Newspaper Page Text
?a_ ^?#va /^M- -j^-v^ tWS^bp*--**'* r^': ? ^p-q*. Y?- X LY I ll.N?. 15,913. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1868.? TEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. T*_^.Ta ur) 1>T HAT LEAVING NONQUIT. gBBBDAirS BOD! 03 TBE WAV TO ti'ASli [NGTON a MOUatXPUL i.ITTLK PR. I N FROM THE COTTAQB - :.!' M *N 'HA. ALMOST I IPI Ul i \ PE KT, v BEAl Nonquit. M . ' ? - I * el i!:-r Wil-nn I t-er* at IO o'clock ihls nomi: c with Ike cti'ii In which tiie hedy ol General Bhei dan wi and perfe'i-m'-'l ike Banal undertaklni nftleei The appearance- af ll - lind chango, ti.e v.nik of enbahnli u tefleeUng (treal emin upon the skin ai thc anietlalwi T_e Betta la a fun eBlpi.c . tatar, ll la antutaen Ineh - wldi with tlicdim-st iui|iiiri',.l broad) loth l mb r | of tbe panel and ai Bm inp ls a la iii cul. lt ls heavily draped with kfaadclO-k iivuii.i'il willi black fringe. Ike entire drapery l> cl.-v.-ti laehn deep aid sets oft the casket very i?IT<*.-ilvi*ly. It i.a* been Uecl.lcd not ro use silv.-r bandi:--, bnl Instead -i\ massive lia.ndl.-s finished in p.Iil han* beni aub* tuted, thc Lars nf whi -h are covcrcl with plush. I'pon tl.c Instep- thc collin ls lined witt* lin* eiram satin, thc -*..;e< being honey combed. Thia aile moan lam Pnn nnenata-lvn li-oketi epoe tho (lend her.) as he lay In his co'lit:. Tl'- fa'-; ittU bore rhe poi,;.- Bfe-Bke rsgn-eton. Ena. alloa bad not tou.ln.l ms well re laded lentnne. ill- a!lf cray bs:r was bmshed caret illy a- be alway! won IL A l>eat?*fu;. Mulct, contented look wn iprend over bli lace. Ile looked th- leader that ie- wa- one wbo bad done hi- wiiii. nobly, arltk nUafMtloa to hlmsell ami 1,1s connlry. Across Ike collin ni laid Ihe iword which thc General ean*h*d daring the ww of the l> bciliiui'- Ob Um ifakhard the anani ol the battto. In which he had taken plainly discernible even l:i the dim litfiit .<f Hie Closed roon. The yellow -a-h whlcii i,.* won a thc collin one end bani down HU ii almost t< The Qeneral'i Hack chapeau with ite nold rosette abo mted on I The many a:n:y i . .- - whieh lt wa- customary for (lenci al Sheridan to w**ar when alive were nol seen on hi- I > - rrpoaed In Iii- collin. Hm hours bang ). a\ iv until ii.e s tear:- . tbe Net Bedford Cranil Ami p - - ead ? i . arout. . i*e.*n* ami ll.I it: fo wharf. It WM 4 *_'.. p. BL v!>e:i tin- li at wa- Uthdt I The baggage i u Um wharf . | pm on board am! - *: Arnold A. Band, ra Iha Loyal Legion 'ef Massachusetts, accompanied bj Commander* .lame- W, Hervey, of i*.-: IBO; Oeorgi I' Otford of r-i-t 1 . T. P.shel, of Pie,l ill of Bow-Bedford, went np the road fi i wharf to the Sheridan '?-?aril T. wilson ami Benn P* wilma, Ihe anderta ebaraja, Jba eomi ttes I tagen who a-i'eimpany Hm body ;.. Ike city i.a,; | ti.- veranda of 'karin P. Bonnd'a cottage, and !hej next passe,] ti w;, ;:,,- road to ti.* Sheridan cottage. When ii,- Grand Arno atai iched the bonn they wen* met hy Colonel kell,,_-p. a:*,l eitel conference the tiler and Iii bearer! were brough) up Almo.-* every .? t!:? | ;u/a. Standing a out ll la* n fcs-twnn tbi roTtape- and the te.-a* bi - ral newspeyi A little croup had gathe;r(l apon i iie Be Rocks, and was wetehlng from thal point ol view. Thc artl-t* of tha ptetorlel pren wen buiy sh,-:* bing the scene from thc tongn uni. Tin- chUdmn of Gen eral Sheridan -pound on! of one of the Upper windows watching th- (,ra-.'l Anny nen corni and ga Thl coffin was nvenaUy plac, d upon the tiler. Then thc old soldier- lifted the Mai apoa tb b the ?(>i--nii pro neb ai pas-e i ti* .vt, over tb Ike tioat. the font fall*, nial..:*.'- no ie yield? ing turf. All was eOence ead end oppressive. Tho coffin wa* Billowed by Ci lonel M. '? - Mpfoctlag Mrs. Sheridan. Little phil walked by bb mottler's lida, Nev; fallowed the wll ?Sheridan, wtth little Marx. Shin Urban followed ncxt. fading Inne, an "f the twine, while Blatei Ju.-tinlan was Immediately behind, with Louise, flu of?er r*-?n. T**en cam* tttn p ,-.-.*? r-n-ss atid the women miaatt, and i lionels ivi:**;: and Binn! end Dr*, esra, Klie: . md Cb rk i: 2>owii the lonP* v.: . the two linn of memberi of thc Loyal Lecion at opt n OrdM non. In thl- li!--, ii'--'', were Colonel Morgan Botch, of the -tiff of Gnvemn Ame-, of Ma--.. .entlng tin- ' ie well n I fold; isaac ii. Tompkins, J-.-., pnsldeni of tbe Sew i the leading Nonquit. Colonel Sheridan indM Llunt, Dr Matthews, the Stolen -. , I - mn >?' the sci vants pass--. The b dj wm neil ta!-.e:i aboard, follow..; ly the mea The National cm the awefd, bell aa I cha] * on top. wa* placet] In th- aft. mail held the d . lon. The atari fr',m the I. : ?? hi o'clock, and at twenty mil her wharf. If the proeoeelon wa was sadder. Colonel and M with the ehll di-en and the servants, were buddied tog I on thc wkarl liciiv an eye whleta nw the gyeelarle was tin-. Lime Phll'i iii* ai to quiver, and he pave way tn bli penl up emotions and brok** out erring. Tbe whnls ol the '?' s.'tt turned, ead tne l*odj of I fl Nonanll lor ? -i-i Sheridan's wife rcmaln-d af Nonquit with the children. Clerk A. Roerbarh has been detailed to remain at the cottage * o lon el and Mrs. i who were intending to po ? . sa of little .lulia Kel! .gg, ? hem attn :.* .1 with a sudden though not lerioui :ii ness. fha train which Is lo convey the party lo Washing tor. arrived at New Redford thto ll con ?.???->: of rhrc-e Pullman cnn Tl - I sylvan.'*. Hm ptiv.-x.- ear of Vlee-Preildenl 1 UM -lceplnij c?r Leen, av! the d Mrs. _hei-.; ,* ,* * IU occupy the private c?r. The si.-.-; r eon! I ? berthe, enid wi.I afford a- ? ) party, Thc Betall of Reg'iiai ii occupy ti.e pa_?env*er deiia:tmei:t of ihe combination ca.* M.