Newspaper Page Text
i._sii, irusirate-U bj me poilc*. i,o" bioko lu apon tbe ring ofter two rounds bad been fruibt- But *ort* r-ud''?y -*****1 Lopl1 M-**rfU*1 Beres JL -tic were among this Inwrested spectator!, each H ? combatant up behind bia loddie and galloped ,tf to another part of the downs, where the fight was ?omplcted. much fo the satisfaction ol the two noble ord* who had spirited the combatants away, leaving joly ot* o{ thr *9ConA* w ** ?**r***6,<:*** ?* ,h* P0-**0***' COLLAPSE OF THE JUBILEE JUGGINS. Tbe sen?atlor of th> week at (loodwood. apart trom th, weather and th" downfall ol so many faTorltes, ?as ihe collapse of a gentlemaj: who for the last year or to ha* been kn iwn as the Jubilee Juggins. Thc hnR would only bet willi him in ready money at di-wn, and M be had failed to settle his differ? ences, amounting a* about BiJRO, last. Monday he w__ ref-i-*?l admission to the ring On Tunsdav hi* horse CflOflM was not allowed lo run for the opening race, and all his horses In training are to be sold shortly- The calculation Is that he has go: through about S thousand a day, Sundays excepted, since he look to racing, though I hear that he has loot more coner at card* than AB the mri EDMUND YATES. SENATOR SPOONER ON THE TARIFF. JR-OWING HOW THE ADMINISTRATION HAS DE? LAYED LEGISLATION. *enat-.r Spooner, of Wisconsin, was In New-York for ejr.eraJ hours on Saturday, on his way to Nantucket. rhcre he owns a cottage, and where his family are wending the summer, ll.e Senator's ance?tnr*" wer" flt.mns of New Bedford tn the early part of thc pres r)t -cr.tury, and although he was born In Indiana and teared In ihe Nor.Uwesi. he nala himself ai home on tie New-England shores. The senator had a short tonfsren-e with Chairman Quay, of the Republican Kallona! Committee, and bSgSN sfartins for HSBBneBet discussed tee p..liii,-a'. situation hrielly with a Tribune Rr Among oilier things he said : an ls -very pmbal'lllfy that the Senate will pam a Tariff fc'll. It 1** I duty which has been la 1 upon us. from which wc bave no disposition 10 Ve have hear! no Intimation from any qu.irt.-r of any linear on ihe pan of thc Executive to call an extra session In case we should fail rn pa?* a Tariff bill. j>\,r wculd such m ihrcai have any Inl'.ucnce whatever In determining our action. Thc Senate has b'?en walt? ing fer several years for a Democratic House to originate t Tariff bill In accordance with Dr ron?tltu t ,nal righi. The House pn*_tp,,ned and delayed Its action tn the matter until the very closing days of the present Administration, purely and solely for the pur m^st. as we h-li-v-**. "f making a political taSOO, being dictated to by the head ol the Administration, l's action t.a? given the >-nate Jurtsdlrtlnn In the matter pt a Tariff bill. WO hive BlBOi pledged always tn a reasonable, fair and Just revision of the tariff, and, as a matter of duty, we will proceed deliberately and carefully to prepare a bill to meet the wishes of the country. Il ls absolutely c-rtatn that the Mills bill docs nut mee! the approval of the voters of the country, lt ls a shrewdly drawn appeal ta tho prejudices and seltl*.h lnteresi* of som.* classes nf rollM and a lew special Industrie* The N-nate bill will be based on a higher plane of tbe genaro] Interest cf the entire country." "Do you c_.]**et a prolonged session?" "It ls doubtful If we can set thmtich much before election day; tn fact, I doubt if we arc able to mn i:r tenon until la'* In October." ?*tvha' do vou hear about the general situation In politics *" ? Everything confirms the prediction that Harrison and Morion will be elected. Tlie Ode is strongly with aa." ? How about Wisconsin f "The RepiH-Ucaii majorl-v In Wisconsin will range between 15.Ooo and 25,000." "Sii" of the Democratic leaders sav they can carrv Wteeoci n " -? We Kepublicans might as well talk about carrying Texas " A BAFFT TIME FOR THE -'FRESB-AIES'' ALMOST SEVEN THOUSAND CniEDREN BENE? FITED?MANY KIND HOSTS. Monday ts always a busy day for The Tribune Fmh-Alr management, and yesterday was no excep? tion. At Intervals nf one and two hours throughout tbe day the lltt> travell"!-* were gathered Into the Tortoni depots of the city and tooh (heir dc parTure lor the fi llo towna: Tooronga a:,-i Bon Troy, Penn.; Waterville. Moravia ami night-town, V, J.; and Owasca, N Y. lhere were .'loo children in all. and when the other 7u0 arraigiil for this week atart the total neut out by Tbe Tribune Fund fur tba auru o?er will amount to nearly seven thousand. The return of the large excursion, of the last lew w-sela Las begun, and nearly every train going and coming on the F'-iin-ylvanla. Erle, Lehigh Valley and New York Central roads bas Ita quota of " Freah-Ajri." The children are rosy and happy on their return, and already looh forward with eacerre?s to reit fear's ourinp. Thej attract much attention In -he centres ol travol by their pranks and winsome demeanor. and evei-ybi.dy. on finding o:it who the little ones are. baa a good word lor "Ihe Tribune and lia beautiful charity." A larg** party leaves thin city by the Erle road tonight, arid Wednesday and Thursday will ench have three m lour exmittion* ol co mid embie size. Following ls the list of boats: RO-HagSn, l'onn?Gorton Bali lard. E. B. Monteoraerr. T- B. McKean. T. L. Rockwell. John Blackwell. Jens* MeKean, liaa- McKean, David Johnson, Horace bpencsr, Rauch Ro-iuaon, a. J. Claaa Samuel Whitehead. Clayton Finning. Loton Fa-iulns. Munros fewartwood. Dr. A. hi. Ingham, Ell Boothe. Towai.da. Pena?Dr. E. A. Everl?. John Nelson. P. Lase, the Rev. C. M. A-lams. G. F Lent, William Heath, Clara Mingus, Mrs. M Tv. Di eke; mad. Milton Rag BJ. Franklin Lung.'ord. Culla Long. Wllltm Lampmin, J Vt Campbe:!, Phlletus Can.pbcll. Bruce Whitehead, Leo Bowne, iM orris Wilcox. Robert Knaup, Cynthia Ou*tin, Tern- Traverse, Mrs. Joaephus Campbell. Ea-t Trey. Penn.-Walt. lt Bullen**, John H. Dexter, Frederick Ok Cole. BylVOam Kendal. I -- i.. Penn. ? M. L,. James. WatervlUl n. y._Mrs c. H. Race. Mrs. Marahall William-, MlO Harv*. Sn.Uti. Mr ftttfOt, Mrs. Albert BsiiHdi'.u .Mrs. \V. T. Bliseil. Mrs. W. A. Lawrence. Miss Marr Row.;:. Mri .. Mrs. Jolin L. B.swell. Mn Evans Harris. Mr-, (.coiae ltr,,tvn. Mrs. .Norman Beers. Arthur Blgeliw, the Rev. Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. Welch, Pain iv Brogan. Moravia, N Y.-Mrs. Frank Baker, Mlaa A. McLock Un, W. H. G,lea Henry Escanhack. Vf. H MeKlnney, the Rev. \v ii QBea Bryon Fowler, Cliarlea B. Smith, J Dresner Ti.ari's Hirey. T. T. Tuthli,', Henry Wll;.am? it) n. Aile Brockway. George W. Main, J?y L. Baot, Dstilel Shaw, Andrew (.jrver, Arthur Wii-ur. ROObM D?rl>y, L-vt Pearsall. Morrl* K. Aliey. T. B- Phelps, Hen-y N. lidding. Mrs. William Reotruoflt Mrs. John J. _io.s.ii, J. D. Nionlng, latuca Richtmyrs, 410000001 Baker, Alfred Round*, Dlrldotte Stone. Cliarlea Slocum, T B Free**, [n Been, Dennis Guilfoyle. Ow*--... N T.?.Mia I. Baner. Mi** M. De nart. Debby Ammerman, Willlan. Mrs. II Herri k. lite! ?