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.TlmnocmcMa. Ca-i*h>?s?NmiIIt. Ft?k? MvstK-Wax Tiiiilsaux. Eba*.iv*, a I.--Burthln Bill. Mai isuN BOC vin I hkatui-_ and _:30?Judge Not. M.*i'i.s'Nwi. ano 50tii st.?Day and Evoulng? Jerusalem and I ne CrucPUlon. NaSIUTTAN Butru?8?Fin nf London. Masoni.- TiMii.h-10 a. m. to lOp. m.?Art Exhibition. 8T. gi oki,i s -Nero, or Tho Fall af Ro-ia Pica Beach Palace?8 to7-5worU Coaieat. TEiiaAOk G via.i v s?oivera. Wau At k's- -j aad B:18-Pnneo Me!husalctn. 41H ATS. AM) lilTH-eT.?Ulttvsliurg. 3i\ocx io QUtifrtio.mcnte. l's rs. Col. I Page. Col. A'-inteireot*. ll ? Miscellaneous.10 6-U Ari* 6 Minmai In><irntiirii'.i 5 6 "h*?l.i rsa)i(i Vrokt-rs M 5 New 1'ii'illeatioi.. 6 1-2 lluaineea ('tin pre._ 5 6 Ocean **:enm?rt. S 6 Iv ot me** Nonce. f> 1 R.viirot :-. 6 l-l l o.awi.e:.h:; Not ct 9 C. lim Ilium*._ 9 1 Ins..nv Renard .. 9 3! Religion* Not lacs_ fi ti l'i?i*:ei.o Nplic*a_ X C. .'..-on-s ami F, its...... 0 1 9 6-ii Kpfciki r?oTio*s._ 7 ll Fmaie.iai.... H 6 (i aituatnin* Wanton... H l-l I'elp VV anti l. 9 li ts_. 9 ..* F'-tel*. '.) 1 p.e?oris. 9 8-3 Ir?T-nriioi.. a _.$ 1 escher*. 8 ft klairiairesaie.i l.eestbs 7 b Ti.e'fui!. 9 j-Jnainros Xotucs. OPFICR I* CltV! rt'ltK In tireat Variety, 'nannfacturedoy T. 0. HkUEVY. lil Fulton-*t.. sew.Y..rt Desks. Li bra rv Table*, .te. TRIBUNE TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. t year. 6 moa S ?? ?* . Pule, 7 dara a week , . . , 88 60 84 75 fl 60 { rallv. without Sunday .... 7 BO 8 75 2 on bund iv Tribune.200 100 50i Wseklv Tr hune.1 00 - - I Semi Weekly Tribune. COO - - Bi ? :t bv postal Order, E-prc-aa Order, Check. Draft or gag ?terr 1 Lei ter. cs.-h er Postal Ncr, If sent In an unregistered letter, will bo at oivnc'a risk. Alain office of Tl..* Tribune. 154 Nasssu-st,. New-York. Address all correspondence simplv " Tho Tribune," Jv'tw Yoik. BRANCH OFFICER OF TTTF. T1-IB*'N*5. Advertisement* for publication In The Trlbun*, and erder* fur regular delivery or tho dally parer, will bt rec ved at the following hraach oifiee* in New-Yerk: Branch Of, e. 1,888 Bsitdway. 9 a m. to 9 p m. No. p".i Broadway, beiwoen 22d and 23d sta-, BB o f, at Na 308 Weat __ i-s-., 10 t ia lo 8 p. n. No. Wi .--ava., near 37th il- 10 a m. to 4 p m. No. 1.0U7 3d-ave.. near OOth-iu, 10 a m. to 8 p. m. Nu lei) Etti l*. _-._. i..__ ja _vt., 10 a Bb vo ? :3I p. nv Union Srjusre. No. 153 tth-ttrt , oointi ot li'.hit 100 West i2J-?t.. near oui ava 1.708 lt'.-ave. No. 1.0 Laat 125th-tt, open until 7 .30 a m. IN OTHER CITIES. Wishlncton-1,3-2 F-st Lond.n-JO Bedford-it. Straw! l\t fe^Nk Dailt. ilrilmttfi FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY SATURDAY, AUOUST 4. 1888. TEN PAGES. J HE NEWS THIS MORSISG. f uv ? Auguatia Dilly's Comedy Company l)rilliiini ju rliiruiiiiice of "The Tatting of liv Shrew"' nt Stratford =5_. M. Goblet, tho j l'n Mt-li Minister of Foreign AtiYiiis, review-, I ai-tiuii with r'-liii'iict! to Uti i>-ossossion of i limporor William lm.s deolded to i koop Ute Mausoleum iii CharlottenblUg open to iblie. = Destructive forest files BIB ra pi ni; io C:*i;;*i!:i. ________imai damage to erops in France li reported 'ii.e sinkers of Paris had au encounter arith the police. 1 Viiji.i-s ? Beth branches in session. -.-Tho ] Si utile: Lively sj-x-cdu-s WON in nie bj MaeuM. Edmunds um! GeMMB OB Mr. Cnllom'S resolution in_rructiii<* the Iiiterstate Coninioreo Committco IO b-TootifOtc Um rclalious between Canadian and I'niKil Sinlcs railroad lines; Mr. Edmunds seven ly arraigned tho Democrat i,- .vu mi ni st rat ion for its j puli'-v af d!M-;imiiiat n^ii.ainst Amcne tn lutero t-.. ? r 'Hu* House: An aini'iidnient to the General Deficiency bill to poy tiie cia ms of araij volume*.* ; was ruled out of order; the clauses of the biU j .elating to the Trench Spoliation Claims were de- j bated, Hasan. Loni*, Dingley and Rayner .peaking * iu lavur ot tlicir payment, lind Mx. Burnes op jo-jnn it. Domes! ic. ?General Harrison received about three thousand visitors. ______= Dr. Pepper decided to visit (..' nerul Sheridan; tho General seemed 80 he ns vv. ll as usual, r, .. Gaudaur nnd McKay I i coi ..i-r inui lianna in a double sculling .act? on S-uiito.;;i Lake. : : : The crew of a yacht on 1 Michigan Boated on itu- capsized boat all : in a slorm. ???_-. Several records were. brohea la tbs reeoa aa the last dav af ihe Grand ('ii* ur, Cleveland. ? \ Tko Suuv at Standing Koch showed bo sign of yielding. City and Bul urban.-?A In :*i a clothing factory Building back of tha Pecphi's Theatre burned to and soffooated Bfteea men, wobbob and .hil iiit'i who employed there; gnat numbers of tithers were injured mon- of leos i rionsly. =_-=_-_ Matthew Byrnea, a love-olch Iriahman, lamped ir .m tha Bridge, sustaining bbyon but not fatal inlurir-. - .- The Brooklyn Baseball Club was i'iiI by the Si. Lmis nine; the sour-* at the md o( len lasing! was 7 to ti.??: William J. Kimptoa ami lis family mi-.-iiif* from Brooklyn siaee July*-] ; it is not known whether they azo drowned er have run away. ,,.**, , An exciting ?-? ne al tba Larry btqueeO; Um eaaa iMMlpoaed. Stocks dull, with small lluctuatiuiis, closing Bg \\'. lither.-Indications for to-dny: Fa;r, folio wad i>y threataalag weather and ruin: sliahi. )y wiirni'-r. T.-ni|*-ra1 iii- yesterday: Hillie-!, >s degreca; lowest, ii ! a-rerage, 771---. I'nton* hanni/tomi jor thc trason, and ftnm trarellere, cnn hare The Daily Tribunf. BkBl'M Ul thoth, POf_xfA ', far '-,!> cents per month, the MddrtU humf OkMMgod os often aa desired. Thf. Daily Triihne mil \s Mal to any address tv Bwrtypi at $1 .">0 per mmitlt, which includoj thc ocean postage. Mr. CiiMoni's losf.liitions calling for an in ?finir.y into tlie B|tgrB8sh?8 of the fonadiao i.iilw.'ivs liiivc bf*Aii passed by tho Renate in a ^lla!.?'