yoi-xLVIII.I*?* 15,239.
politic.... AMMosnir.s CASHED TO ax
f.vs kemi: pi. ;i:i.r_.
LOi:T> nosEHF.itv?annie, y a un rr
wran -mk. bphboi oa
IS8C1 I ANi'Tltr.l'. MANI
TBSftO BOCIAti vsn
nv CAMM t.i thi; trihi sr.
OmymrimU . ISSBj Ey Tht Ve,r York Tribune.
Landon, \i\_ i -Au offleial denial is now ,civ<>n
to the widely current n-port thnt iii'- Qneen is g.v
ing to Bsdffi More's iln- pity. If ita bat] gone,
il.- German Emperor, ecoording t" th- anme re
port. u v.* mei lier, ;mtl a serious effort
would i;:i-.i- horn mud- tn iirr.n^* the .aral ly
Iroubloe The Gaper r i> anxtetts t> be leeon
cile.1 with j,is mather, bnl difltealtiei un- ?
kai rids "r Us lier friends. Them tin- Queen
mich; have dooli wiih. Ail si,'-i.s ,,f docui
whether ii rl'nrv or anything els* bnvtBg boen
brough! away in- thc ('uar-u tram Berlifl ar- bnse
Thc {terni ?! i' **!imissictii MU in* duly pi'-voii
nt 1 (->i,(-ic ot Friday irt<*rnin- under u stringent
applicator cf the ck sure Every nB-eBdm.nl
nDd i*ver\- attempt bj* Mr TV nu-!! nnd his Liberal
i Iiirs tn Barron th" scope "i inquir* wu pit il *?ly
defeated, and the last vote t !<??!! showed :i mn
jeiri'v al Bl fi - tin Government. The Irish t-hen
ebnndcned the uaeleoK content ;i-"i the bill wenl
through without further opposition Nothing
lins sine- iic**ii beard fr ny -Mr Berni ll, elth r
about an action for libel or In answer to Mr.
,'s 1 ti. r. That leit^r has mg |. some i*u
Home Rule piena prefers to ignore
M or ttenl it as beneath no!]-?. Mr Harnell pr
snamblj takes thia line, ra tin ground ih-'t, na th*
whole enne ni:;*t non c mc before thc C mmiasi n,
it is )is"l-s- ? den] with pnrtlenlai ehargca In the
The tesl ni.'-* of dehutt whieh had ene on con?
tinuously -sine,. Monday, wis enlivened bj dla
runaion ol s s;-|e issn.. Mr, L_abmichere's ntT-mlit
M :i breech* ' privilege debate on a "'rim's""
article was one of thc matt; practical jokes ployed
by this irrepreseihl. ii S nous men have
1'Ttip SHI--I arr.1 thnt iii** tim* has passed when
t 'ihnic.Vi brm ches of privilege by the press can or
ought ta be deni! wnli by the noose. Not a day
pusan when editors do n i ge fir which
they niiclit i? Immghl to the bar of tlc House.
Nor is ilr* lending Journal by anv Denna the worst
offender. Whit ".he Time*-"' said waa "a eonmrnnd
violent flood of blackguardism nnd f ul mouthed
oratory,'- i in ol thi rn sci nrhii ? .lit bo
tefl io orli'-rs In apply thc lat'.*- to Mr Glad
Ftoni. who is scrupul - choice of worda,
is nhsnid Tint Mr Labouchere thonght he saw
n ohnnee of seerlng a poini aga i si " The T-mea."
and perhaps be did, though nothing '-ame of it '"it
i: freak wrangle In thc House, cn,Ene \_ the with*
rirnwul of his motion. A part of tins breach cf pri'i
lopi consis-a,; *i] ? Tin* Timi -V reteOTl n;"in Mr Mor>
h-v. Ile li:i<i vin] In th- lions., thnt if Mr, Fted
ai'ind's noemi r of n certain Im i lent w i - true. " The
Times" had - "mmiito-i nn aol ol thc deep
fnmy. " Thnt." replied " Th-* Timca." is ? - an
daloiis thing rc sny. W- ll. if a Member of !'
mont mny allege in thc Hons" that the ooaduet of
a ncw*s[)ii|K'r is Infamotu while a newspaper mny
do! dcjioinic.. thia char-nr* ns scandalous, what bo
comes of thc- Hiv* rn* of tin* press?
Mr. Brdiuond'i enne was rh-nt *? Tl-f* Times''
accused lum of npprovlng the murder ?,f Mr
Darke, because, while eondemning In a speech a*
Manchest.-r tin murder nf Lord Frederick Cavcn*
tiusli, he said nothing of Mr. lin ric*- Mr. Itodmond
bots ha wrote "Th* Times*" ? letter exp]
thin in hud ;. it tbet henrd linn Mr Burke bad
hnan kilted; bul "The Times*' did nol publish
tliis lrtti-r. .;- it certainly was bound i" do, This
huj.il.onod sis years ugo Every joumalisi knows
it is ImpitasfMi non to teal Mi Redmond's atate.
mem, or Baeertnin whether Ins letter was >.
or mt. Bnl Mi Sd rlej nrxl day withdrew the
" ir of tin .lav li ?f.ife anel deeteied thu! " The
7,mi-_" had l*e,-n guilty Ol an act ol tin deepest
miamy. There was no fresh evidi nco. bul niii<li
Insh irrit.iti'en. On the whole, neither "The
Times" nor Mr. Morley oomca well oui of the
The Heeling of the Home Rnli pr " The
Time." is naturally bitter, bat is carried to great
liagth_. One incident is interesting; Lord Boae
betrj-made at Boatra one ol Uk - ipeeehes
yet li*a;-d afainal ih policy cd the preaenl Mm
fhtrj ; ara,: -' I specially, tli-ir CODduOl vvith r*-f
creno*' to thc Pani* li Commission. Hi* mid, among
crtli.-r things with reference io "The Times's"
charge, against Mr. 1'arii'Ii, thal ' The Times"
was a political orpm with -i political object.
Thia not, being violent enough for preaenl tnatea,
"Thc Daily Newn" nexl day publiahed ;iii anony
mons letter insinuating that there v.as gonae Beere!
t_-i<_erst_iiiil,ti_ between "The Ttmes" and Lord
Eaaebety; and ilii- was strengthened bj nn edi
torial luiui'-ndo. " The Daily News" |g pre-cmi
neatly u Gtedotoainn organ, nnd ii smi>s in th>
back Mr. Gladstones niosi intimate Mend and
most loyal sup-'urt-T.
This week's debute in tte Lords has .-ittmeted
Utile aTtention in t,h preeenoe ot oontinual es*
citoment la thc lb-is- ol I oaimons. It* was. bow
ever, nedo wm lbj foi a i-r??t--.st by Laid Carnarvon
against .he Looa] Goveinment bill Thnt vary
obie and amineBl ex-Minister Ins altogether de?
clined tt) follow his former (hui- down what he
thinks the ateep deaeeni to democracy Lord Salis?
bury replied tliat the si',;-*- Into end of being st top
wae so gni'l'ia] that you could hardly tell whether
you wer*- going np or down JCeverthelesa, Lord <"ar
narvou, though unheeded by the public, gives
voice to fwahiulliigi in winch no small portion
of the lory gsrty seeretiy si re.