>???., >l-aker, Mis* Mary E. Dewitt. Dwight C Dr W H. Cania Mn DI Belren, Frank BargOU. Mrs. Imic Van Ar*dale, the Rot C. E. Jewill, w. L. Noyea. Mr*. Julia I>***,Titt. ? The examining phyeMan* were Dre. Vinton, Daniel. Bopains, R.beru and BILLIARD FLAY J: LS AT SARATOGA. RALT DEFEATS BRXTI B RATHRR EASILY-SPEC tATORS '.K THI I OZTT-BBT Saratogi. hut. r, ... v lng fl.ied m- moi aroend m the Towa Rall, u,e unnn nns m sm : _? ";":ir,lri ___*. -' ? I - too and Maurlee Dsly were ?-wr?j M ^ ^ rame nMgte wa* between Mr. lom and Ml Daly. nanwoa May winn m the aoStaaoa inai John BBatAy ot Newena; wooonon p B i'm-.. aWB. Ot jriMtalSli M?R Thom,* 0 hlliree. of San TalT TtT-.'V^r.K>rm',V ** ?''-"??" "* Var, _____* N?WlwfV Ph!!lp *** -Mi.-H.ul I.wver. the nee-horn owners; JoaeDh H. htt,n_ (>f ^ House. Kew York: Alderman p f __7l. , . Oana u b^m. warn. iJLJTS im\Zt ?sSBBa >>w york: JuHae cu.: ... u. "jj? . r,ew-Yo,k: John M. Jt?-h., . BaAm^mmmsAon ruus S5. 5 !_-___ cr:; "*?w*' "^ '*S i . and Wlnd*.,r Houls, Saraga ; ex-Judgo Henry L Clu * af ?w-York . and C0W1 Fred Hilt..,, of New y? g The damp e__*.Dhere ..', _, day a?1 onotafl kail Hs lllect OBOS the blUiird llotk. and the ???, ? of __\ gam waa .low. Mr. Van e.r.. of Row-Took, wat eOMM referee, and Mr. Johnson marker. Daly on_wfl tl With 4. and waa followed by Sexton wiU a ten Um to Sta wedit ll soon beeame apparent that huxiuii waa not tn toad form, but the naoattg of ta,; SMciators wat Olth him. Whn -Sexun made.- _ ruil ?f j_, ,,.. ^ ?av* kBO SSSM k'-arty apylau.e, but he could not , , ta Inly, wbo scored a strom i.-ad _nd h?ld lt unUl tho close l! the came. The highest run* made kg b< xton aon IS, 9 and 8- Daa.l?'? klgbest rum were 16, 10, Vi, lb and IO- Ti.e game wa* 200 point*. 10-Bloo taaroam Ti,;. wan the lanie, lesvlun Beaton w.*i, anly si on Urn Itrinr Th'- uarot was nol flnl?hed uiii.l atf*.- ll u ROWIW Righi s,,,,s-,,)i and Scxt-.n will play tl., tb?ud tam ot the tournament. A BBBBBBBXEB HiniiT. Wtom The Eutaw (Ala) Mirror It la ao awful hoi thea* days that we hardly know ' tc do u keep /rom evaitoraiioir oaOBj 1 - in aod the bored weil not yet running over. Win " auUful youan ladies wu. drew in tu.,** aoua, btooiy dratst* walk around at *i.,,rt IO MUS lees M iee! and aweet that R nor wlU enir do n. TO MEET THE GREAT LEADER A BLAINE CLUB HERE FROM CHICAGO. THR RRCRPTION COMMITTEE KEPT RDSILT AT WORK PREPARING FOR TnE PARADE BOME OF THE NEW CLUBS TO nr. REPRESENTED. The flrst out-of-town contingent ol the parade In honor of Mr. Blaine arrived here yesterday morning. It wa* the delegation from tho Yoong Men's Blaine Clui> of Chicago. There were over l-r>0 men in it and tliej- occupied a special train of parlor cars on the Erie Railroad. The cars were handsomely ib-corop-d with flags, bunting and Manners, bearing thc name and principles of the club, which is one of the strongest in the North? west, having it membership of over 1,200, moetly young men. It was thc Intention of the club to pet here ahonT 5 o'clock Baaday evening, hut the numerous cnihuaiiistic receptions given it in Ohio and at. other pines along thc way made thc train -BOOBS] hours lute. In consequence of General Sheridan's death the memliers decided not to parade, hut instead went quietly to their headquarters at the Hoffman House. Tliey called on Grand Marshal Jackson in the afternoon. In the evening they went up in a hody to the Republican Club House in Fifth ave, where they were entertained. The officers of the Chicaco CInh are: l*resid'-nt. Charles K. ltond; secretary, C. E. Tni/clle; niWBBBRtellfllI R. N. Taylor. State Senator E. P. Blackburn, of Illinois, ex-United Suites Commissioner King. Colonel Ayim* and Colonel IfonsBory are arnon;. Ms prominent memliers. li is tlie club's intent.on lo go down tlie Bay to meet Mr. Blaine, and B large steamboat has been secured for this purpose. Thc Kansas City Republican Club's delegation, about IBB, ls expected this morning. The Pu], timor,* m'*n are experted In BOOSIPW. They have engaged ovary available room in the Sturtevant linus.- The Philadelphia division will come on Thursday. CI.NEBAL HAP.EISON TO BE REPKEPENTED. General Jackson yesterday received a dispatch from General Harrison's law partner. Mr. Liam, stating that Mr. Miller, the other member of the Arm. would come hero to toke part in welcoming Mr. Blaine. Mr Miller will be BCiOflBllteBBol hf two or three Meade They will go down on the Sam Sloan with the Reception Committee, nnd will also havo places on the reviewing stand with Mr. Blaine. Hie work of erecting this Stand v.'as begun yesterday. It is in the usual place, by the Worth Monument, and will accommo datfl about 500 people. That number of invita? tions will lie issued. It is the Intention ol the 'iruiiil Marshal to send invitations to prominent party london sad reprea Motive BevabUsoas of the States participating in the parade. It* waa decided yesterday tha! the Republican Club should lend the H-OOBSBton on Than night; that, is, follow Rnmediately behind the Pioneer Corps and the Grand Marshal and his staff, who will be preceded in turn by the bands and a platoon of poiice. The club will march down Fifth-ave. to the grand stand and there toko its place as special guard of honor to the great leader, Ii wns this club that lirst _ug gesled tiie idea of welcoming him in thia way. The line ol march and the general place of meeting is the same as stated ia The I'kiRDRH yeatorday. , Or.CANIZINti TO TAKE PART IX THE PARADE. Although the regular Republican organ:-ati*,n of the city and county are not yet organised Tor active campaign work, a great miny clubs have formed sufhciently to parade in th- review, and some clut>? havo succeed.xl In uniforming tii'*_a.elves. They will muk'- s eredteoble d - "This is not intended to be ii political parade,'' says < ieneral JackflOB. "Il is Min;i)v SB ? pouring ol ih' people for the puEpose ol i Mr., and liol for the purpose ol se ii chemseli ? -." Tl,*- Grand Slanhal 1ms been -rr-, ti fi.-d by the -;? taken by the regular Republican organiza - and ha.-* i. - led that they have ac? complished so much organization In the slmri lulu- allowed tln-m. The namban ol the Execu? tive Committee of the County Committee have boon in eonstant attendance at beadquarten. iiiul have taken a gnat deal (ef Interco! iu and done n peel of hard and enthusiastic work In ag forward tin- parade. The following ore tome ol the clubs thal bave reported from the regular d_atriot aaooelottoufl of this city: Tue Irlsh-ArTe-ricni Anti-' ,'v I ai 1 ml Pialllltea L'-:i-U", Ra 174 F:ftli-.-V- thl Bl i*-:''1 Ciub ,?' Sew y? ??tv City; Maiii-ittaii BoUwag Bapteyea Ean Steel Harrison ami Merton Colona! Cub. Ra -OT WflOl F',r-y. flrst-st. ; Tippecanoe ('int,. Ra 81 Lu- B e i- .-. . L.n ? ab, witti aao__-My Bteutel, Re BM Xhlraavo : Young Men'* Independent Republican Club. Ro, _07 Ka-t Tweiity-?_ver,th-?t. , Jae:,** (. Blaine A ?*?'-:.'.;.on. Vlth Aseembiy Dlstric!: Bla.i.le Zouaves: Lineoln League, Hld Assembly Dl-trl--' C*.!<,r.