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'GIANTS KEEP ON WINNING, BOSTON AGAIN DEFEATED AT HOME. fcHE NEW-YOI5KS OtTBAT AND Ol*TFir.l.H THK1U OrPOXF.NTS?FKATUUKS OF TIIF. GAMF. ? > f ? i ana vrn in . ii*- nu aime Boston. Aug S.- Superior batting and magnificent fielding won the gatuo for il? New-Yolla to-dav. 6ow_. is and Madden were batted freely, while In only ore Inning did the Bostons do any latthig. Tim (allure of tho home te*m to do *viy eaeriflce hlttlns _tilll;a**>d largely against their chances for neeeaa The game waa full of accident* Morrfll waa spilled In the first Inning and had to reUra In favor of Khismaiv In the fourth Sowrtere tried to field Whit? ney's ferrlfte drive and injured a digit so that he had to retire from tho pam*. Ia the alxth Wisc drove a liner that hit Keefe on the muscular part of the right arru and Crane came la and finished the game, doing splendidly when he got down to work. Holton got ?five ocatterlnc hlti, not Hiore than one In any Inning ?awhile Kncfe waa in the box. Heston scored In tie Heat Ray hit safely, and got to third on two wild fi Ite hes. Rash got a ham on balls, and tried to ft second on a short pa-eted baM. Fwlnj threw low through Richardson, and Hay scored. Raak tald. g third, where he wtM lett, his paeeeeaon affordtns ea-sy ?chances for outs, l'or New-York. (lore got a ha<e en balls, but was fr, rr ed at second bf Richardson. Breed hit safely and Mel anlse-n took Hird. Ot*, a eL'ose dee'sfnn he was declared out at the plate, trjlng to eeore on tletnau'a M to Morrill. New-York tied the game In the second on O'Kourke's ?single, two wild pitches sad Whitney's single. The !*t_s!toi. took ths lead In the fourth. Connor got a fcase el beDa a*>d Whitney a h!t. Madden thea r** jplaced .owrie***, and Ewing batted well (o right, sending In Ccnror. Whitney w?r.t to third ai.d Ew Int; stole teeond. Keefe and (.ero failed to bring ^hem bena The New-Yorks had a picnic In Ihe fifth. Biahardaoa pot a bxs? on balla, a::.! Wan!. Tien-tan, O-Rourke, Whitney ead Ewing Hollowed with hits. O'Rourke mutted Keefe's flhlid strike and thru lhn*w "poorly to Ant, the win,lo, with another ewer by b*Roarka and Bnwn-i fund le. yielding .ix rune. The Ikmtor.a had a bn of luck In lin* i-i.\:h. Raab belled to Ward m! *j neda a Oae Slop Of a hard ball, but threw P"ur!y. Win followed with a bil and Homans g"t anetber, kia being the Bert cr Crane, who had Just gone lr. io pitch*. Hri-wu amend the gi est ml tessa i*y clearing Ihe bun by a triile to ti.e mer. He spored ea a paned balL O'Rourke made i single but was naught Dapping after Madden Oiad ttruok out. Ia the eli Ewing hil to righi lor three been and l lingi* The latter waa caught ok tho 1 - - m's fly to light Iv Si. 1, gat two : ri basts In the but fa. led to acera. The graf ut tn ef Hie cont?*'t wero a nmelng foul catch cl. sr I I es by Whitney, John-ton's fielding and Richardson's ban play. The batting honors were i ... v i.;..., v, bi !. Bay, Brown and v .:_. Knight umpired itdendidly. Thi non was: Mem.Tera. < r. IBjpe ".ic. Acton. ,r.\lbipo,a. e. ?j-an, cf.. I 0, 1 .- I* 0 hav. ss . j* pl '_( 2 o Richardson 2bl 1, o 2| .', i** [Nash, 31,.... ? i* 51 a \\ u Wari aa....| 1 *_ : *_ J 'uiiuaon. ol., o* ft1 _| o 0 -e. If..., 1 1 1 ii, U iWi.o, I b.I 1| J| (1, l| O ' :. lb....i I, 0 i"1 Ol 0 ,-Horouaa lf.i l _ 8 Ol o O'Koiirke. 1 f. SI _ 0 ll 0 h. unman U bl I' Ot 1 Whitney. 8 h. I 1 I 4 l, i* Brown.rt...I II -.,; > li a .'?. il 'J' I- 3 i* U'Roark*. e.. i :* pl .* Keele, ;? . ii (* o '_ (i Bowlen,p....I p, u pl J p ?.TaLO. p . 0: Ol 0 8 0 Madden,) .... 8 1' "| ii 0 _ T..r . ?. a .- rTjll i . Tntils.I B|"i,i ll I i t*. . . . f l o 1 a a o I c-t) I .lOuOOJOO t'--(J Earned rona?New-York. 4; Beaten, 3 Two-boos alt**?Hon ? ? ,m mtt- Hr ?* -i and i.u _. * ? i 1 Ward, Bi wn nnd wise. Maali eil v. a . ., -? 1 Vint ?? ? rn-v :it, 3; Boston, 2, ?> \ .,,,? Connor 2, Hornung, Keefe, man, t T, ,. ;; * ,,-:.*-. v. I ; pi-, i_ ! time, two L era fifut-n I I , to, Mr Knight ? ?ELYN DEFEATED BT ST. LOUI& CHI: ai tim; MANAGER * : THK BINGHAMTON MM CARRIES OW ALI. TH': UNIPORMB. Tlc I ? , . ? t began to died - - ;.layer? 3 and a', in pi.,ve,: "nt in tke i ? nay i,-* .r waa tl . tn*n 'o t***K. Il" * tai IK is said tobe shamming alekiiesa Darby ; -i ii In bia - I on ths gama et Washington Tari:, yesterday, between the v.t okivn and I ..*.?, and >a*h play Waa watCked With unu?Uiii i ? the 8,700 anetatera prennk It was a well niling af:*r ii ' . ? ? fa:i.o BXnpl i . t . uga The eeeond bai . .(.-al remaraa'ilo plays in t I balls and I ? -ii?_ey'a heme t . ISM. -. ?' three r tad, te t:.e great <1 n og W ?!> a lilt tu c : . . ? ' j* Bald by flakney. Tha S on the I In, a-*d nt ni. with j ? tl I ' ( i , i] a v. l throw bl f hYutk'a Int Then the ?.a.aiu j ? ??- i .- *v ii-1,-' f j . , it lt waa ic I , tn Ute ai ty. led ad in the f ter te left fleld. < akey hit i . Null to third, and gi ? . . . , - re field by KI < irthy. : by i Robli and i et-ni to Brat on , . -. t.m-:.I li,* lull BO the . 1^ but a ?\ | of the field. It was hit an l . . ] * ? .r .1 * until ? ill. I i got ene aud wea u. . Th _ ? . , sa. tamil. | r ] . r ' Latham. 8B..I jj ? . ? .' -.'I 81 ll u| u lo iiBsoa, i b* -.*! J| tl n| o . ;, i ;-. || 4 ,. owoii. if .... _ 1 2 o 1 j i. . , . ???), 1 b| ?-' i ll ", " I - -.I cl Ol ill H li Mc art iv. ri 0 I 4, l) ll ll U| li i\ l'l " I.TO?H, ll 1.... 0| ll 0| l'l 'I .-,. ,? L, . ii o _ li o Wh'te, s * ... o f'i o _ I ! ... 2 b. n o| i ? "' Mnligaa, a... 0( 0; ] \ ) . ... u Kiaft p.* " "?_*?_'l._JJ ta ? :: .. o 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 t Uiuia . . 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 1-7 . klyn, .'i; Bl Itoola, 1. First baas ( U - h. 2; bL I.*...-. 1. I-*!". i?" i^a^ II ;, .- i .. ::. i _ i bai> j :. Ha tha m I . O'Neil 1. !stn;e:i ? , l. v iruthers 1. bmith I. stiuck unt? ie i, McCarthy 1. Whits .. King i. j .. ..,.. hi - I.* bil.O'.Il 1, ri Xiv,,-I,HM- kita?O'Brien 1. Oarutbera ). L*tham i gan 1. i Forguaoa g f m?Ons koui aod hfty niiuii --. at J between th<- leney City -i . ii.: 11, ni I -ii daba wa? of the Bann I rlut.. a. 'i- ., , ? * n ia-i.y. Uti ?-? : ??'lag i.e >--, tim MihaaitBBal Bii.g kfcll | ul.e ba-' L.t. llSVBB, Oks -*?? a.tii.i,- ISIlBgat fr tl 8 .-har ta:. Dhie, lenntd lila Blab at Jei*-y City, taking with him ] tv, swed the hotel biii far n.? elghi'a j. | easily have paid lt, as he re ? . . -.- fur Tkaraday'a gama Tho players ]iavi.- not received a teni in aalarlea fur ila* ia->t t*-*.-j v ? The ana playen anpeaered oa the i ? ? ? a-i the manage, brdbght a trunk v . . i tyers suaps ted - ihlag e ^ I b Powers, ol the Jersey i tty j - tren I ry Campbell, of th* _ . not te !???? i - . an tao club ewes dues aintiuiitinx in ? n_t?U?log I ku rit.u, thal | .. na hal tl I iin ii, a- ikey refuted t-i pay the guaraatee. But _ a told ike p:?j_r_ i.e.