-**. Sheridan wn tendered Ibe uce of ieveml rr1 vate BaR-Bgn te eoi rey bi r fn>m the cottage to the wharf, bu' t * - ?:,-?. '.lionel td. V. Sheridan whet; asked what General BherMan*! dying woi li wen i ? s. but she w;il ni i allow thea to be given ie- the public." np additional mmaagn eef eondolenn received at Um eottaga are the following: ?"'ane* i 1; . \\ . 1 , .\'ip*;st t. To c.ionei \j. \ *?i erldan th.- Imnonll llltj ol -? .* Waahlngton '.n t.ine prevents ? .L- Mrs Shel Iden - touch rltatlofl to I * ? h. I LenereJ gi eiidnn li laid i. hour. WILLIAM .1 VOLE MER. Adj ? . !'. pai*tin<*nt ni Caae ral Votkmer v,.is en alde-dc-eamp rn Gi tra! Fher.dan's naif _._... f;'''' md, n. v.. .*? i - - Tn Mn r d - ne it,-,-,,, , | Ml.s * l-tary prvparati,,' ? WXIJJAM l, v. lill*: ^ng. a.-Ti..* i ado; ?lan: ii ur- .l.-,'U .-: --el B< ' arin.ev ,,: I OUI ! TBinUTES 'ie' -il* ..; _-A'' .*-.-- Bl . . -r-t ' '?? ? Ai tha neetlng * the Exeentlve rour' ' ? . .* -,.*..-.,, .,* ii -' i Beaib ..f Pi,.. *. Anny the dark days * Um ?_r Md ,.,.*.. t,, ,r,. ,-.,.. ., . ItctHi:. tu i < *| .< pori a ? te gin i lei-vice- -, _U r,,,,n-iT fmttoBt, Ams l ai i i.*i,t.-ei', attended santiago! the li BWBteg, appiopi, ita I dan's deetli was taken ,\ .*,,,, v .,/ gJLi nacl ntl -l-flci-ei! k,*nf to ii 'in** anani and pa m, Ibi vlei ma mande *"rnd ? ? .-,-.- eppotetn a -I,inn,.' wpr'S'iit un- lllinoi- Oomntand rj at the funeral 'ii ? Paton* Data Leagw and uk- i mon j^-asue Club also vloptcd eulogl-u.* | . _\ pmontBUki nmmitiees to attend tim funeral. Colonel Ke?i,,n nen! comm u : ' by tit- c.. a. h., ha* |?s ? ? ? , ? ? THE MM.m Uti ESCORT AT THE FUNERAL '*!. ..liiTi: [BBI I D BT GERI BAL BOROPXKLO I . ? .1 gel ofleM arrived la . ?: a spa lal ordn . In regard ta the fnnerai nf General .- leridan, by whlcli ? nt the following Iroopi w ll eomp i- Hiter} es. ort on thar occ:t.-ioii : i. A I a*ta!lon of fool randal o' v.attcric V 1st: i. ?_?,): a;. ;.,i, ;,,,,. n, , ?flllerr. Fort e. Va.; Ban \ ; W and L Bid Artillery, v .-. I. - . ? ,. !*.- i Batteries i* 0, *'i A;-tn* l**i \. ? , ? , I Hoi ?? ,. i eil... i,, ,i,i Artillery. 2 The battalion of cavalry (Troopa lt. 4th. and R, ie" Myer, Va., .Major i^mis ll. *ei. commanding, i-'?*? ' 'Air*. ? .id ArHUen, Wasiiiiipton, 1 l.' C., mu\ light i - .-,m Artillery, Fort Hamilton, N. .. Thc llpht srtlllery trot p? arc ordered to time their 1 departure fr, ni their loapeettvo posts so as to arrive t in inMagtoa .?-. rniiay .Baning They will pm * civxl to \A a?h!np*.ori Ilarracks. The cavalry battalion v 'll i-cimr* at Wasliinpti.ii narracks on Saturday morn j inp In time to take H.- place in the column for the march to the church and cemetery Colonel Gfbeoa, the commandant at Waahlngton barracks, ha ordered n, have prepared a cateena ie convey Um body ( from ti*e railroad itatton t*> st. Matthew*! ch-reh. mui from ti:'- church tn the cemetery. The commanding officer at Foil Myer has been ordered to hsve a troop * of cavalry at the railroad s<ati"n on Thursday to meet | tin- body atid eacort it to St. Matthew's Church. i'i,m* pewa on either aide of th.- centi-o eta_e of the church have been removed ."ind a catafalque ls being ? dy wi'! r.-sr. Tin- Interior of i the church .fi being dr-ijicd with emuming li ae e. of the family the church ? "!'?- WO] be itafle ami the catholic cleriry of ] thc city will uri'i.- Lu the Gregorian chant at the be glnnlng and eu.linc of ti.e mast. Th" choir of Hie - t!fe mu=1c ol the ma*, without . orrhntral ar -.iii,; ania ant Dr. O'Reilly cnunted Colone] sheridan's office at Kn | Headquarter! to-day. "Tiie details of 'he tl-s iiiornlnc, '? me vet far fi-om .- '1. The body will probably arriTe 1. re iee morrow end will be tak--ti Im mediately to St. Matthew'! I lurch, where lt win il -li" icrvlees take plan on Saturday morning 'i be l - gout io Baltimore I ? witt* nie i ardine- tn regard '** Ihe eceleilesUcel - connected wit! I do nol think ii wll] be ii* we,! bj any on'- after it ? el *:rc' . i think liiat the coffin will be | kept . loaed.j kel Carlisle |;a* ap po In'ed toe fnllotrlnp p*-*. icntel rn of the House upon tlie j.eiiit i ongre*slonsJ i nmmitt<ee to a'teiei General Sheri dan's funeral: Messrs. Hooker, of Mleslaslppl; m of Michigan . Wheeler, of Alabama: flender f Ultnoli; ,\ il Bert york; Grosvenor, of and Meghann, of Nebraska, "FROM GRAVEL0TT1 TO SEDAN " POINTS EB TIIF. ABTICLI AVEITTLN FOR M~CBIB NF.I'.'s" UV CLNERAL SHERIDAN. In speekl i* of the article whlcli (Ieneral sheridan amie recently for ?scribner's Magaalne," whi.ii i- to appear In Bovember. a repnaentalive of !i;itic-. Scribner*** Bona, who ha*! carefully i-ca'i tba -:i|,i - It ls weil known that General Sheridan l--**)t care? ful note, during the v Imi" of his Kuri,pean e.Aperl "i.,-'?--. anti the article win be of an Intern! whleta even the extraordinary elnuoutaaen lurroundlng lt hardly l'*a'l the public to anticipate. Sher i-liir."- position a- a non-combatant observer of a preat wnr wu without pracedenl Invited ottclally to oc? cupy :. .:i hoadqnarten, he watched the ; : of view ; an.I hil re eeirnize-el pe e.;?,,,i, emong ;lie foremost military men of '? opened lo bim Mat on of very unu-ual ln wiili the remarkable group >.f men about bim? pe'iaiiv ?> trek and Von Moltke. Thc '? he pi\c- is as vivid as til- Utuatlon a i Banal The article 1- written wita spirit and force, in the concise and ur, ? I ut peculiarly cl-ar st.yl,* wfilrfi s-Jerldan had In common .vlth (iran?, am! In oat great n.,,,i..*-*. leaden. Bo one will ? int of thc operattone, with l's ihrewd and Independent Judgments of forcn he neither underestimated nor omitted to erlt i all acknowledged him ? a? a master ol tris profession. -Th'- persona] side of tlie article?hil reminiscences , - i- also of extraordinary ln . ? Bismarch talked to bim with remarkable franki' . el 'I a fond ni .ny fact! about incellor will i?