*:1 Republican LngOl at New-Tork: Suburban Republican Cub, One-hund,- J -and seventv-seventh-st. aud Vanderbilt-ave. ; Aithur Club, No. -ll I.aet Broadway; Kepubllean Club of ihe XX Hld Aooembly District; Republican Club, Ra 810 Fifh av.. ; West Side Club; Enrol,od BapaBlllIB! XX I Id Asa* mbly District: Young Mcu'k Republican Cub of the XVlith and XVIll-h Assembly lustrleu; Republican Club ol XV . I!W?111J District: Cnle.ii Republican Ciu.i, XIlDh Aannblr District; Union Protective Clui) of tn- County of BOW-Tera I Han.burger Club; Vth A MOB) Mg District RepobUooa Club; Ivy Cub. XXIId hmooxhlj District; Xi Via Assembly D.-t:.*. Enrolled Lepub'.icana; Man? hattan Unconditlona. Republican Ciub, Joseph Marlin "... * 00018; Cnlon Republican Ciub of the XlXth As * Dlatriet; XII ito A-ien.biy Matriel Republicans; Men's Republican Ciub ol ibe XVih Assembly XVih A-s-tiiiiiy District RBroUefl Republicans; lrUli-American Bull Tin Tl Bill Leaf u-, Vliii Assembly D)?tric! aa_Oe_atU-ll West ?hide Maniinnan i..* ii Rail? way II a rr. - ?;. a..: M --??'. Ciub; Juliii J. O'Bftea Assoda . Illth Assembly District ; Tooag Mei, s It.-p.j,,li, ai. Club of RM XX !?' A??*'inlely Dist-lct Roitteeo an A Morton Club, XXIst Assen.:,.y DUtriet BottOI PntBCI i*.- Club of N-w-York: IXth Assembly D,strict. Republican Ai Enrolled Republicans of the Xth A-*v ni' ly !il?tri*-t; Tlppe i_l*_b ol the IVth Asaembiy Dtatrtet; Li Culon _.e;tgue Club, co.ored, Waal Twcnty-fifth-st. ; liannl '.-, st Mai . Roioltefl RapabUeaaa lld Assembly DIsirlct; RopoMleaa a ?- XVI Ph \ ? ,ly ];ij-rici , ..-.vord-s Cuard* ; lr,-U-A::i':ri'-aii Bepob Hean Central urraniratton, No. 108 Bowery; XVItfe A** ?einbly DM Iel Republican Cub or Um City al Rew-Terfc; J. MeRoooo Harrison ani Morton Cub, IVih Aft aemhly Mat-let. Bpeelol attention is called to the following g.-ii.-iii 1 oiil. r i iiii -i n raanhala wii*. appoint their own staff officers, without iinilt at t" numb, :. Mrtataa oaf Ililli and all both lo the li-ran-l marshal aid to thc ?IIOllll! will nara ie ni<>uii>*l. an'l t.rovll.. tlie*i and ?Qulnmeata ai theil owl expense. freoldcnl Jamee i". Footer rcoeived applieotiona yesterday from of additional clubs ii, *-Republican Invinoiblea" will leave Phila (li-lpliia f,>r thia irsdny ali'moon. . ll] return on tbe midnight train. Prior to their departure a fine * I throe flag! will be present I to >them by their frien'ls. The club will have l.uoo mon in uniform. BBOORLYR'g PAST IR Till: WELCOME. (.rand Marshal Jones, orho Ifl in commund of the Brooklyn contingent of the Blaiae parade, has'd Colonel H. \V. Micii'.-ll. of tho lit- li-n. ment, as asaiitant grand marshal. Thc uniforms for tiie marshal* and tlndr aids wen- distributed ? emng. Kucli wiil areal B* le linet, with a red, white and bllM plume, and a red. white and blue -sash. The Hrraii.'e.'ii'-ni** for the master ol ths clubs und their neill's of starch tu ferrie-, arts laid down in the orders uj-uciI by Colonel Jones yesterday. I be new steamer City of New-York, which in many NSpOOtfl 0X000! uny itenm'-r now slooa bl SXpeetod to arrive here kp mott Ute. Among her passenger! are: Mr. Blaine and family. A. J. ?i, Marslii.ll P, Wilder. Karl DoBoaghflBOflB Counten Doaoufhssoro, J Kaedeaald Caanron, Lieut-? olonel und Mrs. UoTBiblOW, Mr and Mil Thomaa itaveiiscroft, Lady Evottaa llal-.V Wutehin soii, Lady Nora HutehinaOB, W. Il llurgi'ss, bot N BOOMnrbell and J. if. Los L. fiakoiu oppeon earl) on tho seem arith ln-r trii.uu- to Mr. Ll.uue. Arii'iiig the sarlieot arrival! ii*,in t.i* N ort hw'kt is L il Bouvard, ol Wau-r towfl Dakota, u ano of thc venorabh arnst. John Bauvard, of New York. Mr. Uauvard n-pi lin* citiziris ol \\ atOl-town, >*-h" ul B in ' i.e ii ior tin- purpooo, appointed hun ns delegate * rev thais gm ttagi of areli ume Ii ti,iii muon regr. ; ia foll omens llie Uepublioaus ol Dakoto ai ih< iiii. uiiike 1 Li ir vc ec beard foi ths party iu the coming eloclion and Uiai ii iffered By them %1 thc honda of the Democracy is deep and wid-aprond. They have oteetoag hop*- ol tl.* election of Oennral llarrteoa, whn npooially lins been the champion of I ?i k rna'a nifhts in the p-'-i ?? I I win,m tliry look confidentlv for juitice in tbfl evaat "f his election Mr kavasd conn-! with un addson ol welcome to Mr. Blaine from th* people of Daunt*, borne of ths Alugwump papara ara iaduigiug in a good deal of faeetioua talk about thn pu rude and toe dlffSMBtOS of opinion regarding ito sue as expressed by memben of the committee. The whole thing ii due to a little mlsundcnitanding. Whon one member apoke of 200,Ooo men turning out to see Mr. Rlaine, he did not refer to the actual number in tho procession but to the crowd In general. ? ? , - IRISH REPUBLIC ASS HEARD FROM TTIET ARE ENTHUSIASTICALLY AT WORK ALL THRnrnn the city and state. T"he presidents ni tin* various Jlssmldj District or? ganizations of the Irish American Anti Free Trade League, who form the executive committee of the body, met last evening at the headquarters, N'o. 1-11 FJghth-at., A. L Morrison presiding. The chairman announced that James p. Poster, president of the re? publican National League, had hail a handsome ai I coatlv basan SOastOtf, and would give |t In care to the l.cag-iie te li" carrieii In the parade In honor of Blaine. The chilli-man appointed these stalwart sons of Erin, each six feet In height, lo take charge of lt : Dennis Preen, .lohn Sheehan, Samuel Macklr., Mid tod ern? roy and Patrick o'llrlcn. Mr. Uniter sin appointed the presidents of each of the Assembly District rl-ibs as special aids on his staiT. In place of Captain Ooorg! Vi. Spearman, who was eh-cted (.rand Marshal, bot who B 111 and will be unable to lie present. Captain P. A. McN'amee was elected kn a substitute, and ap BOtOted T. I'. Ilroslln and captain Maurice Cox a? bis aids. The contingent will a womble opposite their headquarters In Eighth st., and thence march to tho I'li.ce BSSlgnsd them In th* pande. DflVoy, the chief organlrer of the Irish-Ameri? can Anti-Cleveland and Protective League, an I al his tlasti In the beodQ_uartfln of tha: association, ai No. 17-1 I'lfil. mc, mopping his bmw after a hard day's work. This BTgBotloll'ftB B carrying on opera? tions without thc city and Itete as -nell as tah!,'n tboin, llo told a reporter of The Tribune that a vention of club representatives fruin the different Assembly Districts In Hudson County waa held fm terdoj in Jersey city, and tl ii I ??? proa Istas '?' Wen mule of the pro-j-rr-s of tba League, Bul BloM bal In other cou.-.-.**- throughout the - Uii-.'iaril Ali**n, who Labor faull Mb tn fm* Bherlfl la-t year, ls ont for ILirr. loo ai:? I Morton; and .lanie's J. Kelly, who wa- also al ihe Beating, Motel that be ls alike " fnun Harrison ami lor Harrison.** John Me Milhun, of the " horseshoe district," a hitherto Demo crane stronghold, said thai the 'longshoremen then re nil irish wm vote Reyoblleaa, thus giving a gined chance of carrying the district. J. sheedy, James English and William ?stackpoole .ire also help Inc the battle alon? there, parrlek Moola or.anlze.l a club at Englewood. There aro three r:uhs in Trenton, --'!..!'? in Maroon the iri.