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mmrot-mri ef ration on State-st It viii be fifty tent BU\t williw covered with evorgi-e.ii ami bunt_*_g *L* L lajrae, prrtratt of tho return***! statesraan, with tkH InsorlptioP '? '* Welouroe Honie.? lt will also be 0>rered with |?* leta. ^ k TENNEIiiEE 6ENr>S HEH CKEETLNO. "hmong the many dispatches of cnnffratulatlop and imo which Mr. Blaine will receive as "soon as ho gu ihore ls on** which was sent frnm a mc. tins "t dtlicD* '>t Tennessee, at Iron eily, on .Munday lng. The d.spstch ls a.-* follows: fc James (i. Ulallie. New .or'... 'be workmen an.l tanners of TennOBBn send erect to t:?* Bm i i'i A BM rican nduitry and all _ conduces to promote the prosperity of the Nation A Hs cltliens. _-____' K *A!???*?'? *ll: MR. FRENCH-- YACHT PARTY. Long Branch, Aug. t, (Special).~T. II**nry French, of *f.w-Yo.k. took a pa*-ty liom Laag BtUMh to-day up lo New-York Bay on hil steam yacht Ixsuto to arttaen Ihe welcome to Mr. Elaine. Oa Ifs ntura Mg Hie yacht stopped at the Highlands of T lanai ill, arl elaborate dinner wa* scrv-il. Amor* Yr. French's fuest* were Mrs. l._ngrr>. IV.rier a '? . IBs Bama au-1 trout?,* Blane, Fr : '.hard and otheia, ABC-TING A RAIEP.ii Xl MTV. Collector Magone }es;u*day Sflpahatad Jan.--- Hennessy, ot Binghamton, and Cornelius O. M< Blaaaak, of this city, as inspectors at St a dav. Coi < tl was gian l tested by John A. M_..v*n ? Ci\il Service Board, as to whether BaaBMon wn H"i MM M ?nearly a inn Democrata who loeb a'* of th, reduced rate offered by tho Erie road I tn!.hi wish te ceiint' tn Bow-Yelk to view thn Tamra 0 parade. Mr. Mason dc*-tared thal ther" wert* nine Deni- I ?erst.* who Imposed upon the Erie's genem-ity firpuMlrans of Birirhan i**u, nd it was a good opportuu.iy tot them io sm Raw-Teak. f NOTES OF THE CAMTABB SThe Pelham Harrison and bl, : ,,n Club held I rousing meeting at i There were about, three hundred present, ladndlng d* Uga Buns Ban 1'e.ham Manor and P.-:baan .;:?-, anona wen many whu k_,d they had voted MM i lew lal I hot were a?*- repentant and waui.d to return to tho f,.._. The Republican party lr. Wan Please lilt. N. J., ls In high srii--'**- On Tu.v'.ay Bight om llK) new nimlHlll were idded to toa club, and clubs arv springing up all cv?r U?* cuiily. A comn.itu'" ?! '.ii (TOM tli Mab Will attend toa eannMtaa of toa TtapnUlnn clubs at, Asbury Tara on AaaaM 1_. Cipuln Byan, of the XVII !i A-- ? -'?'-.? Matriel, is a (oremati in h.;~ c.,: ml ? -. a:,: ;? men Ui join the I:om tha '.' I 'Antl-Fr-ce Trait- Dab to Hut dlatriet, wb . take j,art, lu thc pal Jahn Dvveey, toa :* a In of th-* Il I ? Ci' i n I Pi I th i rganlra t!on ha> ue.-.v m oin il tba I aaeiililj Dlstrlets ia th 5 i '?? pan - nt in! ma, each 1 ai ind a transparency. By September l they h.,**. to havu til of the D .'d. The Harrison and ^torten CaBUIBlgB Clul> nf tho XYlllth I)i-:r..--, wfeleb among youiis irish \ s making eieellei v Daniel j. Beating ? president, He aay* Meattaga are lu'.d each lu* -J-iy malni at No. 340 East Tfc_rty-al__.t-.-et. Philadelphia, Aue. 8 .'S; i -:t,"c_n S'ate Dna ' e this afternoon nu__in_t..**l '?he._.a_ MoConant lex Audit_-M.cne.-1. WHY DID OTTO WANT AN HTTP.* BABIES VISIT HIS HOME. ULT THEY DONT STAT -*. '? People li\ toa have been aneb b t-cen circulated r- - 1 - >.f Sergeant G-o-ssman In sear, h of an ! name ls Otto, a:, i ng tu a pi fce.mau family. ", mt's 1 young woman, an-! please lier bna ind ihe I ? us h*.r awn. batu.-* iu which ihi bad no rei The firs: , '. ll half aro, aiid 11 was .-ai! that Um child had t. the serccant was lhamil ir"i' weeks on spe.ia: d J id no warning ef such an event, and he ls said te 1* oaiastaai. Tu * * ? nr, by tana E. Basan, a Nen T u. Meemi I id 1 * til-, iini wife had tta al 1 child wi annie <"." who nil. ii* - I Mn that Mr-. Sianma had nsMved ? Mrs. Hart. Thc se ci .nd child, which was burn on Joly _-. ai sn came di.-,'..' ?>,.-???? t abaci ? *. joy wn Mig ted when 1 thai MOM Baning ?>' Bl '-? I ataterointa of Mrs. Oopf, the wi?*.- ot tho barbel lort. Kit- is a mUXmUa, and ww. tali : Orossniaii, '. born. Mie. M< Bay, M li 1 . say*. I* ( t - . .:r days oU, iu.-iead 1: Bain': JustlC'-* Church. Who bl tnfurn. id el thean I - ? leg_! 1: ind nude no com? plaint. 'Ju, ... Child ls his ow:., aiid U 1 Bim Chamberlain U Wurfemburg. 1! 1 . education. (.ros*n.nn -? ? '*f he own. ' ? ? ? ?'' Tears bslaaalas te I '?-? Tb'! lathfr of this c'.iii I j -ii clergyman. 1 1 - parnta cr a.- au 1 A RAILROAD SVEUTOM XSABLT A B1LIIOX. -- Unto, au;c. -Nine hundred tl fl..liars damage la the la md fut* la tic* |u,t tot violation ? ' ' ' ?'"'?'? thin mornlni* l*y tl t leago aul Alton I ' ' ipany. Tl sanpeay aDesn thal In 1801 M ??? tiie nttwaj bf xvi. eh lt gave 1 a lar_*e tract ol laud iu tha warch'iu-e i- ? ?nnuni; that lt * alway-; employ the f<*ny eonaani lo tnmmt ai*!" the riv.-r all 1 . !y coming ant C'ing on tha railroad and nquii '- tot. Thc petition thaa neltn ilia; toe l bleago and Alton ncog* Blaad ltt-cif bo.ii-: ? -tend Into Ly the Alton and Bt. Lon pl 1870, paying aaaa stol lb * * :*i"r to ?'"'"' B? 1011 - * tor by the terry cam pany bom time i" I m (.f tin.i-j-.. la the anngato, is claim la I due from Jut"* l. 1--:;. Which it 1- ui**;- d tis ; iv'l to e?n*v out Its nntraol f ir iti the fen held ia nttmaied at 01.000 . a m ? - EELi.T READ! TO STE?JT TO THE COVI.T. Phllv'elphla, Aug. 0 - ? ? 1. tor tiie Keely Motor Compatiy tu'lay flied s ' .lortb tliat Mr. Ke. ly bad .1* ? .*.,*?.. a;i 1 ?a.mid enter into au u ??? plains lt, to the effeot that he now consents ti,a* the deem court may be aa!tend requiring I u to perform the contracts entered toto betetofon an i held by the eom pla'.nant, and that h.- v. . . pul lo lb ol tbe court all the inform c . D v v ? I oesses concerning the Ci, lion of bikini -ntlou-. IL'* anti -r - ,._ an(1 t*,. . pana ibe eoatpiet ? Inventions To thia Om eomptain eonrt 1 * ?? follow 11,_? nttofi Hi H*?''i!