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LONDON SOCIETY. is. CO-.YET.SA"1 Ii N AND THK I.IFFEI.F.XT STYLES OF Dil ."J.I'I.NT lT.UlODS. frsrav mr aaotn .r OOBBBBMBM xt or tub tbibi'xe.J London. August 1. Among many charlies in thc social life of Lon don, noti" pSfhegl lt more striking than tho chance ih Ihe fashion ol talk, 'ihe note of to-day is not tho note ol twenty gean ago, or of the j*.nero!ion which preceded. Th. lit* mare, the Mocraphloal literature, the reminiscences, of tho Inst lilly years nre full of the renown of urea! talkers. Macaulay may he taken ns a type of _______ Ht was the sti periof of nil In his own style, but the sl\ la ,?,,? which prv\ ailed, nnd it is fair to iadffS it l>v Ms la si. ixaiiiiile or exponent. N*> lani'.', on the whole, is ei.ual to Ina in his own manner. 'Hie world has had every lilians of judging nf it nnd of him. Sir Qeetgs Trev, ivan's biography el his unele has made hint a familiar Ignis and n granter favorite with the world t'..ari he was 'nefore these records of his private Ute hud he* n made public No biogra? pher could well have more of that permitted pre? possession in favor of his .subj,rt, than the brill? iant nephew of his brilliant unele hail, lie ha*, however, done Ins hero-worshipping with SOBS-OB* grate literary shill. He does not shock Ma teador: lie attracts him ; the most indi'Ie rent reader cannot help grntpaUuze erith the hero. Vet I bBaglBS h \v people have laid down the book without n vngu. wonder whether Macaulay was renlly nn n*rrr*oable mun in souictv; whether this marvellous conver? ts;, tinn?marvellous it really was?was nally con? versation. I bate asked n number of persons who knew Ma? caulay well; who met him often, who made patt el tho avorld he lived in. who sat. with bim nt Bible; who listened to him. whither his Immenac repute tiid) v.-us deserved, and whether he would now be thought a good talker. I quote nobody, pg1 I sum i,p tha general ranee of all the answers in one phrase.*?hg would be thought a hore. Whether that i** a reflection on Macaulay or on the society of to-day is nu open iiupRiion. but, the opinion can? not I*' fur wrei'!'.' " Macaulay," sai'l a loller conversation ranged over three generations, " di*l not tall., he lectured. Ile chose hil subject, it nin'ie.od little what, and he di Hu red n discourse on it; poured oul masses <>f fa its, of argumenten ol historical lilti-tfation. Il" waa not witty, be had no humor, hg was not n critic, as he himself oon* f< Med, he was devoid of imaginative or poetic fac? ulty. Bat be hurl Uta most prodigious memory ??\tr pooaceaed by _ bataan being, and on tins he drew, without stint and without and.*1 lVoplo in theos days listened to him, hil authority was estab? lished, Ins audit nee decile, nobody interrupted, ooBtrorernf waa out oftheaucaBoa " Now.*' con? tinued the witness. " no dinner tallie would stand it; he would be stopped, contradicted, his long Stories veined; no monopoly or monopolist is r,,! ??ratiii. If you wanted to k?OW alu ut Qui ea Anne yon could go home and read a cyclopedia." Thi*. is perhaps overstated; tlie jiict.ire is over? drawn. Macaulay is made as much too bia* h M Trevelyan has made him too white, lin it is trna in subatanee ami it will give you a potion nf iii change in thc (ashton i-f talk which, as I b* iran bj rajriag baa raally takta i>lace. Everything now i- r ..'li and go Topics are treated lightly, and above all briefly: il you want io preach a lennon you musi get into a pulpit or a newspaper; preach ll nt table rou cannot. The nutocrat who held .way over thc company and forced them to listen, has vanished. Perhaps it is the democratic ten? dency of the age which has driven him out of tho Sold, or out. of the tl ra'.vi n j-r*'i .tn : at any rato. ho in gone and nobody wunts him back, lou may tell n story, but you must, in Hayward's phrase, cut it to the bone. The ornamental elaboration, thc tricking out your talc with showy tu^-s?purpureis pawnis?th ? leisurely prolongation of the narrative once practised, can be pioctised no more. If you do uot cut it short you will be cut into, and before you arc half way through nnother man will havo began and finished his, and your audience will have gouc over to the enemy. Worse si ill, if you per ?:st. you may for once have your way. but it will be for once only, your host makes th*' appalling un? cover)' that you are impossible, and he asks you not again,?neither he nor any of the comiany. No reputation ls so universal as that ol the bore; no other cnminal is so shin.ned by his fellow men. It is this rapidity, this lightness ol sound, which maki? it so difficult lor the provincial or the for? eigner to catch the note of modern Moiety in Lon? don. S'ldom does either sin cecil at once. Of the provincial I will soy nothing he shall be left un? sung. Hut tho transient visitor has painful ex? periences at time., because he insist- on bringing with him to London the manner- and custom. which he has found avail in his native land. Women make few mistakes; their preternatural quiekne-s of perception, their instantaneous in light into the real condition of things perfectly new to them, their lutuitious, are so many extra &enscs and safeguards. It is the male foreigner whose tact cannot always be depended ou to carry him safely over the social reefs and shoals whieh sur? round him in the sea he has never navigated bi torfe He comes, let us say. from Central Africa; the Tongo is his home. He is a cultivated, an aeootn phsiied man; but not uuite what is here ander itooil Ip.v u man of the world. He betanga, in fact, to that same past feneraiion which had so heavy n hand or such a ceniirs tot getting to tho bot!om of a subject; and sorii'tu-ms slaying there. He is asked ta an evening party. He goi^s correctly at? tired, ond bent on eonauest. He is not content with the silent bow. or thc word or two of commonplace to Irs hostess whioh here are thought sul lieieiit. He comes to a dead halt at, the top of the ita.reuse; sets forth in elegant language ins pleas? ure at seeing her, his pleasure at being naked, the pleneure he rXPOOtS fr**m geting so many pleasant people, his pleasure at lan ina qaltO Unexprcti Hy found the English so civil to the tribes ol Cen;ral Airi'a. Luna before be has finished, the utera ure of guests arriving behind hist has carried him un imo the Hiddle of the drawing-room, and the fomplim* nt which hs began to his hostess is in ths ?ar of u stranaer. Hrs friend introduces him to the stranger; a of the woild. ami of the London world tihe receives him precisely lus sh*' teOelVCS innc tsBtha ot her neauaintanoea E-erhaps she eves ?hakes banda with him. sccina thai be rxpect it, then, alter two or three ol those vapid sen Udics v.lii*h do duty for conversation m sui 1 t crush, nuns to a new-comer. Our fri*ml lr. n the Congo thinks she does not care for OonveiSB. tion. and, if hs be fc.nsitivc. that