Newspaper Page Text
lt.i'e Al ieAci. AX Eirf-RT DO LS IT DP FOR THE I*K_._> hkx r. fWSUtBM NOW NV FM-'.'* PVT A FK.W CYCLOl TU 1 XTIil.T* W-'shit-.c^n. Auir. lamont and Mr. Oas land seem to bfl huting so ruurh toanblc la jag thc latter's letter of acceptance thal a bttgl Washington writer. Bflad t" ircpsinni: sjm.iie> | itcu free-trade Congressmen, has felt culled ti ju lo lix BP a little ene i"r lum. Ile is, of curs under no obliiratiuti M adopt it. hut lie Bright | farther ami Ibm worse. Ba eau al least take im a WksBt, and. xvi! li the Mp Bf his xxvll thuin Ix cyclopedia, a little assistance from the diet io 5ry. ? hurried ginnee nt the pizctt.-er and c.i?unl Inspection af tin' census report, rix up letta e.',*a-- arill satisfy she Di moolala Headquarter*! of Ike F.vecutive Mind. Executive Ma sion. Wsaklagton. D, C., Ang. ?? T> Chairman Democratic Committee. Dear Stir: Mj attoniion having bena rilled tn 1] ttet thal 1 I ii ? Leen nominated by th" -Oem oe rut vjrtv tor the (Treat off] co wherein leSOSOS ti rstgaty of UM . xty asQUaai af 1" Ibu ci,ii ni ry, I Aaataa la ia] I al i win aaeai ]{ I had nm Intended to accept I would n have iii-!iuc:c>! the gaily to have nornlna'C'l M in lagari ta My remark four years ago thal a leeoi ?*rm wm noi Antral i>* i w,n tay thal I Ind nat tba are so many matters requiring My attention that will have lo remain lu My present po-lllon f* pother term. 1 have ?|mply ehaag-d Mv Mind I will brletly enumerate a few of the t-ilnpi I hai accomplished wlillo I have been in ollie,-. I I ?' aaasfl-iety reformed lbs Wall Bm etta Dartag -\ ?at ons befOM My own. unre-iponslble and B fcMWa men wen* repoatc<lly appointed In tho Viv -.nice. I have (io))-* away wit!) all this by appoln In. no man, except lu rare Instances, not angle poll. Itix-oiUance. f__ eyes of !b8 authorities ar- on the even baton 1 appoint them io office. My mot 1 *>- beet,: " Tut none or, pu a rd but these known to tl poMce." Yo-.i can read.Iv BBB the croat diflercn, ! >twaBB a inan who !< entlrelv unknown and i- -: - under boa . : ? peaee Form r exeeutlm bave appointi i.i 'tnpuitani gaanelal ; wbo, had th. , : i navet lia"*** b i traced or ider'ifled: but in ? great many ti on wi ? - are on Ale ai Ihe | otti ? ms elven ni' r t ? '* i , l are aol too frequent, and I re ; . . .- - * J ,-???- 1 will a!-o tay, I thli - - , -, the j ul i i I .-'.ad ' . * ? . ,- bal .Itt! ii ?;. ., ? ? ;f. areal Britain, Mexico, a-d i other ' Powers thal a:*- I with ? :u-\*. '! known ii .-ii little need ! I have aires ?'? pron ? ?ill t , Britta! dunne My ' Ms u .: tm li -* a li drop Ini al-o lo the 1 *,! Lin Li .-' ' m that 1 tor tl obJecUonab. lorclc:. ff way I ?? ? i .* * I nulled a grin an (Chally Pi tea, wi <?!? * _? -!, ..-lee ai"l hldeoi 1 .in thc -:? of a ? irsmpire lo hold Vu np to rid ettie, also worthy of 3 ??* attent on. WM Strous Birth and OMtorted delight lt has attempted 1 Mast pori '? 1 I lav,- calmlv replied wu quotations from the American Cyclopedia which ha\ dumbL u'.d''d *:. Hi vu ions viva, ?**. .1 paye-- 1 chang d ta baleful ! tl pri*!-.- ghana i shall aoaiiaua ta cnuh oui li hollow howBaga 1 do not hie.w thal thora N aaylhtng more whic you need hoar fi-om Me. I have brletly touched o the more tmpettanl pole', of My term and 1 assure yo that I shall continue ta tho Mme Ino on all ot thei durlnp My B-dOtl term, whlcli will Pepin next Mani Sbonld it appear to M.- ti at you an- si.u ijniorat: about anything I assme you that I will write agate THANKFUL TO Fica PF THE HUMIDITY. 4B0TT TWO R*0in?ED CITY CHIX-DBE!! T5KNI PITED BT Till. TBIBtnjrK'g CHARITY. Ihe InteBM kum dlty continues, and Th* Trtbttn Ptoeh-Alr parties -.1 iii karry from Ike elty Thre buiidred children on Monday, 200 aa Tm similar nm .,? ami several hundred I follow to-dav and m morrow muli.* a pond shnwlti Ior one v.c-i;. yesterday's parin wen to Ithae*_ Rivei-i].-. Geneva, Danby, DeKalb Jancllon an town- .': the v. ay. a larpe Dumber af wort Beesmpaaled one of ll mag the urti * , . child wi."se- same appeared la the paper la-' winter Ihe story, ?* it t! ,-n read, wa- thi Ihs i'e.i.1 ?a.s excruciatingly tortured hy an adopt*, asalhar, ball, parenti being dead. Ber tongue wa plereid with a pair e,f tclseon; she was eompeUed t romain outdoor* la Mtier enid weather, toned to be and othsrwlM wlliSMlisl by the Inhuman woman -.-:?: the railway stat! ????. I Ml nigh) ? np hot* lunch. : apparently happy li a Ipai ?:. ol tht ? ki - ? w ponied e it tiy h'-r tea' ber as iii" brifhtei t par!; A party al BSA a IU 1 ave the ell; thU morrl* g 1 mi for Chambenbnrg and otho toMi-s jn Franklin county. Penn II is i l the ehUdrea have been -.elected will ,; tun, iimi Mine of Um lr. Franklin Connly wll receive them The Fnsh-AI rattoa la this part of Penn a ' ail eredll is dm- for the larpe Bamber and ex the selina ?hick karn appeared la "Ihe Valley Spirit,1 edited by Ike Bruin "rr at Chambei - _ pa reporter accompanied th'* party. lollowini ls a lit if boai rday'i parttaa, u th Um BBBspUaa ut tho names of thc Geneva koala whicl Wan n *' I a: ??'? d In : Keel N V?Frank Pritchard, Mr*. Pl V . ! _N I-..-. ? WUUaa nuntrtek, Mr. Boyd, Ciiiii' I T. Baker, charl.-, f?rav>?? Pondam Mra n aay saatto. .atwerp? Mr.*. T. I. Weetwaid Geaveroror?WBUam Weet De Kait Jul'-;. ? -SteeeaB Baac] Un Ot trnx Dowataa Mr. mu, Mrs. Jam"* T.vncr, Jii-?uh Letf-ii. J,,tiri I ,..,11. Xmt (i**m. Mn MeOsea, Mr-, t. Wllaaa, Mm McClellan. f,' ? ins .ga BaaeM Grea 'lr*, a. 1 " .'i Mi M ni." 1. Frank J :y Kine Dwight Oetiaaisr, IBm Bowell, tim P.'-v. I T Saith, Frank Fu.e.r, .Mn. M__l.i; BagM, lank xx Um Itiu..-.-Mi-* HalM Colver, Mm. II. C. 0?mnt5cr, Mm. Bait'! ra Mx*or. Km (. XV. .Lui..*, Mrs. }> V. PMS, MM 1 mm, Mm a. 11 Weed, J-i_n xv.' .. Tat*-!. C. M l)-v.r, $____ .',;, .ii!, mi*- K P Dte-ttoaoa, 'iT* ?aTknasy * 1*.. Vaadwaett m.'*. Ula! '. 1 Hr- A.roi' lleOi-n. *___, j. f- ^allOall. Mr- lt - Baal Mr? 11 I* (..t,i,?. QB_e_M Tater, Bylve-Mi it.