-K' Ihali HgM * . . i,v tha difendisiit. arid hitherto unknown 1 ano_u(Cy~tiit: righi t*-. tha aaa of 1 this power can bo utilized whn Invented; thirdly? thc r:ghf. lp have sue; 1 lae ,,.._ It-udii.t; lourthl] II --"-rot ot bl> Been ii ny tmniodiau) steps to obtain pa:** EAXrYF.LL'8 FATS IO EL DE0LDE9 TO-DA Y. ? Bt Louis, Aup - -. lng the gloom that Borronnd Mai torncys, reinforced by A. J. P City, submitted their la_f | last appeal lo the limn ll from J. 0. Tevis aisl John Dtopanbrode xvore submit:'*!, waieb _>?' lortb ur-' Ii ?iprcs-ed hinis.-lf a- ntlalad ol Ma Before tha pstoOOMt ?i> tiled. Mr. Martin long review of H.- .:_-*-. i*. whMb hi Cuvernor levc-ely. HI. MSBaiBi oflensivc tuai tie (.ie*,..ii,tu refused tfceni, and a wami dialogue folios Mid. he wt.'lld 1 .* * Ukin In Covens,r Montanan r agu from J11 n tr Hendrick!, who 1- non Mia of ti.e Department! si v. 1 ., ,*. t;,at lanni reiionainidi a naplte. ... growing lm tnaslou that anothc. rnpito ?*lll bl pal A'O LOXGEBTO IIE SaLLEB H'.l 1.1. A (K's. The final papers In the aale of the i.n.. ,. -,, fh-anre lo A M. Palm.-r Mg '-rday hy him lad Theodora Mom. It ls now abm.lut>,!y _. ri 1 Mter Oolobar 8 next the name " Waiisoa's'1 villi bc uken data Mid ? 1'a.n.ti'o" pul U* Its BBMk ENTHUSIASM AT CORNING. TWO STBONG SPEECHES ON THE TARIFF. sknator and vt. r. m'xamara fpon thk OOVBBfl AND II'KECT OP .MIFF. TRADE. STIlONO Wi IUDS FOR PROTECTION. narATOM miller and wt. r. m*mamasa ad DUH A STE VP. EN 00-DMTY Al'IUENCI _B(, N. Y.. Aug. I (Special).-Arnon;; Hie, leading Democrat, who have Ji,lii**d th*"* Republican par'y In Btonhm County ls William 1*. McNamara, who la 1--1 Itaaipofl iL" Mi-- {" Cleveland, and who, a year h_o. w;._s th-* Demoeratlt eaadidato fen- Aasaaabljnaa la th's eanaty. To-nUht a Joint meeting of tb** Re? publicans and thc Democrats who havo Joined tlie Republican pAr'S" ??s hold In Harvard Academy. There were 1,000 ni<*n pnBBBfc, Speeches wero made iy ex m:i .f.r Mlllor and W. V. McNamara. Many it- aha han noi yet left thaii party attoadad the meeting especially to listen lo Mr. McNamara's Spoaok Anions th** prominent Republicans present wore Chester _. Cole, formerly chairman of tho Rc s; .xssembiyman Acker, ex - i Hnjt and J. II. Parlihurit Mr. McNamara, Who was tho first ?peafcor, wa.s ad With ti.meudoui llo .aid In pat! : ?? I am not nero to attach my feirmer political asso . but ta IO!ton Hu) cause- Milich havo lad me M to vol.* for l.enjauilu Harrison. (Applause.) I beg havo to say that I Stand Bpaa tho platform of I'r. .lection. (Appian..-.) V* h it ls tho corner-stone of tho Republican platform? lt Ij thu tho liid-.i5tilons men of our country .hull i""-er bo Injured by foreign causes. 1 Intend lo appeal to my fellow country - ii -i thronghoal thto stato to snstala bato system. Xe .mt dnve your and my parents from IrcliuU"* ** 1 ;,*- tnd >" Bald a spoetotor. "Too,*1 answered Mr. MeNaaaara '-it was bea trade, it wn England'! p..ii.--, tj dntroy th--* maanfaotana of ireland. " Wa are contluua'.ly hearing Hom F\pH->h new*+ papen praiso of the Deatoeiallii platform, when i saw "Tho London -lam1 BssasBtnaBng th*** character of Parnell, and then praising ChWetaad'l Bea* ll ada policy, i made a nleaii* vow not to voti* the iicm ticliet. (Omni applause.) IX) you wonder, .. il : in i wini the Demoeratle and ai*o Joining tba R.-ptiblican paityC . l.\ -*' tutor Warn??:? __NIill_-r* was then Introduced, and aalooased with loud and prOtOUBBd applause. Following ie an extrao! tram] trkable campaign. Tho people are ? _? and debating a- tbey have- never dim" baton 1- then a maa hen who believe! tliat Grover Cleveland could have been etoctod in 1--1 if he had made inch a declaration on tic* tarli, as ha mada In hla free-trade mnaaco ol la.-*- December i bul he lia- pt-"* ed to be like cia;- in the bands ot Carlisle, Mills ami tin* Hrei klurl.lg.v. Ld ti- -ettie ountlon for, .i :!..**.tihi-i. i believe the roten Yo.-k a:v going to -."trie lt n thal ao party ?vc tho tonatltj I" supiK,r_ a tariff fur revenue trouble now ls that the South ls mainly an Bgriei-.Rnral people; li don not aympathtn with tin* Northern manufacturing .-totes. I believe I i people of Corning andentond how mp..nant a protective taritT ts to the glnsmakori of Corning. Gu wi;, re you Win lil tho State nf Ne*.vYe:*_, fOU xviii find town i 1 :he < urning, which have been built up Ly ihe tariff. The eoet of manufactured gooda la from -ju tu ib p?*r cent cheaper Unlay, owing to ; Mm. All this is threatened by ? political party which > attemprtng to destroy the protective sv-t.-m. Mi Miils propose! to redan the duty on glass: the only effect tn thst action bon win be to reduce v, ge--. The* president declare! in favor ot putting mw materials on tho free list; but they do not touol ron oi au. ? some rich Democrata ban .-ii m ult.'-.. Mr Mills lias protected the South; .- [ ruteeted rln and siicar. Du nol be deceived. n:v fell ,v -e iti7..?ns. You nuv not ban been touched bi thli tariff bil. but wm bo by ths aeat THE HEIGHT OUTLOOK Di INDIANA. GENERAL HABBXSOHl PARTNER ON TIIE SITUA? TION?VIEWS OF JCHC.E FAIKRANKS. An I BlTtvata uptown on Tne-day n!f-.h1 * aini llorac-McKay, of Iii'liatupo::-, who an ben to r.'pn-c"nt General Harrl-on. Mr Miller ls the mond mern tier of thc law firm of Harrison Milln a. Dam, ami Mr. MoKay was a detofBto to th l hlcago Convention. Mr. Miller said that he left al Barrine hi good bealth au*i iplrtta. "It.d!atii I u_dican," he -ani. "The yoong vol Tl * - ? OCT c|e-_i< nf ls tlv-lnp u? pr a ?:h, and our growl nj manufacturing Inter itt demand protection. The natural pas diaooverln havi I lame maiinfact-inus lndx-trlcs within two oi us." Jndga 0. Vt. I'atrbar.-Ls, the Inllanapolls atlorne* who wa proatnently identified w-ith the ean tin- nomination ol Judge flrnfiam fur Pre.-id**nt, it til" p.. lltical situa-tiou in Indiana, said s ilay or twa eb to be sahl in reference to osrr State hui when everything ls saul li to my candid fadgmen ie RepubBoan Lave the best ol tho stlnatloi a .,1 n ii; cai:;.* tba State. Tbe iK-rtioeraf*, of eoum ? Intrenched behind tha Federal power bm patronage, but thli hn it- dtoadvantagn Then an- mm people who an angry over the d'.