she dow um ?uro for him. Again bs is introduced,--presented, I may kay between dashes, la only used herr fm introductions to royalties?BBd again Un Englisi indy, young or old, does her best to I* ? civil t< lum, but her civilities, too. are of th*' same Beet mg kind. It dees not occur to bet Ihat tin lurk cousin from over the sea expeete r*? cv hangi opinions with Iur on the Irish Question, or t* '.tract a full account of her visors OB the OORT lotion of tessa She also turns away, and alt* ?ne or two more such experiences he announce ladly that hs ia not u saoO-M in London society Ile has no! caught the noti?that la all Th very wound, whom hs tht'iiaht rude to hun tool ilia nu a. ure, made all nllowanora lor hil mute gaaiBtaaes with oe steans ne< warily now to him iked h,m. and bel ore 1 hey slept sent him mc note* to ask him lo lunch next day, or, mor probably, next wuk. Ile is puzzled, bat pleased, and nooeptg an* goes. What does he lind? Hs is welcome cordially but without hun i ii thea bs aaythin which English women dialilte more than soothe] it is making s teas. Tbeg <i*> not mah over new B-QBBinttBftt or our au old one; it i_ th avoidance of lus. and gush and gloppy SOfflplJ minta whioh has gained them s teputation tc coldness of manner. Tbs OO-dasSB ol manner i ?Imphclty of manner; that nnd Bathing els*', an !t is himplicity of nat mir which dictates ths sm pie manner. Lundi may mean a patty ol tweat ;H'ople. but whether twenty or two. then ll ri ceremony. The ladlee walk into tbs dlnlni room bf themselves, thS men ItTBgglS after, ni 5nd their way to such scats as buit them, 'ih Valk is as easy as if you were hitting aliout ire; or more so. If the lunch ia a small om he talk ripples about the table; if large, you mr* 1,1 Bths your chance with the two fellow reaturcs nex{ yon; men or women, ns shf?aot, ou ur Superior Btantsgy may batt determined. fal even to these or 1*> either of these will the I'.isiii from th- Conto have a chance to expound ns tuitions on the correlations of forces, unless I*' san do it in half a dozen phrases, lie may ia\e to cany them hack nguiu hi thc tropics inexpounded; al no ontrrtninui.nt. of a purely " i: 1 Und will he lind hearers for thee valuable iowa If he has anything to say, people will ictir it with interest, on one condition; that t be said in th" manner of the society amid windi ie moves for the time being. Society does not abject t"> serious topics, or even to thc serious Heat-neat of Diem, what it objects to is pedantry, -ngtcnS-On. dulness; to that which is heavy as '.islmanish, d from that which is serious. It has preferences and strong preferences; but it will endure much. What it will not endure is the I'.rtiiessor who brings into its presence the _olem oiiics of tl:- liedure-room, or the man who arrives with a mission. I mentioned democracy and I shall hnve to mention it aaain. I refer to it ut this point in order to ad.l nn anecdote which lins no relation to what has cone Wfore. but which 1 fear may net into print otherwise if I hold it over too long. I; is an English lady of high position who tells the story. Dining ont the other night, she saw in the hall as she went in. a .ervant who for 8 Isng iii'"' i" """lier days had been buller to thc late Lady Waldegrave, whom she had often visited. She spoke to him: nn net in no way remarkable antoni people between whom and their servants there is margin enough. At dinner there were ortolans BBd this lady's neighbor ashed whether she cared for them. " Oh, yes." MM titled she, " I am fond of nil delicacies. I would din" if I could like Nero on nightingale tongues.** As sh* finished thc ort'iLin rind the B ntence she became aware that Lady Waldegrave*! butler was lean? ing over in that, ___*PC0tfn1 attitude proper to the Uritish servant handing a dish, and he mur? mured: "I beg pardon, my lady, but Cicero says it was Vitellius."' I have rep. atcd this little anecdote to a number of persons who have had large opportunities of observing the manners and customs of th.* Brits Ish butler. They one and nil refuse to believe it. " If it had been in France it might be pos? sible, in England, never." Such is the comment of more than one expert. Yet it did happen and the .ctptic must say with Tertullian, Certum est nuia Impossibile est The explanation of this gentleman's classical learning is simple. Ile is supposed lo have occupied his leisure?for he retired upon a pension?in thc lxrusal of the (?assies in Engliah versions; the sometimes KSpOO t.iiil*- bur generally wooden translations supplied to the public under the name of tho late Mr. liol.*), 'ihe uraa-ing thing is, no! that he should have known about Cicero nnd Vililiius. but Ihat he shonld have so fur departed from the cast-iron etiquette of English service as t'i say anything while on duty that duty did not require. _ G. W. S. OE THE CA VE ASE ROCKS. AMONG FINES AND I'l'Mi'S. Care Ann. Auk in.-There were never more, drlcht fully .oft rocks than thoi? of which, tl,ls cranlte cat so Justly boasts. They slope down to the water, after tho fushlon of terraces, smooth and pleasant ro walk over, anti muda expressly to be sat upon. They al? way! furnish a comfortable hack to rest against and a footstool If desired, so that no acute .ensatlont as of sltiliijr. upon a idrlscr fence detract from a full Ottley mont of tho ocean view. OB toward] Halibut Point may be seen a large boulder, so perfectly balanced tt,at with a slight i'reasu.? lt can he rocked hack and forth. The yoong people have a way of perciilnj <>n lu top. whllo thc;- et,- ;- tho BUUWt ?)SI the motion it the same liino; In this v.._ hilling two hirds with one stone. ll'-ro ls a glorious combination el woods an.l rocfci, country roads and sea hench, (ino has only te ero5s the Itreel to pail from a morning upon the rock* to au afternoon in tbe woods, inexhaustible woode, too, net? worked willi paths and fascinating cart-roads la every direction. Strolling along tonio shady p?rh, through wood., you suddenly emeroo into aa epoalng whet*, thc pathway ls blocked by the familiar granite ruck*. A Bccoi.i! glaiiee ikOWl a largo, donated quarry, "hail a few ttexn atora would havo allowed you to descend with surprising rapidity, You look over the edge of a precipice of perhaps loo feet, and seo tbat the old Quarry ls filled with wat'-r, which is aomettmei over thhty test deep, ? I," Ann. however, has not d.ried quarries only. Then arc plenty of them In all directions which Blt ? ilcaliy wuih'd, and yon can drive only a abort distance npon any of tho woody loads before the penetrating .ound of stone breaking greets the ear. Everywhere the great derricks ri*, shove the tree., aral pl'>'S of granite pavlBg*Stoaes are h"aped up mar the road. 1 here aro two sires of paving stones, " tho largo OOM," Mid a Mono-breaker, " fur NeW-Tork, thc email aaas far Bostoa" My New York nam penlan looked at mo with a smile, but I only murmured, -** So you go In for quantity, even In paving stones.