Newspaper Page Text
NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW MUSICAL MISCELLANIES. HISTOR! CA Ia, CRITICAL. PHILOSOPHICAL ANI> l'l_r>AG<.?G_C. bv W. S. B. Mat'.own. HOW TO UEDBBSTAXD MUflC Vol ll. Laico ?vo, pp. COS. Philadelphia: IfcOOfton Prc-ier, 13S8. T!:e?o two titles helont to rt UagM Soak and one. lt au;ht to be tali at once, which would mahe a belter Impression upon the re, teWOI If ii vi n p'.*ntcd In a better atyle. Thr nr.t Ut!e. Btaadlag independently, indicates tlie chsractn- of ibe arorfci Um poitteeneg ol the second ls not at al! clrar to those who will make Mr. Mathews'! acquaint ance Uunafl hi*1 book, ana only partly clear tk thom wbo are familiar with thc volume which he Maned eeeenl ream ago with tie title " now to (Jaaarstaad MeaM," of which this i* obvlo'tsly Intended lo be cnmp>tnentivy. From the preface lt aiipea-rs that Mr. Mathews orlc. nally Intended lo substitute something e:*** Iii thl last two chapters ami a dictionary of ni islca! Mema contained In that sr,>r'i, and pot tocrther thc amtorlal comprised in that Sntaan; then changed his oilu-l Bad Iflanoi il separately and by hi- ?sitHtii aaetelated n wi*h his earltor volume. Now be penalan wubin a twrlvetnonth lo Issue a third volume devote 1 le an oVl nc ol music history, and then he will ask u> lo lake the three volumes tof*ethor as consllt.ltlnu bis " How lo I'ndor aiand Unto." nm aa laajealoafl un of primers* ink in tills page and prefr>c<* will ever giro unity to Mr. Mnthews'a book*.. They an atlscMlanln, and ai varied In -style and BXeeUeBCe as In contcnia. This volume, lor Instance, contains flvo ehaplers ol a biographical rharac-c;-. tho subjects bein? Schubert, Berlioz and Wagem ; BSSarfl on "The Psychologleal Relations of Music," " Thc Theory of Piano TeachlnK," "The Tonal System and Tempe-eaBeat," "The Tonle M*fB ss an 1-dncat!.>ii il Factor," self Culture In Music," "The (.reek Iii-mnn and Modern Opera,** and "A Rlrd's-eye View of Mama! Hi-'orv." Much of thc writing smacks ol the n-ady reference handbook. e?* pcelaUy In ths five earlier chatters, and even If the author did not frankly confess it. on-* would know ironi ihe writings themselves tliat they were a compila? tion of contributions to newspapers, piogrammo books, technical Journals, eic. As a writer on music Mr. Mathews is most Interest? ing and his opinions aie most valuable when he deals with pedagogical nia't-rs. Much of what appears in this volume on the theory and pta Un "f tOMhlag ls highly instructive and a decided contribution to mndeal pedagogics. His style || fluent, hil exprcv lion generally grace_ai, and there aro examples of forceful wiitin.- which sh cv bin te be much In earnest. The critical portion of his e-says bas ln tereetod fis less In the reaeoa, p-rhape, that from crltlcUms that arc given the itasflp of permanency Ly being pit between Binden' hoardfl we expect a fieepec al.ii than I- iis losed, Mt us say. In the esti? mates of Wagner's drama-. Hut then ls so little mii.le criticism of thc higher type published In the Kngllsh language thal we have BO hesitation In recom? mending Mr. Mathews'a booh io studeata LI IK II A RY NOTE?. A translation of Pierre Lott's '? Madame Chrysan themc** is announce! by Bootledge. " Lotl,*' ll must be remembered, ls the pea nam. of Louis Viand, a young Frencu Goeewnoat oiliclal. The resaKa of thc latest e***i'whom by tho atcha**o loglcal schools of Athens on shown in a plan of the Arri pnll-. tv. aiitvtv. . '. \ 8.10011 laches, which ls pub li-bed !?>? Townsend Mari ooo, No. 15 Eassan-st Thc drawings foi- thl- plate wen mada by Mr. Trowbridge, of tiie American Behool ;if Athena, who has brought together u,e resnlta of the lavostl gat loni undertakea by tho Greek ArcbacologieBl so -lety. Mr. r ron, Btnetor of iii ? British -i hool and Dr. DorpfeM, director af tha German Intltnto. Among th-* recent dis BOreiMe which arc shown ar*, the extensive wall .mm _at|on-. airing the north *il', tin* larg** teniple foind south tf the Eraehthlnm, either the Ceerhj-loa or an earlier U-tnple of Alhena; tho remain of llie C'kallio th'-h'* in the northw. *-i section, DOW definitely located by an leaerlptloa found on tie* spot, tbs stops lonnd on tho north side a:ul Iho cm rcctlons in the walls of the AenpolH. The plea hn l">en carefully prepared, and its value to Inslruetora and others Inloceotod la Greek art a- a Convenient means of (nek and accurate. Information is apparent. The new BfllUoa Bl Mis. stoddard's novel, "Two Men." has benn a hrillia-it fl ,*ce^s, the sales mounting wllh a rapidity that ipeakfl vvcll for the taste of th<* modern novel reader, ta-- ll will shortly bring out editions ol Mrs. stoddard's other equally remarkable novels. The Navy Register, lately Urned by the Navy De? partment. I-. tbs no--: ( mplote record ever published. lt gives tbe original dote ol entry into the service and ii.e dan of precedence in muk ol each o.licer, tho leieg'h of time served itt ibo " volunteer" and ?? tegular" terrie) wal duty or residence ut each oflleer bul the dat ? ol his last orders, and much other data of nterest Tbe total ca 8alt|ei wen twenty-one deaths, of which thirteen wen retired officers, seventeen tosign-d, seven wero tran I tenn 11*0111 tlio active to tho K-ii:cd 1 -t. tan WSW dropped lor failure to pass ixanteattoa In promotion, and one was dismissed. LOGES OF IDE DEER. A Pka O-tAjraa. fir AV. 1>. Howells. lCmo. pp. 151. lUeston: Ttehaer A- io ) a Hmtobi 01 PaasiDEXTiAt, 1:1 ncnova By Siward f.tanwoo.L tttAO, ff. lo-', illusion : Tiokiior A t 0.1 tanocon rna Loan Niouta By Mrs. E. Lyaa Limon. 12am.pp.15B. Paper. (Harper lt Bree.) Tm Po-*raroi rna Pi runa. By Jnntn Woad Oneil* son, A. AI. 1 _sa?, pp 11.'. (John il. Aldan.) Banca Wornt inWoon, By W.P. IL Goon i_rao, pp. 1(11. (BoetOB : (.lim A li'.i rwENTV-EiGiir TBABfl ix Vim, Ptreet. By Henry Cms. Sro, pp. ?is.->. (Tbe Irria* Publishing Oe.) -Xcro Publications. JJ Al.l-Ki; a BROTHERS 1T11LIS11 THIS DAY: MKS. LINTONS NEW NOVEL VHROUGB TUI_ I.'.M. RIGHTS. A Novel. Ry Mr.*. Tt 1.vim i.iii-nn. oro, Paper Coven 2-> cent*. No. 62*. In "lla:i**:'s ! muliiln S'lU.ire,rary.'' OTHER WORKS BT TIIK SAME AUTHOR. PROM DREAM H Tn WAKING, five, raper, 20 1'iM. bTEWAKT. Ito, Paper, 20 centr. 