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TALK OF THE TOWN. THE FASSETT COMMITTEE HARD AT WORK WHAT THE COMMlSMuNERS OP ACCOUNTS AMOUNT TO?SOCIALISTIC TESTIMONY THAT DEMOCRACY MEANS FREE TRADE MAYOR HEWITTS CHANCES OF RENOMINATION. 1 leo that the Coniml" lone? of Accounts b? !n tettJgatlng the Aqueduct. If lhere |s any gretta spectacle than these Commissioners of Account* pre sent with their "Investigations," 1 shoul**T!he ta s,< lt Their office, which costs the city about f..O,0(K a year, ls the most amusing humbug with which tin town ls afflicted. But there is a point al which i humbug craM*. to be amusing, and these (orr.: ers are rapidly nearing lr. Daring all the years lr which they have been ? ItrtSSttgattag" they have never marie one single picayune discovery that han been of the slighted advantage lo the city. Oro"-! frauds have been going on constantly all araaad them ; frauds no open and notorious that the most poorly In formed newspaper reader knew all aliout them, and yet tbe?e salaried IstseUtOI have slept p?fltiflillj oa through them a'.i. a .. ianda]-hardes-sd atara pbere ?,en_s to have a Bupe.eeUte Influence upon them. Ba* thc funny thing ls that always after a great ftaud has tx?n un?rll,<*d they suddenly begin to Investi? gate n. When every tad] anowi ali about lt, (bey i variably appear with their shovels and plckaxes and begin Blggtag away with a tad shot ol earnest. ness and suspicion. You s**o total I lea I with thom In the pap-rs, where they say with pompous pon? dero-lty that, ah?um, they are malling a careful !n?ilry into these reports, and, um-ah. If there ls fraud there they will, ah?um. rarely lHaai-tcn lt. And that is tho last you ever hear of lt, uni jK-inon " investigate I-' B8PP-BI to he a henchman of ex Mayor Crace. In that evert, a report of tba Commissioners ls always published rjsonsietlag tuc accused. I could never understand why Beyra newitt ? talncd Commissioners.- shea-man and Adamson, nor vi hy. u h"t* \ kath !"fr a vaeaaey, he should I ave appointed ex-Senator Daly to Ail ihe place. Tho 1'otamlMloaci ended to ba detective! in tho Millee of rhe official head of the elly. They have ample gawen ol Investigation, and their axpnsi fun - tt. heep ti.e Mayor Ififoirned a* to tbe acts ol the subordinate officials. Vere this work property performed, lr might be of the highest advantage to tiie edy, brit a. lt has been donn lt ha never been worth a BatU. The ebargea against cimr**. it ls true, breugbl la ti.e Baree of the Ooaalraionen of A'counr*, i *;? ihat -ai only because lt siii'ed Mr. CJrace so to have them brought, iso far as the 1 lymi lenci- was t tamil neil, thc 'Vy'llhUIHIl had no mom to do willi Ki discovery than rh" man In th" moon, ll.ey did nuke one charge again, t Squire on their omi account. Thl I lo iii- .'iltb-avo pave merit, an. irs effect was to get the city Into a difli cu'i'y whick caused lt Infinite trouble, and came within a hatr of costing lt a round half m.limn of dollars. As th?? ground of an ar*.a\on against S'ju:?. how otra, lt had to tn abaadoand. The Oommlsstoners hold their office st i.'ie Mayor's pleasure, and lt would bs wrath while to know what they have ever done that appeals to Mr. Hewitt as a reason for letalniiig them. _ .-onie people are SSktag why the Investigations by Sci.alor FBS8S_t*B commlltee do not gu forward. They need nor worry thenisrlves. That SeSBSSlttes knows Just vhii it is about. Bo i las,eu. Indeed, I have rarely nmt a mar, who so continuously nader stands him.elf a. Senator Fassett. Most men only eaten gllmpane ul thnanolvoi now aid then. Ir*ew men nter get reaKy well aequalated aa ur; themselves. It li to enjoy a rare distinction, ti. n. v. hen a man j ?- ; | a generally Intelligent ; Idea of what he ls about, senator Fas sat I dora D - mean to waste time 11 iding frul'le-s session- of his j committee, lie intends, when he cali? it toffBtber, j that ai ?Bibing shall be elicited which will Justify a , nicoll-*;. Thc intervals between tho meetings an- ; wrii employed. The tlleal in?l;c ls all thc while at Work Soon, ami perhap. at th" ci nimlttec's next ; mm aa, on" of the la-eest lehanai "f public plunder j ever operated In New-York will l?e exposed. If I should ? -peak mure plainly than this, I might Indicate the ex il upon a LB fa ike eetolum ; - io he turned. Perhapi ll lo no great barm, ? r In hand and padl .af'ly. Bul lt would bo a pity to take from the rogue, to whom thil vague faint may apply the pleas? ure of speculating as to which of them ls to bc Mr. Fassetf's next netta *'n<5 of them ls, that's cer? tain, ami lt will te so diverting to them this hot weather ta chew the rcliecrlve cud, and to relievo the meaatoay ol theso wami and weary hours conjuring np vision? of a poliilcal noose about their Meka Th! 1.1.use is dangling. They may be BUM of Uar. An Intelligent workingman, who v.sed to earn $7 lg a week In En-land ami Who carns #1<". To hen, banded sra . elreulw which is bring secretly dis triipiii.*d among the worhlag penpl*. My friend has n.->t beei in r!ii; country long enough to ante, but he says thar he measures his hope that the Ameri? can prople will mt be foolish enough take th* fatal step towai-d free trade, by Jest the dif? ference between S7 lil and PMT&. Since th'* cam? paign apeaed he has heard some Democratic speeches ami read son.e DaaoeraBC papers, in which lt was sought to luipi.** upon him thai the Demoe MCg did not BMaB BtS Wade. As bearing on what the Democracy means, he handed me this circular, and so 'trungly do>s || bear, that I give it herewith In lull: B IBB BB-ETOra i f ada oi au-:, (pf THE SINI-Li. _A.Y OB LAND VALUES. at ( OOPEB UNION. MONDAY I'Vi.M.N"., AUf'UST CT, 18SS, ta milo,-1 the Beadaattoa of CUgVELAXD AND TIIUBIIAX, < *n tiie ground thai a: n *>f tariff duties ls . step toward the abolition of all laxes on ti. ucis of industry and their consequent transfer to land tame*. _ Hie meetlna will be addressed by WILLIAM I.!.*>VD OABBI0OX, of Ma and DEBBY GEORGI, of Nev. york All who wish to beal a I,* ld and thorough dlscus s,*pi, of thc g?at ls-ne of this t amj.algri are Invited. The paBaoeney bas raaaoa to be la great fear (pf irs r - in ilk ruy. Wltb the Bi? a uni j Deaiotiaia gtvlna ?are away on the one ba_td. ami tha Boeiallsta aa the ara la deafer "f dlvoirlag all com sane people Cram Iheh parly, ami al eenrall iallng them, without regard to their previous I ii relations, ali on the tide ol Barrtsoa ari Industrial Ind tige ad oatie Thc 1 anl. ulai ly pl.un. They say _??? tu Cleveland beean.