? lh:U Btt_kea them more coinpiehensivo than was at lirst int-ltied, 'i'iie reasons for th ix ad imi have been repeatedly set forth in The Tiiifini:. It is. indited, time thal -OmB (hiag was done to check the diveisitn of our . "ciiii'-ice fron its natural and legitimate ihan i ? ??. ? ? Thc new Aqueduct Commissioners did soiiie thiBg Which the piidlic will crdially BpvroTB tvhen they decided vest ei day lint to bold part ? f theil scs-injis biiiind closed doora. Bow4o f"ie exei iniv s'-:.,iniis hav PTBOOdod the pub? lic inc- UflgBi Bad only so much of the proceed? ings of the funner hits been niven out Bl li was thought the public Ottght to know. Of eonrao, tho pnblii has the ri^ht to know all that its ic|." * in i'> 'lame: bul the titrbt ha> not always beta insisted on. Tho men bow in thargo of the A<)uoduct recogni/e thia light) and have takOB the |i< pei COUTM in deriding to hold all their mill (Bil vvith open doora. - ? The oxpeiieiiro of the la!i **t jumper from th" Bridge .ought to discourage this method <>f ug notoriety. The man l.yrnes. whn climbed on the cable and got a fall of HU) hae made the leageet {amp of all those Who have clayed tho feat, and be has also had the narrowest Bstape. M<* will probably re? cover from the ef!ii:ts of his ph.agc, and in tho process of doing so he will have ample oppor? tunity to reflect upon the vanities and follies of life. It ha.s xeenied for some time a.s though the Bridge-jumping craze had died out. It is to be hoped that Uyrnes's effort will not rev. vive i'. _ How the work of organizing Repoblieaa flubs in this State is advancing is described in aim!her column. It is an BMOUragiag record. Over OOO clubs are now oigani/.'d and in full working order, and the list will _oon e nib rai n 1,000. The officers of the State League, whoso recent convention at Saratoga gave the club movement I remarkable stimulus, are doing til! Ifl Iheir power to make Ihe work of tbe clubs pi:utic.l and educational. The inlluejico whieh tho clubs will exert on velors BBB hardly be overestimated. Yesterday's Uro in aorewdod Bowan work sh' p was tho most tragical that New-_ oik has known for a long period. The full number ol victims cannot yet be counted, but that Bl least iifteen nelsons were roasted to death in Ibo burning building is a sufiiciently melancholy record. Some of thoso who got out wno badly 1 nued, and the fatal list may yet bc consider? ably lengthened. Tho origin of the lire i-* obscure, but tho flames Knead through tho building with great rapidity, although they wn,* quickly extinguished when the firemen got to work on them. The occupants of Un? building do not seem to havo realized their peril. Had they promptly made their escape, probably all would bave been saved. Some w< ra not quick to grasp th** .situation. Bad others lingered in the hope of wiving some of their meagre possessions. Tho building was badly constructed and was hemmed in by the surrounding buildings. The fire-escape at om end of it had been taken down from ihe four upper .lories a few weeks ago because n inicr lered with tho light! It is not certain that this cen tri vance would have prevented the toil of life, but it doubtless would have diminished it. and the porBOB responsible for the blander of removing the lire-escape should bo held to a strict accountability, THE JBIBB DABATB. The exciting debates in the House of Com? mons thia week have left Ministers in a sorry plight. Tho Parnell Commission bill has been carried without modification, but only after an arbitrary application of lin* closure and with steadily diminishing majorities. On Thursday night the normal Government majority of SM) ran down to 48 against an amendment for a discretionary use of the closure rule by the chairman; then dropped to S. against a prop? osition to investigate tho circumstances of the original publication of the charges against th.* Irish members in "The London Times"; and finally dwindled to 16 against a mo!ion di? recting the Commission to begin its work hy Inquiring into and reporting Upon the au? thenticity of tho letters claimed to be forgeries. These votes show that the Government were barely able to whip in their own supporters for the passage of the measure. Ministers w re (( nvictcd, moreover, of bad faith in illppieas ing important words in tho original text, and in gradually converting what was vouched for ns a scheme of impartial justice into a measure distinctly hostile to the Irish members and dis? advantageous to them in many respects. The enforcement of the closure in theso circuin? stances was alike arbitrary and unjust. Min? isters have reason to look hack with mingled feelings of shame and dismay upon the dis? creditable scenes of tho week's debate. In its general beatings this discussion has disclosed tho shallowness and dishoaeaty ol Unionist methods of dealing with Ireland. Home Bolo has been opposed ob the broad ground that Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom, and that its representatives, having all the rights and privileges of Imperial legislators, havo no reason to complain if they aro not allowed to establish a separate Parlia? ment in Dublin. Throughout the long con? troversy it has been asserted on the Unionist side that the island had its fair share of reine sentation (based on population) in ihe Imperial Parliament, and that the Irish members wero justly dealt with and not exposed to hostile discrimination. The logic of this contention [ has been that neither tho island nor its con | fitittitional representatives were deprived of their rights at Westminster, and consequently 1 that there was no injusiice involved in the re fasal of the English members to sanction a i second Parliament and thereby to promote separatist tendencies and disunion. The force of this well-worn argumei.t i.s seriously im? paired by this rancorous delate and the hostile legislation which gave rise to it. The Irish ' members were entitled to an Impartia] investi? gation of the charges made against them. They should have been allowed to debate the meas? ure clause by clause. Their rights ai members of the Imperial Parliament should have been respected and protected. Tho investigation should not have been directed in a spirit hostile to them and markedly favorable to their ac ! eusors. They should have had fair play. This they have not had. They have had no voice in Biraagiag the details or in limiting the scope of thc investigation. 