- made public for ti* time, h ? ml :? nee to sher.'lin. thal all bis ca ly ambition! bad bm In the dlreetlon of a military Ufo, may bave boen made aim to others; bul pi-obabiy not his dec lan * Ufo with tendencies * all Republlcei Ism,1 bul (hal his political Ufo had r.ini to bcllei I ,* Gi many w.ts mi 'aaffl advanced I i- with characteristic stories of both Udn of in k -from Ihe capital description of his Jumping rrlagi * a pistol and c!*-a:*inp the of thi village of Ci ? irteel moment i. described with wnnderfnl vhidneu) when mount d al ? igi of the defeated ? m. a-,'I 'aaluted the Emperor in a quick, brus**jue way wiii-h seemed t" itarth hint.1 -Tl,is article don nol deal with thc military tech? nicalities of ti,e- baillee, except for occasional sipn ol very shrewd observation; but ls written upon a Male, a' though the dramatic lone of what lie? wa-, watching could not bul ni 'he better ol the professional i-nini of view. This give* the story, perhaps, li- greateal attraction, and certain rn a remarkable atid unexpected power ol u ord painting. ? GENERAL SCHOFTELU GOES TO WAHHI5GT0K. General Bchofleld l-fi Oosrereor'! Island ye at :i \r m. ob iii- wai to Wnklngton to taite el General Sheridan's funeral. Ht* explained what re niaineti io be don- while on lils way on tb.- Govern? ment launch to this rlty from UM Island He -aid that t!:- pm ral tr-.i." wn M leave Bew Bedford Ini i and would be ferried fruin I'ort Morrl* to Jersey City on the Maryland i.' n -ral BehofleM took the n :I0 train for Washington. !!*? and ? small eseori win neeonpaay General Sheri len'i bod] ta Bt Matthew'- Church. The >body win I..- the-rr In siati* witta a gua:*.! of h. on duty. After ide funeral nrvlen have taken plan In church, on Saturday, the body win he taken to the Arlington Cemetery by a brigade, constating of a regimen! of and a battalion ol eavalrj a etti l.e lin-el al tba grave. Il is to be a military tentatloua, rory munta Uki ol c. i; ; a. Hi dd. Jl would . laetad In anord the dead quest tah own put, felt that I tbe mllltan ; *., oul'l ie i lolatli . 'i'i" all over miry to tn-*. . I ? tt uh As the lauuch ? ' lt] of i: - Genera - il-a:li wi,J ..,;,*." :,, 'i ,? transl I of General She ' i.i , * waa a ki d 1 Kelli] - ',. ll.'* I**! . stating * I eel. fol V, H 'iee pm uylvenia Railroad ? fu i trail il Jeno] i ? ming. li Ul .11. SHERIDAN. , bari i A. Dani ot Wan lu ?? 'i bi K< Vorii Sun." . of General Bherida i, I will al-.. * * Aftir I ? ? ' c ? ? i-eiat j sta I ? , .- ? ugultlon lui eat i m io to a Maj n i mueml In 'ii > ? the i *i.. i.. on " a ld be nm in .,., (torten till lay nea - * reek, i>. an . . ? wi Iha next morning ihe General took me on tool end a wc wenl among t imonu and *,'i ever* bend, i m* everywhere itouca ? uiBnlfeiUtloi - a mern lu Sbt * i I h*'l . .. , , . . .ill ini^e,! | -i.-ili ever) ,,,, thc pu of Hm iii-" bul Ui* : ? quito .liil'i'-.ii They seemed to regard him : . be beU tvn lu, n Ui - on. an.. , M.Mie,-s are wont io regard their como i nlng ? le'UI il,,;",. ? . . . L.t. I. lu lr-.i'l'| li , - Il uim: * ,- fiiis * Then men ama n, nave a special effeetlon lor j?..*. iii'irti than i ,?.,** ama displace,i toward ai ? ion aa_aaa kyba! la tu' rani og I ?* Will," *ald he, *** 1 think I can tell you. I always flwlil in the front rmli n><__all I Waa tnmm aan eua. vinced thal it wonld not go far aeonmandlng * em ral to stay in th-. i*e,r of ii,* troops and carry on s battle wit li papn ord.-rs, m thej do in the Arny ol Ufo l-otonac. These men all knou thal where lt l! hot.nt, there I am. ead thej likn lt, ami Um) is the like ni'*." "?Ve thins nioi-. General." I sad '-Arc you afraid, or ,;,,n't you ean! Uha: i- the real truth about lt1"1 .' who 'ays h.- isn't afraid under fire." he anwered, - is a liar. I am dsmue-i afrai If I I,.H.,wed my own impulse i ihould * out. li is all a question of the gown nf the mind over itv* bod] ? 'JHF i:i:i> FLAG IN I'M: is. .MOT AT THK FUNERAL <>f GENERAL EUDfcS A CiiNriicT with TBOOPI IU Till* BOOLBTABD VOf.TAIP.F.?riPTPKv PBBBOB8 ffOOBOBD?? BBXBT ROCBBFOBT RI8SBD ? BOMBI TiinoAVN aNI>* KI I: I'D. Paris. Aup. S.-The funeral of Oeneral F.nd**s. de ca ( onimtinl*t. arho dropped dead while ad-lere-*fnp a body of strikers on Sunday, took plan today. Fifty thousand person* pafhered fn the streets adjacent to the house of the decca-ed and thousands lined the route to the cemetery, along which cavalry was sta? tioned. The olhe- trOOpi helonplnp to the Paris e*r rls.o were held within their barrack.* In t-eadlne** f?r any emerpency. "n-uffln in the street* fhn.!.ph which the procession passed was suspended and the alena na t-i"-t d Arnonp those who attended the funeral were Henry Roebefort and I/mlse Alichel. Many flowen and WI eal bl were placed upon the coffin. The proce; slon accompanvlnp th? body was tranquil until the Ilnulevard Voltaire wss reached. Ilei-e the mob ch. ercd the Commune ind dlsplaved cd fla_.. A .letachment of the (laid'* de Pan- chirped the crowd and captured the flips. The flov-i-tini-nt ha-1 adopted strict Benaan la suppress any outbreak, and Olden were given to the police to use their arms If theft lives were menaced. The p.oun?e tlc Travail wa? el..sui by order of the eatborltin and was occupied by a military Betaehnent Fifteen tho-isami peiaOH marched In front "f the hear*-" bearlnp the body. They wore bouquet! of IDd immortelles M Barty, member of flie chamber of DrpuUn, was present, and he and M. Roebefort wen preeted with cheers ead . Inuit- M " Vite la ^?volu? tion"" anil "Vive la Commune :** Tlie procession : at 11 o'rio.-k. Th.- pall bennw wen MM A'alllitiif, Ii* Franca!