-.trlbutlon of patron.!.;, tlmei over than there are Deuoorata aatlaflai Th ? Callan to nominal.) Governor (ira; fur V-oe-Prealdent, bnaun of a Dcmocnttic, luca ma very much < *u: ci : ? ? - trengtben .1 at tba ? I le which we all take to General 11 arti .-?>::, and ty I a general rally of bis old soldier cum rad ? t" bli ' The tariff (iuo*Rtlon operate- bot! '.villi u-, as ll docs everywhere cl*e, but th .! round-up ec-ms lo abow greater acci*ss!nns ti '? i" ; So, on the whole, I think w I ? irry the State, ani thia lodgment of mine I ? il ly ami Cully. If a Republican an an ovea bel on the Btata, ? ? tittle the beal tor tk ? . lu a .stale Uko Imllana. v. !,-:? the inn::,' of *i*'*T nc*- In .-.00,000 or 000,000 voter 1- only 5,000 or 8,000, only a close personal an - iin show tho actual situatloi: ? fi- and tfimlonoln either way. an bavi been rammed up the advantage In favor of tilt- Kepubllean part j.*1 ?? v, ii ?; aboul Om < loven orehlp '" ?'?: iii- il* < liu.-'l to Le a cand hli renoni In hi- letter, and they ai lia! r,:__uriti. Mn njra that In I? . aed to Le a eendidate, and thi ?a ho were hts friend- thereupon cam noa ind be i umoi i oi in hon i, accept lt, Be i- In muob Um an.' thai ' ai In a* I hlcago. I think Oovernc i : have been the bnt man to ran.1 General Dan Macutley, whu ???.? af one time Mayo of Indianapolis, Uwr the proprietor of the Godot li la :.. - 'i'y. and now wgiBgrd In electric, ii- ii cuni Judgment about iK,lltlc?, whit l- evenly temperad by hM wida seBaatntononhlp an tk tu *n. Ba waa a_'.'.*ei yestorday abou i-i replied: '? B hv to toll yon the downright truth. 08B-VI I' ,- sure i? rarcy IL Any DC-BOOiatk ta! about evaa a ponlblllty of their oaRflng it is n of all keepit.- xvi h their own claims. Thev sail*. : tricks who Bai-tod UM .-tat*: fe ii. ni. with Bmd-loka dea<i -jul Barlina mnnla . ba in a more locleal position If they oarn." - .<eni .it once- and admitted thc hopelessness ( : nation." -o MIL KEBNAH ny HILL'S CHA_ffO-___l WBCDBBTrTO Tin. ii '.elini. AOAINBT Tin: oovei BOX?A OOOD W"i:l) FoR MR. PLOWZB. Ez-Bonator Kcrnaa wai aaaoag the few peantaai political leaden m lotta ti,.: othat day. ii frot.'i ltira oa boslnna, ant politics, be sai.1, but f. |M did nol iMSltata to say a word about tl OUl * i. for LIs party in th!- '''ell as In t! Be folt sun- tl. n .!'?'. eland won; nol seen to Mal altogether eena! ? ? renominated ???I, , ? is as strong as ever In the counfr | th " .'* - ? '-? " 1":' ao BBB seems to know xth: . io him Iii Kaw-Yorh City red: amounts to or What ls behind lt all. SHU, 1 feel ti , aro in Hill's favor." Mr. Keiiian though! that Roswell P. Flower won! __ aa - - Baal ana for seeoad place on tho ticko ?I was sorry WhBB Flower de* lined the BOB f r : I.ruor,*1 he addod. "It was a mi 1 told so to his fi-iends. Ile should have a . . gol bettor aeajnalntad with tb?* paopto the sui.-, 'ihen bli Mlvancomeal would ha-." be. easy 1 think mil of Mr. Flower and hop.- he wi ? evalnd upon to seoepl tie I-leutcuaut-Govcrnu Bhlp." ________ MANY BEPDBUCAS VISITORS. ' .' 1 IDI-NT CALLEIIS AT TJIE NATIONAL ITEA. QUA HT i-li.1-. TJectv tx pafN Bl on the WBtmt bi?.k at toa ReieiiblLan Natloi al Iii ailijuarti : li ho t-uJi'-ii cam.- fnn rarioa * tba country, etaBoel onay city of prontaenn in ti I I ? ? .i. ,! 1- ai l'-x-t om- ll.-iiubllc-i I ..miiii-i.?.?iiiim < larhson, iJuiiby, Hobart ai , *.".' ,ii iowa, imt nani dowa tho Bag i ai.ult tha arrival of Mr. Blaine, others pre.-n.t wei ,!?hii j. Bairang. N?f OmbbBi Aainw * _m Maal, ftoin Washington, (..-or^e (hii-t, Arlaoaa, ? nieinb'r of th" Notin. allon ( otiiiniit. call-d on Hasan. Harrjsoii ami Morton, Hors. M. Kay and W. IL ll Miller, of Indianapolis; Jam. i b. smart. Cambridijo, V. T.; bmllh O'Er!' n, ol Albaiij Joseph II. Manley, of Maine; SUte Senator John Raine*. Murat Halstead and General A. B Rushm-II. Colonel Conner, who hail Just returned from (Lin ial.1 that in hi., state Ifeasa WM tBB) MM qu-stlon and that -was In the majority Hint will be _ecur.d by tho Kepi:'.ll.ana of Ohio Ci1- fill. '* There has be-n norna talk," ho laid, "ni a great nefTTo d'fe. tie,ti In IBB BtatO, I")' I lu" grand ovr carefully and I c.-innot ..nd any Bl w!*o aie gOtag n'.'T t. . , \,' i I. i ve it one, and that ls a neeit, natii'-d Lu'll who ? I la the rc,fr department of ti:.* Mate ILm.e an*; v ? .-hatp'.l for ltieom|:"t'-ncy. IL* has gone over to the Deanerati Hm i' Boerati win ma!:" a <i ?. effort ta carry Mbhlgan. Thejf will Bpi I palpn hf taking Thurman up to Port Hut >:i "n ABgnal BR .-. s. Cos and i oncmeemai be there. Th.* Republicans are alive w ll als-. active and are strlklt!^ the Democrata lund I along." .!>.?? ph H. Manley, chairman of the st.-.'e* Republican Committee of Maine, |. The campaign rn the Bute will open aexl Wedi when Mr. Llalne |s expected t" sneak cf Au ( angnaMono McKinley. Governoi Etorakw, of Ok o, and I;cnJ.v::!n Hutton-, orth will also tak-- part l:i tho Maloo cain (.al ff! i. r.F.TiiM; the KG srur.r.r: BEADY. HOW THE HARRISON ANO MORTON RALL IS PUT TOGETHER. Af West-st. and Wc-t F.i'-v- i.U.-st. ye-terd av. c-v-nl men were b- i--ae!y the t'i.' I'- : which is to bc -tai t.d raBIng in tin- Blaine praeenton. It arrived by e\;ire-*> tn th'* morning from Ciiiii!*-r larul, Md., \. hen ll WM I I""" mlled through the itnol nf l Bntherlao I sad ehrtotrned lt WM taken tu ptoOM am! BMhad Ii* MOtiBM i?r slilp nient. When lt arrlv..*d at tl .,; (lurk & WlUtana, in Wea! it, David E Bnekett, the mn. who built lt. and A. IL ix wdOB. Who l.i- charge eif it. ti'-ri* or. hana io put it together. Th,- notion wan in two heastophasee, with a Man of Md, whlta a;.'i blue can* x as, and a great nunbn "f bnen ni'1 -?:;>* "f irem. A heavy pine of Mus.-inch pi j.e. nea:!