'The jury of three judges i has been formed without their consent. They were gag_:_d and silenced by a premature en? forcement of closure. The proceedings have vitiated the Unionist claim that Ireland and its representatives are not discriminated against at Westminster. Then there is another and equally Impressive moral to be drawn from theso scenes of recrim? ination and evil passion. The Unionist allies have Utterly failed to reconcile Ireland ami its representatives to the existing system. No ! progress has been Blade since the defeat of the Home Bole measure, poi- two yean, it* is Hue. the proceedin'.* of Parliament have been more decorous, ohsiruction tactics have (eased, there have been few outbreaks from the Irish benches, and English legislation has proceeded without serious interruption. There were, sur? face indications of an Improvement in the. re? lations of the Knglish and the Irish. Put no dependence was to be placed on these evi? dences, since the conditions of the Liberal alliance with the Parnellites Imposed self restraint upon the Irish party. At last under the pressure of this debate the Irish natu.e is stirred to its depths. Thc Parnellites are again defiant, passionate and resentful. Their leader with a face livid with anger alternately re? proaches Ministers for their breaches of faith and denounces the English majority for their rancorous hootility to everything that li deai to the hearts of Irishmen. Xever in the palmiest days of Obstruction has the conflict seemed so utterly irreconcilable as it does this week. Two years'of Coercion under Unionist auspices have only served to embitter ihe Irish nature and to widen tho bleach Between hos? tile races. No real progress toward reconcilia? tion has beeg made: nene will be possible until Mr. Gladstone returns tn power. HIE MAIR I**UE. The Democrata are amusing and deceiving themselves with vain hope. It delights them ko imagine that the presentation of a Tariff bill by the Republicans of the Senate will radi? cally change the issue. The anxiety of the entire Democratic party to gel away from Ihe ll luis it-'if Biade i.s biok thoroughly comic than anything i? "Pock.*1 There mi and ia danger that for some minds the issue mighl le obscured or ooofnsod Put every day of delay and discussion fixes more clearly in the minds nf voters the main point upon which the cam? paign will turn, and while Senators an- making up their minds what they would do if they had the power the vi tels Who have the power aro '?very day making up tiu-ir minds which way they will vow Nothing that can possildy be done in Con? gress, or out of it, can chango the main (SBoe upon which the Democratic party has appealed to the country* Free trade in wool aad nearly .oo arti, les now dutia'de; reduction of duties ou wiKilleu goods from 88 i" IO pee eent, though wages paid in the woollen maiiiifacturo lil this o entry an* 66 POT COBl higlicc than tho wage, paid ;n the woollen manufacture iii Great Britain, und 1 DO peg OOUl higher than in Germany; this is tl,.- radical proposition which has arrested public attention, and OB which lhere is going to be a verdict The Dem will bud that tlu-.v haw got to justify this pu position, BO inaner wha' every hotly else proposes, or they will in- defeated. Every a; templ by them to dodge disoussioB of the Issue on which th'* President himself staled his future in his message, ami ( n which the Demo oratic party in Congn i and in National Con? vention baa staked Ita fortunes, will be rightly regarded by the r ? | le bbs -iff wrong a ii *f defeat Whatever else th-" Senate may do. wisely or unwisely, it is oertain to meei this proposi? tion with uncompromising resistance Hut if the Benet* ihould adopt every other line ol the Mills lill, as it will But, the main [sBIM would -til! he ju.) what ;li<- i'lc-id'iri made it ?whether free trade in and duties that will not protect [gr woollens, ihould lu* sub? stituted for cxisi.?.g duties, ga tin- beginning of a general tai ill revision in tin same Pice Trade direction. Or if the Senate should propose anything else, or nothing else, lin- main iaSUB in the minds of Voters would still be the lame, I eoause this ia bo simple lind direct tiiat it will he generally understood. The question may ihen be asked what good the Senators can SOCOmplish bj formulating their idea about what they would do if they could do anything. Tm; Tkhh.-m; does not imagine that they cm do any good. Bul som- Senators do, and it is th: ir righi and duty t<? BOi upon their own convictions. The one thing certain is that they cannot change the [asiM before tho people if they would; tha* issue the Pro and hi- party bave made Even if iii1, Pri -idem and every Democrat in Ihe connlry. being at Iii-' convinced that def'-at would follow a<! herence to their deliberate proposal, should now attempt to back out of the position taken, and to persuade the people thal they did not mean lt. and would never propose any such thing again, the issue would still remain just the same, for ihe people would rightly believe that ile- laity had neither changed its convictions BOr its pin pi s.s. A great many other features of the Mills bill are important Many others will be very eiTective in certain localities, where the condi? tion of particular industriei la well anders!.1. Hut the character ol' ihe proposed tariff as a Whole is determined, fir nine-tenths of the Voters, by the one (bange which lin President himself selected, a-- th" best illustration "t his free-trade tinm-ies fo- the popular comprehen? sion. If th's.