* ?? nny reduction of tariff di': , p toward th'* abolition of all taxes on | , uf Industry," and th*, they | fl .ny, is ??the gpa' i-sne nf thi. rawpalga" Be it is. on ls: '-ix. you ? - eialistic form ! ?, of Beveraaieai ' Do yoe ivar.* bes trad'-'T" I -' lt .].!(,?_ pays to propheiy. You may bc righi ? In your prophecy, and yet lt may turn oul wron- o There Meres m hi _ eontradiettoa ti,e:'e, but ll is a: only _s_niing. ihe propbeey may b? wed founded, i' and If lt bad Ml been made th.) event It foretold M would sorely have oecarnd, bat being map;-, ? ? I prophesied ab mt has his eves on,-ne,). ;,;ii H HM result ls that I.e ernies aaout and :. er _, taeh. T!.e bea: ? _ ... a, ..,,, _,.,y ,, would say. Nee In the application of lt The Hon. tr Maurie. .!. Power man.'. ,? ,.,.,. ,., that tiinrMo arhleh, tere weeks aga, hs seemed to I inputing for. smce thea fae appeals to bats sas bi eluded thar he'd better g.dp down s big lump of pride belo? rl'ctluri rather Dian contend wm, _ nu _ bigger 1 lump of in-.;tni* i . frequent u marara, tberafora, thal tba Coaaty DsBseeiaey wm lake Beget BtWlN after a'l. aral MBO-Blaate him. MB M m th a I'll 1*1 tS tiie btissi-s of the * I-mocricy, if would be splendid polities ll would place Tammany lu Just the predicament bi whick it placed the (ouijty Democracy two years, ago. Despite Ll- utraurdioar) conduct In behalf ,,i ( , .'eiiuais, winch ga bas the aarepeatam hardihood to My be dm . lunate b iaacy to s..arp verds; despite bB aetbmeaat tm ,j entire] - ? ibe [ri ii thai they i Bed I and the almhouaea; despite ail iou __ can Sag BgalaSt lom ut all sorts and Lind-, ht I.j.s _u really been lM beal 0l;< <u New Vork has hal -ir. Jr Ihe wai Bl ls ? BSaSMBnea, boarat, patriotic and ar Indllklrloiis. His good B very good acd his ba/l l- 'w better tbs bed ": hB gsedaraaaan gt nm ally He "'; ought io bo pommeled by the Desseetals eal ia.* it wtu ,?. b> pi ne, if daaa a' ?!?'. sburBahlj ao*i i*. ipite a rita! ii" faction, bu* ci thustaetleaUy an*! m tbs public Internet LVi Sum *pf De- ic-on* rims ia,- aaaeMsred by 'um mani cai' beat bins H ba I* nominated, and if Mr. Dokcr Intends le make a nomination against him, 0? a man mun he found of material far SUPS-tM fal tba. supposed Ui . * nour available. Mr (.rant won't do.*4_s/ will H__ -linipior's. $q[ _j__ _l'Lx>uo_me, not I ? < ll Mr. nugra Even Slr. Nicoll would scarcely All t bill. Mr. Grace's views concerning the present lltuatl aro understood to bc somewhat dolefuL lie ht? be playing foo fine a game. SOME UNCOMMON PETS. A TAMI DOE. A MISCHIEVOUS CHOW AND HORSE THAT CHEWS TOBACCO. Scranton, Aug. IS?Ayro Tipple, a firmer of I i high Township, has a taine doe that was caught In spring ?raak fotest when she was a very you fawn. Her rame ls Kate and sho ls as tame ss Linen. She scampeis with the sheep ar.d lam wi,-,? sba feels gkI lt; grazes with fie cattle, ru t the yard, and his the freedom of the fat generally. Whet ever lbs pets lonesome or breon; died of BeraeteBag Wltb the other animals on t tem, she marches righi imo the house and slientl jct understandingly, memheis of the laml t.p notice aud pal her-. If an:- of the talks .pc, ; croea ta hei and tell lier to clear out, she irstai.t leave, lbs .coin vi!;, thc air of an injured tttnoeet but .-?' win return al saes if a Had word is spoke Ipi her an.l allow lev handsome head ro bo rubbed ai her sleek hld,* to be ll raked. Kale ls vr-v - for she has leen tendcily reared, and a harsh, unkli word seems to hurt her foaltBgl as much as a viole slap on Iho check. Sh" ls never treated in this wi except when some member of Mr. Tipple's family d sires to show the visitor how sensitive bendsassi Ka |s, but she has never been si*olled, and she ls as kli and ol>edleni now as she was when she was a preti j fawn five years ago. During the summer and fall Kate rambles far enou ? Into the for-cst to find companions, of her own genlu 1 but she never remains wit:, them for more than a (ls or two at a time. Until two yeats ag" sho had n* stayed away over night, but sh. did not put In sn ai pearanro one stormy night In .lune and the fam'.l Imagined that she Jud gono away for good. In tl afternoon of the following day. however, Kare can cantering down th.* sloi^e back of tbs farm building dashed Inio the yard, trotted Into the kitchen an acted r_s If she iras ?eUgbted to see Mr. and M?. Tlppl and all of the children, sh" makes frequent visits t the wuods, and once last sumner when she ran dow the glade Into the dearin; at the tcp of the hill this gallant bucks were following lier. They came n further than the edg* of the woods, disappearing Int the forest when the;- saw that Kate was bent on ? ! turning to her human protratata Ar another time rw , bocks wero seen with her wh?n she left the WOOdl Kate has twice given birth to a single fawn, and la . year she had a pair of twins. N!g ls the name of a tam" crow owned by Char]** Bravo, landlord of the Pocono Hotel at Tannersvlllr He |, a cunning rascal, and he takes great pleasur In tormenting tbs by lighting en I as he Iles asleep, pecking at his ears like cverythin and flying Inic a BBS near the perch thc BBOBBOBl tb dog get. mad and tr'-s to bite him. NIs never g"t eau 'it though, for he ls too cunning and quick for th doj, and from hi* pettfa In tho llM he cans tad laueh al the tlos's anger and lively capers. Nig al-o ta Baa the theep by lighting or. riiclr heads, nipping at thal ears with his bid and scratching In their WOOL **ome ItBMS he -cts the whol; Bock to KURylng around th* raby Retting an flu* lurk ol the frlskle ? ones anr aftcr Ire has hr-.d all tbe fun he wants there, he sall; away lo a lofty tire, singing a song of triumph an fat Hies. Early In the summer Nig got In the nation o meddling Wttfa a brood ol goslings near tlie edge of thr fish pond, bnl one day thc* mother gorae laogbl hitr unawares and pulled I eouple al his tall frat!, and since then ta bal Imbed ri mm the old goose with a good deal ni tnaplelon am! hns not ventured to borhei her downy progeny in the least. Mr. Brown*! polnrer Sally had a litter of four puppies In the barn last month. One (pf them w.xs as black a? the crow, and Nig took such a fancy to lt that he hung around the barn for nearly a whole day after he go* tlie first slcht of If. H!s presence annoyed Sally sud Nig was not permitted to enter !i,e barn any mor*. The Otbei day a soda water wagon with a wra!her-b"aren umbiella ovr ihe scar stopped In front of the hot-]. D hadst been then a minute before N!g flurtered out of a maple near by, lit on top of th<" umbrella, thrust 1 - through the