- would i - tuUforma and weald aisu give ti t -.if taken in u: I If not, 1 i . ry peat ? ti ti ssne la sl?o Uta - - ? ? t Mr. ktaploa, of iha J.i.c iu_i, t i no. **ihe aeon ?? ? . . J-uro i i'tj. r. IIijm 'i e. Binghamton r ii j ? li! ,1 I. C I 0 il 1. ? tf - i*. "| ". ' en, li*..., (I ll * ; o y.r.u , .. i b| ol ? a, _ii.i lil 1 1 0 o o l, . 1 r. 1< 1 fl li 1 5| o] ] t * '? 1- '- 1" 1 (i l;t/X, 2b i* ', .'. ? ii Ri te. -.1 1| o| li 1 Bowe, r f...... ii o ii o o ? ?. '- b. i . .' ii ii .- sall, * t ... | ti *. i o ii i(biara, i.| 1 1| ('li; 0, ( ?inna, c.| t,| u u 4 ? __us,s S.....I ll Sit! iCkapmaa. p. , 0| ol n iii a Tatala.10 . _7 i*.?, "i \ i.n_.s. Jersey Cltr. 0 2 8 1 1 0 0 2 I-ll BlaghamUin. OIOOOoooo-i Bb rael rees Iwny City, li uifcRhoiaton. o. Fii**. ] . errors U -er ('lts. s; Bli.Khaii.ton, _*. Btru * , .,a 2. Kbowloa s. Rkiutrs I Kingsley l I . . J. Rltsaetald i Rowa 1. .-.;,': S, >;, !,,* .*. i * ,, i . V.tie nd ol a? H..-..1 _. Ir. I Bradf 1* Ce- I I : 1 Rhine* 1. Stolen Mses?lllland 2. Friel 2. Lana ; Kuchen I ll.>ve 1 Hit br pitcher HUan] ' Lana. l-:.o?-d Ui.s-C'-ii.ii. il. L'n,plrt-ilr. J .:. 'J,e,e-J .40. The Hackett. Earhart A Co. Mre defeated tin Nt w. y ik Reeerva uine at tho polo Grviunda ycalerdny by thu score t iiivckett Carharta . . 0 1 8 0 0 1 2 1 d-; Row-York lUaervcs. 2001 0800 0- i BM Carharta, 12; New-Ynrk It s< rvi', 7. 1,'.'hers-OouKh and llfion.',. lhere was lltUii lnter?_i ?IBlfoetad in tlie tame af J'awarg yeaierday between tho Newaik ani BaBta Bio scoro waa: Newark.2 9 0 4 0 0 I 0 l-l') __lin!>a. 0 0 8 1 0 ? " ' lt- 9 Baachlta-Newaik. 12. Slaaltt. 7. J-iroia-Noiv-rk, li Klml-a. 4. Ritcliers-Miller an! fc>hearn>. Cmplrc? Mr. Heiland. Tin* BTARDlRfl OF THK CM Al DB Tho League and A-auclatloti recorda lo date ir* na fol leam Wyn. tost p c A tit-tit tt nn. Wen l?o?*. p. e. I.eng: t. Kow-York.. Hot roll. - n . ... i'ii is.).- rhia . a . P:tt?i*nrr. ladb-BapaUa.. U m', i .-<*n .. i,7 il "1 44 Ttl 4U .era .eis 41 Ml .',"S gi 4 il ,4< .Alp .ctn st louis. Jil iU',1 RroollTti. SS ,', ?* atht*iM . 4a .4*.I 'iiicinustl... .s.'.ii Raltimor*. . . >T.-:?n.l. ?0 tl Si 47 .ll '1 lauraville. HO f'O ..,."? 'ill 40 ,*7I kai.sssiitv. '-'?' hu .'i'Ab The Braektyi and Kt. Leela cluhs i.lav at Waahlmrtnn l*ark t .dav. the J vraey Cltv and l.lirlra nlnea at Jorsev (ir. ll,., New-Voile Ilesen.*-* still Monitors it the Pola (.munda and th* Staten Island and Ilro-klyn Athlelio ciula st Wesl New-Urlchton. ME. HISS HAS A WORD VDU XE. ELY SW The answer -*, tn* complaint r Mi i ? D Flynn in ? . *n againat w ii.'um m. . . ,,r ihe i * Ni w-Y irk, - i lay by ' - !. - ird, at lol Chan a , VII (,r t ?? ;.... ae rt ia n, ?'*,* : - denied. Tha d rei i ni ?..',- that ic- la, w-? t t .? ii- ii aloa May i", ie-"-, th* i*hm* -?? in -r tl ? ,t denies lhal he : wise thin bj v.i'uo ,,r t,i- r nie dirie, td 1 * prorlded by lau- fot I I '? : ,.- ? - !'* ? i ' ( i *? if* ? ??I tn tiie fourth para) ph of tl elia-- iii, pirt ef thea* sti ii cs ii performed by iiim, eltbor aa Chamberli irer. Ra 'l-,. ? . that ti 'vi.* ty I ' lect the Ieee i ed la thia bu ] ?. ? i he la entitled by law t? reeelve I ur ,,f th* r implalnt, n-id ti ii tha Maj -. r and i of tl of Nee-Yu: k or I titled tn (hi Ila ti ??1 ra Isaaanda Judgment disaiaslng tha I a - . ?. THE COROBEB DECIDED THAT ALL' HIGHT, v'lion aiitell lail'ti vt Ki* brisk i.,rail, pt No. 100 Weal T rv rear*',-,-'... ibe fina -., - - ste Ofty-als, nn-e poet pea ad nu j*.*n.-:. uroner sh , inrsstlrsla ths nae. Mr* Glrodo, who iii* Bvlaa *?iUi her laughter a* Re. 807 Weat Thlrty-f ii . under U.o caro nf Hr. Mary MeCInry, died Tl n ming. Bee had ben ndMlna t. i ia *.f the brain, and her sud'.cu deatk, together witt, th* f her daeshter refused te allow tin- body te ht Rhea t*> iii. baan ?*? vnderlch 0 rodo, bet ion, nased the la'ter t.. andy for a psecpeaeaMat of iii'; fanerai. Deputy Coroner iin axamlnaUoB al tha hedy tata Thunday af'.a.-ii""ii. He f'a.n i ' death tit eaaaed by ? emu latona, and as tia t, ware I * auspicious elteumatanoes l wi'.', t* - ? ,-.. t.o , peered ii.c fun' isl te. , ? J BRI HAL uv OBRIBTOTBER REI I the funeral ,,t < I,ni-".pla r .*,|.-*..-r look P;|" U R*SW? ? v and his body waa burled In ll.e family v,n.Il In ,-y. At the coin.-i.-rv. la alike tho Jiiaaf Irler.Is of Mr. Meyer, ihcr* wc.-e over (ilMliS IN OTREIt CITIFJ-. chicago. Bag, 8' OMoage trie-1 bn new pitcher, MMns, in-day, and so far aa a garoo with Indliiuapolla eau Indicate, he will bo a .'ieee**. Ila has greit speed ind good command of tho hall. Attheegh Indtaaapi Us cot Mn "ins In the first Inning lhrr,u-,-h Clil-aCf'-i Ini ll'-id eork. tho new pitcher palled hie team out of Hie bolo later on. Th* score wns as .allowa : I io: Inn spoils . ..40000000 0?4 Jhleago . .. .osooooo2 0?6 BnaeB-te? indianapolis, o; Ghteago ?. gi wis Indu in?|ei.:.a. 1; Chicago, 6. I'li-l.cia?Royle and Ma-i.*. L'mplre, Mr. Eeiiy. WUhfagton, Aili;. 3 ? The game Wiveon th<v Wa?h'n? ti-in*- and Pklladetphlia t I day was hilly co!ite?t.-1. and ra. aultert In a victory fe-r tho latt. ? club. nit'.ouch fh?T wm auitbatte.-l two to on". Tiie bitting by UM Wimhlng'ona m.s hard, bel an apportnne, -i< no ie** than tiveivs m<:i wen "eft in ls*o*. Tin- ma was as fallow*: Philadelphia. loioioooon WaaMl fl,,:: ....00001000]'.' Banhlta-Rhfladelnhfa ?. Waahtagtoe i_ B Philadelphia 1, Waahlngton 8. Piton*!* BnBnton and O'Day. Umpire- Mr 1 owi rv CiiKliiiiii'l. Aup. 8?The flrst flv-e batter* In thev ("In einn-.ii u-nm t<> lan O'Brien le day li!* totUy la Uio open* lng teaing, but only Ino runs ci ? - 1 :ho pi;.t**. Thi batting si Conant and the Balding af Aibetts and Mcl'ho* were the feature*. The scoro ira.-, a-; at.ii".\cd : ci ... .2110 8100 O-B Cleveland ....60002100 l-o Baaehita-Claelanat-, 15; Cleveland, 12. Error-?an? dona tl, ii; Cleveland, o. Flu hera?Smith and OT. . i - lr. MeC 'iaj?. 1'hiii?!? ijihia. Au.. S. ?After Wolf mla-^l ths chance Bl i| t!ie (hird n-.rin In tie fourth 1nniii<r tills after? noon, the Athletics developed a batting atnah an I knocked out als runs, Including home runa by Btevsy and Lyona Thc wore waa ai. appended! a lo .... 1 0 1 0 1 1 f t 8-18 i uta .... o o o o o o o o i- I -alts?|,oi fsV.lie, 3: Athletic. l.V P.irois?T.ouls vllte, *.; -uhiatic. i. Pitcher*?Heches and Weyhlng. empire?Mr. t Baltin (S, Aug. 3-To--.ay's HaHlmore-iranaa* City ga */ -."as leal by ihe hom* team's poor bsttery warn. ) :'i bm tl af a third il * the flrst rim, and B baw on called bal'.a foiinviid by a single and a th.-ee bag*?e*r tho olhtr two. Thia v. ns the BCorSI , City, ... 1 o 2 ) o 0 0 0 0-8 Ral tl mora .... 