* and Arnold, members of the Commune of 1 -Tl, and M. Oetyn. LoulM marched after 'he hears-*, a brtpaiie of ? tho pm. .---ion. Large badin Of workmen ated sf: lit crs fellowed quietly. Th-- walters and halrdmnn tn the line were noisier, and demanded thal the red flap*, which were carr.'*ii covered, be unfurled. Th - along Um nula shouted "Vtoe la Oonununel" as the hearse passed. When fhe procenion ? the Boulevard Voltaire thn*c red lags wen* unfurled A eommlaaary if police ettenpttd to seize one, when -oin.* one In the ei-owl lng a n* to Iv er at him. but the bullet went wld1* of Ita mark. Another commis? sary WM beater, with stick* M. Itocheforf was set upon by an Anan-lii-t. who handled him Boverely. The police wer*-* pu UBI foal before fhe mctiaelnr atti tude of the mob. The pendarmes made a charge In front of the Prince Bugrae barracks, eirlkliip In cvery illroctlon with Hie butt ends of their muiketl They aneeeeded In rel-a-lnc the police who had been sur? rounded by the mob and raptured th- reg flat?*. When the precession arrl-.-ci! at the Mair!* if 'he r.i*-.??? Arrondlsnment, a revolver was fired and a bomb thn.wu close to the police station, but the bomb did not explode. The teni VB force of police left the station and charped upon the crowd with drawn swonl*. wotindlnp and faklr.p Into custody many persons. The pn>ce??ion continued on Ita way I cemetery, bu' sr-cw smaller as lt advanced. A BtUabW of omi loni wen dellrered S' the grave amid eric* of "Vive ia Commune:" "Vive li revolu? tion I"1 At the eon,-] i Jon of the orations t;,e pothering dispersed. The police did not Oppon UM display of red flap* inside ttl'* cemetery. After tiie conclusion of the ceremonies at the wine terv the person* composing the procession wp! ',r?-. quietly. M. Koclicforf. who md- In an open car rlape. *was In place* gr-efed with hoot* and erl*** of "A ba* Rochelttrt "* and *'A ba* floulanper'** The ronlllci on th" Etoulevato Vi.Hain* wa* rhe nio-.t seri? ous event of the day. The riotinc lasted fifteen min? utes. When tlc- crowd retreated before the charge of the pendarmes they left their flaps and a number ot funeral wreaths behind them on the pavement. Fifteen persons were wounded and 'won' wen. made. M. Rr-idey. secr-e'arv of thc 1** .* Ibe suppression of UM n'glstn offices, WU! aire.ted on a rharpe of Incitinp to rnunler and pill**". ?curred lui nlpht on the Boulevards P.elle. A*ille and Rocbechouarl between poUn and itrfkan Two cafes wen* sarlie-1 liv fhe mch. Ifl the melee berofpolln and wal"*rs uren wounded. Many - wn- W'.'inilet! b] tlie troops while eiearlr.e triked near thi walde nee ol M C'oequcl at Amiens Int night Fifty arroi **- i I pelton* eng :--'! In the ntl t Uteri ni Lyons threaten fl, strike uni. - : M<esmer and .Uvet amalgamate bi d permit theh employe! '" work in batches li. re.--.;, if a strike occur- In Lyons ii win In all probe to the glass-workers ol 1-arl* ariel the wi,, l,* ,,f i BRITAIN'S DEFENCES AND IRELAND'S WOES cabinet minibtebb dhu with tiif. lobb mayor and talk politics. London. Aug. 8.?The I>ml Mayor pave a banquet at th" Mansion House this evening In honor of the After thl bal quel speeches were made, l/onl George Hamilton. First Loni of the Admiralty, said that the old method of warfare on Whicb tli'Ir inrcstnr* depended wi* unreliable. If the country wa- to ff'*! a sense of security, lt would be ny In the future to niain'aln the nav> nt i high standard. Edward BtaahOBbi seen-tary of State for \\ ar, said thai the Government was tr., utmost to Improve ail the defences of the country. He boped the people would be a ronan! ta a iran of Die oeeeaalty of national defence, and that they would i.ut look backward. Th*- Lord May"!'. In offering a tout to the health of - iiMuiry. saiei thal the Oovernmenl did righi la defep.iUng th<* unity of the Empire. The Prime Mintier, replying, said that the Local Govenunea! bill had solved the difficult problem of bow t.' govera London without doinp injury in valuate pilvllegn of the country. Thc bin decreased tlie national .b-bt and Increased the national Credit, pepanllnp Inland, Lord salisbury ?ald thai the pn-at curse of that country was poverty. The Gos erinn.'nt was al,le to do little to diminish p,,-. to enrirh men. imf i* rou kl enable men, without Inter fe renee, to enrich th.selves He mail tlie lilah pnvernn* the ''. rani y Bxereised by a . - r th- Iti-h a:*,; thai ii bad Increaaed thi sanctlt] * ' tract-. Ut tered foi i I j would I." d to th" country ? PARNELL COMMISS1 IN BILL PASSED. TBB Von 180 "M-i. lu m. TABES IB upi v corni London. Aup. ?*. -The- bill providing for a coi sion io examine ufo liv "Thi Tin Ur. Pa - memben of l'aili.iiti'-tn rote "f ISO ?? ? , in caning Mr. Sexton whether the commission would bi i-kc Pollen,,- Genera : - le ? secret. JEKYLL MANSFIELD HAS Nu RIVAL NOW Illili: BABOMABB si'lm; ni.v CLOBE8 TBE .'1-'- !! \ COM1Q1 London, Ang B Mr. Bead-tana has performance ? f " Dr Ji 11] and * ' nt the i * ?!!i!. The Iheatn - ? i sn idenly \ J .NKEE FISHING DOA! JJEIZED CAPTOB-CO BT A bOMIBIOB CRtnSEB BXAB BI AKDBBW8, N li Ottawa, ont-. Ang " A Yiiiik*e boat h.l* been raptureil by a Oovernmenl emlen neai Bt Aadnws, \ i: lt ii a Uonp-rtgged craft, ,.f (.frem f?,,t \,ra\. The repeeti "f the seizure- I,*- not yet b< .-n rc- iv.-,l b\ th>- 1" partment 811 amit: ASBOBB IB TIIF. POO. London. Aug - **. denn fog prevails lt, fhe ll*t> Channa! The ifoaanr I Ity of ITankurg, tot Loii'i'eei. laden witta eattle ai d nnd lekant ?* u Btan Mni m-t evening Fifine al tha ?' *' Bafoonba, but a boat con taint ng nven ot ?-? :? Bil ? -? DOM PEDRO sail-* !'? ik ROMS Lisbon, Aug. n.-TUo BBlfBBH of Iiiaiii sailed from thl* mut for ino rle Janeiro loder. GEN. HOVEY FOB G jVKRNOK. BBPTTBLICAN ACTION ix INDIANA. 