Newspaper Page Text
NEWPORT'S GAYEST WEEK THB SEASON NOW AT ITS HEIGHT. BANT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ENTERTAINMF.NTS ? PERSONAL MM Newport, R. I., Aug. lft (Specl-lb-The season ls bow at Ito height and Newport l.? well fill??1 wllh visit*.?. The harbor, foo. li crowded with the vos aeli of the New-York yacht -|uadmn. and everylxidv li looking forward with pleasure to the ?c? tor the valuable cups presented by the cotta??. Matters In general have been very lively hero this week and everybody has been busy-even the cottage? have had about all (hey could do to h?p their engagc ments. Three polo matches, two Casino dances, two fox hunti and numerous cona? entertainments have tended to keep moro than Maty and lim fair city by the sea has prospered amazingly. Tho leeson lenin well socially ns well as Anani lally, and all doubt* and uncertainties ai to whether lt will be a success have been dl.pMl'I. 0_0l had to be brought Into use at all th* hotels to-nlfchr Among the cotta,-?? w-ho were entertained dur lng the week, _S_M hiving given tavo and even three dinnen, luncheons, rte., are the julina lag I Mrs. William Astor. Mrs. Cornelius Tallai hilt, Mr.. G. B. De Forest. R. I. Hnrpou?, Mitt. T. Hitchcock, Mils Leary. John Lawrence, .1. J. Van Al.n, P. I-atlllard. Jr.. John Lee Carroll. His. W. IL Osgood, Isaac Bell. jr.. Want McAllister, Mrs. Theodore A. Havemeyer. 1 a-li IV. Andrews. Mr.. Daniel Ie Roy, Mis. Francis 0, F?, Mrs. J. \\ A. OlBwoM, Hit, .afterlee, t'oloiiel .1 N. Bonaparte. Mrs. James M. Waterbury, E. N. Triller. Mrs. Henry Ow.. Mi's. Io Roy King. Mrs. I). R. Fearing. M.**. 1". W. Van? derbilt. Julian Potter, Mrs. Alexander J. Leith. Mr.. C. F. Lilt.-?*?, Mrs. 1*. 1>. Sandi and Mrs. Elwari! T. rotter. C. F. Feanii?, of New-York, ls the guest of Daniel B. Fearing. J. P. Howard, of New-York, Commodore Benham, I' ** B., ar i Oanaaaa-lef McGregor, V. S. N., are at th*- Arjuidiioca. Jam.s Dwight, the w*ll-!.nown Jawn-trnnis player, U the g icsf of Miss Homes Lyman. Mia. J. la. Harelay, fl. New-Tork. ls the en?f of Mrs. Isaac pell, sr., at "Clover Pat.!)" eottairy. Mrs. B. H. Thompson, of Troy, B. Y-. ls visiting M.?. John Austin Sf*veiis. Carb'ton W. Uuiifils. of New-York, and Mi*:. J. A. < o.lrnart arni Miss Godman, of Boston, ara at the Devan Hon? for the aca-mii. Dr. I>. -Baan Holman, of New-York, ls at the Whitehall. Colonel Delaney Kane, of New-York, bas arrived at Sunnyside cotta;-*. O. W. Hird, of New-Yoi-;, ls at the Whitehall ami Edward Roby, of thc san- city, ls a! thc Barhe.ey. Mr.. Angeli, of San Francisco, and Mrs. isaac Hazard, of Providence. Bia thc pie?* of Mrs. John Ilaznai. T. Q. Ford, of New-York, bas arrived at Ilart m__in's. Ward McAllister, of New-York, gave a lubscripflon rlcnle today. Mrs. J. 0. Gushing, of Boston, Ls visiting her broth, r-ln law. Thomas F. Gushing. In Bellevue-ave. W. B. Pinninger, of New-York, lt at ''Pen Craig," the fuest of E. E. Wharton. General t*. W. Crawford, U. S. A., has arrived at Pluard's for the remainder of th's season. R. W. Burnett, of Cincinnati, Is at th. Ha-ard eottaee In Kay.?. General C.. W. Cullum, New-York, will entertain the merni-rs of fhe Town and County Bl his cottage on the cliffs on Monday. Mrs. J. L. Diana, N>? York, ls at Snu- Hnrbor. the guest of Mrs. J. th Carley. Mrs. Bree? 1* the daughter of i;"n?ai B. l. Batter. F. 1". Ames and wife, of Short Hills, N. J., Geor? Le Boiirllll.r, New-York. W. ll. Allan, of Boston, and Mr.. I*. W. Grayson and Pr. C. P. Grayson, of Phila? delphia, are at the Cliff Avenue notel. The patronesses of the CaalSB ball are Mrs. Will? iam Aatar, Bbb*. Beataparto, Mrs. j. B, a. Griswold, Mrs. t:. H. Warien, Mrs. EL A. C. Taylor Mia. I 81* nclitts Vanderbilt, Nn. Robert M. Cushlng and Mrs. Edward R. Wharton. Mr Arthur Unite-, of England, and Bishop II. C. Potter, of Eew-Ynrfc, are among the late arrivals. Taw Blend ?nith. son of Mrs. Beary Turabul), of New-York, has returned here from Europe. H. G. Woo* 1 md wife, of Boston, aro visiting Mrs. 6. G. Wood. Professor C. B. Penn?*, of Philadelphia, ls Hie guest of George i'. Tyler. Professor A. 0. and Mrs. Harkness, of Brown t'nl reralfy, anil Prnleeaor A. ?:. Haskneai Jr., of Bamllton University, arc al the CUB A venn. Hotel. Ulai Rael I Kennedy, of Now-York, has arrived at lbs Brown mi cottage in Washington-it. Bcb ?in',al ej.r, ks have been ., ut to worthy local! during tts* weeli by Mis. I.dwaitl King and by Cornella! Vanderbilt ol Sew-Tor*. Prof * ?? i .,,,-? m. Lane, of Harvard College, Ls the pk st uf Mj' at:d Mrs. Ueorge w. Wal's, in Tunga ruin i. Amour the vliltoil a' the etittapes are the folio? lng: Mi. and Mr*. Willum Bjgbee, nf Jamaica I . Louli A. Biddle, of Philadelphia; Mn. M. Spencer, Mil! Chamberlain, Mis. Munee, R. 1). Win Ibrop, Montgomery Roosevelt, J. lt. Harrltuar*. J. a. HaiTitnaa. .rank B. -Tlttterbee, P. H. Allen, John C. I unnaa, Miss vrilnierdtng, .. v. Cbapln and C. M. Rcbin*oB, ol New-York; Mi.c Bragger, er Chelsea, ll. I'. Emeiaon, of Luifalo, and J. L. Eldred ol * blcago. COU ol Sala, 'f tha diplomatic corps, has arrived here tor a lew WCefca. 1.. * . Moir, tr. * iin?til-r;eneraJ hf the I.'nitcd Males at Mexico, li al the Ocean House. It is pol probable thal theta will be a parade of the Coaching I !uh *u.s sen-' n, Richard I?. ,**rai-. Ol Na'iant, Mais., ls hero for the t int . loornauiteiit, au; lt. j. Townsend, ol Xew-1 ork, b_? arrived nt the i erkcley. R. L li- ? ui will give a ball ne.-? Tneiday evening, and one ari;! bo eli en on the following Tim?dav evening bj ,t. j, \ an .Men, Mis. j. \v. r.iii. - . , will ta!.e plaee on Wednei :.-.-.? evening, Aucuil 20? the Bight t-More the lubicriptlon ball at the. Camino. t ount a I i ouuten suzanne!, *>f New- it.m. an. rhe gueaii cf Mrs. J'plm iv,pp-..-*-r. tu BoHevue-ave. Mrs. Forbes, ol Mew-York, is visiting ber parents. Mr. a-.1 v. ?, J, n. a. Griiwold. RobMni Utile, librarian ol th** Astor Library; George Howland, Henry A. Due!;, Martin C. Nichols, Mr. and Mra. L i*. Ledyard, ami Mr*, i olgatc. ot New-York, ami P. s. blake md U. R. Make, of Bos? ton, are visiting fi" i _? at tim cottage!. Miss Laanr, of New-York, r-i\i _ luncheon and a niti-icalv at ber cottage in v. iii st. on Thursday, after? noon. .-he f.'p-n-i of Mn. i". i). French*! multination dinner-dance is pl.a?lnply commented upon an ail sld*s, arti li ls expected that other cottager! will give 'it. Har " ? >t lalnnienti, Miss Kn-?,1, "i Philadelphia, I", vialing Miss Tl ,*t In fit ..?'.-- eiiiiii. "*"'?*? T" ] ? "' P Utan- Manor. N v.. is ihe g_u_et of Mta. C ll. IBank, and Mis. & M. Mure;,- rd. of ti in.. ,-?..,' a;*-., Deborali ! . U barton, ol Philadelphia, died at th-* linns'* ol it. L s? r.ir11. ni rm- -uno- city, on Thursday T!:e Rev. S C. Hill, of ' ?ti:?il..avn, Penn., Will freach at ;'.tr,:i"iit>l Cltuirh to-morrow, and Lisbon >_dJf-y villi bo hean! at ...1 Batata1 Memorial < hapel CMAMSB* FOR THE SAC AL OFFICERS. Command'-i CfcaHea H. Davis, who av.-v? a passenger on the aaw st. amer t irv of New-York, which sailed yesterday, ls c., his way tn Trieste, when he win re? lieve Commander WlUlann M Ptilgw al tho command ni the Dnited BtaSm iteamei Qulnaabaugon September 4. OMunaoder Folger ims been detached i*p ineeeed Coroniander McCormick, In Charge of the Waablngton C?ir.ancc Panndry. Before norning home be will svend seveiai montiis lu Europe among the large ordnance worl.s, InTudlrii- those of Krupp, Whltwonh and Crue sor. C.iiiimariifr Folger has hud m'ich tn do avIUi -.c*lgnlng the steel guns f-r-eiitly built lor Ike Navy, ami fur several years was In ch.n^'r nf the rr.i**rl inr-ntal onlnanc'' gnmndl at Anl I'mlls and had a long tenn of d ita in u,e Ordnance Bureau. He w.lj have mm 1, Impnrta'it work to do at rhe new pun foundry. There aro tliittv-fla-o six inch heeeeh loading rIBea nuder way, ineiuding two .teel cast gnus. About half nf lamas tot ?nady complete In all of then paris, a< d anl! Loon be AnNiei- Two of these arc for The Chicago, i'nrrr- ar** shout -.'