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MONMOUTH AND SARATOGA. TODAY'S CARD AT LOM; BRANCH. EGMONT TO RUN?THE TXVO BIO HANDICAPS. Visit,,rs lo Monmouth Park to-day xviii havo the oppoitun ty ol seeing Dir. lamons Weston. spilti'T Egmont fer ih,* Brsl Him*. Fabulous tale- are toM aboul this ie!loxv's sp.-, d when hf ls really himself If one accepts tho a siivaiic-s ol Hie Ve.torn sport..non. Egivont bo Ihe fa *<"*t Berte thc world ever saxv at th nv*-minne rs of a mlle An.l yet Ihen* aro EasL-rn turfmen tvlu, have so I ii li con? fidence In tho prov.ess of Eastern t-Vorottchbpils that they aro rrady to match an East.'iii, Beens sgsinsi Egmont at tln-oe-quarti-rs of a mil" for fiori S...0OO lo #10,000 a sid** Thai would ndeed make a race, xvoitli seeing. However, Egmont Las no formidable adversaries In the Lust rate to,lax at a mlle, ami ought to Min easily, ix Uh Flac-obita second. A pood fleld w ll start In the An.boy llandlriip for two-year-olds. Afier lil- excellent performance on Tuesday, Mr. llaggin's Ransom ougl,' to win with Mr Delmont's tilly lidos In second place. And yet on a heavy track lt is possible that some one of the 1 ghtw rights may cause a big un-ct and a gro.-it sui prl90. The third rare, the* handicap at a mlle and a quarter, wllh tho liberal sum of .1.2.M) added, did not fill, anil a purse of fiiOO, at s.-v.-ri fuilongs, for bessel ihat have ? run and not won al Monmouth Park this yeai-, was substituted. This Las brought om a good number of cnn-es. Bradford will have tie benefit nf Hay? ward's ruling tn day, tl,e absence of vhlrh caused him I,, be lt, aien r-IT bailly on Tuesday, and Bradford should win. wlilL- Diiiiboyno -has a fair chance for the place. The fourth race ls a little soil ng affair for two-year old-, of no ouaacquenoe and with a poos field Hut tho fifth rare, the Cape Mav Handicap for iln-oc yo-i-rilils, is of gnat inter'st and sboaM afford a splendid sui,pele. Tho top weight, Baili?-, ls a sm.-.ll I,orso, snd has sever shown murd 1 king for heavy weights, hence ll would imt BA amazing If ho should Ix* today, and yet lils speed ls sn g:rat arid form N gu high that ex-en w tb 120 p'niiul. 1 prcfVr bis chances to those of any other In tin- ra-,*, sJlhouBli Defence and li Man are both dangerous, Md Mr. Wtthers"s pair of fillies. Inver* w el snd Cascsdo, art rare t? mn wen with their light weights Badge rn win, then, while Defence at the iiisi.i',,-.' ina got second place, Bul lhere ls no ??c;)),-b*' In ilii? race, In it might per* l.;i;is wm. The following aiv* t)ie lists of probable starters: 2 :?" P. M. FIRST RACE-HANDICAP. ONE MILK, Name. Ac". x\"t. Namo. Ag". XV't. Egmont . ,'t 122 Nianar,. . 4 A05 I poletta . i 103 si. Vai.-i.tlue.t 4 *.'.) 3 P. M--BBCOND RACE-AMBOY HANDICAP. TWO* YEAR oj.ns BU PUBLONO& Owner. li BS. B ? XV't, J. .1. caner. K is.,.n. springbok. HT j. li Haggln. Ransom . Itayon I'Or. Ill, A. li . I-Ides. Ihe lll-L'ao-l. Ill D. J. :M.cniiin-_ Sorrento. Joe Hooker. HS I>. I) Withers .. . Minion. Bing Emesi. Ill A. J. Casasu. Felicle. Stratford .H" a. 8. Brown. Inxeicsuld colt.. King Alfonso..-. IOU l i i: (win . Carrlentoa. Grlnstead. 08 i ii Raymond..?-? Rlpton. liefcrm. n xv i Daly. .I nissa . Kitit.*i',sht>r. i'i Preakness Stable... Gen iai ni ?. Bayon d'Or. I>0 DavlsB Hall. Sourlrl. Eolua. kt 8...0 P. M. THIRD RACE- NON-WINNERS AT MON? MOUTH. SEVEN FURLONOS Name Air Wt. Nba* Ac". Wt Dunboyne . -1 ll- Volunteer . 4 105 Bradford . i IIB Centipede . 3 103 ;. . 4 lib Maty T. 4 th 1 nil ii . 1 108 Aiistrleni.e . 3 101 ocean . ?'. IOU Puzzle . 4 101 Winona . A HM 4 P. M.-FOURTH RACE-TXVO-YEAR-OLrS. SIX I DBL0BG8. Name XV: HMM Wt. I ? ilk-. il-'. Volunteer . '.'T Harrisburg ,. in Katie . M Ululah . 10S xuiscli. I 4 Li,...nt. 105 Tiburon . s e ? *?]i* . lol sweet Avon. M li ile Barefoot. ... I 4 BO P M LIFT!! RACE-CAPE MAT HANDICAP. THREE YEAR OLDS. 1 Ml MILES, Owner. ?s,|ro w't. .m.l-l*.-, ache. Badge. Tbe Hi-Vied.... 120 M JordSB. |,.:-,,, . liny,.n d'or. 115 Appleby t Johnson Tristan. Glenelg. 115 i , Stahl.s iti.iu.*,,.*. Rt. Martin. lu li ii dorrit . specially. bnieaiion. nt A. llclnionl . ttv.iige Oystci ... Voltigeur- 112 \ l ti,..r,*, . Ta ra nun. Stratford. U j || linrcii. Dan I"I la.lue Daniela. 110 I. D. Withers . ? Inverwleb. Kins Ernest. i'? ll D Withers ...?,- sJe . ii a.. io:, McMshon X Co.. .. Sp, -dwell . spendthrift...... H*>4 p Lorillard. lr. B<-n< Hdlnc. llu-rnii. Hearst_ O''??....ii. Monday. OS itywln. Winona. Griastead. Bl --. !'. M.-sixth RACE-SELLING, l's MILES A. . xx'i. Name. Ate. Wk i ,,t- . e. j'.'" St. Val-liHne. 4 !00 . :. J10 I'-ela . 4 |00 I.u Booker. 0 113 Tudor . 3 JOO I/.nn Knight. a J07 Unique . ?. N ll . I 107 Klug B. a i ST .i . a 103 FAVORITES HAVE AM INNING. I-eii'i; OUI Of K)vi: xvin at BARATOGA-EIBG ? RAB TBE ODTSlBER Sara! ga, A' |. 8 (Si ll)-- Pw Iht flrst time the back an of ravorl era pr>*t'v nu, li Uieir own way I.. 1st, aa loni "ii- ?'' ?'"" by them. i _ ii " -ui,! ,*n three There la a ? ?. and if ho md" s cou Mi in. um ""'.el h- becked. There ?as nothing .....ii in ibe racing, although thc Mdi weis large bc lust were started prompUy. .!, weather was excessive!] warn a nd Um bul brecte In rn atb ii'tx tie.,: is ,,( dual ovei ti." couria Follow ri HST RAI i i'i RSI ISM! one milk. \V. 1 . ? ??'- i>. f i. i ml ra. I |Tfc, bj BUlet '*. ' .iBarnt-s) 1 xv. Grsi ?' i* i -x* -ii.mi I, m. 12 . (MarUi i,. i>. xv :*,,:!', U t. i i-iie.e- Fortunalus, S, -,'T . i.xiicn, J , ;,;-. it.env > *, : lin. Alarie mo. Cateaby 2eM ln| 1". i'm: I'*' - Beith j - " ?'. I ..ii, ll t" ?'? Prlnete Fnrtunatus, )e, . , ? . au - j i" ld ng lo Austria na, so il to ! 'Hi Elmira, 0 t? i . nst Ai.ia, 1*,. , ii*, :-'i )iinie Furtunatua gio, 11*11 *30. 1 :44 M. el ling ran out and got ? ! ., | ui (, ir , i,.".i s. X' id- bead ol UM stn ,,,ii, md. 1 ? -' rh won bj i length and a hall fi"in Austrlana, -.< Icugth (tom Fortunstua IND RACE PURSE HOB TWO-TEAR-OLDS. ? i LLlNii. FIVE PUBLONOR p.. Tucker's eh. t. Minni.