Newspaper Page Text
tribune VOLXI_VU..N?. I5,2_& NEW-YORK, SI._.I.AY, AUGUST 10, 1888. ? SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FOUR CENTS. TIIE NEWS IN LONDON. _0_, CLEVELANDS BtGUSB 8UPPOKTEBS . .DECLINE TO BE MUZZLED. \ ^jfMCA-g mOd-OIATK tKVOBMATION f_>B KifO. J ijsii nUB-ti: ai?? ?::** - thc. EMPEBOJ. _ / >t.\\kioi;t sprier ? BXJaATBB OF TUM. I TAB1M STIMKI'S - THC. PA KM II, H'N"-T!I!- KIM ? Y IN M's-r ? NEWS ATle.C: mi:, gr AM* LEY ? NAVAL OI'I-RA nong cam. C1SEU 'nv CASU !?> TUB T>l___g_H Cnti'li iilht : IB**- /? rhe X .'line. 1 i'?. Ailg. 18.?All effort** nnd prlvato of Mr. Cleveland'.* American friends have tim* far toiled to induce los Urttiafa friends to Keep ' Brit -'. ruriositj ah rn tbe Presidential < i n ,"si ia a**.. Heit is i onside rnble and mnai be satiafled. Article* paragraph* letters and other forms of literary eli', rt m beball of the British onndidnte continue io appear. - I n Spectator" leads 08 ihe remark thal Mr. Blaine's Brat speech was delivered ia answer to an address from Irish ,_t legate* headed by Mr. I-trick Ford, the areli ? known advocate for dynamite. *? Tin- Manchee;? .lian." which seems to , e??* toon lor the discunsioo of doctrinaire free trn*!i- views than for the interests of its free-trade friends in Asnertas, baa another elaborate article In advocacy ol Mr. Cleveland. There is a whole' column ti.ll of familiar panegyrics on tbe patriot* ism of the l), i),ppp".it* null equally famibnr dis. imrncetnen-,. of the Republican i~ir!,. policy and l.otless Mr * levcland'i action ir j-oo believe this Manchester Fri !?:? ler, hi's bad s paralysing efTeet on the Republican forces. Mr. Blaine's appearance ns __ aetivi a rker in the Campaign ia un additional cause of confution. Ii:* argument* however, have great ? among ill.iiifnrmi l 1 ide. They seem to lie in.-.-'!"' :?' m*!i rs ill-inform* ,1: for no sane man, says this vehement Briton, cnn lorn moment doab! tba! tli" l'rotee: __ hal clogged the ma? t-rial progress of thc United Staten. Po. rty and rii*,a,ni,nt nee the offspring, as Mr. Cleveland ha? mid, ol Pl ????? ... ?.:? it credit is doe to Mr. Cleveland for having brought aboul the change in the . ? r the Amei people. Only the 1 ? : uo-.v fail to sec thal tlie t.intT must be re. ducd. "Iniquities of the tariff" is th" phrnso which tht- British champion of Mr. Cleveland nj> pliea to tb ?mcrican law. But the eyea of the American people are being opened, fan we doubt for a moment cries he w!,;.r the result will ulti miitely bc ? " The Saturday Review," too, returns 1 1 tn sub. Jeer of tbe Presidential election, nod devote-' some? thing over two eolurans to what it calls Mr. Blaine's campaign. This writer is slightly more r;\,l io Mr. Bunni than his pred r in his own party nor ninon.: Mr. Cleveland's suppoikera will Mr. Blaine encounter any rival of equal power, says * The Saturday," but adda thai Mr. Blain? is not suppoaed to entertain ir. ndly fe slings to England Facto lilter slowly through the A; linnie. " Th- Saturday Review," too, returns to the sub aeene. Mr. William lli-iirv Hiulberi has come to tlie re ..cue of Mr. Cleveland's British frienels, who ol lat*- have ins n a little disoourag I v reporta from America thal the Republicans were ahead m Ci" oaavaa* Mr. I lu ri herr ?arnica u letrer to " The Timea," which is on*' long etta* _\ on Mr. Blaine and long eulogy on Dem? ocratic flree trade. Mr. Blaine and th>* American Republicans are, says this American to the Engliah pu>?lic*. engaged la s campaign of eedulous and systematic m.arei a. Mr. Blaine has heen aatntely putting forward Mr. Cleveland a-s s fr,<*n'! ci England. Mr. Blame- ia trying m |--r suade American voters thal Mr. Cleveland means to abolish custom I I customs eludes. Mr. Blaine la for a policy oi hostility t" England, tomlins ami Intended to develop Irreconcilable antagonism between American and Eng_i-_b In* t"_>st.s and t*i foment miachiel between the United Stares and the British Empire 'I I.-re is a vast dc:',l more which I ned not quote. You may be surprised thar I should qn itc any of it; hut so little i.* Mr. Hurlbcrt's position with reference tO American polities fit heme understood here- thal "'Iii" Timea" prints the letfr anel eommenta on it with entire gravity. Titania to Mr. Hurlbert, the British free-Trader now hugs new comfort t<> his brcaat lt is net. say* Mr. 11 url 1 *? it m substance, English rice trade to which Am* 1 :i!-'- opposed, bul American fr**' trade. Commercial Intercourse be iwcn the Amerl ian States 1- wholly unrestricted. (*7ben, therefore, Amer,cans talk ol International free iraiie\ they think ir mean* the s.n..' thing a* brteretatc free trade. Now. what the Democrata vally go : 1 simple-mindi'd, over-candid -vening paper, is free trade aa between America ind othei in the English sense I'r< tis'-ly. ** 'J 11 Jim's," however, is now too shrewd lo blurt ont til*-? wholesome truths. It ba* liseevefed thal the American Presidential election dirSeull ilimg to manage from London, and . ti:- situation tar from simple, the snuggle likely to !>*? close, and the- game difficult on both 'I i.iit d*?-s not, howi vcr, ptevi ni ti ls paper from indulging in an tnnuen-lo againal Mr. blaine i^ one- who follows thc lew d reel ?ourse t?f denouncing Mr. Cleveland as a Free lTa<l*r instead ol paying open court to the Irish. The German Empei b ar Frankfort Ustnrbed the equilibrium <>t European bourses md temp'T*. Mis declaration that German) n.t..ns to keep Alsace Tsuielna contains absolutely noth? ing new. 1'rinee Bismarck has said so a hundred timeo It is the rhetorical form in which thc roting Emperor has expressed this resolve that Excites criticism. Berton, of course, approvea Vi.niiii does aol care. London thinks ir 1* bad Bans grinds ns teeth over what lt 1 frosh insair ami fresh humiliation. tin r? is none. If there be humiliation for France, ,it*' Ins herself to thank Putting asi.le tjuea ttoas of taste and literary fetrm. political observers ire inclined io think it well that France shouSd Lh- told plainly, hy iii* hlgheol authority, thal slie cannot have Alsace-Lorraine or any part of either without war. The collapse of th** strikes in Paris ls dne Ia.nely to the Bbexpect rd firmnen ol the Floquet Ministry la the pseeenoe of