*' Ile. got even, however, by asking thc man If the Posion paving itonet were any tauter quality of granito. Every t:a-;\" teems to have a quarry of his own, and a continual Mond (pf blasting introduces a bind <*f Fourth of July atmosphere Into the sea beaten quiet. There i- a brno gnu Ite quarry at Roekport, which ta ? ? di under the roadway and allows tho passer-by fhe satisfaction of crossing upon this fine storm bridge. which is limply n huge arah hewn out of ono great tilocli of granite. Out from Boekpori ls building au b mn nte stu;,.- breakwater, avhirh in the furn? li to give the inhabitants a line harbor, a thing they are muck In need of. From Ihe lop of pigeon, lilli, if it is a eleni day, the coast ol New Hampshire can St plainly seen, ami the Hotel Wentworth tooms up dis? tinctly, with the lil? <A Shoals In tho dtoteaea Stol far from Pigeon uni i- a delightful resting plano known as "Cathedral Woods," tbs pines rising like haautlful columns lg uenaund itatellaaaa "Pump ' h.i ni un Important. Iva.ure of thil place, lae visitor can hardly walk for five minutes la any direction without coming upon a rustic lummei* house containing tbe characrerlstic '?pump." Tte wafer generally holds a good deal of sulphur, and thl dl-terenl springs vary lu taste and mineral quality tho latte:' usually belag aanonnead by an laacrtptioi lunueunBng tba pump. The "intelligent raaMeats' drive about with a Utile book beside their whip nt _ it to which is attached the Indiipensahle drtoklag-oay sign boards ben aro as abundant as wild rowi I inver saw a greater profusion of both. Tho sign heards are everywhere, larg- and tm posing; lu fact ikey aro niue!: more Important than the itreel themselves, it in driving you chance npon a sign board winch announces " Hay View Avenue," and tklnl lo drive therein, you will lo apt to discover tba ?? Ha> Mew Av* nm," ls a grassy mail, which passe hot ween two collages, and MOB alter ei.tls abruptly leaving you without either bay ol' view. If yo have, been indiscreet enough te drive down wit, a wagon Which dOM not ''cut under." your eal ires is to unharness ihe bono, atui lift the wag.. round. ii is is a place In which to be Independent, to wea old chu hes, to go lo bcd emly, and lo live out t dooii, forgetting that formality exists. lt ha however, Ita moment! al wild dissipation Pratee* Voa Jules ari.,anice, thal he ? ill In ?ilte of I, nnenrpaaeed abUtty ami latmanaa reputatloa as ti, ? living elocutionist favor thi good-for-notblt lents with a law choice wleotloaa, which ai .a with tba mosi exquisite t-isie h. bring ipeciaU adapted te tbe lateOlgsaes af tho Uateaara. a sa attrai tlon never fails to draw to tbs taren hotel parlor an ai Ibl liMtB ami, The doon ai wlndowi ara * lose i to keep tba wena air from g*'itn out, and they *i" lt with a meerai which u only a. preached hy Mr. Von Jonei'i dalttray al "yarawoi brothel Watkins," "Tha Chariot Pace" from "Bi Bur," *" Barbara Frietcbli " and ol many other lalootio winch he dom 00,11 ?! | US ti CC lo. before lllOJipllig breu! ie? imo a chair, iwallowlng a glan *?f waler mihi ga lng into ipaee, ? .a hal areal Into which the vlctimi would willingly *h*>i> tn* it < ping liirth? tortur I needn't mention tbe baseball gamea, which a !!.,? nt si - ,|,ni. i ot .ni in*' enjoyment, ol even rai rn,-r resort. The poorer tbe ground the granta ll enthusiasm ls. Ever, mau nu eaoh nine * , ? bli opinion audlbl] with regard l* the < ? ?. i.-i t mot mc ul* ol nil ile- men on braes. 1??* huhes ft um ti M northeast corner" maka unlsvorabk critlcBait i the personal appearance ol the nine from the --s*,ui we t corner" loud enough lor the ladles Iron tl locality t" hear ll ali The gentleman who h l.ii.dij ii i.i be "umpire" ragietg nen bs si n, .iipp| all iciui"i contentedly to a cold supp* glorying in a tienrn of ai lo 47. .1. 1*1. O' I P Acid I'lil'*;,Ililli MAKT.. DIM* IOU8 LEMONADE. A IMipoianfpil ai led lo a Klan* nf I,ul ur cold Wller ii iwos- ned to the untr, will be fuunl refreshing iud i vtgenaaB UNDER VOLCANIC ASHES. H"M)T.i:t)s of livf.s BMUfriD oft BI an BttUirTIOW. Tobie, Janan. July I'.'.. News of aa awful and ____-_ttS ratastroDhe has ]uii been raaotted. la Ibe giotlass el Tuba* Ullina, near the city of Vekamaata, about 160 Btltoi north of n teriiiie sad stosl oatamlBrai raaptlon nt tba apparently extinct Manila! ian volcano ha. tabes piara, i. -niling In the burial under volcanic mud and rocks and ssbSS of a lagJOS of ah'"1' .evenly SI S squire miles, and causing more or less damage r.n.l gatSStetlon Wilbla an area extending over mom Ilia" OTB s*]uare m.I.te. ll was on July LY Tho morning wis mi Banally hoi and mu ry. At this sc..s'>n of tbe ?e_ peasant*: Bate Ibo adjacent roglons frequent for Hie pnrpora of health anti nerratlea tin- lime ?ouataIa beatle! of r.vase aad IB fine* hm spriest tridtb ara, besides a few weatboi beaten and pertly decompose! Morleeeeui roch* erapptag our on tiie turfara, ths only Indication- of Hie volcanic character of a moun? tain that ha- been quiescent for BbOBl a thousand .ind Hie rii,|p-r of whleh had Inn M-Bd up lung ago by th" slow prueattOI of minirt*. Then WM ii" ground for apprehension of any kind, ami a few earth quake shocks, felt two or three days previous to thc* eruption. preseM(..,1 alM nothing unusual or abnormal. ?artbqmaba shocks ai,tl seismic tremor, are common throughout Japan, gO_M ot the people wis* qul-tly enjoying the hot baths on the slope, ul tli- mountains. ml.ivs conversed with tho visitor, that had from a distance, while a majority Were Kin? on their BUM, talking, smoking, dreaming, '?o_lng. Bleeping, nh! Bondel san presented bB usual appearaaee, ?nl nairne herself, dreamy and drowsy, seemed shoal tu fall imo Bamber. .nddenly, a few minute, past eight o'clock, a low rumbling was heard Uko tlie sound of distant thunder, actually be? lieved to he such by some; but before there was time for an Interchange of word., tim earth was boated up and began to tremble violently, tim ground un? dulating like water shaken In a bowl, fra? tli" raab of nanda san ther. thea shot up Into Ihe air, as though discharged from Hi" cannon's mouth and accompanied by a nelse as of a hundred thunderstorm! combined, a huge mas* uf red volcanic mini, mixed with fire and ruck, and sulphur and smoke, carrying with lt thc very peak of tho mount a n, Mid hiding for a time Ihe bread ami brilliant canopy of beaten, ami then, In Its fall, covering ihe gr.