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THE COURTS. BITS OF LEGAL NEWS. Mr*. Ellon Flt, gerald ls scv-nty-cight years old sr.d aatrtr-lw She Hves in BOOOfctya, where she has a lifo 5X in res. estate worth Bl*** lett by her bus ti ,* kl. death. Hie mr* .hat Julia U Moishe. ZTlWBrty, and eer father. Danie! on Julr lt. 1 her lo sign a document which M.-Cat* declared lo 171 will, giving thc bulk of her property M) her relatives ?._ L,limit| . tagOOSl to his daughter. It WOO "TZ.mttk naortokMi that toa pssuo was a deed ..f b-r rroperty to Ml* McCabe. An ..riler to have the issues (ramed for ulai bob re a jnry la a ault vc hsve Itt deed *-t sside. begun by Mrs. Flt/Ber.-ild, was msdo by Justice Patterson, of the supreme Court, yesterday. Tillie Amdorsky a reception al the house of her parent*. Ra BB Median St. in J.nuAry. ?nd she says that on that occasion Solomon Greenberg, wh" had been .laying anenti.ii to her. publicly snooin.ced his engage meiit vo msrry her. She made arraugoments for the wed.'.in. io take place on February 27, tun on th. ap? pointed day he de, lined M keep lils engagement and told m thst if she Ix-can a ?'ilt against h'm ahe would not p,. SM to And bini. She has stied htm for SIO.OOO di-image* and Jusilre O'Brieo, of tho Snprmie Court, ha- granted .n cider for his snest, flxli'g his ball at | * - Justice Ingrahsm, In a decision rendered rn tho Su? preme Court, special Tenn, yesterday, holds that tho tit. Niche.;..* Nvieum! has failed to mske out its cse In s suit l<* have the assignment of J. De Rivers A Co. set aside sa fraudulent snd void. A m'-ti'-n Ior a ?tav of proceedings in tlie suit of John Kenan Lr a tton "f llie Aqueduct contract* of i.,' ft Clark, brought in tho Supreme Courl, uni!: the suit for a like purpose in the Court of Commo.i j a- i* decided, was in be argued yesterday before Panama, n ihe Bag-Una Coan, but tim heiring A 'ur consent of counsol. on account of UH Beacon from the city of Colonel ttliss, who npr aents Keenan. In a Milt brourjlit (*y iho Capital City Rank, of i. rein, tt i, cover fiom Chsrlea C. tho dofnullor, whl-h was advanced to him on .- *i-1 - Incites PBtnrOOO, la tlie Supreme Court, Ctatttata yosmisp, granted an order for th? ?service of the summon., by publlcaiion. Nelson ls said to be in canada, where he is known by the name of W. G. 1. I To enable Assistant DIstrletrAttornev Mocdonna te look over the testimony taken at tho Inquest, over the body ia Levy, w*> sm nu over and killed by n hobtaM* car, the hearing on the :o tho writ of prohibition, _,*: hid lin* Cnroner s -a-y Ml,>au for ort producing ll I tte compiny, was yes-*rday adjourned till M-day by Jmtln PBttonM, In the Supreme Court, ?i.liers :. ir!;.? on Ita motion to confirm tho report of - . ni rerard te ttB claim of the Gos I 'ivrict- Attorney Fellows, wss - sterday M nen week In tho Supreme Court, Chea Patter-on. OOCRT CALENDAR.?TO-DAY. srrsiOT ( pear?CHIuaime Raino Tatterson. J?Noi. 4 .."".. s.. lui. lil. Lil. 143. ll'.i. 1SH. IUS, 174, i*4. ;tf4. ll'. .'OW. _U1. 201. '.'oj. i me ' ot ir.-i-riti'iAL Tebm-Pabt I.-AUoorned Allg .is I A. Miis* .iti- a COI *i~Test;rusnv lo bt taken before tbe , rfc?If OOM ot ttl willa of Mary Ferris. Ila. nu, tier; n Wyon Ism, ll 30a. m. MrriBloa Cocar?arxctat Texm ? Before Dagro, J.? No ,:av cairn ,..i ix .'usa* ? hrgciAL Tsk_i?Rsfoto Besch. J.?No Cst- , a.i n.lni. I'lliDl UKXKKAL ssssioxs?Pabt I.?Before Martins. J. aaa Assiitaiii i-.atrict-A-.toruer Jerome.? Sot. 1 ts S3 WclatiTe. THE PETROLEUM MARE ET. NEWS FP.i'M TIIE El ELD AND nANGE OF TRICES. Th" c:uie oil market opened vestor-iav at 84 1-2. au advance rt l-l cent on Saturday's Merina o nota tlon s. sud ,. |S early In the day exhibited croat ll.nin-'ss um *. v advaaood io 84 7-s. followed br u slight na* I . Whick gav.* ?jv t-e a sharp rsllr, on which prr.-.s acalu rose to SC. COOM with good buying jtcr.s then depressed prices us low a. BS l-'J. MM th! bleak onlv liniiir.-l man nlrlMd trading. a: 1 w.:h a ?::._r: rush oriels rap.-dlv rose yt an 3-4. tb*,* ? -iie div jud rt the recent bulge In i rea Th* -w. during the ia*i hour. ?1 00 1-4. The i,,-its (Teem the w-lla. whiu, :.-*? ..,'. snowed s ""1 Io tunis Uoa for tb- advance .1 th. market The trantseUons at the Nsw-York Btoafe ne and th-* Ouaululldaied IVeard aggregate. -_._l3.-V0 ba TI. ? range of prices aad the total dealings wore af fol? lows: Stock Exchange. Consolidated Opening.hi l -2 ni ii .ei> r.-8 s .(4 I...we?t.84 14 S4 3-8 I Iel-.fc-6 1-8 O'. 1.4 ?Ar.-:-.841.i-"" Eoflteed , ; ? OBebOnsed, with a a<"it) demand. St 1 8-4 rears* tm- V-el test, at all ports. The r,.r''leri ---iiiwei-p sho-wlng an advance ol 1 as, *? SOI-. Brauton and London were one hanged nt Liri and o iJ-10-tii ix :?> isaom Hi al jr ..TV** STOi?***: MARKET'S ST TFLaaRA**!.. RrrVAio Auc fe.?Cann?Ren_ums isst _4 hours 2.7.4 hoad, lota! for wees thoa ian- **>.74*> head. For Snme time L-l weet 6.001) head. Cimsicne,! through 22 cara. IS of ? io New Tull i*35 e -a:. uaC. s on ?tle . markel steady. (*>-. mon to Fair SS S0OI Ol'; Cloud to (Tholes Shipping S-. si l - 40 1 ,mpOTt rr iU<M tb tOUt [so >tee,>? Recsints .as: ai nours were 7,200 beni Total for the week thus tnr Li O'ni head For aanie tits* last weak head. Csnwgoed through til cars, of which il to Js'ew.York. IB cars on sale; market steady Common te ? air OS'WOn 00.1 Good to Chslas $1 *i5?l bo. ooe.1 ta Chafes Western Lambs $6 UinAfC 00. CanadiaB Lambs I DOBC ?.-.-.. Hoot?H.cel.ts isst M -hours 9.830 head. Tots! for the wem. Uiuti far li.IT" head. For same time last week 1 ..?_-(> head. Con.igue.'. through SC carrs. .Si of w_tob to |s'ew York -. 6S oars on sai" market lower. HeleeW Yerkers MD &0-&'. (il); BslsolOd .Miilium weights SO loa-6 lb 1 Roach f. ko db 70 ; -sues St lib's: lb. Chicago. Cnion Stock I'arJs. Ang. 6. ? The Dromrt' .Journal repone- Coff lt? Receipts utan Lino bead: nmrket st?s_T- Boeres SH Oti_(, % Steers S-< 6') rt r, DO; Su.cker- snd Fenders fl unfit 40: Oowa, Tlulls ami kt li et) 0] ,,tiS.'! 40 : T?xa* Cattle ti 50 _-:i 70. Hogi ? ll.*ce-*-ol- Iii lillee heal.' Shipments 7,000 1 markst -weak Hixeel *.", OBOS ?'"? Heavy BC 00 3- ti ta I Vj, ? Light . ? ?; au; fUnpsen som oe .y.eefi?heceipts 2.01)0 hea<l sUlnments l.OOO; market -s-.-vlv. N?tivo?, Interior to I*rune. f'i 7.',?W 7.*, : V.'SOttrO aiton S4 ono*4 _U. Texaos Shorn S3 'itA3 ll; Lambs 84 bon ll 00. HT. Louis. Anr. ?. catt'e?Receipts 6,000 head: ahlp meats 1,800 : market alow. Choice Hasvy NatlT* ataara BSOOMM _o. Lair to doon Native suers 04 ?oa Butchers' Medtnm 01 Obolce. S'A WOi HO. Stockers ai, ,1 rsoflO-0, lur to t loud, tl lb ttA 40. Banifers, < ? ,.?; 00 naoo-lodaB -')tf4 no. tt03i?tvar,,;Dt,, i.i ' ? si,iptiisiiiM 100 head. Market -r.a.. Choice Heary an. I Butchers' Heleetlous SO 40?8 50. >'<w.iti_. Me-el u u t,. Prim-. Si> JOafti 40. LtKbt gradna, uriin.-iry to Bast, ??? :*.?*', 4". Itesijl RbiisIMs I.SOfl neal ?*itpments 1.300. Msrkot Slea,.-.)-, i Mir Vu V Un leo ii- 34034 60. COTTON MARKETS?BY TELEyRAPH. ?A_vfi?i.-iT, Anif. C_Cott? ? "toady. ilidtV.ap, 10; L,-w M-ddltnc, ;*"- <?<?od Ori-liinry. 8*9: net and irrosj raceiois, 101 baie*, sues, ? bales , stock. P70 bsies. ^okkolk. Auc. C.? Cotton-Stoa,ly. MUldline. 10 7-lfl* BS. ail'*, rruss receipts. D'.o n.-iies .-tporis cosstwlse. 343 balee saiea. ? bales . stock, l,-_.*> bslo* Bsvas'x.111. .vr.^. I -Cotton?fUanAy laud firm. Mlddllnr. lOVi Low MlddliiiK, V\. iioo.1 Ordinary, ?\s : nat and gross receipts, 4'i bales . exoorts coastwise, 317 bales; eales, I balsa st.Kik. 1,0.54 balee. -? - CnaoUorOH.-Lao 6.?'*otton?QnieL Midelllnx, 10: net; *??: /ros- raesteM.1 t>? et -. exports cossiwise, 4..y bales: saies. ? bales, stock. BBS bales. Rn-OttjiMi Au a?censa?taantt Mid.titnc. io* ?. La* Mi'tniti.-, i'V (i.e.?: 'iritnaty. a's,- net sod gross Isce.pii., ISO bales , salet, 50 bales, stock, 24/J48 bales. KI'RIPEAN PBODDCE MARKETt. I.o-pon. Ans a?TOO "Mark Lane Express." in itu re. Tiew of !h< Hrltish lr.i.1" CuriDf the past week. ?*: I * Anggst opened w itii tlisMter totJ.e agncnltsrsl IntersMta of th-who.e country. Jin- rainfalls hare been unprece r !,e-?vy lind the ila' ace don*? to Hie wheat crop l* . les ol l.iiiriisti whaat have rtsnn ls per cen-H - Bes I ? a,-l aad Sd i*er cunlal rsrpool BSSrkSI * ..nntrv -'.eent :. ijiiotod at 26s p.r sacs. .lors;*n wlioat has stlffeneel ni Llrti-poo, and valnea are 1,1 prr c.