dteturhences M. Floquet's Radicalism, once supposed likely I 1 lead lum toward anarchy, is now seen to bs perfectly nomi!rt?it with strong government lavery effort was marie to imiuce lum to sida with tht striker*.. Ile was told I*-.ins would turu against him and turn lum our unleas he aritbdrew the police anl all'ivMtl ive nuvM.s te Bghl 11 ont with thor employera Thal was ? ptSb tical issie oi aaarehy or bo anarchy. M. Floquel listened politely to proposals wh reived tbe overthrow 01 society and order; re jecieel t:.'m peremptorily, and contradicted pn.mprly the take rt ih.rr-, ol laterviewa mt afloat bf Anare.ii:*t leaden; and everybody In Pam llepi as soundly in his. Ix d ns 1! it we BS Napoleon biiiiM'if who aaasrerad for order. J !,*? siartmg of Die Parnell Defence Fund in Uwggpad is one ni'ire i>rei'.f of _>oli_]cal Solidltf between tlie n_nel_Uteaand Gladatoniana It wa- m tin* Liverpool Reforno Club that rh*- first Duel? ing was h*ld. All proscni were EpgHali l.idcritls Thne Liberal editors ar'' ?n the eommittee aad tuflny ether Liberals i>t looa] fane. The drat luhs.ript.on i.-r ?gtoanled to seveial Hm paanda li.e Hom- Rale orgaa ia Dublin balk {his us an announcement of unique sigalfleaaoi ind cheering import, saying: "For thc lirst tum' in tbe history of the relations of England and \jria_si__ a great Englibh _>nr__r hat, advanced, spoa- t taaaoualy, mnaiSaaatiy and openly to tho dc feaee * i s leader al the Irish National movement." Hie verdict of Mr. droner's jury in tho Ridley nae can emly !>*? called n political vatdlct I hey gay that Dr. Ridley was t mpecaxtiy hmas* attack the priaon authoritie* censure Dr. Birr an*! exonerate Dr. Moorhead. The London Minis lerial pr"*s makes no ornament on the veriiie-t. The Liberal organ consider*-, tliat the evidence justifies the Anding ol t!>e jury. '1 he latest <li?:T)Htches from Zanzibar and Cairo tend m th" opinion of com Detent judges to confirm ti H- theory ihat til-'White Pacha k none ether tlmn Mr Stanley. Th.-re lg no certainty. There is only a balance of probabiUtie* and that, is only av ?k by min-:te examination of details. Untiling is more remarkable than the war in which Mr. Stanley's Courage and force of character are taken as factors la the diflenh problem. So like him to Burch on Khartoum! say the English. Every soap of news about him is eagerly watched for and eagerly scanned. Th( naval manoeuvre* are still proceeding with great activ itv on paper. ''ix-rations by gea are BUS I pended, perhaps emlcd. l_e hour of critics lias cm". Admiral Tryon has won by sea: Admiral i Baird is to be avenged by land. No great harm or I poe,'1, will be eione by thkexohaBgf of broadsides io the press. Effective Oritiekm consists in the I demonstration e>f the more **r Ism comi'hte break I elovvTi of the numerous sims and men concerned in I these cult ria lan. Lord Charles Beresford writes, land there aro few bctt-r authoritie* . that- the'm has failed. tonic;y I failed whenever ir. lois been called on for practical work, he adds. However, the others .ir*' perfectly satisfied that the Government nre DOW doing all that coull be don" to reform thc system. Their doing* so far as tlie public knows, have not yoi got beyond appointing tina commis j sioncrs to inquire what ought to bc done. The railway race from London to Edinburgh ] ends with ihe end of th ? month. Thc Great ! Northern will have thc advantage to Edinburgh, .?md th<- Northwestern io Glasgow. Meantime, many questions h>r lg pending bel ween rh" com? panies anil tho public nre again raised in the press. The superior comfort and convenience* of railroad travelling in America ls .""lin pressed on unwilling ears. It is not ea-y to see why the Princes* Christian should l.iive been Hnglcl out among th* royal family as likely to join th" Roman Catholic Church. An evening paper appeared with th** startling hoad.-nea: "Tbe Royal Vert," "'An Apostate I'i noeaa," BB- others. "The Irish Catholic" hns thc credit of starlin-- th" srory, which was denice! on the best authority within a few hours. The Princess is known ns i, lady happily married, with a family to whom she is devoted, wirh literary taste* with wilie charita' lc interests and num**r rriendahipa She |i nor ur all a wnninn to bo carrieI off her feet Into religious cnihiisi?_is. Another Ami'rican wife, dating from Bari* appears in English print, bearing testimony r sped ing the relations between American husbands an*! wives. She flatly contradicts her preiiecessor. rta amiris* Ct- American custom of husband and wife living much apart and recites Idle Washington .-"-sip of other days. She ex presses her veritable' belief that th"rc is not S big city in tl:" world whieh contains so many worthless wives aa Chicago. There seem. to be a irrievance. or, fierhaps. a personal quarrel beneath all this. The first American wife dteeribed herself as a wife of five years' standing. The pteeent marron owns to thirty-five yaam *>f mnr ri"el life, and confesses that there is nothing more galling than to s<-*> the airs a-ssumed by young ar:l pretty American women inward men of intellect and position G. W. S. FRENCH forage stor__s BURNED. Paris. A ur. 1" te 'tores of the French Governmenl ar Teiiib'ti have leen fer on fire ly burned. The fact of thi* fire coming *o ?ooo af'?*r ti.e bur-nine of rhe forest adjacent to fhe ? I a- given rl.e tn a suspicion that th" fir? -r**tf> paused bj italian Incendlariei wh<r? alni was to u*-. iroy ih*' powder magazine. NEW-AMSTERDAMERfl RETURNINe.. London, Aug IS.- Eighteen mem!?? nt the Holland Society of New-Tori sailed from on thc steamer Amsterdam I t-ios f ?? New-York, The rest of ihe part] will continue their lour. THE STEAMER UBERTA A TOTAL WRECK. Halifax, Aug 18 (6peclal).?Tb? Norwegian steamer Lil?rt* Captain Danielson, bound from New-York to Menin, was wrecbed lat*r Bigbl e*a White Island. about 100 miles east ot Halifax. She WIS bceomr a total wreck, The cargo la being washer] oat The rea -,..'ip' saved an'l sn romlng to Halifax. No particulars of the dti-atei have hp**u received EMPEROB FRAN) IS JOSEPH- BIRTHDAY. Bl Petersburg, Ang 18 ?To-day being the birthday of Emperor Francis Joseph of Au-tria, count von Wolkensteln Trostburg, the Austrian gmbaeasdor herr, and thi of the Austrian Embassy went tri v's t ti. ? ( car al the castle a: Ropsch* near Krasni*. Bela -?