-cn Math below with a bluleh-graf w.ndlr.g sheet of volcanic mad, heavy rocks, hot water, binning sulphur, nd hot sand and glowing ashes of a bluish ItOfc Andra thlt varying in thickness fro-n sever tu twenty teat, wen li dden OOO men, women, and chlldr-n. dead at once (pr writhing In the last agonies. Among these there were no less that IM vlslton to Hie hot iprtnp who thus teaed a horrible death ,n plaee of tbe expected cure from sickness md dtaeaaa Within a lala! circle, described by a radlaa ot llvo miles arnuad Hie mount? ain, few people wore able to e-c.ipe unhurt, hut even beyond that d.bianco persona vere killed or Injured. itt'iisp- black sarahs euatlaaad to baee from die aper? ture through WblOh tie' nibtomaean forces had found vent, ami black clouds soon covered th" sky far and wide, while consiinlly reclining earthquake shocks li.creased the fright of the trombl ng fugitives. A\ ho? oter could fled at once in every direction, away from th. smoking cranr lome, stark naked and a-hy pale, ian at thc top ol their s;iped over the glowing c ndcra; women fainted aral fell from sheer exhaustion and terror; a few, erased hy fright or Injured by fi:; ng beams arni itones, hopj *d '?-.- cr -pt away Uko so many animals set at large "I" Increase H.,' horrors of Hie scene, pine tree-, tall and stately and centuries i,ld. weis* toni fi,un Hie ground atil thrown upward, while sulphurous Barnes biased forth between their crackling runts, presenting to ibo wild and excited Imagination of th** people the ipeetaele ol we rd looking snakes, hissing and writhing In the unearthly glare of the nh\sinai Uri*. At 10 o'clock Hie scene had reached Its climax, but eruption! and earthquake ikoekl did ii"t cease tint 1 d o'clock in thc afternoon. Tho landscape then p? sented a plteoui aspect, within a distance of live mries around tba mountain trees ai,il sInnis a- well a* all the lea and rice plants?the entire crop of tba year-hat! been de troyed. Forty-four houses were found burled to a depth of twenty feet, and many h.oi.- vero eoterad tu a lesi depth. Btrange I few or rn* .null Itonct wert teund among Hi' debris: heavy rocks seem to have been numerous, ons ol thora ts saul to meeson invent] righi teni in length The village of Iwase seems to hate raftered most, then foaaa and Bleats. Titre.* hamlet! near the larier place were rulered completely. Not a sail WM ? av..-!. At Ulbara if *'!f. the ria er NBgBM WM bl up by teDIng debris, ani !,?, the milden rise Ol I B bnnk, 400 IMI i..-h aral sp-vp-.-.i! mil-s long, BOOM the river's course, obstructing tho How ol .ts ware?. Unless Hie Imprisoned rifer is promptly liberated tho entire region win lie goaded, ami a lake termed wher.) once lim* rlee-foMs stood. A' Inawwhlra ai,ti in its neighborhood tim pe,,pie. though not in tUngcr, Mcaped, ai ila- ti en uf the eruption, with all their furniture, _? though a military Invulon bad taken place. The people Mata that the nolie a; ie ard there was appalling, rest nibil og the slmultaneoni urge of thousand- **f cannon. As a nutter ol fact, the lesser peak nf Baadal-saB ha; been blown oft by Hie terrille explosion of thc subterranean . BBd vapors, (in Hie l'.ith of July this ls the lat. sf new? -another erupBon took pteee without, however, doing any datnago. Hy lt two MW crate? were termed. Huck taraba eeaBaaea to raeend fiom ira srann tala The 8)irvlvors of Hie catastrophe were so Baaed and bewildered hy the sadden disaster that tad faller upon them thar most of tli-tn wen" Unable tu gi? any eoberoat-.aeeoaal *,f thole escape. (??!?? mai was, by r!,e fii**r iboek, pitched be Hong um of hil house, and. lerrtbed by t!.!- ludiien eviction, lu ran al once tor his Hfe_.,and never i.w whal hm. really btsnened until after bli arrival in Inawaxhlro Other! hart similar experiences; lu tact, nobody wa likely, Hilder . up ii circumstances, io Inquire Into whi nie metier. Thin fur- 476 bodies have i, .1 recovered, 'l!"- dlimal recorrti ipeaA of fracture* ? hulls, of broteO limbs. Of faces ami bodies !.,M it, beyond recognition, ot bodice literally eui Into nalvei or quarters, or Into -till smaller pieces, ot bodlei actually parboiled hy the iee i hi ng water ilia t , upon tint unsuspecting vletlms tu' tim eruption bodies wero found suspended from the trees Iii a 'ijeii they bad fallen wheo descending from the ai, Barrowlng detalli then aie many, bm one ca an! dismal ci.-di, mu t *iitli,'. ' a mother with he child lied io her butt Bumbled onward, in hui bun lintier a storm of gio"ma uhrs, burning clnderi bid telling roc lu a large i-*'.' hoi stone sT'-mii t ; child, and bespatterad Hi*- mother with bl.!. mn, however, harming her. Uoldlng test, wu a desperate green, the rod burden on her bMk, ifa mother mccceden In ?a<lilng \Valiauiat..u, lui an) find tint her child was dead. 'Ihe gralga druic lo lifo and property ls nut vi exactly known, but lt ls appalling. The Bmpero n* unco contributed three thousand yen for Hie ni.. of tim iu Hering people, ami dispatched a commissioner tu He' adlleied region. Tljaunii 'I' promo) Initiative of Captain Brinkley, of u**rhe Japs Mail.-' money tobe forwarded i" the distressed dUtri* ls now being rapidly collected among Har forelg residents hera ?'md la yokohama The ternacuii press ls alio doing Its duty in this direction 'ii, police and local authorities a- Wakamatsu iur. ?? ahead luann itepa to provide for thc destitute, some * whom h-vu ia very truth saved ia* !.,::_ bul ti," naked Hie. AR FARLY LOfR FOR 8LADQHTRR. eonsH pranks, merman hy ambition- to e> IT.A IK A IlldlllKll. " I do not Ihink I was naturally cruel." said gentleman to an old crony, speaking of his boybooi "in fact I have fainted ai Hie sight of suffering, yt when i wm - lad about elgin yean old. i wit nea* h.o kiding of ioma cows in Um ilaughter-bouM hu, of my grandfather's barn on tbe oil faun. 'ii sight fill* *1 lue With hm rm- a; Brat, hut ll soon cai way lo a feeling of laeotnaUoa and I was Ulled wll an ambition lo emulate the Itolid but'lip'r who ? coolly cut the throat! of hB vie tims, i rememb* 1 had to feetl tlie _*_B, and as the] i '.I'd BbOUl IbOtr UOUgh, gnulling their cont-nt over skim ml and corn. I revolted Iii my mind tartOUl plans 1 which I Bight confer upon at ICM) OM ol ll honor of a martyr*! death. "Hie tragBdy, wbereia tho pig and myself were be tha principal adan, accepted my whola though for nearly a week, at the end of who i, ? i luetaatly gave ap tbs Mae el racriBelng my Mei ih. pig and taned my etteeUoa to imaUer aam .Not ter tram Hie house va* an old rustle arbor, ai lins 1 BXOd ilupu as Hie tetait .-nil*) <if my o;s-r lions. .**? '''iiin2 a Ld-2" spool i fastened ll on ?, uta shout four l.'fi fn.;n ii..- ground, then t rigg, ? arindlaM in tho rants suaaor, about u fool f;., th" iioui on the appaalB timm, aad driving , :, wini a ring in it andra tba tpool, stet wh. ii i nae ,i Bib im*' with a noora lu it wita one oin! hsteo tn the win'Ila--, aad lu",- slaughter hou.e wm coi plOtO. 1 go Into thu detntl to ihOW how much I h though! and Bugled, lu a Childish Way, niiuii i Subject. a few days I spent all my tine pt,. t!,n old arbor and tastefully ai ranging a Maali grui yard for Hu* expected 'honored guests.' y\. , i,I pm un.Hy came that 1 was walting for. A nelghl, hui tana kilter.