900D WOBB "I' THF, BTATB COBTEBT-OM-A ?STP.oNi; TTCBBT PLACBS IN TBB FlF.i.l*. 1st ruMBAM to mr. TRini;vF,.1 lmll.ns-p.iiis, Aug. fi.-Th" Ib-publlcan P'ate Con- ! venilon plac.-d the following t.ckot In nominal ion here to-dag: I eruor-ALVIN P. HOVF.Y, of P-*ey (fountf. tenant SovenMr?X?A J. CHASE, of Hendrick* mty. , i I - lf.A-_LF.S F.. GRIFFIN, of Ink* ? v. A'lPti.r ,,f Bim I'.P.r'i I rArUl, of Orange i Trmsuei JULXUB a. LZKCBS, sf v. * - my. Sui-rii.t. nd- nt of Public In*tri:et1on-nAR,VF.T M La 1 "LLi-TTF. e.f r.'i'n- County. , Attorney 'I nant- LBWIg T. MICBKBEB, of Shel ?uiity. , Begonia if .Supreme Court-JOHN GRIFFITHS, of Marlon County. Jud.-. *,' eh.- Supreme Cont?I_B District:. SILAS , T. OOVP-ET, of riiurll: lld Dinrlrt, j.iifN r, BBBBBBIRE, ot North Vernon; IVh District, wii.Tr.ii "i.iis, of OataaMa cur. It wa* seen that the Ighttag spirits of Indiana Republicana, a* nlneed by the -fa'e reinvention to I day, gives mwi encouraging assurance nf a victory thl* fa!!. Throughout the prnreedtngl Ihe entlitisLvm was ttimulluon snd altogether unprecedented In In illana. a State that knows Binni at,out r."l=y |n The atter.tlance wa-* the larpe-t ever known and then wen- more men of ?Mugging seat* as lin fihan have been seen In aitv previous as semi.laire of the pa-tv worker*. A gratifying char aetorfoUc al the prwaadlnci w.s the impartial deein ? ?* <*, \r_afn tt. do onlv that which would most a-.-e;re,!lv promote the Intern!, of the party and fr**1! * Um election. Il am thli rul? ing desiri that canted the eonttnuaaee of the elanor c.- , amiii! it" for Governor.bul when ii: el and emphatic n?u ran cc was given that Mr. porter hml Betomlnel nm la accept the nomication < eotuil pf his pledges fo tither Caadldatn Who were unwilling to retire fr.rn the contest for the honor, the conv.-r,ti,,ti qnfokly ebon Lom among fhe nvallahle ni-'.. Oeneral Efovey, the on.* thal the majority b-o !i-ve,i would give to the parly ticket the gn ?tnagth, and ?* bi of ., me Ugntfleanee thnl he i- a man who did not ai .*k the qi mlnatlon either per *eiiial!y or Umugh friends. THF. BBEETIBG TO nFN. harrison. The mo*' ln?plr'::g and wonderful demonstration of elurliip the __jf however, was ftc pree'lnp that wn elven to (ieneral Harrison when he wa*, brought before the Convention bv ex-.icci-es tary K. W. Thompson and a eommlttoe that had been i-i-'Pi--*. <! to invite him to honor th*- rn with hi* preeenea. The eeeee was indescribable when chairman Calkin* ma.le th- simple announcement, " BBB Harrison.'' A.- th* 'ie:,eral pressed ins way from the nar of rh,- platform to the position ? the presiding ofBeer'i Beak, the cheering brok and th.* deafonlng uproar continued ft,r Mveral mic lites. ."very ont* of th- 5.(xX> men ami women !:. the hall nise o, their feel and Joined fe th- el all th" while waving flaps, handkerchiefs am! hats li? the atr. as the noise i.f , v: *ie..-o,i *,-,,:,-,?, gradually BUbeM-d (ietter-ai Harrison nidi Mr. President sud SenUdaen <->f the Conven'ton When I melved yonr bn :,*.- tot a bmbmbi rot i ' lt thal -.list T*,u need could not tantra anv lnd-*l|e-*cr, and is lt. offered nie (M onlv Opportunity I shill have to look In th- face, nf mr Indiana Republican - !i-*re assembled 1 could ne- lind I'. In mv h i- ti deny nivs. if the pl-u?ure nf spending a moment In your pro-t-nce (Applause.) This ??? - i BS I ' ' nets on the p-i-t e,f r. v Beni hean friend! si Indtena. t** im* ?? your .???? ti lenei ? grateful ??, * - yous nnBdnn i th* blxbeai smhltl?n I can -??? before me. (Appl wanner nay befall me, i (ni -**ns ?t Indiana have Browned BM _ii*l mad*-* nie f.,rover th-Ir Baton lApoteun Bul I n you from thc i*u-in'**s whi'-ii bn toawki na r. 're. (Orin of " Oe on.". Bnah n bm * ?*-* U thli i- hi reeler! Mic sf America. . I-f? wtll lr.flti, ii.-? the prosperity and _? 1* a not-able his? tor! til event. av- hara to-day transpiring in thl* country two ether! that are mr. tl -hi* f ?<-apor' try, that great Bepublleaa and that great. * , ir.-* Q Blaine, returns te hi* home. (Ap iiljuv. AV-' ?ha!l not h- dlnnnlnted. I hope, In h!- powerful m.i-e- in Indian! before UM cam is old. (Applause.) Another scene attract* our * ? ? lt; for whl> ini aire tina your business here 'ee-dir, ? draped train I* bearing fri.rr. the i*'.ae*-* >.f lil- ....num br tie- I ' his tatamnt ar AVa*h!ng*--n th? mortal ps Phi llo ii Sheridan Fr*.m the* Connntton it * we ?ent him cur greetii;-.** and earnest prayers for hi* r**'.iratlon ; t.e-div wi u?,i:ni eur ton dead. V, u call**d him then a fa- rte ch' ?'. and such I j*,. w-. ? m great ntnmander! who, ai neid of betti) - ' i *?? ?'? - ' ' wai i;. ? j. ter bli country who ',- -ni of his tlr*t day'* fltrhr. ronvrnplate ii i Ndupentfee f-r bli own com maud Di I th! wine of victory, ind ttl.en iii the di?re-r-i..n -f th- enemy *i-i" confront-d him. [Creal sppUuie.] Tin* nllent *?n af *:;.. rica [gn il ipplau* h.->- wrl art -f war tha- wll* IMI (lil to lt;-'-u*f ant te t seen again, other* wh) -1!31 i ; * of ou- Hag. li | M Men * ' BOW Mr. i tl the h-at of thl! toll -ind the i sanest *,? t. ?? th | n.e. that I "hull clo*- ll. r-mark*. and bid you good by? * I - A* (.eneral Harrison reiln-'l fton the stage the che?r* wer- resumed and Hie parting salute of Du* Convention wn no foal IM than Itl grni lng io the admired Bepublleaa i-a.-i.-r. Just baton General Harri*..n's appearance befon* the Convention the cnmmtttn on Uenluttoni reported the platform, which li given below, preitniliia.-y U which wa- read a tribute of respell te the memory of General sheri ann, lo which Um Convention mm i's approval by I delegate rising r" ehM feet a reaolutloB ot ?* leoine' to Jann G. Blaine was greeted with gnni applaun, .