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FOUR DEATHS IN A FIRE. A FAMILY BURNLl) IN A FLIT 110U.SE. OTHF.R OCCCPANTS BBCAPRO FNIIaF.MLD?BOBSBB ANI> INSCKAM Pour lives were destroyed by a fire In 1ho Hat houso No. 1,02. A venue-.t carly yeglerdny BMtBbg. The viciims belonged ta one family. They were Gustave F. XV. Leg. foreman in BChatfU i seLvvaneii fluegel's bear garden at Iha I.' Raaf tBBj -eluhih-st., his wife Laura, their 'langi.t-r Li//...-, ivtclve yean il agc, and Mrs. lierg's Mm, Krause*, -hag lived on the top lloor of B three-tory ami basement building which wa. though! ^af'-i than nine-i ti.e flat kou-m In the city. Six other families escaped from the house unhurt. Waga af Baanga wan handy M thc doomed fauiiiy had been warned of lt- danger l:i Ume, but sleep kept the victims !n theta bed! until the smoke xias thick and ainaawmng in their rooms. Undoubtedly tho four ptr-ti.- nan .mVocaied before tbey could make much effort to aa I Tin flat house U on tho BBnthBMl IMBB of Avonuo-A and Fifty-sixth -at ami hM a boat en? trance on thc avenue Fart of tint ba.-,m. :.) WM ocoupletl by Mr*-. ORB Ltatet, Um Bntitn , who ' I widow with four children, and In the other half of thc basement were the cn-xl Lins and wooli.o the uno of the faull!!'a up-tai:.-. Al tl " top -lory, in the rear, w;u> a tia OM ape baleoay xviih a bddM which reached iietwly dOWB to the RMI of tl., lng i-table in Firiy-sixiii si. TM Banal arted b the basement before 4 a. in. Mr.-. Ustor, who go! her four children out of tin* bouM baton tl occupants v.,. await*-, daetarad afterward tliat tne Are did not begin in ber MM Peter Flock, tho owner of the boan, BM In tho north flat BB Iha first lloor with his wita and two children, 'li cy wan not awakened until S | had\e:vd tho file snd an alain bal beet out lilock escaped through a sid*- dmr into Flfty Slxth-st. Bb xvife ami chfidivn wen* helped out ol a Inuit window. John Kubin., an anploye in a neighboring bi ev. cry, -wa-, ale cut from lils Hat on thc same lloor. .I--. Riiblnc ran ti, Um front window and was pulU-d out by Ho polit" and Bremen ?Samuel itara and bl- vite who occupt'-d the Inside flat on tho sec.,nd tli?,r. abo gu OUl of a fi-un i wiudoxv. slopped i ii tie'- oombe over the dan of ihe adjoining groosry a,,d climbed Into a roo.-n i', ox-er the grocery. Tho only genoa m tii.- othn mond story Bal vas j | llr?. Pitigi.-raM, Mi-, l kW Bt mother, and iM escuped ' through a real WladOW io UM lOOf Of the -taulu. Joha ! , E^ Malic:, who had tM outsliM kai nu Um top Boor, i helped hl? wtb and daughter and a vonni: wonna who 8 was vi.itjiig tiie-iu doun : Bra-ncape ia tM nw. ? ,* Ihey bad to Jump par: Of IM wag M tM Stable WOl I Maher said later thai ). I hM had Imdlj af thu don." i ? ol berg's room ami shouted -in-' belora he let' Um house, but ba did am eben bte - moving, When tho Iiremen gol Into UM lop st.ny ' they Minii baad *.Lo body ol Berg nsar s front h window, lying partly ea a half barned chair. His body had !?? ? ?-' beyond racognliloa Evidently Berg had staggered oui ol bte bed-room to? wart the parlor window and hail been luffooated belora he could reach Iha air. .u-s. Borg's bod]. also much bun;.* i. vin. bund ou tM fl. ' room, lo th" next bi! ebamber, Mai ?? to the kitchen lu tho rear, wore Hie Lo pe- ,t Mis. Braun and Of Utile IJ__ie lie:p. Mr-. Kian-, bad evldentiy lien over* cuni'- !*> ina imohc i . lt viii cost ahe.nt ,-j.*- lr tl.- house. Mr. lilock bad ll Inun '? Coni paaj and hil furniture, which wn rallied, wns la? mes! fe.i 81,000 in the Ne,nil American Corni Philadelphia . ' ? In th<v Niagara Company- M in th..* Liverpool and London and Glol and the-*.) wn 8500 ., sui ni e <,. Mein . f.,- .:.:ie in tho Weatcbnter Company, it wm tald that Berjt'i life and property wen iraured aud thai bi usually carried In bli pocket! -?...?*?? diamonds which may x--t be found in the rup'-. Mra. Ustor, who om (efl homeiesa and nearly de tltute, ??? th hei lour young clnidi.u lo provn!" fur, bad no Inui i i -IR. UEmlTT SA I 8 .:'.*. " BO BT 11 '." CAB B I Mayor Howitt gave notlci j sterday tri nation to approve tbe ordlnan coi Twenty-third ?*>::? I Company to pul ductor uje "i. e i . In a totlM t" Lr Leary, of Um Boaipany, be nhl: Than is pending before bm bo ordinance passed by the Common Council requiring discontinue the un ol the so-called ?? and t?, labrtltuu Having come to the conclusion thal the resolution ls a pr.'i-cr om I ax pe i t>i sign lt j.rie.r to th! nicctii.g of th.