- WbS MSl lo l)\-3 about tho ja and bometltne, would wandrr Into lin' VOOSa, Wht I teaed them one morning and picked out tbs large Tho kitten died hard, much ti my lurprlw*. for I h iroceeded In Its execution In fhe lame way tho butcher uni with Hie row. After I wits convlnc-.i th" kitten km really dead, I held a funeral and wept tears of renulne MROW, and after Its funeral lu the cemetery itaited B- ht Marah of more victims. During tho i.xt month two mon* Ultterii). ono puppy, a largo mmbei ol atleo ami aaa rit wen d tpaaad el and planted.' Tin' ra* WM Wtcetdlntly savnge ami blt ne '.ii the Bngor, although i haudled him tenderig and .s itlt <?ni". , - __, -Aliout this Hine I found a volume of fairy tal**s n the cam! and read li witt a ci eat deal ol telenet, ? ne sttTiy especially produced ali Impression. || was lboit a prince and prinoera and teed! with Jewels n their h als. Blom this story I loneetved Ott Idea if felting rich by collecting tb. precious stone*: con I m i lu tho Marts ol toads, ami bo furnished my ?daughter bouM with B chopping bloch ami a hatchet :.iip| proceeded t" Invobilgaie. flul though I never r,,t|Mri any lowell mi grandfather bund m<* in the aol of looking for them and ibe conseuuoneea wen IO unpleasant thal I WM convlnoed the builneai did not pay, and ra relumed lo my friends, the pign, wild wera hunting in the womta tor Moras. Wet a long time I f*'lf a sneaking iori of regard fur my ? i. and even now think Hie cherries ol ths tree afterward planted there tho sweetest and best . boB term." A DAY AT CLUE! 0A 81 LE. HOW MK. CARNT. .IF.'S QUZ_-T-I ARE AMHSKD. Cluny Castle, Klngnssle, July 27. Mr. nialne hM bad B t hCCiy and care? free visit at Cluny. This, eslate which ls now Mr. Andrew Carnegie** summer residence, contains eleven thousand acres, and I* ritaatod In 1? verm- ? shire, In BM of the mo.-t romantic ngtOM *-f scotland. Thc castle staii'ls upon an elevation nine hundred feet abets tbs level of tho soa, and lt was the horns af tba sndenl Clunj Bacphenon, the former ebie! of tba renowned I lan-Chattnn. I! la sunaaadsd by a towering raaf! of mountain- and overlooks a let? ti]! valley through which runs the beautiful Uiver spry. The valley assumes Ihe shape of a hors* shoe. In ihe MBBe of which the high binti gralWtS, and la fiiii.t uf tba c.stl" apOB tho erl_e ol Hie bluf ls planted a Bas-staff team tha top el wbleh werne fhe Bteee and -1 |pi -. iur miles In either dlrcctluii ol tba curve can | ,.n tba ino-.1 beautiful Hag Ol all nations. A -ig Diflesn! tee! la senneettoa aitk tbe unfurling of the Ila;; ls Hint the son of-law of the present Cl?Og, an olll ecr of blSh rank In tbe British Navy, prebcntcd lt to Mr. Carnegie. Tho OMtlo ls built cf granite and the hallway con? tains many trophic ol war and of the chase. Among Ibe tolmer may be ieee hanging upon tho side wall iwords, one ol which wm used In Hie American Revolution by tho (Mer Cluny Bacphenon, ai-o guns, plltotl, dirks ar.d cunt, of mall. The target tor a.ii worn by Prince Charlie at he Hattie o| ' n; Ibe "black cheater," which, lt has been banded down hy tradition, had fallen fmm Ihe heavens during Hie battle between Hie clans of Macphersons ond Davk-MM! the eetebratod Peedan Bubb, which always tUired the valor ol the ciao Mrapberson In battle; the worid-temed charmed sword worn In the " lilacli Watch," of which lt was said that no leader carrying lt was ever killed In battle; these are some of the Interesting relics ol war found within the walls ol Cluny i astlo. Among the trophies of tha chase aro the heads ot deer, aid specimen! ol all kinds of game found In early li'ii'-i anions Hie Highland!. Bare, toe, arc many eurioiltlee of historical value?an autograph letter from Prince Charlie; the et,iur* ol the _2d High? landers, carried al Waterloo, also the colon carried iu the Crimea ard In the Indian mutiny. Tin* candle* si,el. and snuff-mull used by the elder Cliny Bra? il ar,- among the antiquities. This brose candle? stick, w.? mod by bim lor nine yean while hiding among - In Hie Highlands. The Hscpbi were allies of Prince Charita and Cluny Macpherson was obliged to hldo away In the mountain tosti with Lochiel. Then were only f,.ur trusted friend! ? i knowledge ol ids whereabouts; ids wife even wm hep! In Ignorance of his hiding place. A reward of a thousand guineas arni a regiment was offered to any chief who would praduoe Cluny Mm ;!, i .un, dead nr alive. After biding In fhe caves for arne years ha Bed to France, and died at Dunkirk In ;-,.:,. The clan luis 0MB s'eadlly represented by his l n ?? present Cluny MMphenun lia; command .if a Highland regiment. ih -,- days In tha Highlands a? full of enjoyment .nd un guests Wtn ever more hospitably cut* dallied. bend la by tM music of ihe bag ini>e; it i rii" Highland custom tor the piparto play under the windows of the sleeping household and thus bioom Hu* Inmates ol Ibo Castle This way of calling the giusto, Instead ol by vii*** contentions! Midden knock at thc door, is a u'iel eomforl lo tli" round sleeper, who is thus gradually awakened from a Highland sleep. At B o'clock breaktesl ed, and tho twenty guests march Into the dining-hall, with tha pij>er piping a bcottlih ii : il tba head af th*} procession. Alter the mornlng meei all urambie In the drawing-room, and ?ai ni thc tu.rn Mundi (ram tha top ol tba corah ami the tout In hand appear) al the door. The ribbons an heh) by a famous Scotch driver, Qm ree Burton, who hes re? cently i the teal of driving a four in I an i from I.un,inn to Cluny, a diatomic of over 700 nnii-s, in 11 ip *? wp'e! .. i it- losing - > much a* oven i ihoo Raddle ind ? are alan al tha door, ra that ail . In lu a morning'! ride. A Bfteen-mllc jaunt u p,ii ci,'y tn ide tu *oa,o lo h, and all alight Ir to ' he OOMh to bait tha bonn and prepan lunch Tho fishermen of tba party east th-ir tiles until lunch is served. Tbe other day Mr. Blaine from i boa! era! th** By tor Ihe first time, and he aad Mr. Cara . '? I In catching In ball an hour a fine strli _ of hilt, trout. Om of tM ii".-I expert fishermen at i lu ny i- Georgi \v. jenkins, oi Morristown, M. J., who with Mr. BlalM and Mr. <'.-,.i -Mcrec'i daily in bringing home enough ttoul te tbe larj" f.unilv With Bob for brea!.fast, lunch and dlme'r. Win,tn an hour Hu* ot!,er day thirty eight fina trout wen caught in one of the many " burns" a bw hundred feet Bom Hie c.- tlc. After tench ls toned and tM horns rested Hie horn blowi as tho sig? nal thal the four-ln hand la nady tn itari ter Hu* home? ward run. On tba way home yesterday the h,,rn lounded al tM fa uni.