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MIDSUMMER ARMORIES. bood snowmo or the urn reoiment soi.Dir.rv-n?>Ys as firemen. Colonel Stewart ls moro than ever proud ot the men et tha llth Regiment. On Tuciday. 211 ot them tarni*d eui in iigut a?...him order tor bell firing practice ai Cre*"B?oo?. Knu _ m|in ,t^ - y ___ wayside, notwith? standing tha*. tho day waa ha and the nen hid to march from the station at Queeni to tho range. Detachments ''?oin nina .timpanist were present and tha shooting waa earaUeaA The office? an duty were Colonel Stewart. Lieutenant-Colonel Walton, Adjutant William., Surgeon Goat*. Atalatant Suroeon Oeorge W. Cullins, and the company officers. Captain Miller acted aa ride inspector. Twenty-elghi markiaaan't badgei wera won, and ?evenly ava wamban received faithful service badges I-att year ever 100 men received good service badges, and ot thia number teven ty this year received a faithful ter vlco bar. Each yaar'a good tcrvice entltlci i member to one bar. In lM lame way at bart are added to tbe mark-. man'? badge-- Captain W. Miller and a committee of Company A have made irrangementi to hold a plculi on Or lober e. First Sergeant Flelsshman wu en Tusiday night pre m-nted with a gold badge. Adjutant WUltami hat aent in hit rengnatlon. Ha li going to tha Northwest to start In busmen near St. l'aui. Corporal Bru mell haa been made sergeant, and Private Fran-ell hat been appointed corporal In hit place. Company B qualified mott marka mon at tht ball-firing practice un Tuesday. Tho eleventh annuli excursion ot the _d Battery ?M held last Wednesday. A tteamsr wat provided tor tho miny trlendt who accompanied the member* to Cold is tn lng Uro*.*, on tho Sound, and a mott enjoyabls timo was hid- Lieutenant Wilton and Sergianta Sherry and Stesrai bsd cbirgs ot ths reception, floor and police com? mittees, respectively. Tho arrangements wara carried eat tiUifacterlly. Lleutenint.Colonel Walton, ot the llth; Captains Murphy, Brady and Barnard, ot the 12th; Adjutant Cimpbill. 14th; Captain Morgin, 09th; ex l ap iain L. T. Biker and Lieutenant Voorhets, of the bit? tery ; ix-LI?utenint and Sargeant Ross, ot the *. th; Assemblyman Kano. Lieutenant Pasco. Sorgoanu McConnell and Lutt and Corporal Urmlner were among ?dov, praaenu Captain Earl, th*.ugh abaent, isilsted tho (.ommlttee In hit usual quiet 1 ut effective way. Iho 71st Regiment will atteiublo in Btata ter 'ca uni? form and latigue mps, with haversacks containing one third rations, on Thursdiv, August 23. ind proceed to OraatoBSSB tor second genersl piactlce. Assembly al 0:45 a. m. Colonsl Kopper lt ubi ll hil country home in salisbury. Vt., and In consequence there wat no meeting held list Tuesday. Business v.? postponed until tho second 'luradar in September. Tho boya ot Company B, ihli regiment, did |ood mrvl? at tha Manhittanvil.o convent fire. They we? enjoying themselves at their separate rooms in Onc-hundred-md luaaO Bftb St when the first alarm .vat sent out, and they left iho.r sport ind went to help tho firemen to lave rh! lnmtte? ol the Institution. Th. captain of Company A en'.ikiad flat men last Friday, which lt aomethtng un? usual in thl* hoi mather. Captain Clarke denies the slaty thal he hat two first lergcunts in hit company. Company C will have in election immediately on tho return of Lieutenant Bang. Lieutenant u. T. Hoper., ?at tha ?-? l Battery, lt tha popular caudldatc tor tho potl Uon. Llvutenint W. T. Gouch, ot Compiny A, wat leen it the .* .v.* e.-f. um* in many month!. ito was cordially welcomed ind heartily con_iatulitea on i bia recovery from s serious Illness. ? ! The Ur**, competition for tho " Burnton " Medal of Com? pany F, 22_ Regiment, was held at thc irmory Tuciday I "vei.Ing. Augua*. ll. The fol.o?lug arc the bett scores: Captain C. A. Bu Bois, 70, Lieutenant W. J. Hussey, 04. Ko ?a*nt M. K Burntou, CO; Sergeant 0. W. Yatet, 50; j CWpaial M. McGregor, 5-1; Sergeant J. A. Turney, 64; l'mai- W. L. lol lc lt, 51; Corporal B. F. Suers, 49; l'rlvaie J. L. Gale, 4. ; l'rlvatc W. H. Pierre., 47; Ser? geant U Lsw-eabetn, 4i>; l'rl.ate A. B. Hudson, 45; Ora 1 .;;. 0 A. Beallah I--; OWpetOl to J. Derna?*., 42 Therc are to be tour aionthly competltiona; the to bo held tha llrtt Tuesday la September. The medal ia ? prciiy le?lpt, of a trusted silver laigct, set on a Malu.-? cruts sutpendod by a tl'.vcr chain, with ?? N. G. S. B. Y." In enamel on tha hit; alto " Co. F, 22d Rvg'i," lu enamel at tho ends of the treas. First Sergeant G. T. Nichol, Company F, ls tcriously Ul. Sergeant Nichol lt rated at one of Hie bs: first sergeant* In the regiment, boree witty Barara in.uni* unkuowm hat tent Company F the music md woids ul a song called ? Cernpany F on the BtHet Q. T," in whleh he brlnet In each member from thc cn) tain down. It the composer will rail around some Sunday evening, Company F will give him a cordial welcome. First Lieutenant \V. J. Bennett hat gone to tho seashore for a couple ot weeks. Company F ls a straight Repub? lican company. ? Bl| Front " Corporal Suns says Har? rison will br- (ba next President, and he ls no " Jonnh." Company I) ls still without a IB atilt Thero ls some talk about their fonnei captain, tlie war-horse "Sam" Moore bm'th. eom!r._ back. Tia member, of the regiment will be measured tor their new fatigue uniforms next week. Tho nsw dre? will be worn for the first timo at thc tall ln?i*?tlon. There seer? to bo i general feeling that this being tho election period the Governor will older a review hf ths First fMvtaloa Hilt rall. There will toon be tu election ordered In Company II tor a ctpttln. Second Lieutenant A. E. Dick lt the unanimous choice, thoo-h First Lieutenant C. M. Spcllon nould like ta capture the prize. The members of Company Il ti" talleh re,oleed over IM avkhdrawal of Captain tt. V. Kin? from ihe cpntct fer Major, not for the reason that thev weald lose the richi of '.Ino. hui. bemuse Captiln Kine bat built np a fine tampaay. Camaray 1 will probably go on without t metala, as Captain l.eo la tbe choice ot the line ofllcers fra the position ot Male.. Captain Leo ha* bsen BiaBI I ted witt thc regiment for the last eleven yssis, And In that time hat served IhNUBb all thc gi?de_ from -ithala la MBtBto. . Cantala i.eorce V.. R. Hart. Company K. lt sojourning lt Orange tor the summer. PIM Lieutenant James O'Neill. OeM-BBl ? D. ll stepping for the aetison ti Bath. L. I. First Lieut -nant IL A. Beneke, Company K, it spending S lew wic*s back ot Lake Midurgan. captain King. Osmaaay B. and family, aro at A.bury Tari; together with Colonel John T. Camp ind family. Cap's.n 0, A. Demurest, Company G. ind tamilv, are out on Long I-Und- Captain John i?. U-e has his family at Lake Mohegan- l'rlvatet .lobn C. Anderson and Albert __. Davis, Oararaay I. have ..en appointed oorporala PrlvaM Anderson served througli tito Uto war. ?? I.\ N-'ional Guardsman" avrltes to MI that many or the veterans and art iva mamba? of tho Baltana! Board a:e organizing far Harrison ind Barton. " WS (lld good rnmtB for Garfield Blah! ycart ago, anU later for Blaine," be tay*. *? sat* thor.; ni* lots of Ihe "boys' lvlng bick on their oars read? to organlzo lt the proper time." A "Billin "f lhe N'cw-Yoik C-S-mtlilra tor Gettysburg Monumenti will be held it No. C3 Finh ave. In this elly rn October 10. for the consideration of thc designs of m.numen'.i which are to be erected on thl battl.lield ot iJBttyabt-B ?.??* rammiT Regimental and battery orgiinl / I'.lous ptoposinj to submit, Boelgaa through contractors rrutt havo the iBBlgBI and al! papers relating thereto In the rinds of Maj.r George. W. Cooney, tecretary of the Com rmaalon. oti -jt beforo September 20 next, to that they may li. ctltleai:y examined by tho engineer faBBaN tM timo nt meeline At the mee'itij; la October the Incition nf and tho des.un for the State MUNMIt to the unknown dend from tho State of Ne\y-York who fell on that field Will bo selected to that tha work may be begun aurly next spring. ATTRACTlOyS AT ATLANTIC CITT. WASHINGTON I.K.HT IBPABTBT?