* Board of Aloermei will take pia.-c on ti ? -.--tn Inst, i shall, bowwer, defer the actual ilgnatun * lotion in order to gixe yoa time t.i naki ?*. inasmuch as i- i- nol reasonable t" expect >"u to do ... within ten daya Hut l do reauoat that you will take oncrgetlo steps ta cniplv mic, Ihi -?? ntuBon ol tie- Board :y ,1 the genera] demand ,*f j n, which certainly expresses ltaei/f In favor of fbi lubsUtutlon of p eunducted or-, ."i ail the linn ol city railways Whon level ue- vii! admit of the cha.?.*. ls iio doabl 'ha* \. ur * span] boldi i 11 Bl franchise snd ran ? ? ll afford to provide thi nindatl'iris which ti,.- public convenience ai I require. ? - - rXB PPBRBAL OP JAMES LTECB. Tho fune*r-il i f lr ? I.-, ash *? Bl hi I I yeal 'Tday 1n Bt. PatrL V* t , ? ? -1 1 un Ired "i the _mm praaUaeol Irish * * itv. At 10 o'clock the body i fron bli W<-at Tvtc-v - sond-at., when caned t'i MM a laat look ai the tan, and remoi l In *i h.ante U IM Cati ? talune in IM i mfa* ibtie, requiem r ,-- i ,- M * bland bj tin il' v M .!. 1 I mUami by Father Maltoera, M 8neou; father Blxley, Of St Agnes's Chu:? *.. (I :.. . , l,? K**v. 'j'. Mahon, BM r of c, rmoblea, AnhblaMp Corrigan, Bjosatag bia purpli mieni ind biretta and pectoral sal upon ui- tosoaa ntebta IM Mnctniry npon the en ile aide, and a*, ti.-j Hom f ;),?? Ban pr ibsola tlon. Tlio leeirlai ?j, li. i liva | Henry E. Hegw _ pteeidrat af tilt Board "f Mimi thn Hew-Tath OatMUi Proteetoty, a ? Jaine* Fitzpatrick and .1, yiee-piei of the Supreme* Oouaefl '*. ?* ? gi Pto) it '? Paul Bo elety, of whieh ti,.* .t- _ i maa .-..^ pre.-i'i.nv tot many yearn. Breton !-? milne, with a delention ol twelve boya. reprt-minUMl tin Ca tho! le Pie.t etory. Aw Miiers BTOMM WOM Ra MP Lynch, ex Mayor Orai-e'. ll. ll \ Roger*. William i:* i ii.e John .j. Ken? nedy. MteMal Qlblla I - - 0-*Hi I, J il i Early, c. J, Waitera, aa s* Comnd-slouar btarr. John IL Farrell. Albany; .1 ? , h Thorin, Eon I M. Mul.v, Joseph A. Kernaii ana _* raul-iui IL i 'i, 1,111. ACCUSED OF LJRLLI.1S0 MAYOR HEWITT. Tbe foreman nf th- Grand Jury h ' todlet. menta to JuJiro Martin-- y,--t- i ny. '1 to siy wheti,.*i an ladlea I Ban plaint of Mayn Mewitt it wi .**r, on good autnonty that an ladtetnant hui bau ' inn Robert P. Porter, ;. . Ulan, tho Lu-1ii -? D USg ot " Th" i * libel lu iinklny ei. ? Which Mayor ll ? yaaterdiiy. Put tho aceuaad mun will | tho lllstrlet-Att"ri. .,'- I f. - : :- t-i--niu*.' and V ball for their apptc.u Ul . IM de. Ieu_in__ wl'l be formally aries. T M did not tliiijt any jj- ll tam would Uko il* legi.iur eui oe. A WEEK'S PROV,lti-S or 1SDVSTRY. ? KtrW Enteiprl---'- i ? _howlng tho prngrt-sa ?,f tlc Milln of IM country foe tbe WOM anitag AaguM i: liunalLg- [fiMtllil aver es,(i"0 each/. BBB, eaeUng *7.ou9.707.- bjiduea, lb, CoaUmc t"tOA)bO; ehUCl - -: e.l.!*_,(.")0: eice trio IlKlii ctmp_j.ii s ;uid n'-w plant*. M. eaiillal ai. 1 nt . BSlMXiO I gn . s, 2, capital, g20,0 urtug aannaataa Bl c?pital, i IM Mila bctoriea, etc., IR costing 02.4in, 170 ; n .ni: g |?-? i .p ? ?-, 17, cai> itni. 920,712 v'Oo-, laUraaM aad MtaMtoaa i. natbi SlOO.OOO, and water wi*rk-, 17, aaettag BBS! OOO, inking a total ut bJb new eaieipi!_<?_. calling tor tho BweaUBMt a! ?40.27?.9'J7. _-?? * BMiroRX-oro laor iv err Bri ilk, RlA-cia! Ag'-D'. ll"..' ? anonymous TBntagT :...e a Mn I hmUm P. Badth wa_ coming hire fr'.n, Rurope, a:,*: Md a quantity eef gooda which alui w^uil ittaaqM - A minute d'-i-lp'-lin aaa g.ven t,f tit,* v. .titan an! !?' apectors i-'ini'-y, K etah .-. i i :*.-;. aei aatak tor ber. Th'.. '.," !., .v riniul.e en Txieadiy, hut in her tr.i-k* I except Kioto ftirni'-. Bot tnagaetsan Kerri- , found nellly .,,-.-,:... Ital haiii-nutdo Turk*'- - . I M SMM nibo. lt v,.. teued aud at-nt ta BM Oaatan I OTUrO A COST hm T TOM x WEA vt ALI. Tho QaasaaslM Cenntartn . . . ,:t ^no Mayor'a oOice y.iierdav, Uact f"r bafldtag a i- I waU ? Mgnve* tuent* at H?".,,..??'- I-f l '? J-.'- I -*? ii:- ni i antouata Vu til.Vil f,r UM WSSb ll wa- Itr-t Mbn 1 lo the Coritorai.oii O unsel for an opinion. 1 waa elected eeentary af ito p.,arl a* a Mlaay "f BLI 0 and Mr. n> irv || ?? Msastary sf Ma] , ? to druw a-iyj bi bli lanai :-? ? <? ?? adjoum.-l uo'll Tu t.'o. 71 Hi -Ittay. ur. .'..* . r hut vi.' 0MB i ' OOteM Mb baU liriii.ii tailed at thl ' Blt el I I arnot,k ii,, a.e|iilc_iiie* it.r na.un* I Joseph MasaSaa, vti.