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VISITORS BY THOUSANDS. CENTRAL HARRISON LOOKING WORN. ffA x.AT!0>"<*? FKi'Vt india*.*. BBPORUCaR STRONO BOLM? nicrivisii TBB CBOWO 1**' cmvprsity rx::;.. \nf TUTamur**1 rc thr TRincia.) Twa late* detecatloai of Re ir ins ? adel ii|Hin (ieneral Benison to-day. Uno irom Montgomery County, tin* bono nf tirni-ral 11 w Wallace, lt hn 1.n the hone of many men ot . t ?? Male's li-torv. moat prominent tm, politically, was Beery s. lane, fur Ba's I I :??-)! ? representative tbe v.-rh!. How he Impressed bia neighbors aa . I 1 BdeV ls '.-.Unite,! !n Hie ty thal 1- Still give:! .1! every in alladini n. !.:-.. to-day. c. s. Kennedy ? I - il - battle ixe Btraek heavy and frc.pient kiowa ,t'f of tin- reen ii protection-" Nearly two .*f the county weis* in the ci-owil of I- ? i General Harrison. Fmm Cltn gbold In the t rn peri ol ibo sen.*. a tboaaand Republicans '1!.- two delegation arrived In the city about : they united In tho marah through ii. :-'C tin* moat in; i - that bea 1 een presented by * rans sll fe Iha I ublli au eteadard I * : bodies ila; were n'pn--enrcd on were gorgeously ? of tin* notable (return Whit ii complacently i*!- of a red, whin ' *? , , ,,, .... j,,..,, u!ai. pi.,d(, ?f tera or 18-i wboi ron in ibo ? iii-pl.t- - w.-rc i sde bv a c!;ib ng mon * . laed, under ita* name of ? Lea B . .:, , a i jr of 200 v**uihs w] o w.u next i : theil flrsl v,,:,- tor the Ra : -ci caiiu,.1.-. j Harrison wa- at tho .'.::i\ts!, ile wai looking some M*. ned, ne- h'*t weather i.a- n to tall .m. lw . ? .ie addi.I to him. di "t the Crawfords . -ii - other ley Judge J. c. .-ult for tbe Clinton < I on. Following .Mulgo ed 1 v Mr. Harrison, a ai, Intn during tb'* con . ol whom ; ?? wn one. I w i I Us My i ? ? ; dele. e ? bli ha ind d< ?-rmlna * i v cr* "l ', ? .'iv walk in life. G -ii tin- mechanical ; ,u come ..of the the thought that you have I boiui'i * "ina; policy 1 ** ",alliOUH , IO Willah - demand ? v I , B ol lld b party. . i *ir personal influence, st vtetoriei which it has van. A tao. eur party I think UM ; J--...C of ?* um it a- ila i law. It was I- waa poaMtoa eely v- a . e,f ih. trre Btatea e. 1 our 'i'- ii*' ; * - a:,.l newer 8 .. - tenahlp lt opened a way tu an - - a vaat i isabel of our eitt ? eBM Of gl'eld sn that our people stmuid hav* property in vih.e-h they live. It ls one of (ha !*??-( ela. ? e-ur lin landa are by !? .- ? S "'. th-- !>??- *-f Ul") ? ., prop rla*n of the men wi,** woi . d !>v their t,?ii : i I ta Il . n we moat malnttla the ?. * The policy < f the - ? ? .* ? -, ngthen our *..- bel m w<? y a tenantry thal i- hcpeleaaly such from r. . a m another. (Applauae.) That condl - * t.a 1. ms kel 1 ?? ' tenants .-md ; must never Bud I suse.) I - Invltt , acbooi-houne into th-- neighborhood. - !., u in the beginning the ic ; * hones -*f va quarter eeeUon each. i- a ,, public 1 in the I - all of *, y,,'i have rniic-d my at \ ? o pf them. | .viv *- .d?: I thank words ye i have aA ? - found n :t'iT of your * , ro these mM-aaa of - the u ? -*: :h-y felt in a .,, Joh) i;, . i . ? .-.d my v I n h i i .'.. lg followed. Th--* ordeal was .c General Hat:.-on has I . *! : bat i'ii sed bdfon him 3,000 -"id the temperature ' lei -tai Harrison kept gt ta*.di pleased with his ; pie were. .., General Harrison's reOb-nco ii .lames li. Barrett, "f Cleveland, ? ?? ;.*... ,i* t*. an-.!...* fm- a visit by tho Veterans' Club 11 - committee having _ ,,,f ? .**?:'- for retentions refuse,!, , , after August 20, ,; up lo :lee-ie. lt .- believed to I a ? . rtson ihould tl.-*!1 . ty lor two or three w.-ek- ol - l*,;, i,, -on:-- re-"rt near th'- Uk"s In tbo .*;,* v. eek- * il?' Con? ni work upon an impoi nomination ).?? bn i-* ?rain. li -. t- iowa temperance advoea'e. ;.--ecii.-s in indians <'? iring tho ,. proi nen! In ..-d on General Harrison _ THEY WILL N'?T VOTE FOR FT.F.T. TRADE ?- A/-AINST TBB MILLS lill l-l."Wi p. WAOES LEAPED. Special).?The removal of tbe I oposed by the Mills bill. !_ ercat and dlstart>ance among tho ited li tlie lumber Industry of ..tiler-, of Gardiner, am ive and enterprising lumber ?a- River. Tbey employ d output of manufactnred feet, e largs i?n ticu of lt going j,,,-toii maikets. Both the taaeh Demoemto. This : I'. T. Iiiadstrael said i "W. nolans, bul boe_nen men, and we . - B matter of policy. Vie are I ,,)T own noan. Take Ike dat* ' : and lr hits us S'piare in tho face." ? ll a:: yo i -. " Ra TOted the Democratic t!cfeet. I il.ali ? Harrison and Morton and to a r. The B - ibllcans, however, mnsi do - surplus aad prevent a tight " Bow will tbs Democratic attack on lumber protec -,.-s "Our mm ..;tVe ?,,, n ,nto thf.,T heads that they don't wa-,t . . ,r ar.d you don't find any 01 ??'*" ? -..Mifacttired lumber repre **n'* . , r ojpd it i? a qiie-.tlon of J,"*1. Maur of them who have , et hav- got their eye- * | ?.mu vole in accordance v,,"11 e abolition af the tariff oa laa> ? _.,'"?' -* 90 an cent, tost shoat Mea ?-'0 are noa - -._,, _ muntb Will get ilO." MBERBLTMAB AINSWORTH RENOMINATED. lal)., 'ibe iid Assembly Reputtyean ? onvontton was held at Pulaski *___r'i h v. Alnaworth reerived ib-- Bonlnattoe for ']y on n,e flnt ballot Tba .imiiciai detogetn I Iii .....*?-. N. B BaMtk and X. ff. ?oith. th Vi. Tri-B* -,i art, Oeerae Craw and .,;,! delegates B. ll ? * .*.. taite, e. it. Reny, C. R TeJeott, B. li. * V. J. lt. Drtggl H.-.,liitlons sapperttag ""eran Mllm tor ooverau wan adopted. After the _ j-j..'" and enikuatastlc nllflealten meei b-r was i,i i^ in tii?? Paih. BetMrassed by J'- i- Sherman, J-R Whits, li. E. AJiihW.iith. li. H scott, \\ ll. Raker and ot) , ? VORK-RO 'HIE FUBIOR DODOR IN MICBIOAB. ?*'a btagtoa, Aug. :i (Bpeelal). Michigan Demonata *?**! the Behsoetate necessity of doing something to rounieract tho ell,-ct of tho UCnCBdaaa reception which ?walu Mr. Elaine on his arrival In Ibo Batted Stale*. They aro to hold a gnat ratification meeting at Port ?Huron, .Mich., on AttgU I '-"-? ''be "Old Roman" ls BBCVOyOd ro place- aa a .team tug, and tho memorable, nut only by bis toeesaee, bnl by dat "f OaBgraaeenB 'ox, of Bow -*-??lt; hxultuirr. ut Hll-iols; bhively, ol Indiana, a quondam Oreenbaeker, and Weaver, of Iowa, who lately defended his political position a* a member of tho Halted Labor party I* affiliation wllh tho Demo? crats. It lt hoped by Ihe wise Democrats who are macing Hu* Weahingtoa arrangements for ll.e Port Huron meeting that Weaver and Shlvely together will t?. abie t?. strengthen the teston cease ta Michigan, it ls oxpociod thar they will speak In behalf of the thro,* i-rrenhark Presidential eterton, wbtle Thurman ? :i do his t?