* RB APINGS BY MK3 SCi)T-r-r*lt)l)ON*-?AllKIVAL?. Atlanllr City. N. I? Am lft (Upeciall.-The Wash h-ftaa l.'.pbt Infantry arrive herc to-morrow There will be lao men In HM, net comung the bani or the Careena i's leis, fatly *t?.n_, named afar IB Washington philanthropist. The encampment wil toiiiln ie until Augite! St. Mts >??- it *?' bail a large ar.d fathlonabl aitlience for Icr rcarllitgs at tbe Tra) mure. Among tho moat skillul cf ibo women BWtBB-MMI ar Miss Anna Whiteman, Miss Henriette Dobbins, Mls ciara whitaii. Mr*. Josephine Hernani Mles Orra Philip* and Milt Wet,* UPPtaantt, all ot I.illidrlphU Somo ol Die nptn billard players aro Miss Maur l.'pptneoit. Mist Kate Holme*, Mis- Mary Wilson an Ulai nora CnwfaHL Mlis Mamie Well*, ot KOW-Torh, daughter ot Joh A. Well*, dtlvrs a pair of good aiattbM along tl bearii. mi** Edith Bebaen, ieasbtw el tho Phlladelpfa mar, nf act mei, I* at IM head ot a largo barsahac liding pally every aftrinooi. i',.iU Stevenson, New-York, awaiti racoatyenled b) .ro'.n U Itontu alto of tbat cy, drive* a pan ot ipanhlafl falackl Miss Adelaide Iri.binsuii ls tba guilt ot BIM i:Ji llaipor, Mai gnter ol Ihe rtraenfaB Dr. 1.1-ai! lit por, vno lt occupying ion collara here, fal *t Hom iou i? ihe Bhufbtat nf ihe leta Baveii) Bobin on, Now Viui. Among the as 1!-noa i. people hie a Kau-ia lisna,- widt,w ot ibu DBI el of Guatemala; Mi*s Mai) (.mir daughter uf ihe tt.u.ain of the italuarara and Ol Railroad; Willi-... Bom| llarrts*?! Miller, ua? pg ner of General llarrSrani Yan i'ln.n Lee, ot Chlca| with lot wimc vito; Prafraara Jabe feaBtea, al to ton; Henry BlaniMd. wb? ?r. a Undent al uw v. Abraham Liruiilii; Cengteteaieu Xerwoodi ol Georg who ia wiiuug a not el io ba aettaB "Tba Aajiarl' poll lilian"; captain King, of MM RBIBh Arni Jerome th GB-et*-, a lailroatl ciu.tracini ; lin,.. A. Walton, of Philadelphia; Boberl to Ute llampti nephew ol Wadu Ha.upton: ti ear ga lt. McBensle, the hinger Pawing Machine company; ex-Ma) fcaalth Kly, Dr. .fames (,. I'a rt rid gr. OOBfresan*, T. J. Caniy'-eH; ami Jerarai Haek. with his th daughter*-. _ M BAIASd nJOU IMPr.UED BI ICM P-lgortown, Mais., Aug. 18.-Information hat Ix rraelvra by letter lo tho effect that tho Arctic wi Inf Beet had not done well up to dato. Plenty ytat-es han beat, tem. but Uta vassals ??? in tha nd could not get them. !*p to .1 liv |f, tl? total atoh was twenty-one whales by fourteen vessels, PLEASURE IS A ODO I) HAVRE. M BBlBBTAUtMBB*. at tiik crant hocse RAtsts (BOOPOP Ttir frksii air POBI*. Grant House, Catskill*. Aug. Ito?iBSt Saturday norning dawned with gentle brer-.cs at ni a clear ?ky, and the hearts of Hie young ladles here BBflB auoyant wlrh hopo and bright anticipations, hut be lore IO o'clocli the clouds began to gather and by 1 iho rain began to fall, when ali wore a downcast ex? pression, and then lt was decided 10 hold Iho fair tot The Trlhune Fresh-Air Fund In the extensive parlors ?ml on the piazzas of the house. Hut before Iho hour arrived there was a break In tho clouds and thc original programme was carried out, murh to the satis? faction of the promoters of the entertainment. A? tho sun peered thitiugh tho broken clouds all set to work with a will on tbe front town In extend? ing the streamers from arbor to arbor, and In decorat? ing tho grounds with flaps and Chine? lanterns; also In handsomely decorating with draperies and flowers the indispensable Gypsy wagon, whllo on tha balance of the lawn wera being set here and there bootha, tents and itandi, properly ornamented, to be BSSS. for the sale of the many articles ihat kind friends and dainty fingers had mado and given for thli most worthy object. The Gypsy kellie, with the wood in order, was also conspicuous, together with many other things which go to make up a Toper and avril regu? lated Gypsy encampment. The entertainment opened wllh appropriate songs, rehearsed for tho occasion and sung by twenty-live lovely young ladles, all dressed In beautiful (.ypsy costumes, some mounted on tho wagon, others stand? ing In front, and all under tho leadership of tho (irani noose Band, making a charmine; picture for an artist. Tlie concert over tho next thing In order was to take the chances In sixty oranges, all numbered and hung on a beautiful tree In tho foreground. These fancy oranges were all made and given by Mrs. M. E. Herrick and Mrs. William Maxwell, of New York, and sold for half a dollar eaeh, then raffled, aud the last number drawn to receive in addlrlon a bo-titl ful pearl scarf pin. The lucky number was fifty three and was drawn hy Henry A. Stetson, of New York. At the nuyler stand, superintended by Mrs. Fred erick Kerr, candles were rapidly dispensed, much ti the satisfaction of the young ladies In charge. In Un ccntro of the stand stood a handsome baaBM lille* with (ho choicest and best, and MnbeOlabed Wtti ribbon!, for which tickets lo the amount of .17 :.< were sold and tho first ticket drawn to receive tin prUe, which fell to Misi Annie B. Dorman, ot New York, the lucky number being (>ft and the last oin sold. Some other aillrles were told In the form 0 chancel, but the larger proportion at fixed prices. Mrs. Thomas McKee was an earnest worker In th political field and raised 8*15 45 for tho Fund. Th vote polled rc.ultcd In Harrison being thlriy-cl ', ahead. The Fund ls Indebted to the following, who wet lareelv Interested In Ihe making and disposing of th .rtlcles told! Mil*. A. V.. Sinionson, .m -. -. ?larsh, Mrs. II. W, Reilly, Mrs. A. Slot'*, BBS I* to daxaveli, Mrs. .". to Hobart, Mrs. W, K. ll.-iy?, Mrs. I. F? Herrick, Mrs. L. 'I. Anililer, Mit, B M. l'hyfo, Bn. W. J. riilllips. Mrs. Thomas Bl Kee, Mr.. 1*. 'err, Miss May Herrick, Mlsa A. to Farrell. Miss M. Putnam, the Missen Muran, Mlm M. ?;. Morrison, Miss Klla Van Cott, Ulai Wilmurt, Mlti M. Luchey, Min /an Cutt, Ml^s Anni*- li. Dorman and others] and 'or substantial aid ree "ved thank, are duo lo A Iloadlc.'on. A. to -!? Tobey, I linties i. Marsh, 0. 1*. Dorman, w. T. Hrundagc, Dr. Pani Kretschmar, Henry *>. Stetson, H. MeCoon, A. C. I'.eetr*teln, T. A. wil murt, Charles II. Kerner, M. Stebbins, Jr., C. B, Uogart, Addison Wllinun, Frederick Kerr and many MMlB. Sevn o'clock closed the sales, and the dancing on ihe lawn in costume began; then all partook ol a supper mich as O, II. Tupper, Ihe present favorite manager nf tho Grant House, knows how to glvn. after which the choral of twentj ihr beautiful yours indies reaaiemblcd In fivpiy costume on ibo ?.>p-v wagon as before, with Mri. Dr. Kretschmar a< leader. All tho song* were repeated anil cheered IO ilio echo by th** crowd! on tia* plazta, which, toped.rr with the biara ul red llpb's stai-t*-*l simultaneously from d life is* nt carts of tlie ground!, produced an effra! never lo be forgot ten. 'Ihe luilait*'*' of the evening was passe*'. In tripping "the light fantastic too," when all retired, feeling that ihe tisv had bran pawed In the IntcreM of ii good cause and ai it li great pleasure to al). Tho amount raised aws 1300. WESTP0R1 POINT. LIFE ON A QUIET M A SS .UTI I.* KETTS BEACn BWOBOFI8HIN0 AT SEA. Westport Petal, Mass., Aug. 18.-This delightful spot ls so primitive and quiet that one feels entirely out of the world of watering places, and forget! that Bewport and Manhattan Reach ar-* on the same planet as thil ls. Tho town Is built in one street, about a mils In length, which rambles doWn a hillside to n'd Belaying avbtrvca, monu? ments of wha'e.flsh?ry paru' s.t e ?>11. Around the Petal P.ow two broad rivers with klgb-weoOad shores, and filled, here and there with [rtas*T r.,,1* whi a :ik.* the Mood Bl A''.:n.t!s, appear and BliappOBl accor .ini; le the s;ate i '. tlie lido. The river to tM BM! tun! eal in front of the "Haft und betweao it and th" open *.a !