The naval ?BBdOSnYiei "'.: tba Irish Mutt, which
bedail ten day?- uko. continue Interest lo
ia mainly '-.-iii'iiii-i to the naval publia At, Iden
han got nhl and thnl tin- Admiralty have so
arranged thc eottdltiena ol Um orates! that the
result ia a foregone eanelusion, ii.* bio
squadron having lat..- ,\. .,, ,(... too
pow. rf ul enemy. ?!-??,. h 1ij(. ,lvlill llM 0|
caenaiti'-s to naval maohinary.
Thc latest news fro-], >fr. Btanli f OM now boen
carefully nnalpaad, with s r.-?.. thai 1S adi
to lie leis emla* .teporta un- both eonflioting
ami vague: yt 11 ia eleni thnl Mr. Btanley had
not ranehed Emin I-kelm teal April. Where ha
wiis nab"dl ti. " kn. .-., ?
by pi-.ifig o'E gu-s.s. s h !_ hownve*, believed
tliat .laj.r liirtii-lot with 006 men is well on Ins
way t?, Hippor-I iiis c),i i Thnl the \N'inie Pncha
is not Mr. Stanley bul Dr. Emin Mema m,w the
opi.'iii.n of tin- i?-st esperts Ihrantenad by ti,.
Malidi, P.miu I'aclia baa icaolved to nttm
l.i.i.g on tin- known hatred ol the Mahdi prevailing
among hie aubjeeta Utere is tall< of an i spedition
Wady Haifa to lead Emin I-Behn b h.md,
but it is mest utilikoiy thal tho Kagltah Govern*
wiil engiigi Ib a new war in tiie Soudan.
Mr Spurgeon hiva ugam been heard from, lie
ii grieved, yt not wiioii*. '-us! down. ",1 ?
(Mured much odium." h<- *,vi,ti- to tho lliiptists
of liryu Mawr, 'jot am I not dleaooiaged
Though I seem IS mkWO si ok'-n in v;iin. J inc!
U.i re is yet enough love lot MMtBd di" inn' amoila'
Baptiats to prevent thew error., having unlimit'd
?way."' "Those orr-irs'' an, of conr*..-, those which
launched tho Baptist t'hun__ M the ? down grade."
n* is uiUitoolmii lo ki_ow ihM Mx. -iturgrtm corie
siller, innis, If not ono jot less n. i*..i|t;-t becnnse h"
has .iiiit;,*,| the I-.ptist I'nion.
I.< ndoii is emptying fast. Bad weather k-pt
?any m town arho nannlly attend the Goodwood
* i The] may thanh their stars, tor bashan
Iii" ' hud ;) had week of it.
Sir WiBlnm Humour! Iris gone to his house <n
(few F.'re-.f. which, contrary to r-ports, neither
is. nor || to be, let or sold.
Mr and Mrs. Gtedatoae drove this morning to
Rcrkhiimj-s' a I. cn g visit t , I.-dy Snn'n BpSBeer.
I'*, morrow th,**,- g,, 0fi to Mentmore. .vii.ro they
an- to spend Suadaj with Laid and Lndy Bnoa
bi ry.
I-ord Salisbury, thongll no 1**tt r, has remained
la Li inion, nor dona he expee! to leave town next
week. Calm is expeeSad la fbOow tins week's
l-nrliameatary at* rm. aol is Mm House likely t*>
lill again till the anttnaa session begins.
Among passengers by th- Oiabris to-day is Sir
Edgar Vine nt. Bannon.] advteat lo Uh Khedive
and one of th- rising lights in tho ftnanaj:,] world.
Ho hus loner been popular in London for his p. r
.sona! qnnli! *
Joseph Arthur's American piny. " Tho Still
Alarm '" has achieved u certain kind of success
Af the Princes. Theatre. The fi rennin ns a hero
is knited us a novelty nnd tho business of the
play is liku). Tlie American tiro-engine nnd fire?
men were alike strnnna t" un Kng!ish audience.
Captain Shaw, Chief ,-,f the London Fin- Brigade.
sat in ii private i"*\ and applauded, lie thought
tlie <liil! g.I. I'ii! not (junker than tliat hero.
Tho applause for all thia wai immense. Imt tho
play itself was v.et.-d weale, tho dialogue flimsy,
thc plot threadbare, and tin- acting not wonderful.
'i7.is. Like " Tin* I nioB Ja sk" at the Adelphi, is
a good enough bo! wenther play nnd ok.-s out th.*
dead sen eon, whlcli beean ai un- uni'- since and
still cont inn, s.
Mr. Mans!,.*i.is experiment with Mr. Suv* ?
?? Iir. Jekyll and Mr. livia" is thought a bold one
itt sari, a nu.melli, inn Mr. Irving is behind Mr.
Mansfield, ani if anybody knows the British pui>
lic. Mr. Irving knows it. Mr. Tliindmann's version
of the sane story, nftor miming thc- gauntlet in
court, will Ea produced ou Monday. Everything
of Mr. Stevenson's is to bo taken out.
Very few theetiee are open. Mme Surah Hern
hnrdt'a nason "f nearly four weeks rinsed on
Thursday ; i rn spite "f thc failure of
" Frandllon" to Interest an English audience.
M-ss Sophie Eyre opens at thc Gaiety to-night
wnh sun another American play, " Manna."
founded on tin- eternal -? Mr, Borneo of New-York.'
'? Hu- Mikado" drags .en at the Savoy. " Dorothy"
nt tho Prince nf Walea'l Las nearly reached Hs
sfvin-!!']-,i.ii"dtl. night. Mr. diaries Wyndham
-t ll -i* [a tbe Criterion open, playing Ins aim nhl*
id Garrick" tn ^..oil i,.,!-??-. " Swen! Laven?
der" holds tin* 1" ards ut Terry's, and " The Arabian
Nights" at tho Comedy. Mr. Lionel Brough draws
will ;n 'little's. The audiences are tn all
-.- loreign and provincial. G. W. S.
roni/rtaht . IMS ? By Tht Mam York Ameintid Prill.
ht, Aug- A.?Emperor william's monareblal Itin?
erary, slnee hil Interview wtth Prince Bismarck af
Friedriehsruhe, ha- heei mod led in moa! important
direct lone, it va- supposed thal the Emperor, In
lance with a famiv amusement, would pay
lil- respects io Ho Queen of England ilurlni I ?
teen-ti sny nt Haili h. The Queen, however, intimaieci
tiimeiL* ?-. Qeienan Embow? ?i London, tl .
il Ll nol Intend to p, either !?) Haler rn to any other
place on ihe Continent, Ye-terday a formal not***,
wa- -nt by MMe Hl*marck thnuigh tho F.ngll?h
Bmbaesy asking ihat the Queen receive Fmp.-ror
1 BTUttoO-. win. the nore stans!. lnlen,1e(l to villi F.nn
tend. if thc plana ol Prince nimmel ai*e axseuted la
Emperor William Will arrive in London In Nov
ember, during Hu- winter *r*-!',n of Parliament. Ender
thc present circumstances bia visit to England win he
ite ,-in'l not a family affair, ami Hi" Queen must
moe; him either lu Lt.tulon ur at \\:.