*, ia ahngad alta h_eti-_-. Michael Motohno, at .ti.. UM Malborry-ai., on esday night, inflicting a wounl that may provo fatal, e wan was arnwte-1 and tak, n to Iha Tumbe. HF AQUEDUCT TVBBBL M.MasT DOSE >T TIME TO DIMINISH THE BOMBI ? CW W sl' yi.t. HOURI BR. The ia.-t new AqnatnBl Oob_ababan io take the ih ot onie.-, Ioho I. TaBhar, appeared iii iiis plan ? tha ft-i ii-iie ysatasday M ths anating af I ssinii. The substifntioti of j.-pi. M. Davao oa I bond Of D'liil, n a I'laih. In plaee of 0. I. Ri 'W io sailed br Bunas bonn ricatag tha baad, was ?i*r?,\i*,]. lii.f Bngtaten Chank lahaslttad his re? it called fur at thc last me. ting, lt | ans of ail Hm, toapaeton and alhat im* eyes of Ihe emrlnecrlng fotee, with the rank, sal i ?- or pay of c.'-h. Mr. Chanh BbO saltaUttad ? ble showing tlie number of lineal let od excavation ca. h ?-?! of uoalraetan, and tho aunthn af bel of Msasvabd tuniH'i-oiiiy Bdrty-thraa a thitd tabb own that nub* about one and BUB yuaitar Btih I "f lida ii!-, one am! one half milos of mnliinli and Ua and ;.- .plaiter miles of tami remain t*, L,- liiil-l,e*<!. hen th'* entire mii-onry af UM A'pi"iu'-t Will be ?ploted. Ropaln of dotestlve hMktng masonry B ni flOgl-M on ia arly nil the SWtloni r* refill i: .-pc timi. In pince of ? . tM BOB r, about twenty additional bBpceton ure banfora ?quired, thl < Lief Engineer -says. This will mai f ii tal of C-21 Inspectors for eight hour shifts. A.- the poln an nmpbtad the force cati be reduced. Tue port wm ndsnad ft. Um Oommlttoe oa con_iruc r>u. Folgei-, Si neiley ,fc Co., eub-coniractors of John runton .'** Co., tor BMtfom IS and ii. gave aottco at ibo Controller having refund to pay ilM lr UaUetoa tu Joly 1, on Hie ground thai be wn vcjting the optotoB of IM Oorporatii ?; ' 0 :?!,,? ?, vu ii.i bold the Commlssl. men Bl | * ? ? for ps- and damage multi nh failure to pay. Sullivan, Eviler ._ Dougherty, ititractci-s for work on the ca?t branch of Um ii Elver, pave similar ..ollce. Major Hewitt W arhad thai bo had neatved complaints thnl non 1 tha were paying bali BSBBtayti ta Uaheta r geoAS at their store*, where the men wen) I ed i inbatil to a discount of 30 pneen! if they wanted ?-). laatoal of gooda. He thought that such out i?wm rahbory ought t<, be tavoetigatod, end on his lotion ii.- wt,-io matter wn referred lo the Finance ???e. .'ti notion of Mr. Lowe, thc Mayor was .j'i'.st.i! to .litect the Connate-loner of Account! ? xaininc tbs b"oks a-id record! of the Aquedo ilsslon, Including Bi nveral departments, and to ed * ftli and flnitli tho ns IpecJlly p --lille. [nvntlgatlng Commltte ? ubpoena to be I up ,n Slay ,r Iles ' ? ^l.iet Inqnlry. lr, lien rn laid before tearing blt had been i.- I thal his testimony Ber he . ? I bli vnatli -.. li,- * IU, ther ? ? -. .-.. to E hi ron Bpi li gs tl * ai he hal !u inOed. lt wai tala y. t erda j thai aft?*i hearing tho of t .,* Aqu. dm t wit! commliti o itonded to tarn its attention to the Dook uej LYONS DESER] EH TO BE E2 Et I TED. ill ES bTlLl. ENCOUi-AIJED RT Till' HOPE OF FX ECITIYE CLEMENi IT. 'ev.iiior Hill wrot-* to Bocordn .-myth and T>l_ rici-Attorney Fellows Bono Him* a,!*. Mhtog for their -commendation n to ba application for pardon lu ti-.* can of Daniel Lyona, who i- under nnnnm of loath, ai ei *.viio will he huged aaa! wnh anton the lovarn l Mr. Fellows, In hla inply I * ? ? . . i-omnuiiiicatloti, said : .if ,'vii* iii" - a -. ? h??? whloh peneaaed Ul Ito * n mnr'1'.- in tta Hr.-t degree, tl,!-, m ny opinion, 1 ).*?. Th" ktlltag ol li's-'p!i Quinn by th ll flnflBldllll SM * ? , . ] .y.iis and .li-'*,.!. QutU guamltedl and If tM I'.'ng Md ?'?n eommiUed thea, .,*. iM Mn of nmlon. tM )u,v f.iuld lune !.* titled !n finding Hn '.'; fendant I. * ' a I..v.e i j.-*-.. : !?? u.aa murd ir, B ii* rj.iii.ii. ,i ia ti.I- in m. e.t pa* lon. i. ' i nem ii.e-. and ii ? went from endeavoring t,, 1.t plato), ? ? it til- iii.* of Quinn, i: i tl 1 With I 'ming 1 "iu" tM latin, B* DaaUy obtained a ?*; carried i al bli '?:-.?? ;?? al Ifi .*! Quinn. Th" ca.-e eoatatoad i ta ol ? in in ? Brat Benn *. and In tl __ ry coull otter ?i,.i.*i Um em- indued. TM ?? :., n.v iptatoa, lit-iiiy merit- tM awful penalty atUMhina to hla tty ai ih. h oil, * ? i ;... rn ei bo i '"l rnaon why Um lenience ol loath pronounced apn Daniel Lyni toould he tater! ?rita, and reapnttally moana! bat Li* Bpollaatton lor Bzecntlva cleine.u, y be' il'iia-l Recorder BmyUi telegraphed to Mr. FeUows ynter lay thal E.