* a stictch of sand hllla, known as Horse Neck. Acrota iii" mnd a bread plank walk lead*- to tlie beaeh?broad and Rat, lisping with singular regularity?bard a-i-i n math si _ r.ah'e, with no holes, no nader-low, and a gently rall ? ?- url. Thia beach is a lemi-ClKll four miles bing. Hack of lt are sand dunes?groat mountains of now*whlte sand, heapBi np in knob* and pink.i of fantastic ifaBBO''ttltt Kl With a delicate bl ,om of pile i;iep>n growth while the bowl i.iiaiK-1 valleys between an rich ia u>" darker gretu* at gaaried and twlited i The best wallis arc back Into the country. At Eldredge Heights one !* ihBV! t'i" tree-topi and looking tero? tha harbor and river, sees thc great shnlng belt of blue paean, while in tM Btw Blrtaaec a nyaterMM land s?ms tr, float high In the air?tM I--.!:, ab. th Islands. The rttlies _-r even more varied netter than any " ?C renie, *:e ti? aimless ones, where tM Sleepy old na? draws one along the ma ii ? i mads, turning at bidding Into every spaaing which n":i.s to pron,Ire n.":c uf ihe fi n st., or IO make paaalhU a glimpse of tl,' In this way on" sees more of th" Bally life of the people than he cull In any other, and lb* wittel 1* hound to sty that his good opinion of the Baaaachnietu farra'-r grewi daily. Till* fannel *-an i ski Um ?., l me? blossom as a rase and no Bald irani! tee tucky for his effort. Ard then tM ncatncp-s ot th" niau. in. farm is almost palatally la u lar. Bat the i,e ? ol one's experlenei is in Weetpori paint itself. The people are revelation! ot goodneal and s>ra1ghifri.-ivatdnp ss. If the t-pirit p,f in,.icy making ever wat here, lt d'parted with IM w hu'.e-ii .bery and left, no trace behind. The constant qiior-t.on IO BU BOWeemBM ls: "Are y\tu a*,ui BBmfMt ht'-" And ir tnv one BOM a favor he tunic aside all thanks with, " Wal, WI want to make lt "rarant for ye." Tl^y llvo In roomy oil houses, painted white and without mattara, to that one ls foiclbly reminded of how people without eyelid* would look. Tlie men of the plaee are chiefly fishermen, hut ready, with the quick adaptability so characteristic, of Americana to turn tlvdr hands to any Job which offer* (air I IWBld On<! evening !a--t week the ctr treat through th*- vi.lure, " The r.racic Phillip! I* lt," and every BM ian fi the wharf to lnQUlrc about thc Catch. Tb* rc WCT1 three swordfish on deck, one weighing Marty 100 pomndl The method of catching them ll rm Int On UM Mwsprlt of tho bo? is b tiny plitform, .i!p,\*' whleh i* ra Iron bell held in plaee by Mont iron Bptlghtt. Tlie belt ll |tt!t high moogh la aatiraic * man's waist, tod, a* tM BaMi stands within lt, alTords a linc mppart WhBB the man at tito lookout nn UM n.xsiiioad gUes the Banal that, lr t,u in Um Butanes, tbi schooner i. haafaB inward ii rad tho li-lier ls or. the alert and get'lng reidy M threw bi* harpoon. AK ls lulen? exciter-?"?then ono breathleai moment while the dart lt t**-* _^,(_e.h th'r air. The cord Isiiaasd to thc hat poon" rtiBfc ,ul fil^ nnd faster as ti.e Bah light** for his life, but tha *C*fcjc CY0 *nd skilful hand have t- en too much for bim, and a lort -ghi I " I* cou (H-rrcd and pulled on deck. Tu,., ."t of tM spMBtlM I |,*ss di amalle and when each flak was cot t jpen and a man si Iii it wraping lt out with a broom, one wa. likely p feat a retreat. Tito ci,mate-it lt perfect. One never thinks of tli* wtathtr fteopl to give lt an oecatlonnl word of praise Ont d*y th* record wa* at hl?h as (7 derri (??, >mt (ai wee** ?.),(. menin, *eein_,l glll-d lust lo the 7 aegrea-polni, mid with thl* tenipcraturc, we Mvi nn broken sunshine and Invigorating aea-breete. Bo Ba] afiei daf am eau g,. boaUiig, dshlng. aallinB. bathing sm walking, without a thought el the least diiramfort THE I'l TROLI I _f MARKET. BEWfl PROM TUT*. PIEI-D AND BABGE or prjcr:* The cm.- iii BMtMl ava- Ball, tit strom.', s*. lt li no di lided fi-ruurr. ii. tht sltuatle.-i af a novel (MnetW. Tl, Bald BOW! ls in,t belilsa, and Wklil thule ita le,pcs l, Hit owners ili.n |M KIlMVOh Beep wei; li, til MM COBBI. l'eiii' , -theil drilled deepet th.* weeli Will iBLIIBIi lM Bl I s:i im uer- gives by -.hs wall bara ban discourag::.,-* i |.res|stcts thst !? wUl irnatm* to BtBCh *? a fa, tor. I've should thl csuaotsUons of tn' Wat, l>? bmu iIimh retl.n tba utriiery ft prtduaevi at sn. u s ira**. i*pib. only Un new dill.Ins could ntl rear*. a tta| Whlah Would site iM Manaring iltuiUai formant months I'M erode mi Mt Ur-Id |-s lani Pt,tie al ian i, lt . ? , .v an i wli I rfra In Um d Uni i irUtl*. 'I ha.;., i ? .?? .1 quiet L ? ia'::! ut ni,r.s mat v. M 1! i ailngs wan 1 fouuwai s I .I''. C'-.ti""i!!a!*'' Opening. ad II ? *'-. ta..; n gd l _ ?'. S.*i .'. 4 >_-. P"?j _____. BB1 hales, bann,. o.Vi ihm. 411, tn.ti Ile Bued ol nus i,n?it ,1 ut, that. lon. Ai.-; st, .u ;p.i |, ir 1 - /?? CUMixa id-!* r- or i-iuLAitia.i'iiiA -H" ks. n't. .. ' 11 vaui*.. 1.1 Rttpiing. I'.e.i''.,ll. now.. '.'1 b 1(1 LaaigB Vu,.? . !/, , \e?.ti l'acir.o coi. BB*| hortn lan ure' _. .... 16 i ? SI Contra!.... .... j i1re:-..i. Tnii- . -4?| M i'i i|. h*H I 'n-a.1 aa BBB tt I ii'-aiuic I upi. Sa '.'St, Kn.tiing IA ,,f |a Rta liiig _,l pf 6* BBB I -T ;.?_ M _ RAIDERS STRIKE A ROCK. BUTING ORV EBA SEED UP PRICES. A LIVELY MATIKKT IX THE LAST HOUR OF THK SIM'KT SESSION. SALES AT THE ROCK EXCHANOE-AFU. 18. _rm bsiissal usr. "i Ai.-insl nala* ?Tocga latina. | Sn. tharts Op'g. II'?. Low'! Vlnal Birt. Ask'*! laid. A '10a A e f..., All .title A Par] liner it a i'iiis.1 ran Southern.. I Canalla i'aciflr tent In 4 aa B-ll l entia" ol N J Central ;*?cliir ( hes ,t o nts. CA ii Isl i.t tltv Ches.1 D_l ar. Clllt it All .... (Ide.* sjorWI Chic* N**** srf Ch- Ma.* air I MA sil' ..rel I C Kl 1. A fitts C st l..t 9 -.ire'. Chic St 1* MAO SUV 9-i al 6:i I SUN, I'S. .6% fi b2\ 6il eti>4 Hs. 3.*) sa 6US fl asl .in'. Ht, Wis t*H\ f< Bl *t"1 ai ia I mt se -ii1* M ........' li fi?J .... ..I .. ii", u-3 ....!.... Il IBU .. I. ino im ii. ma, uo*( in . lilt, iii*** 1<3 114 70s 7ov, ens tun ;*is vo*. up', ioii*. lout, i(>*.*s luw-i lia _, \ .. ' .. i na .o*_l -.I*S -ll HS", i'.'.i SSS ;>"'4 ?81*. a) A') nt 107. 1(17. lo?', 107', 107 lo*. "?. (brr 'hiv - l.u. Ml li", ll'i*. ll"1, ll" i CHI A rai'itit 107 lu/ lu7 iu7 1**7 , .. I ( IStl. Aftilel .. | .. : .. , .. 7.*. SD ('Wash.a aai. .. I .. I .. I .. i -S! |sj cw A I) prf'L! ..I ..I .. , ts ?'* . l rc a I. ; 64 l M 54 64 ! 64 I 66 Col II V A Tn.. '.7*. -7-I ?_:?_ '.T's -J*,*. _7V I'A l-l Mote*, ?.in'* '.'Ola poi* po*., '.'o', '.' \ Del La A W .,. 1.-I7S lST?a IMS 1 a7 ?? 1 ST '? 1.17*. PelA.ln.a.. 117S U7*, in*, 117 _ 117*. ll* I'cnv A Kio Or ....... IBS ll I'A ino or rt 6" JO -0 .*.0 M* , !>0"t tnibA SC. .. .. .. .. I TB ?? E_si Tenn.' .. .. ..I .. | 10 j Io's K Fe,n 1st or.. ..| .. .. .. I 58 I 5*.'. K lent, ld ;,rl.i .. .. I 14 ' Krait* _, .M.. .. | .. .. .. Bf h?), I-itt ._ I enter .. .. : .. .. ' 51*. Oreen itar. !....' .. H> linns-t lexis ..I ..I .. lil III lent. UBS USS ll-1. USS US ll Con I leM Li Ind li e_ af.... King A Pera... I. K A W. I. K A?- i.rf.V bake shotn.. i on I- illara... I.oula.t Nasn I. NA A Chm. Manhattan! on M antill .leach Me . Central... Mir). Cuni M I. ..ft W M LS A \. prf H a st i. li? -i i.on.. M K .. I. Mo purtle, ... Moh A Ohio.. M C t_ -I_ NY central.. NYC.tStl.... NV CASH, ur NV* ,_*-ll._ o' N a i KAW... NY I.l AV. yr.' NV A NI-.... kva*s a .... N YO A av.... NY HA Vi*. NY sAa. pr.. Nor A Wac... Mora W net. North I'aciQc Nurl'se or.'... Okie * M :?.... Ohio suntu... i Ol .mr. ' IBS 4!" >. IA. b..' I'V) le-.l to ?. M *? 68 J -I) .1)14 4!) 04 . 6m ?? m> . .. 1 li wi 4'a 1*4 S W-J so*. I .4'. UV H4S 8l>. l>7 lt I 3_ I 1'pS 4 ns Otk ias .'.si. - Sd ! in uv M's 1-S TTS 12s' 7* . IH) I CS ?? 12S! 7w*. 7 I SO S> Kuli. lOsSl '.oh .' lor,*-; loss! IBS IBS 1*'S !>'S lb, ? ?' ii':-. _6S 611'.. Sr tis 11 S6S '-7 ll 14 "il. -j loo tis Xl ? 17 I If I' l a. M I ;sv ?il ati ii it h.-. 6 ti _ I li 13 I 7RV 11 . __*-., c.'.* . ass IBS t'-Sl 41 SI SIS 4!*S _5', 60S ? *. : . 4'*'/ :?s OBS tB?j 4.. *_5s; 6.SS .flt. llfl 4?S' ra ..,', v. ??, 00 i 4t-i ?..?un IA !'S las *.! I 4".IS ".'