Newspaper Page Text
Dudley, Senator Hubert M. Chace, of Rhode Island, Mr. Christ, of Atuoiia, Colonel Montr-ouier. John P. Sanborn, of Michibin. A. E. Con-ger. of Ohio, and Colonel J. W.,?*ls, iho Sc_i*eflnt-HL-A_T-i*s. P.KPI P.1.1CAN "ITH'lAl.S ON HOARh. ,'usl. before th'- Poa-, slarled the glee club belonging to the Colored LaBfBB i,r the Xii li As-. Tildy District app-arcd mui eave K.m.- stirling ii' in a spirite'd manner. Th" Pioneer Cot|i? of lin IXih A.-s.iiibli iiisiri.-i and a * lion (MM iln* Kansas cw, Blaine Club e ibm Id uue lo ga v.i'ii th.- crowd, winch anmbered about. 800 hy this linn*. At 2 o'clock thc Sloan anning out into the Btraaia, followed oloaeli bj tha l*nlver and a niiml>er of other heats, havinjr on hoard friends af Mr Blame. The Beet, which watt widely scattered ai tunes. Included the Police boat Patrol, under Captain Sin ii 1<. with Commis? sioner McClavi and a i-irtv ol friends .m boan!, the Argus, thc F. W. Vasbargh, C. R. Stone. W. H. Vanderbilt., Thomas E. Hunt. Man __BW_Bi Rora. Lyndhurst. Titan. Hoad Kirks and .evei-il other yachts, sailboats and steamers. I'ROCP.r.DINC. DOWN TIIF. RAY. llie Sloan proceeded at MM to Ojiainntinc. Avith Mr. Rice's little .team cutter Daisy leading the way. Ob Braking (Bal la Iha Health OfBoet* pier Chairman P'ol, of the BsocptiM Cuinnnit-'e, und llresi,l..-ii: B.irth-11 A\etit ashore t-u ih- tele? graph oflice. They were met by Dr. Smith, who m-i tiu-d to think that Mit I'laitic's arrival before lo-day w.l* rather unlikely. It WM arranged, however, that ihe siu.ui ahould cruise around the Narrows, mid us soon as wind came fruin lire Island that the City of New-York hud been Bighted ti signal would le displayed bv thc Health Officer. Again lh? boat pit out to BPS The heat of the norning had modified greatly. A cool breeae sprang up. Heavy clouds hid the surf, making thc sail aboul th- Ray BflMable io all. All along ihe Staten Island hills crowds were gathered, watch- \ itig through powerful glasses for the eai*<-rlv iiAvnitcd vessel. Do/ens of saucy Uttic sail , ind sturdvltigs. with Saga flying, emited around ; thc Sloan, ready la start With her down tM Uiv as s.,011 us the WOtd came lo go. Om ? .v.'ul'l have annpoacd from the general appenrnuoc | ' of eA-erytliing thal it WM 9 Xalional holiday. MATERIAL KNOCOll FOR A CONVENTION Time paaaed iiuickly on thc Sloan. It was an Interesting company. Aa Gom-ral Husted re innrked. ? We have got all Hu* material here for a National Conviction. Yes." he added with a smile, looking in the direction of^? group of states? men, ** there is lots of Presidential timber here. too? ?' Yes." added another member of the Legis? lature, " the bittern! opponent ol Mr. Blaine must admit thal ha is being welcomed hom-,- by a gnth ering thal fairly narennta every element of the Republican [tarty, livery section of the country, East, West North aid South, luis delegates here. Nothin.: indeed could be more fnotionlan than this . - ...r-. Thin tc my mind, is not only a high tribute to Mr. Blaine, but it also slews that we un- tittil' d tor tl.i- contest this tall as m*\er before." :iv ev erv prominent member of the B licnn club was na board. They wara disappoint? ed Bl ce! ?-<? .itt thc re-nit of the seii-.fh but n a ly all declared tl-t ihey would go down again this mornni:' and stay down the Buy another duy if Morana.. WHOM MR. BLAIN! WOCLD HAVE SEEN. Here ure BOOM of the m* ni'xrs nnd their guest* who won pr sent *. William BneBB-IS J *hn T. BBhn, ex-Alderman Jame! T. Haw.*, AY!!!i*.m ll. Chapman. 0. W. Stewart. Charles Ltiiih, jr.. Behan P. octy, Dr. c. v.. Tects Siward W. Bell, Andrew McLean. Deng! Mi Lan. lt. A. Kuchan, T. A. TUau-her, Vf. P. I'. HaUlBgawntS J- IL Emery, David S. AValton, TX W, T*uvis, .l,,im T. BUBS Beary ic PaaBeto -''avis o. winiam*. T. S -toMaaaa, Ka)n c. E. uiie. lank Hal-tod, J Elgai Itaayenft, J. v. Barun J. C. llu-U.n, C. T. Johnson, Pu -i.i, nt AV. H. WlBllBBB, of BM Hr.u.klyn Young BOOft BepuhUen lin!'*. W. P We-d. D. AV. Matt* K. L. tMff, Belan Ly,.n, H. II. Leavltt, S. AV. Kay, WaU- i Bagkaou, Dr. P. II. Murphy .- .- , Bl * ni I'- D' wog, M. M. Badin t, IM r ll. Miller. AllMM sui* -ny, .!. AV. IL ll. J..hutton, V. E. l.-'ii,! ???-I Edward Tl i'i-. M. A. F"s l.ur_, A. AV. Kidd!*-, Qeorgl Pl*.'*'*, Inn ts. |"lunion, M. Dunleavey. Alexander Caldwell, Frank M. Lciviti, Bunga Tiirh-U, &. ti. Kt- wart, J?hn P. L. tu . ll. C. Drusklr, D. A. Sahleln, M- R- Crow, William C. Denten, Jeilin dwyer, Dunian IL Currln, AV. !;. p.-hT, J. hu ll. 11 ? rn**-, O. P. Shaffer, A. 8. Hayes, npkll Rrainerd, Jr.. C. C. Montoos E. S. Tomer, (ieneral EeiWia, J. TIMMI Stearn*. Clark Me** Crum, L. II. Childs, loka P. Wc 8, Oeergi M. B Mudge, B. V. A.l.lii.v, E. E ( ;.|,i'. A. A. Avie*', H. S. ISiliuiKs, B_ H. L. Rniifli.iiph. Bdwto Mix, II. 8. Oi.utt, .1. C. -La^-iu-r, m. T. v. Peened, J. ti. Benigna, v.. i* M nth, Peter Tl?he. V. 1). p,*l!.,:i, Di. M. Cavuin. Jehu M. Bewtoa, A. il. fenns <; d. BeniS A. Lertei, V. H. Small. William Luhmann, J. L. Mottl-Tihnd, J. Hoincr lllldr-th. Hi.rnce- f, Av- rs. John Marsh, I.l'ii'.-iian' J. O. ?toekUrtger, J. s. Banea JeMi Bhupaoa, William H. Ten BraS 0. W. Maadi*, lloyd Clarkaon, Batort a. Bmena, P.. P. Maalan, v.. Root, ll. C. Uender-ou, Ob. i '. i av.-?. p fry, h. J. DouMaos v.. S. Moen, M. J. inly, cw.ira* v BaekeUer, Pin** Richard J. LewM, r.e.ipc n. Dan*, ox lu-Me ?? Gedney, ?tonk fwy, w..i nm h. Townley, E. H. Barnard. H. p.. ,i?i.ns --I, j. s BeekweU, i*. w. laa.imu. W. vt. MantB, J. A. Jorvto fi oige D* Whin, Jaka Mel J. a. Breens J. M, ii* i.* -, Thoaaai f. Wentworth, B. J. Tuwii-cn l. ; .. J j v ,:,?. l. o. Bl L. S I _ A Ml Ne vin-. I-:,** I. P. .(.? i .. Wlllllll BniBBuia, M. OatdaekaaMt, T. .1. Bakanwa, J. '.. ii s, m. Darin, J. M. Mas t, Fl 'i Dtefclaaon, Bleho las ie. OaU, vt. v. Mee, 0. P.WllUam, Jami n Pk an C. Von, M. C. Aiimir- ', Mtela, loka v ; clari's ,ii, M. Baa. i .i ii. Teens C C. Wan t, Onme 'I' ' * ??Lu.*: Alfi ii !< !* OiBB ty, D. Morna Bl beth, T. B Smith, Charin W. -1. laka a. CeaneU, a foi i. Bi ra a w. Blon man, linwood P.,st. J. lt. Av rs. T ( WhltMy, J I ri v M.r. nu*. '.. (. v? - * .Mieitli. J. J. li . ? - .! J-,. .Sh- *.* . i j; Lt. M. Vi-i Wet-Kben. WATCBIKG Till: HEALTH ol I'D'rn's Fl.i'i, The Sloan wenl down thc Bay as tai as Hoffman U * d S roe ot the cuests wanted io -o to Bandy H..??!