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-IT SHAKESPEARE'S SHRINE. MS- DALY'S COMPANY PLAYS AT STRATFORD A BRILLIANT rEKfOBMANCK OF* "TnE TAMING OF TUE SIiaEW" AT THE MEMORIAL TYlEe ATS E. HIT CAB!., to thu tbibpwb.] Ceppriglit. 1SH8 Bu Tht Item York Tribune. ? rm f.)i.i-n;?'t:-A von, Aug. 3?Augustin Daly'i Comely OoSBBSUqi hflg just made another brillianl sucm*, civing " I he Taming of the Shrew" at tht Shakespeare Memorial Theatre for thc benctlt ol mst mn ion. Mr. Daly riimc here from Lon? don yesterday, with his dramatic company nnd arM| the essential scenery, on his way to Scotland. Thc unnounccment of the American comedian! btaagbl a crowd of visitors from llirmimrhani, l.-amington, Kenilworth und all the | towns and hamlets of lovely Warwickshire. Tht hoiei.s are full. The st recta t.-.m with straggler* This t-owu has not been so mueh excited or so ?Bf over any theatrical event since Miss Marv ? noa came tata to aol" Beaaliad* in August, 'lin* weather, which for several weeks had tn-,ia cold and wot, cl-.ang.-tl two daya ago, and i-ioming we had blue skies und glorious sun -. with a cnol, bracing, fragrant air. Mr. Haly and his company aro lodged at the famotn Red Horse Inn and nt the old and picturesque Bbakaapsaga. AU day the actors have paraded tba town and visited the ShakSBpcanM shrines. Thia morn-iu they were entertained by Mr. Edgar i tones al h garden gailf in the beautiful house grenada of dvanhaah. next la the hallowed i birch of the poet's pru ve. A prettier scene could 1*1 easily Ih- flflflftfled Brigid Igfllea were all ahonl the sumpiunus lawn. whUfl the Avon, flowing ? wettly at ita foot, wits merry with sparkling antila and flashing boats. Af the Memorial Theatre the scene to-night was delightfally animated, and surely no American visil.T eOttld have vu-vved it without a leeiing of tola] pride. The bean waa arowded Tb profit to thc Memorial azoeeda $500. which is an excellent return for a quiet country place. Miss Ada Rehaa, arbon portrait is in nil the shop win? dows aad arbon name is on every iip, had a royal nalaaflBa, and by her mparb porforflnaoe of kathe.. deoarved n. Jins work bi).* greatly grows in ehametar und m brilliance af exj ?since U w;-s Im pBoaantod in New-York, and it now reveals a depth of feeling, an indomitable impulse of itiip-enious drama tin power, a subile haemiedga af haaaaa Balure, and a graceful con? trol alike of the resources ot npen and of kimulativc skill, which many jndgn ha.) hardly saspeeted to be within her reach. Thc old truth *,;;i* E itt as a dramatic poet affords to nea and women, who an able to act, such op? portunities as they can iiud flowhadM else for the ml fr. e expreaeiea of all thal is in than, is .non exemplified in this axtraoodinary buo llin Behan v*a> repeal idly called out, and v\,i.s showered with rosea. John Drew repented Manly, dashing and human penonatioa of l'etrucliio. lt is a dil:,ate and tbooooahly rational piece of art, showing wiih admirable fe? licity the sound, chivalrous, lovable nut ure of thc man through In mask of bolateroua and ag grcsaivs demeanor. Fm him abo ii.-* applause was eopd .tia and enthosiastle. Mrs. Gilbert was speedily seen to ba a Cnvoriti hen. and the poblie enjoyment of the droll humor of Jamn Lewis louii.J bequenl ex press! ea in breegy langhter nnd aaapbatk plandlta Tbe Btratfnd public haa al* ways turned om i.e-tt.T for a Bhaknpeanaa play than tm any oih;-r. aud it shows it-ell a good judge of a Shakeepear an performanoe. No point, however delicate, paaaed unnoticed. Charles Fisher, George Clarice, "Williuai Gilbert, Joseph -ri. Charles Leeiereq, Frederick Bond, Otho Skinner, phoebe BnaaeiU and Liizie s*. Quentin La I each a marked welcome. The corni dy waa mounted, dre seed and acted in the nine thorough aud delightful m;iuucr that bas cn.limul Loudon lor tiie last two munt hs, mid li is fl lt and (belan d on every hand that itt eOBBiag i -to act lur tba benefit ai th ? Memorial Mr. Dilly has aecenpllflliad a generous pur? pose in ii rai st liberal und graceful way. Aumng Uu spectators to flight flton S.r a. Lord Ronald Gomea*, Justin; lieCarthy, Jennie June and npeenntfltlvn of al Londoa and New-York papen, Every aBB-fltian thai friendship and hospitality could ii shawn to the Amnienn eone* il.aa.s. Min Au.v R. hun and Mr. and M..-. Daly were entertnined at dinner bu! evening at Clop tun by Sir Arthur Hodgson, the Mayor ol Stale fotd, and ta day they have beea entertained noi only by Mr. Flower, but by the Kev. li. B, Laffan, at the- Guild Chapel Behool Mr Da aeoorlrd by Richard Savage, a anted local _nt: yuari.iii, Las also visited VTinoote, four miles irom here, bo view -the natani Beena of tbe induction to "The threw." The hall, though much altered, th- heath and tbe raina of Marian Ila' kcii's aic-i: mn an found than, and tb" ancient records of Quinton and Gilford "jive many names aaed by .Shakespeare, in this nnd ott.'T plays. Siraiiord and .ts neighborhood were known, a-s only a resident af tha region could i know them, to the author of " Tba Shrew." j MkeapoflMfl waa long a resident; Baeon aever. :..,-? should be interesting ta the Donnelly j lunatics .ls well as to Sb*a-tnpeare scholara Mr. Dai.v ami ii.-s aaaoeiatn have found nany friends le re and they Will leave a pleasant mem? ory. This is the lirst time that a company of American actors bas visit ed Bhahnapean'a town t.. jn-rfurm in it, and this fact, together with toe iiriii-U'-- and public-spn-it. *d object of the visit, b (ii)sf.-rvi-d arith peenliar pleasun bp the tn ii.iiiitiiiits intereated in the hallowed shrinn und tie- immortal m'-mory of the great poet. As B pasHag gilt, Mr. Daly has pgessatsd to tbs linn ariel ? fall length portrait ot Mba Ada Behan as gal btu ina, ia a nellly carved frame af a lids work hangs now in thc* picture room, and is a magnilicent- feature. A line portrait of Miss Behan also now adorns the irving parlor of tbs Bed Hors'-. On Pain I da J ihe American comedians leave hr for Scotland. W ? Wi ___-????-? A WBOCBSRWVL DASCISG VARTY. The annual BehBiiBj'11*1 8BS*tag party, ut th<- li'- i Bluewsbwy, aen Baabrigta whtah tosh atoea n W-dne*. Oaf aleta "as e.iu.cly aucctwi/'il- Thu dlnliii; i-xni wai beautifully d-,orof:d. l'rofea-or -.upln'a or ,i,.-ra f ural shed iht flBasto James G Blaine, p., ; th.: taeeptiaa Oemmlttoa, Wa ssmrHisa arete H. V- Vl.ltct, (ieorsn- is. McKibbin, Ii A. Kclieri-ierhoru uni John A. Howland. Thc PtoBS CleflBWlllll am as tottows: Thouin ii Tarey, a. s. geek, Daria Baraaa, . ? Una, jr., and Otto Xiiuhic Many of the lodtofl tram handsomely gBeSSSl Ml* B?SSBja B WcKit.biii wire white China aili, and whito la'-e ; Mm P-SBBSBt, wlilte brocade willi Bald trliiiin::,-,-* ; MIm Coudie Cornish, while lace; Mr*. Jame* li. lilaine, jr.. pstot J Ku__lan net; Mra. t- C. ClayUiu, while tu!-; Mlaa hiia-oa, white aailn and Ute; Mra. Fisher, white Chine tiik and while doitod lace i Mis. Lima, Helli hiue -silk j and lace; lim Ja-ae? C. GUdwlu, whii* India aila anti lace; Miaa BBotOUtfO, wl-.K: lace with a piui* bodice; MlM vi.e..'1, BSSSm '?