*n, A. 11 wmomt Gi :? Purry. John Brown. Willi..,.. Cook. MM Moor-. MM tt li HMM Mr*. EU-SM, v - Il ll tmSSMk MM l-ii'.k WlfllaaM MMai \ -u. Mn Farr. Un Mat f, MM Cewaa, Mr. j0hr. Bister. Mra Deana Leiu. Mr.. Hem. v g Wl Mitihewa. Pnak PIMmlaa. M. t. Jarvi hiuuLu-a, Mri. Barak Caaaaaa Mm Batoi Aadse ?on, Mr*, j.-..h. . ,, ? ? uaamtoA mkaon - Ciwd-r," Daniel V.nton. Toiini Oasap, Lau- and Lrttle. SHALL THE VAUX. F.E OI'ES __*____ stSDOWSt a nurn^-r of til- pnpeel 6tu-vesam ,.ark v^rP fomrnm _, rhl. mr.,Uie oi u?. Park I>*M f.aa/. A lar^-e mUMU* was pr sonie.1 ?, ?ie Loard |n am ,,, op,.n,r,- ?i(. ' after Kuadown. Jackson g lahalla praaaalag saan si the measure M gaisBlg for Bs Baan hi- p.^iti,,,, wae sn unpopular one, be said, and ho and othen Who took SVCh a Stand could never expect |? be elected Aldermen In thia city ; but ha bel.] gmt tho property about the park would bc depreciated by Iw-pinp th-- fft*_ 0,,,-n alter darli, thl, acttoa tnUAd trow so many ba.! characters to Iga Blllhlinihsuil Mieha..*! J. Kelly n-pli'd lhal a man who v,,i,-,i ),?i Once In four y.-ar-. a- M. .-st.,ulir did. SOOM little consideration froa I..* Wlow-eltlBeai and ka need not cast any alms upon thea 'li,. peopM si thu aar.!, were, ho said, entitled to the kenagl af tha paik st nipht, and bs denied ihat, if peapeify pi? ,t, et.-.j hi polee, th" fielphbo.-I.ootl woold I freQuenl bad aharaessn John J Irkonl au'f and HMM * favor of apaatag aiui Mgkltag ths park ai aighi VBaaManl Rasa) Maa HM paMManaa thal tba 11:. i? Ul* part vould be r-fcrn-d to Un ( orj . 1 allon ta Mceitain what authority the O-BB-MaSh-BaBB had In ?ha ca?e .ke plans and ?pectlitailoua lor the new ouildiiiK ol ma ..m-cuiii ol -tatura- History were presented to tue lioaid and appixived. m? ? HELD FAST ALL NIGHT IX THE TOG. THREE EXCURSION PARTIES CAUGHT IN TUT 8AMK I'lli i,I. \MK.NT. Conpressman Ttmoihy .1. Campbell's oxrumlnn parn I* sax-ed. About ll:r,0 this momlnp tho I'.lackbii. and her eompaiihin. Ihe barpo Vanderblii hove Inti light, t? ti,,* joy of a larpe crowd of anxious mother >r xx Ive--, sisters and t-wee'''.arts conpre-.-aicl on th, "i" si. pier of tlie Bast Uiver. The excursion ?comprls'np a lame number of balk HHUB, headed i,\ Ci)n|rrf*ssmaii Campbell, Jude* QettflBSjSi Aldermar Clancy, llujrh ReBly and others, left Donnelly. Hotel. CoBeflS Point, at half pa*; f* on Tuesday atgfe tor the tetur:: Jmnnei lo X>? Y,,;k. At the memoir of Marling a heiv> mist MU apaa tho water, nhaiailai BhjeeM ai only i tow yards distance. Tn ihi* stance la ascrlb-d tho fact that the captain BeSSSM daz--d ami 1 il "io (ach an extent lr lea! had he lost lt that he actually sen* tho vessel In th. neera direction to that which she wa? intended I, lake. After half an hour of this erratic eralatag those or board suddenly bocarn** aware af a peculiar Ja-rlnp wnsattoa, thea came ti>?* s).ont from tho captain'* bridge ia ravane engmaa it was ali ta no purpoaa however. The vesseM wen aground, fa-t inched ir a sand bank, mun tho morning ride -hould conn* Bad lift them off. There was tm help for lt and tin- pas 1 sanasaa rosier:.*,! themselves to their fate. The pro ?e visions hold out weil, ami the welcome Ughl of thi I i morn Inc presently bopan to peep ihrouph the cloud* ir and with lt carno tho tide. Then were tho women I children and ornamental men transferred to thc barpe, ?ts I with the effect of liphtenlnp tho steamer. Ihe toa e or twelve malo passeaaan loft on iho steamer hove I away at tht WladlMI Wtth mipht and main until at l- i last, amid ihonti of i..y. the nsw] glided smoothly II j Into thc water, and the captain, havlnp recovered' hil i ' ?Isiahi head, made tho host of pi- way homo. a About 1,000 personi who went on thc excursion ol a tbs ivy Leal Boetad Club, a Booth Lrooklyn organtsa* " tlon ta Bar t'liif (.rove. s. 1.. on Tuesday, wore .le * tain-el \\ the tog In tho Kilt Von Kui! ard anchored off Robbin's ll* i-f nntll dayltphl yesterday. ?? t trip to Brooklyn wa- continued ami sll isfelj lands I ' The iteaaser Ha/e| Kirke *? hi< mle and Rockaway Bi a.h. Iel! the la'tor ria,-,* crowded with pleasure - ' , uk of denne to* j cs wn and al iteamer wm tl m '1 the j a--eli. preai tor a time. Al 1*80 u. n- ye lerday, Ho foi I ttl (! and It was t! BB ' I that tl wen driven Into ty,* hank ol barnie], ( va- i ? uer without tr mbli i i LIQHTNlMi FUT OUT THE LIGHTS. ccniotM BPPet- cy A sronn at the cin. CINN.xti EXPOSITION. half pa=t B * , .-ht. a sharp ,'Ia-h of llgbtnlnp. followed by a terrille p<"ii of -hander, startled the largs erowd in the exposition Ins'antly all tlio ar** - ? and machinery hall wen felt In total dari were no alfi tod l ti. dj nam : . ractlng cur:' nt a the machinery ii ?'?nt had pa -'.itteii up a_-:i!::. ail ri^iit. and where there wm . The rainfall followtni the thunder and llehtnlnp was <o heavy that the Bohe produced di-own- ? ? of ii,- machinery In Po-wer ii iii. a young man named Keltoptf from New-Tori : happened to be looking Into il.'- mouth of the catlin? cm al the time of 'ho occurrence, tboufhl th** pm had exploded, and wai teared I i ,\ severe wind itorm nea* xv.'ii ngton yesteiday did l * f:""' buildings ami Ireea Several ti*i*i- ol coi Bo 1 TUE SAT10SAL TAU ASSOCIATION. Cleveland, Ang - (Special).?The _r-t re^ilar aeetlns "f tho National Bal * ity to-day. .tames o BroadwelL, ? ? i a report fnun iho Committee on mlty of Law was submitted ll reci n i ,i i iptton .f' le ol Nea Toi tbe aesotlability of promissory notes. In order ta harmonise tho confusion whieh n,,w exists in inter c immene. The New-Tork law, the - say-, has already been re-enaetod hy several Btates anil Tcrrltoiles. If Cunirross would prescribe lt. a* a form for all (ho Territories and tho Dl-llt t of I <?lumbla It would make a valuable begtimlttg. Tho repoii wa- discussed a' * .*? tenftk and ?