-ih Americans are rollylog io the cause ol protection. Mr. Devoy further Mules (hat Dr. Cosey, ol Rocheeter, R. v.. wrote bin an en rotiraglng aecoual of how matters were prog la that nettoo of the S:ate. Dr. P. ll. Croii.n, a lix-footer, from Chicago, dropped In ai headquarter! during the day. li Itetn the uprislm* of Irishmen agalns! the Den party nut there la lomethlng reniartiable, be showell . ? frol P. 1 le, tbe CB) I rea* urer of I-vtroit, Mich, and a leading Irishman, li, which be bold!) rapport! narrlion ana Morton. Niall J. i-i-s-sliii has been sleeted grund marshal r.f tba cootingoot from ti, * - I laina poi i ??? EACH WANTS TO GET THE OTHER OUT. CO..ON1.L STEWART AND MAJOR JONES BTILL DISTURB THU PRACR or THU RX-RVERTIL Tiie iroubles In tho llth BlgUoon of the Sent Y'e-li .-tale RoMotnl (iuaiel, growing out of the di-acreement between Colonel Albert P. Hewart and Major VTaok A. Jones, wer? again before tiie Boon! of Officer! last evening. Ueutooaot-Colonel Wilii.ii; P, Walton, who presided, stAted that the objeel of the meeting waa to put an end to the discord a^ far as pOialblB. For the s-cond time a vote of confidence In colonel Stewart wn adopted, all the officers present troUng for lt except Major Jones and Captain .lames M Bankin, of Company ii, who did not vote at all. Captain Charlea II. Collins, secrutary of the Roard, was directed io send a telegram of con*; to the family nf (i?neral Sheridan. All that Major Jones woui'l sit after he left the meering was, ? The hatchet ls buried.'' Colonel Stewart, who was not preaenl a! th>* rneetlne. Tribune reporier, af'er hearing what had been tbol then was nothing more to say a!*"Uf the matter .' t,"**,*!it. "Wat -v-il r.e done m the fntura added, " I cannot say. Major Jones want. tu get ma out of the ngtment I want to gel him ont, ond ll tbe way ii stands." In regai-d to the presen'a ' a sword fe. Major Jones, uri" e,f the cap- lins said thar lt wa* Ibe gill of two friends, and ti nen! had nothing to Bfl wi*h ir. m COLONEL SEWARD MAY NOT RESIOR. Colonel Seward was pre?ent at the heailqtiarters meeting ol the nth Regiment laat night, but did n"' announce bi- ,i-,-;- ,,-. as to whether or not he should carry OUl i.i- pp-vimis liiientlon ,,f raotgntng his cm tj.Hi.iL A deBnlte soaarsan ona ano ot thc other is ,*._-ctod at the next BIM ting of the hoard of Ofltoon september L It ls BBdonlnod. however, tliat tho i olooel will not resign, owing to ihe petliion presented him by ihe regimen* officer, last week. THREE DATS OF TRYING HEAT. nr.vr.nALCxfiES OTSORSTBORa RrpoRTT*D?an un CStJAL pr* ok ur n cm mi iv. fiomctlmei the weather here ls agreeably change? able ; but when old Humidity cimes no one li,oks for mch a change as (ooh place yesterday, for (ieneral Humidity usually comes to stay. He arrived here Shoal Friday and sent his gripsack to Lieiccnan ParseR, on top ol the Equitable liulldlne. saturday was the first of the hot days, and the city was scorched until the rain of the evening set in. Sunday was hotter Hill, bm ihousands of people gol oat .if town, Yesterday opened hotter, more oppressive and soon sultry than either Saturday or Sunday, The heavy atmosphere ghat in the city like ._ blOnhOt, and nttled down closer and cloon all the morning, mini Ul slmoit unbearable, in the stneta ti:'- tide ol ba maniry ran ilagglshty. Ovn the ctiy wn a eanop; ol heavy clouds, which served only to Og| situation. Rut p.bout .'i p. m. a northeoaterlf lire -xe to blow at the rate of twelve miles an hour, lifting thc oppressiveness and mating e\e.; fut This Vi the history of thc day : At 8 a m. Ihe ther mometcr at. the Pigna! I allon registered 7 dogreea, aod tha humidity na* -l per eent hy noon the mercury a' Hodnui t -I ilegr*-'* the humidity was BS per emt. At li ::iO p. m. Bod nut's nuivury hail pe te 80 'legree*, the blghnl potOi Of the day. LteOteOOal PumU said thai the weotbei yesterday morning waa th'- mos! BnphlOlBnl thal New Tork batt exyerlenoed thli ntaunor. Al Philadelphia Un weather was worn thoo hen- Berthon New gland wai comparatively cool, and Lost on enjoyed a tenperotun ol so d .'iee*, u mav hoeooln in thia etty tee-day. Lain I- pred a heavy (og delayed tko Bound boats yntorda* nomlog, aini prevented Bona of the ocean str.wii.-is from entering tbe I The police yesterday reported thar tt:e following tied i **? the heat: Alb- '? No 748 (.reeuw'.ch-st.. at the rolling mi!i?. Ni itt Baak-n ? BaOeakler, a-, his home Ni. 81 8uiT,eik-st ,,, stelttert, U No. abo Sooead-ava, at tiie foot nf Ea-t l'.?-..y ilfth-st. ia:),.rite* Uaii-*y. te* Ufty. in front of her horns, No. ht m ??*? Reuano-n Mrs Praaeai Ra kiola a_? flfty.four. ne?r her home. No. si: Ban Ui-lit.v fourU-i-.?t. Willan, R.s.l.. ol No. 169 C'olnmbls-st., Brooklyn, at. Thirl av and fortf-tonxtik n Xheoaai i.'Day. of Jersey City, In I Vestry-sU black smith shop. ? ?? JOHN I. DATBNPORl'S BBABP LETTER. OPPOSING AN ORDER Tn CURTAIL THE PAY OF INM-lii T"i:_ i 1 BU ? . IORS. John I. Davenport, ( l,:-f BO] ionian ?t Elect lone for the Southon District of Ra* i , ? ,._ re i through Qaoaral McMahon, United Btal * Ra shal foi- this dl-trlct, tue toBoWlng comm us fmm ti. A. Jcnks, acting Attorae] i,il, addressed to the Marshal: "You an* hH\ to ot'icially li,lunn tbs BupervisM of jroui Matriel thal paymeai hy lin* iM-pitrt ni. nt Ol JOBltoS to "ipe: visors mill h. | t,, gva 'I.*))'* as tlie maxlmicn lol i ,,n with tin.* Oougfeoatoaal sBseUoa on Rovonbei B, l ?" In reply te Dil* tottof Mr. Davenport ha- written for pubttCSttaa, holli in hU owl. d fen.-.* and fm th* Instruciliiii of supervin.fs tbnoghool Ibo cimntry, a hiter of SflflMfld pi""st an<i ot nfoool to nsogates Hie validity of th'- poaOH BTTORM *'l t" himself * acting Atti* Hi i-i-r- lo Hu extraur .Unary chai-ai*iei* of liei* coiiinniiii. ii,,,ii aad ta tl thal ll t. liol iiiojIc illier!l> . and a-l.s *h**tlier lt I- tl,. Intention of Ihe Id-partm* nt ul Jii-.iic* , the aiiin.- Atiornoj Uoasrol, lo aoaal the mo - mill provisions of th'* National atnttafl ls lOWO "is- then QOOted, In ol'ler thai ll tiny 1,e fully d. m.,i.siiate*i ih*t Mpaivkon of atoetton are ooihn aad i.nd n-'jiiircd lo aiteuil H HM veiiiicatSm of regis Icy lists, iiiuler ponaltltu. i.f Quo aud imprisonment; that, further, ibero are lour days of reg? istration, bnldn th* day of election, upon all ol which the supervisors are requfred to icrve; and that this verl_.0-.tioi-, which Ia the vital portion ot the work of snpeervtsion of elections, cannot always be accomplished in the required Mme; that, therefore, the election laws refer the matter of nereMary extension of Mme to the discretion ol the Chief Supervisor!, and BOI to aoy officer of any Department of Justice. In continuing, Mr. Davenport quote! that "In view of such necessity, section 2,oai lay*: 'There shall be allowed and poid to each supervisor of election who ls ap? pointed ar.d performs his duty, under the provisions. compeoaatioa ai the rafe nf ft, per dav Tor each dav he |s actually on d'ltv. not exceeding fen days mid urges that this extract ls In direct refutatiu- M tie) Hat of tho acting Attorney-Geaoral Wiih a knowle.lg- i.f linn ucis, the chief Super? visor says tba' "the conimtinhatii ri of Mr. Jenks can only be ronitroed n a ihre-ii. by th** use of which tie e|l her seeks to pn*s-ent Ihe I'hlef BUOOrVlBOT brm dbe barging his dull-*-, or hopes io Induce the , ..