f Beedina la aomo ca.-.- tbe cul haa te* * u fe,in |1| tu 88f u Swath, allis totiv-ii ll.e malagura ben _uy win fairly aeaalin ihe pay ol ail nain baaia At iho Bsodtng Ba ll reed s_ala ssln lt ?-.-* -siaini i... day thai tba nompany ?nl noe build a lane i>*- eager ;? i-i'iii si ii.". fi?,i uf wv,iim-st., tiie Philadelphia inn luus of lim Rlodtaa'l City luau, I, Haltiin ue, Au.' k?Pn-Bton Slieneer, uf lim Jltlil. in,io ami ('lita Kui...?d, aald ibis allene aii thal la- has Information thal l-a'l-. him tn batten that frvUht lalei* from tho vv--:, v ni, -ii ar-- noe* tu a greatly dsennllsad < e.i. lilian, mil I... rai-i.: le ii renunciative llguru. Pl lishe lg, Aug. a.-At ii 1.,,i nun el the MeeklMtdera ol na Bi i?? void.. Onsan aad ClesrBsM Railway OsssBsay In this city pnieeaay, the StasB nt Flushing parties In tho road, romii.le-l.m tho AI i.-i t.urr Int. re-,i ,,( no.000 naen Wi,? maslmal ia Meena, BMn m. Oa, ut New Vock, giving thou, u runlrulllr.g lutureal In ll.e road. The sm abeu; 880 I BB Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 8.?The Inier-laln Ct.mtimire OsBBBBaassa saaaeaen 'his sweatee Ite de, otm om .-un. of the KcntuilT aud Indiana Ilrldgo Con BSBB againat the Lotilaville and Naahvllin Railroad Comimny. I WBOdnhn holdx thai ciin.plaltiant la a carrier iud Die tied ieum la Imuud io give ll equal facilities for Int-n hang'i of traOio wllh (.thora. Conuiilaalaii- r BsBan maker ill-s.*iiied nplulnna will tie filed In Iho caae here alter t'. Wushiii.i'ii The Ilaltlmoro and Ohtn rnad la now larrylug limul granti from Ballimore m Chicago r.-r ft, igaloat the rate af tiCi'id whluh prevailed several waeka ago. The geo ersl pasaeagei agent, Ul bvull, mid to-day thai toe road ad tn make thia cut In order ls svnld tho Inns ut the en. Iro Immigrant buslnoaa fimu Pallin,',, The seeean nf tho sisetelsn bi Bbshsta Bin and IW HIP BBI Lull*-, at. itu* pspatef price nf BL having ex * i i na. espestsMea "f tae,saBra_d naspeayi Ray win e rapt ?'.'-1 lsawiiaa ,\t io a. m. ajselal lialaa win lan fur BlU'li"! i f'l"n and OlBSaWSBd Lfl I ' ; ? * lively. ni at _ |i. in. an aft.i linn'r i-.viui.em will sun .ir Hie ike OMsaga Aaa. R?TBs Bastoeaal Passsacn Osaaaritna f HM Cen'iil Traill. Asaoi-iiiilon mel to-day, and leeMal | adhere to tli-t apre. e.-ut nf I el Tu'selav. winn ll wai MBttal t" nellie tm -i-*. Eil rate tu .Ne-iYoik ot) tho ,,-,-!,., ,,( 'I,,* i. *c..i*!'-.n te lie erl vu le IM.i 0. I". Ini*-". 'hli loan*. UM (Ringa BBd .Miami** nilli,'it t min-.lilli..) . Ba lew NM of #1S bo ttl Ihe round trip. Tl.,, Chli-airo Hoard "f Trade lias niel before the Inter ms Cuiiiiia-reii OeaMnisstoa Iws psUttona one al which i a c ininlalnt aitslnat the Uncle Island and Itiltlrnore and )hlo ruada. the other against rho penndvlvanla and the 'hlratm nu 1 ReMB#l -'? -tn. Tie ' In eaeii ca"** la hat CBIrnia ha" Ih'cii dist'rlnilnate ! :i":iin-t l.v than MS '* naseiuch as their lolnl throinrh rate from Inwa and ." irnsUa p'tlnta In the eoati-i.ird ls very much lesa than th? urn of the loni ralca. ll la chanrcl thnt ihis la ii dotation ef tho Hist, aaesad ant third e*-:tl"ii? of tt-o aloraiato Common:*) law. --Oe KIYAI.KY AT i.asti.K (.AUDEN. IF. SF.Ci:RF.l) ROTH LOADS of i.mmickants FOR HES OWN LIN! ?NO POOR FOR THEM. Rheo ll;" 11 mik Lim s Immigrant Clearing House lacaelattoa referred ta a special ecBualttee tue mat? er of a ndaettee of taualgraat rates to tho Beat, vhich it vvus saggnted wmiM forro tho Dataware, [aahawanae ami Bntorn le accept tho perconiag-) iffered to them, ll was surmised by somo thai tho ?e.soliitlon weald not ba heard from again. Rut lt * very likely that lt will not be permitted to Ho long indlslurbcd. Kx-Congiessman Muller, who rcpre ,,-iits the Iielawaro, lackawanna and Western at 'asllo Carrion, again opened ibo soio by applying i bit of caustic to it yeeterday. The Iniiiilgniiits coming by tho