< la'd over until to-morrow. The oommittee reported, al-o. that a moro uniform law og the limitation of action wm needed and i t , ted a torn tot a law in which the limitation for action to recover mon v on a contract In writing bul nol under -*-al i- Axed a. tour year ? i coi,traci no) In writing, at ? , - ii,i- report al-o ian: over tor a MLVTISC, r)F THE XBW.JBSSBT SABBATB tJXlOR, luca:' l.neve. N. .1.. Aug - Special Jersey Sabbsi I cpnvened al Ocean Oro '. Tbs president, the Rev. Dr. <.- - I 1 l over the three sc ilona, which were h*id ta the auditorium. Dr. Mott delivered the opening ad ?peaktng upon the hopeful Improvi public lentlmenl on the Sabbath question during the hal tom >?? i . !i"\ .!. n. Knowtos, secretary Rew-Jersey Sabbath Cnlon, read a letter from Mra J, (? Lai.-hain. luperintendenl ol 'he Sabbath Observance Department of the National Woman's Temperance I nton, who gave an arcounl ? thal wa* being done by thal organisation toward Ihe i of the Sabbath. The Rev. George K. Mun;-, in dlscu ling Ihe sourcei of antl-Babbath , Christian! aro tho mos) .??? persona on!:. !t !?: the minority ol tho people thal defy ti.e* organized Christian church, white wi? sh with folded .un!-" The Rev. 'i K. Stevenson, Kdltoi ' he i hii-tlan Stat I****.. T. A. 1 The even ag sealion wm by Elliot) F. Shep? ard, of " Th*- Mall and Expre STJUIB FOtt A DITOBCB AFTER BLOTTS0. Borwteh, ' oa*_.,sAug 8 (Special).?The sensational re ?*! William K. Bbew, tormeriy a! this elty, ls eonflrmed by a Norwieh ey, who has just returned from malling an In ? wm found living with Mrs. William ? Commercial Boom a.- W. K_.-haw and family, of N'-v- Vo.k. Mr*. Boalh B the wife of a\ - Loath, of the Bhetauhsl Ballona] Lank af tins elty. v.h>, wa- neei ti;* pardoned from prison. Mia. Roath h.t- glad a petltioi tor divorce from her bus the law- oi j,uk,.!., ip .'., 'i in of divorce to be brough! aft*- ? of ninety d_y_. A TBTEBAR OFTK Eli KILLED EY A FALL. Medtoid, Mau . Aag ptain W, H. 1'almer yMterday afternoon fell from a staeinj; at the Everetl .chool house upon a rail fence thii-rv tool !??? ll and received two fraetum al the spine and a broken shoulder blade. Be died In ton than two louis after? ward. He was sixty two yean uid. a membei (.rand Army of the RepubMe, the Legion ol Honor , and th" Knight-, of Honor, and ka ' S'-i-ved the town for eight years as Chief .'f Police. During thc war he served bl the 1-t Pew Bampshln Cavalry, under Beneral Sheridan, and was 1*1 for bnvery from the ranks to a captaincy. ic- leave*, a widow and live rbi] I i D-BJCJOPfl FKVIT SOLD AT AVCT10X. From Tho ( M ? Herald. . um frail Sealers la tyan ii ls M uaw. that the railway r.nipany han ai, Mettea svsey amrn !. u av iii.; Mertksnelen frelpkt depot, i u> th" |,eii.ii., i'-i?-i:i: *.". te toe ?manna ur bs * And ii -:. t" 'I" in* ' !? wlil' b Bl a * li" h '?' listens trait sbtslnabte ls this sit* pinna, , ? '" a KM in Ibis '-'? Ceillie*,. fl'eelll Ott --"III. WtU A e. and oil s.e.*. Il '-'" f"r a ama aaa- ,J |j* '"'"' '" MUs near)., t. Til re i*. Iel bataiaa, the '? ? sweaekgi '?* tapeel i af ;? aa "f iaa laver wi neew mn In "r, *.',,u. lt ii|,|ien.-> uni thea ii'inln* p-r tec-ion. tl ??I sa tteatoa 08 un* fruit al Um ii ? ? ,. ? ie Hah i- n new departure eriv tho wheienle fruii leeters wets aqnoaad a Asposlt freijjhi SharfM In adiain-e pp H"*,<1?> llioi o;tl< red from tlc tar Wet,!, bet-aiiw fl'-t) nelli' v t'* f WMM not Sthl seespi * pani''nar loud, ilaasfsd or niieeii-- speBed "ii He* i, ,\,,-t da alined company asuumeit alt Uie. n-ii sud reap* ad th. peaBt iVILL THE SHAH PAY THAT SAI.AVY I From Tl?, I int*,.'-'" Ht*raid p ii. XMiisi.n,. ti.., >-x MtatolM '" Persia, had aesasua tils ?>'fjiur?-d kaowladai "f Psrataa uttjir* ie. geed aivniiii j iuapis af lay* ase ChaHa I Bahbaraer, .I,i.f ?f ile Oeolos;lesl Mirvt of Pern ill '1 m li m. (.roporly iniroOiieod. aud MOasM I advin- The Khali of I'rrnia, ll ?|lIH-:,r^. I.u* lu-l Bppetotad Ml sate! at the seoleclMl depertaenl ti i.i. ii n,_' poteaua I** now tryin*.' n, ,,ri;unl/,*. 'J.'." ?aiar ' ee,l por aili. Hil, TIM l|U' -tleell Will: .'! S , ' , nay tba'. * ? Mr, wtostm, lade 1, Ba MpensnM t.e tod la Taberna, Uwaght ll r.'lir: ll *.:?.(... tiri idvlMd Ml A-lU'i'ie i Oe 1 lilli k ntl" ., ? pitas ti.'ie?. tbooffi in* ala?? si mil/hi n*,t Ix. onellfili U 'h, SM ml. red. BtoM Ml \" tun,,er has a family ,,r seeMy pnporttea md iteesa'l it,ml to run t?" iniiiv risks, hs tt.uil I,.uk to I'lit-turi wun tho in<.-dti,,it ? aaMag IBs Bfcah alva kendi tm fu nie g.K.d tieliavlnr, so i** speak, or elwj to i.j.'i ll,, offer lu other words, he won't gu uulesa tits Muon ?ChXttu bhah puu up Ua required ana first POPULAK OlkUSKVATlOKd AN ABOWBrr FOR OKCAMZATION. W Af! I-*.-EAR NF. RR AND WA OE-1* AY F.R 8 ALIKF. DE I-UNIU NT OB I'linTI. TION. TotkeEililorofThe Tribune. Fir: 1 am more than plaaasd with your paper h the able manner In which lt bSBSOM SSS 'I ef pro'crioii tn American Inilu-trlos. I would mg pest the mHg organization of every branch of liri't-M' ii: tho land. Tho ot.tabll-.hmont of a Hoard of labu Stol a Chamber of Manufacture*!, alih deiegatos fron fmm ea h to n-o,-t and cooperate In the election li every ( on.-ross Ill-strict af mon plo!?."! 1,, preter Hi.n. ls ut vital imp.,rtance. I would BBSS tOfSMt that thev* iHidles, when oriranl/.od, take pams t, furnish the pres- wiih such Items and means n ^reading tho tlocirlnes which underlie our pp ? , ba will beal Mnd to enlighten tbe misses as to thel; Intonals and dutv. Wa cann,it urge upon the Industrial and manu toetnriag sssbbm too fosqasntlj or .trungly th. ty of compact organization. XX it ha ut lt we an a ni pe of sand; with lt. an Imststtote power. Th, Cobden club, whieii rapt eeo ali tbs commercial poib-j nf Kngland and ber iiitentlon to crush our manu farriirlug, as iha has already done ecu -hipping In lere-t-. WM BBlBbtlihed as an actlvo. organized. Wort lng unit, and when lt lei'ulre- mea. s for prop icandi-n and xi, tun, all that may be a-1 r*l for ls furnl-hof ly erafty, far lighted rapialists. It ha. flrmlj planted Itself, thi,.ugh ni' i camile and Lu.Lins* righi here In New-Vork. where lt wield-, au oxer whelming Inlluenre ,m Journalism and poliiles, a well as on the Bdoeattog nf tha masse- Iii freo tiad principle-, which are pernicious to os, and boned?IB only to thOM arhOM Int'Tc-t*, lie In Iho opportut I'io whieh free trade with this country would open U English gnod of gain. If 1 am ene,uiy informed bv fae*; and figures tho charges lo the public for foreign uiti.ics of faottire aro Shani _M -ame. or less, with a prole* tlve larllf than without , showing that protect inn I* m detriment to consumers. That lt ls a ' to us i? shown from the fact whlcli now exists and has axfltad nader pmtection of thc large helene* of Iradi' In our favor. Il Ifl also obviou- bv thc strii**- made within a tow yea:- by oro mi ? their ince': *; in I ind excels In form anel tun-ii IhOM ; ' workshops ol Bunpe. .