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NEW PUBLICATIONS. ORIENT AL SCRIPTURES. "THE SACRED BOOKS OF TDK EAST. Clarendoi Tress. Oxford; translates! by vartoue Oriental srhol ars and edited by f. Max Muller. The XXXIs Vol., The Zend Avesta, Dart HI.-The Yaana, Vis parad. Afrlnagsn, Gah and miscellaneous fragme-its translated by Kev. I., ll. Mills, D. P., lion. M. A Oasn Tha Rev. tho Reetor ol Lincoln College, Orford 1'ublle Orator to the rnlventiy, In preientlng Dr Mills to the congregation to receive the honorary de pree ol M. A., January 31, 188?. said: " Among fhe many great works completed under the auspices o the Delegates of the Clarendon Dress, none ls elthe more valuable or honorable than tbe series ol tie ?Sacred Hooks of thc East. . . Although ern! rent and learned men have co-operated In brlnglni this work to Its oumpletlon, none. In my opinion, do serves better ol our I'nlverslty than lawrence Hey worth Mills, whom I now lntroduco to you. Ko one ls unaware ol the merit ol James Darmosteta In unravelling these subtleties, nor does the emlnen man whom our learned Maximilian Muller though worthy to complete the Interrupted work ol Dar masictar and to publish the remaining parts ol thi Avesia willi a commentary, deserve less praise, then-lore present to you the distinguished citlten o the I'nited Prates (vlrura lUustrem retpubllrae Amerl canae clvemi, who ls also Doctor ol Divinity ol tin I'nlverslty ol New-York, that ha may be admitted tc the degree ol Master in the Fooulry ol Arts." llie volume contains Hie translation of the Gathn. the oldest and most Important part ol the Avesta being tlie original hymns ot Zoroaster. The hook ex ?presses the religion ol Cyrus, Darius and their sue rv se. ors. Tlie purity and depth ol that religion an Hrllilng In the extreme, and P may well alloiil an ex planation ol the favor shown by Cyrus to thc .Tows o: tho Captivliy, resulting In their return to Jerusalem. The Zend Ave-(a had In .-ititlrjulty an immensely ex lended Influence, having predominated tn the E-OlOtai Empire for at least fifteen centuries. It ls wldelj believed to have Influenced th-* Jewish faith bj crushing the earlier 800BOOIS Creed and Introducing < firm belief In the future life. Darab Dasttir FSBhotol Panjana, tho leading scholar among the f.0.000 tr 70,000 Zoroastrians In llomhay. thus writes (see th< ** Bombay Gazette,-*1 August 27, 1 c~Ti : '? Students of the earliest Iranian literature wll welcome the publication of tho third part ol th( Zend Avesta . . . The volume under notice cnn s!?ts of translations of some of the most dlfllcult metaphysical portions of tho Avesta lore. vlr?, th* Catha*, which . . . form tho most illITlculi por tlon of ludo Germanic philology. The author, thc Erv. Dr. L, II. Mills, ls an American . . . whe has devoted himself during many years to a patient examination and dose comparative study of Um Vedas and Gathas. He has also studied ihe oontenu of the whole exegesis In tho l'ahlaol, Sanskrit anti l'erslan languages, and this, involving iho labor o: correctly deciphering and iiiider-.t..ndliic: some of Qm (.ld MSB relating to the subject, will give r.n Idea ol the bold spirit with which the author must have un dertaken his task. The translation Itself ls a master ly porformance, and forms an sdasltaMfl lllustr.-tioi of the advanced stage of development which Zoroas Irian studies havo reached up to tho present time.'' Application has been made hy another Parsl (Zoro? astrian) aeholar In Bombay to the I'nlverslty Press ol Oxford for permission to translates the volume lntr Ihe Gerjeatee language. Nero Publications. ITUGENIA : A FRIEND'S VICTIM, Ak Tale of Italy, by Alum llurlha <W. p. II.), ls th. title of tbe second volunn" of toa Elite Library. Foi aale st all bookstores sud news stan**, f.o centa THE WELLES PUBLISHING COMPANY, 6'JB Broadway, N. Y. K HITTING?CKOCH KT. TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. 81. rHE LATEST NUMBER CF THIS POPULAR SERIES OR ILLUSTRATED MANUALS for HOME WORKERS PRICE 25 CENTS, ADDRESS HIE TRIBUNE, N KW-yo nie instruction. For Boya and Youno* Men?City. J H. HORRYS Begee! D.r Boy*, 423 Madlaoa-ava . (near -H'th-st. . K-xipoii* Sept. 27. Until (sept. 15 eddi .se C..rait, Mass. PT-fTFAT-ATToS f(,r~Kall College Kssmlnstiens. HunT mer BesAon WOODBRIDGE SCHOOL. Uwins August IS, 83 Esst 46th st._ '^chool op preparation for rurirrm and college, 64 WEST S7TII-ST.. RXW-TORR. A Day and B-iarding-School for Bays. _HOWELL a BCHERMRRHORN. TRINITY SCHOOL, 1..M7 B-oadway,-Founded 1755! Kev. k ll ' . Rector. Under Tru-t-e- ol l-r.-t. Utpls. Put.iic s-hool. lit Rev. B:?!ioj> Potter, Pree*l Fi.i.arei tor eoli'^t or business. _..r fee bencflcca apply to Sec'y. PsyinK pupil- received. Further particulars lt sehobl. 'I* rr, hapiin Sept. 6 1""TT*T\'Ei*;*;iTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,473 Bru .way; ? near 42d st. ; 61st year. 1'rtmary, commercial sud tlassicsl; liistru--tloii thori.uch. M. M. HOBBY. W. L AKIN. N C. HENDRICKSON. Trina For Younp Ladiea?City. -JACKSON SEMINARY 2,OD. 6th ave., n. e. tor. 125th-_t-Hassles! Hoarding and Day School tor a l.sdi.s and Children. Pupils flited for collcpe. TscliulraJ tiauiinK. Bm.din;.- (Ktacli.d; large, alrv * gruuuds exiousne, we.1 iirad-d Pioles-ur ol e,00111,m, Mary \. COony. Rendera, QSOQ yearly, fed year begins S'-^i. id. C"sLASSiCAi. m BOOL KOR girls, 1901 Madlaon-ava, JOSBt l-.'.th-st.?Pupil* Stt**rt for -'.I colleges pen to wemen; theiai* completing preparation tere admired |o V.'ellosl?y without funhvi ekatnlnarl ,m. Primary aad ad? vanced aepartineuts. Terms for boarding pupil* mod-iaic. Reopens Oct. L Miss North aud Ml-? Hain* .?, pr.ncipais. MISSES A. AND M. FALCONER PERRIN'S GlrleS* School. Removed lo spsclous house, 244 Lenox ave., Rew-Yark. Tenth yeai begins bepteinbT 27. -V>?i*dU)g pupil*. BCOO pm year. Rf ISS FEEBLER AN!) MISS THOMPSON'S "* **TI SCHOOL FOR G1KT.S, 82 and 81 East 57th-st., New-Yerk. Address unUl Sept. 1st, care of J. KENNEDY TOD A CO.. /lan-sra, P8 WflUasuC. N Y. _ at RS. GALLAHER'R SCH* 'OL FOI'. YOUNO LADIES, 61 West Fifty-second-st. o .ni IM _REOPENS OCT. e_ Cir.CTT.APJ5. 1SS CHISHOLMS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS-. 16 Esst C5;h st_, New-York. Will reopen Sept-mbsr 20 Boys' Claise MADAME 01OVANMNI. SLi?*i-le.r flnishlns famllv school for young ladies ; eperlaltli * : higher English muele, lsnruaxts mid ari; terms, $400 -6 eOOO. lo. Fast 61.1-t.________ TtllSS JAUDON'S SCHOOL TOR GIRLR 848 MadiaoZ illsve?Will reopen MONDAY. 0''T"BER lat Five ?pupils rerelved lnlo_tho^ family _ rpm MISSES WREAKS'H UOAKDIRQ AND DAY 1 SCHOOL far girls, 'AT Eu?t OBlb-Ok, 1000-*-! Oct. 1 ? clrcula-i. on application t>-r letter until -Sept 6. THE COMSTOCK SCHOOL. ~ * (Established 1S02V NO. 32 WEST 40TnST. Boardlnr snd Dav School fo: ronna Ladles. , Rnpeaa-QBt 3._ __ - DAYJa eharBe___ \r Ali norman INSTITUTB (Fonafled 1887). H0HC AND day BCHOOL-Central i-ark. Weat, st C.-d-nt. (Morgan Mansion.) Mme VAN NORMAN. Principal. For Both Sexes?City. A -CIRCULARS OP OOOD SCHOOLS FREE. ?*1 nBJ'Jstkmt f.r boys or girls, a_d locality preferred. Ik. E. AVERY, American Scbool Buiesu, 2 Vt. 14th st-.N.Y. |> ACi-AftD'*. BUSINESS loLI.I-.l.K. AND SCHOOL A OK so enoch a PHY elli reopen Tuesday, September 4. Send tor circular. S S. PACKARD, President, 101 East 88d-st._ _ ______ SWIMMING TAUGHT," at "places and times to suit pupils oonveriienoe bv chan.pion suimrcer. Addn-s .Frof. DONALDSON, 7 Murrav-st., New-York. IiRE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, WEST MADISON SQUARE. N. fT Open aU Sumtcnr Also Seaside bummer Coursa. Brooklyn. Brooklyn HEH.ins 0EM1HARY.-This day and boardii.g school ol Veaa( ladles <_bth ye?r> will reopua fc'.pternber 2C Circa.ur*. ??nl on apnllcatiin. Iio Al'.ntsgue ??