Ottawa ''m.. Aug. A.?Buah lic-s ac- <|ei astating
the country in ever] direction, and ti.'- lo-- win be
\i .'ni i*. known *- Stewarton Hush, adjoining
thia cir;, ls no* . and hundred! of citi/.'-ns have
e-tossing Hi'' elty Umita
A voluntoei brigade ha- boen formed '" .i--ist in
.- ti..- Homes. Word hu yt-' leeched here thal
Eureka, a small village con i i - | ' Ity houaea and
-toes ami i larne iteam sawmill, ha?; been iwepl
out of existence. The kousea were mostly oecupled
by mlU-handa, who Imi en ?_::.;:_?. many ol th**m
haii'lv escaping with their lives Around Pen
the who!'* country is reported ta I"* In flames, and
thc hanks of th" river
for refu,,--. Several ol th*- most valuable timber
lim i- in tho Ottawa ilv-1 i a- ? ? a!readi been dwtrojred.
Th-- (Hv- ar*- the most tevere thal have ever visited
Paris, An. i Th- protectorateeelabltohed hy Italy
over /.ulla i,a< in'----"', i ince, 'nc aeyspaper. claim
that ZuUa belongi to France under a tcaiv sicned by
Aiev -inila and France.
London. Aug. 4.?" Th" .-<t. .lamed's 0 001)1 Ul." cort-e
?pnodent at Iierlln gaye that In political circles there
li,.- tension between France and Italy ls regarded as of
the most lerioui ( haraetcr.
London, Aug. 4.-The nov J. ff. Hurgon, Dean of
Chichester, ls dead.
Alexandria. Aug. 4.-The produce Association na*
Issued a report m regan! to Ibe Egyptian Button ero;.,
lt iay: the jiiai.i ls growlnf vigorously, llest hv*.
offset the Injun done bj worms ti.c eultlvaled area
has liicrcas.-d ll per oem ilnce 1887
Constantinople Ada I Munn* Pacha tho tpeoi-,1
Turkish envoy io Berlin i" preaenl the Bultan'i eoi
grntulattoM to Emperor William oa .his sccemlon ta
thc ti.tone, took wi thc Emperor an autograph letter
Irom thc Sultan am! a gold cashel set erith brilliants
ai.*i eontatnlni a amoklng let
? ?
Si. Petersburg Au| 4. The river Vistula l.a^ over
flowed Hs banks ami inundated tlie counter around
l'i-at'U". Aug 4.- The river Mold aa eontlnuei to
ilse. li." vllUgei on Its tanks ai- lubmerged and
many ol the inhabitants, liave been Ut**
i inelttuutt, Aug. 4.? John Kal Ineon, th<- veteran
nan, died al I o*eloek thia awning, He hal
keen foi mme weela la a eridcal eond Boa ile was
more than eighty fame of ag' . j".-! until within a .hort
tim.* ha matntaloed a remai-ablc degree ol vigor.
Ho bas -pent almost hil whole li?" In th nianaimient
a-inc aocceeded bj hu sons within tn- li-i
f<-w years. Ile had amma ed - torga tottune,
Ocean Drove, N j.. Aug t Ha sale <-f I iveh ta
ihle place has been prohibited hy Ihe ""-an e.n,v..
(Hon. \\. II. Wv the, -ni ol .i htothadtol min?
ister, last yat wa- giv.n a newi and toofeetienery
stand in th'- Assaetottoa post odtoi hy Georgi W.
Brena, his fatherm tow, who i- Bocretarj ol lui
elation. Vbea ' d lhal the Assoatattoa
Would ii"! ju riiilt him io "ll novels, lg which he hail
i good . *
th.- -land as a gil: The Association la now endeev
lo lease ihe itond tol P175
11. | ethl i| - ill question li .i.'ain ..glint. -
pi nplc ai Asl ur* Park, nii'l ( blei * i c
i*i been Inetructcd lo Intercepl ali ballier- rho al
* when no! properly ati red
i iii?-i Balle) says lhal be has received numerous com
|,un,ts from bowl goes., ami cottage ivn is.
MorntBjrrg of say al tbbbblBi
Wnahtogton, Ang 4 A mograni lauatvad at the
N_v> DenartuMul thH eflemooa kern Baar Admiral
Chandler, annannaed "-* - Braokli mllad from
-oKiitiama lo day foi .Ne vv .mk !*i w.iv of t.ooi Hope.
Lieutenant ( omuiaiulor Kuku.. ("iiiinaiiilliig the
report! bM arrival a* Onnnlaska Jana BL
fourteen <laj ?> from ht. paul Kaillh. saying Uiat ht
weald ?aii un Jun- BS, I.,i Dngi Be-hopM -*1"' atkae
sKitli-meii", ol Hu,m.mu and .sa.nl,akll Island* of the
Alaskan peninsula ultor whlcli ho would icturn io
Behring'-** twa. v|SitiilK Niihhagak and other l rn pur** a nt
BOt Qc me nt I tn Brliiiol Bay. Ho expectod that the
Theft, would return io Alaska in limo to sall lor Bu
Michael n aud tke .Witi Juli li.
A WAS i"'H'M IL.
JOT TBIfK-Rvril TOTII". TlttBf-XI*.]
Standing Kock Agency. Aug. 4.-Blood l? up among
the chiefs at the reservation, over thc charge made
against Hiern bjr the Commissioners. They arc
chargrilled and enraged at the attempt of tba ( BBB*
Brieetoueia lo force them to tell the Indians Ihat they
might WnOl up and sign Ihe p?.per If they pleased.
This was an Insinuation that thor were no better
than thc common people of th-lr tribes, and lias
slime their pride, in his i-eply to me t oinmlssloiiers,
John Lrass said: "You have said many thln_s t"
sham* the Indians. You accuse ns of ra)Ins
that the Oran! Father In Washington Iles Wi
did not say thar : we say that tho Tomml'stoners
whom he sends to tn are liars. We have told you
thal we do not want BB 'lien the papers, and we
meant lt We do po want ro ?lgn. because wo
ar? not cettlng enough for our lands That I* |OB*
whai vc mean. You talk too much to us. Ton
foll u? many things iha' arc not In the l.tlt; we
have had mir young men read the bill tn u*. and
we know that yon are tellt.ig na n.my
that are not true. You mar say tha: I
am not authorized to ?p*-ak for Hie Indians. I tay I
am. and 1 stand here now talking for all the Indians."
IPre th- Indians supported i.ras- to his itatSmeat
with a Mg -ow:- Continuing, emus said: "You
have kept us herc many 'lax, and we want W g"
home and attend to our crop*. We have leaked ar
?1 iuipoi and at the black, and wo can
difference. ?