\ genlteman f:oni ken Bined to p tm heel pocket knife ho could obtain Bi ii.i aol perceive until on bte way Leen,'* that ft wm made in Newark, If. -i lit** war wm ei sad evil I mme good, . live tali*. Ci ls i.igh aad 1 nen fn-m the oar ] **: pto : tn turn we could m I i. bo taken up and . ' intention for tho work, ai-l eau only expert lo ll. impfa ' we can i r whi * * * * of our da They . ul a l'i atel : !. t , theil ? o ami * If a. turnlih ? DB. I' 'TIN CREIGBTON, Chairman Executive Committee, VVoridngmen'l \ ork. ?,l- urand-it. New-York, .mic. 1, l?, CITIZENSHIP NI-' BBBARY FOR VOTIBO. To tko Editor of The Tribune. Slr: I I ? -? ?.-r =!noe October, 1885, ' my Intentlm Jui". 1188. I for am, '' ' ; B ben oin r rote I SI Ii Be which allows a man to rom on National questions, if ho has been a resident <-\\ months md takes oath before a Justice of his Intcn tieet: to b'f ru" ;i citizen 1 ''ii Am I entitled to pay or wo:k poll ia.\ under tho al -'on' OUTER R. WHITBY. ? :. V V.. Aug ". 1888. iVoii must wall two yean from the time rn-: de uiitil tli.* wholi ir residence In this country is five yen.**, and you mny ihen obtain ymir citizenship papen and i" entitled tc vole No person wha ia citizen of ih.* T'nit.-d States cnn vet.- and * I laws of New-York State Tbe highway tux. to wliich you probably refer In ymir Insl qui is levied on residents, without regard to e I ship of tin resident.?Ed. ? ? THF. ATTEMPT to RC1S THF. MOOL DCDTTRBY. T a I h r Mdt tor nf Th* 1 ri li n n r sir: In 1887 Posho-eton County hsd 132,287 valued ai ?*?_*?_.!- * Ihe Pn i*'*: ?-? sad tho * ii have ! ad the ? ?'??'?* o! radurins the ? eep to liT.i'.oii. value! al B813,B81, makins a difference In mi.- year ol li.!.-- -h'-ep, or a reduction In value of 848.182. Ail "tier counties n tl t*i,u ap* exprrlei ?imo results, iho nn reit ninty of the wool market eau-sad by Cleveland's fi-*-*-rad'- messag eel ami only cause. A . i mani ww , i ? i- tot Ffai-ri I. K. t\N . acton, i ihio. Aug. 7, I ROT .' tLOON KEEPERS' PARTY. To Ibe Bditor nf TA* Tri hu ne. ?The Evening World." of Jnly 96, says there aro - lin Republican saloon-keepers on Manhattan Island ? : Times.*1 of .Lily t. tayt thero aro * City 10 ? As ?umina thal both statements are correct, .' thl k li N a v 7.32 per eenl ol Ibe saloons .m* kepi bj Repul I wen,!.! like to a-!; the Editor of "The *_.en!r.r* lt pi * 02.86 | 'i , tali on i ?'*! ? re bul three . the Republican, tbe Demoentle and tho i_ i). li. Bes Tort, July 30, I AV EXCELLENT PROTECTION DOCUMENT. Tn t li e I. tl it or of Tht lr, I. ll n t si. : The -Tribune's snpplemeni containing the ex? tracts fr.,m Ibe pepe ext lien) e,,,,, pllatlon, and will bo of greai wen ? :--? of : rob ellon In the ? - i rnly ? .IA.xi: > M 8*8 A.\K. Philadelphia, Pena., July rn. 1888. TIM*. PROMPT POSTAL DELI. ERY OP NBW YOBS T a i lt e Bri it or of T ht i rib una. sn: on .inn,, s i Bailed a postal earl te Ba Bfl ? ; .fu!y ll I received lt bink, a- ?? returned.-* No. 29 Vesey it, is wlthlfl i ne block ol tbe Nen KOrh WlthlB five blocks I'o-t iiiiiee When doefl retora cunio m at : r so -hoi- , EDWARD DAY. Ba 31 bank *i . Ang 8, i---. ? THE BRTUBS OB THL BOLDER EDD. Prom The Boston Transl rlpl. \ little behind lime, according t,. the Listener-*! reek, i,:i;.-. the gol it Ii I he-l-e IS ll an abandoned bi i-1 j a: d one ed : ,.:,- ,,, hide li-1 en.em ai Ihe hand* i.f iimii. covering the th of c\ i. sort of v. .ti i'ii rod, in ,, ,-|, * seems excel tionallj mild, ii ii.i- rear, pe . e 'e mt ol th Inn of the plan I the cool dav- thal ? ?? .-*i* - i. contrasts delljchifi e ms , ,,,t \,. ? Thli i- a ' imbi allon, hoi >ver, which i- nol appi elan*,i bv thi ? the ?? golden rod." tm,* do kii<.--v aa hat invadi How, i ? are soi eeds, somewhere, And everybody'* weed* .poo tbe point of \ lev In lld . worl I ? for Ihe p.!,Pu, nee!, however, even fri , ithetle agri ' ? ten ll t- nol a j levous ,?- the fannel little trouble. |, does nol rene!) ? .ul ?fi"i ii,, hai crop hs ? ii and lt |s ii,it hold enonah to light its ?- , Cultivate.] Crops. .. ;,]!,. ?,.,,, ?' ' Uni If a 'bi,tor and creditor >secouni ronld weed md even bit of nod they ht?ve doi.? lo tieoir acc.i,int. as well si even eenl of theil ago t,, the farmer*-' crops charged np lo th. m. the WO.lill III. ? |?. ;,, |,, Q , . ;,,,, ] (|| ^ .. ^Q_ the aecount woitM balm i I ? LAI'.uit MATTES AT THE HUTU, i, /.',,/ Ft-mi The i Idea;:', | A hotel > :? pk ar.- hostel now than they ii-* t '? They uso,! to corns in and rem fer u-r ,' the ni??? ?? from which they hailed with s mai '*'.ii of a*, and pm .HUI .i Lui t."" ' ... ave Ihelr names ia i ubbei si imps 11 ? \ whip tlc ni out, j ib them ol Ihe ?r,,m Nea '.et h.* and wo havo fo wm.- ihat In i, ? ,.i>! i" - othei thine*, win hav.- io yo -.i r "i later Bj and hj the (rai ii ? will arrive i ,i,i., tl tl.huh. who will put thom I-. ii,, Joel of the l-i ?i ii,..Lil. Ike outsider, anyhow, Thi-. ool Mei would In haiku .*-* for a friend and com li ll n.o resister If SS didn't lind the name he wanted he Would go ol,:, nu nov. he coin,- !i>. and alibi,ugh tli* re mater may be In front of him he will a-l; the clerk If *io-and Ko ts itopplns hers, li laves tine. This li a fut ase. ? u/. DA ) i.v J Aelihti 'IN. ADVISING THAT HATES RF. ADVANCED. Tin; 10AM WBASY OP HU BAH contkst l'RFSinKNT BPBBCBB*! vir.xvs. Tho exeeutlv-.