half-rotti-n cloth and began to silt lt toward the bottom -. his bill wu i pair of leBaon. Tba astonished dimer saw the operation ami yelled, arid Mr. Drown came nut and scand tba de-1 met Ive crow away. Nig undertook to play a trick, on Mr. limwo's tomcat Peter a fortnight apo. ami tho cat cuffed him on tba head with so much force and spitefulness rhat Nig has bad a -scab among the feathers on hts head ever since. Captain George D. Thompson, of the firm of Thomp? son rfc Prart, of this elly, I. th" owner of a horse that has a most peculiar appetite. H'.s nam<? ls Dilly, and the strangest thing about him ls that he hankers for tobacco and will ca* a doubB handful of th*- strong Ml I dud of ebOning :* I a p'o right down If anyone will give lt to him. When he stands at the curbstone In front cf the store, an! WBM one thar he knows cm's to th" door and asks him If he would like a UttB tobnee ' up .Ms caf;, champs bil blt, BWVW his head up aird down, and In other WU] rifles his dBBlra fur a dose of the nareot g weed. Ile will chew a handful of lt as !.e would a wisp of fre-h hay. and when fliat ls gone he be?? fur mitre. With his Umber lips the bores will tahe a quid of fa I from between thc teeth of one of the men WbO Britt! bim, being vary careful not to bite the g!ver of the pleural monal. Tba hone ?ill chew arel swallow , fur houri at a time and remain perfectly con tented a- long a* tba treed lasts, cigar stubs, ; up In tlie stree) and banded to him. are pur refuged ? wfay, l," trot hi ea' five ol tobacco righi ah ag If I wuuld 2:-. B ll to "dm." -aid one of hi- drivers, - and be eats ni'-af. peanuts, bologna sau-age. am! slmubi every thing elso that peopB * at." Bernhardt GerehbMker, who owns a farm and . hotel on t.'i ? plant road four n:!le. north of 'ouldsboro, has a setter dog - bird hunter lost iii ihe wis.ti. of 1 litton Township a year ag Fall Mr. Gerubarker *u\* nun the dog itrayed ? r,, i ?? tiny in a half famished condition, imi that the family f"l ! In aad cared f<.i- him- The ide himself at lun.c righi away, aud Mr. *.? t.a- never ) en 1 !?? I 1 nnd oul who in- owner s. They rall him < arti and be ha* gut fat. fa azv. ar.: | 1 1! eloped Into a flrsl ciu woodchuck ?etcher on his own hook. Vat horns at, a rtim' Carlo rouchel in th1- clover cot fur from a woodchuck'* tole, lying i'i wait fer hi! PTO very inlicit as 0 cat io's I mice. As toon as a woodchuck mergee fro_n his hole a-d hopi away to In* favorite eedlng ground Carlo bo l hole and gtvei u a lou yelp. lue) alarmi the woodchuck, ard he nstli 1 '.vd;, wheels ai 1 | ir .his hole, ml before he |;j- a chance tn gel then the dog lube* at bim, ratche- him by the bael; aral shahes oul of him In a hurry. If th* wo dchuck wrns nd starts tot another hole the dog -,. before be goei many rani- Carlo li hal te- will not watch near a hole out of which he has tiled a woodchuck, bul mehi a f;-*-*.h boB each time. le faunti all alone fat himself and of his own accord nd sume dues he bag* two woodchuck! fr. 1 leadowi and pastures to Ur. Gi rshbacker'i ho AX Ot FAS SH RI SE. tut Qt*Ef*it ii.itrr or a i'ormrr Huron. "Do you .-ie tkal serumpBoui old (I.ap With thc m clot).' j ?? g to the iklpper el n scbooaa - rr.i_.ii.' Wan 'rm ;.e tarni 'round and uk at his big gold chain ami diamond studs.* .aid sal sub mae, abs bad reoop-aettod the eatefa el fall st ti ip from his vessel's well Into fhe Booting cars Fulton Mar-ket si ps, ami was enjoying an Mle pipe I tb! wharf. Tou'd hardly think he's making an rangement to ship on Ihat smack for two or three Mfa. ThOt'l I Wi WhOl fae*! (lutng; he has dour ?very summer for the pam doaea years on one *at or anotlit-r- hero; and a handy man he ls at Beep* . or about a boat. Now you come down rn I"-morrow morning on the first of the ebb when .ur goes away ami you'll see him kelping get the ve.-st-l under way-but you'll har-div know Bl agata, fur h'-'ll have on old patched duck tl thick blue shirr sag tarpaulin hal and mebbe he'll "?Who ls he. and what's ll his name!' None of us mw, ar.d. ab ba seems tot to want us to, ? tbei bim. Hf'rc not so at..\lons to overhaul . Iori as you pillion' chaps. Hfl faa I t With us two or three times, ami must have a good ? aasaaWbaraB, for 1 tell you the crew* live high jen be's aboard?lou of cigars, wine, and nice ,. ? ry ll -Why do 1 think he annis? himself so? Well, W, (Mend, I don't think lt's a araltat of amusement. bink it's a kimi of retenara hi gives u,e Bead. Yon s he has told ii- ilia' ba was a gsbsnsaa a good while o un the roast of Boot-Bad I that fall crafr WM cap cd In a gale, his three brothers weir drowned, and waa pished Bp ky a sailing ve.s.el and brought to has nineo auyc'l. Well, two IhlW lime. dtrlBg l!ie, a' kini?et, u * on the*, he'll go foi'ard and look - ..fl to tiir outward for a long time, then like a ,r, talk, in h.- sleep, he >j| ?av. obi I" inca ? -a.! dd. Band] .lamie i-ts whare ba ye: where yi " Afterward Mil kneel, cover his frae with bli mbi and sub In lucfa a v. j thal Btafaet tho Lo>* allow terni . . wtthoul knowing it-" ' LS Ti: A I. EA UK S" Tlie feet of ua. nari thal si.rmuunu the hl| founUln ?jBa to lm Ui.riiUi.--ly clean by this tin?, aa they hav* II near neighbor- of Mr (rou-n thew many _ea_on_. The wooden fe ute -round the old rr?rvolr eaAlr oeeia oat, ct traill. A now '.euee would bt better rel. ?"* GOSSIP AT TIIE CAPITAL. * :) STORIES OP PUBLIC MEN AND THEII. 1)01 NOS. Washington, Aug. le-It ls curious tn , observers how cheefully, even humoiously, ; homo of tho fc-outhern men treat efrBBBoa. A. j outrages In tho South. To most of them lt seems ts j be one of the ordinal? featur? of ?snfdbSSn life. This jr- j wu well expressed by a prominent e* Confederate a officer the other evening at a social gathering, sf which Bg th* f-outhern element largely predominated. A young a woman bad asked him If there were really any basis bs for iSenator Ingalls'.