During this ?poeeh SlMinc Bull was moving around
among the Indians, giving ih<m advice. The aenss
ilona* eharga of tbe Commlsston, and the spirited
?peech of t-raiK created a profound mnsatton anions
Hu- Indians, ami lt was plain thai main ol the reds
were dnmfoundod. They wen* surprised and da/ed
and were p!ae.-d in a condition nf wild expectancy.
To-day icing the day for thc Issue of thc rai.mis.
all of thc Indiana of the reaowratfon, ?qua?
children, were present, and the i iimiiilsstoiuiia had a [
gi-at opportunity u, work apon -beti gratitude. lt
wis a good dav for explanation, ami iha l ommlsstonan
believe thal they hav* made a break in Ihe ranks of
thc opposition ih-> nota objections sn iai advanced hv
thc Indians an- ihat iii.* Government ha* not observed
former Ireaties. that fifty cents per ae.e ls not enough
for their lards, tl-ar the preeent boondan linen "f ihelr
lieut] are not wha! Ihe Indians were given rn under
stand they would lie. They als.. n!,]?.i verv -rronflv '
io the teni eel and Poneai being brought Into !
their lands to Intermingle with them. The '-..m
mis-ioners have told them in reply iha! Ike Govern?
ment has dune more thea it promts *d, thal their rations
were largely Increased by the treaty ol 18TS, ,uid Ihat :
upon the expiration of the time during arhkb they
were to be tod they were fed
for four years by (he Governemnt, Th" Indian,
have boon told what the Government has expended
for them, and Ihey have been shown as plainly aa
pos-lble thal If they will accept this tr*aiy they Bill
be one of ihe richen BOUUnuntttol on the continent.
At tho council of the Indians last night, the chiefs
[ ..poke bitterly of the I Oniinissloii. and asked the In?
dians If they would follow ihe advice nf men who
would Insult their chief. Sluing Bull spoke of the
vast areas of land that ihe Indians have given Bl ihe
whiles, and ?ald now they are trying to
crowd np upon a pa'tnre not blr enough for cows.
Be relied npon tbe chiefs, whom Ibe fi :nmissioners
hail told Hie*, could MM speak lor lh< t Indians, io
-a-. -,, met hi ic to remove tho shanie which had been
plao-ii upon them
(.all. vrl-.a |? proud and Imperious. ar*n?e amid the
wild applause nt the Indians, and said that he had
been among them many years, that they knew him
as their chief, and know that he had
always been true to thom. Ile asked
them If they would follow In tl.e lead nf these
Conni* nioner! whom they have never seen before,
or follow theil chiefs, who have led lhem to battle,
and fought for them. Il- recalled the Mme that the
vi niles planed hun to tbe ground with bayonets, near
Fort Stevenson, and left bini for dead, and said thai,
wtth all they hail done, be had never been ie
hurt as when these Commissioners tell him that h
cannot represent his people f.all's ipeech wae fre
. applauded, snd those vv;,., heard kim h
he swayed the Indians with woaOrfol effect
.lohn (Iras* also Ipoke of thc affront thai he and Ihe
odor chiefs hvi received Irom tho tommi*-.
? and said that this alone was suim-i-ut i-. proven) the
Indiana from ifgnlng Mad Beer ani Big Heed a?*
ipoke, and Bain In tke fore moved aboul oa las pony,
urging his friends to do as th.- chiefs advised them.
It is now a war of Influence bctweoe 'he rho-f- am!
Ihe i oinmlssloncrs, and the fight ls being waged wllh
ail known tact'rs on both -Mos.
Bitt . ? .il !? by far Hie most cunning ol the tribe,
and ls ?lther doing all he can to deceive me I otnmle
iloners, oi be la deceiving ins own people,
ile called on th*' Commlialimen lo-day 'i'?
ll the nr.iy chief tha' has mad' a call upon them, au I
has endeavored lo gain their confidence. He uild
them that th<- other caleti were v-r. foolish, and that
they did not know wh?t ihey ought tn do. h- en
ileavored to eonvlnee tto* ComrelMloaera fhv ho ls
their friend, and thai he will do ail he ean for them.
1 hs. iog*-ther iv Ith h;s si-eecli ia to the Indians. p;iu old
Bul In i very strang' predicament, ai.el If hH eall upon
the Commlasloners been mea known t.. the other
el.lefs. there w:l| b- a lively r,r.v |? camp.
uii.-ss it ls toe insult ol an understanding
B all the chiefs. From Hie trvt that nearly
every Itnnwn lieutenant nf Bull ls opposed tn the
tn-atT. and ihat they have work'-! vigorously against
lt, tho sinccidiy of his words to the Commissioners
ls doubted.
T.lHIFF an:? working PEOPLE.
Indianapolis, ind.. Aug. 4.?Senator Vonrhees ta
nleht ai Tern* Haute opened the Democratic rum
palgn vvith a spoi?ch. In the eouise "f Whloh be sahl:
** I propoae to ibo* thal the history of the Bepnh
llcan party on th>* subject of taxation h tbs history
of premeditated crime against the laboring poop.a of
the United states. Every movement In the ma-hiii-rv
of Governaaem iel In motion hy BepubBean leaden
atisl maaageti has Ik-.-ii i>> swell and float th?
at the rich and to Increase th? burden of the poor,
to deprive labor of its hones! ree ard and to re?
duce the Industrial elaAs-s on the farms. In
ihe workshops am! In the nones, to lbs Hale
and condition of serfs poping tribute m their
rapacious masters. The EepubKcan conspiracy '"
touton ihe langi ol the money power in the sin,.-.
bod] **f American lii-or and lo enable Bigantic Beary
and legalised robbery ta suck tba blood ol every
American indu-try took Its first gi ?? ,-n, |.*i
authorlalng h-gai teador currency in isos, the green?
back. th<- Immortal and glorious greenback, was dis?
criminated against ami degraded in the money
markets of the sortd by being mail.* eoe-roeetvsbla
for dun-*- on Imports and foi Interns; on tho bon led
iKbt of tbs I kited BtOica In all the annal! of
nations, no financial measure was . va i more wUfull]
wicked in conception and design, BM mo-e (ar reich
ii.g. appia ea re snd deatrneUve te the rights of labor
Hi Ita result-* thai- t|,|s."
The Senator deelared that this OCt enabled thc " Ilul
BontstS*' of Wall -*lreet u -e.lin- a profit _ "oohed
?peculation" nitt the honda ami eurone] ol Um
Kallon of nearly SI,800.000,0
Kenan,: PeorbBM -nen entered up> r, the taiiff lvs.i-.
alni, among other things, -aid:
?? Eur nineteen year- the ".-pihlloan party ha** *
ih-- peo pto te p*.v inc manularturer* at leam a bea
dn-d ml 111 '*- a year In eontiderallon if a lax paid by
tu. manufacturer* lo th" i,i*i"ii m,-ni. mei a dollar of
iel teh t__ daring iha: time fi* pal.! Nee
billion dollars hav.- thus boee wreaebed Irom in!
lng ma s- "_
Dubuque, Aug 4. A triple drowning is reported
from Fayette i ounty. A party ram.* io Motor, a
small town OB l*he 1 urk.-y r.lvsr, yesicrday to fl-h.