-mei on Uu of the chairman was given piecedenM In Ute a : ..f the piatfe.rm. The Blaine welcouM *-?;!* a- foUows: !-.. publican (Ind ' mven* th! 1! ii ' ? Th.- tnthusintld honors n*>w belna naid him by :,;.. ,,' th- i ni'*-i s-.fe* in enaerl] aw* l .erraal who baa i,?n? md under all etreum - i an ABM-test- Mr. B in porty har* ' - "I and i to the I - s* ii repre li.-ei, even it.*,re ? irthj W ? werful fir tha idvonc rurtherei - ? itlon in ? ENTHCSIASTII **? lien the .. t the nom Inetiun of ci der of bttsl .,*-. ii,,- .*- i and lli..i : pealed | (Hendi ol Mr. Po:ter. author* ;.:tli th U I ? ? * ' li swn from before th ? eonvontlon * the movpn mi i ? convention t K>k i re I i _ If V ?ii re tO Hie ? over ? lllloll. ami wh announced tor bim. Iiofoi ? i.e m.luu. ne .1 un tho I * rba mull of tha , ? ' - I * ' S t*; Mai ,r .-' * Steele, ll- 1-3; In J. li" ; Will i 'inn.-vk. IC ,i Ah ni I*. I: ' Before Ur- re-iiif "f ii- belli - ?a- nnrtalned tha , . i,nulli-.? changer- cl fr-un other candidates ta Bovey, ?n*i tinnily the nun . ? -. a motion In behalf Bf tbe other gentian na id been presented ? leader in Hil* ne.-.- mei i ,, , i ' i ? imptlj i. -iard. d bj bi lng r-.,i,:. ta mli iclamaili.ti. i. ii og 'i ni'- BTABDABO iii. mills. Hui.'*.' mei Chase %>? both pnpnl. Iha -eil sgarstod n itnnj'riti iii,i'i s hom.- i* in I'o-.-v County, when ii hut liw.l iht- gieate. purl of lin- -Iv, BVS yana "1 his life. In Hie little, h. wa? atosnd Judii'- of Ihe au 1 ourl nf lli.lliliiA, on Un* 1 ..-iii...-iii'I.- ticket, toil lelt. afb I lat lon with thai t.aefv en,le,I In InbA. When. Ul an anti-slavery Irunocrat, ho was overwhelmingly un? bated as a ciso-lielaic for CongmBB. Da was iimoig the 4 Du vt,:nnr. ,-r nUfon In the late war ami w_-s rapidly pronto d for gallaal nrvfoe on Um laM, unUl he i Beana a m.-ij,>i- general He wn fittingly ? to In tbe ciinv iitlnti to,lav n " the John A. Lagan "f Indiana.* With iln* exception of four >? i ipent in Peru as i . I ted Bl ttn Mininer, undn -ton? er*! iii-anf* Administration, he devoted htaMelf la law. practice and llterao work until two y<enn ego, whoa be wn brough) oui as the Repu 1 i for . ongrees in the 1st Distrtei of Indiana. Tha Democratic majority at the preceding efoerioa wn over 1..-1111, hu. (,eneral Hovel not only overcame the (Mills, but ran so far ahead of his tie kat that he came out of the light with a BM loritj "t 1.:!(iu. His efforts in behalf of the Midlers In the Interesl of whom he now h*s inverai hii|s pend Ins in Congress, together with hi* reputation as a vol,,meer warrior, have made him Immensely popular among the veteran volunteers. ira J. rhase. the nominee for Lleutennat-Oovernor ls a ns'lie of Bockport, N. Y. Be. lon, is popular anning 'he soldiers, end I' wn large!] on areuuni ul thi- (sci thal Le was noTi 1 n?:e.!. n>* was ommandr ot the Grand Army in Indiana until lest February. Two rewa ago ss a candidate for < nngress in the Vth DUtriet in- reduced Ihe inajoilty of C C. Matson, th preaenl Democratic nominee for Governor, fro:u ijSOO to aboil' :- .* Ihe ticket was completed within! d'fflculfy. THC DKrLARATlON OF PBUfOIK-flB. T!;e platform " Indorses anr| iBllfln" UM action of the Chicago CoamatlOB and plc.lg** th" electoral vu'.* of Indiana to Harrison and Morton, (ieneral Harrl*nn. as the National candidate, ls stropgly commended, and after saying that "the National platform expresses the filth of th? party upon National questions for the ItopnbUeaaa of Indiana.? the recent crimes of the Deeann!** party in th? State, Including th'* gerry? mander by which more than one half of the people of t!,e sta'e aTe shorn of their lust r!ghts_were denounced In lui UDCertaln terms, iii- platform says arnon** other thin. , : Tba alleged ileetln of 1 United s*_,;e* Bannar wi* ie* aampHMMd by fraud *n< f rc.-, py high-handed nargal n of power, the overthrow sf eOBBUnttoael and legal form*, the jetting a-lde of ihe retult* of a ni oar eieeti.m un'l UM theft nf the prerogative* of duly Sleeted and qualified ?embers .if m LegMatan Tiiat stein Bneten par- nf the | Admin!*! ration it, AA\i*hm -???m. now In power by virtue of public crin cs and Ito nuillfle.v tlnn of naaUtattoM and laws. The s.inrn revels corruption, scoundrellsn anti outnn In UM conduct of the' penl and beneveMal Instltui on of the srat.*, mad- * Investigating commltt-e* nf rh- las', Legislature, an. e ,i - actii 11 of ? DtametaUi Benian ami Dane tntle, legislators, enforce the demand nf in enli-hi.'n-'l public sen'lment that these great and sacred trusts be for? ever MBMved fruit, partisan en tnt IV.* favor placlna ? ll public Institutions under a wisely conceived ind hon? estly idmtolatend Clvfl Benin law. A poid portion of the platform ls devoted to tba labor, railway, free-school planks, and then if says: We favor lecl-i.ition .-jon th'- prin-loie of local SpUsn. The gratitude of a petriotlc pennie to the d'fenders of the Inion cannot li* SMBSUWd by motier. AVe will not consent thu my Cnion soldier or sailor or his widow et orphan* shall b* lta|milfined or embarriMId beeauie of th- refusal of lilieral provisions hv th- flsniUBMnl or technical requirement* of lsw or administration In lOeurll.c reeognltln of their .'ust claims. Proof of .rn tonenMa dlschaig') and of extsring disability ought and must !>* dreir.ed sufficient showing to warrant the award of a pen? sion. The rapid utlllraUon of natural ga* has grea'lT stimu? lated tli- lii_,.-t:i_l interests of the- common weil th. sad rendered more essential the coii'lnuanc- of thal eoenonll rystem under which our msrvcllju ad 1- ban mad-. I1' uiocratlc fl:ib?i?*e:fnp in the National H.-use of Bi p -?-?i.i.'.tive. pnnntad tbe return ia -.ii- Treen the Stat" of Indiana of the .um of B8M.873 -'13, the 'u*!icej nf which claim 1 galnsr, th'- fl WM isl iL)*.