1.I/.ZIK LOIOTON Ol GRKYRlt'G. 8vo. Paser, 30 eeiita~MY LOVE *i* , Paper, TX centa.?OCR )'P.*V I SOK. at'mo, Paper, 1 ?*. centa PA8TOW CAREW. 4 Psuer, 20 * bis NIE REBEL P THE P AMI EY. ate. Eau*!-, so eeeu-SOWl-IG THE WIND. bvo, raner. Jo * HARIT.IiS rn.v.NKI.IN BQUABE LIBRARY. New ls*ues, sm,, Popee Oesreta THE FATAL THREE By M. E. n-addon . .Cfn._6 alli*. MY8TER. OP M I illiill 1 '-:,. liv Jame* pa-n Iilusfiatvd. rn ?"S4-^,*?. A'>V'NT'':"* OP A U0U8E.B0AT. 11/ William ll.aek l.e:--.i* 1..r, WESSEX TAI.i.s. liv Thoma! Hsrdv. . . Zn JOYCE A Morel. By Mra Oliphant . . H l'MI.I s. A Noi,. Ui- Welter B'**ant .SB ONLY v CORAL OIRL. By Gortreda Potdc . . ao IOU TIIK BIGHT. Hy K?n B-bll iran.os. Olven in woglin io .1 .30 l'ini.lSHED BY HARPEB A BB OIIERS, Bi w-York. ry Th- Shan norhs era ter sale hy all tiooksallers, or srtll l^- mm; by HARPER 1 BROTHERS nornac* pre paid, to any part o! ii.- I -,.i, d suites or Canada on receipt of tiie pelee, irHUU'lT.'.S CATALOGUE Mal on receipt of Ten Cent* In M.-in,tis. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. A SKA CHANGEi OB, LOVE'S STOWAWAY. A I..vri-a-' 1 i'-.i:--. liv VV \y Hi .WEEKS. l-Omn, BL '-.Vr. ii<,a. - Baa 1,1 it eeederfelly sBBoBva .*>< ..f ?nroal aMeg. rhya 1 _u meei ta atonat f.ish lon. Tin; .'*e-:i'* la MM ne t-.-_r 1 ea ,?.-.,? UnssMl. and un bring on this Btage th- eeler, Uvelleeoa and Mtleunaa contuniinit which iicht ..j, r_ daaoBeda a iiojii'ia leeton nm* kHaedeeed, fraat ebin erewda ut (siiiae and (,o,*r Mnsfo lela Baassndil ti toe eteesaer. The oesaal that Ironi iha strange lamslsa ii i* iii* mels bnt* tunta ol UM opira M asl fmih."? IJo-tn A'lvt-rt!.*?*r. A Mi:.\i?'A\ GIBL By mnUCI TUICXSTOM 1125. Also, in Tickner** i'aiier S( ries, S ? An extraordinary fctory of life In the hlffh Rlcrrj* of Bonthern Cslifornij, wilttSO bv a ('..'..rada eanthor. Ii U filled with Hondcifully vivid word paiiiiliix.**? iUoiton JIopk* J-ii'iial. A IILSTOUV OF PBESmENTIAL ELBOTIOBS. By EDWARD BTAWWOOD New and Enlarged Edi tlon. ].??:.. el 50. NEW8PAFEB LIBEL By SAMUEL MERRILI- lan* MX HCKKOB * 00 , Ii-sion. Al 'I'fio.';.-. Writers, Professionals. Amainum, toad f"ui ?cit'* f'-r v.: u_:.i- pr*, puoto* vvlih lintruetiuns bow vi sell in-iiia-* riiii" Ant .od. Ksebaugs, 33i Broad erny. I). M- ll'-'igii- --1 inager_ LOVE VKX.T-.'KS.-.*- Novel willi bb Aili davlt- liv HAKI-.V Jl I.IAN. Iii Kui i,_s? Erensh Art Ii Itinira Do-in*. llu.iuufuiiy iljustrafd fovra. l'ap_r. l*'ii.'>, 220 pt'-. 2..'-.; iH.iird*. 60c HoobMorcs. or iliVlll SEEKEJtt CO., 28 Lafayette place, N. Y. B Nen t.nblication.. ooks ~~ FOR THE BDlUfEB HOLIDAYS. The August number of the English IlHi?trate1 Macailno rontalns the opening chapter of a short storr br Mr. Henry Jame*. MK* i;il/;,heth mich's fcries nf naper* i*-n Old English Homes will bc continued In au carly num? ber. NEW BOOKS. Mr. Henry James's New Story. TIIE REVERBERATOR. BY HENEY JAMES, Author of "Tho American.** "The Europeans," Ac 1_mo, fll 2b. "The public will be Rlad to lind Mr. J_mcs In his best v*in. it is a relief to tum ui"*-i thi* aporhllng study of life snd character In tts manner which fl.-*-) wo*, for h in general readinc. . . . The book ls Oiorouchlv readable, and one ls thankful amain Ihat there I* so brilliant an American author lo che us entertaininu sketches of life.**?i llo-ston Sunday Herald. ? Mr. Jame* ls here at his bent. HI* c.invn* is not too lime, and he fills lt to perfection. Every character In the book stands out In clearly defined proportions, Ba admirably minute and complete ls the technical work? manship."?(London Gltftie. Essays by Mr. Henry James. PARTIAL PORTRAITS. BY HENRY JAMES. Olobe _vo, $1 TL " Mr. Jsmes ha* the min! -lid with it lb* temper? ament which alone can direct it, mid bl lias beaUOB the rare nnd tlnrlous gifts which are necessary for Its equipment. He ha* the ripe and varied culture without which no man can be s critic, hew-.vcr clever he may be, and however de? cided his opinion. . . . Mr. James ls at his best In these p*i*rs."*? (Mall and Esgion " It, must suffice to say that there are few page* of thl* new book of his that do not contain something good, and that the effect of transitoriness, great as lt ls. ls equalled, lt not. Bnpoaaafi, hy th- elT c- or careful an ! ama/lng cleve.--. ness."?(.London Athenaeum. A New Story by F. Marlon Crawford. WITH THE IMMORTALS. BY P. MARION iRAV.-rOhl), Author of "Mr. Isaacs,? "Doctor Claudius,*1 Se. 12mo, BL " Altogether an piece of art, worked In tho spirit of a thorough artist. Every reader of cultlv..*."l tastes will flud lt a book prolific in entertainment of tho most refined description, and to ali such we commend lt heartily."?(Beetea Bamdey Evening Baratta. '?There Ifl BOthlM In current s-r!:i!s so full of thought and of suecestlon as ls th!* curious story. It ls almost packed with hl-;*>r!c knowledge, and brilliant in wit, allu? sion and salglBBl * (TlnilnB Traveller. " A-tegetbOT ihi? la a I Bah which bu.* such peculiar wit sharpeiilu* qualities that lt would ba a distinct loss nt i" read I-."?(Beeton Daily Advertiser. NOW READY. Trice 15 eent-'. Annual Suh-x-rlpiton gi Ta. THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. NO. 50. AUGUST. Contents: Tho Parish Cierk-fnm tho Tlcturc by Cains bo-ouch.-Tho Ta lanela Ba Two Put*. Part L ni ai J Tsaana I TtTiftiT iran*.* H. A. Newtan, with lUestrsUeaa.?Pamlly I'oitr.i!*.*. s. j. Weysaae.?Peet Office Parcels and Telegraph*. Dleatmed by Harry I'tir ni?s.-The Mediation of Beloh Hardelot. Prof. \v. Minto. -Tte Old Tryst. Moib*y Eotiorts.? Memories, ti. A, Alexander.-Et Cetera. H. II. Traill. MACMILLAN Ai CO., New-YerU 112 POURTH AVENUE. PHEAP EDITIONS OF POPULAB NOVELS, ^ BY HENRY JAMES. E- MARION CRAWFORD, .1. H. .SIlORTROUSa W. !".. NORRIS. CHARLES KINGSLEY. MUS. HARTLEY. *c. ic., tin. In rai-er Covir*. Trice Eifiv Oms Each. MACMILLAN'S SUMMER BEADING LIBRARY. TWO YEARS ACO. Charles Klius'icy. This da.. RECENTEY PUBLISHED ! MARZTO'S CRUCIFIX Bv E. Marion Crawford, (inns. A NoreL Rv W. V.. Norris. ISMAT-8 CHILDREN. Hr Mrs. Hurtle*.. A TRACHRR ol' Tin; VIOLIN, and Otbot Taleg. r.v J. li. Shiirthiiust. MR. isaacs. By P. Marlon OresVtaM. in,', (-mi AND ROU), nv -luiian Corbett THE NEW JUDGMENT OE PARIS. Rr Phills Lafargii.. TIIE CHOICE OF ROOKS, and Other F.pfavs. Ey Fl Odille Hirrisoiu FRATERNITY. A Romanes. HYPATIA. Rt Charles Kinenley. DR. CLAUDIUS, nv E. Morion Crawford. JOHN INGLRSANT. Bv J. II. BberUoun WESTWARD HO. Uv Charles KiiiK-:- v. O' '? Era terni iv" tho Critic sar*. "Tin- man *.