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PHILOSOPHIC THEISM. DR. MARTIN EAI S DEFENCE OF IT. A STUDY OF BBUOIOB. Hy James Martlneau. IL D-. LL D. Imo volumes. ,-vi,., np. XX-iii: vi?410. Macmillan A-i'ci. Everything tlint Dr. Murtinonu xvritcs is in? teresting nnd eminently readable, whether ctm vincing or olhorxvisc. lie baa a chin rn iii'-*, stylo. n brilliant imagination, n racy humor, ii vein sf poetry xvhieh MSSahSS nil bis higher thoughts willi grace, nnd nn liadlUoa xvliiob (rives solidity to bis reflections nnd soi-musn, ss if "<>t BBlltolllJ to bis ..peculations. On Hie descending slope of a long and act ixe hfo devoted to the r.iiilorcomeril. of ii liberulism in religion xvhieh to many munis hus proved a graver defection than Latitudinnrliiuisin of the most pronounced kind, as it used to be understood.-ho has undertaken the formal de fence of philosophical theism in ihesc luindsome and portly volumes. For such a work his former concessions have to some extent impaired his capacity. He bas ranged himself xvith the think? ers who occupy the fronticf linc so long that his intellectual habits have become astM-gad from the old lines of reasoning, and he clearly linda the orgumonts which he is often obliged io employ unfamiliar and BWkwaid Having yielded so much to the _iitgeist in the past, however, it is difficult for him to establish anyxvhere a solid foundation for his thesis. Tlie main evidences of theism are rejected as peremp toriiy by him ns by thc Agnostics: yet he is re solx-cd upon demonstrating metaphysically that which he has already gone so far toward renounc? ing. He is however, assisted in this arduous en? terprise ly the optimism of his temperament nnd by the vlfOf of his ideality, which contiiiiinliv bridges chasms in his letta with tk* most picturesque and .seductive nssuniptions and coti j.-etures. To say truth. Dr. Murtincau ll BOB B lirsi-rate reasoner. He is too emotional nnd im? pulsive. He is too intuitional. Now intuition may Ik* really the sal.-st irtnde. but no cue ian . demons: rut.* M much bx iii" waa OM. and whoever elects rational Methods in dealing with s question must e\|>"'i to ba gauged by those methods. Ia arguing from the phenomena of consciouiness, moreover. Hr. Mart inonu adduces personal CXpe rienoe of so singular a character us to Interfere xvith thc effect of bis rifdaetiOBS bv slickest in?,' llie bcnrilderinf doubt wbelber his mental pracesses are the sasaa as Ihosa of oilier hnman beings, Il is curious, too. that while be ridicules thoM i>hi loaophen who have endeavored to analyse the ?st.-ps of infant consciousness Ly observing tbe tnnvimellis of vi-ry young children, hn dow aol le aitatc himself te, dogmatise apoo this yen- point; l.:\ lag it down us niiit'e-r of demonstration, for ex* smpls, that the perocptioB of bb external world lu-t axis i in sssociatioB arith the sense i f external raaJatnaee to <ur will: a proposition which seems io involve ;i quite Incredible psychologic appro lu nsion on the i arl ol habit a The eloquent Dod :? .. tt tua altogether escape tho fallacy whloh underli -aall mi I namely, thc endeavors to explain the Inexplicable by In? vention .*> terminology which swarms with uu thlaki ? .lutes. When he Mys tha! the me Will operates by "planting out force," for example, it ls clear thal no intelligible idea corresponds to this,* words. Winn the human Blind b .ins to posits or to il.ui-. it is positing, , peral ? nd the sphere of ifs nw a ? p ti's and experiences, .-.!1 it r:u <!.. is t.. darken counsel by words without knowledge. With the teleol .... ul nrgumcnl Di M bettor, and for ene 1 ason, because tbe evi i.iii i lave laid themselves '?!?? ? atl k by strain? ing Darwin, evidences unduli in some dim lu treating ,*i the origin and meaning ol evil il is not surprising thal , ven so acute and intrepid a thinker i* ? I in cont radii i oi s, 'l be attempt io reconcile thc exist ncc .*i evil with tha supremacy of a power which does nol will ? \'il has invariably failed, and Ihe latcsl _us ti," usual outcome. The one way of meeting this problem seems i" bc through thc hypothesis thal tho ultimate purpose ol inc Supreme Will livy vindicate whal app ara l> our finite intel ? inequitable, orucl, or wanton. No other consideration caa meei the obvious fa.-t .thal all i . . i whei ..i every h * d . ililli,-ii-ii. aro ui nature, and consequently musi have lulu pul there designedly by thc power ol which nature ,s ihe mani!, st ii ion. Ju the chapter on " Death In its Physiological Ar peet," Dr. Martineau Appears to argue tur ino loosely. Speaking of thc future ol animals, be rca ll; * ? b unions thc hi pc of nnol her ex? istence ior man ia bis apporem haste to d his unhelj >1 Iii onj thing ol the kind for th whlcli, fr in the standlni i . physiology, ure practically o:i _ level with man. Il<- Mys here: ** This impression, thai separate being is bul s Iransicnl ripple on :< uni xcr.-.;.l deep, gains strengl li from thc wide sweep of ibo law ol mortality. Were it a hum ii ? ? it might perhaps admit ol mon constructions I han ? ? ? oil be? the brilliant pow* rs lt threaten *l to engulf. Du! il,io, - h., ],-ss u'l , . ; and even ;.il p!ii!its; nnd as no one in om time x\*:ll claim an unseen survivomhip fe>:' these, it lt lions Mut xvc must either relinquish it lor mun i or els,- .ith.'in thal death, in spite of it* similar aspect ;*t:.i contents, is aol on and thc umic event to all, bul nader apnarenl Idenl ty conceals ,, diffmnoe truly infinite." I i' ss of th's c. !_s).ts in the wholly unpbil isophici] implication that boca ass " in onr * * weald think of elaimiag s futun life for animals, therefore sneh a el im caa have no status. Bul it is wane Ibas unphilaaonhical; ll happens to be untrue As -., fuel, mote, than half the present population ol the earth hold thnt there is a futun life for BBimala no less than f<,_ men. Beyond question Dr. Ma rt i mn u is righi in saying thal th.* duna) of :t future to animals adda enormously t.> tia* difliciilty ot claimm;* it for mun. We mighl po even furn,cr thaa thia,i,,n. But the truth is t.'.-it haman vanity hus obseoted human ?aaaoa oa thia point To _ay thal are bave anj rial kaewladfe al animals whieh cnn justify ns in roii'luding the rphemeralltf of their exist ne... js an ni,use of htagasge, lor aa such knowledge actually exists If. again, an attemp! is ms li lo determine the issue l,\- nfenaoe to il,.' psychi ?cal evolution of mea snd tha apparent purely I''iv-i?