>f> men BMSlnyed af the Washington Navy Yard, about i.oo of whom an.- itt tbr* L- in louudry. MiSABABW TRirs BOWS THE MA T, Tha luxury rf p-.,-a,,::iP> the beal and du*t of Hie eitv i? t*i lie Lpprep-iat-d hy a mp on thc irr,n Steamboat I eiM a li v's la,. - 'a t BB] Isianl '<r t_0t_% llrancb- tlie ene i shoit ir:rp. ant Um ashei iu auvat-aai mn. Tiie boats leav Bam v,r?- -? Q 'bird at. and l'ier Ba, 1, Norh River, aud the Iron p>: i a: UM iaiind ind Hie Hr.- ni h are wr.rth i "Mt 'i !,e Si, if thal Sthtt gu1'!* trips at a ferr Diinu' tt Ir.'eraa! '? ? ? -?'a-)d, and there a? four trips lo Lng Itr.iip-h Ml St *.?;'s l!?t. -?? SHE Ut ."T sor MA SOB SOS SBOTR8S MABA0SM lmre Klialfy baa <ir**alni-i an Irrjun. -i..n a;"*.rist Mollie McGill, a giri, t" ii'ftra.n her [rr ni IflpCUllBg ni I, tno'.hrr miniver during UM "av.n of 18SS-'8'J. KIM.fy til!? that !;r bB! a rotilim't With her for this season, and that alie his to ir ike an arrancement with acme other iheatrlcai mai.agrr. mid te be Boloney Klrtify. M_yS_tO'Bn srcf'Ess AT STATES JSLABD. Tho ?? Kal! of llabylon" and ? Nero; or. tin- Ka!! nf Rome," hive thama to the world thu In the realm of the apectaeu ar AlKrica ls BbeVU lil oib-r etiunirles. The pie en'a :?i ei UM lirst B|MMBB up an i-nl.irlj new Acid ot WMOB-W la rSBglBBB and France they l.avu had open alf MiertafauaMita, and rery fln.-- on-s, bu*, tin i baie been trlfic*. compared to what his be* n done Buring twa years on tbe giounds of the glatfla Island ABMMMMMll Company at Saint George. Durc Klralfy has every rea?n to be proud et hla achlevenionta In thia new fl-ld. Tbe miBcy lnviited iud mcewari"/ risked hu been .u.rn-.u*, bul tho Judcineut anl pluck which are behind tha enrer prl?* puahed thom to Immedlato aucoo? and the reward will lie at treat aa could be hoped for. The attendance nightly has Increased steadily from the mart, so th*t now a BA OOO or i.S.000 audience la not unusual. Thc charlot ?Ming ls ? i*opular feature of the programme and hi* lull ruth-lent peril In it to enthuse an audience. IN THE V AIRE ILLS. ALL THE MOUNTAIN KKfiORTB CROWDED. FESTIVITIES OF TDK WKEK?LISTS OF THK LATF.ST ARRIVAL!. Tanner-vllle, N. Y.. Aug. 18 fOpeciall.-TMi seetln . of tbe r?tskll)s ls now filled with visitors There aro f*w vacant rooms lo be found hero tonight, nml the demand far exceeds fhe supply, although thero are a larg number of hotels and boarding houses grouped near together hore, as well as numerous cottages. This place has long been popular with a large class of visitors, and deservedly so. as the redon ls a delight, ful headquarters for mountain tourist!. General D. S. McGruder. D. 6. A.. la at the Grand. J. S. Durand and wife, of New-York, arrived there to? day. II. M. and T. B. Beaver, ions of Governor Hea? ver, of Pennivlvinla. arrived on Tuesday. M. Cow perthwaM and family, of New- York, came on Wednes dav. Yan Loan has Just Issued a new edirion of hil "Guide to fhe Carshllls," tho second this season. The Iirunswlck Quartette, of .dilgers College, gave a Concert In BnaterakOl Hall, on Monday. The absorbing Incident of tho week at the Grand was the carnival last night. Tho rush of visitors In Stamford continues. All ls full there. Miss A. Y. Humphrey, of Brooklyn, has purchaaad a linc cotta*.-.- sm- of Pr. Churchill, near his Maple Grove, She will _m__\_\ a ?:.,0O0 cottage lhasa at once, to be known as Maple Orara Lodge. In the valley below the Jfcictor ls constructing a series of lakes, which will be supplied With boats. Mrs. W. Landan, of Brooklyn, ha.* rooms in fhe Kaatersklll for Au.ust. Mi- E. L Allen, of Boston, ..nil Miss E. I? Groot, of tstaten Island, aro also there for tba month, as a? Charles Whllo and family, and Frederick Bradbury, of Albany. Senator Sherman is expected to ..sit fhe Flelschmann brothers at Gi.fJIn's Corners soon. William flav amaya, will va>s the rest of the season at the Kaat cr-klU. Murat Halstead ls due at the Kaatersklll for a les? son. Ile will bring several saddle horses, a stenog? rapher and a corps of secretaries. Tkfl newest .>og<? nf tho t>i_r hotel registers contain the frilhiwlnc names : Hast milli! faaua Benn"tr and family. H. B. Cnxe. MTS. IL Ftilnian and daughter. Albeit Sliter and wife, E. I,. Chamnlln, Charles Micar and wife. Miss B. II. Hnidikiss. BIS. II. M. CillcUe. W. S. Brandy. Ihe MIMBI Bondy, r. C. Marsh nnd wife. Gcorse Everhart. Mrs. C. M. MoCoftB. J. II. Mrtfaan. J. II. Hocker and wife. William Sellers. Alexander Sellers. C. Kellar. Celia Kellar, J. Elson and family. Mrs. A. Bailie- Mr. Kings? land ami Vila. Mrs. I"). Vi. Crane. IL C. Redfern, c.. I*. S!mor. and family. Vi. C. Gibson and wife. New-York; Mrs. Charles Mallory and daughter. C. M. Wllllanii. Miss P. E. Bereen. P. B. Mldglcy, Brooklyn; Dr. (.corio N. rinker. G. A. LewB. Mi-*- H. J. Lambari ami dauBhtar, W. R. Webster. 1*. T. t hambers. Ginee F. So.v bert. J. B. Sevtuait ami wife. if. Roberts and family. A. Wood, jr., and w!fe. I. If?r Adams, Robert Long, Miss Haiibeit, riiiin.elphin: W. F. Doolittle. Mrs. c. H. Bourne. Min M. B. Lamar*!. T. S. Swain and wife. Fred. Pratt and wlfo, Liston: Mrs. R. C. C. P_uk, New-Haven; Mrs. H. a. McKelvey, Bridgeport; Mrs. M. 1". Fisher, Ml?s F. E. Hrvworih. Chlcaeo; H. A. C. Rhodes, I". B. N. ; J. c. Plant Danbury, conn. Grand-John Elderkln, D. B, Recd, Max Rnsen herger, Auihonv waihi, k and family, r. I* Emmoni, Mrs. N. I*. If-[l*-v. Mts. E. P. llat.-h. MIsi Hatch, (.'orso W. Edwards. J. L. Decker and wife, W. H. Chapman, J. W. Maek. William Toothe, Edward Fabian, w. A. BallanMne, Mr. Landsberg and wife, Mrs, c. H. Sexton, t larencc E. Sexton, the Misses iiiittman. M. Vi. Major ami wife. J. J. Campion, A. Klaber and daughter. Stamford White nml wife. New vort: c. Yon Proston .nd wife. Nisi v.. L. Cannon, Henry Webb Vi. lt. Iliuichl-llng. Mrs. Jamel L Titus and sons. Brooklyn; William McClamr. and uife. Miss Conners. Miss gwarts. Alfred G. Baker ind family, Georg. F. Baker, w. __, Baylor anl wife Will? iam lt. Heed ami vifc. William if. brown and sons. I. p. Evans and family, colonel d. l. McGruder ani famllv. Henrv N. De hart and wife, Philadelphia: Mts. \. v. U. wills. Mis.. & j. van Wyek, Btng Sing; Charl? u. Hfi-Vv and avife, Miss Merriam, Guy Kirkham. Walter Hasler, >prlngliel*l. Ma-*. ; T. P. Borden ."nd family, Fall River: the Rev, l. Carran. Jersey City! Mrs. E. H.*rh Newark; 0. Egerton and famllv. Long I-land; the Mlim Northrup, Lamden; C. O. Pav and famllv, Lrartleboro, Vt. ChurchUl Hal!-Mis. Oeorge H. narke. Richard II. Greeno, william H. i.reene, E. I". Hi-own. Mrs. G. L. Prantisi and (laughters p. Morrison, jr., ti.e Misses McAllister, George Whitefield ami avife, the Rev. Pr. K. R. Rm-th, Charla! Birr todd. William Lading and wife, S. F. Stiffen and famllv, New-York; P. T. Tunnlaon and family, tin* Bev. Dr. A. J F. Lclirend.s, A. Steiner ard family. Dr. Cl,aries ( any. Brooklyn; Alida Hadley, Buffalo; F. Leonard ami wife Norwalk' n. ll. Rose. Pasadena, Cal. ; A. P. Osborne and wife, New-Hat en. SPAMARDS OPPRESS AN AMERICAN. HTS PBOPEBTT CONFISCATED AND HF. A PRIS "NCR OB THK I'HILII'I'INK ISLANDS. What >eenis to !