- Palmer, by Laka Blsck i i: t tooti , 07 lb - - (Barnes) l D O'Connor's ?>. f. Teaas ?- . 07 ? - !Fanny) *_ j; pryor A i Navigator, 87. ? (Ail. m 8 . i'.i Coia l. :)T, .i.-,k:** Tosh 01, Wbbaaau se K. 00, Rouauboul Ol, Laka \..n ie., bandy lin. .in 1 Rollin Hawley 05, a'.-', ran. li, '.i'i i ii ta i si .I* I 1 a .,*' i. *.. lo _ J Team E., IO Mom K., 15 Flddlehesd, Roustabout, Navigator aud il Hln Hawley, 12 Lakeview, SO Cori L, 21 ... i '?? , .,^- nnd (tandy, Place?Even Palmer, 20 .?? i Ti asa K. Pools?Minnie Palmci i'ii, Trademork $9, Tessa K. IO, Ile!'' - ' s-iJlT 10. Time-1 :03. Sand sud ii ustal were the lenders at the start, but Minnie Pelmet ian lorward st the badi, with Tessa K s- uni. t ti*, finished In thia mannsr, Minnie winning by iiii'T lengths, Navintor was three lengths away, Alter Qnlahlng xs'.ii.:, to ii,*.w his riii-r, (i,-:i:y, and r^n three mil,. itt-feert' liciinj caught, Ike winne! wu- bough! In fe.r g 20, TH.RD RACE-PCR8E HM BPBCIAL WEIGHTS. .MILL. AND x SIXTEENTH. Divver Brothers' t. ',. Beasts Jun'.-, 4 yrs., bx- King x : - \i._-. 103 tr*.(Williams) l A. o. McCampbcll's i, m. R.<u!ta, 5, 105. Boden) I ll i Myers's br. h Bonnie a ?*.. 1*10 . . (McCarthyj 3 Elyton Ol. Neille -,'T. uu'l xvhit" dt, also ran. L tiing *', io _ "ii Bessie June 12 io i against xv),ii Bonnie S. and Bonita, ll Elyton, 21 Neilla Place No ng ii* sa i'-.'.'*. :*t i'* i Hmi,,ia. p...,:-- ii. s*i.' June s.'.T. ii" I if.'.*.. Mets - - - Time -.' m l .-. Resale June look the li id al Ike starr, ran sway from the Bald, and ?t.:i bj tw, lengths from Boulia, a length and s hal! U-foie Bonni" s FOURTH BACK-PURSE ?300. BF.ATEN HORSES. BIN FURLONG i. C. Cornehlaen's l,r. g. Kins dat,. 3 vr-.. bv Kine le - ?.(liar:, it,,in 1 Vhell Ui others' b. m Timboun te '.. 08 Oaaler) 2 I-f - is'l rh. f. D-lla. 4. 101 G Slsslie , sa Hatty Glen K's. Packs 100, Alu *.oi C : ?- Reel 104 LS Lin * M nnle ioi 1 .*. Vo aUle I0_ I..;*), ind Ch'ckaho.-nlnj KM 1-2, al-., ran Betting?2 io 1 i-.n'-i ,', Kirnz i rab 7 ( Baal. - l ?' - . Il ii il. ?- *?: nu. 21 Chicka I ?' .S" Vrilatllx, in Ti,in:?,ur, ?? ? ,,Mi, rs i* - ". K m. , rab 11 lo 1 i amboun tte, Poola I'.iiiii. gil, Kins Crab irlO. Little. Miunlo IS. Mutaala -ASS. Tlaas l io Chiekabomlnv and Lltlle Minnie led to th? half, but Delhi ran f.,*ttir1 and was Hr.: -.,- ibo three wi Mt i -???*?, h Ring Cra a lush sad <. bv i?.. lengtka from Tamboureiu*. s i ' fe.r', n lia Illili RACE-PURSa ?:*-.". BBLUBO. ONE MI I.E. WO. S"iillv-s ,-h <?. ni,;, van. 4 vra.. bv Kim? Ban Ifira *: "OO . HO fe iBaraea) 1 ' - lal le'a eh g Bronromarta 4 I''"", \ D'* Una fl., s.-.-d * ? > li'-gent pfl, Romp 107, t-.n-'s- |.. ? s- )?:?- , in Isla 74. Red Prluei Oft " Kahn lo.*, and Le Clair mn. also ran Betting?0 '* I II 0 lan. I t, i r,,-, u ,,. 12 Roi :- ,;,..,' ,, '. tnt aad Ked Kahn, I ' Ri 1 Prince bu i - [et Falsenot Placc-A vu 2 on Han ? , - l aaa 'e.-' ii.e,.-,/. marva. Pool*- Ban Yea Iii. Una IL *ft, field s2X Mutuale-AlO 70. Timi l -18 i-2 After s lang delay ihsy ?,i> ?ff wuh iii? ? _??* I r*ie s; ); ne |u fi.mi. Mirth itnd Bron ron, *. i?ok un ti.- running te Inc bal!, when Ban Van rushed forward and taklte- I <Oiii!r,andliig it-ad \t,n bj- three I, nglhi fr. n Bi-*,j."., n laaglh ??? t' )?? I'na li disoix-dirnes al thc peal ta the last rani Starer I '-' eaatmaded lackeys Harris, Urahlkil and ,s?nds till bo pu ru !?? r 1 mid Ciawfsrl f'er ?ne Ve-sr. -? I IBATOGA I NTIIIES FOR TOT)AY. Saratoga. Ant'. I (Bpiitali. IC ii MSC* is the ?-|ghth r?*iiular thiy at the mt ? ? sg with Ihs Xirglnia sud Trouble bUik'-a to Ito hui. while the oth'-r raes hsxe saelvcd linn..!'.ut sntrlea Tho first sud third igeof reeshrel um . i'lKiiiioii fr.ein s|?-e ii an>r* iii'!- evening Ii.i, |.'i.i? sr ci',-.- ond SSSMag tun*' is, azt i),? CMtaetitOCa Imo record* thal entitle them to considers!lon For the flrst rac.* !>?!* x lt a strong fsvorlt*-, as he li now lu s-plciidld form, .-ind with the moderstc weight which the conditions sllow him. he should win. Prose msy gel the Mace Ths Virginia Sukes u but five furlong*, and Gyps; leen ought- to win. with Servla or the Lioness in the place. Daruna msy lien RypacrlM for tht, third raee. Teaag sweep und petulance acorn to bo the best In .* fnui th race for nial.lens. The entries ai* b,*!?w : HIST RACE-SPECIAL XVEIOHTS. ONE MILE 70 V IBM, Nsme. XV:. Name. W't riex.ito Hallston .... on srsinan .... los Fr,**-.BS ns tn- .... Ii'fl Banjo.N lc ND RACF-V1RL1NIA HTAKFS. TWO YEAR OLDS. FIVE rUBLOBOB Name. Wi Rema Wt. > (,? .... 110 Billet..luanPa colt . IW sll, i.'.t . . . . Il', i bandier . . ? 10 he L'oness . . . 107 Brm!.I'1' -rps.) quana . - ? H>7 ia:,, . vmour .... 10.X servla.?'*. lur on .... lol Cartooa . . o. ina Beck ? ? ? i"*1' THIRD RACE-HANDICAP. 11-4 MILT'S Nitre W't. * Name. W't. lam a , ... 1(7 Hxporrito . . , , Ira I'ulio.Ifl Belle d'or ... 'iT lan.UM Hair- limper . . . '.', ,i_o.IcB'j aeph .... Bl xiURTH RACE - MAIDEN THREE-YEAR-OLDS. SIX PURLONO& Name. W't Name. W't. iiiki . . *. . . IM P r? ai, tl . . . . *07 *(.i, ld . . e . Ht N< e BT D'Nell . . . ln7 ' Sweep . . . Ill' Bs., H?p .... 1'*7 ov.iae .... 110 lel?od .... 107 -11s Sn Ith colt - . I'O Lilma ..... 101 iile-'own .... li" Straynetc .... 1"!! e-'ls.i .... HO Petulance .... 103 lynwood .... HO TFTTI RACE-TROUBLE STAKES. STEEPLE? CHASE. 214 MILES. Name. Bf* I Name. W't. ? .... 175 ! Klllar. ev .... !SS VIII lintis . . . ISO XVill.o Lamer. . . 125 lome Cristo . . 145 i Pools were sold tonight as follows: Tlrst raee-Lolev $310, Prise $fi0, Hallston snd Orlsctte 35 each. Ban)o $30, Oarsman $25. Second--Gypsy Queen S?0'1. Bl')** Roek and Lioness coupled) |I0, Servla and R*".s*e|s (coupled) P21, Barton ad S.*Mn.e,ir ttl" earl,. Chan lier. Rel Dight and Her n Bl each, Callente HO, field |SA Thlrd-Daruna $.",0, Wary and Hypocrite" $35 each. Argo ii-.d "tVihoo $10 earh, field 125. Fourth-Younc Sweep, Lovelace, Petulanee and Anio* rd each, field BSA Fifth-Tennessee s2.