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MONMOUTH AND SARATOGA. STAKE RACES AT LONG BRANCH. THE CAMDEN AND EATONTOWN TO BF. DECIDED. A lively programme will bo run off at Monmouth Park to day. Including the F.atonlown .takes, lu which Raeeland, Aui-elia, Little Mindi, Bradford, IYUroy, Lady Primrose, Euros and others will meet at a mlle. This will bo a stirring battle. Some turfmen say Ihat Raeeland ls lame and showg signs of giving way. Others Insist that he has not hud work enough. To? day's running should clear up the matter, if the horse ls seriously amiss his trainer. Rowe, will be sure to know it sooner than any outsider, and ought to heep him in the stablo. Raeeland ls very delicate, a very hard horse to make flt and hoop flt. But If I..* Harts tn day, Rowe must consider him flt, and he should win. The first nee should go to Shotover, who was j^.rh Interfered with on Saitirday. Telle Poe ahould run iecond. The Camden Stakes should go to Chemise, Ransom Bee ond. Raeeland ought to win the Eatontown,, Aurelia aecond. Favor ahould win the fourth raee, Aretlno seeond. Orfflamme will nm In this rare lor the Dist time In nearly three months. The Bard's condition yesterday was Utile changed trnsrn Saturday. It ia not yet plain thai his lameness is likely to be lasting. Porter Ashe*e horses are nearly all ailing or lame, and he intends to take Hiern bark to California soon, but Flood Tide may stay here io heep his engage? ments. Following are the Hits of provable sdartei-s: 2:30 P. M.-FIRST RACE-HANDICAP. SEVEN FUR? LONGS. Name. Age. W't. Name. Aire. W't. Telle Doe. 8 115 * King Idle. 8 i 08 Fred R... 5 115 i Valiant . 4 ! 96 Shotover. 4 110 Coldstream . 4 02 JOB Lee. 3 103 O fal eco. 4 S7 Nleci.ii . 4 100 Mary T. 3 am S P. M.-SECOND RACE-CAMDEN STAKES TWO YEAR-OLD-*- six furlong... Owner. Horse. tin Wt. J lt Hiiv.ii. RaiiM*m. Rsymi d'Or.'112 G. II. Merris. Volunteer. Speiidtlnlft. 112 J. D. Morrissey. Miss Cody. Billet. 112 D. D- Wl'hers. Chemise. King Ernes'. IOU C. H. Raymond. Klpton.JL^.q'iols. KW S.S. Brown. Inv-resuld colt.. King Alfonso.... 10? J. B. Hat-gin. Fresno. Falsetto. lim F. J. McDonald.... Hill Hames. R*.eiidihrifl. IOU J T. Stewart A Son Ladv Lay. Faustus. 105 Davie A Hill. Sninir-. Bolus. H>6 Preakness Stable... Gendarme. Ravon d'Or. 1(>5 C. Lltt.letield. My Fellow. Fellow-craft. 105 P. Lorillard. Jr. 1'eregal.. Duke of Masronta left D.I.McCsrthvlBro. Gertie McCarthy D::K- ot Magenta 105 J.A. A A.H.Morris Quien Ssbe. Voltigeur. IOI 1:30 P. M.-THIRD RACE?EATONT0WR STAKES. ALL' AGES. ONE MILE. Owner. Hnr?<\, Sin*. A_c. Wit A. J. Cassatt. linns. l->lus. 5 320 J. ll. H?k-Klii. Aurelia. Algerlne.... 4 113 Chiostro Suhle. Little MInch. Glenell;. a 110 Appleby * Johnson Bradford. Glenga'rry.. 4 108 D.D. Withers. Fit/rev. Kine Ernest! 30* J. D Mnnlaney.... Kaloolah. longfellow. 6 mb A Belmont.-... Raeeland. B.llet. 8 104 A. Il-lnmnt. Ladv Primrose... The Ili-I'sed 4 303 F. Gehhard. Volunteer. Mortem, r... 4 1)0 4 F. M.-FOURTH RACE-HANDICAP. l's MILES. Name. Are. W't Nam". Ase. wt Favor . 0 .115 ' Boar . 5 304 Cambyan . 4 312 Rupert.. 0 3'to Oriflamme . 4 112 Goano . 6 t 02 Aretlno . a an.'. 4 30 P. M.-FIFTH RACE-SELLING. SEVEN PUR LONGS. Name. Ape. Wt Name. Age. Wt Plalsir . 4 108 Drake . 4 102 Tudor . 4 308'Ocean . 8 101 Grenadier . 0 107 ' Lucy ll. 5 300 Penleiinls . 4 305 Loulda . 8 I 07 Bela . 4 30S Charm jr . 4 '81 Unique . 4 302 B P. M.-SIXTH RACE-STEEPLECHASE. BHORT COU Rs U. Name. W't Nama Wt Jim McGowan. 107 Willie Palmer . 181 Westmoreland . 100 Monte Cristo. 135 Will Davis. 157 McK-nrie. 133 Sim Brown. 140 Ballot, . 133 Ilas-aiiio . 142 The Colonel. 130 Retribution . 1B9 A-glers . IBO Mentmore . 13H R-par tee . 130 Elphin . 187 Cbanllcleer . ISO Charlemagne . 137 Rohst.iy . 130 Leroy . 137 Tenfellow . 130 Hayborough . iso Diablo . 130 ?Schoolmaster . 13"> ELKWOOD WILL RACE NO MORE. nOI*KLKS.*I.Y LAMK-THK RRTBIBS FOR TO-DAY A PARAT?C.A. Saratocs, Aug. 0 (Sifclnli.-Tomorrow will be the seventh regular day of the meeting, with the Kenney Stakes as the. attraction, which, hwfvy, has but IBU starters, as all Hie clawi horses but two ihat were en? tered are in hospital. Elkwood is now iu a bad woy, fels near foreleg being enormously rwollen. J)r. Sheppard hss beea .ummoncl io examine lt. Hopes w, re ,,t flrst entertained that the .orso might te got ready In the ?tiaoxvt, at Baltimore, but the middle tendon has given way and Elkwood has run his last lace. The mp-rt that Mr. Gran won a large sum on Elkwoxl ls not true, ss every ono connected with the nalile expected him to bre.ik down, and his ownei did not venture a pBBfiy on kim. But the Dwyors, on tho contrary, ba'ked him so well f.r place that they won more than the vain of the Mk* Mr. Whestly put 1-7 p..linds on Terra Cotta, which was prohibitive, and Montrose will carry ths top weight to-morr,.w. \\ (,,-?--, r he c:.n rive Oarsman 18 pounds ls a question whieh ls csuslng much discussion and mad" the bettine between the partisans of each very heavy. After ihe first po',ls were sold, Royal Arch and Argo w-re 1. ft out. The betting was eVeu batu BBB tlie pair, each bringing $J00. Although Oarsman has won twice with lon weight tbe time has ls*en moderate, and If the track is not too heavy to-niurrow, Montrosa will outrun him. 1 or the lirst rsee. Que. n of Trumps msy win, with Bootmaker or Alahe BBCond is- .nd race-Wary hhouid win and Daruna mav get I place. * " Tin- entries are as ...Hows: FIRST RACE-TWO YEAI-.OLDS. SIX FURLONGS Raa_e. W'ti Name. \y,,' Bootmakor . lin Lakeview . c,s Si.l'ck .no;. Daley Woodruff..'.'.'." Bl Allllho .Ti''-" isis .?. 95 .Miss Flood. I"-.* Mntram . . us Oome-to-Taw . ld-.' Raliy . "" _'_ Uue. ti of Trumps. lnj SECOND RACE?HANDICAP. 1 1-16 MILES. Name. Wt j Name. Wi. Da! . 110 j Wahoo . 10fl Daruna . ins Hypocrite. po Wary . 1071 Ten Hn-eck, Jr. ns SmAfl Murray. Kn. Vo?hurg . 02 THIRD RACE-KEARNEY STAKES. ALL AGES. 1. MILES. Name. W't. I Name. W't. Mm.iifl* . 120 ' Areo . 108 Royal Arch. Ill ,oarsman . 102 FOURTH RACE-SELLING. SIX FURLONGS. Name. Wt. ' Nam*?. W't Rhaiiiioek . U'7 Lueay Jim. 100 Cupid . 1?B Carrie G. lui*) poeatelle .J. TZTi so so. 81 Rels'une . K14 Joyful . 