_, lirookirn. M. Y. Charle*** e west, mary a. br1uhah, _ l'rlnripala Instruction. EADVILLE CoNKllRVATORY OF MUSIC. M Eminent teachers In ail branches music and art. 225 pupils. Fall term tx-gins September 4- S, nd for eat* logue. F. A REYNOLDS. Director. Meadvllle. Ps. For Yoting Ladies?Country. AT MOUNT HOPE LADIES' SEMINARY, Tarry? town. N. i , i-nii pays Ix.aid and tuitions per Behool yesr. Mu*lc ai.d art only extras. Opens Ban- ti._BOPT i n.ACR, A. M , Principal. AQUET IRS! 1*11 1 v Bl it H Ila N J. Knglisii, French, and hoarding and day school Ii (or young ladles. Prlmsrr. inteimediste sud coll-uists Brpartu-tnta Early apielicsUoii l? dutlrable. Harriet ?. BAUOET. Principal. fa ORDENTOWN K1.MAI.1. C5LLEG__, H. f Sf Charm|ng location on the Delaware. Htalthlul, home Baa aaa Ctiristlso. Superior Ucllitles in music and art. Snstrnrtion. For Young: Ladies?Country. BICTHLKIIEM, FENN.-Bishopthorpe, a boarding school for girls. Twentieth yrs/. _ F. I. WALSH. Principal. OLLKGIATK SCHOOL FOR PIRLB, RROLRWOOOT N. J. R.o|>_i-.e .seo'cnirwr 80. Preparation for col? lege a specially. Pupils admitted to vasmar. Wellesley, ana Smith on our rort;_i-ata. ADALINE Vf. STERLING. CARt'I-INE M. Ci KUlsH, A. II._ CLASSICAL AND HOME INSTITUTE, V-* Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ?Prepares - oung Ladlee for Collegs; wtth heme comforts sud speclsl esra. Mis- SAJiAH V. H. BUTLER, Prlnclpal.__ Ci'TTAiir. SI MIN A KY-A Home School for Young Ladies, ...Inion. Onfi'd.1 Co., N Y. One ns September 6._ REV. C. W. HAWLEY, A. M., Principal. _ DARLINGTON SEMINARY, fer Young Ladles Wesl Chester, l's.-Pell tenn begins Sept. 17; healthy snd besutlful loesilon; sll brs.i*-heH taught; B180 per year. For cstaleguesddress lt DARLINGTON, Ph. D.. prln. DREW LADIES* SEMINARY. Tarmel. N. T.-8S8 year opens 12. Healthful, honelike, thor? ough. Illustrated ( lrcnlsr, GEO CI'.QSBY SMITH. A. M. I*'. LM IR A "COLLEGE. FOR WOMEN, otters-isuperior a* sdvsntaces in Collete. Sclentllle snd Preparatory Courses of Study; also In Music and Art Healed by steam, snd fui-nlohed with sn elevator. Charges are unusual!? modenu*. Send fur Catalogue to i*re_i_-_m_. A. W. OOWLER LL. Dm Elmira. N._Y._ g MH.DFN HILL SEMINARY, FOR YOUNO LADIES, ll Bridgeport, Conn. Address Miss EMILY NELSON, Principal. HOME and DAY BCHOOL FOK GIRLS, ?? THE ELMS,' Sprliit-fleld. Ma.-,*., Min Porter, Principal. Pupils admitted to Vases., Wellesley and bmlth on our aertlflcate. Quincy method for children. HOUGHTON SEMINARY" roR~VOUNG~LAn-Ks7 Clinton, N. Y-, oiTe'is liaearpaaaad advantages in music, languages, sciences and art attractive to graduates ot high schools. For illustrated catalogue address _A. G. BENEDICT. A. %t. HOUSATONIC VALLEY INSTITUTE, Cornwall. Lltcl.f;?id County, Conn. ?Boarding school for rosins ladles. Pleasant, healthful lnostlon; home comfort's and good Instiueti, n. F.,r terms and par'l. uiiir- send for cir? culars or address Principal, MRS. C. H. GUION, Corn ivan, Conn. _ _ HOME INSTITUTE, Tarrytown. N. Y.^/Tboardlne and day schell fur ve.ung ladles and Utile girls; will re? open September ls, MI SIS M- W. METCALF, Principal._ JVY HALL 8EMINART?FOR TOURO LADIES, BridgeteOn, N. J- '-'"th year begins Kept. lOtB. Beat advantage! at moderate rates Music, ah, Ancinni and Modern Languaffaa crnduatlng course* Ilcalihful. Phyalcal Culture. Address Rev. "? *?*'?*' >'*J EVES, ph. P., Principal. I vniiON HALL, li PO VC HKEEPRIE. N. Y. A Girl's School of the best class. Collen Preparatory and Academic I ooraoa Languages, Art, Music. Address SAMUEL WELL.. HUCK. A. M.. Principal._ *\] cT.EAN BRMIRART, BIMSBURT, CONN -Horan ill Behool. Young Lilies. HeauMful and healthful lois, 'i leice hours from Raw Vork. Half hour Hom Hartford. Address Rev. J. B. McLEAN. MISS E. ELIZMlI/lII DANA II- , linsry for Young Ladles at Morris? town, New-Jersey, Beptember 19. Thorough last-UcUo-i in English, l'reiich and Gannan; Music sad Art. orlunda ample for recreation. i lin,in- of Morristown unsur? passed. Terms: Boarding Pupils, $500. Circulars on ai plication._ Mit G. WILLIAMS* SELECT FAMILY SCHOOL KOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS. Amherst Mms. From Scot. 12, 'i>8, to June 17. '89. Bond lol Circular. So.'u. College Advanugue and 1'reparailou for College. M18S BULK LEV'S BOARDING ARD DAT SCHOOL for girl*. Tarrytown-.eii-ihe-lludson. will rce.pen Wodnc* ia.*- Beptembei id. A'lj:.-- ty lattei mi til September 1. Ill ORA VI AN SEMINARY FOR ITO UNG LADIES. l's Bethlehem, Pa. A century's esi*r'encc, combined vith Lest modern methods, adord* facilities equalled by few nnd excelled by none _^^^ () fy u,i Uvauti SS1NING INSTITUTE, Sin. on the Hudson. New-York, Girls and Young Women. 21st year begins Kept 19. utllul lur situation. Best advsiiiages In Art and Music. Christian culture Thorough sud advanced literary work. Academic courw l!:s for collete. Col? legiate course prepares Ior de-ice of A. B. at Columbia College. S. M. VAN VL1.CK, A. M., E. B. SHERRARD. R08IERE BEMINARY, Stan,ford. Conn.-Home dard? ina school : : mlaaoa iud children, thorough Instruc? tion; mother's rare: ie<eiM*u*? Sepiember 25. Address Miss A. THURSTON, Principal. I W 1 .', J__V 1 ? I 1 , I . , ,. 0 1,n01,.<eie*,1, ll . ,e . ? l*J. wi,. i^ est (burch Behool In ihe country for girls, sill burin Ita Bfty-second school vear on Wedneadn. s,.p*. 26. fot ???-. stat : _? ',-iiris. et,*., apply to Mlaa JULIA G. MCALLISTER, ihe principal, Purlin.ton. N. J., or to ihe Bishop ol New-Jersey, the president _ rp ALLMAN Seminary. Patereoo, N. J?Full course, with 1 thorough Instruct! ns in ever* department Musicsi al lan'aK**-- Soi circulars addreaa Mlaa M. M. Host Prim 7* 1.MULE G KO VE LADIES' SEMINARY! Serat.. g_ Sj-iings, N. Y. Thiiiy fe.mth nar begins Sept. ld. Address_CHAS v. DOWD. Ph.D., rna THC HANNAH MORE ACADEMY, fee. Yoong Ladies atid Girls, found-.1 in 1882. REV. ARTHUR J. RICH, A. M., tl. D , 1'.. Is|? ? -' .ni, Md. T*RR Missus ARABLE'S BOARDING ARD DAY 1 School for V, i.i.c .'..'files will reopen September 20, kl ? Bayard-st, Ne*.*- Brunswick. N. J-_ 'RINITY HALI "- n rp N. .1. I STA BLUSHED lat)-. A thorough h ,in, school for twenty young ladlea Varied ad van I iges of the highest < rd ir i .ireful tra*nln,: In mat. i ?r, mind an 1 heart Solid i nirure m English, Music, Art and languages. A prescribed course f.o students pn paring fo: any collen. Twenty-Bret year begins Septem? ber 27. Jeer circular ad ii en-"the principal, RACHELLE GIBBONS HUNT. WALNUT LAST -1( l|OOL-Fr*P.M UP. LY MADAM"!. o ? lemenfs ll,.arding an_ Day School Ir young lsdies; 82d year e.ji-r.i. Beptembei 26; Academical and Collegs Preparatory Couraea; Pupils enter WellBBtef on our examination. For clrculara address Mlaa ADA M. SMITH, l Prln trills, Mra T. li RICHARDS.] German! wo. Phil*. WKSI WALNUT STREET BOARDING BCHOOL foi li v ang :*: tses ani Little Girls. Ke-oneni Beni 19 Ch vail. Miss J. TRAUTMANN. Prln.-lpal. Catalogue on application. 4.SOI WllBlVll, Philsd's, I's. For noys mid Young .Hen?Country. VHOME AND SCHOOL foi BO Boys ui,:,r 13 vears old 28th var- 8240. INSTITUTE, Hampstead, \i.i \ AN DER INSTITUTE.-Mllltary Boarding School. White Plaina, N v. 0. lt WILLISL A. M.. Ph Vv, Principal._ OJ ACKWARfi AND INVALID HOYS If .a.-. fully eared for .ind Instructed bv an experlene-ed nlivsiclsn and t.*?cher. B-s* of references. v * DR williamson, \,-w London. Conn. DRTTB ACADEMY, Staml i l, Ctj BOte Year. A select scho'-l for boya PREPARES FOR COLLEGE AND BUSINESS. Individual training. I*hysl**al drill. Bnoadfl lar.e- and very attractive. _WM. J. BETTS, M. A. (Yale), Principal. ^TdUNTOWN (N! J.j MILITARY INSTITUTET tel Ihe Bluffs of the D.