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MR. BLAINE SERENADED, GREETED BY MANY REPRESENTATIVES OF LABOR A3* APHRFSS TO HIM DSUTBBSD ht mV. hf ALT? un. ni.AivK's i:iN!'.iN,; BVSSOBSB?ti shout srEF.CH vnoM Mi:. HOBtOB IB BSfLT TO FllFQlKXT CALLS?TUOI'SANHS ( TIIF lil'.IAT LKADRB, As many people as OOUld bo packed in tho spn"<> bcixveen tho rex ie.vinp stand, near ih- Worth Monument, nml Ma.iis^.i Squnro opposite gathered together last ni^rlit ls iio bono! to James G. Blaine. They USN for the livst pott neSkben Bf van,ms trade ned tabor OBgBBlaat-oni of New-York City Bnd its vicinity assembled to welOOBM thc Re puMicun stat.-sman boase, (.rand as xvas thc display of marillin cr columns and shouting thousands and banners glowing in the electric liplu as limy passed Ute reviewing ,t?n,l on Thursday nidi,, itxxns aothing io BOBIpan to thc demonstration of Liihor's hOBta hist, even? ing in honor of thc leader xxl-,,) bas made tiu-ir cause lils oxvn. Tbo rapt attention xx nb which his xvords of wisdom were listened lo by lb, s,. |n Hie immense ihronp who xver,- near enough lo caboh their import, and tito applBUM thal begBB xvitb a ripple iit the com re and swelled into a mighty wave >>f enthusiasm as il xvas taken Bp by the great gathering, told that a master-hand ?tx-ns playing upon the chorda <>f sympathy that put him. -?> to spe*ak. in telephonic communication with every Ina ri. lt xvas ibo recognition by earnest men, not seeking political preferment, bm anxious only to do the best they could for the support of Ibeir families and ta maintain tbe position tha! honest labor desires io oeoapy, of iii" Hi"' thal a states rt-nn stoi*d before tb, tn who bad studied theil Wants and a&deistood ih m. BATHEBIBQ OK TUT. TTIBOHO As mrlv ;>s 7 ,,'eloek the people begai Oaptains Bellly and Allaire, xvith 150 policemen -totalled fnun ibo various precincts, early took piess,-se,.n ,,t tie* ground, and dunn-: tin- evening they had their hands full in resisting th" pressure of tin- erowd anxious to p,t near lin- place where Mr. B-Sinc stood. Cappa'a hand played National n -s xxhil" ih- people were coming together. r.I'.Pr.i'.srNTXTlXls OB I.ABOnWHO xvi';:'. THEftE. Among tb 'si- '-xini took their seats on the re? viewing siand, ,r ?-?'??'?I after il became Oiled 1" repletion, were tia- followint ollie rs ol the various labot organisatl ,ns represented: xv. ii. i iou_., Alfred Ashler. Jamea r.-arc. j, 11 Beta T. J. h. Patrick ?'? DowA Fnnk M Wilier St,?ch-r. J. l'.',-*...-. u. ' Dat , Petei John Murpkr, Baarael McCsndless, Jswci Mi * .ame- V.. Sn !'h. XV. 1'. Cot,n Uv. I'.. 1*. M'l'u bun. Xi'hur eel, ll. -erv S* ' Bl . ' B >? Charles si.;,, .r*-!. - .l.t..*. xv. Mahoney, l- <; ii. Peter i.vmh, <;. Bushes, jr.. r. Balletto, J.?A.', E, .1. v i: Bleytor, x -'- Krone, n :;. Quail,,. C. la.ur ????.!. 1'. Hares, P. ?'? Cunnii., xx p. M., i gi : .! i; j I. T....1. x .1 M. S Vinnie, .icicniiih M-irnhr, lt. Cashing, A. S. Caawaltader, xv. it. Lundie, Thomas 1 . ll. Dermody, i*. L. Marphr, i*h!li!> .1. Darer. Boberl Nixon, H. D. iinrris, John Brown, Beorse T. smith. Georas Hopkins, xx. li. MeaA ff. i>. McCarthy, Iota T. McGrath. John H. Pin i. r.,11. Michael J. r. mon. H. B Burton. Matthev il M. .1 Poole, .ian's t*. u'j it:,n. i.* ? xv. .link. Joseph P. Archibald Peter Stew, Patrick DowA Michael r J.esn'i smith. John Mortar. Jota T..H. D. P.. Caflerty, MattteB M:t."ii ?. James l*. MoGarvey, Tteaui Devina William i-roi-ti.T. limoi N ii - Canntaaham, OtonN Greens, id. M. v. Boatwell, John McGarvey, xv. J, Mil.aiiL-hiin. 1*. ensnare, Georg. Eng] hart, J. Donnelly, M. O'Donnell Phi Bp lisha, xv. Baaanworth. IA J. Brlnsr. J. ll .-"iithai. V. .1. Taner, .1 'im E. lorin. 0 '- ' A Batterman, J. Reardon, Jota Buckler. Wllltam Moore, XV. H. M*a<l. J. .!. Kel'.y. IMnv linhik ipe. Jota Kennel, Janies M. Magee, Merris |.--\y, 1. Port! *. !'? ?'- Li-!e'!i, Hassell, c. P Bl ??* .-?-., -i >! n * n, 1 Merria L. H. leaks, Cterles Chittick, WUlltm Masterton j,.*-nh I'llkenton, ll. 1',. Metyrert, Henry in William Kerns, t. P. EarlRki, Geone W. Magee, Jobi Sternum, Peter Stew, c.. xv. Jack, .1. .i. Bray There xvere iil-o present John P. Plummer. A W. King-nan, Jeremiah P. Murphy; C. D. Sweeney of Tun. Weller *v Ca, Robert 1' Porter, oliver Sumner Teal, J. II. c. Gilbert Walker Hlaine, Captain Thomas Martin, leader 0 tl,- Irish-American Apti- Free-Trade League of tb Xiii Assembly Dtatricl ; Jam", ('.nev, ol th' XVtl Ass District: Colonel James A. Dennison Enrmons Blaine, Colonel W, F. Schaffer. Leonan 1!:./' lune. Ed ward M. B rtlctt. Col, Colonel , ia's,,a, Ettrick Ford, Augustin 17 For, 1; >..*:? 1. Ford, A I D I.. '? rd, hr. P. .1. O'Xci Colonel P. II. Carson. 17 Fitzwilliam-, of Boston Stephen I'.. Elkins, ex-United States Dial lorn* v A. W Tenney, tlie Rev. Dr. E. K. Young nf Philadelphia, a stanch Republican who 1- ? I rty sympathy v. ni 1 e Irish ca?. both in th ? ?rx and ii'!- s - the wi I : : Mural H 1. -. M. Bates William ll. Hamilton. Willis Leary, Cs [Bain l ?????*? I O'JI Condon, , Judge A. 1.. Morrison. Mrs. J. Ell, n Foster. Samu II l:.i:,e|,:ll. <';,;il!,i!i I*. II. McNi Ident the Irish-American Anti-Free-Tradn League; il Rev. l>r. \\7 1'.. Derrick, the colored orator: Sen t;.ry Humphrey, ol tia- National Republic! League; Charles Cumming, C. von Whitzlcbe Frank R Marka, 1".-* ph Ullman, Lawrence Goelding, Alexander Caldwell, -lain s a. Finli _>. S. t,iri-oii. 01 ilie Kansas City Blaine Clu Then ia Stanton, state Senator .1. S. Fa-set; and .1 Mph ll. Manley. Patrick Ford and his brother and nephew bi chars,' of iln- BRaagementa and xven- largely 1 uruiii'tital in getting up ih,* demonstration Eai in ila* aveaing ex-Judge A. L. Morrison called I three cheers lor Patric.. Fold, whieh xvere giv with a xviii. MOTTOES rvs TTiv. transi-at-kncit-s. Thc Stand xvas hrillianily Illuminated wi electric lights, and nu il xvere tmnspannc lighted from xvithin, hearing; such Inscriptions these; VX'c had tariff revision in '40 and 'bl, and soup-hou followed. Cleveland has advancod Free Trade moro than 1 British Minister. Revise thc tai 1(1 hr Ir? friends, and not hy Its enem! xVi.-.s lu Italy ten cents a dav. .Ne wonder ti ?eon-i'- here. Vou don", hear of any onn ernl-*ra?lnc from tli" Uni ?Statis. XX'e preter carpets on tl?* il *,,r rath.-r than Ra The Ani'-rican ila'-ilard of UvtBI BSttlBOB us. We w DO exp. i!ii.eiit',np. 1'- 'ie-11 I-r American Mama. Ctovwlaad tuns w.? 11 ia England. Pl.t. inna la r.uiiiint; !Utfl a hoii'j- on Hm In BMlaad BipaiMan ha? taucht bm ilia: Btsaatoetann ar.- 1 t* Baessnry t-i our ladBsaalUMfl a* to otu Thoma* J?