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Banhlts-Raaan City, 4; RiiHimcre, fi. ErrorF-Kan s-* Cit . . : lia t mme, ii , hi .-Porter and Bmiih. li p ie -Mr. l.artn ly. I> ti.V.t, Aug. 8.?The gama te lay between the Hefrolt and Plttebarg eluii* ku* stopped st the end of tl/-, fi nrtk Inning on *ce_.iiiit of run. Detroit lia! the lead al tho I r!t:p two runs to ono f-*r i'ittsburg. At Rochester?Rochester 7. Aihany 4. Ai Syracuse-Byra an 3. Troy 7. Ai Hamilton?Hamilton 10, L.-ndiin L At allentowa? Allsntown o. Hanaiton 2 DOGS KILLEU Bl ELECTRIC CURRENTS. CONTINUA NCC OF THK r.XIT.KIMFNTS AT COLUM BIA?AR AIM'Ai-r.NTI-Y KASY DEATH. ITarold P. r.roi.ii leal .Monday lld!lreK^ed a meeting conipoKed of electrldana aul rrjiresciilatlves of the pre*.-, who had anembled on Ids Invitation to -*.:tn*--i ce:tj n experiments Milich were Intended to prove tliat the so-eelled alternating cuireiit _;. tem cf electr.c Ughtlng invalved grantee danger tn life than H.e con? tinuous currerii systone, which bave beretofon been mon generally used. Thc tottan of a single dog by the oontlnuoua current, uni l he um Dearly d'-ad, and his final killing by t.'.e alt.-: nat mg current \ia< Di I ed a fair teat by Btany Of tho electricians ; t, willie the Introduction of a fresh animal prevented by the Intervention of the Superintendent of it" Society for n.o Prevention of Cruelty to . Yesterday the experiments were renewed under the Immediate supervision of it* C is Edson end C. Roi crts, and hi ths presence of a i ami sr of si I gentlemen, at ti. Lal ratory of Columbia Among thi se pn nm wen Dr. Ed * d, of the il* al ii Departmenl; Dr. Charin Roberta, of tho iialle I vue HoTltal Med cal College; Dr, l'ranh Ingram, j brain Kpcciaii-t, attended epoa the Invitation of i?r. I Schuyler a Wheeler, expert of ibo Board el Klectrlcal . Contra], v :.<i pu also present; ( attain *allnskl, D. i e. A. ; ? ? 1 of tho Daft Electric I. g ' fl ii- ?'? T. Porter, snperlntendV I ant of tho Columbia College buildings; Vt. I.audl, as nt lnetructor In applied, Clie:ul*'-iy, Columbia : Dr. Frederick Peterson, Prufessor C. 1*.. E. ( . and H. h. flaubbaJd, aulstanl to Dr. Roberta. Tke Aral d*^- j laced la Hie cage km a n. ttl --, gpi . mtly lu good eond t sixty. one )?? i tj i or Inches, length forty i Rlectilcal rcs-'aini- 14,'*i)0 ohms, 'ibo elo ads In the same i 1 a< ,n the previous experiments; tie ii^-ht foreleg ,. *. thi I -ft hlndleg being srrapped w lb wet cottoi I ' rm with bare copper win io wide). I i - wera attached, 'ji.e alternating current ap? plied had a Ive 1 * - *"- ? ? i tu\ ;.'? i seconds. The I il i ihe upi' atlon, I . several ga-ps at tl ods after the 8n I appl ot lbs current. At ths expiration ol PO seconds thc beni ceend bealing. 'Hie body wu dissected by lu Rob rte, a | the -.*?:_:,*? an I pneumi gastric i : f the d iphragra and pan ol tl a i og wen placed under IHi , but no ehaagei ia tbe ? wen pcre ?; tibia. ii anted te the action of u - current was a Newfoundland, strong ai I vlgoi I sim pounds, height twenty-five i forty-eight Inches, it ci cal rc Istanoe 8,000 ohn.s. Tlie alternating current applied liad an electromotive torn of 340 volts, and thc connection wm continued fir five seconds, Tha subject was silent and motion] ts during ths eon tact; but howled a_,i gasped fbi ten aeconda after r v.a-; d-BCuntlnned, be og, however, unconscious according to tbs ttetement of ino ex-r li - | an. His heart stopped beating ??xi ino expiration of two nilnut'-s and fifty ic No arrangements bsd been iuaeb- lor measuring tha voiuiii') of eurrenl in amperae which is a natter ol Fi-iciitlfic liiit*i?--t to electricians. From then ex? periments lt appeal a conclusive that the ain-m-iting I eurrent may la- eon?-dered fatal to animal lifo at a ! pnaeen of about 300 volts, provided iii" bnt i i eonneetlone are muli* with Ibo body, with ? ii:tio * higher pressure mau li absolute!) neeei irv I reruHs the dog dina without any pain '-whatever. j 'lhere may be muactUar nmHon after Ihe sboek, bul ; this ls niil) thi - r 'dei acth ? *? ul ihe mi -* 1 , ai 1 I- ii* i inti ' by j stn 'i he i hre i .' the va?- dieoovsred under the mleraaco|ia to !"? absolutely unchanged. A standard t iltmcter ws measuring the electromotive f i of the < irrent and a v. | ? ii lone bridge and aalvanometei for measuring the ce. Mr. Harold P. Bro n v. ia assisted by Dr. ter fl ur In ms) g the read is, and t of tl i , il .my ' i'? ii,- nt of uneert ? ? sop In ll would be in the eallbratlun of the voltmeter, t'i if in thia, ?.* , every i*reca niuo w_? t. flvo hun,lr.-i| of the SBBSjoyaa ef the Ncw-Ilrun*.wl,:k BM Milltown factetlea. Tho nrvlen wer* conducted by H. lt, v. Jacoh Cooper, of Butgon Ce.ire, and the Hov. Dr Thoma* Hanlon, i'leshlent nf the l'eiiulngt'in Kemlniry. THK AQUEDUCT Ri) A RH GETTING TD WOE I ABQTRBBXXQ Tin", (ii i' ?sr.'iii.T Bl ssion itak OOMMITTRBB aitoint ;.i>. All Din nenhen of tho new Aqueduct I ami except Mr. Tucker, who lins not yet returned to tl, ciiv, wero present at the meeting yesterday, (.mi eral !>uane prastded. Th*" special commlitee. con Steting of MeSBn, ec,.tl. M.vem -imi, to whon ina referred the eoatreel for deepening atni rom plot lng shaft No. 24. to connect wild tho iimti'l eade tl '? Harlem Uiver, reported that CBrlea A Claik', 1,!, of BBI. IBB lill van the lowest, and that lt w .-us ale below tho nttnatn of the chief eaglnen. The com mlttee noOBBatoaded, thorofrire, that the contract I" Ben eon1 to o'iu-i.n ?. i lark, which was BaaaiaaoBa] agreed lo. Tho Committee on Organlratlon recommended fha the bj-law* of the old hoard bo readopted and that It' plans of committees be continued anti] nnOBB for I chango should be dlfcoverid. The ExeeaUve Commit leo and tin* Cfimmllins on Construction ulll, a_i foin: erk, Include all lite glenbern The regular neetlngi of Ih* hoard will eontlnne to be held 0:1 Wei at 2 p. m. (after Oetohn I, at .1 p. m.) ai.d the < 01. sfruetion Commlttei' win moot nn Thtmdaya laatn 1 p) Mondays, as bantotora Three nenhen will consii tutc a quorum. Tlie sya'em of Beanie meei executive s<*e>lon, followed by ? j.uMie rneetin? ai which such budlne-a as lt wa* thought proper should be Known to tho nnhi-ido wm ld waa transacted?ll BbollBhed, and all expect special nioeilngs will here afier b" kell lu public. .M*-s?-rs. Howe, Tucker arni BcoH wee made the CennlttoS on I'lraneo and Audit, and Me?