-!.' i Mis? Connie PlBMr, ? wQlt" BBBB -?'??? Ml * fihakanst. ahMB lace; Mrs. i: yoeeiay Hall, atolls lani lin ar-altoe htanton, j black iai*, red _;, in;* .Ml?? Hurje, white lare ; Mra. li. bonid. wail, lace vi.'.u nasal velvet trim- * ?BBBfa Ain.,i)? Bl ')? ?'idlie, jr., Mr. aod, Mm. Walf-r BtanBHh B Cm?_, Ilr. Vi A. Hume, Mrs. | ll. II. J. l'.i -in. Mr. V-i-i .'I'n.--.i Ut r, Mn ij IS. HollliiMhe**!, Davis gaiaaa CU lou buuth, Mr. and M ra? il. K Kl__ey and L. BT. ciumiilon. -m WBBABBMBBt of miss carrie cullom. 6pi.ngfleld, 111., Aug a.?The engagement ls an pouitetnl ut Miss Carrie Cullom. the vonagest iaaajkln I J of the ttcnator, to l;obeil QaaBBfl Harlie, thc portrait ; artist, of New-York- The wedding ia to take ilace the j latter pan of ctot+r or the first of November, at ! ? the Hr>t Froatryt-riau i burch ol hprliiglieia. LABOB1SU WITH IHAT LETIRB OF ACCEPTASCE. Fiom The Boaton Fo?l The l'residenl'a idler of aecoi)taiice has not been rom pleted, and nana M BBS party lt-ddem hav* aueii '-vei. the roujrii draft of it. borun ot them have urgrd Hi** BBB-B* deni u> iMUu lt at once, bul he has lnil-uaied lhal be goes aol think Bum in kuy special h?V BanflBl ol ihe leaders ol the party, anions ihem Mr. Carllaie, have re? cently expr?fd the opinion thai Mi CtoaatoB-1 will unt ?how bia letter io any one ouulde of hu Cablnei until ii l? made public. None of them havo been conan, ed about lt, exeept In uta aeaae tba; th'y have talked over erith the rreaident the general party policy, lt la tx pectcd that tho l'rtaldent will follow tho linen of U* December mewiage and declare tor a reduction of the revenue*, t., tko ti-tuni nccaMltles of thc OenflBBBB-B, , with du* n.gar.1 to ,(,.- Imereate af American labor. CHIEF JUSTICE FULLER IN NEW-YORR. Hilef Jiuiirft Melville Weston Fuller ls a guest at the Fifth Avenue Beard, but will start for his home In Chicago today, to lemaln until September when ka will po BB VaBhtBgtea la take his oath of office. Mr. Fuller bas been In Washington tor icveral dsytv tnahlng arrangements for living there permanently Ho ls a small, well dressoU man writ-h face and bead disproportionately large for bia body. His closely cut bair pi almost snow white, and so ls his rurllng white mustache. Until within a year or io he wa* anus tomed to wear bis hair in long locks reaching to hU coat collar. He w-ill be the flrst Chief Justice of the L'jilted states to wear a mustache. Just ss Mr. Cleve? land ls the lirst President who has worn merely a mustache. Mr. Fuller appears to bo a man of flno fibre and great intellectuality. Hu manners an ptoaalag ami his motions arc nervously active, in which, as well an In stature, he closely resemble* e_ President Andrew 1). White, of Cornell Unlver-lty. Mr Fu!er said yesteida.v that lt was not his Intention to make any court appointments until after he hail been sworn In st Washington. This que-iflon was ashed bim: "What are Mr Cleveland's prospects In your part of the country I" His answer was prompt and emphatic, wi,lie kl. face became Illuminated with a smile. Ho sal.; *' Fine I Very line ! But rou know I don't want to tall< politics.*? Ju*,tlce Fuller ls accompanied by his wife, and among o'hers who paid ihelr respects to^hlra yester? day wSs I. M. weston, of Michigan, to whom he ls distantly related. Mr. Weston, in talking of his rela? tive, said: " Mr. Fuller ls an able lawyer. I have occasion to kuow that to my cost. The amount of cash 1 paid for my knowledge was fr,,ooo. He was t!:e opposing lawyer In a suit In which our bank was one of Hie parties. We thought we had a dead sure tMnp and 1 laughed at him before we went Into court. He didn't even give m a chance to put a WltaBM '*' tba itaad, hut went to work with that brain of his and licked ur so bally tha' in- didn't know whether we had been afoot or ahorseback.** -? ACIORS. MANAGERS ASD PLAYWRIGHTS. A statement published yesterday to the effect that the aiav Theatre would be again named Wallark's i.s entirely without foundation. When th-* report was mentioned to Theodora Una lil*- (crs? and characteristic comment was ? What rot i" Lester Wallaek has not I h.-id any Interest in the stir for a considerable time, ( and the leas.- lt to Ttaodere Moss unly. Colonel Mcfaull returned lo this city yesterday from Battl-BOn, where he liad been spending a fsw days with his foully. None ol Miss Ada Rehan's family tn this country las heard anylhln In confirmation of the report In a Lendes pa]*-!- shoal h-r engagement to the son af a wealthy baronet, although they havo recently bad Idlers from her. vneghtgn is going to paint an cntlr**- set of -scenery for Keene's pnMntattan of Richard III. The redcenrat'ions and alterations af the Tijou are b*!ng ru;.iil'v poohed forward. This house will when reepencil hav.* an auditorium much improved lu b'-iiuy and comfort. William (Jllletle has. It ls reported, written a novel M I * 1! as a play entitled " A Lecal Wreck." The ; I'lay win l-o seen at the Mad son Square Theatre on : Aligns! 14. Langtry (s reported as having Intimated that the oamlBg Boaaoa may be her lust upon the stage. ?She has made a considerable fortune and Invest ad her Beninga wisely. ShonM she surry frederich uebhard, a- ll Understood to be her Intentltit! a s!,*ll lip In a position to d'* io, abe might perhap- ra? il:.* ttOU theatrical life. The rumor that sh** wanted to pentan tta lean af the (.rand opera noun was, of Boom, absolutely groundless. An arrangement was completed JOBI Ol da J whereby t! e Amerteaa tour of -..gnoi Belvia! win be conducted nuder ih* management of A. M. Palmer. Ihe visit, | '? winch wa- originally intended for the present reason, ?ii detorred uutil 1880-00, at whick lime Mr. Patmei vin ie ohh* (., pteseot tht greai tiagrd;an at Wallack's Theatre, probably In the neall of October, before his slock company begin Us rei.": lar roar's work. Signor san itu w||] li- Beea In all his mo-i celebrated lin personations, and Mr. Palmor new eootonp'-atn a pr-e diictiuii ol "Sanson," which i- one ol Balvtui i % ? creations, bu: wined he playd her- univ a !,?? during his first Beesoa, a.* t!:e j.iav w-s Ineffective without special annoy. BTealay bv-som win bat active management of the four lor Mr. Palmer. Ii has been mated hy A <>?:?? ant n.-nja mu. Hiller, nf th" Actors' Fund, Ital iii* ii'lav in tog the lindy nf Bartley nsipWI ls Plttabeia nt I a BBta-BdasoBsadtag BMsa "f UM naaM Bf the Bxprss. puny fey wliich it Ital _r*.-n shipped. A et.tripally "f SStorsd vocaliKle, under th<* man igeireiit of i hai i-s li. Matth. .., .if Henry K. Aita- - .Ima-?-. Sk .Sn,i'll, sui ? d far Jsn.alra en Thursday M th Alhns. Mr. Snath wen-, tie* perty. tal Mr. Matthews ? 1 ken and will have charm, nf Mrs !' The esBBgaey win. u Mceessfal, t** away twa yean an'l pl iy at all thc nhl I i-:nrijs in the Caiittheaa ft".