*al life af animals, we ar- :ii otic.* confronted with the abseoes ol tbe psychical elemenl in a large pereeatege of haman avagas, and ihe general synchronism of tiu-ir lives with those of tha biasts. I); Ma:-! lilian would BO! admit the future i?is-;i,ilnies jn tin ,?.,-? m man depended upon tin* extent of his paychieal development, probably: I,ut il,rn ne ms the only direction in Whieh his Um .,) reasoning euri fairly bc extended, nnd it may ev, ti lt.* thou: hi hy selie- tl,al the citi tions wi,ich he nude from Mr. Fiske tends thnl way; a way, be it Mid, which lue late VV. It Grey did*not hesitate to follow to ita logical terminus. The author's defence <>f Ftrt Will, whlcli, per* haps. O-feriag un iie-.v iii, a-, j-, a forcible j tiiii.ii "f til*- nin.-t oograt arguments i * I Dctermini.m. and the analysis <*f John Stuart Mill's positions is particularly keen and pene? trating. The eanoludins chaptera an Lill <>f an almost pc tn; optimism, and iii.- Informing ideas are noi leas elevated aad encouraging than UmiIi iumiibbIibi is beaatiful While the boc -ssnriMis will i'f coane objee! ta the dsdaltiona given by Dr. Martin,-;: i and refuse to neo._iu.--o the vi'.lidiiy of bis pustulates, those who hold i" th.- virtual freedom of human volition will find much to gratify and eeofirm their views in these \ ol, inns: and their \ allic oeccivsariiinism m UM be enhanoed by tho reflection that their Bather's pu d Lotions ar<- in many respects in harmony arith tha evolutionary philos? ophy than with tba bj -toms nt thought whoM Central pinion he lure defends with great ability. 1siiF. book OP open-a ir. spouts" ectav*, KO ittge*. llliiniraied. ii.e standard autborl Aniencill e,J*,-Il air 4lll,,?077ie>e! - l'.ll-es for (t-lill?. f'tlil. Bilbie, ball iilsyiliC, shooting liei.-M i.aik riding, ile, BU,, ju full, sf i?or .jiy Published bj 'lie Tribune, flew York- Eetertaluliiii and universally co__.ll_u.-Uid bi lbs Bress. _\*ct_ Publications. NtTTiNQ?CROCHET. - TRIBUNE EXTRA NO. Bl. IE LATEST NUMBER OF THIS POPULAR SERIES OF ILU/STRATKD MANUALS roR HOME WORKERS PRICE 25 CENTl ADDRESS {THE TRIBUNB. NEW-TORK. JiiGtmction. For Bovs and Younp Men?City. H. MORSE'S BcBael fer Bera, 423 M_dison-sve; . (near ei'.itli-si... Reopens Sept 87. L'ntil Kept. 18 l 1-e-s I*..t'lii. **i i-s_ I RKPAEATION lor Fall Collose Examinations. Sum mer Scallion WOODBRIDGE SCHOOL, begins Aacasl i. S'J East llth-St. _ 10BOOLOP PKHPARATION FOR I'.l'SlM'.ss ANO COLLEGE, 64 XVEST r.TTli ST.. NF.xV-YnEK. A Dsy sal Boaidlaf-Beheel fer Bejra ll, .xv in. I BCHERMERHOBW. PRINITY B< i!'...L, 1,617 Broadway.?Founded 1708. 1 Rev R Holden, Rector. Un_*i Trustees al Pro!. iptR. Fulilie* Behool Ht. Rev. Bishop l'e.tter, Prtjs't. .*. or business. Por (???? t*:icnce* apply , Bee'y. Paying pupils received. Further particulars behool. '!'? rv, begins S-.-pt. 5. _< 'NIVK.RSITY liiUMMXIl BCHOOL, 1.473 Broadway. J nctr 42d-_t- ; 51st vear. Primary, commercial and ttsiesl -apartments: Instruction thorough M. M. oniiY. xv. L. AKIN. M. c. HKBDRICKBOB, Prina. For Younp Ladies?City. t -JACKSON si? M ina LY. 2.0_.X, n. c cor. V. l-.-'ih st.- Classics! Boarding "nd Day -School tor nuns Ladles uni i hildran. Pupils Sited tot eoUege. ., training' BuUdlna detached: inri", airy. B.-.u-ds itensive, well shsded. Pi '?--". "f elocution, Mary E . rijr. Boarders, .;. 0 j ai J '-? I yeai begins Sept. 80. ?1 ISSICAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 1901 Msdlnon-aye., toi all colleges open t*. omen; tie-e com] itlon herc admlttc-i to ,*--,i,'-;-*v without furthei .Inst! ?.. Primary sod al ?* " - foi '. Iii'" pupils moriernie. - Oct l. Mi'* -s"11!. sod Hiss Barnes, l'rincipsis. ta ISSE8 A. AND M. PALCONER PERROTS Biri* ll School. Removed t" spacious house. 841 i***_h ni New-Terk. Tenth rest begins september 27. (.?arding pupUs $.000 per jeer. ___ ll 1SS PEBBLES AND MISS THOMPSON'S " b< hool rou o:r.!... S2 nnl 31 Eas'. 5;th-Pt., New-York. Aaoretis until Sept. Ut, tale ot J. KENN EDT TOD A Xi . Bsnkcrs, 03 x.Xilllaro-?t., N. V. _ i ILL AH! SR "S BCHOOL K'Ul YOUNG LADIES, 61 Wesi Fifty-serond-st REOI'FNS OCT. 6, CIRCULARS. [SB CHISHOLM'S S.CPOOL FOR GIRLA 15 Essi ?-,.*,.).-?'?.. Bew-Teifc. xviu reopen -.-_.--__-? 26. IL rt* classes. IBBi JAUDON'S SCHOOL FOR '-ll'.L.S. Dis Mad ,n-sv. XVi reopen MONDAY, OCTOBER I-' Mm ? ' ?'.?Mv. GIOVANNINI, :' :iL' fsmily -i ho. i foi ? ? . . r English h. 103 nist-st _ It HI MISSF.8 XVREAKS'S BOARDING ANU DAT SCHOOL for girls, it: Ba l OSth -c. reopens Oct 1; ?? itara i'i, application by letter unUl Sept 6. '1*1!!'. COMSTOl*K SCHOOL, 1 NO. ?! ll ST. Ron ri Inc mid D.iv School .' i Youdb Ladles. Reopens Oct. 3 t_l' x X" In chsrsa_ l* AN' NORMAN INSTITl'Tl I in i ISST). KOME V -.M. *, \v SCHOOL Central I'srl ? n Mani \ IN NORM x.N. PrineipaL Fer Bot';. Sexes?City. 4 -CIRCT'LA RB OP (.000 SCHOOLS FREE. ,'.. Btste whet er for dots or girls and locality preferred*, I IV AVERT. An.'-:i-a_ Schc-_1 Bureau. 2 W. l-fi-. t-.N. Y. \i i.i l l. -, |(s i ?? in k, , Hy im I i-oi .?lt:, ? ni.?!?:! sdi Ml Itl IM CO_ ill ERE, il ! .I-' 17th-m., :?? ? ..* , , i . .?? ? nd Bi i 'I'll: BERLITZ SCH) Ol n* I ANGUAGES, 1 WEST MADISON SQUARE. N. Y. Opes ail b-mice... xl-*- Seaside SuaiSMl Course. Brooklyn. Brooklyn HEIGHTS SEM IN A RT.?This -1st and ... .* tull reopi ;i . ii. ,, c. -- ni "ii appllc itlon. 139 MouUgue-sL, li '-. X'. CHARLES F. XXi'ST. MARV -x. BRIGHAM, _ Principal**. Musical Instruction. t:\TiYTLT.K CONSERVATOR! OP MUSIC. lin Inent -t. eli- rs in ail brai ind irt __.. 1 all ? ' ? - --??;' * . I. Bend f"r eat* P. A. RE! NORDS, Dita I ". Hoadville, l'J 31 For Both Sexes?Country. VI.LI.C.UK.NY I i ,.!.i. OS Sept, In. 'iiiic A. Ii e mrs -. Preps rs ? b Engineer :. .'. Music. li :, bi ** -. '. ? ? A ii, O. WILLIAMS. !'. .'* . V--*; THE il i i I.-. ?:,:-'. it m Ncw-Yorfc ? i ii,xri*a QUA MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE, Chapp-aua, N. Y Ci'l.AVERACK NX ' * ',?'??'? '-*.... ii R I ? .* i , ir open* _>?*, I lo. bind 1 '? * - RI V. \. IL Li.Ai Iv. A. M., l-:-*-:1-:.'. Cs LINTON LIBERAL INSTITUTE. 16 sp>scla1.sts; * : * I; busim s. ' . * n-iiiin. C. V. l-.XllMi.!., A- M. l-l -..'H*. I ??" Ll "i. N. Y. ni. | ,. i ? :.* 1'ITU'J l-li . N. V.