^rs. bcott, Howe and Newton the Cou.niHtet. on Kcal I tate. The Ural Estate Committee was tnstrnctrd to coll-ito and print all opinions of tho Corpors'lon Counsel re latlng to aqueduct mali-rs In a form convenient foi the iie-e of tie nenhen On motion of Hayer Bewltt the Finance Coinndue* was Inetrueted io pivpar-o a list of all ths aqueduct employes, sritiug forth um salartn and duties of each, Stu! report If then ls a Chaau for Iho exercise of economy in rela-ioii thereto. Tbe conimitteo Will 1 eet oa Wi dnesda* viii m. and go to work on the l - A iel gram tnt 1 si ruekor wu ni I by tbs Mayor a? appointment and ? that bo expeoted ki >ca< i the 1 Itj i" 'lay. Mr. Tn ih . viii bo luado Hie vtee president ol Um buaid. ESDISG THE REVIVAL WITH A TTORTO. After ths lal.ui? nf a Utrea wa ka1 1 rim tho p-istor , BgngaUen ot the Old John Btrert Methodist 1 pal Church felt th** mm l **f '* lit"* recreaUon, 11.1 1 1 Ij 111 the iropia go on an ucuratea te Onad View Hai*, j Bound, yeeterdey. Tbs Kev. Mr. Hsrrt* in lld not go, heiriK obliged to go to Boaton, 1 Rsv. Dr. Howdiah went an! _l**o Min Anni* L -.hera, who piayd th* pian* during th* revival. Tho BUBB r j bones *nd th* barRD vf. A. BaaaaaM wero both won ?lied .-it 11 o'eieerii whn Um ueuntoa stan 1 tum Tim Ro, Uh Bart Riven Deadag waa aol allowed, and In place thoron! hymn buka Wan j r.iv: H-J, *o thal the 111 m.ght wok ol Ita ext:a eServeeeean In a moro peespubla asannaa Maay ot the recent convert* of t. e r.vival Wha wen pr'-iiit. to vihaui daii-lng had nev I ben a terblddn glenura sxpsrlaa_eed tho dtacipiin* ot a atr-'ng umr.ty,,. 1, but tho peeeun of Meager* fr'ndfl Inthen iM-lsto-d In the winning of a victory ov r ? f. aad anb enjoyed liuilnj th* kyana all th* afro la eonacouenta. PUS EBAL OP BI)TT-|_?n J. O'RETLTiT. Tho fuueral of RdWStd J. OT..llly. the well knom nowepspor man, took p,ac? y.;?te-diy at his former hon.i. Ito. fit Ch*rle_-et. There was a lirge cttondar.ce of Mr. O'Kelily'* pnaeaad friends, liiciuilag many w*'.I-kaoi?n newspaper men and politicians. Tho coinmitree from the freaa 1 lub ct.nsls-.od of Vf. tl. M*-I-*Sugi.ll-i, Willam Clb , .. Jr., ii. r. Biak*, r. G. McVay, Georas w. i-c.:b-. V.. T. Carey, W. N". Penney, A. 1_ Hers and T. H. Enan Th* paUbaama wer* C. T. Bronson, Henry Ovlitt, II. B. Grand.n, representing "The New-TorS TtaMS," and Goori:. W. Biako, (. BIRI bater, Barclay r .iud Willis Hally, of tho Vrea* Ci'Jb. H-s! l-? theso there wera present Btnet QttB-Bg Cominis*l-.:.**r /linea h_ Co-Snian, riro Comrr.l*?totier Henry D. Furroy, Huputy Register James I. Marlin, Assessor* Gllon *nd Haverty, Coroner IV u cent, C"iiiiiilasion'*r of A-coonts Shearman, John N. Outwater, Jamos w. Hoyt*. Theadora IP Hamilton, Charles fcteckJor, M. ll- Abrahan* I 1 Bel, .1. 1 Lui}, Welter Barratt) -Jeane Onel__aa ind tf. J. Mallewnaj, The floral eBactase war* nunier ?jua an. appropriate. Tho burial waa at Calvary Cemetery. TEST lit OS I T. EG A li DISS 0 SAVY YARD FRAUDS. Paymaster Allen and J. Monroe Helakeil continued the'r bmatigaOn of th* charge* of frau !s in the nutter of oontracta for aupplle* at tho Ttxty Yard yesterday. They sat with closed door* In one of tho ro*,.n* of the Lyceum Buli.iing, and bound ali the wluici-se* to *?creer reitardln* th* natur* of their testimony. Sa v rsi wltnea?ee wor* examined, and from tho fad that th* Commiaslon sent : Paj a Mb r Iaonils la a: 1 nr bel in tiiom, lt wea 1 1 that tha maudry had Savelepi I Beast soiloua [Bete. The teStlmsny show* that Uio frauds Include soo. Beete for provisions ond ania.I attires. In iddltiun to vein THE COVETS MUST 1'ECIDE TnE MATTER. Tho difli'-i ty which haa arisen in rorari to the abrogated eliglbl* 11-t nf n.en fur ap|ioli.ttr,ci,t ss Bm BB, ovrii.g to the a* of ti 0 state < Ivll Berrica Cob in nullifying tba ri-.'.-, m I 1 which Iha eomn-ilealonaTs ?-1 the Hit at:-: a. (fl taken, Will have to i- MtBed hy tba 1 irt* Judge BarUett, of Brooklyn, - ? , en tke r*Yoked U*t, sn ordor t" ahow cai.-'. , -, A-ru-t 10, why * writ nf mar, lanius ahould tn*' ret|"iriiic the QasnmtaaloB te oartlfy las nama tat **?? polntment Tho order na* s rvo^ <m tbs aeentary of -? n in tine te a- p th* send ncr of tne nam*** of Uv elvo from UM MW list lo the IT- CoiiiiiJanioner. THE AMERICAS BIBI B BOOIETT ACTIVE. Tbs meeting ot th* Board sf Ma naners of the AaMtteaa I ^ii*. ii* ? 1 si -io BiU* Room ou Tkuradar, win. Ti- *.-:. -is A. Bren -. Hie vlcepreaident, lu thu tha:-. "n Um ,-? la Hen al Um Commutes i.n gnats Bi i-'r ,.t r-i-i* mads to auviilar? fa lettes, n.isab,n ehurcbai and mdlvlduaia Inetudlng the rea In Arslle nn'I tn Bagll-h far worlc ta Africa, and Berlptena in ral"ad letters for tha f.'ir,!. ai, ountlng la a',rut S3 S'.'X Ih* receipts of th* Safety In July wrs MB.8888a ThS 1-suoa froii the Illble Henso in Juiy w<!8 ti'J.lbJ vniumos; elnc* Avril 1, 320,SIM volumea AS OHGASIZATWS OF M8TRAWn BORDBXlBt. BUeeed "Btiaw ba* 1-min " who wa. irres-.-i o-. Tii'iii-lav wklla ofe-rine hlmscif ai a auretv In a criminal eas* rue!* a eewfaMoa y**terday. Bail Clerk Penner. by whon ahrewdness tiio uii.ra ma dsnatse\ r-.-.-ird his statemeBi Tte seeaaad nun aald Uni his nm,* was ;. Blaber, and sot j,,*n Basssri lie aald that wera aevenl pnlsasteasl atraw bondemen ta ao srgantxattoa, sud ba aavo th* pamas sf bbms af BMaa III* statement Will Ixl rc pe a tod belora tho Grand Jury n?xt wer ii. The iim*:iai* a .' I net na: ?? n.. a's atery public SO cHOT.fri UORETJS IT THEY riv rtri.T IT. The Health Iil'b'*(tnrs BBlted "C. ba-rols snd erims of tern ina In tha Walls. ' bout Market, and destroyed ll Th!* ls the third se.n,ro I ihis season. Suva gran fruit was Bnnd, whteh Bi* I I'-alers pro posed to BSed !i?i*k to the aSippera. Ths -larkotmeii held a meeting te pr, 'ant against th.) arbitrary ICtlnn of thu Inspectors, Who were d' 1 -'art-X Ince. , I mittes waa appointed lu Real th I I -i.V OJ.!) SVBOBOy DIES AT SEA. Wi,rd lias 1.*i r* slved ti,at Dr. Gaelan a. Rleset, of S'n. b'i Tea 1 ftt th, Brooklyn, di d ea tho -?* liiu--'ii, nf the- North OeruMfl Lloyd I,Ina, In tba !'.* 1 lao, on June 21, while on his way around the world, j i* und for < ey lon. Ho ???> fe.uud dead la his berth tnt Wt* bu.'l'd al tt. Vr. Bingal sm t..'t. totll v.,is o.I ml a graduM 'f i^H'-ic a*,a Vtenan. He wi.-, a aktp . tn bli youth, ,r i m tk* i*_.- wai ai army aa 1 in<i ,*ns raaflnsd In l-iimy Prteea. Ile lett a wif_ ^.1 Atm '.i.lilreu. - * BITS OT LTOil MEW, An etta I Brat was c-.ititei by JeaUu 0*Rrtea ? lay, at tia. ault sf David 1.. Van Moppsa, Bgab lealei 1 preetoua 1 it :*-t>. t>4 Sn-e.u-.t , oe, aram f,,r 88,151 -.1 f^r til, *. rub aa, sax raid* sad pesi I te hun. it | ? ., rettaa bia property v,. ra aa l (kat ba au beard iu ),_4 taken preatou Bteaea worth ".ur 18,1 ' ' ? 1 ? ? 1 e 1 trope. a ? .... 1 ? . ? . I Corni Bib ; te bmwoi in** 1 in iha Mitta ,,; 1 ; wa ? ? ? - . tor ll.aiO 4', tot prafea-i tal aorvleea, 11.'. 1 ark !'.? lamln, fol ' * , i,,,:e, ?Vithur Marphj bu te a appotnti 1 1 *, JaaUca Dugro, >,f i.e. liuiH rlor 1 .url, ref?i.?, i mphU tha I ,- ino n rt and nata ?> mai Jndgmente inn/ tal ni- rsl far ta The *?h.'