ThTOS nf Ihe number got into a deep hole and were
dmwaad Shall names were Charles Kay. Mary ..
Wales and John Marlin. The two former were Bl ha
inarrl'd next week. Ihe other was a boy of fourtei ?
Hla father and mintier Hood helpless on the bank, aud
uaw him drown._ _
Binghamton, N. Y., Aug 4 (Speclali.?As a rt?ult
of tbs toveaUgntlan by Iha Oaaaaa*. jury. Dtotrtai
Attorney i urti- al a late hour laat night directed the
ari-st of J- D. Crandall, Arthur Howard, I*e|,,ie-t
1.1,ni. and John Heath associates and fellow boarder*
of " Fred" Navena, the fireman wbo was found lying
fatally Injured before th* boarding house ol Mrs. h C.
Lord No 20 band lt., on Sunday morotai lt li
.aid 'that others sre Implicated aie* tliat mora orreiu
may follow.
IS! ..UKI'.
Happy they who yesterday cmiM get out of the
oity?rJie li"t. recking, ate wing city?..nd go
where pool bnSBM whisper lo the pines on moun?
tain top*, or where the surf teogha find leaps,
.-md lioary old Father Rapfotaa grants to nil tho
privilege of using his both tub. That fiend in
fernnl. humidity. h?ld poaacaaioa of ihe town
nnrl with old " Sop doing pretty nigh his worst.
thc city wns converted Into n colossal Rtew pan
??here humrinity Boiled ai il -simmered.
Hut wllh tho gathering ihadowi of evening
came the gutiiiring clouds of a storm. Humidity
lind tried the patience of the atmosphere until it
dull Bear n*, more, .-md. lilt- un anzry child. llow
lirsi int., n windy pnssion and then burst into a j
Bond of tears.
Ahotit 7 o'clock these fathering clouds took on
nn ominous look, aud ten minutes Inter the bright
n.o songors cf thc stoim begun io shoot their forked
l-rngtha along tha horlsoa. Ti-.e wind. too. came |
in fitful fusts timi ga *,?,- stronger nnd itronger,
gathering up great clon la of dust nnd sun't in its
?skins and hurling thom up und down tho stn-*s
and MOOBI the town. Blindin: the eyes and smoth
ering the eries of every unfortunate person who
happaaad to be cans-lit out Then what a lmrry
in,- und iknirying for ihettei then was: Mon,
wnmcn nnd ehl-da n Mattered in aU di_p,-rion* ns
f.isf as their feel weald enrry them. Even tha
iaii.il itrret*car horses eanghi the infection
ol fear end travelled as they ne-., r had travel] d
before, while not another sign of animal life waa
to he .socii anywhere. It seemed ns though all na?
tur.* apprehended tin- approach of mmbc dread di*
At half-past 7 o'clock the wind had assumed
flu- Hendy velocity of a small hurricane, nnd
the flying -.louds of dust hui beeotM so largo
and heavy thut, Bearoely anything could bo seen
through them, save tin* great Hashes of lightning
which had hoon Steadily Boating nearer, nccom
punted t>y tin- thunderous mintos of thc artillery
ol the skies.
At vj" o'clock thor- waa a vivid flash that
Jl_-hr*d up the whole cltv. followed almosti
Instantly by a thunder pen] tliat sounded like
tho explosion of a whole battery1 of nrtillorv.
Then the rain foll, first in scuttoring drop* and
finally ,n gnat drenching sheets, laying tho dust
a*. : flooding the s*r.,*ts. ))Ut impartinc a most
?jrratof'il coolness to the parched air. Every few
?seconds there would bo another blinding flash of
lightning*, which bad u startlingly beautiful effect ;
to those who witnessed it, os it shone for that *
one Bri- f Imf vivid moment through the tailing
sheets of wind-rlrivin rain, which seemed as a ?
gr<at glistening gossamer mnr.tle 0f fairylike
to\turv spread oui over the city.
Just before io o'clock tin* siorm subsided and ;
humanity enme out of !is holes again, only to be
driven bask a quarter of an hour later by ii second
and even more violeul storm, which teated until
upon midnight, though its viotenoa did not
continue so lone During this latter svorm there
were .several Hashes of lightning that almost ox
tinirii.sE.-tl th.- electric light* on the lindie, nml
lit up a lar.,'.* portion of Urooklyn so that a num
ht-r of prominent building*, could be plainly
Tln-so viotenl electric disturbances In the at
?eephere bnd their effee! upon tho telegraph and
telephone wires throughout tbe city. Flashes of
light cou;,I [j be situ along the wires,
ntitl in ofllces where there wore keyboarda ami
telegraphic Inatrumenta tbeae Hushed ami mapped
with a report ilk- exploding erm kera, while
distinct si,.oks ct.:.ld be felt VV l,-l).-v er tho re
eeiver of a leli phone wire was placed to one's ear.
'Ihe .-I.-, ti ic lights etoo ihowed ;i resentful dto
posiiieiii, umi sputtered and clucked In a naesr
alarming manner. Tin- telegraph wires in nil
directions from New-.ork. and particularly those
r niling to New-England, worked bu>iiy during
th*, sturm. Hinch press matter nnd other Bteaangea
being delayed At the o|**rating room of the
Western Union Tcli-gT.-ph Company it was said
that tho wind had not blown down any of tiie
wins, nor eaaaed any sp,,,Mai damage. The bud
Working was due entirely To tin* oloctneil dis?
turbances, und a.s s.ion as their effect hud (Kissed
off the wins would be in good order again as
ii-u al.
At tho Signal -Service lillico it was said tba!
the -torin had gath-roil a little west of hen, ami
was moving east wu i'.l. but would probably soon
? ii- ont, as it it emili to I,.- only a summer thunder?
storm of a purely local diameter. It is pre
dlcted hy The same authority that the weather
for the next f'-w days will be much cooler.
During the day tin-re were a good Binny cases
of prostration from heat, but no fatal ones.
Hard was it on the sons of toil who live by
murnini later; Lard on tho poor gearing girLs in
st,tiing apartments stitching for misernbl.- pay,
hui harder still on the poor mothers in the u-n
en_ent dtetricvi ??ho could iee their little ones
visibly wilting and drooping away like plume
in a drotttb, and yet. could do nothing for them.
At | o'clock iii the Signal Servne station on the
Equitable Building, thc thermometer registered
74 degrees, and the hiimidii.v was 7?> per cent.