Thlngvalla ateamer* ir? eaaaMend tho erena el tba Beeton tiaiiic, and ho pool lines havo always raaaktelOd IhOBMOlvn 'ortuniite In sccuiliiit tnat class; one of the Thfngvalla iteamen is considered worth four of tho Hamburg iteamers ta tho bnnlgnnl earrtera ii is only i week a^-e. thal Iha iniau..I*-, Lackawanna ami Weat 'in sci ,.tte| ter lt elf the 800 or mon! immigrant- on be iteemei TbtagvaOa, and tho pool line- awn wor? ried, yesterday ibo Qelser, of tba same Una, at riv >i -villi 701 Immigrants, and Mr. Muller secured all of hem fm- his road, whllo the BfBnts of the other -oad-i iel inotheilng their anguish snd wrrugaMag their brows. It ls expected thal H.l. last act Mil move tha pool lian Bitter ta dnUn poelilva war igatnsl their rival by a reduction ol rates le tie Wc.t, m i" gunn, aasaesty a'.'i oder belier tarma Thl Cacilie Mail, OM Dominion and Mallory steam hip lilies mild" application mme Hmo ago to be rep -? rated in Castle <;aivien to leak alter ibo laualgtani passenger* eonalgned to then companies. lt eras In -i'i! ilia' they shoulif, and they n< peremptorily tefused t", l", oin') branches oi th" pool in iho Immi? grant bii-itie ??- Thej wanted Individual mpreeenta Hon. Yesterday tin: Caatlo Garden Oummlttea eon tented to their prnpi litton, and a ooo traci eu ilgm i which gives to tLoni accommodations in tho bagg&go tepartment -? A LIVELY TIME AT THE LETT INQUEST. * LAWTRR WANTS TO CROSS-EXAMINE WIT RR88RR, RBI Tin; OORORRR FORBIDS IT. Tho legal fight ot Coroner Mossemer and tho Jury In tao ean of Mi-. Levy, who wivs killed by a bob? tail car, againat tbe raprascatatlves of itio Twenty third .-tiee: Railroad developed ynterday imo a pitched hanie. When thc inquiry wa_ opened at. :i o'clock, Counsellor Bouse, for itu; eompeny, ami .lames a. DenalsoB appeared sida by side at, tho counsellor' lilllie. Connel vie---eii!.*r wa- supported by Anistaal Dl-iiict-Attorney Macduna and Hie jury. Edward F. ['ody, tho undertaker, told bow he "aw- the wonna limier iht; car wheels and helped lo get thc car oil the body. He thea told how utlicer ( limehill came on the MCM and suggested to th- driver, Di.'fy, that ho get the names of tho pa- wagon un tho ear, "as lt wt, i!d maka ll easier far bim." Tho witness also Itated that, one of the Women In tho car sala lt was a -hain-) tliat tlin officer should tako tho part of tho driver when lt was his duty lo arr*-st Dally. When Mr. Cody proceeded to tell hoW Ibo driver, whn a-!.i el by (iflleer ( bluebill bow lm came to mn over tho woman, replied: "I did not seo her; I wai making chango at the timo,** thc pent-up storm broke loo-e. A Juror a-ked tho Cumnor If lt were In the province of tho Jury io eoneure Officer Churchill foi tho active Interest he displayed In favor of tho com? pany, when Mr. Dennison interrupted tbe proceedings by asking the i oroner: Are yen i-aing to lnMst on our producing the bookal Coroner tlBBBBSmr I take this ground, that the counsel for the SSSSBOay are irving tn Interrupt thia court. I ahall not permit tba cam;?! ta Interfere with any witto*-. Mr. lieiiiii-.ui?I want lo know, Mr. Cormier, If v<.u wanl Secretary Mclean to product) Ikose bookal Thc Cereaai Re wan-, then t"*ok.-*. anil aie deiormlned tu Lave tle-i.i, abd that very pr 11. i > I Iv. I Mr. Daanlana Thn i nave aeaM papen hero te. asrvs on vuii, and 1 iui_l.t, as well ae,'v*i them now If that la your dctl?lou. There ia a writ of prohibition and affidavit in support of it, io prevent yu fiom proceeding any fun!.er In the BM tier, as fur aa ll con aeras Mr. UeLeaa, uti! wa can int this question of tha utoductii n it the book-. in tho inteivst of Duffy, Ceaneallor Bean de niaiuit-d to ba allowed to oross-exanlaa ibo adiana ?? You a-- goaded," - sid Ibe I oroner. Mr. Rou-e? Tl.on it, la bs u?<- for in- t*> slr here I bid rou seed afMmaaa, Mr. Oereaei and gantleaara of the jury. Mr. IK-nniaoii?Oentl.