.'.S 26 S 6B i to' .. 1 '."-'S I 1'-. 86 v flu ind im 17 TIS its -7 Bl 4'J l't'i)? as issi ls sd 60 I -a . 6(1., V4 I 1 .'? . r.7 I IOU P.** N. ??con Tinja.. I snort r.lne.. lu l*-*_ 23 Si .4 I USS 1*4 , ?ib",\ aw 2.V 21 I ?7S' 4 US it,-4 2tS 7a s 43 4 .14 na Dil A Heart.lin I'd ex asst... I' Car Co... en A sar_ ti. a ti. reta A wp .. .v w p Dref. w adi. il.A * I-:!.. I, Arti iLAr*. . IA* I' i,ret ILA SH ".?'. .1 T'.t "lui.I .. IF* I ur.... I .. i i'.-i a m... i* Carolina.... .. es Pac nsw.. 24 mon Pac.' 6".*S abash _I 14'i al* ?rd.?. BBS ' a i-K arm. i n"h ott 1'nion.. ?lams I.m.. mat 1.x .... "- 1- snress .'elle Far Ki seine Mail...- ar, ? nota. TBS coal A1 I. ct Coal A I, oi coal <? I.. (.IIS.,', Coal.... larvianrttoal *?? Lea Ca al cori Coal AI. loiiiesiate. . mtarit). (uicV.silver.... taiekallvar pr. TuUisalclof tue day ? Kx-dlvidend. SI i 81 -1 ? >7?_ C.?S ASS' 4.'. 4*1. .' Iii7 Ui-'? 1*17 ?.>, 24 24 7*JS T'.'S 72 V VU -j 234 '..''"i 1.0 _1 M 21 ' '.I* I!.1-; 4.' S BBS IS7*. li I let I (-. 7'.' Bl US ?-'4 4-4 43 I7*i ll 2. I 72 _ n . 47 -'i1 100 10,110 3-5 114 114 114 24 S S ?'. 1 *i ..ip i, rs-. r.o 14 >. 14'4' H'. ?-!.'. ".'MS 8H\ r.7'? r>7v BT. SI. M'S e" SD'4 .. nu , ns 70 TIS 112 ,114 M i, a '.'.' 1"2 lot . 105 7 i '.> '.'il > uni loo tOSDS ASP tASB BTeC-Tf. mantle A PtclBt * Xtrthsrn Paelflo Income lO.Ooo.-BS 6.000.ntj Caaada -.outliers 2.1 r -in 1 6,*>o*).104S North !'*_ ist coup S.000.lUiS l.oan.u tis Nor Pac 2d ena IC 2,1 coup 6,000.Ill 2,000. 85*4 Central Paelfli li.inii. Iliad ! N Y i i.niral Bate -'.s ( lieaAOlim cou 4* 6.900.IUD Baor?anltlngCaria N Y cte ? .t wn 11,000.72"? ' Chta ..,Oh!o Bi Hill 1.000.110 .'..I.Ill (hi A i-.i't 1 limos den 5s 21.000.t)f>V. Chic ? I A Vat Bl ( otu on Csl Hoe V A li I tl .' [ Oraitoa snort Lint I Tenn Va A U Hy i Ct Con, ti.,11 Rs 3,000 ... . 107 a.ooit .1024 Phil- arni Heailint G Lay W 1 111 1*1 pier income Income 8.000.SSS i 62.000.S8 3,0.0...37 I l.e a*.1*74 6.000.!?". 4 )6,ooo. ors!*s itnproTtn 1st 1.000.10441 Ore Ki. rr tart Ns. I 1st 7.000.looa. 10.000.110 Lake Uria A West Ul ll 2,000.106 , U? Kan A i'i.* Cnn Ts rooo.ats A Ohio *) *: l(P.IIO').mi, ' *S4 '?!".* ill!)., 2.000.. 16,01*41.>-;"? la.OOO.SS '.v. |,itl lutoina 311,000. Ts 4."Oil.72'. B.000. 7_-'. !..i.7.; 3d pref income -0.000.02 4".82 10,1100 .b2S Phil* and HOM 44 .S.'IOO.8H% 80,001).Sa"!, Bbb a a a p ist?s lssll.l'.l'.'li r- ni 'i. 92?4 6.O0U.. ... Pit So I'.icl Anr. 1st 3.OOO. 107 50 PBCOl N Met lit 2,000.1074 HtLc Iron Monal 1.000.".S7 51 Paul and Sioux*. ls'. 1.000.12-4 Tenn Ci lr A Hit llirm div 1st loon....TS Te* A Pal Itt Ut ..OOO .P4S li.o m.Ntl rtias A t'tclll -.',l inrema 26.000. 4S*. H.oOo. 41*. 21.000.__H West Hliora , . . .-. ? .1 li l.i'OO. lons HALLS Al IUR COSSOLIDATRD SWCK ASE PSTSOLMUB SXCRARBS. tTOCXS Karnet. chu e 'ia u. * s: s .s -,...:; _._. ( hie ilur A (J. ( li.Mn AStPani_. (I.i Kl P M A (i. Chit A Nurthwestera. ? lanai ol .*? J... lt u it Wanora.. tm. h' .t omaha. Late Stiora. l.oi. isa Maali. Ill*. Mien Cen. Ma lian., lax. Wok faajai. M?N K.. Nai Parinc ot...._ Myee ar _ri. Or- I ians. Pacir.c Man. PhilsA u.*a -in-. Pill t H'-ail new .... Post i-i a Cable.... Rutland. Men A Vi p., '1 enn C ,\r Iron. I exasPacinc. tnii'i. racine. Vi.'ta A Mer. M th -t LAP nret. H'heelina A t. B pul We.t 1 . Tel. Willl-tiis >n Mani .... . 370,ir. At A Pac Inc. can Siputh. Kan i .'.' 0 l?t. N V C itMl,ll .... pim t Baan 1st pf in. .lo '.'il. Bo BO. Noi P...2.1. Ht I. A N O crt- 1st., lex lac 1st. lei I al mi '.'ll _ Vick t Bal Sd. -* I BBS siS . si 71 | ra.'4 Ul h5 ' I* IS' BBS 3 V SUI Sa", f.4 41 sa i T.i I BBS lil.' Bl j ?ai . 4.f-.| ii . ss*, B2S \v\ BIS Ul j es, I 11 \ IS J BSjl (p-.*. H.','. --S .tra 4 1', a*, i S'.o i.c io." 10.0 '.'li.(I 1!.*' 1.0 p. ll 2 " .( ,i ir un emt. .......... IIIO.O mi\ troon, A Madar.i A slot ia., lli?t a R*ie!i*r ... . Hull.? .' ll .IC,' Oil-. toa ( ..I A Nt..I ( ballar . j I t lie ;tisr.I I -SiUliir.I Kl i I li .a .: Mn:...a Har. ophr . I'lul is. fUiinauaeneak Bhtthoua,. sai'tiax" . 'ill lr-1 r," . Bntni I um,cl _ Murro I un ,r:'l 4. of. lil i l"l H. VS i r, ..?? * ,16 1.011 . I 14 .7 1.11 1 I .12 il .*0 l.ta i ?) I 2 1.. .24 4 ii > 1 IU 1 "HI X .'.U 2 ? 1 1 If p 1 I I I 41 I.l-. ll .19 li-, ,10 '.I I 4 oo 1 I iii! : 1 on ? _ SS 11. ja .-'j 1.00 .-ll 44 CT.-. Lit .fi .12 B.8. |.lf I.. fl If .24 4.00 I ll l.i'tl II .'.Il ll'-.' ..V.I :ij 1 o ' .all .44 B.Tt 1 i. .11 .12 lo '.. 1.5 . ' ll mles-. CAINS ANO LOSSES OP TOE HANKS Sr-ttiird.,', A 1 s--p. m y.y th' operations r,i the Bub-Trensury in ,1; i ni!, *l bat evening the -Kiaki gall 11.312,231 '.i-i.. bul it ??l v> late ill till.* \v thill ii would C'piuit ni Un; avcr.ii'1 Tar im*i ? i $1.(uni,On". ,*_ ,\p'U ago our i-stiiii.He left beaks !i.' I el tin Bawang then tin- aterec! ? '?' el thal we lt i-.-iri*, s itt mont or averages *i-.o va b lo*-**. *?! |2,4t4,B0B i wiiiih Braal ba Btkea bb rapraes-itlBi the mi unlit to ibo interior. Thc bunks' arl urti ( -.-'?linus ut tiu* of businosi ft-aVtilay v ibout $1,000,000 grenier than th-* figures ot the itotemr-nt, und that wa* auppleraentcd to-day by iver |S,800,000 from the Suli-Trcasury in pay tnont ol I h ir* !i\ s I* ml patch BM s. ThON wns 'ri c\- in*.;.ni ol ; .'.11 h,i.iiu in loans. Tha ? ment neejlfl in n loss to the stiri?ln** reserve of $'_,.'l70,."i.:. ima baton it at |31,7SB,tftO, against NJ MM Aagasl JO, l8?Ti BBd |6,73M?S A.i ltifBj ll, 1887. Thl tollowlnn tSStyatee tho totals of ttatenicntt ot August ll and August 18: Am u.i li. Au?nst 1.. Differences ..nins . BStH.70l.100 Stat .OW.TuO Inc. S2.1IS.0O0 BpSeB. en.SiS.TOO o7,1'Jii.eoo llec. 1,113,000 Lt-gal-lenders... Xi,:ii;i.'.>*,t' J*,013,S00 Dei 1,2 Doi-jtlti . 410,310,100 IIB OOMOO Ilea, 436,700 Circulation. 7,B7*_,BOO 7.7-0,400 Ino. i?,l*)0 Tho following thows the relation between the toul re servo and the tata I depoalta lt th! ratpeetln d:it*r>; . sss. _.*::.70*i 107,710.800 Dee. Bl,116,000 l. ".l-i";. I-i .... 3'.i.3.s.i.'.ino .:- > > i.. .. , i li- l.i)e.s,*?)U TeMl reserve |1CS,'_30.(.(? _!_:..732,100 Dec. t_.4_4.300 B***orve reiulied sgt,, di-pasits I04.l20.77i 104,011,800Dac 113,'.2.". Surplna . a**-. 100.8.3 i"l,73i').2i0 Dec. fl2,-70,i75 The Cleating House stat* in-nt t** -*lav WM BS follows: Exchangee, 100,'"... 11 '. ; balanoea, 10, 780,803, Ir'or the week: h-xchnnges, 1543,331,050; hahinors, 132,320,533. AC1IV11V WHILE THESE WAS A CIIAKCE. For a Saturday then* was au aetivt Stock market, ead the twa boura1 bimini ta atnounted to im, .baree. The attendance at iii*' K\ .hangc, however, was unusually mitti, and thc market was intensely dull during the lirst hour umi until iitiotiier attempt to "Mid" it. wns made First ptiera generally wore a little higher :lian jreeterday'a eloalng figures. (Veatern Union mus a imi '.ole exception and even la 11 io early dealings waa pneaed oil to e.o nt. The raid made soon niter li o'oloek carried with b a sudden aetivity, whleh, Iron the preceding dul neaa waa like a thunderbolt from a eleei sky. Aimest everything waa quickly marked ro prices towel than yeatcroay's lowratj but the manipula? tion struelc a rock of buying orders, which before hui! niven no indication ol its praeanoe, mid the upward tum wns us lodden ns had been tho a"iip lc. Thero wiis not much time lett lor a re? covery, bul lt waa mud" in that limited period, aad i-r-" es generally cloned blither than last evening*! Igurcs, Western Union being thc marked exception with o Rna) dcciiae of .vu pei cent. 'Ihe market, closed with Indications that the howling lor depression bad almost exhausted u cir. WHAT WAS DONE IN IViXDS. The o_.ti.nga of liomin to th-* Treasury amounted io 1050,600; ls, j:, nt 128; 4 1 _s. |140,600 ii' 1078-4, 1370,000 nt 1 0-t nnd 1200,000 at inf* i-i. Th" local market wai dull with un? changed quotations as follows: _ Tl l*ri AH.I nut Ask (?.?.44a. lHOl.rat.lo.i. (OBS O.W. e.r. fa, ISO!.. ISIS.... l).r..44-,lS|i'aae.lO.S I07*a C.B..?. Ba, _8_7..1_8 ... L*.