-laware, between KBW-Tork and 1-nilHdelphta. solid foundations in English-American academia studies. Careful preparation for colbee snd higher 6c!eiillb'.- schools. Musi:. Upton's U. S. A. T-Ctlcs. REV T. ii. LANDON. A. U- PrtnclpaL_ HRTANT SCHCOL ROSLYN, Ia L, N* Y. An lnet-ipomted si hool cf ihe highiet class for boys. Enc lin, c aHSi,.... .., ? ..-i-lnl, n,.,:-.?rv. (.Lo BP.LCE CORTKLYOU, I'rlnclpai. CATHEDRAL BCHOOL Of SAINT PAUL Garden City, L. 1? Hoarding school for boys; aeeoinmoiiailons uu.surpatesed ; thorough preparation for Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Trinity, tn ; Ifl teachers employed; Military system ui :? ? a United Mst-** Army Officer. Address CHARLE_s STURTEVANT MOORE, A. H. iHarvard), Head Maaior. B ?AVUGA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY. -y AURORA. _ Y. _Colonel C. J. WRIGHT, B. S-, A. M. Twenty-second year begins Beptember 20. Address CORNWALL HEIGHTS BCHOOL. Twenty-second vsar teepine. Sept* Rey. CARLOS ll- STONE, Coiuwall-ou-Hud-on. N. Y I) R. HOLBROOK'S MILITARY F-riIOOL, s i| Sing, N. Y. Reopens Thursday evening, Sept. I !? I 13'h. Addrens Ber, l) a HOLBROOK, Ph- D 1,1 LM WOOD school FOR BOYS.-At Milford, Conn. j Parents who aro unfoiiunate in ihe inaiiaK*ment of their sent will do well to prollt br tho advantages offered by this --ho.l. Addresi FRANK M. HOWE. Sup*' l/RUU.HOI.D INSTITUTE. F.ochold, N. ,1,-Foriy x fourth year; foi bi.vs and Ttiung nifii. Addiess Rev. a. g. Chambers, a. M., principal._ CtLENWOOD INBTITUTK, MBtawon, Monmouth Co., IN. J.-Fins location; thorough minina : military drill; library: gymnasium. ni'O. J. elvin Rlee. A. M.. l'nn. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. WareBBIlt Mn*.-., ;j.(i year, begun Bepi IA 1S.S. Classical, fccienii'ie-. Business, Primary Depsrtmanta jcs).i'll ALDEN shaw. a. M., Head Master. IRVING INSTITUTE Tsrrytown.on-Huds..n, offers un? usual advaiitwea te, parent- nakina th" '-'-st Instruction for thail ! ys. Addre-a A. ARMAGNAC. Ph. D._ I~AREWooD. N. J ?Courtlsndt Place Behool for Boys. i Attractive and ceiiifortilde building, erected for th- p ir. j. se. Boys have sepsrsi i n r*,l physical, intel liciual ani luina; training. 'Uios. ii Buplee. Prine. _>! r. PLEASANT MILITARY ACADEMY. SELECT BOARDING-SI HOOL !*OR HOYS AND YOUNO MEN, AT SING BING ON HUDSON. REOPENS SEPTEMBER 18. l.t>_. For parilculara and circu ars ad I J. HOWE ALLEN. Principal. MITCHELL'S BOYS' SCHOOL, BUleries, Mass., 13 miles from Boston and 0 miles from Lowell, on tho J. -ni Lowell m. It A smelly seleat |.j.-,!ly s.c'ice.l 1,1 I: ju from 7 lo lb inclusive; fail term commences Oclobt-i 1. Send tut circular W M. C. Ml'lcllELU M., Principal. _ VEW-ENGI.AND QONSERVATORT. ll MUSIC, PINE ALTS. nl-.ATORY, Llierstiuo, English Branches, French, German, It-Han, eic. LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED in tlc* WORLH 1"0 Instructors, 8,262 s* rear: Hu aiid and ROOM with Bleats iUat and Eleni* i.icht. FALL Tl.CM beg. ut Sept. 13, lfcso. li.u-trau 1 Cae,,dar free. Address lURJEE. Iilreetor, 1 .u:.,.llll .Se.iilale*. lloh'.e.n. Mass. NT;kv/ai.k. conn. noRWalb MII-ITARV instT i i TE ?Thorough teaching; careful training , moderate .Lau" auperlei ; gyiniis .;um, t,?iv,liig abeys; boattiouse, F. S. ROBERTS. Prlaelpa-. ^ i .: nrs iN. J.) in 11 11 11: - liit-ii [7SO feat), I,, e. ll, l. le,,,* . teal -'Iioo! !.,r le*.IS. Pilli,MV tel Bl ii-ie !?'! poule*, ?*'*., for liding N ,iiii. hon * a; baal Behool for boj a. I ry. Si >ii'* t'i ponte*. A Hon. Illuatrated catalogue. J. WU eon, A. M.. Prln. v/AKETll HALIa.?Mon nan Bnidtea Behool S.r iii- a;, Ronreth, Horttomitoa Co.. Ps. Roooaoa Kepi 12th. _ 1> ENNSYLVANIA .Ml LITA KV ACADEMY. 27T1I YEAR OPENS BE1?TEMBER 19. A MILITARY l 0 LL EG E. ?.?_?-, DEGREES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, CHEMISTRY. AKi II1TECTURE AND ARTS A thoroughly orgaiiired 1'ret.arstoiy Hi-nsrtment Circulars of Mr. GE" H STERLING, 62 Dey-st., City. im. i Has v.. HiATT, PrateBnt._ PAKK" AVENI E INSTITUTE, BRIDGEPORT, Conn. ?Ex oallen I I for bera .y-l .nutates nret class. 1'orenls a, ways ptna I B lin H- nt 10, 18-S. For eli culara address S. B JONI S. A. M.. PriOOinl I" )i*.;.iuf. in--.Turi"i '?? UWUtSToWS*; S i 18 lo I a. e.nv. prepares foi l ege. Teaehlng. Iiusiue?s. Thorough in German, Pitmeh. .'i'.-ile-. ah i>j?-ies Sept. 18. K.i JoHN GREENE Ph. D, Prln|lBa 1>*ii GHKE1 PhlE ..'. v.; Military Institute. Ali -'ig'*-*** ( olieue. BOSlnSaa. Went Point. Naroe title publication. I.iusiraied -suie-gue. C. B WARRING, Ph.D., Vrl'i RECTORY SCHOOL,' Hamden. Conn.-For Boya 130* t.i60, home Influencae; thorough school system, ex? tensive grounds, gymnasium, boat house. *? address Hav. H. L. bVElO-Si. M. A., Kaetor. Jnotruction Boya and Yourie: Men?Country. RENSSELAER POLVTEi JtNIC INSTITUTE!, Troj N. V. Tho oldest School of Engineering In the Unite Slates. Next term begins Best 12. Tho Register f,, 18SM contains Hat of graduates ft)r 62 yesr?, with thei positions; also course cf study, requirements foi admli sion, expenses, etc. Candidates living si a distance m.i be examined st their homes. Address _DAVID M. GREENE. Director. REV. JOHN""!!." ciiNvi iel ,i for ld Boya a OOLD SPRING ON THE-HUDSON. Send for elrcn lars.___________________________ RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 6?d Year. Prepsrea thoroughly for College, tne Goyern ment Academies, sud Business. Military Drill. _ BISBEE A AMEN7 Prtadpola ROBBINS SCHOOL Norfolk. Conn. A Home School,preparing boys snd young men fnr Ysle Lnlyersliy, Harvard, Princeton. Columbia, sll (he best col leges and scientific schools Instruction vigorous snd thor ough. Tho hom! beautiful, In s r<-n:?tkah!v healthful town Bve hours from New-York. Terms, |400. Tho hlghtest ref eronces glvon. Address, ior circular snd psrtleultrs. _ REV. JAMES A. TOW LE. Principal. ST AGNES' SCIH'OL, Albany. N. Y.. under the direction ,,f Rt, Kev. W. C. DOAHE, S. T. D.. LL. D Advent Tenn Uwins September 2d. 1S88. For circular address ST. AGNES SCHOOL. __ <T. JOHN'S Mil.HART SCHOOL, O MAN Li US, N. Y. Rt Rey. F. D. HUNTINGTON. Lt-Ol. W. VERBECK ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL Sing sing, N. T.-Rev. I. BRECKENRIDGE GIBSON, I). Il, Roctor. Tho 20th year will begin Sep.i-n.bnr 18, 1SSS. SIGLAK'S I'R'l IAIIA l,iKV si Tl Oof., Newburg. N - Y. Twenty sixth year will begin Sept 17th, 1888 leer circulars, le., addre., HERBY __ MOLAR, Pr'.nc ^ OUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE, Brl*lgei?n. NawJeraey ?** ittth year begins seni 1: Bon maa Prapatea for anj College, Teaching, or Business. French, German, .Music Art, Military Drill. _ _ H. H. TR ASK, Prlnelpal._ TI*. I N'T TY BCnoOL. Tivoli "t,-H*. Ison. N T. Til* Rev. JAMES STARR I LARK, D H.. Rector. Assisted liv live resident teachers. Boya and youns tneii thoronrhlv titled for tho beal collen! and universities sclentllle schools, or for business. This school off, ri tha advanticea of healthful lo'titlon, home comforts, ffrst clasl tearlisrs, thorough training, asalduona rare of he-a'.-'.i manners and morals, sud Hie exclusion of bad be/Ta, to cnn eclentlous parents looking feir a achoo! where thev ir?ii with conlldeiice place meir s-m*. Special Instruction give! In Physics and Cli-mt. try. The twenly-ilrat year will beglr September 13,_" _f_ THK next school year of THU, GUNNERY begins September 19. J. c. nRTNSMADE, Principal, _Waahlngton, Litchfield Co., unn._ HE FEEKsIcTlL MILITARY ACADEMY. Peeks kill, R. Y. Send for Cataiogua JOHN N. TILDEN, A M.. M. D-. Principal. T ^*I U.ULAN I). pe.ii'Klil. ti. Y.-A hoarding Behool for boys. Pnparsa for eollege tod businesa CARL A. Il A K--IC".M. Ii. A.. m_EDWARD P. ll Ml.-oN, H. ??