\ ho can lav dawn 'Fra te ml ty erltbonl f'-t lins quickened, n ? r. L ind elevated I- le flood as to need no na nil ? ot s,, Bod a* t" bo t..*i'*ii(t bein, 3 ?? ??*? enrich - 1-H2li?h (lctiim with a nollie character ii Edmond lia:?, a uer.. Whees iuv-e coiuDrelieiid'-d Bet rn Iv lu* i:... I, but-the dumii besets as well."* And of -The New Judgment of Paris" 'The Church. man" sav?: ?? u i-. ?.?ldum we eena across a i, ?i'h in -Malaita li aehei el deeeription, snorkling epigram .'.rill wonderful ?BaBtBBber. ... A wari;, i, iwove-f. ,.f -uti birt iiterarv flnl'h. exhibiting such a wide range of knowl. ??die and such CBBtldleea ta-ce in art and manners cannot fall to havo. admirers.*' MACMILLAN A- CO., New-York. US ITH-AV-I _ OURTLANDT PALMER MEMORIAL \J TRL'TB SI.KKKK. Ne, 81, contains good p-rtralt lull account .-t hi* last boura ind funeral services ?? 'ii ioi. iijgernoi.'i, addreaa and mae pocau written iv vii Palmer. TRUTH SEEKER CO. 28 Lafayette pjaoe, N. Y. rNITTlKG?CBOCBET. C iv TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 84. HIE LATEST RUMBEE OF THIS POrtLAR SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED MANUALS ron HOME WORKERS PRICE 25 CENTS. ADORES! THE TRIBUNE, NEW-TOR**.. Instruction. For Boys and Younp Men?City. I) reparation for Fall OeUesB P-wntnatl?a Bum? mer Ke-ifloii VVOuDRIULiCE b-H'iuL, b.ylris August 13, 3'_ East 43th st, **|*i'.!Nnv SCHOOL, 1,617 Broadway.-Pounded 1708 a Kev. IC Hold, ii, Sector, Cnder Treateei ,,*} I'mt ii.jiiv PubUd Behool, ll*. Bee. lti-h..|. Potter, Pre**,-, PiciiareH fur coii.-au ur l.unlnes*. Kor lee beneBeee ni.plv io nee'y. Fayina pupils received I'urtber particulars ll h-hneil. Ti nu bvRtiin .S-i?'. 5. (University orammar school, 1.47.. nrosdwayT J near *?_d?_ ; 51st year. Primary, cmmerclal aini tlasnUal departments: Instroetlon thorough. M. M. HOliliY. W. L. AKIN, N. C. HENDRICKSON, Pr,n_. For Younp Ladies?City. A -JACKSON SEMINARY. 2.025 5-li-ave., n. e.. cor. ? l__ih-i*i.?Claaeli al Scalding and i??i Behool foi Vuung Lediea aud (luldien. i * -. i. i.? ltira fm college. Technical train.n|. Building detached j inn.'*', airy; erwundi extensive, ?e,i shaded, I'rofeaaor ol elo utluu, Mary i. Ci.ciiy. Boarders, B8O0 yearly _.*J<i yeai begins Kepi 2(1, (t LASSICAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 1901 . Ul._.,,,_.'? . near ltsth-st.?Pupils nttea fur ah collcgvsopen t, women; those compi-.ting preperatlon here admitted te vv,-, - -i. t i>itiatu furtii-: t*_atnin:iii ai. Prlmar* and ai van ci'I ifepertmsnta Terms far bosrdlna peplii moderate. Roopena Oct 1. Miss Kerth sad Rise Bernes, Pi , MISSES A. AND M. FALCONER PRRRIN'B BltW SchtHil.* l '?* r.;-.,iUI hail-,'. _44 I^ii*,v ave., NvW-Tork. Teeth ytar b*K,ii.i Beptember it. lii'irdu.u peptta BOM poi year. ]?|Iss JAUDON'B SCHOOL FOB Mills. MB Maid * I'lave.-Will reuii'ii MONDAY, OCTOBER T-L Flvai pupils ree-.-ivd int., the family _ M1..S PEEBLES A".!. MISS THOMPnON'S KCUO'-l. TOR GIRLS, 82 and 8t East 57thst, New-York. AdiT-ss until Kept. 1st, care of J. KENNEDT TOT) A Cc. . Hjukurs, 08 William-st.. N. Y._ MEE GALLAH ER'S SCHOOL FOR VDl'NU EADIIi..^ 61 West Plfty s.-cor.d st. REOPENS oct. h. CIRCULARS;_ ^IISS CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL POR (.1KL__ 16 Esst fiSth-st., Hew-Yorlt. _Will reopen gcpteiubsr 28- IJ.'fs' Clisae*-,_ 'I'lli: MISSES WREAK.S'S IIDA ItDlN'i SM) DAV I ki HOOL for guin, 'di Baal BStii M reeeoaa Oct. 1; circulars on application bv letter until s<-pt. 5. It UV. comstock BEHOOL I Estel . - * ? 1 I. 02). NO. 82 WIST 4 OT ll ST. RoDrdlno ami I>?y Sihool for Y'iuiib ladles. r.(OD*.ii? Oct 3._MU* DAY In charge. _ VAN NORMAN INSTITUTE r Founded 1837). HOME AMI DAY SCHOOL .-Central Perk. WOat St OJd _L (Morgan Mansion.) Mme. YAN NORMAN. Fund pei. A S instruction. For Both Sexes? Oltv. -CIRCULARS OP OOOD SCHOOLS FRE?_ .. State whether far boys or girls, sod locality preferred I Ii AVERY. American B-tliial Bureau. 2 W. llih it-.N-Y. |> VCR Villi S lil IC. fc-tsB ' ? *--"-,' HOOL I iii si I'.N'itiii,\.-nv will reopen Ttiesds**, Beptember 4 Send fr elreuler. S. 8. pack ard. TO Bilah IW i.i-t -.-ti -i. TERNs SCHOOL OP LANGUAG1 H OF N. T. CITT, , * * * 27 EAST Mth-ST., NEW YORK, and 177 MONTAGUE St., dhookLyn. " l batu raith in i.i n.ili ?! nf I--.elliot: ?* tho only nanua! and method af t oehlog ? 11 % tuc ian -(Rev. Dr. a. i*. Peabody, n ,r\:.t i ca lego, Casa Bract rommnnleatlona io Ute N. Y. addrcse. Personal interview dally afier Beptember I. _ '?Tia* Niue.:..1 M.thai (conversational) (.ermin, . r-nch, Spanish, Italian, Latin and Oreek._ ri*".IE 11ERI.IT?*. SCHOOL OF I.AN'll'AiilS. 1 WEST MADISON SQUARE N. Y. Open ill bummer. Also Seaside bummer Course Brooklyn. Brooklyn II EH-HTS si:.\*iNARY.-Thl* day and boarding school el young indi.** [Beth year; will reopen (September 20. ' Ireuisrs Mn*, on ajuiliaiiiion. 1.3 MuiiUgue-sl., _li.,o_lrn. N- T. CHARLES K WEST. MARV A. 1HUOHAM, Principals. Musical Instruction. ?tlEADVILLE CONSERVATORT OP MUSIC. Eminent teacher* In all brandie* music snd srt. 22.. pupils. Ead term begin* September 4. Bend for cata? logue. P. a. REYNOLDS lilrcctor, MeadvUle, Pa. For Both Sexes?Country. ALLEGHBNT COLLEGE e:" ?'*"' bantaa Sept. 13. Three A. li. c.eiir.e*-*. Preparatory School. Engineer tig, Music. li.ith Boxes, Expenses low. Addreaa Wll.I'I Rf. WILLIAMS. I). I), 1-r'Vt. Mca'lvlll-. l'-iui. AMONG THE HILLS, thirty-two miles from New-Tork. Older programme fm 18 i ? ,* <?""' "( *- " APPA gi a Mut N'Tai.N INSTITUTE, Chapp-qua, N. _ CM.AVERACK (N. V.i COLLEOE and Hudson Itlvei / Institute.?Cali.-- f"t girls; boys piepiired for coihig.. or hu-ia-s; conservatory ot music end art: thorough in? struction In all dopant!!* ni*; 85th vear iipcm September 10- bend for Illustrated eat.iinguc. REV. v. Il 1 I At li, A. M.. Pte?idenr.__ Clinton LIBERAL IN8TITUTB.