-.-rriia.iit hi oBtotaUy aeknewledgad ird lu lepajbmbi mo-rided for. Like ho.til- DesssenUe action has ai*u pravental th- r turn t., mir -State* Treasury ,,f *1o?,'.i7'- 41. Ilanunl an'l ln i> mal on war loan*, bord* 1 midi iud BeeesMiy to emly and maintain Ike - i. rs who we-nt out under UM ll -' ci.ll for troop. 11, : The services of our Republicen members of UM Nv; n ll linus-' ut BepnenieUvea m*."*:? our BmtnllBed a, 1 MICHIGAN REPUBLICANS ASSEKBI-E, A LABOE AND ENTHUSIASTIC COBTEBTIOB? OOTXBBOB LOCK TO BE BEBOMIBAT __etr;>lt, Aug. 8 (Spcc;ali -The BepubUen* state Con vcntioii tins altoi-Mea Barned BaeM tn argaalal wnrfc Every county in the state is represented, and nearly all the* delegations ar* Blind. -V striking I of the repreientallon 1- t.'.'- iariie number of d-*ie parcs who roted for Harrison and Tyler In 1840. Lenawn ' aunty'! en'ln* delegation ls composed of the veteran of 1840. This happy mlztan of rhe young and old BapnbHeanlan o! tiie sta*c engender! an eathnlaam really remarkable, and all then DMD COOM With eh"e:-tng intelligence. They s*vy th-re never Wi- a time when Michigan Republican* were mon har inoiilnu., bettor organised and -*, >'.ls-*-* for th- frai? ls at pri'son'. in th** Iron-producing Upper Peninsula Democrat! as weil as Koput'i;* ???-;'.-.- in the resolution tliat everything shall be lone lo pul a ctMCk upon the free tra,l* f tey, and they think nothing will do lr so effectually ai tba majority ,,f 5,000 or 8,1 00 iii il they are determined to nnd to Laming the night of November ?;. Ali patts of tbe reports thar increased majorities ead rotes may be expntod from them, and a careful*. of ISlonal situation ShOWl thar tbe proon! Re? publican illsti-ie-ts will be firmly h-ld. and thar there li -very renou to beUeve thar ar lent th.-? u.n be w ti,,ui rLe Democrata. Major C. W. Atkins was chosen temporary chair* man of the convention today, and h" mail- a speech, (ieneral Alger was called upon and delivered uno of hi. happy characteristic addnsns trhleb 1 rhe enthiislasm of the convention to cheering pitch. Th<*n when the nsnnl eommltten were chosen the convention adjourned until ti BMROW. To-night a grear ratlflcatlou meeting wei hell at the Detroit Rink, whfoh called out an audience of nearly ',....*) per-..!'.-. All through the speeches appian. ami Cheering were almost Incessant. Governor Luce, General Alger, Colonel Atkinson, Boberl E l . i Diane] DufBeld, C. K. Bola, W, Q. Alwood and many others delivered short speeches. Then "'.-re* no long a^ldresses T!ie> nrmost eUthtMtaam greeted every mention of fhe names of Harrison an-! Mi The convention to-monow win renominate Governor Luce by acclamation ami the others of the present -tao* oflfoen, ezeept th,* Attorney '.eneral and a mem? ber of the --tate Hoard of Education, will undoub receive renominations, (.oveinor Luce hu- earned bia re -le.-tl,jp. by his conservative, bttStnesa-Uke A*lmln iMtration, whieh kn bnn popular among all <-',? i .ef tba people, npwially amoi g the farming das*,. , | winch th- Govern* ll a member, Ms majority . will, beyond quesUon, largely exceed Ca: of twi . ego Michigan, from , ? d tl..- vim for Ihe Kai ti Ucl aexl Bovember. 0TF08LXQ CHIEF ARTETTB'S BEELBCTTOR. Chic rial). Tl *? National ' tlon of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers win ire?t nt Richmond, \':t.. In Octobw, anti th.* v, eetei il thal 'he meeting wm t a ly one. It ls i ... v. m ong effort to oust Chief Arthur. 'The to Arthur ha- become i irj en enpuii-er to-day, I \riien the convention Binti ll wlU be found thal tbe Wnten - ithern delegatn win l.ppoaed lo in, and will be fol - snd Mexican members .here hi againat Urth ur In the Wnt and fi ?? Imo, but || . . -. 'OJ Milk-. i fool vi I him ; ,,f bim t ? *f mi *.*. , !? enough, aud ti* ii be ell 18 a . io gel the beet of bim." rflB qvam -i Phila-i ipi la, Aug I ul expenn ?,' D i gi -.:," 5,BB7 I- IM- ls j'l.i'.Hi.iXK) In BOH jcii'i- exp ?-* fr,/.-. OEBODOBB BCBLtET. Newport, ll. L. Aag. - i i.nnint'l--r?- \V A-tiley, Chief "f th'* Ciiit-'1 ;,f Bgnlpneni an.'. Recruiting, is .inp.- in al his home Mata, He ** i i Meted to ie- ??* Hi" naval training station .ii Monday ? Tueaday, bm lu* bna anana ? i | i LOW WEI BE iv ?< i' (SOI I ELLS m, Anu - Burgeon i.en-eil 11sri11' nas rneemd the following dlapatek hom Dr Qnttoma, wha was reeenlly Bato ft JaetoenvlUe, lia., to invni *, .,| rav Bl radow f-v-r : ? i \ wted ta 111 Mei araUah ar the >9and Hills, whan ho has bna careful'} Isolated. The san N aaa -f icllow tovar, conliai-t.*e1 In Plant Illy and flBieleged In .lackt-onviiit) l'.tti.-iit Boavalonent. Otbei honda ie In .-.tun- house thorough.) iBoleled ? apprehend Un further dannr lu that direction.* WAI -._._>Ur ? KJLk .Ult. DLiai.i-i. Till: CITY OF NKW-TOUR DELATED. GREAT THRONGS DISAFIODTTED BLT PA TIEXT. THF. STF.AMKR SAM SLOAN WITH PROMINENT RSPOBUOAMB OM BOABD MWI1BB AB'.CT TUT. ^.'lAVJ.P. I!AV IN VAIN-AN F.NTHCh.L ABTIC MBXTIBO AT (T.fFT"N, S I.-AN AeOCZDBBT TO THF. st J. a M J: P. BOBBI CrAP.RI.TT Pit IV KV TKO A ORF. AT CBOWD FP."M 80IMB DOWN TH* BAT?TBBOMG8 AT THF. BOI The eTowds who went down the Hay to meeB Mr. Maine ami we]conied)im home again yeatordafl were dis.-)pp..mted. After s|s-ndmg the morning moored to the Sum Sloan's pier at Cortlandt-st gad the afternoon cruising around Fort Hamilton and Sandy Hook, they returned to the city with? out accomplishing their purpose, but -with their enthusiasm and affection for the Republican statesman still unabated They will return to their quest at 7 o'clock this morning,.when it la experted that tlie City Bf New-York will be at ?i.i'i.