78 Tambourettn . ]iki FIFTH RACE-IURDLE. lb MILES. Name. W't I Name. Wt. Burr oak. 347 ' Hm Murphy. 135 Pany . 140 I Evangeline . 123 Tho jiools sold were as follows: lirst rac**?Queen of Trumps *32, Bootmaker *25, Silleik |21. Alaho *14, Mis. flood BU. Come-to-Tsw all. Daisv Woodi ul! |8, fleld air,. S- mid-Warv +100. Waloo a3S, Damns |30. Judce Murray |35, Dad ?38, Vosburg |81, Hypoerlto ?30, Ten Broeik. Jr.. alli. Thlrd-Montrov- a50. Oarsman 94b, Royal Arch IO, Argo i*2. Fon-lh?PoeaU-llo B16. Joyful B12, Redstone alO, fleld B25. Fifth-Tturr Oak 92b. percy elO. Jim Murphy BO. Evangeline tn. A light misty rain began to fall this afternoon and lt still continues. ARRANGING FOR A YACHT CLUB CRUSE. REW-LONDON, NEWPORT AND THE VINEYARD TO BE VISITED?BOATS OF MANY KINDS. Tlie arraiici-nients fur this year's cruise of the New-Yerk Yacht Club have been completed with the exception of the points to bo touched it ls certain Ihat from New-f/mdon the Hoot will make for New port, but the* i rigramine after that will only ba d eldi-d af the meeting on board tho flagship Ho rt TB tomorrow evonlng. It ls almost certain, however, that the cruise -will be extended no as to Ineludo rh,* Marblehead regatta of fhe Ea. tern Yacht Club. If this I--- done, the cruise will cover a period of about two weelu. Canaaodan F.lbrldge T. Gerry has rrarpolnte. Goiiverii-tir Koriright fleet-eaptaln, a fact which bas lieen learned with gratification fy thc elub members. Of the Commodore's General Orders, No. 2, tho fol? lowing are the salient points: 1. Tho vessels of the squadron will rendrrvnus lt New-London, off Pequot ILiUfe. on Wednesday. Auirust H. 2. Captaine will jepoit atiosrd the flag ship on the Mme evening at 0 o'clock. 3. KDeclsl attention la called to Hie raco for tbe cups nmanl by Coolali! Owlet which will take place at Newlyn, and al^o to the race for the cups ptBBMtn by tbe Martha's Vineyard Club, to lie sailed for oak Binns The dates for these races to bo Axed it the above meeting of ihe captains. 4. The flag eft-leers announce their intention of pre? senting s cnn for esch of the eleven classes, io bo knowt as the '? Squadron Cruise Trophy." snd to be -sailed for under the New-York Yacht Club racing rules and allowances only on tho runs from port to port en divs wlien there are no other races. The yacht In each (Ina Mavin* the best aversge record at the end of the cruise lo his entitled to the trophy, which will be of allver. sod Bindiar In each class. 6. During the cru,l*o tho Owl snd the Gamecock colors, with (be accompanying rhalleii^e cuds, will M raced for by tht clc? and doubie-viill cutters on! dingles belonging io the yachts of thr aqua Iron, snd the bullen will be sui,j'-, t to challenges at any time, on one Bay*! notice. fl. There will also be a race for the ateam ind niphrth.. lsunches belonging to the squadron, the Hmo. conditions and prim tar which will be hereafter announced by the eomniodore. Tha Mayflower, Volunteer, 6nc_.e_a, Alart, Prlacllla and the new Boston schooner Marguerite will Join the fle??t at Newport. Winiam -Emory Gardner and J- Montgomery -Scat-s, ol Boston, will bo honorary pieeit ol tho fleet. Nib ir- YORK STILL WINNING. TIIE GAME WON IN THE EIGHTH INNING. GAMES IN AND AROUND THE CITY - ANOTHER DEFEAT FOR BROOKLYN. The N'ew-Yorh nine defeater! the Indianapolis tram at the Polo QlOBBda yesterday after an iinii.ually ex? citing game. About 4,000 people were pre-ent. and the liveliest Interest was manifested In each. Keefe pitched his seventeenth conweutlve victory. Ward made a remarkable running catch In the last Inning and prevented Hie visiting nine from tying, or pos? sibly from winning the game. The New-York players had been going out in quirk order up to the eighth Inning, and the onlooker* were a-s f-OOny As tho weather. In Hits inning the local players rallied at the bat and scoiing three rons won the gann. Thc wore was as follows: r.ilbire.e. |?. ".ri li o'o oi o* ll l| 1 0, I1 'li Oj 0 ni n ti I o 0 li 0 2! J 1* (l 10 .Vita- rorie | r.ilMpo' au *.' ,Jndlatiapollt. Wnrd_s_.....|~0, J 9 "ll 0*][Seary, ll.... Bie.hsrds*o'_bl 1, 1 ll li 0;|Denny. Ph-.... Tlemnu rf..-I Ol 1' 1 Ol 0 Hine., o f.... Counnr. lb...., li lilli 0, '.'iOlasscock. as O'Rourke. If., 1 1, - O' 0 llas.'-'.l. '-' b. Rlsttery. c f . .* O' 1 0 0. li|K?terbrk. 1 b Whitney. 3 b.l O'. 1! 1 1 0,McQ?ishr. rfi di I1 I 0 0 Twin*, c_' O' 0| O' 31 ?) Hhreve p.* 0, I). _\ 3 Essie, p.i 0 li 0,12 ll Bnchjey.a.. .1 o* l ?! B; l i|j fiyn? SB., j Bj t\ w\k Touis.'"jJiTo'S-igiri'l Toma.I ii|ibI a N-w York. 0000000 8 0-3 Indlanapolla. 10000100 0-2 Banal mns-New-York. 8; Indianapolis. 0. Flrrt base by errora?New-Tork. 8: Indianapolis, l baft en buses-Hew-York, 1: Indianapolis, 0. First ?-n*?- on ball*?Connor 2. Beery 1. Myers 1. Stolen ba se*-Wa rc L Richardson 1. Scerv 2. Strurk out-En Inn 1. Keefe 1. Se.-rv I. Denny 1. Hines 1. Glasscock 1, Bassett 2. Hom. runs-Richardson 1. Thr.e.hase hlls-Seerv 1. le ..;;, r?- Ke. fe. Ewlnc Ward 1. Wild pitches Rhren I Passed balls-Kwlng 2. Umplrc-.Mr. Kelly. Tlme-2.10. The Brooklyn nine was again beaten at Washington I'ailt yesterday Ixtforc a small crowd. The score was ats fellows.: /.oiriai-lf'*."-j r. I'lhTpoTo.!*. i| Drooklvn. I r.|lfc]p*.| o.i ?. Mack, 2 b....i~i| l|~lif"i'|'b I'lnkney, Sb. (>! 0 ol O 1 ..I ll I1 a' Ol 0 O-ilrleu. lt-...' 0 0 _ o| il Wolf, ss.I P 1 2 4 0 (sruihers. D..I 0 0, 2' O' 0 r.rownir.e, c t 0, 2. 2, 0 0 Fonts. 1 h.... 1 Ol Oil 2 0 Kurlns.rf ... I Olio 2| ll1 0 2 ii _ Andrews, 1 b O' o 15 li. 0. clark, rf.1 Bl J B 0 0 Werrlck, 3 b? I 0, ll 1 4 0 Radford, e f.. I Bl 0 I 0 0 " 11KHB c . 11 o 11 0 0 Ilnrdnrk. 2 h.' 0! 2' S| I 0 Totals. ll s;-_*7Tili" 2,1 Totals.l'l)* 4'-T'lii 3 Louisville. 00000002 0-2 Ilrooklvn. 00000000 0-0 Runs carn*-d-Louisvl!le. 0: Brooklyn, 0. FlTst base on ertora -Louisville. 2: Brooklyn, 11. IWt on baacs? Louisville. 7; Brooklyn, n. Win*, base on bai;? Caruthers 1. Stolen Leases?Browning 1. Struck out? Andrewa 2, Werrlek I. Vaughn 1. Two-bas.- hltis Colllns 1. Kerln* 1. Double plays-Ilurd-'-k. Sir.lth and Ee.ntr 1. WI11 pltches-Ewliig 1. Umylre-Mr. Fer? guson. Time-1 :2? ? The Jersey City club defeated the Elmira nine at Jersey City yeeterday after a w?