Newspaper Page Text
V0,XLVlil.N?. 15,841. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST ~, 1808. PRICE THREE CENTS. ,tt. a v*?c< rrvriiAT MR GARRETTS DELUSIONS. MELANCHOLIA AND HALUV.NATIONS. DI! PARTR1D0R RAYS THAT HIS PATIENT IS WORSE THAN DI WAS A YEAR AGO?WILL IIE BE TAKEN TO A PRIVATE ASYLVMt Though thc friends ami physicians of BobeH Garrett, tho former pic. Mint of tho Ballimore :unl Ohio Bb il IBB?I| nre conservative in their revela? tion--* about his illness at the 1-ivvoort House, there remains little iloubt as to thc patient's real con? dition. He is mentally and physically exceedingly low, nnd the temporary Improvement whieh was _h IWB yesterday WOJ no? sufficiently marked t , give any doeid-tl encouragement. A. B. I'rane, Mr. tiarri'.t's prix ate seereiary, ?ons the only member of the party available yesterday afternoon, and he showed al once that h" vhs averse to giving any more information than was necessary. He r.ssorted, however, that the danger of Mr. Gortett'l illness had keen greatly overcstmiatcil. DR. l'ARTP.lDCE SPEAKS TOR TUT. FAMILY Dr. E. L. Hamid;.'!-, ol Ho. ID Fifth-axe., the hons --surgeon of th" Brevoort House, and who has been in rhar!.-** of the COOS for several do] *-. lind been nqncslcd by the family Io see report* rs, and eros, therefore, mon eomn_unicotlve. " wi-.iit has been Mi*. Garrett's oondition basing last night iiiul l>-d.?y ." h*- waa asked " 1 col.sider it an improvement,*' waa the reply. "Th.- piitunt step! (oar hows last Bight, and has had mon* sleep to-day. He lias also eaten arith iip).ii..nt relish and has been more cheerful.n - *\"a*. the sloop natural'.'" "Mr. iir.rivr h.i.s had bul little anodyne treat? ment Li.-: m lit 1 gove Iiim an injection ol morphlm bypodorinicafly, bul only s .mall dose, which caused hun to do/.<- efl gently niter two Lours.'' THE SYMPTOMS OE TIIK DISEASE " Wi ai is, leientifiealljr, a deflnitloa of Mr. I Garrett's complaint '?" " Wi H." answered the doctor, hesitatingly. "I cms; say thnt science hos BO term which would >, co\ir ihe eas,*, it is easier foi- me to tell his j IjaqpttObi than to BUBBBMirtM them. Tho history oi lbs CB88 is that Mr. (.larrit: was worn out by the heavy r.spins.luliti.-s which formerly weighted him doora. His nervous system suffered, nii'l he lind to lake ivst. Ile returned mach improved, I*.rt. unfortunately, al timi mtv time his brother's j trogi * id rn ii by drowning gave ulai a severe mental MiinU. lb' became glOOOty lilli d-SpOBdCBt, il nil iii-* ia lalo ke of Bondini; hun to Ku-hiioid Springs iie sifyeil the beneficial eficcts he hiid experienced. " Mr. Garrett is now no better than ne was a rear ago, if he is as areli His physical condition is in.; s, bad, bul bx worries continually over his affairs, worldly and spiritual. Tli on ch he haa large Bnanctai Intereota, his responsibility fe.- them has been removed; still ha does not him able i" adjust himself io an Independence lien business affairs. Every moment tito! he emancipates himself from gloomy fonbodlngs mvi hallucinations we greet bb incouraging. We all Sgrec that he uli-i have n*si. and he will bc taken tj a cottage somewhere or other in h dav or two. v,c do not desire to make another in stake, sud therefon shall lie deliberate about Selecting t.i?* plaoe for him. He arill receive even- eire and attention, and orlll be kepi away from all excitina Influences. 1 cm deny mosi pool tively thal be will be token io any asylum, ;is I sm l-hcrougbly conversant with the plans ol tho la*.,illy." MR. BARRETT VIOLENT AT TIMES. Trom another Bourse it was learned that lb" attacks of mebuiekoly and tho hallucinations to which Dr. Ha rt ridge referred are frequently ooeoaspenied Ey ins ol violence, and while in this condini'ti ihe paiiciit hus repeatedly wade ll - arv for the attendants to r.strain him. The principal and diiect cause ol Mi*. Garrett's condition is 1" le Ins insomnia Soporiflcs t be used in ii"* coo exoepi ir, minute titiea, nnd tlten with the utmest car,-. Other* ? ihe condition if li- weald be 1 able to ;??-,.e.i.?! in !" - -?'? snd disastrous a manner to the use of such mt-dieamems. Dr. Mi alfc. Mr. Garrott'! N w-York physician, ? i from Saratoga lasi evening and mode ? - patient, ll" was non ittftl ah oi il Mr. Garrett's illness, bul said thai lu- noticed a Blight improvement. LAW BANCA -,'- JEROME HOPELESSLY ILL PARTIALLY PARALYZED AND AWAITING DEATH AT lils i OUMTRT HOME Lawrence R- Jcrn. whom everybody knows as ? i ; *? Jerona, i*- dying at h's country borne at :? ii : i ol rory then 1 II- (Unease nay laka a fatal tarn ai any t. tun he I- a nan nf itrong and abandon! vitality, and tb" docton think that he may ism a rr,n;i- o', wock- yet He is lufferlng from gouty - of th" brain. His right sid* i< eompletelj ted. 'iii" organ, "f ip. eli ai*- ai?o affected, he can ma^e an incoherent reis*. t*ut cannot srtfcu Uie. Most of the lime hs lies In a |eihar?*1c slat", imi ho is eonsrtoufl when btoobM, undentoadi - s^id ic. iiim. and ls able k, signify di or spprovsL lt |, believed that tho disease* has been growing fr sr.n.c yeai.. bill th" fir-! livltcailon of lt thal li? ne''!-"! was m Moy, 'ihen lr wool to the Adirondacks on a banting and Ashing expedition with tho Duke of Marlborough a-,d Alexander Taylor. The Journey wa,s a fa-i/uirv: one. snd at tho camp Mr. Jerome had a .rrt-s t.i convulsive rfttaelw. Ile had to xvalk.i num l/*v ni miles l?*f',ie |,e could find a conveyance, and it ir. .cradled that this may have ocrelorated the progress al ii.e disease. After a Me! stay la Sfew Yoik lr! went lo lils country hume at Sharon. Thei-o de was apparently himself again: his mimd was dear and Ms faculties bright He paid a visit to his friend, Colonel James Daffy, ai Koriella, Penn. Then ho spain began ti. feel ni, and for tbs Hrs! Hine he ex? perienced difficulty In articulating Re from worse, until lie hank lii'-i lil- present condition. His son, William Traver), .len,in-, who ls an Assistant District Attorney, returned to the city ynterdo) from Sharon IO rcsiiin'* the work of his office He said that lils lather's case was hipele*s. and thai 1ho*-e ahout him wei-e powerless IO stay Ihe inevitable ill-ogress of tho Bite is DEATH OF CAPTA1X A SHREW SCOTT. Captain Andrew Scntt. of Flushtiig, I.. I., died on Sunday. Ho was horn at Portland, Me., on August 20, ITO*. He was an old ship captain, bat for sev? eral yean, after a x-lpfiiii'is and useful life tfm I "n the BOO, he hus b--eri living at his homo In Flushing. Naturally fond nf reading, and kSOfl to observe the many Interesting thing! \_ coimcctlon with which such a life ar* his broaght Uta, bi becooM poiowed ol a fund of varied luforaiatlon which mode him an agree? able talker. Captain Scott was a strang UnlOBhl and a warm Republican, ile *C(S a brotheelo-lsw ol Wean* C. Little, the law-book imbllsh.