* had Indonod tiie Dtetriel Attorney's l-t i bad forwarded lt to toe Oovernor. Lynns '* * med cheerful ynterday, notwltoatandlng tM laet Him I- hn imt elghl days mon to liva Ula lawyer! .n-r trying nol only to Braun a nay ol ten * from Um Supreme Court, bul alia t" Indue. nor to commute the nntenei to Imprlionment for lix.-; and ihe prisoner hopes (hal I ,-*- will jue ? or tbe other. Uoven,ur l!*:1 ! -ei i 'i ute iudcr coniltleratton f. * time, i i '- l****. * ? i : - (ion 1 !?' I ..,1 ihli moral **. J. Bulli! : al *, aj pew l.e : ,ii toe? fl nh thal ? ? m. a a stay of OXMUtlon * . * . ce bo ANOIiT PRODUCE FXCHANOE BROKERS. CLAIMING THAT P';nal_;::. ARE ROT Ml OFT IMPABTXJ-U-T. "Can lawmakers bo lawbreaker!!" vms thc shout beard yeeterday above tM din of a crowd of Produce Exchange memben assembled In the tabby of the building afie-r tM main Hour had been cleared, it wu evident thal something hue. occurred to disturb pean .ef mind, tor tbey wen engaged In conversation, and there wu a generoui i l Ibation of explet ves ami forcible adJootivM. in- eausi of thli Inolpienl reMIBon wai ti * ? bu d on! g of J I '? ighetn i i ?..; F. v.. Howell, of r. .',. U -x i *. : F. Cob n, of Ml ii i '... a:.'! ( ? E. Wibi |] | ,;,,i i pp Qi) ... ,]]?,,, *,f trading aft r boors, all lO >". The culprits admitted having cnn: itt *i i* i :? ii extol ? 1 lhal athen guilty as lint t!,** Con ;il lin I ? would not adrall thnt ar* Hilted v.i ich a "iii noun o I fot -- ? tot the del tow ava li il. and i ?? Ja _? .* : ed dnlalon until Ute Board i * agen !.i"i rattled IM question ai t? whetMi penaltj of ranura, supension, oi ? 1 ?' 'II,; TM mallei aroused taieou (eeltng. It is tl bal !i the four ju- ml"**!.'- an punished tl tj xvii) i?,,i submit, tor lt fi ii on ? ol th a!,,, I- atoo a member ol ile* On . 5 *** -I.. ,,i,_ aft, , ? ll . ll ui dor tbe baa od tM Comp! i Ifteo, LOOEJBO 7.V70 TUE BU OAS FRAUDS. Two of H.* wini, mm - ? Ravel "i i ? conti 'i fraud, at the Navy ", . I were referred to by an officer a.. "rich u Croesus." Tl wen Captain W. A. ku Maid, coi rn anding toe thip Vermont, and payniMtar E. R, White hons'), lucy taailBad Ifl relation tu IM eharga thal 10,008 pounds ci sugar pcm for by tin- Qovernnrm bad m.'vir ben BeBverad. Cagtata Rlrhtand Mtlfled *. had drawn some rappltea from Um papa i i.ini bad alwayi paid tor ih*m. lie ts a weatthj mu and iev,n- a large mel nf iai d b Buenos Ayrn, a bi dsome baotonda ind a Ug abeep-tei i Paj ma ter Wbttehoun gan hla InUsaony with i ? i i.'i ii ' ,, bi i sd oot I v ii. any wrong-doini ii i- alto a wealth) lng and teal ei i ? : Merni! I * -.??-? sr i/'fw./i fob .,'n'."-,'.Y(. ro i A - in i'm mai at-, Bw oki]a WIUliio N . , >., a -.:..?>i en tu- bark ai undria, lying al c .ii Fur ..- V. li , v, ;?'. - ak v. Lil ito m iu a i - refund, and a genera .* ubi i ;,it?ii.-e.r'i -na- eui vvitii ?* hi/hi ui toa .1., ta ....ini. ii- vu.- MriouUy hun and ??!,- tann i ,., j. pg [aland College Hospital TM rim ito wound. ai \-1. i / - * Bnrimie, ..t Na ISI East m. >buadi .*-, . '. ? :,-.. li sad ll ??' '? ? ? ie.ii i' i I BOW CA BB BR RICH 7o BB luck::;) i p I Jos.'P*i xx'. B ? 'I. who i I Without --a,-* ta bl 1 I*''v.flfih-kl. p. nee Sit ;?! i, mal tM t.! ii*- privHeg , of landlas bmmmsm i'i bte friend*, told hi? story tu Prill . v? ?-. <? ? adQMrma ynssnb ?? ii'iea.'i. I'li'-uii" MIBMuaai i d , ? ?i,i MoDanald antai ? i :-i, ,. *i up ,-n Milli "' * i MIHI : f mnd Mi. Kl-1, .te , I'li'iin* wini ii In , ? i - , rel md. and M l . : IM "I'll ."-.Iel- Tll'll ' ? 1-erHeH: Bim io L- teeto i ap. Do ? ? nm toe ten .: toad toa Ma Blab j i llnj miautgoa al an unseasonal.:? he,ur. No FREE TRADE IX WOOL. reW.YOBI rACTOHIEB RBPCDUTI TBS Mil.!.** HILL i VISIT TO _______ ' '"" 'T nr ?1'' BRTT-OOODB IB Utile Palll, N I - '* ? ?'"'??* ? I- wind n ? ?> to toll pi ea, foil*,e.i. . r, tbrougl torsi beauty. ' il t ,",!,, l,.;j., i :. Un' hill* BB olili r s|i| ? bad at teal h.- railway train pinn:?-- Into a gm _r_m i a sanon ta Um Itoeky Mountain Thk ??? n tera ? iii h? ...nie i of n s wi (the only 3 '? "fl ian* ta . In ti" BOOth "f toll IhrtVlOg lnanufaet Utttel noticed , n - mp many of . i accused i tool Induitrloni ? ' ? bk v.'ll ? patently la It te ?*** a 1 ' ,i ih ? Amelie .' system. Two ?.f , *.. ard and ? tea B ii ty, -ame to ' * . i'h -. i re i'ii Little I * . . ld had ii wu** and children. Be bl I fr ? oui 1 md ma'.i* B llv'ii gpeaklng ? this ] ortlon of bb llb i tow i pattern* . ',,,t l am without in, a),- i- li-'D I i, a, * : * - found lhal I tar B i * , * point. [I wai ba da of e. * i Democratic Pru ?'