* charge that shocking brutala Irs. m were perpetrated at tho last Louisiana election. As n th*- ax-CeafedaratS was a l-oulslanlan, he was regarded es as an atithotlfy on the mbjoet He answered with a ka shake of the head . v. "Bat" said the yoting woman, "Mr. Ingalls cites iv speciiic Insbmees?Basoeebs Parish, for testanee* ak "**-?i pea, ?ataaaba Parish, certainly." responded Eba Leuhuanlaa, "but you know that iii BsBoaohs if, Parish th*'v never could be happy WttbOUt a black Mi berry picking and some ballot-bor. stufTlng at least N a year." ?? ' Over fhe entrance of the principal nail nf Magill 1,1 In the I- lent Office hangs a largo oil painting, fmni tl tba frame of which, supported on either hand by -T j smaller figures of stalwart and EkllM artisans amhl "- tbe tools and machinery of their crafts, the GealBS ", , of Mechanical PlUglBBI gazes down the long vista of 1,1 I and architraves, as If sh" tr? seeking to fJ* , guard Hie precincts devoted to the arts and Industries j from rhe footsteps of the Milgar. I'pon tba Bool rn imnierliately below ls situated the I'atent I'fUco ? library, another quiet faire of learning and research, 'y where between massive pillars of granite are stored 11 | volumes after volumes recording tho Ingenuity of the *" Luman mind. I'nder a Republican Administration, and under Bte ? rule of Mr. Weston Flint, the librarian, an atmosphere 1 of studious quiet pervaded the place, where mer. of "' thought arid genius rame to consult rhe BtaWSl In ' valuable records. Hut, I presume, Mr. Hint was one 1 of those by whom, as PreaMont Cleveland has n In ' his recent Civil Servlee IfeaaafS to CongieBB, " th*>s*? n responsible for the administration of tba GoramaWBt In Ita executive bran "Mri have bern, and still are, often annoyed and Irritated " This mut surely lie the case, for after sorely insulting Kr. 1 lint, another I rules In his place; ..nd, as the old adage halh tr, -t "other tn""h, other manners," for 1 know tha' In place . of the peaceful symposia of studious research, baccha? nalian saturnalia have supervened. In t_*-t Mr. nail, the Commissioner of Patents, * seems to have been as unfortunate as his prede r. .ml? BontfoaMry, recently translated to fhe 1 Supreme Hench of the District, In his selection of "? women emp!" They fe Q pe tha' on* bacchante B Iii the library "appoinred fro? illinois, April 27, 1887, at .l.OOO a year, and as model attendant, unties ' clerical," Las s. devoted herself to the pouring of ' libations as rn have fallen prone upon the marble floor, a limp and senseless mass, not long ac*>. And yet In this very wtng of the building th* martyrcd Lincoln bold h!s second Inaugural ball, ami wounded I'r,len soldiers had their beds. As the Reverend Mr .la.per mich* have chastely expressed lt, "The world do move." ( It ls safe tn say that Congressman Fisher would ? decline a renomination if tba Boora hail many more i long billi to pms. He holds the laborious and fl.auk , . less position if chairman of the Committee on En . grossed bills, and as such Le must carefully compare ' and correct all bills, lr h\ the la ? proecai before tbe I ll becomes a law. Even tlie lnrrodu* lion 'ir of a comma may change ? in- whola larra ol a I a- much care In eng. :_-*?,ng tba bill mu-; fa! ever Mr. Fisher says tfaat the English laws are printed without any punctuation whatever, so that their fores will not have to depend on a school teacher's grammatical construction. Just now Mr. Fisher is straggling with a till of many thousand WOlda It ls on parchment. In large sbmta, about four tlmei tho size of foolscap. There are about sevenry pages, and when mgerber the whole ls aboul the .|7e of four of WfJhjter'l unabridged dlcrlon art3 laid corner to comer. Senator Cullnm tells a j*-od itorv?and not being -riven to pract!ring law much himself. I suppose he can afford to do so?of a prosperous storekeeper tn a .mall Illinois town, the name of which h? e?rapr*d ni*, who oreo practised law but who has long since , abandoned lt Heine met hv an o.'d acrju-Jntanee, he was ashed for all tbs s-r'1r:la? of hil elvin:: up the profe-p-int*. "Didn't lt agree with your health T" " Oh, yes," answe?d ? f'ncle Joe.* ai he was fa-nlllir-ly r_V.-r\ by his fib-nds. ? it dn'l it ray*" '? II: I Nd! ' "Meet with luAelsnl favor from the courts V "All I om!*! Mk." -. Wfaai wa- lt compelled jn'.l te ';'-.'t I'?1 '?Well. I-!l tell you I aaa- too honest." A loud Li '..miers a-oused "t*ncl? joe" into sarnestnen, and he repeated tbe p'rang.* atateaeettt, ai.*i nailed lt te fall ihop-counter wi-,;, bli fl t. Bul r . !!,,ncr went on : '? W: ? :. dal ] ". Lr,'I thin, oul r ?In rn; wert !ac' case." " What wa* Ui at r '? One ir. whlcfa I was retained to rroseeure a neigh? bor for killing a dog." " And Le was acquitted-! Bo yon lost J^je ease, and gave up your profession discouraged 7" " No, he was convicted." '? Then be wa. guilty 1* '? No, he was Innocent.* "But didn't the evtdeaeo prove fcli gulltl" "Ccrt-jc'y lt did." "Than why di you say he was bteoeeott " Beeeaae i dad killed ihe do; m;-s-lf a few nights before for Ire paralng p.n mv poultry, ar*l I rame to tho eeneliulon tbs man to coi.viet a neighbor of hu own I I tb! lu.-itic.s for r.e. so I ga'.e lt up ? l For the FrcksnllT of American polltlo commend me to e-enaror Colqultt, of (ieorgla. A more mlvellli 2 faumbug never 1 vcd. He quote! the Pihle and ad bool c;as=e? tn the morning, snd Iii the afternoon di-j-'i wa Peden] pap t*. i Be !- aol above profiting trom tbe peculiarly Southern pa-rir- - led "ballot-box itufflng," either. lie would scum, however, io be pul d iwn i ? polltl enr,sl-is In Ming th" leader of rh" temperance atovemenl . temperate in everything exeept poUtieal fanaticism And t" re thli be win go ila I ? e, Le \< a. ? . ip meeting In Ceorgia. He had Bueeeod working bia audience up to the __. . pitch ,,t rx clteme I ? Lord, Lord, Lave BWrey," came from different quartan. '??.lory, glory,* r?rne fia rn others. '? BaUoluJab," thi I " An.- dad auoth?. They were tho usual scenea enacted on such ricca a I imb * it tended the i Ba Hy ' ? ' ptl le I moa ra on thli Ba) and un ir, hortadoiis. ' . . wench lu particular gulshed herself fay !? nd shouting a-.d cont I ? iiiSp;-- fal r ??- sy i. ? ?? Las d. I_au !. i ? ? ilquitt was equal to I ? snd ihe oeeaelon. ?<;lnry, glory," caine from I lm : ?? We are all on rhe ! I road to Heaven?and." added be In tone of melUns . Imi ? il the dusky enthuaiait kneel ? j - TBS BB St AB MISUQB lOBBIBO MOBBS. Oeerge 4 ' a Bjrriaa, I Uy fa re et tn prison et. . t-hur: I Unt? il JaJilt.p.- 1*. t HuU*e, .*.., 2 Mu.'; ? * ! ls .,;,.? __ ;,, _ ,. ?The, cr IIB tl : lim direct:')!, of Bl B__- in*! a ? imiu ? r li, .e.ii > ,r;-. ll ? thl " I BU? ? a i? ..- i,.tan I ...... - f whli h, : ehtad ? partti ,? , l? .a loni leal _?__ ?) |ods- a Oa ii," Boor, 11 wini di.-i. sn Bat ? .uh ail vestige f.I i. ),.*. ne*, h.a* lom ? :i.,r, d:*?p| I ieee! for a a ara amid. tM i Bhllfa I Blind with discolored, loui-l s I.l) ?-' I 'rum appea-ai.i'-, lt I- probable that rle- - .