-ficreMj,i. To be BtoBpSflfltta! f,*^ ,!;.? BOB-fO-tl **f life- we must rlcate thom our-" . 1 JeBera s, TllK ANXIVTV TO GR m;.\1: MI*. BLAINE. Thc great throne was an exceedingly oi-l. ono, and hut for th" anxiety ol all to iel b 1-, Mr. j.laiiK- it. woald hiive been as immovi Ol Hist as il Imea-ll- Bfter ll ' .s\t,*lle,| 1.. s proportions lhal lin,t ion xxas n, .-., i,, impossj Aim I'.-eli- xxas 11 liv.-i., o'*,*. 1;,.,',. i-s wen I up at intervals ami iel lights x*,,*:-,- burned front of tlie plat torin. While ila- band pinyin*, lhere xvere frfQUent thouls for Kia umi ihe old familiar cry. ** Blaine, Bbtine, Ja 0. i'laiiie," wats 1 ri-, 1 u< inly repeated. Then x shouU, for Harrison snd Morion and tbe 1;* 1 lican ticki-i. At length ex-AaMmblyman D, Healy atepted to tha front of platform (ind anBOUBOed that ih hand xv go to tha Filth Avenue Hotel and >iennade Klaiii,- inui that be would then be eaeorted tc rex-it-xvin^ >staikl where an addien would be livered to him and limy xvould have nu 0| tuiinx to hst, 1, ta Ins words iii reply. Be 1 that then present should await xvith petfood eoiniiit; of Mr. l&laiue. Tba bnnd weat to front *i Iha hotel and played " Bene Agi and oilmr airs. Then WMS a groat 1 its Mr. Klaine appealed. Thea, eaeorted i>y V Morton, tho Kcpuhliean Candidate f"r President, who xvas greeted xxiii, great appl and by 1'atrick Ford. Austin ES. lord and Tli C. Platt, Mr. Hlaine Stoat to Hie pint form. appearane," Hun: xvas the signal lor ii loud long continued outburst of eathoalaam di which Mr. Blain,- and then xvith him t""l tents provided for tlu-ni, und A. 17 Ford st, to the front nnd sold Ftllow-Cltlzem: Vou will liliane BS-BS '?? ' ' : haVS to n-queit that you will |Saaam Mr!ct ill'-n, yield your cloie ittenUon while Mr. David Baal L tokalt ot u.? wori_l_i?_-en ot Is-rw-yurk, will wad 1 ?est to li.f erandet of living American*. Janies ti. iain.'. (Baaewed ehssttag.) MR. ll EMA'S ADDBBB& Mr. Healy gieeted Mir. Hlaine. manuscript in and, ;i",<i said that ba would ned the address ,,r in* labor organisations When Mr Blaine arose u listen it waa lin* signal Kt another outhunl i enthusiasm whicb waa npeated in double olume when Mr. Healy ai thc close of his open* 11 ?_ sent,.ne,- of welcome extended his righi hand rhieb Mr, Blaine cordially r, vivid. During Mr. hah:- sp. e, h Mr. 1-lit 1 Hf si,.od Ul 1 lu' Bt 1 il lldl * if nu Intent listener, occasionally nodding ap iroval al points in the address which manifestly lil'.ieii hw sentiments on the tarifl and labor inntions. Mr. Healy -ii"l I <;. Blalae, our hrs; ami 1m-'t loved f< !!'??*.cltlr.en. rn tetell of tte vvorkliu: people of America thin n.Ung, thick I . |> rhaps the hUfhU irathcrtiig U otlioliils mil re |*ro e.*i,taiiv?s ,,f ti,.* v.i'ious tradflfl sag iniu-tiiei thal ssw ?unveil.-! In thl-, Country, hiis you win,nm MM Tho aT, donut,- ro'.ar.l-. ,.r ymir fell"iv countrymen i.-ixo fill..veil yin to tho other hemisphere, they were iv Ith vou throughout your Journeying ; they pr-ci you ti|*e'ii i..ur uluru tv ith a depth of led inc i< served for yon alone. Waeel BBBH hy SSauaSS SSOSnt inion? tho friends and >ncmlos of our cannily I* -ecoKnlrc! ai the synonym of laliaN Illina nationality. In an especial manticr are tho BBSS OWBsn Md pre? nt AtBflHea pNtaptad Ifl ask for precedenco lu w.'l ?eemlni; you thut ui>nn your landina lind to UiU<> counttl with you upon tho prcising Istucti of th* hour affect Itu; ?lie Itt mediate lute;els nf their home.X and families. XV'e IO 1 latani thal you have not been a disinterested oh IBrVM "t UM I ii.i leoBHtaai prevailing in other innis, mil ki.i ii.'ir y* ur ht.:- experience la tlie sclciue of praetlul governneat tn attach a wmapeaatog maa io y ur pul .neut, f.rnied from pental! BbSBTVBttSBi as to wtetter vvn would be Sotag eenr duty ta eai tsailllefl et ?ie ,,,ir emmit ry hy roting to mah* ?ur industrial markets i w,.ill's eon rn,.ii. aa,i HallBg to tte pooaibUity .>r our 'Ompetlog willi thos,, fi.r.iK-ii aattoai la tte markets for wiii.ii i; i,. noa nrnadei our awn. We h'i\e ot.-eiv.i v.l:h pi ii,- tliat In leceptlng tte ourtesles extended to vou t*y foreign governments timi ttateanea v,-u han not eoauaitted tte error tallen law bj somo, of cont noding the splendor of a oourt trtth tte bapplnesa al tt,,* people; ami wo manton seek your ai vi.e, nnh aa Implicit eoafldence that your ]adgmeni ita* ?.ne! beea warped by loreign lalt os lbs too itiity, hat I ui aurtared sad Sex-eloped ti eoavtettoB hy \**j led InvcsUgstl.ind answer*! | ii ...usia. xv.* hav.* heen tte witnesses la yeai ateean if Ite cordial itiipuise* ,,f Um people manlteaUni itself in bb li ?* w in, ii laraed lo >"u rn Ith noes ; i loyalty, heedless e.f remonstrance tad refusal, la listing up*ei your u ? -i-i it ii.f tte highes, honor* in their (.-in, aili ti.,- exalted tran ol duty manifested by t. u under those tnlng > * ? v. i ii u ii the ii,-ms,,l which you ikall -ive- wu !,'? ontalntod bj lelfishaeM and free trow wai represent tte best Interests ot tte Bcpabll, snd ibero toro of am 'rican labor. We han no! been Indifferent to tte animal nt ? you rm the , mb, lineal ..* enemy 11 and lb, ? with v., thej iring to - ,,f [ree tra la In thia country, ? iring Hm ClvU War. lo defeal tbe Amerlcaa - ot protection and tte patriotism which you represent. And ' assures u- thal should your advice ba bc, pied hy thi. country, mt w? bel lev* i: vnii i .<?. ti,. ? le ll,ie- ,,f Olir free I ll -t i 111 I 11 * I, -, III I'.Tt Milliter James's, shall not hav,- lt to suv* ai'inn that they humbled ia** Bag of Hus tupretai and Inviolable inion. Thia day tte nullen stands ii, mourning at the Met of :'*'? !.* Bhertdaa, ami iii the universal s..n*.i? :,* i ? un try's ie. - wa are dooblj remind, i ot Um awful tacriSna made by tte pnwai genentlon that laimi in* free ni,e| prosperous^ and vi.- desire above all -?Hm: to BC) of mil- shall temi t,, in,in or I,in,lei ies,nts ,,f ||U| mighty >;11:-? .',?'. An.'i tim-.- vt!,u an Imre t,, extend lo you this h"art, !??]? welCOBM uiel lo i-e-e k yeeiii ;ulv I? e tn H.any v. lo, ur, i'.(nited !'v Um wage-workers as among tba foundera o tba great industrial monment ta Amertn an! Ihfl latta, nco they have exerted ha bora admitted to have bera potaattal ii ? a conserva!ixe, practical, ami putin.tic dlrectioi to tte agitation, Insisting ni>,,ii tho reeogulUon ol Labor1 houonble amhltlou ta take Its rightful place in tte- in dustriai, pedi tics] atui tods] economy of tte nation, bu holding steadfast to tte Bstabllshed pitaelplefl ?f govert eent ami opposing untlte_ably evry tendency toward bi lawful, violent and revoluUonary methods, In the nani ot thia ceeiistitii* e.n,! ,mi patriotic agitation, th; Ing i f representatives ot labor's aram ioi* you ac,in mo, ,i welcome te, yonr na,iv: lam, upon which yo have s);--ii dlsUngalsted tenor by your genial ani patriot! - ;, 'smanshlp in the couaeUa ot tte nation ami yoi i ii* i, ? ii,,,: abroi l. XX.