*? .et n-'iriee ' their duty.'' And re he will lieeome personally re.?pon-lh|i> fm extra ,-.-,]??:, allon ol siipcrvlBor! who imi'' thoo :'i i- 1'ilieil five days. Mr. Davenport conclude, by ming a portion of th-* r-pori of the Attorney-General, under 'int- of i>**crn:iw*r I, ts-***., m whi"h the Attorney-General said: --The rtatutes lapervl-ora ol Election! and ,|,*!i:ie their duties and fix their Compensation, d" not plaoe them under the control of any de-partment of ti"* Uoveramcnt." -m-? BILLS BBFOBB THE HOUSE AN INTERSTATE MINIMUM RATE* OP" WA CES PRO? POSED?MAILS IN NEW-YORR CITT. Washington. Aug. 0-Representative Wlilre, of IlldUna, InlndaSOd B bill ("day in the Home, tn e? raMI-h an Interstate minimum rate of wagra in the i nlted Mateo The rates of wages are to be placed pp follow*: Every male citizen or allen over twenty uue. who may he employed as a laborer In any cv paetty, shall he matted to and shall be paid not less than .fl BO per day of ten hours ; every woman of over eighteen shall h.* paid not le?s than fl, and every minor mm IsartBSO and und'-r eighteen shall he paul not I"1-,, thoo 78 ceiit- per day. Th" Interstate Com? merce Commission ls tn assume charge of the opera? tions of the act, and 81,000.000 ls appropriated to carry lt Imo efTe,-t. Mr. li'ichanan, or New-Jerser, offered a resolution rei Ring Dial oma Je'seph Turnings has a contract from the War Department for tbs excavation of material (ron the min shlp-ohann"! In New-York ha-b.-r, and bn eboitetod In on lbs BoglMt steamship -state .,f Alabama.** and that iha! steamship has !*-*ii admitted tree of goty, and calling on the Secretary of Ibo Ire us ury and the Secretary of War for information in rc .-arel to Ibo mailer. Referred. Represeniatlve i ox, of New-York, to-day Introduced a Joint resolution sathorlStog the Postmaster-!!.eneral to appoint a Bonmtaaton of then pnnos, whose deny ll shall ba 10 Inve.tlirato Ihe .object of the ni| ltd transli of the malls In Hie city ot Now Yeirk and tho adjacent po-tai districts, whether by 'he pneutnatle, * or other systems, and to report tr,,- resuli ol the Investigation ar the next h --ie.ii of Coogreaa Five thousand dollars ls appnipiTiicl. Kl B-.AHP8 STRIKING Rr.snT.UTTON*. Vnhtagton, Attg R?la th1* Senate today Mr. Voan spoke In fav,,r of ratifying the Fisheries Trea'T. Mr. Illalr Introduced the fullo-.ving Joint resolution, which waa rotor red te thc Committee on Foreign Re? lations : Res-lved, the president; be re<inested to open .Ions wiih !he BemaOWOI of Her Britannic Ma Jasty lin which the Dominion of Csnalu and the several al sub-dlvtsloni tooran shan t- upi bobo led), with a view 'n the- - ,.f a'.l diT'ie: e-,*i tin-v.-c-n ll - M ijesty*s Govonunenl and the Ballad aepectaUy t-e UM arrangeir-ent of terms mutually Ju*t, h*-.n*.nt,|.: mid satisfactory for p-'ll'ical uni >n betwoeu the Dominion of Canad! (Ol between sny of the SOVOIB] prov laeea mt sub-dtvi?|.>ns cf the D' ef Canada) snd tba Called s-.*i:.:s, aobjeet to the approval ,-', U\r poopto of the* Dominion nf Canada for nf tho peoplo of any pnvBlei "r suli-dlvl.'inn thereof, who may be Included In such amageawnt). aol U me nHSntloa hr the unfed ii -uh mante'r ss C,-nares* may prescribe??u*-h il anion la be r"nubli'-an in form, nnd te I i-r.n th" general system and the OonatttBtloa United Btatea and the neemlatlon* may embraco su.:h further treaties, compacts and alliances as shall be deemed .ry f,,r the latON P8B00, happiness, security and w-ifai- of Ht Ma. -'y's dominions and of tho ROXDH *.OT*r.nT BY THE SECRETARY. Washlnfon. Aug 8, -The bond offerings to-day ag ---? gated 138 960 1 - Secretary ol the Ti-eosurv this afterni"*n ru ? ' fours at 187 1 l and ei.OUi) registered fours and a halfs at 107 45-1.0. -.*. THE FEVER IN FLORIDA Washington, Ami: B.- Suiceon (ieneral Hamilton has received th! to-lowing telegron from Dr. Murray at Manatee, Fia.: Two ra_es. fortv nigh' houri. No deafhi. Twenty , , -, nt pine woods. Thirty Indigent colo -ed epeople *.-!< fer lobalslonea Dr. Hamilton telegraphed as follows In reply: Fur* - || lt nee to all 'WMtute persons nere?. tartly dietalned Bl '.iiaranilnc Hue bul pa*- til' ? ? ? :. Do neet niton people determined to stay in Manatee, Di 0 literal telegraph! fr"in Buford, Fla., that the nsplelOH eon then to certainly not yellow fever. Dr. Wall, ai Tampa, telegraphs as follows: i BM al plant city. Ra now eases. Nothing from Murray at Manatee. Ro new cases reported there. OBITUARY. CHARLES (.AULICHS. -.-naries Ooftlobfl, an ax-Park Commissioner of Rrooklyn. died on -Sunday a: his louie*, No. 188 Bflber merhorn-st., at the age of fifty-one. He was born In -!. Joseph. Mo., and was the son of the Rev. F. lb man Garllchs, who was afieiward pastor of the Oerman .'?Heal (.horeb In S.-h-rmerhnrn-st., Urooklyn, for tl in tweoty-Sve yean, charla Oorllchi was a In.lier In this city for inany y*ars. In 1888 ba um made a I'aiK Oommlsalooer by Mnyn Low. Be tolled m bollana lo August, 1885, Ba had been a annhn -tock Exchange lion May 8, 1800, and before * me a amabel ol tie- Oold Hoard. v* bea be can? to Rew-Tork, about thirty yeai-s ago, h-* ol,mined a clerkship in th-* bullion Brm o! M Hagen .*. < .... al Broadway ami Wall-si., and h" afi^r word bee ama a owmber "f ti." iirm. His booeoty was never callee] in quntloo sud his failure in 18*86 was al i- gnat a lurprtoe t,, him ivs it was to the street. Mr. (.arl., hs made ? jiersonal alignment. Ra 0 is ned ai the Stock Bsehooon In six months, buf he rend bl! former spirit or financial position. Il** wn a leading manton and treasurer ol Ibe C . nrvod n pntor. BOleovnowlle rani ehltdreu. The funeral will take placo at '.is bona to-narrow ai -': p. to, ? JAMES .YRCtt Janies Lynch, Whon home ls at No. Kn Wert id st., di'd eu Sunday at the Trcuiper Hourn, Phoenicia, In the Cotekllla, where ba hus beea staying wllh his (amil/ during several meka fur hil health, Che bod) ora brought yeeterday to his hoon. li- wa ilxty four yean i*id. Two yean ago he met with an accident by telling down the steps al tho ?.:itlle*id sui: |.e;,<m|i and ne never recovered com? pletely fron la effect! Ile wm '?:.f the n:ii=t prominent among nuraemia elan ol [rtah tmerlcani who begin buat ttt in a small Woy, and iii ni'-aiis ol Industry and honesty become a ri * - f. and proaperaua merchant I ,i Roman Catholic Iriahmao and ? '?e. k ai, ai five part in all movement! pertaining to the edvaneemenl of loo Intonate ol . to ii e ahii'i-t numberleaa charin.--; .i therewith He was a director o! the Or phau dayton, of the Unman CothoUe Protectory in Westchester county, ami ono ol too trustee! o! >t I'a'i i,*k's (a'h.sli al. He was likewise a director of tbe Rmigraol Savtag! Lank ard pn Ideal ol fhe irish Emigrant Boelety, n*- snde hu money principally wool tr_d>* bi -iii"- bOtog a' Reade and Duane sts. iiiu poiuior Joana Bnytfc, died nan yean ago, and sliie-e tli'-n Mi* Lynch's i'-vo sons. Doctor John Li. ini James, han- ImliCd aft'-r the business. 1 then a WtdOU ami tWO daughter! survive him. The tanara! uni to-annow morning at io o'clock fi-om Bt i .i'i' K - i atheilr-J. AB ERBRATEE TORRE DEAD is Ul ul ru 1 Aliieri Behhett, an ai . wss 8oad In lu- "th..