*-t |n hehhif ?f Hie ton Thurman and i lev. laml electors. STILL DBOHIG POBTEB FOR GOVERNOR BB WILL FROBAIH.Y ACCEPT A NOMINATION, AFTER ALL ? OTHER CANDIDATES WITH? DRAW. Indianapolis. Ang. .1 (Special'.-Tho demand for tho nomination of ex (.overnor A. O. Porter as the Ropub Beea candidate fur (lovcrnor lia- become overwhelm? ing, and lt 1? now the prevetBeg opinion that be will certainly be made the candidate. R. R. shiel, who l? at the hoad of the movement to force him Into tho race, says that ano delegates have, up to toni.'!, Pledg-d themselves to vote for him. Two mote c.-indi datee, Ira J. Cha_-e and John M. Rutler, Iiavo an? nounced their willingness lo atop aside so that Porter's nomination may lu- made unanimous, and lt ia now assorted ihat really tho only aspirant who ha* uni li, some manner expressed a willingness to uncomplainingly yield to the acclaim for Porter ts Colonel R. s. Robertson, Nolhlng has been said by Oovnnmr Purler about the nomination slr.Vc the publication of lils u-t letter, but the fact that ho has not mufti lined his declaration Whee opportunities to do so have been offered him ls regarded as a caine for bopefolans, Oae el these opportunities was presented this morning, when a committee of five called upon him to read to him a series of resolutions adopted by the Denn Kial Ie di? vision of last night's meeting of workingmen, hit lng him not te accept the nomination. Ile received Hie eosnmlttee cordially, remarked thal he had re? ceived hundreds of loiters urging him to ron-en? to ix- a candidate, but that he had given no ,*.. n. any on., thal le* would accept the noni* Ha merely prounsi-d to consider tho resolution-, and -aid not bing more. A LABGE CLUB FORMED IN LITTLT. FALLS DYER FIVE. HUNDRED REPUBLICANS SIGN THE BOLE?ADDRESSES RV MRBSRR MILES AND SH I.A ET). Little Foils. X. y., Aug. 3 (PpeclnP.-A Pnion Tte*-* publican 'lui. was org%pl_ed at tho < ronKhlto Opera o inst evening, ead 500 names enrolled. : ?? hali vva.s flUed with enthusiastic Bepubncani Among those present were: r ? . - ? ,>?, ex Speaker of the Ai -embly; ex Senator and state Committeeman A. M. Milla; R M. tUchmond, president of the Little Fa'.ls National Rank; Charin Ralley, president of the Llttlo E.uis Knitting Miiis, and Assemblyman P. 11. McEvoy. The rlu.e adopted the constitution and by? laws of tie BepubUcan state 11 awdin, and elected a. vi. Mills president, and p. 11. MoBvoy, 8 m. Richmond and K. H. Whitman vlre-pm*_denf- Tha Executive Coaimlttee are: Titus sheard. .1. !;. Bteb v BS, lr ,E Meslck, E. E. Slieldon, Charlo, lilley, C. Nan Alftlno and J. J. Glibest. Mr. Mills, In accepting tho presidency of tbe elah, made an eloquent s;.rh, in wftdck ka -aid that the 'ion of home manufactures wee really the great lune tecfore Mi* people today, and ho was confident ' ,- thc doubtful States, which aro nearly all manu? facturing Slate*., would bo carried by the RepobBcsn party In November, by large majorities. Belora the emtltg adjourned the audience Insisted upon a .peech from ex ^p?*ak?*r Sheard. and whon he str*pped forward upon the stage he wm cheered with the wildest enthi_slacm. He delivered an abie addr**ss on tho tarin, and skewed conclusively rh.v lt required only a -.'Iglit reduction of the existing duties on lai pfi;-t*ed goods lo place America!; manufacturers cem* pletely at tho mercy of toretgu compctlioi-s. - ? CHEERING NEWS AT HE .DQCARTTRS. One of the earliest callers at the Repnliiiran National Headquarter* yeetsiday was Congressman VV. E. Mason, el Chicago. Ho lias *u?t retuxned from South Carolina. Wh.le th?r? ho addreaaad a roajs meeting of over 15,000 eelorad 1 itara Tiioy aro solid toe -he ItopshUiiSB and confidently expect to elect at least HUM Oeagmse nieu this yoar. One colored club In Charleston has over 3,000 members. JBBMS G. Blaine, Jr., entered upon his duties aa aeslest cut to Mr. Loomis, the press afent of the headquarters. Ho*** are soui*. of th.-"*? wha called yesterday: Congress? man Rurrows, of Michigan; Dr. P. IL Cround, ptea iijint- Market Club, Chicago; R E. Lennari. Pennsylvania BUM Commit toe; Oeeiga M. Saith, ol "The Baltlaaora American "; I'ort Windon William II. L'-aycraft, Urooklyn; the i'.cy. A. Walters, of the African Methodist Church; Rlehard OasBtoar, Oakkoeh, Mn . John Boeoey, Brooklyn; John Klug and V.. Frank Carson, of New-Jersey, and (ieorge C. Irwin, of Ruston. DOWN ON A DEMOCRATIC SINECURE. P.altlniore, Aug. .'! (Special). ?Thi? labor assemblies of the city have begun an aggn-sslve fight agai-;st Thomas C. Weeks, the stato labor statistician. Weeks haa keen useful to the Democratic purry as a stump speaker. Two years ago the office nf labor sfa-i I wa? created for him and since that ho has been draw? ing a salary for getting up an annual report that ls worthless. Last year the oflice wai enlarged Into a bureau so as to provide a tew more places for party workers. Then ha.s hoon considerable opposition to tt all along and this week iha opposition ha- grown into an open fighL RO LORGER A DEMOCRATIC on.\T')R. Corning, N. Y., Aug. Ii (Special).-William V MrNamaia, a prominent young lawyer ard Irlsh American Democrat, has renounced Cleveland and (leeland for Harrison. Always an Influential Democrat. ha w-us the Democratic nominee for member ol l a Assembly in the lld District of Steuben county in l--:> and again last year. Ile stumped Hie state fur Cleveland in 1884, and since tlion for Ihe Democ? racy In each campaign. He win speak from the fame platform with Warner Miller at thc Republican morilug hero on Bedneeday evening Throughout the southern tier of enmities Democratic farmers i and srorktng men are declaring against the free trado porty, In ibis town forty Democrats have already announced that they will vote for Harrison. MORE CLCRS TITAN EVER IN UNION COUNTY. Ai..,'t.or enthusiastic meeline of th- Union C .linty IV publleaa -/-ague was hold last night !n the l_n_e hall of the Republican headquart- rs on Ilroad st., Elizabeth. A ran-." n/n's were peril Md i* I i-dlnc the apocMI tr;i!n on the pennsylvania Railroad, which is t, t.iko th'* delegates to Ashuiy J'aik on August it, i.. M. Defereet, ekalfSBaa of UM c?ae'j*!v commute*, during an addres*. stated thu there were twenty clubs iu itu- county, the lamest num? ber ever known lu tho history of the county. The BSB-B bera w?re notified that ticket* for the Blaine rojeption at fri w.ii-ld be on sala at Uio Union Depot of BBrabeto at AT, a. m., AugMt 8. The League, F- A. Pot:. }'. O. Rrown Eiigirioer Corps and other eiu'i- srfll loin the Plainfield Club, and no down Ihe Ray 011 the Steen -- Kill von Kuli. THESE INSURANCE MEN TAKE NO RISKS. Tho Insurance Mon's BarrlBBB and Morten Campiim, riuh is rapidly growing in numbera a personal eaavaaa ls being made In the various large offices downtown, and lr, liro.