*ll-playcd game as follows: Jortoy City ...00000012 0-3 Elmira ....00000101 0-2 Tho League and Association records to date ar** as follows: League. Won. 1,0s _. p. o. -(Mort .Mon. Woa. Loit.p. e. New.York. bi 2? .054 Kt Louis. 68 J7 .uni Chicago . 48 'Al i?'li AlblstlO. 50 3d .Bil Introit . 47 33 .517 Brooklyn. bl At .ol'.) PlniKleiphle... WS 81 4fc7,C'lnriouatf. 49 Bl .612 PltlsMirc.. H ?? -4.Sa lliltlmorft. 3H (4 .43'-) Basion . 37 4*. .451 Cleveland. BO .".0 .Alb Iinlianapolis.... 31 40 J*. Lonisvtlle. :il f.l .378 Washington_ 3u 61) .375;K?nsaic'itv. ... 21 67 .2*7 WASHINGTON DEFEATS DETROIT. Washington, Aug. 6.?Almost perfort fielding, rnaterl. ally ald'd b.v the loose work of White, enshled Hie Sena? tors to defeat the visitors to-day. The visitors batted lither hail", but the hits as s ru'.o wero well s. 1 trt"d. The fielding of Daily was parti: ilaily fine, snd one of his catches of a long fly when the bases were full saved st le.sst two runs, and *vas greeted with great applause. The score waa: Detroit .. . .10 110 0 0 0 0-! Washington . ..11000201 0?5 Basehits?Detroit, ll ; Washington, 7- Errors-De. ?rolt, 5; Wasblnetnn, I. Pilchers?Conway and O'Day. Umpire?Mr. powers. The games ai Boston, Philadelphia and Cleveland were prevented by iain. At Allentown?Allentown, 1 ; Wilkesbarre, a At Syracuse-Albany, C,; Syracuse, L Ai Rochester?Rochester, T; Troy, 0. THE CLOSE OF A TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The rain yesterday battened to a dov- the ladies levita? tion tournament of the Staten Island Athletic Club. Ths last game wn l^lng played for second place In mixed doubles. Miss a. Larkin and A. R. Larkin, of the ?? Far and Near'1 club, had won the first game In the second round (11-9), against, Miss G. Williams and P. Jehnaaa, of Btatea Is'and, when down cai'..- Hie rain, and lt wae de? cide! to (nd the centost tey a toss, Mia* and Mr. Larkin winning. The lady roc-lvcd a silver racquet breest pin. and the young man a turtle cuspldore. Tho ladles de? clared that the iniiinainont ended " sweetly,"' as every player was presented with a box of fine bonbons before de piiui'ig for homo. .-?? ? ? THE STALLION ATLANTIC DOING TO ITALY. Thc famous blaeh stallion Atlantic with a recoil! of 2:21, has been In Demon A- Shaw's Rink Btablei In Jenny City lillee July 22. walting to lie shipped to Italy. Tho lini-so was owned by " Andy Welsh Hie well Known Western bookmaker, and was Bold ley him to tho Messrs Magnanl for 818,000. They al-r bought ibo bay mare Valkyr fm 80,000 and the twe were Ihlpped un hoi-*- to be sent to Italy for lireeilln;; parpom. While on the eai-s Atlantic caught 1 severe cold and on arriving In Janey city was placed under the can* of Dr. McIntosh who brou ghi him through. He w-in lie ihlpped I" Italy mi Tu-silay, The mar. ls already th"ro. MA YOE HEWITT BEFORE THE GRAND JUE 1 TIT.TIFYING TO ALLEGED LIKED BY "TIIF PRESS"?NO INDICTMENT YET FOUND. Mayoi Hewitt was one of the earliest callers on thc Aupist Grand Jury, whir): began Its session ynterday. He had bern In consultation a few days before with Assistant District Attorney Fitzgerald, who itu* te* quested to a-c<ttnln whether certain statements made In -'The Pros," a dally newspaper ol Hits city, were sufficient to form the basis for a criminal complaint against the _ani_gen of that papi r. Mi*. Fltr.gerali] apparently thought the matter worthy of the attention of the Grand Jury, for they had hardly retired lo theil non and organized before Mi* Hewitt was summoned as a witness. The statements which Mr. Hewitt ron hiders llliellous concern the dealings nf MeBSTB. Cooper Howitt ,fc co. with their employes at their Inui winks at Ringwood, N. J. Various acts of oppression bari been charged in articles published from dav to day, and Mayor Hewitt has been exceedingly Indignant He hus denied the statements vigorously, but no re tracrlnn lias been made. Tho proprietor and min aging editor of the paper aie Raid to be the perm - again&t w'ioiq complaint li. specifically made. Tin* Grand Jury did rot lind an Indictment yesterday, bu it was rumored ihat one might be found within a da_i or tw,,. Judge Marline, In his charg--* tn the crand Jurv spoke of the necessity of protecting officials fmm fal?i iiliuso, -which might bring them Into discredit, to tin harm of Hu* community. He made no allusion n any particular case, but said that the Di-ulrf Atior ney lr,d h:is;ne-.s i-i lay l.e.'!ro tho Grand Jury, willoi lt would be their diHv to consider caieliilly. The Mayor speni ale,ni an lunn in tin- Grand Jun room. Both watrtet-Ateorney Fellows and Assist ari District Attorney i lt 1 gerald were -with the Grand Jun hs adviser-*. Ihe Grand Jury ad]iuii-ned tat the das after a short se's.sion. A SERIOUS STARRING AFFRAT. TWO TOURO MEN WILL PROBABLY DIE FROJl wocnds RECEIVED on a FERRYBOAT. What win probably pron a fatal nabbing affray, 0 which twa bfOtben were Um victims, occurred lan* o Sunday night 0:1 tho ferryboat George Wellington n Grandst., Brooklyn. Among the people who hm Waited for the boat wen < laotian Schneider and hi wife, of No. 89 1 "lane. *-t., who had BpeaB UM <? m lng willi frlcii'l** In Ten EycWst., Brooklyn. Near ihci wei-c Thonn and John Campbell, two youn^ nun, a No. 68 lin -t., who wno ii* 111 rn hi i; from a picnic an was somewhat hilarious. Schn>-|i-*-r took offence a theil actions and glance* at his wife and spoke to the-n At ibis monea! the gate opeii,-.i and as ihe pa* nafen erantfod togeih-r in gening on the hos Pell 110Mtlf Wn brought etan to the brothers and _ stnieli 7 Doiiias Canpbell In tha fae*. Th<** a-s-sllee] ma struck back, and then Schneider drew a stout Ja, I luilfe and pliiiige.l lt Into ( ampti**>U'. abdomeii, Inlli. I lng a dung'iioiis vviund. He lunged at John (-anipbel arba rn-h'-'l to lils brother's aid, In the same lashlei and wounded him Rlmllarly. The spectators selie him t.efiue he coulil do any more harm and he wa placed under arre-t. The wounded mon wej*c speedily taken ti the Easter (Matriel He.siiltal, but lt ls not likely that either ul recover. ?Schneider was taken before police Justit haober yesn-iOaj and wa* committed to Rajrnoa Mraai Jan without ball Ba smd !,? i.s.