- JOflterdaf bj ins sun a il? lili', carries on bal tn fl! In un adjoining ortlce \* bobbe il h.ui been In lulu- health fm* ioma tim.* but i aonptaln whoa ba left his boan at Ra MM inaheriaadat., Brooklyn, Ibo provlon norotog - in of neall ? *i- lean I ??? ie- Mi | ?ityfii'ii year- of age and formerly lived In whon !? toyed Ba toverol yean * stair or "the Ittu-trated London Rews.1 Ha ' ,iin<* t<> Nen im k Whoa a >ouug man bm ofter sloy* :, . , twu bs went te Lu-.ia. Ba returned te this eui on tin* oaths*ob of Ihe i 'Mi his arrival hen* lu- tiegan business as a color . -onie al Ibo Murks nf liioun, I;* Hows, Darb*) and Pnderteka Abniit ten ur i hi*, reguiai* baslseei "1 ii.* i: i ii a proeon of using Ral plates m e iii.ii.'i'tinii willi etigiavlllg he e\, eui.- 1 -onie I.i woiu .uni g,i nvnal books si pooan Bron d. Appin ob .v i .i ii. .| **. hinie ihat Um?* bs hail taos ml ind liol ?.,,n" Bin Oten honk work fur must ol tin* Bow-York publishers. He waa a nanhai of the American Rnoi OoBne Society aol was well known snong Naw-Vork painters and engraven. LURED BY FALSE PROMISES. ->'VJ_snGA7T-fO OOMTRACT LABOB. 80MB BioimnoA-rr dxbclobcbbs-thr testi MORT OP ITALIANS. The Invert!gatton by the Congnn Committee on Immigration was continued yesterday with Mr. Ford In the chair. The eases of Italian laborer! who had been imiiorted under contract were again the subjects for consideration.. The first witnen of Importance aworn waa Luigi Trotts, who pro l --ed lo be a money changer. His business, he explained, consisted of chancing Italian money into American money, and vice versa, for a com? mission When put under a strict examination he aelmittcd that g (sn dafB ago he lind offered to obtain ii fen* laborers fe.r a- ni" unknown mun who had approached him on that SObJOOO, BS denied Uni BS had agreed to import the men. or lo five the man who employed tinto any remuneration for seeking his services. At this point of the testi? mony Ford showed him ? lefter, Uglied bf Luigi Trogn, in which lt was agreed that the signer would dfl the very thing* the witness had sworn were not agreed upon. This letter eaassd Mr. Troga so much OBhoerS-B-BeRl ROBB hla com? mand of English failed him entirely, and the ser rlen of an interpreter bed to be nbtalftod Joseph Slea testified thal he and Troga had agreed to furnish a man calling MflKtolf Philip Smith with throe or four hundred lobasosa to be delivered at Castle Garden between BflptflMbflK 1 and October 1. AOOOrdiBg to the terms of the contract. Smith was to pay their railroad fures to !'? ?nnsylvunia. The men were to receive one dol iar ond twenty BSBtB pet da-:. 4 toora wi- to bfl run hy tlu- two who foialflbed th*- laboress, and all hills eoatraeted by ths lui: ms al tin store were to he paid out of the wagBI dafl Iii en BiCS -tnteii timi in addition to ti:'* galas he rec d from this systen of itoreki ??:?? tu. be generally re? ceived presents from those (os wh rn hs had se? cured jobs. Ti;.-v.- presents were entirely volun? tary, ii'-iug fi ven linn out of gratitude. Then * narked similarity In the amounts of each of those presents-une dollar a month fr'.m i ;*.ch m:in. PROTXHO Tn.vT MEN* i'A.vr. CNDER OOHTRAOT. (i **OfRa EL Simmons was next sworn. Ile t.-sii flcd thar he was in the secret BSTVlea of tiie Treasury Department. BepteseBttag himself as a railroad superintendent under the name of Philip Smith, he had made ti-rnus with Troga and Sion for three or four hundred Iuiian lahoma 'i hey were to be imported from Italy and delivered t" lum at Cootie Garden. He had induced them bo sil'ii the paper, which hud just been exaaioed, in which they agreed to sign the contra... u.s soon ns they could be drawn up. Tho next wltneM was a miserable-looking little, who in his tu_timouy said throogh ins Interpreter; Mt name ls Bonli? Nero. I lived In PalmonI, where I oom I a boon worth two hunlrc 1 franni. 1 wa- ;-. to eenie to America by RleoUol Sandal, a mnirj 1-nd-r and stein.ehlo BRM! in l'l.ii... ni. Ile repreaented to me tba! i could eet work ai ? ran Baan a lay bontotawly ?ti my arrival here. lie furnished me with a free passa*-* tteket '.,, Baw-York, and uavo me a letter te, praaaat to Miguel Ilsrardinl, ar. N'o. 84 Mui berry--it., who. Ii ?route alva B" wink a? hmo Wheo I pteaented my letter at No. 84 Muli errv-st, I was pu*, off tol a dav or two, and then kicked inte, the Street 1 wa., starving until a benevolent soelery took me In atorf*, I have a wife and two children in l'aimonl who Will be put out of tholr heeu-e. I Would ilke t? Bet back to It__y. DISAPPOINTMENT AND MISERY IN AMERICA. 'Iii. next witness. Domingo Cingiarella. pre nnted even a more woe-begoae oppearanoe than Ins companion in misery. His patbetlfl Itory wns m effect the hume ius Nero's. Deoelved by (oin promises he hud embarked for America only to meet with disappointment ond misery. Both these poor wretches when asked if they had any money or anything in the world besid rabis rags they had on, BBgwered expi ly, Blent* ?nothing. H. H. Caldnxer, a newspaper man. testified that In- had sp.-nt Borne time- in the Lehigh Volley coal districto, and had itudied the condition ol [taliana there. Ha fonnd thal ny aa 150 were crowded Int.. a tingle " ah.mty." a rude board structure provided with tiers ol bunks on : lie four willis. They were fe,re.-l n*. buy thi ir supplies at one s'ore.. where the pro viii ona wen ol' the* poorest quality arid where exorbitant pr.s were charged, on bbs pei charged. In pureuonce of bia Investigation he had come to New-York and bad made - - agreements to procure contract labor. Ho ? ?I been guaranteed any Bamber ol nea .-it 81 l" per day. The investigation was adjourned, arith Mr. Caldarer still on tha Stand, until IO o'clock -o-d-iy. ? I?WETS FLATDtS AT S ATI AST. r.vnn, Aug. rt (-special).-Rain did not keep a large attendance fro-ei turning our this morning to witness the Invitation tennis tournament*. The eonte?'-_r.ts werfisix In number, namely: Sears. Shaw. Chase, If np p?n, Mac.Vnllen and Mansfield. The flrst match was between MaeMulten and Mansfield, which was won bv the former In two straight nta The next - aich fnund Chan pitted agaln-i Sears. Sears won fhe Ant set, 8?4, I .1 ha-*- the second by the nain icon. The third -et was started t1;' as tiie scorer called '? rwei games all.*1 the rain came down so hard that play wa* posiponed until to-morrow. jons e. vrisF. to i.E-irn Fi-MOriA. Richmond. Va., Aug. fl (Special).? John 3. Wise, of this city, has accepted th" pMlttofl of attorney for the BpragBO Electric Light Company, of New-York. Ills regret bia removal fruin the state. THE WEATHER REFOR1. r.ovERVi-EVT WDIcaitO-ie?poa 24 irorat. WasHrsoTOX, Aug. I).-10 p. m.-Kor Ualne. New-Hamp siirr. Ma<!ias*?tts and Rhode Islard. rain, warmer, east? erly winels becoming southorir. For Vermont, Connecticut sud Eastern New-Vork, local rains, warmer, variaal* winds, generally becoming south? er, v. Kor the District of Colombia Virginia, Maryland, Dela ware, New.Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania, isca; rams, warmer winds. gener illy south.