*??? PrlnclpaK WEST JERSEY ACADEMY. BRIDGRTOR, R. J. '? A Hop,* foi Bey< Beloit thuiough, successful. Established 31 years. Terms, {SOB _,_,_,__ fri vc 11'a I ?- I Caleb allen, b. a. (Eng.). _traxlMself ALS ? * j u- B1QNET. l*i_ D. _ Wi--'.: VAN .?.i M'i.M. "n.* e,f the haf do-en best Academic nnd Classical S'*ho*el? In .V* iv-Mig! and. TM pii-.n.-it of ffs-j In .ulvince viii eOVCI .iiilln.irv tuition, with board, for Fall Tum, beginning Auguat ff. taut for Cstaloguo to Rev, c. M STEELE Principal, Wilbraham, Miss. WT ILLISTON sum ina liv, Easthampton, Maaa?Pro* vi paree boya for _nr college or scientific sch,.ol. Fall term e.jxTs S"teteir.'*e*i ii, I ?-i. Cii'al ig?S and Illustrtited article on application. Address R.v. WILLIAM GALLAGHER, Principal, _(Late Master Boaton Ltitln School.) \\tircesTER ACADEMY. WORCESTER, mass. ll r.-lth year. Building! admirable: grounds extensive; sppsraius ample ; teachers experienced: thoMuith prejifira tleeii for college and scleiitltle* schools. Certificate of I). W. A HE Kl P.'i MTU E. A. M.. Principal, admits to Brown, Dartmouth, Williams. Madlaoa UnlverBlty and wauealey, suel to Amherst in iii** classics. tVORRALL BALL tl PEEK SKILL. N. Y. For Young B-*ys on.y. 6cn? for elreulars. O'rfftlt A YEAR- SIIORTLfDGE M EDI.\"i|pY>' ACAD 'li.HIM EMY. Dova College or Bui-lness. 3d minutes from Brosd-st. Station. Philadelphia. 24 Hains daily. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDHE. AB.. A.M. (Harv'd). Prop. For Both Sexea?Country. ALLEGHENY college.-73d year b-gins 6?pt 18. Three A. B. courses. Preparatory School. Engineer lng, Music. B"th Sexes. E-pens.*- low. Addreaa WILBUR G. WILLIAMS, D I*. Pres't, McidV-te. l'-i-u. Among Tin; hill... thirty two mile, from Naw-York Order programme fi is- (jp, and picture of CHAPPA QUA MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE, Ohappaqoa N. Y. CiLAVRRACB (R. V) COLLEUR and Hudson River 'Inst I tuts-?College tot girl~: ', ys prepared lot or business; conservatory of music and art; thorough In? struct, un lu sll departmental 36th year opens b?-|. 10- bind lor Illustrated catalogue REV. A. II. PLACE, A. M., Piosiden___ CLINTON LIBERAL INSTTTUTE.-10 speel-'lsts; - ...neves; languages, engineering, EngH-h; r-_aarka? ble advantagea u, music, elocution, art; business i st-an, gas, elevator; beautiful location; uviunastutn. C. V. PARSELL, a- M., Praeident, fort Plain. N. Y. I.E. GA HMO INSTITUTE, Rhlneb-ck. N. Y-, prepares I "both sexes for college or lor bu?lni - *. :: Principal, JAMES M. DR CARMO, Po D 1? AST GREENWICH academy foulided 1802. For Ciboth sexes Btes heated Ltghl ll ro'ugli al by elec? tricity. siA.uur, endowment Prepares fe.r ,-.,n,,g?- ,,- busi? ness. Advene* i-.irii.ciit of ?_00 ci.vere entire cost Ol in literary cuiejes. Including home, foi Ihe year, Opena Sept. 4. For catalogue a llress Rey. F. D. BLAKE&LEE. AM, te, E. 1 _ I^ORT EDWARD i "I.LEG I ATE INSTITUTE-8ln year begins Sept, 10. Supeib new bud linns, He-tn beat; 0 pre lu Ung 1 -??* f,,, isdlea sn1 re:iti"meu. In? cluding College Preparatory and Commerieat; Moeia Art, Oratory. IA Teachers; 4 Literary Bocletlee; li) Fieei I.'1-mes each Tern,; Free Tuition te* Norina! Classes. Board, furniabed re*, fuel, light, waahlng, and all st*idles ii.ces-ary lo graduation, except Art and Mn-;*, bIb.'i mi year, Send feet cataiogua J_JOS. E- BING, l? H , For* Edward, N. V. I FRANKLIN, N. Y. i"' a?ari Literary Institute. Year be gins Sept. 4. College pr'pa:at,*rv. English and scientific com sea CHARLES II. VLIJ'.ILL, Ph. D, Principal,_ HAI 1.1 TT.ST'iV. N N .1 , INSTITUTE has wide r.-p utstion as college preparatory for foons rn n. Ladle*' eollege; music, art elocution; baal building of Its cla*s; nea laboratory; accommodates nearly *b*u tuesrders; ladies r* fused fi 'in iae-k of foi past ^ven BOBSOeuttva years; young man it-fused for Ave Ol these years. Fll'-eenth year, September 6. Catalogue ba REV. GEORGE h. whitney, n. D, PiaHdiiat VI* W JERSE. STAT- .-d"DF.i. SCH""!, f?i' yoong ls ladies an-l ganUemen, Trenton. N. .I.-This a?hoel will reopen Monday, Beptember 17. isss; rrepores f-.r bu ?-, ; board, (u::ii-l' i rooms, lu!lion and book-, i'200 per yetar. Send for ratalogue iv W. HASH ROI CR, Trenton, N. J. PENNINGTON * SUM I NA RY')~N~J.-THOS. IIAN~ Lon. D D, -Commended hv Di. MeCOSH, E.Tseie In health, discipline, home eomforte snd seholar ship; e*_-0 covers ail .xpunses and extras but sri sui musio;__ Catalogue very beautiful and coiiiplolc. DO< KLANii < OLLEGB, S* NYAi K i in iHE-TIUDSON, N. Prepsraiory for Males; Collen for Ladlea Rpeclal teas lng for backward pupils. Y>-.-ir np.-ns Sept. 17 Cstalogue of W. H. BANNISTER, A. M.. Princ,j al ("'fill -MA PLEW'* eli INsTIT'l'tF. for both mXOa, OOUl/.Coneo-dvllle, Penn. I're;,:.ra'*ry, buslieaa Eg l!?h Crvlu*'Uiig, petentlflc and College pi iponttory ,?- ure' s. Special caro lo little boys. Highly recommended. J. bHORTLlDGE (Yale). A. M.. Prindpal. Miscellaneous. CIRCULARS schools, both -i-i", elly and country, with cureful BdVln lo pnenu. MIRIAM COVRI ERE, 81 Eaat 17th-st, between itb-ave, uni Broadway. HAMBURG, GERMANY.-In a merchant's famiiy. one or two hoys as boarders: the lady, a former teacher, Mould assist In studies ?nd Bivi 8 moUlOf'a cue. Adelrcss for particulars, F. CKANF.RT, 102 Front-st. Ccachcro. A YOUNG PARISIAN LADY, graduate from Sorbouno (Psri- . teach. - musle ned pure French; wlaoea to lind some pupils al L'lio.x. Mun. Address Xl. Y. ll., P, t), Bog 68. LenOX, Mass VMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AC ENCY supplies Professor!. Teachers, Tutors. Governesses, Ac. to Colleges, Schools aul |>mlliaa Apply to MRS. M. J. YOUNG-FULTON. 23 Union Squara rp RACHft-tS wanted. - -i.a iv foi vocal x anothei foi Preneh me'i German; cali, if Bractlcable, ::j'-sly. I.aige vanity of nth* i vatsnelea; asiaries B900 to ai,bnt). i\ v. AVERT. American School BiireM, - vV-st Hth-st., N. v. WAN.ED.-Ladiee: Nottos 1 graduate, ,'?? *? h-.o! : fin? ishing govcrnes I, 11allan, muale; maireeti b*-.s* seh.,oj. Episcopalian pieferT-d: sintleemen: Normal graduate, oTty Kbool MliUAR c i v ki eke, 31 Ban Kin st., between Ith-ave. and Broadway. WOMAN'S ET*. CH ANGE TEACHERS' BUREAU (foi VI beth sexes) .,||,|,:i?-s profess,rs. 'eichers, poye-nessea n-.uslclsns, housekeepers, companions, Ac, to eelleges, schools aiid families; boejK?e.*pe*rs, stenographers and copyists i bi mks a ii Cl lui..:. BSOSta-ava.. Row-TaiB city. QCnropcaii 'Aoutrnecracnta. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS;3 COCOA. BREAKFAST.?" By a thorough kaowp-dge of ths natural laws which paten tim operations ol 'i.g-?t;oii ani nutrition, and by a careful appllrai on "( thi I (et inii?ab eta coio.u >D. Epp- has provided our br-ak fa-l tobias with a delicately Have,red beverage which may save us oisny heavy locton' bills. lt is in ihe judicious us- of loeb artl-les of diet (hat a eonsittiit.on may be Sradnally built np nntll strong sn'iugh io r??i-t every ten ? nxv tb'disea-ie. Hundredi of siibtie mib.dies aro floating ar,'.nd u- ieady to attack irhenvu lliere is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal tliaft by ke.plng ours-,vs wll fi,nilled with pure bl-?r?d and a properly nuurlahed frunie."?Clyti fjervlra Cate lt-. Mads atmply wm, Imlilng water or milk. Bold only In half pound tins by i.r.e'**i-, labelM thu- "Jamas EPP8 A Co., Haonnwllilii Oliaiiilna Londao, Bagtaad." Dankcro nub Urokrro. KOUNTZE BROTHERS, ii t \ ki: its. Viii Broadway, (Kunilable Building,) New.York. Deposits rereived subjerl to check nt eight. Interest allon e.I nn tinily balaeree. A general Hanking nnd I all.-, tl e.n Hueluees I rn ma ried "pTw-GallaudetT co7 RAl-kKRS, COMMERrTAL PAPER. STOCKS AND BINDI UNITED BANK BUILDING, WALLST.. Cu_-M_il BROADWAT, H. FITCH. Jr.. MEW-TORK. Member N. T. Exchange. VI MM KUM ANN __ FORSHAY, FA BANKI.KS AND BROKERS. I I WALL.