-.dv shows that 90 I-r c-iil of thu Insurance men are for the Republican party. Among the et mpanlea When officers and employes have signed the roll are the PhOSBlX, tho Homo and tho Hanover companies. There BM l.'-.y-threo men in tho office who hav already twenty out of twenty-four rn?n In the Hanover, nnd a large majoiiiy In Iha Phoenix Comp.i.y. These sn tho reports thal hav now been rstaraed M ysBass B. Bklnaer, BeeraMry of tbe organl_aMon, arid others ars ax pe*" ted In a day or two. WILLINA TO BET ON HARRISON. Those enthusiastic Democrata who wi-r? Indulging tn sa ?Mk h-ttlne talk a tittle whim ago appoar tc have cooled off considerably. They are singularly quiet and net at all anxious to give any odds at all. Ovor a week a?o s well.known Republi, un leader offcrod to bot ?1.?00 to S2 000 ?.n BarrlBBB M the soak Exchange. He waited lt. vain for a taker. Teeterday ta ptaeel a similar . with Do Mott b Durand, broken, in ih- Holman BOOM lt hae eel yet been es lend DIED IN EXILE ASD REMORSE. A DEFAULTER WHO FLED TO CANADA AND VAINLY TRIED TO BERAT HIS DI HTS. Erle Penn., Aug. o (Speclal).-Tho once popular and lafleeattal hotel proprietor, dOnn and politician Of Erle. John Royle, wa- baited today, an exile, In Hamilton, Ontario. Boyle bad acquired weeRk a? a mechanic, tax ...Hector and boteCgnoa. Be wn a hall fellow well met. and was trusted by every OM. |B ihm> be was elected city trea-sun-r. and re-elected m is- bal when be need fur a third tern it was discovered thar be was towing balance* Ab extra-* Bganl family and h.-.vy outlays ter election,-* l?_ pm p.,.,* caused bis downfall. -Mst before tba ead el *,, he dnW a teW hundred dollars, aaddUap pound, leaving his account, maul- IbCnecad dollars ?hort, , , , ms frionds pillie lil t-i believe Uni be hod com mined suicide, but he wa.s soon beanl of In Hamilton, aban be engaged in tba hotel santana Croaked with nerti-hratitH and sham*, he declared that be would work night and day to redeem himself from tho Infamy which had made him an exile. Had 8Mb heed kin aa every side, and ba never coold t-liei,, bis fortunes sufficiently to liquidate his accounts on this aide, although thal seemed to be the only am? bition of his Ufo. During his Illness he beggedI Ids family n> rr*tore his former good name In fha Lolled btatci by liquidating all claims against bira. ACTIVITY OF TIIK LEAGUE. MANY REPUBLICAN < lURs OROANIZEI*. BIBB BUJTDB8B BBFOBUCAM CLUB! AI.R-iADY FflRMl i* iv lins ITATB? A CIBCULAB LSTTBR lin Bepabllcaa League Cooventioa at Sum toga lad noath hai bad :i remarkable effect ui"in tin- erork of party organisation m this city nnd fhronghout tie- Stuto. Acc.,piing to tin- reporta of ti;.- League offlclala, nearly toni hundred local clubs have been funned sines then. ?n average of a hundred a creek. AU <>f then hine not yet, nu tubers of the State _??? elation, but lhere is littl- doubt that they will join it within n short time, .ind thnt Within a fortnight tho cumber of clubs in tin- will exceed one thousand. Every effort la being mnde hy Chairrnrin Will? iams iiiul th" other League Officials to push the work iind at. the rame tine make it as thorough ns possible, wm, i!ns end in view, John S. Smith, chairman of th" sub-executive eotn-nittee of til.* League, hm Inued to th.* clubs of tim State a circular letter containing a som s of pointed Questions, of wi,ich tho** ure examples: Ia yonr < ib :??. . ,- *, pe__aaaeat Ben , ? !. In ev! Ii., yeo occupy peraaaent headquarters, snd if ao, wherel ii ?*? efl a lo yon h id re-aniir mrrtings 1 Have you h-dd a public ratifleattoa meeting slnoo tho Chlrago Coi.voi.ilon I if not, whoa do you propose to hold one ! lin- yea In votir club any experienced speakers whom you Bahealtatiagly recommend a? perfectly competent to ;:._s u;*o!i Ike i--,).,- of th" campaign! '?Viii you undertake to roach far their ability and Rood Judg? ment h. spoking to tho public! Who if Ikea are ghi.; to add-oss outdoor nv*oflnrst Wi.t them can sddress larre audionc-s in halls! vvho * k la clubs mccos^fully 1 Plenwv state tho names at?! addreaaea of all sacb speakera vvith remarks as to tho -ny of thom for any parttoatol wSrk of Hil- kind. E- - you duh d"s!ro st^alccr? to he sent to youl If yea, f : What c!a-s ,,f meetings, that ls io say. out of doors, ii. a lane hail or In Iha club ror.m! Will you pur tl - no, .story e.\ponso? if the sp'akT* are supplied by the Lcacuo I ll.ive you !n your n.o:-,t,-r?hlp any manufacturers em ployina a eonalderabla Dumber of mon! If yea, plea** ? air MSBM tnd addmaocia I! yea, do ihey 'lo-ire lo ha ? . d with tarli! or campaign literal Hav-- yoe !n your rinn.Vr m.ny wa<*o.earni?r?1 If ya. ,.,T ! Do Da .41 'llol Ar'* ibero In your vi.-.n.tT many who aro undecided er ira rina In '.lioir politics a' 'iie preaent t- re, or any who tho athel lioro-ofore I If ?tatt their na Plea* -?. tha bi dos of ali elabe .*. v***:r county not ? of tl.o . -dy. (If in Ite ail the Information tba subject.] vs. ..*?? irith tbo League in an efTi-r. to pet th-'.- lute Bod a- many othor- a? poaaible Int.. tho Loar'.o 1 lias j bi ; > elah badge I If nay, da yea de slr- 'he. i taara ol ?-' or obtaining badseaf (Badeea of s l t; n. m_nu : , - ' ? 'io., Aro ibero any pi j "? whore there ar? no clubv but wi ak they ahould lie BSISbBslMdl If va, pleaas Stab I tba places and the names . :.-,??-?* uf i ro**r us to ? ? ?: th" i.-ic'i* ro afgan . -. rrnko any OOAtett SM i a teattS concerning rho general ??<<,!_ ,,f :h" bsscue, and tiioy will bo duly <-on And also, pleass -'at-- any matter or ttviiK which :ur lo of general taMNM to the Leacuo or the pant. PleaM r.'.l In an?wors to oorro?T"-,nd with tho inquiries and e.aii M n.o BaeuMlcaa Lem-ue u I - "' Ren --.. New-York City. II CN I) RI I'-. '*!' Nl.'