-r at Aibanv. N. Y. His son. Henry \v. s,*-,?, m V(.? w|tl_ ,lls?nrt|on rtw11 r.K De 1 ar ?f ll.e Rebellion, an(I ?lM, wl|<|(. ,? ,hf. s ( aptaln Scott leaves ,w? .,?',???, ]:lH]lor ,-??,? K((tt_ and KOOl P., wile of Nicholas V. Boyd, of fran Fran ClwO, L ll. rhTU COVSTRY BETTER TEAM TJBBBtA Ntahtn IO Liberia, has sss! tho &>%.?, UUUt to PradOriea Douglass : " I ara informed la tho column* ,,t 'The w*,- raak Har' of .he M ins.. .hv fmohm tory,, offend an amendment ls the .Senate qb Iha ud ls thi? ers! Deficiency Appropriation bili authorizing tho gee. reiary of Iho Ti-easury to pay fha I'nlt.,1 main svid Tongo National ffnlgntlos Steamship Cemftmy au*) V t every adult pana* of mtm Uh > sholl iostn t. R(, lo j.frlc? on Ships of their linos. You aj-? today, g|r tho mott prominent negro In the. world sud ss \w\, I call upon you io go p.-rs on al ly to v natur Bowyar ai.d prevail ujion him to Wipe out Hie above BOKIBd mont nhkh certainly, an iou well know, means un? limited ml.clilof and Injury to our race, ihe Suies of thlt I'nion ai*!-, belier off for our people in oven way than Africa. Yours for Ike ra<o, C. II. J. Tai ? lil." Mr. Taylor al?o soul a lolnfiSBI to lbs Isnstli rom mlttee on Appropriations urging them to reject ibo a-ienhnent. A SP1RJTVAhTET DIES IS THE POOR HOWE. Piixhiirg. Aug <- cspeclali. Aiigu'tlne Tlmrb-i, aa?? Bnowly-elght, a native of RetMaelon i ounty, ff, v., IM In tim Allegheny eily j(ooi*-li'iu*'- yistiKlay of lenerai dobllliy. He was st one tims oafBBBd IB business in VoW'TOft t'Hy. He .080888 Infatuated tth .-plrtiuali-m. allowed his bii?ln<e?s to go by *;. |ult, drlltod to Pittsburg and fhrea years ago enterod poor-house. Ho continually expected aid Irotn fovorit-i daughter, who, ho sold, was the wll ? ol a prominent and wealthy resident of New-York. Ile wn very eeeeotrtc, and h- liked nothing belier than lo ga*her a crowd of newspaper mon In lils room and give a spiritualistic seance. ri; rn sn rule is ireland. BAUHBU TREATMENT OF MR LANE. HORRORS Of AM IRISH PRISON?MR- DILLON STILL HF.niND TnE BARS. london. Aug fl, Mr. l_i:ie, M. V. for Cork, write, thal when he was In prison ho wa* unable to oat the prison food, although ho was starving Ridley bogged him to go Into the hospital, "because." lu* said, '? If you Jo not tbey -will starve you to death here." Ridley then brought him better food and ('nally said. " I mUBt eUh'-r defy the Prison Hoard or have sn inquest upon you. and as I don't want a verdict of mui-der against me, I will give you exor? cise despite them." A few- days afterward Mr.' Ridley came to Mr. I ario's cell In an excited slate and said ihat ho had received a terrible reprimand from Dublin for allowing Mr. lane io lake ex.rolm Ho also said thal be had Olden lo sign s certificate authorizing the Infliction ol punishment wi,Ph would certainly lilli Mi. Iado. He again begged Mr. Lane to go into ihe hospital, and be aocod.-d. Dublin, Aug. H.-Tlic court herc has confirmed the conviction ol John Dilicii and has refused the appli? cation lui* a writ of habeas corpus foi his release fmm pi I-i,ii. The application sven based on Ihe ground tliat. owing to Informalities, the County Cont. Judge who sentenced bim on appeal had no Jurisdiction io rehear tin* case. .--m--, MR. CIIAMIU.RLALVS VERACITY. A CH ALLENE F. PROM MR. PARNELL THAT WAS PROMPTLY ACCEPTED. London. Aug. ('..-Mr. Parnell writes io " Tho Times,'' challenging Mr. Cbaatberialfl to publish tho Local Government scheme silaged to bo in Parnell's handwriting Mr. Paine!! soys: "Tin* piil'lliiit, ni of tin- scheu:,- will fullv establish the ctn Iii- consistency of my public and private declar? ations on lbs subject. If Mr. Chamberlain still de? clines to publish Hu- scheme, and contents hloiroll with misleading versions ol ths purport, the public win appreciate his conduct and understand that Hs publi? cation would neither BUbstsatlotS his truthfulness nor vindicate his candor The same remark also applies to the astounding statement of his chosen go-tot ween, "'shea. Eel him print Ihe sllOf-d Coercion act with the alterations in my hand In brackets."' Mr. Parnell ihen argues ai length ilia, lt was only Chamberlain's illegitimate extension of the Dublin Council scheme for merely administrative purposes Whieh be favored |a 1SS0, and that he has since de? nounced lt He says : ' Such a scheme would have been a suitable achieve? ment for our small party of thirty-five, but the return of eighty-six irish monbon and Lord Carnarvon's declaration to me In favor of an Irish Parliament ren deoed the consideration of Irish autonomy Indispensa? ble, and 1 laid down ibis position Si tho Imperial Hotel (lintier In Ibo autumn of 18.5. Our view In I SSS, from which we nevi departed, was that tho functions of the proposed council should be purely administrative, and that it should not bo accepted tn tho slightest dcm? as a nibatlfutc for the Parliament which Mr. Chamberlain proposed. If Mr. Chamberlain publishes my letters l! will be seen Ihat he must, early In 1888, have been fully acQualnicd with our views."' Mr. Chamberlain writes io "The Times," aecrpllng Mr. Parnell's challenge sad pranking ta publish In a few days a full Itatement of Hie communications In? itialed by Mr. Parnell, which paned between them In ISSI and lr-*;, ? m BALFOUR ON THE HUSH CONTROVERSY. REPORTS OP JUBT1CE day's resignation PROM IBB COMMISSIOR. London. Aug rt.--Mr. Balfour, Chtaf -secretary for Ireland, d'-llvrreil .in address before 30,000 persons al Tunbridefft to day. Ila declared thal the Irish contro? versy was conducted by calumny instead of by argu ment. Ile had beoa told that the Parnell Commission bsd been appointed to crush tho liovei-nment's politi? cal opponents. He asked how ihls could bo done K the scented men oren Innocent Th- reports ai-e reiterated that Justice Day has In - formed tho Government that owing to the objections made to him lie will nfun to s-rv.* on the commission to lii<iulre Into "Tin- 'Hines's" charges against members of Parliament, lr is ..aid thal .lusiice wills will be substituted for him. Mr. siniih. tin* Government lender, said the Gov? ernment had received no Information ihat Justice Day had roslgned fruin tin- Commlulon. HKR LOVER BEH1KD THK HAR;**, M'H'.I 1.1 li. WHO KAN AWAY WITH MISS F.I.IA?, A!