<. bul thc Commltt. I ht lt best lo keep within sight of thc Health Offlcer's Bag Haft". Two hours ot more were spent in about in righi of Bath Beach an'! Coney Island and then anothez .al! wai coade tm Di. Smith. Haifa donn steamboats mre waiting ihen. No wo:.! i.u,i leen received from thc steamer. Tbe more hopi ful nieia'urs of the oompnny begun to ihink iha! they wen waiting In vain. Still th bi si of spirits prevailed. Cappo's band struck up a lively ;*.ir. "Let m hu** a* now.'' ihonted Mr. Johnson, ul Maryinna, li was formed at once, bwrrbedy joined in the procession, whieh wm lcd by thc band. Inc enthusiasm ol th. crowd increased. It -.mis suggntod thal ?!l should ko aabore ?n'l hold a man meeting Thc m.,;ion was unanimously adopted, and in ten mlnutea thc NMmef wm almost deaerted. 'I i:,- meelina lasted aeaely two horns Mr. Pool and Pmiuenl ILtrt l*-tt waited in the teleifraph roum n.-iir thc pur until a o'clock. No jews of thc ?ship having arrived then, they decided io totara to thc city. On the way bach the bub* _Bittoe announced that thc sloan would start down thc liay BBBin tiiis moi-uing at 7 o'clock kbit rp. itu- two Custom House inspectors. O'Connell nnd McCoy, who wen! down on Ihe Man \.*s-**r day said they only intended to examine Mr. Mlaine's personal baggagr His family would go on to the pier and bc landed there. 'lh_ Sloan arrived at the i*br about U o'clock. a mass-Mkeiim; ia clifion. s. I 1MPEOM1TU 1'AItADi: AND SPEECHES RY FX DlSThlCT-ATTOKNK.y TKNNEV, MCRAT HAI. BTP.AD, A. L. MORRISON, J. P. FOSTKR ANI) OTU Ll ia. The deck of the steamer proved t-oo small foi tin- spirit and mirtli and enihusiasm t-hat had blM aBfBBdamd by the lively and pairiuiiu music dis paaaad bf Iha baad. A motion to gu on 8hoaa nn-t w.lh pniiijt BeCWpfileBQII Wicn the QaagBBtlM pier AViis r.aiiie'l __ott was a dciiiund f.r spaeohn nnd tin* n,'in s of Unsted, Tenner, JTulst.ra'1 w>i. shouted lustily. But the orators were coy, and th'- crowd after being coojied up several hour AVi-hed BB stretch it** fefg So an imprompti pa w.-is BBgaaaad Bndcx tk ? Isadaeihp of Colonel ^V. W. J'linson, of th.- Maryland delegation. It was not i*.;:'i/**i thal then hud beM n many people on board the boat until the proc'-siion avi* formed in liles of T ;ir deep. It made _ \orm line The utnvst good humor prevailed From far ami near the people had come with tV expectation of BB8_BC Janes G Blaine. The;- hud been div apitoinbd. But American-):-('? th'*y vrcre diHiwse.1, t-o rnnke th'- be. t of the Mtnatii n and at least in-i some fun out of it With th ? band playing merrily in front they marched up the hill from MM QnBIBB tine pier und then turned down the main Ktr.el tlint l<d Ihuoagh the ordinsi'ily t_fA*J\ and peace ful vdllage of Clifton. It was a siK-ctacle to whieh the inhabit-mta wan and they flocked out of doors t< make the most of it. One fBBBg lady won foi herself round after round of upp ans- by waring th. ? star-span j. lcd'' banner as thc procession went hy g_ -.'.?ll-11 Moraiord'a A, ld I'hoaphait SBJ-UEVEIS THE PEt-UMOOF LASSITUDE .to nanon in mld-au-ai-U. aad etDn**'* vi__ii*r. That looks better than a red bandanna" ?" She's he right kind of a Kiri"?"You lm. that's batter raith IghtlBg under than an old red wip. "-iv.-n* lie commints that mingled with Hm appia ?TUPEETWO KOR THI*. CANDIDA, ls For about- a mile the procession marched tiroiL'.-h the village, clwrint* freqiient r fur Blaine and Harrison and Mur? un, while tlie musicians tunk breath fur BOtha piece. The old refrain to whieh so many boaaaada .Batched Bnthaslaaticany nt thc last leetion was hc.ud iigi'iii: "Bains Mains Jamn 1. l.laine." And the NBBlt showed that it hadn't list itu charm. After a brief halt, back through the dusty mWtJo, but with spirit., os sprightly as ever, uardicd tin- procession. At the loot of the hill ar,\s wen* broken. Somebody hud procured an pea oatrtags which bad ecoonpouied the pr*v ession. With ;? happy Colonel John mi d.'cid'-d to mili/e tins as a speaking-stand. The horses were docile enoui.h to stand an aithqaakB wlthont bolting, foi th y wen* of ihe ?Staten Island breed, hubert* P. Purler. Editor Bf ' The Press," was made chiiirina,.. and proved illly equal to the emergencies of thc OOCndon. n galah order he had BB enthusiast I-*, open-ail moling in full swing. Each speaker itoad ap ni the barouche. fx-Unm-d States District-Alt omi y A. Vt'. Teii iey wns first summoned from the throng, which prickly made way lur his burly figure. He re? lived a grs-etiliK Avarm anOOgh tu put any -speaker n a good humor. These are some ol the thiaga ie said ? I am not going io ma'.te a pnlongod -p*"'li. We ire ? altlnc io ne the man we love. IThree cheer. :..! joans Tj. maine.) We an- going to pay bim our pomonal tributes "f esteem and nspa t. we do ti Bril ui individuals and as eltltona; we do lt s> cornily Iwsause lu* ls a tjp:cal Ame.-lcan. ' Appia".--.1 V. ?? lo lt tlilnlly bnaun he is admittedly ihe champion nf that great doctrine ol our party, pretntton to Amer lean Industries. (Appian .e.) ALL HARRISON AND MOUTON Ml.N, TOO. We al-o love thai mau from Indians Oeaeral Hal rina. (t.n-?t applause.) We are lilalne men from !!ew-York, Chicago, Minneapolis and all over ii.' country, bal we ar" ali going to pull t**- ''??. >i tor iiat rl-on awl Morion. (._pi.l?ii.s.*. 1 Al we pledged our allegiance to DUI ne, we now pledge our allegiance ta Hii-H-on ami Morion. (Applause.) we mag non Im able to tell Mr. Blaine tli;" we an ] out of th,- woe, is. fae BcpubUean party, mi bruthen, 1 wa-* never so unitiii as bevei 10 dolcrminod, iiover o cap?.!,lo of ral'.yln_ tu Cac supp-irt of the In '..*-?- ol American lalor ami American Induatrln ;.\])p-,t>U*ie.) ih, beal Democrat we ever had said In If-Ct); -There aro only tAvo parties In U.W country, patriot! and tniton." Sow, In thia year ol gi ace 18?6, there ;:* bul two parlies, Protection!!.! and Fm Traders. lApp'.ause.) I am now poinc to call on a Southerner- n friend of Blaine an.', a friend of Harrinn -to make a 1 crII for Adam King, of Baltim..:.*. (Appll Mr. Kii'K didn't* turn np and 8 committee was appointed to seek lum. Mr. Porter then asked William Henry Harrison Miller, ol Indiana, n former law partner ol General Harri** n, lo i a speaeh. Thc mention of the name started three ringini cheers for llit*::-..n. which were follow ; In, three Bheon lur Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller spoke, as follows: I th an 1; voa none the less for your Mildly pr-ctinc because I know that 11 ls extended nther to Denei-al Harrison Hihu to rivsi If. 1 supnnn Hun thc nntlo n,?i who called upein me did so beea iso lin ll that nobody eon;: be bsmx ated with ..