-*.'. V .. MEMBERS OF THE NEW YOKE STOCK EXCHANGE. STOCKS AND BONDS BOCOB1 AND 60LD ON COMMISSION. Dea.ers in bulltuv, sepeoia, foreign bank coies, Ac. Licha,.ti- and cable transfers on all parts of tba wotld. Ia suma to suit, luterast on doooalta .financial._ WESTERN IMON TELEGRAPH COMPANY 5 PER CENT. 50-YEAR Collateral Trust Bonds DIE 19.1N. laterrat Pnynble In New-York Jnnunry nnd July We offer for sal" a limited amount of w_t_tkfnmkosBM aecured by a deposit of securities with the MERCANTILE ?rilt'ST COMPANT of New-York. , 'onie! "f bond and deed of irujt can be Inspected at our ofllces where full Information will te furnished. Wc neonanad tean bonds as a durable Investment. MOORE & SCHLEY, ?6 BROAD ST., NEW-YORK. IRVING A. EVANS & CO., 63 STATE. ST.. BOSTON;_ TO THK Missouri, Kansas ami Texas Railway Com? pany 7 par ceil Consolidated NBW.YokK, August 1. 1888, Default having taken place in Hie payment of Interest dun this day upon y* ur bonds, the undersigned hav con? sented to act as a committee fo? the protection of the in? terests of the Bondholders. Those who desire to co-operate with them should send their nsmes, addresses, snd the amount of tho bonds they represent W> tha UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, NO. 73 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. RDWARD KINO, A. C. DUDMAN, WM. LIBBEY. P. geddes. R. FULTON CUTTINO, UM. A READ. BEECH CREEK Company First Mortgage 4 Per Cent Gold Bonds. DIE I9.m INTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY AND JTLY. For bonds sud parllcuisrs spply to FRANK G. HOLLINS & GO., ll WALL-ST.. NEW-YORK._, Missouri, hansas and Texas RailwtJ Co. To the Holders of GENERAL CONSOLIDATE!' MORTGAGE BONDS. New-York. Juiy 2, l.SS. Since our application to tho United SUtes Circuit Court in June ,.a? auatataad, tba Miaaoarl Psciflo Rail? way Company hj* consented te, par taxes, labor claims and oDcrstliiK expenses of th'i Miss, url, Kansas and Texas Railway Company, and we have therefore decided to de? fer for a short lime our motion for naming the Receiver. Meantime' our fBrSBlnatOB are piecressln* sud bond hoi l?rs should untte for combined action, sending nsmes, addresses, amount and rato of bonds to one of tho under? signed. 8 EDWARD D. ADAMS, Winslow, Lanlcr A Co., 17 Na?sau-efc WILLIAM L. UL'LL, Edward Pin et A Co.. 38 Broad-sU WILLIAM WHITEWRIGHT, Uniee:i Trust Company, 71 Broadway. WILLIAM MERTENS, L von Hoffmann *. Co., 60 Wail-st WILLIAM E. STRONG, Work, BtNOg I* Co., 80 Broads*. Third notice._ HOM) fi IO OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE BONDS with indorsement of pledge often shores of stocb In North (nrollnn lluilrond are infilled to execute the Trust e?r' ement not later than Au?f. 15, St Nos. 41 ond 13 Wall -'? BI3IOR SCHAFER. _TRUSTEE. C*. EORftlA STATE 4 1-2 per cent Bonds I I bought .lied I i I- WEELI NO A MAI.COM. 00 Broadway and 2 W-ll-at, JJOTICE 6t ANNUAL MKETI.v.. Tf) BTOCKHOLDEBS OE WELLS, FARGO & COMPANY. You ar.- hereby notified that the next annual meeting of tlie stoekboldera of said company, fe.r lbs election of du* tors f.r th*- ensuing year, and foi the transaction of sueb other business aa may come before the meeting. trill b- held in tba aeeie-BrT"B room, at the general omeo of the company, on 0"* northeast cornel of Banaoma snd II , -, n Cit* ol Baa Fi in o;i "eo -Nt-tto it California, at 10 o'cloeh n. m., on Thursday, the IHb day of August. Tho tra-,-fer bells will be clo- A OD Saturday, tho _Mh dav ,.f J';Iv, li****, and reopened on Friday, the 10th day of Annui*'. Anas. JAMES HERON. Secretary. M6t.cE to solders of ~7 11 MT. VERNON [INDIANA) BONDS. The holders of Bonds Numbers 12, 18. IA, lo and io, nf a.'.dO each. Issued br the i Ity of Mt Vernon, Indian**. Mav 12. 1--H, aid due June I. 1800, sro tenby notified that -aid elty will redeem aald bonds opoo presentation, and thr I Upon [allure of said holders to so present them Inf I*-.) on (lom will ces-.* In Hire.- months sfler ii,-- da*- of Hil- notice, in aceordance w-nh tba tonns of said biinl*. A. o. Uh.AS. Tress. City Mt, Vernon Ind. COL.I) M!\!Vi INTEREST Offered Low. l' ,*e,rr-'.|.loneo solicited ?ltii Mttefaetory psrty who wlil Inreet "ii the ground ilnor In a valuable Like Superior lr.,ti mine. Two principal owners wMh third party ablo to Inveet bis eon il *? linr.- ol BM.000. Mine bas large body of hleh tirade M- seemar "ro in fight ready for shipment. ( sn be developed In a v-nr Into a property worth $.100,0*00 sod i'*iv ia p**r rent div id. nd on that amount No debts. Invite' pore-,na! Inspection. Reference aiked. Address li. J. PERRY. Secretary and TreosuroT, Ironwood. Mich. BANE Ol' NOKTH AMERICA. Nie July 21, 1888. rl'IIE HANK OP NORTH AMERICA has I. maand te Ro. 3,*. Wall-si (Milla Building), pend? ing the completion of their new building on Nassau-st., corner of Celsr. MT If I ET RAILWAY MOVDh, PAYING 0 PER CENT AND OVER A SPECIALTY. ( ROSMAN lt gl'ICK, Members New-York stock Exchange, 72 an! 71 Broadway, N. Y. Diiubcrt-t Notices._ THE REW-TORK NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK, New-York, Juiv 27. l-CHO. A T A MEETING of tho Board of Directors _. Y held this day a dividend of THREE (3* PER CENT mus declared on tho eapltal atock, payable on and after August l. _ _ < . ii. OUT) ALT, Cashier._ /MUCAGOAN*l7"ALT(?\ RAiLROADCOM VJ PANY. CniCAGO, ILL., AuRust 1, 188ft NOTICE.-A Quvterlv Dili Uni Of 1 wo Dolisrs per Bbar has ths dav been declared on the pn-ferr.' 1 and common stock of thl-* company, payaWa on the lal day of September next, to stockholders of record at th" cw,.*, i r business hours on tte 15th Instant Tte dividend on share, registered In New-York will, be paid al tli- e.nice e,f th,- rompany*a agenta Messrs. JOHN PATON k CO., No. bl WU liam-St.. Nen-.York, anel the dividend on -lier. ? 1 In i hleaga will tie l?ld at ti,.* , :!, ,, ,,( me treasurer ,,t tte company. _'*. II. POSTER, Trc-t.Mirrr._ TIIE MARQUETTE, HOUGHTON ANO ONTONA GUN RAILROAD ("., No, 1" WAI.DM'., New-York, Jiiij i -. T*HE HOARD of Directors his thia day do. A .ia'. ! a semi-annual dividend "f THREE iii' PER '? , '.|*"!i thi preferred ???.?" k ut ibis company, payable on Antin-- ie">. lJ-i-i. si the ..nie*., of tba company. Tha * ia "iii be elos I at I o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, Auguat a, sud ruopeiu 1 at. lu o'clock a. m. on Thursday, August 10, L. M. BC HW AN. Secretary. THE bT. PAUL, MINNI Ifni,Is AND MANITOBA HAll-V*. AV l OMPANY, IO ANO .'_ WALL-ST.. New-York, July 2. D*9S. rilHB HOARD cf Directors h.'ivo declared ?ho 1 aanl Quarterly dividend of bm and on--half per cant on ih- Capital stock of this Company, psvnble at this tflicei Augtsat l, l-jc^, te stockholders el re bb rd on thst date. Tho eturX trsnefer books will bo cloded at | p. j_,, July 18, and villi bo laBpeoad lt 10 a. m., August if, 1*00. EDWARD T. NI' llnl.S. Ae.l?flint fv-e-retary. linsiacG-3 <TI)iinccs WANTED.-Man with *3.000 or 04.000 to take an Inteiesi In sn eatabliabed manufacturing business; will guarantee JJ .^:r eent 'eli liivestm--nt to good. Uro man. A Mi-i-sa P. 0. Box 7_U. 11**1-na, Mont. Proposal' 'i A'jt EDI * r COMMlM-tBONERS' OFFICE Roon BOB, Stewart Building, No. 'lao itn.sdwsy, New-York, August 4, lani. X) CONTRACTORS. lilli-, ..r PROPOSALS bf furnishing and manufsctiir ins, Biting, placing, Bc. tea 40-inch iu?o-coel v ai vue and RCS lg al thi lisle House, st 135th st. and loiiviit-ivo., on Bcetlon la. and foul t_ln,:U ?uip-r.?k valves and aear Inc io I*, u.e-,1 ni shaft No. 21. on S-eilon Vi. and one 4-S li, n Mei*;, *',e*U vaivo and nearing to be used al the New Gate ll nw* -ii QaCttOB 1 of the New Aqueduct, as called for In tte sj.proved forms ,,f aontrael ani ?pei-ineat1oti? e,n tito In Hie 11 ttl .?? ot tl.,, A',.lint CommlHslonera, will ho received ai iiiio otine until lYndnaartaj Auguet M, lf8?. at 2 o'clock p m., st which place sud hour they wiii be publicly ouennd by Hie Agu.iluci Comniiseloners, and the swjrd "f Uio roiitracl for Mid work and furnishing said nio'eriil will be mado by said Commissioners as soon tl,, i* if*, r a< po-.