*>, Monte OrtsSS 1-0. Palmer, Davis ind Killarney $15 each. BOATS SWAMPED IX A BEGATTA niF. PABBAIC8 BEAT THE COLUNiniAS-TIIE TO TOMACB DISQUALIFIED. Washington, Aug. P.-The annual Potomac River ?cgatta began here today limier the auspices nf tho Pot om ar and Cullimbin Boai 1 Dibs, with an excellent proaped "f a gOOd day's racing, but xvas brought to i snr!,len termination In the gig ra-e by a terrific thunder and rain Ilona, Whieh swamped Ihe boats of Le txvo contostlnK STOWS a:;d Overturned throe or [our pleasure boats that were nut on tho river. TLe races were ono and one half tnlliis straightaway aver tho ttpjier course. .1. ll. S. Waits, of lialtlmore, Md., acted as referee. For tbe first nee for senior fonr-oared shells, there were three erews, and tbey But off fairly well, the Columbian in Ihe liad, the Putomacs second, and tho Passaies, ibe atiialonr ihSllipBllSl of the countiy, Lost. All Ibo CICWI palled a si lok,* of forty two to tho minute, and made an ex? cellent race lor the first querier of a milo, the Potomac! and Passaies overhauling tho Columbtsi and passing Hie Hag almost on even terms. Al Hels polnl Ihe Potoinaos crossed over Imo the Columblas' water and a foul resulted, causing tb.- PotOSBSCl to bo (lls<|iiall!leil sod breaking the Columblas' DOW oar. Tlie Pa-salcs and Coluin 1,1 SS worn thon started nit on oven U-rms, but the Passaies. rowing a beautiful stroke of forty to tho minnie, wenl lo the front, and at the new bridge, almost a nillo hom ths start, worn two lengths ahead. They tiion ilachcned ap while tho Colamhtas madi* a stn.ns' -spurt and at the finish xvero only half a length behind ibo Pa?sa1es. Tim" ito Ihe fouling point i :.-?.',, f-.-om there to tho finish)?Passaic, r> ::;?_; Columblas, (1:^4. The second race was for Junior four-oared shells, and proved an i'asy victory for the columbia-, who, start? ing ol se.-ond. -quickly overhauled the Ariel., of lialtl mora, and then Increased their lead, whining by lour lengths ahead of the Arlels. the PotOmaCS, thc Ililli! crew, being hopelessly in tbo rear. Time?Columbia, I 153; Ariel. 8 :15. The third race, for four-oared gigi, was started In a ?severe storm. The oonteataata were the Columblas and polonia/"-, nf this oliy. The Potomac*. Quickly se* cured the lead, and aoon bad a Icngih of cl,ai' water betxveon them and the Columbian lin' storm, bow ever, inc sensed in violence, and both crews shipped water badly. XXIlbln a quarter ol a inii.* ol the finish the wind na. blowing a gale and a heavy iain was (ailing. Tbo Pot,,macs' lu,at swamped, and a moment later tin* Columblas, who xvero near tho Xir xtnla -hore, -em under, willie several plenum boats were overturned, .\mi.l gr.-at excitement tug- pm mr to the al'l of those In the water, and finally all bands Were rescued am! carried saf.-ly to shore. Rollinson, of the Potomac*, could not swim, and fears were en tertained that fie would drown, but tie and a compan? ion pinehill clung to Hie upturned gig nntll a boat pul olf fiom shore and rescued them. Bo fnr sa eau bo learned, all tbo others that wen capslsed were -av.-ib 'Hu- oilier rae.-s wen th'-n poetponed until to -monow-. CHASE xvi ns FIR8T PRIZE. Lynn, M.-i**-., Aug. s (Special).? Oreat tennis playing and pleasant weather was tli" order hers to-day. The hard work "f yesleidlj liad some of!e<*t in, it,,. men and play wa- n"t i'Tnii anti! ll a. m. Th- lir-t match started waa between Bean snd Bhaw. sear- snnv-d in well, winning the lirst set, 0-3. Shaw then tonk UM MCOOl set, f, 1 bj" t> .,!)'!? rful sideline [davina. Seirs won UM dodd ng wi. Then Chan beal Mansiieid in an li Mutating match. In the afternoon Bean and MacMullen pliyed; 'set sll" was culled but S.ars finally won the deciding set, 7?5. Then Cha?e beat Shaw, although the l-iiirr came within "ii- pe.lnt of winnini.' the mateh. The maieb latched the laaraaaMnk chase wins iirst prise, having voa .*. matches and las! 0: Sears won 4, loci 1 : MacMnilen won A, loal 2: siiitw wteii 2, los, a-. Msn-iieid noa 1, i<-st 4; Bopplna won o. 5. Mu**h of the sneceaa of ihe taurnaaient is due le Dr. H.-iven, on wh.ese pre.un Sa ll haa beea played. TEMTLE DEFEATS TIIE ENOLIBn BICTCLIBTS. London, Aug. p.-ai Blratlnghan to-day, remple, ,,f Clileago, won tho ball nillo and ten mlle bicycle championships, defeating tho best English bicyclists and several Americans. Temple, during the week, has defeat.-,! Howell, thc English champion, fieiir Hines In succession. ?* ? ? BOBBBT GARRETT SOMEWHAT RUTTER. 11V. RECEIVES A FEW CALLEB8 AND ATTENDS TO SOME BUSINESS. There was a dceld'-d change f,,r the better yesterday In the condition of Robert GSITClt, In Ibo morning be wrote several letters and attended to matters ol business. Ile a)?'i received many callers. Au-tln Corbin personally iffered tho ase of his private suite of rooms at the Oriental Hotel, or tbe use of lits cottage near Babylon, L. I, E. A. Slmc, of Middle* town, als,, offered Mi. Osiretl the free uss of his roi tage In Monmouth County. ReW-Joney. Tho other callen included Benn ? lee *s, n. Biemsn Bnval, prcal 'lent of Hie Kloriila Navigation Company, and a per sonai Mead <*f Mr. Garrett's; lohn Pondlr, general ef*f..iL)'se i for the Eiio Ballroad Company, and t barlea 0. Polers. I'.. A. Crane, Mr. (.arron's private secretary, said: '?lt has boen stand that the waten of Richfield Springs did Mr. Omrvtl serious injury. Sued is nm the fa. t. F.v.-ix thing was as comfortable as cou!,! 1?: and Mr. Earl, lbs proprietor of the new American noose, plated at tbs disposal of Mr. liam-tt the lu st ie,"ins In Hie house. In regard n, xir. carlen's condi? tion, be is merely siiffeitng frum nervoutncsi in conse? quence Of overexertion and Injiitlleloiis bathing al Richfield springs The reddeni physician proscribe*) warm baths, and Mr. Hal reit look s eold plum Is oiher it--.]fts the rlali lo Richfield -Spring* wai beneficial, The story shuni Mr. Garrett* **. ni j is min h exaggerated. The facl tiiai bc i nany personal friends lo-day and attended t" a HUI, boslneaa proves lhal sll he ncedi li reel and qulti and a- soon as a cottage la- been selected, the ht rants, bnrsei ai i ?, ii si oM eflects alli be n (nm Mr, Gan et t'i house ai i plsnds, Baltimore.