*? MORE SUITS A_e_XST "THB TIMER" London, Auc ld.?Other membere of the irish Par? liament.-}- partv have announce! their Infection to liring rults agabiai "The Time " They say their is to mulei the paper for ei ?? ENTICED T'? CANADA AVi' ARBESTED. Mom rial. Aue l-. David Davis, elerk of a storr keeper and the ? ter al Q'Appelle left that place to spend t.i- boHdayi In England a short time aga in hi* ab,euee it was found thal be bad embeasled 130,000, are!, ll beti | ascertained thal be was coming out on rh'* steamer Vancouver, Quebec dei followed h rn Davis, however, n, .raced to dude tbe officer*-, and wai aexl h*'ani of m Utica Deter:*... ( ar-.-ur r, of ihis city, proceeded to Ultra anti en* ne.-ii Dav s ii, i*;-. be arrested bim yester? day ami brought atm to Montreal PEISOLECM IN -riT-TMAJflA. Bucharest, Any. 18 Petroleum in ;;bundanre has been discovered near '.alat/., BoumanK A MONUMENT TO VICTOBY, L-SP-fa, Alic IP.- A monument dedicated to Victory na- unveiled ben to-day bj th.' King ami Queen of saxony. Among the promlnenl peopk present we? ? p,i nt Von M Itke, Prlne? George snd I ried rich August of Saxony ami tbe members of th.- Ministry. ? A .V1I.ITAKY C<*.\-I'l KACY AT MADRID. London, Aug 18.?Advleee rrom Spain say that a military rons], racy has been discovered at .*?: , -, cavell. , :* ..? and ieverel sergeants and privates hive been arrested. A strict v .Heh 1* I>rlng kept up*.n si. petted m-n In Ihe garrisons at Saragossa anel I .rr ila. ? ?-sn . co.if. .sr.ii.c. DEgPZTE TUE LABQB OCTPr?. I'tiiiadeiphia. Aag i- (Spectal).?Oae of ihe largssl aholeaale eos! deal"? In this city li emphatic lag that notwllhataadiag th*- alleged laius prodaetton >f antinaeic coal. ti.<* market! baw aj';i la aelgbboi* ??- ar'- alu.ost ar _ Maiidsilll. All the predOOOIB ti** short of Sleek st tidewater lieilnts. and even In gan En '.:?? i coal i- von Karee, ami trade h*re ss weR aa in Koa *)',rii is oi.iv moderately aetpra Be uld. tl : "Ali unusually lai?e propOTtloa of (be o'lt iuit is believed le ha".? gone ne iva:*!, a* the twa ?ompani'-s most largBlj latereated la Um weatern . the Lehigh Vmley and Laekawaan* have re rently ihown lae lin_"-i rain "n production." lt ts '?al opinion ainoiip iblppen here i.'iat at th" meeting of sale, agei ii ii New i'orb neal Trlday. _n idvanci will be in_.:? In tbe pries ? <r eoal f*>i the west irn New-England Nen . orli mark'-tn. ULLED BY A IW11.LU BXBLOSIOR. Knoxville, Tenn.. Auc. 1* (Special).?Tho exploilon >f a buller Bttaebed W a stearn threshing machine .esr Lime-tone to day Instantly killed a white man, .'. Cowper, ami fatally Injured a colored Ttvo BMALL tuns BBOWSRD. Boohoo ter. Wena., Ang. la.* Tu.. I*..,-., named noehl ,i,t," ned i" tat * >Uo RM p-i ll :* forenoon arhlk bod '?* amie reeoi ered . KU.LLD BtMBBLT AX li HIS RT. C. hf. Louis, Aug. lr*.-A dispatch to '-The I'ost-Dls latrh" from Vernon, Mo., says: " Unneburg "_ bli morning shot lui wita and himself through tba ou head. Uoth will die. Llnneburg wanted his wife tt deed bark proprrtv given lier at ihe time of marriag. which sh" rifjsed lo do. she wet his second wife.." THE " irill IE CAPS" OE INDI A SA wnAT A DEXMORv- LRARMMB OF TIIF. OUTLAWS ?A I'OWFREUI. ORC.v .TZATHXN. Indianapolis, Aug. 18 (Speclall.-A tele?nm fro? ETsr.svllle reports thar a rtereeilve employed by thc r-"ate, and ?nt smnng the "White Cap**1 in Sotith westorn Indiana ha*, after several months of work, Neared Bvtdenee upon araJeb fhe outlaw* msy be prosecuted. To hi* purpose lie assiduously cultivated fhe acquaintance nf men Mapee tod td being connected with the band. He Pnally got Into the organlr.atlon, bnt to do *o he had to submit to some frightful ordeal*. He wa* repilred to d"poslt a cp.n sMeraMe lum af money as a forfeit for koerlng the si*rift? inviolate, p.* then borania ii*nt:;-.rd with inverai proposed oatragm, ?saaglag in mon ca--. ro put thc lateaded victims upon r.h?lr gaari. In this way a number of larson* eiraped chastisement, though their friend wa* unknown to tl., m. Hr says further th at the "White Caps** do not, a*. many sarppoo* mepinate murder, bal discountenance any greater ri ileaoe than a flogelng. Whleh must be gone by wi,never i* nominated ro go lt Nearly every penna is first given a waralag. The membership ii said to Include even eOUUty officials. The "White C*_mf rcgaixl thessaelves as legulatoia. aalarc law. wbleh the com's ara! juries refUSS to do. In reality, though, they cloak their real designs wllh greet pi?"is lo as of morally. The shiel pan-pose o. the eager C Um prOBOC Utloa of those who hav? given S-Teaee to th" "White Cogs." pcare"!y s slnde out? race rv committed -luring rhe two moR'hs the detec? tive was with them that did not have its origin In the pei-ona! spite of one or more of the " Waite Cape." Attorney-General Mtcbener, who has been in the " while Cap" regloa for several duvs. mttnraed le Indianapolis io dav. H.- ?avs that the organization ol gi-eat power, and .nat lt will be imposslble for the State by Druin I lk il up Many of the worst outri i -. have never boca ??? ;? med, and the |ynel ? :".o' much more fre? quently than the ,?;are otDcen have inppoied. -?? CII IC EAS A TT LA IPS NUGATORY. mE NON-RESIDEVT CITIZKNS CAN ONLY BK BEACHED THROUGH TIIE PKDEB?Ie COURTS. Gainesville, Tex., Aug. 18 (r*peclal).?tloremnr Will? ara (.uy and staff, of the Chickasaw Nation, together with si-veral mm-r"- pi-mis of the Nation, are h*re this ?vening or. their way from Fort Smirh, where they isve been to get a serrlcment of the tax qneett-B. 'nlted State? Commissioner Rraxekve d*r!d*-d that he Chlehasaw Narinn had no jurisdiction over the person or property of a nnn-rl'lzen living In that S'ation, and the?fo? had no right forcibly to eoBeet my tax from him. Ills decisions was leudniod ls ?onformity with the decision of District-Judge rarker >n a like Question whlrh carra up In tbe Creek gallon He Staled that the only way tn collect a ax from the non citizen was by suit through the .'nlted Stares Court. A. L. Bedford, D. Powell, 0. ll. Brewan. A. \V. Parker, Joseph McAllister snd lemuel Graham, nomclilitens, who nor*, arresied and alien to Kort Smith on a charge af assault vttfa 0 mun!?, fi,.