* hai thon vi h.. jr.. inking the overthrow of m Protective ty ? ta repeating t** the working people ll thargo Itel " ProtecUon thees n * , Bnd they poll o, our ^i'ut industrial centres, where many bm I u in poverty and out of employment When we* emigration ,-r ti;.* whole ?,.rid drifUng steadily t" 11> country In i's search for better conditions, and - :i proportion unacquainted with our language or In-t -. vt.- iee bi . the- Injustice of ehsrging th to American laws ..r expecUng itel bi lystem ol protective legislation could transform tl on, the unlettered aio-i Into .'m Indcpendeni and citizen, and wa therefore wc no reason why wo shoo incline 1 -.v a rrt Free Trade .1- an alf rna Ivo. Throughu iho Southern Mir,*- we- and tho constitution! I people. As 1 -. ight vt.* iay, ?* r 1 and 1 ha not disenthrall. Iel 11- 1 inui ;'? slavery u ali lu I sold as a xv,* app, 1 ? v ,,'i to tum the lb hi ol j iui 1 ! ju Igmc -Ul lllg tin* v. j( ind a pal -,u/,*Tis, ,\..: *, nnd Si uth, w may l?- Inliueuoed by the so] * those who bl ? en bccui ? ? 1 1 * regard ? , tvci don and , ontea ihe legitimate efforts ol the working people to bel 1 1, a hlghei -'in. 1 nd of wai ani loan.* com p avails III 1 li Inclined n ? f,ix,ei th,* policy "f protection, und 1 which ' Industrie* hav,* dev, oped vvi'ii unexampled 1 in_ the past Quarter of a century. There hai no, tx during thu- period sn openly ave,vt.-el determination nv : party 10 overthrow tm protective e-t-'-i,, ui the pro* - trallon threw down the gauntlet . lore, 1 the i>asue by the moat arbitrary party discipline. ' , is thus urged upon thousands of working! whether thi*. Iisue ls ol such rita] Importance lu of ile- country a* te- make* lt iii-lr rtu'v ?. the bondi "f party allegiance ratter than rapport a po winch tie ir conscience tells then would .mik Injury to C'lUiitrv BS it has done ta In land and India, vt here Kngl had tte power to eatorn tte poUcy whick -io* te, ,. (linleeniatie; arts lo MtlbllBh ten la BldW thal lar facto 1 Ben basy, ter latei amployed, and lier coi :. .(lucine arUeles for tte American m Itel wi i,ie,tiuctie.ii now i.'i\'s employment ta our f Uaw ?,,rk Tte trsge-workew ot Ibu eoantry teeh as advan ;,* ?*,. McrlflCfl of 'h" Nation's j,re.sp,*,itv. They d,, tksi tiu-ir Interest! -hall not bo aaerifleedtot um beael foieiL'ii BStloat or tte l.-nellclarlch of etesp lahor at !? lt xvas almost tmposaible during thc readini the address, althougb delivered xvith skill 1 effect, to luaiiiiaiii me attention of the xast semblage. The -people had come to hear Mr. Blaine, 1 ihey didn't care particularly aboul bearing * om* els, It* wi,s xviib tin- utmost difficulty 1 tlo* police kepi order, lor thc Ot nstool crow,I toward thc stand on the pan ol such s masi people pushed the audi,?nee forward, in spin official vigilance. That part ol the crowd xi. el thc speak'i's distinct utterances grew n and more impatient, and iii,- cry of * Blai l-lii ne: James G. Blaine 1" never ceased. Alth it did not* rendel' Mr. Healy inaudible, ii serioi interfered with th,* effect of his address, ?veroI times Mr. Blaine put up his baud dc ,.i'm* Iv. as though beseeching his friends ti ? and hear -Mr. Healy through. MK. BLAINE'S REPLY. The bond played " Hail Columbia" after address was finished, and when M.-. Blaine fi las audience a mighty cheer burst 1 nth, xx (feen up ami reached t" the furthcsl e of the crowd Before be had uttered a \ Mr. Blaine sprang with ugili.j upon tbe c in front ol i. ni that he mighl the b tier see :i, showing as lie did bo tho Ifepubl Bag-button on tbe left lapel <*f his dark 1 -Three cheers fot Blame"- were given-such cl only as eau come from thouHanda ol loyal thr and the applause continued with seemingly cn-o-sing volume, until Ilr. Blaine, with ii 1 ei bia hand, asked his auditors to desist, 1 tbe mollien: when be gave evidence ol Ida pone to speak until bc had Bnished, mosl. perfect decorum xvas observed, broken by lbs spontaneous demonstrations ? th,- words he uttered called forth 'lins is be said: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: li woul censurable egotism m me to take ibis magnil demonstration a.s personal altogether to m li rather signifin the great popular inten the question upon whieh 1 am supposed at tt. have ii consistent record snd an earnest (hoers, and ;i xiii,-., - Always ') And you befon you ii conies! lu which that gnat is to be settled by the American people for i* an Indefinite period la one way ,,r ti,,- other 'I in- yeor 1881 xvas prosperous, ami lin? den, at its proposed _ radical change Industrial system whloh had produced that perity, ami since that dav then hits been r< alu! confusion iii thc ciuuki, 0 and manilla ,,! the I'nited Stales icries of "That's ti and cheers Hinl Iha ijue-Mion bofOM tl," Am people ls, xxii'lli'-r lie and his Administration bc sustained lu thal movement. (Cries of " i-ph-it lum tha Bepoblleaas, bavtag the b ?? ausa, bave Botniaated thc best pf tick, I li'-v hiivi- given ? i you fm Pnaldenl a man ol 'iv il xperienee, a man of heroic reeoid la Um war, . a man of great purity of character, i mau ,,f great Dimness, xx in, can riv this oiuitry sn Administration vrorthy ot its best toys (Chew And you ha-.,- BBBocinted erith him a man. whom o New-,, akers i iie,' n,.t further describe than 0 say that his nani'- la K. 1'. Motion. < 'In-i-f-. ? \ man oi the iiieist e. Herons character, the nu ti Intelligent comprehension "f affairs, <>f thc wide si ind most statesman-like vi,-xv of all the questions pending befon tha American people. (Cheela) Against Hus vim h.ixe inn gentlemen ot arbon I x*.ouiei not speak la terms other than those of mine* |x*r-*'iiul res-rei. 1 xvould ny nothing "i tha I'resiient othes than that For the candidate f,,r vice-President I xvould say thal i" bim I have a friend of many \ears' standing, and I am B |x-r sonal admire) of Judge Thurman. Bul I beg yon to observe ilia! at a critical period Ifl thia country, tho Vice-l'rsident. George M. Della* on a easting vote in ii ned Senate, destroyed the protective tariff of 1841 Vie n ibo Senate of the United Stab-s convenes on tho 4th day of Mareil n\t, it xviii have ihirty tvvo Senators from Hu* S,,li,i S-,ul li and it* will have six Democratic Bennion from the North*, unless are change some of Hiern in the meantime. IA voice: " We xxiii."' With six Democratic Seaaton from th- North, Mr. Thurman xviii be in th" posltlpn i" re-enact the rib- of George M. Dali.'