-nta. idr'ier. < urn is s*ea,!y. Oata asd bsrley ?*. .iM ai anchanired prices. arrwaar, am. >?. wuooxs lurj closed sc IMfnoM SO ree - ? ;_.:??. As-- . _ I'-trolwim?Fine pale American, 20 frsi*. ? Vt -, c.-iiii-n.-. pakl utirl i'o francs 3, _ ceo ti mee sellers. btzxix, Aug. ij.-l'etroleum, 7 marks 8o pteunigs. OIL MARKETS. Oi!. CITT. renn.. Aug. 0?-V.-iliotial Trinslt CsniflcAtes S"? i -',.T1J? hVii-.t. M% lowoot, i**4Si closod. BSV J_-S_*s-V.'?'',...' **"?*?? ?le?ranoes. l.40'-.000 barrels i ch ir Mra 71,011 BOM i l-Hauais. TB.7M0 OoerolO; runs, 47.41C nrV.r^r?:, .V,"nn- A''k- r?-P'troleusi closed act re , toSSSyscy towlil^ us..' M HiH' cl**,>'1 u H6i*' JL_l ' -Natwaa: Transit Certino..tos * ?--;.-?>. hl.:,.,t,,C=s;l9w.,t.-4V < ' * a*_y_u tt*\*2i__'u_._ ?__***** Tmmn ca mi. ?yo* st ntl: tttgkom, ttln Ummt, Blto close*. BOV THE RECENT DECISIONS MUST THE EDISON COMPANY, Th* phenomena! demand for OCR LAMM and cur tn : nanufacturi..] IscUmea, wsrr?oi u m _______L___ i ?s_s?sS_-fS A ?? i.w wit ? can iv L*ia_e ttBBOli than a - high vol"* hOUt OOd WlU las, longer. We t.'-eforo class fy i?\ a nXOW MEDIUM ind HIGH rolt. t_rm\it\\ r**___ B^1" *8 lil**'a'"1 "'::"-1-i "'" -Wmlife os l.w un ii,,.t Candi.- Power. ciu Voli (7& V-,lfc (lon! 10, and under so.70 ao 75 boho ?:u- *2! -BO ?: ?BR .'.'*. l oo Discount to Central station* and ta purchasers of orlpl as! packages 080 UUBps). Allowance 0f three rents for t*<:h lamp base retum-d with Un- Hatioum wires li, good srder To secure uniform!*'' we will c*<-hango with our pa trons. FREE '>E CHARGE, our RTaNDaRD SOCKET.. ter air other In u?- tn- them. BAWTER-MAM ele.'TP.i< OOMPAMT, (Com)i:'-rc:ai A;*ent of the Consollda'ed Electric Light Co ) No. Clo West nSeOL, New fork. ??? I. 1SSM *i RB SAW Yf R MAN LAMP la in us bT TUE NEW IORI Titi El M. T.ii BOOR 'E "PEN-AIR BPORTR" oct.-,,,. &oo nioatratad ii.* -inwiAr-i authe.ritj oh An-rrliai. '-ja ii ail amusements Rules lor siilliiig, swim knut u*ii j.i.iyiiic. ?h'H.tlriif, horseback riding eic, etc., Ui mil, SJ p*:r Kupy. 1'ubllabL-d by 'ibe Tribune, New J't. l_:itert?_nios snd nulversiill/ compliiueuted by tba SEVERAL ADVANCES NOTED. THE BEST FIGURES COME LAS!. STOCKS QUIET DI A DAY OF WAEL SPECU? LATION. SALES AT THE STOCK EXC-IANOE-AUO. ?. THE CES PEAL LIST. Actual S?,.-s _^^^^ CIssi nc j ito. (T'S- I!'gt- Low* I Elna. Jll.t Ask'.l sol-L Albsny A Hon.. A Ton* r f?l Atlantic A Pat' It A NY A L-l Bnff HO Put**. SC KA *Sor....! Can Southern.. I snsda .-acilli Ceilar Kali*... Centra* ?i N I Central P_c.ltlc, Ches A vi rets-1 VA V lei vt da thea A O 2d vr. Chic A Ali ... ' Chic ? AU prf lil's 67-9 84 ab; bib btv 37 |1S7 Beil't b 83 % 35 >? 1ST ai*.1 btv, ti 'A . ttl 14ft OH I 100 3. au hts bi** Hll% Abs, l-l ll I 12 134 l'*.e' 150 8'.'* 9* 101 ell 64 V bn c .-*, ni| m ni 12% 181 170 I'M KIO 4*,0 144 lo ChicA rtorWt 'USS1 USS1 113-* 113V U8V.13V Che AN* or:1 __ \ ..I __ \ -? \l__t* Itl I ... Chic MiiA->tl\ 7.V fib fib Tib 73% Ti* 13.2*0 C NIA ftP orel 111 I Hld 111 i Ul* HI Ul. 406 CM LA PltM.i ........ I Vi llb CMU ."pre- .. .. .. ..34 ,<4% ChlrStPMAO 39%' 40%' 89%' 40% 401. 4 n's "SP M ?0 pr 10?% 1U.% 108V 108% 1().>? 108 Clue lum* vi USS HIS. 116*1. llft?.. ll.',, uja. C RI A k'erifit ;06S to**., 1108% lot i stL *?.-hie I i\\\\\saoo______----_^^" bb l 2ft?4 00 4 25% ?mb bu n I ion* C9% ?lb*, 2tl rn US| cws?h* naL .. CW A B prfd. .. icc A 1. bib Col II V A !'?'. 2.*?% CA K Hisref.l 92 ' Vi IielLaA Vies | 11.5V 137% I>elAriil-1. : U4?. IDi UeOT A Rle Or IA Rio or el Len A tat Vf.. Iml-A OC., ___, K.isi fenn.| 10S E Te_a 1st or.. E Tern '.'il liri. Erasa A flt. PEW ? i snver Oreen i!sr.| !X*h| IL.usa Texas. lu cent. Il Cent le'd La lr rt li* vs*.... K ins A rem... Ll!*, . .. L . A?A nrfd Lake SOota... Long Island . lonls.e Non I, N a A Chlo Msnhaflsu'-on M artist -'-cac'' Mar lion ft <)o n Mar ll A"i"*e Mem A Char., Mich ('eal ... SI LISA Vt .... M LS A W pr! Matti I 1014 1011% 7ft 77 8. SI fl 1,1 _0 loo Sill 0.5 bib ?lb", bb 23*4 92 2% 4% bT,\ 3ft S PIS Ab b i 2i)b 02 lab*, ll i 137* 137% 111% )liV> 113-s lld . 50 ; 10 iou DI'S, 35% 'in*. 11 y 60 i 17 ids tlf b 26 b US 13*. io*., 1-5% o"i%! ski's 1.VJ 13 V 13 % 1*". 48 10% 76 * iOS 09* 'ib b ab iin,' VA-, Vii S?7 ' 13*4 lil* IBV 4-?. 4S* Hfi'ej bbb oi% ei%| 1'oV fwn*\ iib : l *-. 4~?. 90* *.'C*. DJ Vi BIVI 51) 8-% M K A I. MO I'HCIflf_ Mob A Ohio.. Morris A Ea.. n c ami*... NT central.. NYCAStl. NY CftStL ere NYCAM.'-Api Ni I.K4SS... NV LEA w or' NY A NF..... NYaNIB. N"i O A UT.... NY BA W. N Y SAV, pr.. Nor A Weat.. Nor* rv ort. *>ori'i Paoinc Nor Pac ort... Ollie A Miss.. : i eh,,, Monto... or imp..,. Or I top pd..... 90 ?iv tl 70 ll 9*8 107 IM* 82 M SOO IB*. ?* ai v I!**! b"\ ?lt) I 87 : 23 b ll 80 85 V BB li w, .4S 79 ll 9" 7?w 16 so* ll j 84 107* ms 71 I 70 n *. ne r ? _ i" Dis, 61 46 I 44 230 1.30 16V 10% 90% iib bi 86 .. ' mi 7S 14 M HO* ll I 85*. ... Do n nv 80* ll 14 3 IBM 50 I 17S na 7(>% 25V 86 27%! u% IB. in ISO 1/1% .15 10 V 48'. BS :. 94 "j Cl* il 8'l% ll 17V Bl s't's si l'l 7 15 80* 12 141 760 VOil loo 33.000 Mob 200 41*0 -06 4'W l'jO "25 600 84 ' .**i*______! _____________________ IOC,'-. 107* M7". 107% 181 ? SI tl lu* 61 I 90*i bf, 23% 1' s*.% 1Kb bo.., 86 < 67 23% ?__n ? 70S. 3? b 27*4 ii-.' -j 44 >4 ?1A? H-b 8 31V Ill's fell*. -.(I. 67S ?j:)**1. I tupi.. ia I? ?cr'en Trsns.. OrBnori I.lne. V Dee m Ar... PbUA Readme P P esr co... ; PensA sar.... .. i Rich ft Al. ...I Rich* WF .. , 24 ? B If! pref. ] 73 | -ii . rn TH V CH'S ?*V CBS 107'a H'7S 107S lui b IMS4 1'4 1'SS Hi ' aSS 25 S- 26* 25 S mo : sis 6iY 104 , H n ie ?Jl>, als 21* Cf, Sj C4 *S o.*. s 105* 1841 leo's h.L AA; .. I 32 V PlLASK.. StL*SP nret 8tLAKF ".si pl bib a r>ui.... ?StP* I- ur... 81 PM A M... Si cirolioa. lex Var new.. Villon Pac..... W utensil_ | IVi', prM.' W ft ta pref. Mest t'nion... Artatns Kxo_j Amer Ex ...... Vt Es-ore-sa.. , W-eI|s Psr K* Amer Cable_ I'aiiiiO Mail... Con Om. Csn < asl A t. Hue* Coal A 1 Coi coal AL. C'ODSOl Coal.... Man-land Coal. New CtnCo ?L Tenn Coal AI Homestake ? Otitario.I Quicksilver.... ?Wu'cksliver pr. 72* a.* 12'? 14 V fib 25 72 S 32 V 72* sis 721, '?V 71* _??* 37* IIS 44 ?? 2^ , 16% at, SI* '.SS ?os 'Iii 1 ita sss ti 6_S' 107 , IMS IBS ?_.'-. 21* O''* IB! 165 BIS 7:_?. 42 au WS 12\ 71S .' -, 27*. 16V 8 I ?IV IBS !*? I I 80% ITS ?ii '.Ab Je\ :od 84 ?J-: 1,1 30*; 21 S1 100 1.100 iain 1.170 COO BOB 2.C25 ioo nb 60 6,870 60O 25(i 1,306 iso 840 B-O 4.OOO 300 1.775 8 100 lon 2H0 10 650 1.5-5 3.714 610 .03 150 Zit) 4,810 125 100 CS 40. 10t>-i 1,426 170 | lo _____? 25 73 44 V ;>)ii Soo 100 8-5 11IS 114 in IIS _ 10*! 1"3 I 106S IOCS'IOC . IOCS lOSH 10C\1 joh ?ll 69S' las 2ft-a 68 S 81 79 3s* 7rt 24 S C'*S ll 20 b 68* 82 S 24 60S IIS 2** 6H>. u 24* OOH 14 20* 61) \ 82* 24* CD* 14 vc* St' ...oo 8. SC" 2o0 810 8,000 73 38S 78 3s* M 78 38* 23*' Shh 38* UV 25 3CS, 28* 11-V ?Itu. .ii. 28* ll*. ?Jo 36* 2"8S ni! *-'4>s Cd* lt'* 30* 6C"-> Si* .'_* 16,Cii.. 147 in *.0S 110 75 76 I 13- 14*.' TS BO 3?1i ?'-'4 T5S SOS1 10* ll . 10 28V US .il :*'S 40 i 3o MS 21 I 14 354 li's 40S* lift 4.083 loo 1.6'o6 650 .00 IO Tots: asieaof tne sy.-. 198.024 AOiKVS AXD JIAftK STOCK*. I,mi)e1aaa Con 4a 10.000...BB South Carolina Cs Brown Con 1.000.104 Koli Fun-abie 4.000. 3S 1 Tenn Va ft O t\ Cons (4.11 6s 6.000. 102* 4,000 .loss 9.000.103 trie 7? consol gold I.OOO.135* lO'.OOO.'?..... SS \ Eris IleorgaaUS'n Psrk Bank 20.168 Bank of lt-pohllc 42.141S Albany A Soaqu rooaol 7? lisg-.itered 2ft.(M)0.188 Atiaotic A Paeifle Inoome 25.ooe.32 8.O0B.22* Si'.OOO.22S 0.000.2VS Bm C It A NUi'u 1st 10.000.SC Chi A Eaat Illlcoa Usa 5a 1,000.97S ?_.(>0o.08 6,000.9x's 17.000.98S CTesA Ohio coup 4a Boonal lr- rg Certs 6.OOO.llb 2.0O0.72* C Ohio A _ Vi | ? _1st Lo 3.000.107S FsrtWorth and DC la; 8.000.87% 8.000.B7S 1.000.Sib COI! CoiA .SD Pa osi.i as 1,000. IDS 1st l.OOO.IIB* 8.000.lia_ O hay w a kt P 1st 30.000.40 fl A Tel Cent 1 Main line Trust rsesipts 27.000.116S lian A st Jo csa Kansas l-u-itla 1st COD 1.000.10BS Lo R a A cai* con 1.1. OOO........86 10,000.70S I Lehish A Vi B csa CkicR 1 A lae5s Coupon 2,000.106* 3.000..c. 106% Chi it I A PM BB eon [i on I/loo ... 131 Chas A Ohio Ba 1911 10,000.... 