-10 spec tal leta; aciences; languages, engineering, English; rnnarka I,],- advantages In mu*lc, elocution, ait; buaineaa eollege; . un, ga*, elevator; beautiful location; gymnasium. C. V. P..RS1.LL, A. M.. Pic...I n*. i " Plain. N. Y. KIN'SON SEMEN \RV, WILI.IAM-.PoET. PENN. A thoroughly equi;,pa i Cla-wleal and Seientltlfl Behool (,; both sexes; ls i ichem; degrees conferred; eclecttvr ,*, i.... , , ..., ..... , i . | , facilities iii music and nn buildings spei weier, ventilation, Bre-eocapes; *i.?:t p-r yeal for board, *?? bent, iich' uud room; tull!'.n according lo itudies; discounts tu preacher-, tea ?* *rs and t ?? ?? from tl FBll tenn opens Sept. 3. ' afalogtie fr*e. E. J. GRAY, D O.. l'r-*.|ilent. E GARMO INSTITUTE i_h.ii>-!> cit. N. Y-. prepares litiili f... eollege or far business. Addr-h-i the ;al. JAMES M. DE GARMO, Ph. D. I/* tSTGREENWICn ACADEMY.-Found _ 1002. .Ii!,*:ii Mixes Steam healed Lighted throughoui by eli ? nu'tv. 048,000 eiidowmei . Prepares f->r col leas a.- bust ness 'a I vu ia ? i tyioenl ol |200 covers entire co in literary courses, Including borne, for the year. Opens s. pt. 4, For catalogue address R i D BLAK1 a. M.. Eau 0 eena :h, lt i_ 1"7bRT EDWARD I'OLLEOIATI ? : -.Nt I*. Supt :> new bu i ling -. atc im beat; 8 gi > lusting n, li *-??*. I'repa Ora t o ry. 13 Tel ll I I ? i ? Ni final i furnished room, in*:, light washing, and si! pt Art and I . JOS, li. KINO, l) .".. Y. I FRANKLIN, N. Y. Delaware Lit- iry Institut*. Yeai 4 ' ( ll A RLES ll. VERRILL Ph. D., I> HACK ETTSTOWN N I * I "? college pm i atoiy for youm m n. Li eollege ls els ? ' fused I >l ii? l fee. ii-, t ol i'i i irs. Fifi) (nth )? oi, fe. pteti ber 5. Cats REV, (il i)Rill ll w HITNEY. D I' , Pre ^l v, >: *.i i. Mom i. Si Hool foi idles and get ti, N. J.?This rn hi r. open Monday, Se] i mb. r .7. I--- prepaie* for bu rnlched re.atn-, tuition sud booka. 1200 Saud for catalog w. IIASHRol'CR, Trenton, N. J. 1)1 N'M.M.T'.N" SEMINARY)! *.'. j Til"- HAN LOX, H. I)., P ? ' mended h li. ?-!? a - >>il. Excels In beal! h, disc pllne, home t ind i ship: --.''." ind extras but a Catalogue i te._ ROI KLANR ' 'el.i.l.i..'-. ?*- NYACK-ON l HI*-1! El ISON', ft. Preparab y tor Si eclal trna lng for backwarl puplU. Year opens Sn>i '"? Cata of W. I! nv* NISTER, A. M., Prln V*)(WI ?** YEAR, board ind taltloh. Kennie Sei '?-?'" J* i, boys ' Harv Vcadi-mv; -i::\ mun I I'ISI OPAL " HOOLS, ll : I N ' _ _ V'-VMI -MAPLEWOOD Itt iiiiii: tor bot - ? oOvv.c'oncordville, Penn. Preparatory, ba-i e??. Kg iluating, Scientific and College preparatory eoureee. Special ear* to little bors. IHc'.lv r<-< .mu, addi. J. BHORTLIDGE (Yale;, a! M . PriaelpaL For Your.? Ladic3?Coun trv. A CADEMT OF THE 9A< RED HEART, al i DON, ON r vino. on d.r," i line ol Ni ,- md St. Loni* P. R- Board ml ti.n, fl.'.J i -i snnuin. < ,.- : by thi Ledli Ssere 1 Utan, l ;_u of stu lia* ii. -i.iit, pursu 'I In ' Hons. 1 eer tuilhcr par '? if** I.:, i* Vr M"! N I' HOPE LAD1 i .'? SEMEN \RV, I ton h. N. . . -.::??'? pays i . i an I tuitions i i se-hiiol ve-ar. M u- ?? ? ?Ipens Roi*.:'. ' FLACK, A. M., Prill* Hv . INSTITUTE Sh i'm Hill* N. J. l-i.glish, french, and German boarding and dar school it,.- yoong ladies. Primarj leta mid uiilcglita d-pai'tu.t'uia. Early application ls desirable. IIAI'-liii.T S. HAQl!.T._Pri!ic!pal. Hi.iii li.ii i il, PENN -Blahopthori-e, i boardinj s.huul tot ullin. Iwei.tii-'h ytar. i. i *?*. al- g.^Princlpel. I> RI ?- m.. COLLEGE ?"? J. > Charming 1 cation on the Delawaie. i'-.ilrhful. home. ; t -kristian. Sup. and arl i REV. VV M. t ROWEN, !?: -? COLLEGIATE SCHOOL I Wit (URLS, ES N. J. i: . - ,-,,;. - Hil Smith cd .,ur ceri ft' ate. ADALINE W. SI Iii.LI.NO. i Al.'i INF. M. GERULSU, A. E. _ II I C?LASSICAL AND HOME INSTITUTE, I ? La Ilea foi i ge, a ,i*i lu mi i ire. Miss SARAH V. ii. RI' ii.. R, i rinelpaL _ DARLINGTON SEMINARY, for Young Ladies, We I i beater, l'a.?Fall term i.-s-i"-* Sept 17; healthy and on ; all bram hoi taught , -j ISO poi i ? ? ??-.,'?.--I- , i '? t: DARLINI! i ""-? Ph /' . I'liu. It ".'.nw LADIES' ? '. li' yeal p , , p t . . i ! Ileslth Ul bo e,.?0 t o; GEO, CR SD ? .- -.1 lil, \. M. Ir* LM1RA * ' tfers superior i e Ivant a---- In an I Prepai e.f stu ly : al -a : _ l A::. Heated by I. 1 v, .ih :iu e;.-*,.i!*,.-. i':, i ... . ir ? leral'* Send for Cat tn i'iu?idi.nt_ a. w e OWLJ S._L1 ,. j ra, N f. / "Ol DEN HU.I. SEMINARY, FOR YOUNO LADII I ?l,. .1 ? u rt, < ' m. Ad !?? -- ._ LY NELSON, Principal. HPUOHTON SEMINARY FOR YOUNO LADIES. ' linton, N. v.. e ?? ,-e-i sdvaiitages In music, .j :;_ ;:>?. t.; _ aduati . af i.u a t i.i- llluatral ie s llress A. G, BENEDICT. A. M. H?M1 snd DA. ??? ll""!. I *'R i.iRl.-. Til I. i: i.m.-. : M i* - . --ii- - p \ ? - . Wellesley aa I Stint li on DU yuiue v metho I far chi) Iron HOM C. IKSTITUTR Tarrvtt.wn. N. Y -A boaidlns nnd a.** i i *? *. m fl '_ lie* an i llttlo girls; mil re? open .*-? ie', i.r ls, mi-.s M. w. Ml TCAI > ? Cl' i.N IC HALL School f,,r '? iiark-hli,. Hill-, (ii-itt Harrington, I r 20. Ktudenli pr- pare I f. for circular tu Mlsaes li VU ll nnd WARREN, Pun (Ipili i. Jw HALL SEMINARY POR YOUNO LADII - rirl'lr--ii.h. N. ) -'-?ii yeal I.- rm - Sept, 19th, Best 11 vantages it mod An. Ancient ia . Modem ? .- ng couraea Ilejithful. physical Culture, a-i !??? -. i;-. Hi Ni'.v BEEVES. Ph. D. Principal. KEBLE Si ll-.' el N aeiise, N. v. I 'ARHINO -* HOOL POIl OIRLR. I'nder the lui Bl ?..-ian or -e.,. m. r.'\ v. u. hi ni inc rob*, H i li. The eightecnih sc.1 year begins Wedin l-o, September 12, 1808. Apply ta M m:V J. IACI VNDON HALL. POUGHBEEP8IR N. Y. A Gllfa S'-lu'al ,,f tn, |a-_i ,.*,-,. College Preparatory and,- ( ouraoa, Languae * _ sv.Mi j.i, WELLS liciK. a m , Principal. MCLEAN SEMINARY, BIMSBURT, CONN*-Home Sci row Ladles I tuilful tod healthful 11.iee hours fom Vee V'.rK flair hour Don Uart) t L Addreaa Rev I B m. lian. *\| ISB I I.I.I7..V.".! III DAN V i's Rennens the Seminar] f,,r Young Ladles at Morrie 1 ---j,** I..',* r 19 I borough In-'itn tlon .-ii, french and Lei man; Music hm tu UrounJa I.iteatli ii. i lin ii i.f Mnrrlatnwn titi ur : Teruia: ii i ling V -i ll -. I. I n ul n- ..., lou._ _ MRS Rt- WILLIAMS* ll .1 AM I I.V .-, ' h.), ,|. I OR YOI M- LADII s AND 1.1 I , I.e. GIRI B f ' Mass, li.i.jil 18, BB, lo Juna ll S'l.d for (In ulai. Hbo. A(i,aiiU_,--? ti. ItiOtl lur i . \\ ' ' 51 l.'*'l.l V - li" Vliul.-.i, AND PW IC HOOL i'l-'ar g ii-, Tarrrtown-811-ihe.llu-aon. will reopen -? a iy, Srpt.