* committee of tho irtink lin* roerimmende.I n, r I - -- Central TrafTle Association of BM Sea railroads that Haigh! ralo, he advaau-d t,, them prevailing prior to lune 1, and to cancel all BoaUBOdft} tarifl ? thM had boen approved by tho joint ' xeciulve cnimi'tee of tbs B-StSfH and Western llr:>?-.. RaBroad m<*n a;*.* hopeful that HM XV' -torn mails will ilk.- tevaral io aetlaa on this neaanasadattoa, and a BMBttog nf tho xiestern coinmit,.-.. |. flapeoted to L. '?-ll'd soon. If Ine advance N nnlorod lt ls believed that lt ran tn* pal into effect by September 1 at the Tho road- are weary of their contest over thnagh a season whoa Hm wal r lines ar.d Ho? ran rall and part water routes absorb a largo pmpor '?.f tl.'* t,mt,ago, alni with thc crop prospect! prom? ising to give a good movement for th<* lattar part ol the year than ls a strong disposition to take advan? tage of lt to secur*** all 'I." prolits f,o.,|ble. 'Mil- ls stuuvn by tho statement of pTSBhtoat Spencer, of tho iiaitimore and iii!" Railroad, gaoled to Man ' yesterday. Mr. (Spencer donh-d tho rumor ll u io* lad lieM an Important conference with bl teadtng sxeeutln ofT*e,'i-s at the Ortoatal Hotel, at Manhaiian Beaeh, Tu'-sday night, with mtonase ne Leih.-rt Qamtfs affairs and eondlHoa. Mc e\])i->lnet> ?hat lie had simply lOCClnd th" reports of tho ofBceB* ?* ? ated him ai TlMeday'l ci.ufo:??in*" ai Hm COmmlseloaer*s oflloo in Broads iy, Mr. Bpenei ? added. ?? The itt |? i,o roae.n why all our nada shoeii ! not obtain full rates, and speaking officially I can Sag thai Hton I- enough bMteBM In sight for Um next nlnetv days to give- tho trunk lines all they can carry at th" ii'.-- which by law they aro Justified in oxactlnc*" RAILROAD PRESIDENTS rONFT.RRING. .ur. DXBPUrn cvr.R thf. joist LBABI <n- thi. "P.K'i'.N PROPBHTT UKBLTTO HF.>. A conforonco between Charles Francis .Adams, president, and Frederick I. Amos, on tho pan of ih-- Inion I'aCflc Ballway Companv. and ; Barris, president, and H-nry Vlllanl. on ti," part of thc Nnrthorn Pactflc Ballway Con-: ld In ? -v -.,*.*.?? ? the reiaHi wm mad" kti-nw-n lu detafl, .-'nd tli,- per.,,us wi,,, wen lng wen ant wining to '.ill; aboul lt. then- w g * -i .ur ',* irv f* - i* the il- tu;, - over tta joint leis,- of th- Oregon Ballway .-md \ . : roperty wll] In a short time ral (|tiirrel I nd the d issli ei* the ! simply that t! Is ceiuM b" ? A t??? I inbordlnate of a nea in L, pri v' n ' nf Vlee-PrMtdent Ives, * ?? j*,in' * ,'* :l ?? ' -? T'? FORCE TIIK LACKAWANNA TO THF. MALL ?'*"!.i v I ues, following I the Trunk Hon ' to-morrow tn rr Ri ? . Lilt lt ll long. Ti.* rv * ? . ? . ?* . Larkas I ri?" ll -? ??"?:,? ir rn * I sanna, flo m 1 ? Iii' road "> cooperate wp! - - trunk !ln--s In malnt-i'nlng r, mts. Th" trunk Ines are iinlt.,1 In their determination to foreo tho Lack? awanna to the wail, and any farther ndnetton In rule., which !- nol n' ali Improbable, wm be made si ci-. ?;'i ?_ ti.*-..- the more speedily hi remed ? . in toe immlgraiit bu MI8CELLABE0CB RAILWAY IMTBLUGBBCB t Mit I - UtM snd - h.i* been bena *-"-, .York. Th" claim ls fnr ( I BLI.I .-* * il,_,.T-"e BM I" ? I : thai the sale ? ? borlzi 1 ie- tl , hi e.-r* weil ? Ihfl coiripsnv In th! Chh -?*.*' MotoM sits nil Ct anty Dlstrl ? I on ' '. ?-.. Chicago, Hurling " dam :-e ef -he ri* * lining in each Mlty for wllfti , . ttera, tone against Th" ney-General and another livtltio is claim !h.T - in fal] ferne ind efl i thstand The Burlington ami Nonhwi -le-rn i* a 1* alli undoo -? quern i..ui will to- tf,.* . ?'? irtoi betwea ito - ? , the Duluth and Iron - * - mirth, nre ?? ore train* running * ....... ?',- nit * '? i ."1 *.i noni* if UM ind 8 '.r..'.- Bailwaj I oapanj : ?!,-? Ia-'-na!):???! aad nml -?!-. ol boals f" . fi - ?mn 1 * ?i-i Th 'nias, i; - . of Cinda ? Niagara " I -Th* BuSl ..f th* differ ?! -. The feUowins I _ H. Dai . iflk A* ,*, xv. p.. Rosen trit. i I. , - * Lake S I* Boutten : T- I). in, nf the eran l 'i rank : I Nlekel .x. reUows, of ti,<* Western Bee i---'-- am' Pennsylnnto, snd ? ." Betas, wm'-* i tra -n, i Ogd ie- targ- G ll I lilli.1- * m. Al e ? 'if th-- re-pro a in.itiv.-s nf il,- nile r lines Interest, I ll - * taps ol anv kind and to I subj- ! te, tie* Mil "f Ua 'hair I,, MBA dur liter. , * Cofll shippen hen wy ml in.eiiihs hartiiy a carl..rte! of Beech < .k i,**r her* oi st New-York. ? mi ths Pi ni , , i: Ulroad lia* a\ ?-.ri fur Iii-- MM ??! this year, a'l ! ? :::??!,'. TM i i nil Ball read ia i- buy as - I.a.i vear itu- Nil I UM "f in-- Peeek of seal rn *. .h. I the R The Phllad Iphli sad my I* i ie* mpoa ; - ' Bnak Uvtstea sis toevteM mils e. . 0( til" ll.--: lt lille- , . laesd wiih 7i> p-lUIl *. ? TO CBAWBB TEM sri:VET CAM NATL*. ks ? a- Mayor ii Hom hts vacation lt i- aaden -to change pnseal eeati * rtnel run- for a rmi ? iii i,ot -o s.-iuuidv toterfers with othi i- tba pm ioi "ii" and thal ll fl'*.? 1"' th" ?if -o niue', um ????! - arv noise, Mr. lt? ? wirr bas BaaltaUoa with Corporation cou:.-, i Beek man on ibo sut.j.*. i and although the Lei i failed to pass an act applicable to the * , dall ed, li i- Ihoaghl that enough law can be found on ti,,- statute booka t<> nt yal tba the inauge. The flr-t. attempi win i?* made upon the Broadway road. il, it win h.- followed np throughout the city. .1 -?" r",i: pr kl BVBTRURD et of Iha Peace ? toft t Beynon*, wu,, has an ..Hie-,- In -.e.,rn,I st, and ll'.es in (, alden s t., Hoboken. ? -. gaea aarriaa. i In his day. Oa I i" -olSj Sl| ' -,;..,.,.- f.I .. , startled by a loud ring of his front door bell. IL- an person aad v.** eonfronted by ? handBOMa young woasaa aad Inqnlnd wk i -ml iha w.iiii-il h. |?* married al - ?? ur .. k <u when her future husband wa I lbs would jn, and bring hun If the ju-ti. v "Hid i -.m.ii ntomad wllh a atom t hina nian. about v _p_t __f___t rn taeed to j,, *, them, hn maui antoaaltos aeeaaaded nun, ? id the] a -ie* sap] | la the hoads ..