- theories are right then free trade in wool and duties for revenue inly on woollens ought to be adopted at once, because according to the President's theory, tin- peopli pay a heavier tax to domestic g.owora of wool and manufacturers i ( woollens than to those Interested in any other branch of industry. Also, if his the >riei are wiling, if duties <h? not. enhance domestic products ti) th** full extent of thi se duties, as the President a?serts; if. in fact, wool and woollens ar" cheaper for con? sumers now than they would be with free trade in Wool and a revenue duty OB woollens, then the Democratic proposition is outrageously hurtful to home Industry, contrary t<> the Ui t< re.ts and welfare of tia- people, and essen) iai ly disloyal in tendency, because caleula! d to benefit other nat;: og at tho e..i_.ii>e of the United States. GERM ASS AM) TREE TS A DB. Sanguine Demooratio managers are reported a.s consoling themselves with the reflection that German gains will be an offset foi- Irish looses ??! tlie Tariff Issue. They readily concede that England's advocacy of tim Democratic party will alienate thousands "f Irish votes in ibis and o;her States] bm. they assume to be looking foi- a si,lid German vote mi behalf of revenue reform. What grounds they have for expecting free-trade accessions fiom thal quarter we cannot understand. Germans ara familiar with tho recent fiscal history of ihe Fatherland. The experience of Prince Bis? marck with each of the rival economic systems is fresh in their memories, and will teni! to make them Protectionists rather than Free Traders. When the Empire waa established ii"- Chancellor, acting upon the advice ,,f v;1. tional Liberal leaders, adopted a tariff of ihe I'.nglish patten. He tried the sys.em and WU no! satisfied vv'th the losults. His chief rea? son for aband'.ning free trade and reverting to protection waa clearly stated in n s|>--'*.-h delivered in tie- Reich tag on May ll, 1882, lnni which an extract is appended: d ii - luceesi ei th" i i. - ail .-tie.* ?, in material develop* neat is ih. m-a-t Ula trlous nf modern times. The American Nation haa aol only successfully boras ami - Ilpili'-.-"il Hie tun-! | ai,!., and e v ii'-li-iv (.' um- nf all history, tun immediately afterward it disbanded ll ai ruy. found employment lur all its soldlera ami marines, paid off mos) ol Itt debt, gave labu- and homes to all Hie unemployed nf I mee.* i> .ts they could arrive within lu territory, and atlll ly a system nf taxation sn Indirect a- nol t'i in- perceived, mueh li Mt Because ll ls bi: it liberate Judgment thal iii" prosperity nf America la due in its ayatem nf pro t.-'Tve ism, I urge thal Germany has now reaehe i Heit point where lt ii necessary in Imi la's iho ta.-ifi ?ys tfin nf tim Halted B This wa, tlc deliberate judgment of the leading German statesman, the greatest man in Europe, respecting the benefits of the Ani' i can protective system. Bo favorably Impressed waa ho with the advantages of protection that he discarded th" traditions of the Engli h school ami Introduced a moderal ily high ta B ni Germany! ami he baa never perceived any nason fm- regie,ting that course. Under pro? tection the quantity and quality of German manufactures have steadily increased, trade has improved, wages hiive risen and the con? dition of tho working classes hus been bet? tered. Secretary Bayard's free-trade Consuls an* not likely t" show favoritism ior the pro? tective system; hence, th'* following testimony from James II. Smith, Consul at Mayence, is particularly valuable as the word ol an unwill? ing witness: Germany i, appa tl] i* I lng ut prs -nt trom hat protective policy. Tbe country leenia to be in favor nf ii,? experiment, othi .,i! i a ,t have adherents eaioagfa i*i ii.- Releh 'a: m carry i* forwent . . . ; ? balanee nf tra ls was ] - a l ?'? aaoj ap lo ir-)?_?, hm alaee Ihen it haa li ? lined te ln\ or tba Empire. tn 1878 ths Import of Germany amounted to #-?_?! i ;?_*. ooo at.'i itu* axpori - teg aa ooe,ooo, while in ison thia iel vm. 8700,002,1 ",i io 8730.835 in> i, Inclusive nf !*,' i-: molal-, ihowlng b decided reversal af ti..* a of ti i spire, ll ua%l be als-. home lu ailed lhal prleea bavs been decllalng forsoBBl al the aid ratei tha Ignrea would bs gu ater. Thi* cautious bul emphatic statement from one of Mr. Bayard's official . who loiOWl bow gladly the Deportment would ri mony of aa i ppoaite tenor, proves thal Germany's experience under protection baa been f?v< able. Prince Bisi.k's judgment in aban? doning inc trade baa been vindicated. The fr'-e-trade tl.oor! -? steadily lost ground in I iio rathe! land since lie , m. -. |nd Bles were adopted. Tiie utility of protecUon is now generally recognised lhere. What rea* son, then, is then- for thinking Mia! GemMM iu America will supp.ut President Cleveland f n ii free-trade platform ? ls it not nar- likoly that ihey will be Influenced, as a body of roten, bj Prince Biaa-Bioh'i own ggtta_ate of | the advantages of protection ia thc United states gad by tho practical experience of both counfries? ______^_____-_mm___m__. A RR IS I) IROM THE RURNISG, We ure Indebted to "The New-York World"' for the most sheering pases of InlaUigsaes which H has ever ben our privilege to quote from timi. kittish contemporary, gt tho Bare sit sarvioe, ob i inn-day evening, Ib the om John Street Church, tha venerable Mr. Harrison, otherwise known as the boy pa cacher, gwde tin.-, remarkable anaouaoe nii-i't : i Hms : The n'l ? *: - -.UtOI Ol a* treat Nev. lot* imiH-r s ul fr me. !!!? paper ia i. great political power. !!?? rulea lari's ii ii:- ii. Hr rulea -tau-ft* n. He ibm : "brother H ii,on. prey (Orme. Brother Harri on. preach i" ma Brother liairlsoa, help me. Brother llairison, 1 need jrour prayers. Brother nani o, i need |-our omach lng. brother Harrison, i n*-- 1 your prayers." Oh, brothren, it vva- in the mlddls >t tha day. Tlilnit In ii.*- iniilil! ? nr ,i.- day, and thal ka-'-it editor -iii fm mel aii.i ti' t Icgrapli l ?-,- wut-, bringing lu their ne- lagas, -oat the reporters were u'rltliiK and ti"* politician! nail tha itatoamen ? -niluk In and going out, ii' ?' me I j,, ti,.* iamb! Ami l talked "-n minutes, i ? ai i'i ntio ni tl,a pspeni navs lt diui't iln ti, p I,.*., 1, I..II lu these iln*. s. Bul I bsd only a abort time in preach and i pivaehci bell le that editor, .vin!, glory i" Oodl i believe i did him cowl niorvl llorj : Hall dulah i halleluiah I Thc significance Of this striking narrative lies In tin- identification of the loat sheep now* happily lubmissivi to Brothel Harrison's crook: nnd there is no mnniier of doubt that Larry Godkin, who BBS long cultivated new ? I, v |i s of wickedness in the Second Ward to be [un imo practical operation in the oflice of "Tbs Evening IVs!'' Deni.;, is the one. To be sure, the preacher's description of the despotic sway which Larry nntl his paper exercise over Ibo minds and heart-, of men ls Just a tiifle overdone; bnt tb-s s_ay ba explained aa the sap position that, he took Larry's word for it. Such a wilful deception wouldn't ordinarily be thought io lit, in wiih the mood of it convicted sinner, but ?any man la liable to be taken BBptivs without a moment's notice by a eoageaital weakness. More? over, it* is pii-sibi'* that I-irry s-? 