-ltile. Hitit,k f,rn,. of .aid apprnvM rontraci and the ?pe,*|fl. ra*i"ii* therefor, ind bids or nrojKisaU and proper en rel "j-.* for their eneloaura, ana form of tninds, and UN tho plans for suld Bren, and nil other Information, can Ni ohtslm-el al the above efln of tba Agu.*<lu< -. Ce,minis alou'-r) on appilntlon lo ti,o Saeiaini Itv order ,,t tim AOueduel i ..inmiMioners. .N C SHEEHAN. JAMES 0. DUANE. See-ntary. 1'renldent t< rs'iu*. TARIFF "F lnHS," a pamphlet of 30 large Baan 1 (riving rat..* of (liny now in fi,ne, In full, together with the entire Free List, and other valuable Tariff Infor? mation, limely for referene-e, and absolutely correct. Price 12 cenu a copy. Published by - Tha Tribune," Now Yura GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKETS. FEATURES OP NEW-YORK DEALINGS. Tbe speculation in cereals yesterday was generali more aetlve snd the dealings reflected a stronger tono ar more confidence. Brices generally rcled higher on r* ports of unsettled westher in Europe sud freo buying h foreign houses. Yesterday being a public holiday In Eui land, no public report* were receiv-d bm MMfe prlvai advices as wero to hand were stronger In their toni Wheat options opened HAS I Iii cents higher and sold u 1-2*3-8 cent, subsequently declined BRR! cent, but raille again f)-8_*kH rent and cio??*d Urm as IWIowB! August M September .fcc, October 95 ft Se. Noveni!" r 'jd l-2e, I) camber t?7 Mc and May ll Ol I 2- Tho ni culaHve tram actions aggregated nesrly 10,000.000 bushels. Spot wh<*i was 1*11-4 cenu higher willi fairly .icllv- iradlng, chlcfl for export. Shippers took H'.O.OOO bushels Corn opUoi opened 1-4 a*l-8 c.nt lilgh-r, and w-r- duli ^nu^nnvw . leoreell any trading until noon when the rn irk"C graduall decline* 3-Sft-l 1-4 cenus, clo.lng steady at about tlie in* est figures of the day. Thc transactions numbered abo' 1,000,000 bll'hels. Following are th.' cb.sing price" Augmt Gt Ua sojatomber 63 7 ac. October -?4'- and Ri vernor -12 7-8C. Cmh emu ruled 12.7.! 4 cent high, with only small brading ouisldc of a few "Sport, order' Exporters took ia.uo') bvaheU. Sje-t oats w.-r- 1 2_. 1 cor higher for both white snd mixed. option* were 1-H OBS higher for August, while September and ortobflr wer" ni Chsnijed. Tue tr-vl!n_ was light throughout, bulIB ?inber UH 2b, I)eeemiM"r ani January *, .tv. Th-* arrivals rcpot-tcd at ROW-York, Philadelphia, lia. timore and Boston were ss follows: Wh--ri.1nt.027 bu si ols; corn, 1)1,3ita bushels; oats. 104,0,li bushels, tots grain, 3.)0.d3'.i bushels; flour, ..._0_ barrels. At chics*' Milwaukee, and SC Louis the arrivals were: Wm*****1 405.841 bushels; corn. 278.887 bush'-ls; oaf*. IM) 81 bushels; total grain. 836...0-. bushels; flour, 2.1,119 barrels TnE TRADE IN CHICAGO. Chicago, Aug. 5 (Special).-It was a holiday In Enplani and hence there wo. so absence? of cables, but adrien from France wc-re decidedly bullish, telling of wet westhe and advancing prices. When the bell tipped, thc pit wa overflowing with a wildly ..-x/ited crowd. Prion rance sll tho way from 84 1-2 to 86 cents for Sept-mb-sr, bu little eold above Bl ".-8. It was apparent that a sneed; stfeam of long wheat wai coining out from some sourceam lt was aetiernlly attributed tn Ream. Uiough he had h-ei a small burel- In an ost?-nfAtlous way early. It ls said oi good autho'iity fhn* Rcum sold 1.7(0,00" bual Ila siring I a ressoii that he was going off on a vacation. Til" >?? tinmi- of th" viatbi.-* supply iheiwed an Increaae of 811,0<x bu-bel-. September wheat waa bid lip fiom 84 to .84 r,-l Ml ' in the laet quarter of an hour. While the nomlns einaa waa ii B-8 eanta, it was s. l-l w'.i-i* baton th" pl WS! cleared snd still lower on the' curl.. lorn ?old a 46 1-2 cent* for Beptember nen. the opening, th" Amine* lx-lng du1* to nervous shorts who bid prices uu on ihvra s"lv>'? There were llb*r.i) offerings from Cudjihy, Iluiih ins-.n Ream. .i*.ii--. Kennett and other large tradon wblcl cau*>d pries te, nearly a cent rte firmness ii wheat Hini-1 eora up ?lightly .md lt closed .it 45 3-4 conte bid for Sopt/.mber. The visible supply Incr.asM 02f).00< bushels. The "um trude waa oui-: beptember flecto aed only 1-4 of a cent. M.iv was a Mil- weaker 'han ni Saturday The visible suppir decreaeei 47,' bnsbela Hogs were higher Bt the yards and thia cave firmness t< the opening quotations. Pork, lard and Short ribs were al up but prices did not bold nnd there wns a drag-rins market most of Uv day. Just before thc close ther* wa* good buvlng of September lard bv .1 promln-nt exporten hou?e, which carried the prk- to ia ul 1-2 bid at. the close, September porte sold between *14 60 and 114 30, clo-dns at the boilorn. There w**re 13.000 hogs at thc yard with prices 5 cents higher_ SPIRITS OK TURPENTINE. Cm "Lesron. Aug 0?Turpentine quiet at 33*?a Kava*(*(ai!. Aug. 0.?Turpentine firm at SS'ae iud. WlLMlKiiTo-**, Aug. l's? Turpentine firm at 33Uc -_ __-?. HAVANA MARKETS. nAVAHA. Aug. fi.-Spantgb gobi, '.38 .*238V Exchange ateady. Sugar oaiet. _ Ii flliotellancoiio. A SELECT PARTY TO MEET HON. JAMES G. BLAINE. The fast seafaring .team tug RUNION will sall on Wednesday, August 8, at 7130 a m., West-st., foot of Morton, to n,-et CITY OF NEW-YORK : licensed to carry 05, but limit party to 28; ticket- at 112 ii. and-st.. or at boat._ CAINE'S REC El TION.-Uniforms on hire or for sale ; our own special design. EAVES'S COSTUME CO.. East 12th -st, _ Wells Fsr-o* Cu's Fast E? prrss Trains vlsi tbe Erle, Aifh / latta, Bnrltnetoa. A?'if?it'n, Cent. t_Mo. Fuel Ile K. II. Aysteius, are running eel,illy between Now York, Chlciv. So.Clnclunnll, t. Louis, Mud Urn ec!., ii, I be Alli lille and -PnelOo l milli (tar OB Me si. ?n. Vera 4 rar, Victoria, H.C., . and Interoi.-dl ate p?t,its,. and ofT>r ii n equaled fit rill tie a ta puppara. C-ijiU Notices. CITT OT N'EW.YoBK ? Fi-tAME -OKPABTMRXT. Br beal* for inn uoLLOcrioa of a.s. bx ra asd ABKEAJtS'IF Taxes AMII -ASSKSsHBBTS a.sp 01 WATSS Kr:-.-, > Omer, or tiik Ooluctob or a.-ixmestb BOO l I.KilK Or AKKKABS. Utivvaju HLiLieiNii, OoOM Ab, August 7, 1888. i V" Oil Ct OF TUE SALE OF LANDS AND AX Tonenients for utipiid Uv-s e,f VnD'J ta lshj.und Croton vmter nota -I lo'ie tn .Bal, under the dlrectleen of Theo? dore ff. Myers, Comptroller of tho City of N-w-York. The unaeraljgned Mreby glin public notice pu.-_.uant f.. tte- provisions of Sect'ion Uk) ot the N<-?-Y>.rk City Consolidation Aet of _8.2, That tho respective o'* no rs of all tho land- and tenements -i'uat'-d In tba Wajds Rea. 1 to ii. Inclusive, lu the Cuy of New-York, on which laxos havo teen laid Mil continued for the years 18G0 to loai, both inclusive, and are now remaining due ead unpaid ; and also the respective owner** of all landa and tenement! lu tho City of New-Vork, situ. Bled In ih" Wards aforesaid, on which tho regular Croton water rents hsve beta laid for the rear- K51I8 to 183L both Inclusive, and are now remaining duo and uipald, are re? quired to pay th.i said tuxes and Croton water rente so re? in lining due and unpaid, with tte Interest thereon at tlie late of sena pe,- gaol ncr annum, from the time when the lyn becam" due t.i the time of pa}ni* nt, together with the charge's of this notice an I advertls-uient. Ul the Col? lector of AsseaantentB and Clerk nf Arrears nt his office in tte Finance.