-- Tiie principal* an* Leela E_ Baawo, baritoas; Ja-^ph (.. I ress, ha.-*--.: vv;ii B Ptorae, t**nor uni Mis- Mathilda Jl ie*-, pt.ian d**!ii.a. Miss is naid t.i have ? r. voles, and lia* lu ..-a called " Bm sal ? duties Frnhman la BSpsetn tn arrive fn-m San Fran? cis, e. t.i-raa-T'iw or Munday. Ile bttoga willi bin tke isaaiBtlBlpt of a play by Betsy B., th*. cl--ver critic nf - Tu ? I IfllBHai " WltoBfl Le vick wili probably be In the cant of ' I Ileriic" The regular monthly meeting of th" trustees of the Aston l-\i:id wa- bSld "0 Thursday. BeSM pa tem "f ?'"-l- ; neut seton toeledtofl aaa eif genostj tran received fr*,m Gabriel Harri-on, and an oil painting of ChSriettl I Bat man from Mr. Morgan, tho VStoMO BaOBla of lii"**n lyn. Wauch- Marsden v. Iii ls Hspottog th" will of her unfnr tin. ii-' .'"r,Fred M.i:i*'deii,l_ reported lo be trying to ta:n a llvtof at playwrii GILBERT AND SULLI TAS'S NEW OPERA. TO HE PKODUCI-i- AT TIIF CASINO PnOBABI.Y I.V , I niui.'iph Ar one a, Benaan of thc Casino, nee yesterday a lony Bohle dispatch fruin I Albert v,im is in i.ciKinii Biraagglag tor ii"- pnaueUan iii ii.:*- country of GUtarl and sullivan's Im M opt * Mr. Aroaaea was not pu pend to mata Ita '-ont' fei? nt the dl-patch public till ti. day. but li wa. Ma that fl"- ope.ra l_ In two acts, thai tho cast I- 1 il min ii lunger than usual with these Writers, and thai i a large chorus ls also demanded. flftgeU v..ces are believed io be ncci!ad ihirly two of uh .ch w.U lu- BM I Th!- I- a gnato! aaashn than ordinarily required In , , comic opera and more than BM blttalio been em ployed oa tta Casino stage. , If ls said that tho schemo of th'." opera ls entirely , novel lu both c.mci .-.lion an-l ti'-aiiu- :r. ami that Ita , authors have at last gol away from theil mu well beaten path. October 22 wa_ af on tine- sol a Ihe dat-- of production lu i-ii^lar.d and her", but lt ls i now probable that th- ofier* will DO) bc .con before* , November, It _s believed ihat even now the Basie of Hie opera ho.- Ml leen ii-clded agaa, or Mia* il lt han ll ls still kept _.cr_i by Mc*.rs. UilLn'i? a-t-d hu ll! van. _ _ A CAPITAL ILLUStBATlOE From Ihe Pittsburg Chronicle. " Denial.' " fss, sire." . _ -I ns that Senator Ilairis, of Tennessee, waata another torn, evea after pro libing six years ago not h j tn lie a candidate for re "ia tlon." -l.-s, sir.-, he too baa sueeamhed to tta aunre m. i,I- ol power and lo tbe temptation to retaiu public ' (. plan* ,,?.?,: gained. The diseare is catch-* , - That will .io, !'ii,cl."' __-?? t.oIt' 1" SLBRT IS POLITICS from Ti..- i Mobbs 'j \n old Baa ? am" Into the Henani Boan rester v lav and handed bli ral.*"' the counter. "Mike .'?linen called a hov aini told tum to take the vail-S ? iud bring Ute ge nttoaaan a stael. The boy did as .n rected, and the oM man looked at thi brawl tag. - Von call that a check.'" be a*ked. - i hat's a hotel chock-for your baggage," Mr. f iTlrlct: aald , . -I wanl lt pu* When I am going to ilecp. '?That'll bc all right, sir. Vc will hav- lt ?ent up o your room. Plea.-.- resister." 'I am going to stay until after thc election. How ouch will ll be?" ___ .. , . , ??We wll! makp vou a rate that will be satiifactiu -. '* I am from the dee-irlct ihat ls represented In ' on- h gOM wi' a, mau named Jehu Laker. Ever bear of " oh. yes." " Ye*. Ho'* Uie man that beal Me rr!-.on two years ig... I reckon you heani leU ol Ulni-Morrlaon, I ueaji." " Well. I don't know as you know lt. but that rlet ls Democratic, and don't you forget lt. Tbev ac II of all sorts of thlnp down there for letting ebu Batar gm tn- Morrison said we went lo aloof on im and all of that. T'other day the ls nocnU Biel nd nominated a man lo run aclu Baker-lt wean*I 1 lorrlnou either. Well, ever Hine, my ole woman ar. bt-en kickln' me every night, savin : -Ja_p. ,,ni* te sleep aclu. Just ax you did oa Mr. Merrttion.' ain't bad no sb-ep except what I got out lu the Held nco iso I've made .up my mind not to n ti lo poll cs any more; not this vear. anywa-. Aad I've eotae ,, ) re to stop until fall, so as I eau go to stoop if I ant to md not have lt flung np lo me all the time ' a man can't go to ileep in pjlltica without hcann f lt all hl? life, It'a time for bim io ge' ani "how e the room and don't forget tho baggage.? ti. POPULAR OBSERVATIONS, THE ILLOiiKAL jiuun PARTY. ITS UBI INKKKI'IKNTV-FATAL, TO OU DUB rEMPXRAHOn WORK. ff tko B4it09 Of Tkt T r it, nne . Sir: I? the position of the Prohibition party ten? able! It ls a sepaiaflon of a minute fraction from the Republican party avowedly for the mother party's dentrttctloo. It weald have thi iieopln understand that lt bas been called of God to denounce a nttish Nation, and to deliver lt, uuder Divine guidance ( ') fruin a condition luto which Us pcopl** have always been sinking without eflort n bogs for beadon million. In thi? land of Chi Ml Isa law and order, three funihs members ol churches or afllllated therewith, all unconscious of their lost condition, save banty ?one per cent! A reversal of the ninety and nine parable; the one ls Baned and Hie multitude ls deemed, Perhaps ll wu refer io our national degradation of a century ago. when drunki'mie-,* bad we!! Bflgb blotted out all decency, honor and religion, and compare that condition with today's honorable temperance record. we may confront ihe Thud party with nnon which will show that Uie hope ol reform la not entirety with them. IhO awakening of 17s- tn thi Church han continued with varying Mrvsr. i_.e Mstlxaony ol Met! has always been for temperance, ard Its thous mile of (burches in America are active temperance ot caniza tlous and aggressive to overthrow the power of run The Prc_byterlan Church, from lt. earlleat e_tabll_b ment In thia country, has noted the sin of lntempcr ance and fought against lt. Dr. J'.enj.iintn Rush was of this body. The Rapt.sf churches represent a score Of honored names beaded by GoargB N. Briggs, a Pow am ol Mananhnipia. ail of wham distinguish*-i thenmelv-ea In ardent temperance work. Tlie Bap ? -tahll-hed the fli_t temperance newspaper and l-*'l the way to the foundation of the TSflnperaaOB Publication House. Tl,i*y were among the first ta pronounce for prohibition, and they originated Ita Washingtonian movement. The Be totaled Date] Church, for three eentariei an opponent of tli" drink evil, in this saaatrj kn always set her Infaann against it. The geelaty of Friends, In their yearly meeting In 1784, bore Msttmoay BgolBSt tho use of IntOfMBMag lu.1101-, and their " coiu-erii" BBS always been to teach a "better Bind." We -Bight go OB with _ho thirty fleets of Protestants In our country. Their Influence BgalBBt Inteinp-rance has lt.-ii leter woven In a harmony of action which ?.as wrought the prodigious Change of 100 year.. n must b-> remembered that thu is a morai anea Hon. and results are meshed through leaching and awain ned eooscteaen 1 ii-.- havoc of alcohol ls ?