( mati i 1 hen name, wan BlaMhe lindley and Cherie lh? eoii|,i,- nalA tl,ey were from .New-Mllfoul, o__ Chaelag wm the proprietor of a U-indry tiara. CHINESE ASD FISHERIES. the ri-oiiiiirrioN hill ."assed without a DIVISION. MR. EV ARTS IX OPI'OSITIOV TO TIIE TREATY WITH C.XNAD.l ?f-rxiOCRATIC BACKING ANI' FlLLINd?TIM-'. I m.Xl IN ION *.S TFASIN'C, pROrF.sS Washington, Aug. 8.?In Hm tania to-day Mr. Ota wan ni*.m.I tba! tli- regnlni bastneai >n tlie enlssaflBg) Vie laid asi.le nnd the Cluriose l*rohii)ition bill bo tnkan up. Agreed to?, IO; nays, | Senators Hern*. Cnke and Jon. s al Arkansaa.) The bm wns thea paased without a li* ision. It, proxide? thnt from nnd altar the dato of the exchange of ra ti fi om ions of the pend? ine treaty t>etwo,-n the United States ol America sad His Impe rial Miijestv tin Emperor of China siimofi (,n th,- tw-.-iftii dov ol Haren, 1MB, it sh.ill i"- anl.'ixvftil for any Chinese ;>crson, whether a subject of ''luna or any other power, to enter the I'nited States, except as in this bill prov,dod. ""Iiinese officials, tracheis. students, merchant.; or travellers for pleasure ?r euries-iy ahnll bs **> mltt<ed to enter tho United States, but. in order to entitle tbetnselrei to do so, they shu!! faa! oi.uim tin permission of the Chinese Gnvetnasenl or mBmb fiOTSIIlBMIIt of whicb tiiey may at tbe tune be Bfl or subjeeta Bnah [>erniis*iou and also their personal identity shall in such eSBB he rvideneed by a tasMfloeto io Le made out by t-io diplomatic representative of the United States In the country, or of the consular representative of tlie United States in the country, or of the con? sular representative at lbs port, or place from which the person na mr fl! therein cornea. Th.* words " Chinese lube,refs." -whenever used in tin's aot, shill be eonstrned ta mena both s'ciiie.l and unskilled laboren nnd Chinese em? ployed in mining, From and iift-*r the passage of th" act, no ('huies.- laborer in the United E iball be permitted, after having i>*ft, to return thento unless be 1 ta a lawful wife, child or parent in tbe United, or property therein i ' tbe rah.i one l Ilka amount, .lue him and pen lina nt. Th ? Chineae laborer possessing the requisite.rtiflcato shall i?* admitted to the United States only ur tbe port, fron> whicb be departed therefrom, and no Chin se pern * i plomatic or consular offloen and their attendants, si ter th*- United 5 oo, Portland, Ol Boston, New-Yi rk, Bew-Oi . Townsend, or such other poi ated by the Secreter] ol tin- Treasury. Chineae person, or person ol Cl nt, funn.i unlawfully in tin- r or Ita territories, mny be arrested upon a war? rant Inned upon a complaint under oath, ti any parti- .,n behalf of the United States, and when '?? ?:? lated upon a hen if* und to ii,* one not lawfully entitled to r.-miiii in iIn* L'niti . -? * icb person shall be removed from the i intry wh nea l** came. THC TARIFF I.XXV AND TIIF MUXB Ttl IX. Mr. Sherman, trom tin- Cnmmittee ob Pinance, ted hack the concurrent resolution to print I"".1.*xtra copin of tbe tariff law of and tl ins recenl i arith a comparal u* to be prepared by the C immittee of Ways and Means. Adopt d. MB. BVABXI OB TBB li SH Fill Fi. TBEATT. The Senate theo proceeded t>, ti." consideration - henty In open ? mid xx-as sddreeatd bp Mr. Evaits ia to its ratification, lu hw opening remarks Mr. E Hts spoke of the treaty as being a Incongruous the inst, position of th.* two COuntriM and with tho attitude to be anlntoined between them. Discussing the pointe m I whether it waa the duty of the Senate to give Ita aid in bettering, in modifying, In amending a so-called faulty tr?nt x-. he admitted that it was undoubtedly true that lt had come to be s habH of the Senate t<> do c..: bul said thal the amend tnento to thia treaty would go, bo t" speak, back ward. They would aot be b change of this or purpose, or of thia or that danae. Aa lo the rejection of the treaty leading to umbrage or collisions, or retaliations, or war, he sui.i be hud not heard a brillh above a whisper from ethe United Kingdom, or any of its depart] In power nnd authority, that ;i rejection ot th* treaty would be oaaM tor nmbcage. And the near* "st of anything in thc snape of a definite Stal - ;?? of tin- country ob that point wis the reported reply of th - I ry of State to a question ns I I xvluit would follow the rejection ot tbs treaty?that then chaos would come agata ATTITUDE 0_, T--F _f___-(u__iA_Y. Roferrng to the debate od the treaty, Ee s,?id that on the Democratic side lt bad beeB redolent with the cdor of de-nationality, no! of nationality and be ssked is it true that otu enemiea are in our own household' Ls it Tru* u.-nts and lUostzationa which would aol be srbisi above the breath in an English Parlinmen* are eaaily slipped trom th * iguu anel rolb I, - i pleasant morsel under the tongue? Ti. mos! noticeable circumstance in th-* debate xvas, be s.i *!. the position .et' the Dem eratic It sh iw'il b geographical division an well a* a political division. It wns thal fact which m* sr, attracted the attem on ol the Ameri? can people, and that would mosl attract the at? tention of the people of Greai Britain. But it would not tri fhten the people of this oountr would re the peopl <? ot Greai Bril Th,- people of Great I.rii.un knew perfectly well that when tin- patriotism of the Amei waa touche I. t"*.*-'* waa bul one response fr tn the h.?arts of th" people si large. Whatet ?? haterer perturbation might be efl *cted by | political adhesion or by part] o messily, the people in their plenary capacity would Judge foe United Stotts and nol argue for England. CANADA'S WOBXTHrO PBOCESS. Mr. Evarts xvent un to dHwfi Bt great length and xvith much particularity, the details of the treaty and the whole history of ths fisheries con? troversy. H.