!uioa lo tho assignment of NI,ni, "..wishaw A ?'.., laalsra M BphMMorj ai Broadway ai,ii BlgblBaaib ?? , o li ry a 11 ll Mtuith. svt faith teat thora ia .ino i,, Uanttesa ciedlt-rs B7B,8880R uni tl,a' thu,iiiu** I., ttotft cr-Illara are uni psnitslesd 'iii* t..Inal arMe:? nu 1888,111 Tl. ami Ihu jliul BSBSta 88M.S1 Atesaadsr R Bagfcw sad Joan T Uagerty enmtp .'.* Dim of Hugbe* ft _lag.*rty, Bealen In g.aa.ivar., at vei. iio 0elles*e ftoeo, u,ji? un assign umbi ytataidij a Ja .I meka gifibg preeawaen for n,.jr. mt TEBStDEEi HAUTMASS e\ PLATXk BM C 1 IR . j. I!eumana, president al Uh Ree Tork ' ktatt Ranna Bead, aald yesterday thn i,.- bad 1 I mi heard nf tho report sf the riaaUoers arhlle *i he ferry on his return from a lahtos trip, Ua *m mn*. ), urprlacd. as ho had thouuhl thai ibu niatt-r I.-. im._u _BS-B_BSeaa-ly aHaaatl with th* examiner*. "The talk a ?,ut ?ur deficit," he aald, "amount* to thiat V7* used i- i :i ibe imam rwx hm nhsMtatsd in lia .-orHle* whlcR wa regartled a* ncrt*'*U.T good. Th* urtu these *eeur:ii':s did not fulfil th' - n.nta ef the provision In our bylaws rrailliiK iha mim tund. Whn wa hand al thi* we wroto I* Mr. Ku.. *?los, tea d*nutr Insurance superintendent, ami . (To-ej to pMea an ama'iiit of cash suTolenl t* cover thc 1 >j| p. ii,, r.in1 We ISesCnd ne aaaw-r . lu tho fniiii of tiielr repor-., whloh I hara Jual i -ti mr d*-I*, and Which 1 hnve not yet bad tl"" ?fha BU ninatlon haa resulted from au eft,,rt of rival SOOeSfU ta make ua close oor fceafaen Son.s af Ihoaa have formed an lr,-tuane?, trust, whieh wa wen Invited to foin. Wa deotosR md aince th-m thoy l.ive Mute,! no effort to injin*", u*. Th* lltldavfta callina IM an MveaStnUoa nen *jg;icd by the manager, ol thew* lonii... liles." When aoh'd about the ls?uirur of (nfimlle politic-*, Mr. Hinmann Mid thr,t Ott Moiety had Beted under IsgSl ,1*1 n !e>; every raean to i.eiiev* that un.i-r theil fian h's* th'-y wer* nol violating the Insurance lnw !.r Reub I tl.I* Cuss of fioilcl-!*. The oueatlcn. of courtR. v.,,! 1 ta settled In the Hup.-onie Conrt. AGAINST ADSESTER LANDLORDS. i.nAsr.r. TiANDh that arv. ak RTRBORR to rr.orf,!". ir pittbruro PKtabnrR Suz. .1 (Special).?A local paper has In? vestigated tho eilis of ab-entee landlordism In this city. Tho InveatlgaU 'ii reveela tho fact that tn tlie Fourteenth, E gbteeatb and Twenty-second Wards of thia city the Behenlef ck'u'o ha* HUT arma ot nnoe enpled tend, which ls a leased at fwr:o,ooo, nothing Hie ns real raine, in rh*- Second, Third and Fourth Weeda el Allegheny city tho same estate has nearly l,(i(K> building lots, which ran ho leased birt not pur eha-cd. Andrew Carne-rie's Thlrty-thlrd-rt. mill ls on tba Pittsburg property, and when his fifteen years' li i e expired In 1887, ho was giving tho alternative of ahandonlng lils Improvement*, which had cost a va.t Sinn, or of renewing the leann an'l paying on - of :;no per cent on the groand rent, hts own outlay having Increased th* value nf another'e land, lie renewed the lease, ii.e Bchealey property la now ti llllone and f. consfsutly lnrrva?lng In value. ; s Plttal .- property wouid nial.o nearly 10,000 tote, each rectify feet front by ono hundred feet In depth. 'Ih usanda of people ars rernp*ll"d to liva outside the two cities beceon they do not care to put good buildings or property which ls never len/ed for a longer j -' than twenty-one years, and In somo ca SS tor (,:;ly fl'.* f,nv Thc entire r*ven:i*. af-er SXtraettng I 1 Pltl burg egpntfa c-nmnil'slon, joes to I Behenlay a-d her daughters. Mrs. v-iicnloy I- a v<ldow (,f a captain of the Hrltish Arn.v. .- -i wis bm-n In Pittsburg, ibo d.'ichfor of Colonel Cloghan, o*ie nf the flr-t a-Mlrrs. _ho wu educated ori Staten '. land a-d wi,en only sixteen years of age eloped wtth Schenley, who hud coate to .-'ew-York to bia elster, the principe! ef the school a. tonde.1 s l pt (han. Mi*. Bchenley owns the *ito upon sn old log house, all that remains of tho rt Duquesne, lt Ls surrounded for several alfons by broken down small framo 1 'by m Ile ruble people, all erected on ... c.; groand. This Is the point af the Inter lectloo ol Iha Monongahela and Allegheny TUvera, and 1. not li.iludwd In Ihe tracts already do-Crlbed. THK PIG BUTT WILL BOOX AJ2RTVB. Jr- es O. l*mty, according lo his ion, who wu a*?n by a Tribane reporter yostorday, *xyect* hi* aoeond big .-aft, Von-'ira, to reaeh New-York *af* sod *ound within a few day*. Mr. 1/?**./ mr* c it while th* enbl* r_f-i? urement nf tht raft will not tncreaie, there will be mom ehange lu the proportion^ a* lt will aettla down aod become broader. B* mtlelpit** a* dtfrleulty In bunging Il Into port aol un to hla wood yard lt Newtown Crt*k. THE PETROLE UM MA REE7. NEWS l?.OM THU Fir.LT) AND RANCE OT PRICES. Tba crude oQ market opened finn yostorday morn? ing, and maintained Ita sfi.ngth on only moderate ; all through the forenoon. Prlcn gradually ', m S3 1-4 at the opeidr.g to fin 7-8, from which point the feeling was dull and quotations dropped gradually lo 83 on light trading. Daring the last hour, however, the trading became moro active and prlcn rallied to 64 cenu anti the marget closed Heady at e.'. 3-4 cents. Advices from Bakerstown, Hen- . reported tho dravo well on tho Holfpian farm 1 1, tlder with *xpoctat|,in that sand would be . li:* In tho dav. The Gold well wm reported lng Inenased .ii Meld to sixty barrels a day, snd Butcher*! No. 1 ?a.i repotted to b* producing ti .tv barrels a dav. 'Iha transaction* at tha two tm aggregftiO'1 l.UU.OOO barrels. 'J la.* mnge ol prices and ths total deallno wers u fuU.wsl stock Exchangi, Comnljdated. Opening.-._.. 8.1 *-U* .r_. fl Di Loweal.~. ta SA . BS* "fl bales, Barrel*. 441,008 702.000 Keflned oil advanced l-fl cent at all ports as fol? lows: Row-York, Ballimore and Philadelphia, 73 4 ?tenta per gallon. Abel test. Foreign quolallons v 1 1 higher tvs follow**. Antwerp, 18 74319, Lie-men, 7.-0, und LoLdon, 6 ll-l(i_)0 HJ-ltt. C, I'. A IN ASD T R OD UCE MAREE TS. PRATURRS OF NEW-YORR DKAUNGa Tho inarki t for cei-cula yesterday wa* porfeefly featureless throughout, b it then was a eliglit tend-ncy tow,..-1 luwer prices for all kinds of grain. Sneh cables aa wen* received wore tamo throtighont, and dispatches from tho West were of weaker tone, and generally re* ported free selling, spot wheat declined i-2?l eent ?ii iteedy. Rxporten took oo.ouo Wheat oj a 7-e<.i 1-2 centa in tho curly dealings, and wen f-irfher depressed 1-93-3 .s of free soiling above referred to. 1 rho close, howover, Uio marhot gained strength and advanced l-4il 2. and Anally closci firm at lit 1 4 b-low the best Ogam of the day, aa followai Aug i * : 1 7-8, beptember U2&-S, October 83, November ii."1 -, Iiecomber 1)4 3-4. Ja;inarv !>.