-luen of th*; Jury, lin* pransdlagS, w pu n Mr. B-slaaa ls Beaconed an Mapped. Mr. linus.?Mr. Coroner, I am nol allowed to Mpreaent- DrtVSI I>utTv, and SbMB Uie aii.eiiiliiient of the law* ninii. gava you, Mr. Corsan, Iha pawer to ait n tv criminal Judge as wi il as SSCOMI ivai POSBSd, I lake lt that when a persea ii srralitned for a crime, tba Bet Bsad hn*> a nulli to be wp? sated I . netim, and i, as Mr. Duffy-i -,ui-i, hive a right to erosa-exsatlM wttaeaesa, I re* uue-l ptlTMlSBBn l" ta alliiwcl lo ink. Oils willies- a a Beetles. 'j h.. Potshot Tun an denied tho right The witness then com ltulcil bl- testimony, and Oeorp Bailees, "f Ra 841 West Btxteenth-st., f>>r nicrly a conductor un the Twenty third -meet Railroad, tcaUfled that he had Kted a.- coiiduclor and driver, aid made chango, kept a lookout lur panengen gel ting on an.I oil Ihe car, ami alu fur parsons crossing treet ahead ol the ear. in addition to thia, in* had Instructions ta lerp children od ike platforms, and those Inetrnctlons wen given by Mr. Mi Lean. Bone Ol ti.,* can would cain gi a trip, or **><> a day. Tho ean n.aiic. from twelve to Olteen trips a dav. Joseph Sheppard, of Ro. 21t, Weal Twenty-third -? . tntlflad that bs -aw- the woman pulled from under tho ear wheel,. Uer head wa- Brushed. Coroner Bessemer explained to tba Jury that the counsel for tl ? ' ompany had no moir legal Handing In that court Hum they would have I "'fore a grand jury. Tba lu iiue-t wa- adjourned until . o'clock OB Wednesday. OFF FOR A THREE BO ST BB TRIP. TUB MADISON BQOaRB TBBATBB COMPANY STARTS BOB MAN KKANCHCO. At 1140 last night A. M. Palmer's Madison -Square Theatre company Started In a special ear from tho Onad Ceatral Depot tor san francisco. Winiam R. Palmer ls tho manager lu charge of the company, wlil.h britni's .1. IL Btoddait, Alexander Milvlnl, E. m. Behead, Frederic Bobtasoa, Loud Banca, wal? den Ransey, C. p. Plaehtaa, william tanridge, 11? -1 !*-rt Blllwaid, Hairy ll..lllday, (i. Vi. P.-esbr-y, Mrs. E. .1. 1 i.i.iIpa, Marlo Hm roughs, Annie Russell, May Drookya, Ylrgtala Baehanaa, ivaio Botany, clara Lipinau, An a. Bonna aad LRUs Oertio Roman, Tba lepsrtory wlfl eowRt el "Jin the peaana,1 "lEait el Hearts," "our Boetety," "Saints and sin Mon* "Blaine,*1 ami "Partaars.* The iii^t perform m.*.; will bo glvea iii Baa Eeinciscii on Monday, Aug ti t iii. "TRrtnen,a the opening i.iii. wai be prc BCnled wl'h ti., saino cast m leon h'-iv, with the BX reptlnu tliat Min Anni * Eu.sell will replace Re] Eoison, a rhangs thal ihould be au Improvement. ? Madison Bquars Thoatra eompeny alwaya dow well In san 1 laii'l-co. hu<1 MVeral "1 lia- ui'-uiuei-s havi luau lavorltn then* linea tho nisi vlaR ol tbs ak ii, " * company. Iau Ai i I a, - il Eal..-. Dem ir and < iii* ago will ia-i bl ? i. an i the < om pa will not return here till November. There wen many (ilenda at the .tallon to iee the company mr. mal the hauperi ani packages which wore itowoi av.av in the ear |ava good Matiranre thal .mme dian, would not suffer ftrom huufor or ihii?i svai wban cr li | the gn-at Amorican deaert B1RRR8 XABROWLT BSOAFTRQ PLABRR Helena, Moni., Avg I (Bpeelel). - ll tm mere go.s took lhal prevealed the death of loo mn by In ul Ho* liluiclalllc inii;.- near Ph!|||p-!.in.:, Mont . ve, lei day. Tba fact that a new- | .mi h;ul bu n du^'. b-.iv lng the old aaa as _n air -iiiait, paved their lives. Thi air shaft only rMMhad (luvvu to th- b-v-el at tho depll of -JDU feel WI. ii tho m-n below di,. ,.v H Cd He working sh: fi to be on fire, they went up lu this love and got out safely. If the,-, compre. ballera ac- mu hun. Iha Inca Will nol axeeed gi ,.n. o otherwise about *ro.0(Ki will u* needed lo replaoe tin vie I*, on vh'i-ii then W't, bo Ina ui aaec. About Doad With the Cravol. hu.h waa tho condlil..!, of Mr. John M Allen, of Char loleta- N Y. A friend said. " Ea.. Pr Dav. I IO in, 1, Pa VOI III Rcr-i-dv nf I'.,,..dont, N. Y." I dil BO, aili adlriii ll,at Hie m.