Tliat _s to say that the atmoephere bnd Tf per
eent of a* much moisture aa ll i enid hold. It was ?
something mote than th ree-Io url Sus '" full."* It i
had a st ti i x-fy nig effect on those who had to *
-i. lur-- it. Perspiration, didn't rr Bponte, bnt |
vital eaergiea dui, and Ufa waa rendered a burden |
und was endured only under puiteat, Prank
w.-nt abc.nl theil I.-is.ness ii. rl.-.ssly. There was
Ittato s.t;*i about the weather, for must people felt '
ti..; eo-Bptete knadeqoaey of language to do justino
Ai ito- day grew things got woree At j
o'clock at Iha Signal Service station the mercury
was at PO degrees nnd tha humidity ema
ll '?That is something extraordinary with such
a teni perot ure." .said Lieutenant I'u ism* 11, who ls
a man Bot given to exaggeration, bat has a scien
tiilc fondues* fur enid beta " Under ordinary
.... aboul I.'i per cont."
"Whai hope Of relief is them?" asked a re?
porter, planting himself where ho could atop a
: Motion of the bneae thal sw.-pt iu through
a email eireuter window.
'? Weil, i think." said Lieutenant Punee-l,
with provoking Indecision, " thnl are shall have
a thunder salim between now nnd tomorrow noon
an'l then things arill a ol off."
Those who take comfort from ihe thought
that o!li--rs share their misery will rejoice t,.
lour that lt v.ae h"t and " Buggy" y stor
day all alon.' the Atlantic coast north of the
Cheaapeake and so fur Intend si tba lakes.
And those rare mortals who lejofsa in tba |.I
fortune of others will be del guted to hear tliat
on Friday night rnin fell ni forty-.w-cri stations
east of th- K.-cky Mountains, and in that M -
Hon of Dada Sam's farm people an* fooling pr-tty
? -omfoi-tabie gad tailing au interest in the ordi?
nary affairs of life. Ihe weather win, also " normal"
ii: tlie So',Hiern Stat's and tho happy inhabitants
of Montuna ,n<l Dakota wen- taking ex.. rivi ae
to ko.:, tin niseis.*, warm, the temperature theta
averaging between ll degreea ami ,*i" dagrara
Iran su.-h a big thing as tbe weather can't
dominate and subdue this vast and glorious
BOUaSry all .?! (.lice, us lt CHI) some of those effete
little monarchies of E.urniie. Somewhere people
have a good time of it, how>v?r much they may
have cause to grumhle at the clerk of the weather
lludaut'a tberLuomctor. winch regiatcrs what
people generally fool, nnd not what the weather
clerks bas.- theil cilcu lat ions upon, recorded --3
degreea al 9 o'.-look, or .*. degrees more of caloric
than the signal service thermometer.
In almost any other country under the sun,
with such weather as yeeterday, people would lay
off and loaf, and regnr*. work as a sin ; but lure.
aomrhow, people n_nunged to get through their
business as usual, no matter whir it was. It
slews what a wonderful fund of reserve energy
Americans have.
Tlie seaside resorts within easy distanci* of the
city did a rushing business yesterday, an-l trains
nne| Iteameta fairlv groaned under their weight
of human freight. Though New-York was a stew
pan, psopll didn't have to go far to gc-t out of it
Port Je-vls, _f. Y.. Aug. 4. The heaviest rain of
the season oceurr**d a! I O'clock this elf-moon, ac
companied by hat!. 1 Ighinlng siniok the spires of
both the Methodist and the Catholic ehUiehOB In Ihe
village. Inflicting slight damages. A barn two miles
from here was struck and litinied, ano f.nhii'* Hotel,
H Milford road, ls also reported to have been burned.
IPindoiit. N*. Y., Aug. 4.--A severe thunder**, tnrm,
accompanied by hall, broke over this place this after?
noon. Halls pt Ure were seen inovlns along Hie
ground. A barn va* bumed and some people struck
by lightning.
Philadelphia, Aug. 4 IBpeelel).?Tbe beat to-dav has
been Intense and tbe streets are comparatively de?
serted. A number of sunstrokes aro reported. The
thermometer was UT.
Firemen ant! pol,cemon were orouoed to Indigna?
tion yesterday hy an attempt to burn down the hoUM
No. IBS East Elev-nth-st., BOXt '1 mr to ih'* ol!i.-?- .,f
Ihe 1'oninilsi.lnners of Charities and Correction. Cnn
?Mering the pains whlcli had been taken to prepare
ihe house for speedy destruction, lt was most surpris?
ing that, the attempt was not successful. The house
ls a three-story brid; dwelling.
A patch tailor, who l| Innocent nf arson, lives lr
Hie basement The rest of the house has been >ccu
pled fnr some time bv the family of H'-rnian schaefer
a Herman laborer of middle age y\a ls described as a
gntot, Inoffensive man. who goo- mil to work pretty
regularly at such Joh* as hf- can get and submits ro
thc nii* Til his Irish wife.
Mrs Sri-vfer ls said td hav-* a hot temper, bul un ri 1
yeeterday -h" had nor been suspected of dlsla
.Anning her neighbor! she* p*--ei as a realmis ihrl
Han woman, despite h-r Inflnnliy of lemper. and for
several years 'lie has to-n a communicant at gt.
Augustine's chapel In East Houston si. she has two
daughters, fifteen and eleven years who recently IB
turned from the country, whan they hal been board?
ing at rh** expense of the Prorestanr Episcopal Church.
The family revenue han been increased largely by the
efforts of His. Schaefer, who has let famished room
in the house to six lodger-, all of them men.
Schaefer went to work yesterday mm nlng and the
six lodcers left the house as usual about the same
time It wai undersiood that Mrs. Schaefer and hei
daughters were to go on an excursion and that the
house would he closed up until late In the afternoon.
Mrs. Schaefer and one of the daughter! were seen lo
leave ihe house, after locking thc front door, shortly
before o a. m. The orber dauglnter had probably
been sen*, away In advance. The mother and daughter
had not been go,ie many minutes wh**n an Mallan Ice?
cream vendei- living in the rear house noticed smoke
Issuing from the windows of Mrs. Schaefer's back
parlor on the flrst floor He pried open th" shutters
and saw that th-) room was on fir**. Runnlnc ral to
the ..tree! he gave an alarm and the flrenien arrived in
time ro break In and BStlngulsh the flames before
much damage ha'I been don*-. A l>ed In the back room
had been ruined, but ihe Aro had nut SIlOBBlaal beyond
that room.
Then the firemen began to make discoveries. The
half-burned bed had been soaked with kerosene. On
Hie front parlor floor was a gallon can of benzine. All
the doors on thc first floor had boen P-ft open, and
the walli of ihe rooms had been wot with benzine In
many places. Cans and bottles which hail contained
oil and benzine wart, found on the floors of two bed
rooms over the back parlor Closets off the isioms
had been wet with the Inflammable liquids Morse
still, packages of j int ow tl-r and cartridges wera found
on the shelvee of the closets. Ar, excelsior mattress,
soaked with oil. had been si|tiee/.,vi between tbe
shelves In one closet. Pieces of burned paper were
lound in each cios-r. Evidently th*- paper liad hoon
? I and thrown Into rhe closets with Ihe expects
tlon of alerting the mines of oil and powder, bul Ibe
tire tieiitl who had mad'- all the extensive preparations
hail made a Munder at lbs last moment am. hail lhal
the closet doors, thus keeping ont. Hie air and smother?
ing the flames. Sheets and bod 'lull's, wot with ben?
zine, were hanglns out of the open drawers of bureaus
In rho up-sta!rs rooms. It was noticed that nearly all
clothing of value had been removed from the rooms
used hy !t.? ftehaefer family.