- I"' nntli flus .'"i ? . ' Address tbs pal, JAMI S M. ii; GA HMO, l'h. P. n .'.-.. \ - VI IN '.KY, Wi LEIA ORT, PENN, .x thor, 'i*-: iv ?*,:?*. i i ..--*.. .-? ' ? Behool - ; l? I .,? hers ; !!? i . ' li clive I rare fucilltie. lu mu tlc and arl ; *"l'* -; for board, ?-*?ltiii bea t and room; :, -cm ling to stud , pr, - i-.,', ;* rm ol , ' al ilojrue free. 1. J. CHA- , D. D . Preaident J.* x-T c.i'.ii'.Nxvi, ll m iDI ,. , I *u , i- i 1808. For * * , , ut l.v el ?'? ly- I Ll ? .,: bllSl ? ol tu ? on i - - - for 1 Sept *.. 1 *a IU.) V. I). ULAKESLEE .. 1. I,*".:i eowarl) i' -.i xii; Inst!. yeai begins s pi io Superb noa buildings, nenin - , entli men, In? cluding Collegs Preparsi ;.?* and Commei dusle, Art., lit Teacher*; -I Literary Societies; 10 ) ae Lectures such Term; Vin Tull - rmal Classes room, fuel, light, ..isunu.-. 31rj r,u ? ' '? I l? - ? "? ? ipi Ail an.l ?* USS per yea ssnd 1 ? sue. JOB .*. KINO, 1) i).. K'.rt F4waid. N. Y. __ I," i:\nkli.n-. n. x*. Delaware Literary Iiisutute. Tesl a begins Se pl I. - CHARLES II. VERR1LL, iii. 1) , , ,1._*__' HI I TE ha* wide rep tor yon d n. Ladlfr - *:, an 'i,? ut .' I:- ell - ; : - . . ? room for nssi teven contecuttvi \ irs; young men relusetl foi liva ol these ream ii:..iiiii year, U.?gUe REV. Ol e,l-...;. li. WHITNEY. O. D , 1'ietldent. ^l XV.Hi;-, v ilue.L f..r i..ung ladl, . i**i,* ,n. n. I ember 1* 1888 ; tire|iarss for bu li 'il-'., 1 :. ? .... J200 ih-: y. ar. Ben l foi xv. ii . .1 ii m. J. Pi. 'I!..' m;Y . N J, -TIIOB HAN-" I.'.N. I. li , v.. l.-nl , ? ?. mi . ! d le Dr. MeCl e.sll 1 - ' an, sci,ela ship: I.--,/, covets . bul sn a.. 1 * ROCKLAND i OLLEGE, *? N V.o k ON , HP HUDSON, N. I, -. Coll gs foi I., i.<-s. Special teat ino fer -. , ? Sept. 17. Cal ?I XV. ll. HANNIS':! lt, S M , Prli '?5:_01* -MAIM.!' ??* tl INSTITUTE Li both sexeST ? ?"'"- ? : . Penn. Preparatorr. buslreas r g ? i-lustinr. Scientific snd C. .. ttt-rj course" * boys ii it,* nJtl J. HTLIDGE iTali j, .x. m.. Principal. A For Younr: Ladies?Country. T MOUNT liol I LADIES' BEMINART, Tarry N*. If., .ii.?" pays I, i - **-"I yesr. Mnsi* :t;i,i arl oulj estrus. Opeus ?s- pt. 2,,. IWBT. i. FLACK, A. M., PrineipaL OAQUET INSTI1 hon 1! . N. J. as English. 1 German boardlna sad dar safcaal Prims v. Interm. ea:,- and coU-niam c* partru. ..-.-. Earl* n; , , rabis HARRIET B. BAgUET. Principal. |> ETIILi 111 M PENN ll -',* ;,'i,*,ip,. ;, " , .. -LS school tor girls Twentieth \- ,, . i WALSH. Prtnclpal. .*. ? Cha hp! na location on iha Dela wara. Healthful . l ' . rlsilau. .*- ., i In musle a : . i ., in. i - sod i.. *. .s . se , *>. *: ' il.lW i ft , ? Ct .,*! -m., -, ?? i C - i| -. i. ' Ladles, . la Co.. N. Y. ??, - - s. uteinUr (.. C. \V ll AX*- i.l.V A. si |-rl?.l,:,l COLLEGIATE s IIOOI, KOR ..lill K, I N'GLEWOOU, .N. J !-. ?.(,-.-,s ;--|,* ? n.e .-r -.'ii, Prepurailon foi ",l ), is :, speeelaltj Pu .1 - adi iltb l ti V i-x*. Wi ani Smith .ii ..ui ti ii il .i'?. AHALINliXV STERLING ' ARoJ INE M. Gi Rill -ll, A ll. t'LASM, AL AND HOM! INI ' Poughkeepsie, N \ Prep'-i foung Ladles for < ollaga . with howe ? n foi is and stn il are. Miss SARAH V. ll l.i ll.Ill iriit-lpal. DARLINGTON BEMINART, for roana I i hester, 1,1 ? ,'. 17 . heall b , ? ,'.''!'ii local. .ii : nil !*: . - * ir. Foi - ii idlreaa ll. I) xiii.IN'- I* IN Ph D . I' DREW I.AH1F.-' SEMINARY Cai -Sd J-esr opens .' p ? in'' i 12 H'S'*. >, h*. Sllkl t" U*d ( Leular. GEO CROBBV h tllTH, A M. P* LM l RA ' "I.i.L',1 f.,,; *.'.?,-; I ... ff, - j advaataa*ei In College, Kcleniilli mil ii en Couraea ol Study; s.s., in Mnsi, and Ait Heated by ttsam, uni furnlthad wun un alssitor. (iian. unu?'i S.,.1 for Cttaloaua Ut 1'ta?AuuU A. Vf. COW LES. LL D.. ELuiLrs. N. Y. Instruction. For Youn? La*i*es?Country. 10LDEN hill SEMINARY, For YOL'NO LADIES, i V ? Hrirl ?,;,-*'-. i . un ll!- k Bring port, u ^ ^ j MU y ^ELgQN, Principal _ | ( I md DAI ?-' .V ! OH GIRLS, " Till ELMS." ' s|iiiii! fl. , i. Mass., Mis Porter, Prtnelpai. Pupils .1 ll l Ui \ assar, Well, Hey ani Smith ,,n DUI c.rtlllcatc. H Dine] method foi ehll brea I IQUGHTON fEMINARY for YocnC LADIES. , Clinton, N. T., offers tm- irpaased advsntsges lu mu?ic. mguagea, aoli ac. - ami art, atirartlve lo laaluaiei. of hlu-h ' ?hool*. I *' -Foi illustrated catalogue a1-1r?-ss _ ; ' AG BENEDICT. A. M._| JJ I0ME INSTITUTE, Tarrtt. v.n. N. Y -A t>,*srdlnB and v, dav school for young . " gr1*; WlO re- i, pen September ia. Miss M. xv Ml TCALF Prinelnat_ i g 1"! 8ATONIC VALLEY INSTITUTE Cornwall ' r Litchfield County- Conn. Boarding school Lei young I i iii'-. Pleasant, healUtmi location; boats comforts and I ..od Instruction. i*.,r tarma sui paru niara tend for dr- ' iiiul- or uldrcs Prlncliinl. MK** C. IL OUIOO, I , h. _' IVY HALL SEX! IN X KY FOR YOUNG LADII.S. I Brldgrton, N. .1 28th var beslna sept. loth. Beal . LantSE'-s a*, niod**,*,te in'***. Mu-tr. Art. Ancient, and Isdern Laaiguag.-. GraouaUBg conn*** Healthful, x Rev. HI'-NKY REEVES. Ph. D-. Prinrlpal. YNDON HALL. * PO CC TI KEEPS I E. N. T. A Girl's School of tho bent cist,*. College Preparatory nd Acadcmlo Courses, Languages, Art, Music. Address . SAMUEL XXiLL.-V BUCK, A. M.. Prinrlpal._ I"! If CLEAN SEMINARY. SIMSRIRY. CONN -Hn-r,e j ll School. Toung Ladles. Beautiful ani healthful io-a- * lon. Three Boura fiom New Tork, Half hour from f lartf-Tfd. Addi.*.** Rev. J B. MCLEAN._ If IBB L* ELIZABETH DANA ' \ ? t Re, pena the Seminary fe.r Young Lalles at Morris "f. ti. New-Jersey, September IS. Thorough instruction i * *! Geiman ; Music ra I Ait. i.inda i i: i*:,* ior recreati,m. Climate ot Morrtstosrn unsur- . .as-,-d Terms: B"ardln?t Pupils, $.',00. Cir'ulara on I ?ll._ ' \f US li C. WILLIAMS' SELECT FAMILY SCHOOL * -!l POR YOUNO LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, Amherst, M:.**-*. From Sept. 12, SS, to Juno 17. 'M. ] sirid for Circular. BS8A Collcgo Advantages ind - Preparation for College. J \f!ss Uti.KL. t H BOARDING ANO LAY SCHOOL f tilter girl*, Tai rytoivn-on-the-llu Ison, will rsi-'pen XVedne* ( :.. Bepieiuttei 11). Adir<-.* by [riler m,.., Septen) OCi 1. i MORAVIAN SEMINAR- I it ITO UNG LA ill ES. lt> ihleln-m. Ps. A century's experience, combined ! sith beal modern methods, aiTords facilities equalled hy \] 'SW ,111,1 exclN-d hy OOM _ -I 0 fy Gi SSIN1NO INSTITUTE, Sine Sinn on the Hudson, New-Tork. Girls an 1 Young Women, 21?t yea- begin* S-pt. 10. lUtiful !"i -ii.,tl,,n. Rest advantai-'c* In Art and Music, ( ! culture Thorough ani sdtan.vd v wink. Academia courae tits tot u"i>g''. i i i ate cou i rei I legra, of A. il. ai ('nlunibia S. M. VAN" VLECK, A M.. ii 1! SHERRARD. ROSIER-! SEMINARY, Stamford. Cann.