-.4\ 1807, teg. 137 U 12* s C.H.cur. Os. 14 1*4..127 -j . . C.s. ts. ISOT.eoa.lSTS 1284 C.B.ear.Si MSB..ISO*- .... U." ootta 1HBB ..12;) . .. Dist. Col. 3-. 3s ...H.* .... There were HO trans.IC! lons in St,ile bondi or city bank sti.elis. Thc general bend market waa inactive, with ?yam*' eoncranions fer issn,., which hive lat l.v made Large advances, Philadelphia and Readinj lirst, incomes were linn at 87 3-4 Ut* 8 th" s<coads were lower ur 7:.> rV8a73, aad thi .,.?.. ntT to iv'uU'j 1-4. Erle second ?"' sold down to *.?T l-l fur live bonds but Immediately recovered te 08 Texas n-id Pacific Brat* wera steady at 04 ?'M. and the second Incora 43 l-l. Orren Boy*. Western sud Sr 1 .ml incomi -; recovered to :i7. Reference is made to "ur lull !?? perl of hoad sa!"!. Of unlisted securities dealt In nt tao Stock Exchange, Cotton Seed Oil eertiflentes sold |600 nt :i7 l-tu:(7. West, rn (Inion 5s S-.'*- OOO ul 00a ii.*. 1*4. Mount Desert Lend (300) at S-.' 1 . 1-2. As nsual mi Saturday thc money market was onlv nominal at lal l-H per * rat. The Sub-Treasury wns debtor at the dearin.: House 83,401,072. REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON. The customs receipts reported ut Washington to-day were 8818,003 and tho internal revenue receipts were 1350,138. The United StaUt Treas? urer received 0225,000 National linnie not.-. Iur redemption, aaa the receipts (or tho week were u. follows: lPfiT. Noir.York . 8-04.3* Boston . i;i~,7. I'hlUJelphU . 152.01 out . 430.033 1888. ? 7 1.030 198,-40 lill." "o 140,010 .._?'?, -M '* ?"! *.ii-... ,,-,.,.,_, .. bonds withdrawn during thc National hank note circulation M.! .colline* Total .B.,200.80- 81.780.853 'Iii*' United States Tre.-u.-v now balds Bl70,760,730 Cotted S- tei bond* to secu? National bank note elrcula tlon as follow!; ' ney ca . 80.281,000 K,,ur ond one-hill ?r eenli. _8,82a,800 Kour per emt!.104,002 050 Tbiee p-.? cents. 87,800 Hi.mis deposited fur circulation during the week, 115,050; week. ?575,000. outstanding?currency notes. 1247,1!" 7,020; gold notes, 1105,407: a?inst whioh is held tito .um ol' 108,803,430 in lawful money. In London. British coniols were easier ar, 00 ."p-1 6 fp,r money and unchanged al !<".i Hi* for account. Monet in thc dpen market ruled at '_ 5*842 3-4 fm' discount of banker* bill. American railways opened lower but not down to iii" equivalent of yp'st, rday'i home eloalng quotations nnd steady. At Parin, Freneh :; r>* r centa were lower Th** weekly statement of ih ? Imperial Bank ol Germany shows a specie I 12.21 0.000 marks. foll,n & Stanton recommend io investors a number of desirable bonds bearing I. 5 nod 0 ncr cont. Interest, particulars of which will bo round in "ur advert sing ""hunns. Asiel __ Co, offer a limited amount nf Chesa? peake an*l Ohio Railroad lir*t mortgage gold bondi Peniniular Extension) due ion. RAILROAD EARNINGS. BUFFALO. BOCIIBSTSB AM) PITTSBURG. I-,-.. 1887. IRS!. Number of miles..-. 204 _'->4 2'.i4 BeeOnB weet In Auk. tV*.' i * ' ' J.r.. 1 ta Au',-, ll... .01,Obi 1,290,808 1.118,057 CANADIAN PACIP1C. Numb*r ot mllrs... 3 127 4.137 4.470 Second we.-k in tue. ?''? Jan. 1 to Ans- 14.... 8,574,070 0.233,708 0,430,204 MEXICAN CENTRA-. Number of miles... 1,230 1.280 I week in Au.-. .".-."Tl un l.:;_7 tl01.H75 Jun. 1 ta Au-' ll ? 2.23*_,327 2.860.710 8,_ BOBTBEBB PACIP1C. Number et miles... 2,7-11 2 **03 8.277 is, -ond week In Auk. 02--VS21 l_i>*l.0l)l .?...?.; Jan. 1 to Ang. 14.... 0,81-8,804 7,238.009 0,709,0-0 :-? l-.l < H.Iv AM) V. li-. 1..LN N'iniber of ir..les...- .'.ll itt *"?".! Beeond week In A?B. 088,804 ?fOO._..7 BlOO.OeO Jan. 1 ta Am;, lt.... 1,811,43-- 2,_05,S'_0 2,893.034 I.iriSVU.l .I-.. MEW-ALBANY AND CHICAGO. Nuii.iip-r of nllei.... *"7 B_n 837 I week lu Aug. tl-.' ICU 814,1*2- Mr* 271 Jan. 1 t" Au?. 14...- 1,080.078 1,818,1.0 l,_03,_.0 TKXAS PACIFIC. Numb? of mile*. 1,1-7 1,437 1.487 BceonJ reek u. Ang. . 0101,5_7 0107,_u7 lan, l iu kay ll... . I 144,710 8,361,180 TOLEDO AND OHIO CENTRAL N' Bl M Bl t) IBB.-.. 213 213 -lo 1 wt >k In An?. 81A.S18 $20 cs .21.ld Jan. 1 t" Auir. ll ... ...ti.'.ill 507 01 I TIN* INN..T1. JACSSQM AND MA' KINAW. ' Number of miles.... . Hist week in mi- !7<B!)r. fin.',v. J.h. 1 to Aag. 7...- -?-'**,T'cJ 247.427 2-7.21 HM IBB ATI, BIOBMOBO AND PORT WA7NE. Nun.ber M mil?.... n_ 80 BJ Pim week iii Ans... 80,288 88,790 07,203 Jan. l I- Ang. ..... SlB.008 287.201 284.0W i i BVELABD ami MARIETTA. Pint -?k in Au/. 84.008 88.040 84.531 Jan. 1 I,. Aug. 7 .. loili'.i'.* 17-.021 100,001 ERLANG EH SYSTEM Number of md ??.... 1.1 I" 1,1 *'1 1.141 tint week In Ann... 8*7.020 |?7..*>05 .i;-.'?? Jan. 1 to auk. 7.... 8,000,407 8,078,011 1,011,101 PtO RI DA RAILWAY BND BAVIflATTOM Numt)? ot Billie.... 80f :'-'-* fi~ Klmt week In Am... 816,0-0 117."7 Jan. 1 ta Au. 7. .. -80,838 020,020 884,201 GRAND TRUNE (CANADA), Number af m.les.... 2.018 8,410 8,41* Week ended Ang. *> . e8_O.l-.r0 B378.UOI 08-10,41 Jan. 1 I., Ata-. il...- 0,463,-*-- 10,965,68a 10,115,14 GRAND RAPIDS SND INDI )N.V Numbor ot miles...- 100 ITS 47 Vi nt week lu Aub... B40.185 858,0 i 851, 13 Ju,. 1 i? Au.- 7. ?? Viii. 007 1.431.120 1,418,51 BOU8TON AND TEXAS CENTRAL Number al miles . . Bil MJ 61 Kirai week In Aug.. 861,0*1 848.171 ?(?.._?.: Jun. 1 t.. Au;.' 7..-- 1.480,878 1.274,-27 1 ---.-' TOLEDO, PEORIA AND WI ieil. UN. Number af miles_ ? . 217 Cl . :r?t week id Aug... an.ioa aio.oi ? ii.'.-i Jin. 1 W Avg. 7 ... 484.738 8*7.848 401,48 FOBEIOH ((iMMl.K' r. OF NT.W-YORI.. 1BPORT8 Ol' BEECHABOUB AT MEW TOBE. ll - li-*-.-. Ter I.te. 03.003.214 lil -33 ' I I 88.17.VIM ? - ii ;..<i i.i 160 am ms inti Total for R-' a.. rovlou-ly r* p'i-1 20 S7...37 291,050, the lcd Mk mu 111" ? i, U llsll ive ii-h (?ore TOIal lllee djli 1. ?27.'. "li ill !? I .Ml.Jil,-! IMPORTB OP SIM IK >X MEW-YOBE. Ver *!ie ,- .... Bl 01 '? ? ? -74,5 . . , ?,5I0 .i,:i ? - ?*? 878,0 Total -bael . a4.700.8O4 I.B4 ttl *? 152,0 EXPORT * OP BPI ? IB PBOB NEW-TORE. For Um ive,;, . . ,! 18 882 1240,4 rip'siousij ni,:, l 48.486,460 12.813,713 20.02Q.8 Total slin-e .lu,.].. 148,001 882 812,801,011 120,200,(1 ritciimboat; MAR. POWELLJOH CRANSTON'S, WE. I'.int, Coriitilll. K??-Ui?, >.**?? lian.:,ur.. Unit f.-g. aieiiHi, li .' I'. ??? l.on'lout ind hine* ti Lil rat V III?-lt 1 IS. aol We-i ItM-iit Bi Ju o e.c?.yiiii| laaiurdiTt wheo aka lea.ot om lt ar caril / - AT.-KliJ. MOUNTAINS fhe Old Rom V> QUlCKI-sT, i Ul". tl'i:>T AND CATSKILL RVKEINO LIMB, neimen KA ATE! kill aul CAThKll<L Icavi ivar! ** ' ?* <i*,r ?' o. ii. from foot af lat it, N. R, eonneeilni. willi i Bu lain aud Cairo H. R Pur lui of houioi, raw?. Sc., ?? u. 1.1.r af .Jip... w J. [Itililll -i iir.illl. N. y. Stcambcuito. PALL RIVER LINK I FOR BOSTON, NK.vronT. FALL UIVER. PROV IDENOIJ and iii Bia?? poins. DOUBLE bERV 1* K RESUMED PUK THE SUMMER SEASON Four narnu? in canmiialMi -I'iLv.l'.lM. BRISTOL. PROVIDENCE, anti OLD ? OLONT. 6; b i.did oiebcnri ittaclwd to Mah vcmcl. Leavo MSW*Yo - D'ia 1'iCr 2d, B. lt (old. No.), foot of Marrijr-it., as "Dewai _ '.v> \> Bk?'Por Pall r.her direct eonneetinii for Bo* 'en, l'_i.hburR, NeR-Redford, Maitha'i Vineyard. Nan* tut ket ant lovat point! nu (ill Colony Rall road 0:15 y. iu. ?I'pi Nlwpert aul Van Uiver, duo Newport ?bout 5.45; Kui! Diver, 7 a. aa, lesasctlBg wuk e-p?si tralna and Ihronih (.irs fur Dustoti, tape Cod, Lowell, thc wiino Mountain!, Ac. SUNDA VS. kilt Now-York 1'. 5:8. p. m. for all point*. Raiurnlui leave Uoi'mi 7 p. iii. tonne* tlon by Anni! bon daily from lirooklyn. 6 p. ir.; Jersey ( Ht. 4 b, in. TickcIi aul stn** room*) may ba ON MlBad In Mi w-Yerk nt 207. ML TIL 044, 057 and 1.823 IlrondRay; Ol Weat ItSth-M. and 184 Last 123th H.; 153 Bowery, Alter II .uv) and Wltidaor Hotel; Lina ,'ier 20. N. U. a "I on sr iiier?. DEO. L. CONNOR O. 1*. A. BORDEN ,. LOVELL Ac*_ A-TROY BOATS, lighted UtPOBgltoat hy ? el' ',t wnii sn.>ui exp?? tr liBi for SARATOGA. 1 Ali!*. OEOROE, PAUL SMITH'S. LAKL l'LACli). nil Au'iot. !-??