> RAKiNKI) IN THE ROW STBES1 P0I4CB COERT. London, Aug. fl - "scar Mo-Iler, the young man who WOI arr, sled a! VJ i. enslown on the charge of abducting Miss Elsa F.lias. ihe lix teen-year-old daughter of the lan Henry Ellas, a wealthy brewer of New York, was ind m the Low sti-ct police Court to-day. in reply ta the charge of abduction which was pnfcrred against him, Moelb-r said that tho young lady had written ta him asking him to accompany hor to America, when she was going to sue her brother and guardian concerning her estate. Mi. t'nt crme*, rr, ihe guardian nf the Klixs children, stated that tho girl would remain In h's charge pendine the arri--a) of her mother from Germany. Monler was i cai anded for a V. is h. 'ilia romantic elopement of Risa RHOS, the young daughter and heleen of tho millionaire brewer Henry El,h.s. with Oscar Moldier, % middle-aged merchant In the Utile town of Csoeel. Gcrmooy, when Min Kilns WM attending school, ha* created (julio a sen-atlon In (ierman socle:y circles In this city. Miss Rim was popular here and was sonsldemd (]ulte a beauty. Moeller i= remembemd hy anny as having come over ?hon with Mrs. Ell-u>'s party last year. Fortunately Samuel t'ntci.ncyor, the lawyer for the Kllas estate, xv as In (iermany at tho time, and through his elfert-i the runaway couple were Intercepted, and Moeller was lodged in Jail on a ch-u-ge nf abduction. MISS HOYT'S STAY IN CANADA. CLOSELY WATCHED HY THREE. COMPANIONS WILL SHE r;o to EtJROPB! Montreal, Aug. 0 (Special). Miss Mary Irene Hoyt, helret/S to Jesse floyt's millions, arrived here on Saiurday. She ls accompanied by K. C. Harrigan, of the law (ift!re of (ieneral Ri-njamln butler, of Iios ton, Dr. J. I- Halton, of New York, and Madame Marla Callie Demurest, of New-jersey. Pince Iho dofSOl of tn-r moiher's p-tltlun to be appointed trustee of her estate and guardian of her person, General lintier. Miss Ii'iyt's counsel, has transferred the venue from New-York t'i Michigan, In whlcli Stale lhere is some seven millions of- the noyt property, which consists of planing mills, large tracks of pine lands and railroad Interest- When Miss Hoy! was brought to this city on Saiurday and talion to tho Windsor Hotel, her name was not pm on tho hotel register. Hor frnoais tn rs sent to lier room When she was practically a prisoner. To-day sta- raised a " row" In tbs hotel, and finally she was allowed to take a drive iruind the elly, accompanied by all three of her companions. Tin- party have tteheta which wen panhoem. for QuebM by bool) whit her they will proceed tomor? row night Ii ls believed that this ls a move ta place her outside of the Jin i - flirt lon of I'nlied State! eourta. lt ls believed thal eROrti win tee made m have her remain In ReOUDOrt Asylum, a beautiful iiim - ., in- ten mil.., fn m Quebec, but if shs will not she will bo taken ta Europe. lTlF.NCHMF.N AND ITALIANS FIGHTING. Paris, Aug. rt.?A dlspaich from I.aon, In tho De par! ment of Aisne, nays (ho rrenrhm-n engaged at work on tho Braal tunnel wont on strike because ol the refusal of the eonlMClor ta dl-chargo an Italian. Tbs SOOlmStor later assented lo the dismissal ol Ihfl man. Tbs nnradn "f tko italian, seventy lo ann* ber, thereupon ands un attack upon the WtOUdkmmM, lining rev, Ivers. A severe encounter look plan* resulting In Iho denth of ono Italian snd the wound? ing of four others and nf four Frenchmen. The Preach men aftoi-watd sacked Uta canteen of lbs italians. TIIF. sKIZKI) MtlTI.-II WAT BM london. Aug. fl, In the Hoon of I "minons thl* even!nR) hlr James PergNBOOn, Parliamentary Score tary to the POlOlga oflice, slated that Mr. Wost. tho British Mlnlsti-r si Washingtub, bad bOOS Inktriietrd lo request lin* foiled SI,his (iovcrnnieiil to postpone the sale at P,,rt Townsend of four HrltMi lUhWNini pending an Inquiry lalo Ibo legality of their nissie. TO SF.'ITLE. TIM*. BDLOARIAR TRI >t* ELK Constantinople, Aug. rt.-Tl.e Turkish Anibasswlni at Itorlln has nolllied to the Porte thal negotiations be hrsSS Germany, Austria and Haly on the liulgartan question will toon be begun ; also that the eOBBBBf mooting between M. lie Oleis, fhe llusilan Minuter ol Foreign Affairs, and Prince lilimai-i-k will lead io th? holding of a congress at berlin, ths deliberations ol which will be eonf.ntd exclusively lo tho Lil ga rt an difficulty. -//.. BROOKLYN STRIKE OVER. GOOD RESULTS OF A CONFERENCE. CONCrS.MON.S RY nyTIt SIDKB?Till*. MKN TO RK TEIlN TO WORK THIS MonNlNO. Tho tie up on fhe Rrooklyn Crosstown lines carno to an end last night, and this morning at T,:?,0 tho rsrs will bo running na usual. The mmpviy's repre?enta tlves, General Henry W. Slocum Mid Superintendent Sullivan, after tho failure of the attempt to run cars yesterday, sent*" fnr tho Executive Committee of tbs Car-drivers arni Conduet-irs' Assembly. The confer? ence, whloh lasted four hour*-, wm held at tho office of General Slocum's son. Who ls a lawyer In tho (iarfleld Building, brooklyn. Commissioner Florence F. Dono? van, of tho State Hoard nf Arbitration, was al-o pw sent. The following aprecmcnt was evertually made: I. That Frank De Monge shall return to Hie em plovmrnt of the company afier one weelrl inspenslon wlthont pay. he taking his cai tas before the dltllcnltv) on Friday, August IO, II. That ih- charge*; against William Pray, ihe starter at the Krlo 11n-1 n are withdrawn. III. Tliat tbs miming ol cars be resumed at Iho regular tim.* on August 7. The document wm* signed lit General Slocum and Supertniendeni Sullivan, for the company, snd by .lames P. Graham. Andrew D. Host, Edward MOOO, Thomas Couple nd Aui:usi Wilson, th- Executive rom millee of District Assembly No. tT, of tho Knlghis of Labor. The former agreement, made January 2. lSflS, which recognized Hi" Executive Committee as the representatives of the men, WM ratified. As soon as ihe agreement was Signed, the chief of police was notified, and ho ai once Oldend Captain Rhodes, nf the seventh Precinct, to dismiss tho reierves and mounted policemen from other districts, and Hie patrol wagons and snbabWOn This order was Issaod about rt o'clock, and with Ihe of the extra police tho crowds In tho strecls disported The news soon leached th" headquarters of tho men. al the (iroenpolnf end of Ihe line, and th-y as wmb-Bd In I'nion Hall to await Iho return "f the Committee. MOBOWMM IhS mes a* lbs Bsd Hook] stables were notified Ihat th" ?t ri ko was over. All tho pickets were rall-d In, and Ihe mon from south i Brooklyn rame over to tulon Hall, ll wa* B o'clock ; when the Executive Committee reached the hall and j announced the result of the conference. An hour and a hall later the meeting brahe up with cheers for General Slocum's son. Tho mon were Instructed