-- PJton tool long, was first taken out to nrva ol 'I'* ball. On this was fa-teue.i a itrong central wbnl cr run, luuru-n bal hi arti anel forty-two bel In elf* rumfi-tviicc. Till-, wheal ls Wha! Un* irrea' ba', will rest upon in rollins, and lt was thc moil dlfBcnlt p.u-t of tli" construction. From the whc-l to the outer edp,- of the Iron axle long strips of li-ou vcr* i * There wen eight of them in all end they Linne! tLc* rfba of tin*. Hall, and woe beta firmly in poeltton by itoul Iron Within an lu ur or two a.'' wheal had been put In position, the -Lel-ton of the ball wa? in shape, giving u the appearance ><'. a gnat ipherl ii cage. Tin- eaavn wa- not pol Ina! night, imt this will lu- dei.-- tho lirst thing thi- morning aud will take but au hour. Aprlicatloiie, Lave t.cen made by various oriratil*r.v tiona to nil tin- hail, but it bad n't been doeided laat evening what, plan.* 1; will o* r:ipy lo the p-'" tt. day. Tat; sab's of ,\.-..d With Inscriptions, and among timi la this ono.' Old AUacbaay la bia". . . rrlnni . In 'BS, a. i. Wa roil it on f.r nallan) Baa. LIVELY ES ISM I-V MAINE. B08HBATH ni nv ti:.: ? ? B COCNTT BBI CBLICAK8. Portia:.'!. Mc. Au-. - -?? \t the conv of Cambell and county Bepublleaa ticket was put in the BeU and | shown lu the catiipai^*:i. 1!.-* following a re nomi liate.i - ;; __\. ward llariinc, of Gorham; John C. Kendall, i I port; i'oor, ol sela.-... County Attorney? F. \\. Lr,:.ins,,n, of Portia ib B. Webb, of EriJpton. Jud?- of 1 Peabody, of Fart] v. Reynolds, of * M. Webb, of w_.-t Brook. County Con I Frank II. Eli', rn hit, of PorUaod. Tl denounn Ihe 1 the , ? support to tho Republican : - itetkna paned i ?eal Um nntlmenti of fishermen and bu Resolved, ii.nt wo pntlculi of tbe 1 nie party In i at t.-,f demand ul . . sted ender :? ls a | ? ia v., ic_i l . . an so largeL ?? ani au li.-uli to tho patriotism of et Ol | AU) t.rai. i?; lived, Thal we deprecate * ol the Mill-, bill, - ,,"'.at; p i. tx fi .- ti.., _ . The nnvantloa ai a poaaed re* ail toe rand ld al. i ol the party a:.: . oral Sheridan toi I * In all the B tioni of ti. Inion lowi arith I ? at thc Hon v. Ill rally at the poll! In the I* ?-, in which they did w.v-;. la 1--1 their adored teador boro tho Standard. Tho fishermen grot more di ..-y Whitton, . laking Exchange, tayi: "My opinion ol the ti ai*, li Just tin- ..* Whet- 1 ?orioni tanita in ir. Tl many of whom bet i, cio.1 of ihem voting for Cleveland Li 1884, will tl: vote tho BepubUcan ti' Tho BepnbUeans of * of t* Stat-- are prep i -*? -u.1 t!..* nee] Augusto on Saturday. Man] ol Ito rn i LU -? favorite leader on I pna-meetlng of thi . which ? U be hold hore on the l.'.th, win bc om; of tba gtoa , al inci? dent! of Hil ? _-m BBLT NOMINAT Jamestown, N. ST., Ang - (Bpeclal).?The lld As icmbly District RepnbBcan Cunvei ictalr* viii-.- to-day, nominated Georgs Towna tor tl aombly. Th? dotogali to I ' Bon an L K. Kinsley, A. < Wade, O. A I ie ntl H. Frost, M. F. BOWard, JohB Wood-, inii. s. M s'.n, a J. O'Neil, They V artier Milter fol Governor. BaaolattoM (opted death of General Bhartdaia, and eztondlng welcome to Mr. Elaine upon hi. return. Watertown, B. Y.. Aug, 8.?The Bepnbllcana <,f tbe lid A isemUy Dtatrtol of Jt Si . nominated A. c. Comstock b; I ember of Anembly. Ihe delegate. Convention ar*- laen MItehcU, T. 0 lohn Mill, ,i. T. tn,-- and A. T. K Thompaon, Hannibal Smith and Charlo- L liettolutlons were i>ii-->* i nitructlng the convention to forward the congratulation! ol tbe Nea '_i,:*li, on bis aafe annal. -? Ji'IIN I;. QOBDON RENOMINATED. Atlanta. Ga, Al Mat-* Cnn vention this afternoon -? h. Gordon liliatillli'iu-!;. ' C mot. All ' ix iion.lnate.1 and . ? lecic 1. MOBB TO JOIN THE REPUBLICAN I: ti.<-re ii. yoi aaotbei ai bnportanl one, from the rank-, of Um Flee Trade party, ni the lamil;* of Dr. Winslow s. Pierce, of thli elly. Shortly baton bB death, Mr. Eterae, Wbo was an ar? dent Deancra! us Hf.-, dissented from Us form of tliat partv, believing tha". protcrtlon for Am-rlcan I om l by ono well aoqnainh bailly thal Henry I). Plane, t) - eldest i known as a brilliant and Bbb law yr ,-.t li. | pressed bia Intention of voting fur prelection. Mr. Plena, nnu rea*; law la tba -Ace "'. '.-?? i Bendrtoln, i? an sn-Asolitant Dlatrlei Attorn was tafflBSriy tow partner "f Senator Turple, In ad dillon to opposing toa : ticket on a* of its fi*.-*" Inda polte] apalt:-: .?? ' right ; .-. ourt. '1 he lither n euile* ? who ai-- known to have dei Iai id ilmlUr Intention! at* .lohn H. I'l'-ri?',. ol . * e. I.',, and Wlnslov - p ol tbe Uw finn of Duion a. Swayne, of this city. UABBA! BU6ETTS AGAINST THE MILES BIUEa \\ lien ox-Congnnman nv. xv. Crapo, of Maaaa* chiis-'U, who ls a BBMnhn of flu) RepabUoaa National Committee, wk* ii Ban Y *<i li the bthef day on a flying biiilneas trip, ho BBld tfl answer to au Imiuiry about ju,lit ca: -Th- old Hay Rab la ready to plve an old time Republican majority. Tho MaaafMlBiaiB, the tuc-, tiie iklltod me.-iiiiiiie,, ti ?? laboi ag s ? n i I I business men of Mxs-aeb i 'ti u,.- nil Bfmcd . OUI IttOO Of IT'et'-' tiOIl. Thev ai'"' I tl,- s;its bin, ari'i t*. roto 1 e pa ty ato power ia e'uo m far legislation on : i. It I,, the eommoa .' on wllh us thal the Bi sate ought ,,, prepare a bill a- a lubstitute for tba Mills bill our party la ptadgad t" a rtoton." DEM. -I RA. I TI'l.'MN'i HY BCOBER Tlie II. piihll. -ii Mate ' um tttn ls In tl nly p> of lett, , 'ats \.l,o | Republicans, nt] '? ? of Harri-.,ti amt MOT ion i lui.s by tonne Deans rab, kl Liberty, Balttvaa , ] ni and Morton , f.u'iii'-d wun Bight] -e'ven BMnb unoiii rated ior .elev, bad bar yean ,, ? m./ai ? 'ii -WM held in Vinni--'- ii|?-i,i BouH and of Iii" member-* caine lu i-Olii lliO COUUUJ* lout and U\o mile- io pavUclyaiii* IN NEW-LONDON HARBOR, BDISI Ol THE NKW.YORK YACHT CLUB, ITU FR ENG OF SWIFT ANI) BEAUTIFUL C-tAJT ON TIIE THAMES?BM ON TIIE OORLET RACV. | RT IBUMBAFB TO Tiff, TR!3*T*-r*\ J New-T.ct-.don. Au.. a.-The N'cw-York Yacht Club i- on. Tho quiet surface of tho limpid Thames BOVand with a c elle.-fliui of mack m-s bl marine varying in stylo of architecture fmm the '?t ve to the most broiled. Tb" lame nfOM I- als*, co'eresl wlfh a wet blanket layer of ?ivy. tlilck white tug which praofsn to crystalline id turn nto now BOion -SOrnlnfc If tlie temperature ni ba trusted. At lo o'clock thl! morning the wafers about tho ew-Ycrt Yacht CUB float at t!i<* foot of | neaty-etZthat. iwarmcd with the club"! iteam Mhb and one or two sailing vcs*,cl?. These were the all;*: tho Till.