- ind aifcor Minta en DELAWARE AND HUDSON or FtTUIIEURO Ita.! *BVA St "r.'*r SARATOGA or CITY O.' TROT ,e?v.- Mer 44. N. It. foot, daily t\?pt Saturday. 0 p. m. Bundar ' iteimir tosehei jt Atfcaay. A LP.ANY BOATS. PEOPLE'S LINE. I _t\ Sb.mers DRL'.V and DEAN RICHMOND llaV! l'.er 41. North Ki\" . foot of Canal at. ut 0 P. M. daily [Sui i .vs ixeeptad). Lia vi ilrn.klrn Annex at 5 V. M. Miking dirert connection* at Albany for a'.l tioln'.s East , Ind Wini ai no <ri>.h 7 0(i A. M. Special I*,*.pre? for i Saratoga, Lake Georg-, Lake Placid, biran? Lake, I'aul Smith'I er. 1 ail point! reith, air!. tfijr sarre* day. Tir-kcta ml bactap. cheeked to _eat.iiiir.ior.. Fra err. ro eel.ed utitll tb' _ tot I* r.arljie. _ I I DDSON AND COXSACKIE. [J. ELEGANT STEAMF.B KAATF.I'.SKILL leavai fiom foot .lay-it., lt. R, every TU E-UMY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY it 0 p. m.. conaecuni wllh Boston ind Albany Kalin.-,I. T WI! Li al. tait, POWELL, Mlliaelr. HUDSON RIV..R RY DAYLIGHT."" DAY LIN.. ST LA Ul--RS. new-york and albany. DAILY (exceptBenda?!). Leava Brooklyn, Kuircu-aL (bv Annex) . ... 8 00 I m. Ntw-V'rk. Veiiry-it Ptar.?:_0 ? " Nts York. Vf nt, _*l ??'. I'l?.0 00 " for ALBANY, IliiOtM kl Weil IV nt, New!,-?, I*ou|h. keernie., Ithlnclcri, fat-mil and Ilml-oii. Reluming. lelVl Aloiny.8:30 I. m. A Ono i;AND .tu..hod t'> each Ult WIST POINT. NEWBURG ai' POUGHKEEPSIE. with dp.*'i lay beat. RUIN! I'.i.CK. by .try arith UI*ter and Dui. R. R. for resorts nf thp' Ca'skills. i ATM. ILL, wl'li ipeclll trains on the Catlk'i! Mt 1" R. lil li*''.. ?. a 1;.,atoll and Albany lt l'_ tot . .au ham. 1'ittsnell, kt, ALDAN Y, with N*. Y. Central and II. R. R. R for fi! :.. NIAGARA FALLS, Buffalo, ir d Um Weal; with llns'on aad Albany II. Xl a*)1 Klrcbburi: R R. f..r Holton, wllh I), anl II * io.'- R. ll. for Moutrell ail tho North, md arith SPECIAL- RAINS To AND Fi'.DM SARATOO . Tbi Niw-York Tra niter <-o. -Ul Mil tor and clie.k bargago dom batela and ie.ll, acoa. NORWICH LINE f-r Boston, Worcester, Fortland, White Direr; route ta Maw. Loud-m. Norwich, Wai' Hill and Muck laUmi a. i'a\" l'e r 40 (old numi" n. North River, foo. ?f witta-it, (next prier above De*. br ss.--..--. Ferry), da-.v ?pniiyi. excepted, a-- 6.30 p. m. T!ds lins lias uneqaill ed faclllttei f"r I anillno and drsttll*. titlng fralKht t.mnthoui Nf.r-Fnclaiid One n'eamer earh rut tlcipt Mindai*. exclUliVlly far fr';laht date R la- 207. COI. S37. 807. 037 Broadwe.. 1?a and 12 F.reenwleh-ft.. 153 R*'ve?. In Brook:vu. 4 Co nrt-at. 333 Waahinlton-M ind 331 Kulti.;-. tt ai pier 40 North Riv?, ind on 8i.irr.eta. Weateott'l I---.i.:-? ?- Co nu; ml f"i .anl trie ck bi\?rikti from bot-;, md reilden?*, ? ?" iltinv. Aaent oROV.DF.XQE LINE FOR r. BTOM. PBOVIDENCB, rVORCESTBB, All Northam and Astern pom's and tho WHIT:. MOUNTAINS. i.i . L.AND ,- i _ -SSACHCSETTB a i- la i _'., N. I'... foo: \\ ar r,-ri lt, ai .*. :3*> p. m. con ?etlt? with through express tralna for Boston, baaing ? ?.liner at ii a.. m., irrlvfiii at, Buaton at 7:13 it m., and a wail Mountain pointi at 8:10 a. m. Throu -i pirior im i; i ?*'* r Downed orchcitra on eaeh iteamer. iggage checked i,t W*?i ott'a Eipreas Company trom na? il on. 'ii . ?? ind ital* r* ima * ? ? l *7 257.201.847.807.421.057 Broadway, A-^or IL,nea, <.',?. lopoliun and Win and alt onie!* of Wiatcott'a ixpresa Company Ip New-York or Brooklyn. Send for unmet excursion book with ratei md romes te i, il. BRHil * W. lt. BABCOCK, (..:.. faa, Agt Aist. lien. Tass. A'.;l , I'.O Box SOIL I. ONDOUT. KINGSTON AND CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, .anding at Craniton'a (Wen Point), C rnwali, Newburg. lirib- io, Mlluiu. Poat&kcepili Es.p-aa, connecting Ulnar and Dolawiro, Stony (.'..ave, cauklll Mountain ni K.u*. rikUl railroad-. v-.u. ?* i nv uk KINGSTON ind jami... W. BALDWIN leave city weis dat at 4 i. m., ulei fia of Kai tl?:, st., N. R, except Saturday. rhea i ITV hf KINOST ?N lii.e- at 1 p. ni., landing inly lt Newburg na*. Poughkeepsie, conne.tlna with peclil train fer av. Eummor Resort* threugu thc Catskill ilouiitalna. Lol vc s Rai,,'.,ut Sunl/iv nights _: ll o', ui arrival of ineetal fast nain froui iho mountains, aru.lni it New-York Monday. 0 a. m. STONINGTON LINT.. FOR 10 N .RH "vGANSETT PIER, W.TCn HILL, PROVL DI NI r. WORCESTER, aud points north and emt via Providence and Woreeiter, Steamer* leavo from New Pier 30, M. R , oe-' block shove Canal-it, at 5 p. m. dally. Through narie- ear. reclining chairs, be. iteimer*! lmdlng ma ** Narragansett" without, extra charge. Baggage cheeked fiom naldene! to dcsilu.-tlon by \\ "',;.??-? Company. Tlc! I aa*, at ate-? oma on sale at 207, 257. 201, 317. 307. 121, 057 Broadway, Astor House, Coi.mi.ibi.liun and V, - Hotel!, ali ofllCOl Y.OItCOtt'1 Exp?** To. \V. R 0 VB Ol K. 0. ll BRIGGS, \ - i.pir. Pail, Apt. lien, i'a-s. Ast Tu NEW-HAVEN, 7 5c. J. RECURSION (good <*t -tsi. a) tb. Steamers C. If. NORTHAM and CONTINF.NTAT. leave Peck allp, l-l .r 23 IC- P... 3 o. m. and ll P. ni. (Mandara 11 i, ? tlntr ai New.Haven m -|i special train! for MERIDEN, HARTFORD. SPRINGFIELD. HOl.T OK E. Ac. Through ticket. iold and bugall eli" ked il 044 llriadway, New V.r.. ind 4 _ un--t. Brooklyn. t.i;i!roa09. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 on and after J I I.V 1. LOBB. * ll! vi TRUNK LIMB AND UNITED STATES MAH, ROUTE. Trains I-aie Kati Vork, via l).sbrjs?s and (.oitlnndt Stli ??!-? P?rrl< s. s i '? Qa urg, i- burg ind the Wert, with Pullmin Palaos * in altai bed, u HO a. m., 8 ii" (Dinton Oar and fl p. m. dally. New-York ind Chicago Limned uf Parlor, Dining, Smoking and .-.- llbulcd Cari ai -j :.a n. n. ??: cry lay WU lan sport Lock Haven, 0:00 -a m., 0:00 p. m. ; Cor? ami Kr.'' ?? - :i 0 li m., conuo* ung _'. C irry for Ti tua ville au ! tho * Ul !. ! I I I p. rn. and 12:10 nt_hf.. Yoi NotrlKoivii, Pheui.wllle. Potlatown ?i Reading, tl:i? a. m., 1 2:00 and t :00 i*. m. Siturdayi onlj . 8 p. tn build i . p, li ilS il i I 10 1 ri,. i Baitir ??. ? and tbe H uth, - Lil iel Warti liiirt. a Ea.) ? -' ,f I'll n ?i l*BI. r (ara la iv Sn" lar. to n. ni. ; arrive Baahlngion 4:00 p. in : in' dally with Dining Car, it il .4i) p m., anno Waahtug 1:12 b. 1 it 0 , 8:00 aud 8:30 a. m. l ? i 2:00, 1:80 anl 11:00 n i. 1 12 13 Bight iv, 0:15 and 'J a. m.. 4 JO anti 'J p. lo. and 12:11 night. F ? Atlantic City, ll ilO a. m., 1 ;00 anl 2:00 p. ir. weal dari . Por Law Mrar, ! p. m. i*rek dava l .? brat ii, i'.u iieai Junction md Intermediate s'a Hom via Uah vi i l tm boy, 8:80. 7:10 so* 0:10 a. nt ij noun, '-* il-. 8:10, ii ;40 Limited 4 :00 5 a d 7 p n On Sunday, 7:18 ind '-? il_ a- tu. and . p. in. id. n-, st,,t. at A.burv 1 * Ft md Point and Norfolk, via New-York, riiilndelphi ai.d Noifc.ik Railroad, H p, m., dally; via BalUnoi .'.. 1 Bay Line, 1 :30 p. in. ce' li, is ot ?? Rr oklyn Annex" c nneci with ?'! ihrouu ttaliu at Jet iffnrdlua a ?ii?dy and direr tran-t'.r for Bruoklyn trsvei. FOB PllILADELPHIA. ! EzpreM trains teavl New-York, a.a Doa!) rossel ar. ti Pei rica, as ft rio* a : 8:20, 7 Ju, B, li ,*, i lin aro Limited, rrltli Dining Ca ? 1 10, Washington Limited), aid ll a. ir... 12:20, 1, : . _o. I, i :80 ? *> and '.? p. nt and 1. :18 ni uh A. p.i a i a .al ll :10 t. in . 4 .t*-) and 7 p. r is 8:18, 0 il) Limited! an! !<i a. ni I, 4 i". '. ll d IO, - and ".) p. m., md 1_:15 nigh a rp. iii l leaving Nea York delly, eseept Sunda., ot S. ind Ililli a. m. 1. -. 4. 5. K p ni a:-.! li a rn sr 7 p. ia. an sunday-, connect ir Trenton f ,r rninden. N il 1, 485, 6tn and Ult ll: na I v. ay. A"-!,,-. Hollie un! t I Daahl ia* I and Cortland! *t*. ; p -.-i-r. and Brooklyn Ar.i.ev Sin'mn. toot e.f Pu> tan-1 i. ? lyn; Station, Jcriey City j Emigrant Tr ket OrBr Ca.t.ii I . Tho New York T inafei Company alli ca'.l for ai ci.- . I m ia,ods anti riiiaancei i !! IS, l PUGH. J. R. WOOD. General Mm v. r. General Paaa'r .t-etit. W! - T SHORE RAILROAD. N. V. C. ft ll R. )*- te, Traine ..av.' \vesi r.l-i. Matlon as follows, and foot of Jay-iu, Noi i a River i In Hull and * li a.