*. 7-8, Fehniary 1 fl and May fe!) _-4. The total speculative , aggregated l,,',i 0,0i;0 bu-lu-l*. fcpot corn was 1-8 . lower, I ut with borter trading, ihlppers tak Cptlon* opetio.l r, ag ai eent lower, avered 14*1-2 cent, and closeri steady at ahont li I above ii.e lowest pries. Following aro tho ons: August and Senti-niher 53 3 4, * r 54, 1 mber 63 1 4, riecember f,0 1-4. Jan? uary 4-i 1-2. (ash oats were Arni, and In some casvss a ?! ad* hlrher, wiih only a moderate amount of trailing. Optlona opened sroarty and advanced 1-4 rent un Auir'.-.t aud small fractions on th* ntl,cr l ci,,sing r.nn at tho following prlcea: August l:l, leptember 2. _ 1 and October 80 cents. Laid Con tinned to decline, and eloeed from Ot. i*_ point* lower nn He oplioni. Tho tradings amounted to nearly buO Uen na, 1 art of wtitch wei* fur export. The univ ali reported at N-wv irk, Philadelphia, PTO snd Huston wero as follows: Wheat, lTo.nn^ bushels; coi ti. 2-V078 bushels; oats 88,838 bushels; gai!!. 880.883 bushels; flour, fll.lf.O barrels. At , Milwaukee sud Pt. Louis Hie arrivals were; ni eat. 228,-Bl bushels; cum, 'J.*.0.l 13 bushels; oata, 14 ?..:'.*?_ bushels; total grain, <K.7,-..0 bushels; flour, barrels. TIIF Ti vin-; IN OinriAC-O Chli.ii;', Ai... il Special).? Wheat at night ahowed a de ellns of _-...* 7-8 eenu and at ona Hm* during th* d*y , -la dc ?ie of a BUM over a c. ni from th* prlc* of Thursday iil^nt. Corn oiien-rl mi c.iosad almost *x?ciiy li de i-am* price, tt a trifling decline from Thursday. r apsnsd nt 18 Bi centa, e-!d between 45 7-8 ? 1 4". 1-2, Bad eloeed at 46 8-43*15 7 3. Caah *old led m A', ani August i<_ cent over Bopteatben Ati;.''!-t oats were BSBt from '.'I 1-2 c*nta lo 25 1-2 ly fears aga by Thursday'* BtSSsa Ths close wa* at 25 Then w** anather Hui* mt'lng round In ti* a* pu SepMaebet perk oiiened at *14 80. *oid b? tweaa a it 4. and tu 87, aad cloe?d at en 22. !;off*m brr lard 01 *nod and closed at e_ 70. Soptemher rib* .' 1 bl 88 3'. touched ts 17, and closed at aa 25 OIL MARRRTBL Ort 'itt. ema.. Aug. 8 VatP.nai frans't r*erttfle*t?s op .*'.*?? - ?? . e.-- ni*, lowaol, ai, eiose-l. n-AK. ula clearances, ./iTD.noo barral* ; <-h.. lara. I7,SS8 bbl* 1 ?inpmeui.s, ort,:,do uan-elsi runs, 89 019 . ? Paan, Ang. 8.?Patralewia closod active;* rrandt earl Soateaoi u"l at_*_ij; .lo-iadai S_'#i high**!, n : lowo*t, 8.1. Baaoi I'- . Aux. .1 v.tio-ist TnaaN Certlflovfe* ' al H:'W closed sr -.r, blghaat, _4; low.,t, mi. ' ? . 1 1 J !"?' .... ioi.. . 1 Pana..Ang, I?Ifallen*! TraaMI ''-rtiflcatoa opoi t- 1 it, 1 ??- - Btv sri RI n ip TUBrSBI INK. (ll LttrtOP, Vi. .1 I flrni al :IT?0. HaVAl'- III, A . .Uno r r n al A.u?'. I, lu;:. ?! ? ?a 'ui prni.ii* quiet al J3V, EAN riXA-ICIAt MAItKIc-f i ?-. in (aii?.*'?,'.) 1 J iv f .r ninney and r 1 hi : Aiist.r..? and ore.t Weataea flr?t id 'i . '! iu .ti ? -?, RH 1 j-tio, '.:7'.iiio. asaaad I V i "*> ia ; New-York 1 t-iilr_i. lotti Ca.milan I nelli*. 1 I, bills j Bt. I's. 7 I ', . I-f ii., irani 1. J6I, . Mm',.:i j ordinary. * ?? Kaadlog, S'Jtti tls.ican (.auiral flrst mort. | I * *-**4* J ila Mt* of .ii*., auni tn I-,,. , ;.an iii.rlot for abort billa I* v 1', rt tani, and for tbreo mani* a' billa 3W parceau ^ ..-.a is su>'t<ii at 4B 16-10,1. par nunn. I'r.i. mn,.,? .|iiiet- . pei aaal roeta* at *:! franea 8n 1 ^ mellie", ur Ih* .. - il aid BsoiMUlgOOB le,* Ira at lb ' a li. , * >\r, tar. nara*. j^ ino ol bullion eoae IBU the Rana of Koldana on ba ia * Oe 1*1 lt X .* _'. Mill Rbbi.ib, Ama. fha atateaaent ar n.o Inpertel Hank of 1 . ?? -. *ar*a?* ta nasta ot 8.810.000 aUran MallCl ia w.l p. 1 BMk ' 'ii. Ai nat .?? ? I'ottot, stoartv. rion r finn Whoas au,,1..r. *? -' lie* Si ira* Vs, Haoatpla w,.ra 311. .1110 tush. and ahlDiaMU lo,'?"' tilth. Com - ll.a marfcet wa* linn Ba - vi ,?,. al *-... uaw imaalll*.] 1 Nix . Mlie? 1 ir *:*.*, it .',0, P-ari dun, hillier, al Bil Otk ? Bl >i .ai lliilK.i.e?i? and Baoaa loworj : .7 m.. i '1.1. al ts ttl I, short Ciasr $10. WBUksy ataadr ; ' I : harrell a itakad goon aa tha a*.ls af SI 14. -J. Butter ta , I .arv Nil,-smeii. iiMmur IHJ'iOoi I r ?in-? inti.- Itali at 14 > Ile. waa steady: Han) Maa nu,,,,, G,..|i*.i. lii-t* lower, ti-i i ? thi - t-aoauir ant BBteharr I .,1; laoiii. ?S7. fat* wera ? 1 , >i. aaeauMMi i tinta vai.uoic* Oma -i_ .: . - -. STOCKS DULL AND STRONG SM A LL FLUOTLTA TlOSti NOTED. QUOTATION'S TS BONDS AND OTHER SECUI-I rna BALES AT THE fXOCR KSCnAXnEr-AUfl. 8. JUE- (JESLEAL J.JUT. Aetaal **i*s | ''i??iae. i Tty "op'al H'f*- Ifiw'i Waal nm. A*k**i told. 8'. -'. tilS 6,)'. 85 S Vt 6.1% lal US', sa b.'.n. ?b\ - r .. Atlantic A I*ir ?jut* rt a rtvtt. bcu* -tn..-. aa .-.-niliara. , i a:i?it.i .'*<.ifl* ( e*!?r K_.ii" . I i.ant ia 4 ?* l"1 aatia >iin" J ( antral i'solrlc ' li** A 0 reta. Ct U 1<' '?: div i I..**,* 0 'Jd -jr. Chlo di All ... | 1??Y Ul* - (Un* Alter** 184 lei IM OJ I If* | j chi-. A Rorwt 118WIla ' 112%118% \l_*i m (bte.- Nv e***. .-I -- ?? ?_ i 144'. 144 rhle 5.ia .tr 73 J 7-4 7".V 7-"a 7-.*. 73% ('Ma S?Pnr*l|llOS llO*. IMS, 110%'IIO'* 111 8-V 84 ?> 85 11 H ? ?'?* 18% W's tf ft-% 64 :? Hil", ?ft S H. .. lo% ka ..I .. i; 1 uv* 138%j l.-'I'i 130 1.17 'Hit.* r.tia. ( bl I * ? ur* . i ,-v.P> . B P. M.'AO nt Otic Killi <*? 0 c M ,* Paclrtf ( I *sitl_:__--h)" CWiitl * Hal. Itv A ? yrfd. rn: A I. coi nv* TM fia) lat Am I.OI.. ,i nd. Denv * lu* Or li A Kio Or el. Han A ll'I.W.. Ii nt- All* 0. East 'Jem. inti isl ur. K Tann 7d url. Krui* .% TH. If.- .? o-. n timm dar Mon** leis*. flirt >nt._. II Cent lo'd Lt Ind BA A'.... Kim A cam... L B AW. . .. L I A A nrfit Lek* "'eel.. Lees Ulead... Louis* Nash. I, NA A Chin. M?BhRtlan(ori M?nht.t .leach Mid. foal ... HM- *?<?' .... ti va .? W : i mm I..... Mai hi Cort.. M h .t "I. Ra Ivcilo... Mob <t Obi*.. Murna A K.i., li 0 a-iti..... S T ( ei.trsl.. NYC* .tl-... NV ( A?tl. ere NY CA'S tl, Jd.: e. Ll? im ... Y LEM wari NY A .ti"... NYA .1 II.... MO! **.".... NY BA \*f. NT -<*vv nr... Sar ft West.. Nor-* w art. North Pacific Kor I**c orr... Olua _* A ?*. Ohio i"i.nfu.... Or Hop......... Or Imp pd. .... Cr il* 5t. Or??oo Iran*.. Otunori Un*-. 9Ve+rX Ot... r?ilA iiev'lnr int nw a c* T P C-?r Ua HeraA >?*r. Rich A it' .... hie-* wy ^ HA UV orel kw eoe..... eu. A A Td. ? I. a* ru.i>r P'.I.ABK fitLA Ot bret Ht LARK Ut pr, BtPA ->ul-.--. nt rm t> nr.-.. at mt a m... Bo Carol ma... . ran-: -a*. .... lei Van u*W.. "leia* I. T. Union i'sfl .?. Wabseb ...... (Vak |?rf,l_ VT A I,IC prof.. Wnt I'nion... adams Exp_ a met Ki ..__ li.-* K_nra?a.. Walls Far Kr. 4 liter Cable.... Paeifle Mail... lon tina...._,.. .sm foal A I. Boca Coal A 1 ioi Coal AI.. ? i.? Coal-.. Mary land i o_l. Kew Cen (*oiL renn Coal AI. Hou.colaXe.... )ntano. julekalivar.... )nickallv*rpr, Vii it aas! sos1 sus nv ?')** *8?*? .. 1 .. I .- ' ?