* ai ral Harrison Intimately for fifteen yean wlthoul ab?orblng hum .1 Ms piKid qualities. (Applause.) Gentlemen, we have come hen lo An:. ioma of ns. from ,-i lung matann, to ihow um- appreciation of th.* in*, that it ls nol poaalble foi the Republican party lo do too (,'ieat honor to .launs 0. Blah * (Applauae.) We feel In Indiana thr-.t In honoring thu ?jreal niau the fiepubllean party honor! Knlf (Ap* jil.-iis.-.) Ai> Know tliat lt has happened mei* thin once in the history <.f the oountr: lhal a mai become Prer.ldeni by merely tortultou*! rlrcuinstances, inn we all know thal nu maa ean avn BU ti? ri Pmidenl union he hn bren pro* led bj bis ? ' with endowment! I;'.:- beyond fee-.' whick are -Afc! to the ordinary man. (Applanie.1 And we know that whatever may betide thc man v. hom we are here to honor to-day his kin ate! kl! Wendi ma] aways earry wltbNthem tin- proud eonniouinen lhal he lias thou biak qualification! whloh iii Mm to Hil, with honor to hiins -if a:nl with letllfwHon tee I eountryman, the highest offlce in the known world [Load apiilame.) ME TIALSTFAT. C ALT.F.D FOR. Calls now AA*ent up for Munn Halstead ii ton-s that would not brook denial. Thc handsome Ed? itor of "The Commercial Gazette'' was poshed forward and mounted ihe oatriage, and then bad to keep silent a minnie until ih- cheerio 1 ka ! sub? sided. This is what ha said In nbatanco: Fellow citizens?I did bo! expect to be aland la thli position, bat 1 appreciate your -inane 1, I came fiom sofie thousand miles wet of bet. With tho purono of Joining you to paying my reepnta to tl ? man whon ton said tana we a.'-'- 10 ???? l 1 (Applaun.) l think thal we have ausplcl-uUy begun tl e ..",?,*.' pi, lid ,nt1al campaign thlt year, I L'tcvv 11 (.eiier.ii Harrison (applause) ?? ll tor forty yean. 1 sat down neal i" Mm li a irhoolbou*e In Hamilton County, Ohio, forty yean ago. ile wm Ihen :?- young man, serious beyond i,i- yean and ad inira't.le lu every point "f chara-*-!, r. (appia me), man? ly, fa.tltiul ami Ina always lo all obligation! I luau, a nlf-mado mau. Publlo office* nevci yl.*'.eli d thc Bari - - anything bul li plaiise). He has always baan '. t iwn ol ti nzth In Iha doubtful ai *! deepcniel* coutntcil ? if India:.a. No n,intake wu mad In bl (Applaun.) He hn mi I bul no mlitahri. (Appian - .1 Thei li no bettei of Jamn O. Blaine to the Weal than Ben.awli Harrison. (Applauae.) ioi- uue, 1 1:1 ililli the nomination n ' Chicago wn iu no nun an : Hm campaign of 1--1 a campaign el ir Botorlzed by the splendor of lin ?ia: ei 1.. Blaine ai plaun , Bend i ia..'!> won. (Appia se, and a voice "Thej * hln' eu* here.") You u.i not br troiil ' ' aboul Hw iii,v.i st in thu campaign, k * ken ih" righi music from tha' quai 1 fi. tn \- hal ' ki ow . f ti ?? drlfl 1 1 public 01 .. Kew-York, N.-v. Jei-aej and i onnnllcut, 1 believe tha ?*?<* sh;,ii win. (Applaun i Mr. Blaine has ke tn lo I' igland the i lympathy ti.a* bas bna avowed liri..-* 1. Tory ? ury Admlnl.tratl n and the Cl 1 * tlon. Ii ls 01 -? . f the tu't-t n 1 Ines lt the i.istory of tba two >? untriei. The English boh pap. in. ever eli ce thc non luaiion of Ha nen 1 eef Mr. maine, knew thal ho Mood mr the typical American clilteri (Applause.) They knew thal he held io Ihe gi ? doctrine that kn pul the I nltod Btai rn tat 1 ovc ti. * ! colonial 13 stem .i.n' ;:? ; . - *,?,?? ,, ii". (Applause.) Mr. P.laJne bring! with bira ammunition. Ton wil' hoar Hie sound of the btipli Ihroughoul the laud when he comes, ami iii*- battle begin lu eariiesi. (Applause.) IlllAV AVOULD CLI ALLAN!) Iii: Bl 'UV D Judge A. E Morrison, of Arizona, wm thc ms speaker. Ho had been paying particular atti bUoi tu the Irish yoi.- and what bc said about it wa : exceedingly gratifying. Then ara some of th points he made i 1 have lu.t bnn thinking that if Drover Clevelen , had leepecn defeated four yent ago and v...- com in ; leaf*'., fnun Ito rope, bow mau] peopli -. .*? M 1 far to in'et him ? (Applause and laughter.) S'o aced nm trouble aboul ih' Wnl Bew-York ls n, * battleground, a:ui npon the people ol tbe B ate al Bea ; Tork mts a lolymn responsibility. Bul l believe will prove equai io Ihe trust I hi've 1* eu doini* tu ? level Lest in this city foi- a year to help you. Durtn that time 1 have associated mainly, ny ow countrymen?Irishmen. Hani-on will re.etvi twle i I many Iriah votn as BlMne tlie! foui *., m apo. hsve not met me Bingie Itl-h Democrat who vote for lilalne who will not vote for Hans in. (Appian And I know of hundred, of Irishmen who votod I. 1 loveland al the Int election who will role for Han >>on th,- time (anplaiin). became ti,*-, know t1 brighting effect ol English free trude ,'? their ow laud. Aft.-r meeting Mr. BlMne von ran your homes and tell vour people thal vet jf-pai-e-1 for I rltSh fm Hade. Md thal nf New .ork will )'!-<? in |?-i* majcaty and rebi Lull and (.rover loveland and all thi (bremen us wiih lim pauper wa.-.- ol Europa, (A The chi 1 na'.-ii will i < when 1 h-* tte ta a-t tba bead of ins boat, when the wm plume waves again kn the front ol the battle, ia plane.) P, F"si.r. president ol thc Bepublic. Nmi' [Mogue, box! made a brief speech, whit twain .I*. > ? thnsiaam. il ? ipi u,- of tl 1 qnalifloatl mi 1 B njaatia Barrlson ti ii 1 mini, scholar, gontlemnti an I sol U ir, an i predict that with " the tatami st states our ooo try aaitaleadn thc Bcpobhcan part] would o talnly earcy the State ol New-York. Bona ..;? M. W. ICatthew, of HU;*, Vl dieted thai that State would give ii:.- Republic ticket 30,000 miijoiity It was now ratting dark, and by vigoroas to, lag th.- Sam Si-uu v :.s oomnlaining bi tieri j being dcacrted Su the cruwl retunieii to her In the Anaatag Ooanfloato ?i " 1 *ed Vp,** Mr Okasln OaU -riain. a bla?e man ,,f faBilm. lu um lo depretat* avuryililng In Whlab PtOt, posed to take an iuU-rest, with Iha Isnjrulrl rctiiark tl n than !? re?iiy noihing in lu" Ba ana ? crltict_m to tho crater of YsanvtaS, d'ewn whlek ka l"ok, but mw * ii.iihlni: In ll." buiih ihrna- ten I this .ide of tin; Atlantl- ton bul tie | aatwUhanuanB, S'nii bom asal ? --illili ie, anare" ntedlrinslly utimulsie their Jaded u|,|,* 1 Ist-simrit., m,d MIMW th.-lr ret of 1 \|-t.*i--? 'lr y ? .,1 h?r* u|m.ii arhsM thi wnM'i nj 1 .,.1 pmaanmy u, pail will lal Ren tn 1 Bi a wltoleitouto sud r|t-t-dy len-*ti ,,t * Appetite returniA, d>hpe^iic and btttoW pear, His nerved grot* suonit, and thc lieut 1 | ? U unfmuaht with spprchinsluii of unsa-y rspofle, wi, thl! !upeMstivs ionic lt smplnyed. It, rca.' di.