- t ladas ol Ardverifcta, tM real ? ii ace ol Mr John Ramsden, the gates wen thrown open and the four-in-hand carried n< occupants up to tM o ? iu accept au invitation to te i from Slr John. Tte e ! um n," h..lg" tu tM bouse is two miles, ami a mina) romantic and delightful drive along ihe shore of Loeb Loggan could mi he imagined. ThB i ito I bounded by ha -hs, which afford the best protection tec ? deer forest, because tl e deer cannot he driven Into a neighboring estate. After the ISth ol Auguat Ard j vcrtkta has been ranted to Lord Burton t*> stalk deer over, for which amusem mt a rental ol 815,000 is paid. upon Hu condition thai tM tenant ran only shoot eighty sings. Thu would make Lord Burton pay nearlj -_*?" for the privilege of shooting one itag Lord Button was Arthur lins;, the brewer of llass*. sh), and can afluiil lt. Al "r a smart drive of fourteen miles Cluny ls p-acled and all hurry t'p lot _ for their New Vork mall, which li brough) from Klngussle by dur mail coach running daily fiann thal plaee acron country io Pori William, a distance of forty three miles. This ? ' the i.. -i b am,ru! drives Imaginable aad tourist! ean'l do better than pian to take lt, a-, im rowh ?? run twelve mltai an hun- aral on lime, with f.p'ir rhangea between im iuh points. At raven the guests sa embie iii the larg.- drawing mom umi the piper again leada Ihe i.resslon Into the dining haft. Aiier dinner Mr, Walter Damned) gooi and Bili tM room with very different itralm thura which Wagner gave to tho world. Thus the day ends and all go !?? mal In tM a*-'.irance ol a nigh! "f unbroken sleep. With a thermometer ol 40 r., snow in full view, and Bleeping under four woollen blanks tt wnh m. moaqultoM to molest, slumber is certain. The bein!!"., of Cluny aro many, the Howe? arc now Iii lull bloom, tho lawns ino a rich green, tra* barns about tM castle supply t.nilling mu-lc, the in.-!.laud peaka an tipped with snow, tM River Bpoy winds gracefully al iii" toot ol the terrace, and c." valley a* bi as the eye can reach extends In ua broken fields "f rich verdun. Hera, away from th. of tbe locomotive and oul ol IM mrab **f tu' iph, perfect roil and enjoymeal an to be bund, and tho bracing ali of. IM mountaiM, hundred! "I ire the s*-a lovel, suppltai mom t<> thora In March ol health. i b household at cluny has Included Mr. and Mrs. Blaine, the Bl ? BlalM, U it nudge [Oat] Hamilton), Mr. and Mis. Hauy Phipps, Jr., of Plttebttrg' tht Rev, Dr. Raton, Mr. Waiter Damrosch, Hr. ami Mn. 1'rederic * Dennis, al] ol Bau York; Br. George v. Jenkins, of Morristown, lt. J.; Mr. ami Mrs. Lander ol Dumferniline; Mr. and Mr-* King. Br. and Mrs, Lau and Ulai Walla. ??, ol Orange, arni Miss I ram li Un, ol bt Louis. They *ae? au ikenod on Ibe Ininti, ol July bj the Bring ni cannon al daybreak; rh* sr,,, and it ri pe* weio displayed ami there won tuc wini., lu i:.o evening. i h a ji vlsi 1.1: i ta W* OF BURMA Y. i i nu 'iM i'm Lng Dtegateh. i heard m iv.p. Ut iii glrtt the otbet day wo un eoniclouslj I ll ii -11._ ed twa VlOWl of this (sunda) gueation. Ono of thom tab ber gay cit) borne to ita] over -linday with the family of a country pm sun when iM irani iioine she remarked: "MercyI th* lt's am alu I. bin- PreshyterlBM tboy wouldn't taki rt pm out of the pincushion on r*uu*lay I" ii.i" i- wai ih- daughter or nut same parson Tho? had boen numerous buigUnes around tia rouutry, and th*- child bad i??n m frightened by thea* -poi thal ba had scarcely lop. any ail week Ob Buaday night aln-r rapper tbe child came to he mother and sahl: " .Mamma, pley,o pm me ta bad BOW I'm so glad I can get some sleep to-nlslit. for tht burglar*) won't como on bunday." THE WAGNER FESTIVAL. HAILI MfSrCIANS ANI) MUSIC LOVERS AT WAHNFR1KD VILLA. lt. ELSON CHATS WITH FRAU WAGNEH, FTtAU MATERNA, HERR RICHTER AND M. LAM OUREUX ? WAI;NKR'S FIRST OPERA REVIVED AT MUNICH. Munich. July If. Aladdin'- palace did not. risc up more suddenly mn did Hayreuth from its normal letht-fj into fe and action daring tba first/ do..B of tho fes- j tal naturally somo of tba result* were not j Begotten plsaeaatti hostelries* Brade for fifty tests were stretched into containing (iv hundred. ead nt tho restaurants wns n MSB** commodity, nd happy wns thc man who at feeding-time got soli*l inip cn the of n. wniter. Sui!, ie novelty of seeing princes and kiipellmeistc? 'niggling for a gi.ins of hoer nnd a sandwich ade up in some decree for the discomfort. l"~y ?iith was i. veritable republic In winch rnnk no niger noanted for anything. 'Angeriiinnti's" ls lin? aine of the favorite ft .hering ['lao ? of the arti-ts, nd there, (lorin* festival days one may lind Wag? er and l>eer discussed -.vii 11 enthusiasm until tiie ;ir 1 v morning hours. To IllBStH-to : when I can.e here on the second night of the feast, every noolt nd corner of thc pince seemed full, yet tbs bBB> ss gave me a friendly signal to wait, nnd in a SW moments .. plank was laid on two beer kegs, o servo as a table, ami another plank similarly djustcd did oflice as a seat. Qpott that seat hero were placed Alexander, Prince of Iles-C, ne of thc most musical of potcn ates; Edward Lass-n, the gnat Weimar kapcll aeistor; Hans Richter, probably tho greatest King conductor, und your correspondent. Almost ll of the artist* of the festival were (bete, nd those who were not, soon came in. A wild hout announced the arrival of Frau Mnterna, vho had made such a success In the part, ol Sundry." Oddly enough, tbe name of the lOSttSS was also Kundry, and at, thc door of tho nu thc greata " Kundry" was met by the lesser, md quailed a loaming beaker thai was banded to mr to the health of tho company. " Grass Gott! ieber Herr I-ison," said thc singer as she espied ne, ?' nfs geln allcs in Amerikn ."* Ami we were mon in hearty conversation about, the success of he festival. Hut another " Hoohl" is heard, an*l l*rr Friedrichs. who won such a triumph ag ' Heckmesser,n appenrs, a))*l receives his oration sith becoming modesty. A little knot of Boa* lonians is soon aft-*T found ia s side room, and Ger-icke. Kneisel, Foote, Sveoenski, Whit? ing, Johns, Fue'ten, Hubbard BBd myself arc soon forming a kneipe, which in America, would mean that we were going straight to the " demnition bowwows," but hero signifies only that we are becoming aeoli-ttated. Br-end-by, Mr. Otto Floersheim and Mr Mlchaelis, of New-Tork, join the set, and it. continues to enlarge until an houi in rho morning which shall be nameless. In the morning Mr. Kneisel and I set out to visit Herr Richter. Ilk number In thc EU.bard Wag? ner Srra.sse was 277 1-8. I did not know inri how many tractions a house could bs divided hut after finding 277 l-l", 1-4. la, 1-fl, and 1-7 I felt that the city must have been founded bj some great mathematician who treated to eaforei an arithmetical problem on everybody searchinr for a residence. Herr Richter was out, when w* called, but I made sure that I ihould find him a Madame Wagner's reception in thc evening, ant therefore did nut search for him in thc park when lm bad gone for a promenade. At noon I aga ii met the Prince of Hesse, rind, although rio furn),illy present.