- ? .yuan* hiv Bet touched oater lor ai leos M rl'?d. In tM Bt_t-PlMW 'pf "ns rp an. SBllll * >aeoo->imok<) ?em lo l*s iMIIltBBhll ht____ad Ii, reply to Bl reporter's n*r)U.?l for I Aplaiiaiion* Mrs. W alt.ol ?id . " Il ll no busmen of the prem. or invbody else. I con tact o.y le-use In my own wiy, and tf the >_ Nam who como hers are MUsfled. no on* hat a richi ' re* to complain. At to th . food, lt la aa good aa ther has a rlgh\ tn evpee. for the money they pay me." V/hr> inked how mn h a B__ was paid by her lodsers, Mi, IV aloof refile 1 t. ?plv. THK FASHIONS. AUTUMN HATS AND BONNETS Tlie first Importations of millinery goods for autum and winter arrived a few days ago. These goods coi slit largely of felt hats and bonnets, with ribbon' fancy bethell and birds fur trimmings. It ls yet to carly In Hie sea/ion te malle any safe prediction as t the manner In which trimmings will be used, but th leading Importers believe that taner feather?, sma hird*, with aigrettes and ribbons in No. IO width, wi he the principal gaodl for C3?itu?. I_awer sfyle than Ivit wlntc- are generally predicted, though som i i -h felt hats have been Imported. If 1 ? ? predict thal fa i- faaB w-ni be mo? wen than they bats Leen fur ~"veral Winton p_r-t. lUgSI fcdlng rattlely the made bonnets of cloth which New Yoik ladles have warn with their English talki gowns. The large Importation nf felt turbans In varlou styles and logue shape, show a tendency toward cum pa"t styles In hats, and the same cia.-ic severity 1 r ; sated In the close breasts and bandeaus of fin. feathers, whl h ire produced for trimmings, and an otriy reSeted hy Standing aigrettes, or, In many ra.e. by the curved plum*-- "f the bird of Paradise wing There are many hals wllh extremely low crowns am: straight brims, short at the back and wide In fronf There are also many poke shaj>es, notably tht Directotri puk?. AB bonnets thus far Imported have rather long crowns. Children's and misses* hats are ihown In fine Hrh! felts, with high sugar-loaf crowns, and straight, nar? row brim, turned up at one side. There are BlM suede colored foll hats for little ones, with a border worked with heavy si'k In butronhole stitch. Th. new felt- aro Imported tills season In such a fine, liken quality thal rhey will ho mltahle for all orea-lons, e\cept very ceremonious ones. A nuvelry B of two winglike pines, made of feather-, Whiell may be Joined together and form a low round crowned turban which ls entirely of feathers. Thees piece, aro Imported In brown sha.les, in golden pheas? ants* plumes, In birrah green ? lades. In the plumago of the Chinese pheoaant, lOBMtlme! goto lsd with the still more brilliant, Iridescent plnmap of the impiun bird. _ Uttle bonnets and rokes ar* often made entirely of the breast plumage of tlie greaii, or of the golden pheasant or of th" impimi. The low, iqnaro-erowned hat*, with tlie \rl !e front brim BeBCribed, In felt, a-e repeated In these feathers, wp!" flats with low, square crowns and umier brims ol farnell beaver are Ihown In ail colors f >r children'! waar. Among I e tyllifa Bngll !. hat! aitb crowns covered smoothly with .nedo Lid In filfferant colors, and flnilfaed with wide brims In dark velvet. There are a!-p. Uttle bonnets na!" entirely ot braids woven of f tho two i sn widths. An extremely high hat. with a peaked crown mi i :.. relied evenly at ile* sid-, is imported In light felt! v Itfa brim of daik velvet lr ls especially ? .' lt wltb black velvet brim, trimmed mar tba tip ol the crown with an Irregular band nf pla:;, white gm grain, finished with a small bow of gio- pain al the tide i English fasts are specially imp*.neil for young girts and misses. Sailor natl f ,r Uttle boyi nlshed with an anchor le and miniature compass, and will please very yoong g_ntlemen a Thero are no I triking noveltlM In color this lea son. The golden bro i'll ihadee of Ole summer are ed with the addltli n of a bright cud eolor, which wm probably repl de tint! io popular during the past. Florentine green tn olivine tones and brighter verdure green an- pr.'neut coln? for n and winter, ami ara repeated ii; felt .' li ;? ! Then sn many cardinal i lt tars ihown and the absence ol cardinal among the milliners would point to th! fact that they wiu ?_. blamed generally with black. Tire tom cutta shades thB leaeea partake of a crimson Delude a bright etruscan red aad sienna, :?!' ii brown i. Electric . | blue, vi ' and two he lange of p Imported for millinery. Two-toned effects and shades .. ribbon! indicate that Buded effects will r.oi !, ..nd thal bonnet! wtth trimmings in a shale of the tamo color without contrast may be popular. _ rew ribbons are nf plain gros-graln, faille Fraricais, and ottoman cords In Baa 40 and fiO There a'.- ! with velvet and willi bandi ol latin ur: a gros-grain or ottoman Mrkgi ? majority of rtU finished with ! half an Inch wide may . one edge, the ? ?? ribbon may 1"' broken Irregularly ? and velvet itripes, and ih" otb ? -ir a narrow : !e?d grain ' two ibid I Florentine will inner tedi tl - used during tba ina ?ncr. - In a .livery gray ihecn with black velvet a-.* effective. iwn In satin, and : tn rame latin rlbbona Imported I - I --. In fad ape tr-. I tbeie a on uno edge . band woven In Jardlulon effect in tin ci ami Um Tba fancy Bather!, Wings, tufts, bandeaux and ? trimmings rd for the i yeal . ago, and which - Bl ? il \ ari, . ? Dwever, few of I apical blrdi p tai Thi ?. ly ol th! Utik l In the tutti ? ? ? are mow ls and rori i ol r little I di whleh often ' arcely i i new ' 'u* FTench inter, .?:! appear, in et . . ind s | ' I lided elana mounted on gulden iwl ! ants' >lume! a* ?! i ?? are shown extensively. ported, eompo i I tbs magnificent plumage nf the btrd-ot-pamdlse witli ths breast, an mounted Hie quills of ti.e gull, lipipp-1 itratgfa acron the Hp arni ne unfed lo li regal ir lu iten with aigrettes, are i lt u lo ii o'*.?, tlc glosiy black velvet bird. I linns or ilxed with Iridescent throat leathon ol ii." Imploa e yttle ellow bird! of varying ilsee, coi the fancy ile-? are leu rael ' plumes. be triple ci-s' of tl I Wales, how* ?pealed In little I .fi- In et and lhere are feathers, bm i rs do nol -up by lowing ityle of thc ?h'i plume i- ? ?? i the rampe :-0U. 1 At tho present time shop counters are crowded wtth ' variety of remnants od I anti ends of the BM I women with go"*i Judgment * many | ia At rame con ? : uni ??? i.i'-h have old ai :;u 1 . ar be j*ui. ?!. ii- al at 13 ll* atul Ip i I uris have generally been m> I ned i:. piara i _ ier sent an th? vard. .' lophrapan an particularly anxfoui tn get rid af their a . or a; v material left on ii >.uil, and they are heavily reduced In price, but tn a tn li terell] clew of the stock ?? nan due t . ken, Bon <t Co.. James I lor. C EMRl I PARK SOTL'S r.a'.r Hore las 1 a giant i it s mated* aaa al thc ruins of Held.'lberg j "1 I ai ll ls Alt I ' ? eVM the must ' u ? - p ?? i r ii anv lenath ..f <j ?jilt ? . ?l,,n and ?? lintel,am ?? ,,f flt-? I'ark. fr ?' . - ? ,t Mtgiaal pur- r mb to tri tt Thl I'j .. i* i:,u niau iwi : . half in leticia ni 1 ii'.er - d -. ai ?. th. lull irrmads, for ri , I ricre-. a .ad MW-qautaf bj ira of the Pa.