110 Central Iowa 1st iTust receipts 6.000_82 Cine Bur A uomcy Neb Ext ss 34.000.. .mw. .92% 5.OO0.l?2S Canada botitSeru 2.1 18.000.95* 6.000.9bVj Col Hot V A Tol 6s .7.OOO_80 Den A Bio Ode 4s '_6.1X>0.It-t _.",.00o.77 I*ul and iron K's*) 1st 7.000.93S Sci. A Ru vv Iai Assented 10.000.7r | ns seated 3,000. 116 Lat.- Shore 2desn 10,000.la6S Min ft 8 L 1st 600.93 Motnal Cn lei on 5,000.97S Mobile A* Ohio I. M 10.000. 48 Mil I. s and Wu 1st 1,000.119 Mobile.-: wino lat 30,000.63 R T Plerateil 1st 10.000.115 Kow-Jersey Ceut'I lias mtg 5s 6,000.104* L-00.los'. K "tv 25 year Usben BO 1.000.106 North Pm lat -tim 1.000."ld Nor Pac Ter is S.000.lots N Y Lek* EA Wi Fuii*>il 6a roup 6.1K>0. ST'-. Nash C ft St I. 4s 2.000. na cooo.o_* Nor A Wost lien mice 1.000.120S ? V Lake R A tv New 2,1 con 31.000.!?H N Y Contral 1st registered 6,000.133 Oregon A frans es 2,000. 99* Phils and RUM 4a 10.000 . 88* Rich ft W P tarsi tr 6s 11.000. 93% 31.000.94 Shenandoah V O M Trust Receipts 1.000.34 SIP Min A Man Ls Moo Px 4a l.OOo.87* Ol -._.-( aad Tex lat 3.000.87 et Paul imlMoaiC lat 1.000_126 Ssntti Cir.'lins Income 2,ooo.16S st I. Alrns Munni 5s 1.000.87 Tex A Pae lat 6s 1.000.95 1000.9lTs leta* x facHs BS income 15,(8)0.43a4 1,000 . 4(*. 11.000. 44 111,000.44% Cullen Pac!As 1st 1,000..' ... ms ?98 2.000.U5 Cnlon Pscltl* a y 2 tm. 120S, Of N Y an? P 1st 34.000.OSS WSeeling sud L E 1st C.OOO.100 2.000.I"0'" 6.000.100* i eel Shore "a?r?jveeS 4s 2i i.OOO.103 bALLS AT TBE OOEBOLJDATED 8T0CK AXD TETBOLEUB RECBaEBE BTOCRtL yarnel. Am. ( "il. At ft Pa'. Canalla --..-... I'olCosi A 1 Co.. Chi Bl I- M A ?) .... <? R I A I*. I ' ' ft I . (**.M)i* stfaai. DeiLsckA Wsstern.. ?t>SlBWar* * Hudson.. Hoi kii.c Coal. Lax-1_ ors. LosiaA Kashv-Us 1. a A \\ esl pre! .... Manhattan Con. Mich Or. Mo. i'ac:ne. a y* a s_.i Nor Pacitic of.._.\ ttew lora Central_ Kai Psi- .?.i Kor ft W o'.. K Y S it- W.j or- Tisns . or lt A N.' pseine Msii. r: nam Reading. Rici, AWI-. Rmi a a Put.i I Open I mg. i 37**" 8 53% 3H% : 4"? ' 108 05 i ll': 135% 114. 25 | I 05 Si Cl 48* *."i* S6SI 79 44*| 67 Si IOU'. I N -. 61 I U I)men Paolflo. West. C. lol. Wah Si I. ft I* a,.I. St 1..* I- ural. Wliluitns ni Maul .. ? . M b 94 SS 64 24% 72S 24'. Iii) -I . 14 21SS 6 Ui?:i- I ?st.. 38 V 9 ! r.:-t% 3', -4 40 b 108 , 73V l.-T . USS ll 90* Cl* 4S*_ fn* SO i HO 45*1 67S IOCS 2'is/ 61 I tA*t\ 94 i .<-??> 64S ii * 72SI Iii*! nu* Bl?k 14 , 28% 6 :.*i? ' est. 37* BBOj 30 ,! 41", j lo9 i 58 I Tt% 1.15*. ii 61 i BUS sos BSS 79 I 44*1 67* Iti'li. Bfll. 6 IO SI 94 j 88* C4*. tl *' 72*: 24 %' du sit* 14 I iM* 4% 0100* iShare lng. I sa! I 6.1'. SO* IO* 109 I ^1 1.180 iou io H o iou lui) 7::%! ic imi IS7S 16,1") IUS xmi ?_.-, ! nm k.f'l'0 4t>il me bu 808 m? 9.9SII 170 mo leo mo inn 81*1 SSS Bo* 811 I T.e', 44*1 .'. *. 100%, 26% 61 B SCSI 94 I At*. Ce* 25 | 7'.' . 84 '4 Cl "4 H_* 14 20*. 6 I fed 670 27,2*.)" 2. .'10 10 14. 1,410 C.HHll 1(8) 1(81 BOO aol? ...X^HIH_-i._______________l 83,410 At A Psr icc... Kris 2*1 eon. Oreoa I'-st inc. W P 6s.. AV, A N ci (>n 1st,. SIL AA TM.. Tex Pac lat _ 1 ex pacific 2n. Wheeling* I. E 1st. Wost tikoro 4s. Tulal . *i,' ...... 22% fm 40 94 8 95 | 48%, 100 103 I 3-% 98 40 94 84 37 96 44% Kio 103 98 i 40 I Ot 84 87 I 95 1 43% IOU 10.1 I 32* . 40 94 84 37 I 05 44 loo 103 6,000 S.ooO i Hom 4.188) i ?? " j 6.OO1I j 6 omi , 68.000 , 6.009 I 35.000 |127,('l)0 atocks. Astoria. -26 AiBs<lor.1 3,20 El Cristi'. 95 asst Oregon.08 Kurokaloa. 8 0S F*liioi d* bmst.SO .26 I .34 a ... I ?-.?<) ^^ 95 .08 6.00 .SO 0.00 .60 .24 S-0 100 .03 6.00 , .60 1.400 300 84.1 ROOS loo soo Hollywood. Halo A Norcroea. Horn silver. Middle Har. (?narlo. I'ronsiile. Piatas. Rsnpahannock .. Holler creek ... Sulro 1 iinm-l Shoshone.. Inion ' 'mi. .39 6.60 .ni 44 -39 | .89 I .39 6.60 ' 5.-.0 1.50 .Kl 1 .81 .81 .44 I .44 83.50 ,33 511 33.6(1 '38-60 1.00 i I.(Mi i LOO I LOO 1.05 ll 1 Kl OS .IS 3.70 LOB ' 1-05 I 1.116 li ? ll .11 1.10 I Lin 1.10 .0.) .Os I .09 .13 -IS .13 2 7o . 3.70s I 2 70 1.000 Ifl 200 Coo 150 4110 200 Him I 1.011 400 300 IOU CLOSING PRICES OF CALIFORNIA 6TOCKS. S.111 I ra:.. 1040, Aug>8 fca-u-Iay T*-d_y. Bstorlay.T"-'I?r. Alts._ ino LIB Nav?io. l_\ Hulwer.r,b loshir. 6*50 Va-.' BrsiA Belcher 3.2.'. nub I'otesi . L'"' 1* ?' Boote 00n. I.o5 1.66 ,*Uva?e._ .. 2.50 2.4ft Chenar. 140 LOS Sierra N'rwida. 2.05 EM CflO UMATa BBSS 7 ?7% Emou con.. f.Bfl Crown Point... 3.115 -.-.'.io Utah . 110 1-05 r-ur,.tania. 6-f.O I Common Walt!) - ... _?__ Ootiid A carry. ?_>,;. _,m Jacket 8-S<* ? J ' baie* nor.... 8 lb 4-0 iB. Helli* Isle.. 3 nu BOO Mexican._, 2 sj fm '\?tsi-S Q leen u.oo 4 ? Mono. 1.25 100 1_ CLOSING PRICES OF PH1I_APF.LP.-IA STOCKS. reppsylvsnts.. 64* M% W.l Centra!.... 81% *i*a Heading.82 1110 if.". Oream. Trans... 26* 10% Lenign \ aney.. 63% bib I BL PauL......... 7 - Norm Fscifla Hi* gen. 4s 88% 88% earn. llb 2C* Reading Inc,. Baan racine K.*.*i linc 2d aer 5?. oro!. 67% 67% Trsctton. I_oliighN.iv... 4'J 4'.*_ CLOSING PRICES OF BOSTON STOr*KS. Boston, Aug- 0, 1*88. Sainrdsy.To-day. Sa.uis-ae.To-dsr. A Top.* 1st 7? 120 .... )lrt Colonv. 169% H>l'% do L O 7a.... 11-s HM RntHurt com ... 6 -?? A A Toa R lt... 88% *?'-"? Hullani m. 35 35 Boston A Alla' >? 199% 189% >** le cell*. ? R Host ,t Mai un,. 215*. com . 18% 1?% I Mc Hurling s I a is Cent R R Uiiincv. ll*,*, lift* pfd. 89 COMsaQtr. 18 IBS Aliener Min Ur laeiero RR_ li7 mewl. *b Eastern LRUs. 122* 122% Caium't A Heull 274 ^75 flint A Pere .-d. *1* 4! *'Cat.ilpa. 17 la riii.t ft I* M itt O',, pc-, kim _. 31 ?*} Kati City SUI .*% Us.-e.i?... 21 *] ( BlaflBTS.... 120% 120S IV wallie, ne*). A Mox cen 00-a... 11% 14% winner... Ta*a atoxlcan Central lie.i Tel-iphose. 2.(3 2.(3 lat alor mu ii ST r:i. Hoston Lsn!_ 7* - * N Y A N lingi.. 44* 41'. Water reiwer... 8 8 do 7a. Vii; ______ FAVORABLE BAILBOAD BEPOBTB. Monday, An_' B?i>- m. Iiv-lndinc; tho roj.nrts printed below, THR Tr. 1 ii en e. lins published ibe gras earoiocs for the f? uri li aroek of July of i!i;rty-M\ Bompaufiefl Ot -'.stems, iiiul thc showing! uro remarkably favor aiilc. of tho number .twenty-four cimi'iiniis bavs retareed gain on tiie week ol 1881 and twelve oumpnni'-i- losses. Tho following table ru es repa? int.dy llie -aggregate! lind diff'-n ik'?-s of tbflflfl Showing g*.)ins ninl losses : Fourth we?k la July- UR. 1SS3. r>lfT?re_i..-s p. et Twenty-tun? co's ir_,it".. ??-H e'.-.T::.-,..,.Va lui ti33 * ? ? M??'?' Xwoln co's. I,'J4&.287 1.008,1-3 Dec. 162,1*1 Total 30 co's... 88,840,1-1 88.880,081 Inri. The Juno stalotoenl of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Bnilrood, printed below, make, a betta show-in? of not. rantings thoa in preceding ?tooths, hut. st ill lt e. hud enough Probably all Ii,e de.'Im.- from Juli'-, 1887, ol ?188,809 Kress earnings und inoNOM of |3S0,0-47 in openting expenses may !)?? charged to n-- diopure with lu ola engtBoem. Then- is s lon of bu silten Bl extraordinary eXpenn for polios duri on lt-, lines stuck SPECULATION ROT ACTIVK. Thc stock speculation to-day oould not he called active; the transaction! aggregated only LO shares. But there nasa baldening ol value* re? flective of iin sit na!.on u:..1 ol tn" growing con? fidence "f bolden ol sccuritfea iii** old " hull" cry??* BO itoeko"- ti,ni oras formerly heard whoo tilt* mnrlcet wns active and prices ?.*.??-?? I.ming under speculative manipulation, never possn much tnith before ttl ii don now. Holden ur,* Content, and only thoM who nfl " short" ol -.vlial they lii.y ar" anxious over the situation. 'llie loici market thia morning, if it* devalopod any change fr. tn Fri lay, it mi- of ,i larger outstanding short Interest in such stoeks as SorthwesB-rn, Lake and St. Paul The deliverin ol Se l.v] murk bavs been bad for som" time; to-day, although the market was supplied with stock sold cn Friday for out-of-town accounts, there was oo Improvement In the geoeral delivery of ft. ITte * whole ptarkct to-day n.<>\? -I in Record, bot Lake Shore. Western Union, St. Paul Delaorare. Locko ' wanna i-nd Western ond (Philadelphia and Beading | wen- the conspicuous fentona <>:i VVedi Philadelphia and Beading will nil es 20 i?