- Department, In the Stewart Building, c?mer of Broadway and I hainbers-st.. In sall etty. And that if default .shall be male in such payment such lands and tenements will be sold at public auction at the Court Houso. in (Ik, city Hall Park. In Ihe Cltv of New York, on Mmiday. Novnmher 12, 1>W8, At 12 o'cbick. noon, f .r tte lowest term al years at which any person uhsll oller to lok- the same In consideration of atv Hieing the** amount of tax or Croton water rent, as th" rax- mm* b--, so duo abd unpaid, and tho interest thereon n afonnld lo the time of shIi*", togethsr wl'h the (borgOB of thle node* and advertisement, and all ether costs and charges a<-'*rieei tl,e*r-,)ii, and that Mich sa,-, will lie continue* 1 from Um" to lime until all the lands and tenements mi advertised for sole shall lie sold. Notice is'hereby further given that a detailed statement of the taxes and tne Croton water rents, th.* owner-hip cf Hie property on which l.txes and Croton wat,*r rents remain unpaid, ls published in a pamphlet, and that eonln Ot th" said pamphlet are deposited In the oflice of tho Collector of As*essmei)U ami Clerk of Arrears, and will be delivered to any peri- .11 applying for tte sans*. A. 8. CADY, Collector of Assessments sn 1 Clerk of Arrears. I Rooms nub -flats (Eo ttl. Min PERCIVAL, '.iili) West 421-st.. near Broadway. Parlor anil bedroom, wllh bath and toilet, st reduced rates until 0*.-!ot*er; Am..rican pian or tablo d'hote. iiociTv) awl) floomo. !)Q DST.. 20 EAST -llenutifu: rooniB; table and appolnt -? - n.-lits thoroughly lir>l-olae-4; trans..-nts a>-e eiir.inodalivl at low prlc-s. _ _ .) -ill ST.. 45 WEST -Cool roousi with or wlihout~b.aril -?' Central locn'ie.n fe.r tganateota. Befereneea. 1 .) I WEST 42D-8T. Plaaaant, eool, rooms for tranalent 1 -w't gentlemen, without board, at NOBonaMB ratos. VA ". WIST 11X11 ST - -Fri v ve fan,lly will let "Ia i^e ? *!?_? t,ack and imil ro,,m; all conveniences; reference. Cog. anil -fotiuft. JOST.-On Saturday, probably between Church-st. and J tlie ferry, commutation tli i. it on C. R R of N. J,, bc tween n. V. and Elita be tb. Issued io the mbaeriber. Said ticket ha.- been stopped, but person Anding ll will please return te, W 11, 1* v lilli Ni.Ti in. 28 Uart 1 luiinnaMi ,m ?iiiiiiaaa,, 1 ?<?,?_, _!_??-.??? BLAIRE B ADO ES, Mfty tbouaand men wanted tc eaovaaa for tte reception. \d,irsss 7 Wam-n-st' Room 8. l-i-.iK I SNYDER, RaaaBuat tVtTwisIl to i.mi-i.-.v a f,_ sliasmen on mdaTj 5 " ""ll '"ir gooda ' - ihe wholenla and ret ,11 trade of all lb" leading cflles and !.,?..-.. We are th larfsai manofactoie-B of our line in tte cou,.-rv Send Uv., cen!*. In stamps for Mi! puru, uhrs M0 uostnla aa. swered. CEMIifs.MAL M'Fl.., Cli.cinnall. Ohio _?cecil SteumerB. pOMPAONlE Gl-^NERALE f_UN8A___4_T Vj TU l* E. I KIN. j| I.1NET!) IIAV'RE. Companys Pier (newjNo 42 Ne.rth P.iver foot of Morton .? LA Mm.MANIHE.d- KsraabriC, Mail, nar, Aug T-_8__J__ la p.*. um,01, nu. rra.,_.-.. ,1 , Bmrdar Au. _?? a _ I.A CIIami-ai.m:, Boret . . teturday au__ -I.' _. D' m' _ LOUI- DE l.niU.S\ Agent. No. 8 h^lfog^'reeiu "'? I-lAMliCHG-AMKUICAN S. S. Line for f__Z h * mouth (I.oniuni, Chert,oura (Parla) ani II ?!____? First Cabin, abo snd upward. KfTrSSraal ? Batta, 1 a in August y. Wi,;,,,,,, ,-, .'ao m AmfS ll-n.1*. lill 12 .tn p 1. AU? ld ll,,l?-?,ia 1, , ? 4 . "Ti BUNHAROT A CO.. O. B RTCRARD 4M ft?a Gen. Agenta. Ol Bread sb . I'll A?eiita Ol U'ltfTify. I NMAN LINE U. 8. and Royal Mall Kt?irae>_? MTT OF?R!?HMM'V??OW*V5 "VERPOOI-* m o\ S'ewT/ikk : ?.: %ZZyy, J_JK2 if f t 5 _IToio Inman fler. foot of OntiU at JeraLv C...p' m INfi3B6,N ^iSjtoo.84 E"* SE^N^CAR PETER W^gfa^g^y^ J APAN-CIIINA " CCCIULNTAL AND ORIENTArs ARABl^ ' lMV* 6*tt *""C??co S. follaws, ocEANio ?.?.'.?.?.?.? aSa^'^SM fl* ii a t-i ic.."?turiur. September a deii.ic ::::?? *u*,'.vu,v-,s*'^""*'*' ?** Superbly Appclnted-Sn'per'tor AnaB_oWi_?_W ,8' ReaervaUoos ean be mads by leti-ir .,_? ._/! ..9 7 cabin .|.n. sec,, J| 2h; SJ li-.? B oldwa^ ftiV',V_.W,'_ Room fl. RslUosd Building. Oau rrancb^-.' N*wTo'*1* ? ?? -a- o??nu...-LE,*'*Nl) STANMRD, J'rasldeut ?. H. OOODMAN. Usaorsl Pssaaagar AganiT (Detail QltamcT*. A NCHOR LINE. U. S. Maif Steam,!!!? i\. NEW-YORK ANO LIVERPOOL ?**" b. H. CITY OF ROME sall* W.-.i.,, ?j?y, A?- ? . and avery fourth Wednesday thereafter.' ?**? Cabin. BIW, id" and **.-lO Second cia*? a_0 GLASGOW. VIA LONDONDERRY. Ethiopia. Au-, ll. ? ?? m. Devonia. Aug. 25. a __. _. Am.horla, August ll. 3 I), m. I .-? ,,]???_. Rates of psssage to GLASGOW, DERRY. LIVE-iwyft, or rELUAST. (abbi, kit, an! ?_$. ""JOB Second class *30. Steerage. (20 Travellara' Circular .-.cere of Credit ani brjfta tor am. amount issued at lowest current rates. ?***?*? For book of Tours or further Information sonly _>__. __HENDER->ON BROTHERS. 7 Bowling Oreen. N. j (M'NAI.D LINK "^^ NEW-YORK TO LIVERPOO-. na CCEENBTOWN hnm. Pier 40, North Uiver. ? ?m FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Servla, August, il, pm rn Berala, !-? j.t. l, i ? L'mhrla, Auk- 18, 2..10 p. m. bervla, Sept. J, 7 ' * Aurania, Aug. th, a a. Bt Scythia, .se,,-.. \_ 9 __ au Gallie, August 21). 10 a. m. I'liilnlj, yu, Ll I ?Cz'* Cabin paasape, ico, o?0 and B1C0. Intermediate aa? Ptcerago tiikets to and from sll parts of Eur,,ps .'i ___ low raenn. For fralghl si.d pessag. apply to thu eo,r_n,._V oitlco 4 Bowling Gre.-n, New York ~****n VERNON H. BROWN t CO., General Agsaia, fWCULAR LETTERS of Credit for traveir_S" ^ abroad, available In all parts of the world, issues ____? HE1DELBACH. ICKEI.H LIM ER I CO .** foreign Bankers. 20 WCllaaV-aa, EEDSTAIi LINE. * FOR ANTWERP AND FARM. Balling from New-Yora and Antwerp weekly. WESTERN LAND . W-.d:_s tay, August _ iv * . N"* KOLAN I) . . Wodnesdajr, August i's .,, fi *_? Cabin rates: First Carin, gOO, 41b and tic," OHO to *1 (Wi. S? ,t?l 1 .-.bin. *40. Excursion, |7.'e-_l___* Steerage lt very low ra'.*a. '**v PETER WRIGHT A SONS. Oeb'l Ag's, 0 Bewl_n? tittm. GUION LINE. UNITED STATES MAH, STEAMERS. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIvERPOOL. le ... ; Pier 38. N- -"- . foot of K,ng-st ALASKA .... Tu-sday. Au*, tat 7. 4 30 tx m. WYOMING . . . Tuesday, August lt. 9 80 a rn" ARIZONA .... Tu-sda.V. Au_iisf. 21. * ?v> n. T WISCONSIN .... Tu--dj 1 Augu--, 28. 9 _ _ NEVADA - . ? Tucsdv 8 ??? .. _ !*,,_, - Cabin pssaage. 050. too. pst, and B100. Secoad tibia. 030 and iib Steeiage, |20. ^ A. M. UNDERBILL k CO. 83 Brc.adwsy. N._T. M' AINE STEAMSHIP COMPANT. Tlie only direct Una vu PORTLAND, M'-, and COTTAttE CITT, Mass. Steamer Winthrop every \\,e,<uy. b-came? Eleanor, eveiy Salut lay al -*. p. m. '? onnecttng at 1 oruanl with ali steamship and rai; mad lines tor ii-* Barber, uC_ Orchard, .-sj,rina. White Mountains, i a-'f.'.rt, gj, John and all points tn Maine. N'ew-Brunswi. k i.r.d Canad*. Ear.* to Portland, -?*".; Excursion, ii. 1 I :-a~- c.ty, 0*4 i Eaeareloo, al; Hit Harbor, ti, Excursion, sis, m. Muline b"rth In Mab* room. E'.r a.i o*-sim apply to HORATIO HALL. Ag-ii'. __ v.- r 38, E. R., fee-,*, of Rarnut NORDDEUTSCUER LLOYD BS. Oj. SliORT ROUTE TO LONDON, NEW-YORK, SOUTHAMPTON. AM) BREMRR, ?oieau.eis -ail from p et fool zd-it., Hoboken. PAST EX PRESS STEAMER*. Latin, Wed.. Au_. 8, 0 a. m. lima. Sat . Aug IS. 3 p. ?, Elder, Sat., Aug. ll. H b. 1 - Baale, W-l, abb .j. h s. bl Aller, Wed., Aug IB, noon. I*'ui la. Bat, A?K. IB, d a. rn. Urn'. Cai,in, 175 ind upward a berth, according to !?. cation. Second Cabin *-?- a berth, bu.