to report for duty at the usual time this morning, and then they quickly loft the streets. F.arly In t.he morning the compsny ran five esr* from the Krlo basin depot to lbs Gn-enpnlnf end ol the line, under guard of tho police, but gave up any ?artbn attempt to do business. John Hall and John Sullivan, tho mon who wore arrested for obstructing the passage of the cars, wero hold for examination by Justice Rsoher. Th? examination of the strikers ar? rested on the previous day was postponed udiII Mon? day. a BA IL WA 1 IN TE RESTS. THK FLAMBS IN ONLY ORB BOOM?DAMAGES RY FIP.K AND WATKR TO TO TllK FXTKNT OF (7,000. A fire was discovered In'the ggd Regiment Armory In Fourteenth-It in-ar Btxtb-ave., at. about 13:80 o'clocl; Ihls morning. There hail b-n a meeting of the sean oOnn in lbs room of Company g., and every one except the Janitor had left lbs building, soon afn-r ll o'clock. Tbs Janitor, Mr. Flood, had gone lo bed, and was aroused by the HMll of something burning. He started to tho room, bm was driven back by the smoke. The fire win rx ttogalshad halon it hail done much daongi outside cf tl,- non. Everything In the room, how ever, w?s introyed. The loss hen* to aims, uniforms and furniture* was about g6,00Q, fm tOOm directly underneath, which !? occupied by Company A.. was damaged i<> tl/* oxient of about fl,Ono. Tho .moimi, ol Insurance ls not known. The fire Blotted In SOS of lbs lockers of Con pony G's room, but there wss no eleW to 1 te. origin. -m HARRIED WITHOUT PREVIOUS BOTTOM Lake George, Aug. rt (Special).-- An Item of gWlp was furnlsh'-d lbs guests of the Lake In day E. Ll-sell, Jr, "f Brooklyn, and Miss May V. Yal-, of N.m York, have been guests at Iho Ksgamore Hotel, st Holton, for tho psst two weeks. Th* y had BOOS taking dally rambles together. Aboul noun Battadoy the pair drove up lu thc 001800000 "f th- Mnhodlst Chunk, on Glen st., In Glens Falls, and lagon tad the Hov. G. I. i ollyer tn marry them. The nilnM-r did so Slid tho rtoiiple groVS to the Korkwell ROOM and look that! Wedding dinner. Then (Jilt vended their way back lb- tWOOtJ iulb*s bsBWOOa OtoM Falls ond the Sagamore. Tho young woman Inlnnwd h-r siepfalh'-r, Friend P Fitts, of what lind pla.- Il- diDCc tu Glenn PoRs, snd after making numerous lt.'purl-*- n-iurm-d to tin- lagSOMn, sud accepting tho lin \ li il'l- Imnu-dlsl-ly leium-d IS New-York with tho young couple In chsrge. 'I h. * took the midnight sleejier from hom, but when t-ho train i-eachoU Baratoga the newly made hnsband for some unaecountable reason left the fsmllv circle thou and ii now al Consms Hali, Saratoga. A raOBABLE CHANGE OF OFFICERS. TIIE POLITICAL MANAC.F.MF.NT TO RF. SUCCEEDED RT A PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT. At tho monthly meeting of tho director* of tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company, at Montreal to j day. Slr George Stephen will probably resign tho I presidency and vice-President W. C. Van Horne will be elected as his successor. Slr George ls laid lo have boen contemplating this action for tim- because I he has realized thai a practical railroad man ought to | bo st the head ef tho company. The period of liv* political manager has passed, In his opinion, and fnr that reason he |s willing lo sui render his place to Mr. Van Home. It could not be learned thal the chango would certainly t-e mode today, but the subject will ho fllnaned. It was rumored In Wall Street, that the threatenod ret liniment ol President Stephen was owing, tn part, to ibo biller opposition by American Kill mads In consequence of tho evident efforts of tho CoodOlOn companies lo gain undue SdvOOtOgn fe*til tho intersiato Conmeroe low. William C. Van Horne, who ls likely to be the su? premo pi,wer In ihe Canadian raclllc, was Imrn In Illinois in ISIS, and when he wa.- lltlln moro than thirteen yeats old was a telegraph operator 00 the Illinois Ontral. Ills life has ben spent In mOwwj MT* vice, ami after being general superintendent ?.f the ' hl? cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul for I wo years, he be? came general-manager ol the Canadian Paclllc en January 1. 1683, and In 1--1 he na- nivlo vlce piealdenl a/id general manager. Ile has been Identi? fied with tho company almost sin?e it- nissnlisllon and a large psi*! of Hs sonni bn been duo io tits experience and skin TO REST! IRK RATES AT CHICAGO. Chicago, Aug, r,.-( hbago and Ohio Uiver roads ti 111 restore rates on packing house products August 1.1 to the tariff In effect prior to Juno 2, on all busi? ness to (.nen line point*. The Illinois Central will also restore Its rates of g] rents per 100 pounds lo Memphis and .11 rents lo New orleans. The I mei nat Ional Association, Ihe successor of Hie Texas Traffic AssoetatlOO, convened In this city to-day to complete work began al New -Torfe Tho combina tlon embraces nliMtaen road* rnt\ ul th'* Missouri River, and tho bead offices are to be at Ivnvrr. Ibo work before tho association At Its session In this city Is tho revision of rates to conform with the Rnten classification which has been adopted In lieu of the Texas classification. A committee of five was ap? pointed today to ascertain Just wha! difficulties would have to be ovorcrrh.e In harmonising the rates willi a now classification. MISCELLANEOUS RAILWAY INTELLIGENCE. Philadelphia, August | (Special).?Tha pennsylvania Railroad his issued UM reimr's ,.f the minsgers ,,f Its lines we?v of Pittsburg and Erh> for the laet fiscal year. After paring >H expenses and fixed charges, _nt\ advancing toTO.OOO to leased lines, tho result of (he year's oin rations was a kaloon cf f075,61(1 for the lines of the Pennsyl? vania. Fruin the. pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Balboa! a nriillt ct J..-4.070 was made, and from Inde pendent corpursilons s prom of ?78,_77, making s total of ll, -78,4-3. Utica. N. Y.. Aug. 6.?In the United States Circuit C.>urt to-day, Ju-Ice Coi granted a nation to remand In 'he (a?e of QoIikv A. Thnl ss administrator, against, tho Continental Construeilon and Improvement CoinpniiT and others. The plaintiff, a eltlien of Massachusetts, begM the action In th- Supreme Court of Row-Tnh ns-alnst, iliiee rnriioratlons, citl-ens of Connecticut, New-York and ;*. iflaai hoastta Msnittnly. Tha OoatloaaM O-aauneUoi and Imi'reneniciit ("ompany removed ihe cause to IOU court, iB-ISItaB that iti**ie y.a* t m'p.irsic r.onlroversv brtwean II und the plalnlilT. TB- plaintiff moved to remand. TBB TWENTY-SECOND ARMORY ON FIRE. LITTLE HOPE OF A TREATY. ri IE SIOUX AT LAROE SHOW THEIR FEEL INCS. niOSS AT STANDING ROCK F.XCOL'RAGF.D RY RK P()Rf? PROM oninil AOKNCIES. fnr -rr.MtrtRAPit to tub TRtatrir.) ?Standing Rock, Aug. G.?From developments last liligi Og, lt was baUSVOg that the crinfet-enco hetwoen tho Comnilss|on.