<*lf. tod '", and IhC remedy is a clear illustration of self denial uni revnldoa of keBng whicb mun i li. a>.? of tiie body politic bel evil can he i |- ls, therefore, a de? velopment of moral Ideas. This ls clearly .ecu In th" restlltl Of the ciirly temperance work. It was a ?I,-nt crystallised late effective temperance or- i have I Invariably been moral and hun .ino when effective. B ben moral Infineon has pei vaded the nm. Iff law? have followed. All ' i .ii tomperenn advocatn beBeve la prohlbl- : Mon; lor the liquor tra' , *l by Wll an,i love of -?. i. sad l I wlB ; need la the end to ei isl ? a by law, else the weak win tomver famish vtctima tor tke evil trade. We have >??(?;. that tha I kristian t'hinch bM neeptod ' her miss.ou and w,ought the temperance sentiment , temperas - lei ilatloa i> --ible. We come now tee tta Biganlratlon of tta Repub? lican porty, whoss birth In 1880 was precede,! by a Uta prei nil moral Intlui In tta Ck human slavery. . i anon of Mils porty wn marked by | aetleal tonperaen legislation, ai.,1 the party bn followed thi- up itu i'nion, Beeping h .il ol the morai tenUmonl "f Mm ! c-?. j -1 ? ?_, a, th<* failure tee ? fores temperance laws will >iiow has from the teal emhneed the ninety-nine per cent who are now .JOTSshea le? the one frisky tomb la tta Prohibition fol'l. Th" Republican party ha.s been bani af wotk peri temper aim Mg itotlon seamy, iii" Lord only knows how- to deal with Ula ?ller--<i elect v in accomplishing evli that good :. I refer io thi Bxpressed de ? ' th ? Prohi! : Democratic pol *: if i .in tball win in election and ? ihtent opposition to the anforeemeat ol prohibitory laws. The dntordly aplrit of the Third party ls -ti its ta:,ms ihat th- BepnhBi ia party advocates free rum because at tlc Sfstional ll '"ok the itaod nml I,'lum- tann ahoold be pm away, whth ?? has toag beea atfveeand i>y ail ilncere Chrl-tlan tomperenn winkers. I any ??v).o tony bs doubtful a. to the mls-lnp. of the Prohibition party to scan ii- anni:.aloin mah" up and Us methods The assumption of superior uti iii* t.-si ol common - li ' le .-'-ly in.v I V ii nan Sull i.,.*- is Iw! lied wltl . untied . ill. DUI en Of Pa' e rho are no longer useful or agree alo" to their brethren; who, lo sll i pur * ? ? ration. . politics ity, lo *;ie.ih charitably. i la-.-, v bleb, unhid f our ' I tl lens 1 , p, anal,- .tn ? t Ol r til I li ' * *-. * 'I Its OU I* wedded io a narrow rooccpilon aid Jealously main ? i ? . prli * ipi'-. I need di i to* ,,' all it'** temperance ve leavened tbe Nation with temperance sentlme ms of I.| ?? ance i id tho <.i 'i oi nana nen I- dead. -ive -.null ? nun power i.?. ..-. -i. i *??? Wm ' el I the ' Ifclo ll 'i::i-i ii il ? il** thai ii- faith In prayer tm- departed, an it i- lu lng in ihe memory of ll f it exists oolj a- a formalism, ii ls tied te, the m ll fi tbe lame at ring a tnperance Pt * eal lon House . - living temperance nt gsnizai. out-* le : ; ??? ni net] a..,| snd united it with fl high National principles so vital to mir ell hak-in. Ma-.s., July iii, 1888. JAMES V. Ai.MY. A5XIOU8 TO ! . iii: POLIi i. 1 Ol I I.. T a tht B Si tor ? ' '. i\ r t ribune. ?Mr: Why i- li ? ".-li policemen, a ? for bad behavior or crime, Invariably relnatated lo the courts with *. ii*: ? be ;*? i ? * "f suspension I censure the Commlsalonera for not pu'ii.-:.- a lo the brutality ami loafer-Ilka deportment of n many of then men, bnl when there a which, n would Boom, give -i ta tifi imitcei tenn '-t ol Irre ipe til -"fl . ot. i iiiifik ihe blame Bhoold reel when it betonn, and thal is wtth the people thea civ.-- vho penni! -ucl laws |Q e\l-t. As DOC Who I : OVCC Hie i part of gampe, I ean tint; . lar as my observation- have extended I think the [mllee of this city ate tLo iuo-i brutal specimens of !. ll kind I have ever ?eru. 1 thllth I wm.hi prefei lo fahe my flhancn under the iBtoBlgeol despotism if Boiepeea eapttaa* to being pineal at the rn A Bow-York's uniformed thugs, inpported a- l**iev ire In tla-ir deeds of violence hy tl .-uris if thc slate. In i it I ra * iii, i such an apathy aniotii: our ? ni- snbject. B e pera I lo b,- ia\ ? I ve.y of robbery ami of oar hirelings i think the timi i- ripe ? i sj -a-iieii ??:: ti ind tresl wnis pet rio tlc .in may bc found who will lake it lt band. JOSEPH BPF-E-Dw ERL Bee York, duly 24, i - A RISE Ili'sl! AMEBK AS. "o the F. tt i to r of i h r TriAmna, Slr: I ham ta I who are Englishmen ; ? i.a- beea n thia cou t.v levontai . jul in ? . Mn! I tie ' - ev-r sheet three yeera aga oed will be of age* emia-r i, l- - Nell ?-.-* of iliem eenaidend tta ?etti r * portnnn anti] I en meernlng the prlnetpln af * . ? md "' upholding tbe -.mi" In tha Interest ol nen In tl-'- coontr* Noe I "'li ol them d Imii' can become quail fled voters. I i . . A.v laiell AV. Ki: I .v.'-. Bea 1 ik, .'uiy 2: lt tlie penon Bnl deaciibed came ti I ountry wbea he ame aadn tka ag of eli ??ars iiiul 'iin p."-' timi i."i and tbs bel thal I has il td I" le f"T I ? ,if;\ Ii.-iie. ll .?it,-n viirs ol' I * deehan Us int* :i nii of bmsnlflg .1 citi/.en aini v. Lie other man mmti v-.nt uniil his tenn of ? >.-i*lenee m 'iii* cn,miry ia ii? i penn, aad thea ' he wns under slghtna yean an ins _rnvui ia ns country ha aaa be BBtanllsed witbont a _ reliiiiinur*. deolamtion of intention.?Ed _RR lliADF. BOI CBEOITABLI A.S A Till."KV A tkt Editor Of TA* tribune. blr: The SlalaaBSal I- BOB en tt| made that pa gidji graduates are rampant Fr. ?? I railers, bu' thaf few years of experience in actual bastBSM Hf- make em equally rainpint p.o'.-ct:otu-.t.- TBB uiay or H no: bfl true, fllftaagk 1 a.n Inclined to tniiik If Al any rste such ls the prevBlllag Ides, ani If 1 ,| this that leads people to aay: ? Free trade msy j cl !. ll bo all right In theory; lt may please tho college pn lessor; lt may be a beautiful ideal; but prac th- illy I- ineafltoto-U' fur ow Beads." Sash a concession i fi., .ai.:.t not to bs madei for If ll ls practically li sufficient it is not a flne theory and a beautiful ilea but a most ln,per,'**rf theory and a most ugly Ideal and the profe.sor of Political Economy wbo pretem! fe. Maab a lyflism n he mmeved from tha world ? to be Independent of all conditions, a system that wi apply ta all IB WU ll Me. la all times and under a circumstances, as the bul of Vruci u-te* titted all mn ?to the tortoni tilsi-omf.irt of tlc- i.i'-:;- :? nm MM Impraciical and visionary. Much a teacher h? lipped only th- froth of either- science or philosophy Wa might expect him to hav* the eu'taclty M Writ us out au Ideal constitution of these Fulled glam I ht I renton to say that the Articles of Confederatfoi I rope of .an! thou;!: they wero, wen* p* fiction Itself as BOmfMBd Wltb what this Ideal woul he when put In mette*. No: th"re are nei ld"i laws and no i i-ai eoDStituHona except those whir aie a natural growth avl are wilton, nm oo paul incut, but lu tba h'-ar*s of the people, and wrltle itara b--'ansi* they meei their needs. .un, Ma.v, .ii.!; _'.'. 