-, more than forty years ago. Therefore, however amiable a maa bc may bc ano* however able lu* mav bo, thc mort' am.alii- and the mon aide bc iv, the worse xxiii I*,* Influence befon the American people, [Applause.] Now. gentlemen, I know that it, has been said ihat in discussing iln- question <>f a protective tariff, xv,* an* always pointing out what England is doing Weil, i have lately been [n England for some months, and I found In English public opinion h very greai difference upon slmosl all questions under He* sun. They ai- about 'I in two on xxbat \-,,a cali the Irish question, 'i ii*. BM dix ii! d as 1,, th ? lore! .ti | , | '? -U-n ? : Salisbury. Tltcy aro divided even unoi lance of thc ll- usc of Lord*! Laughter. And tiley are not absolutely nmnimons in support of a monarchy. Laughter ami applaus , Hu' there is in. question from Kind's Bnd i" .' n O'Groot's, from tin- Irish Chai nel t" Hm English?in every poper from one end of thc other there i.-- unanimous accord on th,- i^art of 'lories and Whigs, of !-:' d I of Radicals?timi th ? Ii ii. ? Iro vcr Cleveland. I'residenl of the United Sim**-. embodies In his person the exnel form of revenue and free trade for tito Cc ited States whicb they like. Applause.) Now. 1 have nu objection to their right "1 opinion. It I had ii would noi amount to any? thing. Nor do I Intend t" s;s-ak w.Ui dtar ,,f the English, for I have received ai their hands very graceful and very grateful hospitalities. Which I would be a churl tm* to a 'knowl.dgc be? fore an American audience. Cries "T "Good.") But that does ii"' ban e th'- condi? tion that th" Am-ri."in people lind tlnir Interest in on,* policy, and that tm* English people want 1" change thal policy so as to imrier conform to their Interest. And that, gentlemen, is thc prime que** tion imf,to von in the next November election. 1 am elad that this meeting is called in th" name of ih" laboring men, because this question from his! to last, iruin be .-inning to end, from -km lo core, and from core wick t?> skin again, is a ques? tion "f tabor. IA voice: "A,ion:" and cheers. If .von xviii agree to lix,* in as poor hons s and eat as pmer food and receive as low wnges as the operatives in England receive, xv., ern produce just as cheap c,,mis as a Democratic Administration wanta to see- iLaughtcr and cheers.) But If you prefer, with the pride and th,- freedom and the greai aspirations "I un American citizen, i" bettor vour condition, to tetter the condition <*t your children and "f your children's children after vu i, yu want th*- industrial system ol protected Inter esis i1 .it prevails in this country boo tc * main? tained (Loud cheers.) Why, gentlemen. Hm wage-worken of Great Britain and Ireland, of England, Scotland and Ireland?as r nid to-day to some Massitchusett. gentlemen wto did me H.'- honor tu call?tbe en? tire savings to-day that these wn gc-workers can ilr.ixv u;.e.ii in Hu- lo,ur of need in thal uri-nl king? dom ar*' not as *_ivat as lie t, banks e.| Massa, liusi-tts te> thc credil cl lb,' wag * workers ot thal small State cheers ; and tain this Government to-d;iy, ii you will tum th, Administration of these States to-day, ini' ? '.nie chann, ls, you eau , xhausl th *-,* sn , ii s and put our la' irina men throughout th ,;m*' :t ;,,n xv llb t'i" I il'..: ,i:_ ;.. a , (ir, at Bi itain, and in thc coin's,. ,,( (ive or ten v ari * .n make tb, tu ..s i oor on one sid ? .is on Ho (,tli, r. Now, I xviii not in this campaign stop i" srgu, this question on anj other basis, I have ti" per se nalitica te. indulg ? in. Il,* i * I., il mnI prolonged cheering, wa vin ,,f ha ? handkerchiefs and . anea, erie's ol - , ,*,*i bless j ou,' and a call for " I n for James G. Blaine,' whicb frere given with tremendous enthusiasm 1 would rather have your cordial, heartfelt sn in .tillie ii' welcome than anj offlce you can b, stow upon me. Cheers.) Kin in ibis canvas in which I shall b,k'- greater or len part, I sha hold ihis qm*.timi from tim beginning to tin* cn ss a question 1i1.1t Interests everj man, wotoan an child in ibis country Hun depends upon daily I boi for daily bread. < 'le ors.) Then is m, need "( making any low io prote, emii,al. Capital always takes care of Itself si gets a full share. Hut then un* laws thal cs elevate tbe condition of the laboring men an I thi ni*' laws that ean degrade them, and th K pu hean part.-., which luis stood tor twenty-five yeal xviii stand I believe, with the Mewing "f *'? -\ nt the xxiii of the American people, f.r twenty-fl* years more, upholding and maintaining thal I Government xxiii,-li takes care of the bom- ai sinew .mel working bi iscle ol the land is si t satin- time taking care of thc men that create i wealth ol the country and ar., entitled to t patronage and protection of the Govcrnmei I 'In 1 : - Now, gentlemen, you represent ii critical Stat you represenl thc Stnte of New-York. Your vol are te toll on that one issue, Four vot, ? can ?? mi ihiti i--i,e. Don'1 bf div, rt, i fr ibal ' dc nu' sin n by ? !lon'! be tn led by petty squabbles od Hus or tim! small -ne*. Don't be deceived bj pe reena! qucsti, or abuse on tbe one hand ",? tim other; bul gi your votes bs indcpeiidt-nl taboring di m. <?, ilem for * lu- interests ol j our oa n li em ??- nnd j i own lin sal, s, and lb, r, bj for I i> *t inter ol the /ii ui Republic. Loud appin iso. 1 net Mr. Chairman: I Bever Ihoi lil ol thal Repufc :is I do i* -night [Applause.] * I have se,ai the ol lier side. I have dex oi something ol ibe- las) fourteen montlis to ? Hu- condition <?: tabor and lab,,un;* niel iii other hi misphcre, and I say, w .* nam -ia,n, that in m. count o ol Europe, or part ol Eurolie, ,>r n por of an* country, is condition ol labor comparable t-, tba! which i vails in the. United States, Applause. Are you v. in;: to give .ip your poaitiou? Cries "t "N " No," or will you maintain il ? " We willi") ' can maintain lt by s strong pull, aad long p nml a pull alto*., tier, for llarrison iiiul Moil 11 .',,1,in-,*.,',l appian-,' and enthusiasti, cheon Kinnie* Mai v "'. Mi Blaine t pointod sentences d, ind willi the force ol eloquent*! which hui n lum i b br ii"i the -*\"i ld ot er, ? 'ni a qji through h;s great audience which the mi ol ?spectator- could not full te, I, Impressed w Among Ins sledge-hammer arguments which i Instant!] caught bj lu- hearers eras lu- refere aii.r ins allusion to the character and - r I, Ki x i iv Morton, t" the part played bj ? t,,. Democratic Vice-president, George M. Dallai the critical moment ol thc pa-..,. ? (>? the Se of the Tariff '"ll t.f 1st,, whieh brought su< peri,,?! ol <i|s;,s|. I |o the eounui Mr Blaine's allusion to Mr. Cleveland's | popularit) in England keen!) responded inn when, speaking f..r himself, le- san tbs " had iio sues I" le ni,' ti,.