-v H.rilS. It is proposed hy the committee to secure uri Interchange "f spenken betereco club-, io provi'lo clubs with speaken out-lnor or lar^o Indoor meeting-, n, sii^.iy literature where it is needed and to promote tic organisation of clubs wherever required and practicable As the ra* sources id the 1 igue are limited it. is desirable that each organization ahould, if it ean, pay tho travelling expeaeea of -peahen, Naturally, the offleen <t the National League feel highly gratified with the in New-York. Said Mr. I lu mph rey. t!i- Indefatigable secretary of th<- .\ati"tnil Committee, yesterday: ?ll.e work of (ha i ? ' ??'??? ?- (airly b.** ming, ps nea* Iha BMM of Bew-Tork. Laat spring I prediriee by August i tba League iraold hav? clubs in Blom W'S rm shaw today 800 clubs, orfiinl.ed and actively at work. What do yoe think of BMl I Many of tho-* have not Joined tho htate League, hut all of them wdli do so In du* time. The clubs In Ken Iel ~ ni' Bin doing aptaadMly, Thors sro EV) local aaaeelattOM th'-re neevv. This num l t*y the time ths State Convention ls ? Park, an Aa -.-? 11 Conm * lieut is deeins splendidly a? ever. Bo i- indlaM. ah the West? ern stat.-*, in fi :, _-o (airly hum rletory In Rovember. Ut ? nth tho LeagM will .-..? ir*...'?:.< ?rT% ___ 10,000 clubs. l-R.'.SII)! .N 1- I*'-': EB COM1 IDF.NT. The League'! work in this city ls exceedingly satisfactory, though it* la only getting fairly under way. Said I're-. ident Janus 1'. i'"-ier, lust ? Orgaalxatlen ls going on in all direction* The HungertaM have naen BS BM ai,l will bave, I sm told, a Repohlleu Club in almost every A? Dlsttt.*! ii tba elty A very bnportani point lias eosa .,ur, :n r. raid te tl em, Ml are paupers :nd pa'-por-la'* Blted States, and 'ti*-?!.?!. irv '-ici.-iot. of that rab]s tv., place in a tem daya by members of tho Hnngatten Club, ami tho (Beta Will 1 | B OUt as they sre It ls Bot ? * I' Si TM that any auch law v a*.-s a? *l< ,,r (4 a Week aro bo.a;; received. Thou rn l.iiav.aus Lave tai.on n,o ?., ln r<>. Bard te Ibis ea thal etf-protectlon lani* them ? iha ? .. and already they han a an in Tblrd-ave., whew in a lev lays -> very sueni dub win Ult y organised, and tl u organisation srfll ta ev tondeil ? thia city. Th,- QlllBBIIS tiavo al Ba daba In tlil? city, and they are growing in num. Tho ; . all Anti Kroo Trade Leanne haa ob r? ?.? l pe ? inent headQaarters at Ba Ml Eighti.-st.,where laat Monday nicki a sttrrteg aad n.-ting was held, and the room ?_*) pMked to the I Ba ratkuslaet-S k i. ;o that, they hold at bast ono masting a week, and lu every A*--on. *.-. E.--riot thorn ls a club nady to open hc:id(|*ianor? a:.l ta |i:?h tlie work of or? an to n.o u-ui.ent Unalta Bea lea this* cut,* now aggregating moro than flfy in somber, lam are semi re organised In t!.o Afr ., wlrdi head? quarters aatabHahod. a-il balding nicot:ii_s eyory two ?-? k- . ._ t!io raiiva-" af the city with, a groat - energy Bal seal, ranstderlng leew early it is in ibo eanvaaa, aad I Beptembei it is nor. too M tho nun.ncr el daba now in B-latenra in till- elty will I-- loiibi* I. 'lie* remarkabla pheoomSBM iSBpalgn, that in Iks ' -mimor, in . at iv atker, th ira held ? baa lt to s -uffocatlng In the r - . aBU doea not die out svea with tho lateaeaa ? -f tho ii.'ir. In Iks Bwta af Bow-Tort *- ar.* rapidly roaching up to 1,000 ilul*-, and nl.othor lt will be pos-Obie to B0VOT Ike 11,000 s.haoi districts or Mt will remain to be aeen, it wo shall hai.- SB?gb clubs to make a very thoroogb eaavaaa M -ie" aattra Btan Om enat v ?! ?? ; :? e at Oma ia the tea i-eii p miller.-1 ? a aad Btatt Com TTr* BatlOBal * * .t-ualjr paused the : itlon, Ju.y 11, 1888 Rasa!Tad, That the Nu:Ional BepaMleaa Committee approv* Um vi ,-inbs under the ?md repulatlona ad ; Natioaal an'l Btatt I; and we ten br them our rapport and full co .*) BUXlllariea to both hta-.e and Na? tional ' Thia resolution has b?on frooiy olrniia'cd, and has I ?i-'.voii pi at to the daba tkrongboat the j country, and v. hon th- toole.' wearier cf tho fail . on rs on wa ahall ba obliged le talBl M fr largo laeat speakera, ti.o apri-tng -if tke pee| - unpalga seemB I * *it any dontit i ?-? and Balveraal la ' ibliCM candi datra S : ? ted thi ipa we ike people fu. ahat "as potag e,n, and for thi- reaaon I havo ?.-, : .-. beea . l with tho v.,rk <,f m LaagM to sbaerve ike aetiou and th.- reoolta ..f ike fnnnailaii el .lutes ii. ibis city, and tia - e's ?pr*-e with my own obs. rv at ions-that this yeai Um people have eoana to n.o eonelaston that a v,,te f,,r vi- leal I levi re-election doea mei -a rats for Har? rison Mur'nu h.'-ate** tho n__laieMoea uf their prev-m WANTS IIIM T<? BR MICE AND A REPCBUCA5. A -Iou ls told a' ll"- evji'ii? of \\ V Mn sen ra, "f Orange, N .'?? who la better known in his Mai" ss " linly" Rei .'in. and la tbe bead "f a i, _? bu-s f.ictory at Newark. Be wm tor morly ? l.epiiii.inn. bul in i--i ba fell a rle Bm to Ruf vv in, Kial :- BOW a _U|i[,<rrer ol President i tove land, ile ba* a Mttla tem i lae jooh ell and a giri a year yeoagn, arko wen- everbeeid dteeneelag poli? tica tba other dar with ehlldtofa wtadoaa, The I.ol had asked hi- i-i-ter tliis .juc-Uea: "What are you, a Pomeeral er ?? BepebBeeaT* " I'm whaievei papa ls," was Um reply. Then the boy continued with a somewhat eon- I temptiious tone: "Papa ls a Mugwump, Tapa ls for free trade, and do you know what free trade means 1 ll means that If a poor workman romes hero arni woik, for papa all day, that when tho dag ls over papa doe. n't giro him a cont. That ls what baa trade ls, and that ls what papa la I'm no Mugwump! I'm a Kepuhllcan I" "Weil,- said the little rirl. with womanly dignity, "if that's what papa ls, and that's what fro.- trade kl, I'm going to try to make papa a nice man and a BepabBean, too, and give the poor man something.? A HEARTY WELCOME FOB MR. RLAINE. CORPtBTUra Tnt* ABBARBB-OEBTI volt ma RECEP? TION?NKW Ol BBBB. Th'-re appears to be somo mMunil'Vfifandlng regard? ing the lime of tho pa-a.le In honor of Mr. maine. Many seem to think that lt w ll tako place on tho evening ,,f his arrival. This ls a lt w-.ll occur on the following Bight ll Mr. Blalro arrive* on Wednesday, as is expnted, tho panda will be on Thanda! evening. If be should not como HU Thurs? day, then tho parado will tako place on Friday night, but there ls lit:le doubt that hs will bo hore on Wednesday afternoon. Tho grand marshal has ordered that a gland bo Steeled at tho Worth Monument In ample Hmo for tho review. Aeetoteal Marshal Jacobus will havo charge of this stand. After passing K the organization, will be ordered to proceed on the lines ol march laid out for them, as rapidly as possible, with the view of Laving all tho clubs and anoclB-lQM Rom out of town re.e-h ti,e|r destination as carly as pnetle'abta, i'm example*, iha pennsylvania division, under tho com? mand of General C. H. T. CUBS, will proceed rapidly as far down as Cniv.