-s a? ?v i ulta ?? 3 ! eg the old ??r r noe i a treBl SSS! o' Paint. r< nev* .' ? fa] A mewl W-iu.r think* ht hM diaeovered tko American 8 a | vplii, . mi tr,, i ,|>,:|l?a. I., The best bi rd? ye view of tim Park ia obtalaid from o handauuio alone lo wgr a. the lower cud af U. old i In er>._.. I cj MYSTERIES OF MUGGINES A PHASE OF .SUMMF.I. WEATHER. Oft, od bygone summer dava, when his million* mdatory glands were displaying a pernicious actlv whlch only rhar of a Ivmocratlo oflico-holder workl for flivcland's ? ejecrton could equal, and wh neither 'nelegant dishabille nor Iced beverages, pl osophy nor profanity would sensibly assuage his ni cry, the suspicion has stolen across the mind of ma a sweltering mortal that anmefhlng besides me caloric wa.; making mischief with the weather. Selen now cor.flrm* these misgivings. No reader of T Tribune for the last two years needs to be told th 1 : fhe trouble was due to excessive humidify of the ali I I the presence of two or throe more drops of water, J I the form of Invisible vspor, than usually lurk In eve . I cubic foot of atmosphere. In this meteorologic sj factor the (nfci sr bath af p:-o?-sslonal sanitaria and nf the suffering lally has, therefore, been high awakened of late. It has Important bearings on heal and comfort which are not yet fully understood. Something of irs lmmedlaro operations ran be gat ered by comparing one's sensation* on a liol d; with the Iridlcr.rions of a hygrometer. One form rbis Instrument ls made by placing two good thc BBaaWten ilde bv *ddek ono having Its bulb gSSgW covered with thin cloth, whleh ls kept constantly wc fooled fay evaporation, the mercury will not climb i high cn this sldo of the hygrometer as on the othe the difference depending upon, and hence betrayln tho precise amount of vapor in thn air. On two su cessive day*, for Instance, the ordinary thermometo and consequently the dry-bulb thermometer of ti moisture measurer, might register 00? In the shsd< Hut If on one of these afternoons the wet bulb Ind cation was 858, and on fhe next only TAT, tho weathr In the former case would seem much more sultrr In the first Instance the humidity would be .eil-th" ls, th" air would be Dl per cent saturated and wool not, readily take up more moisture. Hence, evaporr tlon from a perspiring cuticle would be very slow, ari the consequent re fresh mern of that process slight. I Ihe other ease, the air would be only 47 per SN saturated, and evaporation, especially If aaatstad fa a light breeze or the use of a fan, would proceed rag Idly, and the air would seem to |,e remarkably bracln and delicious. I.'ulnoui as lt || tu linen, the phenomc non of perspiration ls In summer a wonderfully btoaoe provision of nature: but the relief it was designed t. afford depends upon the freedom with Which It evapo rates : and thl*, lo turn, upon the degree to which th sponge Uk? atmosphere ls already saturated. In typical summer weather tbe ex-posed portion: of the human body, ard te a certain extent ? ara only lightly clothed ar* ta fhe condition of I j wot bulb thermometer; ami the Leaf of which on. I ls then sensible ls Indieared by thar %l__ nf a hygroin , eter rarher than by rh** avareury In fhe d. ? tube. In the two laateaera Just clrcd ar. ai Mrermnmefor would have failed lo explain rhe dffferanei In one's sensations; but the wet bul!) InatSUBtenl showed that on one afternoon no ari Gould <-u*?! t: observer below ts*, while or tbe other the greedy | absorption of damp-ten se bli ikta and In bli j reduced bli surface tanperature to 7ij. ir wm bi readily seen from this that If in two widely rena rated parts of the country, af the samo hour, the ordinary thermometers registered Hiv and 90J In th! shade nepeeUvely, no material difference in popalM comfort would exist If, In both cases, tho wet bulb thermometer registered 90*. limy BUBIDITT aftfcts mankind It ls worth noting a falgfa degree of humidify ls sometimes a safoguard to Lei' ? ; comfort Many a delicate malden his discovered at lbs eMStde that on cool evenings she ran sir In drafty doorways, near open windows, or out from under shelter, without wraps, with perfect Impunity; whereM at her Inland home luch exposure with the .ame tem perarure?say TO"?would astrally Indues a severe cold This ls because the humidify of fhe sea air Le- p. rhe " temperature of evaprrrarion," as lt li Udcally called, up at 05-> or more; and lltrle or na evaporation actually occur, from her llglnly clad person. In tha drier air of the Interior, especially In '? anti cyclonic" weather, the wet bulb reading might easily be as low as 56" or _-_*, with the dry bulb at 70-". The urchin who cardies cold from an unexpected bath wt*!. Ll* clothes i ' rail as a result of the wettltn:. bur ol th" dry: | i and tlie risk would be less on a wet than on a dry day, the indications of an ordinary thermometer being tLe same. When warm, tha atmosphere will hold moro vapor than when cold. At 03s, a ruble foot of air nrer!. twice as much water to satur-ite It as at 73?, and eight times as much as at \__P. Hence, wi I ohangs iff the ratual amount of moisture preset - '? relative" humidity varies With every fluctuation of temperature. I'sually lr is highe-n at the coolest f tho day. Just before dawn, ar.d lowest af tho I tim", Whlcfa I* abou' 3 p. m. In Btw Tork, on a very dry summer day, tho humidity I fal about .<"?"> or .70 In the early morntr:.* Bl 1 fall to .40 or .4." In the afternoon. On a "muggy" day, rh" humidity ar daybreak, even with .ur rain or fog, might easily be .*_ or .00 and o - - BS or .70 at rhe culmination of tha dav's h-at. arith a shift of tho wind, however, the temperature and hu rn: lity might both rise, or fall, as a mass of an mu li drl*v or damper than that already obscrveil n probably bu drawn thus to tba place af observation, r-omerime.. on a hot day. a itldden ri-e In humidity ls caused by a shower; the raia drops falling on a pavement, are converted Into rteem which for a f. ? minutes almost completely saturatei the air. TWENTY _-F.Gr.E__S BETWXEB V.T.T AND DP.Y BULBS. A difference or 20" between the ?f and dry bulb rhermometers occurs In Stew*fork half a dozen rimes a year. r-"r;':*Ps- Al the Central Park Observatory, Ii*. Daniel Draper bas once <?n them C.