*r cont * in finn preferen ??? bonds, and they ok Quoted al aboo! B5, or 17 i-or cen! oil tho pro-sent iiuotation foi the rtock?soy . tao] ?" IB es for the stock. ' Inion I'm iii' an'l New-York and Now England, I with smaller dealings tlmn for iho stocks named, oran noi i.? 1,in-l in thoir doy's advanoea, und Louisville and Nashville wns jn demand at full flgurea The* market elis-.,; quiet at close to the best noires of tho day, 'lil!; DAY IN THE BOND MARKET. Onlv 883,1-150 bonds were offered to the Treas? ury?is at I2T l-4ol2T 1-2 and 4 l-.s at 107.45a 107:1-4. Tho Secretary oooepted 81,600, The looa] market was quiet and steady at ti iotations aa follows: Bnl As*! RM. Ask. C.Fl. 4%a. l??.l. rss.lOCS E'6% CR. ear. Os. 1896.. 132% ... C.H.4%s, 11!)l.coa.in7% J0"a. C.P. car. 6v ls97. 125 ... t'.iUs, 190,, ref. 127% l_7%' L'41 cur. 6s, 1S8S..1ST V... V.klk li?o7.i-.iu..?Jl*. 127% C.s. cur. Us. istm.. 1.10%.... C.?. onr. Ho 1hm5 ..2o nut Coi. 3- tb*' .... In Stn to bonds, Louis.un.-i consol 4 s sold at .0. and South ('uri'linu Browns Bs at lol and non-fundable Cs at 9 a--.ia i-i*. of city haul; , stocks, Pork sold so di ibo, nnd Hepnblio (42 i at 14 1 l-_. 'Ih* market* for railway bonds was rather quiet, i but pru-'-s wen stroll.*. Hu features of the deal? ings v.pri Atlantic and Pacific Incomes al '-'-a 2_ 8-8, For! Worth an I l<.ti\cr Ants Ot ^7 I-2a e7 i-i. Bichmond and Weal Point 8a at B3 3-4a ! l'-l, Texas and l-Vtcific iiicomcfl ut* -E. :i-1;:4 4 1-8, ond Wheeling and l?ik?- Ern- Rrstt a! lOOalOO 1 I . West Shore 4s iron Brm at i"'i, and New-Vork, Chicago ami Si. Louis 4s al 1*2 l-2at?2 .'?-*?*. Cbicttgu and Litsl Illinois Kfii'-rtil M ros.- ti, o- i.s. Krn second tis \s.-i*. linn ot ii*. Beference is ivr.uh: to I i.?*. r lull -iii'l ii< in led report of bond nlea lu Balloted Bocarttlcfl ti'-.Ut in at th,* Stock Ex? change, -'ottou Seed Oi! certificates opened "tr .'?-4 jM-r ctit at 81 1 '-'. fell to -tt 1-4 and ros,* to :sa i-8a38, Weotera Natiooa] Dank sold io nt ni l '-. Brunswick Company I. ol iiai2. Du? luth, South Shore .ind Atlantii preferred 150 at 2'a _-8a32 l-'J. und Mount Deter! Land (TOI 12 :i7 1-2. Me,nev WM in ahiindanf supply nt 1 1-2 por cent for call loans. Tho Clcuring Hoon statement in dur was us I follows: Exchanges, 882,884,87"; balances, \A 1,820. Pbs Bub-Treasury to-day was debtor -st tia* Clearing linus,* 8500.697 Ifs __\ -:. _j 0_ balance * on Saturdaj and to !:ti wns 8308,800, made up *?* a coin Kain "I 8.12C.175 leu a r*:,rn*iic*,- | 811,580. Tho two daya' operation' covered R | eel pto, 84.080,000; pnyncnts, 8-H.771.43tl, r ing*in a general balance of 1105.730," ?.nw of si 75.40.'-,85" coin and 120,243,] ?.'.*! currency. REPOBTS FROM WASHINGTON. Tho I'niti'il Btal .uiirt/m re eeived to-d.*i', 1228,000 Notional hank not redemption. I .'o' customs receipts were 8508,000 and tb internal i*ven . pn mn 81,070,71 a I'.'li'.v's Washington Trnutuiy Btatcmenl of .-. hand and deposit! in bank compares * th.- flj-rur-i-.s of th* las! pret * - foi loara. Anni** 4 Anvils* fl, "Mg ? I i on hnrnl |E'4 4'i'.' 'ni Sl'.'5.01 !, i:?2 Inc. til Net ?liver ot. n .1 .', ?: ?*-.",. tl -a til.?i-i'..:.,:: L..*. fl '?lldep, ? :, mad. BB.B78.B18 IB 1 -..",-: lue. 819.071 Arma! cu.h lu salts ovei ' rerttfl H - S?^(1.?27.n.1i. p2'-'l.C,?-,ir,2 Inc foin41rt ? 'iii .'.i - ; c.* : \ N't cash lial'i.'-o. 88*1.04 Then was a firmer tone la the foreign racbonge marge's and ran ?- for Iterling re. lae quotations for bu linen ai i* U Bankers' lolls, ti %s s-i and Si ^7 j.j tm long and short sterling reopectJvely; .",.*.'i 1-4 and lulu a-4 for frans: 95 a -. ?mri *r, ;i| f,,f reich marks; 40 1-4 and 40 l-'.* ior guilden in-day being a honk holiday in London, rm financial quotation! oreit r-o-e-r-iil from there At hirts. French :i per rents wv- Mi-ndv st 1 2, and sieght ? po on Lxmdon ruled at 25.38 friiTu - to thfl 8 BAXLBOAO EAB-flNOS ATES.NT1C A.*. Il PACU1C 1 . ?? 1887. 1--J Nurrrtier of taOea .. BIS sn ronna we-k in july 820,1)70 It..-_**17 ?i*.:.ii',i Jan. 1 to Ju!-* Bl 777.880 1.400,114 1.010,88! lil'EEAE" it'" HI-IF.!'. AM) riVlBRURO. Nun, of Hallos.... j ?'4 _*)| r,,,irt)i wah In July 131'2.!- !.7Ii.ill7 I l*n. 1 n Joly Sf.... TM 4H.1 1,180,888 1,041,TN CAIRO. VIRCUnf-BB aSh CR1CABO. Nnmlier of rruirs ... . BBB Fourth wees lu July Sin.714. I1T.7ZI I t?2.*."." Jan. 1 u. July 81 ... Sll.ltS 409.811 Ha:i.r#t (AI.IFORN1A SolTTRKICi. Numher Ii OtU* .... _7S fra 3to rourth week In July S-0,4*|i rZt,t,.9 P2T -31 Jan. 1 to July 31... MM wtt) fSAfm 1,05 OHIOAOO AND ftEBBWBB UCHI6--R. tftimter of mil** 411 41.1 413 Fourth week in July tira.At-ii gn'.i*i4 ?94.Hi7 Jjn 1 to Julv S!.?> "'.'????._ no.At'l BiOBOd ( 1NCINNA11, W A Sill Ki--?"?.? ASli Vi I.TI.M' IRR Number of miles ... .-I "-I ttl Fourth week ll) July S->!,7uD OW,25-1 8V:.2.'l Jan. 1 io Julv 31 ... l.O'JI,088 1,188,744 l,l4.,7_. DF.TROIT. LANSINfi AND NORTHKRN. Number of miloo ?-. ?*" 2?1 268 2?W Fourth wosk In July 087, 027,2-x) OSA.bilO lan. 1 to July SI.... S06.187 8-0,008 6*0.-7* LAKE ERIE ANO WTSTT.RR. Nninhor of mil-e.... add 648 848 week In July 067.002 S00.1W*. OCiO.'.tbl Jsn. 1 t,. Julr H.... 807.986 1.050.7*.)l 1.0.-.2.414 I-^EISVIEEE. KVARSVILI.E ANO *.T. LOCUS. Roman of miieo.... 2bi sn om week In Joly 018,02V S22,ooi aia.u*) ?l.a I to July Ul ... 446.U60 848,801 614.?4l) -MEXICAN CENTRAL r-'umt?cr of mlle. 1.2.10 1.2.10 1.2-10 fourtii weah in July 887,087 S104,nw S172.87U Jail. 1 to July .'IE... 8.119,804 ?608,844 8,0,-17.039 III1-WAURXR AND northern. NimV*r of mll"?.... 103 848 200 Ee.urth w.*k In Jtiiy 018.lilli 828,906 028,626 Jan. 1 i? Jhj 31-... HU..'.12 6.'....lit 668,080 REW-TORR, ONTARIO AND WESTERN. Number of miles.... .21 ft* 821 week In July SI7.-t.ii 018,721 884,090 Jan. i ',, Joly .ii ?-. 783,731 mi ij. 820,74. nllio AND KIBBUM 1*1*1. Nun ber of mlles^... (110 CIA f'10 wok ,:, July 888,911 l-s'. 1 ".'J 177.71s 1 f? July ll.... . 2,-14.ol,*. 2.0.14.'Li.'' RICBMORO AND WE.sT rOXRX TERMINAL. aii Una Number of miles.... . 2.2ns 2."_i8 E.'ur-h wek .1 J-iiy . Olii.b'ib #174. '.7*, J*:i 1 t.e July AV... . 4.84W.372 4,789,181 8T. LOIXXB, ARKANSAS AND TEXAS. N'lfnlier of miles.... 713 llb 1,050 l'ee-ir"i week in July S4(*,,482 I'll,Iai 076.989 Jsn. 1 t,, July 31.... 870,-i78 1,*.*01,950 1.452,474 TEXAS 1*A( inc. Number of miles..... 1,187 1,487 1 4 T Fourth week In July . SH'-' HM ? -' Jun. 1 io July *!1 ... . 2,*>10.247 -,340.-30 TOLEDO. ANN ARDOR AND NORTH MICUK.VN Neimi.eiT of miles.... IflO 184 1*4 Fourth week tn July 09.2.'.S fl2.(l_4 BK, w|0 Jan. l to Julv 31... 188,018 270,453 SlO.tM ?WAI-ASIl WtaTRRR. Number of miles... BOB 880 1.041 I-ur!li week In July 8I07.60S B208.44I Jaa i ta July 81?. 8.021,3lu 3. Si 0.435 arRSTXRR REW-TORR AND pennsylvania. r nifla... ciya 861 BBS Fourth we. B h, July 084.D'O asl ,100 SO.V.V'O Jan. l ui July 31... 1,440,846 1,600,57-3 1,686,800 IVISCONHIN CENTR-VE Number of miles. HIS RIB 818 Fourth we-ot in July 8787*90 Bl'2:10 Bl 15.090 .Ian. 1 t? July 31--.. 1,004,148 1.3'.<7 '..Ml li ST. l'M'l.. MlNN*r,AE(il,IS AND MARITOBA. Month nf Juc. '0871.S28 0821,348 Bl Jan. l f. Jul. 31-.-. 8,810,0-4 4,022,434 4,910,888 ?;i.e .AND Oltli Month o' Joly. SI65.0B7 *: 70.O.-.4 1174.3-1 Jan. 1 t-e Ju,y 31... J. 125,058 1,821,010 1,864,608 HOUSTON AND TEXAS CI ViT.Af.. N um her of mli-s.... .',-.3 Mil BIB Third we. lc m July.. 048..''' 068,089 045,135 Jsn. 1 t,, Julv 21.... -,.94.198 1,182,073 l.i. elli' AGO. RVHURGTOR AND QUINCY.'.i of June? Rampei of miles. 3,100 3 ir,:, 8,fiO0 .irnln-s . 03,148,682 82.140.833 81.0S3.O84 Operatiag exponsea.. 1,200,450 1,979.280 1,590,883 Rat nmtuga. 8980,076 0861,647 8354.coi Jn i *,, .1 BM 30? m.inir?.61L&28.6S0 113,270.100 80.076.066 ('l*T.itlnir exp-nses... 8.679,221 7,201,127 B.682.535 Net earnings for III BSOOtlU. PA.844,133 05,1)04.97'J SI.203.431 OHIO RIVER. Monrh of June- 1887 .""P. Differences. ,i . 827.479 044.184 Ine 816.712 li; BBB , C*> 114 Inc 8,748 ?n niafans. bh.iou .19.070 inc f7.ooi an. 1 to Juiie 30? tominga. S12C),C4(1 SE'0.2-12 Inc ?00.ft1*1 opera- - 84.771 110,414 Ine Rn nratagl. *44.s75 S70,_48 Inc. |31,978 0170.7.8 3.022.374 KT-ROPRAN FIN \NCIA), MARtvF.l bOOBOX, Au?. ?-4:30 p m.?Psrls ailvtccs onoto 3 per Baal ren.-s ?? SA ROMS 57% OSSttmeS foi tlie account. stol Eiciisnife on I-andon st ib Irsncs 33 centimes for tiieckv THE STATE OF TR ADE TtrrTAt/*. Anirnst e.-Whsut?No. I Hsnl held nt 12orer Cti.,Afti september 1 demi1ne.', hsbt; sales 0: 71,000 bnsh. c 1. f. lOS'ioTer. Ba 1 Northern dull; Duiuiii st 8%e rai loan Beptiwabori Vi ashburn a.,r. nrer : special hm IOcotsi waa aske-l, Winter scans aol Ilrin ileura No. 2 Re.1 so d si '.' * ' c irs White Ore?nn st '."l%JlS5c lorn blither . Ra, '.' Yellow .it He over l bieago Septen. ?