-rsliy Square, before dispersion, and may proceed directly to the Jersey City ferHos. The New Jersey division will also be directed to continue Ita Burch directly down Broadway. Iho Brooklyn division may bo ordered to file eastward by wa,y of Twenty-second or Twenry-thlrd sit., to tako the ferry boats In readlno^s at Ike Twenty.tlrlrd at. lorry. lt ls understood that the XlXifh Assembly District Division, commanded by Osnaral Deals K. Burke, win proceed directly through Bl^teeatb-et to tho ave. elevated railroad station. Tho additional organizations which havo announced *!;eir Intention to take part in th" review aro tho i'nion Hepubllcan Club from tho XlX'th District; th" I Xi li AsMmbly District Aasoctetlon of 780 men; tho Mllth Assembly District BepubUcan organization, 780 men; tha Young .Men's lb-publlcan i bib, XVil. Assembly District, 180 men; tho XVtk Assembly Ma? triel Enrolled BopubUeens, 800 ann, tha latter being tiie command of Robert J. Oreeccn; Um Irish American killi Tm Tl Bile League, reports 1,000 mon; the Vlth Assembly District Kepuhllcan Association, under John Simpson, reports MO men. Tke West Bide Manhattan BepubUcan Harrison and Morton club will turn out aboul _:<?) men, and tho John J. O'llrleu vi nth Assembly District Association, .'too men. " It will thus Ihj ?Men," added General Jackson, "that tho demonstration ls moro of a review than of a parade, and If li not Intended that tho organizations shad i,c a ipeeteele Bm tho people, but rather that our dtteem may, In an organized and formal manner, have tho opportunity of seeing tho greet innaman." Major libed WbMler, who bn been IMtgned to the command of the Veterans* Division, opened his head? quarters at tho Murray Dill Hutcl yesterday. He was farly overrun with applications tor places la tho line. "I think I havo received fifty letters,? ho said last night, " besides any number of verbal reijue-ta Tho old soldiers aro fairly enthusiastic over tho demonstration. 1 think mm 1,000 al them will turn out. They will como from all parrs of the country. All are welcome, you know." The Major appointed Captain A. IL Mad do*, ol Cincinnati, one of his a'.ds la-t night. The officers of tho Urooklyn contingent of tho Ulai no parade wore busy yesterday completing ar? rangements for tho marshalling of the mien and their conveyance to thia city, ihe four divisions, comprising "ver 8(ty organizations, which have aji enrolled membership ot, will assemble at con? venient points In their dh-ti-h'ts and will proceed to tbe neem! pointe "ti the river and embark In ferry la ats engaged lo convey then to tho loot of Real Twenty-thlid-st. and await their return. To td* Editor of The Tribune. Mr: I would suggest thar tho spectators along tho lino of march during tho parade In honor of Mr. blaine supply themselves with the American flag handker? chiefs, and wave them In saluting, Instead of the ordl nary pocket handkerchief. This not only will make rhe scene very brilliant, but lr will bo displaying th? Kerna,Hean badge of this campaign. J. VS. A. New-York, Aug. ll, 1888. ; PLANS OF MA.s-.VHC-.ETTS RRPCRUCARR Booton, Aug. 3 (Special),?Tha ___.eeu.ivo Commit too of the l'opnlillcan Siato Committee, at a meeting thu afternoon, appointed a commltteo to go to New -*Orfe and Invite Mr. Elaine to visit Massachusetts, and escort him to Heston If he accepts tho levita? tion. Ttils commltteo con-dsts of Frederick ta Bur? don, chairman of the State Committee; Robert A. Bouthworth, awretciy; Theodora C. Hates, Henry 8. Ryde, William H. Halla, lodge Henry J. Wells, Myron K. Walker, J. otis WardweU, Prank k Stevens, Jo? seph O. Burdett* Oeorgs A. Draper, John a. Camp? bell, Henry ff. Breed and William ff. Campbell Thia committee, togethn with any other Bepubltcans of RMtern KssseehMetts veno may desire to take part in the great reception, will leave Boston on Tuesday, and Join delegations of Worcester and Springfield Republicans at these cities. At New Haven the party will take the steamer C. H. Northam, and New-Vork will bo ranked on Wednesday morn? ing. The steamer New-Haven will take the dolrv gations down tho harbor to meer Mr. blain". The delegation of tho Stato Committee win probably re? turn to Mnsachuntta on tho train on which Mr. bialno travels. ? THE PEEPAKATI' IRS AT KR. BLAIRE'S H< 'MF.. Augusta, Me., Aug. 3 (Special).?Th-- ezMuttve com? mittee today Issued tho programme for tli" | 1 I reception to bo tendered to Mr. Blaine here on A 1". Special trains from Portland, Lewiston, Bath, Bangor, BeUbet and Bkawbegaa will arrlvo ar. Augusta between J and 8:30 p. m. These trains will bring Kepuhllcan clubs frum various parts of th*) State accompanied by bands of niu-ic Upon their arrival tho clubs win be mot by tho reception com? mittee and Invited to a collation. Mr. Ulallie will ba met at the station by Mayor MacomW, with mem be * f tho executive committee, and aseorttd to a carringa drawn by four white horses, whloh will bo driven to Its place in the lino. A National Belate will ls* fired and tho bells of the elty rung. Tho lino of man-h will bo through all tho principal streets, ending at Mr. maine's home. Ths procession will l-e halted and massed un Mr. Blaine's grounds. Tho Mayor will address Mr. maine, and Introduce W". p. Vt bltchuu-o, who will give tho address ol welcomo. LF.ADF.K OF TnF MAKYLAXD CONTINOFNT. Baltimore, Aug. 3 (Special).?Captain J. Frank sup plee has been designated division marshal of the dr\o gation from Uie j'o'inc; Men's Republican Club who villi meet Mr. Blaine upon his arrival In New-York. Ceptaln Supple., --ays thal 280 mon will go from Haiti nnre 10 welcome the " Plumed Knight. * Contributions for the ezpenaM ol tho trip hem como In liberally Lom prominent Republicans. NOTF-S OP TnF. canvas*. An outdoor meeting wa-s held at Nerrh Tarrytown Thursday evening, under the suspires of the North Tarry 'Urrivm and .Morton Campaign Club. The BB *?a** targa and dithu-i-nt--'. Tho president cf the club, E. T. Lovett, made the opening speech, which was full lina! thought, relative to the duty of aU American IS ta Uie working claases, through protection. He ?:is fi,ii 1.wet by Edwin A. Studwell. M. 1). BayBMB 1, Themas Birdsail, of the t;rand Army of the B L- vi P. (Joyous, m natural born colored orator, who, having kiiawn by hla own exp?rlon*.e In the South what his rac* had u, contend wlrh while in bonds, la BOW anxious to s 1 hy his voice and position the election of Harrison and :?. Tho Irlsh-Anvrlcan Anti-Free Trade Tsnirno will hold a p.i--. emoting tli:- everiliig at No. 141 Eljththst., whn arraiij.'