-,i /,i knife lu self defence, jo iiusoft rim " BABTTBE" A meeting of the vrler-ins of Ihe Ii Uh Itepublp ni Brotbt-ihood was held j-sierdaj- alb-nioon In Ilaleyo Hall, Thlrtyllfih st. and Third ave., lo arrange for fitting celebration of the anniversary of the executlo ol tho ? Maucbeiter martyn.? lt wn *mnouoce { thst Cooper Union hart been hired, and that prominent speakers would deliver addresses. ibero are at pres? ent more (han |00 memliers of the B ro Ih" rh oort, all of whom took part In tho Fenian l.cbclllon In Ireland In lh07. - -a*-r? MAYOR HEWITT'S ASPIRATIONS. PLANS THAT TIE CANNOT CARRY OUT. nE WOULD LIKE TO HELP THE POOR, BUT HE 18 NOT A CANDIDATE. Mayor newitt came back to thc rlty yesterday after having passed Sunday at Ringwood. A Tribune re? porter called his attention to the newspaper stale ments regarding his candidacy for re-election, and ashed him If lt was a fact that he was to be con? sidered In the raco for a second term. '? You want to know," Mr. Hewitt answered, " ll 1 am a earullrtato or not. Well, I am not. I don't want to la Mayor. I don't expect to t>o Mayor. I shall not be Mayor again If 1 can help lt. But lt will tie Hmo enough to decline a nomination when lt has boen tendered to me. So lar no one has ashed me-no. I won't say that, because Individuals have been to see me about lt, but no political organization bn asked mo to bc Hs candidate and lt will be tlrao enough for mo to say what I will do when tho occa? sion arises. I will say this, however; I have felt and 1 do feel that If 1 wei. strong enough I would like to be Mayor for two years non to finish up the business that has been started during my term. There are several things that I would Uko lo see done ihat there ls not Hine for this year. I have nearly Ave months left, but there ll a great deal to do, and 1 am going to finish as many things as I can and start as many more good things as possible In that time. "Take the small parks for Instance. During my term we have started the Mulberry park, Corlears Hook Park and tho extension of Hie East River Park -that's three. 1 want to get live moro of these small parks, and If tho Board of Health ard the Da* parimont of Tarks will assist me I mean to have eight of these parks started and under way this year. We are not Hnilie.l a. to number, you know, although we can expend but 81,000,000 a year, and If the lieiard of Mieet Opening will stay by me?they may not havo the courago-I will Imo at least eight of these much-needed parks for Ihe poor stsrled before my torn exp!nB. I believe In small paras and 1 believe In ta.xlng rich people to pay for them. Thp-e small parks are a necessity. Everywhere you go In tho city, vheicvor thor, ls a little pmhllo 1mm'the bunting of tv waler pipe or any other cause you will nee the children Hoe liing around ll with their paddles ami stlcl.s lt ls a cry of nature. These parks .hould supply a playground for Hu* rhlidien. "Another Hiing. II I were to remain In this office two years more I think 1 could convince the working? men that 1 am their best MsaA 1 Bmw tInt l am. Lui Ihey do iiot--not all of them, home, a few, do. hero and then In tin* city, ami aw willing to mtg nlr.e lt, but the larger number look upon me as sn enemy. 1 am not. I am friend and they will seo it In time. I an. for tho rights of property, but I also believe In the rights of men. Now, if tbe peo? ple could hear mo say aJl this they would probably want mo l-o-electod. And If, without any ail lon on my part whatever, but leaving me freo to go right on with my work here aa though no election was In progress, they should walk up to Hie polls and re? elect mo, what could I do I I am not ono of the kind to shirk a manliest duty. '* Bin I am not consult I nfl politicians or In any way looking for a renomination, or even considering the question of accepting one. I will not gel any. Ne ono wants to glvo mo one. When lt wa.s offered mo before 1 asked my Tammany friends what ihey ex pei i'-'l lo geL They answeiud * nothing,' but 1 hnew (hat they did ar.d 1 told them so, and they would bo greaiiy disappoint.-d In me ami would not get any? thing, ihey said that they were sallslied and may? be tiiey art*. Lui I see that som.- ot the papers charge iliat i promised io appoint i harley Alien a Commis? sioner ol Accounts and have in other ways broken laith with Tammany, lt ls false." ODORS FROM THE GAS WORKS. TIIEY ARE OFFENSIVE BUT NOT DANGEROUS COMPLAINTS TO THE HEALTH BOARD. The offensive odOH from the E'|uliable Gas Light Company'! worka ai F1nt-*are. ami Thirty ninth it have boon tba cause of complaint! io tba Health Bond recently. Conmlntoner Bryan! told aTrlbtuia reportof ynterday that plans for abating the nuisance were under eonaldentlon and that some action probably might bo expected soon. "Co bl Mr. Martin, the chemist of the de part ment," Dr. Bryant said. - He knows all aboul the matter.? "Tl:e bart smells cine from the purifying boxes," said the chemist. '-Iron mixed With sawdust ls placed In tba boxes through which the gas is passed. Tba sawdust is usoei only to keep the -mail pteen ol iron apart, and iin* ini.ituri* is called Iron-sponge. As tiie gm ptain through the sponge the iron ab? sorbs tbe sulphur ron,pounds In ihe gas. Aller the ?Sponge Ins lorn In use for a week or ten days lt has ni s,,ii,el n niiicli sulphur thai lt falls to purify Hie* gas. Then tho boxes must be broken open and refilled with n in-sh supply ot tbe Iron iponga, Tba old sponge is iproad mil on the pound to cool and become oxygenized, alter which it is nady fm u-? again. It ls after tho bun aie broken open and while the Iroii-spongo is OXpoeed to the air lhal the offenilve odon aro thrown off. The odor ls not poisonous. The L.|u|tai*le i,a.s Light I ompany I- tba mny company In this city that uses urni Ipunga io purity ii.e gas. other eompanln un tho lime jun..-ss, Whick ls oven ni',re dis.ign eable, but their aorka fortunately ap- nut near hourn axeepl the." occupied by theil own workmen." bin. BEEEBAE TlUSKS TUE TATEEXTA UlCTlT. Corporation Cmtmel Beckman yntordaj sent a lengthy opinion to Controller Myers in answer to question mked by the latter regarding aUowanen Binda b> the A-tbedud Commtiflonen tu th.h* trai-loi-s for tunnel excavations Hillside of ceriain linn, ii,'- qii.