* Dr. Partridge, the Brevoori House phys! lan, rai. lhal Ihen s si no di i ul I describe Mr ,.:iir,"t's complaint, D -as nut nervous pm beean i Mr, Carrel wa- doi physical!* pro iral .1: I xi as nerdy nervousness resulting Lum ? All I i l I from ie*,-:? isvsi and quiet lor lui bram. I'.l-.s;;\c7:;>* DELATED BT 1 ni,lu LLD tums \- t : * . loaded fn -?- i (rall li Dovei Plalu drew late Melrose .tallon, os the nnrlem Division i the Kee JTorh Central and Budsoo Rlvei Railroad, ?? * i ii o'doek \*. lenlnj morning, the forward ol a /iain '-ar in ihe middle of tin* train brake ii; twi ami throw !.'?'? '-:-i trow tui track. Tbs train bap puned tu be < i- sslng S switch Jiu I Hm n, and the i bob eight cars wen derailed ls slgzag fi blon seross Hu rum] vi ay. Portuneielj aa one was bart, though ti but txvo of ths ni* srers damaged beyond rops the on" thal caused the accident w_ iuiir.i ovei Hm embankment a little farther 00. The Stool teat me of ibo sceldenl wei Ihe delay ti oxer iwi boan to a large number of passenger trains rnnnlni both ll) and om of New-Voil. KoeKimasti-r Taylor an-l twe wreckingcnuri worke. mill aft* r I o'liotii limning away Hi' sm ling". Hui efforts being spamd on bj n,e mingled prafhnitj aw J**'is of ths big rt-urtl of dilan-d pal esgen S ii" ga ?!f their nain, to nc Ihe fan ami air I he! I I mp I Ly ii o'clock all trains wen- running on ichedul' Ume a?aln and all ve.Hgos ol tin- am lilent wero IC Burro** HOME NEWS. 'I.OMTM.XI' ARRIVALS AT IMF. HOTELS. ? i xii: IK DON Rcai X'lmiial A. I* Case, ff. I Nutt. EVERETT Em.,,on- nial..,*, of Chicago. FIFTH xx*i ni i Senator John si,, rm.?, "f nh.,,; ev'- ?,. r. lt. Bullo, k, o: Georgi*i Thomas F, Cooper, of Pauuayl .iiii.ii. B.tor I*, ii ArneiA fl id . N. V., and ti * lo Gurman, Minlstei !??! Rieangui .e- xx a-bingii n. II LS ET - retatj ol - ? L M. Hubbard, of Connect!* ?iff. MURRAY lin,! li.--ii.-iii.ii '? ?-? '?: James L Reward, e,i Connecticut; Frederick A. Potts, of New x ,*, Reslng, ? f Chicago, uni Speaker Fremont ? ? NY. si*. JAMES s.nnuel gpeai tad i--ii ...i.iii sin'.ii. ,' i- VICTORIA^* "??ii-, m. i-u.iiiiiin, i.r Chicago. WIWDBOB?Jake i,, sar, ti Cklcage, _________ " *?* XVII XT IS OOIHQ OB TODAY. Expected srrirsl al Mr. BUIaa ami Bsmastoaltea in tits luelle,r. M. linn.nth Park ia""*, Monmouth Park. 2 An p. m. Congressional Inn I mmlttoo ea ImmlgiUlsa, B ei Hotel, IO .i m. .n.iw.Yoiii-i'iii-iitiig basebaB amish. Psis Qrenadn 4 p. m. Orsnd Army Posts sricsrrpineut, VV?-?hln*cton Park. Br, eklvn. cuuty Democracy County CoBimittee, Cooper Union, *. p. rn lUpuMtflSS meeting. Avenue A and Eluhtv-seeond st, ?J pt ri. Co.umbla Chess Club me,-tins, clubhouse. 8 p. m. m NEW-YORK CITT. John Wilson, captain of the Anchor Mne steamer Ethiopia, xvas taken before United Slates Commissioner Shields yesterday. Chaffed by the Custom House aulhorflies Wl!h Violating the law by furnishing In .uiv.ei,*nt deeping berths for steerage passengers. Ho gave 13,000 !,all for HiaL The English steamer .lemme, Dom Brazil port*. was In collision with a schooner off Ixing Branch on Tin-slay night, a*:-! lost a portion of her ridging. The schooner ls believed io have received only slight dam age. Subscriptions for ibo sufferers by the Chrystto st. fire win bc received t > Major Hewitt at the City Hali. Tho sinking Fund Commliaionen xvero blessed with Alderman Di-, ver's pi"-'nee yesterday, and proceeded to authorize ibo issue ,,f 18,000,000 ii per cent duck bonds, as ii was proposed on Tuesday. The property at Ihe southeast c.rner nf Flfth-ave. and ThlrtJ Blntb-lt., including No. ?_ East Thirty* ninth st., ha. been sold by Frederich Goodridge snd wile, who are well known In Ron ??York MCtety, lo George P.. BldeQ, foi'SM.'i.OUO. The deed was recorded jestenln . S. F. Myers A Co., wholesale Jewellers, of Nos. 4S and :,() Maiden Lane, have had s inspiekm that one of their iM.iiors, a youl,.- . (llond limn named .1. .1. Casey. had been living beyond in- means lately. Thej placed Detective < 'ates on ihe track ,*f the j onng niau, and he was ariosto.! yest..elay foi robbin:; the linn ami pleaded guilty. The Rev. Dr. Deems enjoyed a ride yesterday In a Fifth ave. omnibus. Well, if lie ilccm, li proper, who has a belter right I Asa W. 'lenney, Hie lawyer, wears thr largest Pan? ama bat in town. At thl- lesion of the year priam, dealers think themtelvn in luck if they sell one pian,, a week. The italian women rave money by going without bonnels dilling ibo heated tenn. llany A. Fonsmaa li'is resigned from tho So hu mann .Mali* (.nariel, and lils place xviii bo flllsd by perry Averill, ibo quartet's prospects for the season Of ISSS-'SB are encouraging. Twenty seventh st. ll closed between Flfth-ave. and Broadway; and Mr. Hoyt, of tho Hotel Victoria, will rejoice when the pavement ls relaid. Wllh all thc bathing dono by American girls, ton little attention is given in swimming. The surf la more conducive le tua than lo acquiring that useful accomplishment. Bummer cottagers aro now battling with tho peri? patetic photographer win, Insists on selling h.d'-oii. * f thc house do one wanted him to laka .'li fishermen say that never befon Lave the fishing sti.'liners that ply in and about th.-- harbor dun,.- so big a Lu -1 in --. as this leeson Tbe ru-.'*, German popu? lation seems to like Hus form of srort and its accom? paniments Lcsu Rabbi Joseph ls finding out that the leaning of the younger generation of American Hebrews is away from forms and ceremonies m which their foretathan de llgbtod. The musicians on tin* olen Island boats pay fl,SOO for the privilege for three months. Th.- *se_!