.-im 1,1s will bu mada to participate la Um reception - ? - Haine. The lrlsh-Amerit*_n An'l Free Trade League of tho XVI I th A ?*-?-? n.bly District, which meets at No. 341 Weal i Mveath-at., has alsetol thannteen: president, i':i:iii:ck ReaUa; rtOB-pnaBlnl, John Farrell; treasurer Bad r-,,ut_in, lamas Byan; -rotary, James Coughlln; sergeant-at-arma, i*. a. MeCaaa. Ceatnetof Jehn C. Cra-iam. of th* XX I Id Assembly , an Maa. Amarina nf In deanes, is argBBltlag an anti 1 roe Trade elah la thal aaetlM al tha etty. Tba IndepeadMt Oak of the XIV th Ass;:.My District hM met and a-gaalxed tai tho eadnpatga. Barru I. 'Ph-- elah has now a men.' ? actira v..-.;*. sad ll will te good wert In tha _ii. The BSSt H.* *-nii? ?.ll ir- held on AUK'--'. 14. at Ra 188 Avion- ll. J. A. Cu.,eli ia president, and M. Wedlaka aeenwiy A teri Thursday night at Ike lim nu BM - ? -N ** M8 Welton ave , ia ma Ama tad -Matriel, and trew addfoaaad hv ii. P, J.hii-.iii, a surv-yeer, af the Bide*, aha -Bads the . .f He- ???.?uni- 'Iii- BOV. Mr. Morrow, of Pater Sea, uno praaaMi and on li.vl'al.ou mal-' a IhaTt ad rtr.-s. Dr. MHlatio-'al. of Hari'-in. also make The v. ni te.i-i weakly mae tinga au Thanda/-, af-.-r Bsaemkar, and kui hav., us imHag ont weepstoe roams up.11 avery ev, nine. Bl I-r 'le- .ar- eif an active committee. A Klee ? .?'. is t^inu ergaalasd by Henty Holden liu-?. au- i.f ttl" 11, mt,, rs and the indb allens aro ihat it will hs In (b ma ml In iltur part* of ihe city as w?ll as on N.*w nun,I-r- an* BBBBlBg In, and a uutlceable swating nit tho pr.-o*i)i:o of a lim- l,er of avowal I'e-iii'icrata. ?Mia ampi sj as ..f iiu'i'-r Bnthsra Rn 3*0 snd 38_ Broad? way, have formed a Uuti_r Brother- Protection Club, with the following otu co rs: Walter Scott, jr., pr*-sldont; J. P, Wo, I; eft, scero'ary; B. F* treasurer. Thia club 'til/cd for w.erk. and will also take part in th" re? ception to Mr. Bia ? by a dn-n and Ufo corps. I .? reen " old-time " PbbMHBIB are with the cub, who n.'.m I for Harrison, Morion and ICotaeUua. Over 10J members tis. on the roll. A permanent orcanlraflon of rho Ycme Harrison and Morten Legion at the Xiii I twas thl Bl He. -?'.:?'> 1 x-', I tktk-st, Tho-, ortn-era wera i IIllSh Kahn, pr-'sld'h' : [Oe Lehman, v '? Bl : Il'-nry E. IC - . II* nry J . rroamirer. The atSMllBtlon Will ie* con wlth the re'.-ular Rcpiib]|.-_!i club et Ul * win bo hell avery Tha adey, a eoaunli se ansi : last nleht to make arranre-monrs for ihe club to ta_o part In the d.*m. n-rnirion to Mr. Blaine npoa !..-i arrival hore. II. A. Mitlhews, the "Irish orator,'' mada ? raaalag Speer!.. Tie* Ilirlom P.op-i),iiran Club !s?u,*d a cai! for a ro-rlns of representatives from all of th- I: Bbl ii Harlom. to BMBt at the club hou?c, \*. pf Baal <mo hun? dred bib!IwraU Snit st list night, to make , to hare all of the clubs In Harlem march as one at the Blaine leceptiea. Not all of the clubs wore repro. -*:.-- 1. owlns to tho short MttOB, Bad tfca mSBttM waa adjourned to Tuesday Bight The RatieMl AasedSt! ei of DTnorratle clubs yosterdar took possession of lt*t rooms at tho hW-Qnartsn of the Na'ional Democratic * . and will hereafter work with, tho committee in UatribuUnf documents. . The earalled BepubUeaM ol UM III 1 a - ably District hold a raliy .- in Ellice,In League ll iii. B '? ll F"urthav>'., and were rsweidi | itirrias si.cicis un tie) queatl im ?'. the hoar. William H. Morris presided. F.mlcr-jtlon Commlaaloaat I - ."*. Talnuir ut-ik'* at Ien_:.h on the tariff, and Introduced J- M. Wall, who described tee it *i? being amens Irlsh-Amoricans In this city and elMWben In bch.ilf of the BepabllCM n,<min. tea John E 1 f->r a n-in. vote of thanks t.. Mr. Wail far his addresa. and lt was triv-u with enthusiasm. A Harrl-on and Morton eamnldB club was orzar.lreil in connoetlon with the district and _u0 names BeroUad by Howell c. Baan the ry. Bath onanlaatioM will parade JbO etrotig In -? dress In th- Blain.: reception. The X'-h A--utily Diet-let RapablleaM held a lana and entliu-ia-'ie; raUflCaUon moetinz last ntu-ht at Ca , ii i Koa. 38 and 80 .-- . ? v C. Otto B an pre sl .cl. A lara- iminbar of applications for BMB-bershlp wero l In, the names of tormei Democrats being am ei a Mem. Justice Jacob M. Patterson, on be-half of thu e,f Ai-riMi*-- monta, r*i>ort.*ei eon corning the , in the BlalM nnd I ?? - iv boater, pt lent ol tbe National Bepn wan the.'i li.'r *,:; ? l. aad i j lo ,i - protection ead '-ie* qaeatteH of tho dav. ih aaa laUcally appiau i i ? ? .- fohn s. chairman "f '.he .-?at- Ext Ittee, of BepubUcan Clubs, followed alta an en... Eidman then offered resolutlou li ' :*;n3 ?-:*') republican pla-farm, which were adopted with hoers. The members of the Colored Bepabllesn Le-a/ue mn at their hasdeusrtera IBM uieht at No. SM Slxth-ave. K. K. Ha::.1.tin delivered a i*h.,rt si. .,f t)io tar;:T. which wt- well :? solved. A! eif lottcra from I'.-r.: in.iri Harrison and Levi 1*. Morten, and others, tia- I.* adjourned. Tho* LMgM haa 3-"0 membors In the Xlth A.sembly District, and ls lally hearing trom < Ita ol ra are: P. Hamptoa white, prea-dent, snd J. c. H. Bmlta, ssoretary. DR. FEPPXB TO SEE GENERAL SIIERIDAS' HE WILL BF. ABLF. TO CAC.E. TIIE IMrP.OVEMENT IN THE PATIENT AT NONQUIT. Nnnrpiit, Aug. 3 (speciaii.? Tho aanonncemenl -bat Dr. Pepper will bo In Renqalt on Saturday mar I-ml to an Idea that Ceneral Sheridan U woree, Binn lan cane ben, then ira boe:i mi ti.-.o when thei-o ha_ beer, need for Dr. Pepper, r.ur ls there any now. He ls on bis way to Har Harbor to seo a patient and thinks lt will bo a Rood t.aio to Visit Noii'iult. It ls Just a month since bo la=t raw Sheridan at Lewes and ha will bo able even mero than Dr. O'Kellty to seo what improvement tho General has made. Dr. O'RelUy ls well satisfied with the procres. of tho case. Begard tho days In Waahlngton only six week? a.