- resitting the attempt nf th** militia to Ir!v? off th-lr esl tlc, and r",'usp*r] to pav a ta*, of gi i head per m**r.fh, were exonerated before thu United ?tares Commissioner's * uart. Commissioner bra/" ove derided thal they aol only had a right to resist he militia, but had a right io lummoa their neighbor* o help them ]?roteci the property. The d?"l*!n:is are if thc grea:"-r ilgnlCcanee snd Impor'sm-e to non Itlzens, whp> compose by far ihe largest popu' pf th** NatippT: 'ra* Bon-elUsem of Pick-Ins Count) ilone nuinbt'i' .; (h'u. WAMSTBO acaixst A gWZNDLBR'g trick*. Tlie public .^ warned by a per>onal advertisement lubllshed yestenlay BgalBSl a swindler ?ho ls ng to Obtain goods on f, rged cheeks and orders pur? porting io bs Baaed tty thi- Naaoa Maaafsctintac Oom iiny. No. Ti Bookman st. ile is supposed io bs a fur? ner employe tv I.nee befon- attempted to defraud he company by making collections and Wtthboldlag he amounts. H!s pre-'-nt in"thod fs to present a-i ppder fptr gO'pds, and the nrher day he nieeoeded In ?tainlng gooda from a sporting house valued af ??_'". n a f"rg?d check. Mr. Nason Mid te a Tribune ? porter who called ar he office yesterday : " A year ago lasr February we ,ad in our emptoy a ""lerk whom we thoroughly trna_od dui who bad aecesi to mir salei tm,,;:* ihoartng the .mount of bills due aa Possessed ot these tune, he SM BfternOOB went out aral colleeted from our >-::s omen a BUmber of ernall accounts, which were : i I lhere wa* however, among them a meek node i ava!.ie to the ordei of our company. In order 0 get cashed the cher!; wa* Indorsed bv a forged Ignaturo In Imitation of thar of the treasurer of the naturally promptly rejected bj hs baal., In tin- reeeol ease the forged sign esemblei the former one." xhe genuine cheek iden of the company aro printed with eonsecuflve umbers. All cheeks musl bear rha name's ol Iwo flieer* of t/>?- company, and orders must be signed y one of them. ?_. K mra a BOLE iv a jail vf all ir itu a BAIL. Greenfield, Mass.. Aug l-.-winiam M. wm una, ne of rhe Shelburne Falls burglars, who w"re cap ireei last week ?\iUn robbing ? safe, mcaped bom the ninty jail las! night. On Thunda] li" and hi* co.-n inlon, Moore, pl*'atl"d guilty and we? awaiting sr*n ?nee. Hr- waa confined la om- of ti," upper tier of ?Us In the Baw i*7i),O00 Jail. With a nail he plckcel it the mortar and brick until be bad made a suth enriy large aperture. CfhwllBg through the bole . aecesi lo the hospital, and there put on a itt of dothei belonging to Jack Woodward, whore icapades err.-.' _ excitement la? in,ama then ,p"l( a clothesline, tl**d li ti ? ? ,- .; ls .d swung himself a distance of sixty feel to tbe ?emmi. In ei>s,-ending he wenl i'v tne tuntkey'i Indew and an alarm was given, bul w si i tba nooda A reward of glOO ls offered fur hu rpturo. tn- i.a*t nr a kace or mos masvtactcbebb. Baltimore, Aug. i- (Special).?William P. *-. Watta r, an ol I rr ami a premlaenl Republican, Bl i.i* home, Mi,ant Pleasant, In Har rd County. His father and lacie were i iron manufacturing In Amelie* ami operated fur inees ar Raiding, Penn., Brldgsto* N. J. Wllmlng ri, It?*:., and ruiOUS o'her places. William rarrbd i the msnufa. turing lon,j afn-r lils falher died, having ie* Md. I hitaher waa fend of miling long tours on horse ,ck, and before rallroadltig was perfected travelled I river ths Ctdted ? 'fs on hon-ebaefc Bli marblon Mount Pleasant li a landmark of colo ul times. TEU'ltlFIc TBJjyDEBSTOSM AT CABS VAT Cape May, N J, Aug I*.?A terrific thunderstorm .--.-il ovt r tbe I Spe al hnlf past 12 tod:. rasa of Mrs. Obi, at ia pe " nick by .."'1 Ibe eastern "ml shattered. Two iild:-n weie partial!) i tbe t '-k. An ectrlc light pole at the Grand lt statmri wa , ? and the lamp -.tattered, and the platform en near by wire severely shocked A ? -Urning parsed over the r of of the Arlington Hotel ? skylight oul place. Ihe rain fell ni toneats m.i.vt cu.. rrT.inr.r: rf^uf.-sT* rv .1 kill. Philadelphia, Aug. lfl 'Special).-The will nf John umphrey McDvaln* admitted la pitibate to div. eon |fia ti?*t|iiest.s amounting to BlCi.0<)O, divided among urte?n chsrltable inetitntlon- A clause In the will ad. as follows: "I wall and direct that all the ihlue of my estate shall be divided and paid to d among all the tangoing legatees. Including the aj-ltable Institutions ami association* In the pn< ertloB of the santa bequeathed ta I .. ri pectively." e eiiaic 1, valued at al,mr -- 1,0 0 BBtntlOB of tiii: fit/ CarBel* l*< rm . Auc ll (Special.?Considering the .- wear!.-.-, tbs sttendaa?i today ai tbe i ? ',n ?'f the Kal ? Pythias, at WiOlam'i av* was large. LadgM fnnn nea-|y every county tba Btata war' pr* eat t:.c eeaatea was deltv. ??1 ly the Bev. William Moller Fishburn, of nar burg, on '* The Quality of Men" Ten band* nf isii' ar- as tba |.-!" iud* AUd-rasas were nia'li thl* rning by th*' (irami Lodgs sStet LOST fl.CtOO AT TItUF.B CABP MOBTR Akron. Obi* Au:, ls (special,.-..oval r.aird, s abby farii.'r near re r*\ v. a.* to elay taken In by rw,. irpm* who preteaded t*> ie- r.*..-1?i tad cattle bnyen ? came to ihe city, drew il .ooo from - arning i" tho countr] ll al Ibraa i -? NO BBB ' i UM -1/ J Atti OSTTLLB faeaaoni ill-, Pla., Aag I8.?B0I a n*-w ra^e nf er has b eu repoil'd to <lay. Then* wm OBI da': I night at 6aiid Ililli?Frank Donovan, a boarder m the (inna I'nlon llotel. The day ti flue ami the .look e-,. . a_...__ NO SI-YEN PER CENT ISSUE. CEN. HAERE* IN STATES THE CASE A STRONT, fil-F-FXII TO A VISITING DF.LEOATION OP comm f.r ri a I, TRAVr.r.r.i.iis. Indianapolis, Aug ll (Specla..).-General Harrison's l?t reception lefore hi. departure for Mleldle Bass Island was held at bis home this evening at 5 o'clock. Whoa duo commercial travellers from Peoria and '.lgton. II!.. BBd Terr" Ilsute am] f.afrivette. Indiana, called agaa him In a body. Th? Illinois visitors arrived In Indianapolis at fi o'clock this even lng, having come In on a spacial train. They were dr*vs<-d lu long linen coats and silk hatg and carried a new style (f umbrella. The r.h.omlngTon elelegatlem camed sample eases. They wer* entertained by the commercial travellers of Indianapolis and ibown about the city befOre marching out to General Harrison's hon.