*. Heetra, Fnib. sapphire and ?r?a r, all bolBg pnpand fur Hie two nnn. I'An. Blhabta little Liunt-h Henrietta, which many itali ta tastes! - abo lhasa, 'inj'1,1 **:*e c-n-v'- naphtha launch rushed batik and ll BBd UM :' ? ,-iveyed loard the Commodore's s'atT and others Whfl will en i i tra-, prorerhtal boopltoBty during tho nba Fleet captain Gonvunenr Kort right w-as one ' - to arrive and Fleet BargBOII Morrl! B. Unwed him donty. Baton the appointed timo l ck, Boeretary Bird, of the dui,; ?r v. w. J. Hurst, ami Captain Stephen Pca. 'iv, oi "i Committee appeared ami wan ada at home by the Commodore. At exactly flvo taatai after IO o'cloeh the boat-wain of the Bootra Iped the new ta mun tbe capstan. Anchor wm elgbed, th.- main bran spBeed an l Hie flaps),ip stood [> tho Ea-t Blver, bound for tho rendezvous at tbs art. The weather at the time cnn-Med of a clear sire, og lue.-7**, and Um brightest of sanBght ho BMteorological condition was fitful, however, i'i clouds loomed Mf moro and more, until Co tn tn o i *? - reputation u a good wooton mascot a> endangered by a beary tog, a drtoallaf and gan* .1. Pierpont I dr, a steam ? : .Iie,wc,i tko Electra a:.d worked Lard all day the fl el flagship Bunna only toUowod Ol "ti. tba L.l-i tra i of i."i- mow tai blew out *ra-k< t in ber ste. ruff gear. Disabled as ina wm imodore. yacht overtook ami tefl behind ti.e, ie ida, ,,*.'n.-d by M c. Denedlct The yacht passed B ber *- BJ a uni..!..-r Of niling craft, which s:ilutc*l SdQUUrl rs !.? ..t Wltb tho iieces-.ary n-specf. - li.-ii- v a- tl c i,.-il,-r of Um day, and culm.nate,I md bui-st ol marine artillery salvos when Bow? ls reached tt .*> o'clock. A perfect . had to bo pa-.srd thrtiu^h, ll of gnu greeted the arrival if tha beean to md exchange of Kn-cting :. the vari,'us ynhtaaaen followed, naturally. ..t_ were then In thc harton BCHOONBBB Owners Vtossta Owners, -? Ii B 11.11 M irgtU ri te.... W. F. B Samuel \ ?'. * i Monti il ..John E. Brook! ' . . ? tia...Jamel Fw Sachem . I- -- V'jtcalf . . i- ii l',\. A i ?-- . .nn-ld I.Bal ll 1! Mindi A ! th X'.rln.i !**. R >?, irjrll ? I 'Wave Croll I N Die! i Pl.niv V :i m . xv. Goold Breuw J .. j . li ..y 8. Hover Lad ..UO....J. s li.:.*-: IPR thlnn.V TA. Mavra Mayflower....C, n. Mewn ' li. E. Auchin'.-l.tss v Flint >. W. p. ii *, ....- Nonpar*...T. B Pomeroy 1 - : orbei ii. k. Bloodrood Volunteer..Charin J. Patoa ? BTEAMERR ?-* ElbrMije T. Oerry Bacamon.T,,hn W. Sliter Ti-... XV. H. ll ' ia W, A. -.inter :. Edwin M. Brown ..Frederick I I Momb During thU evening many other reanh arrived and port, ti.'- Bool ----lil ba Joined Ly th* lotllla ' gathered there. Ile--.*, *.* -, which is the place of rei ivo i!i? -r.* i a m Section of beautiful women In li -, and of sunburnt amateur D . I tri ;hl ls the d.*sl?ner of what ll mown -. adroo Crain Trophy," a beantltal .'.?e,- .,'. -,,:. i lUver work aboul twenty inches high, i ru:, m wll iii a perfect cal In Ung th it wn ] ? BIbrldg * T. .....*.; BL I "lt and Bom ? i tl *? reverse it beajs ? . . . the Commodnn arrived in this port ho tbe following ord tr: ti. Y. Y. C.. harbor of Raw-London. I ? ? Bo. 8. i to the rr.ernr,rr of the la'e Pli'liu !L, . ? ... . tha United - . i. will bi hall eBUMted by o*. ? . . .... * : ? mandora . S.ORTRIGHT, Flt ' .-ii-'.iln. i. - tor Joined the I I * The old-time mariner wa.- in -ward to a* much ; ? ,' any time d ? thirty yeera. Re showed eapnlal Intorni In been m-ranped between E. Bl - ii, d Edwin M. Bi ian - ? i '-ima. The new schooner '' trial trip : et ai Sen - pori .:. - ? : ? Cup race are very pn> . * . ? tturally, but ? . think ti Puritan, If Miled ?ill win. with the Maj flower iecond. The New - f ,\ ts a gn si favorite on ti.'- con? dition thal there ??-iii be a tel knot bin i?*. *;.- were represented ai tbe meet . i od board the Electra Alter a long debate lt was de Ided to accept ? ? ?? ..f t.'." Eastern Yacht Club to portie!] the regatta al Martlehead. Thli deeliion, however, ??:* turn- emt un i'l-. In the lal tiiu end at Vineyard Baven where the fleet gon after leaving Newp. Sk era! mi:.ur port! may to vlslt.t*d after Ma:- ' ird, bul the programme ls undecided The flrst nu nu al th! meetl ice. It v.a- decided that ,'. after the arrival Bl Newport. The tine of the departure from thia port iui left to Hie Commodore. ST.nssny WTN3 TUE TOVERABERT. gai ?'! he Town Hall wa< ? i this evening, the occaalon beti - fl third and bs! gi ' nrln of the billian! tournament. Promli-eut anning thon li Colonel John Muller, ColOBOl ll.'iir. william \\". Worden, George a Faranham, Lort , Barvey & Leach. Jerona Luck ami ax-Juda* iiiit.em Tbe rana :i iuiei Maurice' Daly, aach of whom ha.) de_eate< Winiam Beaton. Tho latter wm the rateraa, Bi announced the paine- would ba -nahlea carromi ?i')u polnta Dal tha panie. Bbaaaa wa: too mach for him. Tlie liiUowlng la the score: Daly-0, l, 4. c, 0, IO, i. .',, 0, 0, 0, o. % k * ?'-. -. ;.. 0 1. f., ", 1. 0. 1, 0, 7, I, 1. 0, VA, '2, 10. 0. 20 i. <;. 0, 8, '?'. -'I. ?'*. '. -. I ?4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, IR 0, IR 0, B I .'., 8, o, 18, 4, .., it, ?_-'. lit. 0, 1. 2, ''e. 0. .1. 0. - I .. :i, 0 ... :i. :t. I,, 3, l. - ii- i BIOSSOO'S 11 a..* of tbe prize ls oT.,0 aud Dab's ISM WHO MAY BRLR1BB Tin: PRISONKRR Th, ra Qm v, ? -md cn . ? .??nt uni. t ,'. tim IMICI (hut m. I ri-.--,!-..-! Ifeall 1?- ' f-um Iii, I. :i:,il mi iin order fruin a l- . BBlei ti. i by "ii" "f Um ' ;,. n ??? glac*, t. that (turu order* hal bOM ey?u-inatic__ly tetgad, aud l - Uf the (OllW.elld.ltl. 'll A'l pt ta ' toa attention ?'. Inatoi Wald tonag . , - , *., ntaan Hubert Tomat to bag MBMaiad t.e i. ii eleya' tMprlaoaaMOi te I nag*i wir.* ptaaded wltb Mn ai?t ti. ..- !. t,uL M had tu hav - .n tooughl be!III! him fur r- ?