*o When SI eridan hovered at death's door and seo him now, and tho gain seems simply woii.erful. Indeed, tho physicians aro hope? ful and willing to say they not only hope but expect* tf no sudden attack of heart troublo occurs, to cut him on his feet acalri. -e:*d him to Washington whon lt becomes too cold hero and eventually havo him abio to attend to buslnen ta his department. This win bo very gradual and tedious: tho onlv s-i*!don chango ol any sort that cnn tako place ls thc heart failure. Sheridan now rian up In b'*'l Without a-slstanco ami Rta for some moments. No attempt will bs made to get him ot. tho bed till tho doctors glsfled that ho can sit up fur lome time, le? is disappearing and ti.o attention b? gives the proof sheets ol bis now book tettgum him lesa than when he began. No eallors h dlow 1 sii eo Mr. Enn:.(I and Mrs I- ll saw toni ten daya ago. Ho Las axprnaed ^o uu.dre to m.-o auy ona since then. -m TUE WESTERN MAS IS CIIAMFIOX. cnA-*-**. de-teats CAMi'uri.L is titr and DIE-OS TOCHNAMKNT. Noweasr.le, N. H., A';'-', il (Special ?Tho opening m-i'e-h of Wright and Dltaon'a team i iras tn tiie . between McMullen and Campbell, of Hew York, and Hopper an 1 Weeden, tha formal pair winning, ii?0, 0?4. Neit came the iinal ol tingles for the cham? pionship ot thu tournament, I - . chain plea ot tho vv.stern .states, aril O. s. Campbell, et Now Yolk. The task before Campbell wm a difficult ena, as lie was to play the mstfhfia la Bu I and doubles, all ' Within three to four hours. The larger numb.': si ors InsttBOd M tbs opinion thar, i baas aroul I win. but the * mt of R. D. S--ars was that Campbell ought t> dc feat tha Weetara man. Campbell took the Brat net and Chase tho nut cio. Under tha conditions Um wero required to win. Tho naxt two set* w.*ro taken br Campbell, and ho was oonalderad a sure winner, but i han bmeed up and won the i.i-t ???*. ani the tl ham tri nn titip I ? ; |" V 4-'!, S-ii. ?--. Tim tir.-t Blatch after linne, waa to have been the sa between Sean and shaw and Mc. Mullen and Campbell, but Campbell wm m used up af--*r hla aaateh wtth Cha-* that th-: doctora farbade* hla play Inc, so les and MeMullen dcfa ? I In the I ? ors who woro beaten by (ha Winnot of tho lirst te default In favor of ? Cai- ; ben, In view tf his miMortuM in iprali ankle. This leaves C. A. Chsn Int la tingles, " c. Campbell sec,,.*.,i; (sears and Shaw Brui In Asublea, a: i RaasflSld and Wight --?--? ISTEEFERISQ IS RE HALE OF MAXWELL. THE Bt'.ITIMI GOVERNMENT B - A. RE? PRIEVE POR THR ALLEGED MURDERER. St. Louis, Aug. li.?When tho HOWS leached h?re this Bunning that the British Government had re quested a further robplte for Hugh M. En .I.s, bettor known a_ Maxwell, on the ground that both the mur? derer and his victim wen British subjects, it created in UtttS seirpri-e, though some new move has t ? ???i looked f'*r. Goven "r MoorehottM bas r, ?? a formal telegnphk notici tretary : tliat ti,.* papen bave ? irded by mail, and duos not know what ai Hon ho w:ll tako. John I. Martin, one of Maxwell's attorneys, nye tbo re que.-t for a respite was secured through tbe efforts of MaxweU'i tether with Lord Ballal * erts that new corroborative testlrr oped which win -ave MaxweU trom the gallows. Ho ls confident Uni tbe Governor will j;rint the respite. ( ireult Attorney ( 'aver w;i- aol iiirprlsed, and thinks it pr. i.ault- a in* f re I ii. i> convinced, however, thal Maxwell I eventually b ol M iv.i* the RMjuesl ? . (rom the British Ministry. while i a petition forwarded tin.ugh the usual diplomatic channels. MISS WALSH PLEASES HEH FATHER'S FVIESD*. - Btu ?* ? B al th IS De- EMU ? US lil - Ul),.elle.-' Jt thU Windsor Theatre laat night. Ths aad Mr. vvi . aal ri."nds, sn 1 thei with great I lt Bka hM , | ti.,-0 I a crltle-al pu ; 1 nf not - had oti!"..* ? | l of a loiuf train, which i and e ; !-. '1 ba *:? ? nip iii>" . . ? .us | lea at .mir Otk ii". titan i eis -. bm a aul is 1j_", ana li. iii-- ll Thi ' i Mr. \\ | ... *i h I mil} ? ' the I boxes proud and happy. Patrick Dtvt B td Bourka, **v Alde-rmau John Ilyati. ax V11 el ? SB els SB Ii. M-ilvei-. WllllaM P. Ibm* and i amana tie -i vi hu applauded Ml*s Wal HARRI JO-Ei'll STOPS A DEDICATIOX The Isdtostfoa asrvieea ..-. ie- Monal Btaal T-miiie, formariy Bt J*ii.e-'_ i bureh, whieh von to tak laat eraolng, wera poatponed a-, ths la-t Boment una; MSI Ellell'-. HT M -. ttl-' I"*! ?,,, I I, hail not ban mow val rrtem m towen I h, and iiiul._h all prepamt ??n* bad bom andi ani tba Mangle waa *1 with lb,,-., Wha h.i 1 esan :?' a --ul t ?? ledlce, t. ai. r. .1,tn Joseph rem*".! m allow Um aarvtooa te Wi.rkni.ti had I.B dlligeatiy M work letting all lu r.adl -' IB* a ? ? ks, anti all ar IBBgSI . Ihla m.-'aka Mai di* mend, !"*> ute m be remedied Bobm M tn** bm lion wero not dl-| nit yub-tly to the sudden postponement, and BSaseHsl Kabbl Bnwae lin aald, howver, mai um laraton aeghi an t.i k-,. ,,... *? x am not afiald wt Uio ere..*," he said, . indeed, I rt-pec; it aa tho emblem of Chrl-lanlty, bot lt haa no place over o Jewish hr cse of worship." Tt.-- Bsdlnetoa to reality was not a permanent opening of 'ho temple, ts tho pun-haso of Kt. James's Church had not hen eemptetee. lt was not generslly screed whela** the site was desirable, so that lt had been (leo|__4 M purchase tho church condilli.nally for two n.ontha. WHERE IS lill LIM RIOS FA MI LT? Tt\9.r DID NOT BBTVBR FR<<M ROCHWAT- ABB T1IF.Y PBWWRBB OR IIAVK TllfT BRR AWAY 1 1" e fact became known In Brooklyn yesterday thal thn entire family ut William J. Klmpton, of No. 204 Central ave., mysterious!) disapp-vared nearly alz ?eeks ag*,, and BC trace of them has since been found by their friends. Mr. Klmpton was ennag-yl In bual essa as a grainer and varnisher. Ills ase la thirty years, and he had a wife and three children, whoso ages range from two to BOVSa peate, -hey lived la ' table circumstances In a flat where John Klmp? ton, a brother of William, with hla family, also made kta Inna OB Baaday, July 1, according to the sfato monr made hy John Klmpron to tho members of Court (.orrlnge. of the Ancient Order of Foresters, to which kia bretitae belonged, his brother took hla family te I;*,* kaway Beach, and none of them raino back. J *hn was a-ked io accompany them but refused. When they did not return ho w?-nt to Rockaway Peach on July 4 and found ihat his brother and hla family had Iktag in a small boat on tha bundey before, and on Tneodey a boar, supposed to bo tha ono Kl inp ton lilied, was lound floating bottom up In tho bay. John Klmpton ma n no report of tha cul to thi police, either in Brooklyn or at Rockaway, and ht don not appear to have taken any active ateps to flu! whether his brother uti drowned or not. tahen tn connection with somo ot tho trana actions of the missing man before he went away, leal hla friend, to think ho haa left the country. Ul canto to thia country In l.