*rs and tho Indians would bo closed to lay, but tho Commissioners averted defeat by refusing lo rotifer beforo Wednesday. In the meantime Agonl McLaughlin, who liss s wonderful Influence with tho Indians, will work night and day In ramp and at tho agency to convert tho reds. Ho has tho confidence :>f tbe Indians and they believe w hat lr* says. Ile has suffered only one since tho COnhfOIMC opened. Tho Indians have remained al tho agency for llftecn lays, out of i~-.pM.-t for him they have behoved re? markably mil nnd como In every day a--i ho requested. Hut when ho toll them that they should tako the loxt nf the treaty printed In tholr languago to |s-ad In th'-lr ramos, they refused. It ls patent that th" Indlaas do <li-e no advloo on tho qoostlon of disposing of their leservatlon, but they will get lt, and for tho next two days they will g.*t lt from McLaughlin, a source to which ihey have learned tn look fen- tho unadulterated lilith. What effect this will havo ls hard to predict, bo! if on a/ednnday they refuse to ilga the pin wis dooen might Just as well movo on to another agency. Af, la*t B!ghfl council ChM Gall. Two-Packs and "thors spoke ai.d Biter .fating their Oft l-opoaterl objections lo Ihe treaty dls i-oursed on thc question of rations and other topics most pleasant lo Uta tribes. Qall advise,! lils ramp '" pi to tbs conference Whloh was to have boen held today and listen re* poe t.f ul ly to what tho Cnmmls stoncm hil lo say and then to render tho final de? cision and return to their farms. Ile told ropro?-etiti lives of the Indians of the imper camps, who have boen reported favorable to this course-, to hav- criers announce' throughout the camp tho Intention to at? tend and to have them all present The most s.-nsallonal OOWI Hui! has tieen received In camp WM brangU In by tho four Indians who worn sent to tbs loner SgOOey ta ascertain tho feeling among tho red men lhere and to rt*i>ort their dnlrn Tbs Iii'llajis all gathei-i-d In council to hear ibo re? port which was to tho effect that, tho indians of tho lower If-BClM have decided tn sign neither tho alllrmatlve nor tho negative papers. This U larp*ly tho result of the work of Red (loud, who is laboring ceaselessly against the treaty. It was un? doubtedly this news which, gening to tho cars of tho Oommlss.oners, caused them io postpone the confer* en,'* until Wednesday. Thia news from the lower agent y has had sn evil cftnu for lt ls aiding Gall and ih- other chiefs to hold their follower, in 1 no against tho treaty and adds to the fear which ll entertained by those who have been friendly. Tho Indians won told by their chiefs that at tho next conference with the Commissioners those who are In favor of signing th*- red paper which means " No," will be called upon to Uko a posit on to one side ; those who will sign tho black paper meaning " Yes," the other side, and thoso who will sign neither paper will form tho circle. IN HONOR OF COLONEL PERKINS. TIIE CENTENARIAN OF NORWICH C.RFETED BY TWO THOUSAND PRZRRDS. Norwich, Conn.. Aug il (Siieclal).?Tho ono hundredth anniversary of the birth of Colonel QeorgS IVwklns was publicly commcmoiafed today by tho Arcanum Club at Hs house a! Webster Heights, which was onco tho home of tho distlngu iked centenarian. Upon tho pietra Tubbs"! full military band dbcoonod music While ladies and gentlemen bron homo and abroad straoand through tbs goiter und paid their nspwta to Colonel perkins The inlier, who worn a cluster ol Rowan in hts buttonhole, '?> In excellent health and spirits. ll,* Insisted upon shaking hands, and he saluted dtertngutahed visitors by rising. In deference ta the pren "f the country, he ro-e wh'-n The Tribune l-op-esentai|v?- tu piescnied, and gave him a. llrm a grip as a man nf seventy-live could havo glv>-n. Th'- callers Included Shoat seventy prominent men Of Row-England, among whom wen Charlo,* p, i lark, ptesldeol Of tho Now York, New-Haven an(l Ha t.'oid Uallrood ; Edward Davis, pr", d'-nt of the Nor? wich and Wi,rc st.-r Road ; William p. si,inn. vlee-presl deni of ihe Rew-Tork snd Row-England; Lieutenant I lovernor Howard, "f Connecticut, director of tho New Tork ii,'! Rew-Englsnd, and others. Colonel per? kins was inpported on his right by Mn. i*erkins, her * -*-i* Mr- George Lippy and Mrs. Moses Pierce. i)n bli left wen es I ongrcssman -lohn T. Walt. Miss Emily IVrklm, Mrs. Collin, Mrs. Hannah Ripley. Miss Gil? man and Mi*- Latte About 2,000 attended th** recep? tion. This evening ,i testimonial wn presented to the Colonel from the railroad nen ol Now England in the ship- of 18,300 In bright new double esgln of tin? dale ol lils centennial year. RI FUSING A RESPITE FOR MAS WEI.I.. THE BEQUEST FROM THE ENGLISH GOVERN? MENT HOES ROT CHANGE THE MIND OF governor morehouse. St. Louis, Aug. H (Sin-rial).?Maxwell must die. The laat appeal Wn miii t" Governor Morehouse to-day and In* refused to Interfere, Messrs. Martin and Fauntleroy, lbs pris.>t*s attorneys went, up to Jefferson city this morning snd submitted their last appeal, The request of thq, English Government for a respite was the main hope and lt failed. The claim was made that tn-w ev|.lenee hail been dis? covered, but tbs Governor failed to find If so. Ho said Unit tho English petition was Uko any other petition and finally said thai he saw nothing In tho <as.- calling for executive clemency, or even a rrn plto. None In the elly passed iho Sabbath more In differently than Maxwell. Be played cards and domino.--, with I h.* guards almost tho entire day. This haw been his custom for a long Hmo. Foi morly he pa-sod most nf his time rending and smoking. Ior a while he took to making picton frames, bOJUS and trinkets Ol various kinds oil of fancy eutarcd paper. Again he rclunied to books and cigarettes. As tho day sot for lils hanging, before h" had boen grouted a i-ospito, drew near, bs look to playing cania and dominoes. When the news of tho Gov erinn's action was received tbi? evening lt prostrated the eblorofOnner and bo refused to say anything. Ile Iii lo bi* hinged on Friday. THE SEA SEMPEST HAS TEETH. Providence, Aug. fe?Tba c,-a serpent soon off Watch Hill ls roptrted BgnlH In UM same district. Tho sloop Marv Lane, Captain Delory, wa* on hot homeward trip from New-London, whore she had taken a load of (-uahaugs, Wheo two miles southwest of Point Judith on Saturday, tho wind being strong and itu tout under a two reef sail. Captain Pi-lory lirst sighted a niotislrous hoad, two feet above tho wale! and about llfty yardi distant. The appearance of Hu head is described U like that of an alligator. Thl Jaws looked to lie at least five feet In length and wen studded vith teeth iii tnchn long, while tbs oyo. wen .is largo ivs the crown of a hat. Hack bon tht berni ran a hug.