_ at den island cost each if 10, and rat f.OO w,,itii each annually. A life -iz" (lg,ire of General Sheridan ls on exhibi? tion In the Eden Musce. William P. Pedler, organist of St. Patrick's Cathe? dral. I- ill Europe, where he will select a chimu and other Len- for the two towen in.xv spproachmg com? pletion Tho Rev. John B. Prendergast, of St. Francis Xavier's i horeb. Las been transferred to the t allege of the sacred Heart of Jesus, Woodstock, Md., as Pru fe- -.,1 Ol .--.'reel .-.'I I pt Ul'C Tho examination ..f candidatei for the ecclesiastical stat,- w,i- in-id yest. :.iay afternoon iii th" Cathedral behool, East Fiftieth it Ol the twenty-five aspirants the luecesiful mi"- win bc teni i" st Joseph's Bern in:n \, Troy. Major W. V. Kelly. Captain P. I,. White and con? tain .ii,I,n Londergan have been Mooted delegates to the convention of the liiib. American Military Union, lo be Inid at Albany nest lue*.lay. The employes of Freedman Brothers, oLithlng man? ufacturers, No. 382 i anal st.. have struck work Int a IO p"i cool -fix once In a sgea A nexv idea at siiiniin-r resorts Ir a kindergarten i, wbo takes the children of wealthy vlsiton for long strolls along beaeh or country road, cuing ob jeci i,ss,uis a. ii,,-y go on whatever is band ly the youngstei -? Tho Rev. John T. Downes, of tho Church of the Holy Innocents, ba. been appointed an assistant to Ihe Rev. J. h. salter, pastor of Bt Joseph's Church, lu Slxth-ave. ih.- exterior of Ihe church of at. Vincent do Paul, in West Twenty-third-st, is being handsomely dec orated. Anton sei.ii's concert at Brighton iiearh tomorrow night has been announced as a "sjmphony night," and the programme will Include the "Goad Friday spell** (rom Wagner'! "Parsifal," Schubert's C-Msjor Symphony, Lis/.t's Hungarian Rhapsody, ami Wadham Miiioli's tympbonj pi*em, "Tartarus." The itimmer work of Bt John's Guild In saving child life is now In full operation ami ls pressing upon the trustees, wh" apical lo ihe public fur means to carry on their Increased rcoponslblUil * A large attendance from this city ls expected at the Rational Association of Local Methodist Proa chen whieh bobis its annual convention In Columbus, ohio, Beptember 13 to IA Three new marble ali ars aro being erected in tbe handsome chapel of the Sacred Bean Convent, Man luiiumin.-, ami the Bool i- n> I,.- newly tll>-d. BROOBLTB. ii." Board of Elect kim baa Increased tho number of eleetion district! dom -. - last year t.. :,T.'.. The itlon ls i - --' - snd ital ir* sr lt is ex pcm ,l ." rise ie, aboul liO.i 00, l. I. Lobel, of i . ?? '. lin-,al,od Ihe con? lon new 11 e: mi Building for .-' ?_...-.. i. In txveiit** months, vi lied super In tei.el,-ni Guilfoyle il- rn ll begin the muk ill ill.ll, ll bX tl.i- I ,t,\ e*. ; U llldlllg Iii'- Ml in B| Oils I '??!?: il i.nibill,g. , r, i j. , , meei . an opinion I .Int ,,, it-sal i i,, * I.'* i mm al 'e, ihe *i n i.s ki pi l lt] Hall III ll* . I..eel ll<|, I,'ll"l|. * lllllg ii. ghi i" ordi i* ii.i in tn be i street . to , nil iii :? poll, "io I order, Polio in? spect, * . :? I io i lhal the order fed, sud :. ui ii. i whu ? 1,1*, a ill i. ? in i* 'e ei. lt la < -??' * lcd lhal . Il bc uia-h and ' ni 11' 'i i" thc ? Undei the I I be a sent '"il lu? cie in il,i number ,*f del ? hen i nf oro ii,- ? , in. lo leven In the business pull!,ill Of ll.e oliy. About i!xt) lom "f Ihe Heel plates t*. enter Into I Ii" .- ll '.? lion of I bl !?' U Ul": * I taine have an ix cd al Ibe Nat j . ai Piti ib NEWS TROM TUE SUBURBS. BBW-JBBBBT. A commodious addition t" Ihe Morristown court ii ls building In the t tar, i" l ir-n ii nnd the The Rev. I e I'urlson xv,ll bo one ,.f !),e bil ors a, the camp inc-ting rti Mount rater, Newark ion : t, 11, eh i eglns on An toil IA I.i'NIi ISI X -I' The cone!iti,,n of Marj Boban, the wife ol Winiam Lol,sn. a bose eyes won nb) her t I few dais ag,,, was iur( that Hr. PhHeo, ti,.- pi,*, slr lau In sitendanee, feared it,ai the would Uv, bul a abor! Uara Rohan is held in ti,.- Queens i ounty jun ie. at i;i ii, result "f his alfn'i injuries He wlll probably have tn tnswer a charge ,,( murdei Iho cato of Conductor liraber, of tho Now-York nd Rocas :,y llevh Railroad, against Minmi le.s, fm a_.._Ult Committed on a train during ii di er a i,n". winch wm sri ,i,,wn for examination osiordav before Justice Kavanagh, al Long [siana Itv, wns by mu t un I con-.-iii iu!].,in ucl until l" -day. WBBTCBBBTEB ' OUBTV Thcea wa, ? full sttol -i"C ?lns Camp re. iii, -\,- ie'imn .. xi,. ,,iifii ihe throatenlns real her beni many mun, tel Ihe afternoon ana telling irrvlcea were weil ittendrd. In the morn i,_ there was pron, '.lng bv lb' ItCV, Thomsa Harrison ni nu addreaa bj Stephen Merritt. The afternoon ervlee "ns cimdueied bj Ibe Rov. J. M. Raergr, rho preached a sermon. ALORG 'I!!!'. -'"UND. x (i-rec tn..nt: old child "f Rlchaid Preere. of :?rwaik, died >eaterrtay from thc effects of a light ilng boll which i'ii In the room where it was sleeping uring the shower on Bati * lay night. A VICTORY WON BT QUINN'S ESE MIES. ur. POBMBB l.i-,xi>i:it BKTIBBS OBACKFOfXT?D. A. 24lg in pvniAii-nx- iiali Fnr thn Iioaid of Trusiees of eDtettfel Assembly ,'n. 40, and tbs sntl-Qulnnltes, yesterday was a dav f victory, the long wrangle for full pOSSesslOa of Tlhagoras Hali having ended in the dispossession nf laster Workasaa James c.. Quinn of Ms comfortable .Dice on the gnni,n! flinr of that II me of discord. Quinn w.t. re pon-lble to tho Hoaid of Trustees, who ontraJ the property of District Assembly Rn 40, fnr be rent nf Ihe building, but since tho Loaid ha. rithheM his salary he has refused to pay Ihe rent, rlilrh now amounis to -.17*,. Twenty days ag", tho '.nani, WhlOh ls Opposed to Quinn, brought a suit of Jotiiurnt again-t him In tho Hi-: [H-Ui'i Civil Court, ,, which the Master Workman returned no answer, <!?? leading on General Mastiff Wcrkman r v. Powdertj md n.o Geaeral Rxeeattve Board la Philadelphia to iplmld his auilii.rlty. Yisienliy Quinn's days of grace having expired, lajieis of ejectment wei*.