-.. n ,,', a. m., '0 :00, *B :13 P- m. I lo ,i. BL Syn D . i. * ? r, B (?i> o-len Eridge, I ? Kalla, 8:1 '?? 6:55 I ? '0 lOO, '8 IS p. m. lina. 8:15, ' ?? a ll Ulla. Ul., 'lt ;UO, ?. 15 p. I i *? HUH, Alban!. ii :1.*>, '7 : ?0 ;,.,, a ii .;; I a ra ? I i 8:00, ?'* :15 p. m. Cranston'*, \\,h Point, Cornwall, Niwbn?. 'S: ?7:13, 8 55, 10:13, a ll 80 a. bl, is) 4:00, 4 ;10, 5: * IS p. m., and :> :0ii ?. BL, 3:4". and COO p. I Cranalon's, bornwall, N'-wbuig. Kor >l I Canada I itt, '?'? *"* p. m. Hamilton. l*ondon, 0 58 i. -**:!.. p. m. ' . ? I I ' s I , P 111. Buffalo, Niu^aia Kalla, Detr i 1 I 30 a. ia , [ai 'A IB p. m. I):: '.ur, i" ni: ran . s La.p- De0rye, ll ..'* a. m.. DrawiBg-Roaai Ciri to Ci nc,:. */, (ai 8:48 p. BL i Mlnnawaika. via Ner-Paltt, 9: i (ai ii . I i-. p i. Drawing-Room Dan g,,..-- on eu 0 ' i 1 '? ?? ?? ?? . - d la p bl nan Kaateriklll, Hunter. Ut-and Hotel Rt.tlon, ind I'! 15, 0:00. i*i ll ?>" a bl, li 3 ;5 p ia. lua K.i'. io Grand ll a I -,., l'boeni.-ia Hotel Kaateriklll and Mountain linu-vj on 0 :00, (I) ll a. ia. in I - 3:43 p bl traine, Pal. ,i\ ill?-, Cairo ai. I Metintalii Hen? Station, 3 7 I i :? 00, a !! il ' a. m. and ll il t.i B, BL Draa , oil ia> ll ito l. in. and ,a> 3.43 p. i , ? I Dally extent Saturday. Other trains d .?\-, ? bunda) ? i - ' ?y ( Hy. P. R r. 1 l .tl n i.i.. (I) 3:40 p ttl. l lloboitfli. Mest SI - ? il IO |, le. I't t'..-,:'':?. lime ' put Lu or aleeping-cir act ipbiy ai oinces iiii>.>klyn (lon sr, la. ?an il., Annev QIB?, foot ,:f t.,ti ?t Ni it York ( Itj 308, 785, 'l- Bro-dwijr, 15!i Buuory, 12 l'ai* pir,- and Weal thors btationa, foe We-* lid it, r ??? ot Ja-, -t., M. ft Weil . . ll nalia (ar and cheeki :a:rag*-> I hon s uni reitdeneea. C E I. AM lu. RT. 8 Vand-rl llt-avo Can.ral )"an.-ngcr A?>" TRAINS FOI. 1108TON X - ia Park and New lu -aud and NlW-York, NcK-liaieii and nattford Rnadi Lea.e NI.a*. ."Uti MA M . ?:. 1" M.. ll i3o 1'. > Arr.i i BOSTON 4 SO I" M , '.) I" M , 7 A. M. PARLOR CARS ON l)A*_ I RAINE PULLMAN SLEEPING OARS *)N NHiHT TRA i i p m. Daily, tiviudlui ftuiidaya. (Hint ttalna dally except Si.l.daya. h.eepiiiji car accommodation! tu ba secured at ? ? __, UloldMav. and li rand Cuatral Depot. NORTHERN RA1.M. lADOF NEWJEKaET. ll Trains Uara I i.nnb*:i -st. Station week e*l* for Eng. o wood, Tensny. Uo?t-r, -.park-.:!, ai* I */?*? :, BO, ,00, 8:40, ff ntl and li:*** ? BLI 1:1* ?**-'/ Itt 4:.'.). I ill. .'. 40, S 4<". 8 ">. 1 ' SO P 'r"a.}2 midnight. Sundaya, 7 iOO, U 80 a. i . , I |30, 4._l__t*___t__* p. m. For Nunnet, Spring '. ? *-. Bonaey and *lai!n?ns. ave.-n days, 7 :0O. 10:00 ?. bl, s :.'.). 8 -o p bi Bwaaata, ft :30 a.m. and 8:1-. p.m. Saturday special, 12:4B nana. Ad lilt.otral tfllni tn Ct'ssltlll ind war B 108. m.. I 3.' D- n-* PRIS RAILWAY.-Tloket Ofloot 4M, 317. Ali 711 ani .57 Bm* I way. IM t2 t,?* . J. Int Wert a*. 1 llat'.TT lla.p', i i.aime is a. 1 Lill birt-- Ion ? *- ????? 821 mid Wt l-".o.p.s'.. in ..._:-,:?. lo7 BroaOwajr, w.iiiamshurg, corner Newark aud Unison ??*.. Moaoaaaj s-. i Mew ntetton, tenoj i iy, ?? '?? ? Ticket* - I J'arler er r* 'ir i- * aaa'., ia I ? * b*r chet um! and iran*. baggage ran be obtained _.*? preta trans leave .84 ?l 5 lui nut Ball t ? U"*" altona fi an i kan b* ra il h ai nain* ?< to iu minutes earl lei U a. m., dany, li.iv Lap??, linnet dra-ii>4-n um .oacbea io Jiutlain; l'u.ln.Lu ileapUia toachaa BoiaellBiHia w < ' lunatl and ( levi ian ) 10:3!) a. m., week day*, Inlaware Valley Express, parlor <:u lo ir.iu_hait.-i li, mt i i ir ri ar. 1 ( * ruing 8 p. BL, dally, 'Chicago * I ...ia WAI* I'uili.ian train of d? a..a ,, t .. ? -t ? ;,...* ? ? iel ?? * to Bur lalo, Niagara Va - I ... *-", *.u.i .(.natl and St. Lons, no evtra Chara! for lair. ? p. m., da,iy. ' ...,-, P. I mao baffit " 'ening er.aches tn Hutgliniiitfii, Utrea* Elmira, Ro--li.'stiri. ll'if fain, Cincinnati and Chic ag ?? Ru tn? for I and Pa "ol. 4, 4 IV 0, 7, 7 liO 0 30, 10.30 a. U_; 12 n nm ; 1, 1 :4V ii. ii IO 4.1', 4 a". - IO, 6 i30, 5:u0, Oill). b.:?), ,* .3", 0, lu 8') p. n>. ; )_ light. Also to K.tlieiford 8:80, a. bl ; 4 Bo, 8.20 i ? , '?> I ass*;., 5. 0:10. 8 40 ,? Bl Sundays, 4 IA. lu -0 a. bl; l-_ loop,; j ,i,-,, 3, 4. a, G :30,'{ 3**. tk ID a? p. BL , '.'_ Bil - Paterson-4. 4 il.V 8, 7. 7 50, 9 30, 10:30 a. n ; -!! nong J 1, 1:45, 3, _.;.>, a.4*), 4. Silo, I li", 4.40, 8, i LO, 6:30, 8:80, 8:10, (I SO, 8:40, 7 wi. a, 1<> i?>'p m.; 12 niciit Sundayi, 4 J5, >? ilk), lu ??<) *? Bl ; 1 -' noon ; 1:4a, 3, 4, 8, u ..m. 7:80, I). Li.*) p BL : 13 11..1.I. Nrjwail and Paterlun, i.a Kawark 8:43, ???'.'). , a :30, ira. 11 :-*> a. bl , 2. I .'?'. 4 SO, i '. '. .', - ? -~> ? . 0 :'< >. 7.30, 10 p. m.; 12 night, sunday*. 0 * m.; 8 30, 1. :3C, 8. 10 p. ul Ridgewood and r*,uTcrn-4. 4:45, 7:50, 0:30. 10:30 a. m.; I. 3, 4, 4 oO, .',. .'j:30, 0:10, 0:40. 7 SQ, 'j, 10 i3tj p. m. ; 12 ide" t. Also ? Rilrr. .t. 1 I <? a n. ; 8:8- p. m.: tn Su!!ern, .1 80 p. B, 'un Uv*. 4 15, B'B. IO 33 ? BL ; 1 .5, 4, 0 30 p. m. ; 18 lll| il Nctblirg Ind Cornwall-. :50, 0 a. m. : 3:30. 4:3'). 3 00. .'>.?*> ?? in. sunilats, ii ?. 1;,. , 1 4 ? .i p. ? Watta: -h?Weet plays, 4 .4 5. 0. lo J ) a. BL . 1. 4 :S0 p. m. S'mdiv, fi :C0 a. m Goshe-s. 1 ..:,. ; ,, a, 10 BO a BJ : I. BtOOt * 'Stk t'St. 7 80, 0 ; ia (gindsis. 4 --,, ga 0 1. tn , 0:80. 9 a> m. Mlddl'-toi'ii end I'eri Jervis?4 :43. 7 ?.?'. D IO .'1 _ 11. ; 3:30. 4 itf. ... 7:1-0, D p. ul buudiya, 4.4_, u._o. 9. a. 1:1. ; 5, 0 30, 8 p. m 1 ,p*?s tra.ns fiom rii? West arrive In Now-York a! 7:05. ll ;80 a. bl. and lu ..'0 p. ic W. J. BURP lt T. L. P. FA RM F.R ?i? ii. .?ip'i _ General Pa-- .._?-.' A_-ent. CENTRAL RAILROAD OP NEW-JERSEY. FUOT OP I.IIU'.RIY bi'RKET, NOKTB RIVI.H. Time Table ot Julv 1, I.V.. Tor nilLAUl Ll'HI A and TRENTON, " Bound Hr, k Routc,** at 4. 7:48, 8, ll a. Bi .1 iSO. 8:13, 4, .'.ito, 7 i30, 12 11. m. M NDAY8 al 8:48 a. bl; 8:8* I-. B. BL Train! leaving at 4, 7 i*>. lia n... 1:30, 4, 5:a0 7 !?.. 12 0. ni., baie connection t,.r Reading, Harrisburg, Potta Villa, He. 1 4 a. Bl tar Baaloo, lb thicncm, Allentown. Mluch Chunk, Reading, llairUburg, otc. ot:, a. m. for l*a ll . t .-.I Bil a, li- '.lileh<.'m and Al'.ento-n. 7 .oO i. m. for Filming ton. Kaston. Bchlehem. Alica tor.n. Mate h ( hank. Siiio a. m. i..r Flemington, /.ale Bopateoag, liston, B?hb-hein. Allentown, .'.a,.-ti 1 I.hiil. IV;, .le.l.a: re, arran lon, Reading, llerrtebu?, 1 . , ... .?sbau.oKin. Sunbury, lu ?-.*? ni ?. v,. . in port. 1 p. m. i,,r )- rra.ngion i.,- on, Betblehem, Allentown. Ms 1. ii Chunk. Reading, Harrtaburg, eta. .t.15 p. m. fppi- i.a--,n. li,'i.i':,. 1... Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Wilkel 1 :? I ran mn, Tamaqun, Shamokin. 4:30 p. bl foi Flemington, Laka llopatcong, liston, Delhi* li?m. Aileiitoivn, p ?? ?.*"i and 3:80 p. m. I - ervull a--d Hcmlngt e. I> :43 p. m. for i.a?p. I-, llilehcm. Allentown, Mauch Chung, Leading. Ila-r:-!,?-?\ Oa SW lays at 5 30 *'" 4. 8:15, 3:-'*. ll 1". a. m., 1 .l'a, | ;m, gilO, 4. 4:30, :-, Sn, 5:15 p, m.. 9:00 _. __.. .1 .uo p. n. . 1 ile! Dan' Loan Branch Vf'.nr.'. pinn. Ocean Brave, is. . et,- .-,;.. nj . 1' ? at 0:18 '.* -l-l. iN 4, Sd", a BL, 1 il". I ii" I* BL for I'arniiiigdale, I.AKl'. Won. Man bester, roi i* lliver. Ran ,-?.-?. 4 a. l... 1.3d p n: fer Beach Haven, CITY. Vineland. Brtdg lon. 4:00. 8:00. 8:15. '.i :<), 10:30. 11:15a. m., 1:30, 2:30, 4, 4 ISO, ii, 6 v. 0:15 p. BL S'inJ?*, 9 a. m., 4 p. ra. for l'.ti'h Am-K>y. Pot MDNMOt ill PARK RACES ou Tie-days, Thura. dav* an! Saturday! 8 16, 0 SO 11 13 ? bl, 1_:1_, 12 45 1:30 p bl Parlor Car Train, 1 :C0 p. m. SANDY 1 " '?? I-."!- ! Fer LONI. BRANCH, Ol RAN GROVE, etc., THOM PIER -. N I' For Hlgli'.a:-.! Beach, Beibrlg! '. Monmouth B-?h md Loni; llraiip'it. 1 SO, -sip' '?.! ?'?'? a. BL, I:'1'.'. :t 46, 4:8* ?'. 80 p. BL .-n 1'**. S-80, 11:00 a. BL, 0 :!>*) p. BL For Elberon, Albury Par!;. Ocean Grove, etc., 8:00, 9:00, ll im a. m.. 1 ' D -ii', 4 : .