-ir:ii:tino wailing for them. It is not unusual that a new steamship fails, on her first trip, to make her guaranteed time. New machinery .seldom does Its du tv when first put into motion, and without takinp into account the murky III a lim which has pfc-vailed for the list tkWI divs anel must have he.-n attended -with kooty outside fo^s, it would not he at all nmark ablc. for a MW ship to be a dny late. Tlie sail down the Btv was cool and pleasant and it was anim."to,] on board the reception stenmor bf the music, of the bund, by sons* and -p.e'ii-s. The impromptu mass-meeting at Clif? ton, S. I., developed a good deal of witt? and ready oratory. Theta is to Ije no especial chango in the programme to-day for Mr. Blaine'! reeeiv tion, except that tho boat will leave her pier at the painfully early hour of 7 a. m. In other reepecta the arrangements decided upon for yes? terday will he a-lh'*r.?l to to-day. It wns dedded lat*- last night hy General Jack? son an-l the others who have eharg- of the parai", ti,.it ii should take place this evening, rain or shine, and whether Mr. Blaine arrives in time to review it or not. It ls supposed that Mx. Blaine will get here in time, however. A MBBBT PARTY ON THE SAM SLOAN. WAITING PATIENTLY POB THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. tiif. ookmrtkb and th i'.l p. friends crui6b aro c.nd thu bassos and hold a meet iv.-to take lp their watch again this Murnini;. The hendii'inrter*. of the committee in charge of Mr. Bia itu 'a neeption WM practically trans ferred yesterday morning from West Twenty Bfth-Bt io Pier Xo. 1-, X.*rtli liner, where tho -t.-iiine-r Siini Sloan waa -t.iti,,[.i !. It had been announced that tue Lout would not start down th" Buy until afternoon, hut the crowd be? gan tu Luther on iln* pier before 0 o'clock. An hour or so later there were BBBBffB club mea preeent *? give the place a patriotic Bftpa___a_M% wiri tlie ir BngB banners, hndgn and uniforma. Whir.- pluines were cs|.eclally prominent Pin! 1" antva wm the Yourie- Men's Blaine (.lui) dPChingo, numbering a hundred or more. Every man won ii high whito Lat, dark clothing, yellow glovn mid a handsome badge in blue and gold. The part of the members went on Bl L. Eniver, which occupied a pla,*.' al tba pier near the Sloan. The Pulver . lyly d<*. om*. .1. A baan i.-annon at her bow waa kept brno Bring nlutea to tha paaatoB craft. B. X Taylor had .-.suniand of the- fhlfgB division, undated by C. E. Laud. pceaidaM of the club. Col. E. H. Norton, Dr Gray, C. E. Beardsley, I. E. Gould. S. C. Millet, Colonel Munstery, EL E. Teed, Colonel I. I. Ajroto and other leading mem : ':.?.-'*r...:.! ?atio.T. It took them all to man iifc,'* thinga, tot th.- Lake City eontiBfBBI WM the live! ea! un- in the Bael Ita enthttnla-an was un luiunded, and c'iiptaiii Philip Dick, of the I-*ulver, ni oi- ii', effi r: to wpBUBB it. The Silver kept elov to th-- Sloan all day, bur most of the other I-ja ts exuiSBd about on their o-ati account BOMB or Tin: avf.ll-knoavn mi.n presf_nt. * Bight after tba Chi ago Club cam the m-mbers of tiie* Reception i ?f?it_?t ___ Bepablteaa Club asd >10-M of tu- Invited ;;-ie.ts. John F. Plum ni-r was uni,-iii,- arriv;ils. Then ex 1.'. e.--,. appeared with General HmsBmm, Ex-Sen .tor I< !' *? ,ii.m- irith Louis F. Pnyn. il- sui on th- pi'-r for an hour or moe-, but finally lind tu >ga i>.ie ic to bil I.-it*.n>-s* GoveiiMg Louns bury, of Connecticut, was a_BOag the first of rho New-England rcpreeentativn to arrive. Dr. George B. boring, ol M.tssueiiiisetts followed ibortly alt.?rw.u-.L 'Hi- stalwiirt form of ex l tuted Mules l),strie:t-.Vrteerii.-y T.nney tower.-d amoiii; the Brooklyn dr lr girton PtaMaM Fos? ter, of the National Leagws came whh PN-8MB8 Hefford, of the -New-York Stat.* Ass,,, ia non, and ex-CdBffRBBBU-B Kin.*, of Minneapolis, one of tho iii'l's! shakers in Minnesota. 1 h>-n two men, oU'i tiui ami thc otha oi medium h'-.i-'iit, came oa board. Thev wen -canned with much iBtBCBBl .! ts. "General rlnrriaon'a law partacs Mr. Miller. "? Bona om whiapend, and ta a minuw tba naallei two men waa cordially greeted by a no rn of people. Mr. Hillel arrived here un Wednesday BA B BBBDBCOB IB ATI'LATIONS. Mr. Miller broai ?*? I : im thia note of iatro duetion from General Harrlaon: lui.- L, August 6. 1888. r **.?*?<-. city: My I "ar S.r. This wUl le* hai l-l na by Mr. w. li. ii Miller, "ii- *. m. !?? i.,.- *.*?- nd -? oaty c..,** ll ? Ita ? i, fr..rn ?ut . . Bea .' -k :., jee.ii m -he re. _ i liar *. -i.i BB_B| I *ii* -? **!i * n, u 1 tu ve ... i - te Mr. lliaiuti a SBBlbB . n.Usi remain !,, -e. I havu al :*'.l.t. mci orrin new pl .li!.. II 111-- ..lei | e\---nd UJ ti?em ruell .-oin- ? Aery Man i-i :- : ii tSSISOM. Mr. Mil! r's tall conn a - w?- Honea Me-Kay, ? - ' .it l:i ii'* S--.IS bngada with Gaav . :ul Harrison during till* war, and is nne of the mn,ni's in-st intimal.* lr i.. i ... ? .*. the .1,.,.- , i both BbbBb an'l t .I-- ? crowded arith representative matty bm troty Btata aad E-rntorv. Anion th.-m wara William Waii.-r Pintos CbIbbbIg. V. R. I'ruger, chairman of the Coan ? . MTbitn law Bald, Ail'n Tliuriulike Rice, Cuiigri*s.*>i**nii of Minnesota. Charin Luioi-y siu.tii, Je.s -|,ii Manley, Cuy C. Kohls of Vermont, Adam li. hine. Bl B.titimore; I?\M_-lit [_awnBBS -v- B. Whitney, Colonel EL A. M.Ali'in, Bernard Killin, John J. (?'Brien, Murat [l.tLsteud, ft. ury h. Frederic a. Patts "' x.*>v-..irk, BaBBatan 11 .nii'hre\, of tm- Natieeiial K-publ.rau LangM. lT-sitlelit W. \\ J...His.rn, ol the Ma: ? *. Henry V.'\ in-.'-'p. Siiii.m Stevens, l'atri.k Ford inui a iiiiiub. r af fin tels. Gay B. 1'eltull Weale, f. lion, ol MttMaehuat'tto, and \\ 1.I.IU* >'. natur tinny had to ntl to AllB-W^to hut ti.e National Committee was rep rem* ut wi bj th*#*?ia memben: Vico-Chuiruian J. S. Clarkson, Colcini