-rly. For RortO, lentil Carolina and Oearg-.a. generally fair, nearly stationary temperature. leer Mississippi. Louisiana. Arkansas and Tennessee. l-* ??? lily lair, nearly stationary temperature. For Kentucky snit West Virainia, local rams, slightly cooler. For Western New-York. Wsstern Pennsylvania and Ohio, light rains, followed Tuesday afternoon and night by fair, slightly cooler. For Indiana and Lower Michigan, geaerally fair, slightly cooler, except ia northern portion of Lower Mishlxan siiuhtly warmer. For t'pp.-r Michigan and Wisconsin, light local rains, nearly stationary temperature. lor low* and Illinois, generally fair, nearly stationary tein-.ieratore. Kor Minnesota. Eastern ard Sou'hwrstern Dakota, light rains, toliowed Tues Ur ntgiit by tola al-atit-j- cooler wea-her. Ker .Missouri, loool rains, slightly cooler For Nebraska and Roana toaal nuns, nearly stationary teniperatnre, except cooler in South ru Kims**., For Colorado, local rama,, variable winds, generally northwesterly. rnincvt". i dcm. uii-ivnv itiovs. .Vj ^ UM 1 ?' IIHIH'iMV t'llfl | ' * '_ ' ' ? - ' - ?r?[?*-1-t-H sTi RT.***,**p*i~^r*f~|h*] '"I ~r____~ "^'^?''?'^'**'******2"-*i si', 1*4-j-k-^X-tu**>???:"7** ~^' '-? RA' . iU0_.e? .10.0 .___ i-..^A-u.i_,.,.x.\ , t*.?*--l*i,-,i.,r,,,., I .A ; 5-_-_ttfe-_:.__l:_ --: *: L- L -E-P 'JD." In ii" diagram i eontini ai . a* snows th,* imroraetci BactaaUons yesterday, a* observed al tte United - ,*? * ,-iciui Barr.SB * Thc la-ii* >a in i o-iuj uie lanparatuia uutod ai Hudi at's pharaacy gig Hiuntvtty. Txinrm* OOtfkk, Ant. 7. 1 a. m.?Fair, bat saiokv weather prevailed yeiterlay The tetiip?r:itur? range,! between 7-t and M5 , lbs average le-m*. Isis, . In snd near this city to-day lhere will probably bs cloudy and warmer weather, ami local rains. Colgnte'a Cashmere Mouquet ins ?ke larseit ?.?.:.? ,.r any ?ii*?t iu-* .i;i ia tue world. Tn a cake. Mosl reirosiiing in hot weather. MARRIED. 1'i-._N*TZ-RODO F. KS-At res. I.??'??'. '_..7 West Slst-st.or -nita* .sirssr 5 hi th.' Hev Menry_J-0te:t. lin* Uri rraaia et Uleuviile. N- V.. lo Mr. George it Hodgers, - ? ity. el .ls. Mass'iWFA r-COE-An_uat L 1888, inst Michaol'i ? Dur. li. .lakli.-lel. **. Y.. hy His Kev C T J. Wrigley, aa Slated bv tba Bal A 1. Winier, Anna var-;.lu- Coo ti ItoOan Liviugitoa Massonueau. Jr. Softer* af murrwtfc* must tn indorsed with full manu a lid a-dirsM. ______ DIED. ANDREWS?On SumUr, Ausust .*>, Hose Au irsws. (laugh if-,,- Hie lalo Mrs. KUaii < am|i Funersl fro n Hm linnie, lutiti sl an! lutii are., on Tuesday, A,unit 7, al il p. m. UUUl.AY-At Myack. R. V.. S**.nrdaT, Auirust 1. 8IOBOO i tttiv. ?ulr ckil.l of W. li. aad May c?ot 1 iiiejiitu, of age. BK LL-On Hatarday, August I, Hebert. M. Hali, lu the fid year of his tte Ke-latiT.saael fr:**nl? are invited to aitoad tbs fnnsrsl frets the raaidnoon of his son In law, J waitara A hies, L t_ on Taeadar, Aagnsi 7. al S p. au 1 raia ls*?** Loaf lslaad City st . y. aa. DIED. MX a ptM- BMmmfSf, ot hean la sass, Soa-ter. {ftf ta Jv after BaasUten. yoongee! a?a af Ersrtu I. aod Marr hi rananiiarrtoai at tiie resit enos et Ma lana ts. "Oltnu?o Tiew," Co eyers town. N. V. BERTII-fF,?Ob Oaatov. a igust f, ISM. at hts lase Maa dence. Pelham Manor, ft Y? E4 wta a Bertine, la toa Beti year of bu are Retire of f aaaral Hereafter. BO BB KTT?suddenly, oe Balder, Ito tan. Albert Boa bett tn the Miii year of his aaa. Funeral private. CKoMwei.r.-At Nyaok-on Hudson, August fl. Aaa W.I wife ot tbe late William D. Cromwell, -felloe ot fanerai hs reamer. DANFORTH-At his home in Clean. -Tew-York. aa Satur? day. August 4. Edward M Danforth. latermeutat Morristown, New-lorsay. DaKIS-os Bundey. Angaat I. Cyrus 9. Dakin, ar., lathe SSth year of hts age. _, . . Beiatiyes ead Maali! ara ib vi tad to attend tha fnnerai fros. I. 1 i ne residence. Ra !?? Orsoe-at. Jersey City Heights. ft J., an Toesday. Angnst 7. at - p. ra. DRAKE-At San Francis -o. Sunday morning. Aagost 8, Hamnet DlBBa. formerly of New-York. QABLICBB?Ob Bandaga August 3, Charlea Oerllehe, Ia the 804 yeer of Mis age. ite at res aiel frieois are Invited to etteid tba fnnera from his ute residence. 163 Hehermorhora-at, Hr,uki vu. en Wa.iaesdey, at 3 p. m. Fleaae emit it , wers. Ii* iDORO__Oa saadar. Angnst 3. I??*.. Cathartaa L. Hodges, wi,tew or Andrew B Hodges, aged 70 years Funeral from her lau residence, ian Bedford-av*. Brooklyn, om I ue?day eyeutng. August?, al S o'clock. latermentat Ur^iiweot. Friends wilt kindly omit flowers. IVBB?Al New-Haven, August 4. Martha A., wtlow of tha late Ti,aron lyes, ia the 73,1 year of her age. Friends sre lavited to a't-nf her roners!, without fnrthef nonce, at tiie Kensiagton, iai uraage-SL, Taetday. Aug oas 7. at 1U 30 a m. Rnnsl at HarfonL Jacobi s-on * inlay, Bili last. Samaei M. Jeeobua, ia the 37th year ot his aga Funera"'Min hu I ile resltsnee _T0. 107 East 87th-st, OB W*lueslay morning, at ll o'clock. Kindly om.I Howers. KI BR PA TRICK on Sunday morntns. 3th Aurea*, Janet, wi.tow of John Kirkpatrick. In tbe sun, year of her aga. Funeral Tuns uv morning. Iva A ag us t, at ID o'alock, froia her late res: lenee. Cl West i7th-st I.VMU-At Ph,in e.a. elster ci, TS*. V.. on Sunday, August 6. James I.yuch. In tke B4tb year of bis age. I , tike i>._'-e (rom his late residence. Ne. Ul West _-.'?*!.. on Wedneeda?, the Sth inst., at ina. m. A solemn mus ot requiem wilt be celeoruted at the Cathe ai LO iSO a m. It is resnectfnliy requested that no dowers be sent. Lynch. Jamee?Thu members of the Beaten of flt Via. oent <te l'aui are rnaasnfl la attend the faonal of their late pres leal tl Hie Cateolral on Wednesday, Aagust a. at 10 O'clock a. m. MINK!?St West Farms. New-York City, ou .atntslar, August I. 188S, Maria II. wife of ttov. Sf. Vt. Miner. I), ii., ani matron of Rapt mt Ministers Home. West Farms, aged 'l yara end lu monti, s Tie relatives aad ineoa*. or n.o ram:iv are respectfully invited to allen * the fanerai icrrcei on Tnes>Uy AagBBt 7, Mil. s- i o ' lo,-a p. m.. from her late re.ii leuce, Uai.ust Home, areal Parma Into: mem Wednesday, Angnst f. at Riverside Cemetery, Waterbury. I onn. BO Bl NOOK?Ob *unlay. August .*>, entered Into rest Amy Reward, elites- dangin r or Ji'o?? a. P.e.binaoo, and grand, da u shier el the late John H. Ku. . n_ Funeral s.-rsice at < al* arr Church, ito ave., oorner 21st-st-, at 3 15 p. ni. on Toenda)*. SciiTT?on sunter, August 5. Caotaln Andrew Scott, at f inaO-Ba L I. Pori an.1 aad Albany papors please oopy. 8LAOLB?Al Mt. '.eraoti. B. V.. BO *?asnrdar, August 4, Mary -Slagle. in the A'Jtn year ut li-r age. Funeral frew Hu, Netdaaos o', brr mother, Mrs. Mary Lavis, at ii p ni. .'. ugust 1. VARRLEBCK? Entered into rest at her home. Matteawsn, B.Y., ...uureliy. August 4. Mrs. Margaret -*. T Vankleeck widow or tie* ut. Rev, n. i: Vaaklaoek, D. D. Th* liiirlal .'tn,??> wiii Ce vie' at .st Luke's Church. Mane*, wan. tuesday, a i.-u-i 7, at BUR pm. lteiauyes a.. 1 fnendi ar- invite 1 to atten L Kin*Hy *>mit flowers. Car-.ages wm meet the 11*30 tram troas New-York at Fish, kill. WI'Fi K*?Oa Sunday, Au?nst s. IT lwsrn Frost, only son nf llsnneita Vf. nod ttis late Jacob M. Weeka Relatives au* friends ars invite t ui a teu,l Cia funeral esr, vices nhl* late rev !.