-siions Involved i ie legaUty of t:,n payment! nude by the tiontroltor te the eontneton i.pun tho basis of ihe "typical cross lectioo* adopted December 18, 1887, by the Aquedun Commissioners, god whether such payment! should be continued. After exhaustively defining tba powers and di'les of the Commissioners and their acts done in pursu? ance of law, Mr. Bookman concludes Ihat payments nj on estimates of tlie chief engineer, certified as cor? ie, t by the Aqueduct Commissioners, are lawful. The question of tba adoption of Hm lo-eaOed typical (ron-scrinm is shown t,, bo unimportant in so tat as the a<*r- of the Commlaslouen an within th>* nepi of ibo power eonlerred upon thom by law, and are performed in good faith, ti.cir Jurisdiction and au i ho: ity cannot bo questioned. BOBE WRE8R Alli mn tue davie?. Th? bug" William H. Mell *n leen about soo mothers, babies, and young children for a sad down tho lound yesterday. The excursion was the slxih for the season (Ires uiei'-r the auspien of n,.- Banita-ima for Hebrew Children, and the t,,tai aaponsa was defrayed bv Stern Hr,,tin-rs, th-- Bry gooda seersbaata Tho starlin..- pant m.- ibe pm at tho foot of Eaat Tliat tit* trip** have ben much appreciate 1 ni pr.,vd by th" fact tint there were moie BpplleantB Hun Ih'-rn was room f..r. .lt.! I* * i nt Nathan, of th>* Bebrew Sanitarium, v. Ioi look tba Rekala bb the gangway, tad to reject s,,me burly boys who srete better able lo heat tho cur's heat than on**. tWB and three year old brothers and sisters. There was i geed desi of toleration shown, however, and wherever a mother with a puny, pale-!Beed fatty wan d'-slreein of going, sh- aral band"! a tlck't whether IL-br"*- e,r Christian. Hezekiah Behn, Mm treaavrer, also ;i*tributcd a number of free tick- ts tn Rockaway to some needy mothers. Thc bargo Balled shortly after IO o',lock ani treat as fsr an Blamford, ret'irnins at ii Bedeck. Then was plenty ol good ntebin on l.e.aid and tb-* sall was much c-n.oycd. 7TIL' noi'Y nv BBOTRBB BOBBBT nnovciiT BOB! Tbe body Of lin.thor Hubert, of i!.<* Third (Mtf Ol st. Francis, who wan* hilled Saturday evening at tin Greenlawn Station of tho Long island Railroad, WM brought ynterday to th** College of BL Francis Hallie st., Brooklyn, where he llvod. Hi, name wa' Maiti.v I'm,I, au*, he was a nail..* of Dibllti. Ill ;aineii ii,,, oni.-i fem yean ?-*-? an l has sn*oe ther taught ono of du i-ins-.s m Hm parochial school B rt Miry. Rar (f tl'- feia ('mi I st. .?, siicmn to i|iilem mass will be cel-brated In tho chapel ,,f M i ram-ls College to-day. Tha burial wm po in Hoi* Cmos Ccii.c-u-i y, J-'latb isl,. V.ll'T.LLEI) TRUE A ROWISC CLVn. Tba Mi tnpellma Rowing Club bmi bi tba Menai Merill Hotel list night. l'resid.iit Julius Marr ptOmUUi Thl ipaeial nandun inpalatad t" consider the c.*,.,. .,r Boee* fort, charged irllh selling a Beuhll race ,.f the ,-jnb bi hotting against his cow. mal*, lt- r. port, and in s.e.rd ance th-1- ?<itii ths einp voted io ex[?-i Boepfert TM commit iee stsied lhal lt enid lind no neal al th' chargo of Millaa ihe race, hut lt found him guilty of un gentlemanly naim and persistent neglect cf duty, foi which Hie expulsion waa recommended A WASBUOTOB BRAVTT AT Lose, BEAEOM Mis. c. K Davis, the ???' of th.* Minnesota, h.'nafor who ls naaMand one ot the relgnliig l.-iutles st the N's iloiiai Capital, has |,een In N>-s Ve,ik for several dsys i,, MBBpanMd hy her sister, Mrs. Ague*, pm br Mrs in,ahas ii, of washingion. They aron Hainan m .i? V],;ni hui have all gone to Long Brain h for a few days. Senna Dav la has goos to Sc Paul for a brl--f visit snd Mrs Div ls will only remsln st the Brsnch until his return lltr first winter at Wa-V.ngi.eii seems In nawlao ta havi lessened ibo peaebblow tint of bet fair Wtai??o cheeks. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. ASTOR-Conerossm-in John M. Farquhar, nf Buffalo. ? nd Jenn Jarrott, of Plashing. BREVOORT-Munt Halstead, of Cincinnati. FIFTH A VENT I -Senator BogBM lisle, "f Maine; ex -Senator Warner Miller, of Herkimer, N. Y., and G. Avon Lioyen German Consul lt Baltimore QT-jJTT fWlgt Samuel W. Eordyce and R. 0 Kerens, of ft TjUda, nnd Paymaster Georg" E. Bendee V. S. N. HOPTMAR-Blf Alfred Sherlock Gooch, of England. WE-sTMINSTEK-Margaret Mather. W1NDS0R-S. H. IL Clark, of St. Louis. WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY. Monmouth Pirk races. Monmouth Park. 2:80 p. m. Dry.Goods Mon's Harrison and Morton Club, No. 2J4 Broadwsy, 2 p. in. Coroner's Inquest in Bowery Ure snd bobtall-car icel dent. Emleratlon Investleatlnn ty Congressional Committee, Westminster Hotel, io a. m. Board of Aldermen. City Hall. 1 n. m. Executive Committee of Trunk Linea Mr. Pink'! offlce. New.York and Hudson River A-sseclatlon camp-meeting, Sine Sing. Meeting of New-York Athletle Club, club-bouse. 8 p. m. Wost Side Republican Club of XIX th Assembly Dis? trict, a p. m. NewYorklndlanspolls baseball match. Folo Grounds, 4 D- m. Mayor Gleason-Long Island Railway case, before Judge Bartlett, Brooklyn. Oriental Club annual excursion to College Tolnt Woods. Harrison ind Morton Protection Club of XXIIId Distrbt, ThM-ave. and One-humJred and si xth-st. 1 lld snd Police Commissioners meetings. Music, In Tompkins tSouare by Eben's Band, 8 P- m. NEW-YORK CITY. The long-established New-York firm of Rossiter A Sktdmore ls to succeed to the California dried fruit bu-Mnese of William T. Coleman A Co. recullaj-ly appropriate, considering the -weather yesterday, was the quotation furnlbhed by Shake? speare Almanac from " Tho Tempest" : " Make holiday ; your rye-straw hats put on." ''? Uncle" Rufus Hatch ls In deep dlstreai over the loss of his highly prized silver watch on Saturday. lt was endeared to him from the associations cf his early days and tfniggles, no Ieee than Its com? panionship in later times, when its tick reminded him that he hart plenty of that commodity at his com? mand. Secretary Sheehan, of the Aqueduct Board, wa* yesterday engaged In preparing the contract for Shaft 24 of section A of the new Aqueduct, awarded io O'Brien A Clark, the lowest bidders, for fr-.