*1 apart. :. highly exceptional Bal th'*? are places when tl." extreme dryness of tho air admits nf a --till greater di<pariiy. The Blfnal Berrin has reading* part !n Antenna' and an ooeasloite | difference af ; tarty 4B* there aral In Centra! Africa ls BOt incred? ible. In I'prer Rgypt, a p* rous Jar of wafer. Wt in the shade, where the mercury ls well up In the nine become! bi cool a- ipring v iter in a short time, finni evaporation, and at night fall! to the free_l!.g point 'ce ls acually mail') In a similar ?tanner lr. some ps?.' nf India There ls a drv re? lton In the sctithwestern part nf th" I nlted Btatee, ?ai liing t"-m Western Texas tu the Sierra Nevada md up toward Salt Lake, wher* army officers often :ooI rhelr drinking warer on a bot summer*! 'lav by langing lt up In tho ihade In a canvas bag, thu rhlch the ll |Utd can barely oote, and .w-lniTlrg If to i: ?! fro. liven III on'.,nary cloth-eotBWd tin canteen, vetted from the outside, can fae need effectively tor his purpose Ir: New York, the normal humidity 'ur June, br about .70: fr- July. .71 : fir Auguat, "2 ir .73. rut a? I A pac Lo am! !'!? i. In dune lt ls ,S_ or ._.*>: at '1 at V, Itrnemucca, (evade, about .21 for Ju!v anil August. No ,' here an- marv summer- di region when In leraoon for two or three boure the ni itimidity is i* low ra .1- or .ii. in tba motrapo" i, :*. slimmer, it seldom gel ? below .... or r.i). even tor in hour, ACTZBO as a OBGCB T<"> mr. ATMOSPnrrrn. , ... i tanaBug efTect of humidity U the check it nts on the cooling ef tba earth bv radiation at Bight fere In New-York, when no general ci ange ls In Wt ."-ess. tho average dally temperature o-i:llation ls bout Isp- On moi-' (lars || |s much less. Rattly n th- driest r\_7 i) Bul lr. 'entral if-ica sad Alisona, a di lon of so* or ates lUaUUSt ! not at all uncommon. Thara wer** lay! la July, 1877, an whtofa a* Wlekenbnrg, r!_o!.a, the range was tm3 er ii."ie. On both July ii and _1, thu maximum tempemtun was 100, I i the night I "tween, the niemirv Ml fo B !!Terenre of TO* ! And rbis was nof due t cold wave," either. General (irorly. Iii a personal ?ivs. however, rh- minimum r* t ,- re were pntliably about in* tno low. owing to ? wiih rhe tnstrumenti This weald chang" al BO* in twdve hour*, followed by a ra mud of BO- la the neal te Iva Eastern men. Siting the Kocky Mountain region and Bon th we et tip Bret tn- sn [variably . at finding that, owing to the dry climate, icy need to d?-.s dnloivutly fur nearly every hour of ia day In .umaicr. ? - (pf faygMBMtW here geeerflied ls rot rhe ilv ene in use. uur are men liding it. mont., lu Boratag weather peal skin ts iquiaita ta using it. ive Blffareat rmulra foi sorapaBai kamldlty wnh tins taltra enc Jam**s tllaisher, the lnitl.h BMteoi Ter thousand! of experiment* arranged a ta! ie fur idy raBraneii tn thia connection; fan) Arnold Ufa parbapi equal p-.*-. obtained aUgbtli dlflereni turra wu-' the I'nlted .-stat*'* >i?ial 6ervice ha., die tided both standards, and, faa* Ing ei tabllsbed Its own. let mach orri::.'.a! i..\ _* .'.a- twice BU ulflctl ?lightly. Several hygrometers of high repute are instructed so a* tu condense the moisture in the slr ? gradual cooling ou a polls! el lUrfoee, and lim niperaturo at which ooBdensation oeeure is called e dew?ilnf. From thia and Cia air lemperature laildltv la eoBiputed, a* with the wet and dry bulb oraom.'ti'r*. Dr. linoel luaper, for twenty yean af the r.ntral Park nbrai.aloiJ. and an .ceytloually pood nut fatuity ou api-tuatus of thia sort, 3 ha* used for ten years a . aussu? -*W?",*,i.'g 5. whleh an Index ls operated by ?,--{*"?*?? w# ? sfretche* or sk.lnk* With r han ires of hiirninify. irii? work* well Ul cold v rather, tells I'- >A'>?,?*u*_\ without the aid of mati.cmaMeal tahlee, and. unlike other hygrometers, can fae adjusted so M to rr-ahe a ronllnuous record on paper. Dr Ina. er thinks lue ?* i form of Instninieiit ha* been unjustly abesen. ^ GLANCES HERE AND THERE. 1 FEW SCATTERED PKUUUJI AND __W__U INI.SCKNC__.-_ The ?port* of rapid railroad travelling In Englanif 10 : recall the fact that there hM been, within a couple u ' of weeks, mme very rapid transit m this country, whl'll ~* ' was lust BgfcB ' I bSSBSBB U was the mlnur yan ot th_\ n i great Blaine demonstration. A train which ran du T j wetly to New-York <* tty from the Missouri Rive. *** ! brought he? the Kansas city ICa.'ne Ch*. Ther " we? in char? of If 0. Orr, *n<* msde t!,c|r trip from* 7 j Kansas (Hy he?, by way of < Mc ago and Indianapolis ""? i at the rate 0f a fraction over gftg mile* ar: hour. Thia is one of the longest and most rapid trip* on record ia this country. _________ A tall, dark man. aBfe raven-black hair, high ebeeB bones, sunken cheeki and the garb ar.d manner SS 0 gor.tleman of the oil icliool, a physician who*e nama at one time Lurg upon the Ups nf the enf're ro'irtra vl-ltcd N*a- York Ia_*t week. II** wa* Vi: Taft, *,| Washington, who was il'flr.g In a front seal at Ford'a Theatre when President IJncoln was S-SaeSBBBBBa. amt who, on a call being made for a physician, entered rho box where the wounded Bian har! fallen to fhe Hoot and took charge of tie r__?. Bs Jumped over tba footlights and was p.vscd thc box ar the fr* i.' I P| the BSSfstease of three actors. Dr. Tait camed tha President to bc carried acrots the ifreet to the houso where b<* afterwai-d died. Mr. Lincoln was so tall irs stature that no bed lu th*- hou-e would receive h!* prr ? fi 'e form, and he wa* laid upon Diattic._e? on fha floor. _ When Senator John .herman was here the othep day there wats considerable eminent that he didi 'S take the opportunity to pav his prapSSBl f" Mr. P,laJn% who had Just returned from Kur?pe. It seems rb*S fal !.a<I come over to BMet I I Baal Wilson Vance, of Obie, with whom he ls hUsieeted In the Findlay rat* ural gas region, ard hartog sBSBOd Mr. BlalM, whi hurl peas off to the Oriental lb tel, f.e werf wtth Colonel Yanco to Normuidle-by-the Sea, w|,e? the*n enjoyed a surf bath. Colonel Vance's prop, rtlons are broad and widening, whi!.- SeeaSW *? ii erm an l> B ' fl .i.'. Hm iteadereal ? ?!! nicn in the seaatey. Th*? I *.i .i el tells the story' fhaf. having n*> bathing suite of their own, they aeeund latBtoetory ralbi witt* difficulty. - rae mad" n.e application ie tho rall ;Iy t.p tbe I ? rapett "I want the loopaat rafi yoe hi i If, aad ihe ? a 'i h ive I i yt ?' " : fae .' 