The police and flrenien .-ani" to the conclusion ihar
many articles hail been romoved from the house by
Khaetor oi his wlto. It was believed Ihat tho family
property was Insured fr own H.an lr- value, nnd
that Mrs Shaef'T had itarted Ihe dre wiih the ex?
pectation of colleciing the Insurance money. Hud tim
fire gained much gr*ater headwiy before ii wa- ! -
covered the house doubtless would hav* been burned
out so completely thal thl origin ol the flames could
not have bo.n discovered.
Elie Maishal Frank was siimm iiied ti. Hie house,
and be made a careful survey nf the momo, in- len
iha place In charge of rh- police with Instructions to
arrest Mrs. (Schaefer as soon ss she could be found.
s-iiai'tor came home earlv last evening. Ind ap?
peared to lie -truck dui.ib w,)h surprise when be heard
about the arieinpr to burn up his home Ills remarks
to the police -hewed that he suspected his wife and
that he wan nut on the be-u of terms with her
Mrs. Schaefer came home fruin the excursion of
Qrace Chapel shout I p. m., and was arrested. In
her pocket were several ari Ides of Jewelry, valuable
private papers and two fir" Insurance policies, each
for $l.t>>0. on her furnlrure. She denied her milli,
but the police said tlie proof against her was positive.
The storm whlcli passed over Long Islanl last nl,:ht
was severe and lr is rx pei* ted that when full reports
ai-, received lt will be found ihat an Immerse amount
of dam-*"- waa don.-. Telephone and telegraph aires
an- down m all directions, and communication with
nearly all points ls practically shut otf. At DES
o't'lock lightning -truck a lari?.* barn of E. C. Woo!--),
un Bowery Hay. Th- fire departments of BBsevtlto,
Eon. Island City. Dutch KUI- uni Astoria ain-nipied
le reach rho seem), bu) aould Bot gor nearer than
within a mil". Some of tba engines hail to be aban?
doned. The mails were unthill.,' but runways for
torrents of water that nearly swept the leanora "if
their foot. The blaze from the building Illuminated the
sky win, aueh a glare that li was at flrst thought ihat
ihe immense lerra cutta works ai BeveMWOod taara
1 bl building and an lmm?i.<e riiiantity of hay sloped
within it wan totally onitroyed, involving a ios< ai
fully g3,S0O Mr. BToetoey had house.! in it a number
of valuable bonea, two ol which had been parch.?.]
bul B tow day- BgB at a cost ul BLO0O. It ls believed
that io rapid wa- th'* -pr-ad of the dre that ti*
the animal* wa* sewed. Ihould ibis peeve to be ih>*
can? the loss will n.-ar li al bast flo.noo. Adjoining
the barn, BBOa tba " < a_lno Farm." tbs BOW tr:i.*k of the
Mam! Jockey i lui, ls being laid out. A nuinln'C
ol tren here wera itruc . . . ..,_. Mani people
?! thal li'*ver OUtBlde the tropll s had th's
liitliinlng been so vivid. Passenger! on ibe locuiniuit
l roi - on the ii,.rth aide diva ion ol the '-"tig Island
Railroad reported a larg- Ire ai Flushing, bul a .
tleulan rould ii- ascertained. Then. wai n.o a flt**
lu V. i.iidslde.
The bouse of Captala Edward Halsey, ai & I
anipi'in. waa struck and the e hw trie fluid ian through
Ihe li,us", but did no serious damage to lin' building.
Mts Halsey, who wu. sliting in a chair, was thrown
violently to tbs floor and ituaoed- Um remained un
cons. 1*1 us fe.r soiiu.- Hmo. The antoni of tc-r lnj.iii.-s
ls at preaenl unknown.
aiivirr or BM doctor,
baltimore, Aug. 4.-At the office of Robert OSRSM
A Suns I harles F. Mayer, an Inilmaie friend of Ul
(Jarrott, sahl that Mr <.anett had a-na n, Kb iii . ld
Springs to lake sulphur baths, and that thev had
surtously disagreed with him. Mr. Hen eu then sent
for his family physician, Dr. Alan I'. Miilth, who ail
vised him to leave lhere but Mt to re;urn lu his
country seat ar !'piantis. Mr. QuiteM will Ko to lg*
atoga or to New-Vork < Hy. Mr Mayer ? ltd that
from their advices Mr. I Jarrett wax not believed to bo
seriously ill Dr Smith, in a letter dated vesteidav,
said that Mr. Garrett waa uo wor?e thou whoa he re?
turned frvu turu vb*.
Just before fi o'clock last night, while the thnrto
d' r-siortn was af its height, there wns a terrific.
crush in the building Noe. 414 and fig East
Twci,t\-niiith-st., n ar ibo East River, which ia a
nb-ataitea of the United States Illuminating
Oeaspui y, .niel a few minutes later nil the eleetrn*.
lights in the district between Twenty-third and
EightP-dfth sts.. nnd as fnr we.st as Eighth-eve.,
suddenly wont out. The sub-station had been struck
by lightning.
About a dozen men wore in the two-story- build*
ing when ;i b.indin. Hash. accompanied aini'il
Lineously bp a deafening thuuder clais nearly
knocked them or? their fe*t. A moment later the
switch bo. rd against the front willi of the build?
ing wns .ibl:i_._ nnd the flumes were shooting up
lOWBld tho roof. An alarm of lire brought several
OtMBpunted of firemen in a hurry through tho
drenching ruin. At thur moment it seemed as if
the d.-iiige from above must (juickly put an end
to the lire, but tin* Annies only g*ith'Te?l mom
foroo m streams from three engines were added
to the downpour, aad a third alarm was sounded.
The n.en in tho sub-station had fled at the hiv,
ginniriK of Hw outbreak, most of thom being ter?
ror-stricken ly the lightning. For a f.-v minutes
the Hiinrs rose in a solid column from the roof,
but the streams from a dozen engines soon began
to tell, and before l" o'clock the Ure was out.
The tri,ulile was not over yet. however. Flashes of
lightning oesttlNdBl frei|t;ent intervals, and every*,
time there waa un unusually bright flash streams of
fire stewed to shoot out of the many electric light
w.r.s winch entered tho building, and there wns a
eSMfa which made tho damager] roof shake Every?
thing in the bidding was wet, and the tlremen said
that wet things conducted electricity easily. They
r tin- fire had been caused by lightning
which travelled in on the wires.