-dlt in-i -avetl my Hie I am a well mui a, -in of the i o>!. a,,iy un,, do,lar foi a bottle, i la a eciiain 'ure for Crawl. If ymir druggie! looa BS keep thi modi' Hi" addreaa the pioprlelur, Itoaduui. N. Y price, el; o for s-Y DU. D, lkE>.NfcU\ ?* l.\ VOU I TE RE.MtDk. THEY LOVE TIIE VETERANS. ANOTHER ElB--JgT10W OF r.VR'nSA.V HATE. CHAIRMAN KPRINCEit's IlIUVi; DI A ESIOK-HON est ORBDITOM BBff wait Washington. Aug. il.- 'lim animus of Ihe Democra'io parly against Fnlon vol. runs was shown In Ibo House The General Deietoacy hm wa* under consideration nnd Item for the pay of balances duo to voiiini.ei. on aeeoaal al pap aad aoangy ana reached Mr. Liilid. of N'bra lu, Bined an aniendment to Inenen tba san el Hi-- fems ta about. ?i,::no,ooo and provide that tho money .hould be BppHeebla tO tho payment of claims adjudicated and ci?rilfic I during tba carreal leeal yeai as w.-n a? to claims already settled and eecttfeA Mr. Hurnes, of Mis? souri, promptly raised the point of order 'bat IbC aniendincnt wa-s In coiitraveutlon of law. Oa tala polnl I lien* was a snlcv debate, (n which Hurnes. Hoed, Laird, PaBnnuilk. I annon and Henderson, of Iowa, took pert, Beran WM the only man win) spoko In the affirmative, but ho was confident of Victory fer Sin inger was chairman of the CoaUBlttea of thc Whole, and ho ls a perfect " llBW ?" iB&." WkMMe ever that duty ls Hu- making of a parliamentary decision In favor of bis party. Of course, ibo baucan.on statesman decided tn favor of Humes and againat ibo hundreds of creditors who wero Baton soldier.., or who are tho widows and orphans of sin h snIdlers. Tho grounds of the decision WtoC H wak and untenable that even Springer was cooiosod and ho sinike In low. hesitating tones, which Ml Inaudible fen feet away. ('on- dering the nature of tho Indebtedness fur pay? ment of which Mr. Laird sought lo provide. UM de? cision was intrinsically moan as well as partisan and unjust. Baan Bf tho claims ls for a largo amount, the average being less than PIOO. They have been pending for many yoars; they aro based on law* paned ta eneoerage men to enlist In the L'nlon armies raised to suppress tho Rebellion. So sacred vvas (be debt thus Incurred regarded that provision for Its payment was made In a "permanent appropriation'* act which was repo?led In 187-1, When lt was ron ?Mered that the great bulk of the claims had been adjii.t.-d and paid, and that tho remainder could bi provided fur by annual appropriations. Tb* act would nm havo boen repealed if tbo emigre-- of that, year had suspected thar a limo would como when an ??_ Confederate majority la the House would refan promptly tc appropriate from year to year the money necessary to pay tho belated claims as soon as they Ihould 1?) adjusted and allowed by the proper officers. In tho last tonure-s no appropriation whatever was mada for that purpose, and thousand of claimants wen* disappointed. Tho sum of *::<>, or *:.(!. or ifl"", niue QT Rn, 'bte i" oe-u'l) of them, small In Itself, was oin- of great OCWMgaean IC a poor claimant who had beea walting fifteen or twenty yean for tbo annoy Justly his due. For nearly two years af'er tho claims were adjusted havo cia munis been com? pelled to walt, owing to the bitter anal unrelenting hostility ot the Democrat ic majority la Coa| Tho proposition in tho bill ls to appropriate now onlv enough money to pay tie* elaina adju-tei. last i ear-in other words, tba crediton whon accounts ato rattled between now and July 1, tami, aro nm tu be paid until the summer of ia:')0, when thc young , -t debi will be moro than twoiify-llvo years old Thia is the manner in which tho Democratic party ti'-at- Its creditors who lake up arms In defence "f the Union. The ex Confederate Democratic party would repudiate tho debts outright il lt dared to do so. A NEW SUBJECT OF DEI3ATE IN' THE BOUSE, BTRORO BPBBOBRB IN FAVOR OF THE PAYMENT OF TIIE FRENCH SPOLIATION* CLAIMS. Washington, Aug. 3 (Special).