<-r No 2 SVoVe-r, No. 3 ?i4\*5o overi No. 4 Tetlow 4c over. 'sfiiot unsettled. Bal iiur.'T Nu 2 White 4()*<?41e Eta 8 Whito at -.iv . N". I Mii.-d 34% 0-6a El eur lu ir'?.d deniaudat fnh prices MEI food timi and nnchaueed. i ornms.i al * .-- OstOMOl at**_-lr. canal fronhte jtp.ii-i . sanply of hosts httil: WBeot le. Cora l%s. Osts 2c lt ts ?Floor iibis. Wheat *.4-*.boo husii. Cora Ibl.Owi i*n*i. Oats Jl.Ouo hus!., shipments by itali?Flour H eon wh?-at CH.non bush, dru 7-'.o00 bush. Oau - h-.-l. Csnsi SUIpoienu?Whoot l'l.l.OOObusu. Coru io..OOo busx ' lats 10.00') buah. Bos.n*. Auirnat fi_Flour n.n:et. ba! finn. Corn quiet snd steady, cats (lrai i Shorts inlet, hst stea.iy Prori.uns un-hsneed. Pork quiet sod st??.:y, New Men *I6 us I Naas 611 I6B1I Jo Enrel qmet ami Brm St 8%OlO%c. Hams steadr and finn at Sll 60912 75. Putter iln!! and nomine! Cheese dob. Kirfs ai tire sn '. Brm. Receipt*-Flour :-'."io n*... sod 6,000 teeta. Corn I! rn)" tata, oats *_.noo hush. Sham 6-** tons. Cn-iii, AagOM U ?fn* les-liuc futures r?_csl so fo.iows wiisat so. X Opnairn. lll?-ess. Lowest. Closlnr. Anmst. Mt% 64>s 83-si S4 September. _5 ll SS*s fl** (iciober. B6% 1S**o I li- 85% May. Ul Ul 1'i-j 90\ cai,-, xo. 2 Aijust. 49% 4?% 45% 40 fep-.tnber. 4*5% 4'*% lb >_ 4^% OrloBST. 4'% 4S** 4.',% 45% May. 3U% 3U% ill' 3D*? oats no. 2. An?uat. 26 26% 34's 35 H-pienibor. V4% 'lin, 24 % '.41 October. 24% 24% 24% 24 s, May. ?-*?*% '_??% -_7% 27% int?? roRK, nu xbu Anirnst. 14 15 I4 86 14 15 14 25 Beptember. 14 45 14 45 14 25 14 30 October . ll I" 14 40 1430 USO Jsnuury. ISSI li lu IA ob 13 05 labu, ria loo ru. FeT-etember. .90 *'i>lb 896 897% O'Hotier. ih y?> 8_-_*_ a ab a nib Junuary. 7 72% 7 73 7 72% 7 75 SHOBT ut is rstl I*)? ?. Peptomher. a it) 8 40 8 3,j B40 0 te,ber. 8 40 8 40 8 35 ails, J-nuary. . . 6 70 Flour steady snd tmchanired. Cish otiota-.tons wnrn as Mia WO ,190. 1 Inrlnf Wiioa". v. ?_... n i .', i;.r'.n(r Wheat 75 b '*7u %e. No. 2 lied a: ?7c. Ko .' ''om lt 4*.'*-j'*. No. .' Oats at BS BBS b". Ho. 1 live at 47v. No. 1 Barley flrtnor. No. 1 flax seeel st $1 IO Prune l'lniotiy *"oed at fJ 40 Mess 1'irs at 814 100)14 4i per bbl. rjird at ta alb per Mo ID. Short Ribs Sid i? I'"Se it BO 8008886. Dry saltel "Shoulders ti.ue-l S7 40*7 .SO. rtbort ciesf 8i.1*?s boxed lil ODOfU 10. Whisker, rtlstlllors' finished b,.o,1s $1 20 pe?r mal. f>mars? cut Lost 8%, . lirsnulate'l 7%?Sc. btau.latai "A" 7'sc Arlin*,. tteeeio't. Ohlpments Fiour. bbls. l'i.oou 10.01*0 Wheat, bnah. ID'.ni) 42.0iW i on. bub. 1H7.IMK) 41H.0O0 ('its. SO.00(1 12.*..ODD live, ban. 4.4C1 1,001 Haney, bus ti. 1.000 . cin th,- Prodsoo O sol? ss rs ti lar tho ll*i:-?r naaTkOt was irr.-rular and unsettled, fancy Creamorr .1-1*1--,,-. uooil tai slea 14015a, Eiiin-y dilries Ila Uool ititwAoaaa August a?rtoor onu. aram rna 82o; 13%, 'i, t.,',-1 ?1***. Corn'inlet. No. .; at 4*Jc. Oats ilrin ; Na *-' Win-,, .??. Ryu wetk : No. 1 at ,'...c Ballsy ti rai . No. 2 in store notional; -eptoml?*r Tr.) tt ?-'c. I'niT'siona were tlrnicr Mesa Porn, casu ani Auftnat St ll l 30 ijirl-AOtrust *a a-s, September t* 90- Rutter Urm fla'.rr .'.,: !?;,. lat* .juiet: Kreah at ll1"*!, (lie.-ae qmot Cheddar*!, SOSlse, iiecelpis ? Floir 7.000 bbls. Wheat 1 -,100 i.ns'i. inner . buah. Hhlpmenia? Piour 16.000 bbla. Wnea; 12.000 tiush. Dsrnoir. Aocut B?Wlwai Wa 2 Whin cssn ai\e.. Bo - Re**. 1 .. , -'%r. Aliens' s*<%c; Bcpiember 8-V liec^niber h.,,, Corn-No. *. at 41 b" ous-No. u _t 31-jc, No. J Wli lt" il IT He, Receipts? 41.4U1 basti. Shlpataata?61,603 bask Cars on trsck ai. 8toi-k-2,35r<, ITO bon ?sroi is, Anrust 0.-Wheat?Receipts were 14.1 cars ntl*' *iti,pnieut* IS t..r?. I io-n? qaaWttOOS were No. 1 ?:-?- 1, September s.%ri on track H7c. ?rta 1 Xorthern, a*il-usi S3%e . Ho tettmer S3%0i ?u trick s,. .'.Nortlier.i A'lRusl : Haptmulier sli? on lr irs W20I C|xri<i\n. Anrus; d.?Cotton steady. Flour firm. Wheat Sirene tin I Rn BS-C Ree-eiot*. were So,OD" ani ttuu'ienrs 14."?"i iis'i corn ? The mark-i waa lirm . .Vs 1 Slue.] al 4si__U"., Oats strone 1 Na 2 .'llle.i Rye .is.dr tl '"??. I*.irk .teiii. biahor, .1 ti:. Lard strong stflS 60OBS Oft Rulkmeite an! Bsooa i..?*or .!,? at B*I 7'. . Sharl I' 111). Whls.ev ste air . l'U 1 birr ls fiiilsi.? I *e?n]s on the moat* -,t fl II. Batts, dall; ffaney North-sreann ('reaiuerv ROI Primo i.i irv Rall it in 14c. s,,^^r vsa itali; nm ,e-. lower e e, 1-1,,,,, .!?, t LUTbt SB - ? '- I'Sllli; lill tlllt'l".* *','.'".?'. * :...* i>is :*i? ahipmeala :i!7. Kass orara ? *, . ?. -11 - _. Pruue tafchataa Obis FLU at 7 v. ,/*-, Pim.A'-^i.ruiA. Ansust '._rion- The market raie,'. nrm - - my brands were limited shore i-aetatioa*, ?' ,h iwaver, voes rery volt ?aoptiad: Sainaad waa aiodar Wastsrn au 1 !*.-'insvlrania auuortlne fl ITO S3 ?," el., ,!?, dil I - - '^4 1 III N'O. 2 *A-|tlte-l ,;ti 6< , l'eiiiiarivinua h'sir.llr al S3 i--,,.. rasia to *t Pro n ?t matt iv Ohn tl 1 ', e. _ te Stril'-llt ll .','41 ','. lO.llllll ' ear ll 23a 1.10 4o.loetrUT*t ll 6O#4 0& Sk Loan ??1 1 .1 ,.s Gloat -fl 21 fi *',-' l" 'ie tttMtwt ti SOO 84 1 *,'.':nt,-r i'lfoiit fur to ,-h'iii'ei #1 76?,'. oo. _;,-? ... , ? ? i I .,. la - v.-.: . 1 _i.ii.ix Miaries,,'. Pal ,ii, eh nos ?i -"rn b nb. .io Ss tali ,. 7505 "". Rye F.oiir , mid sleaiy at ?.i 4" for New IV host ?a> -tr,.tu- mel e ,.,...,1 i-jffl, h'niier. uti tier a rmel ?[ip-*ulitive deinsrd. Kxi-urt in ju ry oom ti*.i!"i neiit: saes o! Steamet N'e. 1 Bail la sxoort . i'e|,?are Itel in einort elo?Alor ?ir v,, 1 l''nn<t T1111.1 Reel In eiport i-lerator VI Sc 1 No. v I!? I lei .?*;_>.,ri elevator' Ul %e 1 No I l*.?.i for Anjust :,'. ??**'! s,. du fol Hepleinber 01%S 11 '.? ?t*. f..r ie,-t,,i^r trtbfttlbe; lo for WoriaiSat BS%a :?'?';. Cuni- Ihe t,io<et wns ,|iil?t hut Urm, closiiij ?? ? sr nafler lls'it offorinas Hsiao ot No 2 Yellow in i--rain StOOl r.7'-.-< Ba - M '""I lu sfli'irt elev.nor iibe . ie 1 M 'r I r,ir AtiiT'i-l * -' Bl - ? ? , St ? '. . .',, t*.r (i, to',er .'.', e,,j ',,:-.r . So lur N i,\ ,-ni,er 680645 (Inls-'Mis outset for spot lats roted Bm, but I'Misl milo ,|r-,iu.,i waa lietit iain BfCagialart wuito 4* .* Ka . W tiito s"%-* 1 do stiort suraae iou. Ns. J Wi ite- 41*.' >'i. :u,i li'.. lotam were siroii/ .in'-, I -e.. I -i# .u nmlei lishi ,e-lerum? and a eoo.l laqolrT; '.'. hu,- int Aiieusl -it's ff il%e: do for Hopleuib-'r 1*1..' ei, t.r 1 -. I ::..-. ,1., t r ,>,<>-Bl,ar 1. lT"vi? :ir ni ..iel :n eiKil juill,uik elenuii l, Beef. City, romilr. n-r bau. s* Ji-iu <n. dam tmamt* ftboAnx. in,>s? 1 ll-ef 13 Bt1a 1 I'.-sef Moms * l-l ,,.)J ?17 OD Pork iles*. .1 i ,10: fla Pnii* .Ken. BOW 111 mi. .lo Family Si. M)?I17. Hams. Xmoked. par m. 1)? l4~>r. do I p .ii-ndiu tier-iea. ll>_aiJ*j- do do A* in silt, .iv sj,., -. 11 ,,'io-t # nok-si i<i _* 1.1 iee Slionlelors. ni drv asit an.i fully cured sefii^, ni dei. emokel. n^ sn miders ninkle cur.. V. !%a Us elej. aiii.kt. 100 lu-ao. list im. n p'.jai^. insja Hs, do lir,*a_fa*u llie'ii li-, Ol'* bc Lor.i firm- City Rsfinivl SO,iu a")-Vi do Hveain SHOO) Bo Hutcners* loooo I- Mn .ii Huller 'iii. ?PeonarlTsnis croamerv I.Ttra l,.?."lc, Western 1 rennelr Kkir_i 17?IH,-: il. li and N*. V. crea.oscv Kitra a: 17ei Weetern Fi.-torr 14 91 *>'*) I'aosine butlor I.'?? l ie Kees Slea ly, firm penusrivaii* Braia ai l7o, Western Brets st lu%c Cheese il ele-'i.iil fair. New V'irs Full Cream I'o Ono Flau. <-li.iiue S's* .lei Eur m Prime 7%BB] Huear? I'. *i;e.?i iies.1i Powdered 7*'.?'. 'iranolalo-l 7%c Pood Moody VI Inter (iran eui 7.1S17 bu uer ton. Potrolenm Broil 7i) Ai.n; tait lo bbla. 7V-. Reeolpta?Klnur il (>"0 I bbs. Waooi 1 ,"i) 1 ion:.. C'iro S.uilO bua', ''ats 7.D)0 Htunneon-IA'heat lil.(CH) bush. Cora 12.000 BOBO. Usia IH.uiio lilian. TOSaOO Aufiist a ?Whest soli-re. Urm; flash 90c,%>, A neusi :*u V" ce pu ni her B0tfS| Decemhor 91 ??_. Cora dull, stoady, ooah 47%e; 8?piembor 67%a Oslo aieaUr. cieeii H.-. l,,- Aosost j.',',, iMnreraeo.1 dull, ooah al 04 1<). Reeoiata Wheal 7?.00ii buah. 1 urn 1.DUO buah. 'iaio*i.')"J be-sh. -nnpsisoio - WSeot 60,000 bosh, cora 1.000 bash. THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS OF PRODUCR Per North River. Vessels sud Ev,roads. Ashes, pass Tidrsaso, pkcs Si Catmeaupka 1,-14 Renns, bbls. Hui II Wea No.._ Bl. Lard, pkes . 