- I?*4\iOss lilia Ill's I)"1! HIV li** . I] .\ '.UH** MI'S, lou*** H).. I* lol*. Hiss ..I -I - I .. 'M 77 .. .. .- - '-"? 3 - .. .- .. -. 4*,l B'.1 64 Tit ! 83% '-'it 64 1 t*'. MS 86% --'I'S 'MS 36% V6?4 ini. i3ji, i34?* ns. is*} mu ma* n*\ in--. Iles u.Hi ir 14S los 14S .. I')1* 25 4 11?. IO1* 35 S 119. IO'* Ut 11 41 Ift I II lo I - ., ?in ai 1K%| I8*t KA lg 94 ?. Co s't'lS ii ll ll'-i 7e*? ?i ioe*s| - i I 4". ?_30 fto\ 'lb \ f.H*-; 69 KHS lou's 84 I 84 *-_y .**? hu-at aoS VI*.1 -IS ?4\ 84 S Ift 1 I 1-11 103HI1 l?J . 4-*'*, '.'.*. 1,0 ?? 1ft *. I'_ 78 Ri IOI '. ni?. 7,) uti i" 6J 41", no I is r,..j v. blt\ DU, 4*", :?*,'. B4*. to I '*. hi'. KAU, IVIS 70 Bl 8 , '* Iii s IS .:?*) iJ*. los N i.;i* 484 I'lS 1-4 ?. CO', 81. v( r'b\ 7 1.1 14 S 78', , IS 7 ' SI ld Wt 121 fl )i ?i-i (0 Id's |V>S a I.*. 1<4 '.'.' 14 i'i Iii' 4 ? . H..\ !-4 60-Vi 4 J ;<:i 19** 4e>* ki1-. Will*] 80S SH l-l". 10 Mit 6ft le liS 1 ?. '?i-tt rn 113 ttVl I-'* fl'* lOIS Ins*, 107 IDS ll ' i \ ll 11 % 67 ii iv 1 ll 7i) II 14' ttl 44 ?> 18. fto-H VIS t",; :???. r") ',' ??-, I',', - ? ia 44 ?li) lo ?s ?l's *.-Si toy, ?i:-', H '. 2d** 12 S SS'*1 i i 41* ll ii *' I || r,i - '. fa ?. V . ??*. 1?V en 24', 73 ab mi a.s 73 iii'. ? i 104 IO*1* 24 2.V. ft-'-j 2i?. 68 . lOVn, 78 S, ?7i* JOS 24', 72S ll 78-* UV. tli 104 IOU1* 2'r,i* VI 2.1 '4 6D'? 10*>V IO'S 107 ! 109 '.'.*.", lett vi'*. '.-.', 161 PIS -.SS1 2iY 2,'e?. Ho SI I-1* -'"i '.1*. 21'* 21 >t ' i ? Hi . nv lftl ' i63slteas I'et-j in4 ' Ittf | 170 24S 72 I'S 3d . 7-1 118 ?.:??. 104 lois 2ii 23?* ?4 <-, 6:"* 85% :2s P5 83 Si 78-4 11-S '.?*? ll>4 24 ?. 7IS ??) 40 Bi 13 Rs lo ?r w:i 43 884 7J 2ft'4 6*. I ft*-* ?. ii*ali loii* ioji* leis ?78SJ 75S 73*. 87 T.'i ' t 101 lodS led** lois ??I 7 I h 26 26 V7 its Si ISSI '.i 14 4 24*. |4S bil Hi 61**1 6-^ .. I Vf*, 1-4 6... 147 los 7tH> 13-1 25 Si 6i "al .-e. ', ll j 6-'. 8:i?. 151 Ho 2?S 73 SI 174 76J X7S' M 9-44 ie 19 ll lo ns H'S sss !0'* _?S 14 J 17 S 76% So 234 HRS Vi lt ll VU ai-is ns 4US IOC 1.62.1 loo ld 47 4.V-3 lft.j'i.'l 200 1.1)10 125 8*46 (i ,. SO.) 3.6.11) 100 loo j 31) _'(H) 400 ' ' , t.hib iii 2.3.10 J.--.. .00 300 aaa 3.05J Sot) ino ?ftn ano 180 2,-i") _ O') 1,2C0 lot 8.6 bed 6i'0 1.441 8.680 loO ?4"' loo 60 1.400 740 lit 13,60'J ft 800 4.170 200 200 loo 6*.') 1") ive i" > 610 1,1'Kl I'."'' 12,210 601) 1.700 1-.1 200 a, "4i> lui iot) Tolalaaleaof tne ay?. Ivo.i-o BOXDA -t.TO ItASX STOCFX. ^linens Pauli. Wii.MI atlantic A !?*? a.t In eo tn* ft.OOO.33 Ht A T U 2.1 or 1.000. 108 !>a. >i freeh 1st 6.1,00."S's Br,oilyn Klevatetl Isl 1 ruell I A Pao6i (onpon 80.000.H'S*. 7ol Co*, ft Irou Co I* 6.000.103 4 -Ile J: ind Coal Isl ?J.H0O.09 Lil. Um A Qnluoy N*h Kit 4* 2*j,"*0.D2S ;i.*s .1 'Jilla Coioii 4* H.ur* ear, |, ,"i_..Un, 81,000.fl li ae ''.73S ..ono.7'_S Ck**4 ohio 1*1 hari*a A 2.0O".113 t-t-r'.n* B Iforr muinaCerta .: i *o.72 * BU' A M l) i'?i.tola I.Pon..n...,120?i Mn* '..c.... 180% 'hi A Kasi Illtuoe* 'i*a 5* l.OOo .07'. roo 2.000.117S "en Pur OM 8s '95 1,000.lits .bra A Ohio tts lilli 1,000.joe 1,00 *.104S ,?'..?? -?? ,ol . 'Jil 8,000...... 95S :*1 Hos V A Tol Ol 10.000. 3* ".'haa A Ohio *nr Meort c*r 2.0oo....,...34 'hi ii i a r,ic o* .tei;i*tere.l 10,00').VAO Baa 4 km a lu A??*nte-1 If'.""*' .73'. 6.000.74 Raee.74s ininti' aid M lit 10.000.loo lui Ao a sud Atl 6* f3S ft.OOO.w4 >ai amt lian H'(* lit 1.000.!?4 IvaiieainlTH 1st Lave,.un'* -Tann V* 4UXj! ( on* '?.ill 6* i OOO..e.. io*-**. IBl lal IBM. 1.000.ino Io Par 1*1 cor 1.000.112s ava Krta *** "A e?i Isl 4* 2.O00.106*. -?rt'-Vorth ami DC lal 2.000.87 - 10, di.. < 01A Baa to BeU ? 1 8.000. 9?S 4, ?? Isl 28.000.11-<S (i hay vi' .? nv t lat 2.01*0.103 Gai ii a Haa au 1st ft.OOO.Ml fl ? lox cent 1 Ki j Tri-l rec. ;-*M lOOi'n .1 1 4 ixooo.nos \\ ns! Div Tm.* 1 ir. r Ot* 40.oie<*. 11jS Illo*ia fe: t vs 1861 lO.O(H).108 Ind a *t)1 Wenn lit Trast rei vista Keoli A U :4 l*r V.otui.10*4 kansas I 1st cm IS.Oii.).109*. I,*oi*villa A ,N:i*:i _.v*as, li A Nnab Ut 1.000.... 115 Lien 111?. Oa 4.00o.ll.S U* Kan A lim Oell'l 6( 6,0i").?1S V ee l().gi ?laa'l e* 6.000. 6f?S 4,oot). ii \ Ut Kan ? Vaia* Cia 7a l.ono. 98 l.omi. .HS 2.000. B6S Uti a at 1'mi ii. So Minn div lo,"").Ill aa a ot Pan 001 1,000 .125>? Mo Pa* M l.OOO.117 MU A Nor Isl UHO v ..11 line 2.000..e. lots Morris A Keteas isl rmranies.') 4 .... IBl Mntnsi 1," 1 'l r, tn 4.001). \ in.0i.i(l..s l& .'.', '* N V cai - rtt 1. is 4.nuo.92s N T Kl.-vai0,1 1st V.nyu.U4r? 8,000.115 Nar P?o 3d coop M.OOO. !*tT Noitbwev I 1 j* 1 alli lill 8,800 _ 10!? Ken rr*rV f*l.t'l usn nit* 5a 5.000.m.. 20 ""<). ioi ?* 341*1)1'.l*l\ 6,00,1. 104'. Ba l'a. <<f fal lal 1.1)0'.I'S .** T I.aio 9. A Wn new ..Icjoeoi li.-oo. sa N Y Can dationtare l.*?J)00. 111?4 Ber )*s<- T*r is ?:'""".M4S Oioaoa S-ij.-t Hu* fis lO.OOei ... IMS Or* Blear asd Nar 6,o<>0..''._1"3S Orejou unproven 1st 1.00'). inf. Ph. a aad ROM 4s S"."0n..(.20 *H\ 64."00.Bl >, ? ?-<-?.g - , 1-* "0)_H-) . IjOlM.Ha7. 3.*). WU').8-,. rt.. i. s w r terni tr d* 21.000. 94 Ruu * I'.iiiviu* 5a 10.000.SS ti* 1.000.114 South ? jrolin^ Income 2,0o* .ld lat 2.000.lOftS St L Arlt mid lex 24 2,000.87 Bt L B Iroa Moimi 6a 1.000.87 S 8.000.87 dt i. .S C._U r t-*u'l min 6* 1.00".103 Tex A I'.. Ul 5* 10 000.... 95 f*_aa n r*40lS* .41% 41% *:tS .48% - > a s.noo. li.i'DO. (..ono ..c.. ...OOO. 1.000.*J: roi Peo A iVn Ul Trust receipts 10,001_O'-'S r?nnc"i ir A il i s l'.:r-n div lat 6.000.B7?? alu ?.ooe.?Ts t'tu.'i r>oni).*ru I vt lal S.oeo.95 W**i dheire li -ll ll I "0....^102S 3,1100.lei Wat) 11 1. ? ftt Ohieaa** div 1 mst recelpta 12.000. 8JS W H V -nd f 1-t 3?.00i)..v..WtS 60.0*00.83% 6.00 1.VA1, Wheetin*; aad I. b, Ut 17.0IMI. 3S .BU" 7.000.100 ALKA AT TUB OOESOLtDATRO STOrX AXD TAI SOLS UM BXQEAXtk. ATOt A'.s A'amei. m. 0 i'll .. . li-* Ua* ir. hi Nt I- M AO. nm.m... . 11 sal _? I '-I. a.iin *kip?-ii. bie * .Northwaatara. ?si Lac*.* We*etara.. '?:*?;.lt.? llu.U.ili.. rio.._. lock aka* ior*. ?eu. ?* ...-,?..-. ,14 'Ml.... 1 A a'asl mr'. . lill ?n. a, r*?:ae._ l -a-1 Ai L. .?. Ila* sim] Bl 1. i'll... .1 Oas. ... ? wport M A rn v.. IAN B.._ or rt.-. ar rieir ? *.(. I TOR 1 I.... ?.h 1 sn.I Bl I. r. Tr it, . acid* Mail. tia* tlra-nni-._ tan a ti r. ian A W P pf. tutsi I. ia* ri*.' 1 Pan 1 1 and billin*.. fun ? ii-.. Biati Paoin*. [Mk t . lal. haellnc A I. E. I* Central... . do pret . '??I Mal Bunk. ? * .-.. . tt ... Clio.:-1 ina. I .11 . fl.I. 1 I -. .1 . 7*? IU its IUS ?j: tesl ti 81% 80% 1* ?/ 4i-V 8 S 7W%! 1 !???*' l4^ ''* u ? ?Jiu, 67 s 1?S 18% tit 1.1 . 90 ll "S TIS 6.1*. V4S. |0% )HS Si"* e.f ll< f ?>* r% 34?., 99% tt. 1 sa* ? J J 111 I ii..'.I 1.1*. '?" J 2oS *.i I I ?. lins 4S-V 85% *!*'. ?SI 15s. ?a 67S1 I*S| r.f.l 16% 64S1 Vft*,. '^ 18% PIS 24-,! li %| HU 61% 19SI 3941 1.AW I o?L 1 " 83 -., .I***-. 6s-*; -I- ?*. 