-Debate on tho French spoliation claims bogan lu Um House Ibis afternoon when the fourth section of tba Cen.-ral Deficiency hill was leeched. It. appropriates ff? 41, im. 83 ta pay claims whieh havo been favorably re? ported by the Cuurt of Claims under th*) BBl of Jan? uary no, 18**5. in the last Ceagnn tbo reports of ihe Coori down to December l, 1MB, were referred to Hie Judiciary Commltteo of the riou.e, a majority of which held that the claims wero valid and should be paid, but no steps were taken by the Bocae. On December 19, 1887, the ROtHC, despite strong op? position from leading Democrats, passed an order directing the Appropriations Committee to Include in tho General Deficiency Mil au appropriation to pay then claim;. In the report to a covpany that bill th.-re Is a long historical statement Concerning ibo origin ol the claims and tho subsequent proceeding* relating to them. This statement is signed by all tho Democrat lo members ol the commltteo, and the gl.t of their conclusions ls that tbe claims ought cot to be paid, because they are " stalo*1 aud ol doubtful validity. The Justice and validity ol tbe claims and the ob? ligation which rests upon tho Government to In? demnify tho claimant, were strongly advocated to? day by Messrs. Long, of Mas-achu-etts, and Dingley, of Maine, Republicans, and Rag-Mr, of Mai. laud, Democrat. Begem, of Ai kansai., a member ot tho Judiciary Committee, delivered a loud ami vehement ipeech mi tie- other _nto. Ho wanta H.'* ointments to fortify their lights by a Judgment from iii ? 8u prams i "in) of flio Culled Ma'c- Lofure any appro prlaiion ls maila fur tlie payment of claims walch date from tho birth of Hie present century. Per* haps Mr. Rog*-!-, bopea 'hat if Mich a plan b** adopted and Judgments obtained lu tevor of tho claimants the Appropriations i ommlttou may b** depended on io Ignore the Judgment. The Arkansas Mea ol pay? ing p,ililli- debts ny postponing or repudiating inem outright ought not to prevail In the House, but it ls extremely popular among Southern Democrats. ANOTHER "DARK LANTERN"' TRICK. Washington, Aug. 3 (special).-Tho " Dark Lantern" conspirator, nave deoldod to do a thing which smacks klrongly ot cowardice, but nobody who has can-fully obvTvod their conduct during tho last eight months will bo surprised ou that account, fir lt I- only tho late i "I I -erics of acts of tho nen sort. -Thor? has been no regular meeting ol tho Ways and Means ( nunn lt ti.* for many weeks, but It ls now scinl-ottlelaily aaaeaaaed lhal " the committee,'' that ls, the Demo? cratic majority of it, -has nnoved tba Injunction of teeney* from Its pronmllngl lu tho preparation ol tho " Dark Lantern" bill. They do uot propon to publish the euilre proceedings?bless you, no!?but they are now at liberty, individually or collectively, to dolo out .such i-craps of information as in their opinion will help tho Dcmocratlo party In the Im? pending ram galga Ol coane, ihey know that com? plete publication would defeat their object, but they hope by wrenching a few hole out o' their proper relation and droning them up to suit their own pur* peace, a la Carlisle and lirecldiiildge, they may help the party. Hut the scheme ls not feasible. De-plte the efforts of tho" Dark Lantern'' conspirators tn hide their dotage* tho country was not kept la the dark, and ad ? monstrosity was brought tata th.* committee room the Republican members, otie and ail, refused to be bound by an Injunction ol -'-crecy in regard io the proceedings, ami Tribune readers from day to day received cornel Information coi.