** tutti s nue, tosu-baUi-u aud ___-_?? -roabiaa wmi yet it little longer for possible news of the < itv ol New-Vork. THEY COULD NOT HAVE GONE ANYWAY. nu: BOBBBT BABBKfl BBBABB Lows, LOAMB wini B8FBBUCAB LBAOOB MBMBBaa. Aboal Borea handred RepnbHcaaa, ooanprfatng delogat-OBfl from Kansas ('itv. Chicago, VVnshiun '..:i, Virsinia, I'.-nn-vlvi*ni:i and Otha portions of the Onion, i.-s*ni .h.! abont Boon yestrtday en board Iha Staten Island Rapid Transit Gompaaj 's fcrrybaat Boberl Garratt. Tho steamer had bean l?r. Foster on behalf ot the Republican j League, end pronriBCBt among thoas on baaed WCM i'-tiick 0. Farrell. Washington: J, E Mcv.r, Katmai City. Iraak Aldrich. Washington; li. c. Fuller, Bcaoklyns H. E BaBsary, Drlfton, Penn.; K. Frank Carson. W. S. Little Walden, OoWgc; W. H. Brid gens, Kansas City; ll. M. Davidson. Virginia; C. ?'. Barndee, Karma City; UmijbbiIbT. Lynch, Hoss Hanna, H. li. (haig, Minneapolis: !;. Donohoe, Yonken Club, Hr. J. H. Mallison. Janies and F. Hint At in.* lim- in ile* murnini* there was a large musier ol delegate! oa board, ant lt being bbcot* lained that the City of New-York hud nut pet been sighted and that ti." Barrett waa noi, likely t? leave lur dock before half-past '.* in tim afternoon, ethers was a pretty geneml exodua Many ol thon who tims departed toiled to turn e|. again ai ile* appointed time, with tin- n* ult 1 ai when tin* boot nt Length made a start th. total . i iin- morning's must -r had been depleted Ly nearly two-thlnia. The Robert Garret! hud jest cleared ti.e di * ? ; i.n.i liiii'ie the turn Into tl..- river when a grating ' i:uis" heard followed L.v a vibration thnt li.ade Itself felt iii eVCTy part of th'- vessel Steii.ii was prompt} sha! nil and ihe boa! stopped. " Something wrong" was i'm* whisper tha! dew :.round the \essel. YYhnt Waa the muller'' What was going 1" l.e il.uie. The |N-riixl ul questioning was soon ended win n a couple ul tugs came along? side iin.I began towing ihe Garrett back t*> l, t -lip. Dismay waa depicted un tin- (Boa uf t'i.* epancngen BB Hie truth Lurst upon then. A few,, more and thc chid engineer "t the oom* pony h..,i sprang un board and ans down in the engine-room, closely tutmining one ol th'- paddle wheels. I'i* **eiitl.v he reappeared. His report was i:iven wiih cold-blocdea brevltv th-ii chilled e -ry heart Ry some means a small lo-.' ul wood bad become lammed between two of thc backeta Of 111.' Will "I. lie.til lill. Kel.- V.'tl'l* 'l,:o...l, i'l.d >the i''*'" rt ( irieii was completely disabled, Thc ardent Republicans un board could take no part ii, thc reception. Th.- passengen demanded the ri turn of their money. '11k- captain declared it aviis no fault nf his. Cbeoka wer.* diatributed, however, which - il! eiititie them tu thc return nf their mi The charge for thc inp was at ti.e rate of S. a Iliad. WOBDfl OF GREETING FROM IRISHMKN*. OMEOPTRE sr:IE) HEB Mit m. Alis K B ILL ULAI*. -LOOK! Mi l-i'il lill*'. PAP. \ DH. John Devoy, Joseph P. Ryun. Michael BresllB. Thomaa A. Fencer. David J, Natmhtnii, John F. Gibaon, Captain M. J. Slattery, of Albany, Thoaaa Fiann, oi Rreoklyn, and aboul one hui.died otbera r*.presenting the Irish-American Anti-Cleveland ami Protective League, bad a hunt, of ihen- own. tl.- Fred 1). Daliel], which they boarded at I'it-T *.*!, North Uiver, and steamed down the Bay ni. ii o'clook. Thc following addresa, which it, wits Intended to read had Mr. Blaine arrived, will !>c pit-rented to-day by John Devoy! On behalf <?'. enny thoaandi M Irish Am rlau eitiieo! v ? Md \,,'i i hearty welcome. Mm toUe-ren in the* Ai * r* in S*"-'iii.r proteettou, we bell yeui mun st thu ie,,-- ls IWttaat crlsU In the lifo of the Nation n an sugury ol vii IB .fii.i" r. Th! laan i- b. Um principle - which hat ? bron t happini wsad pr__ii>-rity ? .. mu .* i i*!.- .ni thaw whieh han wrought tam ani ? a v.iiie a ts*' Bepuhlle lu*-, ben i Ina f": i (enan loo !*?? continued -**,:!, art ever-widening li'-l'l fer uev'*ie>|imeiit. ,,: Miall illili mn ta unsted neil Ita a ?;? i'f i.i luau al lecaj bi mwb by ? policy at retro .i J is Aiii'Miia i i remain th'' ana country n saith Whet! the l"t nf (ta vierklnt-muli I* td' tal,o- sui Ie* may look with cuiiiidcin * io the tatura, er ar* ara t*> go Dacie IM fBTOpna -y-i'in which tir--e(1s paup-rl-iii, u.i-.-iy Bad Begndatloa! Than an tta gnatlni t? ta decided next Bomntar, and on yea inch ut ll 3 t>i. r*'.? ? 11 er tta straggle will r^st. We Irlah-ABM .?.-lil uiiil'-r ye'..- ban r in 1CS4 sr* Hiram re | . i.. ile, ballia f"i ile- ciiuv nf Am* rican bMuatrtal pi We COUM letnfened In numil rs, Meager In M|nllBllllll and discipline, enfldnt ef vi'.-t'ir.v. The nun U whieh .*.,,u aad Ita *-?. lam ia wara ita ihaMglna f<eur .vars fut foi Which ll* niamln Harri-on aud L?a 1 P. M'.r tun fiand to-day. To yea, andei whoas leadertotg wi f, light (,.*.r lirst D?tt'i ? tot ptotntti ii. Wa -nish a* Ita v*-ry - "f il." Kruggll '" Bonny Ita a?urance of our un swerving loyalt] io prlnelpli and our eoettand person! regard. Aeoepl tm nagn a j itu wt- mun. On I ' ill "I tta .' i Aiiti-I'leve land mid Pru ? ." I i . ptain P. ll. M. Nunn*., president of the Irif-h Ametican Anti-Free-Trade League; ex Judge A. L. Morrison, J. J. McCarthy, the aei ctary, and tw. iiii-i'i-.c others representing the exeeutive com? mittee oi that organisation, were aboard thc Bam Sloan. Captain P, B, MoNamce, president of thc Irish* American anti Free-trade League, who *??? i--elected mar ba] ol thc contingent fr. 1.1 thal i*ir ticular 01 ranizntioo i:i pl * * tala George : W Spearman, nbo I- iii, bas rei I Marslial Jackson that tine representativn >.f the Leanue will ns- io',. ? di ?-- opposite i ihe headquarter* al So. iii Kiahth-st. and there j iiw;iii. orders to l.e' . iuned their place in thc of march. Captain McNamee will have I ap. ? " Ri -i and P. P. Breslin, treasurer of the I os aides. John Devoy, president of thr Irish-America ii Anti-Cleveland and Protectivi u iso citied oil the grand mar* ??ii'i informed bim >.l thc ai , which Ins association had made. They will sa? le nt i he headquarters "i tl e League, No. 171 Fifth-ave., and march tlience to Twenty s.foii'i- t. between Fifth uud Sixth aves, where they will await ordera. Tlie serenade by the * ?; ? s ,,i lanni itions which Patrick Ford had arranged to toke place al the il stand i*i Madison Squnre, and tbe address * i ?."]??'Me to in- delivi ne., luiil. nf course, to be pout po ned. Augustine ll. Ford was unable to rhat new armngcmentB had le en made in regard to the matter. CROWDS IN SUSPENSE Vi" THF HOTELS. NOT 'AST DOWN AT ALL BT THE KAILI'!'