034 H< .MIDoa, boin 171 Lard. kata... 3.113 I muin bsi-s 1,0s. nop?.bale... .i's Rutter, pkgs 6.73.1 Copnor, eke. 6i>5 Leather.sid'e 11.5:)!' Cheeao. pkgs 7,lill Dfltn Frui^ 'Mos*, bales., till,.spelter, pi-s.. lill i'te? . 191 HolrlU tara ?klns, halo*. 13 Fers. til.ts... ju7 nina. 21S Htarrh.pkgs, 7'HI Fees, casea,. 2.'_.-.*?.i Houn. bids.. 9,'i'lif s-t?.irine, pea 156 Flour, pkgs.. 34.071) lar. bbla . ?'. lassoo, baea 140 < Mea., bbls. 4d5 OUcsWe. |>kl 423 Tallow, pkgs EV? (Ural Vats 1,080 oil. 120 I ea. pkge . 1.-M1 M heat, tinah ..3.1)1)0 Oleomargarine Tobacco, lids 341 Corn, oitsh.. 33.non pira. 123 Tobsc.-o.nka 74i*> 'au. hnas.. bi..uu) !-.-aiiins.l..-s tilt Wtileky.oou 4-6 MalLhnah... ll.doo Pork. pkea.. l'i& Wool, Oaks_ 7J'J Patmaalbbla 176 iieoi. pars... 230 _ GENERAL MAKKKT BEPOKT. COFFEE I ,,r lim. Il growths the market riled dull md raises wore .-nurdy nominal. Soles, 1,000 ba?! N?. 4 nhs', on prtiat.* tams '1 Be ssl''- rn in ur**f hands for 'H.. aron aggrc-_at--d i,b,ita botan la me milder nylos a* ie, bUMneaa .,f loiportanee with thc exception if 2,933 bags wsstwd isl unwsshe'l larne* ou prha.''* term*. Opt,nu tialliik- ?a,? moderately actlv ana halts ?h. eai,.H f.r the dav 43,2.1s) hms, whllo closliw loom Initiated s*. advance *.f 5 points for tne dsy. CR -Ibg prie-es. IlUoest Lowest Bales. January . . . 9.('..*. 'j Tb l-ebiu-iry . . . li.toa Duo Manu .... 0.80! 9.66 9.8-1 9.85 1.230 Ap,ll .... 9.W>k 9.00 U.S5 960 600 Mav.Ti s',. 'J -J*. I'll.el. ti ?', n '.i 95 August . . . . 10.80*10.85 10.3-1 10 25 4,2V) :-r . . . ., '.'..?? *.t '.'5 9.95 '.''.?) 1750 '* I leer . . . ll.bba '.l.dO 9 Hu fi Ml ?>'0 .-r . . . 9.56s 9.60 9.68 9.90 5.600 lec-ember . . . 0.600 0.65 '.' 'il 0.60 28,.",00 COTTON?Spot prlnes were to-d.v idvaaeod l-a*. md iht mi.rkei ri.,?.-<l linn. T)ii >a!i.s all tor coiisunititioii. reached 2".>7 hairs. The port roue l pu to-day iggroaateed 74ti i.iles, corns* r.c w!Ui '-.* bolos this day lust woek md 2,407 bales for las eomopondlng dar last ) -ir. September 1 (the Lrtinnlng ol Du et>,\ r* ir tte- r"'*'**ies hai.* aggregate ? bates, against 6,193,730 bab-* tot tt," attn* timi .<-t *, ? li Quotstlons based M thu American s^anda-d of classifies, ti<>ii aie: Uplands uuir. urdlnary .r.ln 8 12 Strict ordinary.ala 9 Hool onllnatv .J) 13 10 9 15 11 .I oi.llnary.lo .". IO 1" 7 in E.w MM lilli-*.ll) ll 10 10 18-16 strict Low Ml Idling.1015-10 li) lift Mid Pin. .ll 1 * in ll 1-....1 Middling .ll 7 H*. ll '.i 10 Btrlct Oood Mll_il!i7.1111-16 1113-10 Mld'lllii" Fair.12 1 Kl 12 816 >'air .vi nu; _ lg.10 STAIMr.l). Gool Ordinary . . 8 5 10 l..,w Mid liing . 9 1-1*10 Stri't lerood Ordinary :i Middling . . lo 3-4 The August option w i- tbe fi iture of tha dov's busiu,.-'. and Iii toll quits a -.iii-e-i,, Rivi! the frightened shorts, ile, market ,.. idvui ' 1 [tour-* Mid closin..- il rm j-, i further gain nt lt polnta. Tie* naw crop months opened at ? d Mi.f lei; points ami - I a-, i reaction. Balea 47.000 bal ? Curias Month* price* IHehvt. Low**"!. Es'es ? ?'*-.. ll Hurl 1.20 fl.20 10.99 23.200 ibff . . . 9.08- 9.60 : Tee _ , - '* 500 October . . . 0.620 '.'.',3 9.80 0.80 3 2'H) Ott . . . 0.44B !'45 9.47 0.42 4.400 'rr . , . ii 4 1? 'i IS li 14 !i 42 4 2,ni January . . . 8.603 B.ftl ii. ".1 :? 47 Die' ry ... ii r_j :, y. ., ,,i g ?? \ pan Mar ii ... . ;i 878 9 )? ii 61 I BB 4'?) Al'Cll .... 9.746 0.78 974 9 74 4'ii> Jny. h.b'la '..-S3 9 42 9 ?l BOO ... ? ?? ' ? . IT.OER AND MF.\L--H.'iUR-Wi* nralo Uroneer, and quite letlve m the export lin-. unpaid of 9.200 bbls l.e inii taken. t|,,: _.,, re'tisod toll l;id\ bu- refosed li a rul". and i.rir-s m minn: cases -how a slight ad\inic-. Jotibifig trade demand was also fair. Sales, - bbls. Including Q,7U0 bbls. City Mill Extra, *4 0MtO4 Bl, tim hitter in new paeitag.-s . 2.000 hbli Ellie. t'l2r<tt*2 b.1; 1 nco bbli Superfine, B2 50001 I > LflOO bbla I>.w Extra, S283SO840 6,900 bbl! Wiin-r Wheat Estra, fl Ubi K IS, and 10,008 bbls Minn.-..ta Extra, S2S3i?f5 15. Quotstlons: City HUI fe.r Weet Indi.*-.. -si cr,af. i sr,, foi Potents, e*# M Inn-sofa. Spring Win af. Low F.Mris. 02 85szS3 35 : Clear, ,3 45(104 50; Vr,, Mixtures S3460O4 'Ab : S' mis ira. Pott to 1 SS 73.104 73 Pal n U. Verv Choice, 3'.iee. 04 40*05; l*i*-t- Eaiier. In ie.te, 0605?05 15 -* -:)lo; J-tne Snritv and Win'er. fi 200a2 90 I. 13 86003 85; Winter Wbnt I.***- -"._s;i:e, Mr io Choice, tl ,.',e*4i 75; verj I ho - to Fancy lir.nei-, $i !-i)tfTi 8*1 of which for export, |2 06084 33; Psi - ??? vorv > market cloaed nrm. . . . SOUTHERN FLOUR Si ld l b I ind lu modcrste d'-unnd. Sale**., CC. bbls, iii-iudinx i oi.',iia,n fo Pair Extra, |28686890; Patent, -:-", IS for P*sney. . . . EVE FLOUR li, mod rst.iuest ind rtosdy. Rs IOO bbls Superflne, pS0bit3bO, Uttst I-.-;.*,* . . . CORN M E VL?More ? :* ?..-. \. los *??* I at OJ m i'i. and Brandywine, :.i ij. bsBis, SOO bbl* Uiandy- i 11 40. GRAIN-WHF.AT-Thers was fm buv.iie sud ivlitno of the [?-.?? ii*- ' -..'ii- mornlns ? ---"liar ore:,inc. Th- barina -j- malu,- by n.xportora' houses Prices r*il**d fiori yo ] ti the ? l- nine, tle-ro ? .- j uah ??- etyret die' ts pr!) i i. i unsottlsd weathet Opealns tbowud a w-.v Kain of 3-4ri 1 l-2c fruin the dei-* 'ef sauird.iv. After "*: 1 -si*** !?? --? -,1 to arrive, whieh led **' a farther ri-* of 1 *-.-?.*,-?- Huddenly u rel! - We'st 'le-.'-ieipe-d, breaking price, here, leaving ol! at 3-8f*5-bc *ho\e uv- botb i irket ns* iib.u- l ob renewed export i.,t,*r**st. whieh raachsd nearly 200,000 I il :i.s -.*,. .K above bottom. Sales 9,5*_O,o00 bushels ? and ta arrive, Including N 1 ? * and here d-'ilvei-wl: iiugraded ri,.-ms*. *-*. 1 2c; ungraded T,* 1. oli'JO Juc: Ba. 4 Bcd. V, 8, I. L ?"? '.-*-*.'-'.' l-4( ; N* 2. Red. 90S 00 ni*' elevator, 96 3--l.}:>7 :-*-- f h., 07 3-4i.*S .1-4 dellve-ed.* ani afloat; 97 :iio:is 3-1 afloat; *S" 3 Au_it-\ 9". l lu:") 1 -?-. closing st -e'- '. september, Ung a-. 05c ' * it 96 ?". 8c to Novel - ie, li Ons n .- ai 97 i-i , il, Msr. *l 01*01 01 3 ;. ? ? - u ll "l 1-8. ? ? ? RYK-Dull ind nomlnsl. . . . BARLEY AND BARLEY MALT?Lull snd unchanged. CORN?upiions were mote or les* Influenced by wheat nsrlv In th'- dav. lt - ' i ? la ou there* va- i .!?? ?: i* 1 pnanre ce soli, and ail rn nihs bMke 3 - ?' 1-4 --.-' do August), cloolns at abeu-, ths ? Speculation --<a- quits moderate spo-, eral's ruie.i atronfor early, prices idvaaeing l in U ,e liter sold off a trifle lt -h h ittom, a't-*r rntlvely llj.'hi bugin--. s....?-,. L224.000 b .,,,..-, ,,,,...?, bushels spot, Including Cngrad : t>' -,i 1-4157 1*2*- Ro. 2 bl E.- delivered, bbntbS I I rr! ve No 2 August, -".4 1-40546-Be, closing st 54 l-4r dn beptember. 637-8064 AV. closing at ,3 7-s.- de ber 'il 7-sa.",:,,- closing at 51c i d" November, 52 8-4054c, Cl**Ing st 5'_ 3-4c ; do I)ocei!it)->r. .70 1-2- il l-4<-. cl,*s!ng at 60 l-2c- do Januarv, rii'slug BominaL , . "ATS -Mai- a . - - , sh wine au advance of , ,.. bushel -, - Options havo ?<**rcely nrled -' I '- lay. ""'lng 1,rtI1 :l" * inlet Sal-s, 65,000 busliWa futurs, 147,000 bushels snot, Including No. I; n., 2. '::? - -'?-*? ire 1 5fo 2 'White 4-.'./-tH N. 1 White. ??;?? M xed Western, 35_-?9e Willie il... 41^-ls.-. Ne.. 2 August, 81 1 8.. at Bl left d*. September, 29 8-4*29 - ting at _,, os, .-. r? 30 l- *. eli lng il '?'??'- .... Quiet au.! steady. 40 - B-VI- ? ' ?' ? B0B86C : BO m. HM-Oc; 1C0 IB, Blaiilt.. Sharps, >l oban 10; it-e feed, BOi - tFW-roRK STOCKS. Tlie contract stocks (ollow 1987. A'*e4. Chances. Aug. C. Ks 2 Red Wheat. J-i 1.1170 Dec. 141,762 1,949.491 No. 1 IUM Wheat..... 19*<,_6S Dsc. .'.7.007 ?.'34.112; ??. 1 Mii-d Corn ... 8.168 1)00. l-''.l?4-s l.oi' 73 -. Bo-IMIiodOaU. 89.870 Doa o6.888 }i,2-'.> No. 2 White ' isl*. ... 72,837 Ins. Al.->2 .137.115 Compsrstivo stoi ks of grus in atoro in New-Tork, Ilrooic. lyn and Jers.-v citv Krain warehouses ona held in raliway lighters ou ccrllflcates : - - isss. i;-*7. isoa Ang. 4. JatV SO Aug. C. Ana 7. Wheat, bn. 918.144 1,119.861 8.1ie,456 LB8B.476 Con ha... *t.dld 117.033 1.022.897 _,_5?.8M Oais'bu .'. 1-48.-06 166.681 306,878 liii!,137 RirieT bu .re,4*.d 6,481 ' BOO 1. e*,'*.' Rye bi, LOS. "I* 2?*.679 62.704 Pom bil 4.4-A i.IIH 3.242 M-Jtlba!.- ttk.909 34-.l'-_ 8-6.-60 804.140 Total!)"... 1.4D2.31S 1.701.250 6.37-,-32 4.572.__3 afloat Bbra Aaa- 4. .