- aUtbustasm kui"' bound-., und " three checra for i-lniii-' wee ? ' I I lill i, . - dirk i , ' I.;:. i x ' lough Mri i. k rook i' i* i .nun; * .u, Ima - ll I nun 11 - rm*,:,., XV N i rm \V'.,:i..| s , , mp I ? L'rawfoid ..Wleiret nn thc ire ill . ? Ul 1,1. lill. liv . I, V el? ie .1 * rete lee. s ol' incl al tate I. it real. 1 ?. ll" I ail ten. They wen repent tl in all directions, show- I -- Ho* ? - 'lr Ibo gt Hld. Mr. B t . h.s b, ? here I ( re " : ilicnn as-1 , can | . Ined. " WI,:., WO idol I tn??:?'' exclaimed loll li-!, ner near the st ind, when '? ch cring xvi. ? < i Mr. Bl iin, 'a ! . '.av, illlel -.eief'S ll ina hearing cln| ped their hand in joyous elli,-eiil! eeetl ,.' ' tO XX'ilS creal .lille.. ? Morin >." *?? itch came sands ol i with i'!'-nt, reluctance mounted a 'hair and said. I' Hon ( lt|i ins i Vou will aot, i sra i ii . >?* i bon me !? - '.-'ii. i have i from t country !. ros lu extending i warm tlcomo sod cord il congratulations boob the return oar Gladstone of Vd ? bo bn In tin* v. Il in th- fut,it-*, r.s ye,ii hav- bad evidence Bight, rend r. Ice t ?. the Republican .u e. i!,' od ctn ink you for ydhr kindly si line aod bi,i you g tod n. [ht. Load am! prolonged I' eas.I Thc band sought to Interest the people xvith ut riot ic music, but when they saw Mr. Blaine nd Mr. Moil.m with their escorts leaving the tam fe,- the Fifth \v..*|.|.- Hotel thew xvas a real rush to follow them. For n time tin* street i lr,mt of th,- hotel completely blocked so Inn i lie e r> nnd other vr] Iel, i could nol move, he ilistini uished li a,l, * ta the Twen r-f-mirth -;. entrance of tbe hotel, nnd soon cached their rooms, but thc -great crowd confin? ed ? ?? .'l-iia' iiredl.ii lo surge about lu- hotel, ringing Heir favorite I nule? ri "s of " So. :? _ no. Fi ?? Trade!" " Blaine?, . James G. 1 canoe and Mor? on, too!1 . until lona lifter ' s mi dceplv set in tl ? ' ' bc BepubUcan * ENT.OLLING A MEXICAN REC_IU_T i DIBTINOtUSIII ii I'.x:: 1 LOOKING POB BLAINE, r.iT MOT xvi*, xi:X" OP WAITING. Then wm ;'. Vi-t ot rcs on, and s ti iw of well, ol he rares! xx in - in thc Deli r, after tbe cn Ibo gt.' olonel Vf. F. SI fer. of fha Union Lei Cl lits of thc Ri to dn honor lo pa fortify tbo Inn * Ul le,elli I, .Il (ieneral Barnum. ' hi -fe- tf. -. ?t"." ,:.* one held * is " ol!i. ii.i' on Wi, I '.pi..-.-, i hu ' ' '. K. I e*' il el ' *. ' :. in honor .ef i ai nun s, an i , : . * * borate ? H . * bl :a i Barnum, having mt iii r in t' ? day worn tho badgo if sn ml to i.mi.i i 'lu*ing tic com : of Ul" . rs, i id i.i Ihe inoi i mt commercial Inter-**! Ile hi** in cnn ii,,,u U'ith tli'-m. end e* I tin * ;* ii.lie's" Wolli,1 ; * ? 1 -;.'l,!'? -. u ho, ? ladles, wat, : ? ti,-in lin: * Knights ni the Rom el .* i, i m ai I I iai n, mi mi ihelr -nc e - in rh t il demon it rat I, in in August, m iain, in - Mun li would put !., Iii. nil-, ti.** Democrats, ,,o their mettle, and would uparo no cl.ort-i lo ccllp*- such a brilliant ,li ln reply to a qpuestlon by n il S to whai v iin'ii ne* il , t parado In Prance oi Ml Xl'", fol !',,!*? If thfi ,'UI* ? or xi-\|. U| I bc ie, nol to wall i":* tho for , lot Cl in' nt Wii ihl !n nlng iu L -'I." Am I cpubll Wer" , I, Vu: lt! Jacob I P. Ita .(?. H. Te i'i, .- uator Gibba and -ve *:ii ,! ?? Itlon n ai MR BLAINE'S COMPANIONS ON THE SHH The following lt Ihe tull ll in pat cnger i. i on ll City of X, .! ii ittksn Mi* '? Mrs ','? 'lorrow XX X| illl in v. lim. H Kmen J M I Andrew * ? l.vuni Krnnu Mnllertb s IV Al ' .'.-*'?."1 A J I av ' ' ,1 Jo in , ii.'initru'k Ul [ant JU' 'ir x J Aril lld M Ki W ll '*.'. ll-oii Mri vi bo i vu** jim on Heston - ?* -* t?,n j ii I Milli* nn*: .'<t-..,-lt nina sc; rat l ? 1 ?' ' ?"?: v ii,,, ic*,* i. J Mm , ll lioldberg i Nun-ell I) ll lill , -lee,ril Thi* i:.*v i> N Besch l> ll <l 'ti O'Kelli] i P., ll C A (., , . ii u-k ii .un, I, Parlse I Phillp i .i ;? - ?-; Planck i:..* iin.M . mn x a iii* , Dr Thut, Potter .?1-1,1 M ? IH I ll. rnt-xn ll ? r Iel 1 ? , ? ? 1! ?* ? '-I Hilt 1..: : ? i". i I \ ll ttl inti A li i ioi wc! I ' I'-edford > ? ? . *. : ll, iv ', i ,,i Urn ii ill, l.-i* XV I a..vii I.'i. Mi - mum E Mm UK sw. , t tit .! I" - i'i llorniblos ?ti > i. 11. * i ip,,* ii -iii. Ite* :? -ti-;.:.* \ I l'a tall am* i'i i; om-, 'i-'ir/.iiirl' * , ,. I I .irv ?SIB II X'tl mi Inmt '-, I il' hIIj . *-- ci er , . um tr I. I I SM Ve l-l J<? ? i, Ml - siei ? at i ,, stewart ,,,111 I :,., t iNkV N ' * - j i- i: i lie iit-v.N snmtn ',. il. ll ll SJ A I ? Kiln o.l " -ilium S i' I ungi v li xv* Taj Bl Mr. Xl I Ungi*! Mi I---, erv i 1. caielli Ml, ' .mee* Master Jack Craw m i Lathrop .x .i Th* * *ei n tom A M , i'i, , le.Ililli ,, .v croker ,,,;?-,?,, Mrs i kama* a ?' - * rokST an.I 'li- I. ivti.?:..? ,i i" i.n - .ii - ' thoma, ,e eat .. uso ? , mea '?' >nipson Daly Mr I.] > " ' * "i"."" j,, ? v Dela M **,' < apt tx ll i aomp Mi vi.*. ?nne I Mm Dittier i Hui I' M, ' uiy s,,B Mm Du ll '? >b " 'ii Iv* i '' , 0" u "?nil i ,.i Dooough ** illa Dr xl -v \_n iii mare I ?:.*i.,* rn ur x in Denso Dan. - illaa Allra-l A \ os ,i,,r,. in' ? , . ,, xx i. -r ', f stmtlixii, .| Amati! - V,, I,,?.,,.? ? McNair M-tt -ii.i,i i xx iii J ,: Hoe I',-oi .! >o D vi i.i if iharlei XX Igg xiii ie,,s i*,..,, i ipin ll ii a luton, Mr '?? Maatei Dim l'_K*l ml at .X XV xv *. n i-r n ., rt., n I rugnai \ ' '? ie,,...,. Mi ? Hunton *?: - xx my I*, ir, i Doris .x w "? ' er mm bc xxmisni .?!, . i .- l .|*.t ,- ! Milner xi'i-i'titt v lilia .i;,... ? ,. 0 le I U*.i-*.ll .1 enos I ,; rirtl J li -I :!..\ t.r, , j-,v il il i?i * Wiisiia u it x.u.i,.ni i- ii V, sodlmry ? Till', i III J TOMI \ join, *,.**. nc , i"? than tho ' hi, ? ihar- favorite. 1 whlcli ih. y i ? ' wrlva ? : tho pur].teas the Lewi - Pulver, i iptain DI, tlon *?? li * tuiiiii.. r of i Di. A. I.I*.! I ..lill ci* "f i nun,,, * , , ,i. 1. ' ? ' ; Con s. \\. Kin I. Col i Dr. C. ll. v. i ..'mi,i. lb ' ? '; ll ni, Di ' *'' s,ud *? * ,1 iiraiit toiii J ' and > ??* : " *?* '' rn BOSTON PREPARING i" v, Kl. "Xii. HR. OLA Boston, tug. 1 d).-Tbe Ri *? ie.inn, itee has s I al ut] i ?*.* irdlng ll* ptoj ii * I rccepl un la Mr l on lils pa -n.e ii,, nigh ll * I"*'* M ''*?'* '"??'l ? pu,,.icu:, I,*-.nhiu irlers h'-i>* lc nigh! thal Hr. I xtiu o, up] t portal rar on Ih ? Joun t make Hopi foi I ?ns al Bprli 1 Kim.ini,,i it. Hatton ia nu* etty be will bo ob, ,o ike Hotel Vend, * eata, Ike ree* pttofl v. ni |e?kB pl iee, vt,ii be i I rated. ' hal I'' **ldei xii -. i i.