- Home board? ing school foi miss.- ?nd children. thorough lnstruo non; moth' -*'- -'.i . reop. n ? B . - - Miss A. THURSTON, PrineipaL ._ R VE SEMINARY, RYE NLXV-YOKK.. For par:.cul*:- addreei Mrs. S. J. LIFE. TS at I SK AGNES' SCHOOL ..ll.any. N. V.. und"r the Hon * I in Rei V, C. DOANE. 8. T. D.. LL. O. AdVellt i'e-UP, !.ee*L'|r,- 29, IB88. Vl>t Ce: ST. AGNES SCHOOL. ^_ S, MARY'S HALL Bl RLINGTON, N. J.-The old est . i. ;i ii s* h. ol :u it," countr* - ?? I second s'-honl var on XX', ineaday. S'-pi* 26 I l calal..Juc. Mating t-ri:,-. et,'., aj.;,ly lo M!-s Jl LIA <?? McAI.i principal, Burlington. N. J., or to i' .? Bishop ol 'I* allman Seminary, Paterson, N. J -Cull course. wi:h 1 thorough Instruction* In orer Mualeal al ranuget i bi circulars address Miss m m. Hunt, Prln. rp EMPLE GROVE l.AiUi..--' BEMINABT, Barn *. J Springs, N. Y. Th',* I na Sept. is. a 11: -. < ii x.-. v Dov, Ii pa i). Pres. C. 'Hi I b i:* ? X ill ? I.N i. AN ii DAT . hevii fe,- foi rill reopen Bep-U a.ner 2_, fin Bayard st.. .Ne,* Brunswick, N. J. | j KIN ii", -: VL1 V. J. VU Ll SH ED - - A thorough hom, - .-mg ladlea. Vi;le,i a In an- : i ii nfl In man rer, mind andi I I niture in English, Music, Art and I Jin gu es. v prescribed student* pre? paring for any eolleg H j.''-ni I el li. Foi ere ular nd . ? i il. l: m ii i ..i.i. GlBUONS HUNT WALNUT LANI .-'ll*-*!. l"!',ii i:t,Y MA >> , - | ladles; 'ai i year * pei s September 20 Scad poi li ? ? tor xv- il dey ou our cxamiu itlon I' - ? reulars, lld ID* ? ITU. ! I'-'n ipals, Ms T lt. RICHARDS,] Ot 'ii.r.' wn. Phi:*._ Uti >r WALNUT STREFT BOARDING SCHOOL foi .Tv pens Sept. IS ai. M -- J. TRAU1 M ix.'.', Prln, Ipa). Catalogue on application, s.aoi Wainui*!-, Philad'a, pa. For Hots nnd Yonnc 'Icn-rouiitrT. VU* M r. AND SI ii- ii i, fe 20 r - Il ycart 28th year. 8210- INSTITUTE, Kemi lead, Long 1 -',an L_ \. i.i '.irj u ttrdiog s bool, xviii ?? Pl ? N. 1 ". R WILLIS, A. M. PB. D.. PrineipaL_ I) tiKM VK!l ANU INVALID ROTS f5 i- ' are l f ,i an ! Insti n te ' by nu exp* | in and t<a* her. IV i ' ! DR WILLI AMSON N* . i. ir'.,,ll. Colin. It ETT8 ACADEMT, Biai lo :. Cu, BOth Year. A nlect school fer t _ya PBZPABXI POB COLLEGE AM) r.rsiNESS. Indlrldual training, Physical drill. Grounds larne. im| v-ry attraeUvSt WM. I BETI . M. A (Yul.-), Principal. H5RDENTOXVN (N. J.) MILITARY INSTIT! TL." lawaro, bets '. , *rk mid Iphia. s,,i; I lo .. , ', n i gi -,, x ? irstlon .'.ii.?*.,? m 1 LiL-liei -I.S. X 1 REV. T, ii. l.x.. , . Principal._ HV.Y XNi :-? IL OL VN, L 1 , N. Y. Inc, ipi,mle i - il et the I, ghi M class f'*r boya. En ci so, i ,i-i, kl, ,, i.i.o. lil.i ? . CORT1 i.i or. Prim ti ATIIEDRAL S' HOOL OP BAINT l'A! !.. I . ? ly, L. 1 li* * U'-uij.ii- ed ; thon ti fm li.,--, * . u . lei ,i .... oiii* er. A lire** t 11A ill.: .s _? . iii ''.VANT MOOR , \ li . I! ." .. 1 , . |'AYUDA LAKE M i UTA il Y kt ADI MY*. **_' Al RORA, N- V. i ' .1. WRIGHT, ll. *_, A. BL (? ORNW ALL HEIGHTS SCHOOL T?.en??, .ni yeal ii pins september CO. Address Rev, CARI/).- ll *-|e,M? Cornwall-on-lludson, N. Y- I DR HOLBROOK'S MI LIT ART SCHOOL. Sing, B. Y. Reopens Thur* I.i. ?- l3tB A'.i- * I, a HOLBROOK, Ph. D. _ fi LM WOOD BCHOOL TOR BOTS.-At MlUord, Cona. e l'.i'ei,:- who sra unfortunate In th, managemi I .. do well to wont by the a lt >: ' i 1. Addreaa FRANK M. HOWE Sup't 1.iREEnOLD INSTITUTE Fre,-t.*ll. N. .I-i*,,,ty l.eui-.h vear; fur u, \- aioi rouns m. . Addreaa i:.v a c . ham i'i.i.s. a. M.. PriaelpsL (Ml NVVi "I. i.N.-.l ITI . C.., SN. J.?Fl library ; gymna I Cali I ' I . Prln. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY! Worceatea Ma -., ? yeai beg na S < .j IcsC bcicutltlc, Business, Prlmart Departnienta, jo.--i.iii al:,i n SHAW, i m . Head Ml tn. IR VT IfG INSTITUTE Tarrytown on-Hul?.in, fri un usut4 advantages to paranta se, it instruction rboya Addreaa A. arm agna... Pb. D. Attrsetlr. and coi forts bl, t liding, erected for ike par. . Hoy- have s- , a' ireful phyaleal, intel ual and i il .- D ipi irinc. I' PLEASANT MILITARY A' ai ! I>l \ RELECT BOARDINIi - HOOL I"!'. HOYS ANI) TOUNG MEN AT SING SING d.N ill DSON. ' i.MBER Ll. IS-8 Foi parti, ulan .t i,i iv.: \ n. Principal. Al I M HI.Ll. S BOTS' SI HOOL H i H I'luiilis fi,,tn Boston aol i. miles from Lowell, on the UoseVm snd Lowell IL R. A auictiy . I Fan ? School lol V,-\- in.n, 7 Ui 15 liiiie-siio; fall term conunt-n os i Uibei 1. Send fur cir<:uisr lo M. C. MITOILLL, A. M., l'r.inipal._ MOUNT HOLLY iN. J i \* xl.' iv FOR BOY8. Ih alli ' ... helpful, ,,* iii.*llhe. HENRY M. xv.xi.iiAi,: iU,.), Principal._ ^l '.N N. J., INS! ll i' i E U .- ;?'.') feet), vei t i. en m. v: h. n like it,.. - ' Kie? le., . ig eirili. lilu-triK ? J. Wilt ui, A. M., I ,, Noil'A ALIC. ."NN NORWALK MILITARY INSTI 'i'UTE.? Ti ' training , mo lents -. superior Lu,Idiot , K.V| ?' ' lum: bowTuig ai;..?; i , louse. ff. !-. RU Ul.:'. i s. Prln, lp il. \'\-:xi;' 'll HALL M..rat,an Bosrdlos .si. .- Na * '* ll .pion Co.. l'a. R.-npMit b pt 14th. Il I'.NNsYI,VANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, lil Ls! I I'.. PA 2TTil YEAR ",' . MID.I*. 10. A MILITARY COLLEGE. DEGREES IN IV1L ENGINEERING, ( HLMISTRT, ARI ll: I i.i li kl IND xl'.' S. A I'."" Ugl.lJ , . -I I- ? , us i '? i, hui."lit. .:- ol Mr. GEO. li. STERLING, 52 D' i., City. i "L. i il X.- i. lit A'i i . li* 1? ARK AVENUE INSTITUTE, BRIDGEPOR1 l boyes, vd vant *!.-? - urs-. B Ins si- ll Pul- ill e u. ll - Sd S K. .ie NI S, A. M . Principal. 1> , : i i . in . ii rSTO'A N. N. J i . in ? ? \ * . - S -LL 12. Rev. .LOIN oki in. l-l. li * 1?.,( oHi. ,1 i sn. N. V. M , oil, -c, Bunin. --, \V--si p.-ini. Sun,, th - putillcsiloa. l lusirstad estslegus. J . li. WARRING, l-l. D.. i-n.i. RECTORY si ii'.of.. Hamden Conn r I I rs, I305T *3.'iO; home in: . ???*,. aa* tensive ci **. . . nu., bos tiiusc. *?_ a.. Rev. IL I.. I Vii-.l.s,,, M A . Us - I, ol f,*r !,. '? -. . ,t ' old SPRING on THE-HU DSON. Sci (or cteu lara ? HIVERVIEW ACADEMT . i,-i". N. Y. .' Year Prepares ii,., liege -n- Oovern n ? nt A . !. .,*:l: v .il.-i.i L a AMEN, Principals. Kl TGI P.N i "i l.i OE ".,; cm ?: *. ?-. --? t.L. . ? Brunswick, N. .1 x boys' ? - f.u the bes ? , iber IS. Ad ?' -'!"