1 IB nssarbed, wuht ' a grin: "Well, I'm falasaed if lt WOuldB'l be | , _ _ beat a pal" UBI you." General uer?"* a. Sherldon went down to f.on( rtranch Li-' But day to v. t Ked Xl actor. Of rout*? they wm * ii crabbing, arel With flem WBBl Mr. Tfaoroe'l tat *? dog, whlefa dropped down oa l rand aad went ip* sloep. Tire? had been two or ti,ree mad dr,? at Ll i -J liranch within a week or two. and when the du. deafy Jumped up erith lightning I.!:*' ipeed and en.!--* tod an unearthly howl, meanwhile gu!ng through o .' Bath * I ed as rrcithe- of th" tWB gentlemen had ever *een perf. rr:',! fay a ?!? g. I!...rm- dragged lilt crabbing Lue aral made a dash for the house, yelling at the top of his voice: "Mad d'_: Mad d',,- ? Ian. who ls somewhat out of training foe a pinner, being sha rt In Baton and weighty tn flesh, i tr. follow ti).* ne tor, bra tvi oaly gaea two rp three steps when h* poieelted a strang" appendage to the doy, ami thinking he had dterotend fhe rr* ca-lon sf thi up?t, went nearer to Hi" animal anrt found that a crab had attached Itself with a vtee-lilo. grip to the dog's r* .v *|tn?ter. By the ttaie (beran gol out of ti- souse with a shorten, the General waa convulsed with laughter, bul butt, of item a^r*-..,} up* tuwrr la?t nlgbl thal the ?a:v th"y . .i, <i?? sidedly uncomfortable._ A C. Carpenter, of Missouri, cays that he w? ?e* gestated yean ap* wHh General Harr'son's brothes who Bled al aa early ago. His name ?, BoalfBSBary| I'.;." Ila rlson. li:* Baas WM glvaa him itt honor ??! Lenora] Montgomery like, after e?b0S- I'ikc'i leah WM nan-."d. General pike was an Intimate friend ol ll William Henry Harrison. Mr. Caipenrcr spoke ol Mu in,-ornery I'.ke Harrison as being one of thi mot amiable young man ho ever met, and brave aa a Boa _ POW people who can ger away tn the monnfalni ot rhe BeMhon car* ru remain In New-York during Iii* booted sp"!!, arni MpWlallj ls deemed an un eomfortable day tor People from nut of 'own fo bo caught in No. York. A-a v Patter, prastdeal of th* Maverick National Lank of BoatOB, WM he.-" Ia day lo keep an * . - I aad, and ?? marbld tbat be hal never had so a dismal ? time iq (.orham. "Toil wem I I 'Iv deserted on a Bil l-iimrner Buadsy," said fae, *-1 should think tM un!y way to Ipead - layla N"w-York would be tn get tWO or thiel Mends and ???, our of New-lort 'i| the seashore."_ J. W. .chuck"?, who l<- now living tn a New Jor?e' village, has seen so much ol gabUe Ufa rhat his rems iniweaees ami itoriei ai-e full sf pith. Talking obous tin* return of II"nry Vlllard to a ineesssfUl and ?rdv? poaltloa In American Bnanclal circles Mr. s< hockem sud: *? Boen i wis in tba Treasury Depertaraas, dur* mg the war, i Eomerimee awl Mr. flllard, who was then la Journalism. After a long laps" of time, I met bim) again the other Bay. Ia Um eooree <>t mum brief Br. Vlllard rold me a very Interesting fact He ?a.| that In l*u3 or 'Od Mr i na- ? bad attend to make hjini a captain la rh" regular army. Af N cogitating oven tic BfSr lill a week, he. declined lt. "If I bad ac. eepted,' .( i ___-, viUard, -I might now be m rh* .? ? on som'* battlefield.1 "speaking nf h,* newspaper ex ?'. Mr V'illard -aid that lt had been an ed?*M tiona! experience winch, in .sot:.',* meaaon ?* lev> Lal li;ted Lin; for his prose;.; posit: This reminiscence of (.ene?! Phil Sheridan will b appreciated "Ia IBOO," raid Mr rabat bara, "i* a-_? my go'p'l fortune is a deputy to entertain (ieneral Sheridan and Br. Arabs tor a day sr twa af CaaaasbaS. I got quite w-e!l aciiualnred wnh thu t.eneral. Mo oyal good companion Bee day i raid to him thal bs Lad afalin'd to a greet place at an early age. Ha was at the lian aboal thirty-eight yea? old. Ha BSSWar struck me a* t faarecteristto. He said he would, have worked BBOW-ttlly every hour from tho day ;.? enu?rci| the mlUtary service unril he was seventy If, _f lotenty he eouM have been Lie", tenant (ieneraL We measured to iee whieh m- tallest, ri-* wai t ' fia* !ii.|ie-; abeul th" h*'lg!:t of Ho i ..-? Napoleon, who, according to Ur. Anto_-arafala ?_i gt< Inches and ten Uaea after death." Immedlarely afler the dsetb af Oeneral fie?rge ii, Bedellaa, aaariy t ? > yaan ego, Mim. Mclellan ?u.g her daughter tret* ? tl tor a pretrwted trip. After spending ioma liam la tra*.**!, they *"'tied faa tbe Biviera country, where they kate bara living, is is bow reported '.'.at Bra BeClallaa and her daughter ai iii return to M and have i ngag*'(| ?nts a' rhe ?? i!iev win ipenB the wini.:. Miss )fi lellan'i preaenci m Bew-ToirlL will bc a welcome addition to a wide circle of .oeiety. There ls a sfarrll?: UbBBSSS In line and figure, aa we'! at tn ths shape of bli head and his movement*. lotweea Joke McAneny, tlie BaeeaaaM raiifo?ii* ___%-r. nnd tbe late General Phil, t-h-ndan. Mr. BBAa n?-?1?,..di molt of till time in New York, and aa ,e walks Info tho Fifth Avenue II tal corridor af ?r? ?vening, wi en* General uli-'ritlaii was on? fraqueatln o b? -?.,. n t a few p'opie ar" drawn to note rhe rn* lefflfalaaca Mr. McAdoiiv has a rounder face than ieneral Sheridan, wiri, Jo-, rtustr. but he wear* m g gray muiiaclie. which add* rn tho reseuw' lianna ?-? EOT PE API! FR PHILOSOPHY. Remeirher th" _-__*______*! advice: We af?r; if roe esa-B M liny, bl a* | -\ u- vau kin. lr yea era'I heep rael, at Baal keep your temper. 1* a* * Ul ? - Mt weatlier; talk about t."? blirrare] e the Berth bs ghat exerci?? a oothlnir r the In.anlntttlor.. Av id ti..- lhaiMMBM lj lt won't help von to know that ur j la at U. djgreea, and th- moral atr?*?.herd hat surrounds a thermometer wheo ?ople coniregit* wli| Mt la leatllng ? simple rnn-tian Ufa. Dent swear at UM weather; th* Scripture* afford nm auridattaii | r t!" jpepulir noti an Uiat thu racordu^i ii_- 1 faloH out sup ti c.i'.h* ?ltlt a tear. Av md tM - mn ? ho sro alway* tel'.'.ns yo^l hat lt ll ? tlaT "f UM tear. *-uoh men ire fi|| nly to *?;r\e on camp-,RH es. I- n't moth it rou'i gal ui work, hut loat ovlto your soul. Hut bewaru of putting too maori stick In your lemon-d*.' Console yourself with the reIlecUou that, however hoi ?iay be beor, u 1* bolter lo some other place; lt uo| i*ewher>) ou thli mun<__ne sphere, then el?*whe?. if you ran ge te tim iitountMitts ur ?_-*ldt\ slaad ne| n the orler ot snlmr, but ge, and tn tr*t-claia stylo ou nil afford lt, but go. i Th!* I* au flu.ain -ol camu-lffii. but ??k odu?uan IIB up,!e:?U m um. 1 t- I weather net* co'iler. A flaunet BBSt -a bet ur tiwn a bolled shirt In hot weaU "| Basfi burry; aepeclally U you ira workiax far BBBJ ody ol*e. n a *. worry; lat aoma other .allow da tt-VO Chxiiuaaa li cv-lug. .* t "da.' 3 i