?? at beforo t'.e- \\ ir, and wage! In ti.otton mill! won 821-8 se I . *i' it took u i* : I pal i boai -u ihelr present ganorou rate.11 H - * ,1 ci i ben Um nan year wtth Mr. ?? ,u.*'ii. ;** "i. Both men, haw r n, began to rei .-ben tM protective tarifl was pul during the war; - - ? ed Ihelr . ?. un I b 'Ir own -i a \ withy man, the r of two 1 ' manutactortes, and he ? men. A f - Mr. Balley, '? ninii ol large ? ? ' ? : trade with ? ni In i ill and to Political I .- tlit-eu Herkimer i ounty, Yet fi ls .-vs a bus: property In I'i- act Ix ei? ly al wort for m. Republican party. Da ls rhair nin.i if in" Executive Commlttoe of *!?* Knit nooda Ma'iul . - i Bald Milla WU by nen ol . ii*-, ii ? ihl - ?? - I In Bes Tort al 50 to d isi n ls -..,.. -e. :. al wo xt ..iM nulls and quit buln ? i r tel !? Tte ? gt led- 29 to -l'l ig upon : I to i ? ? Wo * . ' ' it ls Pi.,' i.f Lu- Inns. Wi * -I Tl l ll i . mills tn El i ? mr cir!-, a- knlttf* i; ?ti do iii Ei glan 1. Womi b loo* * * . Ile out '- ??]*': ' sill urn from Bl I per week, and we ? their * irn I Bnl - t amount >* I I * i I belper In ] rai ara fn m ? i'i1 from ' the lowes! pal l to be * rul In out miii . per vi. .-ii. . , , - ; ? U . ? - - . ployed in I ag i. That . , labor wi to compete with i i , m. I do noi belli * . I] . tl -v bave in foreign ml the l 'vi standard of . : ? i * i In Little ? mal u i inch in propel '??:.' lilting ::ii !::? !?; i-1 ?-.' ? ? ol tarifl li - ij ly ue ** of ""ai- s. if ???? ) r ' ?? , ? ? . iii sly "'i all which < r Into ? ' ?' '.' e ?! * ? lt lt r ..'I elrcnm ? ? 1 ? ? ? S.000 pen , lim i t ; I i ? ? ? and Mil tt:, ( lui, of voting iii' i' ? Morton ticket rho | . : i* .'..,* I .uti-j,** i. lal i ,. ?* wc Te ut. It ra ' hap] em that a Ki from u;iy nf . . bul tl <? gam - ',:' i'* mi c Hi > i , , ivs corns , !?? ' foi Harrison, lt ls ihe tariff oural -i v Ll h u . ? -.- i . . ? ii ,i uk i rn i, pilbil. i am iu . ? . if tv- ried ? * t j ii ii tht ? I * ? i 1,700. BUM . * 1 ;i 1 'ur :ii '.. ' .! .. I ' i " ! ,, ; * ? Little * * 1"... ? i ' i factory fur the mani ? I ure i ; :, ? ii ; ' i f ,r i ? . , . ' |l< .hltner fi. i * i. ? * i li ? f ? I xl will ill,, tribute ii,- ? .*? ? * n t iroui' ral Ihe - i fi*r. - Mn tai* ii i e i ms te alvin b i * ? .: lilli ,* ' ' l*i.:l-l!l_ i.f I Park at il. I tell niling In lelectiui; a alu- for Ui tatue of Mr, Ileecher at the main entrant.* haa Maa **? 0 ? ? .i.ntod to the l'ark by l . ai-o. It I* thoogM ihat this " '?'" Buri sn pSepta ? ., ., I ii, 1- li* -r | ?urk. __. Q1BL8 l>rjVI \ f" I Or WORK. ?LACES THEN I-'' POLES AMD HEBEEWS MPOBTABT TBBT_MOBT BBPOBB Tin: COMMXI 1MB ON' IMMIORATIOB, I':'- C.initiilttee on Immlgratioo In-tran WOlB ? !? at 10 tu rn. ynterday with Mary Here on ?ititi. She . ? itel that shi bad been employed I ycitrfl by ll rm;.-. I ,\t c.'- time i'- i" ? ? irk ll .. i ,-mpiei ed In the '. * miing ? a wei -ii. Ko n ? * ? ployed, bul nev of IBO ihlrt-msken ir the fact" bmo, ?ifineip: 'iv Poliah snd H lu Jewa This number if fon t. M that j . , . week. The girl * i table with ti om men, who iv. re a Sith] elan In Um oxtreme. Mar..hi Pnston, .*. cloal mater, rmployed by Oflea ,,'im"r 4 Adi' r, In Broadway, tntlfled I * tibet BM -ai*! Meat American giris could ii't corn? ie, to vi ith fen in;.! labor foi tte r i in tin* . li i i ? i iwy I.. .- eat mon than a pl n of bm ad tor h.* ir ? i lived i.-i miserable qi i Delea Aukner, -.*;:*> i - on -. |ed In ' I wori-t atoted that lg the sui Jnl of Immlgnnl labor sbi ind i it employment ta vari aapaltana. au capon la what is known ?*? ??white gOO-hr" ri'iiid ' ? I W I I*. 11 i -?ai.- *'f Beflalra wu du,* to the system "l eontrad bon the atanufactun r -?? *?* oui - ort ta ' , | usslaa Jews, who did lt M their bomea Bj ?superintendent'! wsgn, hiKh nata nnd other i ry axpoB wan raved. Tl - {totes ami .ie*ws c.,ni.i eaotrael al tower ratal thu American us ten or twelve of thea would live iii a couple of roon:-;, co.i_.inn, Bring I Mr contract wnrlt all in ih? same room. .-!,?? thoaght the condition of tbe xvorklng gi.-I- being i .i-.di.-d to the bnl af thia foreign iia-x MOB POB ms PASS IOU. I ?? ' . . , . , * ii . ad aited I or whom b dermal ? * ? in at i '--'." 'ia arrival there. Ne ? paying bia ,*; He did ? better lt. w yid bc ? i fr.."i i*i- - not ii-- i ' wort tor Au. -'neeu who . . I 'i-i ortred lo prantee him employment. He had only bur franca. Th.