-1 '.-" ii.-rke -?-. -pi. ice, Brooklyn, iu*jr jinx. Angoel *, at ll o'ciock. .tle-norlal Hes .lull-sn-i. lim::.: ?*.? Bara or ROW Von* ("itt, 1 Nsw rona, August l, i .ss. j At to-dav's meetii _ *.:..- ?aB a_a,iun-e. neat waa rsaele e,r tn ? * ? r ive s*ioe-late. Isaac V. Plietiei. The-reup >n lt ? _* 'irlereel that the following record be entere-l uiion tua minute ie' ib?* Boar! Mr. [aaec N. I'iieii.s was am-nig tue rirst subscribers at tim! an i incorporation of tats bau*. His lorn " c mr leter, his emrieu: uroblty. his large .a : pride in nader! iklagl wkicu he sliareei, were no. tent to command thaoonfld -n.-c of tue ee'iimii'.ity And b s ripe Judgme * bob ? he relied ioen ror wis*aaansel in any toonndBet er t ie bas.ness 'if the bank. In in- of itnu'irtaut ,-iss to lins bank by the deatU of Mr lae.,.*, ml ia a .pren.alien ol h.? eiaaiitiea it was Kesolved. That this sad anne.nncisieot ls cine for tho most profound legr.-t or tiie member* of this Boat,!. Beeelved, rhateaei resaloa of sincere condolence he re apecUully tendered to th-; afflicted family. Hy order of tho Beam CARROLL ST. JOH***, Cashier. Special Xoturs. Contents ot THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBCRE BUR tO-DAT : First r-i*--*?T' ole-" ,', tho D:iv-i;enersl S ierldan D?al. al News. ' ,*? :ug Italy. y earth Pam?Benjamin . Page?A Peculiar Bucky?The Dike. \ C ma IU'-ions-*! i* - j .iii Ilise?1 a - . 1?A Hou?o Eighth Pace?Ed torilla rlala ll rr!sen's Visitors?Aetlvlty oj the Leal Eleventh Pare?Agricultural?Democracy Meena Freo ? Twelfth Pac*?Mr. Garrett * : ? ??*?Fni-?'gn Items. i,-ii r lg< -Ri I .e. Page?Suicide ot J r?LovesteO aDd lr: i '? rteeuUl PaCO?Tflfl Baas, All Kuu_-Ea-..*-_-l Coote-tH Marketa M\i.-enth Page-Markets-Advertisements. Cortes in wrappers ready fur mailing can be had la Tho Trlbuns Counting Room fur .1 cents each. >Ir. Blaine's Arrival smphasises the existence of niagnetism la politics. The magnetic tendency ol au ord.nary tim-p.e, e is (-'.early shown br malarge number of wairbe.1 ten are dolly delivered n ihejewsleri to bo BonaflJOOBflafl. in th so .lars of electrical _., and appa: a us it is uiaoiiestly impassible to keep a watch out of tne danger line, lor the tie.d is one of C'insld arable e .tent, lt ls after a watch has become magneti-el that a jeweler ls called upia for a remedr. The cure la effected only after the harm is .lone, l'reveuttoa is better than ours, and lt is ceruiuiv wist to keep tho ? watctx bright" trom get-ir ia thaa lo devise wave of getting it out Mr. c A Paillard, el i.aneva. Swiuei laod. conceived , a ?? | - t.,e parla or tao a , ? SW tua*.-1 na,mg trouble, and arter ii yeats Bl stael a . Ins arrived a' a sat.ira, l,.ry s.iiestltute lol t.e meian nrdtaanly used tor tba balances sud spriaga Tun alloy al iiai.aiinui ts nseii for tOaeeoia ,-.?a.,,. balance aa l Hair ?ip'.;u< in tse Nan Magee- o \laicii ouiy. rhll i* nell OOSSPares tivoraiilv with other watches ia its BOM aa: is no higher in price thaa those ot siiuilar quaiiiy wu_o_t liie-eiiuprovoineut*. 1 CALI. AND KXAMIN'E THEM. THEODORE i?. 8 TV lt R. fine je'.velhv. raBctoua storrs, watches, BILYRRWARR Ac. 205 STH-AVr, (MADISOM SQUABS), TUrougn to l.l-'i Un-vd wey. Foal lllllce louee. Should be read daily by alt lauirasted, aa ehac-ree may occur at any time. Letters for furelga countries need not be specially IO dressed for dispatch cy any ateamer. escepl when lt ls desired lee send duplicate* al bBBBlBQ Snd eoate merclil documents, letters not sLecially eaddrca-cU boiaa sent by the fastest vessels available. Ula lor til week anding tugnsi ll will clow "iromptly tn ill cases) at this offlco as totlOWBI TC Es HW-At-J i>. m. for e.reat Hntaiu. Ireland, Kfl'.gium and .Seth eriau ls. p *r ste. us up A. i.s.. via (Jueeas tewn iletlers for ottier European eoBBirm 'mist ba l.r-'tel -per Alaska, al I :i :u. fur li.-i-:iOi li, per lahls oussie, fi-oiii '.ew-urieana ffl-ii .liiUAY-Al ?_ .)" n. ai. for Delan 1. per steamship i itv of Home, via u ieer.-!>wii letter* for Ores! Britain a,el other Eat ,peao .-outiiri-s mist ke liireetn " [.'*r * Hy ',.' i: um 'I at .' .(') a. m. fer Ku i,,( e. p, r steainsii-i' Latia i... Bouth aaa aloa au.i urmasa. l.etiers for Iroiau.i maat be ,'.-i - tal .??? Lana a; u ni. for Brlginai e-.ire>-t, per slesms.'iip WaiteruUng, v antwerp letters i.mst as lin <i "obi v,.-.,.ru. lead"): n lo a m ut bu croix aad et. Tooaaoa via Bi i ro v. BIM W.udivar I Islands ilirect, per stea.u?bip Mariel i al 1 \i at tor lam pee he, Chiapas. labsaoo aul V.citan. per staten au -anti ik - :eis ter I ampire sal unpin 't.reet ml ter elane -leiiean -.Ules via Vscai rot, mist oe Urella! " pur --mtiagrw *' ?. ai .1 p. ni. for Ballia, Puerto Cor;,*, tn 1 < I aa te mala, per steaiuabip Wanaerer. from New Orleans. FRIUAV-At ld a. ns. tor cejtrai Amartca aad Senti I'a.ifle porn, iiuuo. , .N,.?ri,e.rt via Asplawait, (ietlors tor > osia iiic.i a.i.i Ooateiuala moat oe u.rocled "per Newjo.1"). SA n lll'AY-At 1:3') a. m.'or Norway direct per steam ship Ue.-.-r elytlere mu.t j- lites ail ' per (.eiter") at ll ii a m. for IreUnl. p,-r sloaaiship Servia, via ijueeiislowu i alters (or '.reat ll rita,a and other European soutar es mast be directed *-per SS via 'ii at 4 Sc a. m Karara, per sieamsBip Ei.ter, via a.,.i:i...iir,i!ou end bremen liettere for Ire lauel must ,,,- . reata il *pe: Eider " . at 4:30 a m -?r Fr moe itireot. per Ia Nor. usu i.e. vi t Hsvrj (loller* must bo Itraein "per ia Normaudie ' st I 3D a. m. t,,r hootiaad ilire.'t [>er ?teaunn.e K th lepta via Olaagow welters u, um be . I, reeled -per I tui*pia">. at * ti) a. m. tor tao Netuer.eala. via ltoiler,iani. aer ste* oaflBO Eel'., rUa,u wieners must ko directed "per KoiicrUa s "). sr Mia v-AS S p. m. fer 'oats Hi.-a, via Limon, cor steam ai,ip hotusll. frem N cw ur oana. Mails fortie Hawaiian Ulan,ls, per sieamshla Australia)from t-an Fran ,.,\i . cleae here a-is '*? "fl at 7 *, m. atai.s toi Chine au.i a?p.n. per itaamahlp Arabic .from eas Fish ? *e kata August ? l ,, at J u, Iu. Maili tor Australia, New /ealeul. Hawaii ia, l-;i and Saiuosa t I, per steamship Alaia-.U (tnm Hau Frau..iscoi ( aaa imre auk *1*.i, at 4 JU p. ui. ior on arr val at Sew York of steamship .tara:,.a, w.tu Hraiaa mails (or Adv Ira,ia Maila tor me iso.-.e.-v isla.els per ship Ta'uii itro-u san rroaBtasa), ,,i?e \ .,-. -j-, _ j 1.. m. for (' ma nv HUlla i'a upa. Ca., aud theses bystea.uer. vie key Weal, -.a., close ai VU.* MUtoan ? l iee, hedile of closing i-f Trans- Paeiflo malls tsarraage. aothapratum ? ? iuiatarruota-1 overland tnutu te San FnoBlBBa Maila Ben tha blas; irnviut ea ti ns ?t Msa Kranoisc.oii me tlxy at sail.a < e.* siesiaer* are dis jatoaad tbeace Ue sa-ae day ? n4_ n KN kn ?*. CK ailsun. Post-master; rost Offl.-a New-Vork. Augael3. iSSH. Political Xotute. .Lim., i; ilieiqe i-?rn(^ C nbs snnplleii wun iia'iilsom.* silk nadgee fr?m y ? DKLA-tY. 1 Astor Hons, ns mb discount oS gaaTtmaT lor,-haa SU.t CAMPAK.v (IOO0S FOR BLAINE RR, KPIION Largest Maralaelurera CAMPAIUN BANNKK AND O0XF1T i ifl Vt8*.T tl., B. X.