-e-t and for a timi had a cl^ar store at No. 61- Myrtle-ave., which bo sold twa years ago to a man named Littlejohn. Ho thcu wanl back to England ard brought over his family. For a year past he bid talked of going to Australia, and ll ls understood Uiat a shott time before ho disappear-! he secured a loan of a sum of money from a saving! brk in t.'io Bntera District upon a lot in tho Twentf) sixth Ward, where be proposed to weet a I i biol Banger Sherman, of tho court of lo ree tan ?i the i.'is-lng m,in b-donged, said last evening i he kl ea Ol the matter ho had learned fron i "ip'un, who bad b',:. authot ?? .1 to draw oa ey to bury h.s brother if bia body Hld. Mr. .-.'.ermati was Inclined to think lbs alleged drowning ? _ mythical am! that tba in.-slna , i. ons away with his famiiv for nan peen lo* ie.". ;. ? household furniture, bu: lt had b *-:i bought "? ths Instalment plan snd wa- net pa'.d for. Aa effort to bud John __i__pu.ii l-_>t eve_ui*j ?a_ nnsuci BSSftl'. -o TBOVBLB OVER A EOT OF MOSEY. A sli.aiiiar story wa* brought out by a unit In the Paterson, N. J., Diatn-t Ci urt, Jaka Rlcdyi:, a Iloiiander employed at the gas works, lost a child by death a ahort time __o and did nol pav Abram Vernieuien, ihe undertaker, bia btu of tbo. The under*. laker sued and gol fodgBaMt by default. The conatable went to RIetdykfa h*sus to ma.." a levy, but found nothing to levy on. Mrs. Btotdyk was ?n,.wn to have I rr.' ney, not only to spend, but to loan at Inter, est, and tho undertaker pot a writ of discovery. It ap? peared fiom tlie testimony that RMtdyh had hidden rn .hie kum from his wife tn a pot aadH a largs stone In the yard. Ula wife dreamed of Just such a stone and pot, and going to the plan Inda tt--d by bea dream sho found the l. asy, B ? lg adulate Ly a lawyoj thut ahe had a right io help tenet! M hor hu-band's money, ahe did ao, paid tte lawyer %*_5 for hla counsel and deposited the baiam.e li. ter own name In the Pater son Beringa Institution. Bletdyk teaad her bankbook ** I .p;*rnpriated lt. Mrs. l'.i< idyk heard of tba under, taker's claim and was anxious to pay tho bill, but her husband had the book and would not give lt up. In aoart ha refined to tell where lt waa, and bein? thnaMMd wl-.h Imprisonment, he responded by G-r a ? -- i. - throat as if to Indicate lhal ba wou d rather m ?u..-,.:?:. The trial waa ad -? let next lu.aday. ?? A STE AS GE CASE AT SOE TH ABBOT. A man nm od Thoma* 'i-ifiin waa found dead ye?t?i-day morning on the saith A rn boy dock*. He waa a deon hand on ths barjo Templar. His skull wss crushed. Janata scully, a cal teevar, wis Mead insensible aboua la away, when h- reeevered he aneei that he and ., rlatted a ii,i'i- W stem UM Bight before arid wenl away at about 12 o'clock. Soon afterward he became ? unconscious, from wha' eaaaa he does not know, and did not kno% '-.-.din wu- lead t.i; Browsed by a maa .ml hi,a Lytag * u Hie grouud. Ula fa*, aad tods laed. ? ? TIIE WLATHER REPORT. BOTBRHMRBT IBDICATIORB?ROB 24 nonna. rWlSBtaof K, Aug. 3.-IC p. m.-Tor Mama, New-I-Tamps Vermont an 1 EaM-rn New-Vork, thr-alonidg woathw WiU local ruins j warmer; aoiithweatoriy winds. For Maasachuaotts, Rhode le.and, Connecticut. Nose. Jersey and -.astern Pennsrlvini.i, fair, followed by light rain; warmer : emitl.westerly wiada. For Maryland, Delaware aid V. rel ria, fair, preceded la So itiM rn Virginia by local rains ; warmer. for Hie CafoUaaOj niargla. Western Florida. Alabama, jtitoiaaippi, Lo alanna arkaaaea an-l Toaaeoaee, t-ireateaina mather with ram , aeaely stotlaa iry reaperaian i .*r Huston. Kairi la and ti Balara TotAa, geaeraily fair | nearly stationary temperature. Per K-'itua :y a:i'i vv.-st v.mica, local raias; sooler. For Waatara New-Vor'x WMiara rennsTlyaata and Ohio, thro wrat'ier. wita ram. followed Saturday BlghtbV fa.r, - ooler weather. Per Lo-vor Micliuran. Indiana and Illlooia, local raina, fol* 1o-,t.*.i bv fi-.r. eaolei weathea Poe Upper 'la :,._-m. WueeastaaM Iowa, irenerally fair, nearly et it:o*.nv temperature ; ereept cooler la the aoath tot ec WtooMBla aad Iowa Mlnnaaota ani Dakota t' rostering weather with rata i eootor, except ita tata Brj temperature in iha nortnem portions. rill Rlnaart. Kansas and Nebraska, local raina, gsnsrailp cooler. Pet Colorado. Ugkt local rams, nearly stationary Umpara. tore. TR I BC NT. LOCAL ORsF.RVATIOVS. TMl_OCRd: M ?. iL____ 3 4 5 1 7 * 110 12 jg 3 j I ?yg fiai _I-t-p-gnZ-E-^'j-l.*??'-' *_T.'T? .. ry "-i ;**-n ,i? -, -, Jt . ..,_'?-:-_.__ .,?? x_ . \_\ -1hw. ).?|f'T t-..ry,'[<fl.^,pi>.w,i -. 44 j .ia i,,, LR. T.^tf"'; * j* j"' ,.b-r.'T~*A^*ry--*''' 4"?i~ 7"fi*-'-* Jr-^V-^-^^*-^5a_^. 7, y U--4,??-__ -nn-eu-,? .. . - .-?-., ___ Z-.. _ir^-H--i- ^4'?**??H * s*?|;jkH , L_*i\! 'T.-V^'^^T^-'^ri^X".1!, 30.0 20..*. In rhe diagram a eoottno us hm shows 'he barorr.etef InctuaUona yesterday, a* , ? -vd at thc Hotted h-_tea Signal a I da-!io? indicate tha te.:,.pe.-aturo no'.' 1 a: Hui:.o'- pharaaacy, ile il. ad a ay. Trifcxti OPPMB A*i.r. 4, : *. m.?Fair, but aomowhat smakv weather Drevaiied yestortay. ibe teniporatara randed between 71' and H-T, ina average lift') hoing *,* l.'.Rher than on the day laat year, and l'a3 higher than on Thunder. in and near thia city to-day thora will probably ba fair, followed by threatening weather and rain i slightly wanner, THE TRIBUNE CAMPAIGN EXTRA NO. 99. Excellent Republican Ammunition. Hot Shot for Cleveland and His English Backers. "England's Only Choice" TOR PRESiDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. D-BBtxated arith un engraving?from London runch? of .Mr. C-BVB-Bttd introducing Mm Jingli... Fro Trade to Wai Aanrieaa Columbia. Copious extracts from F.nglish Free Trade papen. N-i'ii.s of Ihrnn, retie Leaden who are members oft tin: Cobden F-if-Urt Free Trade Organization. a rou i:iu 11. CAXPAUm sheet. The prici* pata it willi.n the ready reach of every; \ ? iu-an Work ninian and B MiRMRRBB Kcpublican clubs everywhere should forward orders to IEE TiaiilNi; without delay. Sumple copies sent, to clubs oa appltcatao_u l'ricc : .<> rems p?*r hundred. Tho tlullstrt* for one thousand, lu lota ot or more, the price willht* |1.$0 per Cash must accompany all orders. Addreae THE TRIBUNE, MR*I