- m.,'t Importai ( : i.'.ii.-.ei. iilouton. ?? How did you :*, ? * ilea I" Mr. Ford a-) I ?'Th.- manager f the mill when T wa npl I lum, i 'omta 'ic v. co., . \Va? theft . ll i da I" "Than ' av.i* lt written or vethalf** ?? it * * I hav . v nf it with ma U to In tha I i of my Us yer, Uirou th : bi mght itt a - ' "'i:-**' allum, Cuni I then read ;..* fe ?! it-iv I nit: _ W . tte ? .' - ' h Co., ? i ft for ie. a of il I Houl Mister Urine In Aube*. Branca on - ' ? Will t'tV', illili tWI from tl I dnv ,if hi-- to pay I ] ? rai l ? ? r Un !'i e -ir . ? ? Holyoke, ' -.?.'.. I. ,_ INSTABLB _ CO. EVADI5Q TH, * ?? li uyi p "I BM ? end of tho second ?. e.r. and they won ta pay my pi -? whn ron vent: to work for tii-iii. v..u ? you paid ace ii Ung to tr', tera io! ti *? contract I" "I vtas duri ig thal i yen, bul a-, the begtnntnn-of mv,,! rear lbw refused to pa? me ii francs *i ,* .. i",..*.? raid i - * - - it, -rat Ute* eal. I -_ ought to >?. poid, .rid gi ,ii Mid they ?? hui they 'l ? I ? '' Mr. Fort * the d Won "f tl e Jud ? . ? ? ... i-ii to conti ol Into effect tn l . I ' Mace ilium, t unstable ?_? ? i bo i ni v writtei wi il lunn!! i * * ,,;, that ti '? Hi in ? nf the of M.. as r. t up rs. pron :'-''... of cha ' ' ending paupers and criminals to Can* . ... . ?* i their wsv Into ii,, W| ll.' ' t ? iv : i , IMO Tli 1 IIUIIORAKTS. The * : , Castle Garden to In* * : i om ' i them. * Of tbe gat**. ley of smallT of conj nen I' thal were not . ? be gol [the i ., j ? | at lt wa to gel Infor . 1 lay, anil . tl lr 111 * hundred In ? * i ' ll be i iV. 1/ INT still S 'II r.Yl '".'. EUROPE. B BIO M PEAM AVfAT I I ' By tht prorth (;? - ni [_oyd - * ii, for Brenn aad Beetheaaptaa: Mr. nd Kn, c*: F. Adi lvr-i Atkin, Ad"1 t Alni '. 'i"' Mri fl ? a md, toaaetan .**.. Bianco, Mi i ll .- . Bag, Leela Baan, Dr. R. A. Bogue, Dr. u i Bater C. 1 Baecter, Dr. fl Ban , Tl T. g. Brosra, jr., Wlten Catherwood, J. Ob Edward *.'. its**, li, Kt. aM Mr* p, xv 1 : * Carpenl . W. M. Dav! ?* .. ? '? bint, Beurj Horwiu, IL Birt , Mr. end ] ' ! Mi md Mn. i ,* lil . Ju-ti. a. Bette, ' 1 *. , .i i i ? 1 Vi.-. J P. M ti tit, .i . I t. W. 1 ' Mi my Bath, 0. F. Bclharter. B B I lt, law ton, xviniai.i v. ?> ,, *.*-. yw\ Mi h. 0 WM lt -.vail,..*, , * , , I . ,1 , \ V , ? ! * ? A >? * . Ali .-' i. xx aiuey, Mr, ii J .lin P. WI. rp, R. XV. .', ... _,,r\ .\!r(, .*. i B Basan Um m mm! p c.-.*, ,.r i; -,., f, r tina jH,,i Charin H. Adana a. s b I ?e ami *i i an 'i winton R cm I n W, len.I ? ??..,..' ? I ... wanl- * U O. fl ' lt. v. * arin i. i, Ma OL I...*, i.-, A. fl mt Mr. Andrew Liddell, T. ix. . hanna IL McGrath '. Morans. Sr. Ceaar Merlo, M. Molouehney, M. Molou/h ?y. Jr., Chil-uati Moerieln, J, XX. 11 MtgO mery. R loynahan. j. Norma,,, a. MsasunrlMfh, Jatos Pataaranl, Poolna, ti." Ihrv- A. Da Wi I P ???'? E'.h'rt s ! I.- WaU l'-rry. Jr., Charlea MB Thoma** lion, ro, ?saan ta Hf Ita/iiioi.d, tho U-v ? ?*'? -Sr"11* u" kss if Bl v. J- IJ- btltt. John tPnipaon ??v. ne-.,!., V.iilliiiii BMphen. H. Taylor, J. A. .,- Teran, winiam U Wallan. Boorai H. iriltwi, tl,,- b v. .line * p. Wi-. ???*. C. IL V.'if.-n. Hr. 8. ., Mr*. WeodhOMS ind V. J. Whito nonlaad, for Antwerp: ::* li I Ii [ugh Craig, '.r., ur. lute M. atesna, Ita John M. H.] ' JaanaH. ********* ur. tiiiau Banana, tb wwi P. Walbridge, J. H. Ki-''" y I,. u< BtaoaMJ. R B ?"'? -N [ra J- B BaUridge, ttadolph Brant, '*kWuBoa*A,9.B lana, Profaner ind Mr-. Marita RaUagg. Mr. and Mrs. i. M< Bi . Daniel MeRea, Pom Walton, Max Sacitaer, ;Ujr: X*:?, der BR TMllll -*.rlerr., , * *r . M. p. 'i 'ir. blnteb flayr, a. R, Lrwin, 7; I l-l,. ,-????*..< Bold, Mr. ami Mr*. J. J. Stspf'-r, .___ .- leriak W Ant* ? Tri,, t. *??? Ja ah OUrtHi, Mr. arel Mia JBCC* . ' "' ?****?* -o. Beary Bi to i l Bi . Qalrin Bank, Henry :.. .-?'.-,cr, mum Marta 1 anetta. Btatn lah tor Liverpool: Mra ,_ ,. .. ,. , un, '. ii. Mete* Btatoi i lay, xv. .? il Di ii- Mra i>- G I Iwerda Ltaulmu! iSmm e. s. x . i* - I : ' ? ? v---^ Haldaaasn, ? ' A . F I ' En'ly I). MIL-- Arthur R Nlcholaon, ? : btaaou, Bmga A. Bebo Bra J. ll I Ito, R ll. Taylor, ::. h. xv.-um, M. Wool nt nml v. WW HIE (Ul TUTS. BUTTS AGAINST THE SDGAB TUUST. in Tin: BVPRRMR COBB* .-I BOAT -1 TUX i'OM PLAINTS. - .. ist tba Sugar Etaftai "V, ob Dcbalf of tba fetate of Row-York, wore bapui fasts* !,-y in iii Bu] ' by ti,.