111 lur Brothel UarriAOB in gat trivial interest, or to discuss some unessential virtue, and then, catching himself |fl thc utterance of prodigious whoppers about his circulation and Influence and tha Identity of the - statesmen* who were going book and forth be* tvveeii the copy-books ami the composing room, wns suddenly overwhebned, like Suul of Tarsus, aud cried out lo be saved. However ihi! may be. Lirry is the man. It should not be rashly assumed that Georgi Jones is tm! in a dreadful si ute, if he only knew it, or thal '-veli be is HT'-v oeiibly fust, Imt the incident* bo vividly tl* i nf el iiineif'stly toole place in ito* offloe of aa evening newspaper. For obvious rea -niis it, could ii"i have beea "Tie- Mail and Ex? press" ?? Ihe World"1 is not, un uriniittiral parent, thal it should expos'- the acezeta af its offapring; and "ll,* Evening Sun" weald never have sne rifleed the ehaaea of printing exclusively tba most Important nowa ol the day. There is only one conclusion possible. Larry is the man nt whom Brother Harrison preached sheol for ten mlnutea In tbe heat of tbe day. We have the preacher's uss,iran'" thal he did him good. But what if he hhould Buffel another of those shocking relapses which it has been the mournful function of thc alethometer to record from tims to time? The doctrine ot tba peraeveranee of tba saints is n**i gererally held now by thaolo especially in large eitlea, and it la a dreadful thing to backslide, Lum'i temptations during the earn ai ? going tn be enou_h to appal the most, imil i il convert, aad at moat Larry caa only have pis! gol bis chin over the edge of the pit. To Ins faltering faith it, doubtless seems like nothing un,I-, ihi!ii a respite, but if lt should turn out to be B n-seue, we will put lirother Harrisou on TliF, Tumi m; free list, for the rest, of his life. A SHORT SE RM OS. Many Clergyman are fond of preaching politi? cal sermons during the c-ampalgn. A contributor (rein the wild West -ends the following, winch 8kl just about Baited lur thu lirst Saturday in August: The nords of our test this morning will be found In the first Chapter, gfth verse, uf the gospel according tu the Apfi.tle U'-orge: We aro coufrotitcd with the Democratic party, very hungry, and a. you may ???'?ll bellevs, very thirsty ; ii party without a tingle ,i"iiuire principle; a party . dil tine I National pollcj a mi h ll la -ii present ru tha country; a part) which fell irom power us a conspiracy -gainst human rights, and uow attempt a to inesita back io power aa s conspire ? l-lnii *-.- snd sp,iib. I * !,. my iii iuds, wai ? '** arords ut tered by Bt Georgs ? i ? nm rabis ? ?*?? ssioa r ? i. t a lew short veins ago, He had iivel long, his experience a*, ht- hud oloeely watched ths course ol Ihat arch-enemy of humanity, the DetaooratM peat] ami these were his words, uttered In hla wisdom. M_tk i,.'tn: "Very hungry, at.d as you maj esU believe.,. \,-i*> thirsty : a par y whieh loll (rom i*-.w-i aa ??*. run ?piracy BgeiBSt li mian light-. " ian 9411. t i_lti^ bu clearer 1 Caa anything eontala mai. truth 1 t'au anything be more precious to as, as wordi of ^uliiancs, nf warning against the wrong, than those uttered ty 1;. ?? in hla itrength I Hy fie mi-, if wi i-n'iM -inp ben ail would b. well. I,ut vu* caniiut. Ii we could simply be guided by fg precept we could think ol bim with nothing bul j tonsure; imt ala-,: we mus: be also warned by hi* terrible fate. Von all knew the later life ol Oeorga how afire writing these beautiful word! le- instil,* of a fe'w months lol neg t h.* very party he had warned aa against lie went down late lae valley, in the ihadow ol ih"'liny in Read, where ihe hungry aad tiiirsty gentlemen sra camped, ami entered Into their teats and sat down at their fr .is; of the Thin Soup nf Plea Trade. Civil Bervlce Beform Pie wai also oa ibo Mil ef fare, bul tie-- head waiter, u hii? mau who wore a white apron made ont oi Ihe maintop sall of a whaling -lip, laid th">" vreie all nut of lt. Itu! they bronchi Oeorga a little fricasseed crow and a dried turkey bur. /aid with tia* feather! on, snd la- aald never mimi atiiiiit the pie, *? l'le,-' sal 1 George, rs he took a mouth? ful of the large wing feathers ol the buzsard, "pie 1. v salty ami vt-Natliiii nf spirit" Mj Meads, than is s terriba. bul valuable moral In the eareer of St George. Amati nature wnli a reasonably long 1 e-aei; a man who, despite the shstna and artlflccs ol lim Democratic party, taw through t hom and tni-e away tha ams! and il ?? I thal ll wai rlthoul 1 ilegla definite principle/ who, notwlth-tsndng wha! it protested, boldly snd iruthfully declared thai it "was wlthoul anv dUtlncl National policy winch lt oi present 1.. the country"; a man with aueh good Judgmenl a .; clear Insight a. this?end then deUberal ly lo wail, ia snd embrace 1 iii-- very patty : v. a spectacle, my friends! si Oral a pattern ?" Imitate, then an example to d ti 1 1 v -t there 1- ao gussUonlng this oven by the most rampant sceptic. it cannoi be *-a:,i that n \_ .dial, atranga aa lt 1-. Il happened lo otu own nm"-it i-. happening yet, 1 may say. Ha wrote "it BOW alien.pis tn .-?:?*,il; ba ii lu pOWOr,11 Snd then v\.-nt nut inui kelped ll mesh a tba Demoemtla party weaned rn-ut through the darkness whieh ll liaiuially loves and Which hoVOM mer ll, as lt thus sneaked towan) power, 1.rge -tool behind Um knee and kamped over aud leek nbeoivattona, aad mid lt the most at.proved way-. Of intaking, and whistled le 11 ami t:avn it waining if bo keerd a Btraags dog bark, ami 111M it arhan ta try a sew tack, when to Us linn 11 and snake iise;if aieng on ps stessaeh, when le find ip and run. When lo lind inver, ami when in sol, Ide and stop breathing. After the party pit iel. t.. power Oeorga aUfl stayed arith 11 ami an* -enraged lt; and if there wera hov mn Bids aoeaks lee WSal nut cnil tool his |a, ' i.!ai - - ,.,1 when lhere v. as any .lu.1 A. t I now H..,' party ls tiylag to aaahe anethar sn *i, whem do * ? i lal (toorpa -' ai*1 . uii nut in u,-. leaiiing the forlornest weah thal aver 1 awled hand and knaea I ii" hti.ry ol Georgs, sad - ll ls, is neverthele a ls in a . si d i p-?