*- The ipaBSBBBBa f"'- tbs vlslrors wera Con? gressman Fowell, cf Bloomington, and Juli'i* C. *-tarr, af P'-'iii*. i, oeral Harrlaoa teapoaded as follows: Gentlemen if lbs Ceauaardal TnvelleHf A*'ot-i-iiinn of 1'er.rla, BUoalagton, Lafayette and Tern Baale: I thnnk poa far r*ai* ni',*, sai?al sad boaat-fnl deaMastratton. The r?s,...,??, ,,f spir I, n tv, I-,- of m?n I* a YBlaabil BBgB ?ru prirtl'-ulriCv glad that, a class 1 sn ln Becatlal, ?:id "no is ai away wmmtmltlea ls loyally and earnest,'. ; i ! ta ihe prlnetplea <,f th* Re ? a party, i han tn veiled ?a_ewbei ta tbi waka of tim i't-n.nierflr.1 MSB, and hav1' abeemd trial they have lbs babll of ceiling th" !,"si nf e..-: Tilting wherever *h'>T so. (Applaasa ind laagbter. A vol"-: "That's the roa*on WS SN bala."] I am therefore quite readv to SMdlt the ?t.vem' nt of the gentleman who ha* spoken " your !,<? ha'r. WbSB he '.itld in" tl, ? rel ' travellers BIB lil RepubUeana (Appiauno ami eries: " Ho was r?hr"i I Ibeald expect they would get the best polltli'S that wero t,t li.i ronni. (laughter arr; BBjplaeaa.) Vour call lag ll nn* one; yu aro alway* ea the move. You ? re qm-:, to disiovr ths Mari'* or ia,-ri! trade. Von n? -ive *n s|K,..rh and address. Y<ni aro hon"*t fur tho lan nf Integrity, (ml to rm-, forget rh:it you mutt ?gain faro ymir .-m-r..*?.?-r after thl g'">ds are dBtlVtnd. 'i.RMgi'.rer and applaBee.) The n.. rt ? _ ? emplay yea hav* -. you to the weet ? ?? -? ? . . -s. You han beea pre rad tn. not fain, I want trie. Tho wide latenourse vou have wt'h your and the n ide "ow T"U get of your country mus*: tend to make you liberal and patriotic. Tho prppVlDidallsm that eries exl-ii'd In this ?_r_.ry ha* largely di-appeared and the commercial travellers htvc ben an Important agenry in bringing rills about. Th!* gnu,, la md fr,, has -riven you a fuller comprehension not only ,,f tba ixtent *,f this country, but of th* great? ness ind un!-y of i's pei.ple. (theirs.) I have thought that the prap hat li.niei must have had a vision of the eomn?r,'t:tl traveller* wh?n he *nld that In UM last divs nianv __iou'id run to and fro and know. ' be In vox.) Tea will n..t I?peet me t.i euro- upon the t.!?u?*!on of any of th* "plea which ban beea mggeeted hy tho**, who hnve spoken for you. Most of them I have already alluded to In public ?,?eeh *!r.*e my BemlBSllna. and u;pon tome sf thern I hav? *po|_*n more fully before. nt" suggest but Uni* one thought: Do not allow any one to peraaada t^u that thi* gnat etateet a_* to our t.riff paUey ls one between s.-heduie*. It ls not I Question [l n per cn' redastlea. (Applause.) It ls _ que*. rion betweaa a '. i sn prtaelpiea [Crtas of " That * i The principle of proteetton; the int raeaenltlea in ri,? rtaailaa of our tarin law* of th* duty to prot," '. eur AMtnleWO IndBBtrlea and BMlBtBlB the A can neale of waa? bv adrenals -ttBeriaUnattag duti** af 'That's light"] on the ono hand, and on tito Stber a d"nla! p,f ? l .-ht to ma!.a our : *s ptoteeUva, on tbs ssserdon of the tutti na that fre. ;???:?:,,n with foreign products 1* the ld*_l ii to which all Bl ' tend- (Ap ;,!ati?e. , I.", n.e now In h"l.a!f. n.t oi.!y af my?'.?, bul fan,i'v. t Jun ii yon lor your visit and ask you to enter our h/ane. \A_\ pliaae.) '.eni-ral Ilarrl-on will start with his family for Middle Hass Island on Munday evening. At Toledo ? ie party will be Joined by ex-Governor Foster and daughter, ami from then they will go to tho island In tiie .team yacht Sigma. A DRA IMAM'S EPA VE ACT. HOLDING A MAD DOC, BY TIIF. THROAT IN ORDER TO SAVF A CHICO FROM BEING BITTEN. Arthur Gray, a drayman In the employ of D. M. ..owperthwall A_ Co., No. 103 Park Row, was bitten ly a mail i!"g on Friday afternoon. Ile had Just driven np to his employers' store, when he noticed a . - 'lng a ri.lld and snapping at it viciously. ,Ttmp'.r.c fri ?:. i,:. dray, he seized ihe dog by the throat and called for a b'lc'tet of war.-r. (-ray ls a small but wen.Knit man, and In ipite of tbe snlmal'i furious stru?s'>s to .'i?e hlm?lf succeeded In retain? ing hi- gr:p un hi* Un oat. The dog, however, half turned on him snd managed to get a hold on ono of his gugeri. Gray then breed the mad dog's head Into a bucket of water which had been brought ta bim. At sight of tba water the dog became moro furfoas than ever, and In the strn_-g!e .hat en?uod bil (.my severely in the wrist, who rals-d him In thc air and threw him to the pavem-nt. The dog thea ran yeUlu; ap Mulbcrry-st., and disappeared In tho frightened crowd. J. 1*. Blatterjr, the manager of the furniture estab? lishment where Cray li employed, took him at once io a drug itors si d bsd his wounds cauterised. Gray went to work as o-unl yesterday. His hand ti bailly iwnUea, bul be *! >?? not seem to have any fear of i. v a <'en by a Tribune reporter he appeared aneoncemed about the marip-r. He i.iid Cat he had been birren by dogs before, but that he vi ?_+ not -.frail! of them. Wis | why le held "ii n. ihe Info ria ted brute to lon;:, I ? laughed an.l said that he though) thal via- 'li- beet thing to do. '? Mr. Slattery," be said. ?? kept calling m me "* let the i ftip on ;_ ni id dog be much better than cling on." DtSOSBBSLT BAILBOAD HAMMS Charlotte, N. c.. Aug i- (Spode!).?Intenoo ex eit.-ni'Mit wa* eaaaed la nd* city this morning bv |n< formation from Hunter - Me, which was brought by 1' Bun ? r. of tba depr dationi of a gang rd goo i.a::'ts of thc Charil rlnnatl ami Chicago Rail road, ? I.i. wiri; moving camp from I.nek BIB to Winston. All were negroes a::d carried weapons, ellhe;- pistol, kill?" or ri." I - ' . ben yestenlay. 'I? miles out they stopped a nun on a axer Towo Creek ai,,I kepi bim there two i I ira::.J" I through the Corn | I Held uf Pink Henderson, a White larine.-, and secured a good po: Han of his crop and derrin!:;!.'! fhe re? mainder. Thil happened yesterday. This morning, ville, or.e of the gang Bred a pistol ami put out an eye of George Andrews, a respectable I liking to rhe r!ty. Tbi ard of Georgi Moores ami began ,it hi* poultry. When remonstrated with by Beares they brutally assaulted and swore ar . :.??? * Uiver P. M'-ares a bench warrant w?- Issued, a'i I the Sberlfl summoned a pus--. Gove r B ? ???