* lervtee of a sus j, a ito. br the dtaaoiution of that earponttaa, which i* . ei brawn a* "Tho Ingar Traal.* ih*> peoplo ? iHinirisrt bf Attornfly-Ctaaeral Charin E. Tar tel ud Oenaxal Rogar A. .PryBr. Tha d?if"tidanta . lu tho au-inie.u-i ?w COB-poatog thc trust are . ., |. (-. Mntthteson, lana E. jr., Jullul \ Btoi tsbarg, Theodon A. Hara meyi r, John Jurgeneen, John E. Parsoaai Charles il Banff, William Otoh, Jonph '?'?? TbO-OM and Charin |-* Uer. Mic complaint bet- forth lhal Bm do tondnnta hava, for tte laat six anntte, carried on rporata 'lin-*: ie,- Company," lui med ,- ive usurped the prfW i. lit- body wietboot having been, te* .?"! according to taw, aad to tte damage of tho complaint ul that ate Aatondanta hn . it;., i, and thnl tl ?? of the ali i paid by tte defaadanta. Anotter Bull um began agataat tte North uiver Sugar Beaning Company. The Mmplalat tuts lorth a company wa* duly ebeorparatod under tha aot of the Legislature of February 17, 1848, and fliod . . tm ot Inearporattoa on february io, 1886. That foi* tte pui'p'MO of oslsli-taWng and rn ai nut u lug a monopoly for tne maumu, tau ? .mi nb "f nflaad sugar, of dlaatntahfng tte production and -enhancing eonMned, aonh-iefatad and ? with otter i M ("Hows: Th-at Incorporated ihould Mcobm ld U capital atock ta he trana io <i li,mrd Of el'-V'.-ii tTUStSM whet ar-, gt-ybxl "Ti.e Bugar E'tliiorles Com parry ,*" In other words, tho Truat The 'nut gave in roturn Ita OOlfWatB Mod; to a larger amount than vu deposited by tbo ??iai firms. By iho ruin of tho tru*t, a m-a Joi-liy vole of thc board controlled Um pro'iuetion and ? ?' of SUfM Md urbltrarlly re Kulai ed tho .rad',. The oomplalot gon on t.> say that th. eomMnnttou poly and to InJnrioM to U-ad. and ? . ? Mnatton tho violated tte law and f.,rto;t,.*'l its It lu fu.-th.-r claimed that, th.-y have violated ' *. and forfeited their cha/-.a- by going ont ol i for six mouths and receiving a than of tho j profit! of the trust) be defendant company, i ? ned ll if un-tor tbe oontoo] of too be,md of tract* , ha violated Beotton B of tho act under | vi iel. it rerelvid its charter, and further, thal the BOB* i , - not v ibl ihcd Bl 1 fited Ito I'*, i'ort, as nqalnd bj i .ve. . rms named a. composing fhe tr-ur-r aro; Hav? A i-.i'ier, tte i") Caatro ?& Donnra Supa*- R.v Company. V. O. Mattlilcsou .-_ XVIcchers l. lining ompany. Dave meyer Bunn F.eflninn C'vmpanv, BrooMyi Bugar Beflnlng cempwny. Dick ac M rot, Moller Blerek ,x- Company, North Elver Bugn upai is. tte btandaid Refinery, tte Bay Btata Bugn Refinery, the Boston leflnlng Company, the Oonltaental bu^ar Refinery and tte Revere lugar Refinery. COURT CALEBDAB TO DAT BUPBKtn Col 'IT--' BAXBBBS- Before PaSfereOO, J?Nett. <l -. 1 100.104.115, 1 _?'.. HU. 1 .*.*?. l.-**(, lt)., 'MU, 170, le.. ._-., _06, -oil. . *:. .08, 109, llo, ilb.'iiO, ? 'I. 'ii vi-P'.',.i- 1. ? Adjaunu*d '? ll "i 17. i itimony ie, t -.- tak> n be fme t'i') Protiata Clerk i'rt, ?' if thi v.- Qi of John Uti, Catherina i iL-heer. 10 n. ni.i Jun's I'. Xiiiot, lu..1.) a. ua. vt. T/.tt-l? li' store Illaro, J.? * ,, .lae ? ., -ti ' ir connos i'_..v.. ? bi-K.iAL tsbsi?Beforo Peach. J.? No .',,i hi ?';-? QBSRBAL ?-'(-?tiofti-i'AliT f?Hcforo Martins, ? iain DUtrlot-J-ttoraei jeioua-.?Baa l io ju iDcluatvi * or <:i--.T.liAi. Hr.??iOV9?l'ABT IL?A.IJonrimd for Ul! ll 1 m. ti o-ce-srai. Bsmoss?Panr UL?AdJoursMd for tho term. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKETS PEATTJREB OP BEW-TORB DBAIilROR ?terday, Mt I* '''-?* I fr - on toa l*rt ot tho *.-tiH*r- eera etii a a*.* i . j ?. 1 trom Europe jul a dU:,o_it!"]i on UM perl al tM i re:?!I.-.). of tho oplioi-* wa* ltd 7-8 c-nt ni ei r TMsday*a stan aad "uiy a aline* rally ? ? | ?!-. raatii t:e-d to th * ra i. ti, ? bl ? ? " **r. 7-3 amt f'tr . ? TM ca-ii ? ne, tel nippen bought ? ?* ? ranm looa o.rn on ti ? run r ? decided ahange, wlto I ?i- TM upttona tram 'nw. but wit i ?.,'* -. . -?? *? Imgularty, up !?_ high .- .. i the option wa - .. Then v/i*> mo .-xp-.rt he ii*r:'-io wire depremd by ring down Twig points . - ? ? ' 1:1 . 02 SA j Oe ?-g: N. il: />? catnb r. BS 1-8 * Mar lat, B4 8-4; .- od October, w y-:-. 1-2; December, 5o 3-8 ( ' I; October, i KIR TRADE IN - HtOAOO, J ' ' i in England ' lh? '"- Ung ag br.iKo ?*- "f tte whni bulli ??' tay. Tueeday-i . * ' Mon waa p. * ? * *. but the text hid mu Q ? aarir ? ?'? tala m ming mu Bl Ll Mata, a* which ll Marted sn i war ta WI : I prim d?wn to Bl i a. ihli la nathlng bul a Mg waattn market tor -. sha,, , * . final output ? ra . * ? ? . . : , ? A ," ...a - XS:;..:.; . .'KAN PBOOOOfl MAriK'-Tt. Ann H-:* *.