1888. AL' KENTUCKY TIKI'.ii OP DEMOCRATIC Rf'I.E. T a I he E,l it or o / The Tribune. Slr: I bave ]''st returned from the State of Ker tucky, tbrongh which I BBSdC an extensive bantam tour, snd I assure you that onlv tbe biggest frau run prevent the Bepub] ran from carrying thl - r Ul over ard npeetally In ile -flOflfltalS retfoi there ls so much ' with the .yemocrac ant Ms distinguished statesmen like Tate, who stol 8.'i(X>,OiiO, thar lt ls a delight to see this btato esge to get Itself out of the ? Mil tola rut," ss Jud-e Fm ham In his letter to Proctor Knott called lt. Th tariff also has great weight, and In IauIsvIH promltent DSBBOCIOtl like II. O. Barrett, Warre Henderson, 1- Richardson, and Barney Roblnsor all |oans manufacturers, will vote for Hanisor Meeton, .ind Pnitectlnn. MrCrary and Blackbur carried tl..* StSta by 80,000, Procter Knott I, 10,000, and Mflaon Boltvn Incliner, an old < onfedet ate, by 1 I ooo. lt has now a delegation fl three Republican-; In CoBgress, an! had not been in tod, although defeated by Thooto, and Ashe Canto not nbtalaad by fraud tho 180 votes he wa 'lectcd by in the Louisville eli.'rici, the State wonk have ni. I. according to tba wUh of thi people, in .'ive Republl - 'his fraud the wi rsl Leglalaten a Stab ever had blessed the State with a session of liv* months, and Tat", tbs Tmiiinr, Indorsed li. th' which was wi ipted In Louisville, sfoli (CiOO.OOO and wenl to Canada. With a little en ihii-lam and the help nf some United state il tlie adjoin: ?: Stain, the Blue orts Will "I-- Its VOtC a cordi! .* to the prophecy 0 ti.*- greet Henry Cloy. A KENTUCKIAN. York, July _??, 1888. MR. BLAINE'S PAW IN THE CAMPAIGN. T o the E J i t ur af The Tribune. Slr: Mr. Blaine on bil roten home will receive thi cn-ate-f wetooma ever given to a great and prophets -man. whee i, loved by the aiaasn tor bia pr<> grew if ihe needs of a ooentrj of ilxty Btilltons of pi opie, ii- la no pfceyuM itatea man, trading In dreamy platitudes. Ile will demon .-nate tn the peopl . wagn under tha tooter lng of a protective tartS oaabM tho farmer to get double ita puce for kia Weat that free trade WOUM give him. For th- Industrial cia-s-s are the great So will r tta people that tta l sobdai Club and free boden bf Piwgtoid are jealou- of thc prosperity a-ni tnmendow itrktoa thia eonntry ii making by thi protoctlvs i) item, which oncouragea th' turing Intomta and I a great inventions ol machinery vv.- an- ina'.lr.^. Hr. Blain- win electrify pei pie that life la ti . **rry a-lmlni-tra ployinent and para' counlrj v* it lt Ita no duty on raw i ? ll orr ah f".-- Harriaoal Three e-ii-'-is for Blaine. HUG ESE BLOODOOOD BEF.l E. York, July 80, IS88L A POWERFUL CAMPAIGN ARGUMENT. To i h e Editor of TA* Tribune. Democrata another dose Iifte Hu one In today's l--me. **devolaod'l Record,** and there win b>* a pbeaonenal loereose In tbe new Mugwump party. Utera ts ? aarpriao tn store for the free troden next November, and Rhode i-dand wu hiv a hand In If. Hand- n and Morion's stars and Stripes I ; ......... tnt not a bandanna ls to tie seen. Providence, R. I.. Julv _:t, l ?--. W". Q. P. H01V WILL THE IRISH VOTEt THE QUESTION CONSIDERED BY AN IRISH LEAD EB. Mr PatrMB Ford In Tli" North American Rev lew. The iii.ii vote, as i- generally known, has been recently a solid phalanx and a cabled annex te tta Democratic pnrfv. the exceptional Iris!) Republican it, bo found h'-re and there only rhe more sharply de iioiiug tiif. rule, 'lill- maj not ta a t-a'.sa for con? gratulation, bot we sre now In th-: region of practical - and have to do wllh forts. That the elements ii ting tbe : .id on occasions fe.-i upon to cv jut-;-, tbomselrea dlstiwtlvely re? in '?- ament* calculated io aft- - ? them as mon of tin not unnatural. In this arc not iinjiKe other people. But ii hy the Jri^h vote should '-vcr have hen a solid vote, arid why it -lia,iel hove been so long heh! si i ",*:! asset o' tl ? Democratic porty, I- a deb If nor altogi-t hoi lot! - *l ioi in i rn ? Interesting chapter In a work devoted f" the curiosities of American polities. ai v political ja,-e in (his .-country which l- * l/.a! nr held Intact, on i racial or rallgioui ba un-Amerlean; ami any solid vote which ween trott ?iiiiancc ol ? plexlon I- Intoler ? nor a . Ians, It la fi nation, wit!. of o nation: and it : le lhal ail the el menu of our popule* lld i- speediiy aa elrcumstsncn xviii allow, distinct Ve America: ? .: unity doea not, nt eourse, Imply a re tn ut in all political view,. Dtfferaaoei fl,cr- wm l>* and musi I"-. Bul American elttzena ought to think ai.*! act in .1 is Americana, sod not as Irishmen, or llshmen. irishmen, ami tierma ll thej pul themselves for ward is such, ni'.-i be i ?-'iinieei a- tore . non ahoold bave noth ng to do with American alf sf i - Now. ii-i-h tmericans won aol jost to themselves did v ute. i :.*? mosl intense li American element of ihe population, they Buffered themselves t" appear In a semi allen character; loving liberty, tbey were made to asatinyt an attiti I .mit ? frlenda "f bnrnao freedom, - ri * ?? irishmen America became the troup, blind, *;r-*a_1fis- - porters of Drlttob fie.- -riid". whlcli laid the Industrie** ?; ram. a,':*! fore ci! ]. -r eblldts ? i I:,io these ii con ,<?--..* is a )g)aacc lo i, i -v management. With the progress of education ond In the liglif nf be knowledge of tbe facta here preaented i state ol solution Irish .merican* of l practical nog Inquiring. They to i?- -iii, aed bj talry tai-s: they ask what I lu* living las tM of ita lay, and tta mat. or th-- parr iel t es to frighten ili**tn alto tta ghost si *:i Insults tbelr Intelligence and will I. um raeeln their contempt iii'* ts-iie of to-day ls ta ta Hf ."i i- ?? Amertno sw-m versus the Ionia! :: .sh Instloetlvely are ? isen-fwentleths of them are work i,gnii*ii. an*l. looking a* tbe matter as a qm I i ol rage . 'he; * -. *. nat u rall j object to free tra*' ng tiii-. the Demo -xi:-- politicians, from Grover loveland down, are a- pain* io fl uk" the working -?elide i,.-ii.-ve fn*e trade ls beside the Issue; hu' ?ir. ll ii ai >svery honest Pteo Trader In he fond -'"I. *ti thal direction; aed Ihe tagtlsh pu*-,-, which are concerned about our National o'.ic-t only in so far as the resulr may affect English f...ll levi land's policy with eta era, and hope !.d pray tor his * rta fae thal the Mon and the stump for Cleveland and barmen 1- not rall ulai-l tn hurt Harrison and Morton Imatlon ol ti," Irish. WbO will. I proll.!-,-. Ive a good account of ttamnlve- in the pending i .! NI .*"'/ HIOVS HOROLOGE. 'rom Tie- Buffalo i a loman living on Parir place bos - '?''I: III i t. .1 ... I,." Ill' I- o],I ii*,'. Per tw ii ... nt 7 :::u o'otoek, i-f: ? -, ti.i-.--i at *? : ad rn* convened anti! 0. oed * . to bed -hire oms . ii. til- bc - - room mantle, moved sod I Ibo 1 ?? and until ta be noi c.- ? lng any other l'U"i- nor i.i- watch ; ii di ii.'i v uri a minute from on eek tn an ither, "I ase a new domes) *? - it both ends ol be was reproved for thii aeveivly, for twin brea.. tat w*. :* ,* on tta ?? ?? uni ' i quarter ai eight tii-t weal ' ling went well , ll iii til" tn,, dal' the himself ? . m.