* declared thal tb system of " worry mg" was always brough! Into play by Canada whenever the United States asserted Ita '? rights aud Canada SSSerted i:s contravention, m order to bring the United Btates I a depaitnaa freim the Ashing interests tte the Mading and merdai interests; and that tbe United Statai hud thus been worried Into the reciprocity arrange? ment in 1864. li * at every Mage when ? . liominion of Canada hud n' lertaken to en ? headlands * lir-itish i .ovi-rtimi-nr bad declined ta sustain it. Canada, be saul, hud pr'*...!>*.! on the philoso? phy of lludibm, " Nut bj toroa of carnal reason, but of indefatigabl W'luit Canada had - Leen ai'r.-r xvus reciprocity and s market. He ridiculed the Idea of reciprocity be markel of tbe United Stat* n .uni the stinted consumption of Canada; anel waa i.-l by Mr Gray that under tbe reciprocity treaty .*f IBM iii" halanc ol trad ? ?; been on th.* -ville ..f tbe Uoited States?thnt ls, tha! th** rintel m.I** io)d mon* to Ca I an it had bought trom ?'alinda. Ile -.*. i i Mr. Worran whether lie alaq thought thal the United Sr ites had been worried int i the treat] of 1871, as a nit,'thin of 1SC4, and in- said ha was Just ."iii-* to ? n that question \t tins point, however, on th" suggestion if Mr. Prye that the- day waa beet anel that the Senator bad now been speaking mer taro lcur*-. Mr. Evarts Miring, and postponed tl"' remainder of till t. mor ? The Fishery treaty haling Ix-'-n laid aside and iiive hu.-In,*?-... taken ap, Mr. Edmunds mated that In view of the extreme beat the pnb li** bualneaa would h.* better attended to by sn ad? journment tlan by continuing in st salon Ths suggestion met xvith genera] approval, and utter a few mh-utsB* secrel sestion for executive bnst !-? ss, th,- Bennie at :; p. bl adjourned. A BLOW AT TIIK MAB COf-LBOB Washlnirton, Aug -..-Secretary Whitney has ad? dressed a tetter to Cantala A. T M.ihan. at rti \\ ir College, Bs a pta t, k. L, aaasa ,iat.* of I 1, In which he says: In view of che irr>at scarcity of attirorn f..r Batten taff, tan DflpssasM?1 aaa re-quom thai, thc seam ?f tin* xv?r ( ,,U.--r bo limited iii 'lue.* 'r.'iitli*, begBMBSf Aiu-'is- .1 !-t till! to l?*U-d with _ti'h limitations. In view ,ef nie tam vtitt durum u* Um yan * ?? r*- !-?*? ibm sn *\rttnn ut two l"i-Hir.*a p"r dav w re 1* ludiii.' h-iunl-T and Sunday the !,.p-uinieti: feel* that g i--r--*t aiuehliig U' the euri**) wtll nut bo Impaired by con deu-iiiR thc ,'ourie lute a *th<,:'i-T period The rotary, lo Kinalung of the subject to-day, sstd: " I have favored the War College tn eamh ot my annual reports, but I do not uow deem tho pma_.t arrangement. w|?e or sensible and I have not seen any! other person undera ta mil nu tho matter who does." flOVERNOR S l-U.WD PARK Washington. Aug I Tho BanSB foliar deba'od Mr., Springer"* bill tr. ?)K,ll?h (rust* and '.lie Vi--*n<*h spoho'l'-ni asMM ??'? ir* DaBaMaap MB, MH MB no s<ti?n M litosr. 'm Ball I of Mr Cox, of New-Tork. (he bill waa [ctititod granting porml-tufon to ihe Vnrx Cami i ti BatttTot* City u, Majaaaa and beautify liovenwr'a Uland <n connection wtth t paMM park to be laid out on Mid Island. ? ?? HF AFT FAILURE IX TRENTON. 9BBB taylor A to. MMPBBB rcsiXM..?bisas moos sprcri atiov i fads to Trenton, Aug. I (Special). -The firm of John Taylofl A Co.. the leading pork packers in New Jersey, sm* pended bu. Ines lo,! v MSBSMaaS s^eculatlona lit Now York and Chicago and tho depression In the wool marhet precipitated tba failure. The liabilities amnunS OOO, aad tha .km ssBbbsssi Bk ? WEBpt COO. Th" principal er-dltors ar" the banks of Tr-in ton. fA*\tOO', Mayor A. Masowan, of Trenton, iM-.ixhi: Ferdinand BasBMBg, fiH.OOO; TI.,,mas B. Taylor, 821.000; William IL B. Kirra. fr,.00O; Vant ' ump A Worthington. PIO^BOOj and ex-.' i?.-,.ix.'i). lie banks aro fully **>?* cui-e.l as aro also Major Marowan and tho oiher lea/t? ing creditor-*. E.x State Senator John Taylor, th* 1-* id of tho Arm, has stripped himself of SVSff doll ak to protect the Sllldllms Thomas I:. T.tylor. 1.18 brother, has :-eoe|vod tho deed of IN hSaBMBS] Staf?M st. liome, and Mr. F.f^LMnir Taylor Opera House stock shares for Hie sum du" h'm. The osily heavy Iov*8 | x*ill be Mr. Taylor hlmse'f. III*, friends, however, j have rallied around him, and Aa crediton who m**o8 I to-mon-o-.v win prob.ibly arrange mailors sn (hat ho) I may continue business. II" has heen prnmlnonl | politically and socially nn well an In trade and h's dea'H leonid noi Imo produced a more profound BOBSSlSSBI than hi- finunriai eoBapsa, Bs 'j- i ci I sea aral im-i I portent offi.-'-i b, sid,* ti,af of Stole Seaator, nr,'. i,j once or twice declined the Republican nominstlon foti * Br. Taylor Opera BOOM, -"f which h" ls fha principal owner, a neaw! after him. ?and i>* is finnie the new * aa. Ba 18 al-,, li- ? ' Pottery Company, which miy t* ' - I I.*. -.ears ngn,m wtBlng to L'*.in i again at the bottom ol * UART. cw. ? ?? mtth. Cnutaln oijVe,- Smith, who Bled Bl Bo. t>.t,ti vt*nf I?'?? it, on Tue.,:, ? ora la Keanohaafc* ' ty S3, IT*.*-. Af thar time Kenn*-* ? ?I i ran an evea race a I ti.i ia. trade, and caj * Bas > ?w<*n* ai.d his voyacu . Paeifle atid latterly la the cu ion. trad * from, leans to Bea Y..-!:. ; vears h<* never lo-i a ??* with any sertoM seeldent, bul hi- qn ; , i 1 thi I '. LawnaM boai .'? ?- ia eight and a quarter dav.. After I I tba : ,? Wellesley Bill < Ul I o', hi- ?? IL* 'i ? * liven with hi- -*. i. Hi native . t a BO. --ty CAJflLLB I .E. Camille c. ;.,, :.*? ? .tf hts homo. No. 856 Wt-r iv- Ila ?'if fha >f his pf,- hen. Hi; pan ats i i its. Durlag tbe Ont ts ??? ty Bi ?> i biislne- ?? Milla Bayortlag MtabUahmenl. Be ih"n became a : broker, hoing tho head of tho Urm of ?'. , ? months a-*" ha WI I gUI lip hil tiiisluoss OB account of the , ::!':, ulty w) ich. finally resulted Ifl h.s death. Bs wis u: * rations and retiring in h!_ dlsposltloa but a bt. man of marked ahlll'y. IL* was much attached to his homo, and had lived for thirty-two years In tt.,. hons.* where his death ocevrred He had sis children. two -'.ns and tour daughters, all ol -.thom are alive. 1*.