-v . nd ,?e,,;, ,' end, ? II ar vai <i am Ix ei iai y. i he < linc rvr, sion a enilrelj , foi nt iL I he *? Ul !??? a ' ongrai ulaloo ipea ? ihoi I ? Wu lilalne- i rn THANKRD UV 'till-. ORAND M XKMIAK ' .? net .ll Ieee ph I .: gnai Ulallie pan : u Otdn Ka itl xvhieh ho returns sincere thanh-i tn HMM \ bo xvi. his aids and rontrlluiteii io malu, th", ilemon i , lon a i.'cess. Ip. makes special mention of ieneral Barnum'i nrvtaea. and highly praises tho ar ? ti mada inui earned oat By Bm pottoa THE 1*1111.XUI'.1.1*111 \ I'XP.XDKl'.S I'l.F.APP.D. Philadelphia Aug, in (BpBdaD. lbs Reput.u-an In Inclbles reached their hssdB,nartcn in this etty from ii. thortly afb-r ?*> o'clock th!-; morning. Bte A.ri.1- Wllliun ll. BiBith ls hlclilv S-Btsd over the Orilla] reception BXtoaded In New-York, ami speaks if the '-ntha I:i tn of tin- paopts ov.-r the parado as bing very gratifying, lt ls possiiiio that tin. q vi neible! xxiii co to New-Tori some time in Oeto ?r ii participate tn a campaign demonstration. MANY TKKi. illAVS AM) I__.IT1.KS. .Vnl'.li- ni' WttSJOOMB AMI ( f-NORATUKATIO-! PROM Al,I. I'AUTS OP TllK (Ot'NTKY. Mr. Iiliilno leci-ivcl yesterday many hundred lotion uni leii-'.'iiims of eongratalattoa, from Maadi ail over he- eiiiiniry. Among others were tho following: Detroit, Mich., Aug. 8. linn. Jame* G, nialne. tessi nd, By the Republicans nf Mlehlc-wi, In conven :!on a?HCinhlei!, thal we lend cre'tliigt and welcome to le- Hon. hui,* -i I.. Ulallie upon hl? life trrivtl hom". ,'. XV. WATKINS, ,'hnlrman. II. P, OKA VHS, Secretary. Kn. IN Broadway, N. Y-, Aug. 9. To the Tien. James 0. Blaine. , mel mille faiitha to the worthy guardian of American IndUStrleB and protection, protc lion, protection. p. ii. cosgrove, Tree. Irish-Am. Antl-ClovclVid of Klnsi County. XVashti'ci n, Penn., Aug. 10. To th" Tlon. Jame?t C.. nialne. Honored Slr: Tho .nuns Mon'* Kepuhllcan LtBBWBj at Washington, Pena., Mad their hearty and cordial enn l-. a'illations lo ytMUSell ai.d fatully on ymir _Btl arrival XII _ XVDI.F, I'rcMdcnt, ff. OLIVER, Secretary. Oiaiha, Neb., Aug. IO. To th" Tlon. .Tame* G. nialne. 'iii* Irish. Aiti.-rie au p.epuhli an (int, of Douglas County, (feb., Mad ? ?.ii*-'i.i*'ilu'|e*n. mi viii- safo return, and es? tele! t', you a hearty Cacd nilli- falltha. JOHN QBOVES, Pro-silent. Sun -'ranc:*co, Au?. 8. T'> th" Ib,n. ysiqSS C.. Tl!a!n*. ihe eonforen.i rentlon of Toting Mat's Republican nuns ,,f sun i'run,i-'o, representing thousaada ol young Republicans, rn a I atm tina Vlsi! us durln*,' the campaign, v x-oii. xv. ll. , IIAMBETtLAIN, Chairman, WALTER !'.. H..WI..S, S. rotary. Vicksburg, Mi?., Aug. io. To tho Hon. Tame* c.. Blaine. - el thi- klltortC 'itv welcome AmTlca'ti * wen. Long univ you Uv* lo protect, vviiat our f - ii -liberty uud Independence. M. J. ML'LVIIIILL, ll. ROOKS, ?i. xv. PARKHURST^ M. P. I'.iix MB, K. J. SMITH, xVli.1.1 XM III.NNE-.SET. o. t. ii xi:iiv, M. .!. li i" ll I.V, J. M. P.YAN. Committee. Kirmlti-ham, Ala., Auk. 10. To the linn. Taine* C.. nialm*. ThB whit.' Ilarri-on uni Morten Cluh of th!* city, 200 Krone, extends a hearty jmd Stael re aretoOBM to you?tho , gr, it, -* e.; iii Americana, E. FROST,, pr-idr.t, ll. C. BAKES, BS, rattly. Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 9. i To the ll jd. JDmcs G. P.'alno. J,'fte':-*.i, ,'eeiititv r.**|,nt lii-an Convention, now lu BMBtOB i at Watertown, tenda its hemrty eMgrstulatloaa t,> you -t> I tho BOpttbUeaa Bf UM land on your isafe r.-turn. It. If. lUNTINCT'iN, Chairman, T. C. GK XV. C. A. Ht.'NTINOTiiN, Socr**tar!es BVRDEB OF A COLORED illili. OX ROSC ISLAND A shocking murder x-.-as discovered yesterday, o wh'.ch tho victim waa Marta Jones, an eightaea-ysar ohi eolored girl xxho lived with her graadmother Mis. iiuii, at Rocky mu, a mi,ail settlement just 01 ;:, ? outskirts ot Plashing. The murdered girl wa found lying upon a bed In a small room on tho uppe floor of lin; little tWO-StOry house in xvhieh she lived i'i'- wert three tra-he's upon the Bead and th Bon 'vis broken P,cs|ilo the body lay a hatehc xvith a Straight helve. Word xvas at once seat t Captain llance and tho constables In ni-lghborln towns. Coroner Cartier xvas also notified -.nd harrie :,, the -'???ne of the tragedy, it had been learned tha a white woman who saut she came from Winfield an who vis al.i tiny years of ai;" had applied . several of thc houses In the vicinity on tbe pnvtot nigh! for lodging Bhe xvas finally taken In by tl girl, in tbe morning she had disappears Cor. -ta!,!,- p.eti'ainln CBtpefinr nmt upon the BIBI :? road a woman wTioinliterf xifth her descrfptfoi sa _.iie* her : ame aa i's Georgina Fletcher, si ?as dress 'I In poor clothing am! when she bollev, ? penter was nol looking she tore oif a port < it the lower par! of ber dress and threxv it by tl Tho Constable picked lt np and found thi a was sta:i*,,i xvith what appeared to be blood. Mrs. Fletcher eras taken befon Coroner Cortie Bhe -id that on Thursday morning sin- went t" tl * , i J, _.< si I asked permission t,, rema ttl eke washed h"r clothes. Marts aasente Mrs. Fletcher, according to her statement, proper, tkfasl and having washed her cloi d ,'..u the all-y t,, %___ McFadden*! place, Wh, the reach, I tho bouse again everything waa in 'lar d v.hil* groping tot a tamp ber hand came contact with a tool which waa deathly '"ii. > lit vera! matches and by their 1 chi -uv*. Mai J ? lying ni. the bed, deed and covered wi blood. Tho axe via- upon the Boor. Thc lower pi ol ibo house is occupied by Peter < luens, a color : an iliii'i' iw,, years of age. Ile sayi he heard ,1 iurbaneo during the n ghi pud knew nothing iv until tim morning RESPONSIBLE tOR MRS LEVY'S DEATH i. .-..?.I S i ?e i I in oral fi I ' . i i a . -ens. |ill!*. CORONEB'8 JURY BLAMES THE CAB CO PANT nilli i "l"'ii:s AS WELL AB THE DRIVES. iin- jury lu tho i.exy taquM found the fallow! verdict yesterday : " Wa Bad thal tbe deceaaedi M Sophia Levy, cann* tn lier death by bellin knod down by a hois- attached t,, car Bo. 8 af the Twen ; : 91. Railway I ompany, ami boin;* na over -1,1,1 car which was driven by ono .lames Huffy. further timi that tbe driver's attention wu diver by s,,me ,,f ike numerous ami eompticAted dal xv hah are required of blas 'according to the rules the i u.*-itv thini street Railway Company, of wk be ls employed. We Bad thai Mrs. Sophia K-x death lt directly attributable to tbs dangerous lyst of running iiii!'!aii cns without a eoadaetor, ami t ??in K tpeelally pernicious in a lar^o etty ea- sad in tboroughfana iueb as Tweaty-tbtrd-st. ?? We condemn this system, and raeoaunead to . IW eel lie" Sill'.' (lt .Nl-XV Vollt that ll t'' a Ished al ihe next session, eompeUIng all horse companies In this cltv to provide "aeh and every wnli it.