>c a ra? of aOffiifeie! on the part of the State Department md a deplorable lac t ol IntoreM hr *h<> present Administration lu the neila? of I'nlted States cilllCBfl abroad has con,- to light Tb- cn? In Question is that of Thomas Collins, whoas emir.- property, Um re? mit of years t,: cn' rprlM ami h?l work In the Philippine island*, ba* been confiscated by the Spanisb Roven rind b" ls now virtually a prisoner theie, unable ta eoUIBIUnleBllOM to friends In tills feint ry, rx,-.-pt by strat? ify. Th! story was told yeMenDy by H. W. Leonard. *,f No. ii_"s Broadway, Coiima's attorney, Mr. Collins ls nof about slxty-thi.e years old. Shortly aft.-r the War he left his home in Philadelphia and established a shlpptni bu-la sal it. Manta in the PhiltgptM Minda, mar whleh pert he aisa conducted a pbntuilen. Bare he aegulmd valaebB timber Iuds, built up a Urge trads, married a ii'itlvc woman snd la now the father of two chlldien. In IB77 he ?s the f<remost, merchant db thi i-ianis. iris pwperlty excited ihe avarice nf the clergy, whi practically control the Manda; hi* whets property wm CoaHaeated nd he thro?n Into ia!!. 1. Griswold Heron, Hie run Culled StatCI Conni at Manila. BBd! a demand for tue reiuiti of Corina's property ond had ii::n relcssed fronT .'ail. Thc property, uhlch waa valued at BIS was not retained and ls arlil held by thc So'eminent there. The State Depart nvnt was informed and secretary Evan* Instrneted Con? sul Hoi'ir. to gather all the testlmeay ihtalnahle and for? ward lt to Walkington, Mr. Heron iel io ?<,ik and h-J tn.' I lilah eJ when he died. The matter 'ben re ated and Mi. Collins has not been allon eil to leave Manila. La t Neven.ber ho wrote to Mr. Leonard, Inclosing a pewei of attorney ond request- e l lin to proceed la the eau Mr. Leonard conuoanicated with Secretary Bayard, and tho KUer replied, saying tbat lm had Instructed Consul Ale*at,d.-i p.. Webb to Blake a report Nu report bu*. been narie as yet. Mr. I/ei-iiard nil! pe lo Washington this week and try to enlist the Seuatc in ColMna'l behalf. l'REVARISO TO HASO " P.l.Y.vr **? J.VO.V.S*. ".loo* Atkinson, the hangman, paid another visit tn the Tombs yesterday, and brought with him some lumber to lo used in making repairs to Ihe gallons In pr"iara:ion for tho hanging ol Daniel Lyons on Tuesday. Tho instrument nf death ai ill be i reeled on Ihi Frsnklln-st, side of the yard, ]usl north ol the old prison. Mono of tbe other prisoners will be abk ',, ec th? execution, and lhere *.vrli be only twenty. s; < wllnesi? lo ihe execution. The gallows will bi? li,ii up to-tuorruw, and ihe banging will occur al.* 7:30 fo Tuesday morning Linns still ma'ntaJ is bli cou pt itu re. and will probably iin to his death withoul faltering. _ DEATH <,F A WliLL liSOiiw BBOOKLTH BVILBSB Michael J. Reynold-, a welt-known BMaon and builder of Brooklyn, __t ; al Bu Mary's Hospital In thal elly, sn Friday night Ile was injured a fi \\ ti.ns .,?-,, b>. Ib a new building whleh he was erecting. Mr. Reynolds was a member of the Lexington Ca!,. II" vms a I>> m., crat and took a prominent pan In ibo p dirie- or the Twenty-first Wari. His homo was lu lafayette, mar IV id ave. ? -. TIULTY TBBBOB* BBBTBBOBB is nsi: day. The scene at the Conn of General Sessions on Fri? day was aliriipsi wlthoni precedent The Grand Jury has disposed of a lane number of c.s. s. and the number of prisoner* arraigned at fie bar yesterday was Urger titan las beea called to the bar an any one day which the oldest co.ijl n.'beer cnn rec.ll. 'J be jtr:*ori pan In f'st-t 1 was crowded, ami many primness vere pi?e<i in another part of tba building Ninety jiei-sons were arraigned before Jin! ? Martin" Batty of them pleaded guiliv, and thirty parana! wera sentenced to vnrlcui terms io penal Institutions of tim enanty or Mate. Meei ol tba offs udell won guilty nf minor crimea, and were ?enleneed to the ftrale pri .ons or peiilteniiary foe leiin* -f if-s tiian three yaan nana. The court attendant! recall only one day when tbe numb r aentCBCed was greater Mian or. Friday. P.'.t-M'.Wf.N?. LS' A SLOW WAT TO KILL DOCS. The Society f.r th* PlBIBaUea of Cruelty ta Atilti His ls Indlti.-d le think favorably of the offer ri ade by Hat dd P. Brawn, M pnvl?i Moantu for th*- kiding *>f Bsga at UM P-und br *d*-etrlcitv, and will f,uv.ard bis l*tt"r te rh*- Mayal. Buasrtateadswl Baaktaiaa rseently put a stop tn mtiii of Mr. Brown's BXpSTlBMBtS on dtp;* ar la College, but Mr. Brown announce! himself Bl ii WOti-WlMMl to the ?c|ety. and declare* hie, s- If .an-dais io forward ila v.nrk bv MbstttuUBg ain.ost instantaneous tit adi fm the dugs, instead of lin; eempanUvely t, mi rf Bnwnlnc. The Mdlnanes and .- whleh Uh pound is maiuiiinci glacs to the Mayer Um pewn ..; dr-cidlliC thf n.Snnr-r of Benth f"r BBClaimi 1 d .f?. arel tia'te hi* h' re'./ifnre lirced .llb'i ll' Ificry eb'Ull 1 p?. u "d or carbonic acid gas. Maror Hewitt hia thus far objected en the ground of expense, but aa Mr. Brown pro__i?i to furul.U all thc wirea and annaraius there would be only tho cost of th* current, which would be f!!cht. It takes from ten U Hfteen minutes to kill a de* by drowning, ind only twi or three, "Oonda by electricity. FE IT LETTERS Ml SRI NO FROM TIIE MAIL NKW-YORK NOT SKRIOt'SIT Arrr.CTXD RT THI THEFTS IB THU CBICAGO PtMTOPPlOE, The alleged thefts In tho Chicago post-office and th* reported existence of a riot to rafe the malls In otha cities do not greatly dlstiiili UM officials at Hie New Tart olllce. Tho number of complaints of lost letter received at the Inquiry departnictit of the New-Yorl olllce ls not much greater than ls usual. A carefu Invr-tlgatlon ls now under way, by which Superin tomlent Joni? hop? to trace any letters which maj have been Inst through th? Ihaftl at Chicago. Thi reported losses are said to be mostly of letters sent ta nml not from the New-York offi* o. postmaster Pear son denied v-*ien',ay that any of Ihe statements conned Ing Inspector Uradley, of Hie post, office Pepin! nmnt, with tho rvported conspiracy emanated fron him. Ho said that he did not know what had becom* of Uradley since be left the s-rvlce. Mr. Pearson hst no opinion to exp.ess is to Bradley's character. Bradley was a Past 0008 Inspector hero from Janu ary to July, Ifs:,. He wis Mppeead to be an ? offen Sive partisan," and resigned from the service. He wa. the author In May, 1801, of a report on the delays lt mills between New-York ami lirooklyn. Inspecto New come, who was In charge of the oflice, waa out o c.* city ami Impactor Bradley flaanhntad tho ? inves ligation** In hl-t own way. Ba used decoy letter* and other sublet fuRes and repnried Ihat lie found thai the New-Voil; office wa. responsible for the delays, Bl letters wei** often detained h"re for hours. Post master ivm-son denied thai than wan any great ge lavs. The manner In which Inspector Rradlry carrlet out his Investigation wa* eriUcried and BB action wa* taken on hi- report. A Tribune reporter visited a number of thc bani.lng bonna In this cltv. a Hst of which wa? published yesterday morning, to ascertain what ?tioi bad been taken In rapanl to variOUl remittance! which had disappeared in the United stare* malls nnd were captured with the Chicago niall robbers. The largnl draft wa* ono for *?lo.oo() on flu* National Hank i-f Commerce, of New.York, at No. I2',l Nassau st., aad pat ahl?