- two sons, CamlUe ... Jr., n-*'l Pletoi I soelated witl * .... j xviu laka j/'iif.c at the howe t., morrow at :i o'clock. nicnf.r DBMIBABLB vauistiwxebs. From Th- Mil wu A Mllwas rn who has a reputation tar brllllaii'-v. ganeroflity aul getting Ina d*-i.'. and who was In Unsocial ,?tralr?, was ' watted uih.ii it tmn , ai?er. I who salad him a I Ba Masai of mimer \% : replied IMI lt k,,i. ' ? i *ire*ui e.n tho wealthy sMtteaaa rssponded: ?? xv.:;, your evrn-flns have ben worth that ? . i,.v [??*? rant, and church . - *' And he handed th- r],.rsjn?_ _ cheek f"r the -urn which Ua ????????. MARBLED Vtr.lT7.~Vfnnr.-in Tn*-Uv. Au/ri st 7. br tho Rer. E. B K'.irtf, at tho rosulenc* ut th ? lirulo's parents, Mt, Vat non, X. Y., ( harles K. Watti a Sarah E. White. Notitm nr' wuWTmtfU mutt bc ladsrasd Kith fall namd and ad!i M. II ED. BAILEY?In Tiroo_!y_. Taei.lav. Ang-ast 7, ITenry t ftiiilev. axe*1 4 ' vears. I nineth*. Fanerai fr tn h>* Ism rt.-. :??...-?>,03 i'alatlti-st., Thartdsy, An.usl'?. 1 p. m. I;::nEDK*T?At Tarrytown. N. Y.. on XVein-s*1ay, A*g_st s. \*i : -?..-,?. I;,- 'i- :.-t. in ".i* *-?:'i nar it '.,-.* ar*. Funeral hs lat* aaliteMa, 17 West J-:-u.. FrMsr, ai.-mt IO, M il o'cioejk % tu. RoUtiTetan 1 trioud* ars r* ttally Invited. C MWr.LL-iin August n. s' Vy.icH. Ar.n W. wlfeof thn i*t? xviliism f>. I 'romwail, in ti* 7i>th rear of her *?_. K' and I Uanda an ti ! h-r.-aneral at Uar Uta rsudeoM 194 Jonlarnoo.*k, Iiruoklyn, oa raarstay n.'ir: f, Auit*.*- .'. ar Ll Fr?.RV-\t rialnfleM B. J. ah.-u: g QeenaW. Ferry. Fnosral arvin at ins '.ate raaidaaos, rsarsday, Aaumi 8. at l " Ini^r'n'i.r at Panlmrr, .'einn . Frielay, August IO, on antral of 11 ... m. train tro n Sow-Yor'm. FHX"-In aew-Terk C fr nth nsr , ".farr IJ , 'ia.igkar of th* lat* Willara C. aad Marr *v. Pit, of Plan-laid. Ct. Funeral at Plalaflala, **.itu.*-,iAr, lilli ;-i, -Oa Moa.tay, tho 6th, t.lwia B. Grow, la hla 7rtli T'-ar Fun.-nil service* trill la 1 a*'i!s Ino r-t.Innes. "The Grow Heaeataad,** < ; road, I'enii, oa Thursday, the Uta insu. at : i a. m. I ? ?? iTite t. LOCKWOOD?On -.oater. Angn-t ?. l*-is^, ?t Falrrrtw rana. Mohawk. > *t , of earehral Ssa a rna . ',-ii. w;f,',,: HoaerSi l.oefcwasfl Fnn^ra'. ?^rvire^ I' m-. '..iv. at 1 p. rs.. (rota ths rnstdesae'S .it har fat!;* r, lanae Osma, *?*i. Kori Plato SC \'. nOVKAOl?Oa Wsrtasalay. August h. taiuiiUC. I'.onmage in :!:? 69th ' -ar -it h.* ano. Fonont irrvi"*** WlU bs h'i'l at his !st? re*i,?.eT)c?. 4.X1J West 'J-.d *t., on 1'rielar. Hut loth inst., at A jv a. Relatires and friends* mvit. : lu attend withoat further nolica. rio.*se >,m.' ft.iwors. bili*: RM AN? Ia Rrooklvn. es \Vo.lne?.tsy , Anrait fi. JnlU 1 . >h?rman. w:f.?o* John T. -herman and daughter of th* ia'o fiatoraa I'aittin*. Notice mt tMJtOtm uersat* -r. SM ITU?Ai th-* nttdme* ut hi* *on. In this city, at mldniahl of TU) inst.. I Si,', niirer Mu:'.!., aged AO y**r*. 4 montlia iii! IB .lavs . formerly, for forty years sf aci.;r? terrie*, a master ol Main., ships. Garfield >at!onal Pnnk. .n t Y nix. .xogist t, lsss. Ats meeting af ths director* fl! tin* bank h, 1,1 mis t\_y the following minute was plac?tl up, n Ha r-c*rds 1 Almighty Cod hav.nj tuarn fr.isi us our Ung and Mao, elate. Jsnie-8 T.j-ncS. a member of thia board, we place npoa our records tl. is MSnMtefl of oar h:gh MUflMSS of his w:s. dum and intecr.ty. our warm appr,. :ation of ttts parity aod -.minus** of in* lite, our ffrstltade for int services ts ___\ litut. sful our faithfulness to hi* memory. A. C. 1 ii EN FY, Presideot. HENRY D. N'lllITIROP, CsshtBC I Special Xotuet. -"??I Offlco Nolios. Should be read lilly u __ uiUroaad. as ehsaves msy occur st any lime Lstwr*. _>,r f, reign countries need not be spoelaUy aa. dri.-?_ed f ir dis^alth by any particular *team?r, escopi I ssl rad lu teal dnplleaas -( banainc tnd fi}-*. w.i-rMl docni Itl * not upoclslly 8*dilre-_ed b*Ui^ scut t,y Ut- * * - svallablo. ' ll will clOM lia?sal te ?'i na*) 11 this a-tafl ss Mtowai FRIDAY At 18 ?. ni. tor fenirsl Aniort<_ ant s*ata l'ael-r pori*, psr ?teainsi.;. NawporL ru* Atp ia trail lletu-rt teir , .i?t.t Ric.t *'i.i if-aalaiaaia aiat: Ito ti:r,- ?\ ??per -i.wporl"). BATt'l'.i Ll Al flt B. M. tM Norway diio.-t. per HMM ? hip Heiser I'.eimr* mu.i i?t <iir*et*.| "usc tl si 1*1 "|. st 4. o a. 1.1, for I rel in 1, per ?ie.i?nh:p >erria. Vi* ?Vie. ?wuslowu . alters Mr eir-n iiniaia aii-l other Kurnpeaii couutr.e* mutt un .lirocto-t -per _*r ru" , ii I Si' a. si. (or tsfsa fer ivaamtar Kielrr. via Houthanii,ioo aod Ure usu ??ttars for ir*, laud mutt be .lire.ile.l "par l'.idrr ' >. st *A0 *. m. tot Frsaoo direct psr siotmsiiip Li Nor.uaad.e. ?U Harri i.etieit uiusl bo itir*_<*i.-.i "pm Ia N?|man1 ? ' ai I au a. m. tm hosllsart u rest, par *i**m*h,s Elhtoius, vis Glasgow natters most be .liiveisd "psr l.thiop a"1. at I ao a. uu for iu? .N*ta*n*s<l-. na l'.-tlerdam. soc lUlUirdaai v ollort luutt to dirsclwl ?? per Koti.rtla a '1 SW LAY -At a ;i flt fer .'os:* Rica, ri* Limsu. p?r st***.. slap I'oxlisU, .'rsm New ur,san*. Malls for the Hawaiian, per t'oamshls A usu alts f rena --?tn Kr-n - . .ero AUfust "S at 1 p. m. Ma. s for 1 a,nt sud Japan, p*r ?loamstalp Arabic itroia S*a Frau, inti, clo** uer* August -li, si 1 0. m. Mal's for Aiuira.ia, Ns*/.salami. Hawaiian. V\)i sod BSMSaa Islau.l*. par *teaaietti.;> Alam-la Ur.iiu Man l'r?n.-i?.-o) clo** bsr* Aug *l). at ? .lop. iu. (or on arrival si New! York ot ?leaniship Aurania, willi Hr, mau* for tat. Maila IXtr tun .Society i*t*_il_. per snip Tahiti (from Sau Kran.-laooi. clot* nero Ai-'ist *!J.X at j p.m. -etuis tor 1'11 na hr ra.I lo Tampa, **la.. and ttisss* by tUaiusr. rm key Wat, Fis., til**** st Una * la..* st B_M *. m 'The t.-nstlai* of closing of Trans-PaaSc malls ls srraa__r*t *nt_*prt,?u!*p_,,mof ta?ir a t:al*rraat*l or.claad iraaVia to asa rrsuaitco. Ust.t fra-u tu* Bat t-r rUU ?? n^r^.* sss U* day ot ssiUn* ?( taaei mr* 4Uo*i_-___ Hisses the tams dsy. 'w*"' H'-NRY U. I'laRSilN e-a_-.__._ Pnt oaaa, Xaw-Yws. __i_<a*t I, ___****** *********