* '?ruing ali that was proposed or done lu committee. Tho Demociat* eau add nothing at tills late day. If thoy choose to put forth garbled or partial state? ments they will lind tin* Republican m.moors entirely aide to Uko care of themselves and Inpart to lim country tue whole truth. A CAMP FIRED OPOR BT INDIANS. Washington, Aug. a.?Tbo following telegram was received at the War Department this morning fi oin General Howard: - General .Miles telegraphs from Fort Grant, as fol? low s: I ort Thomas. Aug. _ li.'llatu tired Into Potter's and camp guanl tents al lowie*'- old camp leal even? ing abuut sundown. The soldlem and ftwter reached H.- poa! iiieotit half neal -'. Supposed lo in six or seven Indian aboul ta Join the renegades. Hive- rani "ii' troop ta Investigate. F. van vi.iet, Major, loth Cavalry, Commanding " Pori ?>' I- a suit agency or Indian (arming camp between Vost Tbomn and >an curio, ou olia uiver." DRMOCRATIC senators wasting iime. Waobingtoa, Aug. :; (Bpeeial),-?The Deawcrata with tho aid of a single BepubUoaa v .t.- u.-v ,?r Hon en au.-..ini today in adjonralag ti.o senate nv. r lo Mnndir, , notwithstanding thu t a* D ll j *.*. -i of Republicen Bennion wac pointed out the necessity for attending ta DUM [ -mg work. Early lu th** day iho motion thal aban lbs Senate adjourn it i. ; ? ? mi Voiubiy iii-xt waa panted by Deaneratle votes, in oonnqueon ol n.s maay leemon teak an Mri] Irani IC Atlantic City. When, later In tho day, Mr. Boar moved ta ndjoern until to-merrow at ii, lhere wn no neerea, praaeat. The Pennnicls la aisled upon voting agalnsl Iha proposition avery lime lt via- mailo. For over an hour the senate was kel t together In vain attempt., to BSCON a ipiuniin lt tlnally had lo adjourn aiai assent ta the Democratic pulley vslilch becomes plainer every day -of nu.iia_il natlon and delay. * rn ? ARMY AND NAVY INI T.I.I.H.ENi _\ Weebtafften, Au*.-. ..-sti-ond Idcaanan h. v. ? uracil. SjlRiial Oarpa, has been nliev.-d from .luiy lu Kow-Yurk! ami inderi*.1 i? .luty Ht ni_uu,r,k, lu.. Reiir-Admlral Chandler has reported to the Navy D* perinaal Bm Mlewtag rksagei in the poanaaei M Bm Aelatle Nina lion: En. Inn li c. pound*, tone, d-Uehod from tho R__aa and BaieMd t" Hie BlSSllia for nanM* tu tho United Huies; Lieuieuant ll, T. Walling, dotaehed from tho Hru.klyu and ordered tn thu Eswex ; md (ladot Eii_liiuer II. htewari, Jr., detached fruin tho .Monecaoy and ordered le the Marlon. Qeaaanaden vv. R Daua nag o. w, suiniu-r. UeeeaMaa When the Burralea Wham CSE Holl.-F-iRIi S AlTD I'IKIM'II.UT.. ,- n,f- ??? ?* *kil!c*li Charlotia. N. C. mas ? lt li an invaiuahlo nerve ionic, a delightful beverage, and on" of the hedi, {taiureta whuu thu eueiglaa Hag aud tht *jo.t,iv* SWIFT'S SPECJITO Ia futilely a vegetable preparation cootalolng 04 Mercury, Potash, Araeutc, or other polaonoua pgk SUMS "*? B'.-IFTS BPBUJJU Haa cuni hundreda of eases of Eplthelloaia *\ Caner of the Skin, ihoiuuw.ds ut SBSn of BSBSBBV Blood limners, and .Skin Dleeaaea, and hundred* at thouaaiids of caa.a of fecrofula, Blood I'oi?.n ant Blood Taint. BR IBM specific Has reneyed thousands of ciuei of Merenrin Fol.-unlng, lUinuuialiani and btlffoeaa of Ihe Jan,*.. Chattanooga, Teni)., Juno 27, I'm-Swift's Specific Co., Atlanta, Ca.,?(;-iill?ii?n ; lr, th- car f part of the present yoar, a bad caae of blood polaoa appeased upon mk I began taking H. H. 8. un<W advtos al snetiMMsM le-dsp r f*"*i%r-.itiy kBgsn a. I am atlll taking th'- WBBtoBM and (.hull eonUii'i- tr, du no until I ara patently w?*ll. I ticllevu lt wuI affect a perfect cure. Team truly, Dui' P. HOWARD, 111 VVe-t h.x-h -r. Columbia, S. C., .Inly 7, _W?S.-T_e tv* V Co., Atlanta, fia.,?Gentlemen: I wa* m lufferer from muaeular rh?umatUia for two yeats. I eould gel ne. permanent alief Pom any medicine prancribed by my phynlclan 1 ?-ok ... - a lotea bottles al rent o. s. *>., and now 1 tm ta well as I ,?