-nibi . ? tdd ress I . uulll bcpUirotnu I. A]"RA . 1 V. ? i: , ii; ,.,,-,*, iv 1*1 li, thtehom. Pa. a with best mod Hied b* I * NOTRE DIM i: oj*- MAR. LAND. I * I .adieu and 1 MRI. v p ii . thi ". mi . ? a i -a. i , ? , sis * - ai N',aia Dame. ll Cia. QMINING INSTITI ' Sing Sing ? ii Hie lludeSOn, New York. fy i.iri* ami Youn i ? SIM yea pt 1!) r (ul foi situation. ii.*.-.t idveniagaa in An .mi Music. Christian ? ... ? Thorough sui advanced literary woik v adt-ulic coui Bia fur college, i i b vis te , -, ni--) |.:-;*-,. - (ui *..-.,. .* ,,/ a. B. at Col Collegs r, bl VAN VLECK, A. M.. E B. SHERRARD K OSIERS SEMI v . , foi I. Cai.i, ii ??,.? boei I lug school : . thorough Ini lion . li ll "a I *S S ; -? !.,!,-i . , A. TH SM ARI 's'ilALL. RCRJ.I est t burch S hool m the country f,,r glria v?i, Ita Bill i*t ::<e. i e,r StC, up; Iv ie. ti lia .IPI,I A i. M. ali . i : ? principal, Burlington, N. J., oi i? tin* n .*. 1 ' . Seven i- ? ?: rs HOARDING ; fi Y .i_i_g i-s li. - hm igeton. N. ,1 ? 'aaa Ul We I.s.ey PlOpervl fol any C'oi|.*g-. In tl,e plnuy region ('lillis-* of Lik'-noi-d, N. J., hm milder. Pur- spring waler, Cymo-Mum and bun Parlor. ii.'ji-.iiati'*! UrstilSl on suul'tatloi-. ll *j*RI instruction _ For TOWM LadloB?Country. YE SEMINARY, BTE NEW YORK. Kor p.,ri:cul_r. alive*_ gym '|iKMi'i,i;i;i;nvi*; ladi*-'-*' si-minary. 'Sentosa ^SpriiK, N- Y. -I^^Affe* Is ALLMAN Seminary, Paterson. N. J.?Full course wi'h t . laugh in-tc- i ,n ? iti even d ipertineni Mu timi al . got ,-!r, a, IN Isa M. M. Heat, Prln. _ 'I'lii; HANNAH MORE Ai ADEMT, tor Foons Lida* I it i t.-.-,.. founded In lb.12. REV. Alt lil t it I rh ll. v M . M .Ii . <:? lau ?-'??? ' '_ 'I'lir MIS-IS AN A ELL'S BOARDING ANO DAY 1 School tor Young Ladles will reopen __, , . i*..- 1st., NewvBrunswIek, ___!?___ UNITY H ?*'''? Devi rly N. J. . u;s' I 81 vi i.i -n: I) 1867. ., ______ A ilinriiiigh hom- achoo! toi iwonti young ladles, varied tdvantagi - "I ii'- highes! ord - * Bing in men* mi mind and heart. Solid culture in English, Music, Art uni Lei paring fm snj college Twenty-firs! i lepton-. ber 27. Eur circular addre** tl "' rm IIELLE OillllONS HUNT. WAL NIT LANE sdi.-- K"R.'i; RLY MADAME Clement's- Boarding and ''ay School f*.r young ladle*; .'('I y. ur opens September 20; Academical nut College Prspa-story Courses; Pupils enter Wellesley on our examination. Fm circular*, aidie s filaa adv M SMITH, 1, Bra T. R RICHARDS.. Germantown, phiia. ia-'-sr WALNUT STREET BOARDING BCHOOL tor >? , ? Misses ind LitUn Olils. Reopens s-p?,. 19 CJih T'-nr). Miss .LTRAUTMANN, Prl'.-lpal. Catalogue on ippReatlon. 4.301 Wall i.t-si.. Philsd's, Pa. Boys and TORRg Men-Country. A HOV,!; VNI) BCHOOL fee;- 20 Rot* ender Ifl years ld '.-*h year, a.'iu. INSTITUTE, UempMeod, Long I al sad._ I i i XANPF.R INSTITUTE.-Maitsry Eoardlng Behool. A White Plaina. N. V. 0. H. WILLIS, A. M.. Ph. P.. Principal. ?? v KWARD AND INVALID ROYS II carefully eared far and Inatrocted iiy an experienced nhvaiclan and teacher. Ress nf references 1 - DR WILLIAMSON. New l.ndon, Conn. li ETTS ACADEMY, Stamford. Ct., .".nih Year. A sci,et Behool for boy*. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE AND BUSINESS. Individual training. Physical drill. Broeoda large sad aery sttrsetlve ^ WM. J. BETTS, M. A. (Vale), Principal. __ iS.RDENTOVVN (N. J.) MILITARY INSTITUTE, ? tull iii* Bluffs "f the Delaware, between New-Yerk awl Philadelphia. Solid loundatlona in English-American ,: studli -. Careful preparation for college and hlchei i '? *"i- Music, cpi,m's u. s. a. ?; REV. T. ll. LANDON. A. M., Pr.; HRYAN I s'. D' OL ROSLYN. L L, N. Y. An liici:|.,,ii::, | m hod oj thc high) it elasa for boys. Ens!Isa, aeaeleblj commercial, iii..: ,i>-. LEO. BRI ? :. CORI If,.ol', Principal. Home atil day pupils. Select uni ?ifn. e">0 per year. Next term begins - -pti-mln-r 12, 1888. For circulars ad : * i l N j IRLETON, a. M. (?ATHEDRAL SCHOOL OF SAINT PAUL Carden 1. I n arding school fur boys; accommodations unsurpassed; u. i fm Harvard, Columbia I t<*.; 10 teachers employed; Military avk-tum Knited Stat i Army 0(11 t-ldt ia CHARLES STURTEVANT MOORE A. B., [Harvard), ll-ad M,ia'i-r: C'AYl.'iA LARK MILITARY ACADEMY. I AURORA, _Colonel i .1. WRII HT, B. S., a. M._ (I - I. IIEIOHTS SCH IOI* ?| ... nijr ? ,*. i bei 20. a l Iresa Rev. C ARL' IS H. bl * ll - I -*: . .'? 1 r. Hui.RR' MILITARY SCHOOL, - 13th. Address I) Reonens Thui la] er 13th. Addn Kev. D. A. HOLBROOK, Ph. I)._ I*,* in : ?,','?.;, II Pi'V';i'lNi- AND DAY SCHOOL , I e.R (.IRI.S, i .re, Md. Mr*. II. V. i.i i i:-, ii! . p - -.!,,* ,i will reopi i on "NH ItSDAY, the Soil af si ITEMBER. Tl.irse of all III' -' : ? ; in I ii.e li.; is i '?? a I.. are practl ly tau JfLMWOOD SCHOOL Fop. BOYS.?Al Milford, Conn. t I-,: who ere infoi i ne In thc bi magi mi nt of theil sons will do . idva itages offered ia Idreaa .. M. howe, bup'L iii"! li*.!,I) INSTITUTE Freehold, Vt. J?Forty* (ouribyear; for I - . g men. ai'.ress Bar. a. <;. Chambers! a. m., Principal_ (i Ll NW.."') INSTITU. l-.. ' I N. J., i* ine I***- itlon . thorou - - drill: ia. n |300. J. Calv In lui ?, A. M.. Prin. HI'.ULAND MILITARY ACADEMY, Worcester Mar., iel - * 1888. Cij-i-cal, buei... , l> *p ? ?? JOSEPH ALDEN SHAW, v M., Head Master. IRVING INSTITUTE Tarrytown-on-Hudson. otter, un" Banal sdv.iiit.i-**-. te) i'lrciii* seeking iii* best ln?-ru. lion : i ? rb rs. Addresi A. ARMAGNAC, Ph. D. I ak evvie n N i v . i B< ii ? : tor D ya t Attractive ind ci mfoi Ubio bull Ung en cte I foi lbw i-nr l il el, Intel iectual ii . hiing. 'Th..,, ji, suplec, L'rinc ? l\\ !'. PLEASANT Ml 1.1 iv ii", v \ A SELECT BOARDLNG-SI Hool. FOR HOYS AND YOUNG Ml N. AT sim. SING ON 111 D ON. Kl "Pi SS si l'l K.MBF.R l.l. i- - I'.er parti- li. il ?> and circulars S I. lioVv C. ALLEN, Prlncli il M HELL'S BOYS' SCHOOL BlUertcB, Mn.**.. 13 ca from B ind ?< ttom Lowell, on th*? Boston -int i., *eU B R t h ftmlly School f . Boys liam 1 to lb Inclusive; f_.i torm commencea -.' 1. Bend !or ClrculU lo M. C. MITCHELL, A. M., PliliCipll. _^___^ M ?INT HOLLY N .1 ' Al VIM MY KOR EOYS. i, meiike. HENRY M. WALKADT (Yale), Principal. ^l W-ENOLAND I '?:*. ? ::\ v.oiiY. MUSIC, KINE ARTS, ORATORY, ll .' German, I* illan, ' tc. LARGEST and Bl ST EQI IPP1 D In the VVORI.D H ii Inatrn lora _._._ Students ia--i var; 11'Hlll) AND ROOM with Steam Heat and El etri Light. PALL TERM . fl ... Sept. 13, lted. Illustrated Cs ra lur fr-*,-. Address I*;. TOURJ ' E. Di**, tor, Franklin Square, Bool rn, m_-s. \ 1WALK OONN.