..* i i. , : , .. ii, ,i Mi, ni _ RoliltlNs si HOOL N if-*.,. . ?** D.eie,' a. h..,.. pai i ,.?.? for Ysls Harvard, Priurei u, i ,lum baal aol - inti jugh. I he ho i 'i.f:,, u,-? irs from New.York. Tanus. MOO Tho hlghtast ref i given. Addie**, lot elr.iiltf ?n1 ptrtlriilars REV. IAMRB A (TOWLE Prinetnal. ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL ? M X N I. r I ??, N X - I H HUNTINGTON. Li. c*.l. W Vi.Rill CK Ss ,-. N. Y.-I.-t i - Kill (ill NKIH..I ..ii-.s-..--. . . "om year will begin *-. pu u bet lt), ll WU.I.AK h l-l.1.1 (lil 1 lllY s, |,,,.,!.. O f. ?'itiuij -i_tn real will begin h.n'.. im,, For circulars, Ac, sdJ.o? ULM;/ Vt. B1GLAB. prlnc. jnotrndion Bovs and Yourie*; Men ?Country. I ofTII IERBET INSTITUTE. Brldgeton. NewJrrsey. *),.,,.,, i -ins Sept. 12. Both sexes. Eit-psres for sny allege Teaching, or Business. French. Oerman, Music, r*. WBBUf """ H. K. TRASK. ________ "1RINITY BCHOOL Tivolion-Hodson. N. Y. rhe Rei JAMES STARR CLARK. D D. Rector. t . :,v tit- resident teachers. Hov* sui young "ii thorough!? fitted fol Un best colleges and universities, hoots, "r f"r '" '"''-**? "Ba school ofT'TS ,* , it mtaares of healthful location, home comforts. Brat. * - tieir..ugh training, asstdooa* care ,,f he sith, i morals, and the ? icluslon of bad hoy*, la inn 'e'tiioiis parents looking f'*r a school where- thev may iili confidence place their -ons. Bpeelsl In-'ructlon elven ' Physics sn i I hi mlstry. Tin- twenty-first yesr win beafes iptember 13. '_ _._ .-till- ,?.- mat of Till*. GUNNERY begins I september I* p mMa_MA_f_M ,.r,nc.PaL Washington, l.l'.hiield Co, Conn._ lint-, PEBBSSILL MILITARY ACADEMY. Peeka 1 _'iL ls. X Send Lt Catalogue. JOHN N TILDEN, A. M., M. D? Principal. -Iii'LAND. 1'-* it-kill. N. Y.-A boarding school for i hon prepares tor college an! business v J CARL A. HARSTROM, Il A., EDWARD I*. PEAKSON. H. S-. Principals. ? VEST JERSEY ACADEMY, BRIDGE/TON. N. J. IT A Hnme fer Boys. Seloct, thorough, auceeasfuL Utabllshed .11 y-srs. Terms, g300. l'l'INCIl-AI S 5' ^-ii! ALLIN. B. A- (Eng.). F-U-ICIPAL8 . } j w HiONEY. Ph. D._ 1TEHLETAN ACADEMY. Ona ol Iha half-dozen best If Academic and i laaalcal Schoola in New-Knglind. The kx-mori of SSS in adv.nee will cover .uim.irv tuition, uh board, for Pill Term, beginning August IB. Send ir Catalogue io K,ia o M. HTEELE Principal, xvilbrshsm. Miss._ SroBCESTER A'XDI'MY, WORCESTER MASS. If 64th yesr. llulMine* sdmiialtl.-; ground* extensive; nparstus ample: teachers experienced: thorough pre para. ',,,, f,.r college and scientific schools Cer'.lllra'e of I). W. , HERC ROM BI ls A. M.. Principal, admits to Brown, i;t:t:ii**uili, Williams. Msdlson University lad XV. l.'sl'y. nd to Anih-rst In the classics._ .%-oKKALL HALL, lt PEEKSKILL. N. T. Fer Y-Ming Jiny* only. Bend for circulars.^ '??na* YEAR. siior.TLinr.r. MEDIA fPa.l ACAD VJWU EMT. Boya C.Ieee or Burin"**. 30 minutes ? on Broad-St Station. ph'Lul iphlx 2*1 train* dally. WITHIN C. BHORTUDOE A.B . AM. (Harv'd). Prop. MiscollAneons. rT AMHURO, GERM ANY*.-In a merchant'* family, one I a boys aa boarders; ih>* ladv. a former teaoh'-r, ,, ,., l ii--.-: in studlea Bini give a motner-a e*a,e. Addie-s ira, i. ORA1 ERT, 102 Proat-M. _ ^XVIMMIN'O TAUOilT, a' places and limes tn sulr ^ pupils' eonvenic. by chan pie,-, swimmer. Address Prof. DoNALDsoN', 7 Mu ri ny-*t., New-York. (Tciuhcr3. V YOUNO PARISIAN LADY, graduate from Sorbonne (Paris), teaches music sud pur" French; wishes to tlnd pupils si Lenox, Mas*. Address M. X". Il, P, 0, Bas li". L-n.-x, Xla-s _ A MERIGAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY fXsupplies l're,fe-- rs. Teachers, Tutors, c.ov.-.tiessea, kc, io C'Loge**, Schools ai, l Families. Apply to MRI M. J- YOUNG-FULTON, 23 Union Square. r"\!,\' ,,' bli ,' -* nuatlfleatlons uni referencee ha* I. irs for another private pupil. Addreaa LXTKAOR UNARY IMPROVEMENT, Tribune om.e._ 1*iioK.s. Oox-emesses, Professors, Teachers, all branches; elrenlars echoole Mippiied parents; English, .ni,. German, Spanish spoken. MIRIAM Ci.iYK.I IRE :h Ee?i 17 * *-- r-t.. Itb-svs. ani Broadway. Tl ACHERS WANTED Ladles : Vocal n.nslc. TpiscTT Italian i plano and tinging, Epiaeopallaa; French and roeal musle; Spanish for eollege; superior lady ts teach errilklnif. Gentlemen: Harvard graduate, for Chicago; French, -im li ,,ii 1 d ta wing, for California. '!Ks M. -I. YOU NO. PULTON, American Vgency, 2:1 Union Square. SS"* ANTI I>. ii,* - Pren h governess, with musle, good ft French, lia an. music, Hnl*hlng governesa; '. ? !uatc, cpr tehool. MIRIAM COYR1ERE ll Ea?t iTih-t.. tUi-nv.. Broadway, IV OMAN'S rxrrTANOE TEACHERS* Ut'RF. AU litor ff I * ii *,?*? ' is. teacher*, governess.*!, musicians, housekeepers, cnni|ianlons, *e. t? coKegea. ind I ea; al?o bookk_.-pi.ers, stcimfraphers and ? - !' rms. MKS. A. H CULVER 32*X 5'hsve., New-York City. Banker! ani. Crokers. K0UNTZE BROTHERS, BARKERS, HO Itr-iiiiltt it. , Kiiuitiible llulltllng), New-V-irk. Ini estnient bonds lionuht nnd sold. Order* receit. il lur Hu- eui. li.ur ur -nie of Govern* n,nil. lt ,iii,>n,l. ito.t tl:>et-lliiiu-ou? securities. Ad tu,nee. nu,de 011 ii |i|,lu * cl , oil 1 Icrnls. _ P. W. GALLAUQET & C0~ BANKERS, COMMERCIAL PAPER. STOCKS AND BONDS. UNITED HANK HUILDINO. LuR-i-R i-ROADWAY. H. FITCH, Jr.. WMTDB-tt Member N. Y. block Exehanca. 1 r/!M.Mi;i;M\\\ Sc KhRSIIAY. FA BANKERS AM) BROKEBBj I I XV VI,! -?*T, N. V. MEMBERS OT TUE NI W YORB STOCK EXCHANGE. OCRS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. Dealers In bu I ilga bank* notes, ! md cat.l transfers on ail part* of . lita. Diinbi'iii. Notices. ? IC R. HOUGHTON AND ONTONA. i."N Kviii.e. \ , . . ?. 10 WALL 8T., I 1 \ 18, I.-.. rrili: BOARD i.f Directors his this day do I . us dh il 1 ?: 1 li 1;, 1 ,1' PER 1 nt iii,..:, i'i.* pref ern I ?tock ol thia company, payable ?, '', 1-- -. ? the 1 "i* ?:?:? coi pal v. -*? I al i o'cIim i. p. m. on XX', tn--i.iv. Augi si -. and reop, tied at lu o'clock a. ia on Thursday Aii-u-i 10, 1 ? I, M. SCHWAB, Secretary. THE ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY > o.'l PAN *. , 4', AND i_ WALL-ST., New-Tork, Julv 2, isSS. 'PHE BOARD of Dir, have declared tho I us*. _ 1 ind on. half i"-r eenl ? on psi v, payable it tris ' 1. I.