* to tho I'eiinsylvanis Coal Company. The cashier of the bank Mud thal they had received in tint" a noHfleatlon to stop the payment thereof; that a duplicate bad since been Issued, and the amount pal,! to tli" coal company. The CWhler of the American ExchangB Hank, al No. 1_S Broadway, and the National Park Lank, at 210 Broadway, said the .to'eri cheeki had not ye* leen presented f*>r payment; but that they would onlv be pal*! to the pro|>er perons, duly Identified. nm! that probably duplicates would be leaned. It was further learned at the Hank of North America, at No. ..'. Wall Si reef, aad thc Third National Hank, at No. UO Nassan-St, that fhe payment on the eheckl stolen In tho malls had been stopped, and duplicates Issued. Ininlrle" ai a number of other bank" elicited similar Information : so that New-York houses apparently have beep fortunato In not hoing losai*a by reason of ihe post Office robberies. ORI TUA RT. OBOBGB w. BUBB. George W. Btird died at his home, No. .30 West Flfty-seventh-st., yesterday evening. Mr. Butti was eighty-three years of age, and his health was fairly good until recently. He retired to i-est about R o'clock last evening, being then quite well. Phorfly there? after his daughter was called to his bedside, when he complained of a suffering of the heart. He died an hour later. Mr. Hurd was bom In New-Jersey where, In Morristown, he learned the trade of a carriage painter. Al the ago of twenty-one he carno to New York, and after continuing at hil trade Br somo years, do!ns principally artistic work, he combined effort! with Mr. Tap pen, and they bought over the business carried on hy that gentleman's brother?Alderman Abram Tappen. Mr. Hurd continued In the firm of Hurd <fc Tarpen lor forty years. Cut ll Inst year, when he moved to his home In Fifiv-sovemhst., he lived in a house at corner of Broadway and Fourtecnth-st He posse;**.! - ? wide circle of friends and ai is a memlier of the Art Lodge of Oddfellows. All through life Mr Hurd was an ardent Republican and subscribed to Th" Tribune for twenty-five j cars. Ho leaves a son and two daughters. ? JOSEPH PACE ABD Joseph Packard, of No. 10 East, died at Vichy, Fiance, August li*, In the aeventloth year of his see. He was a nitlve r,f Belgium, an! for a number of years was a broker In tala city. Abour three years ai? he retired from the Drm nf I. B. Newcombe A Co., of ibis city, and since then has net, been In active business. ll" leaves a widow and two children, who were ail'h him at the time of bbs death. The burial will bo In Brussels, IMsium._ 0Sr.\r. P. I'.l.DELL. Oscar D. B?de!l, age forty-seven, died it his heme. No. 40. I'u!as!;i.. t., Brooklyn, r.n Tourt-rla., after a short 111 :.. m He ira* a member of Um 18th Regiment, Baw.Tart V"!iintm is, mil nrvad throuch the War. For many years hi has been superintendent of the Enlekerbocker ; i Company. Ha team a wtfi and tvr? Bauahten Mr. Pedi'il was a member of George Blnid Pass, N'.p. iiil.', G. A. R. ; of Connel! No. 80S, Boya] Arcanum, and Bedford Lodno. Balghta of il ? WILLIAM E. FLEMING. William E. I'.-r.ilng. who died at Saratoga of capillary bronchitis ami partial paralysB on Wed Dosday, im, perhaps, one ul the lest.known n.en tn New.Hilt bustnan ClreteS, and especially among Old New-Yorkers. Ile v.,., lunn In this city in 1821, and was the son of Colonel samuel B, Fleming. When be retired to private life, fifteen years ago, he hal been engaged many yeats |g hat nuiiuf.V'tui.rig, and early lu hla btisim-.s Ufo was at Broadway and Fulton-it, which property he sold to "Tke Evening P*'-t.-' Be aft erna ni intered largely la Jersey city and Nen.Yolk nal e rate, and became one of the leading 1***1 lents of Ittttcy City. He was an ardent Republican and a Itn I .- admlm of Mr. Hlame. He le.ifs a wife, daughter a';d two sons. '1 'he sons, William <'?? and Robert H.. compon tho banking tirm of William U. Fleming A I o. WILLIAM BEROH KIP. William Berrh Kip, of Rhlnebeck a member of the local eommlttn to receive the National Committee which presented Ihe formal notice of bis nomination as Ylcr-P -"-blent lo Le*. I P. Morton, (Ucl In this city from heart fall*!? on Thursday. Ha w_s forty-one years old, and throughout bil Ufo *v?s an ataient Republican. The funeral wa- held at the Reformed i i.'.itt'h at Rhlnebeck yetti r-iay. COLONEL JOHN BROWH PARKER. Carlisle, I'p-nn., Aug. 1* Sp iii .?Colonel John Drown Parker, ene (pf tho most prominent elUcena of thia city, died yesterday. He na* born In Carllilfl shoal leveBty-twe as'a. Hi wai appointed sn aid-de-eamp ender Dov irner Curtin duritig iii" Rebellion. After the war c!t>s.'d lie ir a,,,vi io Philadelphia, bal after living then ten year*, he i- tuned to Cruiisie ami lived in retirement Tor several years he MTVOd In th* Philadelphia c.iv *-.*. loot Council, and wss a pember el ibe gas and wat?r eompany of this city. Ba ?-s ena or the heirs te the srouud thc Continental Bo ol an; ( antral Theatre atand on. Tin: BEV. I)!'- JOHN MOORE. Winona, Minn., Am-. 18.?The Rev. Dr. John Moore, _ clergyman of th" Presbyterian Chorch and formerly of Philadelphia, ls dead at liis I., ne nt Chatfleid, Minn., at th! a;? of Mxiy-s.N jcirs. PR. LEWIS DRABS. Dr. Let. ts Drake, tba oldest practising phvsi, ian and also th" ,,i tesl i i dent *ii Rahway, .'*'. J., Bled '.n Friday of geners! exhsostlon er old age. Bs bud b'--n alek for only b few woeki previom i" which time bi bad I ? n re? markably ic tl vi In i Dr. ina-" iia? bon In p . iway TowBihlp, Mid-lews County, m Auguat SO, 1802, ind after eompleUag his studies settled in Rahwsy and began the pm I medicine la tbs ipring ot l-."*, contlouln r 'i|. tu *it" time nt hi* death, nearly ilxty dutitic which Um he had alwayi i>"p'n prominent . afT-lis of Ibe city. It ava* largely through Ml efr-,rts that the several ____. that wei situated along tl ? Rahway Rivur i m.,\".d by rn BCI of th" bogil] t'u:.- ,n 1838. They were the cau-? nf much lit kn? and gained an m.enviable rt in? fer UM City as a place affllct rd with chills and laver, whieh clung to ll fur \p"*n after. Dr. Linke BegM th' af it'-ia in.- nirh Dr. Taylor, nf Kew-Broaswiek. and his Brat partner waa Dr. Battblaa Freeman. Dr. Freeman died sftoi they began. i*r- Drake eentlaued th- oil praetl i "f baying and compounding bia own dm;* and carried them aboul UM rountry with bin Me ?*- um Benler ^a- lea of fer. Paal's Episcopal Church at the rim' ri ti'* loath. WALTER -.AFA- I TTL RABBET. Waller Lafayette Ranney die j on Prlday at his ?si di'ii'-e, No. li West Thlrty-ereond-st, ile wm i?,rn ia tn lt etty ind *_* a ion of Lr. lafayette Ranney and a 'd Di. A. L. I/Semls Il, ti,,s _ gTBdUSM of rle Colver"ty of the Cllj of Bes Tort and of Um Bellevue H..spit :i Mt !? il CeUege, li" ? . ag physician in tm* elly foi Bight jean. Dr. lunney Bevel * mother and threo bridle t*. ? BECBETAET BBD1COTT os m.** WAI TO THE BSA. retary Endicott wa. in New-York yesterday, having stopped over on hi way to the seashore at where he avill spend as much of tim hot as possible, 'ihe prolongation of tha session ol Congress will neeeseltnto bli nturn la Waablngton st fflftalghtly Intervals, and be H not retrardliig this praspect wltb any gn-ai plea nrnble feeling ne bas aiaaUi ree lined In Bi ichunti foi -iv nraaksw ' .p month! ni te h ? um m THI. REY. BOSSUT (I'LL) Iii TO HE OSATOB Albany, Aug. IB. Tho Res*. Robert Coltyor, af New Vork, ba*, been .elected as Ihe orator on the oceaalou of the utive ling nf ibe bronro statue of Robert Hums in this city nu August .U. AMONG TIIE ACTORS. TfUED- I'LANS AND ESIO-_0_-_a--rnL TnEATItKfl T!IAT AIIF. OP KN AND WHAT CAN BK ?EBB THERE-THE COMING SEASON. In " Lord Chumley," whleh ls to be produced to-morrow lt the Lyceum Theatre, Po Mille ind nelasoo have sought to supply E. H. K..the? with an eccentric role con genii! to his peculiar and ittnctlve methods, and to give ?ood acting parts to tho excellent supporting company which Manager Frohmin proposes permanently to maintain for Hie young comedlin. " leard Chumley" |. aald to be a simple and unpr-t. 