*,,*! w_s in mv life J ,.m nun* you* pp a irina rand MB, and I WOtUI recommend lt t>, my oue auilerliig from any blo,,i rtliease. v ur* un y. " E. Hf'.Hi -., Coade uer c. & c. r. r. Waco, Texas. May f) IBBR^Oeaatopij Thn wit", of <iii? of my euetemera iraa terribly ,.lt!ift*t with a loutlisan.e akin di BOB ac, thar, eov-oret ter Whola l.odj. sh-* wa- c.r.nne I tn h-r V; fur v.. era! year?T>y thu affliction, and could not h'-lp h?r a**. If at all. Sha '-"'ii I i.": sleep furn a violent tic-h Ing and hUnglug *,f the skin. The ni?*?_??? UfllM Ihe skill of ihe i.hvitlclans who treatM li. H?-r hu?band beana laally living his wit. Kwift'a Siic rifle, and ?h? commenced to iniprov* almoat Imme? diately, aid In a f"w w"t*ks .hr mi apparemly well. she is now a henr'v, las-looking lady, with uo iraca -s of the affliction left. Your, v-rv truir. J. I" SEVRS. Wholesale Druggist, Au?tln ave. Treatise on and Suln D!-"ei-e? nailed tt r. TIIE SWIFT BPBC1VX0 ( " , Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ile. i .Sa.-.York. 750 Broadway. -^ (unn.andi r E. W. Crocker, Lieutenant* Sexton, ee-hroe-lar, ?ieLsnu, T. Houston. N. E. RUoa w*. c. Beenak and . P. Ri???-, and B-U-gB H. M. Dombaugh. have beea eta.hod Ma duty a* thc t,,rr? do s-ailon Aujtun 4, aad rdered tn duty at the RavM War Collete* August I. 'asso' Vs**ls:ant. Paymaster John W. Jordan hal tmn Mort 1 ta :i OS-toBS, 1 *-? Paymai-ter George H. lead, d-itaehaR ordered to BBttlS account* md granted Hs iontha' laen of abc-1. . 1 I Iga P. R. Wall haa been i.-t_ch_d from the torpedo stjtlen AogtMl 4, and ordered t tho Coa.l Survey- _ L0ND.S OFFERED AND HF/'EIVF.D. Washington, Aug. 3--Tho bond offerings to day aga regaled 8B80J888 In lots ai follows: Four pr couts, registered: rJ-,000 at 127 5-8, 3,300 at 1_:7 14, r-no,ooo ar IS7 1-8. Four-and-a-half per cents, registered: ?400.000 al 07 5-8, ?_7?,OnO at 107 3-4. Pear and a hall pr nate, coupon i pc .j. ooo at 107 as. Tb.. Secretary ol the Treaeury this afternoon sc epted Hie following oilers: 826,000 coupon 4 l-g per cents ar 107.4d; 8.V00O .gist* red l l-l p.**.- eeats at 107.4.; and *y,330 1 per cents at liiT 1 1. -a> rARIFF BRAR1R08 BT TBB 8RRATB COMMITTEE. Washington, Aug. 8 (8pedal) The Senate Finance 'oinmltteo continues lt- dally sitting* fur perfecting he Tariff bill now belli- Creased. It gave hearings oday to the npneOBtatlvee oi sugar growers wool -al-ers and hat manufaetunca A member of the sub 'omrattte"- said to-day that tba MU would certainly nol )e ready before tho eton of next week. For striate Debate on " Canittian Agprmian," ni Firti Pane.) 1ETT1SG FRISOXBBA RACK PROB THE 1SLASD. Joseph Hoif, a watchman at the foot of Twenty bird ll, Urooklyn. applied ta fcupeMntendent Rlaka if his offlce at MTeronlb si and Thlid-ave. on fiat'ir lay for a pa-s to blackwell's island. He showed Mr. dake a dlschargo for Edna Claik, a pr!so__*r on thu sland. Mr. EUko bad Hoff defained while be sent o Justice Ford tu have tho genuineness of tbe dis bargo tested. Justice Ford .ont word tliat the slgna ure on the disrhai-go was a forgery. Hoff laid thal bo discharge was obtained from a man who repre satad bimself to lie Joseph Reilly, to whom be had iiveu IBO for it. Ho said that a stranger calling ulm elf Janies Wilson rame to him lani week and said hat Joseph Reilly could p-t tho girl discharged fur "20. Hoff m.*t Reilly In Mint/.', inpior store, at Ho. ino IliiiEuii st., and gave bim BIS in money and a .111 of salo for a wagon as SCOnrttp for BB. In a ?hort tlmo after the money wa., paid Reilly handed dm a dRcbarge whicb he was Instructed to take tu he Island and present to the keeper. Hy mistake La ,huwod tho paper to BoperlntendCttt Rlake. .lei-tits- j ,,;.i placed Hi'.' case In Inspector Bryan*! hands, and on Thanday afternoon Reilly was arrested. Ho gave tin. name of Frederick Spa ildi:i_, and said that iio was a palmor arid lived at No. lld East Fif? teenth st. Reilly confessed to Inspector Ryrnes thal ibo names ol ibo prisoners at Jefferson Market fours Ban tnmlehod to him by Ignatius Dngan, tho keepes there, and also the naiiie.