---,, to stockholder eif recoid on thal Th" ttock transfer books will be doa 1 il 3 p. m., July 13, snd wnl hi icp-i.ed at le. a. m., August IT. 1---*. El,WAKD T NICHOLS, Assistant Secretary. financial. TO THE Missouri, Ima aid Texas Railway Com? pany 7 per ceil Consolidated ?1 Raw x e.Re.. Ansnst 1. irks. Default having taken place la Um payment "f interest rt.: ths tey up,ii > ur bonds, th.- anderatgaed bass con? nell 1 io ael 11 a commit. fn- tim pretestloa ot the in t the Bond len Those who desire io co-operate vtth them should send theil names, addis ?? . ind io* amount af the bond* they * tim UNION TRI BT COMPANT OB NEW. TOBE, TRUSTEE SO. 73 BROADWAY, NFW-VORK. EDWARD KINO, A li DI i.M XN, WM. LIBBEY, ' I* i.i ni*; s, K I ii.l'iN ' 'UTTING. OFFICE Or THE NEW TOW MUTUAL fi1 TELEGRAPH COMPART, ,1 ". iii- Mntnal Onion Telegraph company, )?*. kima ii BT , NEW YORB ( ITT. Te Ihe lloiidliiililers of the Xii,nml Inion Telegraph Couipiiii*.I "M milli ol,It-rs ol' Ibe Ncsv- V oik .11 iii uni i eleni .1 I'ii I "iiiminr : uv nri.u ? perfected, nn exchange con bs ' : ll ? '- * f ih" MUTUAL UNION ii Ll , Gil VP.I PA Ni md -I,,* ? ,' the N'EW-YoRi* Ml ll M. i ELI GRAPH . OMPANY foi collateral 'rn-r I Honda ol ih W 1 s'l ERN I N [ON 'Iii KO RA PH COM ! PAN. bea Ins Uv* 1 ???!? eenl Intertst, imyshie semi. ai ? uni Imil un fron, ?>, _ dav "f January- '?---- This ex. lunge. ,,. , |, . **"i ? 'i >mpany of Kern Vork irs, ai sn] ' mo i,. i?re the close ol - un he i", i, ,.r \o. ust, i?i-s X' tl Inter -i nhl Le paid anon the bonds f:. Msy 1 lo Julv 1 at the in-,' of sl\ pr ,, h p. 1 annum. iii.1 Inforn , on 1- i* ii, terms ol Mi" eoBataral trust, snd ol He '.ei I '.ns nf the 1 xchsime , ,,, p.. t,.,,| j, __ ? '? the M'-r,* em " Triisi. Compony or by applies. ii,,11 to the ll JOHN O. Mool*.!'.. Presidtnt. NOTICE OP ANNUAL M.EETINO. I" BTOCKHOLDEBS OF WELLS, PAROO .v OOHPAMT. T?u ai" hereby Bottled that the neal annual meeting af the ipany, for ,i?* election of ?iii''' tors fn , 1 f,.r m.. tranaaatlon ,,r such oihei teii-:t,* .- i,*- ii ,% roms before ihe masting, ; m the -.. :?*?, ? ieneral "Oi* - * ; ? iel ol suns.,,,," iu?t ?- in Fis is, * si it. .1 California, a', ' * ? ? in . mi i huraday, tbe Oth dal ol tugi st, 1 e I, SHU|,Ll, I.** '-'"ih da ? :, ned on Fri lay, tha 10th day "f ?> jami_-* in hon, Be. rel iry. POUGHKEEPSIE IUMIh.K. I 1ST MORTGAOf VI xi VII 'i PEB CENT OOLD L' ' Xii. Vinni 11 LINCOLN, . <?'> Exchange Pl. kink .I- NORTH AMERH x .. .... ....... "?"? 'ork. 1. > .'? IH * |?l' BANK OP NORTH AM KIMI'A hu a removed 10 No 8.1 Wsll-si [Mille Building), pend ^"0^".^'" "' **** UwW b^4u"t uu ***MMMlltjj\ -financial. !APlTAL,$250,00t. ASSCTf,$MMOi. rhe Fidelity and Casualty Co. .14-216 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. This (ompanr. In Its Fld-IUy DeperWent, Issues Bonds ,r iii .i..hi ? I iiinleefees ut i orisiri, lion* and Persons { pS?iSrJ -ru-i! '"uS ht AdinAilsUiitors. Onardlaiis. '"in Its casualty Department lt Iseuce Accident, Plate Kass, and Holler Insurance Policies. Tho history of thl* Compsny for the last *"? JJJH rives ?searsnca that lt 1* carefully and ^'n??'*?*JJ" ' unsted, and thai n I* SSpedsUy WSSSal and prompt, lu ho settlement ol claims. L4MBB-I PAID. Bl.l-il-0BB.H6. 1)1 REI ioK-S: IBU, 8. COE, Pres. American E*_+WJ__\** Danfc !. B, T. STBANAHAN, Pm Atlantic Dock Lo. V. E. ORR, of Dat id Dows ?*-? OS. y v. a. %%^?,ssfewBuaiBr I) VERMILYE Pres. M-trrhants* National Bans. i'oHN L. lil Ki.K. of J. L 4 D- S. Ritter. V. S. BARNES of A. S. Barnes BC* I 0 MCCULLOUGH, Pres. Panama Railway CO. P. S. MOORI', of Moore. Low I xvallace. VILLI AM M. RICHARDS, president. il.DKi.i; r SEWARD, Vice-president. JOHN M. CRANE. Beere ta ry. ROBERT J. HILLAS, Assistant Secretary-_ ELIZABETH CSTY DEBT. A soitlemr-nt having been made with the principal v liters ot the City of Ellzsbe.h, tearing but a small notion of the tl.'tit outstanding. Notice ls h' Mkf elven hat tho undersigned will redeem all bonds presented at h" Mercantile Trust Company, No 198 Broadway, B8W? fork. BEFORE SEPTEMBER FIRST, IBBB, at ,0 per cent of their f_co and interest, to July 1, 1888, n cssh. LOUTH FITZGERALD, I FWol Ascots. STEWART Ls WOODFORD, I FUfnI A*em*' SEND FOR COPY OP PAMPHLET. TWELVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN VKW-EINLAHB LOU & TRUST CO., IBO BROADWAY, MEW-YORK. "BEECH Railroad Company First Mortgage 4 Per lent Gold Bond.. DI E 1MB INTEREST PATABLI JANUARY AND JULY. For lionels and particulars apply to FRANK C. HOLLINS & GO., _ii xi:w.vnitK.__ Missouri, Kansas and Texas Kail ..aj Co, To tba H il**:- of GENERAL CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS. Ni ? Y*eik, July 2, WW. Since our application to ile, United Ststee I Ircnit Court in June tt:is tuaiainsd, the Mlsaoarl Paeifle Ball ray Compsny hu- consent, l to pay taxes, isbor claims snd operating i si n ie ol -ii" Missouri, Ksnsas sui 1 \j* Ballway Company, aud ate lui' therefore le i I tar tor I abott time out motion foi Dammit the k* Meantime our lon I .aurea are i boldere ahould unite f.-r combined action, sci addresses, amount and rule ol bonds to ono of tito under signed. .EDWARD D. ADAMS, Winslow, Lanler t Co., 17 Nassau-sb WILLI X.M L. BULL, Edward Mo-"t ,fc ('?*>.. Ss nre>ad-s6. WILLI x.M WIUTEWRIGHT, mnany, 71 Rroadway. WILLI SM MEHI i NS, L. i 'i ll etf ma un A Co., 00 WsU-sls WILLIAM I'.. bTRONO, Woik, Strong t Co., 3(1 Broad st. Third notice._ _. UNMN TH''ST COMPANY OP NEW YORX, 78 BROADWAY. COR REI TOR.ST.. .\ ?-? Fork. August -. 1 188. ^JOTICE is hereby Riven thal tli'* under I signed as trus. hn* -.Ived fnun the PORT ROYAL AND AUGUSTA RAILWAY COMPANY a pay? ment of S5 294 e'u. -av Bys thousand, two hundred and eight* lollara, un sceount I Its SINKING Fi'ND '- h * li amounl will bc Invi sn I n th FIRST MORTGAGE BOND*. **' said rallwsy compau. ol ! from i'ii" to tire hu dn 1. In * purpose PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED and opened at the oflice of the trustee, al noou on M r 17, let*, whe pr,,vi l-l :? L< * nut exe, * I par an 1 ? ?:,** : i value in a Idltl ii ii ?-? to. UNION TRUST COMPANY OP NEW-YORK. NOTICE td HOLDER-. OF MT. VERNON INDIANA) BONDS. The holders ot Bonda Nu'i'",- 12, Kt. 14, IS and 11, nf |500 each, laaued bj the I Ity al Mt. Ve non, Indlan-v May 12. Ir-", aul due June I, 1-'."'. are !? etty >t ii re let ni aa Ll and that upon latiuro of aald hoi !?? - to so present lham, ii *'"-? "ii ihem will *? ise iu threo non!!