* Bn, which wa* kept, straight. Thr body Bored rapidly through tbs water. The entlrr length ol ibo creature, as ei rim* ted in Ita passing thi boil, wa< about seventy feet. The captain says ll uas within about toa f'-el as lt sm.-pt by the reaael Glimpses ol Ita body, which was about the slue of ( ti.-iin-l, showed bright grayish scales. OAMBLBBB BEXOTEBD AT LOSO BEAR OB Long Er.uieh. Aug. ii (Sp,-, lab. - An Injunction, Is? sn,-d by tbs Nev. .lois,-\ BtgtS Supremo Court, wa< sorvd npon Ike proprietor, of what ls left of tho old Mansion UOUSO, llie lower floor of (h;s hotel ls d'* roted ta gambling. Th" proprietors and manager sr>- Thomas Mead, John .1. Gould and Henry Turn'-r The Injunction v. ns neared by the Law and Oidei League. Tko Injunction proklblti K-jiii>iiug upon tm promises. FLAMES. I\ lush HRAStai STABLER Le tu- llr.-iif:,. http >i (Special S lit-* |lssav*-B< tn Iha stables .,f ii,,' Elbara Hotel lu*-, belara ,ia\iii-h thli aismlnf Eh-htj ileus's balooetas to Um fromm a tine I,,,lui and 1.Il>er,.ii c<iua>;ers wer? rut louse and nu om of tin* subi*s. Tho ,,t Hi,- stahl,, hUfldlaSB MU burned down. The los? ls gT.OOA The hillbillies wer* ov. iie.1 by LSWlS R. Drown, founl, r ol LIIh ron, jti*l -.s.-r lli"'ir.-d, HAURISOS'S STORX Of H.tRSETT'S DEATH. Wllllsm Henry llnrrl'oii. who BWWlBMd Wlllliun Hat nett In SsMsvlUs e.i, .sjtiitiinv sight fonwday ian)" stat, nw nt of ibo affair, mijliuf: ?? I wa-, islklns Boll Ul mill ev Al !? nuan M.itlni. Andrew TBrktUM and Mn Bl Pan Riga, sod I audi i mal ths country t., pnspei Til.* IHsfe ti-.e i -:,. al i fl l Um* ' Bs busbsi hil ?sid this than BSfOni lOtOped Up an I Md I ' ahoul ne.*. en\ ?mMiii,i- saatoM tbs lush, issy mood la fr.' foo,' A* i a p.- log Barnet! he himpad la from r l,< niel ol,,,,i',. | 'Toa bBI i - * li 'ilerfcr'tijf VI lt.h ll ? In Ill'--' \ft. i- Mt R tabard mttri us ta .-boated al m io saan satoMl I ??.,i tetra um hoop, mktm Biiael rii-lieil on nie I ki.en I had no rhow with him tn Ssht. and aller bS had *?irucK I i-atiuhl h'm by Ibo throu ? ni tgOOBsed Hil h" let go. I hsd nn Imlle Harrison is bOKlnnlr** tu rrallio lils position. llo 1 without moue, and without McuJs. sod hil Unala ut I painfully Impoverished circumstance*, havo not been admin, d to his nfl. CAUGHT IN A STORM AT ELLERSLIE. THREE IIUNDREn PLEASURE KEEKERS IN A BARN WHICH WAR STRUCK RY LIGHTNING ? DAMAGE IN OTHER PLACES, nhlnocl ff, Aug. fi.?The steamer S. P. Miller brought to this place on Saturday nearly <"><XI teachers, pupils and friends of cherry Street Mission, Poiigbheeptie, who wore handsomely entertained by Lev! P- Morton at Ellerslie Un made them an address of welcome and tendered them the fn*edom of lils beautiful grounds. Tables had been eroded In Hie gt-ove un which dinners were sp mad, and all were enjoying themselves, when they wore driven Into Ihe barns by a storm which suddenly appeared In tho nonh and accompanied by a high wind swept over this place. About OOO women and children ran lnio a la'-go new burn foi- shelter. The barn was struck by 1 ghtnlng which tore off tho shingles and mailo a huge bolo In tho roof nearly four foot wide and eighteen or tweniy feet In length. Tlie almost Incessant roll of thunder and flash of lightning blinded the people and lt was not until the shower was over that they wore aware how narrowly they had couped a calamity. Pino Plains, N. Y., Aug. fl. ?In th" storm on Kaiur dnv a fermion, the largo barn of .!??,?Mba Wilbur In the north part of this tann w-as struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Several horses and a largo quantitj of hay and groin wop- BOmoned Tho bani of Andrew Ilrlggs, on tho Dntchon turnpike, I was also struck by lightning anil bi ri" d to the ground. Tho ra n was tho first, for nearly two months. Crops wop* suffering and lt was of value to tho fanners. Reading. Aug. fl?The storm of Saturday evening In Northern Herks snd adjoining counties was one of the most sever'* experienced In fhn sect on for years. No loss than four barns were barned by lightning and other properly damaged. The I am of David Retn bait, at siony Run. this county, ms entirely te* stroyed, together with all crops and farming Imple? ments. Near Kreldei-svllle, Norhampton County, tho bain of William Drel.baeh was burned wllh Us con? tents. A few milos beyond ihe barn of Abraham Sohenck at. Laney's station was consumed, together with all contents and a number of cows. Several other lires aro reported, a:u'*ng them the barn of Mr RobBbashi i,ear tandi! Stor.*, th s county, which was Ulled with hay, grain sod other crops. The losses sustained will a-zgregate iftio.OiX). Stephen Dnlsbaeh wa_ knocked from a WOgOU near Slatlngton and k JW-d. lt is supposed ho was stunned by lightning. Elmer Adams's barn, at Gi Ism I Uta. Herks County, was do 6troyod by lightning, caning a loss ol -fl.r.OO. Salem, R. J., Aug. C.?This city ond vlolnlty were visited last night by ono of tho heaviest rain storms this sectlin has had for some time. Puring tho storm 1 ghtnlng struck the largo barns on tho farm of tho late Joshua Thompson noir ile city, setting thom on tiro and completely destroying them with their con? tents. Calm, III., Aug. 6.? A svlnd and rain storm pre valb-d hero yesterday for nosily an hour. The wind blew at tho rate of aboul s.xty milos an hour for ten minutes and tho rain fr'.l In torrents. Hundreds of heavy trees were bl,iwn down In all parts of the city. The roof of tho eugine room of the Cairo Elevator vas destroyed ami toro warehouses wen blown doun entire in the upper part of the elty, ihe greatest damage was done on the r vor. A barge of coal, con? taining IC.,000 bushels, belonging to the Uk,wns. of Pittsburg, was broken in two and sunk In three fathoms nf water. Slatlngton, penn., Aug. fl (Special).-Wh'lo Stephen Drelsbaoh, nf Slatlngton, was hauling a load of coal he was knocked from his wagon by a bolt of lightning and ld ll* d. si. Louis, Aug. 6 (Special).--A destructive w-nd and rain storm swept over the central port ol Missouri last night. Telegraphic reports from twenty towns show that the io-- on bu ldings wtll reach nearly j-Titx-.