George Roth, an inspector for the Board of El'*e>
trlcnl Ceatral, agreed with the firemen. Ile also
suspected that some of th.- wires entering tIi3
building wera not properly insular^,
For a time nobody connected with the sub*
stnfioii could bl found. The engine, r liad !? it, tho
; Ines after drawing tin* boiler IMS Bad shut tm g
down the machinery. William Koo, superin?
tendent of the station, was found about l<)
o'clock He wild he thought tke lightning had
struck the roof of the building, It was plum
to him tliat the station would be dina) ml for a
time There were twontv-scvon dynamos in tba
building, and they had inst over #3.000 each, or
ub'iut g65,000 altogether. It was impossible to
tell how badly tin- dynamos were damaged. Mr.
Roe thought thai the ebie, damage would resule
from tho water causing rust in some parts of tho
machines. Ihe damage to the building did nott
e\Ceed $2,000.
At ii:jii j>. m. an electric light wire set fire to
a shed ut Nu. 121 Third-ave. and caused a slight!
duniage by fire.
Dining the tlmiifler storm last night about 100
people wete peaceably earing their suppers In the
Dalry Eltekon, In Pourieentk Bt., when a rampan.
tliunderliolt struck the eloetrie wires leading Into and
llghllng the kitchen. Tin* wires, which enter over the
(loir, run alorrj the Bealle of He* room underneath th*
floor, which is of ground glass, In a wooden ra". Iho
insolation material on the wires in this case was horned
and tin* wine themvHvs were entirely consum-d
lor a lbw ninnes !? looked as though the building was
doomed, as thc bright (la.lies and glare of the (Ire could
tn* rlalnly seen through ile* glas_ floor, but In _pire ,,f
Hus the ntmoai codneaa prevailed and few of ihoso
pre-ent ]eff t>,-:lr -eats, while rho orchestra played a
iiie.y mari h an-l rb* walton walled. A force _f em?
ployes. undT rho direction of rho head wairor, man?
fully fac*d iho erratic Haines, and with hand Grenades,
lie extinguishers and water hookers managed to put
out the fln- by the time Ihe diemen had BJ Fleed. H it
foi the coolness ani presence of mind of Mr. Cnnra.l,
tue head walter, and *,'h--is, a serious lin* might have
oecurred Tia* damage -viii amount to about tl'*),
part of rh'* lose b.-lrg In fancy candy Ixixc*.
Tho lights in the City Mall I?rk went out after
one of the firs) severe flushes of lightning. Bad
w.-re not tiirn.-d on agata for n*-arlv two hours.
What reused rh.- troiiM-- could nor h.* learned at tho
United States Cotnpenvs sub-station in Fulton*
st Th. n* ir wns saiel that th.- eircuit in tin)
l'ark was gnppHed fr"rn th'1 BtnatOtt-st station.
At the tetter place ir was raid thar no trouble
hud oecurred on the oneuits supplied from tho
station. The men m charge of tin- place would
not discus** the situation
Captain darren F. Yan I'elr. of the shs)1) Simms
F.. Van Name, of staten Island, wh'ch was lying
off Pier No. 2 East Hiv, r during the slorm last nell,
was struck hy Bghtnlng BS ll- vessel and wm taken
to the i bambers ltira! Hospital.
Al the himpltal at a late l,our last night, lt was said
rhar Capraln Van F--1' had not been seriously Injured,
and would probably be wholly recovered bv morning.
The shock which hr leeotvod niadc him unconscious
for over BB hoer, hut did nor leave any mark* on him.
A tepee tel boarded th-* Munta E. Van Name, as
she was l.v lui; at Pier A, North Elver. Sho had come
lhere from Pier 3, East Uiver. Tin- boat ls a .mall
flfshlnp-vessel, of about thirty tons. Captain Van
Pelt was standing at tho helm WBOB the accident oc?
curred. There wa* not a sign, so far as the nu
porter could tell bv ile light of a dim lanu-rn, of Hie
lightning having stru. k the vessel. The olflcere
.,; flu- steamboat Parn.], who saw the boat Minnie E.
cone- In. say that the capialn wae unconscious and
a* limp a.s a rag when h" was taken off the boat. The
doctoi n. ci.a.-g* -link a pin In the < aprain'a arm. ai I
all he did was ta move slightly and draw his ann up.
The captain'* brorlier said thar wle-n the Minnie was
mundi) g lier No 8 Hi'- heavens won- illuminated by
:.* clap of thunder. lb- saw his brother throiv
Up li:- anus and sl*,k t" th" d'-ck When he fell bl
neither ri lei! out nor sail a word. The sailors
rushed forward and picked him un and ar once headed
for Eui A. Ninth River, wheoca inc call for the ambu?
lance waa som out
Ibortly before lu o'clock last night lightning stnirh.
the large planing and moulding mill at Newark st.
and Willow a<e., Holw.ken. It wan owned by lieese V.
Ennui-, Jr.. and wns ,a.f the largest mills of tts
kimi In ihe state. Tho building was on fire almost
immediately, and In a few minutes the flames hal
gained su.-h wag that Hu* fln-m'-ti 1 is! their heads and
waga Bauble t" emu* with tba fl:-e. Even- part of tko
larg'* mill wai i?''l I" ashes. The flames sprrad to tho
liquor store of P. lilly, on Ho- eppeaMe corner, and
while the ili-eincn .'-ie liping to _ave this lt waa dis
coven-,! thal a row- of collage* in Collage place w. rn
on Are. While tin- f'.i-etuen wen working on these
the building lu New ark av .*.. No*, lo.-,, in-., no. 1 Hi?
ll- ami ID), caught tire. At ihls time ti looked al
if Hie entire lower portion of th-* elly would go. The
flrenien lost .Ul eoutiul of themselves and ihelr mci.-,
ai.el i!i,I but little. Had If not been lor tho
heavy fall of rain there is bm tillie doubt that nu.ro
fliail live hincks ul I,io, es w uni,! bile hean l "llsl.Ille.!.
Landau's planing mill was also burned The
dwelling laois .s nure damaged -,. ?., t., he union- t
al,!'-. II.-- i-i .ms ai tl,.- um,- u.-i>- obliged i.. >!.-.??
am! leave th'-n goods t,. aiid f-,,,-1 n, t;,e names. In
llianv fi*** they wen- UkM Hom the upiier floor*
bj n.o grenlea The damage win amounl io tuny
Bl50.000 and tin- tasurana could not be seeBrttone4.
It was m.! nulli nearly midnight that the Ute wal
limier control.
Charleston, VV. Va, Bag 4.-A man arrived In thli
city from tho scone of th? disturbance* lp Ij.gan aug
l'iko i ouiiiles. ll- i ,?,rts ihat .Ma Hatfield Capiata
Ilatflold. Ellas Hatfield ami "Tour Mitchell, whn
wen- p nun I lieut lu thc (rouble and for whoso arrest
the stan- "f kentucky hae offered Increased rewards,
have left ur an* leaving (in- .-.tate to escape arrest.
I Am,ul thirty kentuckian., UOmEtm of thi* McCoy)
j party, all of whom an* under Indictment, are bambd
tiegether near the mouth of Peter's Crook, armed willa
niles, and openly defy arrec-t. Everybody In thal
I keelton of Hu- country la armed lo aotietpatlou _|
-rouble IstiBi ono party or Um oihea.