-itally lo our young men ll abo* - na th *'*.- * .-,*-, (with I of ihe Democratic puny. Vou ; man, 1 in i- I fa'" ol Georgi 1 .i..*i ebal lu aald, and then rem imbi r thal he tell I Tl aliitebee are upon him?ko alal nd deeper rn ii- mire! Gaea he was fan- ai Ibe beautiful mow, bul bow ba I-. a Kino, rat. Mum the 1" puta | weald a laure fftA tree with tai, in in boughs a:.,i a boa eoastrtotei wouad aroatad tba trunk Do aot 1 lin ii yon caa trifle with lt d?i aol think you ? ioi i"- a Magwnmp ami uni faii vtthfa its balafnl mil a nc". The yotmg mau Who cats ilnink and n* Urea lav the night in n?. gutter end wha paae tata ail kinda "'. di I'-piitaiiie Bompaay BhouM beware; ?n> is toytag along tin* brink ol iha Deaaaeretlc party Bad .11.ill,cr h:,p mon* ant |,? phmgBB lulu the b toa : Se can art draak nml ft ami tu s My lu HM gutter and SSOgps the -Democratic. barty, but ho i_k<-_ tearful chance*. Ile la literally Inviting lt to rinse, aciund him niel ov- 9M-*BB 1dm. Il" I; preparing film-self for lt. Th. usual rom - I win';, bad company, the saloon, whiskey, fllaiopatshls asuoclales, nights of ill- IpattoB, Iha i-uti'-r, Ike kftofe Jail and Um DSB_08ralll party. Bal ia not think that lids ls the only way. MM Wanting from QOSPgO. n<> paaaad thioagh none of this! '";i '"? fril was created a little lower than Die angela, bat ?lnce tictirztt got Intfi Iho Democratic party be would g|vs *lo to be able ter tea an angul With B toleeesfl a calibre Uki the new BgBOdaOt ll Vi a,e iS8_pled i ; ? mtier (toorpa bet that be your, watch nord ' Ketnember Uenrge:*' Inacrlbe lt yu your banners - "Remember Oeerps I" ?omaa_ker Oeerpa I?aaa band ad Wit! lbs men who conspired against human rlghtu, and helping them In tholr efforts to sneak back to Let ns cfhso b" singing that beautiful hymn * | a!ng: mVm on the height, where all l? light, Tho Democrat! they howl below I" A few days uso we called attention to fin* fact that the court.. In UaagBObBM tts hud decided that the expenses incurred by the Aldermen of Hoston on Decoration Day and another holiday were not properly chargeable to lin* public ac? count, and we BXneeSSad a proper tm-ed of sympa? thy for thc Hostun Alderman in this th" hour of bis humiliation. Mayor Hewitt has just refused to allow our own Cily Fat bern to draw on tlc Controller for $140 expenses, In connection with the funeral of Mr. Dorsh" mer. The blow is all the more cutting, because lie odds that there was certainly no reason why the Aldermen " could not attend the funeral, hs the Mayor did, with? out any expense to the city.'1 We hope that tba Aldermen of this town will muk", g teat case und carry the matter to the courts. There is little doubt that the decision won ld bo Hie seme here as in Boston. Such a decision would be iv whole? some thing. Let, us have the test, case by all mans. Shall the Aldermen poy for their own gloves ond carriages, or must the city foot the bill? .-m What has become of the Nuvnl Reserve bill that was admitted bp Congress to be of so much im? portance ? It is in no sense a party or a cami al B measure, but has met arith geBOral Indorsement and cannot be construed Into I subsidy qmslion. The only escape of the r*:'ior men from thn lnw must now rer,t on Hs repeal, and the* will Undoubtedly look to tbo election of i Democratic Legislature to secure tha.?(New-Yerk Evening Post . nat is the plain truth respecting New-.Ter-ey temperance legislation, Tbs raloon-keopera and the Liquor-dealers will east, Hie full weight of their influence with the Democracy, and against tbs Republican party. Our neighbor, as soon ns a specific ease arises, admits that the BepubUcan party, unlike tba Democracy?which never was known to vote against whiskey?is not a liquor parly, but favors practical tempemnoc legislation. How dlahoneat, then, have been its frantic outcries ui(ainst Republicanism as the cause of free whiskey and ihe saloon! Yes, that Lick telescope must be a mest, power? ful instrument. Bat the man is badly mistaken who imaginee that by summoning it to his iis-:v'. ance he will be able to see lin* difference between Cleveland-Mills tarifl reform and free trade. ? Mr. Hill can be re-elected Governor, so " The Lyons Press'' thinks, " in spite of any and every boodle combination that can possibly bo made.'' Well, what David doesn't know about boodle combinaiions docs not full within the range of contemporary human InteliigfUOn For pa tieulara see the testimony taken liv the Aqueduct Iuvesti Kating Committee. If tin* November election was to be decided by boodle combinations, Hill would obviously be a strong candidate. But since it is not to be so decided, his prospects are discourag? ing. _ An Indiana bard has been nsiailfng General Harrison w.ih a parody ol" Wolfe's " Hot a Drum was Heard.*1 We may add that, it looks very much at this writing as though when the campaiiiu is finished Grover Cleveland, lute of Buffalo, Will ll" like a wa-nor taking his rest Willi a ted bandanna round hun. A shrewd observer, writing in one of the newest magazines, says that '" the dog will probably tie a man before auy other utiimal is." This is inter? esting, if true, and the development of the dos will be watched with interest. But observers of the evolution or men and beasts ought not to over? look that peculiar product of tho uuimal creation which first made its appeurance, so far as known, ia ihe summer of 1 e-*4. Wc allude to that sin? gular object, the Mugwump, Tha opportnn th -. for studying the nature and habits of this crea? ture are becoming extremely limited, and tbey should be improved to tin- utmost. It is a well known lad that he?or lt?is rapidly disappear? ing: that is to ny, lt?or he?is being absorbed hy? the Democratic party, whose digestion seems lo know uo limits. The Mugwump will speedily be nothing more than a historic memory, and while a lew still remain la a tadpole state they may well oe acutely observed. Tiie world will not soon look upon their like again. Did you