- of the pri.oiier-' frlcml-i. Dugan, according to Reilly's nor}', nut a share of whatever niouey Reilly could get. Another party to the conspiracy |_ an expert forger, who made out* thc tl. 1!.a. res. One ol Inspector Byrne's men set a decoy for lugan, laking him to procure a release for a young woman who had been s,nt io ibo Uland. DiiL'aa foil Into the trap aud was promptly arrested. The police aay that they have evidence that this forging of blank discharges has been going on ior sot_i time, tho names of ail tlie police Justices, except Judge Power, haviug been forged. TO ARREST A BOTORIOUS DESPERADO. Chicago, Aug. 3.-L'uit?;d Mates detectives left thia rity for *. an Francisco on Sunday, lor tho purpose ol Iffoettag William Karns, ahas Raymond, alias Colby. Baptist minister, spiritualist,, gambler and Hain robber, for whom they bave Ix eu scarcling, rlnco lo77. They exp.* t to lOCeh emu ffASMBSk today, ami ta arrest him at once at No. 4.'i Sixth st, where he ls now playing the nile of slatewrltlng medium. Tba otlieeis alb^o that In lo7_. he robbed a niall ear n.-ar Anetta, Tex., binding and gaging UM clerk, and nearing about 83,000. In lo73, BadCI tho nene of Rains, he held a successful re? vival meet-tig in Hearns, Tex. Wlule lt was la progress, a train was held at the station because of an accident, and tho trainmen attended the revival services. Rains pleaded Illness, and C *s not present. The mall car was robbed efl #4,000. Kains was an t* Bcd, convicted and sentenced lo lour yean.' lan pitsonment for tho crime. In prison he developed all tho symptoms ot consumption, and was finally pardoned by Prasldenl Haves, [n 1877. Bubaefluentlp he appeared U a slate writ mg and maiet.aU/.lnguie-liuia lu New-York ami Chicago, Last week tha detectives located kin le -*an Prenolaeo, and lett, as slated. Ior ib' pin-pose ol taking Mn Inn custody. BBPBBUC-tft BATES TE east TBRRBSMBB Knoxville. Tenn., Aug. 3 (Special'.--no .iBfltRB referee through.un Bael Poanaone ne n*>t yet .m. sitiiough enoagh i? kaawa ta show that tbe BiPBn Heans bave gateed to away placn baieteflen tUMS* eratic, 'lin* BeaabBeana carried KbcbcIIB w'th CkJB maloilty. - * * a.-? A OBBOCBAt hilt) RB/BOTB CLBTBLiRR pncsiieid Been., Aug. :i. Jeha Dl Cenoe. a Deana! pegto niauufaciur.*!, berrtoto.o a licui".ral, sa 1-ui nc** rime ii * support 1 lev-biiiil aid Thur* man this year, THU COSTRACT LABOURS WAS SOT HBM> . ,s lanMsBriied thc nunn:.-.1 nm gaeeBn! alli ana Bi latwra ?s Msaday ai IO a. m. C011_reM.11.aj. Ferd raiurnid w ^ illy Thursday nluht, and C. n*,. ---ii-in l.u.uther la ala* hon TbC "Har of thi ciiiliil'teo IN uaw IB VVa.hln*--e'i. but. ll I* saaeMBd that mer will alie* here on Beadpy, axon **?**?-? c,,n**^Tj* foti 11 1 Mli.ela aro row dev-uliiu their time M ?a'b"> bm ' BMttn eklek ?i:i ta taootkumi to ? IIBBtollll Ocr**,- lle.lford. an Fii^llshman. landeS castle Quin Tbnaaap fruin th" Otto ?* ksm*, mm MtMUmm Gueiiih.-r learned Hutt he waa a uiovhaale ??? came over under contract- Me tan MM ? ___* _Z Collector Magone manBag teal ttadtsei be l''"w inv.'-stimiiou. The OeBeetoe mya beawvn. tari J" letter oauie too bite, and thai the man could uut be B?* Tha cai** will be couriered tv |hS IIMMlttn XOB tm ,- teeiiev.d to to )'< Panntvenla le neaw ??* stomNS ante la * lettes eebttofced yeetndiy niorm?. that (ho BVBa of ii-iiiiiaratioii at< due M ? taM ""'*"* tu.)ia 11 IbIbIiti and Bsasels la Rte aawsWf. _*____ V..1.1 *?id thai the abeean mm to* nrtau* to najnt ,?.,.,-.. af hurriedly. The BUthM M the letter bea asa b. Batted a- ? VMMSa, and will aol ho unlll lv*? maalnee are made _ ______m rtmlth * Aunell'a rnas-S Haai.'r^ "^l^kiaa.* or.iek aud giva aaliafaellaa attar w?artaf aaa aaawai mw idimAtm, R?vaU?4 ky * Aiv?aa A ?w