- Informed, and rirbv mi n ami loc il mina. - I -ed ro quell (tM -tUturl? le Of ball an lioitr ihe I ed, l"fr the armory for pol ki double quick. Tbs Bhertfl ImpreBsed a train Ths I ' MA, Mourne, and l o - rrounded the gang and Drought rhe dist ur bet * ben to J ? -. I. THB OABOB C imp at lake or.nnCtF.. Imv.i Island, Lake George, Aug. l-l.-Over 100 . ; canoeists are now In camp here, sud tliore will be BOO bolo? the leal work Of (:,'? --sion begins on Monday ne.\t. I'l.dsy was the fourth rainy day nf rhe series of e1'-!.t di'- lines the camp opened, and ihe canoeist* amaeed Ibsmwlvei by living op th- lr and making preparattom for the raees of ne.-.t witk. Tbe Bow Tork, Katekerbeelter, ami oped together to the north of the headqns preseni from tbe former I , i- Faux, W, i-. Graves aad J. ii. Bpregni Ths Knlcl rhockara oa band am I*, a. r, a. i. ( B. I". Stone, ll M Bearer, J m bepp, Pi , ? lllin, Tho Brooklyns are William Whitlock, T. c snd W. Mei. M Uer* expeeted M. V. Broakan, B J Wilkin, J t. Bewntaa, J. Smith, B. F. Snyder and I i Dan nell Th- lac I New ar!., hat. o. T. I., i ;? d. ricki and C. \. l:. Schuyler THE SBATUBO'A UBOSBB clxtreiwabD. Newport, Allgp ll '""?'Ml Tlie eenlreboard of Hie Gravllng h? b*s*n taken emt and lt ls now at the It ii broken diagonally seroai from Hie ? sd lo th" top, and brward Cot ? sndtcapp .I i i. The Purltaa will start Maj il..* ? r tin M I , I ti.iphed thi owner ol th- lra_|uoii p!'p:i!pIp' tims aBowaaee would be ilvea bg u,, Baehem owners If Ihe IrorjuoK would start. ( onimo doi. kiah and his guoata have left here aud will Join X the Grayling at N'ew-Lo.duo. | l ONE NEW VASE AND A DEATH. TIIE FEVEH SLACKENS IN FLORIDA. MODirriNO Tine quarantinr rfottlation BOPBPUL IN JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville, Fla., Ans ll (Special).?The 6 o'clock report is: "All wall" Only one ne-.v msc to-rlay ami one death. If certainly bears nit tho doctors' predictions that the fever is ftbo'it broken up. At the Sanirnrr Association meering tod iv the most important blt of nevs WM the following from the Superintendent, of Kalin tts. 'larmer, at, Atlanta, rcjmrdins the Government'* position: To the l'os'mast?, Jacksonville, Fla In regard to an Inquiry on the subject General Super tatetldeal itan.-roft wire*: "The ej ua ran tl no ?j.ii,.?:<n? !n re?* " to United Sletes mall have been estaMIshed under th- advi-e of the Health Department of the General Qov* ernment. wh'eh ha* sole Jurlsdietien In the ma'ter. The public mar foe! assured that no r!*t_ of a ?p??1 o? cpMemb will be run, and the add' fumlgatpin h" Hon* outside of Florida will ho established a* neee**l*y require*. The Tost Office Department feel* confident tha*. everything possible t* being done to guard loeallrj.** Inroads of epidemic. Any refusal* by municipal SBipenUoai ** UM ji"-,.,' of mails taranga -...wu-, or by MtV-duali or health organizations, are clear rials Bens <>f Section 725 of -he Postal Law* and Begulattoan and the iBmileri are liable to summary arrest and punip-liment. This Deport? ment has co desire lo add lo the discomfort of (aver* I lOttlltlei ty ;i re-ort to harsh mean*, but it w.ll ho ive,I lg hav-' them Informed of the ?rta? MnaBQUlaeSS ti,a', may follow any interference whatever **ith the operation* of tho service. Any community desiring to have the mall whleh may be left fumigated can hava name done by ths postmaster NMlvhaj ihe mai;* snd taking charge of the fumigation. Your view* of tho case as sta-ed in your telegram of thl* da- ara enrlrely correct, and wileri BBdeiaUoa I* counselled you must exerel? r.-rri ne*s and pripinptness that tie exigencies may require. Have the Florida pres* give immediate publicity to this ruling, ind while I have no d.'lre io be harsh, the mall* must and shill go ? This moHiis that the long delayer! Jacksonville mails will go forward, and that business will be resume*! again. The weather to-day has been very hot, but to-night js cool. The people felt greatly encouraged over the outlook. Cincinnati, Aug. 18?D. J. Edwards, general passenger agent of the Queen nnd Crescent route, has received a v]f-_Tam from the general [*n- ?. ger agent, W. P. Ilardee, of the Savannah, Florida and Weatern road, announcinc that quarantine regulations have been <vo modified ns to allow passengers to Routh Florida points to be passed on their way ar Callahan, twenty miles from Jack? sonville, without detention and without going through Jacksonville. A OASO OF DESPERADOES BKOICE.V UP. Chicago, Aug. 18.?A dispatch to " The Dally News " from Scranton, Ohio, says: -* Tho sherill1 and a posse had a fight with a band of despond, es at Marlon, in I he interior of this county yesterday afternoon, and one nf the sheriff's party was Wounded. Five of rhe outlaws were captured and thia Doming were loei.ed in jail, ? v oth?rs, comprising the worst elo??.nt, a? at large in the hills, heavily armed, and defying thi -lo rift to take them. The men ar*** wanted for h?a'; - ? | the I rs' reunion at Marlon TbUtadey. Then are in the bind sever, brothers of the Gilmore family?3 desperate set?ami three brothers nani'''! Hunt. Louis Gilmore ls the lea'ler. The men are all criminal*. The first disturbance took place when Alfred Boblasoa, Republican Representative from th1* rounfy, was delivering a ipeeeb In tiie soldli-r*' camp. Marlon Gilmore began a drunken row, an'l when ad d by the authorities to de<|?t a ;>!tched battle !. The Gilmores and Hunts retired to a barri? cade In the hills, bmudlahlug their arms and deii,*d the whole camp to tabs them. The shenfT arrived on the scene yesterday noon, anti forming a large po<se, su?ee'Ied, after a bard "niggle, la capturing Taine* and Ellas (.'.Imo?, Mont, Rich anl and Flo. d Hunt and Jaka Davidson. The other rieteH repelled the sheriff's approach with Winchester nflees. A ? rormy bartle followed, anti all engace,i dispersed In '.he wood fighting, ami were not beard of again until the sheri ft reached a telephone station this morning md sent word thal except George Wilson, who wa* s light Iv wounded In his ann, all hi* men were un? hurt. Two of the Gilmores fell in tiie t\_ht but none af them has yet been raptured. BF.Ori.AR* TO COSTEXO AT THE TARGET. Lewiston, N. Y., Aug. IS (Special).