'ntlotis comedy. The hading character la a young ail*", who, though a straightforward, manly fcl'ppw, Impresses his friends that, he ls In n***d of mental balance. He sacrifices himself for his friend, the brother of his sweetheart; estranges her affection,, by lils (apparently unworthy conduct, become, involved mirri, monlilly with s fat spinster who adopts horseback for re tl-jp'lng her surplus avoirdupois, and after a series of con t re le nipa secur-'a the happiness of all concerned. In the supporting rest ire C. U. Bishop, rietboit Archer, Fran'c Carlile, BeOTg! nachos, A. W. BlSgary, Rowland Pink? stone, Belle Archer, Dora Leslie, EBB Hawkins snd Tunny Addison Pitt. Act I represent* Liberty Room lt Lummy Tum, the II omi of Adam Butterworth ; Act II, Chumlov's Lodgings In London; Act III, Lakeview at Lummy-Turn. Edwin Booth ind Lawienee Barrett will begin their tour Septembor 10, lt the Warder Opera House in Kansas City. This ls the theatre that the tragedian! opened last season under iuoh unfavnratle circumstances. They played there, a week In extreme cold weather, and while the new house was without a roof, doors, pto.cenlum arch, balcony railings and without heat. The theatre ls now finished, and is .aid to be one of the handsomest placea of imusement In thi country. Two weeks from tomorrow Minager Itosenrjoest will be "n his first season at tho Bijou Oj era House. Puring the summer he has had the th.-at?. thoroughly overhauled and it will present a decidedly attractive appearance. He oas selected as lils Initial IttlBtUSQ Roland Bred, tlie. popular couifdlan, who will Ito ?on In Mr. Lloyd's MM lug comedy "Thl Woman-Hater," In which he made su<-h a kuccess at the Fourteenth Street Theatre last season. The piece will be presento'd with an excllent cast and entirely new ind handsome scenery by Emmom and Hawley. To-morrow evening will witness the production of " Domino" at Wallack's, whleh has been promised by Colonel McCiull for several weeks, bat owing to tho suc tf's nf " Prince Met hu salem," hla been positioned. " Lor? raine" ls probably among tho most melodious of any of tho msdsn opera comlqucs; Ita music ls all bright, and ths provence home song, which ls heard several timea In the perfonaaaee, ls a tailing number. The opera ls In threo arts. Tho following ls tho ea-sl of the principals: Lerra'.ns.Eugen. Oudla Loull XIV.. King of Franea . Charlea W. Bungan Ga-d-trd De Chateauideux, a Nobleman of high depneo.De Wolf Hopper \Y_____, Director of tho Royal Amuser."tit*, Jefferson Do Angelia Olllvler Po La Tour.Annla Myan Pierre, Lorraine.'! foster-father . Herbert A. Crippi Madeline, niece to Gaspard . . Marlon Manoli Oudarde, Gaspard's wife . . . Alice (ialllard Louise La Yilllere, favorite of the King Josephine Knapp Manager Itosen?iest will reopen the Fourteenth Street Theatre for tha regular fall and winer season a week from to-morrow night, when Miss May WHIMS will make her debut aa a star, appearing In Nelson Wheatcroft'i, play. " Gwynne's Oath," which has been aucces-fully presented in Philadelphia and at ths Windsor Tkeatro. Charles B. Jefferson and IL S. Taylor will open the aeeond tour of " Ths Dark Secret" Company September 3, at tho Grind Opera House. The piece will be given with all tho original water effects, including the reillstlii Henley regatta, In which steam yachts, rowboats and sall boats will bo seen moving about on real wafer. One hundred and fifty peoplo will appear in thia scone, includ? ing Georg" Hosmer, tho famous oarsman. Miss Kato Claxton, supported bv Charlea A. Stevenson and Arthur Fort OBS, bsgaa her season and that of tho Grand Opera House last night lu the aucces 'ul melo? drama, " The World against Her," which was noticed lsst season. Tho play will bo continued this week, and Its effective situations should draw well. ll'ilell'h Aronson takes particular pride In tha souvenir to be pnantad Bl the Casino on Saturday evening, the eeesrioa of tie 1.0th parfsraman if " Badly." it is in the shape of a miniature autograph album, and contains sixteen pages, up<pn whi rh rue autographs, quotations sud cb.? a. ter porlrai's of all tho artists. Tho cover ls ex 'iiin.'y novel, bfltag finished In cob,? to represent old bronte and oxidized silver, and bears upon Its face, in lllundnar.'d, varicolored letters, the following Inscrip? tion: " Casino?Souvenir?100th?Nadjy." Heavy satin ribbon, in colors to harmonize with, tho illuminated frontts 1 . ?, is used to clasp the pages together. Amateur snd professional musicians In thli and many other "In.m lilli regret to learn that the veteran musician, John Sonia, the drum player, has been stricken with a wver! attach of paralysis, Ho was ono of tho oldest membern of the philharmonic Society, having joined lt in 1848. Mr. Benia is Hiing at No. _io East Seventy. third sr. Unfortunately, his means ate exhausted and he has been obliged to apical to ths Baste" I'roteetlv. Cnlon. Somo of his -old friends ta!lt p.f getting up a testimonial, whleh ls certainly well deserved. The la'est musical farce comedy is entitled " Zlg-Zag," and Manager Pleistunau, of the Walnut glint Theatre, Philadelphia, has arranged with W. W. Tillotson, who owns al! rictus In the play, to produce lt. on the opening Bight ppr the Mason, September 1, at the Walnut. Tuc '? Queen'l Mao-" eontinWfl n Irs se.-?nd successful run at tue Broadway Theatn Miss Lillian Russell never leaned bm ehanyag than at pre*"iii. The rai this opera and the (.rand March ire alone worth seeing. " Tlie Kafflr Diamond" ls announced for production at the Bl >adv. ar IhBatn on Munday, September 10. This ls a new romantic piay, founded on a drama by Conquest and Merrin, the leena Bf Which is la!d among the dia? mond Bal ls af .South Africa, and ls said to possess the Merit of Int 1 lent and interest to an unu-ual extent. To-morrow John Wild, who fur several reasons has be?n one of tho most popular mcmiiera of 1-dward Harridan's I'ark TheatM Cmapaay, will begin tho rohear.sais of his new aceentric comedy called ? Bunning wild," which win be produced September IS, in Albany. The aea piece ls said to a .ord Mr. Wild an excellent opportuulty t.. display his well-known comic ability. Ho will have UM -pippen of an ..v.dlent company of coiridiana and vocalists Including Miss Lena Merrilie and Charles ll. Bradshaw. At the Academy fhe preparations for the elaborate p-,,in Hen of "The on Bom lead" ban naihad mcii a State of completion tba' about tho only thing left fir thOSt having the work In eharg! tS do I* the aiding here mil then of iiitie hits tint, ?iii teni toward the perfcetloa at thl iv!i"le ?hin the cm tain ires un on August 30. The only *? ally Important parf Bnflnlahed ls rhllippoteaux's grand cy. loraina for th- flrat lei Together with his asetstant-t Um clever artist is working MudteuBy on the Imroen.o picture Whi h it, on the samo frame at his own ?tudio in Bett Sana. Harrv Torestnan. formerly of the Schumsnn BAB Q*i!r tet, nf this idly, and weli knowa as a choir aud concert singer nf decided m"rlt. has accepted an engagement with Johnson and Blsvin's Blnstrels as leading baritone, anl will make bis Brat appearanci with that company at ihe Brooklya Pan, Thntn to-morrow night, Air.,n Seidi will pre?ent this aru-rnoon another " rc quest" programme, Inelu ling Wagnsr's Funeral March from ?? OeeCtardaenunerUng," " i;i-a entering t!ie (? t,h?drai,-' from " L.hengrln,"and the BhlnOdaaghter" nongs. To-night he .111 reader the prelude fruin " Lule'ti.