-tA'i'i. Among the passengers on the Servla yntocdny from Liverpool were the Rev, George Anderson aud Mrs. Anderson, the Rev. Mleh-vl Flt age-raid. Slr Al? fred Sherlock Goode, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mns. p. c.. Hewett, S. R. Honey, Dr. J. D. Macdonald, the Hov. J. Mc Elicit lon and Canon O'Sullivan. " T. K."-Your solution of the prison problem?the only one yet received-correct. The storm tore tho gravel from thc drlvee In tbo Parlt. Workmen wore engaged ye-terday laying down more gravel and rolling lt. An uptown gi-occ-y store ls distributing to Its customers eaxpenter's niles a foot In length with the electoral votos of the St-atei neatly carved on tho bach. The Ancient Order of nibernans will have Its annual picnic and games In Jones's Wood on August 15. At the auction salo of California fruit yesterday peaches brought fl IO to 81 fifi per case; a small lino of Harriett pears ?.-. 3tri:fr'l 02. Plums ranged fiO cents to $1 35, tho latter for eome of tho largest ever sent here. Now doth the Bowery boy shout " not corn I" and the weary traveller pay a nickel and gobble lt down although lt is plasterod with car grease and oleo? margarine. The 6lsters of Charity of St. Vincent's Hospital have organized a beneficial association. A payment nf 25 o?*nf* monthly sconi-ee to members treatment af the hospital In time of Illness. Mary E. Schaeffer, who lt ls alleged set Are to her apai-tmor.t.s at No. 138 East Borentb-Bt., on -satur? day, was arralgr.ed before Justice puffy at the Rues Market Bulloo Court yesterday. Her husband, nenry, wa* also a prisoner, and they were hold without ball. The towers of St. Patrick's Cathedral will be com? pleted In November. The next Roman Catholic church In thn Archdio? cese of New-York to be consecrated will bo tha_t of St. Patric];, in Newburg. The examination of candidates for tho ecclesiastical state will take place to-morrow evening In the hall of tho Cathedral school In F...-M Fiftieth st. Charin D. Kellogg, the treasurer of the Bartholdi Creche on BedlOW'l Island, ac lin trw led gos the rei'olpt of cl-7 In aid of tba Cloche, lurther contributions may be directed to him at No. 21 I'nlverslty place. Thomas 1*. i;lr.,|y. Prank Quinn and C. E- Owens, delegates from this city to the convention of the United order "f American Carpenters and Joiners at Detroit, Mich., .et out ynterday for that city. Tho St. Aloysius Sodality of the Church of Br. Vin? cent do Paul ha/1 ths-dr annual excursion yesterday to dscawana Island. Coroner Levy decided Int week that Julius Willis died fmm natural causes, but yesterday Mr. O'Dwyer, the family's lawyer, asked him to Inv.-stlgivie tho c;vh? further, as ),o believes that Mr. Willis died from 111 treatment at Ward's Island. Cormier Lory will take up the case again. -_?-. BROOKLYN. Corporation Counsel Jenta l.a-s hoon asked by Po? lice ( oinnilssionor Bell for an opinion a-* to whether tho troekmen aro bound to obey City Works Com lul .-inner Adams In moving fn ni tho stands tbey have occupied I" the now stand In i inton-sl., and on what department devolves tho duty of enforcing tho order. Mrs. Catharine _, Ho.lgos, widow of ex-Sheriff An? drew Ii. Bulges, and mother of ex-Asseml,lyman Al fred ii,,.|ges, died yesterday at No. 4'n; Bedford-are., at the age- of seventy. Bbl loaves two children. The funeral will uko place this evening. A horse which exhibited symptoms of hydrophobia was shot In the stable of the Smith Trucking Com? pany at Canloo-st. and Park ave. yesterday. It was liitten by a dog which appeared rabid about Bra weeks ag). ? - DIED AT osv. BVEVBBD ASD porn. Thomas MeCaRrey died on Friday, age one hundred and four, In the Home for the Aged Of Hie Lillie Ms tors of Ibo Poor, No. -J07 East BOYentletb-Bt Tia wns born In Ireland, where he spent the panter part of ins life, llo wal always a strong champion Of Ireland's liberties and took an active part In many of the most stirring events which have happened m that country during the century. About four years ago h*-* became childish and was taken to Ibe Hmiio where he died. There ls another renie linrian at the Homo, John Downey, who ws* ona hundred and one years old last Beptember, and who istlll retains tba use ol all his faculties. .-?_-_ A nnOOKLYS VARTY OFF FOR C11AVTAVQVA. Three hundred members of the Urooklyn ChautMQU circle, of i?,tti se'\os ami all agee, yeeterday morning -tailed by the Erle Railroad for Chautauqua Like, where they win seek laleUsetual Improvement and snjey tin* charms of summer during the next four or five weeks. Among th* well-known leenreri and readers whom they ? le listen to al lb.* lake ire Indgl A. ff. Toing.-*, Bishop Henry W. Warran, tho BOT. Joseph Cook, the Ber. Hr-. Edward Everett Halo. t. d- witt Talaaga and Miss Bein potf-r. as already Mated, Um excursion is under the direction ef Messrs. Thn as < *,,, k t Son. Tin: rOSTBABTEB ALLUDED TO old CBABOB8. Poetmaater Pearson san yenarday, la reference to _w Mateawoti thal h" i,ai ac, teed BMmbaia of tba i- itei Carrier.' A- icIatMO of Lavina pfopsBBd that the drinking water u- 1 br who did not Join their associates In asking leglsla'.lon should be drugged, thst the propost tlon to which h- referred ni amit ten years ago, when ihe carriers mom trying t,, aceun united action. s,,me of lbs carriers wanted t,, pul |alan tote tho drinking water. bul th" ti-avrliy of (h.* canters vot,id down thu proposition. Mr. P,-ars,,u did not ali',le to any more neon! tl. Ml on tho part of any ono lownd Hie carriers who did Ml a?r<v wiih the act* of the asabetetsd carriers. j|, tiAOA that bo had Mada n,, r-i:,,,v als of carriers. Tho Pnst muster-Gfrerai made tho changes In ihe fore*. Mr. New Gas Engine "The Baldwin" exhibited at tM lau Atitfriean In itiluu lair. Arie- Port A four horse.powcr etiglno m eonti-sctlon with storac tiattery, running Pl Incandescent electric llc-hts (ind althea! battery. 3.* lights] giving a |?