ever ? Did you ever know of a person devoted to tree whiskey leave the Democracy and join the Republican party on that account. Did you ever know of _*, person devoted to th** protec? tion ot ftmtltlran industries leave the Republican party anti join the Democracy on thal aceount? Wha! has become of the Hon. Roswell P. Flow? er's political ambition',' Hus he no longer any desire to get the nomination for Governor'. It* seems baldly erodible that he has declared so em? phatically in favor of Mr. Hill as is reported. But that is much mon* easily to be believed than the mik that he may be Induced to aooept the aominn lion for Lieutenant-Goveri-or. What ! will he take now what he rejected with scorn and con? tumely tillie years ago;' We scarcely fancy that his purty will give lum tin* opportunity io put it in a hole again, although it managed to crawl out in 18r!5 with the aid of Jones. What, by tin* v.iiv, has happened to Jones's own gent lo boom for tbe nomination for Governor. Will lt turn on! ihat he addressed all those county fuirs in vain . ? --? How the Democratic leaders must sigh for a niau of the character and Influence ol' the Rev. Dr. Storrs to pay tl." exalted tribute t" the earner of the Democracy which be paye to tie- earner of tin- Republican partv. Democrats wiil aearch ni vain for such a eulogist. The trouble is thai the Democratic party bas a career which appean to the best advantage when ii does not appear at all. We nie glad lo observe i ii it C(i[":-i,'!-r Myers says lim! the reappointment of JohB C. Sheehan as secretary of the reorganized Aqueduct Commission is only temporary. Mr. Mv rs is righi in thinking that the appointiu<-nt of tins officer should uot !>?* uiiide hastily, but with careful deliberation, I ont aaerating anything against Mr. Sheehan's capa? bility, it may ba said that tbe public <io ni I for his retention fur any great length ?t lila appointment In the fin! place wna purely polit? ical; ba was appointed from Buffalo beeau I brother was a leading Demo lo the Aai ? That Ifl not anffleieal reason foi ? ? ag him. Polities should henceforth ht ol theAqac duct _auiun;enK'nt in large :. | |q .niall. 1'ERSOSAL. Mr. ani Mia. John Koland have been reeenth f Bath Beaeh. Hr. (toed cu Mun.lay celebrated kia I.lill, th birthday Biinlvemaiy, and s saal Io ibo i mau lu the theatrical profession. Mr. Andrew Lang ls -said lo -.pend four hours a day ut "pille literal liri*,'' ami to wilie m\ art tics a ptmpu fm ? ?Uni London Dally gows," two annies ami two reviews for ??The Saturday Review," aud two humor in^ ifcotchea for "The si James'a uasette." Km- his work for lin- three Journal* named bo la said to it ii iv- 115,000 a year. Mrs. Die Hull mid her daughter are spend ng tim uummi-r In Norway. Ichabod! The Walch Do* nf tl..* Tren-my |fl | ami geing down tin* ned With a tin BBB lied In klfl tall. Mark what a brick an old fr "nd shh-, ai bimi ii N "'tne i\_nsas City Time;," that*, ? ?j || ls Holman, md Hill Holman, Bolman, nf indiana, or Mimili ii sp-alts -llrt |, |?.|,i pp* __jp nils Penn. emile journal, ?? as aaa nf iin- apoa:al weam dan "f tl,,- ii.-uMiiy, an anti monopuli.t ami a goat rr tm .uer. when all ol theie vtrtuoa art), willi him, honored more lu the broach than lu lbs observance. Ile la nuiu rfonsly small and unfair. He, does weil enouirh to Bgure aa a Bcarecrow to new membera i s tons, bat tim i- who know him test rate h rn in the utistl measure whlcli he d "i. Holman' A ami hil practin- sn dlfferenl commo>ditln." y,,,* and brethren I <<o tol Can sn-h thlna b? ? u'hy thal I- us bal as tho stanch Democratic ori-an t* ak fi ed io call drover Cleveland a "parnell il Htate** mut ? Mr. Frederic Harrison, Hie fircat Hl^h Pr|e,t p* thM tu pel secoiditis: ia Aagaata (tauts, io-;., un- typtsal lexpfl Kngllsliinan ; vi univ, reddy std direct; % g-nileinau farmer, rather than a phil i- ?*a<j author. THE TALE OE HIE BAB, In a trashy novel bow having b eoBsfdenMa **le tb Ibis country, a wedding li the iamily ot an I duke i? mado ta tako placo In the parlor of the duke'* london hou.e, *? the hour of j in the aft-rnoon. Ol course every waUdBB-fiaed person lcm vs that a marriage In high life In LaadN fl BM tata place In a church, ami that it weet ba aotoa steed beisn ISe'ceesfc Rut probalily the people who read ttl book BOB*! 'aro fnr such little ennis a, ttS8B ?'(.i::<-rai .lari?,on geln' to receive 'lim' -Maine at Pew-York,* mutti ed an old tangled Demo? crat, reading tta aecounta of the preparation* i Maine parone. "i vm,,. i troted lor Olneral Jackson and i ? ? -il to wm a straight Dlmmycral if t * . ? rea one." Tta old nnUemaa was very much relieved to learn tba Jackson sManl of mon reeenl oi stn and oe relaUre nf Andy.?{Minneapolis 'lui,,. An Kutti-h paper d'clares that Amartoaa rrlMes sm taaktag in aaenneaa and persptoactty. if iii* writer would eon..' ever and Baton ta tim newsboy* BB Hie City Hail Kquaic (ilsoii :s Bg Ita BBS points nh "dei GisntS," he would lind good rt ... liv statement. Too Orthodox.- Mother [after ehureh) What a good old soul tho h'-v. Dr. QoodnMM i*. ii thew ever was a nain! on earl', he ls eoe, Daueliter Vee-., numma; bal did roo nctic?> j,ow awfully bbl iron a*a bag ai the knei i , -ch. s? i a boonbal ana "t ? * ? t] i "Hr. Ctoeetond mode a lucky hit low ?-ears BgO and Rot to ilr I on if. Now he I, Irv inj to pia!.,- SSCOWd, Nil ta Wffl l:<*vep get then; lbs RspabBoaa leM ia loo itroag for him." *? Why," ;. -l,. a Democratic orcan, " are t asea lower l,-i Protected I * ian In Free . rade a question more ta the poini ls, *? Why a much higher In Protected tmeriee than In fc-ree F.ngtoridt" Ifarriaon i-- nol running for l ? ' I i.u ,, roc of Germany (Nor io d Reiald. Pelltlelans am *tin anabla ta solve tta prison qm-j tion, ba ariUimetloiaas may Bod tho toll ? Intrants le: Al u a'etocl aiornlaa a c.,uv let bki april Boto - ' "ire*. and af 1 In tho a.'lern.