.:. Ol THE CITS OP BEW-TOBB TO Alillivi. WHElt I CPECTED. rridora of all the great hotels aptowi wi ;.* crowd' i laal evening with men hailing fron nearly every State in the Inion. Fran belan Twenty-third-stb, and reaching for ten bloeki northward, the sidewalks wen- lined with peoph on both sid's of Broadway. Blain.- bndgn bj 1 ih<- hundred -listened onder the electric lighii ol Madison Square. They clngtcred abont tin Worth Munuuient, they encircled tbe tit-wly-erect ed reviewing stand, and were numerous abon' the Gikey, thc Victoria, tha st. .lunns, thc Braes , wick, the Sturtevaat, und the Bepahhcna Bead , quarters. They even filled thc Hoffman Hona j coiri'lois aad cafe, and mille thr* Demoeretii j gunto feel small and few. Bat thc oeatrc of at tmCtion wa- (he Fifth Avenue Hotel, and all th evening and until lon;: alter bed-thnc^ a mai of expectant dtirena stood In front) around, of po Ite and ob nil -Mea ..i lt, as thoagfa Impraaaci with ;i,e Leii, i thnt some how er otha Jamw b Blaine would ooma ap from Qaaiaatina aad Inn* at thc New fork noting pla.-e. The ruin arnie f.-ll copiously did aol m..a.* them away. 'I ho*. who had umbrellas raiaed them. Thooc who hm looked fur aearby sbi har. They did bc go [ar. News from Fire island, fruin Quarantine au trom any part ol N a ? rk Baj amaeagerij ? r. - Anythh i ii* a .' .nu.* got ?" ?? H.. * Ity oi New-York boca sighted yet?" "Is thei no word pot of I'lain. '.'' -What is tlc Int f.',m Quarantinet* "Have go rigaala beea s-. \et at Ii.e bdandf* "Don't you think he wi corni t.--miii*. :*" ' I: ? v .*.-...rk antin.- to-nlgfatt wanl Bhrina nbm right upi " Where .an Jamn G, I **. anyway '" and seor. ol QucBtlaaa of iii., import srera heard oa evei aide. Tha feeling ot dinppointannt thnt the cr.-: steamship wbieb, it wue aanrted oa Ihe au thorn ii ine ageata, w;.s te, make the trip poaitiveiy ii sid.- ol six ilii.vs, bad toiled in Um ouatraat, .-.. apparent on all sides. Keurly everybody?all .?: c.|,i thon thorongbly vaned in the movements . n.-w onan racers had i ilcuhtted thal Ml ii would , nive b< fore nightfall Thc |n-e pk did do! c,\r ie:,-, t-, ihelr disapp Jntm. nt, hoi <\ei*. 'i,,- i,?,;< || pbili n ;.i,i**ell- . In the Am ? ran faahion. Mn In the egp la -li*. WI ,. DI ?. i, . i i b< ni hud in ei th ? Bay on t v .ml had come back theil, but nol dispirited i ina, : nd ile***; bad ea o * which t1 bee nml iiiiine of the fomnoot nenablieaii leadi ii|,|Hui'.?i. wer. s. ea > ii ,v. ry Lurnl, Insii and I ?:; , nie ii hrs! piiiii.d on in thi morning, reB_*oting ti uiidininieil zesi with which thc ..udor hiuibcll wi looked tut* HOW THK PA RAPE WILL MOVE [TIE DIFFERENT DIVISIONS AND THE OB CAMZAIIONS IN TIH.M. KB. m-AiNK Aitnivns on not. and IN SPIT!'. OF KAIN, IB IT BHOTO-D FALL. TIIK CP.KAT Pll'.i" BSZOM WILL .-,; t ii. ii tOCOBDIBG TO PP.oCP.AMMl >nernl .Toseph 0. JaOkaOB, irrand mnr-hal of I the Ulallie ,|,*ti,.,t,-tiation. decided hist Bight that | th,- [BBlllBBlnn will move luis evening at Iii" hour named, whether Mr. Pdaine arrives or Bah All thc arrangements were |BlfB0tBd late yester? day. C.encmls Jackson and Darnum working far Into th- ni-ht to do so. Th.* following is thal Html order nf th.- Grand Marshal 1 - ' |.|'.i: i-f pa half.. Thc head of coliinni, BOOSlOttBg of "ie (.rand Marshal and staff, band Bnd put"<>n "f mounted poiico. win f,',.n lil l-'lfth ave , ai anil below- llftj nimh st., at t .TAO p. m.. AUgUSl 0. The parading column will msreh down Flfth-ave. Al Twenty ioiinli IL, the honors of a marci.Ins salute win ba paid lo thc Bon. /ann 0. Blaine, who ? ?win review thc colman from thc grand stand crenel at that place. ] ih.- Repnblleaa aub of the Qty ef Bew-YBrB win (tana la r.fth-am, righi resting at Fifty-ninth-st., ; ami will Immediately follow the (.rand Hankel and stan*, and at tlc- meowing stand, will form on the Mal si'''' "f WI* *''?'? wok a*nt) ts*9*** ,h^'n"?ei"", the parad" as a " guard of honor " I The BrgaatSaettonS participating in the parade will form lc tl"' Itreefl cn-t ar.d w--! from Plfth-aTO., the rgkl .?; dlvtokms restlni on Fifth ave. go boob as tho righi ol each division ls uaeovond by the marehtng Ci luam, ll will wlu-cl Into Fifth ave. and follow at division dis,.-mee. un reaching Twenty-'Oilnt-st, .lu-Mon* win. nn rapidly ss po -ll.!**, .los- to hulf distance on h'-ail of dlvillon, without reduction of step, by the Leads of divisions; aini will preserve the division organisation io such polnti lu Klftl. ave. s- lhall bO named to division marshals, in "Wet-ton Ordero,-*1 hut no illvl-lon will break lt- form north of Fourteenth-st. At mi. h punt- ns shall Lc nnuicil to Division MankalS tn ?? Division Orders," dlvtalona win dtnotve, th" unit organisations pas,-ing through lateral itneti and other avenues to their point- of departure from the city, or to their revere! borne reudreroui in Ihe city. Tho ehead of column will move promptly st ? o'clock, i"'.i organisations which may bo lute at their ,,1-r* - win remain lu their sire**ts sud follow the succeed nr division, staff ofhv.-rs will he detailed to nMe such belated eommaada All organisations will parana win* not len than len tiles frotii. Tho parading column will march In tho following order: piatcon of Mounted Police. Cappa'! ro" Band. Geaeral Joseph C. Jackaoi ? Grand Marshal. Coloicl .1"!"' W. Jlt-obus, Al " nita I. t.-r-nerai Henry A. Barnum, i niel of BUS. Koeiial Al(l'**-"*tv.i Bai *.'!',' mel Ch l r' \y. na r<.' mi I '- W. B Rruger. (it-tii I Mm -lull's Si ? (300 M.led Aid. - ? rit,nc-r Cori -- Ninth Wild N. Y. City), (uirt-ct' AV nilthsrd, Commanding. .Republican ? luh iN. ) ? Colonel il. M. Wynkoop, Commanding. rum mv dp >v* Wet rifty-elghth-at ai Fifth-are. Pei,ll-'. I*.*' '?'?? Belicia! Charles H. T. ' ollls, Commai Colonel ie '*-??? W. Bretton, Chu I ol Bl i General JunM Stewart, t ''.!."'Anit-.v Brow* christian K?. .-. i **? - VV Dcrterick, E "* ?/ ,'? I)r jE .1* Palmer, Dr. C. W. ll u_i,i*>*i. Ll *.v*i < oUla, ?r. il-,ii. s. *i i:. n ?-?'? !? B y, . i *. ? I,-,.-, p in I tnd Drum * H , in liivln. ' (eel.ll ui W it. Smith, i i .- Band. Young Men's Repuh in Club i I'.-iHImcro), N ii Creal * - "* '* ?'" ,1;" Cumli-rland Republlnn Club. Maryl-mil.- -, e * nu i lidling th- dml lier* .1 in i. ii ft In diameter. Tjottan Ii,'!:,! - I ini O. Dnhurst Coir minding. Colon BepubUcan Cluh philadelphia), William U- Lei"--*, ( ..I; ?? indlllg. ?"*!?''>. Wilmington Del, D<*lec*t,inn), w. ii ii- liam]. .'