-rlii," overture, tegethei wtth a aUaeellaneooa provramme. in which he will be asslt-Pd by eminent vocal und iustro menial soloists, and ar. CMia brans bani in ...1 lltlon to ar orchestra. Tlie Bathed ot -bowing the results of the work iceoin pUahod in UM Baw-Yon school of Acting bv giving matine- poiftiririaiiceii, Iii whleh only of the ad.I ta.p- i art. will Im* eon tinned during the guning winter. imi i Bolas a will rcbniM the itudanti In ali the plats in which they ?iii in public Tbs ippnval with nbleh Boliire'i "Pneleaaei n lau!--" and "Winter's Talc" we? received when i-j t'iu stud?iita ata special ii.T'io ar ino Lyceum laat ki ann ha* d B fldaad the l .-rs of the school to continue the Idea et pr-wntlng ilas-ir.s nbleh are new lo tie American at.iv*. and por? tia, i i.r Bfaaheapearaaa ptays whleh baie aol ben dann of Mt ? flam a Ma kara comedy aaror balara *.?? a en Um stn? _u\ _ ,,i-<v tragedy en'i' ad " Cruci-luis, Hie T.-lbun"," will probably t?* Hie bill nf the firs', special matinee Thia latter plav will alford Hie Mudflats abundant opportunity for e:isernble woik. Predrria Waria has awakSBed in unusual d?gree of en teipil? in Brooklyn. It has 1.? acre,.,l (hat for his engagement there, url; in geptember, snUrely wk and appropriate scenery shall ho prepared f'.r ju elaborate pro du-tloii of " Oem," a chant Mr in rln* betel! mould, which ls sid "" nit Mr. Warde admliably. It ls stated that despite the warm Weather of last mtoh UM r.'teipts of " a Legal Wreck" e\c.led those nf UM ii.-*t week of '?H*dd by th" Tai'mv,-" winn lt was orlgltiatir plavd lt tho Badilla BgHBn Thntn this ^aviii nf Um ynr. Mr. DIBatta has sdvanuge M I m ia ral "I portnnlttn In malling linpor'.tn' i BMgl *. aral Hie , pia] is n"W running Mnoathiy, and UM ia mady is i bom md I with shouts of laughter nightly. Behnnals Br Um play , ii iiieli wa* tS fallow ** A Legal Wi*'ck" han, been BOBS. BOOBd fer tho present, aid there ls every possibility of Mi. BOlBttfl*! nmedy continuing at the Madison Square for aouie time to BBBML Con Tinner will begin reheirslni " Fascination* thli week. It will be brought out at tba Fourteenth Street Theatn September IO. WILL THE MAYO!! COMB HACK TO TBSTITT T Mayr Hes itt, whs ls at Bhsna spring*, has ben sirnn. I M Bopeai benn the Aanednei Inveetlntlna i .na. ii*"- a; i's ?. ssii.n M*BMnuw Benator Iv received ?? Bun fmni the Mayor la which i.*> Mki M Mi Bseaisd froni ipp.'iiring, is hi* phyrielaa, bi -avs, wIBmi hl.n lo remain al the sprint's far the tx nciit. to his h.-jilli Which the baths (Ive. The scnauir BM replied that ll la neeiaurr tor thc committee to don lu labors aa soon ls possible, ind Hilt ai tho Bayor la one of tho few wit nesaes yet remalnisg to ba heard lt will bs lmposalb! for 'ho committee to go on with ita work until ho ip peirs- Probibly under these clrcuraitancei tha Miyo will como down to give hil testimony. THE CAREER OF HORATIO JV. SLATER. DEATH OP THE OLDEST COTTON" MANUFACTURE! OF THE UNITED STATES. Boston, Aug. 1? (Special).-noratlo N. Slater, proba bly the oldest cotton manufacturer In the Unite/ States, died at Webster Thursday night. He was th* last surviving son of Samuel Plater, fhe father of thi BOMBI spinning Industry In tho United States. Tht strip, nf Samuel Mater reads like a romance. Born lr Devonshire, England, In 170"*. his early years wen passed In a cotton mill as a practical spinner. IB was bright and Inventive, and at ihe age of twenty-ont he emigrated to thli country. Tho war of fhe Kev elution had closed but a few years before, and Eng land was determined that the United States ihould b( commercially dependent upon her. To this end th( exportation of coff an machinery from England to th!r country wai prohibited. But youns Slater, If ht could not take a iplnning jenny wllh him tn lti actuality, could take one In lill head, ne landed ai New-York and went directly ta Pawtuehet, then half lr minde Island and half In Massachuietfi. IV? at ot?' obtained tho assistance of a blacksmith and ?et abou making a spinning Jenny. Ile was inrre-sftil am this was born the great cotton manufacturing Industr* of this eountry- A small nilli waa erected upon th* Khoda Island side of the Blackstone Elver, and th( Ili-ltlsh Government was foiled. The little old yello. mill still stands at Pawtucket, and Its bell still cailt the cotton spinner! fo their labors. In 1815 Mr. Slate] built a woollen mill at Webster, and fifteen yean latei the firm of eamuel Slater <fc Sons was formed, whirl roiiMnurd until 1>*7_. This firm consisted of Mr slater and bis three sons, George, John and Horatio Tho last named was born at Pawtucket, March 5, 1808 He entered actively In the business of lils father, ant In 1875 purchased tho Interest of the heirs of hi* brothe? In the firm. Mr. Slater wai a man of wld( benevolence. Slater Hall, at Brown University, wi! well perpetuato his name. His private benefaction! have also been largo. Hp; leaves a widow, a son w-hr bean hu own natue, and a daughter, tho wlfo of E. E. -iradfurd. of Springfield. - ? TWO CITIES WITHOUT TR FIR READS. THE MATORS OF DOTH NEW-TORK AND BROOK LYN AWAY ON TRIPS INTO TIIE COUNTRY. The City Hall and municipal buildings wero quiet places yesterday. It wai tho eighth day since tho Mayor's chair had possessed an occupant, and Secre? tary Berry became so loneeomo that ho closed up tho efllco and started out to enjoy a Saturday half-holi? day, a rare privilege whon Mr. Hewitt ls at home. Tho chief, of tho Controller'** office, the Corporation Counsel's office, and tho Department of Publlo Works ar? all off on their vacations, too, but they have deputies, they can leave In charge, in which respect they have tho advantage of the Mayor. There seems to be lome mystery as to the where? abouts of General Newton, Commissioner of Publlo Works. Deputy Commissioner D. Lowber Smith says that whon the General went away he laid that ho wanted no official letters, telegrams, or communica? tion! nf any hind lent after him, and refused to give a hint even ai to what part of tho country ho would Journey in. In splio of tho General*! reticence, however, anl tho lupposed secrecy of his movements, lt was learned that when ho left tho city ho was headed for Norfolk ar.d Old Point Comfort, Va. After spending a short time at Ihese places ho win disappear In tho avood. of North Carolina and enjoy a month's vacation with friends among tho "tar-heels." Sheriff Grant wai at his office yesterday apparently Improved In health by his visit to Sharon Springs and Saratoga. Brooklyn was In a similar condition to New-York City yesterday, when neither the Mayor nor Acting Mayor wa. In the city. Brooklyn will continue with? out an executive head untII to-morrow. Mayor Chapln left the city for his country homo on Friday evening and Alderman McCarty, the Acting Mayor, ls abscnr In saratoga. A RAID UPON TbE PARK SLEEPERS. JUDGT. PATTERSON DISCHARGED ALL OF THEM ? THE HOT WEATHER IS BOME EXCUSE. The park polleo havo been severely criticised for their action In raiding the sleepers In Union and Mad? ison squares Thursday night, but their course ls not without ptMOdent The president ot the Parlt Board has of lato received a number of letters from people living In tho neighborhood of the two parks mentioned, complaining of tho number of tramps thar, have been gathering there, and in previous years various Police .lustier?, have elven terms varying from one to t>\x months to prisoners taken lu Just such raids. Justice, Patterson was Inclined to be lenient, how? ever, on account of tho exceedingly hot weather, and as tho first tinco or four men brought before him were respectable lu appearance and told a atralght story. Judging from these, lt ls said, the Justice ordered tho dlschatga of the entire lot .ergcatt Flock, wli', directed the raul, was not In court, but he li willing lo sfako his reputation as an ollicor rhat in*.st of thnsp? emited are regular tramps. If ?