*,, of its employes, a conductor and a dil And we respectfully urm the Oovernor to call the et i e Leglttature to this maller In Ins ant \\e further Ond lhal the Board of Dtre ot ihe Twenty Ulled Mice, Rallwav t ompsny are ; '?? :*ei ll - death of sahl Sophia Levy." jay returned with another verdict. however, could ool accept this verdict, writ hail ju-t been served on bim, Issued bj .b Patterson, prohibiting him from accepting a vei ?i ni incriminate i>*cretary McLean, rhe sledged thai they had found Hr. He Lean ei ti *, s,, Coroner Lexy ord -1-- ? l them to retire nnd re a second verdict. This writ was served on the gr ti ti tho counsel for tho corporation bad not ? . ? ??; lia. ? moved li- sven and earth,11 xi. in .- io a report i' ut the Close of the Inq * to de * * ? ? ? of Justice. 1 could have Igi I*,,- v, ,!,* -inii tte.-.-;?.-ii it, ? Ursi verdict i * hm i 'v.' te i thal lt thc verdlol ol n i : counsel vi mild * for d laying action, which would n ul md ie?!?? ever* two ita] - for an ii e ,',. period, a ito.-thu- ii,- verdict amines) tl. *., ti thal ''an ??'? given, v, ithln a ? have th 'in all under heavy nail." ll. Man ? I iii er d. -: tl ? i i Re taine wilt \V.el I the or ted then toco i ili? lli i .in I ti Mr. if thal I yes- ' i Hui's PICHI hil "A A DOO. Baltimore, Vug to x savage bulldog owne Charles Baulsbury, who lives on the outskirt Hy, ia t nigh! made s u k on aa*l Miss Jennie Brown, who in ibo yard. Their screams attracts, alien!:.m ,,( ,i i,uirtcn jaws old brother of Min f bury, vth,i made an effort rn 'nea: ,,ir ths dog brute :u niiee turned on the boy and I" tore could roach iiim be wa- bitten ta twsnty-two i .a.i ] ;..*. ii, imus and le-s wen- terribly ma and his w.iuiii- may ;,i"ve fatal. Both j women were badly bitten un the arms and Miss l : olved *i dangeroui wound ob Um left kl] i np, email lani to be suitiuii.>i io shoot ihe a belora !;e could be forced to please his hold ou j baulsbury. -?? "Tin: MX,,'.: DAVQRTBRB" .ir OOBAR ai Ocean Orove, N. .1 , Aug, IO (8peeta->. Tba Haughton beta bb nil day meeting at Ocean Qm day, repr,-eutativce fiom all sections of the I states bein:; ta attandane* Miss 11. s Thonpi Bl. Louis, mini.. tbs Opening addMBS, dlreclltnj I n.ihs especially to uamarTled woswa The 1! .,, vt,emil remalnad unatarrtod vms not aiwa , mae thai wen aol attractive, bat because tb tbe win of 11"!, 'rid- sfteraooa xirs. kui-, ,,f UrOVO, pu-slilcl, uii'l Miss M. K Thntupsoii, ' Imus, gave au aeciiunt of "the little MutfOm,* _ ,,f tho ehlMraa ta st. i.onu. Mrs. iu Philadelphia, mad., an address on tho object a ol tho k-lug's Daughters. The Kev. Dr. K. ll. made a brief address, and a number of circles were oe candied 'iii- evening the -ape a ken wero tho Kev. S II Crifhmlnss, of l-'lorlda, and Mrs. Lucy Kloei Myan. wbB la at tho head of tho Women's Training Si hool for {Curses ta i h; TWO PA TS Or BBB* FOR lIARTilSO*. A RJ.SPITK FROM CROWDED RECEPTIONS. GIIKKTING KROM THOMAS F. FiM.-WORTH, A<JB KINKTY-TWO?A tMKTEB FOR LUCK FROM VIB C.INIA. Inr rr.t.r/tnxni to tub T*rnn**B.7 IndlanaimllK, Aag, IO. -General Harrison ls resting this xxenh. Their have b",*n no largo delegations for two days, and as many mer,, will probably \a > beforo iho pilgt images begin again. The (.en,-ial's mall, of course-, ciontaan large and lntor?-stlng. All matters relating to the campaign and IU management are rt f erred lo tho various campaign committees, but letters of personal hearing are answered bv the General or hit private secretary. A feature of th,- can,pago has been from the Hist tho organization of tho Ti pooranoo vetanaa. ?vMsaeas of ntraordb-ary satlv-tj among tho old soldiers come to hand from every sids. A list of 1.-100 name, of members of Tlpp'vano'* clubs In Iowa hai boen sent to General Hanlson. In Ohio moro than 4.CA)il of these veterans are already In or* and post, oflleos at command. Among lbs many Interesting letters from ohio bealing on this Itibjeer, the General uss received thc following from We,t Klrhflelri, Ohio: I was d.-e|,ly Inti-fstod In reading tho aecount of thl icier received by you from Iirael C*,", a man with whom I wa* a_-o,i._t,-d eighty years ago. I am ninety-two yoars old, and If my life |? (.pared until November, you wUi bs the seventeenth President for whom I hsv? voted, your grandfather, of course, being ono of tho number. Ai my .ie.- vvlli not permit, tty making a pilgrimage to your home, please accept my kindly urt-eungs. THOMAS F.. r.T.KSWOKTII. RepuMicans from the dav of Harrison's nomination have suggested ihat tie (.cnocal's Southern ancestry would be an element of ltr***Bgth to his candidacy and would have a favorable affect ujion the relations ot tho (forth ami loath, a largs vaaattty of mail i,as borne , testimony to I! I- Vi if lotti in from l)emocia)S leiM lying to their frendshlp luxe beea received. The following is a sample ot th,- sateftatalag cmmunica Hons received ii om the Old Dominion: xv- e ,- pestoBtaa Vlrrtnik To Genera! T5->n]an:!ii fi I f.eimd ti,,- i'i,*:.I eora - .n.o time ugo, and on clean. Int* lt found It to tx- a t jir,|.a ga SMdSl of IBM, As I lc*vv lt ls i,i Mat BM anv luck, unless you in t-ni in give mo a go-el i - nat are elected, and as I am an old Bab. and a Democrat. Bl that, I dejn't i-r- v.iicre I cm BSBM In. XX,il, I aa. ciad t-i think that if yu nie Steeled vv- will have an old Vlit-'inla-brel man .lt the h* itu i for I batteVB In a blBBd "f len a* Will ts td aha wtii n* Preetaeat of the arkell psspta if rou 'i.: i. ip tu vt iiij, your al i . g ? ?? ??., i en? cl.,-.- ui y,ai the niedal, hoping lt aay brtag y,u good luck in s.,ine war. i xitiiiK. Kitti" '? lien,'' the grandson of th" Kepubliran toee fm- President, tees in the campaign un" glorious emt::,nous 1 north of July. II' his Ute, tun-* ?? Marching Through Georgia."* and tu Ks inspiring sti nins he cMt,nos away a daring movement to the utter destruction <<f les Imagtaarj bodies ..f hors**, toot and dragOOBS, not to speak of cl airs, liol,by horses .-uni other thin*.'- material The war over, tho llttlo feihixv is n ready peace maher. lb- is a great baad* tbaker, and if ks ls arouod xvhen the graiidslre re ceivea a deiegattOB of visiiors, __ put. up a tut In token of well ome. EX-SEN'ATOR MILKER TO FAI.MER.