- -tcived on William IL He fall and two other Qtilnnltes who xvero In tho oflice, Julnn being at,-enf at the time. McNair and his rieiida at once left the miloo and communicated with heir chief, xvho acted unconcernedly, saying thal Iii mendea' victory will be short lived, as be sim ra pates confidenee in Mr. Powderiy and the General Executive Boaid, believing that (hoy will ile.i'lo iti its favor romov" the Board "f Trustees. Quinn has his headquarters al Ro, Bfl Forsyth st., ii hen- be holds forth In a lofty style, to those still IO] al tn lim. \X hen ' I>. A Ci 1 2"' took possession of Quinn's old nfiiro a crowbar, some Jimmies and other tools were found In B closet. The anti-QiiInnite. ar" Jubilant over their "great victory" and declare their Intention of " hnMIng thc fort," inixv that they have possession Of IL ROUS* 8UR0B0N ELIOT FIXED Ti. Lake (Jeorge, Aug. ri (Special).- Dr. Ellsworth Eliot, Jr, bouse lurgeon Of the New-York Ilo.pltal, was convicted (0-day before .|ii-!|et* Clifton at Hague, Warren County, of violating the game laws nf Hu* -ut,* in Batching and keeping brook trout under six inches In length bom the streams thal rna through that town on May ?_:; laat The enavlctlon wu, on a pies "f gullly and tho mug!.!rate fined bim th,- sum of if".'., which tba doctor paid and Immediately led ihe town and county, expressing bli determination 10 obey the l.ixxs of the land If lc- ihould ever pa.s am,! her vacation period on the ihorea of Lake George, The io'Me., arrested january -7 last in New-York city by Game Constable Burnett, nf warren County, His lawyer then attempted to procure his n UPOU a writ of ha!.ens coi pus Issued bf .lu,leo Harrell, nf the Supreme i ourt, bal this xv&s denied. A dispatch from Asbury Park ls headod "The P.atlilng Suit Must Lu," Row, tins ls shocking. Their ls so very Utile of lt that lt ought i" be silo wee! 10 remain. It ls better than nothing, if the bathing ault gn"s. newspaper men ami other mo.lest persons will al-,., go.?{Norristown Herald. MAKINH INTELLIGENCE. MtNtATUHK A_.-_A.NAa T< '-I. AT. finn rises 6 00 | flats. TRA | Moea seta H:_* I Moon's ara 3 in >n xvArBii. ... xr?-sanely Hone 8 35 i Isl' I !>ni i Ttnll nate. 10:52 l*...-_s_il7 Hms. Hts | Oar. Isl'.L 9. lt I Hell Usia. 11:03 TBCOmInQ 8TEAMBBA 1l>-I,Al. feiiet. rs-in. OOOtX. linn. ? itr nf New-York.Tarsi uss!.Aug 1.1 nm sn Noordlsna.Antwan.Ju Iv M.Hen star Amies.Pu, i I..tieni ..Jaly SS .Atlas state ot Oeorgla.Qlaagew.inly m.mate 11 mn mon ls.llnnivirir.Jnlr 'J!'.... Ham ?_? A mer Ailsa.Kingston.Auk 2.Atlas rntDAT. ai ii. itt Towac nm.Undia.July 211.nm 1 Jermaine.Liverpool.Aug 1.xv lute mar Ai:?r.Bremen.Au* 1.nj Liori Znandani.A ni ll en', am_July 'J-.N ot n-Amor IAR*SU*AT. ait,, ll. Umbri a.Liverpool.Ana 4.Cunard Caracas.-.I.aguavra.A un 4.lied D DC I COI S', STEAMERS. to-uat. Vesssl I'enel. Line, Vnr Malls close. sails. Kl-ate of Po mux-Ivan ia, stnte. Olasgow. 7 am ilugis, Usmli.Ainer, -tamban. 'i sm ritii.xv. *l*,i. 10. Newport, racine Mall. sm noon. SATOBOATi Atc. ll. servin. Cnnartl. Liverpool. 4 SO s m ft sm ('Itv of 111, hm,ind. I munn. Liverpool. H am tcthiopis.Anchor.uisssow. 4_r>am a ara Heiser, riiiiigi-.tiia. Copenhagen. 4.noam a um Marsala carr, Hsnitmr.'. 8 sm Chler. itOLinyn. Bremen naa'th'mp'n. tiinam a a in li "tt. t.i. un. Netb-Amer, !*.<>:i, r i.-im . iiSoam . am La Norman in*, French Trana llsvrs_ 4 JUuii) a sra Mitntiattan. XX aril's. Ha-ann. il pm SHIPPING MAI'S. PortTOF new-yoii:..WKD-f-CSOAT, Am. a, iggg A ll u I Xi-. i> Steamer Dsnmsrt (Br). Itiirtiv. London Jnlv 31. narre ?*l. wnli uni." an,! 12 passengers to P xv J Hurst. Arnveilai Un- Har nt A Tl p m. stt'suier LnglanM (lin, lieelev, Liverpool .Tnlr 2,1. Qneens Iowa Iv, wllh ui'ise .ini 211 passeassri to F xv .1 Hurst. Ar? rive, I at tlie li ir al 1 p m. siesmsrHtstenf OsorcU (Br), Meedla, Hiasgnw Julv i<, larne 2S, with mdae an! tit passengers te Austin P-ablwin .V Co Arrive I nt Hie Bar St fi a m. Steamar Jerome (Bri. crlni tv, I'.ira July 27, with mdse to li ol i .'. Co Arrive,! at the nam. Steamer C'tv at Wsshinirton, Ksyaolda Vera C'rur. July 2S. ,'iti:i.**?.ii', ilwnni liltts. sr llb mdse aad 31 passengers to Jus K XX ar A Co Arnvoel at the Bar st Sam. Steamer Panama (Hnanl, Resell, Barana -i eiays. win, nulse ami p-tssenijors to J M CsbsllOSA li.. ArrlTeel al the Bar ut I u ni. Steamer Benaan Winter. Hallett Boston, with mrtss tn II V linn.irk. Shiii Hleaden, Thatcher, Calcutta Vi* oavs, with nulse ts Haili I' te-.s-l i,> Vernon ll Brown A C lt Hark Kn- (Nor). Abrahamsen Msnseullla 'ih days, with -cebu io order: rossel to Paned, BtlyeA Ca ' Bark Mary B Dana. Burges* Jeremie il days, with log it.l u, Taaekeray * Ca Teasel hi master. Bcbr Phebe 'Hr.. .xte.i-ro Mayacuea via Amarilla 14 iisvs, with in*is,- te, Somei ,x* Pearsall! vessel to cius ii uni A Ca SI'N'SF.T-At Beady Hook, win,1. moderate. a: weather oh,,i iv and iia_y. At City Island, xv ind, liglit, avt, weailior, cloudy. CLKAHF.I). Steamer Italy (Bri, Pearce. Liverpool Tia Queenstown? P ll J Hurst Bteamertlallego (Spas), Arribal-aga, LtTerpool-tins 1* Burnell ,V i o Miasmal state of Pennsylvania (Br). Mann, dlasgow? Aus tin llslrtwln .t Co, Hteamei Basts (Uer), Kariewis Bambara vis Plymouth? Kitiilnirilt .t i i. Steamet I'lioi nix (Hi), DstIs. Pollen ?Simpson, Spence ,t Yenna. m.?.liner Minnel M Plnlllos (Span), fioronlo, cadiz ami I'..,,, . ii,n.t I ii., Pols Kteeraei -.uitu-n, Alien. Havana am! Mexican ports?Jaa I*. XX ar.l A Co Meanie! Muriel , Hr,, Locke, XV un! wanl Islands?A E Out erbrldge A Co, Hlesmer liI l'a?n, ijiilck. N'Mir-Orleans-J T Van tiiekle. ateamet yarnia, Neloon. xviiininicton, Nc?xvm p ciyde .t ' a s ' mui Wyanoke, Boas, Norfolk, City Point sn.1 Hich. ii, ,; ,' . .i Dominion h. I ,,. eleanor Hertha iNei . N yt sard, Hxiinnoro? Punch. Edjrs ._ 1 " -.. imei I' xv ninii'*, |-".ier. Baltimore ii N Downer, -stearne! i o umonwe dth. Van Birk, Phllaaelphla?Hebert! a K as -i. ai,"'! Winthrop, i nm:. 