-.-t a man at his ixl morning, "You know how tinctual I am," said ta *? I shall ta tare loment" B'ton ta enteted hi- office the next mora lg the man ms th*-:" sii Impetiei - ? -fi. -yr. jon ore a poaetual old durr Ni ll--'*- it ls a quarter aft* r nine ? b What I* ? ileman, ?? i l ft rh- boose twenr* Ive - bj il. . Clock.'' i's winn-, fhfi'.." sa I Ita nan- The lie- ll-st thin * ta ? '.'?' io eoBjpnfC tic. Bloch nth bb aich. Th-1- i i i The nevi morn Hi* 8 o'clock tialn to ' " took kia ' 'ii ?* "? couree bj his infant.. ? ' doers to th" -ta'loii anel found the train Iel gone f'een minute tal. Ita old gentlen an iva- co iced. "Whet the -ii bena alls thing.. Boyben," bs ? ??ii"! f , i. !,-??!! ti.c m vi morning -. ,?*i le breakfast h* rom rared ths clo.-lt arith bB sich The fi.i-m.-r Indicated V :.'.o : tb- latter 8:18. ?i.ii.- natl] ? .-il .j. wtaa ho cir pt ?wn s'ali-. af 7:1'. arl bbl l>"htnd a door. A few leu tea later tta ne domaetM ca-ne dowe ami got Ile- old **OattoniB-l cimlil see the clock om hi-, ;,lac, of eonteslmont. Tta hands liad crept nod ta about 1:18 wh-o th" girl catii'- lu. opened fl door of the chill, tu: ned the bandi beeb to 7 i'll) ita hell for 1 Ibe obi genii* from hi biding piac. The maid the old gentleman swen Two hours later e domestic w-as seeking a new situation and tlc* .ck waa resuming the even tenor of Ita way. LOVESICK AeSU FRIENDLESS. A Y< UNG IKIsJI.M INS FEARFUL JUMP. MATTHEW BYRNES CLRARB THE BRI')'IR WITH A BOUND-DIBCARHFl) BY A ST._T._N [BLAND (ilRL-HId VAf.ARI!. fci.NCE BB I.A.ND.'.I) AT 0AR3 LR 8 vu: Another moon-struck being has challenged death and leaped to fame i>v w.iy of thc Riashlyn Bridge. Iii-- mime i.s Matthew Byrnes, and ba is lue double victim of a heavy heart anil a light pt;:?. Il liad frequently threatened to commit sui.-ni lu* wns ulso known to bl ambit iou* tm a Bartnln sort of notoriety, ami i-uhtr motive would fit his '?ilse. II" iiad lived tor a year n: mond. Stalm Island, anil his hopaBBM love fur one of th vilhige tulles hus i,,r months been a matu r f> i Be! il comment there. Tue juropin-? oeeamd at 1 0 :-.' ii. m. yesterday, grben Patrolman JaOMa Bret! BOUoed a man run? ning along thc norlh roadway, just at the miodle of the bridge, nnd takimr off his coat at th? sane lime, 'iii,- polioemaa reeofnised tie- premonitory symptoms of br .?' ami ran toward tin* \ | neafest electric light (Mile, where he could nut s across the railroad track. oilier pillie men also n ! saw the man, but loaf befdfl any of them gsaH i- * reaeh him he had cl.nibed on th.- railing and then I stopped on Hie cable Wuk om* hand I r i hold of the guard-line and then Mapped nimbly r' I along the cable toward the New-York side. Ile ' j walked up the cable until ha was sevea or eight R j feet above thc parapet and then turning, leaped " J abmptly into tire riv-r BTBIRIN0 THI". WATETt HEAP FIIIST. Byrom declares that he went down straight until ha had ulniost reached Hie wafer, and tho most cool-headed of the witnesses eoaobOBetB this ?tatmnenl Aa ho seared Ibo enter; bowness; iii-, less doub'ed up Bnder hun, and he soddenly iurned ii half somersault and struck the water toad first. He ron to thc sarfan and _ni_u_ fiiiftely struck out for tba tug boot W. __. Cheney, n nd lu was ri ui'..dy battled ob board, whan hiv groaning from tho bruton to hud rc, civ cd. The Cluney was towinu; the St. John's Guild es* eursion, and U-rnes was tmnsferred to tin- tug? boat john E. Benrlnd, which landed bim al I Atlantic liisin, vviien:o he vus t;iken to th.- I Island College Hospital, nnd plaei l under arrest II ma at first suppose*! tha* Bj inn had BBS talaed flenoos injuries, ms sbonl len were biruk and blue, and morphine waa inject.-d under tba skin to '-ase the ;.un. Otherwise lu- vms In fair condition, however, and to declared that to would bo ready to leave the ho-pital this norning. H.- was extremely reticent, but he denice! having any intention to commit suicide. Ha also denied having had any 1.utk\ e, bnt to gave the ad -.ress of M. E. VTygantj a groan and Bvery-etoble keeper, al No, <? Jt -? tl avi . Pi ri Bicbmond, and from him the reporter learned something Hy nu *'s history. DRBl-l-BATELT IN .."'V'.. Mr. Wy ga nt hired Byron m Hay, at Castle Garden to work as a Btobleman. Be was then fresh from Ireland, a;* J 1;*.* worked Headily until about six months a_'", when to lound himself violent]] lil love witta Miss Cath? erine I>. Smith, th*' di I widow living in the neighborhood. The young amman di_ counged h:s alf anti ona, and hi non -^f m '*-r-ri',flung that Mr. W* srged him. Since then Byrnes has had several places, but failed to sneeeed in any of them, and ali for the same cause. Ile worked for one day as a waiter at Buffalo Iii I' 'fl Wild West Show. Alter that he had a position ns foreman over a ganc ol Italians working on the extension of Hie Rapid Transit road to tho now Baltimore and ohio Bridge. Ile was discharged from his latest po? sit;.*u as ii Boaebedrfver beeaau to forgot to un toraen his horses at Bight Me-iniinii. thc young mau would dress up in his most gorgeous raiment every night and call on Mi.-s Smith, who hell* her sisters support ln-r mother, and she at one time forbade las calling on her. P_arly last month Byrnes began throet ? nlng to commit suicide, and on two occasions h. showed Miss Smith the revolver with which he intended fo kill himself. Ha had also talked of drowning himself nnlen she would marry him, and only three or four ni-rhrs ago ba sud h-- might jump off the Eridge. Tins was tah] ur Si George, where he- hmi taken i party of four young women, including M.-s Smith He poini *<l north to the mu; siic arch ot i. ._ plainly visible even at tint listanee, an i ld do ?.*?.* ae d be surprised ;f be ihould lamp * taro. Byran nys thal he *.' * frap oily jumped from re ia 1 good swimmer. After lu- struck tl oi bis -*i sa t , sa . better. He has i.c-ti a grea novel reader, and ;> few weeks a. * he ?ve Miss Smith a novel to read, entitled "Mv Marriage." lu this the hero sains his wifes love through a fain mporl that ul been drowned while be was rescuing a pany *.i wreaked sailors and hoping for his own dca: ii. Hisfl Smith, the innocent cans,- of all tba trou? ble, ia a modest und w. il-,-;, . ol tw.-ntv, a year younger tb Her blue '-yes look almost black under her |et>black Sin* works at sewing, vu. ; nbc gets 'rom New York, while her two Bitten both work in the city. opiiiions in Pori Richmond < 1.ii. r aa to Byran's real motive, but all who knew 1. ni .. i that ho scarcely knew who! fm v. is, \Vhi a ag nearly killed a son of Livery-Ban 1*. .' Brown, Byrnes -went into I alone and lone f" be ihol * oral simi? lar .torie, ar*.