*. HOW 1'KOXKCTION HAS UMHXMH A MARKET TO! TIIK. FARM. Jamestown, N. Y.. A)ig. 10 (Special).?Senator Milln changed his plans and did not make any speech hero to-nl^hi. In tho courso of hit addresa at An? gelica tatt night, ho said : "Tho ITesldont argues In hts free trade message that tho farmers aro Injured by tho tariff system. If It ls an Injury, than axvay wllh lt. for agriculture lt tho foundation of our prosperity. Tho President tells you tliat tho dBty on foreign gooils Is added to tho price ot tho domestic on tho foreign articles and th***refore lt ls a robbery of tho consumer. How much of your products do you think aro consumed hero at homo! oxer BB per cent. When we h?/l no protect ive tariff we had nu such home market. Now wo send to Europe a pal)ry ,5 or ft per cent of our products. Wa raise In this country KOOo.noo.OoO pounds of butter yearly, and of that only a paltry ;>?.000,000 pounds go to Kurope. Tho homo marlie, has eonasSBd lt all. I ompare tho I rico of butter noxv and ta IBBO, beforo tho protective tariff system was sdoptsd. Kniter was s-.l'l for only li cents a pound. >'o\v you got BB and 2~, cents a pound. Thou t!-..) Deniociuis __jr that Up p.ilco pt a.*i(cultural Implemeate Would bo lowor. Why, we make agricultural imptaSBBBts so taw ta prln bow that vt,- at*,* selling them In England and all over Kurope. Vou _-et too per cn! more Bm your farm products than _ou die) in I860 am! tba nil'-es of rn a nu fae tu red prod? ucts BBS BO per c. ni less tuan they xvere then. Why Democrats ihould have pul wool on tho freo list i am puttied to understand. Tbs Presldeal says that un high tariff does BOt b'-netlt rlie WOfktBg t'la-se*. that they have tn pay a tax BB everything ih-v buy, xvhlclt loan them the advantage of their awn high wages. Tho protect!vs tariff bM led ta au lmprovetu,tit of the breed of theep aol of ti," quality of wool Our mut ton i- :* .." d I thal of Ki.jland. Iir?ak down tho tarifl and you wttl destroy the Boer grata af sheep. Kow much wool goes into a suit of clothes! lu a i -nil BOI ox, rs,-wit -pounds, Worth irl IQ, Now. therefore, your s*n; wo.ia cos! rou that much * bul if you bave littv theep youi loss *? ?_ n,,. abolition of iii" duty on wool woiil I ? ?? .-:;*' Therefore, to -av., Bl IO, you would lose ??-?.". I can't iee the pi?>*it of n ii. (Applause and laughter.) Moreover, everything xv,* cons nm- on the table, xvith th" exe piton ol sugar, I* eboapsf lb*a ta Kurope. mir laboring men have no a ? - tha iib,,ring man ta Barona who should have.* meat twice a day would thiuli him seii an aristocrat."_ NAMING MAYOR PARSONS BOI PKOMOTION*. i ester, Aug. IO ispeeiai.-Ki put,llcau prlmarl*-*! WOW h'id |B thirteen of tho S-UtB80 xva,,1s of tho City tonight and In nearly all ibo delegates woro In Itrttetad for Cornelius __ larsons. Mayor of this city, for Lieutenant Governor, and John M. Davy for Judge of tbs Supreme x on rt. Kx-Senator VS ar ner Miller arrived ta iho city this morning. Hhs name and tliat of Xir. Pu--,ms are strongly favored hero for the auto ticket. KKAr.RI-.sTKD FOR SXYINDI.ING DEMOCRATS. Joel 1'. Smith, who ls charged by Calvin m. lirloe, chairman of tho HwmOfllBllS National Kxeeuiive Com millee, xvith Sfiiding blackmailing circulai-s to post lnastets and other federal otlloers, was taken bofora Ju.stlco Patterson in thc Supreme Court, chambers, yesterday, on a writ of habeas corpus. Assistant Dist!let-Attorney Maedoaa said there wat nothing la tho warranting tho detention of tho prisoner, and Um Judgo thereupon discharged him. Ho was Immediately rearrested by a deputy Knited States marshal qb a eharas ot violating tho postal laws, lie xxas taken lief.,re United states Commissioner Shields and was held to hail lu *1,&00. Uo will t-o examlncd on this charge to-day. gOMJ DA.\Ki(,'K-s' ARD HORE DELAYS. The Kong Branch limited express, composed of fonr vestibule tars attach-td to engine No T:;:t on tha Pennsylvania Railroad, which loft Point Pleasant al B a. m. yesterday, reached Hewart a* si::;o. Tho draw of Um I nBlBMltrial M. bti'lg" was off and tho sxviich WU inoveil for tba train to tako the (>titr?sst_ bri'lge. Tlie head car bad barely crossed to tho >eiitiesi. track when the fnnl wheels of rho first coach {amped tba track and the >*-ir xxas plunged ? a tai ?" water tank and crushed it against tho signal lower, xvhieh \va.s partly arraekoA There was consternation assoag the passenger, a'.ui saw .-?i . tainted, bul no one xxas injured. Tlie co.uii Billy smashed, front and rear, and was detached from tbe train, which proceeded to Jersej I Uj att.-r an jnnir's detention. The seetdent a .- cai rd by tho giving way of a frog AU sntwnd hoand irani* '. >tayed tor nme time. i'j.DK'.v itiov POE BXOIXBaLES ARD .-UKV-f.-V, m. Louis, Aug. in ispecial). lin- engineers'coovea Hon adjourn--,! t,, ul ghi an l the federation schean kai bet n adopted. A gian.! advisor) bon:,!, represent? ing engineers, Bremen, inrakemen an*l twttchmea, xviii bs ereatad sad ibo atajorriy al thal boBtd ami of iha employes aa tba Hm xviii tattle sl^rkvaaosa "\xh*Ni a sn,;,.. |, oniensl, ail einploics win s,, p oak ThU plan will bc a.lopio.1 by Hil.- ether three orpauuaiiout ? Till. i-itAD'.'. IN i 111. X'.?'. Chi iga, Aug. io Special).' .'ru-, m Mectbeea Minno Se.(a Jilt See. -l'l 'I ? VN tl III (^ tprlag wheal belt, ! - ""i au spgrslMHBaJtva dis? trust ot the Oaveraateai repwi laabk i * few w n-r s* ptember when ?u tha earb at >:i it eeata 'mt it oiseJ iwlj BBB tptaed Mgnsttl ii ny-A going te BB : ? rtuci'ilv. is.-pi.uils-r vth,*?t vtas hi Ai SSBtt on th* curb on BCCOUBt ? f 'he- QiltSIBBSBBl iil'ort. torn KulTereil from iu oversupply e.f cssh stuff. The market u|H*i:.-d weak ani continued -,, Mu nehoil thc day *i>h .urn, which f,,r Um,, hst r.n,- ,1 lu BrlCS li "in 1 -' i" 1 eent over Sc-,11, tiil-er. undei lltr.e- ot,,-rings. m,'.-A Ih lott Se,,t*nil,er. o,i th.s tio> -l.irk-" ?u? relied br Um tt.llr^ au! rcettA elalie l,.ug muff m. shaken ont. No one uperatot or llfm sold any ,,ig line, but lhere vta? a constant ilrlbr.'.iitu, whieh, in 'in, amteanxn, reached Ury.- piop.irii.iun. Tao * I- ,', ,*,?., t- foi -sept'int' r ?* I-fi I ll 1 a of the hot tom. TU,* prlnclptl n.tivitv in .e?n w*. din' I., tin- ,.-,. -ttions nf llBtehtaeea snd brjii'. Clift ii. 'Ih,* i-e.iui'iii' d i'ii i-ha?ot .,f th.'., ino irnlcrs advjio'e-.l Xintust tUuUV a tanti, St u tina .then wt-ikii.*"" lu ?yuiiaiuv with cara iiu_rtx u*\o I.>e.ii Pt potted. other o|,ti"ii? dil nol fluctuate mer 1-4 Bl it tent. The ncW" "f reties) f* v.r in Um Nninh stalled cvcrvlhliiR lotter t'ul.iht ind Annoui leaned siiouiiljr lo UM tM'ir stile. Thu former exni. ?s.*.l the t>cliof that ie,,ri, ?.,ula it'll *'- lower. s, ,,ici,,).-i pork told ii ?13 __. ?*VA 42 I 2. ind c'.oeod ?t |13 .>?*! September lari fluctuated hetweea tull l-'l aud ?.s SS 1 '-'. closing ai 9? 07 Van bh.i-t Mba brohe 22 fi cent*, aud dinted al $7 i>7 1-2. .