*>i30 p. m. Foi MONMOUTH PARK !! ***-i . on Tuesday* Th' and Saturday!, 8:00, 0:00, 11:00 a. __.. 12;15. l :u0 gnTAttaatM Rlfhlandl, 4 :30, 9:00 a. ra. (1 :00 Saturday* onu-,, 8:46, 4 BO, I JO p. rn For Lakewood, Ioma Rh er and Birnrgat, 4 :30, 8 :00 a. m., 1 iou, 8 :4-S p. m. _, ..... ', , -*>t? and Parlor Car srnt* cati be procutod at 71, 41. BSL 044, 1.140, i.v_3 Broadway, 737 Oth-ave., 204 Wi t 136that., 132 Eaat tzBth-at., New-York; 4 Court-at, BOO Pul tan-it., 00 Broadway, Brooklyn- ________ New-York Ttanifor Company will call for and cherk borneo from hotel or realdinca. EW-YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIV ..ii. ilAli.ROAD. ORK AT POUR-TRACIt LRCNE LINE. Ot. and afurr July 14, iihus ieaao (?RAND CENTRAL b'l A . ION, Largest atid Pineal Paaaen el Manon in America. 'in a. m., Rocnester Expresi dints lugrooin car* to Albiny, Truy and Syracuse <j a. m., Saratp.tia. Lakir i.?-ge. and Montreal. Special dr3'siii(5-ri)i,ii) 'm. to saratoga. Caldwell, Lako Oc-or,?, Plattsburg, and Mont.-cal; a.* : , . r. A,I an1-. 9 a Bl for Aliroii'laek Mountains, Lu*en?, North \ Creek, Vhroon l.a_?, U.u.: Mountain Like, ito Drawing , room ear to Saratoga. *9:.50a. BL, FAMOUS VESTinULF.D CHICAGO AND I ST. Loll- LIMITED, conipoeed exeunt*/-/ ?f bm!'t ' fiiiekinr*iar, dining-' ar, drawing-room and Jeeping ear* ? for Albany, Ltira, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niaguia ! Pella, Erle, t le vet aad, ludtaaap-iia am Toledo, arrlvtu ..t Ch,,-ano at 0:60 a. it... >r. Louis 7 itio p. ul Mat day. I Connects at A.bany b.r CooperatowB. H0i3o a. bl, CBlcago Expre? for N:a?ra Fal'.a, To. tor.p.,, Cte vet and, i, Indlauapulia, Detroit at i i lilonga; als. i"i Serat-ga Coop - ?? inl N irtb A I ? -, ! drawing-room cari u, LanandiLgue, Uovheauir, aol Rich , I.eld ItiiMiiirs. til :3" a. bl. Weatern New-Tork and Northern Express, fa: La;.' Ucorgo, Ru Adams, Ac. Draw lng-ri-m ta.o to Troy ai.d barlil 2 p. i.l tr.iuiHga Limited. Rans ou saturday! only, err.vlei.' Saratoga ?) 85 p. bl, Caldwell ado p. ul iiil-rooiii emu a.: 1 buffel ? "ii.y. 8:80 p. bl, Saratoga aol III i Hpeclal, "ttli drawing, room cats to Albany, Ito) and Saratoga. Hana lAreugn 1 to Lako Geerga ob naturdaya only. -4 p. ii,., a ida ai to A'.'inny and Troy. <"..n nep-ta f": wllliamaUiwn, North AJaa.-s and lnn.'rmed.a-.a point* on Pltchburg lt. lt. ?I b p. m., 1.-. t .,, .ui, Cincinnati and S'- Louie Ex i press for Niagara PUK Buffalo, Suspenaion lindie, io ronto ina Lewiston Hearne rs J anl Cc ve laud. Cincinnati, ' indianaiM'lts St. Loull, Deltoid ai.d Ltu^ago, vim ai. -p j lug ind driib. , ara. ?td i- io I i Clayton da*.y, ir..:ud!t:g Sunday, for I Paul Mtnth's dalt] aa upi bal i day. j hu nib sleeping I car* to ? layton and Pam bmlth'a via Liua ?.A __,, W. and o p.. iv. *t 0 so p. m.. Baatreal aid CananBalans F.xpr?*, daily. ?' ? p.oc p-ttts io Plaitaburg aud Montri J via Bout ? Pu lu I and na St Aibai.s. h.s., u.lav.a. Ma SI S '? ? I I da Atlantic Rail'.*, v.a . i ( - ? I Canaudalgua dally . ..\n pr. Sunday. Sarday train lois not rna **e-t of Al ?t ,'? ..>,* p. rt.. fa Aduondack Mouniaiue, La!.? cua/y, Ly..a Maui.tain. Loon l_akc, barana., Paul b , via ria'' -lui)! a- l I t aug ? I lo bu ta'trie, N nh ' ri . : lu un an Laka, ac, ria Saratoga atti Ad ?' k Railroad, bleeping cara N*?> -Yura io Mai nb .i g ai 1 :-? i- ??? i y p. ol. special bleeper, irili ter 7:40 a. bl, '. Hu Tn"., ii :3i a. lt... and lilet ll . I -"? l ? ?ill 30 p. in., t_.v Nl_ht Exproea for RlehOeid Spring! Roi heater, Burt! .- ? a a li.*, T" nto, * it t. Cincinnati, In kin apo i- .-? I ? av lilt sleeplni- ,.ar?. bleeping cir* Ipi Cananda'.gua ou bur.dsvs i-_ midnight, Adlrondi :c M mn tain Special for San Like (..-,|, -, Pui't - aUI .'. Loon LB-), bdl Smith*!, <?-. ul? L-r Sharon bpi aga, CnoperatowBa aud RI niield Sprln \ Tickets ar. I ",,i In ! iwlng-r? and sleeping cars on tale gi i.tutti Centra! Sta lon. 418, iii ai : 045 liroadv.av, 12 I'ark pia.-, I Battery pia"-. O.: w. *t, I SO th-lt., ant 188th-*t Station. New.York; itali Washington ami 73<J i-u ? n at" tiri _\ ??? . lt i .'.' 4'n lt., V Weatcottri i ipi ut 'a's f i and ? s inggigi fiona ho'-'ls ot rcatdei * ?Rna Bally; I'hers dally excrpt Sundiv. i Btop a- l:Birt, at. Btlritn i,' up i.?*-?-:.-_: ?. - i r No 'ii ?>; I u -. J. M. TO'-' KY. HENRY MONETT. (".?neiai sii?-;'.n'end?f. General Paasangi r Agaal V FAY-YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN Xl RAILWAY.?Trims l._<,_ ttoia f-jrric* at We?t 4Jd and Jav Ma, as follaws : West 4 ld ?' . 7 ;',<,) _. ir, j J.iy-.t , 7 i<5 a. r . lol Bl l dietoirn, failahurg, Monticello, Libert] Vi i Norw lob, LUca, Rou.u, ouoida, PulUin, 0?oigD, Ruitato, Derrolt. Chicago. iVost 4'_:!-si., 8:10 I. na ; Jit st.. 8 :.',.*, I. m., for Wall. . kill viiley itBtloua, Lakei Mohonk, Mlnuewaaka, Mid dlrto-ii. Uleniliie. Pallsourg, Liberty, Whll \\ i*?(, 4 .'J st., 4:i0 p. ui.; Ju} .:. J. oo p. m. for Wallkill valley itatlona,,-. Slohonk, Minnawaaka, Miilictown. H..). ra.._ ie i_. I lenvl a, Mt. i*ai?, M-iiil ' celia, Kallaburg, Liberty, .Vii,.e Laka, Kock w,*st 4_lsi.. ft _:, p m.; lay-at.. ole p. bl, daily f?r Mlddleuwn. Flllaburg, Liberty, Walton, N?ml h, On La, O-- - Suspense n i.i Ige, Detroit, Chicago, *>t. Loull llutfei Bleeper! to Niagara Fal'.a. 1U-.lining Chair Caf free 10 I'sitertp. bai-irdav half-b-ll.lay, Weat 4." st., 1:16 p. m.; Jay j st.. l/o p. bl, for Campbell Hail, Middletown, Bloom ; lugburg. Ellenville, .all.-ure BoLtlceilc. Liberty, wuita Lake. Llvtagaton Maur. Walton, Delhi. Pullman Drawing Ronni ?a'i and lenhs re?rved al , 307 ll-.-t-av. 'lura: ia - 'c. at Ju*, 307, : MA 1.828 Hi ad a ay, 7.17 Oth-ave., 131 Last l-5thst., ? _Ci4 Weat it , New-York. I J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. _ is i > 1.1 ? ;? t i, I I EIIK.II VALLEY RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS leave foot ot Cortlandt md Desbrosa'-a ns. a* foi, Cr30 a. ni. for Cataanuqua and Intcrinedlate polnta. rta. m. far Geneva, l.t nu, Kl ml ra. Roc to* ter, HutTaio and the West ani principal local pointe. Chair car to Llmlra. 1 p. na. fer T'u.khar.tio,!: and Interm-dl-i? points. Chair car to TunLhainiiick. vonnectlou t , ip admg and Hart.* burg. J 40 p. m. foi Pit' ar.l principal Intermediate polo's. i ",.,.i , u lo i. uni 1! Jue, tion. 5 40 p. na for Banca t hunk and liiiiiineBlaia pointe. Connection io Reading and Ha . I ... r .ar -o Ma':'.i I bUI k 7 p l.t. for *'. -iieaa, Lyons, Elmira, Ruchaat?, Buf. faio and the Weat. Palm? * (p. ,.. L> ma .- I- p Bi ' i Laurayi at.d ,t????-. Hate panta Trams lea vi ul a, . _. bl, 1 p rn Ibd Jiu p m. cnn. ne'ii fur ill p.nnia iii Maliinor and Ila/.. ...u coB icglutia. -*' NpA. rRAlNS. fi a. ul for Mauch Chunk, Bullion and inttfieedlate point*. 5 15 p. BL tor Coplsy stat (ntl 'm*. 7 p. bl foi Genav- Lyona lumire ft ? ? -, p. r faio and flin Wen. Pullman sle. p.'i to I \ ? - Leneral Baan i OBI 13 iii lr* ay. CHORE LlNE-.l.L-.'AlL ROUTE-KOR VJ Duaton, Ncw| rt and Ute Emi i - .rang Cintra) h-at;en at 10 00 a r ind 1:0O p. i . BUL Narrafanastl I \ ? . ? ? \ i- * Dollon. 5 DO p. m. Lill .1 -pus. for N, sri r - sr d (la HilO ll il Sight I LU rai fer Nc ?. Parter Car* - jHirt, Pre vi ie, ie, R.*s| ,n.-dmiy B 'Ililli I'll*- I.- d. sMiJllo... V EW-YORK AND I.ONV, r.;:\\i ii rail. a.. ttOAB, Kilt I.l 1) HANK, l.'iN*. BltANl li, OCKAN QROVR, AKM it l PARR, OCEAN ill A, !l. SPRING L.VKL, POINT PLEASANI t COMMENt INO JI'I.V 1 I TRAINS I.l .'. I, S KW-VORK, FOOT OF LI BRETT bl , 4 00, SI',. ?'.> S '. "ll 18 a .,, . m 30. -J itu a 88 (!*_t e*.| ?( vs 4*' k4 80. sg SO 0:16 p. r. Sunl',?_a t) .IS) a. na au I 4 >D p ni L__r FROM FOOT i i.RTI.ANDT AND DE-SBROSSES *a i -*. n ah, 7 io, *'.? 10 _. rn ; !?_ <i<) noon; 'J :BQ, -3 io, 3 to ilim.'-ad aapreea, except Red Raiik'. 4 .o, ,% oo. 7 00 j. m. Sundaia, 7 15, Ulla a. m. ; 5 :O0 p. m. 'I)"tiotei oprraa iralna. RC fl! 8 BLOD^ETT, BK T. J. R W*" tn, II. P nALDWIN. Don. Pa* Ant I*. R. R. O. P. A.C. IL lt. N.t.