-rf,*ct light, with tl! lt.'i steadiness thal can be otitalnod trom Hie high ?p*ee:l stem, englaM in Oommoii use for electric lighting. ?nd any nun.ler al lights ui bo shut off or turua 1 on without aiftclmg tho rtiualnliig ll^hu lu iha sllChlost degree. A msrvtl tf beauty, perfection and power, sdiptod *o llg-tiiiK. pumping, snd sll purpoaos wherm a aufn iud naag power i. naumn, Maaurrd and luarsnteei br Otis Bros & Co., Elevators and Hoisting Machinery, Bb Pirk Row. New-Tork. pesrson did not sar bow fsr the romovala were made on bis recn.nn i.dallon. -? A BTATF.X ISLA XI> F.LECTH1C1AX ttlSSIXO. Henry De Dorter,, an electrician, living at New Rrlghton, S. I., has been missing for a week. On July 20 he left home to come to his office mt No. (VI Wall si. to got somo papers, but he did not arrive and has not boen seen since. Ills friends think that, he haa wandered off while temporarily Insane, as ho has for some time boen engaged upon an Intricate electrical problem, to the Polution of which be devoted all his time snd energies. After a fruitless search for him In places whore he would probably have gone had this been tho case. Mr. Da Holler's friends reported his disappearance to the police. The description given was that of a Frenchman, forty-five yean old, fair complexion, brown hair and eyes, and about, flvo feet tall. _ _ NEWS FROM TnE SUBURBS NEW-JERSEY. St. Patrick's Alliance of America held Ha elev onth convention at New-Brunswick yesterday. New York, New-Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania were represented by eighty delegates. The following otll eers were elected: President. Judge J. II. McCarthy; first vice-president, Jeremiah Hennessy; second vice president, W. J. Reddy ; Secretary D. J- Fallon; ser? geant-at-arms, Jchn Casey; conductor John Tcason. JERSEY CITY. Patric.: Coffey, who killed Agnes Smith on July 1, and afterward attempted suicide, was laken from the City Hospital yesterday to the First District Police Court, where he was arraigned before Police Justice Stllslng on a charge of mulder. A formal plea of noi guilty was entered and the prisoner was committed to tho county Jail to await trial. Patric!; MeArdle and Thomas Gross, the liquor dealers who were arrested for violating the Sunday law, wens arraigned before Police Justice Stllslng yes? terday aid held in 6.-00 ball to await the action of the Grand Jury. The meeting of tho P.oard of Public Works yester? day morning was devoted chiefly to thc dlescusslon of the wator question. It was do<ldo<l to advertise for a new supply and also for bids to Alter the present sup? ply-_ WESTCHESTER COl'NTY. The fifty-seventh annual meeting of the New-York City and Hudson River Catnp-mcotliic Association will begin this morning on slr,*--** Slog Heights and will continue for ten days under the chargo of tho Rev. Thomas Harrison. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ICINIArCRK.ALVlANAO. TOI'AT. Hun rises 4:68 | Seta 7t05 I Moan risa 4:45 I Moon's age 28 Mian WATUU. vL.V?sandy Roos. 7 10 l 'loy. Isl* t 7:35 l Hell (tata 9.24 F.-t-damlr Hoot 7191 Gov. Isl'L 7 td I Hell Uaw, 9 34 INCOMING STEAMERS TO-DAT. feint. Frits. Halli*. Was, I mu mark.London.July 21.National England.Liverpool.July 25.National Wvoiuing.Liverpool.July 20 .(inion Elder.Bremen.July 28.N (1 Lloyd Ls Ra nuandle.Havre.July 28..FreneB Trana Andes.Port Elmon ...Joly 2H.Atlas Msnhsitsa.Havens.Aug Ii.vs ara's ALO. H. CI-ct ef New-York.Ltveroesoi.Aug 1.Inman Noorilla nd.Antwero.July 28.Rao S tar City of Washington....!-ivao\ die....Aug 4.Wsrd's Psusaia.havana.Aug 4... .Span Trana TIICRSI1AT. seo 0. Stsieot Georgia.Olasgow.Jnly 28..State llanimoaia.Hamburg.July 2B....Hamb-Amer Ailsa.Kingston.Aug 2.Atlas 0UIGOING STEAMERi. TO-DAT. Tessa! v.,iel. Ltne. For Malls close, sails. Alaska Onion, Liverpool. 4:3upm WKllfKSDAT. ACO. 8 Csltlo. Wmte Star, Liverpool. 2 MO s rn 8 3D a rn City of Kerne. A nohor, Liverpool. 230 a rn o am State af Pennsylvania, Hint*. Glasgow. 7 ara i.- .. Kamh.Amer. Hamburg . (5 am 1.nhii. N1 ? t. Kroman via South'lon, 2 30am 8 am Westerulaiiel. lied Star, Antwerp. 2i3dam 8 ara sam:,ig,i, Ward's, iln- in*. X-,. 'J pm 4 pia rRIDAT. AI.'G. 10. Newport, Psclflo Matt. Asplnw.tll.10 sm noan. SHIPPING NEWS. PORTOF NEW-YORX.MONDAY. ATC. 0. 1888 ARRIVED Steamer Ethiopia (Rr. Wilson, Glasgow July 28. Moville 27. with Oldie and 203 passengers to Henderson Uro*. Ar? rived st (ue liar at 12.30 p m. Steamer Jau r-roy<l?l (Hale). Smlt, Antwerp Joly 1!>, via Boston, with mdse to Punch, Edye A Co. Arrived at tho Bar ai :? I in sieani'T Vermilions (fir), Cook. St Anns Bay and Port Marla o tisys. with fruit io (J Wessels & Co. Arrived at tho Bar at I a ni Hteamer El Dorado, Byrne, Now-Orleana 5 daya with mdse to Joan r Van Bb Ile. steamer City ol sun Antonio. Wilder. Fenian.lina 4 days. Port Royal il iiays, willi untso and passengers to C II Mallory * io. Steamer Fan'.ta, Nelsoa. Wilmington, 3 days, with mrtse end paaaaosars to te Wm P ciyio ,t Co. steamer Commonwealth, Van Kirk, Philadelphia with mds*v tol'. "beru .t Kine Pars name ii Huon, Sawyer. Tuxpan 37 'lavs, with ma? hogany to J Vf Wilson rn Coi rossal to n F Meteaif a co. HarK N ,i iva i lin, Reid, Port Spam l.i days, with nug ir to <i,-o i 'bristol! Ilngi'srln. Montgoraory, Truxillo 13 days, with mdse to Pls'geri & lle.nleiu. iin* Mersey Hells, stuart. Manzaullta 2u days, withs ugar to T J Owes ,t io; vessel to II ll Hailey A Co. Ung Chilies A sparks. Harris. **t Vincent. WI, 18 divs, willi mnar to Rowland -t Aspiiiwali: vessel to Jas E Wari .t CB Mi;g Angslls. Cleveland, st Job", NB, 21 dsys. with lum? ber loonier; vessel to Se.