-Old Fort v'lagara ls silva with men, and the green bluffs of he Niagara Fiver are dotted with White tents. The ?e,?pm ls the annual contest eif the marksmen nf the Division nf the Arlanrlc. which includes companies rom all sections of tiie eountry east af the Mls?t**lppl .iver. The scene on the banks of the old river ls ruly an Inspiring one. In every direction blue* ?oate.d boys are seen wandering about until they take heir turn at the bullseye Ibe shooting range is pronounced by experts to be the linest in the country, md gives universal satl-factlnn. Among the ar Ivals to-day were member- of the nd Artillery of tCW'Tork, under command of Sergeant Goodman; M Artillery of gt Augustine, Fla.; 3d Artillery of iairimn?. In command of (Sergeant Calhoun; 2,'ld nfantry of Fort Mackinaw. Mich. : 4th Artillery of 'ort Warren, mi?.; (.th Cavalry. POrt Meyer, Va.; md dth Cavalry. Tivy ate a;l feeling well anl rill make some good seores. The men at" or their previous records In n;ar'isuinn.shfp. and tlio|r spouses are defrayed by the companlew sordini: them mtest will not be flnlibed before the lan of ? pt cm ber. stole to ftrrponT a worthless ebsRARB. LiufTalo. Aug. 18 (Special).?The police discovered an lopemenr to-day when Derective Curtin arrested Mrs. ', an Intelligent, well t]?s?ed woman of twenty Ive, for shoplifting. Two tnontbe ago she calb-tl t H. K. kenyon's store, told a sad tale about bow he had to support her husband and WM given em? ployment, lier actipii's excited Mr. Kenyon's sus ileloni and Ihe police on Investigation found thal the ias an alasteir simplifier, cons , n prop tty bring found In her room':. Uer alleged husband urns out to be a f?-!!o-.v with a wif ? and family liv -ig la Canada She. also. |efi her husband and s child pportlng fm. A kind-hearted city official, moved by Iur lean ml good looks, became bondsman for her. A nrrnr.rTIOSARY LABDMABB DB8TB0TBD. Keadlng. Penn.. Aug. 10.?Tbe burring of Van BeetTs (aper nilli, Bve miles from this city, laat night, hal dot'ed out aaa or twa of the few Revolutionary Und narks In this section of the Stare. The property has ice'i in the i oswitlon of the Van Beed family for 180 I flour "us ni*!'' the? for Wi rmy. For flfty yeai ia a pi er rn,ll. "be loss will be between 25,000 and 130,000, 'lue muran at ? ooo. PITT ES EY A COPTBBBMAB BB AMS Haekettstou a, N*. J., Aug i-.- The wits of Theodore 'ark. of this place, |* lying at her home in a ciltteal ondltlon, stiff.ring from tlie blie nf a copperhead nake. While Mis. Park WU gathering dry brush i a thicket yesterday tbs flsU mate-hlng, arhleh ike t first supposed to be a bee. stine her on the hand, he elld not know that ibo bru! t.p-en Lit r-*i> by a Popper maka until she saw the reptile rapidly moving way. gbe KOO fell a teven pain In her arni, and : 'o ber room '?'?'? the tfine 'he physician ar Ivcd, the arm was already swollen and discolored. BtrffffLlBUEB iv sexy, es ct. -.vp. Chester I- pot, Vt.. Aug. 1 ?*.- burglars entered the onie of George C. Allen early this morning. One |tb evolves kepi Mr. Allen am! his wife In bed. notherraasaehsd th*- house, scouringgl,-00 la -Boney nd valuables. Bewarda sn offered *>f fi .ooo f..r th" ne I of (!:'? burglars, aad 9300 for tho recovery of a.- pa perty. Booth Lancaster! Mam . Aug. lt.? Burglar* last Igbl li lew o (pen the sal,- lr, Ibe SUM- Of II I . If'.-nip'r, Ul fliulllig nothing, (bey eur.'i'd (he house adjoining nd took from Mr. Hoemer'i slothing ami _ i eaah ami HBO worth of postage ? ami*. FILE WORKS XUCT DOWS. Lowell, Mu.., Aug. ia?Tbe lllscox Tile Corn any, of West Chelmsford, ihut down last night fur ii Indefinite period, ewing (<? tie pentstsnt and ag rr "Ive war of I .rge Incorp'iia'i'il c-o.terns. The ttckh'biers roted (** i-MUIon th*' company in*o in dvene; Tbe aggregate llabllltlea are ifarty The valli" of Ile assets ls not known. A CBBt g TOBCBB ABBBfTTED. Lanie Creak, Mun. Aug, ls. Mamu L. Lewis. :.__, IhoBHs laandsre. alu, Thomas Lovejoy, wi. reeled hen. today for au ai tempi __ p^s a Isrgsd nxb on the First National llank of Sowh?rn Kansas. any checks on the .ame bank wero lound ou hl_u. e has plcs-lod gullly. GORMAN NOW AT THE HELM* BPJCT! ONLY NOMINALLY IN COMMANBl I THFHK WILL BE LESS TALK ABOOT TRJCZ TBABM AFTER TUTS?TUTING TO HEAL DKMfti CEATIC QUARRELS THAT HAVB HDUHMUH-D THE CAMPAIGN. Senator Go,man is here. Ile and CfiafnnaB Calvin S. Uri? went down last night to tha Oriental Hotel. Manhattan Beach, to cool their brows and take sweet counsel by the rolling wagem Mr. liri? has sent up into Ncv-England, where his private car, constructed for him as a railroad magnate, ls being used by a friend, and hns directed that it Im* sent her* on Tuesday for liis personal use. He is going on a trip through the Western S*atos, to occupy two or three weeks. Chnhman Barnum will t-it on the Democratla voleaaa during this interval and Mr. Gorman ?vail ' ome over from Washington to console him oc? casionally. Senator Gorman says he will go back to \Va"-_un_rton to be present on Tuesday when the vote is token on the Fish?ri? Treaty. It ls un deiatood that he will return to this city later In the wee!.. Theae ar* the salient features about D-mecratId National fTtartunariaii f.-om wfcki bbvpj gatherers were yesterday iBUlgaimlgg to "size mi" the in-* ternal disseaal ms whieh are now on every hand acknowledged to he aoing on among t_*_e Demo? cratic JeadeeS. Th* ?nall fry at Democratic head f|ii;irters have " pi*-e.i away"* enough of the quar telling so that with the above facts known con? cerning the proposed movements of Brice, Gor*" man and Barnum. the entire story has com*- out. The former press agent at headquarters has been discharged, but, this dens not prevent the further spread of information, as the other employes are more ins dined t-o talk than before. It is beyond question now that there has been serious disagreimont between the Free-Tradere arni Chalrmaa Brien. Among those; who have been snubbed is Henry Watter on, who is looking up to the heavens and swearing vengeance in blae letters a yard long. The appeal was taken from Chairman Brice's decision to Mr. Cleveland, and thc latter could only suggest the expedient of tndndng Mr G-Bmaa to eom? here nnd run the campaign. Ile h,iH finally- consented to take a laboring oar. bat Ins Mated that Mr. Brice shall retain the chairmanship, gather in the money, sign the checks ann appear as tiie ? dummy" for such operations as Gotmaa and Barnum shall set on foot Iwhind his aaren Mr. Brice yell Ulla J denied emphatically tha story that he bael been Baked to BSBlfB, or would re *:irn. I*- wns similarly dp rued by MsBBBB, Gorman and Barnum. But this itratal dies not cover t_he point, which is thar Barnum and Gorman are to run the campaign. Mr. Brice's talkatlv" Bem lias been a small consideration in leading to this reorganlmtioa at headquarters. He dif ters from the [?WSBthBt to the extent of making demands on tho Exeeative, and Gorman ii the only man whom Mr. Cleveland will trust ta deal out pledge* that certain BssmUfgBBB still in oiric-. shall be swept out after he is r*--ei?