> IBBllnlln, and li than piinpllj dlaeharged him. la ? WeMa afterwn ,!.?: I-.,-, ef Iii" i lt| l\"i~ * . ? ? ., bu. thal oUli.ial _luii,iy aald ho wa.* ? ma ?f .v-Keeper Duiran, nf th*- laBBma Mar!.' up baton laattn Pewee, ta IM SSoal > . xii.,rn,y An brum ll. hurdy and John Cman Sgpsaitog fur i H..rf. the ?Mena- tt I Leam Balla ai.l i. s aa a .ji-iiuatiou na* adjguin.-d unt l.ll, L -?; BRABCB (.'!M/:LL'l..s- ARRMfHX Long liian. !., N. J., Ai k. I (Special).*?Phillp Dal; of tho Penaaytvanla Chtb, John Daly, <>f tin* Loa i chili, ami \\ hln-',mil i BaBard, >>f ll.mb proprtason "f Mg ganbttng ptaan hen-, mihi anahn i?f their aa_#layaaj aan anoatad toA, n* avoatog upon eshargn '.f i Bus baan They weju arraigned before Justiio lirltt in, and gav bonds for an examination next week. houses aro In full blast, to-night. The three club WAX IT BALDWIN APTER ALLT A MADMAN WHO GOES ABOUT ARMED WITII IlAMMF.i-_._II!; MXY HAVE KILLI'.!) MILLEE. An Incident occurred it Elizabeth on Tuesday which threatens to deatroy th') theory thu Frederlt.-lc Baldwin la the man who MDdSBld Edward I_ Miller, at We*ttl?ld. Dr. L. Iluujh had a thrlillnsr encounter with a madman at about 2 o'clock yaaMSiBf afternoon. ID- hal been to ace a patient In Schlllor-st., ind waa accompanied in hla carriage hy Maater Bany Hornburpor. Dr. Iloiuth concluded to drive over to Magnolia -ave , br way of the witpou tracks winding through the bushes, lt ls a iunc *ii-ii plat", with no house* between Schlller-at. and tho r,w of buildings near tho alu, of tha old flan factory nor'ti of toa C'-ntral Ila 11 road track. Tin* bu?h'*s an: so vail In places that the can-lace would be hidden fmm view to peranns on tho railroad. Af'*r driving ioma dlatanrn Lr. HOOgh ?* a ran walking In thu road ahead colnp In the HMS direction. Aa the tel low did not otter to (t_t ont of tin,* way, tho BseOM BOM 1 tu tho rlpht. Just at that iin,n,.-iit the man In the rvad I aatehty about, mi mt-tag a hammer struck at tho horse's head. Th. diet-tor saw (hat the fellow had a h-iiiint-r In each hand. As the carriage passed him the man sprang to the back of lt and attempted to strike the doctor, who quickly rained hla whip ani pave the liitrudur two etlngiuu cut* on the fare. In attempting to avoid tho second blow tho man lost his balance aud dropped Ut, but continued to run after ll,** tarriap,* fur somo distance. The BeelM*! BMBflBM left hla hat and na < ' bammem lu the earrtaeW whick the Donn citrele?-ii i threw oui Into tl.- * - - driving aome ri* The min ls dccriu-d a. being falrlv w.*ll dr?-??ed. of tn lld - iw,* ami wtfth Maadahai am Dr.Benah did not think ?:v ot toa matt.*. Bani Meeking a friend'! bena on J.;lT>:r???ii-avi-.. I?h-ic .*,*? was told that an in_liie ni.m hil - .-ii iu the ntahberheea. Ba did not r?u?r; tht eaeounnu to IM BeU The Jury In the WceMtald murder case found that the vi.-tiiii. Edward l. Miii'T. i.j : ton kBtol by btowa la* Sic ted by a hammer or liku li,*iruii."iit. Fr-doru-k Ball win, of \V stll-.d, was arr.* -'--.I on auaoiciuu. and ls now bl the county jail awaiting th.- action of the Grand Jury. Emm til. tock of peettln avtaea. i Baldwin, toa condition '.f the' murdong man's .kuli a..\ MVOnl minter 1 lotafll -hat fall to hang tog HtfPlBln that, Dr. Bougk'l ency isaaltaat to tho murderer of the XV*-t;, il e) i yf police Austin uu to I Ute hour last nlpht had found no trace ot the mau. THE COMMISSION NOT CAST DOWN. TO RKMAIN ANO DO MIsslONAP.Y WORK AT STAND 1X0 BOC* AMONG THK INHIANS. Standing Etock, Dab, Aug. I (Bpeetol).?TM Com mlsslOB now at this agency io oltain the con th,* IndtaM to ti.e opening af the reservation dnorvn praln Bm ponhteny ami tenactty. with iha verdict Of tho Indians, which Las been -,, ..iiiphicnally ran* d,?:>-,!, tho Commtaatonon kare decided not to tanre this agency. They realize ihat lintel! they se. uie at ll i.*.i-t a partial sm._- Mn tbey bave a hopeton atia*' ' sion at ths lower BgeiMln, and will renato hen: to ; J groan Ute theil woik among the Indian. ItidlviiLi-llv * !_ In-:ead of In conference. It ls reported at the 1 Bfeney that nrera) of the TnitaM who bars straggled! I the aiijtiiirniiicut hive expressed their willing- '. : I '-,, -lpn, but thl. npOl! h's not Mea , * How long the 1'ommls.sloiici-s fill remain ls difiicult to ! ' predict, but they settled down to watt and hope. They have come to the conclusion thal a.- long as the Indians arc together and umler the control of. Ihe chiefs thens j _ ts no prospect of munns, but think by having the lu- j diam, brought In ono or two at a tine- they may obtain 1 J, their slpt.aturi s. It may be thanh,- Mheme willi'; prove Baaeaeaful and it u hoped that 11 win, but psad j Judges of Indian character say that ll. wtil i:..f. At : * ynterday'i conference the ehiefi grunted ai i: out-st of the * otnmi--,loner-., hi.'l called aloud foul Bum . for thu indians desiring to tlgn to come forward. In , . -ii:- John Oraas assured the Indiana Mihi their would -iv, ie, offenee to the chlefa, but not an Indian offered to -ism 'Ihe Indian! here have a: ranged for a grand nap da_.*>- -.. bm tbey return to their homes in honor ol the Victory. PLUNGING DOWN AN LMRANKBENT. MART PASSENGERS OX A WESTERN TRAIN BBBIODBLT INJURED, BLT NO LIVES LOST. Indianapolis, Aug. 8.?A mixed train on the l'a!r land branch of the cincinnati, ladlanapoltoi BB Lovte and Chicago road was thrown from UM tmk H.Is morning, nen Morgantown, by a broken nIL Tho si 1 the single paseengn ooach rolled down a tali. mtanant, and cry person ta Um oar, -with om* exception, reeetved Injuries. Bo one wa.** killed outright, bnl or.'* 1 r two amy die. Tho i.tired are II 1 - ri rvtlte, conductor, ; .Mrs. Bund, Beancntle, arm bi and Injured about the bead; Mr-. Trewett, .a Han.K, Morgani . . lo thigh: Jacob Eckert, Indianapolis, inter-! ably fatal; Mra WlU Morgan, iu '. an'! her throe 1 a!-.. Injured; .i. G. Crole. Martinsville, broken Jaw; William Pieman, 1 . ? bead cut; Mr.. Rosin . Indianapolis, bruised about head and thoulders, cut; H. s. badly injured in hip; Bn I IsvlUe, hy., hack sprained, a* ; erlousl] cul alee : Mrs. CG _ tniowii, spine Injured; T, L, Ocenchaln, .; bead sod ihculdor cut; Charlei Eckert, ann eui off, eye gone sad bee badly cut, may dla, Ba lives in Indiana;.' 