() r. iee - n'.-.-r **r_u r. - - t??. .V,fr'" llll-l litlili-v, ? ' . ibon m. - ,' ' .Lirra ..i-r,*. .. ,.^?lr ?;,.,",*. i v Ur*!- .pot ?.?? Lil'irr,-ll, ,,.-, ?,r" ' ".'; ', I i ??':? ?? ?? ?.d AiKii.t .noo/iri^*; b.pumbei au.i Qrtbar. ?uenc at l.V, xxl..., . ' '' I fl, ut Reidar! efldr i>-,.,Umtflr **-Z_\ r Mf ?? oder fMalv,-. *-ii?i "JT J... _ "*.' "nf - ? d i7i io^-^,t*-'ifi s ?"Iff.. :,uil, tr Z'r J?0?,, ?? - * 1 "? '"? il m., o'-! . tra.u* ? ten amniNtaM ".I.*.....--_ .?e -mk Annteaa, ai * M. 7 inarki a^ ptuuulB. BPIB1 ra ot TORPBffl ? CH ItoagfBB, An?. ?.-TurpeuUuo Urm at 33*^. u>s lix.: 1230 i a lia. Iii ..; . '7 109 13V ll I ?Cl 'EW NEW FK ATI :RES NOTED ////; oijIi^htock mai: ic kt. vi..ll FLrrcTCATi* nf* l-l -fn i wm at njK cr/.si BAIJDI AT THR BttH ix EX) HAM.E -Al'o. R TIIK LES URAL LIST. I hauy A 8 na. T??.._ r 9... lianne A i'*c nf HA Put* i .Hi pr. II il n Tnttr... au i-.-iitl.i.ri,.. ?sada .'?ii'illr lu Pl I rM lt i aa in! riitta' ol .*?' J r'Vtnl V.ttlOt '.,- i .. reta _,,, lat ut .i.e. bea* OM ar ? li' it All... , * a a.i wt hu a l.'.r A NXX ,,r ?Mc Mila mtv 7f _J 74ti 78* JUA BM* orel, lilXlil', 111". ?Mi Ld PltttJ l-S ll I If"! ? -t :.a ? pmf M I M lilcHtP M?0 41%l 43 , _\U lit' ?? >,-?? Baila *? Ul1- ll : lt I A ?><icirt. -OU-V lo'i >_ 1-J ?? I StL .fut : Wi?h * Bri. xi li prM i . rs I. ol II x ? A Kant DI... ? A K III Kief* ?el El* A XV-? )fl*-IH'1. en.v A H" O' ? a Kio ur it ,u)'A h IL... ? t-i tenn. .T,_n liter.. ?: Tenn '-.''l art. Crana A TH ?lint A PM prf ttoen dmr.\ ?}.*'* iarlem uivf...| 1AO lil.*1'".:: itigiftii*. il COM le'dLa ? I ie,' 1 .? tV_ IS** &,ne rxPtm... : B aw. . .. L-t* nrliL toke ame... Lone i*lani - mt? a sa*a CRAB Chlo. UntettaaCon Vlanhat BaMh Mu li I'enl .... ULM* XV .... u bfl A w urf. MAH', lt.. li Ant Lort.. m k ?? t .... mo P?eiBe.... gob A OHIO... S c anti. ri!... .*. , * ',-tLtir ;.*_.'. Ol ?- \ LR*Vt ... (TV LK aw ari UV A Sf.. .. VY?" B. V X ll ,t ot.... S'V HA XV. '. v )-axa nr... Xor A V'- Mt.. Nor A ii rf. So-lt. PaciM. N'orPac ort... ..tiioA Miks... ihicf oath.... ii .mp. r*r HA N. .>m_on Ti ina.. >reiiori Line.* I'1,.C A ?? '. I Ula rto_-llnn PP Car Co... . ma ' nar... Bich :? xi. Uti .. *? WP .. p <n v, p orel. KW 4()ii. StL Ara A <ei, I* IL A <t I :'... , **.l. .vt-; BlLBSP_ BIL A B f met at LA av lax i'i., Ol?A .>ol_* 1-t H.1 D ir.... ft PH A M... -Ul. -CT 15 i. I ... Union Imo. YVabaab _ ?Viii frc.. rei Xl Ml '/Hie,ll...-j I ID... Arrsr Ka ..._ < ima.. " ,r Ba Amer i i I ,. I .'Un... ' e. . e oat A I. ll- r.f Qoal t I ' ? ?? ,i A E.I i ? i '..' \ ? > < ri, lil t, ,.L Ten Coal Al. ii* ?-,o*rakt>_ Ontario Quia .ii-, r .. (inict-ilT.r pr. "i.ti. ??.e-?.j7tii- 7*1*77...77.77.. 237, us JTOXDS AXD fl ASK STOCKS. us i'i loee".HM Ai.i'-. i.i El lLiui , ? r.i.nit ?f' i Ban. ot' .ITO Alliiutic ' I --.f.? It ,' , : ")._t\ . I I.2i\ ? ..ttl 0.Wi 100.000,.i'J I 16.'" '.tt> - 1 .".. wt** 41,,,. :0.24 1 ii ' .'lint i.nn.MS . i."*..'........24** Allan Ai .a.euai 4a ?B1_ UV -'t* .Wt BUI .: K A Mll'i 1 -'. 1.0!*.). Sft"? i .* aW mik. .! '.".."oo...71 CuiuC- ..uitliacn tai Ki'd 1.000.107% .:o7s Cau.i*.* bi iiinor.'i ill * .:"! ( i iu ? .'to***', _110 Chea A Ohio e:nr ,,rer :..ou?.Uv, ( . . ,. i _. Pso.*.* I on 7.000.IDS I. ' * I D'i'i 4.HH'. .e.llU-J' 7i lll.O.").im X ... .*. Iron Co i i 8.00 '.10114 i li tlogCerta ll.Tis, thl A. l.iii-i liliuu.t ? '-ea ii* ?J 1.00.1 I . I LO .At 10.000.SB ?? xv l.i ? te-t .754 I CU .- Itl. Gel.* is MW.764 ETi'i... Va AO Ey ( OM i-lol-l 5* ... 101** 6,1'tO. !'?_', _.0*t, 10,640...l6l\ Kn* "n conloi Rol.i iee).1$7 _'e..vx ni ami DO tat .R74 '. 00.#?4 8,o"n.ita . i l-t 4400 .1184 .._ Iel ? ' .BS4 1.1 I o . ('? 'I uiMf r ? . ? i 9 ooo.HS Cal il .*? Kn lu x itv lat .H2*t li a ,. v t*eat i Mall . ? * *. Trna! ..tif-ipte -.("i-O .... lil I'll i ( ju-.-oii Ht .Iljl.. w.'DO.70 ?loni Vi,U b,dOt.i.1S5 Ii'l Bl .im! X\-n ..*'i,t. .'." i._') ... ::>v, Kn,.- u l'r.c*.nc ti* istia 10,000 ... i.o?_ Ea Pa nie lit cou 1,.Kill Knox- .. unto lit 4 Ix>.N va into (HU S.'iOO..PO 2.000. V-. L.ik?? .r-:.* A XX v.t ll.OOO.105T? MU A et faul - > x A P to 6.".") .131 Wi.-A ifni .liv 2.000_ 1"1**_ . ,' xv : - !, .10-4 " , Kat '.?-it, Mlct.^an _o:iU . 10.000... 130 i Me it\u A .o__? l.e ll - _ ".H.'4 . * ?e B'l 0. .1 . 100.ft'4 .. 'IT-j . . blO rv . 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