-NORWALK MILITARY IN -i TUTE.?Thorough teaching; careful t.-ainin-.', moderate building; gymnasium; bowling alleys; _ . 8. Ri iln*.Rds. Principal. ^l IV , OJ -. : ! .'-I'I Iii it :ll healthy. I I t st hool toi boj -. Prims tc., fo V. M.. l-.-iu. It ARK AVENUE INSTITUT.-., BRIDGEPORT, I ;.-.* I for I v ? ? ir class. Bc giru I l'.,r i.ii- ulai - ad ii* s s. p.. Jl Ni S, A. M.. Principal. __ I > EDDII I.'.,-l lit l'l . HIOHTSTOWN, N. J. I.", lu Kacultv. . liusinesa, Thorough "i ( rmun, Kr.-iicb, M v Opens Sept, 12 JiiIIN ti REEN I*; Ph. ll . Prim I) EN Ns" Y EVAN IA M [Ll I IR. A( ADI ! 1, PA, ... .1 VI.AR ul'l N . SEPTEMBER 19. \ . I i.i ,' v .:< i i -;.!.i DECREES IN CIVIL 1 Ni.lNEI ::,N '?? CHEMISTRY, VRCH1T1 . IND ARTS. A iii' r' ughl * I pi irtment .: --?-. i ?-1, i il IS. li il YA i _, P.- lld P"l iii!-," EEI'SIE (N7 _ .*, , , -'inn. i li. WARRI NO, i'ii. H.. Prln. Ri'i'oRV bl HOoL. Han len, Conn.?For Boys - ? - "_'i ^? 'nml system ; ex :-?. *c. Address ii li I : .!', M. A., '._ I* e. \:.r [OL1 i El IINIC : lt N. . : th I'!..:* 1 Sept. 12. !? ? | ,,-.,lan- , ai a ? "?; for I !*!,. - ll I bc eva;: ii.* 1 at theil DAVID M. GREENE Dir.. I V. JOHN ll.~i*ONVEll OLD scrim; o.n ?; HE-HCDSON. Sen 1 fo ll Ii IVKRVIEW At vr.iv; v. t Poncl ". Y. -iBd Year, p leg - fne Govern ii,cm Academies, aud ,: , -.' Milba - Drill. UlsUEE A AMEN, Principals,_ K "ruins scitooi N it . Cona v Home s i,, ol. prc pa t ti !**,i * an I young men for Ysle Cnlverslty, llarvs ill the best col leges and : oua an 1 thor ough I-* I >nio beautiful. In irkabiv healthful town, Bve hours dom New-york. Terms, st00. Thc hlghtest tel* erencr* given. l-d:.'e^1, lui rlri"*'ir (nd i;artlctil_r*. BEV. JAMI fi v. TOWLE PrloeloaL Sr AGNES' school llbany, v. Y? under the f III Kev. VV, C. no VN i . H. T- I'.. Ll D Advent Tu ? -i !,- r .... i - --,. Foi cir ulara .eil > ST AGNES SCHOOL UT, AUSTIN'S Si il" I, (Incorporated . Nea Brighton, si,* t A i-imr, 'i s bool ..f th>- bigheet cit-- far boya Tern**. Eight re Idenl maaters fi..,, Brown, Columbia a Oxford ' .a ' :.d io, Dublin and Ceo* I. Apply lo Ko*. ALI fl O'- MORTEM I il, ll ,).. IP UH. < .K'S ll vi.c. fol li i- an l Y ni.: M ?^ . ? Md., Pi.ef. .1. n kin; it, a. M., PrineipaL1 * . - ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SI HOOL M AN Ll I S, N. Y. KL Rei I' D HUNTINGTON- l.t..Col. W^VERBECK. SP. JOHN'S SCHOOL Sing Sing, N. Y.-R* . i . l-.l'.i i-.. i MUDGE 1.1 BSON, ll, li , Ri ? tor. Tho 2 I \, , R 111 br| pu ii I -i 1 -, l < '. - Vii V I *;; ,* , I,, ..;.., i~ Y. th year will .. 11???-1 ll NRY vv. ? ;i.i. \k. Sol TU .ll v.-.:.; INSTITi ll. Rnl: an. NowJefs.?y. I"*, i. li .iii ? ten Pu pan if my i Teaching, oi business, i ? -. German, Musla ? H. K. TRA8K, t-rinelpaJ._ SMM ii SI IU -l? NORW i l ii. CONN M-dcrato charge* i . F. -S. Ri Ul IR IS. PrlnrtpM. rssiiE PEFKRKILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Peeka I i. .*? . s, ii i for i _ il,., i.*-. John n, till m d, principal. t'll'.i LAN U v -, v ... >| tor I b.*.*.. Pi* ;,i,' . t i col < vii. v. li un*. L" "* B v.. _l.,.v. vii p I'rindp-ils. UriLLI UNARY, Fj , Mass.?Pre. sch ol. Kail . . * ailiclo on B| pllt uion A lilress lt . V, j 1.1.iAM o v i.i. vc in.h. Principal, ! It .-lal. I.,1111 Se ha el ) " -TER V IDE.MY, WORCESTER, M ^SS. i I ? ? ? it .ive ; apparatus ample ; i * a.. 1 . thomu th I li".i, foi : . . , .*, ol D W. IB) lt' R".*! i.u . a. M.. Prim ipjl, Brown, Da * .?:._,*, l v. . tu l '*, An.:** \*V' EST J! IISKY Al VD1.MV. RRii, .1 TON, N.~J." '* A lloma tor uough, successful l.*tabllshed SI y.-sr* . ira piiiN, ns,., j* i;-. ,. ;? JVV*1"-' "RRAI-L HALL. _ l'l I H-.-.ILL, N. Y, i ir ...ung Hoy-, only. I, | tor clrculara .S "?(?)() VvMAI1. HORTLiiJOE Ml Ol \ (Ps i ACAD /'"" ' ,V'Y. Boya College or Buatneaa, 80 mlnutee from Broad st. Mallon. Phlad-lli il.i. '14 tialim dallv SWITHIN C. S-I0F._LU.GE. _.._!, A VI. \-t\t.'_[ Pup. w Ss jjtiatnution._ Mlacollanoous. rURCTJLARS SCHOOLS, beth mee. djy ****?f\Tl ly with careful advbn IO parents. M I RI A.Nf COYR1 ELL, iii Eaei inii ak, between i a tra. sad Rroadway._ ttcubttvi A MERIGAN ARR WMIOB'raA^OTBEITAOENOT A suppli.* Professors, '1 * ru h' rs. 1 u * -. .'.%. rneesss, ae ti, c, ti.-u.-a. Schools aud I am Iles. Apply yt MRS M.". * YOUNG-KU LTON. 23 Union Square. ri* K.Af III IIS VV ANTI.I) I.I-*- f'r ' .','? ll "?"-? I anothc for French and call. If >r" i _,. yaun, nf ,.ther vi.can.1.*. ?800 to --'-Vi'). R. E- AVERY. An Bureau, 1 Weet Mth-st., N v. rpEACIIERS WANTED Gentle. ? "J"** 1 <*,* ri lal French and ?" BBB ,* - v-1* VU Ca:.,'. Square ^wOToriL Addreee ctn tdams-ave.. Scranton, Penn* W A NTI h. A -.*:i. hi * el tn ch inkal d sf I 1*3 mathe >V ma **-. ne the Boys' High sci.*.*'?'^'"'. om* wh , bu a knowledge of ??? -*"? rclal work pi i JESSE ORR, Chairman Boya1 High School Committee, l; ? I ).-, Penn. __ WANTED?UdlM '-?'.''?' *,"h0',': ,"!''? ? parlor Germen gwen '>- l'*'??" *thoP_' French Boverm --. with n ikeeper. city, n.v roven. wanted tor the autumn. Gentlemen: ty rn h, **i. ela ? ethei .Hi. ii-. MIRIAM COYR1ERE. Bl Kart . bet. lill ai* 'ind Broadway,_ WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BUREAU ffor ti both sexes) ?upplie* profe ,-or?. teachers, governe**es, musician*, bousekeepera eempanlona *c.. to eoUeres school* and famllle*: al?o bookke'-p-irs, stenographers and copyists t? flmslneaa firm's. __ _. MRS A. I) CULVER. 3_t) S'h ars., N"w-Yor- City. Hankers anb Urckcrs. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., No. 1 Xassau-st., New. York. 1 Iii Devonshire-*! , Boston INVESTMENT BECUEITI-H. IR0THER8, BS AHIii: RS, IBO Brond-rny 11nuttn'ile Eui!di'i?N Ncwr-York. I)r:.*v bill* on fbi- I ales Bunk ol London, Nuke coble trans era, Usue LETTER'S of CREDIT nnd CIRCULAR NOTE-** for the ii.e ot tra Tellers ninilubli- in nil piirte* ot lin v. oi-i.l. P. VY. GALLmUDET hw co., B ANKERS, COMMEr-fTAT, TAPER. STOCKS AND BONDS UNITED RANK HCILDINO, WALLST., OORNER BROADWAY, n. FITCH. Jr.. el EW-YO RE. Merobsr N. Y. Stock Exchange. .financial. TO TIIE uri, Kansas anil Tsias Railway Com? pany 7 per cent Consolidated ju Naw.YOBS, Ati.u*tl. 18-iS, Default having itkea plaee la the t lal due this day npoa your booda, the undersigned have c*'ti leoted to ae-t ai a * : thc protection of th'; _%. tereste of the Bon Ihol i - Thoaa who desire to co-operate wi*n them snou'i sena their ne mee, addr> ??