- told ol bim. The not uni motive mm probably a m and vainglory. Ii waa -said yesterday thal on which la- rode n Howel] At, Saxton, Mr. Howell ban. tin president of tl Bridge trustei s. .':? in one ;. be baying jumped now ? grenier height thain aay of Ins preder saors. There tove been live men wi,i. hav,* mad- the jump befece bim ? of them climbed down Instead oi up jumping. The police,* Qyrnn'B Ii 1'iO feet. -? BXTTBD STATES SESATORS AT ATLABTJO city. AUsntlc City, N. J'-. Aug. 3 (Special).?United Sm-,--, - ? rs li'-cU and blackbull) arrived here fienight. They will remain about one week and will probably o ned by several of their Senatorial coUsagno li. be lo'ned a clay or AS WflOi.F.OOriED AS EYER. From The "Mcat'o BBnld A man in town wbo know- Janice C. riane w*.! tells t ? toll iwiiij of h!.i) Iii lliu_;rai!*):i of I bal * med *? peisi,,ii.ii magnetism*: Whei Secretary of stat, an oi.i trie od of bli f U _ schoolmate and playfellow in boyhood'a cam- u;. to W.t-i.i.-i.-- i . to iee the "magnetic ? .an ' Ihe Maine man wn w-U-t.. [er of a railroad, ami thought altogetl auythlng but small pofato-s. Bs celled, but wis k-pt io the ante chamber and given plenty of time to co heels. Thus the brat daj passed. Ju the evening the Maine visitor met au acquaintance from borne. baa ? H iii." ii*- axe lal med ai this on -. is i;et'ins a hiv" bead on bim au w. ii me vevainr_ all da;- ooo wouldn't sc,, me." T* ? ;uli him Blain wa. a ran boaj iin-i. The next da; tbe Manie man ca!i--e1 a.- and Bl nee more, v, hen ii" m t i.i- | , al tu lin ; ' 1 in I: .gust, d. .-?'fins to be too ? blgb toned. v whoa I ii* 'i io eeB by hi- Er-t sism an-l whoa I've threshed maur a Baas when we were bora, sm! te. re ?*,-?-? i a. going home l \-\t night the twa me; asaln ''Why, I thong ina bane," said the acquai-. . oo, I didn't go hon;". In fort, i've .... day, and do you know, slr, I* - ? - . nat ural ard eholeeooled a- over- Why, while I was wann.' for :ni in Ibe ii --chamber bo had betu l-okii__ .' all thc time: .'act, air I1 ONI VYAY TO STOP IMM1GHAT10S. Prom Tho Alban;* Journal. "Allow tl, sh"Il like and "-rpan-'ve e.r to dr'o|> ow-! me and gather lu this Ides, Dali. Ila*! land the complaint of tbe populace about emlgrail< : "Of a truth, Bx cl le nev, I | -Mii-k mc boy. If my tree-trade potter gettetb Iga, emigration will c. a-e. waft equal iii li.'h lldei Of the wa'er. Have I uot a i> dee, Dan?" - la.* me halblames, sire, tell lt not In th" Weat Rgad '., tioe(i-.t n-iw only to discover a stan mb e ai.d fl to rival Stanley. I am fa' ? mo jo aud reeL" PARK * TILFORD and ieidlnr crocers sell Grattan A Co.'* Belfast (.timer Ala Trsat premrtlv Craaips, niarrba-a. Astatio Cholera and all Bowel Affections with Dr. Jayne's < armiBatlve Balsa*, and you wiD oBtain speedy rabat and prosaote a certain oura - - ? ot-? A safe standby for the family durlnc tbe aeaaeu ef Otolan Marena. Sutumer romplaluta. Cramps. I>tar i-iis". and all Bowal ("euiplainia ia Dr. Jayue'*Caraluo. tlra Balsam-ain od ef admitted efficacy, aad ll Boon? al ia should artie ame to pron ?etti. _ Ak Te Lake Hop-it. ona tlrrr fSnndar roremencioc smordir. Aacisi I. Ihe Ceatral Itali road .rf' New-Jere?y will e*ll speaiil excersiaa ticket* aa OaAotdar aral ^oniay ta Lake tl opetoeiig aod return. Lake H,paton*, th* "OBS. of A tia.-lea'a island waters.' afford* fli.'unr u* an- ;>*.*??>*.!. deltgilfal Srlrsa and S88S__SJL sue riar hotels. aeoBsai Beeeerr. nnd ts par ex.el.eoce ia ? ipot to n?it iitircif tlie fieitai days et Aacust The rafU ?Mad essssenp ben beantlfKI their aron ed* frontier the laka, and hire mid* m-.s .nm ? i.rttabt* pinifu foe par ann* emrting t.-ufi aut d wi nra Kauai! trip ll.-b*<a ra rtaeari te fl IO, r"o<1 tr?m -taiur'ar to if.iqlar. ant aa aale rn N...71 Hroa.lwar, al Xu.ll- Lib?rtr?t. an-l al d*pot -foal of Uh*rtf-ste Pa?-*nr-r* are landed af the'lde, within Atty foal af ISa wat'r Trains tor (.aka Hnnateonc leav-a fa.tal lii ei tf at. SafiiMvrs - i ' a. m. and at 4 JD m. Ok. i On Sundays at 5 a m. Ketnrnliif train* :ea?e Laka Kopai cmr wert daya af 5 25 a. m. and at J-30 ?? ' S lb p. m-,' an,: oa .-,uu4ars OAS - n. lire rc ic! trip, aa./ 9: BB. With Kimball's Strsiaht (nt doretta* ron cen ea ,nmi aweciir ail'I ir long id mi*i or your saccaiS, m osmer In _4_.cs tor yuur <Ii_a[i(.aiuiiiisai. DIED. CLARK-On Ttinradar. Aagnst 2. H<W. r^itla D-.-a.faof An.)r*w I.rde nark, aid *au?'ii?r of fhae Uewlasi Ftioara' tram i ar liter-sidonoo, Ul East 1 lita at, *n?ar ?: ir, a: ID ,.'i . ,c* a. a.. Informant at convenience of tho at Hewlett's, Loaf Ulm A, ClKTiss-on A-irnil _. at hla roaMen'a. "Tua Oaks,'*" * v . a>.:'< r. fiirtiaa. acaO S7 roars, Futi-rai nriraf*. s .'nrdsr fue.ra._g. lnl*imeat al .l?etfl*l.l. ii-ae. riTcn?Joraer CH? Bal?aia A ag sat-, lam r_>alan Spaer w|f*nf vi liiim y. Pit. fi. Enthral tarnee ?t her lat* re*t ten.-*. Va, l'.S Hlgbiaad ara -attinur. ann nt 4. MS amen a m. \ -Ou aa,.-.ii .', Danial <'. Gaston, lo the Slit yseB af his ace. -'linera' *err|e*s .tt hla 'mo maid an ce, oomemiie, M. J-, s iii.r ai, A .(fii*t 4. nt ll acl-K.-n a. ni. KL'.?At Ai'ni.ow l__tic-. Adirondacks, Aa_iat 1, Charl** H , lemuel ana of tbe ,a(* James C. aad Lydia J. O'* On* Fnn*ral ?**rr1i.a and t***i crarr Interment at Rainbow. "If! Tc If mCE-JaBes a Hitchcock, on Tnoraday. A-frost 8 i-i m- Goth rotreif Iii* aaa. Fnnerai seme** at hm late residence. 41 Wael 73d st. a*-. sit -'ir. A ? i?- 4. ai -t/clock. Interment al -at il ai bar. ME rr.-At Anlxirr Park. V -., o i Wednesday Augost i. At. .1* Mar M*t/. a:*c*..r Mrs. Sybilla Mecauller. Fnn*r tl eal fleas at her late raai.lance. Ne. 1,110 ''rand ara, - i' ir lar. A uru-t 4. at il ito a. m. laterm.tit at * .r-.-n w w.t. Willum iiim, !-?*;., paper* pl* iee eonr. Mcadam?Al ies? Braaea, WelaeoBn, ao-rust l. m*n. Mair Ke?* .laughter of 1 Uoioas and Sarah Biai; -CcAi'.ein. a.-.i -, (Mette, Ba ??- r*? and friends are restv-vtfully lnrlted to attend U? ?n Satur tar. An/ii't 4. Car' i ,a?a meet th* >* 1 b a, m. train, C. B. R. of N. J., frair New York at Long linn ?!.. PH K.l px- Al sar.ta^i Springs, oa Wadneslar. A ernst 1 after a linet U,a**t. Isaac N I'leips. of New-Yerk. Funeral fruin tua ale rea lanes, 7-il Hrualway, saraieia, ee Krl ar afr .moo . an 4 SO, In! el Ulai;! private, at' -r-"-nwood. At n meeting nf (lia coard of Directors of tba accost Nat uual .lank, liddon lld Angust, 18*18, ths following m. a* uta wa* a MfM I Tlie .monal d o' tv* ?n*i*'*n -leaf!, <-f "ur esteemed aewv elute. Hr, 1-e.icN lli.i,*. ne bees rece.ied br tii:a board vi nh '*el:n.'*ef mi* sorrow. In tba death ef Mr. Phelps tin* bank haa lost onaof ita i -. ad wwi..,: c_uii_e.lera a* weil aa earnest and alea-l faat rr emla. M? wi* i,ne of tta lnc.i-iK>r*tora and thrnrhont tua lane; ; aaa eactlw elah me inantaiiae *"a af na mo-ta'tre ama , eiierretie* .1 r-. t,,r?, ami wtuial ia iat,*r year* iha luaruiita-a i of agaeeaeed bim tn r?tir? fr m .ctive panic patios in tie daily ia .na-stai * m. ua .'.uik mat or*r tgiheyonncer atm '* Vet ta* e?aric* ,iu.t e.. in-l b islnoas Jaita" : ' .- v. ?, ?ouah'-rn all'.ninortant (ini*ettans, tnt exercised a |n>i?