*.l (such is the democracy of art' WS entered into a oomperlson of note- about th fest.ii al. Prinee Alexander is one of the best-in formed Wagnerian! even in thia stronghold. Il told rne tint the great march of the umist, minger had been discovered to be almoet identical wit a inarch nf tin* fifteenth century, and that th moat rigid study of '* Die Meistersinger'' 0nl led him to wonder mop' arni more at thc fldelit; with which every detail of mediaeval life ha. been followed. He inquired after Mr. Waite Damroach and thc success of his Wagner lecturei ami showed _reat Interest in rhe spread of th BOUSS in America, inst, as Madame Wagner ha di ia' two days before. HOW li*th* of stuffy dignity BBd pomp tliet wa* in the lipper cir* les of the Bayreuth gathering !t eras only the bourgeoisie who tried to Inflat themselves and carry as much of a title as ti law and the alphabet would allow. The wife < tn assistant *ib notary would not abate one j* or little of iu'C grandeur, whatever dukes or princt might do, If I were to write out tbe titi* of some of thara as given in the ?? Fremdenblatt, I should cause your typos to die of brain-feve And now the evening came, and with lt tl great reception. Madame Wagner emerged fro retirement and was to give ? party at Wahnfrie the great villa in which Wagner's later yea were spent). On jumping Into f" cab, I wi not in the least astonished to fin*! that the dlit did not know where this famous place was. had become accustomed to stranger Jehns fm Nuremberg, and cams 1*1 expect that after e gaging lin* Ham I was to guide tlie driver his destination, and this I accordingly did. N span looked rich enough fur mc to obtain a rain from the guards nt the door, and a little atfonti, from thc butler, who soon ushered me imo t presence. Ths rooms were crowded, but befo greeting tbs hurst, ss in the library 1 took look of curiosity at the music-room nnd .crept io room. The former was a magnificent, very hit ?tedded room, in th,* centre of which st, , ,i grand plano of American make, and at thc side lrrr-*' organ. In the reception-room were .prc out a large number of silver wreaths which h boon sent, to Wagner from various admire Entering the library. I found Madame Wegner l centre of a group of distinguished guests wh. she was receiving with a courtesy unite natui to tbs daughter of Liszt Sh" looked very nob even though her personal bereavements of t past live years have left tlnir mark as sh" Bte there, tall, slim and lithe, clothed In black, im blink lace *>n her graj hair. If I were s faahl reporter, I could give you some aceouni of t toilettes which were round about, but I am iur cent, of thc knowledge of Bounces, bodices, s trimmings, and can only say tl many beautiful ladies and distiiiffuishcd-looki nun were present. Ma.lame Wagner was vi OOU-tSOUS to my salutation*, anni even accorded i a few moments especial conversation, Baking i how tbs festival Impressed me in comparison these of former yeats, and Inquiring after yegin American friends. A*, my fiieiids and acquaintances began to i pear, the feast became delightful enough. 1 first I must needs *' put my foot in lt" in the rn Innocent manner possible. I bad been ch,uti pleasantly with a rather grave-looking porsuna ami, to beep tbe conversation geing; began to cu gin Herr Fr* cinch's performance ol" Beckmesei Tbe party of the second part dil aol rebe t quite so vehemently aseterybodj eira in Bayrci had, and I prepared to withdraw, asking h however, if he took un active parr in the teeth "Ye..." Ninl ho, rather gloomily; "my name Kurrara! I ass to play 'Beek-asarar1 day utter morrow!" I had chosen just the one party tim' whole room to whom Herr Friedrich's pinn wets b bitter potion I But I found relief li curlier Of the where a little knot of Am. cans had gathered. Mis j. __ Gardner, Mes Foote, Johns, Hubbard, and a few others rai ranted tbs United Buttes la thal oosmopoli gat bernie. Polyglot it was alga, l"*>r ai Baal different htngnsgaa were being spoken within iii \Ullls. Herr Van Dyek, the handsome tenor who played the part of " Parsifal," began talkmI nm kn french, and to my astonishment proved ] hs -scarcely knew any German at all, even w acting thc hero of the mote exalted Qersaaa an He told .,?* thai thee Lmi i,e,u som,* eemmon ???""* ***.'' *Mr- BtBB-s-B and *?-?.>- , ' tutye* of -injinu in the New-York M .ra bu had come to laugh* Dp came Frau Mau then with her hearty salutation- and bogan I "1 fi? fo lr I va ,.,? .rn ive na iad to hat nie ru. it.l lho t it rna to speak of America aa if sho dearly loved lt Rho hopes to we our shores again soon. Sure enough I, I knew Herr Richter would be herc! There he p-tnnds, brusque, hearty, inelegant, bnt sincere J a form from which the waist has long since dis? appeared, a huge tawny beard, a heavy shock ot blonde hair, a typical Gorman. He was as straight. forward in his conversation as in his looks. Wnea I told lim we needed him in America he -hud* dcred and -ak.', " No' till the ocean is abolished: ? Like Vcidi, he has a mortal dread of Neptune nnd mal de mc- DA. now another chnracf r comes on the, scene. It ls a short, fut, god-humored, gray. 1, siMcfiicled man, who beckons me to tig dowg BBd char a bit, and eat ari ice, apart frons thc throng. It is M. Lamourcut, the musical hc.-o of i'uris, the man who ran Into actual 'langer for (he gabs of giving performance* of '*Loh'n glia" in France. I speak to him of this and tSf pti s my udmirution roundly. He m^kes a dep? recating gesture but sr.js: "Yes; there would have been actual danger, possibly a veritable riot, had I given another performance." I ask him if he will try it au.iin, at: I Le Mys very emphatically : " Yes; I shall gita many id chest ral numbers from Wagner's works this BS8BSBV C'est drole! tho French do not get SBtageU at that It seem I that Wagner on'y ber;.mus rfaiglfaws when given io co.*fun -. At for mc, I mike musii, not |M?***_?*> and I do not think VTnfMS should enter into poli? ties nt nil.'' M. Lnmotireux returned my complimea's with compound interest. He has thc French sift of flattery, and he unblushingly praised my French, which is of a quality to make thc inhabitants of Paris _hcd tears, nnd bogan -peaking of Am??rle__ with rapture. " I want to ko the?- BBSS time. It is very audacious of me, considering what greal musicians you possess, but I am fond of trawl, and I must yet see your great country."1 Then the music bo.?,*,. I cannot describe that pan of the evening, H<rr s*"batdemantel sang Schubert's " f*el mir Gecm-st,"* in rims' excellent style, giving each Stropbs a different ??.:):-n. ami mod- rating bis great baritone i.*'.-ff eily to tho room. T?sb M_is Fritsaeh. of the Carlsruhe opera House sang a Liszt number. Then Herr Stanen kagen, tlie beet of the younger, playcl a selection, and then Frau Maf*rna obliterated all thal hail gone before by singing thc linale of " Dia Gottetdmnmerung" as I have never near*! it ne* fore. She was Inspired by the surroundings, and Herr Mot ri himself was at flu.