*.-*, and ih-* umount of the bonds they represent to th*' QNION TRUST COMPANT OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, No. 73 BROADWAY, NEW-VORK. EDWARD KINO, A. G. DC I.V. AN, WM. LIBBEY, P. GEDDES, E. FULTON CUTTING, _WM. A. ELAD._ METKOPOMfJM TRIST C0MPA1.I Of TUB CITY OK NEW-YORK. Capital. SI.00il,O?_. Noa. St and30 Wall-it. turpin*. |MB?**t*M* Designated by ord**r oi" '.nn BapiSBBa Court aa a legal de poeitory. win receive deposit* cl money on Internet, _*?? as flscal or transfer j??--i.r.. r traitoa tor eorporsUona, and my legal trusts trom pe sons or corpo raUona on as ? iva al .*? tenns i- si her simile i um;, u THOM vs ii t i.i.imi SE. I" Iii* DI RK ll D TAPl'EN. Vice-Pros CHAS M J ESt'l REVEJILY 'iii W, A ? rOLirr DEPARTMENT, " ITY OV ALBANY, 0FFIC1 OF ill I. i Mill* m.- I'!-., * i .*-. July :i". 1888. The pu!,Ile Hill 'aka - pt] '.,-. ,,?? loan money upon 'ii" fi ' '?' I av itolen fi* in 'I"' rightful owner: Thirty-live Debcn !?? to 50, i>* th iia uslve, ?eries l ;. of tlie 1 ? ? City, Mo., due in ; i in t'i Til IM IS WILLARD, 60/ DFBKYft'RK IIOMI*. 70 O GFARANTIBI) HORTiiAGB-lL I 0 1.1."ii:; invi> imint co., Boston, Mn- .. '."..iv. MASSACHUSETTS CHARTER, requiring capital sll be : ,, l In. Bonds and Gnarantei I " - LIMITED In amount dual ant. ? Fund ? labl ?'? ? 1 ut ive* 1 on bj COMMISSIONERS OF SAVINGS RANKS Missouri, Kansas and Texas l.ail.jay lo. T,, the L dders ol GENERAL CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE D . en . ? rk. Jul] 2, ) Since cur application to lbs 1 nltcd btates circuit Court, lu .lui ned, Hie M irl Cu* ll nu-. Compaii) has ir dalma an 1 lienses of tie' Mlssou i, Kansas and Texas Ballway Company, uni we have thei I ;? ? tor 1 -ina t nu,- our ni il in for 1 *,*. .- 1 he i; Mean 11 me um (orecloauiea are progressing ind l nullo fur cumbil , lea, amount anri rule (ef bonds ia one ii tho uodur algned. EDWARD P. ADAMS . wu,-|.,n. 1,a i- *v. co., 17 Naasss th WILLI wi l? Ri 1.1.. I. Imard sa ? ? ( Co., 88 Bros | th V. 11 1,1 wi vv in rEWRIGHT, Cn!,ai Trusi Company, Tl Broadway. WII.I.lvM MERTENS, l. 1 a 11 -a. mn I C ?., bo Wall-st*. WI i.l.I WI E. SI HONG, W" ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ''r'a ' **? HOUSTON, EAST & WEST TEXAS RAILWAY COMPANY. ra! Mortgage Rona's of the above-MBMd ny a io roo u 1 lu c.ul upon 01 coi ???-!,*,n 1 with Hi. . . ii,.1,,.I ,,,:,*??..-.,.;i nm. il,,* ^ . .: expedli ? gani/atlon un_>-r tho pian submit!, i 1* th" eel* I.e.S ,,f t|,,* S'aci. ., U 1 llf'l i-e'll' .' RM :? *? * I I Hondhol I - . ? md '!-> ami o>.. i li. ? coupons held Ctn u ii - on j AMERICAN LIN an. i"e Broadway. New-York NOTICE OP ANNUAL MEETING. "" TO STOCKHOLDERS OF WELLS, FARGO ft COMPANY. You .-ir- hereby notified thal I nus) meetlna of ii,** itockh Iders nf auld dil.ra f.-i ol . ? li other busim '* ii1 be iai I In lie* - *:??' .-.. - i., a , ;,. ii,,. .*f thu company, on tho ii I lu o'clock a. m. di I bn transfer books will b med on s urdar Ihe day "f v ja- ,'. l0U* OFI ICE MLTfAL I IRE IN I RANCE I OMPANY BKOADW v\. Ni vv YO IIB i ITY. WOTICE IS HEREB\ oivEN^tht. ' ai' 7i?. i-n i. * etl .? **: th ? Boa : ? ,., ? , , , ln-ur:,e . hoi I on W ll I- -ol', I in the years I.e. and 1881 - . rued miara--, ..,, a_bu?i I, ia '* toot **n sui ii icrln will cease . n that ,u*,. ?nd aayi. made .1*. ti..; ofti.r -? Ihat dato, oo aurreadec ol thu ?? _f B. ARMSTRONO. I'..*m|.,,1 RANK OF NORTH wi 1 RIC v |"l' BANK OP NORTH AM&ftfl L A removed i<> '"** U Well-at (Mills Bu lit pi," etlon ot their nen- buildlnfl .* VALLEY R. lt. of Ohio ii per ceiii Ponsoli! ? dated in a.'-1 .* .- ,1 I lon .. foi lilli I.,,.- 1,, |.,-*i _ttl I.LIM. V Mvl'e.v, TO INV; STORM. Uri' AOBBB t 1 N'M' ,'"'?? '"!'' " ,s*'s t: on-l-K f.r iai?, end reen.iond to in mun, a toe deetreble Bonds aarnlna iti.-ie. ?11.1.1, yields fully .ix pr conita raid upj>* ibu iit>u*tiii.-n'. v " '?' **0'd Ut. a liENLDli. ii * CO.. 28 Breed-ia BILLS OF BXCPAICOB ON (JURAT BRITAIN ANI) THK CONTINENT. OOMMIKCIAL AND TK.lVELLEltS' LETTER*. OF CREDIT. AGENT'S AND ATTOKNEYS FOR MESSRS. BARING BROTHERS & CO., LONDON". Kissam, Whitney & Co., Bankers and Brokers, ll BROAD iTI'.EKT. MILL- ItlTLDIMJ rNTEREST ALLOWBD ON DEPOSIT ACCOUNT, am. JITT TO DRAFT AT sion r. (, 11 Vi;RN MK.NT, Bl v MUNICIPAL AND RAILROAD 8F.C01UTIKS BOCOHT AND BOLD ON COMJdltkOlON iolt CASU OR Cl'UN 1 MA IU I IN. -financial. STRI F.T RAILWAY RORDtt, PAYINO 0 PER I * ' ^AVI^Qlt_f^*n M-mpers N'v, Viol s-oeg hx< lunge, 7_! and Tl Broadway, N. -f, I -I-ioTiTlil RN'T'Vli IC R M' -??" v.i i OT, ' TREASURER'S OPFD li, 17 L: .l*t, New-York, Joly 20, ino, I;*OR PURPOSES <f Ihe anoual oIocUob to I,- held Bi pi -?- i- ?-- ? ? '?' As pra. farrel . '' '' "''fi'* R- R Co. trill t>- elee d A"'-' *? ri"xt- ?"?*'- **maln - pl.. 22. next By order of tho ll . , T., r, Tr*,.uro,. A Diniftnri Notices. _ rORB NA 11".-- vi. I '-.' I! .NOE BANK, I . v .-,, ir.nts. T A MEETING of tb'- Board of lectors held , iitii. '?'-, i'Ei'. CENT ired on the capiiaJ stock, payable "n sud after i. c. ii, ol i' ALT, '? ashlee. __ (\\ SA DI AX PACIFIC J; A IL WAV COM DIVIDEND .NO. Tha half-yearly dlvl lead, upon the capital stoeB of tills eempaar, _? I I pir cent per .<* lu, ut ,1,- Dominion or t,- paid ea Aunust 17 . v... , the agency of the ? al be deliv? er. I on and ' . ir, ai that _.*-(i*v. lo stoclc liol lei , who _ tho Montreal ol New-York Ve ,i ".*, ute tor t.hl* (llvidr-cd psvablo at thc atreney of the Lond "i R elster, iii ?ier*in(f, at the ro*e i-f four shill 11 . ? 1* 1 1 2d 1 per id'Viar, i *r _. tt..- Bank of Montreal, ii .ii or about I - ? ? i *. .u-at, London, i : | !? I The ti 'ks nf Mi" company will be closed In n', il o'clock p ni., e.,i PRIMAY, July lil. arni in ii and New-1 ? hour ott THL'RS DAY Dil'-' 28, I"* ' n-ned at 10 o'clock on SATURDAY, tri'* 18th A * Ry eerder of th'- board. ( HARLI * DRINKWATER Secretary. Offloe of the ? luly 8, 1MB_' PHICAGO AM) Al TON Ii MI.ROAD COM CHICAGO, ILL, Augu?t 1, 188$. NOTICE.