-cn Ita Wa-dn BtSltSd in hot penult, gaining three mil*-- per baas upon the (ugfUvO. At S-ldnlghl the \*jr.I,ii m.t an express, travelling ": tbe aasse rate a. himself, who reported that he had nacl the escaped eonvlel at iwen ty lour minutes to IO thai evening, i tie Warden aa once leena ed hla apeed three miles per bo'ir. a? wha! bc ir on Tuesday did he overtake tta convict, who_o rate of travelling had been uniform tonghi out.' A Bebrasl t fa is unearthed rim skeleton ot a woman ? t-ri,t foci high. Some poor cavo-dwellee had to tra! around mighty lively between the eood* i ih" pump, ana don't jo,i forget lt.?{Burling ton l roe i'i A young miss of this elty wno recently began tho study nf geography In a private school Mas a-k--'i by her fatlmr what she knew a'l-iit New-fork Kay, ??oh. i don't koon anything al ml that," wn ibd laply, ?? but I ran t-l! von all ai- ii '-. .mitN'.'V's OOXPLAINT. Our preacher -ays- an' eoui a '??? 't ri-^.-.t? lt- ve 11 ? gb, (So motin i'. ta .. Bbc roch d me In my Utile cr bj '1 hat'l U ll-' I C-l'l I l'l-t Ulai' I -? * I u hy in '. ? i run Along like sixty when 1*'- said ?? Bal one *rord rn m and I have nen**'. Wtn'ti first I heard bim sav those words They mad ? me glad, for I. you Wa- tired, for hall hour - Enough for little I nie; Hut grai ie?i*s I I wa , iiirprtsed To lind he'd onlv Ju il I When pausing for s i reatl "Hui oil'.- word more and I have done.* l wonder a hi I I ?'' think ff I -Should -ay. wi,en m bli home I'd sup. "Ju-t one i-ii::.i mora and i ! ive dom*." rtan i blt ?? - all upi I guess iie'ti a-., i . ant, I'd hav* to -av I w;:-, lt f.:n Just like he i.i t-t ti-- viii'-n be -.. "Bul one word man end I bavi done." v -(Wade Whip] le .il --ri. \ We don't hear anything .-tte,,nt the talh - af the country orgaatelag a elotbea trust On the contrary; they are trying to smash the.* cloth's trust which tiieio customers have organised. At tho sca.-ide. Casual eequalntancea cuter InK conversation: ?? what !-. your business, tf I may ?? i'm a magaslne editor"' i ecupatlon which musi have "ian* chane ng features. What part of ll do you lita bestl"* (Wearily) "Getting away." -(Burlington ."ree i'rc-_ An AagaatB, Haine, boy brought ih'* family uibl-i with him to a circus wi ic'i waa exhlbtUng in tho town, in ord'-r to provo thal ufg rnougH to i*ii iii at half priee. A picnic pany of thirteen o.f *t grove ly an -,- div. The ar? ima., in pursuing the pi i I fata between the rai!-, of a lance and ? ed ta ii'-..ih_ Thirteen i rovi . ma bull- (Norriatoam Herald. DEMOCRACY MEASS IEEE TRADE. if i believed lor 'me moment thai ll was for tba pnMie good, would plo!!.-*.' tbe general welton, ta maintain a tystem nf protect I, a ii. order thal manu lecturing Interests mlgul bo fo * ed, tta people em-t ployed, labor rewarded, ami ibo general wella cured, I ?o*iM no! hen and now lift my vo i favor nf a measure looking to Ihe reduction "f a duty and n lessening of tho tribute* of the ts (Mr. ''aruth. Dem., Kentucky, Tarifl debate, >: iy B_ Briefly, the Kentucky Congressman don aol he* lieve ju Protection, end coneequently Bupporta the Mills bill This is the stand taken bj t' <? Demo? cratic Bepmeatativn in Con.ress. ii.*v aw against Protection. This can only Imply that they are in favor ol' Frc ? Trade. lt seems to me that human Ingenuity cannot devin a aystera ol taxation more unjust, unreasonable, mt fair ami unrighteou. (than th*- \ ? tailffi. lu view of lin - 1 in-i-l i artiest ly to every t ooo ih'.s ti ior ? I the faintest conception of just:,-,- to lend ' - ibis hill, thal aeeM In ume mea least te lifo from the bowed doe n ? bin - dem that have been laid upon them, who! we de* iiiaml ls fu* Inalienable righi -fi > fhaa markel when om mone) will bring tl quantity of ihe necessaries ol bf'-: and thal a a veiy late, lingering and wizen d p - ? rn ol poor 'mn .ii.iy whose soul doea i* -t go oui to ?? iN-opio who at ? making i. moi ? strenuous efl secure this on,. Mgl *f every freeman. (Mr ii ni? hill. Idem., -stiiith Carolina, Tarli! debate, April -??? A Demo, rai ic law-maker who denounen this protective tarifl aa " unjust, unreasonable, un? fair mid unrighteous" cannot !?? anything bal N Kn-.* Trader. This Mr. Bern phi ll d m m expliete terms, repeating aline .st word for word iin I dent's own formula in the moana _ - l nen. in "flee io r. move any possible doubt respecting bis inv? ition. In* demands, in tbe preeiM Bmnner ol Calhoun himself, as nn ina! enable right, the privi? lege of buying in tbe eheapea! mark i. Th-d la Free Trade pan and simple. '? Oh, im : ii.e tarifl ri -!" W 0. 90Mt* ner well Ulustratet the Inconsistency ut i - claim, and I will slam tte laboring man'a Intern) sud the employer's In) ?:?? iii ii certain .euso ami i ?? laborer '?* - nt recoil lng bb lu. h whito the employer would in*" to have wa.-*-** low; ? : ir v. ants to pareta e the pn '**P **" . . Hera we hai when sioux cniiics un all n . pn* in mata everyih ",.? lovely, i * ihe lah<*rlng man he says: ** 1 will mata your wa -what . i you Boluc t,, ti,. \ ih me " naya ihe manufselurer. - i>o not tear," .pl.' -; M will - !",r ii." ?? What ' exel tims I ' ibor ng mail. ? aragea lon i Whj \ motin nu!." my wa^.-*. hlih." -' V " man, *? I am nm going to actually make wages i"-' ' nt 1 will III ike tV' pi ; b s product high, m.*! tl il alli have ft *? same lord. Dem ! vt*. April 9?? I' Sunn Lg Fm 'liel* of the Ameriean eolleges. n i natara! torn Pno-Trade Pungi tai man to nowt the professst'i argnmenta and phrasra la order to boi Mids bill. Mr. Randall, If the A ?''*? '" band t*_* inoriiln-K I ? '' irn d ? ?? teal Ihe fo- ? trade i prop -ii tm,, some nf Hiern Involvln ***_ I'cneiii.i t .* public i " ej , In ? '????.-J wiih the re n. II*; has. si'l-mulv asserted. Inirlinieil with il "' ' dent Cleveland to overl md even woe e? tn hla side tsovernor Hill, ol Nen ? - ? *,?" friend ?f Mr. Cleveland i'm f ?? Homorraue i do* terence ha.1 resulted In la i ttei defrat, au I n ?; n,"_ teen lhal the i irt) hw reaolved to toponrl ths re ilurtlon ut tariff This i* inwd n'?* f'"' " ,' ,', '?.' it ?.,-.,., a** lu*-: . Pd * Mo ? ;iei!i Ihaf, lt ls l ?',, vil pollcj which will b" of _? *-.:i value to a.. .iiatiou*. (London Bi ho, Jaauail 9 Thc London press BnoWl what lt whon ii im, ip:, ts th.- DoBMoratk palmy aa tai eli tag au approach to Trot Trade aa I I -itagaa to tba awterial intareata of Oieal Britaia As tbs Bepablicaa f-latform sta! -?: "Thai aa?ra Hu* int. rests ?l liar,.pe; MB Will MPpOTt thc iu. tere.ts of America.*