<h>> whllo the loss on crops will be much greater. Corn wa_ levelled to the ground and fruit WM stripped from the trees. At Glasgow a hotel, m !1 -nd several stores were demolished. At (>\an Hie Catholic church was daotroyad. Al Monholl hailstones fell somo of which wore eight and b-n Inches In clr eumfeeenee. At Stator tho Raptlst church was blown down and two bus noss houses unroofed. At Iilack burn a hardware store -V3s unroofed. MISCHIEF PONE IN THE SUIiURRS. Mrs. Marv Wanl was struck by lightning and In? stantly klll'-d at about lo o'clock on Saturday night, while at work In rho kitchen of h-i hons,* in Fourth* ave.. Middle Village, L. I. A oottigo on the premises of John Horn, of New-York, ai Iilack Rock, Conn., was shattered by lightning. Lightning also strulk and tore to pteceq .lohn Hobbins*! hons,- in SaugOturk. Tlie lightning roused considerable damage In vari? ous parts of Rockland county. A hons,* owned by winiam A. Rose was destroyed by Ibe lightning A large barn ai Mount Ivy was donoged lo the amount of gil OOO. At New-City a shoo factory wsw destroy',!. A valuable horse owned by A. Smith, of Mount Moor, was struck by lightning and Instantly killed. The mos! damage was done In tho western pan of the county. A man who wits caught. In iho storm In lils wagon was driving thn ugh a forest, when a tree by tho roadside wa-s sirink by lightning and riven In twain. Tho horse bioko (rom the harness and darted awn, leaving tlie* niau In the woods, where ho lay In? sensible all night. In tho morning he (Hagged bim iel! to a bouso, when ho was can-fully attended lo. RETVRS OF ESCKE'S COBBS. Huston, Aug. fl.?A cable message received to-day from Hie European Union of Astronomer* anno.inces the discovery of Enoke's comet, on Ks present return, st tho Royal Observatory of the Cape of Good Hope, on Friday evening. Tho discovery position ls tho following: Aug Ti, B h. bl ra- 8 ., Greenwich mein Hmo: right as-cnslon, 12 h. 12 m. sec.; declination MOW, li h. 'it m. 4fl sec. gRBATOE HOAR OS JVDCE THAYER. Worcester, Aug. fl (Special!.?Al a meeting nf the har of the county to-day, BeaotOC Hoar, In sneaking of th) lalo Judgo Adln Thayer, said In part: Tho lifo of Adln Thayer hss SOtMCd Info tho life of Massachusetts for tho past thirty years to an extent which his contemporaries don't know. It will only bo Known when the correspondence and personal life of tho leaders of that stormy Um shall l>e ?!ven to the wort 1 by th-lr biographers- If tho forces which ho successfully cen.dated had prevailed. Instead .if tho groat and noble roc'ird of tho generation which is now Just passing away MaSBSSkuntM wouid havo had a far different mary. Her youth, so far as the public lifo of the State would havo iifT'cie'l Utan trOOld kBW grown up under far different Inlluences. Tho vast forces of IkS Commonwealth areuM have boon In different bants and wlflded for different ob ,ecs. For the good of the s,it? 1,-. was always readv to encounter obloquy, uniter, ballad and unpopularity. Then Is not such a lover of Mussaehusetts left within her borders. Thst. (treat, wise, rustless I,rain has niven way lu hor service. The, cords of the noble heart hmo hreeken. There never rode into battle a worthier paladin. Thor, never lived anywhere a more Bavotod patriot than this man whom ire ? carry i<> his grave this afternoon. H.* liad MOM iibuiidint satl'-fai-ttuns In his life, although Hs laii":- purl SB* ibroadSd le, s-in,,tn (|, now the triumph of thu great MOM ls which he devoted his youth. I suppose thur-* was no man closer lo Charlo* Sumner nnd John A. Andrew. He marched by their lila mid watched over their fame, a deiotcd lovsi. He loved Hiern as the Catholic loved hil patron saint, and they loved him as tho patron saint loves his votary. RXTEESkTEQ GRIEF FOR QBRBRAL SHERIDAX. Nonrpilt, Aug- fl.--Among the dispatches of condo? lence resolved at tho eottags ena ibo toHowlag: New-York, Aug. 0. Colonel Michael V- Sheridan: Tli.- death of iho Omni was tot.itiy naeapnnd. Bewapopn -npn are after me, but I must for s lime he si lent. Command mo In any wuy to manifest my respect for tho General. ft. E. BHRRMAR. EvSecretaiy Robert t. Lincoln sent Hie following cable: Ixindcn, Aug. 6. Mr?. P. H. Sheridan: Accept mr sincere condolonc. ROREl'.T LINCOLN. The widow of General boona telegraphed: Tsaogal'fo Ohm, Aug. c.. Mrs. P. ll. Sheridan : My toort lum* to you In deepest sympathy. MARY K LOG N. Among tho tlrst io be rcce-lvoii wss ono from Ihfl Beoielory sf war. lt follows: WiishlngUm, I). C.. August fl. Mrs. Sheridan | Il wns Um BMBl pnlnfiil "iirprlso tu hear of General Sh*'H Ian's death Accept mv li* svu.paihv In your overwheiniln.* sorrow. The Nation mourn- Otth a unit and nonie soldier, .in! win. 1 f *.*| il-**f,lv lils lons to Ihe seri 1.*. sid loo l>."|? rel ai ihls monier.! tlc- psrSSml lunavii at ls Arv. in my lb,-i_t,'s, a- 1 recall his nlUSMl f-len! hip in 1 UM lu.'iiv de lilli,It'll l-l I Oe!lU el' ???..?? ,,,- .i'll, |,|?|, W i ENUC OTT, -?*. telar* of \\ ?r. E. President ilsyn nat tba kdlowiog: ir ti'e.ii', Okla, \ Mis. Baa aral Shi rtdn Hy tin* devil cf yam Blqairioai husband soi nanny ha* lost lier great (utile general. All who send rn*. der him suttor Killi Jolt Mrs. lliyss Joins lu d'cpoH si-um-iUf. At'XMJ-JEUrO&O ll. MATEO. r Ult ?3iir-iviij*_VA> a f ijinx-xxtxxj. BBPABDia TO BE-fOYl TIIK LODY FROU NONQITT. U DEPARTURE TO ME. ON WEDNESDAY-PALLs REARERS CHOSEN-MOURNING I.X TUE LITTLE SEASIDE Vlf LACE, fur TKIKOBUJI TO TUB TniBCVR. ) Nonqtiit, Mass, Aug. fi.? Tlie gloom occasioned ' General Sheridan's denth has settled heavily i Noiiqult. The suddenness of it adds to tho rrow. For ten days a few persons have been vam thnt flu- QsBBta] was not gaining. On Map he passed a POOS day and on Sunday he ns restless nnd nervous to an unusual degree. le statements of Dr. O'Keilly und the conflrma *>n given them by Dr. IhffBg on Saturday went r toward allaying any suspicion that tho end is so near. Indeed, on tho very day of his ii th, tin* family made no chango in their regular stoms and at noon tho General's wife went in thing with Cohan 1 Sheridan and bis wife and r. O'Keilly. The seemed free from iy BBBSttSl onre in the BftefRSOR nnd early; enlng. At sappe* tim" Mrs. said to friend thal tlie GeBOSn] was not feeling as well he had been. In the forenoon he had the (I placed by the window opening on the piazza, i'i watched tha boats (Kissing to and fro, as was s custom, ile ate dinner with eiidiut relish id as usual Mrs, Sh'-udan carri'*'! Ins supper er to him It was | o'clock before Colonel nTidna and Dr. O'Ueilly went over to the cot* gc. Dr. Matthews wns at ihfl hotel a whilo mut half-pool a, an'l at II Colonel Sheridan lefb B cottage for the night and w.