*- after ti,- date.* ,.,f nil* n0ik.', lu accordance with iho U aald bonds. A. ii. I ... x*-. _ Treas, city Mt. Vernon, Ind. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY] New Fi tu -' - 1881 ?TPHE TRANSFER HOUKtf ut this Company A win bo mose! from 12 m., Au usi iii. the n ol Sept. mbet 4. W. L. HI UK! LL. Tl ? BTU fe ET lt A11. WAY HOM!**, PAYING tl PER CENT AND OVER, A SPECIALTY. CR SM A N *.- Qi IC K, Members N a -> * stock Exchange, 72 ind vi i. -i lu ..*, N. Y. -..ugui-So (Tljiinces FXCEPtToNAL nl'KNINC-A manufact I_ur,-r desires a partnsi ?rii 115,000 facili? ties fora rapidly ii ide. ALEXANDER, P. O. Ii x l, 188, N. If. THE TIMBY RCRGLAR-PROOF SASH I l.i'.'K AND VEN riLATOR " . :-? re? quired f.r a window, ll Lee,,, either or both ss.-li"* aecurely in mir position d,-lr ,1. thc ling the means of petted ventilation; also absolute security ,i d sneak ll JENKINS -t TIMBY, Mantra., Oswego, N. T. \V* ANTED .-Mini tilth 18.000 or 14,000 ll Interest in an established manufacturing bus win guarantee SI i"-r cent 'en Investmeni io v;<,,"l, live mm Address l*. ". li' \ T-'ei. Hi lens. Mont. tegul _\"-tttc.3. Wi TKl'-MK'COURT, CITY ANfo"OOUOTT , O OP NEW-YORK. Elesaor M. Ball, I'luintitT, against Mary p. Cobun I Ruben IL Coburn and !-?? Montte D. Coburn, Defendants Summons. Place ?.r trial, City and County al New-York. ; To ii" above named d 'fen lam*. X"ii ii e* i :., answer the complain! lu this action, ind tn ?,*rts :i ,*, (,v ,,f V,,M1- answer on tho plaintiff's Attorney within twent) days after ihe acmice ?r thia summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in ' your failure to appear, or answer, Judgment will l>e taken againat you by il'-fault fur the relief demanded In th? con,| * . D..:,-I August il. 1888. WARING t ' -RLET, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Offices and p.,-' Oflice Addreaa, No. 51 Li', New-! .,rk ? rs ,-,'?"" -',..' '"*"?'"? ?*???"?"-' H. C"l.urn .eiiel Le Monti.* p i obum : i ;,.? r* ,,; ., |a lerved upon rou gr Publication, pursuant to an pi ter ot Hon. il i ird '?: ? Justice of ih" Supreme I our! ?f the sta ? of New York, dated the lib ,i,. ,,f Aug, it, l : ' ' wltb 'n ? complaint In the offl.t ihe Clerk of tho ..'.us'/,">!, Vi,r,,;.t,,:,^;-v::.',a ?* ' ? _5 vl^! N'G t < A RLE.. l .,*, ora Atton Loot ano Sotmb. I ?'vr. Bank Book No. 188,8.0, on Dry Dock mui*,-,' 1'ii-e.K Any person I, ting dalma upon -aid V, i wo calli i upon i. pr. -'?? th, same to ii'- bank wubin 80 day^ or the aald book will be declared e,?,,.,;,.,. ',;, exUngulrhod, and a nan * :..-! ,*?!.,? CDtCiui Bteamort. IfJOMPAGNIE CI.M-ltAI.r. TRANSAT1 W I V - '.* i Ul Ni li UNETOUaVRF H ! i-r^rA s\i,i i :,? ^t^v^ui v/? tt^SK.^'SSS j ^>in: io, IS UK IIEBIAN. Xgeni. No. 8 ilonlfna f?r? *' '"' J | AMBURG-AMERICAN S. s. Lise roi V__Z ** ? mouth (London). Cherl.ourg (Ptrlsi ant ???*_______. First lat,,,, ibu aul uoward* I,". * ,*n ?3"ib'irS. ? niouis (London). Cherbourg ii>iri Hrs; (atm. ibu snd apward" Steer Ran.ala 12 30 i, rn tug 1(1 \\ Bohemia S SO p, n ? lug. ls -,;. rani at lo Xu/ lUNHARDT t CO.,' o. Tl. RT rn s li li* nn" n''' C..,, Agents. Ol Bread-.b Pas. AgJiH^^'^^y N^i*. J APAN-CHUfA OCCIDENTAL __ND OUIKNTAU AUJvmtiT****1*** **** u" *r-""-l??" a. foUowa. Gaelic .... >'iu ui Beptembei s. Kii.i.i,* :.::?? hn'.-,. * ?-?* Superbly Appolntedlfiuperior Arc .rnmodaVto-j-" 18' Re-.-itat!o.? cm be mais {,y lette, ?r ^^.X^ mmA cabin plans seen tl 2ai sui Rfc) ? , ? lw ., 1-'' 'L*0 ? aol Emb-Fi, BaUm. Building. San Prsioisea Ae"Yo'**- ?? T n _M_nn_faw*^"____f*V gTANPOIU). PieeMsBB T- II. GOODMAN. Cvut-ral PsSSSUgsi Agaufc M7H1TE bTAR LINE -' ii loll yl 1.1 NSIOWN AND I IVI-Rpnnr Royal and ini ni, matu Vail ?_?_?. i';l-'! '*N" ' '.'? GlSSdsi' We, Avmiiii I ,bl| V V," T*^* v itu AIL . Capi Cameron, Wad \, ? ?? - , ?" ,n i:i li BLIP . ,,,,. Daxlsoi. Hal * ?*- T'-.' *. '? "'? BBITANNIC! (Upi Para, ll Wi l \us. ?> iii ma '"' From WhlU Star a . g. ,. , - WsMtftS rn ' '" KXT. > saloon soo. BOO BM uni glOtt i^mUakot ?n isvarabla terms Biaerage from or rn n,. ,,, i ,? rl.J on these steamers, rate SIS; ?ttrsrslan ?mx EL.rf_ s,,eci on ,,f pl.,,, ?r other Inform!!..,, \,A,' ^ tho (W paay'a ?fflce. N* 41 Omidway. Naw-Yort ua" J. BBUCE lbidAY. Agent. (Dccan Steamers. A NCHOR LINK. 0. S. Mail SteaimhlDSL iV NEW._-ORK AND LlVEKPOOL ,U,P*?? h 6- CITY oi* ROME salle Wednesday, Sept, A il D ?. Si d everv fourth XVedi.e-'lay i, n f...,, "' **? (ii.' - ? *30. O-ABGOW. VIA LONDONDERRY. Ethlopls, Aux. IL B a u D >i la, Au. 'j,',. 8 - An* loelia, August 1**, Hp i". ? 'I' I-"la h ,.' | i * * Raws of pa-;,,,-- ,.. OUSOOW, DERRY MVEP.foofe or I P.LFAST, i ai'l-i, Ml Md BM, ?"-* li, sad 'ia?s. -no. hue in *.?). Travellers* ( Ireulai Letters of Cred t snt Drafta tnt asa amount l**u<-d at lowest current rates. ^* For bo- li of Tours or further Informal! >n ?;,j,\, _. r_ HENDERSON BROTHERS. 7 Be.i*l "ii U,<-.,?. jf# y (Jl -.NARU LINK. ~^ NEW-YORK To LIVERPOOL ria QUEENSTOWN trna* PIOI 40, Nor Ut Ul "*? FAST EX PRES- MAIL sERVlCli gcrv'S, August ll. Sa in* l.i* ru. s-pw I, 1 . . Uuibria, Aug. 18, 2 iii) p. nu S'lvia, S'pt. 8. 7 . ...._l_ A,.,. ?>-. *..,,, S,' .il,!*. ??..,,, l-l n..T "*e Office * Howling Gr eli, New YurK VERNON IL BROWN A co.. BBBWH Ag.nta. CIRCULAR I.KT'l ERS of credit for travelers aiin.a 1. avallablo In all parts nf ths we.rli, Isauad ka CH. ICKELIIKIMir. A co ** Lur Bankers. 29 ???'..-, ,_ abroad, avallablo in all HEIDELBACI KED WEAR I.IXE. ^ IOR ANTWERP AND PARIS. Balling from New Y-rK and Ai,twe.-p weekly, .M ..KULAN D . . Wduesda v.. ,, .- jj ,_ WAESLAND . XVedii.-s.lar. .usu-tft a _ Z_ Cabin rates: First Calln, S,<<). 175 and t'.to. F.xt'uilaTr ail" to $100 Beeond Cabin 140 , 172 and BS__ ?M-srago at very low rates. -** .'LT Ll. WIUOliT A -.'-NS. Gcn'l Ag-ji, 8 B.wllLg Gmsh. /4UION LINE. VS UNITED STATES MAIL BTEAMRP.8. Fol*. QUEENSTOWN AND LI VKRPOOU Lcavo Pier JU, N- P.. foot cf K.r.g st WYOMING . . . Tuesday. August ft. 0 30 I. rn, ARIZONA .... i'i' -i.v. Auguat .1. 4 Mi _. m. WISCONSIN . . ? ? Tu'?-?rt.,v Aagust 28 ? *. nu NEVADA . . . Tii'vlsv. ? *i ?< n. m. ALARIC X . . , ? '!'':? -I.iv. Sept.-n.b-sr ll, ., 1 m. Cabin passage. S-IO. gPO- MO and elOO- Second Cibla. $30 and S35. BteeiafS, 120. A. M. UN DE Killi.I. * CO. 85 Btoadwaj, if. T. INMAN LINE U. 8. and Royal Mail bteatrwi FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL 1 (TTY ot' KU 1I.MONO . . . Saturday, li, tiara. city or NEW-TORK . . - Saturday, August l.