-vuiiue'.l Bro*. srhr i K Whits ( Bri. Me Loan, .11 John, NB, 2 days, with mdse io Scatuinell Bros. vessel to A T Heney, sl'N'KET-At Ssmly Hook. wini, light, SE* westhor cloudy. Al City Island, wind, fresh, NE; weather, sod ts-.i'k CLEARED. Steamer Bratten (Nar), L'ckeriiiann. Chrlstiansantl, Nor? Kuiicli, Ertyo A Co. t-ieainer Mao;regor (Br). Miller, Newport News, Vs?SI Maoheo-v bteamer Richmond. Jenner, Newport News and Wost I'm,it. v.?')l,1 Doiiiiulor Ss Co StesiuerJ Wi Jarrott, Faster, Baltimore? B N Downer. Bills Windsor I'arkiBr), Heatley. Ma, rn?J Bruce Ismay. Bark Ivy inn. Brown. Honolulu?Vt II Crossman A Urn, Bark Emilia i Ital). Di Uenuaro, Marseilles, lor orlan ? Fuuch. Kilve <t io. Hark Men,,ma. Simmons, Havana?Jas E Wsrd 4 <"o. Bsrk N 1* Peilsca (Non, Knuds-.ii. forth Ambur -C Tobias A i'o. HngAcscIa (Br). Kennedy, elbara?Mosle Bros. sciir <?rsl'.? dlr). Poi.odir. Moncton. NB?Kcammell Broa. 1 tohr Masks! Bri. Mehaflev, Hslifax-JW Parker A Co. Sehr Hen (liv. Sealy, Digby. N->?SceuJtneil Bros. nci,r viiaa(Br). Rodan, i anea.RB ? HoamiBall Hroa Sciir Brothers (Bri, Dinoa, Nassau. NP-H P Dyer dt Co. SAILED. Steamer Bratten, for Chrlstisaisnd IUi k Jeirgeo J Lot', for liueuoii Ayr??. Ungi Kaluna tor Key West; Abbie Clifford, Fernandina THK ROVRMRRTg -ii' STEAMER. FORSiu-y pori*. Livmrnoi, Aug il?Arrived, steamer The Queen 'Br), Hee ley, from Nsw-Turk July lb Aug fl?Arrived, stesmsr Hsllsy (Br), nolt. from New York UUKk.saTOiv*. Ani( H?Arrlvod. steamer Cliy of Chester (Br*. Hons, from New-York on hor way to Liverpool land proceeded i noiTHiMi-ro-i, Ang 8-8alled. steamer Ems (Ger), Jnagit, from Broineti kanoa tor .'<ew-Vorl_, auk S?Arrived, steamer Elbe (Oar), Moyer, from New Yoi kihi iee,- way to Kramen (snd nroceoded). in vi ,t rn. Ana I?Arrira^ steamer lt luella (Oer), Vogel g,,s4uu. Irom New-York July in un hor to Hainnurg. glasgow--. Ang tl-Arrive.I. steamer Sute of Nebraska(Br), Braes, from New-York. I.AiisK. Aug fi?sailed, steamer Stato of Nevada (Br), Stew, art. Ir?ui (ilaigow banco for New York. aroxnoiTTH, Aug :,?Arrived, sumner t'toola (Br), Morrl son from New York, HRIsT'el. Am 3 ? A trim Haw.York. lns!)rtE. Au;-fl?Salle!, steamer critic (Br). Daviot for New.York. scii.i.T. Aug (1?Passed, steamer Santiago (Br), Potter, from New-YorkJuly ZS ou har way to Hull. Anoounccments. Henry A. Dahirlb, If. D., :nli wssr l'.'dTii-r Dlssasos of tho Nervous -syslen, werilto ("rinary Oriana. Impoteuco sud -Sterility. Hours i S te 12. b to 8. Have you tiioil COBRKLL'B Benzoin Cos ItlTlO BOA* I Best skin soap made. Pour ounce cake iweuir-nse cents. Kor ssle by Taswell A Manser. DO NOT FAIL to buy PUCK NO. 596, i.?ue of August Sib li which contains a .-splendid double.pnge rnrtoon by ihe mighty pencil ol HEP PLKK. In relebrHtlon of tbe nrrlvnl from Europe ol "tbe srmie?t living Mitesmnn." tbo Hod. Jugs I.. Blaine. No American Citizen cnn lull ia appreciate this Jell, rate bomnge paid by PICK to Mr. Illalnn and UM party. Pit K No. .196 la for sale by every Newadoaler li the country. i oides snailed on receipt ol price (IO eta.) by inn mumu of pick, _____ Hulldlng. New.Vork. _i-FK< lAUMBa rou Blaine Reception. OAMPAIfUl OPTfltf OR fix kind I.araentock Heady for I mated.-to Dolt very. > ll 11 Oil ll I <t!lll|?al|rn l(]lll|MU< lit .TI it nu fur lu ring Co., OMA RROAHWAK. SPECIAL MENTION, Advertise"**""*" n^wltnd lan tbeeo eetn^, ffmmmmfBhmWA tm the readers of THR TRig^ no l!ioro??niy reliable, nnd ban..., emm *,_ ff Mail srllh ?bo a*drerlleera srlth perfeat en/ety WMTtr Fon circulars. TIIF. H0P80N&CHAPIN Manufacturing Co., NKW-LONDON, CONN. Msnufaetnrors st their own Foundry snd Machine Works of BOILERS and BAD-ATOM and everr oilier n*<|iiisit? for the finest worn in the world in WAK MIM; sud VF.VTI LATINO by Iho HOT WATER MYHTFM. Largest Aaaailmenl. Real -si.lra and -Lowest I'rices. John Moore .VA. -T?7 ?_* -Itt AHo Harness A Horio Goals Tte Crawford $4?Ha*oS-wtd JJ*'Rime* Wr 5oio Outr Z:'MM 2*-3 Bros.1i Ml. Broad! I*s7 iulton-st. Hrooklyu n Artist. ??JO! BROADWAY, Exeeuioa even* "lyle of Ar. tlstlc I'enmnnshlp; lleoolu lions. vieoioi oils, eic, en grnMi'il. Circular unit enec linen, inuiie.i ou rennell. Address D. T. AMES, AOi BROADWAY. _ ?U-S;__K*^, DeSHEFFj?tDS {U)^IW UNEXCELLED. DOG MUZZLES mst do not worry the dog. For -nie by nil Dealers. Crouch & Fitzgerald Kellnblc Trunks and K.-iva. 1 rnrtlnnd-st. 3-3d Broadway, V. V. MEMORY DIMlirmy. ? t IMVKKsai, HPTHrtfi WTBOLM C.M.ik*"Mft FIC'IAI. aYSTKlia C _Ti9-I_^?____5_f>-? IT. Vtm. A. Hammnnrt, ti,. rreat specialist i? nffil".'* ?ines. Dni,i-.| (JrJTilL, l-honipoon. MamionttS ?he loris*, and otr.srs. aS jost free, my ** ***!B! i'rof. A. MlISF.TTlt ?IA! .lil, ava., Ns-r-TaV The nighest iatheritlsa I'nsnlmonsly l.s<lorts 1 RAI.Ml KU A AitBSYROmn I nrsdlag Asiatic b,m< ROPE-.ILK,, largs. l0^ wlalod th.ead, is r !? Uik," ani is prilom ,._) he colorings of ?_?___ J lrm?trong-S Cnfsdlng A2,. lyes. Aslntheproe:a.i.0T-5 *rsiner.1 A,?!?: ?Outline Embroidery " -p?f. ?Twi.tod Kmbroide'ry*?__, ?Filling 8l!ks." Wtipi*? ?.liss, I If I r A T I f, li Tm lOPRSILRhen slrs-4yA! w-sred in Hie market **M ?"eoihalevoryskelnb,. l:r muni' ni ihe BraintHZ trinalroii?( o. und ike _Z__ nark " Asiatic Dyes." Hill RUO .1)11 iy, x y E. A ll. T. A M HOM I ClT -111 BI'.O AD WAY. V v *? A Pille ' AMATEUR OITFlin. HAT! Il El, CARRRA' CATA LOO 1 E FBEB "* Mention Tr.-elna "COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandems, Safeties. POPE MTG CO. Vi wt it ki:*, RRW-TORK % {JV. Established 1 ****??. J. LEACH, Stationer, Printer, and BLANK BOOK MTg, 8? W IBM III OT Ptandsrd, ssl Spring Back Diaries on kxaA all tho year. .; ? ?? a Ruled Account tm mads to erdorat short nstisi lTgoat bros., CHEAPEST BOOKSTORE [NThE WORLD. BILLSON BOOKS Bare, i, Cu mat lu .*.?.*<. ALMOST (.l.t.*. AWAY. Llbratlea supp.iel (Ueipst than al any lie. .ic Store ia t-B W orl.C Libraries sn.t llooss Mammoth 1'iiiiilosiie Pres. M ( h', M Ant Weslof i itv Hali Par*. Y V. If) yrs. experience ,? faclllttsl PERFECT STEAM CARPET Cleansing. Pat. In I*. 8. A Furop* Thos.Jas. Stewart, oniv Rev-Teak Mn 1..-1 II ROADWAY. 2d door above 46th lt. and Erie nnd .lib sis, LO Tei,*[ihono conneetioa. Rrliiylng a -.peclaliy. Remington STANDARD Typewriter. WTCKOFF, SEAMANS ? RENEPICT, 127 linBear t*_______. CHATELAINE BAGS. We invite attention to our Silver Mounted Chatelaine BftgR, which we manu fact ure in all the popular leathers, with Belts ami Buckles to match. Gorham MTg Co., silversmith-, Bkoaoway a\d 19iii Stp.ket. s ADWAY' PILLS Thc RenM liver and Slomnch Ear tha euro af sll itlaontnis of lb* Moondi, Liver, HowalA Kldaays. HUddrr. Nervsai IMsoasos. lossof Apyoltt'. HeeA achs. (.'aastmallon, i ini.n.*"i. Indlgoellen. Bllloasnsn Fever, InrtniinnsUee of the Bswsls, Plies ant ai*, ila ??* lasals ?( Ihe Uterus! Vltosra. Purely vsgS-sbts, UMMBt-*S aw insi'Oury, nilnmals or dsletoriwus drug!. Meld bj -Or ugfi is ls. .4 oeuie k iitu