-? a mistake to iup> pote that Major Hewitt directed the raid, but other ialri_. will probably bu made. THE DEATH BATE DECREASISO. The deaths last week wero loinewhat less In number than In tho previous week. Only two cases of smallpox were discovered by tho Health Department Inspectors, and nelth.r of the." proved fatal. No tases of yeilo? fever carno to light. This ls a record for tho iwo weeks end? ing at noon yesterday; Cause of death. Aug. ll. Aug 13. Smallpox . . 0 0 Meaalea . ll 13 Scarlatina . 14 ? Diphtheria . 27 40 Whooping cough . 15 24 Typhoid r-ier . B a Typhus ta var . o 0 Malarial fever . rt 4 Cerebro-iplnil meningitis . ?_ :( Dlarrhuetcal diseasu . IM 391 Di.irrl.i"-leal diseases under live yeirs. IBO 108 Heart disease! . ;< t ."ti Bronchial . 21 18 Croup . o . Fhthuli . 89 90 Pneumonia . -"> 28 Brlglit'i iiiseas.) and nephritis. S2 40 Deaths by violence. .'.(? 80 Total . .1(1 802 Death rate.88-73 2T.'_'_ 1 ir .ros under ono year. ?..'?vt 270 Dei th! under rive y-jrs. 4 Ii. 4i)0 Deaths In Institution.. 160 l.'D Desthi ni tenements. ui7 BBB Deaths from solar heat. ,'i 2 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Name. Clies Deaths. Tvphold fever . 10 rt Sari' fever . 54 8 Ceo-bro-splnil meningitis . il 2 Measles . 130 Lt Diphtheria . 80 UH Smallpox . 2 ii Toui . sir. 08 A QUIRT DAY AT TBE COTTOS RRORLkRRR Yesterday being a hilf holiday at tho Conon Exchange there was but little excitement in the tradings and the dealings were light. Tho bulls who have engineered the corner lu the AttgUM option inmalned Inactive, aud to this fact must be added the news that 13,000 bales aro now nu their way here from Liverpool. To these causos may be attributed the drop in tho price 0f August cottipn, which foll to 11.18 cents and closed barely Mendy at thit flgure. * The encineers of the " corner" appear to have chinged their tactics and allowed prices to docilno to prevent any targe amount of cotton from being unloaded on the market at tho present high prices. Sn"h I movement would, if kept up, result In their having to ?ko up cotton at such hljh llgures ns ta be unprofitable for reshipping to Bange. Tb*; Member! of UM pool cow control nearly nil tho avail? able stock, which ls estimated at about 200,000 bales, whllo the outstanding contracts for the shoit aceour.t aro Slttmated at about SOO.OOO bain. Tit" Inactivity fl!*. played by tha pool ls looked upon as only a preliminary step to again running prices up with a rush ?ud giving the shorts a final . rjuoo.e. TUP LITTLE OBBBOB HAD A BABSOW BSCABB, Tho peony little Protestant Episcopal Church of the ItedertiiP'r, Elghty-Hrst sf. and Par'ati-., which nas at? tacked by fire Friday night, narrowly escaped BflStnetion, the furniture, is well as the church, being entirely ot ?rood The building faces directly on Park ave., while tho hack extends to within threo feet of Kt Joseph's Industiial Home. Tho B"v. Dr. J. Bf. fthlfi>liifnn1 the pastor, ls now on his ncaBaa at Martha's Vlnerard, as ls also N. B Wu;.*, choirmaster. On Friday OVenlBg Mr. Chflflrighf. tho organist, with a small hay to pump for him. was practising on the organ, and when he irani away at 9 p. m. f-ft the candle rtn tho organ burning T!i. mndh when lt bumed down set fl?, to tho organ totally deatroying lt, ia well _? , plauo nnxt l0 ? y_ ^ th.- orgM the nra extended to the altar, devouring || __ a ell aa curtain!, stoola. carpet and patt of tho door and (?.tended M the l"fl and right through to the 'roof v.h...c it burned a big hob* anl liefest (h.. brick matta Bl Bi Joseph's Industrial Homo, where the four slater, who take ,-,r? al the p? -ri? wok? ?ift and bidding them BtBBfl, BMnfeed thc.,, ?i,r ??." | "' ranga U th- nanni ..ext gan, which fae*, on M-.ii-,,,.. The damage to the Church of ,he Kertoemer will ba 8*000, including a lii.O .,?,;,,- ?,.,.? * .",""; *'U'- ?_-??- -cry window In the building Has brohea, Mast M iham br wttm Th* ?,?, , ?lrl-r will b?rta at once and a new organ will ? SSS: Th0 buadln, "* lu ****** ->-???- ? ALL EXPECT A SHORT TRIP* ON BOARD TITE ATLA.VTTC STEAMZBI PASSENGERS BY THE UMBRIA. CITT OP TORR, BO OT GOO NE AND EMS. Seldom have the steamship piers along the North River presented such scenes as were witnessed ynter*. day afternoon, when each one was crowded to Ita utmost capacity with people aniloui to mo tha European iteamere itart on their ocean voyage There was at each pier the uiual crowd t.t persons who came to hld good-by to their friend! and relnttven but those crowds were supplement/*! by thouianda who rame to seo tho stnrt of tho ocean race which Ib expected to bo made by tho four crack steamers. Umbra, City of New-York*, Ems and La Bourgogna. The n-*w Inman Line ship, of course, waa the centre of attraction and at every point along the river when a view of her could be obtained were crowd! who wen loud in the r praises of her magnHVent appearai-oe. AU tho steamers had well filled passenger lists, coi? aldering the l?tene?? of tho season for ocean travail The Umbria carried among her pasiengen: Frincli Allen, John Atendroth, 8. Allcock, Mr. tad Mn. J. J. Albright, Harold J. Bamby, Frank P. Bamby, B- E Beck, E. W. Wo-sig, T. Bowler, F. Gore Browne, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas B. Burnci, R, Baker, Arnold Bally, Genanl Bea_r?ard, Page M. Baker, Jin.? Barry, H. B. Coxa, Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Clarke, Robert Donaldson, L? Llmore, C. H. Erwin, T. H. Froehlleh, R. Freemso, Mn md Mrs. J. C. Fitch. Edvrsrl Fraser, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Gregory, John Grierson, Charl.! Copley Hulton. I. Horigion, Jr.. John Hoey, Mr. ind Mrs. T. W. F. Hod. ley, G. IL Harrington, F. D. Hernman, Robert Hill, S IDIter, T. Inglis, C. E. Johnson, W. S. Keyser, Mr. lng Mrs. E. J. Lipl'el!, NM! Loynaehan, Alvin S. Lock! rd. Thomas H. Lowrey, Maurice I -wrey, Mr. and Mri. Junes H. Moore, the Rev. H. Moore, C. H. Metcalf, John A. Morris, Stephen A. McLean, Jamel McDaafal, n. H. Mon rls, the Rev. J. McElhatton. Jamel McLauphTn, Mr. ind Mrs. D. I. Motta, W. B Mason, A. G. Nicholl, M. J. O'Brien, T. L. OniMvIa, William Orme?rl, A. G. Faina. Jr., A. Peplneau, Arthur W. Pim, IL J. Pearson, H. D. Pearsall, Evans Prrs'cn, J. Storm Patterson, G. H. Repa. J. N. Reed, A. M. Richa?i-.>n, William Scott, W. M. Mt Isbury, F. A. Smith, Mr. and Mri. Edward J. Smith. Andrew Stewart, Slr Geotge Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Thompson, J. L. Thorndike, John R. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Tiemann, jr.. William Told, Mr. ind Mra. IL a Townshend, J. F. Townshend, George Virn'y, A. A. Pea, A. CL WV-id, Mr. sud .Mrs. Abram Waksman. J. W. Whitworth. Mr. and Mrs. r. E. de Wolf, Henry Wilson, W. W. Wilson, Mr. and Mts. Charles T_ Whits, H. B. Warren. Frank Watts Mr. and Mra. Guy Wirwlek. J. J. Wood. On the City of New York were: H. C. Asplnwsll, J. B. Ap-.horpe, W. B .rmeitt-, J. lt BIngaman, Mrs. Blngaman, J. Ashton Bell. J. A- Blosaom, IC. M. Held- g. H. IL Beldiug, W. S. Blldlng. Whirtan Barker, Mrs. p.ark'-r, E. A. Bmlrider, Arnon Buckley. George W. Brair.hall, W. N. Coler, Jr. ; Mrs. Color, Ales* _nd?r Craig, Joel Cook, Mrs. Cook, George W. Cook, Dr. James Coldham, W. P. Cutler, Mn. Cutler, Frank W. ___, Catches*, M. B. Clancy, F. B. Clancy, W. 8. Carter. Rob? ert Cartwright; John B. Cornell, Mrs. Cornell. W. S. Ci" tcr, John M. Clark, Mrs. Clark, Genera: Samuel A. Dun? can, Mn. Duncan, Commander C. H. Duds U. 8. It. i Colonel C. M. Dal'.y. C. H. Dewey. Henry Fairfax. Stat? Frances, F. H. Fox, James Fnnks, John Gemllui, Oreen Minister, W. W. Grlscom, T- Sf. W. Goodwin. Mr Good win, J. C. F. Gardner, Samnel Greenwood, wallam Greenwood, W. P. Giles, II. G. Gear, Colonel A. D Hen. bum, G. Cockburn Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, w. F. Hanklna. Sidney B. Hopkins, the Rev. A. H. Hall, Colonel C. P. Holland, George Kettlewell, Frank Kidd. F. J. Kimball. Mra Kimba!!, M. P. Dangler. Judge George A. Lewis. W. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, John H. McFadden, Mrs. McFadden, J. S. McCartney, Mrs. McCartney, Major Macfailam.', Mrs. .M-*-far!ani. Dr. T. H. MseOtnnoa, D. T. H. MeKlnnon, D. Mo Elvnny, J. W. Musson, John B. Mmntg, John B. Manniii?, Jr.; Enacts L. Manning, W. Mullan, John P. Murphy, Mrs. Murphy, F. Morling, Mrs. Morelng. nora lian B. May, Mrs. May, Captain John J. Millbank, J. _. Merrlll, Haruopid Morgia, Daniel Z. Noorian, Professor Henry F. Osborn, Leopold E. Orsay, Dr. U. C. Potter, Mrs. Potter, H. H. PorterBetd, W. J. Pirrie, Mra Pirrie. C. Phoite Plnaud, 0. P. Remlek, U. S. R. M. ; R. Ti. Russell, Dr. L. A. BosBwaly, Mm P.oss-.ny, Jamea A. Reilly, H. C. Spooner, John C. Schorl, Dr. Thomas .Shearer. John Sutton, U- S. N. ; H. D. Smith, J. C. Smith. Mrs. Snii'h. Eduard Swlndley. John Verger, S. Wenban. Biddle Wood, Hon. George We st, M. C. ; W. Redwood Wright, Mrs. Wright, John Wecb.-r, Jr. ; William Wright Mis., ".u-au H. Ward, R. W. Watkins, Curies WU-lims. Thomas R. Withercombe and F. de Zaldo. La Bourgopne carried: G. Amberg, Mr. and Mrs. Bodell. Henry D. Beam, T. R. Coudert. V. R. Coudorr, Jr., John J. R> Craven, Edward D. Cooke, John Duer, Hy H. Daer,jker, G. W. Dlllawiy, Felix Fournier, Jr-sse P. Farley, James Graham, E. Gariy, Minister of Mexico to Italy, Mrs. Garay, Wood Gibson. Charlcs Glraux, Mr. and Mrs. K. Hicks, F. Junes, .1. Jacobson, T. Kirkpatrick, Dr. Theodore Llpkin, the Rev. Arthur, J. Lang!'-", Carlos Elbert, William Mitchell, E. G. Muse- J. Rutherford McAllister, Charles Payson, J. BellB, G. II. I'.d.n. E. .1. Ever- ii, Sisters Elise Hamilton, Emma, Johanna, and Marla; T. P. Stumpf. Mrs. L. Tierce, the Rev. G. A. Vasialo. Charles Warren, Charin W. Warren. William Yausa, E. Zetner. The North German Lloyd -.t>*:trii*ii p Ems had on. her passenger list: Henry Abbott, peter Aust, E. Burmelater, H. Bulla marni, Adolph Ila rte]?, Jacob Rar.en, H. W. Chaplin, U. Compes, M. Fia u lifo rt, J. Picken, F. J. Firnar, N. 3L Harrison, John 1*. Haskins, G. S. Hal!, H. R. Heyl, J. mn, Emil Kaufr.iatin, William Beek, H. Knolleni b"rg, Mr. and Mrs. John Manns J. A. Manna, L. Da CV M"ver. L. H. Mor_*a, San, ul Marx, Isidore Matzner, A. Michaella, Joseph Nleollnl. L. D. Uoudebusb. Mr. ind Mis Lucas Raab, Miguel Ramoo, E. BehaBlar, R. li. SchoeUat, Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Schoek, Charles H. ismlth. Dr. G., H. Schonbera. II. Van Bergen, Mr. and Mra. John I. Williams, Theaden WageuM and B. Wessels. THE SW AFAR A SAILS FOR BRAZIL. CHANGES IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC SQCADROlf?A TBStBL BtTCB ALTERED. Orders were received by Commander McGowan, tta commander of the United states .reamer Swater*, al tho Navy Yard, to preened without unnecessary delay to Montevideo, and report to Rear Admiral Daniel L. Bralne for duty In tin* South Atlantic Squadron. The vessel was to have sailed Immediately after Un* Ishing her duty connected with Co transfer of General bberfdaa from Wa-Iiliij-toa to Nonquit, but tho court* martial of Lieutenant Schaeffer and Boatswain Farrell of that ves,ei, necessitated a postponeniont. sho ? allf.1 jr*t>M "ay at noon. Another change In tho South Atlantic Bqaadroa has bren the ordering ot Commotion* .lam*', ll. Gills to hold himself in readi? ness to relieve Admiral Bralne of that command, bul ho wlU probably go to Brazil mi a mail steamer. The Swatara ls not exactly tho samo vessel thal was nearly a quarter of a century ago, when she ar* rived at tiie BnhlagtOB Navy Yard fruin Alexandria, Egypt, and landed John \\. r-niau, ono of th* con? spirators In the Abraham Lincoln assassination. The Swatara ls a lar>~r vessel thau the old craft, being ol J,000 tons displacement and barfc-rlpfiod. she ls a nprOdttCtlon from tho old vessel under Secretary BaboBon'i -dintnistration, who lusaaadad in keeping tho Navy fairly up to modern times with meagre and miieriy appropriatlooi trpm Congraaa; but then i! nothing moro of tho ordinal vassal in her than her stern-post and her name, tho is a wooden vessel with a ma\linu? horse-power of about l.'.OO, aud In a recent .ix hours sp??d trial on tue t he. a peake Bay maiio a inaxlinutn si>ee,l of a little less than twelve .tuns, gag _ mean ol a tittle above ten knots. Uer battery consists of one B inch rifle, six 0-Inch imooth bon* guns, ant) a Uotrhhin lipid Hie gun, all of which are carried on th*" spar d"ck. Englneer-ln-Chicl *.rge \V. Melville and Passed Assistant Engineer A. M. Matrice arrived hero yea. I'.*., and accsitnpaui?) the bwatara tnr Bi hout aft<T leaving gundy Hook to conduct a six houn full* ?liced trial uf Uer en^'ti es. THE SECOSD BBIBADB AT CAME G/fBE.V. Camp Green, Sea Girt, N. J., Aug. 13 (SpnelaD. - Tho Boeond Bcl_a?le, N. G. N. J.. lirlgadler-General W. J. s.*iv.*il ciiiiiinarrdlnj;, entered camp this morning, lin* brigade cnsisrs of ti.,. 7th Ke^liiient of Trenton. the Bth of Camden, tho 3d of Elizabeth, Gatling Gun Company Ii, of Camden, and (Umpany A, Sea Coast Artillery of Atlantic City. Tho troops will remain hero for a iraak. When lt may ba bmll'ng at Peeks, kill, a deliciously cool breeze blows from the ocean oier Green. t ieneral Spencer, Colonels Balker, Owens, neppen* helm.r and Abbett, MaJOl Lou- ir-l and Qii.iiterma.ster Aitken naeapy lai?* tenta; near them, ami close tt> tho ocean, are lents pitched, accommodating about ;i,()(? men. Each day will be fallen up with rifle pMctleo, ln_ ifrufiiou in KtUid dury, battalion drilB and iklrniUl tirill. Governor Green and his stair will remain In cams all the weeli Oa ne\t Friday evening a gtk't.l n.,IIUtT reception win be given tu Governor Green at the (leach Heuae Governor IHU, nt Nen fork, ami (...vcnni!- beaver" of Pennsylvania, with tl.en- (.taits, hmo been InvMad ai,il are expel l,-J tt be pit.sent. AHRISCISC, FilU A JV BILBA VI HFOKUASCB. , The annual "Min __>,.,>,SM st Manhattan Beach have altsayi drawn ,-r.m 1* Mr Oilman haa, wltN tbe coneent of the BMMgaBBnA bflM BrgSBlttag s bir,-. iherai ami NhnrBag i Bamber ..r vocal kMms, Moagh, Br. Bthoan ?\ m fona half i donn ..p. n? eompanlea. 'n'" aeaaaMt f the MasB trnphlthntn have ie. , m mash impiaved ag the parmaaasN net thai tbs rsBdsrlag el Om vocal tomtit will aot !,? m sim,,- __ formoriy. Tho progrimme, of course, will iiTciu_? ,?,! artillery drum cup., ___ anvil brigadfl, etc. Tha _____ " I* UlV.-l. 't'l.ii.sli, ...,l ._._..*'._ .'."?? giv.-u TUursdij ??] cout-auo Erldijb