- ?- ( Dividend ?"* Tn< '..Uara uer Shsr. h:.- tha da b?sen the pr?fcrnd iud common stock of this company, payable rn tia- 1st dsy ? record at the close * i1,.* Llth Instant The dividend I ln N'nr-Yirk will Meaars. ,n *ii s PATON '. ' ".. Ko. C New-TeelL will bO paid at tia: aili??? ol fr." ires *. - ? -'? thn company. 1 _C. if POINTER, Treasurer. ? il I I* .." oi TIIE POI oil ? | : ---I'. BRIDGE " ' ?* iran Y. Nee . i- ? IL 1**1. INTEREST "ii Iii-' Mortgago Bondi of thli * rill be i..iai on nreaents^ tlon or ta ant. ot t CARLILE, 'I isurer , WHIT!.liv v -.*? i l'EL~Co~MPAN*E )-? BROADWAY, N.-w-York Inly 20th, I*-)-.. THE BOARD or DIRECTORS of this rom 1 ual 'iinnerly dlvl. IND Til REI QUARTERS 1 I-4 I*-.! rin| out ol ea I-, Ls88, payable ar. the <*i!.'.n and aftei Auguat 10th, 1*8>j. to ? - Til- I from Au."ist 6'.h to 10th, ll.'a . . C II PARMELEE T-jWurer._ THE ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAH.WAV < OMPANY, IO AND ._ WALL-ST., -York, July _.', 1.88 rP_IE BOARD of Dir* iori have aeclarBd tho I usual Quarterly - hall per cent ni the ? ?-. payable at thia * l. I---, ? ld . * ul r-jnord ou thal dat". The *tock trsn*fc- * irilf. m., July 1_, and vvnl be leopeued nt 10 a. m., August 17, 188R I NICHOLS, A - I rv. ftNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. \_/ ?? 23, 18S8. H2TH Dividend. Thc trensfi wi'.l be closed Au. gast l a>. if p. rn in In , fl] *. | V'.'i .M. TmsJUrer. (Tcpm ina ship Xoticco. ' NEW-YORR, July ..1, ia?8. THU COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exist ' - "- I. t DAY hae ? been ii. --"i*. . retire of Mr, .l.'ilN v. * ll... in:--:- -'. .*.' ?: ? rt li.Li i ... In said tirm caree* and ten Mr. i i * nun In hi* own name the busl , ?-?? ot the late Uria ol GWYNNE A DAY. ? Mr. JOHN v GWYNNE and Mr. CLARENCE S. DA Y will a Mr. JOHN A. GWYNN . bia with the suc ? ? - ? [ i. JOHN A. C.WYNNE. s. day. (Detail Steamers. 4NCIIOR UNI.. r. S. Maa~8t?R-_---_fpfa iV NEW-YORK ANU LI ."l.iU'OOL. b. Jj. CITY OF ROME sails v. :..* xlay, Aug. 3. 6 a. tn. and every fount) Wedna: lay**_fter. Cabin. ISO ? i30. GLASGOW. VIA LONDONDERRY, Furneseia v | 1,31 n. A i vi.u-t is, 3 p.m. Ethlopla, Au.', ll. 0 a. ni. Devonia. Auk. 2b. 8 a. m. Rates ut pi--.." to GLASGOW, DI RRY LIVERPOOL or EI'.l . IBS. bm, 4 JO. Travellei - ra el Cn I and Drafts for any an, rena rates. For be lormatti a applv to HENDERSON BROTHERS. 7 Bowling Creen. N. Y. CUNARD LINE. NEW-YORE To L-VERFUOa. ni QUEENSTOWN from Pier .0, North River. FAST EXPRESS .MAIL aLRVICE. Etruria, Bur. I. B:30 d. m. Os .0, 10 a m. v i, Bi pt 1, 1 p. m. l'!i:bria. Au;:. IS, 2 :.u) p. bl S nrla, Sept 8. 7 u. m. '? ? -. '?' 3o a m Cabin passage, 100, 180 and ?T*--\ Iaf-rm-diate eas. I i ti -. - ?> ? fron perte of i*: uro pe it very low ra.--'. I - : tr- Ighi j- I pam apply io the company. ri? ll. BROWN ft i O . Ceneral Agenta. jniKCUl-AR LE 1 i E'RS of credit fur truvelerT ^*-y eurea i, svalleble in au par-* of the world, issued bl l_i_ll.-__Ll.AOI. H*.l V CO., ID Rankers. .'J WLllim-at I IAMBURG-AMERICAI. b. S. Lino for Pij * Boutro ii. ndon . Cherbourg U'.r ?) ani U.mburg. Firs! ul - iso at Ton ratoa. RUKla, *?> ..l.v isl v. 1:80 a m. Aaa 23. tua '_' RCNHARDT I- CO., C. B. RICITARn * CO.Oen Geu. Agenta ul Broad-at Pas. Agenta, iii B'way, H. Y. pOMPAGNIE GENERALE TRANSATLAN-* yj 'i ioi o. i ii ivini. my's I , - ."? Rt var. I of Morton-aa LA OA \ ? i. il p. m. LA NORMAN DH - iBJ, Aug. ll. LA BOI ? vue. 18. ? a BB. I | . r-vu_ ( ; UION RINK. *-* UNITED 6TATE8 MAIL BTRAMRRR Iv li QI . ENSTOWN AN ii ld V KR PO OL. Lu . -.. i ...- Jd, N. R . toot of Kiiigst. ALASKA .... Tu--hy. Auuusi. 1. 4 :M p. nu vv v-.i'd INO ... 'I \ it 14. ? 30 a. m. NA ... . Tui -1 ??? \ ist 21. d au p. m. WISCONSIN . . - Tu v -? 28, -j a m. NEVADA . - Tn i _ .an ? m. Cibln paaeage. tbm. geo. 080 and e!Ca Becoud Cilln. $30 sn I |3S Steei iee, ito. A ld. UNDF.RUILL i CO. 3.".\?_7. x r^ INMAN LINE H. S. aad Royal Mail _-tc,-rae_? * POR QI EE.N8TOWM AN D l.IVi-Ll'COL. CITY OF i lil* AGU . a?.*i- -i. 3 p. m. OP RICHMOND - u. s a. m. CIT. "I N KV, \ ? iRK . - , August 18. 3 o. Bb . i **i Ol' I I KLIN ... * a J r.? Fr. a- Iiit.i:. i",r. fan* rr Ora nd-st., Te ra* v ci>t . ' v::IN _^A?_5ft?5i ?'?", ?' I hwkti. SECOND CAB* IN, (J > v - -1 PETER W Rio UT * RONS. Ocr.*>nl Agi-ntt. 0 BOWLING GREEN, N. T. j APAN-CHINA. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENT AX*. . m .-..Jr******** Itu. ..j.i as tcllowai ft?*?iVn.' *A*y, AofMA IL '" ' Lu Bepteeaaet *. *,?;>' -'-n.batu i,., September 29. 1111-,_"' _, '. ? .? ot ,b-r 13. Buisrbiy Arp !i-t'*1?Suiierlor Atc-irmodatlona. Reset valium cm ,r te.euiapn to. aad isl ?? I -ia* - I,. Rioadway, .scw-Yorg. oe lUoui ,4, lUilrjid B B n Franrtaea LEI \n i "?! or.D. Treildena T. H. goodman. Beooral Pi maier A^euu MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PORTLAND v.- CITT, Miwa. ?sr.-iim-l ?. i-veiy .--..;?. lay ul S * ..- l-nru_-id r I.a: Harbor, Old t .-:, i-t, sc I and Canada. iga City, *i : I - - ?tl, in ?>. be i i ni uni ua.-aage B| . U lluUA.lO ll VI , v _ 1101 BS, i . R.. tool e.f Market-at. M IORDDEUTSCHEI. LEO ID SS. Cu. 1 bllORJ i LONDON, NEW-YORK, SOI IT1AMI"! 'N v.nh B REM BO* bteam rs -i * . iiobokeo. PAST EXPRESS LT LIU. v toa IR noon Liihn, vv, i.. v :- . ua. m. 1 - bal . Aug IA 3 a w. i V . X . ' .,. low M i-Cca. Iviiic-t ul *s OELRICHS *> cn.. No 2 newling Oreen._ I>-V IJ IC MAIL SI . '*' COMl/ANY'8 1 K ? ?"* -? -, *-?*_?. '."V.*-._ CiiNTRAL AMI SOUTH AMI RD V v\D MRXXORi fc Nt. ... - - '-. N- lu . ? - \ le), neon. Fi. tn Baa ? ' inatman sta CITY OF l'l ll-i-lift K?r * toatlon sip.y aa ? . n1.?? H J. i.i l-l. vi. suLcriuionilea^ _ KED bl AH LINE. I',i AN IWERP AND 1*ARI8- _._ Balling li.rn Ntw-Yorn ar.;1 Aalwsrf waesiy. V- KS. i RM.AND . N\ *! *- -il v u *_*_!*_ __ N.,. i ,,| x-,,, V il ??1.-y?'-,)m ; \. ui-ion. ??- *?"> *?*?? S'*rsg8 ii - . rites. _, ______l__? ________ l-l i LR vv Rii.h t a SONS, c-ti'i U?* ? U"*-1"** O'**-0-; .il ll! STAR LINE " BBB, ami tit) ' ''?"?' -<**?** en fe. ",uv* 020 ? "" v*>_*"**_!. .eat* ?,.. -? lh. v. , l Kimi *6-V. tor in i-i,. ,-t: .it af plans .a other Informalloi: si'plr ti Oie Coe.* Iisai'a vlUce. Ma ll ?^JtV3S_fttt--T- ksmh,