-rage _% levoat Mtej. lowest ratee. OELRIUIIS * CO-. Re. 2 Biwl'rg Creen,_ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANTS I LINES FOR CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA, CENTRAL AND BOL'TII AMERICA AND MEXICO. Prom New-York, pier toot of Canal-et, N. __, For tho Isthmus of Paean a. NEWPORT SAILS Friday, August 10. neon. Prom San Francisco, i*t ant Brannan 11 Fur China and Japan. CITY OF PEKING sails Saturday. August ll, 8 an For frelfc'it. passace and general InformstRn apply al company's oflico on Uie pier, f"Ot of Canal st, N. ft. ' - " H. J. BUI-LAY, aupertnt-inleafc WHITE STAR LINE. TT FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAH. ATE A META ?CELTIC. Capt. Irvtiig. W.dr.-tday. Au;u?t 8. 3 :3fl a. a. UERMaNIU. Capt (Tieadell. W-d-. August IV 11.30 a. m. ?ADRIATIC. Capt. Cameron, Wed., Aug 22. 1:81 s. m. 'REPUBLIC, < apt Davison, Sat . A JU 2*.. 8 a. ? From White 6tar docg. foot of West lO'hst RATES-Saioon ?50. Odo, $80 and |1C0- Return -clp>t? on fsvorable terms. Steerage frem "r lo the md Country, 020. "A limited number of sccond-cabln pasv; .gers es> ried en these steamers, rate |88i excursion. !''.*5. Far la. apection of plans or other Informstlon apply at the Csa. psny's oflice. No. 41 Broadway New-York. J. BRI.CE ISMAY. Agent Steamboats A -TROY BOATS, lighted throughout by ? electric light*), connect Win special express t.-a.aa f?: BARATOGA. LAKE GEORGE, Paul SMITH'S, LAK.l PLACID, all Adir.mla.K sui oilier poin*? on DELAWaP.B AND HUDSON or FITCHBURG Railways. Ste^itT SARATOGA or CITY OE TROY icave Pier 44. N. R. foot Christopher-?t, dally except Sstuniay. 0 D- rn- bunlsy stesmer touches at Albany. \ lbany Boats, "peoples line: JA Steamers DREW and DEAN RICHMOND ls?r. Pier 41. North River, fct of Cana! st., at ii I* M UllT (Sundays excepted). LBan Brejoklvn Am,ex st ft P. M. Making direct connections at Alt_ny for all p*>-nts Baal snd West; siso willi 7100 A. tl. Sm-Mal Express for Ssratoga, Lsko George, I.ak- Placid. Sarauae lettie, Paul Smiths ani a.I polnta mah, airiving Mir.- (Ly. Tickets sui bat-gag- ch. I'd lo dest:__it.uu. _r?:?t*. re? ceived until the hour of dejarture._ CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. Thc Old Routs. \J QUICKE-.T, IHEAPEbT AND BEST. CATSKILL EVENING LINE, slesrr.".- KAATER-> KILL and CA'ISKII.L .ave avery week day at 0. p. ra. from foot of lay-st.. N. R-. , ' nm-ctlng with 1 atskUl Moun? tain and Cairo R. lt. For list of hou-cs, rat.-s, Ac. send to pier or address W. J. HUGUES. Cat-siiL N. Y. tfALL RIVKK LINE J. POR BOSTON, NEWPORT, FALL RIVER. PROV _DENCi_ ai, iai; Eastern twin ta, Do UH LE BERN 1' E RESUMED FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. Four staamsre In . ouimi-s.op?PILGRIM. BRISTOL, PROVIDENCE, and OLD COLONY. S; iendid oiche-vtra sttached lo each veasel. L-ave New-York from Pier 28, N. R. (yid. No.), foel Of Murray*st.. as follows: 6i30 p. m.?tor Full River direct, connecting for Bos? ton, FU.hburg, New-Bedford. Martha's Vineyard, Nan? tucket sud local points un Old Colony Railroad. 0.1*5 p- m.?For Nowport and Fall River, duo Newport about 546; Fall River, 7 a. m., connecting with express trains and through cars for Bostou, Capo Cod, Lowell, the White Mountains, <tc. SUNDAYS, lei ve New-York n 6:80 p. m. for s_l points. Returning Leave Bosiou 7 p- tn Connection by Annex boat daily from Brooklyn, 6> m.; Jeraev City, 4 p. m. ricki ta add *-. mo rooms mav be oN t*lnej In Ni w-York at 207, 201, 711, 944, 057 ind 1.323 Broadway; 204 West 12ith-st and 134 East 125th-au; 1-3 Bowery, Astor House and Wli.dsor Hotel, Lina, pier 28, N. R, and on Steanx rs. GEO. L. CONNOR, G. P. A. BORDEN A LOVELL. Agts. HUDSON ANT) COXSACKJE. ELEGANT STEAMER KAATERSKILL leaves from foot Jay-s:-. N. lt. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY sh I SATURDAY st 0 p. m.. connecting with Boston Sal Albany Ra ll road. WHEELER POWELL, Ma tu*; er. MARI POWELL FOR CRANSTON'S, WEST 1"! Point, Cornwall, Nawbmia New-Hamburg, Milton, Poughke-psie Hv.le l'a:k :.* nlout and Kings: tt. Every wees lay at Vesfrv-sr. a 15. ai. 1 We-t ?iid< * M p. a. Bxeepung fcaturdjya sho leaves one hour esrller HUDSON RIVER RY DAYLIGHT. DAY LINE STEAMER!. NEW-YORK AND AT3ANY. HAILY (exe ept Sundays). Leave Brooklya, Fultoii-st. ^tv Annex) .... 8 00 s. m. Nsw-Y-irk, Vee*ry et. Tier.8:40 * - New York, Wet --jl-s_ Pier.8:00 "' for ALBANY, landing a: West Point, Newburg, Pough. beepMe. Rhlnebeck, ClrsltBl and Hudson. Rt'iuriiina, leave Al jany., . B 30 s. m. A Cns i;AND attached to each boab. jUonnoctlons : WEST POINT, NEWBURG and POTGHKEErSI-l, with down dar boat RHINE!!..' K. hy ferry with Ulster and Del. R. R. f*-r resoru of the Catskills. CATSKILL, with special trains on the Catsk.ll Mt R. R. HUDSON, with Bo-,t?u and Albany lt lt L-r Chat ham, Plttnile.d, Ac. ALBAN V. wiih N. Y. Central and H. R R R- M Ctlca, NIAGARA FALLS. BuITalo, an 1 th- We?t; wits Boston and Aibanv R. R. ___ y- . ; for Bosb-p, with D. and H. Co.'s lt ll. for Montreal sri the * aud ?rith SPECIAL TRAINS TO AM) FROM SARATOGA The New-York Transfer Co. -.viii call tor and che.g bapgage from hotel! and residences._ NORWICH LINE for Hoston.*. Portland, Whito Mountains Direct rou:,) be Ne*W London, Norwich. \\ alcli HUI and Bl k Iela_-L Kte-.mers leave Fl.*r 40 [old rem ? r . N --'.h Hlvr. tool eef Wa-.ts-st.. (next pier .i*'*v? Des - st. Ferrj (, da - exeepted, a'. 5 AO p* n^ This line has unequalled facilities for handling snd BstrilV Utlng freight tiiroii.-heiut New-l-'iiirland On" steamer each way dally, ex.-p': Sui,dav?. exclusively for freUht an 1 State R I , ???'?! a-.t. far Br.ealway, io .md 12 Greenwich-st, 15! Bowery In Brooklyn. 4 Court-st., 8:i3 Wi-' I ' 331 Fulton at At Pier 40 North River, and on Westcott'.. ExDreas c. wu; , teh ' vrzica from h,, and residences. _ G. W. BRADY. Agent pROVIDF.NQELINE ft IB BOSTON. PROVIDENCE, A'or.i'ESTER, All Northern and Beaten pi lal! nd WHITE Mol NTAINS. Bteaoten IUIODR I^lam, u,.i v; a*-s \CHI'8ITTS leave Mar 89, N R., fool Warran st, . <_,n: nectlng with through e*v. ? r?r n??v>.i. le-ivmi ir at 0 a. m., arriving at li*.*: ns V Bt. BBS for Wbltn Mountain points i- .1 lo 1 ugh ponai e-nrs. Ree yea's renowned orchestra on ( Haggai!" chi ? ind by Weat *..-r. v...r r. ? ldence to deatlnatlon. Tickets md ?' ? 807, 857.201 :ti: :i*c,t_;i i'.'-7 Hr* . 1 -? co* lou an 1 Windsor ll .tala 11 1 al ofllces of W,?aleott s Uv press Con,pany lu New-Yon ?? H bead lal summer e\,-m- rn b..ok with lat,*- and rotltea M O. II. BRIGGS, W. li. Il-vin ock, (len. 1-a- V ? Asst. Cen |- \. . 8.0. 11*.x 3011 PONDOUT, KINGSTON AM) OATBULLMOUKTAIIR _'.an.^n'* ?' Onoatoo'B iw.'st i-e.un-. Banwan, Raalaaa .Varlb' ro, Mliion, I^a|Bk?.-epsl4 .1 Esopua, c?"'iscuug wm, i Utter aud n La wa rv, ..... 1 .,,..*. cai?k.ll M ind Ranersklll railroads, Steam rs CITt ok KINGSTON nnd Jami;.*, w BALDWIN leave avery v. . ti i P in., ulai (-et ol Harrisoii-st, N. li. e\.**i*i -**a ? *hen u:v OP KINGSTON les indlB? only at Newburg ani Poughkeepaie, oonnntlng with snecisl tram for ail Sm..111,1 Resorts through th^i Catskill Mountains leaves Roil u Sunday Bight* al ll o'cloel. co arrival of s|k*<-ui f??t tialn from th.* mountains, srrlviug St Now-York Monday, 0 a. in. _ . auaplBunday. Thr,ugh parloi oar, reclining ohalri be tweea ateanor*a landing ana " Narraaanee 1" without extra charge. Ii*.*-i,* eheeked fioui 1 ' lestlnatlon by Westcott'. Express Company. Tickeia and state-Moma on sale st "o7. 287, BBI, 3?'i SDI, 181, 047 Broad* iv. \-* 11 - 1 imonoiiua and Winda.,r ll. t. ls, ,,n ofllres Westcott'? Expresa Co W. lt HAB< ," R " li Illlllii.S. Asst Gen Ease. Agt Gun. Pass. Agt rpo NEW-H.WEN. 7 5o. A excursion (go,,,* a days), ot sa 6 las mers C. ll NORTHAM ind CONTINENTAL lesya Peck silo. Pier *_*5 I-_ II.. ? i?- in and ll u. lu (SundaTS ll p. nv), celine -'lng ai N'*. Haven with si.eclal irsuia for MF.RIDVN. HART?*ORD. SPRINGFIELD. BOLT ORE Ao. Through tickets sold snd baggage checked al BAA Broadway. Naw Ywtk, aad 4 Cvurvsk. BrvoAL/B.