? niii?ii'llu?. The Camr-M-i Ci uh 11 hi la lelphfa), - ?. (''.mmandlng. Flr-l Wart L-l"*' H*:.*i I'lii'l'-'ii-n Hub 'Philadelphia), jnrtec Chitin Buhner, Commanding, RI "VD DIVISION. j East r.sth-st., a*. Btk-are. Qttneril Mch is* W. Dav cniinawllng. Colonel T. II. Barrett, Chief ? .* Staff. Major I. li. OdeU. A-i-.m- ai,'. int*GenereL Ma "i I- i 'i * ?- i--i" K' it, . Mel Al le. M. nut. -1 bi The Unconditional Bepublleaa ( lub (Albany), ll<>ward N ! He, -r, 1 "ii,Ii,i., ling. The Old Guard nf u," l .conditional Republican CIul tlbai ?? , - . ' -'Hi* an Ung. Chicatro Tomat M.-n* Blain Club, Colona! ii. N. Taylor i eiiiir.aii-lii* ',. Ksntss City Blain Ciul f I itt, Oom Tho Garfluld i luh ..f Simsville, Tenn. (Del. Ml ni ' i I i * i"i. ii. I., ll, K. ii i'i..-, (' tn .it.ti_r.-_-. N' n.)t Ueneral I'.. H. Dr-lov. > Chauncey >, . .**, Highland J. it. Omi ns ' ? v mandlng J. Irv lng ': Ca; tain .1. M. Mi '?. ling. * .i*.:in U. Shoots, I BepubUcan Chi. il :?'? in \ roon, 'li ni- r. ii . * * ? Protective u . . ei j*ay W. I ... ? . '? Toun-r Men'a R ?? ?-. I i: a1, r_. r i i \i -\ii, i, ( imn ? ? ling. The p.*.,pi-'. i;.--.'ii,: m t lui '? * -, l's Lt I., J. v> li log. ? ii.. __ Captain ('ba I * i.Hiding. duh I,, Conn., ' ? H. Corbin, i Republican Flub, nf N ? mi., L. ii. w ji i< ii i ? Ban I. poufhh i -i ? iii , Hean duh, I)!:)* Il TH IUD DIVISION, Wi i 5Tlh -. ..: Ith :?-. *. XHB ...\ i v.i . ,. wn DIVISIOh Ban i. i- ? l.-<l and Ila Jan t P. Fii<-< il al * reel i? a ll .*. of Staff, Mam Oharlei Appleby, commanding 1st 6ub-Dlv1sloi Mon .U-t'i-m Republican I lub, a. 8. Il iiuni* Men** Republic in Club of Wont lin*., m. . olonel D. ii. h 'Luu ? ci :*; ? nb, s Conn, ' ,r n an lina Harlem i ?:.. -i llepnb.leau Club, IL I Mai i in in rn.-ute! i h lui i lab, Mj\ ii-?*.**.*?*. i omi u Hart; ,ti md M ? nih, L. s Msleolm, Coi I'* Myer A , Club. c. v. ? -, , ? . . ,, ?.Ibcri.lan Ride. Colonel lam < Sm iii, Commndlag. . XVI lib V- i Club, in Ung. Wartcheater Uiiguo Club ll . C.unmaiilln Opubllcao l.i -un- ( r.i, pf Pelham, E. II. liun.-v, s.. * liaiiubUtaii CluU i.f Meiieit-ti Conn . C. L. Elubree, Bee' Fits sn i Dram I e.rpr. j Renu bl (can Club ol 111 \ ernon, Jehu K Line,, r, c tr.manllnf. Republican i lui. .,f .\ ? i*.,i.?:?*? _ . Charles IL "t i.uug S cn tary. _?ung Min's Republican Club e.f PonglBieepale, N. Y ll. .s. lira.vlv. Comtnandinip B lee Pl . :*. U . ? 'I'i, I). Cromwell, Commaiidlug Toung Mw'i Kepubllean Club ol .staniford, N. C. ll-wiid, Coi.iinaliding. rn roi !ITII DIVISION, ?r yiusi 57th?r. inui Ith-are, *. Kepubll. un Leal ** I Ms). J. ci. Woodward, Commanding Jd Sub-Division. Mounit-d staff, Baal _7th -'. at lib-are, ll,ul. Repuhli, nil riuii ?f Bridgeport, Conn. E. Th- -Tsong Mi.'- Rcpuliiican Club ol Laoeanar, Pun ll. J. .Sj,* il' et, S, P lilly. The Young Men'! Republican flui." of Il:ilt!m,'rc, W. \v. John un, Si cn * iry. 7th Ward l: , mi iialtlmom, Md., w. F Clarke, ' omman I i : .,,. i Dram i Harrison ami V Outtenberg, N. , ll *' tk. r. ' maud Lafay. i ? [th Asl bly Dlstrli t, I ' ? li-Mui ie.. lon : i.ulliiir, Touag Men's Ind i, N. T. CH iii T:,'- i lol 1 Re| tn I Ot* and County Mew-! otk, s ll. \\ lilt". Coi Hu* i * li ? I Republican < , N. j., A :. * Jsrni* O. Bli \ elation \. V. City. Theo ll liir-i Hu V. City, tn ling ?t i City, Dr. PU . ?! -. Th" lu , i , . iei \ ; City, I. I*, il- i, -. i .I,., landing. Delegations fran sn- otu Lngw I '.'.ii* I II II! !'!'. I ION. J**r-,-, DlVll John lianiK-r, Marshal. nehurler B. Jwkaon, Col E W. Dais, ll sf. Doramua, .""ir. M. n I.-, > ?*, i, Dfil.-I D Koif.-, | , , : 0 ? \\ i. Ma 1 rank Helm Ii.i ii - i,.'ii?*t!,,,rn, Jr., Joh I Mi)*: li ll ai,* ' thy, Williai , 'mylor. lise Bui D IL i? Conkllu William il.?_. -., ,i JA. Ball, .1 !, Alexander IHong, \* ireymcyer, Co- r. f. Wi ? . . | R-] " ? ? 1st Hird Rein i , t I , e. | 21 1. ai I !:? II. M. Hui,i. ll. l'resld i!l \\a-'l ll. pi li . sn liu'i. S. II. Jail ?tih Ward Club. W. P. V , .'.iii Ward ll.',.urlii-iii Dab. .1. p...,r, PrealdMl Ban I. nth NV arl Republican > lob, ll Kihi - Pi 7th Ward rUpublli mi i i'ii., p h. Knoll pi full Ward ll. pu |h m ' lub Joseph Cull President itlk Ward Young blvu'i Ctul* ot liett-rk. W. IC liuv.Y p Dlh Ward Republican Club of Newark. l_T***tM rori. Pres. loth Young :.! ir- inu, ot N-nnrii. (iiarlee, **>?*____** llb W.irit RepublloM Club. 9. Vf. Main,.-lt.. { r--s ?dent. 1_ nt Ward BepubUcan Club, M. B. RI ch arl* President. I nih Ward Col red < mb e.f Newark, N. Outre. Ifes. Uih Wart i Mon'iClii ; J. B. *\_\'u_*ty_t^l_nmh Ulfa Wart Ke,,., .'le.iii Club e.; Newark, E. S. OouBUa, 1 rt-s. Yuun. Republican ' lub of F.aaeji County, A. W. llrav. Pres. Ila nd. ? lunns C Cristi BalteM AllK'it Hinder, ( iptsln. 'il. A. PolMI v "? "*.,\,.'l!','rl. lV.',"fi'"L. I N (,?,i'. association. K. c. Ulrleh, C?*_*_a? V* NMi- Phelp. * ? brilon. K ?^Ahel.^re-are!. Central .wi Club, Denne U ???'"????',' ?, u U, ? ?.. i lub GU I reich. 1 r* *lil'*nt. Wilkins I.,,,,- ''?i?...i's. A ll. Hay* President. ?i* n - . lu ,. li ' ogin.1 i'^'}"1-..,. B. a. i - w.Tl. cw. majdaot ? lr . , mon. John llu-nil'*, ?n* * Clinton . lub, A*ii...n Whir, _teM Montclair Club, John J.H. I-'"**'. - *\* :.;?>,,-. Mm,Muir V..ung Men'* Hub,-. *???"??' BM Oranne n.-pulillcsn ClUfcf- H. ntMBJ '*?$?*???? Tofft v I. -ht Quart/, Jersey Cl * ' '?...^Vmluin Phelps (Tuarts ol Pal won, W. It. W??*?-S^SSimL BepubUcan Club ol Jam -Mug. J. M. Morti me^l ______** i, District Club of Jeno} Cltr. F. DnTb-a. "?*![**____ Young Mea'i Republl an < lub aMowa of Osha, Rudolph JakaA.iM?_aCT.b?^^ I n nm ( iTp*. __ Orion Battery, ? karin $ ^St^^Snto. Emery BepubUnu ciub, walawa brown. capism. SIXTH DIVISION. Baal loth ->. ind Kh-an.^_, Colnn-I -I. Cronk Bul.", Marsha.. Metnnted staff. Baud. rn , -ta v WhuieMlo Dry Hoods Ilamaou and Mon,711 Cub, ?. V. Cltv, Colonel 0. ll. Mitchell, comma 'Ung. Butler Protection Club, N. 1 - eily. . 1 ni, WalMl ?->?"" I**. i*'ii.*'niiinilln?. Rt publican cnn. ..( New-York Cltr. Benjamin patterson, commanding. Republican Club ol Nyack. B. v.. Judg- Arthur T. 11 i.kins. commanding. _ Harrison aad Morton ''-""i*'?,1' "-uvl,l!> _l,y,n-0T "' City, Li.'w. c.*" ii- Hiukf. 0"n,n*-",',,nl_^,? Centnil Bumping Company, K ll. Coe. commanding. gl.Vl.NTII DIVISION. V -' 17th *' ll ?'''li-i.vo. Band. .. _ Con-ral Janes j. o'l'.-inio, commmainn Mounted Staff. _ . ? -, Irish-American Antt-Cleveland ont Proteetln Club, N- v City, N. J- Breilln. commanding. Iriah-Am rican Anti F:.