1 i'.yjo.y OF cha: wo ht ll fBRTTTORE \????: - a dispatch fri n Peoria, 111., to "The Dally News"1 announces a novel reunion to tako pl.-o-e H.e;>* on Friday nigh) Best If ls that of the inrvlx I 1] railroad wreck on Um Toledo, Peoria and Western Bi ad, nen I bntworth, a p-ar ago, in which nearly a hu:.'Led memben ol a targa axeur* sion party tren imprisoned In wrecked tan and burnod tu deauh. -m rtxtsa rates nt the wstt. Chicago, Aug. S.? The general manager! ti the mada Mntriag Ui Chinga met to-day anel isread t.> aiopt the I Un Kock ahlpamu, aad chanciM bv tba 100 pounds Instead 0! by 'ii- carload. The ay. tt 1. minot! MaaS to-day igieud npap a nnlform tariff t,e (oven tnlght trefle between Chleago Md thia M aippi Blvei 1 slight advai ?- over dow in effect, and their iloptlon 1- contingent on til.iti-ur of tie lin-:,tu linn to make a amita! Mvanre - rn points. TM Oommittee appointed by the International Ae_0 clation to r.isT-- itloo and adjust Msslcsa rates are still at Wt The trunk Ban Mn Ndueed smlgnnl tom to 1 baili ? *f -'. Baw-Yore to Chid I tay. Iga, Aug. _.? The ? tin** iga to prepon tM pian 0! an igr ernlng a.i the pnMngai irani*- betwa . 1 th Weat, BeOUthweM and Borthwea I moto material pmgim TM Idn npon which Um committee la at work is practically a leorgaaliatin ? ?' * Weatera States Famuli! Aisoclatiou, Boh whieh tM nilnoli ii, Chleags and Alton, the Barlil . Minne uk! Bt Leela ind ii* Cen 1 - withe drew, in ism toe Mnootatlnn i- ra cgaalnd ail tb ? 1 IMI have withdrawn urti] Join it ajraln. The Chicano Ea- - an hut lo.eklne forward to a reatoration of fre.^-ht ra'' - from (bingo t-> I board. It ls reported that a in.lng ' ll -Liv .11 Nen-York with tliat end In flew. Th" basts ..r a r.-.-t.,ra? tion U 2b ceut? tor di- Mad beef ani l.J l-_ santa ou ia'.;.e. THE WEATHER REPnET. aOTBBBMBBT IBDICATtOXB??JOB 24 norm. WMBWiaft Auk- 8.?10 p. m.-For Malm*. N'W-Hamp ah'.re. Ma*?achasett?ana Rhode I slate.1. r...-i, WBIBMB winela, be-.-omine Mutoweamly. For X'e rei ont, ('?niiectii-iit anet Fa*tem Xew-X'orlc, rain, fo'.iowo.i Thursday aftaraon by fair, u.-ariy MatoMory tem y.-raturfl 1 it',,i th westerly wiuett. For the lustrict of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware. New. Jeraey and Keaton Pennsylvania, rati,. followed Thursday by fair, nearly atatlonary Mmperaturrt. winds generally aoutliw ?-* lor X'irtiiu.a ami North Carolina, lo**al ra-.o-t, nearly ata tluuary temperature. s-euitli I'ur.ii'ii and Geor.-.a, p-*" -rally fair, nearly atatlonary IBMSeiatara For Eaatarn and WsoOBn FlorieU, Alabama, M_Ntoetp9l auel | COMBOS, looa! raina, neat ly atalioitiry Hal pac alura. For Eaaitrn leia*, tali, ucariv stiitioaary Um-jt-ra. tura. For Arkansas and Tentinasee, rain and local atortns, coolor. For Kentucky amt XVeitt X'lrulola, lo--al rams, f Thanda! by fair. c?o'.ar waashn, For xv<*,tern New Vork aud x\ es'ern Ponna-rlviBla, light ratoa. follotratl by fair, cooler weather. lor Die.o. luellan., and Iilluo'.". fairand cooler. For Upper Mlchlgau ami Loner Btoblgsa, local rains, followed by fair,'.y atatl.mary teiuperatur.,, except cooler in *->outh-ru portion. Kor irmeeala amt Minnesota, fair, pr-*cede<1 In northern portion by liijhl r.Uua . U' arly at itiouary temperaum-. yar Iowa and Miaaent fair, ^oultl-rn Mia aour. by tal ii ra.n For E.-wtarii and Sonthweatern Dalcita, Kansas, Nebraska and Coiora.1-, jouerally fair, wirii-r. tri ut* xa I.i,1 AI. t-iKF.V-XTIOVS. TSES 1 ma ii"!!! TAR. H-.C-.r-l ;io.i> ?m. ??? t mm ?mea??me-.. 1 I lt. K-ti l'*34ft!7?a10 !B___B______j !__!! . _ IW*" I ***' ~?*-***-^-?*?--I - -r rr-r.r, - '." T'-'tX'.'?*'?%'rTF "~-~-?"" " H . ^ .......... - . _--?- ? ' .t4...^sJt ? -*-..i:-nV, - x? - - - . - V 1 ?'"'<"- '?'"?" ----- -'?>' iii the diaeram a nnnnaen lin taewi ni'. banmeOM fluctuau 1., - '. - t- I *.:? ? I SI tn t Hlgual ' ai * .11 ai thu city. Th! J., -h * indleits Um Uuiiwraiuru uoled al Iludnuf" pharmacy. Ul_ llroad?ay. Tmxr-i orvicit, auk. S. 1 a. m.?Cloudy aud louey weat har prevailed yeator-lay. Tha temperature ragged be? tween 71 ami 79 ; av.-rajiit, Tli Sj5. lc and near thia city to-day there wtll probably ba talr wcatlwr and nearly atatloa-.y temper..tuta. EW-YORK GAINING GROUND TEHEE DEFEATS FOR INDIANAPOLIS. Ora riTcnF.s ms eighteenth cobsecu TIVE VICTORY?RROOKLYN ALSO WINS. The New-York and Indianapolis clubs played ths al game Bf Heir present series at the Polo Grouwls -.crday In UM pt'si-iice nf pJ,out 'A.bOO p"ople. Il M BaoahM ea-,y victory for Hie local nine, and the dlanapoll- playen itaned for BaaMB l??t nigh! th three mure Bataan toshad ll their record. The BSasiMH say bay will Bb lotter work among thl stly but u*eipss ba??ball aggregation at tho Hub. ie game ye?rcrdav was not of the exhilarating Mod, e playing bein? decidedly f'?, slow, .he spectators pntod an easy v!cf,*/ry and were not disappointed, io New-Yorkers BBeBMd to havo the game well ic .-,- tie mead i .ning. The ladbnapaBa I bpi IB lacked the dash diowu In e fumier [Binn Denny trw st III too badly hurt, and Mhtoy played third base. Thli did not help the wdcrs any. Th'-n Captain Ma-seo. k had laid off iterbrook, the orlci-:,*il baseball *? dii'le," for fancied t woik on Tuesday. Th!., al o helped New >rk'i chance. K-.f* a-_aln pitched with telling 'oct, winning Un eighteenth consecutive victory. Thc New-Yorkers wt-re the flr-f ta -von*, matong m run', la t.i- BaasaM liming. XX bitney made a blt, and Bttny cot to f!r?.t on ar. e-ror by Roxie. Keefo i'i t to BlSt on call.-rl bails. Bing H A?m ado a Lit, ami V I.Itn.-v and Mattery scored. The ral players also gut one run In the thlnl Inning, mal;tr? at MB hM, just back of second CO, and scored on a ?re Held by O'Kourhe. * * ' ! * rim In tho sixth Hines ma.!" at ? -., third on x*.i'.l pitch, and scored oa a WBfc Tho cal pl ' *. in the seventh lo? ng on an error by linc!,. dam's eal ai flrst. Wild pitch and another Lit by 'lienian. The seora Bi : rfc : t. Ih po a. | t. lltiiltanaptilU..r.