* ? sd. It is noticeable that under the changed conelition of affaire, even th" Mujrwump lo:i<l"rs are paying court to Serial or Qot___, an.l Horace White is said to have .-pent an hour in conference with him at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday afternoon. .John S. Barbour, of virginia, lias gp>ne hp me disgusted with the inability cf tba oommittee to we the situatiou in his State as ha secs it. The only happy man in tlie lot :s Arthur Sewn! I. of Mame, who has 1200,000 to ape ad iu his M '? Senator Gorman gave out this statemt-nt last night : Mr. Bri'-e's conduct of the campi!-r. ?'n*? h!? acceptance ?bawl thal he _ y_a right man in the right place. My BsBbenH ladgBMBl ls that HM pally ha* I NS hid a mere rgluten! and able man at 'he h":m. The? I* no coallie! between him and the PmaflaM or inv member ot hla ciimmltiee. II" 1* pur?uln_r intelligen-ly and actively tke only course that lt is paaatbk for him to follow. The National CaandttM has I .-. ll any Batt frarr.ei the Issues of the rsiBpelga and cannot do so. The-, issues a? de? aned "y the actions snd declarations ot the President, and by the representatives ol (be party In Congress, and by the platform of tbs Nv'.onal convention. So that al this stage of tha - rhere la nothing for the . halrman of ihe committee to do izeept te g.'t tin pary hadar* In brie, print Ind dis? tribute ssattar that us Blneey beea made up by msaebas delivered In Congres* and by the de.-laritlon* of tha President. Th'' Bold 1* I limited one for the chairman, arid I ny Uist he ha-) pursued lt diligently and intelligently. The? have be.n complain'*; there always irs ee__ plain-*. 1 KBMBttei four '.*-,- _; this time eoro* : s af Bopt?mber. The Qinst ex-rsvaran*. yarns were m.mufa slured and puUished ppoaltlOB pren "'.hug of di.-r-;anl-..tton and de tno-alUatt an, and soini- ? f tttSSA went so far as to Intimate ;:?!_?, ?!, interests were sold out lu Weet Vii* rials, liirt.aiiu aad Okla, Whleh wen then Oetober State*. ? BBthlakiag wise mnawkM alarmed, but the r-.sult in v',- oe* -Bal answer to all those ? antill 'ns. We were content then, is wa ara "nlcal now. ir the en,-my r_n gag any con.fort In tHr? HBBBflll iBiad WSUlBBWIlB. wholly devoid Of truth, let Ililli go on In tha*. Una, and we will pursu- our c.urse, pr_ s-nttng the ?_v- lanes Bf ihe BoalMl as Intelligently aa are '.sa te tbs publle. and nobody who has f_d.h in tba Deawentle party h*,s th* slightest, question thai tba aaa duel of the pi ll ?' Colonel Brice will c. "'-mis ?o :>?, a* I-, in* Mea ap ??? thU Ham Shis and la-Billgenu when the Pnatdsal -ha;, hav.- Banal Us lams et iweps ance, and the Republican* hav: *howu their band is ta what 1* to la- dare- with the "riff In the. s-nju, than tha la ,.iroe'-, ;?ii I think lt ls a__Ca te - that then Will then be no con Bf any want of ri' t: n, ur Bf harmony, or of an a ? purr, of Colonel Brice and his cu_?nil Til ET COULD M>r DEI Eli7. TUE POLICR. CROWD WHO WITNESSED A PRIZE FIGHT TB_T . i ESCAPE uN a TC*;. BUT IX) BOT gVOO?? Over a. ha? i ad iponlBg toma, ?me of thea wita p_g? Halla repuiailean p i_baaefe with th* police ia my d-iwu yt etattay _Besa_ag and at last btougiu __> \o o laaetng yat* an la k*cabera in th:* pavilion w?a at-eo. ?*1 a twei.-y.four f?ot Kag far the a,.?B.BdBMm of (Juorga l.e Blan.he. t?-..*: known a* -The .sunns," ra" ? JlaSt" Varley, who ? * faa kr.ow.-" Th- ?**i- uf cha : -av. three gwpsrew meda "Tie Minna'* who ? as -r.',,?led by -Jick*' Filloa and Irani Mena, waa - ley, who wss ?eonded by C-Uv-de Nur'o i aril ? -I "ii,* Da.'V. wa* badlr putiUhed. hts "oe a. ito. jpi,:t't sud tnu.h dlaeatand sud sm attar tba Bg ? whl ti ?j. " - a purse of e-">0. the entl? party "?j**. ,._ Uta ? ? - . Hes ? i n SButh. *i ' a tip which ni'tu"? hi_a to turn th'- Pattal I mur*. BB tfcl Hudson In ?arcb of tha ? r.s ni h-r rerge ? I ? Ba or two _*?.?? Tonker* she was spied ai_d boarded, much to the iHacual of tho ; f whom '.ried to Maa " ju.?'_" Di'inp-s-y. the ? Kae-panaV" wa* found wtth e Hal jum|M'r mi h.s lund- ind fsea ail grease an* dlr| o'l.etv. and wa* taken on Ssa-1 the Patrol mild roars ?,r Uuirhier. ? Abe" Coaklcy waa I fn in the seal-hall and ?? Mlle" Costigan wu i? : to devrt Ca! pl!"t-hNBS Bf the Meyers for the t-lilli of tho Palnl At the Tomb* Police Court La and Varley we- admitted to f VK) ball by Justice Pa?Bl, Jerermsh Sullivan, I mloon-keeper, foing oa tha han ? af t>"Ui u.'-u. Tim re si of the niotley cn>w4 wan - -? TAOS Alt* BBSnCXOB* DEATH. Ceaaaj r .- aaslS-Si yesieMay ot the aaddaa aaath ?' ' i'ip, uuder poeiiliar ell*-__?Baeaa, M h>r hame. NI gil IVillroad-jve., Jersey Cur. *? . B i Wee-Bean is a meal In the same house iud *he s:"d Mri I', .ni. San ii"- Ison ou gus" tarma. They luamtled l few diys ago and blows we? eiehai_|wL . ? in* ?. pr lound I warrant, from Justice Cou tot foi the BOMBI of Mr*. l'si;ti?m. OSMBShSS Masker went to thl !t,.u-e on Friday ni*lu io ser\e tho warrant and found Mra Pagnani d' 1 Mr*. wa* arrested and wUl ba Bald lo BWOM the result uf an tnvuatlgatlen to be mada by the i aunty Physician. Police gaagSSB Nevlna said leal -Vining that Mra Pagnam ,1 ? I of tl., l.-ra morbua There I n.ui her body auA Mrs. W.aecka ,t\:iil{ ?trui'K lier. .1 OWBBS Dh'OWSED. Troy, N. V., Aa* )- Rtettf, owner of tim sleaasm Adlraadaal-! ea ctiau-augay l__u>_ a ll f'Ttn the gSek of the steamboat yesterday a_i_\ ivis drowned. _ HUTON Of PRES1PEST CEOROE B. BOBBBT8. Philadelphia, Aug. ls op.Hali (ieorge B. Roberta, president of the Pennsylvania IUIlroad, has bean tar ?everei days cuullued by niue.* to bli boure al aila.