- Tm h- 1-eugue, N- Y. CUT p. il M- Nu. eommandiiur. Irish-Anni ban Republican Om ral Orgnnlratlon. M1. Intel P. Murphy, <<n,il:.indll)g Manhati in Hallway Envoi na, ?-. C. li,.'fnian. ci mmsndlng Thc Maabattan Unconditional Bepublleaa duo. ii. ll. li-.Iii.aii. commanding ZIGHTB DIVISION. feaal .V.tii-st. and i-.i.h-ave. 1: lyn 1.nml Dlvl (lon. minnel lohn P. -lone*. Grand Marshal. , , Colonel Harry W. Mitchell. Assistant Orand .tWmami St.-nben 1.. Patterson. A Mutant-General .ind Chtet or >ttu. Saionei li H. imi *.*. Assistant Allutent-ltoneiel. Assisted Lv *,\iv tw.anted Aldei ind one hundred and torlT-foui IL norai 1 Aides. Guard "f Bonor U UM Hrooklvn Division. Ti," Federal Republ an Club ol liing* County. 1 IR8I BROORLYN DIVIBlOlf. I*. WiCi* .Marshal. s v Ra sae il, A*si-tint J. 1.. il ,:.'?-. Chid of Buff. Kinss County Republican G.ral Omnwtei Kings County Republican Csir.pilan Committee. lyn . anni Repu .Hean ( lub. e. .i-.-n Rcpnbilaae". Insurance Men'a Harrison and Morton 1 lub. Pint Wart Harrison a.,il Morten Club. l-.i-i Wart Harrison ind Morton Battery. Citl-cna ind rim Ward Toling lltu'i BapautSBa Club. NINTH DIVISION*. Eaat .".Hil -t. an*! Kth-ere. SECOND BROOKLYN DIVISIOJT. .lohn Cook, Manto C. E. Teem.: ??. AsslsUnt Marshal. W. A. Graham Assistant Marshal. J. T. McKay, Ciil.*f of Staff. ?Reconil Wsrl Harrison and Morton Club. Second Wini Ilaiii-eii a,id .Im:*.!! li maillot. Il ind Morton Club. : Wart Harrison au.i .M*ut"u Battery. i Wart Harri n ind -n ? lub. Fifih Wai*. James 0. Blilne Aiaoclitloa. Sixth Wart Harri on uni Morten Club. Eighth Wart ll irria ra ind Morton ciub. Ninth Wart Uirrison ind Mori eu Club. Tenth Wirt Harrison ami Morton < tub. '10th Ward (colored) iium-.ei ani Morton Ciub. ,11th Ward ILun-.n ind M-i -":. Club. uti. w.nd c. b. Dram 1 lub. ? ll th Ward (colored) I II. rn-- it uni M,,rt<.n Club. I ii v. it,: Han - ,1, .rn I M *!:' ,1 I lub. -.'.'?I Wort il in is. ,i md M..rt...-i Club. 1 _-_l Wirt Flnt P ? ?-:*i* unUl \ olen St_d Wart i 1.. Wi ..* :.-.! iii" ry. ? Il Kreogi 1. As't Marshal. 1 .1 1-* elli ii, Chid of Staif. TENTH DIVISION. 1 East ?'>:-1-st ind 6th-ave. I THIRD DROOBLYN DIVISION. i..*r- Ni,**.'. Maribel. FF. Willi,un-, ', !Bth Ward lliiiils.eii ind Morion Club. iHih Wai 1 RepubU. in Le igue. 1 1 nu Wirt li m.-,,11 hi* 1 M irton club. I 15ib Ward Harrison and Morton Club. 15th Wai l Republican Club. 15th Ward H. C. banora Uro rv. I 10th Wart Itirriion ilub. 10th v, uni Tippecanoe < lub. illili Wild Auteur. , Ba ory. 10th Wirt -'. il ii' ni in lu Uatterjr. I ITU. w ii I Mirriaon ind Morton Ciub. . iTtii Ward Republican ciub. '" 17th lya^1 ilium Club. t t .17-11 Wai 1 Tlpp canoe ii nb. 1 1 17ih Ward R in Club. 18th Ward llurrls-m and Morton Club. 18th Ward 1 William! Club. 1 18th Ward Karil-m und Morton Leg Cabin Club. I Wart Harrison in 1 Morton Club. Illili Wirt Repel Hean Club. | 10th Wjid ll 1 ubllein 1 * j_-u--. I 1 V.e'h Wll I Hm ind Morion Pi tectlon Club. I 10th W ini Usrllcld I 1 ei, w.n.1 1 avalry. , I I 20th Wai ' . ! v;.- ?,,:, nub. ' I jggth ''*',r 1 Uarrlnh und Morton Battery. I I , ELEVENTH DIVISION. I '?-.-..' I ' H.,1 ',*.,, *. I 1 I FOURTH BROOKLYN DIVIBIOgfc '?V I'- Pirti 'I "-I. Jl-. " ' Phillp Bennett, Aa 1 ?, Ass't M irslwl , , W * n, i'h.of .if httti 1 ,'" ,\ ?-? i 111.-.-1-..11 an'! :>|eeeton 1 lub. ' 1 rill w lorlon ciub, 1 1 7H1 W * ! 1 "i ti ii ll. Ison it"i Morton Club, 1 . 7th Wart South (side Hu I Morl 1 I- ii. 1 _o*,. *,. ii : .!,. ; I 20th I li* 1 ubi lean Club. I ?-' 1. Wart l. A. JJ nh 11 1 20th V lorton Btttery, 1 -_:l -t Ward lia '. I lien 11.1* 11-. >i Veterans ' 1 284 Ward Hui .ub. I l 23d '?? I 2-Hh v. ard n ! on Clufc Vt .ol Hu i,-,*u au 1 Mo1 lui Club. -5lh Wai IO iii II 1 llatt.-ry. *'. ir,l Sumner ' luh (colore i i NEW-YO ? ' ' ' tTWNS. TWELFTH DIVISION. Wi i and ?h-av*. ? Buburbaa Rei b, In thirty tregona, decorated. I THIRTEENTH DIVISION. Weal B.l-at and 5thave. -, m 2.'I1 \ Did ! I Il"p'!1S, ? ?-, Cominan . 2_d Assembli District Rei>ubllean Club, 23d Anemblj Dlatriet Ifoung Ben'i Republloaa Club |ef lill. C. L. Vi. li il ls In, 1 * 11.:'! ni Ung. FOURTEENTH DIVISION, v. ;. | ., an,l bili ave. ?I im ll. (.uiiner. Marshal. 22d a D - publleaaa - Comn an ? 121 Assembly District Ivy ciul\ 1 ,, . 22_ Assembly ni?triet, Thi Cpl *.- Manhattan r 1 ite l i;.i!!uav P.mplo; -. 22d AmmUy Diitrlct, The Vorkvllla uud Harlem Cam 1 ? ti -'-1 ' -, Ceeiinnaiidliig. FI-TF.F.NTII DIVISION, Wea '. -1 nd 5th-ave. Colonel Alfred P.. \\|,i'ii.-y. Marshal. I Lleutenant-C,e|,,iiei char!*'- a. Hess, Major Jamo? II. Phipps, Adjutant Louis C WI*. ion. 21m A-*-, im.l.v District l.-1 RepubUcaui, .lulu, F, pion mer, Commanding. '21st AN-nniiv Dlatriri fonng Men'i RepuUlau Club, !? tai A. MUh ,. Commanding. 21st Ass,,tnhly Dl?tili' Harrison and Merton Club, Bkarln f. Butler, Comnndiag. .SIXTF.FNTIl DIVISION. I*a-t Sl-f-.t,. sid Bth-ave. Colo i-i li. C. Perley, Marshal. j -nail As-nC'iy Diitrlct Lune!Iel Republican!. -, Ccii'.iiiaiidlng. r, _f BEYEHTEEBTI1 DIVISION. WeetSOttoat and 6th-ave. Charlea a. Oroh, Marsh.I. 10th Ass.tmhly lit-u-let W^)itni;-e.ii ll-ighu Protective Tar :: Clan, ' " ??tinn.t'i*,'t*c. 19th Aanmbly Dlatrlei Uainllton Republican Club, ' Wm llariem, Seimnel li Hayter, ( '"uinandlna. Assemlilv Dlatriet I. W, Cook Ask,,..allon (Coloredl, i ' tole, ' <ni,11,an Ung, 10th Assembly Diitrlct lUve.-ld* Republleu Club, D ,\ 11 T. Wtlllims, Commanding. loth a- -iiiiii.'.- Dlatrlei Union Republican Cluh, N. Si. Whipp)' 1 ommandlng, 10.1. a--**''- i- ? ? ? 1 -,-*,! ( ,;ii colored), Phillp 11111..-. C 'i ii,.",li 1 - 10th Assembly District Young Meu'a RepubUen Club, m. MeK', ter, Commanding loth Aaaembly District Iud ?? i I Pi live Turitt Club Ml, hi,. r 17th aud I'.rh v - .iiUly |.*.*-i ia Young Men'a Republican Club, B. li. Mw 1.1 ommandlng. EIGHTEENTH DIVINION. i'.-i 5nih-?t. and *,th av* .lune - \- . 11 ker, Mn-lui. Plh Ass- ml * 1 n-pultli.iin., . Comn ?'i ! in:. ISth Aaaembly DUI ? Men'a Independent R-imb Hean Club, IL \ Th '.j*. 1 'einmaiidlng. K1NET1 ENTH I (VISION. W-?. c..thst. and lO-are -, ?Seventeenth ' Dtstrfei Enrolled Republc-univ li rn Demi 1 ? Ung. nth eta Dlatrlei Q trBeld Club Re,t?-ri J ickam Ow 11 indlag. TWF.N'VIl.TM DIVIFION I, i-i,;*, -t. and Bl li ave H. 11 \ Pt? pf, Marshal. slv'**'",h ' '1 Re-pnbllraus Su'* 1 otb -Vsaeinbly 1 ,. ,, club \.,i, .?? I'i'li..- i, 1 .,,,,,I, ni,-.-. twim'v IR9T DIVISION Wan IBttoat aag Bth-ave , ., ll bei \ ' ,* H. MarakaL FKt'-.h.ii Assembly D -, Republic-ana. ___?