*rfai tuduenea ic -hapi-ij an.l Siracllui na To hi* b?"-?irad fa-tulr w-* tender oar heartfelt ar m.. at) r an-t oon.lolenc* i-i thli 'ii* ir Lour of affl.-i ea, and may tt.e aouree trotn wblch Mow- the anly tr ia sonaotaSlee and aaalas> tom ii ai i i trial sive u-t * tl.atu crace lo ab-u.lance Ua lx-ar til*11 *?arraw willi Jtiriillau f-r * Hy onl.r af tbs iijard. J ?*> i'V E. Caaaier. fi. MUNTAOC . Prea't The HCtenaBla .\n_ion?l Hunk ot the City ef Newt York. Nrw-roRK. Auamt 2. 1S?H. At a st** ? . .1\:,r of flie Houri.if Director* of tao M*r. cannie BaSMMll 3?nk nf th > i.'ny of New-York, held thia In*nspreaMennaaaaanan deatuol Ison BL Puaips* whereupon Bm a*;:*..v,,._ m nota waa unanlmo isiy adoalei : Mr I',.e;.i ?--..* laaaao th* lean ler* of the bmkntiet>e -fate . I. md iirniiineut In the rearcan'sai ort, 'm.- in 1-CV Ko." v*ar? he held tbe lea-liaf p.rt mi ;? i (Tal rs and waa iionfitentlr ? . . r*ry cr *;a liq oontinnad emlneol In Its i ooaeitl .in ' aetlra in tba manara* mm u.itil hi* wi'lu'raaal Iron haateeee lu recant rear*. Tat'. ii - -nt lutoreat amt remained *,- a -iiki-.ii?i ef tue Itoird aoaaaiau ua. ao Lately bia aaao-i ciat-*, rennin* and profound .errol. Kaeafre'. That ia aoi.reeteatea ot his eminent lerrtces te this bank Hil* tribute >* racordeil to hie rn* tu ury eeolred, I --ipreetlon of the *ineera trow. p.thy of >he BJemiicr^ of un* uuar.i <i* leaderad Ul Ibo ha* rc.iv,-,! fa,nilv. Atteai: KKK 'K B BCMBVOB. Caahiar. Vf at. V. ST. J'-ilN. .'realilent. RAYNOR?un Tlinr*d?r. Au?ua' i. Vim. Raynor, formerly [er<**al*i.tof the A-aa: a.ii uxcluiuitn lit* Iasu.?_,_u Ca., in th-* 'Uif reu - -. - reaeral satrleae w..i beneii at ms late re*i,ience, 113 wu ?an-*,.. Ur -otlru, on saiurday, Bu^uil 4, at,. y. m. It term tn I prir.ite. Kindly eniit :!o*er* BLBIOBT-AI \ iBW*r*. Aneasf 8, Hamit H. Oletebt. wuiow ot tba isla William vi. Sleight, io tao 71st year ot her aire. Fun -ri 'rom her ut* r-*l feuca. Na. fl7 GarnaUat., Similar nft-ru miu. at _ 30 u V v i ', tit?Oe Thuri l*r mornlnf. Benjamin Franklin Van Qelder, in ui* 7*'*'.. vear. Fun.-ral eervice- SaMrdar. Annis*. 4. from St A-nhrnae'a :.p?. opal ca irex eeraar Pt-ini.o aud Tbampsoaata^ aa I wwi Fan Lee boat lot eeiuetcry at - p. m. nhlte?VMsraa A**octatton 7.*tR*ct.. v. o. e. y. T.-? Tha ?ealbara ' Ute aaaoetatlnB ire i*.jii*?ted to attend ths funeral services ef i om rads J-*li iio I White, ai his late r*?i. (lenc*, 141 W*?l'i_dst, ..u puii'iu. Auru*t A. at S o'aloeM n. m. . *i U WAHI), Colonel. C. W. 3 * A HR. Adlutint Special Xotiers. A.? OnOSBOB, Hatoey Sc t'a.'a ELEGANT ANU UNEQIALLED POIIeKT PRBPABA MON'S. niWOBL littATKf) T"!I,ET NO. BCOLOONE. Willie cnn. tint. -til. *.,j nu,,mre tue ,;aalnyof tht* mo*l popu? lar co ,i.',i -? - ? ? hara ? ?' lue FuKMl'LA amt LAiii-.l. KNllHtl.i 1 Kl ii.V-S ?i-;_?. IT.ORIlVTiNK Vii'!.K" OBBM - VC1IET POWDER. Income-.-ibty lae true*: ri I -t o,l-ir eror Beda BUM ABD *.ri\l\:' l*l'B THE HAIR. Neitwith-. stendids nameroos iain ii,'* s. tins wooiterfoi hair loaic lu Bl lem pul"-* -...Uu-ati-u. ink Tin* wall-knowu tooth powder whltaoi tho teeth at out a, in*l rai lt p.-rfoctly safe aud preserralire. RLDBa FLOWEB HTDCtTOITMBKBOBBAM. For(h?, IMME'IA'lr. ra.r I ol Ri 'LUilNKsa UP THK BKI_f mis ero nu bee no r.- ai. ALBTUIXn. A new I.juld preparation for the prea*rr?. timi of :b* te ith it . _ : * ll .* ? ipar -ir ant:.*eptlo qnalu ne* to trrasuee deeer wi promoiiaa a mere . eu of tue t-eth and liam*. MELODBBXA. i for a__eli_re-toA UM fa.e. -XELLlfl ? i n Thu admir* a'j.e _.......- tor j .* auiroria. satis.acfi.u. CASWEXaLi KAMKY & CO., Eatab.. tied ITBB Chem:.*'*. 1 181 broa.lw iv _n,l "..-) Fifth-are..-i. Y., lin Ming Bel MR 'Ilivmeest, Newport, R. I. -< 1 - ,i... ? ? -rf 1-.7-J. Hll.. Mc EL RATH'8 IloML-MADi-, rilESERVED, BBAXIUKD, CANNED AND SPICED PRUIT%| PCRH RFD (TRUANT JELLY A BPEOIALTy. Jellie*. .Isms, ru-klo. and Mince Meale. Errrtbini: n .- a,, :u Klas*. Uoodl aMSOd until PalL Ttf prices, relcre. -?>. it-, i.,'?.resa .-ra-.ARAB S. MrEL-UtrH, BMDsgnvea. -irooklyc, N. Y. Past ill-- totica. BhoUl be read dally by a.. __.,.-r?.ie1, aa eba_?ea aiaa * ira Lr ft.reign countriea need not ba ape-lallr av auy particular steamer, axcepf Mas el banking and toiun letters not specially adilreaeed b-i_o icu: by tbe ia ? -c. rsssell BvaUl I ?-?:. ?!:!,.' Aliruet 4 Will Cla*0 tproeiptly In ill cases) a* tills oflice as fcllowe: Bail li.e.vY-.u 1 a. iu for bra-.l aad the Le Plata, i-uutrias ria Un-.;, for ->t. limtiia* and Ht. froi-T' tie ts:. I b..* maa, er lia. >adui au<: (ur Trinidad anti la ino; ara, ria Barbi.!.i-. per stram*blp F uauca fruit' Newpari Newe tleiier* t--c ?i?^r vvin-iward latani* luual i? .iirucia.1 "pal Adraaea'* at .? a. iu, fur tbe Oa-i bam.i Uian is aad I ayu, pir steamship Ailaa al ll a. in. urope, pei ? p i.ircr i ria Uueousuiaa .1' ll:8v a. m. (or .M-ru.aiir. Aeaina, l.-umera, 8w*aU?u.' Barway, Kn,.?.a sud lumey. i~i slea wernkr,*! BoutUaiui't.iu anti Ureineu wttars neel be elirantel -per vi-, * . ai ll:.)') *. tu ior Flaker >? aariaud. lUH'. huaiu aud Koriuiral. per *i-a:u?!i p I.a oaacof .a, rt* tiarra .i.ltei* moat t*- i.:r>-.-i?i ' p-r ?_,? .iaatofaa "? .. 11:80 _- in r bcokand d.r-.i, par sieamaii a turu ??<*.a, ti* yilai-tw HO* .1.reeled " i, r 1 urne**ia"i. al il.10 t. ni. lor lbs Neth-rlaa Is, VtO Aiu*ientam. aer *?au<a.j v. ualsed iieu.*ri must ba - td 'per V Cal ni ail p. m. f?r P.oareao poe si.-iuaaip Mexico, ria ilaraua leti.r* for alua.- Kaiicaa biala* moa be ,l.r* t, ; 'p, i.-.r.r *. al 2 p. rn far lu .ie.- per au-aua.-ilnp tri.wa i'nu.a, al J u ox toe irui.iia and UuaU-u, uer s.e:.k.ii*i_ip a Pi__au. iran Bl * r.-aii-. ..b.i-sand Japan. ?ar-taa-i'-'.lpcitrofPaklntfrro'm aaa Fraiieiec,),, Lto?? uara August ? ,, at I .0 o. bl Maila fu t ? Uawanao laiandA yr ?t au?hi? Au*>ta Baa !? tmi.-.M- .ana* h-ra AOffeal ??* at 7 p. m. Mal fl for Auairana. N-.?/.aaiaut liewa: i ?a. Kdi aod Samoaa lau: ls, per staam*bip Aia.a_.ia (frenu s,u Kraneiacoi. Meas bara Aug ?Iv. al 4 JO p. m. tor ae arr.ral al BeWa 1 "rk uf steam.'up Aurania, with Brinah mails for Aaa Waua). Malia tor the ->,?u.*ty islands par euip Tah lb. tfrou Sm Frmcia-iioe, doea nero lueui ?_'., al 7 t. in. Maila tar Cnaa ny rail ut Ta upa. Pta., and m*noa y ateamer. vu aey Vimv. tits, cloae ai liaia aiboa XaliP st MM a aa ^^ ?Thea-no-lulaof c!,.*;nirof Traua-P-Oifl--- -nalia laarraaiet in tbe pretampieiii of t.'iiir um-itarru-Wl ararlai I iraaail ie Baa Kraocisoo. Malla fran un tatt tt ciel at es lineal -as Prmi-iai-iioa the day of Bailing of ?t?amar, a.-a iispatoaal LUeaca tba Bains day HENRY (1 PEARSON. PoaU-Miec Post Office, New. Yora. Juir 21. 1808 i Political Notices. J?m.-? t). Blaine Pern.1* C'oiamtltees sn:,|..?.l with hao.laume Milk !*_dfea fram J, 9 I) KLAN Y. 2 Aaior lloaaa. I Oe. eaob : dlacvunion g nantilla Te rr hae BM CAMPAUiN ooona FOR BLAIN E ,:k EPriOif. Larse.l >lara:a-t rars CAMPAIGN BANNER AND 0CTVIT*Mb Al VltaBTnT- H. X. ^*