72 I HVSl 184', IMS Bl I VHS, BBSI ??'"SI If *,t 4**'*| h****' 7 . 8% 1 '. 14'. 7\ 43'.I a.i's ll'.) ls-,1 Va SI inM ?4% Tv e 73S di** ?if* IDS 80S t*\ Ba c * lar. - s?. 8!'S t-s ?6S| i : l.i.-S 114-S V7 * 9 ' I*. S * 'S, ms 40S * 73 Si li I Si ** ?it, S', i'-S! MV MSI a's, 64 >* 24%: Vw 0 7HS1 llSI '-?? '. 69S| 8'", 6**S issi ?94 Wft I * ? .-* IJIOll ott 60 lftl) leo 1"0 17. * ' 4 20 8,oi' ' ano 6') 9.1 Ml 8,(16.' leo 188 H'l loo 4/' 2. IO 1*0 . t tn -.?? ? leo Iii) ?ou ino lt* U6a 23.74., 1,1'll) me iso lon no lia 670 inn COO es lo 41*0 _oi-i*.i*-***oia. ...... 80.090 1 At A Paolne.... Cfeea A ohio 4s.. ?io eur. * lc a a. iii 6*.-.... I'. ii A K IJ H Ui... dan A W Ut.. I ria 34 CSS. K.,n G A O 1st. ?(.-I "ant 4*. si so l-ea.h Im_ ?I K fi '.*. .'." VA Nor Id. N YCAUt lt 4s l'l. 11 A liesa rou 4s i:i'D a imo A*. ?ill.l Ut Ht Jo* A O I VI *u i. * a *?'.., ut. 1 or I-ac l?fc. 1o? |-*CI.'IO V4. Virflaia lia. Bri* i an ut.... do Vd W N Y AP lat li Vd Altona.. A aad IlOill-V ... Con fal* V*..?. I'enrar City .... , 4 ? '? a .... ll l Hat. Hal lr wood I aa-lrlllM.. f-Shir untarlo... I'rosatils. Plots* ... I'.oh.nsoo .. H*i<p*hannock Marra Narada.. Hirer Kisr. Huller . r-i*k ... ???.Sn.. vu i o 1 nut.ei... ?featro lan -'eris, Jfotsllaias. CLO_I.NO nu r. BU. Asked f" r*nn*vlrani?.. 64S 14 '< tt. J Co.- - B*adlnr.32-, 32'-. let.ic.. Vaney.. ftJS tin, hut, -sonn ;?-?:. . - - . roa?. 254 88% BeeitiBe Ii Non'i Pac: ii* i*r?f. 6'1% 88% ? _,ehi?& Nar. ' " . 1 Ol' PII1I_AM. \ cieO-is- wmcES ot* j l Yesterday.T A Tot\A 1st 7* iii i -'? do I. O 7?.... lia I.s \* ., A * To* RB... **34 88S c., , Boston A Ai'Ur lt" 1'-'"* ku Ucl A Main*... 'llb. Sit . 1 Mr aurillia * r ..,..., Clo San a UlST. Easter* ku... li? I aatara R '- tm. 182% Hoii? I'ere ?. i- at A F M v* I hs c. tv StJ A i ii ?ir?7o_ I. ii A I. h. do 7a. Mox csa osin... ilsxicsti Central UtMor * -i .i BYAN Eu?l? 118% ll" 1 B7? 120 ? * * '4 1% ? .*, < 14% 87% 48 . 123*, lv_S,ar**tl ' n ld Colin r. lC-t 189 L_.,i S'ia ftntlan.i eo-n. l-S Ca .... 'Ca 13 ? rt..- . . . 41%' Ii ? *. - fe i*- ? : lie . <? e , I i*', W'*:? r . ? > ? la ian : *T7 I.Ma*- 1 ? ol 44% *?a-i UL I , ? ? CLOSING Fill CBS OF CAU. ll v. Kan Frai * . *i, . Y*at?r'_-,e.Te*d*r. ttl* _ ,. 1.40 Ltd lOptiir. .70 '..' I*', 4. ., 8.45 [ea ? . . 1 . ... . V*II0W J urea I . ' 3.00 'N. Kal ir. Nevada . 1 L8S Alta.... naiver.70 Ii**- A Hslsuer S_?5 Bt.cieooa. 1.7ft C?*iiar. ... 880 C*s liaitV*. KU** 8.75 (Tswo Polar... 8.80 8.80 * .*. 1 A : r. mi) ,1-1, 1 ? *.- . 6.60 le- vi._ I Mobo. 1.20 Navsio. 1 Oo Aa-es. rienl I, rn na dared. Cou Call.'oruia A Virflaia, 60 c ia I ' 8.80 DOLNESS LN TUE SIT. 'irs . Finlay, A 1 -1 To-day's stock speealBtioa wae dull, i i volume of business and dael IBtioBI la 1 was just BBOh a market a.s doting ti.:- , weeks Las been aritnessed al nierous periods of leacti >n. 1 " bear'' attacks aro accompanied t . Operators naturally want, to ne to w the reaction will go uud limit * orders at fij-nns eomethlng 1 ? I Such Las been (Ita can i , action has occurred siuco Jnr..- I . only those ivho first dlsooYei ! . tliat gathered in tlie l'.v jun s. I in livery particular, tv i . . day of every reaction which bal . features were dulness, email Bn I . mering at every opportunity of "no stocks" at every attempt d : etiasea at current quotations, auld u shiide lowes to-d-ty than t! bat al tbe cloee the email ohangea balanced between irani, ami lit***-*, 1 di ..,*. 1 - Loudon acd a me 12 i Influenced bj tbe bo'A statement tl nt jany's..,__. earninga Lo June shoe 811 J.uu '. Tbe Block s<eld tile* ofle-iiti;,*. Wt v,- ia sold at u'j 3-4a50 5-t. st. i'.. il sold l-a lower than yeeterday?but 01 :? .: t .. 72 wen unexecuted and tho 7<! l-tla?- 1-4. lue Vai:*: were si rung all thl WBJ to 03 7-8, and closed 81 nt l-l. New-Englaad ca- '? 4i!* 1-8. ElM strong. TIIF. D.VY IN TIIE D ' The offerings ol 0oi i ury amounted to I cepted 13.350 4s et r-7 l-l: *" J ciii< 1 185,000 at 107.46, ? . I d-11 nml easier in iLe . I closing quotations: Bli A*a l'.?*. 44*. l-ril.rer.lDoS 1 l.M-n, is .;,.*?,i KITS 107 -.*.-. - - - %?? i.e. ls, 1*07, ra* 127% I- :7 \. t'.-., ? ir * - . ? i*. I-i).'. cou. 1.7-4 i274iO.!t.ear ? ?tr. ',? 11*5 ...'.'tl _ .niece. * ? ? ? Then eui bb traneeotioni in Si city bank stocks^ Citizens sold ll *___. Bailwaj bonds won fa iy I I firm. Chesapeake and tlficatea for the 4s rose to 7.' l . renof 6s trott lina at 28. I hil mg -is sielti ;i? - ; ia ri i and Pennsylvania iii-t_j wan e<;.. ip to ja oA West Shon ,n tom to 103. WI i _ I , ? Erie li rats .-.gum told al l ?? *. Ki,, Grande Weetara firsts ai against 7.; 1-. yesterday. Mia.' Texas issues were easier; os -'. * * - r.s at 61. Kef***, renee is made to tn,i**il report ol' bond transactions. In unlisted securities dealt in a' i! ? change, Cotton Seed OU cen 81 anil r* covered to 38 A 4:i to 8.300. Weetern National .:t, New-York Mutual I South Shore and Alia. at 8 7-_. . National (500 al Ba I'nion ?_- Hi!7,000) at *."' :*4i'i"; 7 -. Desert Land (1,100) at fl Wall I I Money ruled at 1 1-2 per cent i I 'I he Clearing lletise statement * ' follows: Exchangee, ll00,511, 17,086,434. 'ihe Sub-Treasury t da/ *? i Clearing House i~. TB, ? Sub-'lreaaury tor the -..* . receiptt ol $12,830,325 and , 4ui,..u., leaving tba fi 431,10a, against ll 93 -?-..-:. an apparent gain ot $1,531 Iron tin? payments l< H ceipta 1100,000 mr iteuu Rub TieMiliVs H".'i)u- ??? Ith tba ' ? ury, its siiii aa . ' 1 be day'k opetatluns ?? ? Bl . i>..t infill v _-' . ' ' 1175,175,888 eoln an I - 1-r.ivin s PB 'Ihe United S:.elva Tn ? r c-iseil UHtay $U3,0uy Na*. ' ? redemption. , , , ? euatoms receipts were Internal r*'v?nur noeiptS v re 4, . I, lara 'A--* .'Hgt'.ii li ? cash un Land end J *.' ? i bani the ligates of the lak pwvii 1")'*: ? - - ? ? An?')st 9. A'-'-' 3 , Net cold on h*d 8184 bi..:- ' i Nn allv"! on ii'. --J.l-i.lio < "? Net ie-jnl tend'ra uu hai.d. 88.884,740 ? - cash tn Tiv*?*'jr vault* , ver eutataad'8 ? -e- /*' eeruacstea.^ l>*irt--.u .n .'ka SJ o--i. >* ? Net c'.h hsrn'a 834 7. 'iho market for fur iga ex cl v fairly si4ii,!v ut quotation., fur b Itanken' bilk ii M-* ? ?' J' and short ater'ing rej*i* 5.18 ri for hi ice! ' ? -* end marks; 40 1-4 sud 40 1-2 fvr gtuiliieni. ?1j lu Uoudi*D British oousoii aud 0.1-8 re?i?eeuvely lor in ' . ',;.i Money In the open n.ark t n-* ;> ixr cauB for discount of banket) declined t.i 41 1 Vi 8A per ounce. ? '-' . " ? ? ^ The Hank of tnglaed *ai"?*? tikoOO bul?J ^ balanoe. American rail wa."? >*l" ^ ,'^TwM aponsive to .TfMetday'i late d.'.-.i:-* * \\. _t iiturket, and th.u wen ?m*?? ?*?**, kt; Tari* French 3 per c< nts i*-"*"r - - ' ,.,,,1-1 Sight exchange on London rnleiJ ?" oi m fni.i.-s tm the fi. The weekly n ntwa."* J ImiK-riai litiiik of Qinsaay tBaum 5,800,000 mai;.., specie.