-nt to Ihfl hotel. At hitlf-|>nst Q indications of an attack of tho eoded heart failure were observed. From that mo till 10 i-0 thl physicians endeavored to ob in relief lor lin- softens and to rally his forces, it without mail. Ha was propped up with pil WS I short tim.' before ha died, and when his lifo ;is pronounced extinct, Mrs. Sheridnn could not ?lieve it. Sh- tonk hold of th" General and franc colly tried to make him s-ioak to lu-r or recognize ?r. When tho truth was ffltofld upon her, tha IOI munghi wife fell upon the floor. Drs. Bellly nnd Matthews Raw present, with the Sis* n Justinii.a and Urban, Mrs. Sheridan and Klein, ,e faithful body servant. The four children Wetfl sleeping upstairs. They id bade their father B last good night and slops .conscious uf ths sor.ow tliat bad como into their ves. Tho llttlo girls appreciate th"ir loss. They ved tholr father dearly, ami their grief is sad to o. Little Phil, who has been tho General's prida id delight, hardly realizes tho whole truth. Only; st night he was telling with funny little gestures ow tho children, ono after another, went through siege of measles and chickenpox, and then how amma wns sk-k after thut, " and then papa, ho as taken sick?and,"' after a sorrowful little gost* re, " lie's been sick ever since.? Tho heall failure had looted half nn hour beford ie doctors realized that it would bo fatal Tha lfforor lay quietly, as if in a natural state of rest* hen tho physici-MM felt his pulse, they discov* ?od that it had almost disappeared and that ho as sinking beyond human r'-aeh. That was the pst premonition that Sheridan was going to iold to this attack. Kc recognized Mrs. Sheri un shortly before be expired. No last words that ia ll descend to posterity as a dying hero's cry* < r* said. In that last hour tho soldier and hil lory were lost in domestic affection, and the last ords ho spoke wire of his beloved family and, _oir future. THE FUNERAL IO I1F, A SIMPLE ONE A rogues! was s* nt to Washington this mominif i::t GoBfltal Sheridan might ho buried at tho nlliei-s' Homo, and a place reserved hy his sid* ir his wife. Ne answer hos been received fo this -iliust, and in view of the fact that the same re-. inst was denied in General Logan's ease, it has cen decided thnt th" lalUBMBl ihoB take placo l the Arlington National Cemetery. BhsiidOR ften cxp-OflBed I desire that he might he buried it limit unnecessary display, nnd it is Mrs. Sheri nu's Intention that th'* entire funeral services Inili be conducted in as simple a manner as pos Ible, yat wiih tin- dignity and honors duo a brave eneral. Tho Massachusetts troops havo ffered their services as guards, ami uni'mus Grand Army Posts likewise. ut all have been refused nnd the journey will c nindi- quietly. The hour for tho departure of lie train will !"? hep! as pnvntfl as pootibls, and lie party will leave hero late on Wednesday fternoon. Tho arrangements oas not yt tx-r ?coil, fte si dent Chooa, is in communication ?ith Colonel Thomson, of the Pennsylvania li.nU nail. Tho route will be over tin- Old Colony, few-Took and Near-Eng-and and the Pennsylvania, mids. Th" train will be made up of a baggago ar, a car for tho body, a po lo 08 ear for the ii ni i ly and two cars for officers and guests. Winn Jcneral Schofield arrives, probably to-nbrrowi lortiing, ho will at ono.* assume charge of all Con*dings and determine what shall be done.' Vhilo it is hoped that an opportunity will bis hen to view tho body of th.* General, it looks iow ns if only the relatives nnd a few friends ronld bfl allowed that sad privilege. Ifeosogn of condolence poured in steadily all lay Bl tin- telegraph otlice m Now-He ilford. Miers of assistance from tin- Grand Army posts n New-Bedfocd wore received and delegations :nmo to confer with tho family. Tins evouitiig .{. A. tierce Tost ll)" and William Logan Hodman .'ost 1 held s|K>cial meeting- to take action in ?ega rd to (ienonil Sheridan's death. Colonel Kel* ogg will arrive on Tuesday with (ieneral SherU Ian's uniform and sword and then E. T. Wilson, In* BHdailBl.II. will plaoe tho (ieneral in his coffin* V NATCHA!, LO<>K OM THE FACE OF TnF. HEAD. Acoordiiig to the physicians, General Sheridan md been gaining slightly in llesh, and his uppoar mce after death was mom natara] than would bd 'Xpected fiotn Ins long illness. Tho windows ot the Sheridan catto gm were oiien as usual to-day. md ao signs of mourning were shown. On top )f the hotel a largo Hag hanns limp in tho fo* Hid ruin, nil OM or two cottages have raised thi gs at half-mast. Thc list of pall-bearers as prepared by Colonel -heridtn .isisis of Gemini W. T. Sherman. Mar thal] Field, ol Chicago; <ieneral Hawter, ol tho L'nited States Senate. Speaker Carlisle Vlcel-Test lent Friink Thompson. ,>i the EVnnayivnnio Kail* rood; Geneml Wesley Merritt. 1' S A.; Secretary) Whitney, (.ieneral McFceley, D. S A.: General Jo wph Fullerton, of St. Louis: Secretary F.ndicotB ind G. W. Chills. All day Colonel Sheridan and ii*, sssiotanu have tue p busy receiving and answer* lng dispotehes and endeavoring to complete ar? rangements fir tke mournful Journey to Washing? ton. It is such an out of.the way place that ill has been diilieult to settle upon plans. Dr. O'Reilly is deeply effected by tho loss of tug nhl friend, il.* left Nonault this afternoon. Dr Matihews will remain till Wednesday, lt ia prob* iiilo that the children will ntnoln at Nonciuit, iii lin* ean* of their govt nun. Milo. Vialle, whom Mrs. Sheridan honors with comi'lote trust, until tin- rei mi'. ,?f their mother from Washington. Tho New-Bedford Hoard of Trade showed Genera! Sheridan many courtesies last summer, and at a meeting of the Hoard of Trade held this evening appropriate nootutioos wen- adopted. - ? - Tin nc if.-; TO thk DEAD SOLDIER ACTION TAKEN RY VARIOUS STATE AND MUN.Os H'M. ll"I'll -s Ruston. Aug. 0 (sp"o|ali.-Tho Kuto ?nrt city authorU il.-s baie taken appropriate action In view of i;,*nersl Sheridan's tooth. On fhe dsy of the funeral BBM will lu- il..-*! eu Iii.-ion COOMBOO _t Intervals of thirty iiiliu.'es fiom sunrise until I p. m.. and dining tho funeral oei.'iuonles minute fftins Hill ls* fltvd. Th? i iiy * oiiucil ii'.*; this ,0*1 adopted -pproprl .st,- resolutions, lio\ iden.., R. I., Aili; IV-(loveninr Taft has ai vi nouoeed Ike tonk <>f Qeaerol BkerMaa to th. militia, m ? . Hmted tko ooVen to t.tho usual bods, ol t,.rning (?'*.? thirty days. l'liilsdell bis. Aug. ii rpedai).-itl? fm m ,ha Mayor's ollie .,a*l ??? B t l.v Hall p__ ot _Hf_m* ?u| of io tbs ninm ..? Qaaanl HmsMm pian on pi Dato l)iilldlaL{s IknnjtieUl iho city aro slso Ii hsl.'-mssL **. eiBSlBBBU, AUg. U,-lho ChsmhBC Bf fiOOUBBMB Aft,