\io poa. i*. ard, aa...... 1 1 0 2 o Seerr. 1 I.... 0, ll Si ~0\~0 i'i _:> o o Si t n ..ii,kiar. SM 0! 1 1 I 1 .* nan. rf . ! ' -' " o Ifn.e,,,- |....| l l1 l* (il o iiinor, lb...., 0 1 ll lo lOiaaacock. a ? o 1* li 2! 0 Mouthe, if., ii 1 " n i' i,,-* tt. i b ii o 1 j tl ivuitr, 1. "i 0 7 _ . .*.. lb. jo 1 If " 0 '.Sb 1 1 1 1 i) M. ' ? el,f. rf ot 0 3 o i) att, ry, cf . 1 I I U 1 Bovie, p. 0 0 1 I nota, p. o .. .- *? i Kyan,!. o v, il ll 0 rotali. i ...tala.l "1,1 it US .... 0 2 I 0 0 0 I 0 0--4 ls ... li *') o 0 0 1 0 0 -%-l i Rani?New-Yerfc, l. ?Mfr ? ?" :- ! Let) e,:i bases?New-Vork, i\ -f" 1. s--ry 1, Inea 1. Bte * . i,!a?*cock r ?-->' 1 ry 2, I, Hines Ll , I, Oorla L Two . ta H i-i. i. lie.ubie play? ?-- i I !'? ey lill by fVt *i,er?Tn-rnan 1. Baa lt l. Wild | p.iMed ball*? -Mr. K.iiy. Time ot game? Tho BrooHya club aza ad boatavflb r.'*- at Washll ?*.*. p irk, Brooklyn, ye-terilay. The entiicklaii. play-.-d in an easy manner that made the ooo spectators weary a?-ul konaabR Terry pitched Uh effect, ti u wns ii.4 potbelly supported. Eur? ie!! and Bttitb 'Il-l spbadld week 'Ibo borne nina d fr,rn the stun and won as taUowi! lir'i'ik-litn. , r. Ift pe, a. e /...?<.'?. il(?, ir. Ift p, a. e. .tiKnay, nt,. -.* 110 0 Back, lb ...I o l I I irieiii. If ... o u ii 0 o c.,iliu_.ef I f. Oleo arutl.era. r t 0 _ . Wolf, a I.... Oj 0 1 S 3 -uti. 1 b.i " 1 Bl o 1 lirownlnjr, e f 0 '? <* o l rnr. p. ii 0 0 7 1 Keilli*, ri .1 ooo j I " ii 4 ll Audre r*. Mo o i;| *j 0 udford. i-f.. 1 1 1 ii ii -A'errhsk, I h., o Ol 1 :i i) unlock,2b. I* " .-? G n <o-,k.c. o 1- I 4 o * ...... 1 0 li ' *_ stratton.a.. o 1 1 '.* ?? - X auaha. cf. If 0 0 1 0 I Totals.! _ I "b 17 4 ? ? Total*. 1 4_7 18 ? 'Vaughn prevented Plnkney frem nt'ihing Collin!'! sa* d ed "Ut. ,. 1 0 2 00020 0-5 . 00010000 0-1 1 rt, 1 rune?Brooklyn 2. 1 0. First ba?e on rrora? Brooklyn 0, I* ?Hmo kl rn i . ? -Brooklyn 0. Loui.villo I -. i* , Mack 1. Warrick 1 - Btraek - :. Woli 2. V .'..-ini l. K- * wi l. -/errick I, Cook I. B Two-M?e ita?Radford. D'.un.-- pl a va?Wolf, Andrews ind Cooa, Umpire.? hour 57 mlnutea. ords to dato ara: it ;? r ntoetatton. xvon. Lost.n.e. . bi IS -H58 tilcaffO. ?- Hro.c-lyn. 54 32 JOSS roil.17 H I . 5'- -H __* . ilphia... J'-' 41 4*7 Cincinnati. fl al .622 loaton. :?- 4 mora. J'', i-* in ll ,- ..lil. Al 51 .Aid l'a-!..ii*.- * Lottiarllla. ll 53 .3>iH ii.iuuape.-.;..... iii ii .;>> ICaaaaaCin. Bl 68 .-93 The Nev; York Bl I Pill !*| c.nhs will play at tho ?olo ' ii mnds i" '1, i i'uVj'u nine started la-*-t . r a tour iu the \\ est. GAMES EN OTHER CITIES. PhUadol la, aub - -Mains started in to pitch for ?hlcago to-day, but aft'*- * ?? ta tlrst ? :.l, Ar,cun took him out and brought u Van Ilaltren. TM li'' - wm hit bard, particularly n the sixth inning. Stol tM bona playen Um,.-ked out ix earned rai - i wn aabettva, except in the oarth and fifth In. e- ni.-d rather reely. The feature of tin- g:ime was Li-iUn's superb day at mond. Fogarty retired on aceonnl af a lame ! Dabhanty took LN jlaco. Tba .ioi. wm al olios i: . 1 D B I 2 0 0 0 0?5 lila ..4200J.nO] 2-ld Ii- 8, Philadelphia* 21. Errors? Iclphla ",. l'l te hers?Mal i_> and * ... nee Mtween Um Athleric and St. Louis clnbi I IM I .-st of v;.-1., tor the borne nine rn follows: ,t. LOWS. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 . ii ul 10040 0-? IS?St L 'l!-- ... Athletic lu- Errors?St. Louis \ Athletic ;,. Pin toward _'__ ?iiif- Mr. Cuthbert Bo toa, Aug. I.?The B Iton ami Pittsburg clubs played a drawn gam- . --upping tho lontnt at tIi<- end o: Um ab ?-??nth lunlns. The . I ave won th , ?? would have _;;t for their wntehed baw running. Tho score ira -. -..0000000210 0-3 Losioii ... ooooooouio o?:i I**.--!.:!- Pfttaburg ll, Boston -. Error*?Pitti iiui-g 3, Boat. .. 7 l*.:.?'.,?;.*, Morris -ovders. Umpire- Mr. Vale:. i Inclnnatl, . - Iho Clnclnnatls v.-on today's irame handily from Baltimore by tho fortunate buueh Ing of i:,e* li gal ui'-a : inning, when wirh twa banes t la anj noted four m appended BalUmore . . 00000010 1-2 Cincinnati . .00401000 1-6 7 , Cincinnati. B. Errors?Bal* :? innate i. Pitcher*?J. Smith and E. Empire?Kr. Oaffney. Cleveland, Ang ? was a puzzle to-day, ai I Ity ishad. The en maddy, aud bul raaatog mn posslbl *. Tho s< ole v. . ?!: City .. i) i) i) i) 0 0 0 0 0?0 Cleveland . .00100000 o-1 i Ry, ::. I leveland, ll. Errors? . * ity. n. . I eland, .. Pitchers?Sullivan and HcQuade, x\ in ? :?.::?> gegsaaad the WOheabarn te un to day, ?-t. r an axntttng game, by tho m: un ..oooooooo o-o Newark . . O O ll 0 O O 0 1 X-l k, . Errors ..,:,-. ?_?; NewarB, 1. P. t che rs-.Roach and Lai- i. 1 rn] * togton, Au i * - ? papg i>fr,iit cl.:!* : ir lean scoring, when : ? . uno. Al i ?'. 7: Elmira. 1. Al ;: "-m-te*: Ho. i,r- ? ny, 5. ?v * . 13, , t . lil ITI!.') DRIVING PARR RJ>' Ruffaie,. B. Y., I toi i* a- the aecond day of IM ia.''* at IM ! - - . uk. ? ie was w, u 'ri. , with Purilag . , . . '^, ]r.. third. ll l-l '? '? r '.??_ i-l heat between \ ju i Jowett : l 4. ti," Bnt bnl b told ? eton was won bv ! inn, w:-h Pl -? ..'. aud J. ll. Kl... i thu t. Time?2 -Ji 1 _. ? i l hifoaee iecond I :t-i. - w,i: i j*.,,--.*.? l'.lchardaon wn K-t'-'iid. and Buford : 1-4. TH!.' DA.YCEB OP Al e ? . Bria TM -',1 held a aiiort meeting lag morning. A 1.. .* : wa, MMit lo C. lt. Bnd R 1 , el tb B ? il ? nil iho com i : . , I-,- ? f the u? * - It ?u- filUng current vt as a : . ?. tnd nuder ? BUM-Um PRICtt Ol Xi.'.! 'UNIV 6T<5CKS. f San ! - lng -, l ---L Uj.To-iUj. y.*iertay.Tn-'1ay kita._ Naraio. 15.', 1.50 . 5.DO 4.75 IC 3.1 X aili . 1.75 1 75 h.Hiie sou. l.i-ii I .'"> nvan._ u-io 2.10 (' .. *.' - * - - Sierra Sta vasa. -.30 2 lo li.ii cai.tVa. 7.?.)| 7-; , I mm Con._ 2 (itl a.5o 1 :..?.-i I'oiut... D'-0 "? _ 110 Lui _ anna-? ,ii 1 ? faiMwiaaBn BM 3iti 8-nUl Ji carrr. ?-'??> '-'?*' Cocamobsr*alta 4 ?Jd 4 a , haar _ .tor.... *:<i 1.48 ...-aa : Prue . 1.7.) \_0 taei'iau._ 3.73 253 ? 4 7j 4 X_i klouo. LIB -DO i.V Hell* Ula. 5.Y0 Ex tilrblind Halo X KtoNMB -il -uuia