--is WhSSt, hush. Corn, bush. I'sis teis'i . hariey, hush.-. I'.*,*-, -ml . .-. 22,700 Total bush. 22.7.)') Btook of wheat here, store and afloat, decreased 220.017 t -.ish.-ls (turin*-- ? SSS .?;,,',."I *Ug. 4, lHsrJ. Kew-VorB Produoo Bxohsan aummont of ths vialblo stipuiy Batarday, Aug 4.1888 Total. Incr?ase. DecreMA. Whest, hush. 92.997,794 ** . CotB liuati . poop.i,41) t>i-,.i-U . ttnsb . 2,210.667 . 4.'.-.5.3 Rye, Snail._ 152.945 I *? '7 . Hiir.'V. bush. 14...9U7 '-'Ol . I oobbIf ia tho Uallod MUloa aad Caaaalai aug 4. ' Aut fl, Aug. 7. 1.-,, 1--: 18_6 Wheat..2. IH7.794 2*. - ? 167 33.H9O.O07 36.7 Corn .. . 9.U09.049 8.374.050 7 309.148 H.095.S46 o.ia H,e. ' . -' 'I ' 130.U4H LO.. Ill 4-O.H47 barley . 145,097 144.1911 128.923 'ii, - -*>-? ll AV ARO BTRAW-Th waa tight, qi *,..,. ,t-i" inultitai: Ul ' boles 1. ne...*..* ; .No 2. 764 . c., ? 1 05675.' * lover, ? ir?i *.? ''O'-; BOPS i Ittle e.- n - was ? . ??''' tl..- manet clo ? i Urm. '* s-TotB BU --: bea . IBs I'J ? )< fie ,i?. common, :?'? ,4 i-j tlflc Cua?t, BS 1 ll lill I-*,.. lel'e ,,i,.i.,\ssi*.s Dui dull and nominal. In N-i' orleans ^ fair business la passing at full rates. METALS TEN- Dull I Ins . . ' "l'1'l I*. - li... I . . . Ll li' V atv Balis, 90 lolls at 4 1*4*. Naval stores.?a f* ??? -n.-ii lots spirits turpen ? * ? .ly willi this ? ii 1 i.*.s.i. auls ? : Quotation*. htiallied Bootu, al ol 1 '_'..? -1 wi I??_ . '..-.?! .strain. I. si 15; V. .1 tl; o. *t 301 ll. il 23 t. i. ti .*..' 12. Il, il -36; N, H BO; W li.. I vv Vi . i i.s Ceylon cocoanut sold mod-irataly il 11 Ba Ia .??-1, a fait jobbing buaineoo ran bo io,t-l sai*-- if 1.6O0 gals liaiiati oi,\>- ..ii n-r.- made *m private guoiottoni Cottonseed, crude, 41M2e; Bummer \ ,-iion. Pr. rn", 40*:, Bu mme i \\ i, ?? i ;*? . i ooo niu*t. Ceylon, Ctn. i ,nhill. Ol-tk; l-l. lines'.,-, JJ, Liuared, ra?. elty, Cele E.n 1. p..n.e. proaent mal M*.*tilia.1, ii, erode. Sound. 25c - I . bleached spring, 'Aik , hptttn. erode, nstursl ** inf r.'j-, _ : *, , bleach ":,T'< ad spring. > * Whal , crude. Northern, .'i.'.tf* Ilia; iia'.'irai srintat, ile; bliiaebafl win'.-r. 43.'. rv.,. -; lie . s.,? eiepnaiit. bleoehod Mrtatn, 64o, lt 1 Slain, B2084C; -Sponiflod, pei " , bli. OCEAN H lU.l'.tl is P. ? I- a BOOB de-m.n 1 ' - tonnage adapted lo the petroleum trade aud rates j:. rurj firmly held. BERTI! E.Ni-t'.EM EMS Tu l.tvr. pool, steam, honoo, 20 OOo bun?la .--rain 1 1 2t Antwero, n.-.itn. henea. 32 ihs> twishsla grail 4d; i.;.i-g'W. au'.iui, boneo, Js.'siO bushels grail., inmate lerun*. and - buahela g am, 31 il . PETROLEUM CH ARTI Lisbon, fr-,ri I'lilla'lelphta, tha Portwtuoos t>ark lnduetru, L700 bins md 6,800 '?*??? roBnad. Prtyata lanna; Rou-'.i. from Philadelphia, the bn. i ! Vi) bbls naphtbs 4s i'1 lin.iklrK frooi Pillia 1-Ipili-, rho IlnU?h hork En-Jins. 4. Vin bl.'.a crude, 4s Pl LOadofl '" RottetdSU, hence, liv- shin i aravan flo arrino, 8.OOO reflu.-,*! I du. United Kingdom oi Continent, henoo six f.nolgn \osse|s ,t.< ii.rli... ?.'?)- and llOci) bbls each 3a i?d ? Havre, fr.un Chlloaelphls, the Brltl-h burk M A E ia,' lt., inii-* looa l!,|s crude, private terma. UR A IN riiARTI.iUS I'-rs. orderf, from San Frinclleo two l; : isl, aol '??? tmerlcan -hip-i 27s rtdrfd. M10CELLANEOUS CBARTERS Nsw-York, from 'Fer Bsndlns. the achoiiper Kat. Ktltou, linilber. private t.-ruia* lls.eihlll. from Booth Auibov. the sehootier Slarv A El-o' cul. ?1 30 Enil-1 Kingdom, fr .rn Qusboo, a llriUsh shhi .ind two British ban,-. 2l?*_4a; |?.?nj. Ayres fro lirsboro the Rrl'jsti bri* Ee.u.omv, gil"ss I**.i-.t. Nothing waa sceompllahod on this market to-day. hut the Wling wm quite llrm One year ..ld Meas at B14 25- New Mee., gtS WOOLI JO; hh?rl I lan, 616 7S>|14 711 Estl Prime. Bl3 2..gai3 50 .Prime Meao, al0s0l6 80 aud Fsmlly _M-oj BlO?0l8. - ...iiE_.r-.U_2 not changed sines our Isst, with a elow movement City Extra India tdra* IA tierces. 012 .vi. HO. Extra Mess In barrels, 07067 60: psoket, *Httats Mi per barrel and 012*012 60_IB tierces, plate, ?7 50_07?5: Family. BO 60. . - - BEEP ll AMS?IB light request. Quoted: plb bOiplO hen and ?14 50-013 for winter pocked here. . . , CCT MEATs-Whllo Un ra ls no dlsix.eliion SO either aida lo trade, tho markel retains thu strong temper noted latterly. Pickled Bell leo, 12 Tr, average, 10c* Pickled HIB.H are quoted at E.* :i-4c , pleu'el Shoulders, 7 3 4 fi- l l do. d.lleilie-: Smokeil Hams. IS :t-4c - - . M IDOL-*?Aro whoUy negloci-iL ... DRE-iHPIf) HOC-t -Steady and In .'Ur ragout (itv haa 17 to light. 8 3-1*0 ifs 11AOe : pigs, 8 3-4e .... LARD-Mo**-* strength was ,-ie In (his product to-day. The Weet also te-edM .uh freot buring. Rna 'h-re wm little rtono lu sny direction. Prices made gains of Ifl-OIS flints. ciositi/ firm. Kales. 110 tea. 9 12 1-2e: City steam llrm. Sales, 00 Ka 8 00c. Reflned quose* '.- i-iitiiunt \oi:?. K?ufh Amer-l-o; August closing al 9 08c ; .Vu tea Sepu-mhar, a TfTiAa O.le, 'losing at 9e | 2.500 t.s October, _ s.v_r< ;ioc, dosing st 8.92c: November e|o*v lng a*. 8 2 > N-st Dec tnber, closing ar. 9 90c. . . , BET lie sprniag of tlie week Is tann- and spiritless, with 'nt* now Ininti * Bond. Fine stock firm. hi*, o'hers remain dull ani wak. Mav Creamery. 200 2(>E2e: half firkin tubs. Ibalftr; W.-|sh tubs. l*0Tl_l-_B| dalry tubs, lin 14 1 ?*-'*: Western ( oat, erv. 13 1-2* I0<-* Imitation Croaarry, iBwlfl . Oiiry. I2C1V; r-sci.iry, 10 irl.".c; Dalrv Factory, ll- I ll.'.ESC- Trading la a|o* for the movement, bu' hold.ts ire asking ? further sd unrs. State factory, s-r0 1 4c, Including Fin -y White, but holders sre asking a fur*h*?r pprn8 9WW 1 ir, and Colored. !> 1 4e skims, 2*0 3 4e ; Ohio Sae, 7?fl 1-4-* . . . B0OB-Are dring is-fter. although the de nind ls very mod'-rce S-ate snd I'ennevl vania. tBB Vj I-ft; Western, io L2?l fi Ile ; ( mids. 1M?18 l-2c. BT70AR foi raw -;...-k .he mark*-* was oulet. bul .erv llrm. whli" auotstlous w?r? not charred from 4 l-4ft *, t s* fir Molasses. | 3 UV for BB t'-sr Muscovado, and ii 1 Se *.,r TiC teni Cen'rlfussl. Reined onl?' but -fedy. ^...?a-iesns: Cut Loaf. 8 1-4".: Crushed, fl 1 4e: . u'e'-s 7 3 4- T -.-l-re-l. 7 3-4e i ..ijecionero* ? A." 7 8-8e; Granulated. 7 12'; Mould "A," 7 1 2c 0? "A." fl Me: White Extra "C." ? L2_''? 3-8c : Estrs " C.** 0 1 4_*_ 7 lie- ?- c.- o 1-1606 i-ar : Tallow. <v* STEARINF.-Quiet hu' Arm. Cltv. 10 1 2Slle; West, err. I0 1-2o: Oleomargarine. 0 14c ml TALLOW?In mod.*-nre demand and strong. Primo City quoted 4 3-8c. htt'e*. 50.000 th, i 1 2c. LIVE STOCK MARKET. NEW YOBI. Monday. August 8, 18*8. B-eve^ Cowa, Calves. Bheep and I.itiji "snoo. X.7T7 111 7,150 40,934 14.738 Reevea. Cows, Ca I vee. ?hee*n. *?w1n*. jersevCitTRfock Yards. "..124 35 C<)5 2 ...83 12 . 90 Slxiiethst.. *_,li**8 61 6,370 ll.!)38 Fortieths N. Il-. .11,788 S-rsttetlPg. 1.40' 24 175 60 . Receipts Isot week.12.861 *7 h.22. 40*72 2" fl.'-o tor. week inst veir ... 136 5.914 54.304 23.131 AV. w-jrlec'la last year. MB7 121 4.7s. .18.141 33.413 ui'orAnoss or bskvra Choice an*'En'ra.Ort 20 a _ I-oim! to Prim".?6?)5 afc, 00 Fair lo Oood.65 40 OM US Coo,mon to Medium.64 00 OMI 30 Poor.13 ,\0 al3i'0 Oxen sod Stags .....B-l 5" 0)61 75 Dry i owsan.l Heifers..S2 50 ?*4 uO Half.Brood! an : O . nikeea and Texans.IA IO -9?3 nt Bulls.*2 40 ?.3<H> Av-rage tO-?Sf. estimated....ABM *. Kxtreme range of price. .13 40 RfBSB (ioud to I'r.nic steers so! 1 oue rear ago at 64 tbatb 00 and thc aasnga wai -???.-. * at ?4 45. rei ' - .ve im ean of 4.300 head-39 cars dir-*et t,. Esat Side- abattoirs; yo cars at OOth-st, of which 66 cjis ?.r. f.r Mr Eastman. 21 esra for J. Stern. und 3 ears l*-cal stonie: snd IO* cars at Jersey City, of which 21 cms wen- for ex por' alive. Altogether thero were rather ovr 90 carloads on sal*. (-Including fl cars re c,-!\.*d Baturday.) Oood Cattle won m moderate supnly, and the bulk of the offerings were Ordinary to Fair Na tl\-i St?rs. with a few carloads of Texans and Colorsdos. Trade was a nrtl< active at the eur* ai.1 Oood Csttio opened linn; but liefer*- Um close wis a weak feeling on all -rad-'s, and the Ilnlih wa* dull wphout a clearance. Ordinary in Prime Native Bullocks steld at the wida rsng.i *,f +3 -btinis iud one carload rather Choice at BC 20 : Texans nr-A Colorado steers at $3 40443 ab : stags and OU Oxen lt ?3 7"?g|4 73, and a few Bulls at fi 50g?2 75. Tiie Nevada will take out Dresaed Beef to-morrow for Mr Eastman This week's shipment* of Live Cattle and Sheep and Ilr* vwi Reef ani Mu'ton ar- as follows : a ' I sf III ; Shlp'-ers. J. Fast man. Nevada. 