- mano, while Frau Ceslma Wagner turned tbe lenten It tn slitting crown to that glorious evening, ami non after this the company began to rjlspsias. many of them re? turning to more plebeian |Ofg at Angemann's, where thc seance lasted till *' o'cloek tlie nexS morning. I had, however, still another Wagnerian pil? grimage to make, and an early train br ought me OB 8 dir-mal. dusty ride to Munich, where Wag? ner's lust opera, " Die Feen,"' was being resur* rt Ile- Opera House m Munich is very large, but plain, and not comparable to the fine edifices at Frankfort. Vienna and IVsth. Hit the vat* formaness are better than in thone enies, whichl have contented themseltes with paying more at? tention lo ihe frame than to the picture. OJ in '* Dis Feen"' one does not s sk for W.i. ii' theories ile* opera was modelled on tho Au harlan anti Belliniaa pita, and has tanas ia good number. Tin re USS many touch's of Webes and M"/art there also, and one feels In? >'>win_j continually us old musical Boqiialntanora pass in review. Tbs libretto is tbe msst absolute, lneifa blc anti awful tins::, s ,..,.,' at tlur best for th*. plot of a ballet, it is a compound of '* Lurline. ? "Iolanthe" and "Thc Magic Flute," and fairlea ami huniiin warriors mindle in tim nm*.t a aeon* strained marni r *.?: is tar better, end much of ii ls worthy of being rescued from oblivion. There are melodious arias, sven cavati* nea, and some fine, even it imt original concerted effects, if tl." lulu uh us plot could lie worked over, all would bc well; a-* it la, th- miuagvm_ns Iry to float, the opera on tin- nail.! princ pie, by* grand spectacular eiTeefs Fairies are <?, :.t. . . ttoating on or off the stage i n a cloud, whieh ie not a.s souifortable aa a Broadway horse-car; tba ?eene suddenly changes from a palace to ?> burn, mg pia and back agata, and other Martling trent* formations an* constantly ooourring. A fairy h-.%* married a mortal, and t-vo children are born ta the nappy pair. In ths trials which come uyoti them these children are tossed around la -.: manner that males " Norm i's-' youngsters happy ni comparison. By tbe aid af hi-afle-v tion and a friendly wizard the husband tlnallB becomes a fairy himself, and the results **f thii mesalliance are ended in a fairy scene ol luti'ly dazzling splendor; the beal of us kind that I have ever icen. Tin* second ai t i* the sttt ng* it* and containa more than one Bash of Wag . genius, the impreaaive chorus of welooeoe t*) tbe iiinl ihe striking and original li.-rire nt the orchestral accompaniment being cup tinily mn ticoablt. The playful scone between the King's squire and his mistress ls light, pretty and m*'l*>* and the chorus al iii appearance of thu children aforesaid ls a-* rmi.'fal as anything in thc opera. The whole work utterly refutes th?o Ignorant critics who have maintained thar Wag-. iut could not write melody. Vet the very i> >o .sing!.- number of the <>i?*r i is the prayer of fha I.!** act, a Quintctt* and chorus, entirely mn-cms panied, arhleh I recommend for concert perform** atlee by some of youi large tocal dubs, if they* em gel the score, ITiere ls even s " mad -scene**' In tiri* opera, with i very tender seoond uart ami B D ?t tunefu' oboe sol I. In short* then, tbe opera I. to be ranked, musically, as a very agreeable, not especially original, work, which, If it bad a bearabl- plot, v., lld he occasionally heard on its own merita. illy, it. ^rr.'.tT attraction at preeent is the curiosity of ti." puhlie to hear the beginnings of the great matter. The boura was cr iwded fiom pit t.> nome, and it wns only with the greatest dirticulty thal I obtained i seat ar all Bo you see that the Wagner fever is n t confined to H* trent li alone. I have bow been through ir from first to la*! stages, and only hope that I have been able to inoculate The TRinUBE'B readers wtth some of the rsiime enthusiastic disease. L. C. E. WRECKER RY THE RUZZARD. Tin: tims man* BOCBB8 Tiir. toss or thk bi-j vdick. Everybody -or Merty everybody?will remember tbe little man wllh the big vole* who used to do day duty at tho t liitham Square ,'atlon of the Elevated Railroad, when the Second and Tii.rd ave. imes mine, arid iraiiis divert,". f(ll- tba City Hall and Boutb Party. Wltb tba axtepUoa or t;.-t at the City Hali, ns - tattara) is atora Browned than any other in tbe (Elevated system. Tba little man'i rotee ?a- a phe. in,rn nil one, n teemed to eosse item tbs depths j ll touaded liked -'am thunder. Bang were the speen* larion; con.iain/ tbe quality of Ml lim.-, lt WSS popularij s i??,se,i thal Ikey aver,* Used wltb sheet imo ?,r rapper. Baceedlagly proud ?f bia tis vt,ice wss lids liiiin man. It wa- all the more noticeable Because tba other platform BUM wa- a Mg fellow with a Uulo voice. Poi geera me little Mlew wat at bis | ?*? Story day, and SbOVO tbs BBtlS Sf Begetting or ap praarhlag tnlai lu* could t*- beaid ibentlag out: "?'Hy Ball Tiain; wuk bete for -n>':'!i Ferry nain* over the brtdga fur Third ave. tra!:,.-- ami ?. on. In lils humble way ne rendered rshtsMs *erv|ce fa tho company, sloe* i! ? btBl nd li* luis u i' |. eu seen at hts usual post, anti men with Inferior totocs hav,- rime work, a raportst mia bim tbe other Bag at the tortj teeead-at. its toe el tbs Beeond-ate. Una Bal Whoa be opened his nionth li wa* .* 'deni that what hail once beea Blt piMe and glory ha.l departed. HIS Voice bad Ibiaak to -Strely an onltnary compass. "What's beet.m.. ,,f n? asbad tia* reporter. Ha knew si om** wiia* ?? 11** rafaraed to. "Ob, si.,-' hs BBM sadly tun wita a touch of prfde, 'lt wcicn'i wt,ra out; no ledied. slr, lt would a* lasted f,,r years yet lt li \| a* gol fair play, an* I wouldn't _,' ;is 1,. , I ,,.'is of a train of cns sag wh'?, 1 don't car** how shaky Ui" wad -Sight be: no. slr. no k'Bilmata buaineai would a' mada ir go Wk on nu-, it amie th* bhssard weal km-ked lt oul bad luck io li. \,,i se*'. ? r, my rebel Bevel came that nay au* i had io *i,i double duty. Aa' when i opened ina mouth 10 huller Ihe bowling wind an' MOW at/ i*-'1 "<l get la an' drive th- word, righi inside o' m<? again an' 1 had to pul on double steam io gel Vin ,uiu I think i'.l a come oul ali right, though, If I'd bsd In stand only OBS watch, but dom' double duty Wtth it. ar, apoa' them ragin' element! clean kni ? ked it ? ' Will lt ever ron*** bask ' " i'm afraid apt. sir, though th*- doe tess a? a t.ym' to coa\ li beek Pul I can md you om. thin* Hr," ho added, lil. Byra lighting np wno ? gleam (.{ pride, "ll.o company 'll never I i a mau lo shout lor 'cm Uko 1 did au' fm- tu long - THE Troops ARM LILL Ol' sreu UBS. From The Oil mtv BMSSSfi a *? nu..aid"' rapreatatatite wltaeeaed a novel _____m In a country stets yesterday where a farmer ___? tti___iJ refused to but hts wife _ calico dress beeaura__ couldn't BlToni the expense, bm before he , k? stow invested half a dollar lu Cigars for htL_ r Our Judgment UgOO such a man |a that he sh. a h\_ kieki-d to death by wooden logged warnes ra\\t\tSX to death lu the ktraeu ut _,_*__ m *