__< , ' ' ?? >***. lean cu,:, j,.,.,,, 1 -IV.I''-, I ? lint lli.tloii, ni |p ,?,?,,, tb- atomach," it ti. ... .,,,,?, , te. hs 01, ii iroubleaom. or ? ' ,' '', ?,rlrl<> ?PPUe< ott Um kumbu ol luaKo^iu&tuwtfa-rS!! "S,"'.1 i.n.tis.'an,i then would han ton Vmn -ii .VI* ,1"n b?i.tL lu hi. *ri??g. ?ud hi. hon,.. AiiTraK^;;1^^, MAIL-SOME CUU , THS BCBT ANO OtHlttr CONSTIPATION nU^ ailments "**n fl reict _?*> ct*r*____ J,'::;----: v;?'^.rS|j *??''***? ll CITY AND COUNTRY. Every Drop is Worth its Weight in Gold! or Sunburns, Stings, Insect-Bites. Chaf? ing, Sore Feet. Inflamed Eyes. Sprains, Bruises, Wounds, Piles, Boils, Burns, Etc., Etc. T.*V^T!!sn^tBA^.rJ:.:^-L-^'K<^ '-?-? "AVOID IMI ATIO\S. ponds extract li maatoesaied and toned by he null n,<!,.' Pond's Kamiri Comps,,,. .New -nrk and Landan. PONDS EXTRACT ls net cr sold In bulk nar hy leuaiirc._, POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., New-York. ? Republicen!, i'i (Colored), "WBBTT-BBCOND PIVIBIOB. Em jBto^B and Sth-ave Mto^-SKU I '?" ?'?nnonavvmm. ?W-MTT-THIBD division. Wael ITtB* lad Cth-an Charin F. Brink, *****__?_. 13lh A Enrolled ll'-P'i' Ma,..* IL W. Ulta ... ' ''::'!',;3" ' , 1th Assen bil U I- - Ui CILI jin aaiBsui j _? a_j_j _ ( rWBBTT-fOTIRTU DIVISION. -EnM 47th-st. and .th-avc Colonel WllUam IL Bu l.tli Ass,.?.*,iv D-*. i Shipping Wirkno'i Amclatwn rWENTYFIITH DIVISION. Wen sal Ilk MB WlU lam a ii***it-*. Marshal. ____._, tides-Andrew Peddle, Henry Chauncey. Coortiiad B. Van MWMBlaer, P. J. Howe. H. A. Banty, an l Tl on aa M Eh ,' llth Assen i iv D--,- I Enroll I I "pu*.,trans. li ,n-w .11-.,*-,' i'i .1 '? latlon. '[ai-risin and Morl ''?'' ASSOflBBas \ ? i'i"'' ilth Assembly Dlitrlei L tte RepuhUaaa Club, Jaii.'-s i.. :-ieMuri -.*, * own SUB-DIVISION (Coined). With 11th Assembly Dlatriet Pie-rn- Bargu t, Assistant Marshal. llth Assn)./'. D. . I- C. Smith, . on Landing. ' ssembly District Republican Pioneer Club, Captain William-, i i Assembly District Veteran C-iard, Captain William*, c ,. ? Assembly District Hamb'i I tain linn & I.* ?-. ' it ii..i llth AiaemWy Dl*trl ? i I.n Fri e H?*tcry, Jacob H. Nm.-, i el*,:., .ii lin ;. rWENTY-SIXTH DIV!.' ION. Bait IBth-K, and _Ji ave Ferd. I Mi 10th Anamhly District Enrolled Kepublicans 10th As- nibil Dlstrl' . .)??- ph Martin Ugh! (.uard. Chita, Li'v.. i i,man I. TWENTY-SEVENTH DIVISION. WOM 1MB M. lng ?',?', in., A. F. Lan t..ii. Marshal. Ai,I* -. Walter Lngan, Franl-lin P. Milln, Eagena Ward, Mlchi-V Roach. Oth A__embly District : urolled P'-publlcsn*, R. M. (i.llard, i TWENTY-EH'IITH DIV .1* N. En! -'.'hat. and 5th John J. O'Brien. Iliuhil 8th Assembly [Matriel John J. O'Brien Aasoclatlon, Ii* i.a. l Ron ike, Marshal 6th Anamhly Dis'- i ii,-,., i RepaMinna, John L. ile !*hv Ci in,i.a'i In. TWENTY-NINTH DIVISION. Bf I 4 Uh-st. and 5th. 7th Ass, -ably Dist Colonel ll. C. Piercy, ., T.!-*u cnani .'??.?. it D r Ad]ataat 7th As?mbly Di - [lin BntaltaBi Tib Assembly D [rici into Tth A MB '. H let, ll" P. II ? IU e.e-lat-Oa, Thon is i.-' * . ??- ? I 7th As-, ml,,} I. ? ibllcia < lub, Colonel J* * indlng. THIRTIF/I ll DIVISION. li-- Hth-at and Cth-ive., . Sth Au . ..iirt, - . ? 6th Asst r, i -- e-i.itiynj li UL'. Oth .'. - - xx 111 im Vi lading THlP.Ty-FIP.>T DIVIS1 ... Wi t I :! ?i. and 6th-IW 6th Aessai ans '' ? Otu Ai ?- i irani Club, -? THIRTY-ST-i'iiVi DI'. ,-i' *??.. i -ii ? nd imfMIOt rshal. 4th A ? ?Db A*-*. D - ? i .?-' John li. i i Tin-1'.ng. 4ih Ass. Tlpp LB mandlng. dib. Ass. Dist J.j.iii Me iv una, i ? " Tiiip.TY-Timii) division \-. ???:?-?. Bad Ito an Char! ? ii I ,'-. ? W. r.. Morris, H. Pori Nicholas Pi -ii, Mm a : i-tnd. . 1 Aia, Dist. Enroth I ll* pul II. C. Ri -. i on ii. i Hi Ass Dist. I ? League, ( karil a W. Wu , . ? . ling. THIRTY-FOL'P.TII DIVISION. E. IBi-ai and tr.h ave. Phillp R. \ ni \x -. * . 2d Ae*. Dill. I TIIIP.TY-HITII DIVISION. E. 4-Jd -t. ai:i Eft Mtkt Jul, i II. i * il. lat An DI BROKERS NAME A COMMITTEE The Uanriaoa aad Mutton i lub <if toe Btoct BB aban ge, a-, a body, win bo! tik*- part In the reeaaltaB of Mr. Ulallie, but a large ami repreaentatln MUS* inittfi- wa.s appo nicii featorday. i' >*.ii> ooa_Mjeo^ aa follans: In ??-- D Smith. 'i c , . James Netlgtno, IQ. c. lie Gi ?* ? William Dowd. \. \ Drake, H. V. White. I C. II. II, ,,., e. Ateaaodsr Taylor. ]r_, 1 lu-utx n v-. Samuel M. h. hatter. ! ll M. V M Juhu 0. Moore, I 1>. Rlchmo C. H. T. CHI.*, . R. Il ll ,i as, J.iiiu I). Maviiack. ! T. xv. Thorn bi mud Tbomaa, , i torie! Olney, Ol ed Wheeler. i ,i \\ hi i ler, Rd mn ad C. Btsdman, ? 1 ii Heoatoa, Hirvey Ren ' Tasker ll Manln. I- H. Dumont, I b. ll. D- man Edward Lum. i, I.. Ulight, A. F. lt. Martin, \ 1 I ?-..?, John ll Pratt, I B. Cl .lin. Frank Work, C. W. le i I. r., I- C. Clark, A. M. Canoona, D. A Lliidlay, Logan (' Munay, A. Turner, p_ a. Drake, H. n. Alenader, x. c A, 1' Batt man. 1 !,. I ri Wilson. Charles E. Quincey William Rxana, ir. T- T. IloUbtoll. * | B ll Ai" ?? i. I'Il F-P A KAT I ONS AT PLAIN' "S HOME Aupisia. Mo., Ans- 8 (Bpoelal). The eom?llaM an the raeeatfoa uf Mr. Biala ? ai bli boBM la al a uh- ?'"? it is expnted thal tin* affair aili be one la wbl Il"* ei.nn- stat,- wttl im*. ? nu Intern) and el mawk micni* inii". aa mgnrdi the number "f people la aii'-nd* aaCO and the vari,-ty ani e-\:- .*? HM .I'u"1' strstiDD. Thousaadi ..( eltlsen Boai vat ini:- - * i'Pl i,<* present Batnrna ai*- ._??***11- eoadaf m f*-"tt th.* elli!,- _ \ ?cm* w *.i.-h Will hB BB!* Kewporl snd Corinna will lend i elub af 100 ' ? baad ; Klch-Boad, a elah sad drnn botji : Puiuiui. **?? Han c.n 1.1.ani, ari iv,ii ;.in,i i'inii, Bancn, lbs i".-*' LaafM suei tho line., me* iiuii: Bala, a B*s *-'lulj' i.ruiiswi.-K, ? ch,i, Lewiston, one and pa -''')' ?*'t' flub*.: I.milln--' *e;e| Hallowell Will Bl " "" ive.i .---iitc-l ly flubs mjiA a ixynm ?! i ? ? i n. a- well as nil' > ptoen iu tba Hate Augusts'! Harrtwa i laid! ?? be a larfs otpaliaHon haadsoaMlj unifnnned v Mand fm- tho ipeaken bm beea ended la Mr. ni sino** (toni >.i"i ani tha localltj will talrl) Man wi'*1 I'litii'ic ughta. t.. .iii Hm grand anb af notoooai i? A FORTUNATE WOMAN. M . i ll Dili nt) i -ul'-ffi f -? . nd i.ravel n -ul rna ps ni ir, iii ihe gra-t ?. i He-idea I naa . ther romplaluta i.... ?*... tu nts tn", \ > uhynl i*__\._l in* Iii m. in I*.. ?, . *i .1 a sui ?*? I I lim * *l**E_* i m\ (,.in,"i h.e'i. in Knudout, N \ . a 1 ? '" "?'-??"( m. ? H?\id h. nu ,'.c* Lum r i* Remedy, ol Roodaal. *** ?. A f.-tv ?. i.i- tall !'.,- reiult. t am a happ) a)id ixr , iuii\ well woman non more. Thanks la Dr imuiietiy i and >.i? Vanita Baandy, Pim o1 ? {"r ?**? 1 DB. D. l--_V.l_D.--i PA! OBITS BBStKUVa