2.200 ?0<) 730! 9il0 J. Eastman . Hrltannlc..!. J. Laatmiu. -spain. j. Eastman. <:ny of Chicago J. EMtman. Furnesiu.:.| l.b?0 M. iiodsmlth.I?paln.'.I.. 41. (ioldiniith-..-Saint-go. ITO;.. M. Ooldamit.'i.(iree.s. . 300;.*.1... (... F. Lough A 1-0 .. TrtBidid. 441,. ... A. E. '"itorbridee..! 65|.1.1... L. s. Ii,,i?ul,ac?. .. PrinC Fred.Wra, 16'.j 25l... L. --*. I'l.leiilj.-ick... Trinl.lst.'.?.i BOI... I. s I.illeiiback. .. Rum.or.1.1 94 ... Hume-A Mallen.... Tnuidsd.,. 201... Tntate.,; oho ri.4o0 16rt',... Totslsiaat weoe. 2.228 7.1SOi 66 ... "luta.asame wees 1-387. 1.349 0.29')' 12e,... Boston sh.piueiits for we,-k . 1,5"4 A.'lAb. Boston -hipinains last week. no. ? Sb,-:-*:: ;,? ? Cuver: 22 Colorado Steers. 1123 !b I per 100 ft; 00 Texans, 1073 Bs, st 03 1V5 ; 82 -i , 1045 lt it ll 57 I 2 l- Ohio Steals, 1422 Tb, si 01 SS; 17 (hlcago do. 1440 B, st 10 20: 10 do, 1400 ff). st SO; 20 di, lim TT). ai 06 BS; 39 d?. 1360 IN st 65 85; 17 do. 1883 tt, at BS 8 17 Bo, \2dJ k, at a*. 7.1. 10 d.*>. 122. th, al ?.". 70: 8 do, 12''7 Bl at *5 46; 20 do, 12JK* ff", . .41 do. I3u5 ?}, at .5 80 . 19 do, 1140 |L st |5 80 ; 1290 lt, a! #5 30; 3 do, 117U '.".. av 15 25; 17 do, 1249 ff*,, st 05 10; 20 do, 1180 ff), at s5 10 ; 16 do, 1217 ff). Bt 66 06; ll *! ?*. 12D0 Bi, at s-*>, 21 do, 1331 Us, st S4 80; 1166 ff", st #4 5v; 6 do, 1200 IB, at 04 40; 14 do. 906 '.*-, Bl 43 00. 2 Bulls, 1345 ff:, at |2 00; 6 Stags, 134JJ j ISSI ff), a-. 88 75g*l SO. J. F Sa'iier A Co. : 29 Kentucky Steers, 1313 ff), ?t 88 le'. *.".) iio, 1272 16. at 05 05 . 18 Indiana do. 1118 lb, ll S80O -1 d". 1108 ff. Bl -I BB; 19 do, 1273 ff), at 04 75; 19 do, 1247 IS, at 93 03; 19 do, 1272 ff), at 15 10, 32 do, 1384 '7. a- SS 25 ll. b Rosenthal : 25 Chicago Steers. 1372 ff), sr 15 85 ; 9 do, 13o3 ff, at ti : 10 Ohio do, 1314 Tb, at SS OS; 16 do. 1297 tb. at $4 90 i 19 do. 1200 ff. a; 14 OO; 10 do, 1300 ff), ai ?t 60; 20 do, 1223 ff), at 14 , 4 Iiry Cowa, 1233 B. at ?4 * 1 Bull, 1720 ttl. at fl 75. Newton t (HUeU: 21 P-iuisylvonia Steers, 1079 lb, st fb-b: b do. 1()70 TD, at *4 50; 10 Ohio do. 1305 B. a*. 84 70; 21 Iowa do, 1230 ff., st Si 40; 3 do, 1728 ff*, at pb 40; 21 d*,. 12.*,,- ft, at *:, BO; 1 os, MOO ft, al S4 76. D. WaUel : 32 T-xans, 945 ff), st S3 75; 15 do, 921 B, st if 3 00. I). McPherson : 7 W-s-ern Ste* rs, 1457 B, at SI 80; 8 d 132n ft, at 65^0; 2 do. 1-95 Ttl. al tb lb; 7 Ohio do, 1176 B. a' ai DO; I do. 1070 Pl. at (4 00 ; 4 in. 1113 ft. at 04 50; 5 O.xeu, 1212 B, at 44 00 ; 1 Bull, 1090 ff), a-. B2 50. J. Sehamherg * 26 Chicago Steers, 1192 B, at Of IO; 80 d'. 1118 ff. a' S4 80. ls do. 1124 ff? at f-1 00 , 22 do, 107!) B. at l-l 00; 3. de. 1205 B. at tb 35 : ls do, 1278 B, :,- l-l 7.'.: 5 Bulls, 122- ttl, at 42 5o; 40 T.xana, 8-1 B, at 88 4*1 MILCH COWS.-onlv in heart received the past two daya and for thl io*>_i ill he-id. a little more tirmneaa bi- b ni noted f'<r Oood stock tbe paet week, bul with th-* exception of a low sales to private customers at Belo* *.'."> a *!i, the wholesaJ,' trade haa been st *:<0_O45 per hood. I AI.VF.S-Receipts WBTS 2.17S hesd-1897 at flOth-lt. a-* '. 281 at Jersey Cltv. The feeling was a little bettor than a" fhe cloae of 'h" we-k and prices ?? shsd- higher for Iwth Buttormllk Calves and Veals. Still trade wan not bil-k lind ihi- lieu* were not ault* CleO-Od at 12 o'clock. (.ra*s?ers -nbl at 21-402l-2e; Ilutternillk Calves at 2 1-2J3, . Mixed - * ll-4?4 1-2c; Common to Prime \'e,i!_, a' 43-4?'.;,*. and Cliolc-' and MleeteOd at C 1-4 to i> 5-Be. As fhe pens have been disinfected, those who desire to bu*-- calves fer feeding ean now do so withotp experienc? ing anv difficulty fn removing them to the ceun-ry - -N'ewtos -t. Oiliest: M ci!,p, \-eol*?. |4(? Th, as 5 6-41 per :\ I Bn Calna 2'tO ft, at 4c; 2 Btan Veals, 100 B, at b 3 4 c. Judd t nue-k.ngh.irr. !,'. V-ils. 140 ff, Bl 0 1-4c; 13 dc. lfil lb a* He* 12 do. 154 ft. al B8-4e; 42 do, 137 Th, st *,*, 40 l"*T 100 I : ?? Tad Calvin, 103 ff, St 84 00, IB 189 ft, at *2 bo. M. Collina 67 I- - (Toola 137 B, at 6 3-Se. J.-llllIe- Wright A Va: 21 Orassers. 23) B at S2 BS ner IOO B: 10 d * 2Ab ff. lt ei. 85 . 23 rt,., 23d B. at 02 -IO; _ Fl Calves 206 ff Bl Si M ?*> Voala, IUD B, at si 50; :52 ft, at *5 75; ls do, 130 B, at sd; 21 do, 154 B, at tn. ilallcnheek * Hollis 10 Western Calves. 260 ft, at 3 1-2C t- ' ff "ii d'* 2-7 Tt. st 4 Eic: BS d". 214 ft. st 4 1-2'- IO do, 1-JS B, st 4 3-4e ; 50 State ButfemUlks 189 ft at 2 We : JO do. 168 ft. at 2 7 8c . 43 ia, 212 Th at 3- : 12 M.'.* ! ' alvea, 184 B, at 3 1-4*-, 12 do. MO ft. St 8 M ? ; 10 d", 100 B at 4c 9 Veals. 175 ft. at ftc , 12 do, llb - i ;, ! .. 20 do, 140 ft. St 'e ld do, ITO ft. at ii I So i 16 do, 14 J ff., at 0 l-4c ; 27 do. 170 ft. at 0 l-2o ; ', t ;.? I . 160 T. at 8 ?*?-*?*?? Inii-i.'i* k J- Dewey: bo C.raesers, 211 ft. lt 2 3-8c ; II _.-i ? at 2 12c: ll Mixed Calves. IOO ft. at 13 .I... 1*14 ff, at 4 1-4. 80 Ven'.s. 142 "*. Il 15 li 141 B, ai * 7 Se* 44 du, 158 ft. lt M ? ?? \ Pldeock: 9 B'l'ternillks. 130 ft, at 3c; 10 V**ai- 154 ft, at Oe. Wii-',, Kiroy ft Co t 17 Bamnsilk Calves. 209 ft. it 2 :, - li Ilirrlr.gton: .', Rut'ermilk Cslv?s, 216 ft. st 3< ; 16 i ?? * . M Mixed do. 164 ft. at 4c; : - ' \ ila 148 ft, lt Gc, 10 do. 172 ft. at 0 l-4c: 4 do. ISO ff. st fl i Se. Mil ll* AND LAMBS- Receipts were 51 cam of 12,088 head il .ars at J -i - v slty in.l 21 cars at .JOth ?t., a; : ton ears carried ovar s.,rurd?r iliere wei* a1',.ur BO ?-?>:* eu sale. The market wa- dull and Ingoing for Sheep and barely eteadlv; but (,.'od Limbo - ld fairly ind prless were rated steady. The p?-'ns ?. .* mnt elearod ?o Prime Sheep sold at the ovr-mos of 88 02 l _*?..*. ?:?'.. bu- t*orj few ex.-ei'd-sl |4 90. Fslr to Lambs tangod from *5 75 u< g7 li. 12, aud Culla SO.d *l"'- 'I IO 4e j" : B Bole* -I 1 Bsdl'-i . Co 19*3 Western Sheep. 91 ft it 4 1 2e par ft; 80 ff. n 4 :inc lvo Kentuek] do. 112*. T. il 4 l-2c * 010 h-ntue-ky u: 1 .- R -at ''? 1 Sc SIB Vira nts do, 01 ft, ,lt j 1 ?, Judd _? Bnckingham 255 Mlx-d She.-, ff..m BntTa'o 7*1 1 8 ff. ar s-4 200 do. HO ft. st 04 31 1-4: 22S da 101 ft. st 04 *>' S07 d' . 103 1-*.' ff, ll -S4 75: 21 stale Vwe. III ft. at fl IO; 18 BUtS Sheep. 77 ffi, al 4 ! 2 -. - l* 1 Btata Lim),*. 01 1 I B. at 61-Be; so lo 117 a at - 171 W.*-r Virginia do, Vs ff. || *Q 34. p,.r 100 rn J. N lld .ek 72 Kentuekv Sh.-.-p, \\1 ft at tl Ot) ? SB flo, IOU ff at B6; 16 do, lol ff, at 05 25: 23 Virginia ,1 , ni ff. 11 fttS 134 Virginia Umba, 55 ft ai 03 "6 1*17 d... .Vs e. at fd: 124 West Virginia do. 02 ft Bl ail' 121 d... d2 B. at *0 2.'i; 420 Virginia do r.l 1 ?> ta _. ?*rtS0; 37-.i K.-n-ucky do, 05 ft, at tl; 82 Virginia Culls '*" ff**, al S4. Kswton t (illlett 1*> State RhMp/fti B. st 3 5*Sc per B ?-i''* OW * Lambs. 1 1 ff. a* 8 M? ? P I Kjsc. 250 K?uiurkv 1-imbs. C2 ft. lt 6 1 ?o per B. Bvorttl I ll S-ite sh.-sp, do ft, v pi_s 30 Mau-,-. 53 ff. at eb lb flo na fl ,1 *,\ _n'. ?TV d .. i'i r at 4? 4n <!.. 76 ft. at 02 25. ' Dlllonbii.-A '. Iiewev 3rt I'etinsvlvsula She.>p 101 ft. a' n Bl SS Bute do, 77 ft, at fl 212 Weetern do 1(4 ff., at 04 BB; SSS do, 98 ff at -M 05, low do. 110 _\ at f4 76: 137 penif-ilvKtita Iji:tit.s. ttl ft, at 05 7*, 'a_ Canada Ba, BB 1 I '*? ll SO .M': Ul do. 03 ft, at SO ni) 24a ,lo. ',7 1 I B. at #0 75 . 243 do. 71 1-2 ft. St S7 "ii A", ivs ft, at 07 li Harrington 18 Sute Sheep, llo ft, et 04 ? la __ llo ff a: 04 7*.. 221 Western do lo2 ft, at gs HS la? id Stale Umba, 59 ft, it IO 25 , Wi do, 70 ft at OHSA ?' 22 d.. "7 ft. it 87. w* Hume <i Mullen 8 Slat* Sheep, 94 ft. st M nor 10ft ft. ls nhl., do, 7S ft. at 04 ; SC do 100 ft, at tb it 1 o' 27 d... un ff, at 14 25 KW Sute I agi.l.o' 84 ft. at -11, 140 do. 03 ft, st 00 25; 43 l'onnevlvinia <___ (13 ft, at in |0 ' I'allenbe.-k ft Hollis 125 State Rhefep, 90 ft it PM os . 92 Mall Umba, 03 ft. at Od lb; 40 do, 66 ft.' at Io fl '? 75 d-> 71 I 2 ft. st 07, **" * ** '*-? Ilo(H>-Re.*elpta worn ?7 cars of 0,044 hesd-84 esra aa 40th si and 33 caro st Jeraoy CItj- About 2 carload? on isle il both uisrhet-iilace*. but none had boon wol_ho_ u_ to 13 o'clock, ta Feel lng woak. and fair to Osm! b srS? IbIt Choio# ********* 5*s