1 ???!." . i ? ar liana, Ul i-H'.. ll .van i_ W icu ii A Ca ?or. NH i t Xl lutiioj* A co. Behr Wai i'la . i-.r . Xewcotnl VViadaor, MU a r Ueaey, BAILED Bteamera City of Borne ior Lirerpooti Lsha, Bremen; Xt , ?:, i iil.iii'l. A..!'., I ii ,ii" ,n p.,! U| i-iie , \. ):??h. ii. Mir ? ,. i. ii ,,' ?*. s-.ti'i?..-". Havana aaa Vera* ur. Units, Cur-<??,.. *?* Kew-Urioana; Wyanoke, mata. Bur! I, .cs. lol i e.iine. Fr. Li ia i ba \ maali) t . !.,,,; Li m.i s^iinil?steamers Portia, (or Halifax. Winthrop, Pori lan A Kl.ii inii*. Hark Itv (liri. Caron, hon's For Honetalo, having lost llb* boom in collision Killi sle.tmoi .lei.e. , Hr), Cruui', limii ? i :..?? -i ors. Will MI8CI l.i.ANi'il'-. x*m imkii-'i. Ans from Kew. Tori Anni 1 .. f*.r --ali ! : ad. A -..ri BP, KKN. *i lins s Wbttaev ii-, snieer, from New r?rk lei [kai. Jnlr SA Iai i * n. ion zs '*\ i-i iir. I Hst r?, (rout Nan .ork tori N's VI. Joly 1 lal H N lo ew Cas Engine "The Baldwin" ir' ' i . tn rfftaH fair. Ifm Tirk A leal horaapowei aaglns In eoonectloa ititi Kans I.attet,. running M Inca Unn-s uni wills at bs tte i.. ai i.i,,. , . iii feet Hg ill the Headiness n..i . alni i (rom tba bleb ?team sanities In c minon u? f?r electric li?i,tii,s ind pen Una .,.-,* number ul Ul nts tu li" shut '.if ,, | ad "I* sltnoul mt,*-..!,^ u,o temalnlna Mglii* in th allghti. ? ? , , ,x*.. i ..; i hit, peril Bon ind newer, adapted ? llCblliiS, i un 1,1,.-.-. ind ||| purposes ?I . r? I -snf., sn - pewee ts r,,|iiir,t Mn.ur i j aad aaaranteed by Otis Bros & Co., Elevators and Hoistine: Machinery Kl Park Kow. :,",Ln. sii,p lilenerlchtiBr,. Ply ns. from Nsw York for l slcutca. Jnly 1, lat 'ia N. lon 37 W. _. . ? - ..___ ... ? inp John xv'Biakis (Hr). Faulkner, from New-York fer Hong Kong. Jaiy 8. 1st 3.1 M, lon 4') W. THIS -fOVSllll-TS ''I '?' HT I. X Xl P. RS. f tMMlftS Pours Dlis-TFT IIrad. Ang fl- Passed, stesmer Orystst (Br). Stan r,_rt '*.,.?., v_-w X',1* k un I,'"* way to Leith. suisK-.tvnc aol' S Arrive-, steamer Islsnd (Dan). 8Vl'AW.,'r'A,,,?HW**,.'i-;. stomer Morsrla (Osr), Baronda (min II imburg li'*ii' ?* '"i* N"W York. Asit-WALi, Aug f>-sal!e,t. steamer Colon, Henderion, fer New. York. " Announcement! E &c W. The "Wichita" Collar. E. & W a niw nBitioN i* oou-um, Henp.t A. Daniels. M. D., ?tl'.I Mitel l'.'llrii-ST. of the NscT.nai ayeta-a ''?"'?'Vc0r'nar-7 0r**at' liri otence sud Stsrilltr. Hours: 8 to ll 6 to 8. THE RECORD OF THE 'S CHAMPION SAFES UNBROKEN. NINE IN THE GREAT FIRE AT SUFFOLK, VA. No. 1. During tho great fire In Buff-tk on Aug. 1st, I wss ustnjr one ,,f vur Herring's Champion Safes in tin* second Herr ol Jones'a brick block. The building ne well a* surround lng ones was eomple'olv destroyed. My safe was nb feted ??? int'iis, hem, !*?!.nu covered by a larc- pile e.f i.r'e-k for over ii*, h..ur*., when opened the conteots were mi perfect; not a naper tva. burned, l cannot lee Kraurty recommend the aire i.u sired them. _ (blgnod) IL II. RA WI. KS. No72. I had one of Tour ll. rune's champion Safea !n mv sa? loon, preserving all Its eon tend, Inclining valuable pipers, to my entire satisfaction. Nol j scrap of pap -.- nea ?eersasd or injured. (.sicu-di J- J- CATOUNI. No. 3. T h.ive itst opene-1 Commercial Bank S-ife. one of your Herring's , hamplona .xrt-r being In the bum ns debris (en ever 4a hours, I am plessed lo state that lt deBvered ap ita entire contents In a perfeei state of pteeerration. In looking nver Tour saf-'s. in e?!ii|>:ir!s->ii wita th"S-' of ie,her makes, I deem it nu* iuty to the public to ri-x* tliat your safes, without :my e.x eptlon, have iii preserved their contents perfectly, tthlb* some nih"! mates, I an, norry Tu say, hav. proved very unMtlsta.rv. (Signed] B. T. BLUB, Trustee, i snuneretai Dank, Suffolk. Va. No74. I have Inst opened your Ib-nlnu's Champion Rafe after being In tho burning din a for three davs. The dial of the lock, hamil" ind binges were melted. I took mv books and papers out of the -vlf" before th" lire, by, the inside of the safe waa in good condition and undoubtedly would have prMerved them if they had been left in tht s_f>. (Signed) A. S. ELEY. No. 5. XVe had your No. t Hearing's i.'hamplon Sn..* in our new two-story brick block, which ttas. without exception, the hottest part of th" fir*-. Safe talllns with th- building where the oeSrii bmrn-d dereelv for thr.-" dava before ive could gel lute, the ruins. Although all rt")'''tl.,ns wer*' I ??!., were surpii-1 t" Uni ali lt! content! porfe-tly preserved. (Signed] M. JONES A SON. No. 6. We had one of your Herring's Champion Safes, whb'h was in ,h- centre ind hottest part "f the Bre, and a,tin.ugh the !i,,'k bandle .md binges ?.i ? melted "tr. the' e-nire' con* tents, consisting of Sll ."ir book., securities lad m e:.e-v. including a a check, were perfecth prescrvei oed) DAUHIItlli-.- A HINES. No. 7. I here ons of your Herring's champion 8sfes that pas.,.i through the !.',. n,,*, railing from the Meond Kory in!., the 1,urning d.'brls, where if has laid X'U' two d.,vs. Upon iep"iiiin_: 'ii- si',, the contents, consisting ol papers, etc., wert) prchcivcd to mr eu*lr.- satisfaction. (Signed) E. G. HOLLAND. No. 8. I had one of your large foldlncdoor Herring's Champion Ra (ea in ihe inti* (ire which preserved Ita entire contents. Al! the leek dials, hanlles and hin'.e-tips we-r? entirely melted ott. (Signed) b. lt DUNN. No. 9. And Still Another. Hoboken, N. J , Aug. fi. 18-8.-On the night at Aug 4th, the set",., .lorin whieh pissed over e**r sltv my building was smirk l.v lightning. The building WI a used by rn- as ? moulding ani planing mill, and na* heevll) st,., ked wini timber, The entire building, with contents, ?.,. destroyed, ind in ii wa. one .,f your H,-r ring's Patent Champion Sifea which I am pleased te, stnte preserved Px contents perfectly ind ta mv entire faction. (Signed) kees p. FRANCIS, jil HERRING & CO.' CHAMPION SAFES Always Victorious. NOS. 251 AND 252 BROADWAY. mans Typewriter. XVVCKl KP, hlXXIXN's | IH'Nr.DICT. JIT !troa,!waj\ New-Tork. St "il-P* VI '' t* 'ho price of nne perfect fitting Alas ^?"'Seilaklu Newmarket, if po.ehissd this. n,,.i'h C. C. b Ha. IN hi. 103 Prince-st. Collars of No. 1000 Um, h, (THK USUAL 20r? QUALITY.; Collars of No. 2100 Lim-n, 1*2^. (THK USUAL BSA QUALITY,J "VirgoeV London maiie Collars. 