-t. 8 0. m. CITY ol' l'l KLIN .... Baturdar. ? 121 - t. ra. CITT OP CHESTER. . Saturda*. -* pt. ber l. 1 30 d. ta. Inman P!.*r. foo; of Cia:.1-t.. Jrrsejf City. CABIN PASSAGE, *i'0 and Upwar-1 SE.OND CAB. IN, S3. STEERAGE J_0 PETER WR1-.IIT A. SONS, Os nerti Ag* ntl, 0 BOWLING DKi-LN. N.T. TUAINE ?T3SAMSHiP CO.MI'AM. BR The _ PORTLAND. Me., an i LOTTAG I CITT, Msss. Bteamet Winthrop leaves every iv < Ineaday. .Va-ames Eleanor, ev ry balurdaj -.'. ?". P. ? <?' a' l-*,rus_4 with ail steamship I lines for Ha: iii" 1 j Orchard, Po md J astp, rt, m. .lunn ai.d ali polnta In Main", New iii - snada. Pare to Portland, lo; Excureton, ??->- lo tounge city, Si ? Excursion, .'.'; Bul BU. Im m. roi Creight ai.d psslifi apply u> HORATIO HALL, AgenL 11 * pl. i a-., !.. tt, 100! '.I Market-st. NORDDEUTSCHER LLO ll) SS- Oj. SHORT RO ? LONDON, NEXV-YOKK, SOUTHAMPTON, AND BRI '. F.Jt Bteamers -ail l - ? "V, 'lu!"J"a FAST EX PRESS STEAMERS. I Bider, Sat.. A tuc 11. s .1 :.- Baal' . W? -. a ig. 22. 0 a. m. Aller, Wad., Aua I*'.. 1.??? 1 ind 'ib, ?* a. ix. ; . - Sat, Aug. I*. J i* m. T ' - '? 1! a. n. Ftrei 1 ?'? rs snd upward ? ? to io. cati ii s. nd Cabin |30 1 '. ratua. OELRTClfS B CO , No. 8 B -Lng or-.,,,_ PACIFIC .MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.MI'ANTS I I.INis POR ' .Ll FOHN I A. JAPAN. *ili.N'A. CENTRAL AND SOLID AMF.RK " -ND MEXICO, Fiom Ni ??? ' ? - *-?? ?. li, li' 1 ? ? of I' NI '-xi'* ?:: i* \ I From Kau ' 1st and Brannan -a p,*r 1: m t a.. 1 J ...tu 'Y OF PEKIN ? -* H. I tv : ror fro! * * ojL'P'F 1 pany*a otfiiu on ihe pl r, lot of < '?? R company H. J. BL i.i.xv, h ii Steamboat! A-TR01 BOATS, lighted throujtl f . n\ -ctn ? llghi -. -? 1I01 SARATOGA, LAKE '? PA LAKH PLACID, all Ad ' AND ll' DSON BARA1 -c. \ rROT issve pier I! ' - J* Xit-JllJ*. 1 LBANY BOATS." PEOl LE'S LLVB. i\ Hu ai *:* Di'- md DEAN Kl ? ls_v? I North River, fo ?.,;??? , . , P. M. lions st All any for sll j ? sui West; Bieo with 7 O' A. K. 1, Lako George, , an 1 all points noil ? ? Wived u ' CATSKILL MOUNTAINS Old Rout* QUICH >T 'll xi : C AND BEVD. CATSKILL EVENING Ll r.ere KA Al KILL alii!SKILL ? ? ?? ? tain a ' J Sile! ? *l Ul GU * . I I UDSON AND COXSACKIE. . , Jl El. EU ANT STEAMER KAAT1 .-KILL Isavea fi?m foot Jar-st.. N. K every Tl I SOAV, rllURSDAT sol SATURDAY lt 0 p. m., *. - " *uA Albany K_ iroa L t* U MM; . POW! LL POR CRANSTON'S, WEST Pom-. 1 rnwilL, Newbo *. Nen Hamburg, M 1 a - lt, 1- PaiH. -? ' tl" " le" ll \ ev'* . V .1 ll I . - I * * ._ excepting Siiurdays wl>.u_ shg ivatu-i one hour ? PALL RIVER LINE 1 kor i. "KT. FXi.r. RXVBB. PBOTs; and a ? , - poini -. Lot. . . MED FOB .... SUM M li'- SEAS) Four -'. -KIM, CRISTOL, ! KO\ il' NCE. ind OLD i OLONT. Bplen ii tu euell 1 Leave New-York Itvn I .. 12 lold. No.), fool of Murray au, i 0 ._*. p. m.- ii* Fal River ' ting for Boa* teen, Fitchburg, New-U, .... ird, Nju tucket in 1 o.15 p. m.?For v*.ti? Ibout j.15; Pall River, ; a. ni -i trains u'i I ll . . lim While Mountains SUNDAYS, , * N a York a', 5 ..) p. m. for a_l ; ? - ?' : '. :>. m.; ? taine I li J, 2 il, Til. I I Br, ot .-iv ; _? I \*. -? u-.-??, mi 131 Ea 153 Bowery, Astor II * '?? ?-. Piei ia n. k . ... i GEO. L. CONNOR O. P. A. B< RDES t LOVELL. A gt-. SPECIALN Tu , steamers August 12 Tina lays. I I UDSUN RIVER I'.V DA. LlGHTi -? I- LAY LINE STJ tkll .... M.WYORK AND ALBANY. daily text, pt Suudaysj* i Leave nrookiyn, Ful Annex) . N, ?'*Y erk, X'e?- iv ?'. r.,*r. " n.y i*0 - f.r allan x. anding e -. Newburg, I'uu^V ki'ties..-. Ul ? ' . . '. ii Return ng, \ :.b 30 a. ox. A Dna Ka:, ea eb Uau * ? WFST POINT. Ni.xx lil. m. and POUOHKE1 i> a day boai RHINERECK, by ferry with Ulster sui Del. R. - ' - rc-..rt* of tbe iv-., CATSK ILL, With -|" *?!.: H..: -/ il Mt. R. St IILDSON . \ .... barn. Pittsfield, i.e. ALBANY, wllh N. T. Central sud H. R. R. ' Uttea, NIAGARA I _LLS Buffs . West; with II* ind A with li. and H. c.*'? R, u. t ? Snd with SPECIAL TRAINS TO AND FROM JAR/ ?Tbe .. * . , nm CVui f0i .u.i check baggag ._ K'ORWFCII LINE fr Boston, Woroe?t?r, ?? .N. m. 1. 'Oil, N ?: ttl, h. V, ,*. *, li:. ,:. i tl i Ii '? c * ra i**tt- lier 40 (.il numt" t), fo, ? of \x atu -'. [Ill il ? l?' -* i ? jr), dally, Bu. lays .*\ ? ; te I al '? 90 p ?^ This Uno haa un?v)oatled fscllitlee for 1 -fib uting freight throughout Ntw-England. r ea h ? - except Randa *. (r ': nett and Sta . - I si 207 ?:-'?'. Brosdway, ir> and 12 C,reenwlrh--t. 153 K wen Ia Brooklyn, : c..un st. 833 Wa - I l'ultoa at At lier so North River, sud ,<>i Steamsrs. Wesieoii's I m.* -- Cu bacgage from hotels aud rt - I _ O. W. RRADY. Aaent 8:00 J. tx. 1:40 ? pROVIDK-NQELINE BOB B BTOB, PRDVIDi.N. I*. rt'ORCrSTKR, All N rt it- rn an 1 Baal >rn polata .mi ti.j WHITE MOI Ni v.N Bteamera RHODE i-i.xnii ., 1 MASSACHCSETfB leave Piei 20, N. I; . I. * A 1 >ie-ii:ii. wllh through exi leaving ... m., arni * for XVIi!!' Mouin lin i?, 1 * - * r emt*. Reov i's 1 , *'' m. iick.-ts . I "UT. 257 201.SI , ?*?;. ,.-l -' .. 1-.- . i , - -, ?? - ? - ? 1\(,'. -. i on pany In New-! s nd f?' book with r. o. li BRIGGS, fun. Pas \ ? Aaa* Den. Paaa * ? *RL JJONDOUT. KINGSTON AND CATSKILL MOCK 1.VISS, ri, N'-wburg, waiiii'ro, Milton, pemnkevpsm tu 1 * "'???:,' , till 1 au Kiai. 1.,1.. railroads. Stu tu ts CIT. Ol- KING nnd JAXii .-, w. UALDW :.. .." exery xs i> '" . I''"i f" '"fl!, N K * - ? ir lav. "'""' Cl. Y OP KING.. ..1.tluut *__} a: ,N i. ni . an I P?*i.i . , cc tl US wllh Blt S ll :v!.I iii * 1 avon Ro id .1- Sui st II ? ?. 1: fast -i t '1 fi 1., ti, ? , ounta u*. anlviiu atJNow-York Monday. 6 a 1 _m GTONINOTON LINK. FOB \**)i:i;ii.\\M ;, PIER. WATCH HILT. PBO'J: 1" Ni i . WO Kl EST I K. ant p :,*. north - ' * J I'roX id, in ?? aud XX t leave fr,'::. N * I t ,.*-?* except Sunday, Through mt l? , .11 - ..\tr_ iou by XX 1'il . ..- '.- ll. .11". 3!i7. 421, '.. >7 Hr..,' House, Csnioistlltan nw Wllida.,1 liol lt XX. 11. ii Xii* O. -H. BRIGGS Asst 1. 11 Pass x Gen , Agt THO NEW.HAVEN, 75c. -I. EXCURSION 1, * .**. d d.fsi |) ?*> Steamers C lt NORTH AX1 si 1 >' ''NTIN FNTSL lesvs Peck slip. PI'r '.'.'1 K. H.. I Pt )u lad 11 o in iSundsfi II h. mi. 1 N,, ll?t--ii ti -h si e-ial trauu for MERIDEN. H ARTrop.p BPr.INOFlELD, HOLY OK E. Ac Through tlcVets lold sol bamiam* ch.-cksd al Bil Broadway. New Turk, and 4 Cviui-st.. Brookim.