26c (LINEN ALL-THf-WAY-THROCGn.) The collar and cuff trade of tho town remains lamely ours, while we -ontinue to supply all the fashionable .hapes at above prices. Our imported Scarfs reduced to 35c. each ; three for a dollar. Rogers, Peet & Co,, BROADWAY AND PIUNUB -HT.. BROADWAY AND Aili Ht. Prices Same at Both Stores. OUR BBB SEAL PLUSH SACQl'F. ls the best ?v?f offered, mal" mil fin-shed Ilk*- **ur :,er',rt atilaj Alaska >"al S.cque. and sol*! luring August for 150. c c. SHAYNE. IPI Pr.n* ..*??. _ e? Ai>? BEAL PLUSH SACQUKS sold for ?.0 'his m*?A v''.' and kept ..ii Kongo free betane! e,f season. _C. C. MIAVNI*. Io:i I'rlnce-st, C.*).) xvii.I, BUT spi-ndid I'lu-h Ss-nus during August yOO Regular pries MO. C. C. SHAYNE. VA Pr'nce-st NO CHARGE for storage on Sci! or Plush caraaau ?S..I-1 this munih. C. C. MI.iy.NK. in.*! l--:r,c?.*a. rr ME FINEST MEAT-FLAVORING STOCK. IJEBIG COMPANY S EXTRACT OF MEAT. | USK IT FOR SOUPS. BEEF TEA, SAUCES AND MADE DISHES. Genuine only with fa.-simlle of Baron Lleblg's SIGNATURE IN BLUF. INK scross label. Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers and Drigglste. LIEIUG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO.. Ltd. TuBBB SEALSKIN GARMENTS m.inufsctured to order w'/.hoal extra Cham du.-lns Auiru?t. Noir ts tho time to pile* vour orders instead of wiil'lug uniil the busv ses_on. C. C. SHAYNE, 1.3 Prlnce-sk ULCI.'LAR I.V) Seal Plush Sacoues sold for ?40 durlai A u eu st. C. c. hil AYN E. 103 Princ-st._ KV Y EARLY -ini silt- -Boney. A!a*ka Sealskin car m.'iits. reduced prices during auuusi. shayne, 101 I'i 1:; ?? ll Vi.x-.i-. x BEALSKIN SACQUKS, Jiekete NewaaiBM and Filet . iiiiish-d, newest Kylen ?o'! luring AuauM fruin nib t.. *.->., i<*ss than recalir pric*i, and kepx en storage v,--" balance ol Miaon. C. C. SHAYNE. Manufacturer. 10S Princes!. ?SC. tak i. Broadway cars tn Prlnee-n . ge BTeel to 10J. ? 1 v. i ?. si,a vue', pur Manufactory, ind buv a r-*guiar eel Plush Seeque fe.r ..Vi. or |40 Plush Sacque for fib, et a magnificent Sealskin garment ,it a urea-, bargain. CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS BY THE TRIBUNE. i:vri:iiT tiM>i. am> i n a vsx\ i >: \ri 8. Na. IOO. ' Blent... rn, y Photographed ; Vi BeOeord of a Bogas Betormer."?a document ra speetfttlly dedicated to Qeorge William Curtis A itsri" ling review nf Democratic appointment., alphabet? ically arranged, which are shown by Democratic testi? mony to violate every rule of illness and every pr* fessl'-en ,,f Preeldent de vc I a ti d. A BseiflSenl crammed with exact f:i<-t_j wi.Ich every sincere adv oe Atc ol Reform should read ami consider seriously. - ct,n**' a copy; IOO copies for fl'JO; 1,000 for $7 50. >... 09. ? FiiKlnti<t'? Onlr 1'Bllll **? mJ"m******* from English papers, showing to American vn'ers that England wants Hi" Democratic party IO siccecd, m as to secure Free Trade. Including " Punch's* cartoon, representing Mr. Cleveland Intr, dining " Frc .rad-*' to "A-Mrie-," AN,, BogUmTi treo-tradt f*?g ai?o Um seal of tho Cobden I lui', sud a Hst of Amerlcin Cabinet onicers and oilier Democrats who. arc mem? bers of that club. An enter:aliiing document, ol which 120,000 copies were -.old the lils' ? t-sy. ITU*. 2 copies for a cent; 100 c<n?es foi- _.) t",.ts; f- lier 1.000 copies lill (or lo.uoo eoplee. Tarifl ?! IMM.?A doc un ie nt showing exatdT what articles are protected, and what ones are not, 20 pages lench page is by IO inches!, clearly punted. An elaborate statement of tbe pren ? '"?'?"''J article of imported goods, together Witt a-.i eihlMI of ih,* free list ni (nil; Hu* quantity ol each ttOBs Imported In 1SB3 ami 1887; -t I tbe total mosbsB ot duty collected on etch arneb*. There i* a brief Introduction reciting all th.- urti acta tret puteiot i ongress, Un* ob]eet aod result ,,f each one bi'-oe' Wk plained Also, a table >,( the total I aporttb J*** ?J year, from 1791 to ISS7. Thu little p_m.li1'* ?* accurate, wits prepared nth great I * vjetite, ami win b" required, eontti sally, f"r wAMBSMk during 111" year, lt shows bow America tungi ?" minions all over tin*, worn tor ( label tot products, ,'\,>n un !'-r th*- preeent ?> '?? ead ?j0* Importations wen I uri nair J bj tbe reductions si imm Price, -ii,.-I-- copies, IS oms; 100 lopiM !-* ***?' 1.1 '?) Copies f'T .tT',. ?N... UN ? Protection for Isrmrrt" tXlthet* qualification, tin* b.-si doeuneal for totmuo to r?**; in print I'*,: i -'eel i:. ,*.e.t:ie i\pe, * pagl of Tb? BOOkt, lilleii-i.-. ii ,-d wstMB* ti.e "Address to Fanners" Issued hy I'?? ***_z .-..intuitt.-,- ..f Dine i-epreeentatlvas of * which mel la n.--*. forb ni) last Jaaaary ls P* public atteranee t,, tba demand oi ss*mal un*!1****-* tbouaand fun-is foi proteellon la ASMumm kW enlture. ai-,, ih,, special raporta inbmB od bf eti i of ibo i-.'iiinr.ll**-*. '1 :.. I ttO tM sUbornte prietleal szpUnatloa, b) t-notsk kt ? b'-iiciit ..f tanners, In favor ->( ;? pi"' I ?*' Bfk% ** an appeal tor Doheelve ami anltod asHoa. one ? tba most nseful and I ynbUcnUean ot tw ;.r.-..-iit year. lil><\ Ungle '-"py, 3 C'-llt*** lM topics Lu* *-_; 1,000 soplss ("i .-is*. Na. ?.. *lbr MsSSngS IP? ParK" or B I.Lillie's r'-ilv to the Piv-ie! nt. Four c..|S.-i RS EM rent ; #1 |?-r 1,000 eoples; ll lota ot 10,000 and over. 7:, eents i?*r 1,000. Na. M, Cnianiliig tho President's message _ th.*- tani! ami Mr. Blaine's powerful rei I1- l^_l form for popular dtitrtbutloe, i*s>> soplss f"> om eent . BB pei lAuy* trnpoohi "? l*>? *?' ?u.?00 " m' 5-1 .,.) per l.o..,). N.. IOI. ?? Principle, nod flea " ..f the EAfJUSF ran pany. A auBut omtBMdmf HM pofb I H ti lUrris.'B amt Morton, and ahetches of their Uses; anti *-> Kepubllean National olatloruL Two copies for cent, fi per 1,00U.